The Science of Flipping - Episode 159: 2020 Vision with Justin Colby

Episode Date: January 13, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby. What is up? What is up? The Science of Flipping family. This is what I'm calling my 2020 vision going in to 2020. Today is December 31st. And I wanted to give you one last message before we jump in to 2020. It has been a hell of a year. 2019 was crazy. There was extreme highs, extreme winds, and then extreme lows. And I think most of you guys probably can appreciate that. Like I've always said, these trainings, these podcasts, these episodes, these videos are all about systems, tools, training, strategy, structure that you can implement into your business. And a lot of that is because I tend to take the lead on trying things, going outside the
Starting point is 00:01:11 box. And so, yes, there is a lot of failure along the way. And so hopefully you guys can skip that failure and only do what you do well. And that is the point of this training and video. Again, if you aren't part of the Science of Flipping Academy Facebook group, go and request to be a part of it. This is where you get to engage with me live. This is where you get to hear the podcast live and first and ask questions. This is where the trainings will be. And so I encourage you go into 2020 and just ask to be a part of this group and you will be able to get the first look at these live training videos. And if you're watching
Starting point is 00:01:52 it on YouTube or you can watch these on YouTube, also look up Justin Colby. But again, I want to go into 2020 giving you the best of the best, everything I possibly can. Again, from the tools, systems, trainings, strategies, organization skills, everything I can. I want to go into 2020 providing that for you and what is working in our business so you can skip all those failures I just talked about and just cut straight to the stuff that actually works, that actually can move your needle,
Starting point is 00:02:22 that actually can make you money going into 2020. I will say this is the first time I've tried to use my earbuds on these trainings. Hopefully everyone can hear me good. We will soon learn that as I'm trying to figure out if that sounds a little bit better as I'm doing this in my office. And so let's just jump into kind of the 2020. And yes, I'm using it as a pun off 2020 vision. But the reality is like what's going to happen in 2020. I've been getting a ton of, you know, direct messages on Facebook, text messages, calls. I had a student last week, we had a private one-on-one call with one of my clients, with one of my students, and we talked about it. And so at that point is where things will start to potentially look like there could be a shift. My real gut is telling me if anything starts to go on a decline in the real estate market,
Starting point is 00:03:36 it likely won't happen until the end of 2020 or maybe in 2021. And I know that's pretty vague, but let's just be honest. I don't sit here and study economics all day long and what's happening in the car industry and commercial real estate and real estate and loans. I don't have time to study it all. So I do my very best to gain as much knowledge as I can. And from what I see out there, from the things I have read from the data I know to be true here in Phoenix. You know, I would, my gut is telling me any type of change up or switch up likely won't happen until the end of 2020 or somewhere in 2021. And so I don't want anyone listening to me watching this video on YouTube or in the group on Facebook, or maybe it becomes a podcast
Starting point is 00:04:26 on iTunes. I don't want anyone going into this year scared. I think the worst thing anyone can do is to approach any type of change or the unknown with a sense of fear, because then you won't play all out. And you guys, you know, watch these videos and these trainings and listen to my podcast. I'm all about marketing and I don't want any of you to go into 2020 with a sense of, um, withdraw or fear or, um, hesitancy, right? I want you to attack 2020 with the same effort and energy that you did within 2019. And for those of you that it is the holiday season, but for those of you that might have taken the last week off or maybe even taking this week off or playing half-half, that is not okay. You
Starting point is 00:05:20 need to be going and working through these holiday seasons. And I understand the first thing you're going to say is, Justin, you talk about a lifestyle and living your life. I totally get that. But to get a good start on the start of the year, you need to be pressing the gas all the way down. Marketing should still be going. We just, again, sent out more mail.
Starting point is 00:05:41 We are continuing to do text messages. And matter of fact, the beginning part of my day was following up with all of my text message leads and sending more text messages to all of my, it's called batches, to my list that I text messaged. I know it's December 30th. I know New Year's Eve is tomorrow and New Year's is Wednesday. I don't care. I'm going to continue to market. I'm going to continue to have that intensity that I had within my whole career, quite honestly, not just 2019, but my whole career. I'm not going to slow down. And, you know, so for those of you that are like, oh, I'm not going to do
Starting point is 00:06:19 mail until February because the holiday season, or for those of you that are cold calling and, you know, you're not going to give a new list until February, or if season, or for those of you that are cold calling and you're not going to give a new list until February, or if you're text messaging, you're not going to text because you don't want to be rude. Whatever excuses you want to give yourself, stop. This is how you attack 2020 by finishing 2019 aggressively. Don't stop doing what you're doing push harder um and and continue to use um all of your marketing strategies through this time if you want to make a change this potentially is a good time to change in the sense of like mail piece envelope postcard versus mailer or you know making addition to your cold calling uh adding a cold caller subtracting a cold caller you know adding making additions to your cold calling, adding a cold caller, subtracting a cold caller,
Starting point is 00:07:07 you know, adding someone to text message for you, those type of changes. Yes, that is a good time to start doing it, but it doesn't mean to slow down or stop. That's what I want to get the point across here. That's how I'm attacking 2020. I don't think there's going to be a massive pullback. I don't think there's going to be a massive pullback. I don't think there's going to be a massive recession. And quite honestly, if you are wholesaling, you can wholesale in any market anyways. It really comes down to the leads that you have. Do you have viable leads to work the contract to buy homes? And if you don't, then you're going to fall behind. I mean, again, the worst case or the worst thing you could do for yourself is take your foot off the gas and then start to try to get going after the 1st of
Starting point is 00:07:53 January, right? Because now it's going to take you another 30, 45, 60 days to ramp back up. Well, you just spent all that time when I personally have been continuing my effort and my energy, both, well, with all of my, you know, cold caller, text messaging, direct mail, et cetera, I continued it. I don't need to take 30, 45 days to ramp up. It will just continue to go. And that helped me start the year fast, right? I don't have to wait. We already have a deal ready to close in January because we're contracting deals right now, right? And so that is my biggest piece of advice for you with going into 2020, what it will look like. But then the other piece that I want you guys to be clear on is, you know, Warren Buffett has his own way of saying this, right?
Starting point is 00:08:53 And I'm going to butcher it, but it has something to do with like, you know, if everyone's running out, you should be running in or something of that nature, right? And that's his investment strategy. And so what I want to say to you is something similar, right? Like if you're not receiving the results you wanted in 2019 or you want to get bigger results or better results, then you need to be zagging when everyone else is zigging, right? You need to be running in when everyone else is running out. And that's just how you can become successful. Like I've mentioned, you know, I had very big, awesome wins in 2019. I've had really big failures, right? There's a flip, a couple flips that did not go very well. And, you know, I'm still dealing with that, right? There's a flip, a couple flips that did not go very well. And, you know, I'm still dealing with that, right?
Starting point is 00:09:28 And so I'm happy to be vulnerable to you guys. But what I'm saying to that is my only way that I can make that right is by learning from the mistake I made and then doing something different, right? So again, if it's direct mail isn't working the way you want it to, change it up. Zag. Do something different. The thing that I think is very valuable here in Phoenix right now is I've always prided myself and my team that we're not realtors. We're not licensed. Redfin, and you name every other institutional buyer out here, there's a value to be licensed now. Because if you can't get the deal, you could represent one of these entities. Open Door Offer Pad allows you to write on their behalf. And I have those connections that can help expedite where they would be on their offer, et cetera. Well, so now we have my manager, my number one, Anthony is going to get licensed. I'm lagging. I'm doing something different. I'm not going to continue
Starting point is 00:10:30 doing the same thing. Although, you know, it's not necessarily broken. I don't want to just do the same. You know, I don't want to have the same results this year. So I'm going to change up what I'm doing. I'm going to make adjustments. I heard a quote from Bill Walsh, famous 49er coach. He is past, but as a child, he was the God when it came to coaching. And he says, the first six minutes of any football game is scripted. It is planned. You know what's to come. Every moment after that is an adjustment. And I'm taking 2020 on like that, continuing to make adjustments, have a plan. My plan is to go full tilt, all marketing, all the time, direct mail, text message, cold
Starting point is 00:11:21 calling, you name it. Those three are going to be my big three. And so that will happen. But will I make adjustments? Absolutely along the way, right? Will I continue to build my buyers list, which is a massive adjustment for me, because quite honestly, I've had a pretty active good buyers list for the longest time. Well, I'm seeing companies like Kegley and my friend Jamil, who's done such a great job at really using Kent Clothiers, like reverse wholesaling, starting with your buyers. Well, why can't I continue to grow my buyers list? So now I have
Starting point is 00:11:56 a company working for me to build my buyers list. I'm happy to introduce you guys to them. I'm paying them to help me build my buyers list here locally. If you need help doing that, I'm happy to make an introduction to them. But that is a zag that I have not been doing. That is my change. That is my way of attacking 2020. That is different than what I did in 19 or even 18, for that matter. Having Anthony get licensed is different.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So I'm doing different things to get different results. Again, I want to be aggressive, right? I want to be able to take on 2020 in a way that I believe will be massively profitable and not just profitable top line and say, I did a bunch of deals and made a bunch of money, but like massively profitable bottom line, because that really is what matters. So I'm going to continue to use launch control. I'm going to continue to use my cold calling service. Again, I'm happy to suggest them. Reva Global, they have a great discount. I'll make the introduction if you want. I'm going to continue to use my list. I'm using a different list provider. I'm changing the list I'm using
Starting point is 00:13:05 with direct mail. I don't know what the results are going to be yet, but I'll tell you, I'll keep you guys updated because I'm changing it all. Right. And so, you know, and on top of it, I have myself and my team, when we're going, we're obviously going to continue using a deal machine because it's just a great app. So those are the things I'm doing on top of Anthony getting licensed, changing my list, and building my buyer's list. This is how I'm going to attack the year, but I'm going to do it aggressively. I'm not going to be timid. I'm not going to pull back. So if you have any questions, what services I use, who I use, what systems do I use, all of that is the point of these, but please reach out to me. Ask me questions. Again, if you are listening to this
Starting point is 00:13:51 on iTunes, awesome. You can also watch it over on YouTube. You also can be part of the Science of Flipping Academy Facebook group, which is free. It is closed, but it is free. So you can just ask to be added and I or Andrea will add you so you can engage with me live. And so hopefully that helps. Hopefully you know where I'm going, what I'm going to be doing, the effort I'm going to be putting in 2020. If you aren't actively marketing right now, if you're not text messaging, if you're not direct mail, if you're not using cold colors, you're just going to be behind and in flow to start 2020. And I really encourage you to get started today. Don't wait, right? Today's a workday for me. Tomorrow's a workday. I'm going to take New Year's day off. Thursday will be a workday. Friday will be a workday
Starting point is 00:14:41 because I want to crush 2020. And that's my way of doing it. And then again, I'm zagging when I was digging and changing some things up. So hopefully that helps. I'm happy to answer any questions. I will see you guys on the other side. Enjoy the holiday. Be safe. And, you know, I just feel blessed to have you guys and I appreciate you guys.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And I'll see you guys and I appreciate you guys and I'll see you guys in 2020. Peace.

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