The Ryan Hanley Show - RHS 135 - The Only Superpower You Need

Episode Date: March 24, 2022

Became a Master of the Close: https://masteroftheclose.comThe Only Superpower You NeedThere is only one superpower you need to win.It's not intelligence or good looks or killer sales skills... it's ma...cro consistency.The consistent, win.Period.Episode Highlights: Ryan explains why he hasn't done an episode in a couple of weeks. (1:26) Ryan believes that consistency is a success superpower. (3:11) Ryan discusses how the difference between those who use consistency as a superpower and those who don't is that those micro-moments may derail macro consistency. (4:58) Ryan explains that when people know they can rely on you, and you trust yourself, you have a superpower. (7:19) Ryan mentions that if he can think of anything he regrets, it's the times when he allowed micro-inconsistencies. (09:05) Ryan mentions that if you want to be successful, you must show up, return, and be consistent. Make a plan to make it happen. (11:26) Ryan expresses his desire for himself and everyone else to become the type of person who can trust themselves, who can believe that once they put their minds to anything, they will return back until the task is done. (12:46) Key Quotes: “When people know they can count on you, good things happen. And not just other people, like you start to trust yourself. And that to me, my friends is the superpower is that you trust yourself” - Ryan Hanley “We just can't let little micro speed bumps, little obstacles that show up derail us from coming back to that thing that we want, that we know is good, that we know brings us joy and happiness and meaning in our lives.” - Ryan Hanley “This is my goal to become the type of person who can trust myself, who can trust me, who I can believe that when I set myself to something I will continue to come back until the task is done. I wish that for myself. I wish it for you.” - Ryan Hanley Resources Mentioned:Reach out to Ryan Hanley Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you go to the gym and you work out and you come back and you look in the mirror, you will see nothing. If you go to the gym the next day and you come back and you look in the mirror, you will see nothing. So clearly there's no results, can't be measured, it must not be effective. So we quit. Or if you fundamentally believe that this is the right course of action and you stick with it, you commit yourself to an act of service. You commit yourself to the regime, the exercise. You can screw it up. You can eat chocolate cake one day. You can skip a day or two. But if you stick with it consistently, I'm not exactly sure what day, but I know you'll start getting into shape. Going to the gym for
Starting point is 00:00:35 nine hours does not get you into shape. Working out every day for 20 minutes gets you into shape. It's not about the events. It's not about intensity. It's about consistency. My friends, today we're going to talk about cultivating a superpower. In a crude laboratory in the basement of his home. What's up guys, welcome back to the show. Today's episode is going to be short, but hopefully powerful and important. I'm going to talk about consistency and maybe you're saying to yourself, Ryan, you haven't been consistently putting out the podcast lately, so it's a bit hypocritical to talk about consistency. And maybe that's true, but when in doubt, pull back. I've been consistently putting out podcasts since 2012. So yeah, I've missed a couple weeks and it's excited to share that with you when the time is right. And there's decisions that need to be made and money to be made and expenses to be paid
Starting point is 00:02:14 and people to put in place and train and teach and build process and all that stuff. And it can be overwhelming, and it can be monotonous, and it can be overwhelming and it can be monotonous and it can be tiring. And I don't give a fuck. Show up. Keep showing up. Right. I found that clip from Simon Sinek shared multiple times. I was scrolling through Instagram reels because I, Instagram reels for, I find a lot of like drills to do for the little league baseball team that I coach. I love coaching baseball. I just absolutely love it. If I could find a way to make money coaching baseball, that's probably what I would do. But I love coaching Little League. I love being around the kids. And I scroll Instagram Reels to find like baseball clips. Well,
Starting point is 00:03:11 for some reason, this audio, a couple different people shared it with like different images behind it or whatever. I don't know if you know about Instagram Reels and how you can do that. But you know, a couple people that obviously saved the audio and replayed it and different stuff. And I saw it, and I kept hearing it. And for some reason, it grabbed me, and it took me all the way to the end of the video every time. I didn't kind of keep scrolling. It stopped the scroll for me, and I started thinking about what Simon was saying. And it hit me. This is a superpower.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Consistency is a superpower. And the best part about it is we all can cultivate this superpower. It is the superpower of success. It's not intelligence. It's not good looks. It's not being quick on your feet, you know, talking. It's not being a good salesperson or a good marketer or good at finance or good at accounting or good at you know leadership it's none of those
Starting point is 00:04:10 things the the superpower of success is consistency it's can you show up every day and if not every day as often as you possibly can and? And can you continue to show up and to come back and to do the work and to get one more piece of content out, to send one more email, to make one more phone call, to do that work? When you look at, you know, just think of the people that you admire in your life. They're consistent. Now, if you go super narrow, if you go super close, if you drill in, can you find moments of inconsistency? Of course you can. We're human. But what happens is the difference between the people who harness consistency as a superpower and those that don't is they allow those micro moments
Starting point is 00:05:07 to wreck macro consistency. They let micro inconsistency wreck macro consistency because that's what matters. Macro consistency. Showing up over the course of time again and again to be there for whatever it is that you do. If it's sports, it's showing up on the field. It's doing that extra, taking that extra ground ball, doing a little extra teamwork, a couple more foul shots, a couple forehands if you're Daniel Sung's son who's learning tennis out there, it's a couple more of whatever. If it's work, if you're in sales, it's a couple more phone calls, a couple more emails, a couple more text messages. If you're in marketing, it's a couple more posts. It's working a few extra minutes. I always put out on Twitter, Sundays are for SEO, right? Every Sunday morning, I do something to work on the SEO of our website, the search engine
Starting point is 00:06:09 optimization. I pop open A-Refs and I look at something, maybe links are broken or there's an orphan page or, you know, something, some page that I think is well optimized isn't ranking well and I go in and I add some content to it or fix something or point some links at it or whatever. I share it a couple more times to try to get more traffic to it, to build it up. I'm doing something every Sunday. Every Sunday is for SEO. Sundays are for SEO. That's my thing. It doesn't have to be your thing. I don't even know that is a thing, but that's what I do. And you're never going to regret creating two blog posts on your website every week. And maybe you regret not doing two or maybe you'll regret not doing three versus two,
Starting point is 00:06:55 but you're certainly going to regret not doing any. And the same thing goes for phone calls. The same thing goes for texting friends. If you want to build relationships, right? You want to build relationships, deeper relationships with different people in your life. You're never going to regret sending that text message and asking how someone's doing, but you're certainly going to regret not doing it. And if you do it once, do it quarterly. Do it every month. Do it every week. Make a phone call. Show up. When people know they can count on you. Good things happen.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And not just other people. Like you start to trust yourself. And that to me, my friends, is the superpower. Is that you trust yourself when you cultivate consistency, when whatever that means to you, whether it's prospecting or helping people in your office or in your business or reaching out and building new relationships or doing something romantic for your spouse or significant other or helping teach your kids something or doing your homework with them or reading books or working out or going for walks or meditating or whatever it is that thing
Starting point is 00:08:08 that you want to build consistency around, you want to grow and cultivate, whatever that thing is, you need to be able to trust yourself to do it. So when you make those commitments, you know you're going to follow through. And it is those people who trust themselves to follow through on the commitments they make because they know at a macro level, they will be consistent in their effort to drive forward. It is those people who reach their goals. They do not allow micro moments. And a micro moment could be a 10 minute block in your day, or it could be a week of your life or a month in your life. But it's those people who come back and are macro consistent that win. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Sorry to take you away from the episode, but as you know, we do not run ads on this show. And in exchange for that, I need your help. If you're loving this episode, if you enjoy this podcast, whether you're watching on YouTube or you're listening on your favorite podcast platform, I would love for you to subscribe, share, comment if you're on YouTube, leave a rating review if you're on Spotify or Apple iTunes, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:09:16 This helps the show grow. It helps me bring more guests in. We have a tremendous lineup of people coming in, men and women who've done incredible things, sharing their stories around peak performance, leadership, growth, sales, the things that are going to help you grow as a person and grow your business. But they all check out comments, ratings, reviews. They check out all this information before they come on. So as I reach out to more and more people and want to bring them in and share their stories with you, I need your help.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Share the show. Subscribe if you're not subscribed. And I'd love for you to leave a comment about the show because I read all the comments. Or if you're on Apple or Spotify, leave a rating review of this show. I love you for listening to this show. And I hope you enjoy it listening as much as I do creating the show for you. All right, I'm out of here. Peace.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Let's get back to the episode. My friends, we're ending the first quarter of 2022. What I wish for you, what I hope is that you cultivate macro consistency in your life. If I can think through anything that I have regrets about, it's the moments where I allowed micro inconsistencies, a bad day, a fight with someone, a disagreement, a loss in business, I didn't make a sale, if I didn't get a hit in baseball or something, it's where I allowed those moments to wreck my macro consistency where I didn't come back because of some micro moment. Who cares if that prospect slammed the door in your face, right? You can wallow in it for a second.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Shit, if you need to go get a beer or whatever you need to do, go bitch to a coworker about it for a second and take that time. Do that. And then come back and be macro consistent. Because if you can do that, you'll win. And I think about the rest of my year. That's what I'm doing right now. We're sitting here.
Starting point is 00:11:22 First quarter's coming to an end. We had some good things happen. We had some things happen that, you know, I would love to have done better at. But in general, things are going well. And I look at why those things are going well. What are the, you know, what is the thing? Is it, it wasn't just one blog post. It just wasn't one page on our website.
Starting point is 00:11:41 It just wasn't one new process. It just wasn't one conversation I had with a team member. It just wasn't one new process. It just wasn't one conversation I had with a team member. It just wasn't one review we got from a new client. It's an overall macro consistent effort on a day-to-day basis to push forward the initiatives that are most important to our business. I think about my personal life. I think about the work that we do at the gym, the relationship I have with my children. I think about the relationship that I have with my friends, the moments, the joy that I find in my life. I'm rediscovering the spiritual nature that I had when I was younger, that life kind of beat out of me and trying to be more macro consistent with my relationship with God. And these things, we just can't let little micro speed bumps,
Starting point is 00:12:31 little obstacles that show up derail us from coming back to that thing that we want, that we know is good, that we know brings us joy and happiness and meaning in our lives. And I think out over the best advice that I've received and the best advice that I've given. And it comes back to consistency. Just show up. Just do the work. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Find ways to do it. And if you're saying, well, Ryan, what about variety? You know, I get bored. Everybody gets fucking bored. Man up, woman up, whatever it is, whatever your thing is. Show up, come back. It's called being an adult. You want to be successful? Show up, come back, be consistent, find a way to make it happen. You know, maybe, maybe, maybe you start your videos different if that's what you're doing or you try a different way of answering the phone or you try a different intro to an email
Starting point is 00:13:31 or you ask a client for a review in a different way or you find a new way to contact that marketing rep who could potentially get you that appointment that you want. You do a little more research, take a little more research. Take a little more time. Read a different style book. If you read nonfiction books all the time, pick up a fiction book. Pick up a fiction book and see what happens to your brain, what happens to your mindset when you allow yourself to dig into something
Starting point is 00:13:58 that isn't real but still has meaning. And I just, guys, I wish for you the rest of 22 macro consistency in the things that you find meaning in. And I wish you nothing but success for 2022 for the rest of it. This is my goal to become, to become the type of person who can trust myself, who can trust me, who I can believe that when I set myself to something, I will continue to come back
Starting point is 00:14:31 until the task is done. I wish that for myself. I wish it for you. And I hope you absolutely fucking crush the rest of 2022. I'm out of here. Peace. week. Sound impossible? It's not. With the one call close system, you'll stop chasing leads and start closing deals in one call. This is the exact method we use to close 1200 clients under three
Starting point is 00:15:12 years during the pandemic. No fluff, no endless follow-ups, just results fast. Based in behavioral psychology and battle tested, the one call close system eliminates excuses and gets the prospect saying yes more than you ever thought possible. If you're ready to stop losing opportunities and start winning, visit That's Do it today.

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