The Ryan Hanley Show - RHS 062 - Billy Williams
Episode Date: September 9, 2020Became a Master of the Close: https://masteroftheclose.comThe wise and powerful Billy Williams stops by the show for a conversation on dealing with the turmoil in our current political climate. Whethe...r you are experiencing the current unrest or not, the ideas and thoughts shared in this episode will get your mind going. Enjoy... Get more: more about your ad choices. Visit
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In a crude laboratory in the basement of his home.
Hello everyone and welcome back to the show.
Today we have a different kind of episode.
Today we have Billy Williams on and this episode is different than any episode I've ever done
because we talk about politics.
We really don't talk about insurance at all.
I had Billy on to talk about insurance stuff, and we just got into talking about political
ideas, and not necessarily like right or wrong, but just talking through how you think and
survive and what is one of the craziest times that certainly in my adult life in terms of the turmoil and the
divisiveness of our country and, you know, how we all sit in these weird places and, and, and how we
interact with people around us and our friends. And I just, it isn't what I expected but it was infinitely valuable and rewarding and if you don't like it
I understand if you do like it then enjoy it because I think that Billy is one of the
most sincere well thought through you know just critical thinking just, I just see Billy as an incredible guy who
is very honest and authentic. And every chance that I get to talk to him, I learn something.
And in this case, it wasn't about insurance or really business at all, but I took away a lot of
really valuable life lessons, I guess you could say. And for that
reason, I'm incredibly proud and happy to present you with the all-powerful Billy Williams.
What's up, man?
I'm good, bro. How are you doing?
I'm good. What's up?
Man, I tell you what, the world. I did did a post this morning i'd really appreciate if you
go out and like it or at least read it you may not agree with it it's on the attack on the postal
service yeah you know and that's that's a that's a real big issue for me uh right now because
it's not just about politics it's about the mail. It's about medicine, people getting their medicine,
people getting whatever.
I remember when I was in the military,
sitting in Jordan or sitting in Honduras or any other place
that I was, Panama, the mail was literally
my lifeline to the world. Like, it was... The mail was everything.
You know, that 2 p.m. mail call?
I mean, that's... Our world was built around that mail call.
And now to think that whatever side...
Republicans, Democrats, whoever, I don't care.
Attacking the Postal Service?
The Postal Service is older than our
country ben franklin started the postal service before the revolutionary war it's older than our
country you know what i mean that's yeah that's in that of all these politics is a dirty beast
anyway but man when that started happening it it was like, wait a minute.
It's getting ridiculous now.
I'm kind of disgusted by all of it.
It's so difficult.
I said to my wife this morning, because I have feelings and beliefs, and I really struggle
to not share them, but I don't want to. I guess if you were to follow
my Twitter feed and really dig in, I'm sure you could at least pull out some of like where I stand
on things. But I just, you know, there was a post put out by this entity called The Spectator.
And I don't know where it falls in this span of whatever, you know,
left, right. I have no idea. Right. I just read the words and it basically was talking about
political homelessness and feeling like, you know, we're, we're, you're basically like,
we have to walk down a line and then we get to a certain point. It's like, you have to choose. You either are on this team and everything this team does,
or you're on this team over here and everything this team does and whichever decision you make
completely defines you as a person, we're going to stamp you, brand you, the other side's going
to cancel you. And that's the rest of your life. And I, I, I can't live my life that way. There's too
much nuance to life. You know what I mean? Like I, I, uh, I, I wrote a tweet the other day and
I didn't, I was just frustrated and I shouldn't, I shouldn't, you shouldn't get involved. Right.
In general, you should not get involved in anything. all i said was this is what i said i hate racism and i hate socialism and i also hate that i can't hate both those things
in the same place right and i and i and you know what i mean like for me
here here's my argument against racism if you're capitalist, it's the stupidest thing you can
possibly be because all it does is keep you from being able to attract the best talent.
You're limiting your talent pool. You're limiting your potential audience. So if you're a pure
capitalist, you can't be a racist. I mean, if you're a pure capitalist, you can't be.
You can have racist tendencies and even racist undertones, but you can't act racist.
You can't act on it.
You'd be stupid.
And then the other side of it is like growing up as an athlete and coming from like a port,
to me, I didn't even really understand what – I didn't understand it until I got older
into like the bigger world because I played on football teams and baseball teams and basketball teams.
You didn't even think twice.
You're like, who's the best guy?
He's the best guy.
I don't care if he's brown, yellow, purple.
I don't care if he walks on his hands.
I don't care if he's got six fingers.
It doesn't matter to me.
You know what I mean?
Like, who's going to be part of our team?
Who's bought into our mission?
Who's pointing in the same direction?
Like, let's go. And, like, you didn't have time for that. And racism is what you're
exposed to. You're exposed to racism. You know what I mean? People say you're taught it. I don't
think you're taught it as much as you're exposed to it. And then you kind of decide if this is
your world. So if you're only exposed to racism, then yeah, you are taught
because that's all you know. But if you're exposed to a lot of different things and you choose
racism, that's your choice. I think it's, and I honestly believe that it is only a herd mentality.
One-on-one, one-on-one is anyone really, I mean, not unless if they haven't been exposed to the herd which
which believes in this which becomes tribal and then if your tribe is white or your tribe is
whatever then you become racist against these other things but it's the same thing with sports
you become a i mean i mean we're talking different levels of i'm not trying to know you're absolutely
right but but the idea of like, I'm a Buffalo bills fan.
I only operate in their ecosystem.
I see a jets fan wearing a hat in the store and I'm immediately like, wow,
that guy's probably an asshole. You know what I mean? Like,
and that's a very shallow way of saying like,
if you're only exposed to these things and you develop this herd tribal
mentality, then it's like, it becomes this horrible.
And I just, I, and guess I I feel like I've never
succumbed to that and I've never been I've never felt enough as a part of a tribe that wasn't
of mixed race to ever think that way and and I hate that I I really I shouldn't I one I hate
that we're in this place and that any race feels the way they do. Right. I hate that.
Cause I think that that's on American mentality to begin with. I,
I don't know how to solve it, but I, I,
I struggle with supporting some of the groups that also are pushing all these
socialist agendas because if there's anything that I hate more than racism,
it's socialism because everybody fucking dies in socialism.
Everybody dies.
We all die in socialism.
Like, no one comes out.
We all die.
So how do we, you know, I don't know how to mix those two things.
Well, you know, I always say, I have this saying, the best politician has a Republican mind and a Democratic heart.
Yeah. Okay. And I'm going to take it from a whole different perspective. I'm an only child. So the difference between growing up as
an only child is the world starts with me and then it expands out. So I am the center of my
universe. And then I decide who I want to help, who I want to participate with, who I want to share with.
So when you come from a big family, it starts decentralized and then you grow into who you are.
So it's almost like coming from an only child, it's like this is the start point and it comes out.
And you either do good for the world or your line stays like this.
You stay very selfish.
We're starting from, it's just the reverse.
It's just the opposite when you're kind of going from being a part of a big family.
It's almost like the world starts.
How would I do that?
Yeah, the world starts here and then gets narrow as you get older, as you get more focused,
as you start to learn more about you.
That's kind of how Republicans and Democrats are.
Democrats like are this big family
and then they focus down on the individual topic,
whatever that topic is, you know,
whether that's birth control,
whether that's religious rights, whatever,
we start out here and we focus down. where Republicans tend to start with a topic.
I don't like, you know, I'm anti-abortion, I'm anti-gun control, I'm anti-whatever.
And then they expand into the bigger group.
So trust me, I have just as many friends that are Republican, Democrat, whatever.
And financially, I'm just as many friends that are Republican, Democrat, whatever. And financially,
I'm Republican. Okay. Yeah. Socially, I think Democrat, because my finances say everything
that helps me control my money helps me be a better entrepreneur, capitalist, all that
is the Republican agenda. Let me be me. Don't force me to take care of everybody else
in the damn world.
Let me be me.
But I grew up black and I grew up in the South
and I grew up military,
which is we're gonna take care of everybody
and then let the individuals rise
to whatever they wanna rise to.
I spent 21 years of my life willing to die
so that everybody had a right to vote,
so that everybody had a right to protest,
so that everybody had a voice.
You know what I mean?
So I'm of that mindset.
That's why I keep saying the best politician
has a Republican mind and a Democratic heart
because you just can't blow
off everybody, but you can't take care of everybody either. Yeah. Yeah. I, so we're
trapped. We're forced. We're forced to choose. Yeah. And here's something now, if you want to,
are you, are you recording this yet? I am. Yeah, but I can cut whatever okay i can say something i'm gonna say something very controversial yeah okay this if you look at the voting block of who votes who who votes where
the biggest block that votes republican and that's supporting the current administration are evangelicals.
Okay, evangelicals. The biggest block that is voting Democrat is what what
word am I looking at? Protestant. I guess that's the best way to put it. You know, more Baptist,
things like that. So you basically have this herd mentality built around religion.
And if you really think about what all the real, I mean, real fighting points, the points where people are willing to die and whatever, they all have a basis in religion.
You know, I'm willing to die as an African American for the right for African Americans
to have the right to vote, to be treated like humans, to have the right to access everything
that this country promised us that we could access.
But I'm also anti-abortion. I'm also anti-gun control. I mean, I'll go to the
gun range three times a month, four times a month. I'm also anti-gun control. I'm also whatever.
But where did those views come from? Those views came about because I grew up military.
And the churches and the religious organizations and everything.
My grandfather was a Baptist preacher, you know, so it's like I'm in the middle of these two.
You said it earlier. I'm in the middle of these two worlds because as a black man, I must support my tribe.
I must support my rights. I must support my right to vote, my right to congregate, my right to,
you know, all of that. And just the right to have the same access that everyone else has.
But as an entrepreneur who's busted my ass and built my business, I'm not going to take care of somebody sitting on the couch who doesn't want to go to work and just wants to live on welfare.
I'm not going to take care of somebody who doesn't have the discipline to work and just wants to live on welfare. I'm not going to take care of somebody who didn't,
who doesn't have the discipline to get up and go to school.
I'm not going to take care of somebody who doesn't learn a trade or skill.
And they think it's the government's job to take care of them.
So I am literally trapped in the middle.
I, you know know i actually believe um i i think a big issue is in this particular
election and that's something a lot of people are talking about is the rise of secularism and how
much that is actually impacting what's happening today is that people have lost their touch with
god and with a higher power and and the connection to to something bigger than themselves. And I think
that when, you know, so, you know, I'm technically, I don't know, I was raised Methodist
and Catholic. You know, I had to agree to convert to Catholicism in order to marry my wife. I don't
know that I'm actually a practicing Catholic. Probably,
I kind of snipe from different pieces. And I actually like a little bit of the Old Testament too. But actually, the Old Testament, actually, I relate more to the Old Testament for some reason,
which I don't know why, but I do. Long story short, I feel like when you give yourself to something bigger, right?
Like the military, sports, your family, God, whatever it is, right?
Whatever you choose, something bigger than yourself.
And you believe that there are lasting repercussions to your actions generationally, right?
So when you believe in God or you have a relationship with God or,
or whatever that higher power is, whatever name you want to put on it, obviously God's name that
I give it. Um, I, you, you, and Jordan Peterson actually taught me some of this. I don't know
if you're familiar with his work, but, uh, he, he, um, he talks about how the conflict and the
visceral nature of the language that we use today,
and the reason we're so willing to cut ourselves into these divisive tribes is because we've lost
the generational aspect to our lives. We've stopped thinking about how is my family going to
operate, survive? What position are we going to be in
three generations from now, five generations from now, which 100 years ago, that's the way
we were thinking. 100 years ago, all of our ancestors weren't just thinking, you know,
how do I get another piece of bread today? They were also thinking, how do I make sure my family,
my lineage continues on? And that's why so many people came to this country. You know,
it's part of the reason so many people came to this country. And I feel like we've lost a lot
of that social media, you know, our detachment and really so many people almost looking at
at God fearing individuals as if they're crazy or as if somehow we've taken some sort of,
you know, hallucinogen and we're operating in some,
like that mentality, I feel like has brought us to this place where all that matters is tomorrow,
you know, the next day. That's what we're thinking so short term. And it creates this divisiveness where if you're thinking out longer, I'm thinking about how my interaction with you today is going
to impact the rest of our relationship, you know, for the forever. And how are,
how is your family going to interact with my family? How,
how are our kids going to interact and the kids after that? And, and I,
that mentality I've been trying to focus more on that because I want to be
better, but I do think that's a big part of the problem today.
Yeah. Again, it goes back to the self-centered.
Remember when I did the thing about the only child starts with yourself and then branches out to the rest of the world,
where when you become the tribe, you kind of start with the rest of the world and then come down to your point, to where you are.
We're so self-centered, okay?
And it's a short-term self-centeredness.
And so you have three – you, I get deep with stuff. So,
so you have, right. You have self, you have self-centered,
self focused, and then selfish.
Yeah. Self-centered says everything in this world is,
well, and selfless obviously but everything in
this world is about me well let's start with selfless i will i will give everything i have
i'll give the shirt off my back i'll give whatever i'm not saying i would but a selfless person
that's the way they think i don't care about me i don't care about me. I don't care about whatever. They really do have that mentality of three, four, five generations down, selfless. Then you have self-centered, which is,
I will focus on me, and if it happens to help you, cool. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you,
but I'm not going to do anything necessarily that goes away from me,
specifically for you. Then there's selfish selfish I only will do something if it
benefits me I don't care about you I don't if if in the offshoot of this you happen to catch a
little bit away cool but I don't care if you catch it or not yeah I'm all about me. You know what I mean? And I think people have taken religion, politics, their little causes, and they bastardized what this is really all about.
Because reality, if we followed religious principles, there never would have been slavery.
There never would have been this.
We wouldn't have 750 different
denominations. You know what I mean? We wouldn't have all this. But what happens is we take a great
idea and we become selfish with it. We become self-centered with it. And so therefore we break
into our tribe of people who become just as selfish as we are or just as self-centered as we are.
Let's take the insurance industry.
You heard me talk about this all the time.
There are 23 core processes that it takes to run an agency.
And I've been in thousands of agencies and worked with thousands of people.
And I will dare any of them to say, show me something that doesn't fit in this 23 core processes.
Show me something.
And I've had agencies, you know, agents love to challenge you on stuff.
Well, Billy, I think that falls under, okay, well, doesn't, and number 18, isn't that 18?
Oh, okay.
I see your point. And so once we realize that there are 23 ways or 23 core processes that it takes to run an agency, we should really all operate the same.
You know what I mean? We should really market pretty similar. We shouldn't operate exactly the same because we're individuals, but we should operate similarly because there are only 23 core processes.
There are 10 commandments. There is one Bible. There are 66 books in that Bible.
You know what I'm saying? There's one Old Testament, one New Testament. So we should
all operate similarly because we have the same rule books, but we don't. Why don't we? Because we bring our
own selfishness into it, our own self-centeredness into it. Does that make sense? And so my issue
with what's going on in politics and what's going on in the world today is that all of these agendas are either self centered or selfish.
Okay. Self-centered or selfish.
There are very few self less agendas that are out there.
Very few.
I know. And, and, and, and here's, here's the hard part.
And I've actually experienced some of this with this podcast and with starting my own agency. And I'm not saying that I'm a completely selfless person. Please don't take that.
Nobody is. Nobody is. to so much targeting by people who have a selfish agenda that you get taken down or cut out.
Because someone who is selfless is very hard to control.
And I feel like so much of what's happening today is, you know,
I want complete control over every aspect of my life.
It happens in marriages, one-on-one husband, wife, you know, or partner,
partner, whatever it happens with the way we handle our children. We're going to sit over the top of
them and hover and watch every single move they make. And God forbid they get a cut or jump off
of something. They're not supposed to jump off of like, I, I just, I watch this world and it's just
so wild. Like, you know, I don't, you know, coming from being born in 1981, born in the country in
the north, you know, people used to refer to my house to crack house, right? I mean, that's
literally what I was born in. I, you know what I mean? Like I was born in a fucking camp with no
heat. And you know what I mean? We had a, we had a propane gas heater in the middle of the camp
and that's how we heated the house. Like we just had our,
we was like 700 square foot house. I mean, that was the first nine years of my life.
And coming from that to, to, to, to, to now today where, you know, I just look at the swing and how
people operate. I mean, even in that period of time, and I'm sure the longer you get, the bigger
the swing is. I'm not saying that that's the, but just, I look around at other parents at the way people talk to each
other. Sometimes I catch myself being an asshole to my wife, probably more often than I'd like to
admit, but you know what I mean? And I just say to myself, like this, this has to change. And,
and even with this show and starting my agency, people take a lot of frigging shots at me. You
know what I mean? Cause I'm not like a million dollar producer already, six and a half months into my agency
career. I get all these shots. Bob, Bob, Bob, you said this, you say do this, this, you know,
get all these shots. I see them all. And I can only imagine, that's not like a woe is me thing,
because I give too much what people say. Because you chose to be a public figure.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a conscious. You chose to share your journey with everybody.
Yeah, this is not.
And there's so many trolls that are out here.
So, you know.
And I feel like I'm doing something wrong
if 20% of the people don't disagree with what I'm saying.
I'm not taking enough of a stand.
So that's not a problem.
What I'm saying is,
if you're trying to do something selfless
and say you haven't chosen public figure status like
like i have chosen to put myself man there's just so many people willing to take you down it's
really difficult to be selfless because almost as a defense mechanism you harden up and you become
self-oriented because there's so many people willing to to beat you up for trying to do what's
right it's it's very you know why they're beating you up they're not beating you up because of you they're beating you up because of them
yeah my dad used to tell me all the time son again growing up as an african-american
oh you know just growing up in the south not even just going black but just growing up south
my dad used to tell me the most racist people are the ones that feel like
they have nothing because in their mind they're going to try to find something that they're better
than someone that they're better than so i may be poor and i may be in a trailer park and i may i
may be this but i'm better than that that coon over there you know i'm better than that, that coon over there. You know, I'm better than that Mexican
over there. I'm better than that, that Polack over there. I mean, they literally will find
anything to say, I'm better than you. I know I have nothing. I know I'm not educated. I know
I'm not this. I know I don't have that, but at least I'm better at this. And that's an insecurity.
Yeah. Okay. And, and one of the things you have to you know have
these sayings you can never make an insecure person happy because they will always twist
the situation to match their insecurity yep always so if you're dating an insecure girl
who's insecure in her weight there's literally nothing you could ever do that will not some,
in some way, she will twist that back to her weight. Hey, let's go to the park. Why? So that
you can see all the skinny girls at the park in bikinis? No, I just really want to go to the park.
You know, if you have someone who's insecure at cooking, hey, let's go out to eat.
Because my cooking is so, my cooking is so bad that you don't want to eat my cooking anymore.
And so you can never make an insecure person happy because they will always twist the situation to match their insecurity.
And that's the problem that I have with today's politics.
Yeah. today's politics. We have a lot of insecure politicians and everything that happens,
they're twisting that situation to match their insecurities. Okay. And so that is my real issue
with politics. Why the postal service is under attack. Why, you know, all these different things that are that are happening but we have a right to protest
you know we have a Frederick Douglass said it best there is no progress without protest 100%
there is no progress without protest but even those protests have to be orderly and structured
or else it just becomes a riot and a mob and a this and a that. But
a lot of that is also frustration. You heard me talk about this before. Irritation leads to
frustration. Frustration leads to a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Helplessness
and hopelessness turn into anger. And then anger shows itself two ways. You either lack of discipline, meaning you don't do what you should do, or you don't do anything to stop anything.
So if I'm really angry about something, I'm supposed to take the trash out. I either don't take out the trash or I run from it and act like the trash was never my responsibility. You know what I'm
saying? You become depressed. You sit around and you don't do anything or you do something other
than you should do. You know, I know I'm supposed to go to work, but I'm so depressed. I just sit
here at the house and do nothing. Or I'm so depressed. I don't want to just sit here and
do nothing. So I'm going to go out and play basketball. I'm
going to go out and rob somebody. I'm going to go out and do whatever. So that's what you're seeing
this, this, these people are dealing with this, all people, not just, not just the Black Lives
Matter movement or the, you know, the, the white nationalist or the whatever. They're all frustrated with this situation of hopelessness and hopelessness. I'm watching a guy get shot seven times in the back. Seven times. not justifying his actions, but even if he was reaching in the car,
supposedly because there was a knife,
supposedly there was a knife, I don't know, I wasn't there.
Dude, you have two cops, you couldn't just grab him?
You couldn't grab him, wrestle him to the ground?
You couldn't use a stun gun?
You have to shoot him seven times in the back.
See, that's the frustration. that's the hopelessness and helplessness
that people are dealing with and so some of those people are saying we need to organize we need to
we need to go out and protest and then some of those people are like no we're just gonna burn
it down we're gonna destroy everything we're gonna you know what I mean? So how do you, how do you balance that?
I don't know because I'm not in either shoes. If it was my son that had got shot seven times in
the back, I have the financial resources. My wife is an attorney. Dude, this would be,
whatever the legal system allowed me to do, I would absolutely be all over doing it.
There would have been a lawsuit that afternoon.
You know what I mean?
I mean, it doesn't bring back my son's legs because the guy's paralyzed, but I would have done something.
But for people that feel like I don't have that resource, I don't have money, I don't have this, I don't have that.
Some of those are, we'll go protest.
We'll organize. We'll organize.
We'll protest. And then some of those, that lack of discipline is, no, we're going to go burn stuff
down. So again, I'm stuck dead in the middle, dead in the middle, because as a military person,
if my president said, you need to go protect our monuments, you need to go protect our monuments you need to go protect our cities you need to go protect this
I swore an oath I swore duty to follow the the lead to follow my leaders so even if I'm completely
opposed to it like the war in Iraq I was completely opposed to it but I had to support it when we
overthrew Noriega in Panama I was completely opposed to it because overthrew Noriega in Panama, I was completely opposed to it because
we put Noriega in office. You know what I mean? And then when he pissed us off, we threw him out
of office. So I was completely opposed to it, but I had to do it because that's the oath that I took.
So trust me, when I say I'm completely stuck in the middle, because either way, you're wrong.
And again, going back to my dad, my dad used to say, when it's a lose-lose, you have to personally choose the way that allows you to lose the best.
And that's kind of where we're stuck.
What way allows us to lose the best?
And that's an individual call
it's so tough you know it's so tough to to know and and um you know like you say you don't
i i have tried so hard i i so part of me is like part of me says just turn it off stop listening
to podcasts that involve you that talk about these topics. Stop. And the other
side of it is, I almost feel like I'm not being a good citizen if I just bury my head in the sand
and listen to this advice, which is don't follow it. It's you know, I think there's part of me that says, you know, this is
our country. Like, I don't, you know, we all have to choose where our involvement is going to be.
But to not know what's going on, almost feels that feels like a cop out, you know, it feels like
you're, you know, to just, it doesn't mean you have to be a, you know, a political comment,
commentator on every topic that happens every single incident
but to just you know and then and the other side of it too is who do you trust who do you listen
and that's the key the key is not to bury your head the key is to look for balanced reporting
look for balanced news if you are if you are getting every bit of your information, if your worldview is shaped by Fox News, you have a
different worldview than if your worldview is shaped by CNN. Yeah, it's just a different worldview.
And it's because you're looking at the world through somebody else's lens. Yeah, part of the
problem that I have with all of this is people don't research, people don't read. You know, they take this
skim approach to everything where they are listening to what the pundits over here say
and what these people over here say, but they won't actually go in and read.
Okay, they won't read. So as an example, when Trump stood up and said, the Democrats want to destroy your suburbs,
the beautiful suburbs, right?
The beautiful, beautiful suburbs.
Everyone I knew said, oh my God, he is so racist.
He is, you know, he's basically saying
black people are going to move in there
and they're going to destroy the suburbs
and the white people are going to run scared and all this kind of stuff. But I read. So because I read,
I went in and I start digging deeper and deeper and trying to understand what he's talking about
and what it was referring to a lot of it. Do I believe that there's a dog whistle for racism
by him? Absolutely I do. Because he knows who he can rile up.
Okay, I get that.
But when you read about it, what's really going on is the same thing that I have a problem with in my own neighborhood.
I don't want an apartment building beside a single family home.
You can call it elitist.
You can call it, you know, whatever you want to call it.
I worked hard. I worked my ass off to get into the neighborhood that I'm in. Okay. And I'm in a
very diverse neighborhood. But one thing we're not diverse in is income. Everyone around me makes money. Okay. We do.
And so the zoning and planning commission is now putting apartment buildings, literally across the street from our neighborhood.
And they're building these duplexes and they're building these, whatever.
Now people say, well, Billy, there's a housing shortage.
So people have to have a place to live. I get it. But see, this is where that self-centered part of me, like, Billy, there's a housing shortage. So people have to have a place to live. I get it.
But see, this is where that self-centered part of me, like I said, we all have that self-centeredness.
My self-centered part says, hold up, my kids go to these schools. I moved into this neighborhood
because of schools, because of housing, because of who my neighbors were, because of a certain mentality,
because of a certain work ethic. I want my neighborhood to maintain itself. If you suddenly
throw up apartment buildings that anybody and their mama can qualify for and come into this
apartment, now suddenly you're ruining my neighborhood, you're ruining my schools,
you're ruining my whatever. And that's not to say that they're bad people but that's not what i signed up for yeah you know if i wanted to live
in an apartment community i could have moved into an apartment community and saved a hell of a lot
more money than buying the house that i bought you know or or doing anything in the neighborhood
where i am so what because read, I know that there was
two parts to that story, two parts to that message. One really was a racist dog whistle. I absolutely
believe it was a racist dog whistle because I know there are people who won't read it and they're
naturally going to say, oh, he's telling us black folks are going to destroy our neighborhoods. But there's another part of that, the educated that read that understand, oh, he's saying that if the Democrats win, they're going to allow more of this zoning and more of this planning commission to put more apartments in your neighborhood.
See, that's the problem. People don't agree. Do you think his signaling, and this is an honest question, because I agree with his signaling, 100%, completely agree.
Do you think it's racist or classist?
I think it's both.
Yeah, because I, to me, so when I hear him say that, I don't think black people, I think poor people, you know, people who are gonna,
that's what I hear him saying is, hey, middle class, you know, you better be careful, because
I'm gonna, I'm gonna throw some people up in your neighborhood. You know, and again, maybe it's just
the way my mentality is. I know, again, we all look at the world through our own view. Yeah. But
for you, that may be a class thing. me it may be a race but i want to
understand that's that's my question is i want to understand yeah but what it is it's still
divisive no matter what division he's using to cut you up or segment you yeah it's still divisive
and the democrats are just as divisive yeah i i literally dislike both parties. I know. So do I. I literally do.
There really needs to be a third party in this country, an independent individual.
I think that every other year, there should be a Democratic vice president, and you should
have to, you know, and then you just go vice president, and they have to switch.
They just have to switch.
That way, there's no more bullshit.
You have to have a Democrat as your vice president if you're a Republican president. If you're a Democratic president bullshit you have to have a democrat as your vice president if you're a republican president if you're a democratic president you got to have
republican as your vice president because i look at dan crenshaw and tulsi gabbard and i say to
myself i wish those two were on the ticket together throw either one of them don't tulsi on top and
dan crenshaw or switch them because you know and again i take the people out of it but the idea
that there are one younger i can't
the fact that we're we're i mean these are people who were born during a time before before black
people can even fucking vote and we're we're they're our president like what are we talking
about why why are we but why are these our candidates i don't even understand because
it's their time one One was because we were...
We had had eight years of a Democrat,
and we just wanted something different.
And one was because he's earned his time.
Oh, God. I guess.
So, but, no, you're absolutely right.
But, see, but then you also...
You have to let the democratic process
play itself out to a point,
because then we may never get a woman.
You know, Kamala Harris, whether you like her, dislike her, whatever, that chick has earned her right at the table.
You know what I mean? She's earned her right. She's gone to law school.
She's been a state attorney general. She's done a senator.
She's earned her right to be at the table, whether you like her or dislike her.
You know what I mean?
So if we don't have this democratic process, then people who earn the right to be at the table will never be at the table.
Well, no, I agree.
I agree.
I'm not talking about – I'm all for the voting system.
The thing about Kamala for me is if she was a Republican,
she probably would be the president.
That's the truth.
You know, I actually like her.
She's sharp, she's smart.
I like her a lot more as a Republican
than a Democrat.
It feels like she's forcing.
But let me tell you this
while we're talking about that.
My wife is running for
criminal court district two judge
in Tarrant County.
My wife's an attorney.
Yep. My wife is an attorney. Yep.
My wife is the most religious person I've ever met in my life. Trust me, she makes me a better person. When I'm getting ready to do some stupid shit, I think about her, you know, people go,
what would Jesus do? I go, what would my wife do? You know what I mean? I do, actually.
When we were in Illinois, we lived in illinois before we
moved to texas and illinois a judge did not have to pick a side a party in fact it was frowned upon
if you were recognized because a judge has to be completely impartial i mean completely unbiased
right because you're a judge yeah we moved to texas she runs she ran for state
attorney in in illinois then we end up moving to texas down here she's running for judge they'd
like pick a party pick a side she's like what do you mean pick a side i'm i'm running for judge
why would i pick a side in Texas, you have to.
You cannot run unless you register as a Democrat or a Republican.
And this is for a judgeship.
And she's like, well, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna decide my cases, whether they're Democrat or Republican.
I'm not going to decide my cases, whether they're black or white or you know evangelical or protestant or
catholic or jewish why do i have to pick a side because that's the way we do it here that's the
way it is it would be better if there just weren't political parties just let's just vote on who's
the best i i it just at this point it's um i guess in general let's take but then there'd be no power
understand what political parties are yeah they're a base of power yeah so you can think your boy
hamilton's for this you know there wasn't political parties until your boy hamilton
got involved yeah if you've seen the musical which i love by the way i love that musical but it was his kind of self-centeredness his own insecurities that
that kind of split into these two different parties yeah but by the same token the reason
why there are parties is because people need to feel like there's a base there's a power base
and it's i take it to even within my own group, 160 plus agencies, all this kind of stuff.
Why are we all together under the Williams Family Investment Group umbrella? So that I can go to the
easy links of the world. I can go to the call logics of the world and go, I've got a group of
people. We have enough power, enough influence that you need to give us special favor because we're a
block. We're a block. And so, you know, voting block, that's what political parties are all
about. It's all about power. So until you could find some way to evenly distribute that power
where one block didn't have influence, one block didn't have money,
one block didn't have lobbyists, until you could do that, which I don't think it's possible,
then you're always going to have political parties. You're always going to have people who
bind or bond together to make themselves stronger. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, it's tough to, it's tough to take 3 million years
of evolution and just pretend like it doesn't exist. Right. Right. So, you know, okay.
What are we supposed to be talking about? What was the podcast about today, by the way?
I don't know, but this has been great. I was just going to spin it back to hit you with a few
insurance questions here. You know, I, I guess the reason that, well, one, the reason I've
enjoyed this and kind of not changed the topic is because I do think that I think a lot of people,
I think a lot of people in the world, obviously I shouldn't say a lot, a lot makes it even seem
trivial. I think everyone who is, who has their intent up at all is struggling with this particular question. I think there are, I think there is a very, very small,
but very vocal minority on both sides
that seems to dominate the conversation.
And there's a large majority of people
who span a fairly narrow band towards the middle
who are struggling with these issues.
And we all come from different backgrounds.
And I think that,
I guess what i try to
come back to is personal responsibility and respect have take personal responsibility and
show respect to other humans and if you can do those two things then i feel like we can get along
fairly adequately and integrity you know for me this vote is about integrity. Who can I trust the most?
Remember, it's a lose-lose.
Okay, let me just come on record right now of saying some elections I vote Democrat,
some elections I vote Republican, and I'm registered as an independent for that very
I'm not a registered Democrat.
I'm not a registered Republican.
I'm a registered independent for that very reason.
Because I try to vote whoever's going to be in either my best interest as a business, as a family man, as a whatever.
But there's certain things I cannot, I just cannot give a pass on.
I cannot give a pass on lack of integrity. Okay. You've known me
for a while now. And you know, the one thing I am is a straight shooter. If it happens to
piss you off, I'm so sorry. And if it happens to whatever, I'm so sorry, but I'm going to,
I'm going to tell you the real deal. You know, I'm a wealthy African American male who grew up with, thank goodness,
for affirmative action, or I never would have went to college. You know, thank goodness that
people marched in the streets and were willing to die and willing to lay down their lives,
or I never even had a chance to go to the high schools that I went to, or go to the,
live in the neighborhoods that I lived in. Thank goodness for that. Or even be in the military. I wouldn't have had those opportunities. So
me sitting here, I can't say Democrats are right. I can't say Republicans are right. I can only say
at this moment in time, the one thing I cannot compromise on is integrity. So my vote goes with whichever
candidate has, I feel, has the most integrity. And even that is a different call for different
people. You know what I mean? Even that's a different call.
Well, I'll tell you that that is my number one struggle in general is i i hate donald
trump as a person and the things that he says but if you look at the things that he actually does
like something that will never get any press which is he's bringing all pharmaceutical manufacturing
out of china back into the united states that happened on friday that will never get an ounce
of press, right?
Well, why won't it, though?
And more importantly, why is he doing it?
Was that his agenda?
Was that, hey, this will help me win the election.
This will help me win.
And he's done a lot of good stuff.
He has.
As a military person, he's expanded some of the benefits,
some of everything that we get.
I mean, he really has done a lot.
I can't say a few. He really has done a lot of, a lot. I can't
say a few. He's really done a lot of good things. The intent probably was not really to help me.
The intent was to get reelected. This is kind of what I was talking about, that self-centered kind
of deal, where when you're self-centered, I'm going to do it for me, and it happens to help you.
Cool. Yeah. Well, there's no doubt he's self-centered i'm gonna do it for me and it happens to help you cool yeah you know that's
well there's no doubt he's self-centered he he definitely is somewhere between self-centered
and selfish he does not border towards self-less but bringing the pharmaceuticals back was probably
done to help the re-election you know which i'm okay with that that's a self-centered deal. But how much of his stuff is in China?
See, that's another thing.
You have to read.
You have to read.
You have to read.
When you look at his business dealings, there's still a large portion of his business dealings that are offshore.
That he is using China to make those nice Trump shirts that I love with the white and the
blue and you know I mean I love those shirts or not those are not made in Ohio those are not made
in Colorado yeah those are made in China you know a lot of the a lot of the stuff that he does so
what you have to be careful of when you're looking at all of these things that he's
putting out there and that he's doing is, is the ethics really there? And understand,
the only reason we can't attack Biden the way that we are about all this is because Biden ain't a
business owner. You know, I can't look at and so i'll say oh he's he's still using manufacturing
he's just that's what i'm saying they both suck yeah they both are terrible that's why you have
to vote in my opinion first of all you have to vote you cannot sit back on this you cannot sit
back okay that without without going around the way the two things that really irritate me
most about trump i feel like he has no no ethics he will do anything and everything and say anything
and do anything to win to win and and i understand that wanting to win thing but to manipulate to dog whistle to do all
that kind of stuff that's a real problem for me the other thing that that really bothers me about
trump is what you said generationally if this divisiveness takes hold in that eight-year-old in Kansas and that 12-year-old in Chicago and that 10-year-old
in California, if that divisiveness, if that spirit takes over, whether it's Democrat or
Republican, but I'm talking specifically Trump right now, if that divisiveness takes over,
where are we generationally? Three generations from now.
Yeah. Four generations from now. How long will it take to repair the damage that's done
just to say I won? Just to say I didn't lose? Yeah. That is a real concern for me. And you know,
again, whether you're looking at Biden, whether And you know, again, whether you're looking
at Biden, whether you're looking at Trump, whether you're looking at Harris, whether you're looking
at Pence, whether you're looking at whatever, whether you're looking at the Republican Party
and the Democratic Party, and what they will allow, are they really all so into this that no
one will stand up and say, hey, you're my leader, but dude, you got to stop lying. You know, whether that's
dude Trump or whether that's dude Biden, you're our leader, but you got to stop this bullshit.
You got to stop lying to the American people. You got to stop manipulating the facts and
manipulating the reports and manipulating the whatever. So I think I'm more frustrated with
the system that allows this crap than i necessarily am the person
you know if i let my kids get away with something that's on me so we're supposed to have this system
of oversight in our country where whether you're democrat or whether you're republican
there's a system of oversight where the people below you are gonna check you they're gonna spot
check you so you can't go fire,
this is what started me getting fired up in the first place,
you can't go fire the post general,
the postmaster general,
and put your own flunky in there
just so you can manipulate our postal system.
That of everything he's done
is the thing that bothers me the most.
Because I grew up, I'm 58 years old.
I grew up with racism.
I can deal with racism.
I know it sounds crazy, but I can deal with that.
I've dealt with that my whole life.
I can deal with, you know,
somebody coming over here and doing stupid stuff.
I can deal with riots.
I can deal with protests.
I can deal with all of that.
But when you start tearing down the fabric of my country that I served 20 years to protect, when you start tearing down the fabric of my country by controlling our postal service, that's when, for me, it just went too far. Yeah. You know, you can lie to me.
You can manipulate the truth. You can do whatever you want, but dude,
you cannot tear down our postal service. Cause again, going back to my original,
I remember sitting in Panama 2 PM mail call every day and thinking,
Oh my God, I hope I get a box. I hope I get a letter that kept my morale up.
It kept whatever my parents sending me
stuff. I remember all the different, being in college and just getting that letter from my
parents or from my girlfriend or from whatever else and understanding how that has helped me.
Now I'm retired, which means as you get older, you need more pharmaceutical report. I mean,
support. So now I'm getting I take this
Arvastatin, which is
like to make sure I don't have strokes and stuff
like that, right? I get that through
the mail.
So I'm literally down
to three days. I ordered my
Atorvastatin two
months ago.
I'm three days from running out
and I don't have it in the mail.
See, that's bullshit. To me, that is that is what got my goat.
Like some people, they have the anti-abortion or the woman's rights thing that gets their goat.
And you probably have things that get your goat. We all have something that triggers us to fight.
Okay. That fight or flight. We trigger that. For me, the postal service is worth fighting over.
Yeah. Yeah. That just wasn't the solution. You know, it wasn't the solution. I did a lot of
reading on that because I didn't understand. I didn't understand what the debate really was i mean i've obviously read about you
know the postal service is what less than 18 months from going bankrupt and postal service
was never designed to make money though agree so it was never designed to make money so when you
look into it it was actually was it clinton or bush it was right around the 90s where um i think
might have been Clinton or Bush
one. Start to privatize it. Who started to privatize and put the pensions onto the, instead
of making them federal employee pensions, they made it its own pension system. You have to pay
your own, yeah, you have to pay your own retirement. You know, when you really look at it, that's the
solution. The problem is, you know know we've printed so much money at this
point that to pay for those pensions we would you know what you know you'd put another trillion
couple trillion into the system and you know my my concern this is not the solution the way that
he handled it that's i guess that's my my point but you know i i also am like i guess my big my
big what i come back to is i want people to be able to live whatever life they want.
How do we get to that point?
And I feel like more and more both sides.
And I guess this is like an everything thing.
It's maybe a leadership thing to be able to live with respect for other people, not like a crazy person.
With respect for other people, I want to be able to live whatever life I want to live.
And I believe that it is everyone's right to live whatever life they want with respect to other human beings.
And what I hate about our current political system
and really i so you know you were talking about integrity is your biggest issue this is probably
because i see them all as liars i haven't yet met one that i believe which one which one lies the
least how do i know which one lies least i mean i don't know what i do know. What I can kind of see is who, who is taking the most responsibility
away from us the fastest. That's maybe the way that I look at it. Um, but I hate that that is
what our political system has become is I'm going to take this from you and give you some small portion of it back.
And you should be happy that I did that for you.
And then what both sides basically have is the things they want to take from you.
I want to take these things and give you some,
and I'm going to take these things from you and give some.
And to me,
I feel like we've all been hoodwinked into believing that one party actually
has our
best interest in mind. They don't. It is a bureaucratic monster. And I don't think that,
I joke with my wife all the time about the Illuminati. And though there's a small part
of me that believes there is a super global network of people who are actually running the
world. I would sound crazy if I told you that I 100% believed in that idea. But the idea that the government is actually an individual entity that is operating in a way to remove our
liberty, I don't believe that that's the case. I think that this is hundreds of thousands,
millions of people trying to survive. And in order for them to survive, like all things,
they need more power, right? All of them. Everybody needs more power to survive. It's self-preservation. And
unfortunately, the government's gotten so big, the only way for them to survive is to take more.
Because this is all the way down to the three-year clerical person in some office of some you know set of initials and no one understands
that in order for that person to survive the government needs more to keep paying her salary
to keep paying his salary and and the only way to do that and in order for that person to get power
they need to move up and hire more people underneath them so they have a team and it
just expands expands and um i don't know how that stops. I'm
not smart enough to understand that. I don't know if it can stop. I mean,
because you're looking at a global economy. Here's the deal. Every super country has at some point
imploded. Yeah. Okay. Do you play golf? I do. Okay. There's a sweet spot in your swing in golf. Okay.
For some people that sweet spot is eight o'clock.
So we're talking at 6 PM, 7 PM, 8 PM, 9 PM, 10 PM, right?
Some people, wherever your hands are at eight o'clock,
that is your sweet spot. And no matter how much you want to go to 12,
anything beyond eight o'clock, you're screwing up your shot. Okay. My sweet spot is eight o'clock. No matter what
I'm doing, if I stop at eight o'clock, I can, I can let the club go all the way back here. But
as long as my hands are at eight o'clock, that's my sweet spot. Every country on earth has a sweet spot. And when you go past either that level of growth or that level of leadership or that level of control, you now start to implode. You now start to screw up. You start to mess up. And I'm not saying that the U.S. is at our sweet spot, but we're going to hit a sweet spot where guess what, U.S.? We can't get bigger.
Okay? You can't have more GDP. You can't have more taxes. You can't have more control over
your people. You can't. Because the moment you go past that that for me, eight o'clock, you're now screwing everything up.
And that's my fear is that under the current political climate,
are we pushing ourselves past that sweet spot or are we speeding to that
sweet spot faster?
You know what I'm saying?
The scary part of that question well one
i agree with everything you just said the scary part about that for me is if i was being completely
honest with myself every indicator that i track or i'm aware of would tell me that we have extended
past our sweet spot and are into the uh into the fl zone. And, you know, we're about to come over the top
and, you know, chop down on the ball and slice her into the woods. And I don't, you know, that
makes me nervous, because I feel like the answer for every question is more control when, to me, The obvious answer is less. And I don't mean less like chaos.
I mean, you know, and I don't know how to get there.
I'm not smart enough to understand how to get there.
Let's make it into a business conversation.
Let's take that into a business conversation.
When I grew my agency to $3 million or whatever as an all-state agent, right,
I had these super super
tight controls on everything like every deal came across my desk I had to sign off on every single
thing that happened I mean I knew totally what was happening when I went independent I tried to
operate that same way but I had 10 different carriers. I had 20
different products. I had all these other things. So I no longer could do that. And when I tried,
what was happening is I stifled my growth. I had about 5 million and I just could not grow anymore.
It wasn't until I started decentralizing my leadership and putting leaders in place that I didn't give them autonomy
though. That's a difference. Even today, I don't give my, my group, my agents autonomy. You still
have to follow the Billy Williams way of doing things. If you're part of our group. Okay. You
still got to follow that, but I'm going to give you room to make
decisions. I'm going to give you room. You got these 23 processes. You got to do these 23
processes. Now, how you choose to do within those 23 processes or what you choose to do,
I don't care. But once I come in to check these processes, these 23 processes have to be in place.
So now that's allowed me to grow
to a little over a billion dollars
in premium under management, right?
1.2, 1.3, somewhere in there.
So now I'm looking at my whole leadership board
and I'm going, okay, do I cut back
or do I add more levels?
Because I'm hitting a point now
where the control is you know so
basically do I become Amazon or do I become Google so look at that let's look
at the two from a business standpoint because agents are gonna run into this
exact same thing Amazon everything is still pretty much centrally controlled
right there's one control system one you, you got your warehousing,
you got all this other stuff, but there's still basically one set of principles that runs Amazon.
Google is split up into all these different factions, all these different ways. That's why
you have Google ads and Google analytics and Google review and Google lists who have no clue what
anybody's doing. That's why I can't build a business on Google. I personally can utilize
Google products, but I would never trust Google to build a business on because Google may change
their mind tomorrow and take that away. Google voice, I couldn't build a business on because Google may change their mind tomorrow and take that away. Google Voice, I
couldn't build a business on Google Voice because they may turn around tomorrow and say, no, Google
Voice is going away. Never talked to me, never asked their users, just said, no, that department,
we don't want to fund it anymore, so it's gone away, right? What does all that have to do with
business and politics? Well, from a business standpoint, you have to make a decision and say, I'm either going
to run my business like an Amazon and let it grow at those levels with technology and, you know,
tools and all that, or I'm going to grow like Google and just put these different departments
in and let everybody run their own thing. And there are agencies that are doing that. There
are huge agencies, Hiscox and all these huge agencies that basically everybody or every department kind of runs their own thing.
Right. And then you have other agencies like like Geico, which people forget Geico is an agency.
OK, it's an agency. Geico is under tight control. Liberty Mutual is under tight control both of those models work it's just a matter of
they're going to hit a point where you're going to just have inefficiencies in those models
inefficiencies so same thing in your in your agency at some point you're either going to you're going
to make a choice at some point you have to decentralize that's the only way you can even
grow to the new level of inefficiency but it's like at each level we find the inefficiencies and we fix them
right find the inefficiencies and fix them until you get to a point to where you're so big either
you're stuck at that level or you basically split it into different companies that's what they do
they get there like a like a stock split and they we're so big, we can't control this anymore. Let's split it into different companies and let each company
grow to its own level. That's how the big keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger
by splitting and growing. So you're going to hit a point in your agency, Ryan, where you're going
to hit an inefficiency. That may be 3 million, maybe 4 million, maybe 5 million, who knows,
but you're going to hit an inefficiency. And may be 3 million, maybe 4 million, maybe 5 million. Who knows? But you're going to hit an inefficiency.
And then at that point, you got to make a new leadership decision.
Do I decentralize my leadership?
Or do I take that centralized leadership and add more automation and control to it?
Then you're going to grow maybe another 10, 15 million.
And you're going to hit another inefficiency point. And then at that point, you're going to say maybe another 10 15 million and you're going to hit another inefficiency point and then at that point you're going to say what do i do do i split it into a
different division or different company or do i add more technology more control more accountability
and grow to my next level of inefficiency that's what agencies do that's why when they come to
inspire nation we try to figure out where's your inefficiency what
level are you at with your inefficiency and now what what's the best practice to get to that next
level of inefficiency but understand you're always growing to inefficiency yeah agents please never
forget that you're always growing to inefficiency and then once you get there and you start to
realize the signs of it now you got to figure out how to get past it and get to the next level of inefficiency yeah our political system is
the same way we are inefficient with a two-party system but they don't want to let go because of
the power remember i said in order to do this some companies will add more control and some
companies will split and then let each division or each
company grow to a whole new level in my opinion we're at this point in our country where this
two-party system is inefficient and we need a third party to allow the middle to grow to our
new level of inefficiency that's my you ask what's the fix for this yeah that's and i've
thought about this and i've lost sleep over this you know that's the only way that i can think of
us doing this if i put it from a business standpoint it's time to split and grow and
let a new third party come i know and the problem is the libertarians are the closest thing we have. And two, they don't represent the middle.
That's the problem is they don't actually represent what would be the middle portion
of our country.
They represent a fringe portion of the right, maybe.
I don't know.
I mean, there's parts of them.
They represent almost like fringe portions of the fringes of both parties it's an odd mix when you
really dive into what a libertarian is and then eventually one of them goes yeah we should just
have no government and then you're like okay you just lost that's not gonna work you know i mean
so and so there has to be a realistic third choice yeah realistic third choice and you know what and
that's your generation ryan yeah the people that are listening to the podcast, the people that are in your age group, that's your generation.
Now, you can sit back, and this is a dog whistle for everybody out there.
You can sit back and keep bitching, whining, and moaning about the two-party system,
or you can get involved and get active and sit down and say, what would a good third
party system look like? And start pitching that. Start protesting. Remember, like Frederick Douglass
said, there is no progress without protest. Now, protest doesn't mean just marching down the street.
Protest means you getting out there and pitching a third party system. Protest means you talking
about, guys, there's got to be another system. Protest means you talking about guys,
there's got to be another option. There's got to be another way. That's what protested.
Yeah, I agree with you. It's why I think this episode of the podcast is so powerful. I think that just having these conversations too often in the business space, people are afraid to talk. And I think in the way
that we have, I haven't heard many people have these conversations. I think the conversation
you have with Matt Sapola on his podcast, I saw it in YouTube or whatever, but I thought that was
a great conversation. I think in general, I've gone back and forth with my wife about this because we're both very frustrated.
You know what I mean?
We both have this feeling of one foot in one side and one foot.
I was a registered Democrat.
Frustration is helplessness and hopelessness.
You have this feeling, helpless, I can't do anything.
Hopeless, it will never, ever change.
Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and so, so we, she started saying to me,
you know, why, why can't you express in a respectful way, a feeling on something?
Why can't you do that? And, you know, you always come back to, well, geez, you know, people aren't
going to want to do business with me and stuff. And then, you know, I started saying to myself,
you know, I've never, I would never be disrespectful of anyone as much as I possibly could. I mean, obviously not a perfect person,
but like, um, you know, at the same time, how do you, how do you start to have conversations
if you're constantly quiet out of fear of being canceled or whatever, right? Like,
I don't really have a fear of being canceled. I mean, I guess I could be, I own a business. People could stop doing business with me, but
I don't know that my- But you know, for every business that you lose because someone stops
doing business with you or the business you lose because someone stops, you're going to pick up new
business because someone respects and appreciates that. I've learned that. I've learned that in life.
I think so too. I think so too. I think it's an important thing. I, I, I, uh, I want to be respectful of your time. We're way over and I got to go sell
some insurance. So I don't, but, um, but this is not where I expected to go, but I'm so glad we did
and just, uh, being able to spend time with you and stealing an hour and 15 minutes of your day
is, is, uh, I feel like I've won the week already. It's, it's Monday and I got to spend some time with you. I'm always there to support you, my man,
you know, just like you're there to support me. Yeah. I appreciate everything you do. I, um,
if you're listening and you are not at least on the email list for inspire a nation, you're missing
out. You are absolutely missing out when this you know as soon as you
get a chance to get to a computer go to inspire sign up for the email list at least
that will get you into the ecosystem you then have all kinds of different things you can do
i highly highly recommend when you start doing the in-person events again but you've been doing
virtual too oh we did yeah we were doing great on the two, the online virtual, which are free now, you know, the online in person you pay for the online. I
just made it free for everybody. Yeah. The 20,000 people have taken, have, have watched the 10,
uh, what is it? How to become a $10 million agency training. I mean, it's, I don't care
where you're at in your development. If you're just beginning like I am, or if you're 20 years in, you are going to take things away. And I, and I'm saying this only because I so,
I, I, I was there in person. I have things that I use every day, you know, and, um, I just,
I appreciate the hell out of you, man. Thank you so much. Thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate
that. I appreciate that. All right, Ryan. Yeah, baby
Yeah, baby
Yeah, baby
Yeah, baby
Yeah, baby
Yeah, baby
You go fuck yourself with your fat fucking ass
Yeah, baby Shhh! That's really hot! You go fuck yourself with your fat fucking ass! Thank you.
Do you want a few drinks and smoke a joint bubbles?
Yes. Yes. here Yeah, this is my challenge Making this my brother's challenge
Making his money make it go
Making his money brother's challenge
Making his money make it go
Making this my brother's challenge
Making his money make it go
Making his money brother's challenge
Making his money make it go Making his money brother's challenge Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, close twice as many deals by this time next week sound impossible it's not with the one call close
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