The Ryen Russillo Podcast - Life After Football With Rob Gronkowski and Life Advice

Episode Date: August 15, 2024

Russillo is joined by Rob Gronkowski to discuss everything from how Bill Belichick shaped his career to eating in Europe to his favorite musical groups (0:33). Plus, Life Advice with Kyle and Ceruti (...31:10)! Should I move to a new city for my job? Check us out on YouTube for exclusive clips, livestreams, and more at The Ringer is committed to responsible gaming. Please check out to find out more, or listen to the end of the episode for additional details. Host: Ryen Russillo Guest: Rob Gronkowski Producers: Steve Ceruti, Kyle Crichton, and Mike Wargon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We've got Garonk, one of the all-time great tight ends, four Super Bowls for the guy. We've had him on in the past, looking forward to talking football, the Chiefs trying to go for the three feet, but more importantly, his mixtape for working out, and we got into the food issues that we have here in the States. And sure, you didn't expect that, did you? You expected on Rogan, but not with Gronk and Rosillo. This episode is brought to you by Mitsubishi.
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Starting point is 00:01:50 He's back on the program. We're excited about it. Rob Gronkowski, NFL legend, multiple Superbowl winner, also with Fox and joining us through T-Mobile, which he's doing some cool stuff with. We'll ask him about at the end of this. So what's up, man? It's good to see you again. What's up, Ryan? How are you doing, man? I'm good. I'm good. I'm getting ready for um, you know, for another season as you are. And the chiefs do what is one of the hardest things to do in all sports is repeat and they're going to try to do this one more time here, uh, or as many more times they possibly can. When you think back to the past days, uh, when I think about the Superbowls that you won while you were there, like you went in 16, you
Starting point is 00:02:21 can't really say you had some kind of hangover when you lose in the Superbowl, but what is that? What is that challenge that you won while you were there, like you win in 16, you can't really say you had some kind of hangover when you lose in the Super Bowl, but what is that challenge like? What is it like when you go, our standard is only one thing? Mike McDonald You know, it's stressful in a way. It's also a really cool situation to be in as well, because the standard is set. It's Super Bowl or BUS. You know, you can go to the playoffs, you can go to the AFC Championship game.
Starting point is 00:02:51 That's a successful year for many other teams, but not necessarily for your team, because your standard is the Super Bowl. Your standard is to win Super Bowls. So to repeat as a Super Bowl champion is one of the hardest things to do in sports. And I got to tip my hat to the Kansas city cheese for being able to pull it off the last two years and repeat.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Everyone's vying for you. Everyone's coming after you. They know you're the team to beat. Even the worst team in the league when they're playing you, they just want to win that game because that's their Superbowl. So they're giving you everything that they have. They're coming up with trick plays. They're coming up with schemes
Starting point is 00:03:29 that you may never seen before. So everyone's throwing their eggs in the basket whenever they're playing you. So you got to be on your A game, week in and week out. And you got to be a smart organization as well in order to find different ways to win games year in and year out if you want to repeat as champions. And that's what the Kansas City Chiefs have done.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Is it up to the coaches or is it more on the players that have already had that success to keep everybody in the same direction? It's up to the whole organization as a whole. You got to be on the same page with everyone from the ownership to the coaches, to the players. If you just have the coaches on the page of wanting to repeat, I'm wanting to be champions and the players aren't really on the same page. It's never going to work in order to win championships in the league. Since every team is so good, every team has talent, every
Starting point is 00:04:21 team has good coaching. Everyone has to be on the same wavelength. I feel like that's where the Kansas City Chiefs are and I feel like they have a good chance winning again because they got that core set of players in that organization and with the coaching staff as well. When we were in New England, we had that as well with Julian, myself, with Devin McCordy on the defensive side of the ball, uh, with high tower as well. So guys that were always there that were setting the standard, they knew, you know, what to expect year in and year out. And, uh, that's, that's kind of how you repeat is everyone's jelling together year in and year out. If, if one, you know, one aspect of your organization is all in
Starting point is 00:05:06 the other aspects out, it's never going to work. You're never going to become champions. So everyone has to be all in. Were you a speech guy? I was never really a speech guy. Coach Belichick was more of the speech guy, but it wasn't like a hype up type of speech. He would just kind of give you the direction on how to win the game. It wasn't like he would amp you up. He would in some ways, but Tom, I would say was more of the speech guy. Julian at times great speech guy who would get under your skin in a way, uh, you know, which is, which was always great whenever he did that, you know, definitely got you tingling. But, um, there was a couple other guys
Starting point is 00:05:45 as well. Matthew Slater, another speech guy, terrific teammate as well. So I just named all those guys as well. And those guys were all core players with the New England Patriots. And that's why we are successful because we had a great core of players that were there year in and year out and same with the coaching staff. I'm going to do something different here because as I was, I was prepping my big Rob Gronkowski interview, I was watching different interviews and I went up to Jules Place and did his pod games of names and I watched you with him and I learned something about you. I had no idea that LMFAO was your favorite band in the world at one point.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And it makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. Yeah, they were definitely my favorite band at one point. It was about my first year in the league, second year in the league when LMFAO was at their stardom. They were one of the biggest bands out there. And the Red Fu was my favorite performer. I mean, their brand just fit me perfectly. Party rocking, shuffling, jumping up and down,
Starting point is 00:06:49 just doing all the crazy things that you can just totally imagine being at a party. So they just, you know, fit my brand perfectly at the time. I still love the guys. I don't think they're really a band anymore, but let me tell you, they were the best. And they're kind of the reason why I lost my mind after the Super Bowl when we lost in Indianapolis. They were performing at our after party
Starting point is 00:07:10 and I just couldn't believe it was the first time I got to meet them and I just went bazooka even though we lost because it was Alan Mephail, my favorite band. So as I'm watching the clips, like, you know, this all credit to Jules, like I can't do that interview with you because I wasn't your teammate for 10 years. So I was like, I know, this all credit to Jules, like, I can't do that interview with you because I wasn't your teammate for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:07:27 So I was like, I wouldn't have been able to get that out of him. So I'm giving them the credit. But you just said something, who replaced LMFAO? I mean, I still love LMFAO. Red Fu, I mean, I did a couple of events with him. He performed at a couple of my parties before. So great dude, great music, and definitely great to have for throwbacks.
Starting point is 00:07:47 But I would definitely say that Flow Rider, I wouldn't say replace LLMFAO, but Flow Rider has so many great hits out there. I love Flow Rider. It's the music that gets you amped up that you want to dance to. And that's why I love Flow Rider as well. He has just mega amounts of number one hits. He's always on top of the charts, always creating new music. So Flo Rida is definitely my favorite guy out there right now in the music industry. What's on your gym playlist?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I switch it up a lot. You know, I'm starting to really like country music. There's no doubt about that. I feel like the whole world's starting to like country music, but I don't like that country country music. I like the good country, the pop country, the top five songs that each artists have. When you start getting deep in the track, it starts getting too slow.
Starting point is 00:08:37 They start talking about their cat, their dog, they're drinking too much. I love that music that's, it's a little slow, but it's also popping. It gets you off the chair and gets you excited. Yeah. I can't imagine you've ever wanted to throw on some slow James Taylor. Like it just, you don't need that in your life. You don't need to be, you don't need to be mellowed out.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Right? I like being mellowed out sometimes like a drive or just chilling at night, but not like super mellow. I like the upbeat still type of mellow music and that's what country's providing these days. I really like it. So can you, if it's, I don't know what your workout routine is like. You'd look, you still look huge, but
Starting point is 00:09:17 actually, I'll tell you this. Look a little slimmer. I look a little slimmer. Okay. Here you go. I just weighed myself last night. I went on a Euro trip. I look a little slimmer. Okay, here you go. I just weighed myself last night I went on a euro trip. I was there for 16 days I don't believe in whole foods anymore because the foods over there are all whole foods. They're all organic
Starting point is 00:09:35 You don't even have to say organic is just food over there. It's medicine over there So I wanted to test that theory that everyone goes over there and they lose weight and they eat all the food possible. Well, let me tell you, I ate everything. I was eating like 10 slices of bread a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, like 30 ounce steaks, you name it. And I came back and I weighed myself last night and I was 274 pounds, the heaviest I have ever been
Starting point is 00:10:03 in my life was last night. So you just said I'm looking slim right now. So that's a compliment, man. So I'm, I'm the heaviest I ever been at two 74. So the reason I probably feel good still is because I was eating the food in Europe and I'm telling you, I didn't get no stomach aches. I was eating probably 600 calories of ice cream every night of gelato. It was just so good, man. And 274 heaviest I ever been, man. Feel good. You don't look at, maybe it's the angle, but then when you flexed, I just, I always expect like the arms of Thor.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So I don't know if it's a definition thing. Maybe that's what threw me off. All right. So let's talk European eating. I just got back from Spain. I was in a couple of different spots. I went to the bullfights, which you would probably enjoy, but it's not for everybody. It's not for everybody. So I'll just, I'll just put it that way. So you don't have to, you don't have to comment on that one.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I lose weight every time I go to Europe because I always feel like the portions are so small. They love just kind of sitting and taking their time, maybe sipping a beer for an hour. Obviously there's 20 cigarettes in there, but then there's these smaller things. And then I went to one restaurant one night where I was like, this place is probably pretty average. So I've just figured if I ordered three things and one's terrible, I'll still have the other two meals and the woman didn't speak any English. She brought over another guy who spoke some English and he said, excuse me, my
Starting point is 00:11:23 partner said that you ordered three entrees. You can't do that here. And I was like, well, you actually aren't letting me order the third plate. And they were like, no, it's too much food. You can't do it. I was like, all right, fine.
Starting point is 00:11:36 But maybe you have me on the gelato thing. So you think it was gelato every night? It was gelato and we were ordering insane amounts of portions. I mean we had a group about 10 of us. Where were you? I was actually in Poland first. I went with Monster. We went on a little military tour base trip and I went to three different military bases and visited our troops in Poland which was really cool and my my favorite part about that trip was obviously visiting the troops, that was really cool.
Starting point is 00:12:08 But from going from base to base, we were stopping at gas stations and I was eating the gas station burgers. And let me tell you, they were the best burgers I've ever had in my life. And what I love about it so much is they don't use ketchup there, they use mayo. And it's a total different type of mayo
Starting point is 00:12:32 in Poland. And it's just like, like, indescribable how good it is. It's like fluffy. It kind of looks like, like whipped cream a little bit. And it just tastes so good. I'm just dipping my burger into the mayonnaise and just going all out. And I would order like probably two burgers at a time and the pasta, we would order pasta at night for every meal. We would do those cheese platters every single time for appetizers, but then I would get the biggest steak possible, 30 ounce to 40 ounces. I would just mow down the whole thing. I didn't waste any food at all. Really proud of you. I'm proud of you finding a way to get all those calories in because I just, whenever I'm there, I always lose weight, but I am with you on when you walk around and you see people eating stuff that you would go, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:13:11 they're having pizza with every meal. There's always French fries with everything. Like why are there not more obese people? And I think it gets back to your whole foods point. Like something's going on here. This is not some weird deal. I've traveled enough where I go, where are the overweight people? And it just isn't there.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, because there's no chemicals or any GMOs or any of that bullshit in the Europe food. So you can eat it and your body knows what's going on and it can process it. You know, when you got the chemicals and whatever else they put in our food here in the US, I mean, it sits in your body then, and it just like sticks,
Starting point is 00:13:45 and it doesn't process the right way, I feel like. So that's kind of my theory, but I feel like everyone's on the same page that goes to Europe and eats. That's the thing, as soon as I came back after a few trips, I'm like, what is going on? Maybe this isn't just some conspiracy blog. Okay, back to football on this one.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Are you more surprised that you're in the media or that Belichick's about to be in the media? Definitely more surprised that Coach Belichick is gonna be in the media. But what I'm really surprised about is that how many different networks that he's gonna be working for this year in the media. I think he's on like five different shows.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I mean, Coach Belichick, man, loves the game of football, no doubt, and he has knowledge to spread around on all five of the shows, that's for sure. So I'm definitely surprised how many shows he's just doing. I'm not surprised he's gonna be in the media, but just kind of worried that he's not gonna have any downtime. Yeah, look, I don't think, I think life and football
Starting point is 00:14:44 and having a schedule and then just abruptly now, it's not gonna be the same look, I don't think I think life and football and in having a schedule and then just abruptly now it's not going to be the same thing. I'm not surprised. And in some of the stuff that I've seen from him, when he wants to share that side of the personality, when he wants to talk about this game that he loves, I think people are really going to like it. Did he call you for any tips? No, he didn't call me for any tips. And if you, if you watch the roast, you definitely know he's not going to call me for any tips? No, he didn't call me for any tips. And if you, if you watch the roast, you definitely know he's not going to call me for any tips because remember his joke about me.
Starting point is 00:15:08 He got me pretty good. He goes around, I got that famous slogan, do your job. And let me tell you, I've been watching you on Fox Sundays for the last two years and please stop doing your job. So I could tell you this. I don't think he's going to call me for any tips. He's telling me not to do my job anymore. So huge shout out to coach Belichick. I think he's going to be terrific in the media. He has so much knowledge. I mean, he's the one who took my game to a whole, to a whole new level, just my mental game, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:40 of on the football aspect side and just how much I've learned through him, just how many little technique things I've learned, just how many different rules I've learned through just being with coach Belichick as well. I mean, he knows the playbooks, he knows the rule books, he knows the defensive side of the ball, the offense side of the ball, the special teams aspect of the game like no one else.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So he's gonna be able to share his knowledge and he's gonna do unbelievable. You really think you'd be that different of a player if you hadn't been with Bill? In a way, definitely. You know, I felt like going to New England was actually the best thing for me. I would not have changed, you know, the last my first nine years in the NFL, you know, being here in New England, you know, I kind of was a freelancer a little bit. I liked that structure of a program. I liked that discipline that Coach Belichick has.
Starting point is 00:16:33 It's more old school and I feel like it was a perfect fit for me. And I feel like that's what I needed early in my career. I was thinking about this because it kind of plays back into the Chiefs thing a little bit. Like that's probably the worst statistical season we're going to see from the homes for a really long time.
Starting point is 00:16:49 All right. It still didn't matter. Uh, they're going to try to take Kelsey away as the first option, as much as they can, they weren't afraid of the receivers that should change with some personnel changes, but you would hope if you're a chief's fan, but when teams are going up against you, do you have a game where, I, maybe it was in the preparation or maybe it was playing out in the field. The first couple of series, you go, this entire game plan of this defense is to
Starting point is 00:17:14 stop me and I have to figure out a way to impact this game. Is there a memory or a story from a specific matchup where it was, it stood out to you how much you were the focus of the defense. Yeah, that has happened. Uh, you know, a few times in my career where I've gotten double teamed in the past game, uh, you know, the focus for the defense was just to stop me solely, but, you know, being with Tom Brady and having coach Belichick as your coach, those are the
Starting point is 00:17:46 two guys you want on your side when that's happening because Tom knows how to distribute the ball. He knows how to get the ball in other players hands. Coach Belichick knows how to switch, switch up the scheme and use that to our advantage because I'm getting double teamed in the passing game. And I would get frustrated at times when that happens, especially if we're not producing. It's very frustrating. But if we're producing, it's totally fine. If other guys are getting open, you feel good about yourself and also getting double teamed. It's, it's a form of respect that they're giving you as well. So if you're just successful, uh, throughout the game, still we're still winning, we're still driving, we're still putting out points then it's cool, but it gets really frustrating if nothing's, you know, triggering, if nothing
Starting point is 00:18:39 else is going on, if we're not moving the ball, uh, because you really can't do anything about it. Cause you're getting, you're getting jammed off the line and then there's a linebacker hitting you, then you got the safety covering you and it's hard to get open in that situation. But when your teammates are helping you out and that's why the game of football is all about team. Because if you take away one guy,
Starting point is 00:18:58 you gotta have other good players around you. And in those situations, I had great guys around me, especially with Tom being able to distribute the ball to the guy that gives us the best chance to get a first down or a touchdown. Were you, because you like blocking so much and you were so just, you were awesome, man. You just took guys out.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Because of your blocking ability, did it allow you, if you weren't getting targets, to still have fun? Yes, definitely. I love blocking. I just never really liked going out for a pass every single play. I mean, it would be tough.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I was 260 pounds. I mean, I wasn't in the shape that wide receivers are in. But I also loved the block as well. And it would give me a little break in the passing game and a good block would give you the juice for the next play to go out and run down the field and get open and have a catch. So, you know, it was beneficial on both sides.
Starting point is 00:19:52 It was beneficial both aspects of the game to be able to block and go out and, you know, receive a pass or a touchdown. A big block though, I think, I'm talking like a big block, like a short yardage third and two, and they run right behind you. I think that was more beneficial, you know, more of an adrenaline rush than going out and catching a pass or a touchdown sometimes.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I mean, it's just a great feeling to just know that a running back that you just want man to man with another, with another NFL player that's, that's heads up on you, you move them out of the way and the running back that you just want man to man with another NFL player that's heads up on you. You move them out of the way and the running back runs right behind you. That's always a good feeling. And it's a form of respect as well to your teammates. And to that point as well, that's when you can use getting double teamed
Starting point is 00:20:41 and the defense trying to solely take you away from the game. You can use that to your advantage by, you know, running the opposite way, because you got two guys above me, vice and me sometimes. So then you run the opposite way and they're not going to have as many guys over there, you know, in the run game. So that's when you got to master the game plan on how the defense is playing you. Okay, so Mayo takes over and. It's I don't want to say it's impossible but again we understand what what he is following here he is following the greatest run in the history of the
Starting point is 00:21:12 sport in the job that Belichick did. You know him obviously so what do you think this is going to be like for him? Well Gerard Mayo as a player, I mean, he was a captain for us. Uh, he was kind of, I mean, that kind of, I played with him kind of like, what was it like 10 years ago? So all the way, like, it was about 10 years ago. He retired in, I think in like 2016, 2015. So I had about my first four or five years with him. And for what I remember, he was one of the smartest players on the defense side of the ball. He was a captain of the defense. He aligned all the other players around him on the defense side of the ball where they needed to be. He got everyone in position. He was
Starting point is 00:21:53 the, he was the play caller on the defense side of the ball. If there was a guy that I would say would be a coach in the NFL after they were done playing, it was Gerard Mayo. And to be with New England, I would have never have guessed that, that he was gonna be the next head coach of New England while we were playing. But you just knew that he had the skill set to be a coach after he was done playing as a player in the NFL. And he's in a pretty tough situation. It's not like he took over an organization where, you know, it was steady, you know, where you had a quarterback that was ready to go. You have weapons that are ready to produce. I mean, he's kind of in a situation where
Starting point is 00:22:35 he would be on a tendency to fail more than, you know, having success in the first year. But I feel like he's in the right direction I don't think you know they're gonna produce too well this year But in the future I think they will produce in about two years three years And what I really really like what they're doing right now is they're retaining the core guys in the organization They signed about four or five guys that have been there in the organization. They signed about four or five guys that have been there to deals and extended them.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And that's why I see them being good in about two or three years when the younger guys get up to par of where they want them to be. Yeah, new quarterback. So I don't even know, do you have thoughts on Drake May this soon? I have really no thoughts on him yet. I really haven't seen him play in college.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I just seen a couple of interviews about him, you know, coming out of college at the draft. I really like his family, you know, kind of reminds me of my family. I really like him as a person. I just don't know anything about him as a player. Haven't seen any film yet, you know, throughout training camp. Like I said, I was in Europe, so I haven't really seen any football. So I just got back yesterday, so I'm gonna be on top of my game now, so no thoughts yet.
Starting point is 00:23:46 No, and I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I kind of assumed that, so it wasn't like I was expecting this full breakdown of like, oh, I like is, you know, outside the numbers, look out. But I did think about the Klan, the May Klan and the Gronkowski Klan. But it's just tough to put it up anybody against you.
Starting point is 00:24:03 They just don't have the numbers. Maybe if he and Luke were playing you and Chris two on two, maybe, but you're gonna overwhelm. Your clan is too big. Yeah, are you talking two on two basketball? Yeah, two on two. I was just trying to think. Well, because you know his brother played,
Starting point is 00:24:21 I think the last professional stop was Japan, but was a stud at UNC. I would say that they would probably win two on two in basketball. I mean, my family and I, we don't really have the basketball skills. I mean, I was good in high school, but I was more just a big man.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I was just bigger than everyone else. But I would say they would definitely win two on two in basketball. I got my ass kicked yesterday in two on two by Matt Leinert's son and his buddy. That was humiliating. Yeah, I just met Matt Leinert's son. He's gonna be, what, a senior this year?
Starting point is 00:24:53 He's got a couple offers. Is that who you're talking about? Yeah, I mean, he's an awesome kid, Cole, and he also is like six five, shoots from NBA threes, doesn't miss, can dunk. And so, you know, it was my birthday this week and his dad was like, do you want to play my son again? And I was like, well, I don't want to,
Starting point is 00:25:11 but I definitely am going to. Yeah, you're definitely not winning that. Yeah, well, I don't like my approach. I think I learned some things from that matchup. Speaking of high school sports though, Gronk, I know you are always, always involved. And we have the Friday Night 5G Lights program where T-Mobile's invested billions to bring 5G network
Starting point is 00:25:32 to small towns, including programs to connect kids across America and upgrade parks, playgrounds, libraries, and local businesses. And now we're giving your hometown the 5G advantage in upgrading football fields across America. And Rob Gronkowski is a big part of this. So tell us more about what's going on with T-Mobile, because this is actually a really cool program as you read through it.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yes, it's really, really cool. And what I really like about it is that it's getting kids, you know, that are coming up, you know, that are going to be the next generation, an opportunity to succeed. And T-Mobile and I, we teamed up for a lucrative campaign, which just dropped the other week. And it's a nationwide competition inviting high schools to share their stories for a chance to win a multi-million dollar
Starting point is 00:26:14 football stadium makeover. And prizes include a hundred thousand dollar cash grant, a new TechDow scoreboard, the ultimate tailgate party for the whole community, a 5G powered drone show, and my favorite, we have teamed up with T-Mobile as well, Grant Fitness, my family business, we will be upgrading the weight room so the kids can stay strong, so they can stay fit and go out there and perform out on the football field.
Starting point is 00:26:43 So this is just an opportunity. The program is called Friday night, five G lights. And for these high schools to enter, just go to for your chance for your high school, for a chance to win this unbelievable campaign. And since you're up to two 70 plus, when you make it back out to LA, I'm giving you a formal invite to my home gym called the mass station and we'll, we'll get the playlist going. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:10 We'll get you back down to 265. No, I need to put more mass on. I never hit 280 in my life. I kind of just want to do it just to test it out, just to see how I feel. Cause I don't feel bad at all, but I think I should go to Europe and put the food and put it on and get the 280 with the European food. I feel good at 274 right now. I was just shooting some hoops before we got on and I was swishing all my three stills. So I'm cool with it. Get the 280. Maybe my biceps could be like the Dwayne Johnson's where his biceps like all the way out to here. So we'll see.
Starting point is 00:27:45 We'll see if I do that. There's, you're just a template of growth. There's all sorts of options you have right now, buddy. Uh, it's great seeing you. Thanks again, man. And we look forward to checking you out on Fox this fall. Hey, Ryan, thanks for having me, man. We go way back to 2010 when we first met.
Starting point is 00:28:00 You remember that? I do. Cause I was big on it. I was early on the Gronk train and I was so pumped to get you guys in studio. And then I might've changed my number cause I know we stopped, not that we were texting all the time.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You still have my favorite text response of all time. And you don't even know this. Do you know, did we talk about this ever? Nah, I don't think we ever talked about it. We can share it, it's totally fine. So you were her and you were up in Foxboro. And I think at that point, you knew I was friends with a couple of guys
Starting point is 00:28:28 from back in the day. And I had hung out with you a couple of times. And so we were having an ESPN like Christmas party and we were doing it at my place. And I was like, look, if you have nothing to do, it's less than an hour and a half away, just shoot down here. You'll know some of the people are gonna be at it.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It's gonna be a safe space, whatever. And you were like, actually, yeah, maybe I will. I don't know. And maybe you had no intention of ever doing it, but you were really nice about it. And then you would ask me like, hey, what's up? And I was like, oh, I'm just bored. And it took you a full day to respond.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And the response was, I hate being bored. And it was my favorite response. It was a day later and it was like the truest thing Rob Gertrude Kauski could ever say about himself. I hate it. That is the truest thing. I used to hate being bored. And let me tell you now,
Starting point is 00:29:19 the program has switched. I love being bored at times now. Like it's one of my favorite things to just sit back, lay on the couch, you know, turn the TV on, watch some TV shows, be bored a little bit, kind of brings my juice back to me. You know, that's what happens when you get older. I guess you get a little bit more bored, but I'm still fun, all right? But I do like being bored sometimes. It just feels good, it refreshes you, it brings you back to life after it's done. There you go, that nap, those power naps, put the mask back on.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Aw, thanks buddy. We'll talk soon. Hey Ryan, thanks for having me, buddy. The NFL Futures are out and now is the time to get in on the action early this season, because right now, new customers get $150 in bonus bets if your first $5 bet wins. Okay, so let's take a look at stuff. There's everything on here.
Starting point is 00:30:16 It gets better every year. All right, so what I wanted to do is I wanted to look at all win totals and look at the bad teams. And if you look at last year, Carolina had two wins, worst team in the league, three teams then had four wins, one team had five wins. So if you look at it that way and you say, okay, well who's projected to be bad knowing that in the NFL turnover here, turnover there,
Starting point is 00:30:39 you're probably still gonna get your five, six wins. So Minnesota over four and a half wins is minus three 55. Tennessee over four and a half wins minus three 20. So I was looking at anything between minus 300 minus 400. So it's not so much the payout. It's just that, and by the way, you can parlay that if you would like as well. If you look at the best regular season records here on this, Kansas city's plus 700 San Francisco's plus 900.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Maybe I just think the NFC's easier and San Francisco's a really good bet on that. If you look at strength of schedule, they're anywhere from 12th to middle of the pack. I like the Jets over on nine and a half. Derek Henry, 15 plus rushing touchdowns is plus 500. That seems a little high, but I was wondering if maybe Lamar, good teammate, new guy on the team, would just start handing it off to him a little bit more, or maybe just one completely benefits from the threat of the other.
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Starting point is 00:34:37 The email address is lifeadvicerr at Let's get to it. The guy has a working theory with a title that has to do with athletes, so it's called the KD Chi regeneration. So something a little different here, dear gents, I'm 27 and wanted to come to the esteem tri what? Triumvirate.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I've heard that. I don't know what it is. No, no, it is. Yeah. He, it threw me off for a second. Obviously I know what the word is, but it just iced I choked Yep, so my bad apologies to the I would be my learning a new word if you guys want to just kick me some knowledge Real quick. I'm sure what the word is like a group. I'm like a cabal. What is it?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Well, the root of it would mean what try tricep three heads? So that's three people that Got that part. Right. So it means three people on a panel or in a fraternity that will take him to the tribunal. Three people. So yeah. But it's triumvirate, right? V-rate, triumvirate. Is that what you're saying? Yeah. I don't think it's rate. Triumvirate. Yeah. Triumvirate. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I don't think it's rate, triumvirate. Triumvirate, so the definition is a group of three men holding power, which is, I guess it dates back to like, Hell yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Dates back to Julius Caesar, Pompeii. This is just Google, I don't know. Sounds cool though. Yep, sounds good, okay. That's not like the most out there words, so I should have just been able to nail it on first glance. So I sound like an idiot and there you go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Six foot one 90, but hopefully down to one 88 by the time you read this, no major gym stats, but was a swimmer at TCU was awarded male breakthrough athlete of the year, my senior year over some guy named Desmond Bain, not sure what he broke through, but I'm sure it's comparable to just sitting or just trying to lose a few LBs. Anyway, I'm writing this because I've gone through all the class mid-20s moving and changing jobs because I'm gonna grasp the screen
Starting point is 00:36:35 or not always taking myself seriously, bad breakup, and chasing after the girl. Shout out to Ryan for making me feel better about that by mentioning he did the same struggles and lessons these past few years and want to get your take on the right next step to take. Oh, that's a lot of responsibility.
Starting point is 00:36:49 I'm fortunate, despite a lot of missteps, but doing really well in my career work in DC, make over 200K a year, get to travel the world for my job, but I've struggled to be content and happy. A quick pause. I have a theory for myself and so many others in my generation that we fall into the same trap Kyrie and Katie have. We've constantly dissatisfied and developed a habit of always
Starting point is 00:37:07 searching for the next thing when shit gets hard and prioritizing some etheral perfect fit over just shutting up and making the most of where we're at. I think the problem is, is if you're going with the Katie Kyrie angle, it's like, are you as good as those guys are at anything? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I think that's, I like it. I'm not saying it doesn't work. I would say the disconnect is that you can get away with way more stuff when you're one of the most special people in the world of what you do, or maybe you should be a little bit more driven, but the difference is too, like when you have four years left in your contract, you know, and you want everybody fired where you work. Uh, you know, look, want everybody fired where you work. Uh, you know, look, whatever. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Has anyone ever called anything you did amazing? Cause anyone ever said, wow, that's amazing. That's a good, it's a good benchmark to wonder if you've hit. Yeah. I mean, it sounds like our guy's doing really well. Is he doing Katie? Well, you know, that's, that's pretty well. Okay. I'm debating moving to Chicago.
Starting point is 00:38:07 He adds Illinois. Thank you for the clarification, which I'm sure, which I'm unsure if I'll enjoy unsure if I'll enjoy it because I'm not a huge urban cold weather environment guy. Uh, you're not going to like, uh, he wants to do it to truly lean in on work. I've always been remote, but my company has an office there and chase after my potential or moving back to a smaller city I've enjoyed in love, but less career options and ambitious people say a Charleston, South Carolina or San Diego. The way this decision feels larger is I want to live in whichever
Starting point is 00:38:42 spot I choose for a few years. So it seems like an inflection point of pulling a KD Kyrie and focusing on happiness and lifestyle and being content sacrificing some of the unknown of what I can achieve in my life and career. Or is it time to go old school and be like KG and just man up and go fucking chase your goals? Any advice is appreciated even it's just general advice on thinking about this phase of life, just simple, relaxed pal, huge fan of the pot. All right. Well, I think we've covered a lot of this stuff in the past and kind of where you're at generationally. I don't know that it's, it's a younger person thing.
Starting point is 00:39:11 I think sometimes it can get labeled that. Uh, but I always feel like wanting more is whether you're a loser, which I was. The only thing I could do for myself that was positive is that I actually was aware of it and wanted more. I was not, I did not want my current path to continue. And even though it was not the best time, I can look back on that and just be thankful that I cared enough that things were bad. All right. That's not even the case to you. You're 27, you're doing way better than I was at 27. So I think this becomes like just a very predictable age thing.
Starting point is 00:39:47 You're, you're feeling like every move now is the biggest move and it's not true, but it's again, the bias of the present of since it's happening right now, well, this has to be the most important thing. But if I were to tell you like, yeah, maybe you moved to Chicago and you feel like you're around people, it sounds like you're probably competitive. So that's why you're worried about maybe a smaller city. So if you're going to
Starting point is 00:40:12 a top city in your industry, what you would be doing is whether going to be the deciding factor. I mean, for some people, weather's a huge, huge factor for me for the longest time it wasn't. And then it was like, hey, maybe I can try something with better weather and will I like it more? And yes, I do. So weather's a driving factor. I can't tell you that you're wrong, but when you're younger and you're trying to figure out where you're going to fit in, I personally always went
Starting point is 00:40:35 with, if I do this, will this set me up better five years from now, 10 years from now, even if it doesn't feel great, even if I don't like where I live, even if socially I'm sacrificing some things. if I don't like where I live, even if socially I'm sacrificing some things, will this put myself, will I put myself in a position where I can feel long-term and do a little bit better? I would tell you the work from home thing.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Um, it's personally a turnoff for me and people give me shit when I brought this up last year, saying the irony that Ryan works from home. Right? Well, guess what? I watch games and podcast. So I don't have to go anywhere. I don't work for this big company where I'm reporting to all of these people or people are reporting to me. So I think the value of FaceTime has been lost because when you make a human connection with the people making the decisions about the future of your career, And look, if you're my age and doing what you're doing, then fine.
Starting point is 00:41:26 But there's a lot of times looking back where there was a human connection where when they're talking about your future in the room and there's something there that's relatable, as opposed to somebody logging in for a few hours every fucking day from a place that they prefer to live. It's just a massive advantage. And I, I will argue with anyone about that. And I know there's always exceptions, but I few hours every day from a place that they prefer to live. It's just a massive advantage.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And I, I will argue with anyone about that. And I know there's always exceptions, but there's something to be said of whether it's like making sure you show up on some work trip, having a couple beers at the hotel lobby with the guy that you're reporting to, you know, showing that you're invested in getting to know the people. It's tougher. We're very predictable this way with human nature. It becomes tougher for them. Once there is even a mild human connection, it's tougher for the person to be dismissive of you.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And if you make yourself easy to be dismissed, I think you're at a disadvantage. So I'm a big, you know, we've covered kind of a lot of this stuff before you should feel good that you're thinking about these things, but you really have to ask yourself, what's your main priority? In my buddies that prioritize lifestyle and everything else, some things really worked
Starting point is 00:42:31 out for them. Some didn't. I don't know that it meant either formula was the perfect one for some of those people. Some of the people that just went head first right into their career immediately have reaped massive rewards because of it and other guys are completely burnt out and wondering what happened to their lives, right? So there's no perfect plan for anybody here, but I just, I'm personally like, how bad do you want it?
Starting point is 00:42:59 You're in a great field. You're making really good money at 27 years old. I don't think this is about being a 27 year old in 2024. I think it's more, I think guys in the 90s at 27 years old were like, is this really it? You know? And it's like, okay, well, if you're not satisfied, then it's up to you to find a way to satisfy yourself, at least professionally. And I'm, I'm a big fan of being around like, even though I liked the job at ESPN, I knew being in West Hartford, I was not going to meet people in industries and different businesses and open up different opportunities the way it would happen
Starting point is 00:43:38 once I got to LA and I actually completely underestimated how different it would be being around certain people in competitive markets where it's like everybody out here where I live now isimated how different it would be being around certain people in Competitive markets where it's like everybody out here where I live now is trying to kill it and You benefit from that if you care about that stuff Yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with like the default mode being like grind mode in your 20s Like if you don't know what you want to do Maybe just err on the side of caution where like what would your dad say to do? Because your parents or at least my dad is always just like,
Starting point is 00:44:07 he's like a straight beeline to the obvious thing, even if it doesn't make a ton of sense. Or like, just say you need this and say that you have to do this. And like stuff that he wouldn't actually do, but like just saying, like he knows what the right end goal is. So like if I told this to my dad,
Starting point is 00:44:23 and he was like, well, if you think it'll work out better for you, then just go to Chicago for three years. So if you don't know what you want to do, I don't see anything wrong with erring on the side of like, yeah, doing the right thing. Like the math works out best for moving to Chicago for a couple of years. Like I'm not a big city guy, I've learned that,
Starting point is 00:44:39 but I'm also a fence center, so I'm still in Los Angeles. But I don't think- You're also younger, you younger. You're also young. I mean, part of the reward. Look, for somebody who's in their 20s that gets to work and live where they want, congrats to you for pulling it off. But there's a reason why after graduation,
Starting point is 00:44:56 all the Northeast kids go to New York City or they go to Boston. The Midwest people go to Chicago. Then the other Midwest people go to Denver. And then all the SEC people go to Atlanta. And you know, don't, you don't have to write an email saying, actually, I went to Jackson, Mississippi. It was like, okay, we fucking got it.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Like it's not, it doesn't mean zero movement towards them, but. No, maybe things are changing. You know, maybe things are changing. I know some people are still going to be pissed off about the remote thing. Maybe we'll rerun an email because they're just going to come at me every great Friday. I feel like, yeah, like, all right, fine. Right. But yeah, it's a say you're doing the exact
Starting point is 00:45:30 same thing. I am sorry for being a hypocrite, you know, and then people could say like, oh, you sound like a dick. It's like, what, what would, what would possibly make you, I'm just telling you that it's different for me. It's totally different for me.
Starting point is 00:45:41 If I were in my twenties and I were doing this, I'd be going to the office and I, you know, the reward of putting 20 plus years into your professional career and doing okay is that you can kind of start to call your shots a little bit more. And I meet way too many guys, whether it's younger people I meet or guys my age that work in certain industries, they're like,
Starting point is 00:46:00 dude, it's a free for all right now. People think the COVID thing's like still permanent, meaning, yeah, this is just what it is now. I need to balance my lifestyle. It's like, no, you don't. You want to stay in your sweatpants and check emails for two hours. I feel like I have a little bit of first hand experience. It's like in my 20s. Like, so when I started the ringer, I think I was in my early to mid 30s.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And, you know, I was married and wanted to have kids soon, and my wife has a career that is not the easiest thing to just pick up and move, I guess. And so when we had this conversation about me joining, it was like, yeah, I kinda can't go out there, and that's a decision that I made out to LA. Me being in LA. I should probably explain that.
Starting point is 00:46:44 We get three guys sitting around at home. But that's not really what the email is. So anybody that's upset about that, put it all on me. Cause I'm the one that's now done this rant twice. But there is a point to this. There is a point to this. In my twenties, if Bill had called me up and was like, hey, do you wanna work at the ringer?
Starting point is 00:47:00 I would be living in LA right now. So I just think it's it just depends on what your life situation is in your 27 and You know, there are worse places to move than Chicago. I've been there a few times My one of my best friends lives there. It's it's a cool city, especially in the summer You know the winners might be not awesome But I think that's why a lot of the right get out of there in the winter and and have different Some people live in Charleston, you know, some people live in Texas for the winners They only claim duals dual whatever, they have two houses
Starting point is 00:47:26 where they do some tax stuff. But I think you're 27, what's the worst that could happen? If you want to advance your career, like then all right, you're in Chicago for a couple years. Like dudes have had it worse. Like that's not that bad of a situation and you got a good job. Unless there's something crazy holding you back
Starting point is 00:47:44 to not do it, I think a 27 year old, I think it's something you got to do. If you don't have anything coming down the pike, like you don't have a big cash infusion that you know, that's coming in your way from inheritance or whatever, like just, just go where the money is and like put your put what you can into your 401k until you figure out what you did, what you're doing. And then you maybe you'll actually have set yourself up with while you're just kind of wandering through life, kind of knowing what you want to do.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I went really long on that. So I don't know that there's much ad, but if you're writing us and admitting that you know that it's not going to be the same, like as many prospects for you at a smaller city in your field, like I think if you're in, unless you're just the fucking man and you're younger, you probably in your world need to be with the big boys for a little while.
Starting point is 00:48:29 All right. Like I had a buddy who worked for a hedge fund in New York city, and then he went out to Colorado and worked for a hedge fund and he was like, he had done okay, so it wasn't going to like ruin things for him. But he was like, the way the guys from New York talk to us, they act like we don't have fucking internet sometimes. Like, oh, let's call up the Colorado morons again,
Starting point is 00:48:52 and see if they haven't figured out the mortgage crisis yet. Okay? Like, you know, my friends, like, they realize we have fucking TV, right? But, you know, whatever. Okay, all right, another email here. Only single roommate with four other guys. Sup, 5'10", 185, player comp, Josh Okogi.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Right, unique. I'll keep it quick. This fall I'm moving in with four of my buddies from college. We've all just graduated and live in a big city. One of the ones I named. All four of these guys are in serious relationships and have been since college and surprise, I'm not. Okay, so I get along with all the girlfriends,
Starting point is 00:49:32 but well, I wanted to hear if you had any tips to make the most of the situation. I know you was talking about recruiting female friends as assets, so wanted to get y'alls perspective on how to make the most of it to balance. Just the phrasing of that is incredible. Right, yeah, that is incredible. Right. Yeah, that makes it sound worse.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah, we got a couple of five stars coming in here. Yeah. Women are things. I met her for coffee in Munich. I think I'm gonna be able to flip her. All right. Staying, so the perspective on how to make the most of it to balance,
Starting point is 00:50:05 one, staying close to my friends, two, staying on the girlfriend's good side so they can put in good words with their friends in that order, any advice is appreciated. I'll admit, I think the email concerns me a little bit, but let's start with this. You already know them. So you're not starting from like a zero deficit here, right? You're, you're, you already have equity built up with them.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I guess zero deficit is a term, doesn't really make any sense, but, uh, you, you are, you already have some background, there's some history. So if you still get along with all four of them, going into this living situation, then that's great. That's already a really good thing. I would guess though, one of them is going to go south. Yes. Cause right.
Starting point is 00:50:53 So exactly what I was thinking. Yeah. Like someone's going to be there. This is not a stable environment. Some, one of these dudes is going to be convinced to move and go start his life with one of these long-term relationships. This is not a stable house by any means. It's the quiet before
Starting point is 00:51:09 the storm, but either, like you said, either like someone's going to break up and that's fine. Whatever you guys can commiserate and be single, but someone's going to get poached, right? Like we got to go start our own shit. This is cool, but I'm tired of, you know. Pete Well, they haven't even moved in yet. So, I'd say let's give it a year. Chris Sure. I'm just saying the other bedrooms are going to be opening up once. So maybe you should just keep your eyes out for, you know, anyone else who might need to move in there because. I just wondered, does he care about meeting someone?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Because if you've already known them since college, how come they haven't introduced you to anybody already? And then if the other part is like, you still want to stay in their good graces. Well, that's not really going to be up to you. Like they're going to fuck up before you do. One of them is going to be there way too much. Okay. And then maybe like two of the other guys are going to be gone all the time,
Starting point is 00:51:52 which actually should be a good thing. Cause we get some emails being like my buddies and his girlfriend sells all the time and it gets really lonely. Like we had one of those and you're like, dude, welcome to life. Like this is not a friendship is not a contract for dudes where it's like, you said we were gonna hang out until we're 30. You know?
Starting point is 00:52:06 50 days plan this year. You canceled the last three days. You're not getting your bonus if you don't show up for this last week here. I actually think you're gonna get just a better spot. You are in a better spot than maybe you realize. So just keep doing you, man. If you get along with all four of them, you stay the same while
Starting point is 00:52:33 everything changes around you, because that is going to be your challenge because it's going to happen. Yeah. And I find a lot of times like a friend, like if I bring like my wife around my friend, and especially when she was my girlfriend, like the friend is the one who around friend and especially which is my girlfriend like. The friend is the one who usually gets treated nicer than me for some reason i was like oh she likes my friend better than me but it's just like a thing like oh yeah we know this guy. So like we both will say the things that will joke about the things that he does that are kind of annoying or something so you'll probably get a lot of that like you're probably get treated better. Like you'll probably get treated better than the dudes in this situation. So you're actually it's probably gonna be good I would just say one of these dudes is gonna end up moving out if he's continuing on with these relationships
Starting point is 00:53:08 I don't remember how old you said you are, but I would start right after college. Yeah, right after college Yeah, I think you got you're pushing it. It's the south though. So But I don't I don't think somebody's moving in and somebody may not may not care. Yeah, Jackson actually, huge VC. Well, Rachel just, what about this? Rachel just, a guy comes home at 10 o'clock. He's like, he looks like he's been through the wringer. And he's like, Rachel said that she's, if we're not gonna continue,
Starting point is 00:53:35 she doesn't know if we can continue if we can't start taking steps here. So. Okay, but they just moved in. So that would be a little ridiculous right after college. No, didn't he just move in? No, they're all moving in together post college. They all have girlfriends from college, the whole thing. So.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I think, I feel like this is, I mean, what's he asking? He's just asking like, what's the red flag? Should I be aware of anything? I don't know what he's asking, to be honest with you. I don't like that he's asking. I think it's kind of an awesome situation. Maybe I'm wrong. It won't be as fun as college, if that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:54:03 That's the one thing, it won't be as fun as college. Even though they're college buddies. Just won't. It won't because those first years after college are like, they can be. Yeah. But if all of them have a girlfriend, it's not, it's, it's going to be, it's going to be different. The vibes are all going to have jobs, right? They're going to be, yeah, he's going to be swimming in options. I do think that is true. Like you are going to be, hopefully they still are. They're, they're also at this phase where they still want to go out a lot and like you're not just like the one solo guy. Yeah. So that I think you're naturally going to meet other girls that are their friends with. This is a great situation and Uber's to the only place open at 4 a.m. with Zins. Whoa. These guys have been doing a lot of that's approved. Well that's see that might not happen though with the girlfriends around too much though. Oh give me a break. 22. You guys are acting like these guys are doing all that's approved. Well, that's he that might not happen though with the girlfriends around too much though
Starting point is 00:54:46 You know, give me a break 22 You guys are acting like these guys are like 30 with no, but I'm gonna say post-college girlfriends Don't necessarily love coming back and finding their boyfriend drunk on a boy's day at at 7 p.m No personal experience there. Yeah, I could just tell you I I mean, it sounds like they're fresh out of college. Right after college? I'm just saying. You still had credits. You still had credits to go, Kyle. So it's not like that was even fair to judge you as a post-college Kyle. I'm just saying. I think girls develop faster than dudes, right? They mature faster than dudes. So, you know, one of these girlfriends is going to be at that point where she's like, all right, let's grow up. And you're like, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:55:27 That's not his problem. Cause then there's three others that are still probably in the mix. And as you said, one of them, one of them, they're good. Someone's going to break up with their own. I think you're incredibly lucky. I'm not definitely breaking up. I think this dude's incredibly lucky that you found four dudes post college that want to keep the party.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah. But yeah, honestly, yeah, let's look at the bright side. You got four friends. We've had some emails that are much bleaker than that, so congrats to you. Guys are getting left out of golf trips and fucking quitting the text thread. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:55 You're in good shape, brother. You already know where you wanna move. There you go. It's not as cold as Chicago. So you feel good about a lot of the stuff. I just don't. The only concern I have is you're actually thinking about it this much. That would be my, the quickest. Oh, I would, I would have these thoughts.
Starting point is 00:56:11 It's just like, I'm the one dude that like the couples like to hang out with couples as well. That's another truth that you find out. Not at 22 though, not at 22. It's not. And it's so many couples, it's four couples. Like they're not, it's not like they're going to go all with do like a,. It's not like they're gonna go all do like an octo date and you're just gonna be like the ninth man out.
Starting point is 00:56:29 You're fine. And by the way, you should wanna be out on that. Yeah, you should totally wanna be out. That's true, that's true. There's gonna be nights that you're gonna be invited, but if they start pretending the whole thing's like a semi-formal every fucking Friday and Saturday, just because they're together,
Starting point is 00:56:42 and then it's like, oh, well, he can't come because he doesn't have anybody in his life right now. Like there's gonna be nights you're gonna be like, I recruited two five stars and I got them to flip. And like, it was the best and it doesn't matter. And I don't care. And what's up with that girl, Sarah, from your work in HR? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Right, so don't worry about it. I love this spot. You're fine, you're fine. Yeah. All right, it's good, good spot. Good spot for both guys actually spot. You're fine. Yeah. All right. It's good. Good spot. Good spot for both guys actually. A lot of positive stuff today. All right. Thanks to Kyle.
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