The Science of Flipping - Episode 187: The Power of Your Circle
Episode Date: February 19, 2021Episode 187: The Power of Your Circle ...
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You know, you're spending $200,000, right, but you're making $900,000, so you're actually netting $700,000, so it's less money.
And this is where people, in my opinion, are us REIs, we get lost in what we really do. What's up everybody? It is Devin Burr, aka Mr. Burr.
And I want to jump on here right now and talk to you guys about the importance of your circle,
who you surround yourself with. It is vital to your success because you are literally a product
of your environment. If you hang around people that are in shape, you're probably going to be
in good shape because those people do certain things
that allow them to be in shape. They don't go get fast food. So if you're with them,
you're not going to be getting fast food. They eat healthy. If you're with them,
you'll probably be eating healthy. They work out. If you're with them, you're probably going to work
out. So if you're around people that are out of shape,
if that's who you associate with all the time, you're probably going to be out of shape because
those people do certain things that keep them out of shape. They have certain
habits and your habits dictate your outcome or the outcome, I should say, with your life. So habits are huge. And
when you surround yourself with the right people that have the right habits, it makes you better.
You have to look at it as a rising tide lifts all boats. So you want to be around people that are doing things that are big,
that are thinking big. That's the power of a mastermind. Getting with people that have big
goals, big aspirations, people that think a certain way. Because if you're going to do something with your life,
if you're going to try to change the world, if you're going to try to become a business owner,
if you're going to try to become a better husband, a better wife, a better father,
a better son, a better daughter, whatever it is, you have to surround yourself with people that are doing big things. Okay. If I was wanting to be a better
husband, I would surround myself with guys that are very good husbands. If I wanted to make more
money, I'm going to surround myself with people that make more money than me, which is what I do. I do not surround
myself with people that don't make as much money as me. I try to lift those people up and bring
them with me, but if they refuse to, then it is what it is. I love you, but I'm heading this way.
So you have to, have to, have to be very diligent and intentional on who you surround yourself with.
It is so very important. It does not matter who it is. If it's your mom, dad, aunt, uncle, brother,
sister, if they do not want to better their lives and you do, you have to ask yourself, does it make sense to keep them
in my life and around me all the time? Because it might not. You might need to disconnect from
that relationship, be there for them, always have their back if they need you, but literally
surround yourself with other people that you want to be like,
that you want to emulate. And it's very, very important because if you think about it,
everyone has bad days, right? Everybody. There's not one person on the face of this planet that has
a good day every day. It does not happen. Nobody is perfect. Prime example of it is yesterday.
I had one of those days where you wake up and you just have no energy and just, you're kind of like
going through the motions. And it was probably around 10 o'clock, which guys, I get up at 3.30.
So by 10 o'clock, I've already been up for several hours. Usually, by 10 o'clock, I've gotten a ton of stuff done. Right now, it's 8.20. I'm recording this podcast. I've already done a video for my coaching program. I've gone to the gym. I've hung out with my dogs. I've hung out with my wife. I've done a ton of stuff. It's 820. Yesterday by 10 o'clock, I hadn't done much just because I was
going through the motions. I had no energy. And then I started getting negative, right?
Dead space is a place where negativity can creep in. So what I did is I looked to my circle, the people that I know, love and trust, and the people that are
ahead of where I'm at. I actually reached out to my mentor Templeton Walker,
because his energy is infectious at all times. I've literally never been around him when his
energy was off. So I called him and he could tell right away. He's like, dude,
you sound tired. I was like, yeah, man, I just, one of those days I got no energy. And he's like,
dude, stop. You do have energy. You are a beast. You are, you're a different guy. You are this,
you are that building me up. That's the kind of people you need in your lives. When you have a bad day,
they build you up. Now, if you are surrounded with the wrong people and you call someone and say,
Hey, you know, got a little low energy. They're going to be like, Oh yeah, me too. Like, gosh,
I got to go to work today. And then boom, spewing negativity, bringing you down.
You need to surround yourself with people that bring you up.
And I wanted to jump on here and talk about that because it's fresh in my mind.
It just happened to me yesterday.
And after that call I had with Temp, my day turned around tenfold. We talked a couple hours after because we're working on a potential Airbnb deal up in Flagstaff, Arizona. So he called me a couple hours later and he's like, dude, you sound like a different person right now. Proud of you. So that's what it's about, guys. Surround yourself with people that bring you higher, people that bring the best out of you because you've got something special in you. We all do. And it's a matter of you going deep, finding it and giving
it to the world. And you can't do that if you're surrounded by people that just are cool being average and are okay with when you bring them a problem or something,
they feed into it instead of bringing the best out of you. So it's so important, guys. I wanted
to share that. And if you guys have questions, you can always reach out to me, DM me on Instagram.
If you're not following me on TikTok,
go check that out. I put some fire content on TikTok. My goal is to get to 200,000 followers.
By the end of the month, I'm at 180,000. So if you're not on there, go follow me so I can get
to my goal. So I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. Again, if you have any questions,
reach out to me. We'll see you next time.