The Ryen Russillo Podcast - Ty Jerome on the Cavs' Breakout Season. Plus, National Champion Will Howard on Ohio State's Title Run, NFL Combine Stories, and His Pro Future.
Episode Date: March 6, 2025Russillo is joined by Ty Jerome to break down how his career reached this point, what makes the Cavs so difficult to defend, and the ups and downs of his time at Virginia (0:44). Then, Will Howard on to share his thoughts on the combine, explain what fueled Ohio State on its national title run, and reveal what he believes his biggest strengths will be in the NFL (27:29). Plus, Life Advice with Ceruti and Kyle (53:41) ! Should I move into a house that might be haunted? Check us out on YouTube for exclusive clips, livestreams, and more at The Ringer is committed to responsible gaming. Please visit to learn more about the resources and helplines available. Host: Ryen Russillo Guests: Ty Jerome and Will Howard Producers: Steve Ceruti, Kyle Crichton, Mike Wargon, and Jonathan Frias Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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You know, we love Ohio on this podcast. We've got two for you. Ty Jerome, one of my favorite
stories slash favorite players in the NBA, his rough start to the career to the highs
of the Cleveland team, their long-term success.
And just talking, oops, I tied Jerome. And Will Howard from Ohio State, the national champs, post-combine,
will go over the season and get ready for his dream to be an NFL quarterback next month. And life advice.
He's one of the best stories in the NBA this year.
And look, I know he's not the headliner,
but he's in the conversation with Six Man of the Year,
and the Cavs are just brilliant, and he's been a lot of fun.
It's Ty Jerome.
Good morning, man.
Thanks for doing this.
Of course, thanks for having me.
Okay, so what's this season been like for you?
Like having to stretch, having this run,
putting up real numbers,
having a role after some of the early transitions in been like for you? Like having this stretch, having this run, putting up real numbers, having a role after some of the early transitions
in the league for you?
Yeah, it's kind of like you,
I've always had the vision of who I want to be in this league
and you know, deal with some injuries, some trades,
all these different things pop up
and it kind of derails your vision and holding that and
being able to keep in that belief in yourself until you finally get a consistent opportunity.
And to see it come to light has been pretty cool. Obviously, there's a million things
that I individually still want to accomplish and as a team we still want to accomplish.
So nobody's doing a victory lap yet, but it's definitely pretty cool to have that consistent
night to night role that I've always tried to have.
Let's go through the resume here
before the Cleveland part of it.
So you're a first round pick.
Were you aware of what was going on with all of the trades?
Like, what did you know?
Cause you were basically traded on draft night,
but then I think the Bain deal was
already done as well, but then that was announced like a week later.
I knew I was going to Phoenix.
Um, what my name was called.
I knew it was Phoenix.
Um, yeah.
Cause they, they traded for the pick before, before the pick actually occurred.
All right.
So you knew that part of it.
Um, you get to Phoenix.
What, what's going through your head on like, all right, how do I fit in?
Like, how do I fit in as an NBA player?
I thought it was going to be a great transition. Honestly. Um, they signed Ricky Rubio. So I was like, all right, I'll back him up and get used to it.
And then, uh, I got, I got hurt the day before the first game, played preseason day before
the first game.
I rolled my ankle pretty bad, like high ankle sprain.
And I'm out until like mid December.
And as a rookie, we try and get back and play catch up.
It wasn't easy.
And dealing with all that and Montse Williams is a real old school coach.
Uh, we didn't exactly see eye to eye and that didn't help me.
Um, so that Ricky was a roller coaster for sure.
Were you surprised he did so well in Detroit?
I'll just keep it moving.
I'll keep it moving.
It's a small, small world out there. Um, all right.
So did you ever get to brag to your friends?
You're like, well, hey, at least when I was traded, I was
traded for Chris Paul.
No, not really.
I was just, no, it happened so quick though.
Like, you know, you go to OKC, which is a great organization.
And as you see now, like they put it all together, but we were in the tanking phase.
So that's another just like, wake up, but we were in the tanking phase.
So that's another just like wake up call
to what the NBA business is like.
You know what I mean?
Obviously they had their vision, it worked out.
And even through the tanking,
it was still a great organization,
but it's still like,
they were showing up to lose all these games on purpose.
Like it's just another wake up call
to what the business is like in the NBA.
All right. So then you're traded again to Houston,
you're cut immediately, Golden State picks you up,
you have the groin injury, so the two-way expires,
and then you sign with Cleveland in the start of 23.
And I want all the listeners to know that,
I mean, clearly you know your own timeline,
but at that point you're like,
man, I won a national championship as I was the first round pick and like,
I don't even feel like I've even started.
Like that's gonna be, was there ever a moment
you were like, man this might not work out?
Yeah, I think you always have that doubt
in the back of your mind.
I mean, I think as humans we're always gonna have it right.
You could probably relate in your own journey.
Like everyone can relate us, or maybe you can't,
maybe you're just always a lead.
I think everyone can relate. It's in can't, maybe you were just always elite, but I think everyone can relate it to in their
journey at some point of that doubt creeping in. And, um,
you just keep, keep going and keep figuring it out and keep waiting until like,
I hopefully, you know, I get this opportunity here. And someone told me,
I never figured this is like when you seize opportunity, it multiplies.
And the more you take advantage of what opportunity it it becomes two, and your leash grows longer,
and your leash grows longer, and I was finally waiting
to just kind of get my foot in the door
that I always knew what I'd be able to do.
And I still feel that same way about how much I can improve.
I was talking to a player the other night,
I can't name him because it was just somebody
that had a mutual friend and we were talking, and I was really happy name him because it was just, you know, somebody that had a mutual friend and we were talking
and I was really happy for him because, you know,
his, he's a real guy now, right?
Like he's a real guy.
And I look at you now and it's like, whatever this is,
and I don't want to get into Cleveland
and this awesome season and your teammates
and that kind of stuff, but like,
this has proved that you're a real guy.
And for him, it was opportunity
where they couldn't bench him anymore.
They couldn't bench him because everybody was hurt.
And so here's your situation
where it's not because everybody's hurt.
Your team is incredibly deep,
but it's very clear that Atkinson now trusts you
in February and in going into March,
maybe even more so than he did
at the beginning of the year.
So what is that? That least thing you're talking about
is a very real thing in basketball,
where you know those are your minutes,
you know those are your possessions.
It must just make you a better basketball player,
because you're not thinking about all the shit
you've been thinking about for years.
You couldn't have said it better.
I think there's a million guys in the NBA,
and there's a bunch of guys not in the NBA, that if you said, Hey, I'm going to give you 20 minutes every single night. Here's the
ball in your hands. They can go get you 13 points again.
The hard part about the NBA is figuring out how to stay resilient and stay confident until
that happens. I mean, can you get thrown in for a game and make your first shot? That's
the mental hurdle of establishing yourself as a player.
And I don't think it ever ends, right?
Because you're always trying to get to a new level and to get to the next level.
It's the same thing.
Like you probably look, people probably look now to, all right,
if I was playing 30 minutes, I could do X, Y and Z.
But you can't really ask for a role increase until you master where you're at.
And that's the mental hurdle of kind of any profession,
but especially in sports.
All right. Let's talk about your game, man, cause it is, it is different. Um,
and I know you were smaller and then I think I see like the smaller kid playing
in a six, four, six, five body now, you know?
So I think the other part for you is that when you were being evaluated as a draft pick, you're kind of like, all right, is he going to be people
off the dribble? How is he going to play defense? The same stuff that happens to anyone that you're
a little afraid of athletically. Because I don't mind when GMs are kind of athlete snobs about it.
Because it's like, look, if I'm going to screw up,
I'd rather screw up with the athlete than everybody being
like, how did you pick the non-athlete here?
But athleticism is different, you know,
there are plenty of guys that can jump out of the gym
and have these explosive traits.
But when I think about like your approach,
and I want you to try to make this sound better
than I'm going to, but I think the thing that I love the most
about your game
is that I feel like every decision option
is open later to you than most players.
So when you drive it, you're still not 100% sure
if you're gonna hit the floater, if you're gonna pull up.
I think you keep passing options open later.
It's a bit like a quarterback who, you know,
some guys wanna get rid of the ball a certain time
and other quarterbacks will see a receiver being like,
if I can just give him another beat,
he might have a little bit more separation.
So like you had a pass last night where Mitchell was cold,
you know, he hit the three after it had been swung to him,
but you started the action by like swinging it out
to somebody that I don't know a lot of other guards
would have either, like would have even seen.
Now I know in the NBA too, like the spacing rules,
you're just like, hey, make sure you stay in your spot
because I'll see some Luca passes, right?
Where people are like, I can't believe you found him
in the corner.
It's like, look, it's an awesome pass,
but he also knows that that person has to be glued
to the corner.
Throw it to the corner.
Right, right, throw it to the corner.
So I'm kind of just sitting here glazing your game, but it's this thing where
everyone I notice like on these drives against bigger athletic players, they're just so unsure
about what it is that you're going to do that now you have this advantage. I think just the way you
see the game that other people don't have, and it makes defenders incredibly uncomfortable.
So that's how I see it.
Yeah, I think it's a few things, right? And a lot of guys I watch and I study, I never
really, I always try to watch like Jalen Brunson play and Luca play and Cade play because those
are guys where when they touch the paint, and I try to prop myself on this too, like
you said, you don't know exactly what you're going to do yet.
And I feel like defenders get real antsy when you touch the paint.
So as soon as you're in there, they're waiting, they're ready to jump or swipe or reach or foul and then when you're off the ball and someone's in the paint, you're worried about, all right,
do I help? What do I do? And so if you go fast, then I don't have the luxury of going fast.
So it's really not my choice for me.
But if you go fast, you run out of options. Because you're speeding to the basket. You
might have one pass you can make or you can go finish.
I'm going slower at my own pace. I really have every option. I can dribble all the way
back out if I want. I can stop. I can start, stop off two, stop off one. You can stop and make a pass.
And like, I think Luke is the best at it in the world is he'll go
slow and take one step, look around, take another step.
And he might lob it, throw it to the opposite corner, like stuff like that.
I think it's just, it's, it starts with your pace.
Um, if you go super fast, you run out of options very quickly.
If you go super fast, you run out of options very quickly.
Do you notice people trying to figure out like, cause you're wrong foot stuff, you know, like I remember the first time I
realized it with Nash and you'd be like, how did he get, how
was that look clean?
How was the defender late?
And it's like, Oh, he's, he's going wrong foot all the time
So as the defender is trying to time up his movement, he's already a beat ahead
because he was kind of wrong footing a lot of this different stuff.
Um, are you noticing guys?
I mean, does anybody get frustrated with you being like, I can't believe that shit
Yeah, for sure.
Is there a funny story?
Is there a good story?
And now is a fight. You know, the good story? No, it's a fight.
The best story is just when I get foul calls, people hate that.
I mean, like if I get, if I have a game where I shoot like, you know, six plus eight plus
free throws, other teams furious at how many thought, cause it looks so, it looks so crazy.
You know what I mean?
This guy's like walking his way to the lane and like shooting off one leg and the refs
are calling foul.
Like it looks so crazy.
But if you watch the NBA,
it's like those are the fouls people call.
Like just because I might do it slower or differently,
like if, you know, people get those calls every night
and other teams just fear this constantly.
I've noticed a couple of times, like, you know,
Brunson's incredible and all these guys are the
same in this, like, and Trey has it too. It's like, you get some of the most ridiculous calls. And
then when you get called for a foul, you're going to be mad about this. And I've made the joke that
I think cornerbacks would be the worst boyfriends because they would just be like, it wasn't my fault.
When I look at some of the basketball guys.
They all athletes put into that.
Like imagine getting in an argument with Jalen Brunson
about something at home.
Like how come you didn't do this around the house?
Would he be like, hey, that's fair.
And I've had, you know, you've done some good things.
Like sometimes I'll look at guys
that just live at the free throw line
and they're terrific scorers.
So it's not like they're just doing it with free throws.
It's like, how do you not have any self-awareness
that like you're so far up in the game
that you can't maybe lose a 50-50 call with this?
Again, that's just sort of my own rant.
Yeah, I don't know that there's a question in there.
I mean, you're right, you're right.
Because I'm guilty of that every night.
So you're right.
Like if I don't get every single call,
and it's just, it's not even on purpose.
Just like either the moment like you're fired up,
it's not even on purpose afterwards. I'm like, Jesus, that was bad of me.
Do you notice that as you become more comfortable and start putting up bigger
numbers, you're like, maybe I can complain a little bit more.
No, I shouldn't. I really shouldn't.
I just got a fine the other day, so it's really.
I know you did.
But see, that's when I feel like I notice a player's
full comfort level.
But then again, there'll be a guy who'll be like
the fourth center on a team, or I have to look up
where he went to college again,
and he's in the game for two minutes,
and then he's talking to the ref
as he's getting ready to take the free throw.
And I'm like, dude, you never play.
And like, you're gonna, so anyway, whatever.
That's just kind of what the league is now.
Let's get to the grass.
I feel, I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
I feel.
All right, all right, we'll go back
because I just, I don't want to not get
to some of this Cav stuff that's awesome.
I love watching you guys.
I love the depth.
And I think my favorite part is, you know, it's funny.
Cause sometimes people are like,
Oh, they don't know who they are yet.
Or they don't know what their rotation is.
I love it.
I love that you guys can change who you are,
especially with the Hunter part of it, splitting the bigs.
You know, the minutes that you've had off the bench,
you know, clearly I would have a hard time believing
you're closing playoff games with the two guards
that you have, but what do you see firsthand
being around this team as far as your adaptability
to an opponent?
Yeah, I think the biggest thing is everyone buying in
because there's nights where we don't finish the game
with Jared Allen, who I think should have been
an all-star this year, and he's making whatever,
close to 100, if not a hundred, I don't know exactly what it is, but it's around there. And he's
been extremely consistent for us and he could easily throw a fit when he hasn't finished
a game.
I have a lot of teammates that would do that in the past. And this year, you don't see
any of that from anybody. I mean, we go 10 deep, 11 deep, we can go 12, 13 deep on somebody.
So nobody complaining, nobody throwing a shit. That's what allows us to do that.
Because everyone's just like, all right, my number is called. I got to go impact again.
And it starts with everyone's attitude there. And then from there, it's the top guys like Donovan, Deet Darius and Edwin.
Their selflessness and ability to like let everyone else do their thing is really helpful
for us as collectively too, because then it comes down to the game and you know, you can't,
you can't go double because you know they're willing to make the pass.
And then you know, someone else might have 15 already, you want to leave him open.
You know what I mean?
So it's just the ability of us to remain selfless.
And it starts with our top guys, obviously, because you go how they go.
So that's really what I think the biggest thing with us is.
What do you think you match up better against Boston or OKC?
I think they present real different challenges. I think the difference, that's tough.
Hopefully we get to see both.
Yeah I'm surprised you've even pretended you were going to answer this this long because
I figured that would just be like no way I'm not giving you that because if you pick one
and it means the other one's gonna be like,
all right, they're afraid of us.
All right, let's look at it this way.
When you were down 25-3 at Boston just a week ago,
what was it like when you're looking up
and you're like, it's already 25-3, you come back.
I think it says a lot about this group
to come back and win that game.
Sure, Boston has missed a couple main starters
and everything, but give me a sense of what it was like for this group to come back and win that game. Sure, bosses was a couple main starters and everything, but give me a sense of what it was like for this group being
down that big to a team that you have to go through to win the
There was really no panic. I mean, you're right.
We do have to go to them to win the East and they have a funny
chance and you know, they're a great team, rightfully so.
They should be the favorites until someone knocks them off.
I get all that. But at the end of the day for us,
it really was another game. Like yes, you get so excited for those games because you know, I mean, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like,
I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's like, I think it's that point. So it's just, you look at the game like that, and you know, so seven minutes left in the first quarter,
so much game left to be played.
And you know, you see that all the time,
and again, you can go up 20 early,
and usually by halftime, it's a new game.
So there's really never really any panic in this group.
And I think that starts with obviously our coaching staff
and our players.
Do you and Sam Merrill, friend of the pod, do you laugh when you're playing
the top two positions of a zone and the other team comes down being like, we
are about to light this fucking crew up.
Yeah, man.
Sam's one of our defenders.
That's what I'm saying.
But like even Dean Wade, you know, Jaylen got him in a switch and then Dean like held up and,
and, you know, made him take like a 17 foot bait away from
the baseline in that game. And I was like, man,
I think we're getting borderline races here, bro. I think we're
getting, I think we're just calling out all the white guys
Dean Wade is an elite defender. And I think
I'm not, I'm not hunting them. I'm not asking for the switch. I'm observing.
Look, it is a guy who's watched Sam Hauser develop over.
I mean, look, but I, I just noticed.
It was funny though, like in the Orlando game, like you were playing at the top.
With Sam and I'm thinking like, okay, are they going to say like, yeah, are they
going to take bad shots because they're like, okay, are they gonna take like, yeah,
are they gonna take bad shots because they're like,
oh, these two dudes are at the top of the zone
and then they still didn't score again.
That might be more of an Orlando thing
that is about you and Sam being Pippen and Jordan.
You're gonna get someone in trouble on this podcast.
You gotta chill.
All right, all right.
Let me ask you this.
I think it's the coolest thing ever
that you played with Donovan.
Oh, you were eight years old?
Man, I mean, just to be playing with him in the NBA now,
like what's that like?
Do you ever have a moment with him?
Like clearly you probably get each other, you know, I don't know if he's your closest friend on the team, but like that's some,
that's some crazy like sleepover type shit right there.
Yeah, no, no lie. We talk about it randomly. Like some will come up randomly. Like we'll see
someone, someone will post about it. And that really is, that really is crazy. Like you don't,
it's wild. And our, our, our AU team, like some other guys,
like Eric Pascal was on that team. And, um,
some other guys that went division one and two,
we looked back on it and now we're on the same NBA team. Like that,
that really is crazy. And then I got my college teammate with me too. Um,
so this year has been pretty special.
What do you think your best,
your best like we need a bucket. Like this is the thing I trust the most.
Is it just Mitchell attacking or Mitchell turning down?
I think he turns down the screen
better than anybody with the ball in his hands right now,
too, by the way.
Yeah, his reject and how explosive he is downhill
are just like once he gets you on his hips over.
So I think as soon as you, yeah, I think you obviously got that thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing.
I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest. So we really got a lot of options. But yeah, I'm really not mad at any of that.
The ball's in Donovan's hands, Darius' hands,
Evan's hands, we're gonna get something good 99% of the time.
How has Mobley improved?
We can look at numbers,
we can look at all that different stuff.
If you watch him enough,
I think there's a comfort level with him.
But what did you see kinda coming into this year with him?
Cause he's just, he's at another level now.
I want to say, I don't know that this is an agenda that we can maybe push on
here. Like how is he not the front runner, most improved player? Um,
can he get that and defensive player there? Can he get, can he get both?
Because I don't see how he's not most improved. Like last year,
he wasn't doing any of this besides playing defense.
His three ball wasn't really reliable. This is not a knock on Evan last year.
It's just how much he improved. Like he's pushing the break this year.
He's throwing lobs. He's catching lobs.
Like how many people are really doing that in the league?
And I don't understand how he's not,
if Norman Powell doesn't play 65 games, I don't understand how he's not, if no one pales and play 65 games,
I don't understand how he's not the front runner or most improved,
but yeah, to answer your question, he's, he's like a new player.
Bro, I fall off offensively. He's like, it's bringing the ball up for us now.
Last year he sat in the corner or the dunker. Uh, so it's just,
he's a completely new player.
What was it like for you to go from, you know, the UVA years where I probably first fell in
love with your game and, you know, realizing like Tony's just somebody if you love basketball,
even though I know you guys get dumped on a lot for the pace and how few points you scored. But
like even going back to Washington state, I was like, I really liked this guy. Like I like the
way his teams play and all that kind of stuff. To be the 116 matchup that loses
and then come back and win a national title
in that overtime game against Texas Tech
over those 12 months, was it a mad group?
Was it a mature group?
Cause I almost feel like that story gets lost
in just the shuffle of all the information
to be the laughing stock of college basketball,
to be national champs 12 months later to be part of that team. What do you think about the most
over the course of that year? I think it was a mix of everything. I think you feel every emotion
over the course of that year. You feel the embarrassment. You know you're laughing stock
of college basketball for the entire summer. You know that. And then, then it becomes a mad group.
Then it becomes an anxious group because now you know nothing you do in a regular
season almost matters. So you feel every emotion.
I think, uh, I think it was,
if we have any other coach other than Tony Bennett trying to do that,
it becomes really hard because he kind of set the blueprint
of exactly how to act on the court, off the court
and real easy guy to follow through adversity.
So he kind of set the way for us
and all you had to do was buy in.
He's a special guy right there.
Did he have to address it at the first practice
or whatever your first,
because I know there's some informal formal stuff.
Did he have to go,
all right, let's just talk about this now?
Yeah, no, we talked about it all summer.
It was like, where did we go wrong?
Because that really wasn't the first time that,
and that was the most embarrassing time,
but in JVAA it was never been successful in the tournament under him. So I think after a while it's because of that. I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that.
I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that. I think it's because of that. then it happens twice and it happens three times and say, okay, why can't he be successful in March? Um,
so I think we made some adjustments offensively and I think it's because of
that. Like we watched this Ted talk that he showed us and there's about
adversity and um, it's,
the whole quote was it can buy you a ticket to a place that you couldn't have
been without it. If you use it the right way,
let it fuel you and you learn from it and all that. Um,
I think that's what he did. Like you hit rock bottom and you know, at this point,
okay, I have to change. Like if I don't change now,
like if you lose in a sweet 16, you probably just run it back.
But that embarrassing loss, like, okay, we have to change, we have to adjust.
And I like that's, that's what he did.
I'm really happy for you.
I know this has been a rough start to a career.
And for those of us that just, I don't know, man,
there's just something about your game
that I appreciate so much.
And I think there's a lot of people
that grew up with basketball.
And my dad was my coach when I was a little kid
and all that kind, I don't know what it is,
but your story and your success this year
puts a smile on a lot of basketball fans' faces.
So thanks for, thanks for time today.
And I can't wait to see where this goes, man.
I really appreciate that.
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He is a national champ.
He's one of the best stories in college football and he's getting ready to become
an NFL quarterback draft just over a month away.
It's Will Howard of Ohio State.
Thanks for joining us, man.
What's going on?
How are you, man?
Ryan, I appreciate you having me on.
So let's talk about the combine.
Um, is it fun? Is the. So let's talk about the combine. Is it fun?
Is the process fun?
It is.
It's fun because I enjoy talking football.
And I think the interviews are some of the most stressful
parts of it.
And for me, I enjoyed it.
I love doing that.
I love talking ball.
There's only so much physically that you're doing.
You're only doing the one workout day. So physically, it's not super taxing. But mentally, it's only so much, you know, physically that you're doing. You're only doing the one workout day. So physically it's not super taxing, but mentally it's really long.
The medical days, they're the worst.
They suck, but everything other than that, I mean, it's a, it's a cool experience.
And, you know, I tried to try to make the best of it.
And, and even though it's long and tiring, it's no, I enjoyed it.
And got to see a bunch of guys I haven't seen in a while.
This isn't so much of like, just the cliche question of like like what's the weirdest question somebody asked you the team but but I
Imagine when it's the team that's really into your football
Acumen and asking you about situations like that has to be something for a guy
That's played as well as you've played and played as long as you have in college
That has to be the best part, right? When you're sitting there with dudes that you're watching on Sundays,
roam the sidelines, asking you what you see and how you play the position.
I imagine, right?
That has to be so much fun.
And it's, you know, it's an ability, a time for me to show my ability to,
you know, process and to read defenses and what I see out there.
And, you know, I'm able to kind of give them what, what I'm thinking.
And I felt super prepared going into that process.
I knew that anything they threw at me,
whether it was installing a play at the beginning
of the meeting and having me come back
and shoot it back to them at the end,
or whether it's asking me,
what's your favorite third down and long play?
Whatever it was, I was really prepared for it.
And I felt like I did really well in the interview process.
And I think that's where my game really, really stands out really prepared for it and I felt like I did really well in the interview process.
I think that's where my game really stands out and where I can really thrive is my ability
to process, my ability to regurgitate whatever I was doing and my ability to recall, all
that kind of stuff is one of the strength points of my game.
So I want to make sure I showed that and I think I did a pretty good job of it.
Are you frustrated by draft coverage that seems to put a ceiling on where you could go?
I mean, yeah, I definitely I think I take everything and just use it as a chip, man. And I feel like I've been doing that really my whole career. That's kind of been the story of my
careers. You know, I've kind of been overlooked. I've been kind of that underdog guy. I wasn't necessarily
probably the hottest commodity in the transfer portal. When I went to Ohio State, guys are
saying, they should have gotten this guy and this guy. But I came in and I said, I want to
prove them right for picking me. And I want to prove those people that said that wrong.
And when I went to K-State, I was a three star guy, I wasn't really expected
to do anything crazy.
And I ended up playing as a true freshman and, you know, winning a big 12 championship.
And you know, I feel like the story of my career is kind of proving people wrong.
So you know, I love that.
I love where I'm at in the in the process.
You know, I think me being a guy who can kind of fly under the radar right now and then
hopefully, you know, all you need is one team to fall in love with you, man.
And I just want to prove to all these teams that I have what it takes.
And I feel like I'm one of the most NFL ready guys that there is.
I've seen a lot in my college career.
And I feel like I'm really well prepared.
And I think I process the game better than anyone.
So I think for me, I'm, I'm confident myself, you know,
I know there's a ton of other really talented guys in this draft class.
And, you know, I'm not going to say anything about them, but, you know, I believe in myself.
And I think that, you know, I whoever wants to pick me is getting a winner, man.
And they're not going to regret it.
Let's go back to college.
How close was it to potentially being some other place in Ohio State in the transfer portal
for you? Yeah, you know, it was coming out of my last year at K-State. Like, you know, I knew I
wanted a new challenge and something to kind of, you know, my eventual goal was to be a starting
quarterback in the NFL. So I knew to make that step, I wanted to improve my draft stock. And I
felt like where my draft stock was coming out of my last year at K-State, it just didn't really match where I felt like my talent level was.
And I was getting told, you're a day three guy, you're an undrafted guy. And I had one more year
eligibility left. And I said, if I feel like there's a place that I can really improve my game and
compete for a national championship, those were the two things I was telling schools was, it's not about NIL,
it's not about going somewhere where it's a guaranteed start.
Now, I want to go somewhere where I feel like I can develop as
a quarterback and improve my draft stock
and compete for a national championship.
When it came down to it,
it was really Miami, USC,
Ohio State, and then draft.
Miami had a favorable schedule.
They had a favorable schedule.
They had a really good offense, able to sling the ball around.
But I just felt like at the end of the day, it wasn't the right place for me.
USC, the draw was Lincoln.
I really wanted to play.
I felt like he's one of the most elite quarterback developers and thought that was really good.
Maybe if I had like two or three years of eligibility left, I'd go there.
But for a one-year plug and play kind of deal, nothing came close to Ohio State. And I felt like when I
started talking to Coach Day and Coach Day says, we believe that you're the guy that can come in here
and lead us to a national championship. And that was all I needed, man. I needed a chance. And
I took it and ran with it. They didn't guarantee me anything. They didn't say, you're for sure
going to be the starter. But they said, listen, we believe in you
and we want you to be the guy and that's all I needed.
So I watched you at K-State and I got why they would want
to go in another direction after what was going on
last year, quarterback, but it was kind of tough for you
in a way because it's like now Kyle's lighting it up
at Syracuse and you know what your fan base is like. What did the Oregon get? I know it's a loss and you're supposed to win
every game and the standard was this loaded team over the course of the summer and the standard
is only a national championship. So maybe your answer is going to be like, hey, we're Ohio State
and we lost to Oregon so we can't have that happen. I loved you in that game. So I don't know,
there was a turning point at least for me of what I thought you were that game. So I don't know, like there was a turning point at least for
me of what I thought you were capable of. Was there any moment for you, even with a loss, maybe a
couple of days removed from the emotion of that last series where it actually helped you?
I think, you know, there's some truth to that for sure. Like I think, you know, I played one of my
better games of the season that day and you know, it was just the way that it ended
you know was was poor and
You know, I think I'm my own biggest critic man, and I you know sitting there after that game
It didn't matter if I threw if I was a hundred percent completion percentage and threw for you know, eight touchdowns
If we don't win the game, you know, I'm not gonna be satisfied and you know
I remember going around the locker room and telling every single guy man like hey, I'm sorry man'm sorry, man, I should have, you know, and every single guy, like, to a
T looked at me and said, it's not your fault.
It's not any one person's fault.
Like you balled out, you did your thing.
And I think that was a real big moment for us as a team.
You know, me, obviously, I believe in myself and I feel like I'm a pretty confident guy.
I feel like in order to be a quarterback, especially at this level and on this stage,
you have to have that intrinsic confidence that comes from yourself and not
from anyone else.
And I think I've built that over my career. And so, yeah, I definitely felt like I played
a good game, but it ate at me for sure. That was a tough one. And it felt like I just,
as good as I played, we didn't finish it the right way. So I knew that we were going to
get another crack at a man and I knew we were gonna make it count
But that one definitely that one definitely stung it definitely hurt
And you know, like you said when you're at Ohio State, you can't have bad days and you can't can't lose games
But thankfully with the you know with the 12 team playoff this year
We're able to still make it in there and run the table and do our thing
Did the Michigan loss help you win a national championship?
That's a great question.
I think it definitely unlocked something inside of us that turned us loose.
I think the adversity that we went through in that game and after that game and what
we had to push through, I don't want to say, I don't know if it for sure helped us, but you know, it was, it definitely
gave us a spark, man.
And it gave us, um, you know, some, something to really, really cling to.
And really at that point, all we, all we had was each other.
And it was really the Woody versus the world, man.
Like, you know, there's a lot of stuff going on outside.
I mean, it must have been awful.
It wasn't it wasn't fun man you know and you come to you come to Ohio State to beat those
guys and you know for for me you know it hurt I got one chance at that game you know obviously
I got knocked up in the first half and you know I wasn't I probably wasn't 100% but shoot
like only only God himself could have taken me out of that game. You get one chance to play the team up north and it was just a bad day.
It was just a bad day for us.
And we can't have that.
And as much as it felt like the world was collapsing around us.
And it really felt like we were all we had at that moment.
And I think that helped us because it was kind of us versus the world kind
of mentality.
And we came out there and we said, you know, we can make this thing right.
In previous years, you know, we'd be we'd be out of this thing and we'd be sitting at home and not having any anything to do.
But, you know, sit around and think about this game.
But this year, you know, we have, you know, God bless us with an opportunity to go out there and right the wrong and win a national championship.
And I think I don't know if it was the reason,
but I think it definitely contributed to that spark that we needed going into the playoffs.
I guess I just try to think back. I never did anything that was important to that many people
is playing quarterback for Ohio State. And you are kind of adopted by this community.
who are kind of adopted by this community, you know, and you can understand, you know, based on perception,
like what that game means.
And then of course you have coach days, recent run
against them and everything that happens after the game.
And then I'm thinking, I'm watching it going like,
if I were on that team, like, would it be the,
Hey, roommates only, like we, no one can come
to our apartment, no one can come to our house.
I don't want to answer the phone.
Like, I don't know what to do.
What's class going to be like?
Do I even want to go on Monday?
It's just, it's just like, look, you guys have great deals.
You have great setups.
Everybody would trade places for you, but that's just a very,
very young age to feel like your own, like the community
around you that's supposed to be there
and have your back is actually turning on you
as everybody else has already turned on you.
Like that's a lot, man.
It is, it is, but you know,
I knew what I was stepping into.
And you know, I remember when I was going through
the portal process, I think it was my mom,
she was like, are you sure about this?
Like, you know, it's a lot of pressure.
It's a lot of expectations and you expectations. Ohio State fans, they can turn
nasty if they don't like it. I grew up an Eagles fan. It's the same deal. They love
you hard when you're winning, but they can turn against you pretty quick. I understand
because they're passionate, man. They want to see their Buckeyes win. I get it.
What I kept saying was, listen, I want to
be a starting quarterback in the NFL. And I wanted to go to a place where I felt like I was getting
that pro ready kind of deal. And I think stepping into Ohio State, you know, I looked at it as I was
going into a pro setting and I was going to be a franchise quarterback, you know, and that's, you
know, Columbus, Ohio, all we have is the Buckeyes, man. So I looked at that as a, hey, I'm going into a pro setting and I'm learning how to deal
with this as a franchise guy.
And, you know, so that the first time I go into an NFL locker room, it's not, you know,
the first time I'm dealing with it on a, on a national stage and on a, you know, in terms
of a scrutiny and, um, you know, you want to talk about getting all the glory and all the
I mean, get way too much of it, especially as a quarterback,
but especially as a quarterback at Ohio State.
There's actually a very good chance
that half the teams you could go to potentially in the NFL,
the pressure is not going to be the same
as going into that game and after, but I'll say that.
You don't have to say that.
The rematch with Oregon, I mean,
just maybe the best half of football you're ever gonna see.
You guys are rolling.
Do you think it's the same game against Oregon without the one in your back pocket?
You know, I said in that first game, I think if we play on a neutral field, I think, you know, it's a different story.
I think definitely the environment played into it.
You know, we had a lot of fall star penalties, you know, kind of just self-inflicted wounds that I think
we were a little overcome by events and the atmosphere and the environment a little bit.
That's a collective effort. That's me included. I think coming out of that game, we knew that
we should have beat those guys. And we knew that if we got another chance at them,
we didn't have to make it close. And obviously I didn't know it was going to be 34-0 before halftime, but, you know, I knew that coming into that game, I felt
really, really good about our game plan. We were going to be aggressive. I mean, the first play of
the game, Coach Kelly's calling the, you know, smoke screen and go. Like from that moment,
I was like, okay, we're here to freaking, we're not here to just win. We're here to blow these
guys out. And I think it was, you know,
we just were able to take over our defense,
did their thing, man.
Like that's an explosive offense that they were going
against and for them to have eight sacks on DG.
And you know, that explosive offense to be able to hold
them to, you know, only even 21 points.
But I mean, really it was probably, you know, you know,
we knew they were going to eventually come back
and start scoring and doing their thing. But I mean, our was pride, you know, you know, we knew they were going to eventually come back and start scoring and doing their thing.
But I mean, our offense or our defense played an unbelievable game.
And that first half was, like you said, like one of the best
halves of football I've ever been a part of, you know, comprehensively,
you know, all three phases.
And we knew going into that game, you know, we had a chip on our shoulder
that we didn't feel like they had.
And I think definitely that first game, you know, the revenge thing plays into it a little bit.
But I always say, man, it's really, really hard
to beat a team twice, especially a team like us.
Yeah, I mean, you roll through Tennessee
who looked like they wanted nothing to do with that game.
It's a blowout against the number one team
in the country in the first half.
The funny thing about the Texas score
and then before the Jack Sor recovery,
you're like, how is Texas in this game?
What were those conversations like on the sideline
is it felt like every time you looked up,
you're like, oh, it's second and 22 again.
Like that's the story of that game outside of the scores.
What five straight possessions where you're looking
at the down and distance going,
we're just killing ourselves right now. That's the thing is, you know, coming out of that game
and really in the middle of that game, it's like, they're not stopping us. We're stopping ourselves
right now. And it's these self-inflicted wounds that are, you know, killing us. And, you know,
it's deflating a little bit and you feel like it's just like, man, like, we just keep getting
ourselves in these situations. But it's also, you know, it's kind of a positive.
And what I kept saying to everyone is like, they are not stopping us.
It's not anything that they're doing.
It's us hurting ourselves.
It's holding penalties.
It's false start penalties.
It's you know, personal frowse, all these things that are backing us up behind the sticks.
And you know, I think that's a little, you know, something you can kind of cling to and
be like, hey, man, like, it's not them, it's us.
Like if we fix what we're doing and we go down and do what we have to do, like, I mean,
we went down on the first drive and scored.
I mean, like it was no big deal.
And we knew it was going to be more of a methodical game and they weren't going to let us hit
the shots like we did against Oregon.
They were just not that kind of defense.
They were a, you know, a deep zone kind of playing defense and they
played the shell over top and they wanted to bring some, you know, two simulated pressures
and that's kind of what they did. And we knew it was, you know, we were going to have to
march the ball down the field methodically. And obviously, you know, that fourth quarter
drive that we had to go down and score and make it, you know, 21-14, that was huge. You
know, I think that that touchdown right before half to Trey was
unbelievably big. That was just a crazy play. You're going out there in that situation and
we're saying, we did the same thing against Tennessee.
We're going to either run the ball, run a screen right here, see what we get. And if
we get into a deal where we get a first down, we can start the two minute drill. But if
not, maybe we'll take a knee.
It was kind of one of those deals,
like, hey, we'll see how this first play goes,
and then there goes 32, screaming down the sideline.
And that was, it was a different game
than the first two, for sure, but when it came down to it,
we said we were gonna have to win the game
in the fourth quarter, and we did just that.
The Notre Dame game had an interesting,
each game has its own feel to it.
And the score can say something, but you're like, okay,
but who do you actually feel better about? Um, you're looking,
you're a big favorites in that game, but then it's like,
is Notre Dame back in this thing? You know, and then it's third and 11,
and you've got number four one-on-one take us through,
you know, cause you take the one-on-one shot, which us through, you know, cause you take the one on one shot,
which I think, you know, even though it's a,
it's a third and 11, it's third and long here,
with him, it's like, hey, that's always going to be
the best look I have.
Take me through what the call was,
walking up to the line of scrimmage,
seeing that coverage and just all of the things
transpired before that,
that conversion, it basically seals it.
Yeah, man. So that, that, I mean, I'd love talking about that play.
That's one of my favorite.
Yeah, man. That, that one triggers a, a good memory for me. So, you know,
first of all, we go out there and we, you know,
we were kind of in a four minute drill kind of mode.
So we're trying to run the ball. You know,
I think coach day wanted to call that play earlier on in the drive.
And coach Kelly was like, let's see if we can get some with the, with the run,
you know, let's, let's push it, you know,
and see what we can get with the run.
And we obviously got stuffed twice and it's like third and 11.
And then, you know, we,
we knew we had that play in on third and extra extra long,
cause we had seen guys that hit some go balls against them.
And it was quite literally, we call it grill.
Grill means go balls on either side, mirrored go balls.
And Emeka has a middle read route inside where he can take the middle if it opens up to too
high and he can break it off like a basic.
If it's one high, it's called, dose left was our formation, our two by two deal.
And we had a 73 protection, so a seven man protection.
So I mean, we were saying, hey, we're going to block this thing up and we're freaking
launching, you know, and I looked out to the boundary and Carnell was had a little tighter
coverage and 29 was off and soft to the field.
And he was like, damn near looking right at me.
And I was like, all right, I think, I think this is the time to let this thing rip.
And Mecca had said on the sideline,
he's like, when 29 is inside leverage,
we gotta take advantage of it.
All week I knew, 29 and 15,
if I had my choice, I was going at 29.
And he was out there on an island.
I knew they were probably gonna be bringing
some sort of pressure.
I mean, we had it blocked up
because we had the seven man protection called 73 Grille. And I'm taking my three step and a hitch and putting it on a cone man.
And number four is going to be there every single time. I mean, that was, that was electric
man. I was, I was so fired up that they called that because you know, in that situation,
man, I want the ball in my hands to seal the game. And I, I love it, man, you know, bring
it on and, and uh, you know, throw a, throw a freaking go ball to number four to seal the natty.
That was poetic.
Do you wish you could take number four with you?
I'd take everybody on that damn team with me if I could, but number four is special,
He's going to be something else.
For the fact that he's as young as he is doing what he did this year, I mean, he's only getting better
from where he's at right now and he's truly one of one.
I wanna ask you another question
because I think we might be aligned on this.
The Indiana game and I'll speak for myself here.
I love college football.
I think you should have to beat one good team to play for a national championship.
That's me saying that don't add anything to that will.
Um, so it came up a lot, right?
I'm an opinionist.
I got three shows a week.
So I started digging through the schedules like, man, I don't know.
I was like, Hey, we'll see what happens against Ohio state.
So yes, the Hoosier thing annoyed me at times.
Um, so when they were playing you guys, you know, I was like, So yes, the Hoosier thing annoyed me at times.
So when they were playing, you guys,
there's the seven and a half minute drive that takes what, 15 plays.
And at that point, the score kind of looks like 31-15,
even though the game was just not close.
I mean, look, they came down the field score.
You guys had weird bad starts all year. You were slow to start. So they're up seven, nothing.
And then it's just nothing from them the entire time until they get that touchdown.
And then Trevion takes a knee at the one, which I'm sure he was like, Hey, could somebody
have told me we were going for the touchdown?
So I could have, could have run it in.
You get that last touchdown to make the score 38 15.
Were you guys on the sideline during their seven and a half minute drive going
like, are they just trying to make the score look good?
And did you decide collectively like, you know what, we're putting
another seven on these guys because it seemed to be kind of nasty with a team
that look, I understand why Indiana was very excited about their season.
They have no history. This was incredible for them and they were a good football team. They
weren't great. They're a good football team. Good for them. But there seemed to be a bit of like,
you caught some heat for it, but I also think I understood what you were doing. And when you
guys decided to punch it in to make it 38, I'm like, I think I've never been more aligned with
Ohio State football than right now. Man, I, uh, you know, that was, I'd love to say we were sitting there
talking about it during the drive, but we really weren't, we were, you know,
we knew we had won the game already.
So we were kind of not really worried about it, but they went down and they
scored and then they went for two, which kind of was like, all right, you know,
what, what are we doing guys?
And, you know, coach signetti, you know, a lot of respect for him, uh, you
know, with, with what he did with Indiana and turning that program around.
I think he is great.
Um, he likes to, he definitely, uh, you know, talked a little bit of, of trash, uh, going
into that game.
And, uh, you know, he was, he was, uh, you know, I know coach day had his feelings about
it and when Trey went down to the one can't coach day came into the huddle and
that was a, that was an executive decision.
He was like, we're scoring right here.
If they want to score to fluff up the points, we're going to do the same thing.
So, you know, coach day says what you asked for, you deserve.
And, and, uh, you know, I feel like at that point in time, it was, you know, it
wasn't like a, a big, you know, shove it to you moment.
It was more of just like, Hey, you know, you guys, you guys wanted to do it.
So we'll do it too. Um, but you know, obviously all classroom tray
going down to the one. Um, but you know, I, I had, I'll be the bad guy if I, if I need to be man and,
and run in and we were all fired up, man. And it was, you know, obviously a big game, you know,
a top five matchup and they were a good team. Don't get me wrong. Like they were a solid, solid team. I think Curtis is a really good player.
The fact that he was playing on a torn ACL all year is crazy. Um, and I think,
you know, they had a solid defense. I think that CJ West kid's a phenomenal
player. Um, and I think they did some, they did some really good things.
And I think, you know, they deserve to have the season that they did. But, um,
you know, when, when you play the Buckeyes, it's a little different.
So we kinda had our way to end that thing.
And it was no harm meant.
It was just a little fire and firing us up, man.
I think you guys felt good about that last touchdown.
Based on going back and watching that game.
All right.
I know I could ask it this way.
Like, Hey, what is an NFL team getting when they're getting Will Howard?
I think listening to the last 25 minutes, you know, we're getting a guy that's
mature, that's tough, that's been in huge games.
And if I ask you, what do you want out of an NFL team?
You're going to say, Hey, I'm just one of, I want to go to a team.
I don't care.
But like, is there any part of this
that you can share with us?
Any part of the process of like,
you know, this is kinda how I see
once I'm drafted next month,
this is kinda like what I could see
is the perfect timeline for me getting this career going.
It's a good question, man.
And it, you know, it's gonna look different.
I don't know where I'm gonna end up, you what team I'm going to be on, what situation is
going to be.
But whatever it is, I'm going to be ready for it.
And I'm going to attack it 100%.
And I've always been a person that I don't do things half-assed, man.
When I went to Ohio State, I actually caught some flak for this guy's acting like he's
been a Buckeye forever.
And I'm like, guys, I'm here for a year.
Like I might as well, I'm not going half ass, you know, I'm not going to just act
like I don't care about this place.
Like I, I'm, I decided to be an Ohio state Buckeye.
Like I'm going to do it full force and like, you know, I'm going to, I'm going to
go all out for my guys and for the team and you know, they believed in me.
I believe in them and I want to be a part of this.
And that's how I feel going into my NFL locker room.
Whatever the situation is, I don't care if,
I go to a place that has an older veteran starter.
Obviously, ideally, I'd love to go in and play right away,
but you never know.
And that was my plan at Kansas State,
and I wanted to go play as soon as I could.
And I was probably played a little earlier than I was ready for,
but I think a lot of the things that I learned from Skylar Thompson and from
Adrian Martinez were really good for my career and really big for
me as I got better as a quarterback.
I leaned back on a lot of those lessons that I learned from the guys ahead of me,
and I think that there's certainly some good things to that.
I think whether I go into a situation
where there is a veteran guy, I'll definitely embrace it.
And I'll be ready for whatever the challenge is,
but I'm gonna be ready to compete
and trying to play as soon as I can, wherever I'm at.
I wanna contribute and be a part of team success.
And I'm a team guy, man.
I just wanna go in and create some great relationships
and prove that they can trust me
and count on me when the lights are on.
I can't wait for this moment for you,
for anybody that grows up,
hoping to actually be one of those names called.
So enjoy it, man, and excited about what's next.
Thanks, Will.
Thank you, Ryan.
I appreciate you having me, man.
You want details?
I drive a Ferrari, 355 Cabriolet. What's up? I have a ridiculous
house in the South Fork. I have every toy you can possibly imagine. And best of all,
kids, I am liquid. So now you know what's possible. Let me tell you what's required. Live advice, live advice, rr at is the email.
Kyle, Serti, Oregon.
Couple of feedback pieces here.
6'6 is the perfect height.
No basketball comp, played volleyball in high school
and university.
6'4, 250, currently in the pursuit of the pinnacle
of calisthenic fitness, the muscle up.
So a 6'4 guy saying that that six six is the perfect height.
So a non self-interest bias here.
I wish I was taller.
So there was never any doubt that you're the tallest,
real alpha.
At six four, typically you're always the tallest in the room,
but occasionally you were dethroned.
At six six, that concern is all but forgotten.
I feel like all the guys that are 6'3 and above think 6'6 is the height and everyone who's like
under six feet, it's like it's 6'1, 6'2. I think it's in that range. 6'6 feels uncomfortable.
If you're in college, your feet are hanging off the edge of the bed.
Are you shopping at the men's big and tall at that point? Maybe, you know, six, six is kind of really pushing it. Uh, so I
actually, I totally disagree with that. Six, four, six, three is probably the
tops for me.
Um, could you petition the college for a single? Interesting. Would you want
one as a freshman or a sophomore in a dorm?
Sophomore, yes.
Freshman, no.
You just, you gotta make inroads.
Yeah, that's fair.
There was a girl that lived on our floor when we were freshmen,
but she was a sophomore and she had a queen bed single,
like blue people's minds.
Queen bed is in like broader bed or like tied two beds together.
Cause that's what we did.
We like found some storage room and put it together another bed
We're sharing like they're like, hey you want to put our beds together
Think about all the space case one of us gets diagonal
Yeah, blue our minds. She was actually pretty attractive
Obviously at cash never talked to any of us, dated men, like grown men.
She's not live for like-
She was a dating senior person.
I mean, she was a sophomore and I don't think, I think college guys in
general were just out of the scope.
She was really nice to all of us, but we were just like every now and then we
walked by from the room we were open and be like, what?
She has like a full on mattress and a bed frame.
Like what is the, is the student issued one in storage?
Like what is going on with her?
She's that, that feels like I still think about her.
Clearly you only get away with that.
If your dad's like donating money to the school or something, you know, it's like,
I will just throw him a bone.
I had my, I couldn't even have a George.
I got my George Foreman grill taken during spring break.
Cause I wasn't even allowed to have that.
Meanwhile, this girl's got a queen bed in her room.
Yeah, honestly on the wall there.
Fire marshal doesn't want any part of that in college.
Like, is that paper on the wall?
Yeah, well, you guys sold it to me at the bookstore.
I didn't know that we couldn't put it up.
I like 6'6".
I'll be honest with you, but I don't know if you're wrong.
You're 6'3"? You're wrong. You're 6'3"?
No, no.
All right.
I thought you were 6'3".
There was a time where we've talked about,
my back is like an accordion now.
So let's see.
Some people made some really strong arguments
that North is 6'4", is where you start getting
into that problem area though, whether it's flights,
jeans, skinny jeans, young people, jeans, YPJs.
So, Jinkos are probably fine.
Yeah, I think you're fine there.
But yeah, six six, there's probably more challenges, but man, you're fucking six six.
But that's like, Connie, sometimes guys make that.
I mean, listen, technically I'm a short person here,
I'm the shortest one on the pod, but five, 10,
still not that short, what's up?
But like, I feel like guys that are six, five,
they make that their entire personality too.
It's like, cool, I'm the tall guy.
It's like, all right, well.
Wow, such a short guy thing to say, I don't like it.
I don't like it.
I don't like it.
I don't like it.
I don't like it.
I don't like it.
I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. Whereas super short guys don't want to make it their personality. Everyone has made it their
personality for them. Correct. You have a buddy who's five eight and he's definitely the shortest
in the group and you know he gets the gimli jokes and he's like I'm average I'm, I'm average. I'm the it's a national average. It's like, yeah, he's got stats for that reason. Right.
Yeah, that's such a, it's such a strange height. Cause we'll talk about our friend group that's in that height and guys are like,
do you know how tall this guy is or like who's taller?
It's kind of like Stanley in the office.
Like, does he have a mustache despite working with him forever?
You kind of like, does he not have a mustache?
despite working with him for every, kind of like, does he not have a mustache?
So then we were ranking who was shortest to tallest,
like under six feet from that group,
and no one knew anyone's height.
Like no one could figure it out.
Not that everybody's supposed to have everybody's height
memorized in your friend group,
but it was, there was just south of a certain number,
it was like, I don't know,
you know, it was just a big stew of length or lack thereof.
So I feel like there was something else that I had to say
as far as the person.
I think as my father was six, five,
it was obviously very frustrating for me.
Not everybody thought.
Yeah, everybody thought I was gonna be that big,
like growing up. And then it was like, I think this guy's 16
and hasn't hit puberty yet,
so what the fuck is going on with him?
And then I remember I ran into like an old coach
once I was in my 20s, and it was like totally normal,
but I could just tell there was this like underlying mist.
And he's like, you never got to your dad's side, did you?
I'm gonna leave the conversation.
God, I haven't heard that in 10 years.
Was he tall?
Was he taller than you?
Who, the coach?
Oh, I was gonna say,
because maybe he was just like,
you know, rubbing your face or something, but.
No, I could just,
I could just sense the like,
you were never that good.
You know? Like can caddy shack.
I just love when Chevy chase says that to judge males.
My dad never liked you.
All right.
Crickets on that one.
Yeah, it's been a while.
Something more updated.
I can't talk about stuff.
Home and pray and then go and do the fish and
creek for a date. Nothing. That's no, that's, that's good. I got that one right away.
Okay. Good stuff for the singers out there.
Those guys are serious, right?
Oh yeah.
It has. Okay.
Just want to make sure.
For those that don't know, there's this country duo that's just taking over the internet right now.
And it's, I don't know that I've ever seen a singer
who's like technically a singer,
not be sure about being a singer.
You know what I'm saying, Kyle?
Yeah, no, I got you nailed it.
Like, are you sure you wanna do this?
Not because I think they're-
That's a luck though, cause you're doing it, so.
Good or bad, yeah, I mean, those guys did it.
They're cutting videos.
Look at Saruti, kid number two on the way.
He has no idea what we're talking about.
This is when it goes away, buddy.
All right, a couple more feedback emails.
Don't worry, Kyle.
I will respect your time.
Aspect ratio.
Excuse me, The aspect ratio. That's from Brian regarding
Saruti's refusal to watch the wire. Yeah. Okay. Okay. This has been this has been
totally still gonna do it. All right. Misconstrued quotes taken out of my
things out of context. You would think that I like insulted someone's mom
or like close family member.
Like I didn't say that the wire.
I never said that the wire sucked.
I never said that it wasn't a good show.
I just said that I tried to watch it 10 years ago.
The aspect ratio threw me off
and I have never gone back to it.
And people are losing their minds.
Like people are genuinely angry at me.
And I'm like, guys, like, you know, you could, you could type on Reddit
all you want about different things, but like, I didn't say the show sucked.
I just haven't seen it because, and I was put off when I was 25
because of the aspect ratio and I haven't had time to pick it up.
And I feel like I missed it.
So I just, maybe I just missed it.
For those of us that are screenwriters, you've kind of insulted all of our moms.
No, here we go.
It's never too late.
The one thing I'll say, it's never too late.
No, it's too late.
He's not doing it.
He's not doing it.
I probably won't now.
Now that I have this back, Godfather one, how far do you make it?
Oh, I'm, I'm, I like, well, the third one, obviously it's not awesome,
but I'm a Godfather guy.
How did you make it through it?
With that SD?
I watched it when I was, I mean, I guess, I guess it was probably because I watched
it when I was, you know, in my like early teens.
So like, it wasn't that big of a deal back in the early 2000s.
I don't know.
Defending sorority on the wire aspect ratio, no comps, no stats.
Six one two 10.
I wanted to, this guy's tall.
I wanted to chime in and defend sorority on the wires aspect ratio.
I tried to watch it a couple of years ago.
I couldn't get past the aspect ratio either.
It was too distracting and not pulling me in.
However, I recently tried again on max and guess what? It's in a widescreen format ratio and looks way better
Oh, so Rudy give it a shot. No that I love how they've gone back and started releasing older shows in wide format gives them
New life love the pod
That's useful. That's actually a very useful email
There we go. The Sopranos first season
Four by three? Yeah. It was? Okay,
well I guess I got over that one. I don't know. I've seen Sopranos. I don't know. Good for you.
Battling through that. Yeah. Some people call me a hero, you know.
All right. I don't know. We've got a lot of good ones here today.
We got time to explore the space, by the way.
We do.
I don't know that I would normally do this one, but we'll just do it.
Should I apply to be Big Cat's manager?
What's up guys?
5'8", 155.
Can pinch 185 for six.
Basketball comp, Short Ben Simmons.
I'll say this about shorter guys,
if you decide to really focus on the arms,
they're gonna get huge.
Seen it firsthand.
So that's something.
Noted, noted.
Oh, actually I do, quick aside.
Yeah, how are your arms?
Probably two years, yeah, two years ago or so.
Okay, great.
I don't know that they're bigger,
and it's not really the baby thing.
It's really when she's like a toddler and you know she wants to be held in the morning
and she's picky about things. I don't know that there's any girth there like I don't
know that we've gotten like a little bit bigger there on the on the left bicep but it certainly
feels stronger because I do hold her in my left arm not my right arm and I've noticed
the left side getting a little bit stronger so I poo pooed it at first and now I don't, maybe I'm wrong.
I'm with you on it.
I mean, I don't understand why doing something that's strenuous physically
wouldn't make those limbs a little bit stronger.
I don't know.
I just seems like science to me.
I beat my wife four out of the last five times in arm wrestling.
You tell me it's not working?
I was waiting to the end of that sentence
to see what was going on.
Yeah, I guess.
I don't know how I could have.
Yeah, phrasing.
All right, so writing in today for some career advice.
I graduated college from a Southern school in 22.
I've been working in investment banking ever since.
Very recently got promoted to associate, which is a nice gig, slightly less hours with a decent pay raise of all the guys College from a Southern school in 22, been working in investment banking ever since,
very recently got promoted to associate,
which is a nice gig, slightly less hours
with a decent pay raise of all the guys.
All the guys at my job are great.
We've created a pretty tight-knit group,
but as you can imagine,
the job can be a lot of hours at times.
Recently saw an ex that big cat is looking for an assistant.
I read through the qualifications.
I humbly think I would be perfect for the job. I'm well versed in all four major sports, very well organized.
I think my current job has prepared me well for whatever I decide to do in the future.
I think it'd be a great opportunity to meet a lot of guys, maybe even Ryan one day and
do something I genuinely enjoy doing, helping one of my favorite media personalities perform
this job at the highest level.
The only problem is the pay.
The job listing says the salary range. The only problem is the pay.
The job listing says the salary range is 65 to 75K a year.
God, for his assistant or his manager?
That's pretty good.
It could probably be assistant, right?
Not manager.
Yeah, I think it just, I read the job description.
I actually have seen this.
Oh, okay.
And it was a lot of things.
It was organizational,
it was like partially social media stuff.
I think it was like getting them up to date on the topics of the day, the social media trends.
So he could take part because we know big cat loves to get social media trend.
Um, so it was, it was an all encompassing Harlem shake.
He's doing a video.
Yeah, for sure.
For sure.
For sure.
You know, updated coffee memes, things like that.
I think it's all pretty straightforward.
Um, so 65, 75 K range considerably below what I
make this year, probably make around 250 K.
That is a pay cut with the ability to continue to
grow every year.
My friends and I play the game of what I would
need to make for this switch to be worth it.
And I think my number is a bit higher than that.
My question to you guys, would you leave a job
you like for a job you think you would love
for considerably less money?
I imagine the interviews are already rolling
for this opening.
I imagine it's highly coveted job.
So more of a thought exercise,
but generally curious on the thoughts.
So look, he also added that he found our show
through the part of my take life advice one that we did. Ryan, how could you prefer chicken breast to thighs?
Kyle didn't understand you at first,
but after listening a bunch,
I think you're a super cool guy.
So Rudy, I think we gave you truth serum.
It would come out that you really don't like big cat.
So maybe think about this in a vacuum.
No, no, no, I do like big cat.
I think that's true.
That's like two emails in one.
There's a lot going on in there.
Yeah, damn.
Which ones should we focused on?
So he graduated college three years ago and you're already making 250 grand.
Thank the money.
Fast track, dude.
I think you think life is too easy and you're like, should I take a, what,
70% pay cut?
No, dude, that's you kind of, you've kind of hit the jackpot here.
If that's your salary.
I mean, unless you just hate your job.
I mean, I don't know what it would be.
He doesn't though, yeah.
He said that everyone's great.
He's enjoying life and money and all that stuff.
I mean, it's not like it costs 50 bucks
to submit an application.
Just put, it will feel better just submitting it, right?
He probably already did by the time he sent this, right?
But yeah, I couldn't take it.
I couldn't take that job.
And that's kind of the going rate. Like when Ryan was talking about the salary,
he was like, wow, it's almost a little high
to be like somebody's assistant in this type of industry.
It's just, if it's your first gig,
it's just not going to be good for a while, pay-wise.
The fact that it really bothers you is a turnoff.
Yeah, you might be acting a little different
than you think you are. What's your leg?
And all this for what? Yeah, I don't know.
Especially having a taste. If you didn't have a taste and you just were are. What's your like, and what, all this for what? Yeah, I don't know.
Especially having a taste.
If you didn't have a taste and you just were fresh graduating
and you're like, I don't know what direction I wanna go.
Cool, man.
Yeah, and then next thing you know,
you're gonna be on like some live stream that they're doing
and like, you're gonna have to make like 14 free throws.
You're gonna piss your pants on live stream
or something, right?
Look, I see there's a gap here after you left this firm.
What did you do?
Like, oh, let me say some clips.
I pissed my pants.
On a show.
In front of 50,000 people though.
But I'd like to get back.
A million impressions.
After a year or two of that,
I'd like to get back in investment banking.
The only thing I'm thinking about here is that this guy deep down wants to be on
the air, which way more people want to be, especially with the fact that like, look,
if I were in my early twenties and wanted to be on the air, I'd look around the land.
Like when I started, it was kind of like, how the hell is anyone like, how do you get
Um, and again, the irony being that I didn't really even want to be on the air when I first
started, but I,
you just looked around and you're like, this is impossible. Now it feels like everything is possible. And so, you know, Surudy and I have talked a lot about it in the past where,
you know, you're working with certain people behind the scenes and then you realize like,
this person doesn't want to be behind the scenes at all. Like they want to be the scene.
And so if you are
deep down somebody who watches some of this stuff, be like, oh, I'd be funny. Maybe you would be.
So I'm not dumping. I don't know you. So you have to kind of weigh that into the pricing of all of
this. Is this actually something where you think, well, if I were part of content and it would be a
lot of fun and this is kind of secretly what I've always
really wanted to do, then yeah, I would say pursue it.
Your odds probably aren't great.
I imagine there's a ton of applicants for this,
but the fact that you're already a little hesitant
and it's not like you've sent us this email in
where you said you hated your job.
So I would strongly advise you to just,
it was a funny email, but.
I'd send it.
I think you'd feel better just sending it. Sure, send it. At least you're not like, email, but. I'd send it. I think you feel better just sending it.
At least you're not like, man, what if I did do it?
Send it, you probably won't get a call.
Now that we read this email and Big Cat's going to hear that you asked about,
well, not the pay thing, but he'll probably ask me,
hey, can you give me the name? And then I will.
And then you won't get it.
Or, I don't know.
All right, switching it up.
Haunted house purchase.
Hey gang, 31 years old, 5'10", 153,
ran a marathon once, non-Disney, so not sure it counts.
Wargon, what are you like, 6'2"?
Come on.
Am I 6'2"?
We know the answer to this.
I'm 5'6".
That's right. That's right, he says. this. I'm five six. That's right.
That's right.
In like tone on that, that's right.
Yeah, I didn't, that felt, nah.
No, I forgot.
I literally forgot.
Then you said it,
because we did this already, didn't we?
We did, yeah.
It did surprise, we all were surprised that he was five six.
He's just,
I don't know, maybe it's the,
maybe he's, his aspect ratio is off.
Sorry, man.
We'll check in later.
Yeah, we'll check in later.
Good luck.
Heard big cats looking for an intern.
Holy shit.
Basketball comp, Birkin Corkmas.
Sorry about the swearing.
Same hair, beard, three point shooting percentage, but only when on Adderall make percentage drops
to single digits without PEDs.
My wife and I, Adderall, hoops Adderall,
never even thought about that.
My wife and I live in a large Midwest city
due to the birth of our daughter.
A few months ago, we're now following the natural path
of life and making the big move to the suburbs.
We spent the last year or so researching
surrounding towns and neighborhoods.
We found the perfect neighborhood for raising our
kids, top public schools, in-state walkable, close by parks, close proximity to both our families to
help with childcare. Man, it looks like you've hit, you've checked all the boxes. In researching this
neighborhood, there's only about 12 to 20 houses that typically go to market a year, so very limited
of course, competitive inventory. My wife and I recently saw a home we really loved and contemplating putting in an offer.
It has it all fully remodeled inside,
which is a huge perk for both of us
to try to avoid any near-term projects
and the headache of a contractor twice your size
blowing up the first floor bathroom
while you have to bite your tongue
and pretend it didn't happen.
Great living room for hosting work colleagues
for a single course light, a well-ke kept golf course with $10 weekday greens fees
right across the street.
I bet that even accept Kyle's payment of a cooler of beers.
It even has a basketball hoop in the driveway
so my offspring can learn the same Midwest signature move
I did growing up, the strictly right-handed dribble
and layup.
All right, here's the dilemma.
We found out through some back-channeling
that the owner's father passed away in the house a few years back.
This is not information.
Ding, ding, ding.
You have to disclose in the state we are looking.
All right. So, hey, Saruti, kind of our side door real estate guy here.
Is that something you have to disclose?
Somebody dies in the house in some state?
There's certain circumstances, right?
There's like, if it's a murder, but if it's a death, it's if it's just a no foul play or something
So I don't I think it is a state-by-state thing, but I will say our last house
The previous owner definitely died in the house and we were not told that
But they were old how did you feel I
Don't care We would joke around that it was like maybe kind of haunted because like our dog would always kind of look in the corner
And be like, oh oh it's just like the
ghosts kind of talking or something or doing its thing but it didn't bother me
at all. It's a fun game. Yeah it didn't it really didn't bother me at all. We kind of
knew that because like one part one room in the house was zoned for a different
like heating situation clearly it was like an elderly thing and we were
buying it from their siblings so like I think you put two and two together you
kind of figure out what happened. Didn't bother me at all, but they did not have to disclose that in Connecticut.
I thought it was a murder.
Like if it's a murder, you got to say, but I think if it's just a, yeah.
You just Google the house and the address.
Isn't Bill's house haunted?
Any murder she says.
I think Bill thinks his house is haunted.
I can see that though. in any house he lived in.
Like I think there's something going on here. Top seven spirits. Yeah.
Come on. Who are we talking about here?
Like I don't know. Something with the Aztecs I think. For me this immediately moved the house out
of consideration.
There's too much of a chance this house has a spirit
and I'm not sure I could ever look past it
or not think about it.
My wife on the other hand has more of a Bill Simmons
mentality, didn't expect that.
And this doesn't scare her at all.
I don't know if that's a Bill Simmons mentality.
Maybe it doesn't scare, maybe, I don't know.
I haven't heard his ghost coverage.
If anything, it's a perk.
Her initial reaction was great. Now we have a great negotiation piece
to offer at an even lower price."
End quote.
Which is probably true as we found out the owner
does not want this info public.
I, on the other hand, still lose sleep sometimes at night
watching paranormal activity 15 years ago.
I have no bigger and irrational fear than the paranormal.
So what would you do?
This house checks all the boxes for my wife
and I except for the ghost factor.
Could you look past it for your dream home,
especially if you get an even better deal with the info?
We may not find anything comparable in the near future
and need to make a move sooner than later.
I'll hang up and listen.
Additional context, if interested, sure, we're here.
The home has been on the market for nearly three months,
much longer than homes of this price range quality typically do for the area.
The person who was deceased died of natural causes and was in hospice care at the time,
so likely a peaceful passing.
Not sure if this would change your perception of potential spirit and its motives.
We also found out my cousin's in-laws live next door, which is big news.
They already reached out to say they'd love to help out.
The little one is there, make amazing home cooked meals of their nationality, which is definitely something we couldn't find in our new neighborhood.
A very organized email. All right. So go ahead, Sarudha. I mean, it sounds like you're on record
for saying you've already done it, potentially don't care. Yeah. Do you guys believe in ghosts?
Not really. No. I mean, there's, there might be some stuff going on.
I just haven't spent a lot of time
and will not spend a lot of time in my life
worrying about it.
I'm not willing to write it off.
I think it's kind of unlikely.
You know, you see a couple of orbs in a picture
and you're like, yeah, that's kind of,
it's an interesting coincidence there.
I am not really afraid of ghosts.
You know, if I was, I mean, I watched,
what was it? Nosferatu last night, last night. So I'm like, kind of like a little bit on edge. I mean I watched what was it? Not this watch last night last night
So I'm like kind of like a little bit on edge like last night going to sleep was a little bit
I didn't cut dropped. Yeah, I didn't I think I just saw the regular one, but it was good
But yeah
I was like, you know
If I was like really afraid of those things like it would probably bother me and it sounds like that's what our guy
He's like a little bit sensitive to the paranormal activity thing
My thought would be it's kind of cool if you own the haunted house
on the block though, isn't it? Like especially, you know, I guess if it's actually haunted and
it's causing your, you know, if it's like a legit, you know, paranormal activity situation, probably
not going to end super well. But like when's the last time you actually heard of someone that you
knew that had that situation go down. So I think it's kind of cool to live in the haunted house,
the perceived haunted house in the neighborhood. And if you're getting a sick deal and it's
everything you wanted and I just,
what's the worst that happens?
You just sell it in six months.
If it's like really a disaster.
I mean, you take a little bit of a loss, I guess, but somebody's going to buy
the house seems like a nice house.
So I think the worst that could happen.
I'm what you get possessed.
All right.
Yeah, that'd be the worst problems.
Unlikely, but you know,
yeah, Kyle, I mean, I'm the only one here who hasn't bought a house. It seems unlikely, but you know. Yeah. Kyle.
I mean, I'm the only one here who hasn't bought a house.
I mean, maybe I wouldn't be surprised to know if Wargon like clothes at a house as sophomore year somewhere in Orlando.
Like we just would just learn that about him.
But I, I think he's an apartment guy in New York right now, but I don't, I don't
really know, I think I would just be looking for an edge when it comes to
making a big purchase like that.
Um, so this would be a all green lights for me, especially walking across the street to the golf course.
And you know, what do you say?
He's got a hoop and all, it's perfect.
It's perfect neighbors next door,
you know, built in childcare community.
You got there, this is a one for me.
I would be like, this is all green lights.
Your wife's into it.
You don't have to do it.
You're the one who has to like be convinced.
Just be convinced, convince yourself.
You can convince yourself of anything.
I really wanna hear Wargon talk about ghosts.
So can you, I have no idea where it's gonna go as always,
but if you could turn this back on,
where are you on ghost and home properties?
I've talked about this with my fiance already.
We're in, if someone dies in the house,
that's the one I want, just because it makes it cheaper, makes it cheaper. And then if it turns out that it actually
is haunted, I feel like you've 10 extra investment because someone's going to want that.
Well, yeah, but you just said you'd get it for a lower price and now you get the fully
haunted experience.
If it turns out that it is haunted, you're going to be able to sell it to some, some
weirdos for a lot more.
Like if you can get a certificate from some...
But by the way, I'm sure you could get some lady
to show up to your house and be like, oh yeah, yeah.
Oh yeah, this is a problem.
It's gonna take a few sessions.
Yeah, for now it's just like,
I just need 75 bucks for a certificate
that this place is officially haunted,
and then it would be some fake thing.
All right, well thanks for that.
Uh, look, man, some people really don't like ghosts and I can, I can
understand like his trepidation, but it sounds like this box or excuse me, this
house checks every single possible box and even some that you didn't even think
that you needed checked.
Um, I don't know.
I mean, if it's been on the market for longer, because people kind of know you
might want to watch out like, cause if I were selling a house and my
father had just died in it and a potential buyer
were like, well, your dad died in it.
So here's a hundred grand less.
I may just out of spite, just say, I don't care
how much longer it takes for me to sell this
house, I'm not selling it to you because you're
going to try to use that against me.
I mean, look what you're going to do and what
your realtor is going to say to them.
Because if you tell your realtor, hey, can we offer less because the father died in the house,
your realtors are going to tell their realtor who then may or may not tell the homeowner,
but they're all just going to talk to each other the entire time.
So I would go for it just because it's not going to freak me out that much.
There's a really good chance you move in and like nothing happens.
Like how high is that percentage?
The other thing too, that I've done, I take high 90s.
It does feel like high 90s is the number here.
Cause the other thing though, is that people that are super into the ghost
deal, like I have a friend, Tim, who bought a house and it's a much older
house in a really cool neighborhood. And he was so excited to show it to me and then told me about all the ghost stuff.
But he also is a ghost guy.
He watches all those terrible shows.
Like there are, those shows are always so confusing.
And you're never quite sure.
Yeah, right.
Like what just happened?
Oh man, I'm getting crazy activity reads over here.
There could have been a death.
Yeah, I agree.
And then he just like, what's that?
I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, Like what just happened? Oh man, I'm getting crazy activity reads over here.
Yeah, there could have been a death.
Yeah, I agree.
And then he's just like, what the fuck is this show?
We've never seen these levels before.
Yeah, yes.
Nice, nice.
Perfectly said.
I know that, and by the way,
as an aside on these shows in general,
Alone is a great show.
I just watched an episode.
The guy made it one night.
If you can only make it one night signing up for Alone, or signing up for, yeah,
right, you should have to pay some kind of fine.
Like a restocking fee.
Yeah, exactly.
Cause I just could not believe the guy made it a night and then tapped out.
And he was like a real day.
It wasn't what was it like bugs or something like just his daughter started balling his eyes out.
Day one.
I always think it'd be kind of fun until like they wake up in the morning and they've just been
eating alive at night.
And it's like just 19 more nights of this.
I was like that.
Well, I don't know how long they stay, but you know, I just couldn't
imagine like the foreseeable future and just be like, well, hope it's not
this bad when I wake up tomorrow.
Like I just, that aside from being hungry and you know, finding, you
know, getting out of the rain or whatever, just the, just the laying there for
bugs at night, depending on the bugs, I think.
Uh, yeah.
I mean, that'd be a tough first night, but you
couldn't go back to your village, your town city, wherever you're from.
And then be like, yeah, I made it one night.
You know, like I understand even without having kids, like you're going to miss
your kids, but what did you think you were signing up for?
You couldn't handle that one night.
I would be, cause then I think about how I would do on it and I wouldn't do well.
I'd get so upset that I'm going to lose all of this weight. I'd come out of that thing like 180
pounds. I'd be fine with the alone thing. Maybe no one would be more prepared for that than me.
I wouldn't miss anyone. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't even tap out. Yeah, maybe Saruti, but I wouldn't
tap out. Yeah. Looking at a picture of Saruti crying, being like, even Sarudy? Yeah, maybe Sarudy. But I wouldn't tap out. Four?
Looking at a picture of Sarudy crying, being like, come pick me up.
Yeah, I can't do this.
I can't.
I can't do it.
But yeah, the ghost.
I think it'd be more like Wizards Pistons are on.
I cannot miss this for the third day in a row.
I actually went to watch the Pistons game last night, because it was the last one on
the docket, and then Harden was just a free throw fest.
And I go, I'm going to watch this in the morning.
I got to fast forward through this.
I cannot watch Harden take 20 free throws.
I know he had 50.
I know they won. Congrats to the Clippers.
But I watching Harden take 20 free throws with all the bullshit.
I was like, do not make this a live two hour plus experience cut down on the experience.
Cause you know how frustrated and upset you're going to get.
I think ghost people see ghosts more than non-ghost people. You know what I'm saying?
They want to see stuff. Hey dude, was that chair there before? Just like the TV shows.
And if you're not a ghost person, you're probably never going to have any of those experiences. So
I would say go for it. And if it, if it, if it is haunted,
there's one, there's one element of this that I don't, that doesn't make any
sense though.
He's saying that the, it's been on the market for three months long, you know,
whatever way longer than anything else.
It's not in that neighborhood.
The price may be potentially going down, but people don't, he's the one that
found out about the ghost and nobody else knows about that.
Wouldn't that suggest that there's some other problem
with the house?
We don't know that there is a ghost.
We know there's a potential ghost scenario.
That the current owner doesn't want to be made public.
That the father died in the house.
Yeah, so other people don't know that.
So that wouldn't be driving,
that wouldn't be the reason the house
is sitting there for three months.
Now you're talking, you're talking like a real estate agent.
Why is this thing still on the market?
Or does everybody, you know,
does everybody actually already know?
Okay, good luck with the ghosts
and with your mortgage paperwork.
Okay, which is more horrifying than any ghost.
Thanks to Kyle, thanks to Saruti, thanks to Oregon,
thanks to Jonathan Friis.
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