The Science of Flipping - Episode 142: What Marketing Strategies I Would Use If I Was Starting All Over Again
Episode Date: May 10, 2019document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { podlovePlayer("#player-5eb5ab2fdc329", "", ""); }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { podlovePlayer("#player-5eb5ab2fdc3ac", {"title":"Episode 142: What Marketing Strategies I Would Use If I Was Starting All Over Again","subtitle":null,"summary":null,"duration":"","poster":null,"chapters":"","transcripts":"","audio":[{"url":"","mimeType":"audio/mpeg","title":"AUDIO/MPEG","size":0}]}, ""); }); The bigger your influence in the real estate market, the more deals you will get done. I interview Adam Adams, the meetup expert, about this subject. Get a Free Coaching Call with TSOF team. CLICK HERE TO FILL THE FORM. JOIN MASTERMIND — APPLY NOW!!
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Welcome to the Science of Flipping podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby.
Yo, yo, what is up? What is up? Welcome back to the Science of Flipping. I am your host,
Justin Colby. And sorry, I've been away for a little bit. I have been traveling. My schedule
is crazy. We are helping stand up several different markets. And so I am back. And I
wanted to actually bring some of this back to the basics. For those of you that have not yet
gotten into wholesaling, for those of you that are about to become a real
estate investor, or maybe you've been a real estate investor for about a year and you've
gotten some deals done, some of the questions I get most often are, what would I do if I had
to start over again? So I wanted to offer up some of my advice right now on this episode
of The Science of Flipping about how would I handle starting this business over again? What would I do? Where would I go? What tools would I use? And so I want to start with the main three
that I would use marketing strategies. That is if I had to start this whole thing over again,
listen, this podcast is all about the tool system processes that it takes to become successful in
real estate as a real estate investor. And so
anything that I've learned over the last 10 plus years of owning a business, flipping homes,
wholesaling homes, developing homes, I want to share with you. That is the point of this. And so
I want you to access all the resources that I possibly can give you. Go to
There's a whole bunch of different resources on there.
And I give away my books and my scripts and everything I possibly can. So I want you to go to the website and take advantage of any and all of that. And so again, this episode is about
the fundamentals of what I would do if I was starting all over again, and there's three of them.
I truly firmly believe if you guys are going to my IG and watching my videos, and if you're not,
you should be, go to the Justin Colby, the Justin Colby. In fact, also on Facebook,
the Justin Colby. My personal page actually is full. I can't take any more people on my personal
page, but my public figure page, the Justin Colby, I can add as many as I want. So again,
you should be following me on again, you should be following me
on Instagram. You should be following me on Facebook and YouTube, Justin Colby VP. You
should be watching as much as you can. But again, I want to bring it back to the fundamentals of
what I would be doing if I was going to be starting this whole thing over again. And that
would be three marketing strategies. I talk only and always about marketing. This is a marketing business. You need to firmly, firmly
believe that you need to be spending all of your time driving in leads and that is considered
marketing. The next step of that would be converting and converting those leads into
deals is the very next step of that. But right now I want to talk specifically about marketing.
So there's three strategies I'd be doing each and every day. No matter whether I worked a nine to
five and I had to figure out how to do this after work, or if I had full time to do this, I also
would say no matter if you have a massive marketing budget or you have no marketing budget at all,
these are the three strategies and I'll offer up the tools that I currently use
for these strategies. And then I'll let you guys go and head off into the next episode. But
the first three strategies I would always be using is door knocking, cold calling,
and networking. Okay. And those three are what I did when I started and I would do it all over again the very same way
and so to dive a little bit deeper into that there is a great app that a friend of mine built
that if you go to
it's a completely free app go to that that website. They will give you a discount
because he's giving me and my tribe, all of you science of flipping loyal tribe, they're giving
you a discount if you do ever want to use some of the paid services. So go to
and start signing up for that app. It's free initially. If you want to use some of the cool
services, there is a cost, but because you're coming through me, they will give you a discount.
Um, and so I would use that app and go find 200 distress looking properties. I drive around
looking for properties that are obviously not upkept. Obviously, uh, people do not have the
money to keep it in mint condition. And then I
would use that app, which I didn't have when I first got started. And I would send them mail,
I would door knock, because you can do all that out of your app. And then I would even skip trace
it. And then I would be able to cold call them. So I'd surround them by sending a mail, I'd knock
on the door, and I would be calling them. Now, if you think about it, those
are the three strategies that I would primarily use. Now, the reason why I didn't use direct mail
initially is because it can be very costly, right? But I love direct mail. I will always be a fan of
direct mail because it only works all the time, right? And so I want to say that in part because that app alone would is
gonna be a game changer for you and you can skip trace it on that app and then
you can just follow up with those people if you find 200 homes you need you'll be
getting a deal okay you'll be getting a deal so 200 of those homes you'll get a
deal driving for dollars is what that's called no one loves it I've never heard
anybody including myself say god I'm excited to wake up today and drive for a deal. Driving for dollars is what that's called. No one loves it. I've never heard anybody,
including myself, say, God, I'm excited to wake up today and drive for dollars. But you want a deal,
you have a minimal marketing budget, that is how you will do that. Secondly, will be cold calling.
Very similar, right? You can get a list of people in a zip code in the whole county. You can filter
whatever kind of list you can. I like to get my list from either fine motivated sellers, the title companies. There's, you know, list source,
listability. There's a lot of different list providers out there. And in fact, I'm working
on something special that I can deliver to you. But the idea here is you are actually finding the
addresses and skip tracing the addresses to find the sellers that's what you're
gonna do and who to skip trace through there is a lot of them and so I like IDI
core for most of them there is a cost to skip tracing some of you have other
companies you've used if you just simply google skip tracing. Some of you have other companies you've used. If you just simply Google skip tracing,
you will find some great skip trace companies
that can give you some good data.
And when you are skip tracing,
you want to be getting roughly 10% contact ratio.
And contact ratio means when you call the person,
someone answers and you say,
hi, is this Justin?
The person says, yes, this is Justin. That is considered a contact. And so I would really encourage you guys to be doing cold
calling as well. And lastly, though, there's so much more I could go into. I'm going to keep this
episode short because I know most of you guys are listening on a car, on a plane. You only have so
much bandwidth. So I'm going to keep it short. Last one would be networking. I would be going
and leveraging every single meetup group that is happening in your city, every single RIA meeting
that is happening in your city and tell people what you are looking for. I need buyers. I need
more deals because my buyers are asking me for more deals. I don't have enough deals to give my
buyers who has a deal that I can JV wholesale. I would always focus on building a buyer's list
at the same time as you are looking to find a deal because I probably do about three
co-wholesale deals a month that, you know, people are coming to me to sell their home to my buyer's
list. So I'm constantly building a buyer's list. And then I'm also looking to find people that are going to have deals that I don't have so I can send out to my buyer's list. And then I'm also looking to find people that are going to have
deals that I don't have so I can send out to my buyer's list. And those are the three things that
I would be spending all of my time, energy, money, and resources, literally between the app for
door knocking, the skip tracing for cold calling, and the JV. I mean, you could be doing this for
anywhere $300 a month to $1,000 a month. You don't need
a massive marketing budget. Now, if you want to do more, then there's obviously levels of skip
tracing. There's better levels of skip tracing. I have one of the top levels of skip tracing.
And so it costs me a lot more. You also start to include direct mail, so on and so forth.
So that is how I would do it all over again. Cause quite frankly,
that's how I started anyways. So I want you guys to take that chew on that. I want you guys to
really think about how you can get this done effectively every single day. And listen,
if you have any questions, email me info at the science of info at the science of I hope this one found you
well. Again, follow me on Instagram, the Justin Colby. Follow me on Facebook, the Justin Colby.
Follow me on YouTube, Justin Colby, VP. Surround yourself with information, but also do me a favor,
like these podcasts, give me a review, subscribe to the podcast that keeps it very relevant on iTunes.
I really appreciate it, guys. I hope to continue to keep giving you massive,
massive value, and I hope to see you guys on the next episode.