The Science of Flipping - Craigslist Still Works for REI!
Episode Date: December 24, 2020Is Craigslist dead? It's been around for a long time and many investors used it for buying and selling many year ago, and lately Craigslist has kind of disappeared. But is it truly dead? ...
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What is up, everybody? What is up? Welcome back to another Science of Flipping podcast.
I am your host, Justin Colby. And if this is the first time you are here on the podcast,
this is all about tools, systems, strategies, processes for your real estate investing business.
Big announcement, big announcement. I have officially created a strategic partnership with a buddy, good buddy of mine, major player in the space, Mr. Chris Crone, and I have put together a, to help those individuals who potentially want to get into the wealth building space,
buying rentals, having a portfolio.
If that interests you, make sure to send me an email at info at the science of flipping,
info at the science of flipping,
or you can send me a direct message on any of my social medias,
Instagram or Facebook,
the Justin Colby. But big announcement, Chris Krohn and I have created this partnership.
Very excited about it to help people start to create wealth all across the nation in some of
the hottest rental markets, getting upwards of 20 to 25% ROI on the investment with these rental homes. Anyways, that is a huge
announcement. I'm very excited. So hopefully many of you who are looking to start to build wealth
and need a better ROI on your money, you're excited as well. And just shoot me an email,
info at or send me a direct message on social media, the Justin Colby.
Now with that over, I actually wanted to go into a very simplistic marketing strategy that still
works today. As a matter of fact, I was talking to a client of mine who is doing virtual wholesaling
and they're in Ohio. She's a coaching student of mine. She's in Ohio and she was able to
get her first deal done through Craigslist. So Craigslist is still a working model, everybody.
And it is proof in the pudding. And her and I were on actually a conversation this week.
And her first deal came from Craigslist. Yes, this year, this was not 10 years ago. Craigslist
is still a very viable working model. And it still works this year. So here's what we want to
talk about is for those of you trying to struggle to find deals, for
those of you that are spending a ton of money and not getting consistent results, there
are still free ways to post that you are looking to buy a home, whether it be in Facebook,
Craigslist, or, that will actually get you results. This is not over.
There's no, you know, back 10 years ago, obviously this was a much hotter topic. I don't believe
people were using it as much, but Craigslist is still working. You keep it short. You keep it
simple. You say you are looking to buy a home. You are looking to buy a home before. Let's just say, as I'm doing this recording before the end of January.
And what will happen is you will see people looking to sell their home by fines, you know, by for sale by owner.
And they will go on. They're starting to look for people looking to buy a home.
Right. So under Craigslist,
there's selling and then there's buying or homes wanted. It is what it's called. And so people who
are looking to sell their home are also going to go look at homes wanted to see if they can
potentially engage with a buyer. And this is where you would put a very short, small little snippet looking to buy a home
for cash closed before the end of January. If you have a home to sell, please reach out
and give your information. Literally that simple. Now, here's the key. Like any marketing,
you have to be consistent. And so if you're like me and you have a bigger business going and you're doing any level
of volume, this simply has to be in your, I don't want to say daily tasks, but this
is in someone in your operations to-do list daily, right?
So I just hired a new gal.
Her name's Casey.
She's awesome.
In her daily tasks, she has to make this post.
Now, Craigslist has some sort of algorithms like you can't over post. They start to limit some
levels of your posting. So you'll have to be slightly careful there, but there's ways around
it, like creating multiple email addresses, et cetera, creating multiple accounts, et cetera. So you can absolutely post as much as you want.
But the key to this and why this episode is so big is between Craigslist,
between Facebook, between,
you should be able to bring in deals in the next 30 days.
If you are not, by the way, for free, for free. If you are
not, you're simply not using the strategies enough. You are not being consistent enough.
Now I will tell you in Ohio or in Oklahoma, it does work better than it does in Phoenix.
Phoenix has a ton of investors and many of them
don't have a marketing budget. And so they do all the free stuff. I got that. But if you are not
doing this consistently, then you never give yourself a shot to get these deals. Now,
I talked further about a bunch of free marketing on my YouTube channel. If you have not gone over to my YouTube channel yet, go to my YouTube channel,
justincolby, forward slash justincolby.
Check it out.
I am putting up a video a day over there.
Make sure you're liking the videos.
Make sure you're subscribing.
I do all things business, real estate, and entrepreneurship over on YouTube.
And also, if you are interested in a strategy session
with me to talk about how I can potentially help, go over to the,
the Right there, you can fill out a quick form and it will connect you
directly with me so you and I can have a chat about how I could help you in your business. And so it is really important, regardless of what
phase of business you are in. If you're someone just trying to get started, you need to be
utilizing Craigslist. You need to be utilizing You need to be utilizing Facebook.
If you're a veteran and you have a business running like I do,
you need to still be using the same
platforms. This is the confusion that I see happen when people come to me and they say,
Justin, I need your coaching. I need your coaching. I need to figure out how to scale my business.
And within one to three questions, I can immediately tell that they are not doing
this strategy. Right. And it's a large part is what got someone to, you know, doing five to 10
deals a month. Somehow, they stopped doing what got them there. And they overthink and they think
now that they're making some money, they need to spend some money, or a lot of money. And all of
a sudden, profitability changes, etc. Like, this is part of scaling. And for those of you listening
to this right now
thinking i need to get more deals i need to become more profitable i don't have more money
to spend on marketing i'm tapped out there this is how you do it be very clear scaling doesn't
mean spending more money to get more deals scaling means becoming more profitable that's what scaling you know if i define
scaling it is doing more deals or making more money and increasing profitability that to me
is scaling it does no good to hire people spend more money in marketing um and do more deals if
it costs you more to do more deals and your profitability doesn't go up either.
Right. And so if that resonates with you, this is something you must start doing immediately. I'm doing anywhere from 10 to 20 deals a month for free every single month right here in Phoenix,
Arizona, which is largely the, uh, the epicenter for every investor that has ever lived, uh,
apparently. And so, uh, again, if you're a newbie,
this is your number one strategy to go get deals.
Craigslist, Facebook, as well as
And if you're trying to scale,
you've been around for a long time,
you need to implement this in your business.
Hopefully this finds you guys well.
Again, get over to my YouTube channel, forward slash Justin Colby. And again, big announcement. Me and Mr. Chris Crone have
partnered to build a model that individuals who are tired of low returns on their money,
maybe their money's sitting in the self-directed IRA, maybe it's in some retirement account,
maybe the stock market isn't doing so well. maybe you want to build real wealth through real estate, we are looking to partner
with you. It's hands-off for you, but you will be buying and owning residential real estate all
across the US. If that's interesting to you, make sure to send me an email, info at thescience as well as uh you can always send me a direct message on
instagram the justin colby or facebook the justin colby i hope this finds you guys well happy
holidays as we are definitely in the holiday season christmas is just around the corner
and i will talk to you guys on the next episode peace