The Science of Flipping - Episode 113: Direct Mail Secret with Gary Boomershine

Episode Date: November 21, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby. What is up, everybody? What is up? Welcome back to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I am your host, and if you are watching this on YouTube, as you can see, I have another incredible special guest who is content rich. He's been doing this for 13, 14 years now. He's an expert, but before I get there, there's always housekeeping. I got to get out of the way. This podcast is meant to give you the systems, the tools, the education, the structure to get into and create a um, a seven figure a year real estate investing business. And so whether I, um, have an, uh, expert on the call or not, I am giving
Starting point is 00:00:53 away all my goods. I am teaching you everything I know about the business after 10 years and doing over 750 deals here in the Phoenix Valley. Um, and so at the end of the day, guys, I do this because I want to give back and help you guys create a life by design, something that you can strive for and know that it is possible because I started from nothing. I started from sleeping on a couch and, you know, 10 years later, here I am. And it was pure tenacity and fortitude. There were no podcasts I was listening to. There was no mentors. It was pure tenacity and muscle throughing, uh, you know, muscling through absolutely everything. And so hopefully you guys are in a place to listen, take notes. Um, and for all of those out there that, um, want more, I have a book at Amazon that you can actually download for free for my listeners. Just go to forward slash book, forward
Starting point is 00:01:52 slash book, download it for free. It will be the e-version, but it is a book I wrote, got published and put onto Amazon just to give you more of my story and what I've gone through and what I've been able to build here at the science of flipping. So again, the science of forward slash book. And with that dude, I get to bring on my special guest, the man that I just, you know, recently came in contact with, but this gentleman is no rookie. He has been doing this for a very long time and him and I just really started vibing because I constantly talk about direct mail. I constantly talk about lists.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And this is that guy. He has done over 14 million mail pieces in his career. And he has done hundreds and hundreds of flips. And so I want to introduce everyone to Gary Boomersheim. What up, dog? What's happening, Justin? Super excited, man. I, man. This is one of the best real estate markets I've ever seen. And I love the topic and I really hope that your whole
Starting point is 00:02:56 group of listeners love it and can take some of the things that I'll share today and be able to go implement it literally tomorrow, if not sooner, right? Because time is money and you don't want to wait six months. Yeah. And you know, we're going to get to maybe kind of the meat of what you've done and what you've built. And I think anyone who is listening, literally, this is one of those episodes that there's some cool stuff that we're going to be able to show you how to systemize and really implement the business model versus doing it yourself, because that's really what it comes down to. But Gary, why don't you do, I won't do your story justice and what you've been able to build over your career. So why don't you take a second and let everyone know where you at least came from and what you've built as far as the real estate space and what you've gone through. Because I
Starting point is 00:03:41 know you're the direct mail guy who's just crushing it. Right. No, that's awesome. And I will tell you, brother, you actually said the words tenacity and persistence. I'll tell you, my story is one of definitely learning through the school of hard knocks. And I wish I know and knew what I know today. One little thing is don't reinvent the wheel. It's not like technology. We're not Apple computer. It's like find what works, follow the people who are really making the money, and then repeat it, do it, and then make it better. But don't try to reinvent the wheel because nothing in real estate is really new, right? It's brick and mortar, brother.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I mean, you really say that. I don't say that enough. But truthfully, there's nothing new in real estate. The one thing I actually did find to be new, and I don't know if you've seen this, it's everywhere. Our friend Brian Page put out this very cool strategy with Airbnb. It's almost like a sandwich lease option. That actually is relatively new. Now, if you really think about it, it's basically a sandwich lease option. But nonetheless, because Airbnb is such a big business model, it really is
Starting point is 00:04:50 pretty incredible what he's been able to build. Yeah, absolutely. I love it. I love it. But the techniques to find the deal are still very, very... Totally. Your exit strategy is just a little different. No doubt. No doubt. Well, cool. Hey, everybody. Super excited to be here. My name is Gary Boomerschein. I live in California. I'm a full-time real estate investor, and I'm actually a pretty sizable private lender.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I lend a lot of money. I've been doing a lot of rehab lending. But real estate, I got into the business. I came out of the technology space. I was actually selling a million to $5 million systems. I got kind of a technology background. That's a whole backstory. I won't bore you guys to death, but got into real estate after the whole dot com era. I went full time. I was crazy. My wife and I had a three M's of mortgage Munchkin and you were married and married and married. Right. And so we're still married. We just celebrated our 23rd anniversary. Congratulations, dude. My first daughter off to college. But anyway, I got into real estate full-time in 2004. May 17th was actually the day I took the plunge. And oh my gosh, talk about learning through the School
Starting point is 00:06:02 of Hard Knocks. We had a mortgage. My wife left her big job. I left my six-figure job. And we said, let's do it. And then actually, there's a whole story. It took me six months. I ended up crushing it on our first deal in Bakersfield, California. I ended up netting $181,000 on that first deal. But I made so many mistakes.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And that was 2004. Um, I've done, uh, I'm primarily, I'm actually working in four markets. Uh, California is actually the smaller market. I'm doing a lot, a ton of wholesaling right now. And I do a ton of lending as well, but mostly wholesaling. I do some creative deals. If I can get the seller to, you know, if they're interested in, you know, being a little creative on how they receive their money, I probably do about 15 to 20% creative deals, but I'm flipping everything. I'm very, I've, I had a couple of apartment complexes and I'm like, I am out of holding, having tenants. So I'd say the one thing that, that I'm really good at is, and it actually just comes from a sales background, right?
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's like, get me in front of the leads, get me in front of motivated sellers and then I'll close them. And what I found is this real estate, you know, business is amazing, but as a real estate investor, you know, right. You go and you learn, you learn the strategies, and you get into coaching and mastermind groups, and you got really good stuff. But then there's a lot of work, right? It's like, you got to go figure out, okay, marketing, you got to go figure out mailing lists, and you got to go grab, you know, some of the best mailing lists in the country, Kent Clothier, right? With right, find motivated sellers now, but then you got to figure
Starting point is 00:07:42 out how to use that tool. And then you got to figure out the mail house. And then it's, Oh, this postcard, that postcard. Oh, and now you got to have a system, right? It's like Podio or Freedom Soft or whatever it is. So you got all this stuff. Oh, and then all of a sudden you got to make it work, right? Just because you have all this stuff, somebody actually still has to run it. And then you got to get VAs. It's like, Oh my gosh, now I got to hire people. And so what I think that I've uniquely solved for a small group of us is let's just get rid of all that brain damage. And I created a group a few years ago called REI Vault, where it's like, hey, let's just have one staff that are experts that we can all just share and get rid of the brain damage and give us qualified. it's the result, right?
Starting point is 00:08:25 And so anyway, I got lots to share on that. Love real estate. I love this niche. Love the people. In fact, we just got together a few months ago with a bunch of us doing it. Talk to us a little bit more about, you know, I talk so much about direct mail. I mean, literally it has been, oh my God, probably well over 90% of my business has come from direct mail, whether it's, you know, flips that we're getting, whether it's wholesales
Starting point is 00:08:49 or wholetails, I have three different exit strategies. But, you know, I always talk about motivated sellers versus property avatar, right? And I tend to lean towards property avatar, meaning I want a house that is a certain year old, has been owned for a certain amount of years, has a certain amount of equity, you know, in zip codes that I want them to be in with a certain value. I think those are the primary for me is the list that I'm going to go after. But if you're going to talk to a brand new investor and they're like, I have $500 to spend every month on direct mail. What is your suggestions on what direction they should be going?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah. Well, gosh, you brought up a bunch of questions. So first and foremost, I like to simplify it. Most of us are working like, let's say 250,000 households, right? We got a market, you're in Phoenix. Yeah, that's about right. That's what I do. It's about work 250. Most of us, our market's about 250,000. So instead of going out and having a market to everybody, it's like, what are the best, highest likelihood houses that are going to move, right? And I'll tell you that are going to sell and typically sell at a discount because we're looking for usually equity. And so I'll tell you what I found.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And this is a formula. In fact, we pull this list for all of the people in our group because it's a little hard to get. And so we just said, hey, let us do it. I hired one of the largest hedge fund. It was a group in India that backed Waypoint that bought over 28,000 houses. They're actually part of Colony, which was one of the second largest hedge fund in the country, if not the world. So I have that tech team, a bunch of geeks in India that are pulling and managing the mailing lists. I'll tell you what we found. A list of mostly absentee owners, mostly inherited properties, and mostly free and clear. That combination, and it's a huge list. There's actually out of 120 million single family properties that we all have access to at ListSource, or there's a lot of different data providers that you can get it, but it's all the same. It's County Recorder, but of 120 million, about 18 million are on this
Starting point is 00:11:10 list, but a little hard to get. So a lot of people are going after the absentee list. Why is absentee or why, you know, non-owner occupants? It's because we're looking for burned out landlords. You're looking for people that are tired. If they've inherited the property, right? It's a lot of people. They just want to be done with it. Absolutely. That's crushed it. The vacant list has been huge.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So in most markets of the country, if it's not overly saturated. And then the third, we call it the shipwreck list. And it's actually made up of a whole bunch of stuff, but code violations is huge. It's a small list. It whole bunch of stuff, but code violations is huge. It's a small list. It's a local list, but code violations, right? Somebody has too much trash in front of the property. That's a good indicator. It's called the recently deceased. It's like a pre-probate list. That's been absolutely huge. So probate, traditionally, everybody talks about probate
Starting point is 00:12:06 lists, especially a new investor, right? Go after probate. There's actually a pre-probate list, which is people that have recently died. That information comes out from the Department of Social Security, right? And that's published weekly. And then we've actually been able to figure out, okay, how can you take that list of recently deceased who actually have a house and they have equity? Right. Do you think that's a good list? So that's huge. That's a really large list.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Tax liens is huge. So we pull that from three different data providers around the country, and then we're pulling it against equity. That makes sense. But so for a brand new investor, if I were saying, hey, what's the best list that you could get really, you know, at the right price, I would say go for the vacant list. Vacant free and clear from Kent. That's probably the first place to go. Second thing, you know, I'll tell you, do you ever talk about list source and absentee owners? Yeah, I do talk about both of those from time to time for sure. Yeah. Okay. So I'll tell everybody, I know I'm getting in the weeds, but here's what most people do. And they go out and they pull an absentee owner list typically from list source, but they're
Starting point is 00:13:21 putting the last sale date. So they'll go in, they'll put 2004 as the last sale date, right? Yeah. But most of the gems don't have a sale date. So it's literally blank. And so most of the really good properties are missing. So what we tell everybody is, Hey, if you're just doing one thing, get the whole absentee list and then search yourself because that's, that's where most of your competition is not searching. Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things, you know, in Phoenix, um, one of the hot lists is just anyone who bought their home from 2009, 2012, right. When we were at our bottom and it doesn't matter, we literally have zero filter on it. If you bought it 2009 to 2012, you were on the list. And if you just pound that enough, you can get deals just for nothing else that the person has lived there anywhere from
Starting point is 00:14:13 seven years to five years to seven years. So there's a good amount of equity because we've had something like 35% value appreciation, right? Which is a substantial amount in, in certain micro pockets, even more, right? So now it's, I don't care who you are. You bought at this time. I want to crush you. I want to talk to you because you, you have a good reason to sell, right? Yep. Absolutely. And what, so how would you, let's just use any of those lists you suggested. And I think they're all great. How often would you tell someone to mail the same person? Yeah. So I'd break it up. You've got break. When you're thinking about mailing lists, they're really two categories. So you got those people that have equity and then you have those people that are probably more motivated because they have some economic change in their life. Death, code violation, tax lien, probate, right? Typically, the equity is a big list.
Starting point is 00:15:11 The motivation or economic thing is a small list. So if it's an equity list, right, you're pulling an absentee owner list or we pull the invisible list. You want to mail it no more often than every 60 days, typically every 60 to every 90 days. And then you want to mail it for a total of five times. That's the secret sauce. And I could actually tell you, we track all the metrics. We're doing about 500,000 pieces of mail. Wow. I know last year for a small group of us, we generated over 150,000 seller leads that we tracked. And I know every around the country exactly what works, whether it's yellow or whether it's white, whether a local number, you know, don't put a website on it as an example. Don't put a website on your marketing.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It kills the marketing. But every 60 days, if you have a motivated list, about once a month. And if you can, every three weeks. So I'm living in a house in California. It's actually a very small list. I got 100% response rate. My wife and I were looking for a new house and I bought it with $250,000 worth of equity in it, by the way, in Northern California, which doesn't get you much in California, by the way. I'm from Northern California. I'm from Marin County. Oh, okay. I'm in Danville. You know where that's at. Absolutely. So I, I mailed and I actually mailed every single day. So every single day, the same sellers and every one of them called me a hundred percent of them called me to be removed from the mail.
Starting point is 00:16:47 All right. I called them all back and I did my typical thing. I tell everybody, hey, those people that asked to be removed from the mail, the angrier they are, the better the leads because there usually is a problem. And they're usually fighting over money. You know, they're having some sort of divorce. So they're not really angry at you. So I got on the phone with the lady. Name's Ruth. We bought it in 2010. She said, please remove me from the mail. Talk to her for a few minutes. I put her on a follow-up letter.
Starting point is 00:17:16 The third follow-up letter that she called me back three months later, I bought the house. Isn't that crazy? But that's a little bit more drastic. Sending out mail every day is probably definitely an outlier for sure. There's no doubt about that. Right. You know? And so what I would say is I'm not very far from you. I would say, you know, if you have a list and I'm, I'm a once a month kind of guy. I think if you start to space it out and I also would say you got to hit these people six times, right? So if you do every other month, which can be fine, depending upon your size of list, right? So if you have a big list, you're not going to send out, like I send out roughly 80,000 a month because I have roughly 250,000 people I mail to, right? So they do get hit quarterly. So ultimately they're getting
Starting point is 00:17:59 hit four times in the year. But that's just because I'm, you know, I'm not built necessarily to send out 250,000 every single month. And even if we could, you'd have to be built pretty big because in my opinion, one lead guy can take roughly 90 leads a month. That's about as many as they can effectively work, right? At most most and it's really probably closer to like 60 um so i think it's just a combination if you're starting out there i would say absolutely like if you have a list of 2000 i would hit 2000 every single month for six months and go get your first deal because your deal is in there somewhere it It's just repetition. Right. And by the way, the mail, the marketing actually should never end. Ever.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I say five, by the way, it's either five or eight. I know you say six. Here's what we do. We actually mail five times to, we'll mail five times every 60 or 90 days. And then we'll go pull a new list. Even though a lot of the same ones are going to be on there we're going to we're going to get right we're going to there's no need to pull the list over and over again it's pull it once mail it and then pull more right if it's a if it's a what we call a shipwreck list the ones like tax liens etc now you're going to you're going to be you're going to be mailing those five times typically once a a month or more often, but you should be pulling all the new stuff, right? Anything that comes in, it's either pulled.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Now, here's the good thing. All this conversation about what to do and what list, I still think it's all brain damage, right? At the end of the day, do we really care or do we want the result? All we want to do is know, hey, I'm going to put a dollar in, right? I'm going to put a dollar in, right? I'm going to put a dollar into my black box. When I have this black box, I put a buck in and I want to know I'm going to get 10 bucks out. And you want to do as little work and have as much free time and have not have to worry about hiring and managing and training and keeping people busy. Right. Isn't
Starting point is 00:20:01 that the end of the day? So it's, I wanted to, what you're saying is exactly what this podcast is about is how do you build a true business, not just a high paying job. Cause if you're doing the lead managing, the marketing, the acquisitions, the discipline, it's, you're working every angle, which is fine. When people are starting, that's what it is. Um, but when you build a business and this is going kind of towards what you've been able to build and what I want you to share with the people is to be able to leverage all of the minutia that doesn't actually drive you revenue, like a list, getting the mail out, potentially even taking in the lead to the point where now you can at least be the one person that goes and negotiates, which is the revenue driver, to be able to outsource that is incredible, right? So I have a full office with a team right behind me. My door's right there. There's a whole team out there that does all of the things from marketing to lead gen to acquisitions to everything so I can live the life I want, right? Last night I was like, I feel like going to Miami. I booked
Starting point is 00:21:02 a flight to Miami because I can. And I know you've built something really, really special. And I think you've kind of opened the gate. I'd like you to talk more about what REI Vault is and how it can help the newbie to someone who's like, I do everything and I'm freaking out. I make half a million dollars a year, but every little piece of my business I'm doing in all of the different angles in between. So if you can kind of talk about that, that'd be awesome. Sure. Sure. And actually it's interesting because it was, it was more of an epiphany than anything else. And actually it worked, it was actually in 2013. So let me, if we take this business, right, that we're buying brick and mortar and we want to buy three houses or 20 houses and whatever our plan is,
Starting point is 00:21:48 or we want to make $500,000 this year, are we going to make a million? We got to have marketing. Do we really care about whether it comes from Facebook or pay-per-click or direct mail, Craigslist ads, bandit signs? At the end of the day, do it all. As you grow, right, But you can't do it all and you have to focus on one. So it is marketing. Marketing is how do I get eyeballs to see my stuff that are motivated and come in and put up their hand and typically give you the phone number. Says, hey, you know, we don't care whether it's a hang up, right? Or they said, hey, come over here
Starting point is 00:22:21 today. But all marketing is to get the person to call or the person to fill out a lead online. So that's number one. Number two is a system. So you do have to have a system and it's actually systems, right? You got to have the phone system. You got to have the CRM because you don't want to do it via email. It's almost impossible. Then the third thing you need is a phone team because there's a massive amount of kissing
Starting point is 00:22:44 a frog. Would you agree with that? Kissing a frog. Oh because there's a massive amount of kissing of frogs. Would you agree with that? Kissing a frog? Oh yeah. There's plenty of that. Right. We did six deals in one of my markets last week. Okay. Well, we ended up getting six deals under contract. Five of the six came from people at least two months ago that said they were not interested in selling their house at that time. Okay. One of them of the six said there was a hangup. So all six deals were not anybody that came in that was a good hot lead that was motivated. And I'll tell you one little thing for everybody is not a lot of people are looking for like the perfect motivated list, the perfect postcard they're looking for. I just want qualified, motivated sellers. All right. It doesn't exist,
Starting point is 00:23:32 right? Just assume on the front end that all leads suck because you do have to talk to them one or two or three or five times. So if you can get the marketing to get them to call, you got the system. So you capture their phone number and you can call them. And then you have a phone team that can actually do it super cheap, right? Then you just have a consistent flow of, of deals. And so I don't know if that, I, I, I saw that it's classic sales one-on-one and I, and I, and I went to a mastermind. I was, and you know, the same one. It's one of the top mastermind groups. You guys, it's the boardroom, but it was a couple of years ago. There were about 100 of us and everybody had the right ideas, but everybody has to go off on their own and then implement. They
Starting point is 00:24:21 got to go by the systems and by the lists and then figure out how to get the VA. It's this VA or that VA. Do I go to Outdesk? So I said, gosh, guys, what if we actually just had one team? And so I built the team. We have 40 people in four continents right now. I got a large team in the Philippines. I've got a large team in India.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I got some people in Costa Rica because they're all good. Indian people are terrible on the phone, right? Costa Rica and the Philippines are great. So we have one large team that does nothing but manage pulling the mailing lists, right? So if somebody has the vacant list, we'll tell them, hey, get access to the vacant list from Kent. And then our team will log in and do all the special pulling and dealing with the spreadsheets. And then we've got the same team. They're going out, they're pulling the invisible list,
Starting point is 00:25:11 right? The inherited list. They're going out and getting the right, all that stuff, breaking it up so that we're dropping mail consistently on a plan. So it's like, Hey, here's what I want to target.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Here's my budget this month, 1500 bucks, $800. I've got a lot of people who are doing $10,000 to $15,000 a month in marketing. So we keep that going out consistently. We set up the systems and have one team. We actually use Podio. So we have one large team. I think we're actually the largest Podio user.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I know I see the bill. I think we're one of the largest podio groups in the, in the world, actually. Sure. I know for Globiflow, by the way, we have 340,000 flows by the way, in Globiflow. And nobody has to worry about it. We, we have a team that manages it. Somebody says, Hey, how do I do this? Or can I change this? All the text sequencing, right? Leads come in instantly. You should text message a hang up. So we set that up. If they're not interested, they should go on a long-term drip. They get sly broadcast, email campaigns, and text messages, right? This week, next week with the right words words and so our team handles all that and then we have an optional phone team where we've got trained we call them sales ninjas that actually
Starting point is 00:26:31 are calling and this is fairly new we just did it because people were our group was just saying hey could you solve this problem for us so i can have a sales ninja you know that's covering four or five people because they're only working an hour or two hours a day for you. So we just get massive leverage and we do that for about 250 of us. That's awesome. Yeah, so I mean, the reason why I wanted you on for sure
Starting point is 00:26:56 is you have so much massive experience with direct mail and lists. But at the end of the day, you've built something really special. And I know there's only a small group of people that have REI Vault or access to REI Vault, but you know, I have 10,000 downloads a week with our podcast and I preach, you need to outsource and you need to build a business and you need to hire and you need to be able to not do all of this stuff yourself. And once we got
Starting point is 00:27:19 introduced, I was like, I, all of my listeners have to hear from you. They have to know more about direct mail, but also about this, you know, business that you've been able to segment and help investors, whether you're just beginning or maybe you're higher level where it's like, I need this segment of my business. I need to hire someone. I don't want to bring them into the office and to be able to say, Hey Gary, you know, here's what I need. Does that fit the box? I'm like, I just needed you to get out there to my listeners. And so tell the listeners where to
Starting point is 00:27:50 find you. Cause REI Vault, I mean, it's bigger than what you even said. I know it more, right? Like you've really started to segment every side of our business and put systems and implementation to your point. You have 340,000 flows in podio my podio is super basic I probably have four flows in the podio right that works for my business yeah right so tell tell everyone where to find you and really um you know because and at the end of the day guys here's what I would tell you he's gonna hook to hook you up with the goods, right? I mean, he's on my podcast. You're, you know, you're listening to him go to wherever he's about to tell you and mention that you heard me on Justin's podcast, say the science of flipping, say Justin Colby, say whatever you have to say. So he knows, okay, this guy heard what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:28:42 He needs some value. Let me hook him up with the goods, right? Because there's a lot of things that he has that are super special. And I said, if you're going to come on, I want you to make sure you treat my people right. So mention the science of flipping, mention Justin Colby, but tell them where to contact you or your team. Yeah. I think the best place to go is go to join. So J O I N. So join rei This is an invite only group. We also offer market semi-exclusivity,
Starting point is 00:29:15 which means once we put somebody or a couple of people in a market, we don't want any competition. So it's not like we're, you know, it's not a course or coaching or anything like that. Once we have somebody like a lot of the markets are already locked up. So it's an application that you're going to complete. We want to make sure you're a really good fit for us and we're a good fit for you. And there's an application there. You can really find out everything that we do. Fill out the application. We send you a lot more information. Here's exactly what we do, how it works. Then we'll get on a call and make sure that we're answering all your questions.
Starting point is 00:29:50 If you think it's a good fit, then we join. I should tell everybody that our service, this is based on feedback. Our service is the cost of one VA. So it means we're going to do everything for you. We're going to pull the mailing list. You're going to get access to it. We're going to set up Podio. We give you access to Podio. We have VAs that process leads for you that will actually pull comparables. So every good lead, they'll log into the MLS or log into RealQuest and pull a property profile because that's important. When you get on the phone with a seller, you want to know, hey, you want to be smart, right? All the pictures of the property, all that's included. And it's the cost of about one VA, which is between five and eight bucks an hour.
Starting point is 00:30:31 So it's one VA. We used to do it. I had no idea, Justin. Originally, I said, hey, why don't you guys cover the cost and give me a cut of the profits? And we did that for like the first 50 of my friends. And then we started growing and it was like, how do you, how do you manage an R and D budget? And, and it was, it was crazy bookkeeping. And I, I asked everybody, they're like, if you could do all this, you got a team of 40, you got the marketing gurus, you got the VAs, you got the podio people, and you got the,
Starting point is 00:30:59 you know, phone people. If you could do it for the cost of one VA, that'd be awesome. And so we've done that. So go there, go to This is, we're not a vendor, so it's an invite only. We want to make sure that, you know, you're a serious and experienced investor. We are taking some people that are fairly new. We just want to make sure that, hey, you're, you know what you're doing. And this is because there's a lot of moving parts and a lot of work on our part to do it right. Join And if you think there's a fit, we'd love to chat with you. And there's no sales pitch. There's no nothing. It's just, we want to make sure. And if you come in, you'll get a lot of information about how to do this. Like use yellow paper versus white. I can tell you, if you want to ask while we still have time, I can tell you, Hey, here's some things that work really, really well. And in what markets and, uh, and, and if there's a fit, great. So our way of giving back a
Starting point is 00:31:56 corporate, you know, like my company's name is Phoenix wealth builders, or what do you go personal Justin Colby? So there's, you know, for doing this marketing, it's direct response marketing. You don't want any branding. So the branding does not work. And by the, and I, when I started this in 2004, I did everything with branding. I tried like the UV color and the coding and the color
Starting point is 00:32:20 and the graphics. It doesn't work. It's, it's, it's the words, it's the copy and the words and literally typewritten, the uglier, the better. If I showed you, I've got, by the way, if you come in, I've got tons of marketing and you can have access to it. Like I can just tell you like one of the best follow-up letters that you can get access to is gets a 25% response rate, Justin, 25%. So yellow letters, a lot of people say, Hey, what about yellow letters? They're really expensive typically for going and trying to get a seller to call.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Postcards are a lot more effective, right? Better price. But the follow-up letters, you send this follow-up letter that says, Hey, we recently spoke about buying your property. I'm not sure if your, you know, other options are, you know, worked out. Gets it one out of four people you mail it to. We'll call back. We have an offer package. You click a button and a FedEx package literally goes out with a two sign contracts and a return envelope done for us. We click a button, we put the price, and that goes out. So we'll show you what it looks like and then whether it makes sense for you to be a member of REI Vault
Starting point is 00:33:35 or you want to use our stuff and test it yourself, go for it. We guarantee the lowest cost mail, by the way, just as a little note. That was something new. Just for our members, we're doing, you know, I think actually this month we're at 600,000 pieces. Nice. Just a couple. I do 80,000 a month. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. All right, dude. Well, hey, thank you very much. Join Dude, thank you for the time. You know, I'm big on making sure people have implementation
Starting point is 00:34:06 systems and tools and, um, dude, this is killer, man. This is absolutely killer. So thank you again, man. Awesome. Great chatting with you, Justin. See everybody. All right, guys, that is it for this episode. I will see you on the next episode. I am your host, Justin. Peace.

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