The Science of Flipping - Episode 74: I Am Not Your Guru

Episode Date: August 6, 2016

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Science of Flipping podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby. Welcome back to the Science of Flipping and guess who it is, the man that has been traveling the world. My buddy, my brother, my mentor is back to co-host this episode. We are on episode 74 and look at who it is. It's Mr. Kent Clothier. What's up, dude? What's up? What's up, man? How are you? Man, I am doing wonderful. I wish I was living your life and spending great time all over the country. You're what? You're in New York and you're in new york and you're in florida and and where else were just those two or where else were you new york new york florida and the
Starting point is 00:00:48 bahamas oh dude yeah rough life rough life no big deal life's tough sorry real tough somebody somebody's got to do it so i'll do it you know they asked me to step up so i stepped up that's right that's right hey dude you've put in the work now it's time for you to relax man so uh that's where i come in and now it's my time to hump through it and put the weight on my shoulders. So listen, I think this episode's got to be something. We got to talk about what is everywhere right now. I know you are a big component of it myself. But the Netflix special, I Am Not Your Guru with Tony Robbins.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I think we need to talk about it because it's everywhere, right? I think it's, uh, arguably to me, one of the more impactful, I, I call it a documentary. Um, just for lack of a better word of saying it, you know, but I thought it had great impact on me and I know it did on you and, and for multiple reasons. And so I just wanted to kind of get it out there and see what, yeah, man, I think. I think it's kind of cool because I think that, you know, I don't know. There's no doubt that anybody that is successful or that has any interest in personal development or any interest in, you know, reaching higher and achieving more, they're going to naturally gravitate to it. But I think they're probably, those types of people have already heard of Tony Robbins and they've already probably been to at least one of his events or read one of
Starting point is 00:02:08 his books or, you know, something. Right. And so, uh, it'd be really interesting to see how many new people come into his world. Um, but I thought they did a hell of a job. I mean, at the end of the day, it is not easy to take a six day event and somehow carve out what they did there and create such an engaging movie that you were just waiting, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, I couldn't wait for the next thing. And, I mean, that's just not easy to do. I mean, hats off to those guys because they did a great job telling a story.
Starting point is 00:02:49 They did a great job in giving you just enough to where you want more. So I'm sure people are going to go by, you know, more of his events and more of his teachings. And they, you know, for me, there was a bunch of big takeaways. What was a big takeaway for you there? For me, quite honestly, some of the most powerful, I got very emotional watching it. I think it was whatever was going on there, I was able able to resonate and part of what the emotion and the big takeaway is how in this Tony is right and I say that coming from a perspective of uh you've been on stage for many many more years than I have but together we've been on stage together and there's a level of that side of the business that we know right and to see Tony get into the crowd and to create the emotion within himself I mean he is when he's speaking to that woman about her uh the Brazilian woman who came from that cult you know thing without
Starting point is 00:03:39 giving too much of the movie away and how he is completely brought to tears but and i'm getting shivers talking about it right in standing there in this stoic yet completely emotional uh energy right but he was there for her a hundred percent but tears are just streaming down i mean i was like i moved to tears during that moment, right? No doubt. The takeaway there was just he cares, right? This is not blowing smoke. This is not, you know, I just want to go make a bunch of money and do a bunch of events and rah, rah, make a bunch of money. Like he is really there to make an impact on I think there's 2,500 people.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah. I mean, I think that, you know, certainly from an educator and a and a speaker standpoint, it's really fascinating to watch somebody that's present at that level. I mean, because let's be honest. I mean, he could sell that entire event out at $5,000 a pop and, quite frankly, not show up, have other people show up, him just kind of be a keynote speaker, and it would probably be fantastic. The fact that outside appearances are that he was right in the middle of it each and every day, and that he was so present, at least for what they edited and put in there, was really powerful. I think probably the biggest takeaway for me personally, or a couple of them, were how it takes a village, right?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I mean, although he is certainly the focus of the event, the reality of it is, is there are a lot of people that were involved in putting that event on. I mean, you saw all those volunteers, hundreds and hundreds of volunteers. You saw them. It would be really difficult for him to do what he was doing if those people weren't doing deep dives and truly getting in and asking the questions and trying to figure out how they could help somebody at a really, really deep level and arming him with that information. I thought that was fascinating. I mean, basically, I don't know if you noticed, but when he walks on stage, he had the pictures of people in the audience
Starting point is 00:05:39 laid out on the stage flat so he could see it. I mean, that kind of caring and that kind of, you know, obsession with doing it right and not leaving anything to risk, I thought was fascinating. I also thought it was fascinating that he knew statistically there's 2,500 people in the room that between 12 and 20 were suicidal at that particular moment. Crazy, right? I guess when you, I mean, that was really shocking, right? And I mean, called him out and was more than willing to jump right in the middle of it. And I mean, he's, I mean, he's a master. There's, he, it's, we all have our gifts and his gift. I mean, it's very self-evident when you watch that.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It was just fascinating. Yeah, there's two other points that you brought up. One, calling the people out dude you are awesome at calling people out but you are not a speck to what tony robbins does with that mother and daughter combo i literally was like what the fuck yeah i mean at one point he called her a whore yeah i was like whoa dude yeah yeah he was not he's not scared but you know what um and you know you've seen me do some of this from time to time and like you said i'm not even a one-tenth of one fraction of what that guy is but my but the point is is that if you want to reach somebody you got to be willing to go as as deep as they need you to go and and there's a
Starting point is 00:07:03 lot of people that quite quite frankly, have their head so far up their ass and they just, if they didn't want the help, they wouldn't be in the room. And so if you frame it that way, like, and you're standing at the front of the room, you're like, listen, if these people had all the answers, guess where they wouldn't be? Here. So by virtue of being here and by virtue of raising their hands, by virtue of standing up and by virtue of effectively saying, I want this help, at that moment, they've armed you with everything they need that you need as a mentor and as a trainer and as somebody that truly cares that you owe it to use some, you know, pretty harsh language to kind of, you know, that harsh language. And you've actually heard me say this before. I use really strong language from the stage and I do it for effect. And the reason I do it is because I'm trying to, you know, it's what's called a pattern interrupt. I'm trying to make sure this person remembers this moment. And that
Starting point is 00:08:01 where I just say, hey, you know, you should try to do better. Or I basically say, Hey, get your head out of your ass. You're acting like a complete asshole. Step up, do what's right by your family. Don't,
Starting point is 00:08:12 you know, stop being a puss. And, and do, I mean, that will, it has a much more significant effect because they'll never forget it. No doubt.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Right. And it's, that's what it's, that's what it's designed to do is to shock the shit out of them and if you're not prepared for that watching the movie it's i guarantee there's all kinds of people that have no idea that tony robbins speaks like that from the stage right i've oh yeah i've never been i knew yeah i've been to yeah i've been to one of his events so i knew right i mean okay dude yeah i mean i was like holy tone like he comes out out the gates. It's F this.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Fuck that. And you're like, wow. OK. And to me, there's a relatability. Right. And I think that's my personality. I like that. I want to know that you're a normal person. You're not cookie cutter, you know, Mr.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Speaker on stage like you're out there cussing just like we are when we're having a bad day. Right. Totally. I mean, that's what I mean. The vast majority of people out there, this is the way they talk from time to time. Yep. And anybody that would be offended by that are not his client anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's that simple, right? I mean, because that's who he really is and that's what he's really trying to do. And if you lose in the message, I mean, if you lose the message because of he uses colorful language, then shame on you. You're one of those people that have crossed your arms and decided that you're too good to learn. And that's just, you'll get exactly what you deserve if you're going to be that way.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This is a guy that, in spite of everything, has achieved success at a massive level. I'll tell you one thing that I thought was really good, and I think a lot of people, by the way, everybody that's listening to this and watching this, hopefully everybody's picking up. You need to go watch the movie. It's called I Am Not Your Guru on Netflix. Just do yourself a favor.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Set aside two hours and go watch it. It's really interesting. I definitely let my 11-year-old daughter watch it with me, and yes, there was colorful language and no, she's heard me say those words before, so I didn't back up at all. I let her just sit there and watch it. And ironically, she's asked me every day since we watched it, if we could watch it again. That's awesome. She and I have sat down and watched it twice already. And when we get done watching it, we talk about what she picked up in that particular time she watched it. It's that impactful. But I thought it was really cool when he basically told that young lady, because there's definitely people here that are listening that do this.
Starting point is 00:10:35 We all do it to a certain degree. We blame others, blame a situation where the young lady had blamed her father for all the bad stuff. And he flipped it on her. And it's like, well, you need to blame him for the good stuff too. Yeah. Because you would not be, you need to blame him for the good stuff too. Yeah. Because you would not be who you are if it had been for all of it, right? And that's so freaking true. I say this to my wife all the time. I'm like, listen, at the end of the day, we're all a product of our own experiences.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And everything that's happened puts you here at this place. So the good, the bad, everything here, and this is a place we both really like to be. So we can't sit here and say, you know, all the bad stuff didn't matter because all the bad stuff is part of what put us here as well. Right. That's right. And it's, it's so true. So true. Yeah. It was a, that for me personally, on a personal note that was 100 me right so i could sit here and i can blame my mother and my father and my stepfather all of them being alcoholics all of them taking drugs me basically having to raise myself as an only child and to this day i work on this right but that part and there's so many great parts i literally sat there and stood up i'm
Starting point is 00:11:44 sitting on my couch alone i stand up and I'm just shivering everywhere because I can sit here and blame my mom. But if my mom was awesome and perfect, I'm not the person who I am proud to be today. Tony says it himself, right? Exactly what he said about his own mother, right? Which was so true. He's like, if she had been what I wanted her to be, then I wouldn't be who I am today. He sat around him and said, man, I wish she was cool. I wish she didn't beat me. I wish she didn't
Starting point is 00:12:11 do all these things. But if he had actually been that, then he wouldn't be as resolute on changing people's lives and being able to be so empathetic with them and being able to really care about them and nurturing and pouring himself into it because he'd have been a completely different guy. Yeah. So you can't blame the good without, I mean, can't blame the bad without blaming the good. I thought that was really good. And it's a great lesson for people that are, that are struggling. Yeah. Right. I mean, these moments define you, let them make you stronger. They're going to, you know, they help mold you into who ultimately you're going to, uh, ultimately you're going to become. It doesn't feel like that when you go through tough times, right?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Tough times suck. Yeah. But, man, if you can come out on the other side of it and when you share your story or I share my story, people get a lot of – they derive a lot of power within themselves because people share their stories, right? And so you would not be able to do that and impact people if you hadn't gone through what you've gone through. So that's the good that comes out of it. You can't knock it. There's no doubt. I mean, again, it was unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And I think one of the other kind of higher-level takeaways you brought up, and I'll just second it, is the commitment level that Tony and his entire team go through for those six days. In my mind, because I've never been to one of his events, I've been to similar events with similar type of people. The fact that they end at midnight and then they go back to his house, his whole team, and then they continue to map out the next day. You and I have done events together, dude, and we know after one day how tired we are. And they do this every night at midnight, for God's sakes. Yeah, it was impressive.
Starting point is 00:13:54 It was really impressive. I mean, and then he's up in the morning, and he's doing his yoga, and he's doing his vocal stuff, and he's doing the arm rate. I mean, I'm just like, man, I say this to Eddie all the time about certain level of success, right? Like whether it's, um, the Bill Gates, the Tony Robbins is, uh, even Sean P Diddy Combs, right? Puff Daddy. There's that certain
Starting point is 00:14:16 level of being so extreme that creates part of their success. And I saw that with Tony. I mean, that is an extreme state that he goes to to be able to take all day from literally 11 a.m., I think it started, until midnight. Then his team goes back to his house so he can make sure the next day is planned. Dude, that's, I mean, commitment beyond commitment, right? Well, again, yeah, it's commitment, but it's also you are a product of the people you surround yourself with.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I mean, there's a great lesson there in that we experience this somewhat in my own core business today, right? I get to be the guy out front. I get to be the guy in the videos. I get to be the guy on the stage and all that kind of good stuff. But you and I both know very intimately there are a lot of people in this company, and there are a lot of people in this company and there are a lot of people that truly, truly care in this company. You know, I think we were almost, I think 40 employees at this point, just on the education side. And there's at least another 75
Starting point is 00:15:14 to a hundred on the Memphis invest side. Right. Not to mention how many you guys have at Phoenix wealth builders. Right. I mean, all collectively, there's a couple hundred people between these three organizations that are kind of talking, you know kind of talking to mutual clients at any given time. And that's – it's one thing to be Tony Robbins. It's a whole other thing when you realize it's the Tony Robbins organization, right? And there's a lot of really quality people all the way around him, obviously. And it became very evident. I mean, it was cool.
Starting point is 00:15:43 You got to see that, like I said, I mean, even the volunteers, right? The volunteers at the event that were sitting down there working with people one-on-one and getting all that information and they're meeting in the mornings before and discussing, you know, kind of strategizing on the best way to help people and all that. I mean, dude, it's just like, wow, this is so impressive. Yeah. He gets to be the guy out front and he gets to pour of his soul into what he's doing. But no doubt, I mean, I guarantee he would tell you that, you know, part of what allows him to do that is because he's got such an amazing team behind him that he just knows is being handled.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I mean, it was really, really impressive. I also thought it was really impressive that his wife was there with him and on the stage and participating. I mean, I think that's a massive benefit when you've got your significant other that is arm in arm and totally is a part of the process. I mean, I think that was really, really cool. It's a great movie, man. It is. And I'm not – and what's ironic is I'm not really that guy. I mean, as much as I'm that guy to our students, I don't really go to a lot of those events.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I don't go, I mean, I read a lot and I study a lot of books and I really hone my craft, but I'm not the guy that goes to Burn Offs events or Tony Robbins or anybody's or T. Harv Egger. I don't go to those events because it's just not my thing. Yeah. And so for me to sit here and say, dude, this was badass. Yeah. It's badass. It's not a little rah-rah session.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's really hardcore, and I was really impressed. Eddie and I put a bet on how much it would take to get your ass there for this next one. I was like, dude, we're going to spend more on the bet with Kent than we will buying tickets together. Well, what's funny is I was talking to my trainer this morning, you know, because it's like, dude, we're going to spend more on the bet with Kent than we will buying tickets together. Well, what's funny is I was talking to my trainer this morning because, like you said, this has kind of been the talk all week in all of my circles. Everybody's talking about it. I was talking to my trainer this week, and I was like, you know, I feel like such an asshole because to our community, I'm that guy. I'm the leader. I'm the guy getting in their heads,
Starting point is 00:17:45 helping them, you know, break, helping them experience breakthroughs, all that kind of stuff. And I take a lot of pride in, in, in what I do, but I don't, I, I just don't go to those events. And I'm like, it's kind of a, kind of a dick thing. You know, I think I should, I was like, I was sitting there cause because i for me to jump around for six days and act like a moron and totally uh check my ego at the door and just say you know what i'm just going to completely immerse myself in this experience and all that's just not it's very uncomfortable but that's the point i was just gonna say that to you and i was just like you know what dude so i mean i've actually been online looking at the next events and i'm like i just got to do this i gotta humble myself and just go and the the challenge is going to be when i
Starting point is 00:18:29 come back all you guys are screwed yeah no doubt you think i'm a you think i'm fired up now i come back from that event the entire company is going to be set on fire immediately. No doubt. No doubt. I will be ready. Dude, go. I mean, we literally, Eddie and I were like, can we get it out to, I guess it's in August in Florida or something. And we can't, right? I mean, there's just so much going on. There's just no way. But dude, if you can get your ass there, dude. I mean, Seem and I actually talked about it. There's one coming in San Diego that I don't think is the right one for us. But Date with Destiny is in December in Boca Raton. I mean, we already looked.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Do it, dude. All right. And so we'll see. Oh, how about the girl just clipping her husband's balls off right in front of everybody after he had just roared in front of the crowd? Oh, my God. Just neutered him right there. He's part of that. I've been drinking with that dude Lance in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:19:24 He lives in San Francisco he lives in San Francisco and I remember so vividly because his crazy ass hair where he's like basically bald but he has like eight pieces of hair that stand straight up yeah and when I was drinking with him like your hair is nuts bro but never thought about it again right it was a mutual induction you know friend of a friend whatever and dude he got right after right after he was so empowered to be a man, his wife just shuts him down. We are within minutes of him yelling like a jackass in front of 2,500 people and being built up.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And now it's built up in front of millions of people and watch him get neutered. Everyone's personal fear. There's no doubt. I don't want to go to this thing and look stupid. Ooh, just millions of people now. It is what it is, right? Dude, you got it.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Well, listen, we are wrapped up. I think you and I both completely endorse. I mean, we don't go out and endorse things, but this is something that was just so impactful to both of us for so many reasons. I loved it. I loved it. Kent, people a lot of times will hit me up about possibly you talked about coaching or mentoring. Where do you want to drive them to go if they're interested in speaking with our team about getting some coaching and some mentoring about the real estate investing business?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Where do you want to drive them to? Just go to That's the best place to start. And then what we will do is we will set up a specific page for the listeners of the science of flipping here in the near future. But as of this particular podcast, they will always be able to go to And when you're in there, just make sure that you let everybody know that or let our team know that you came from this particular podcast, they will always be able to go to And when you're in there, just make sure that you let everybody know that or let our team know that you came from this particular podcast. Very cool. Yeah, guys, we're always here for you. The whole point of this
Starting point is 00:21:12 podcast is to give systems and tools and processes for your real estate investing business. But beyond that, a lot of what we'll also get into is the mindset, what it takes, some cool things out there like this documentary to just help you continue to grow. Because Kent, being my mentor and my older brother, has always been able to ingrain in me that my wealth is only grow as far as I grow inside. And so I've got to continue to grow as a person to be able to create the life I want to live. So I think that's the point of this podcast. This is definitely something to help grow from. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people don't want to go read the books.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Well, here, there's a great movie. Go watch it. You'll enjoy it. Amen. All right, guys, that is it. We are off. Thank you for being a loyal listener again. And Kent, thank you for being here.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And we will see you next week. See you guys. Take care. Peace.

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