The Science of Flipping - Episode 77: Personality Colors

Episode Date: January 6, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to the science of flipping podcast i'm your host justin colby welcome back to the science of flipping podcast i am your host with my uh loyal co-host mr kent clothier what, what up? And we are back, dude. We're at it. Knocking them dead. How come you're not tan every time you come back from traveling? You came back from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:00:32 You spent the last four days in life in Mexico, of course. Because I use sunscreen. I mean, is it that difficult? Listen, I have a bald head. If I don't use sunscreen, it's kind of a problem. Yeah, do you do the spray or do you do the like paste? Are you kidding me right now? We're literally going to talk about sunscreen.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Come on, man. I'm a ginger. Or do I use the spray? Come on, man. Our big topic today, ladies and gentlemen, is can't use 45 SPF or 70 SPF? And then, as a follow-up, does he use the spray or does he actually just use the balm? I think you use that real thick pen shit that went on your nose. That's exactly what I use as a matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:01:17 When you go out and surf, man, you've got to put that stuff on. I've gotten used to it where you've got to just take it on, regardless of how ridiculous you look. Yeah. Surfing, that's some shit I don't do, but that's all you, buddy. All right. Hey, you know what? We're probably supposed to be talking about real estate and investing in entrepreneurship and all that good jazz. So why don't we jump into that? What do you think? I think this is a really important subject matter, especially in real estate, but in business and truly overall communication, right, is personalities and different personalities. And I think one of the,
Starting point is 00:01:51 there's a bunch of books that probably you and I have both read about personalities and how to speak to certain people. But there's one in particular that really kind of dumbs it down, just talking about color personalities. And it combines the traits of each personality. And it's red, blue, yellow, and green. And there's different ways of communicating with these people, right? And so I think you and I kind of tend to be similar. If I'm going to guess, you and I are both going to be blue and reds. I know that's who I am.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And you and I are pretty similar with that. Well, what do the colors mean? I mean, because it means nothing to the people that are listening without kind of explaining it a little bit right give it a little bit of context so let i'll give you the the colors um blue is there's like a defining word it's always what's when are we gonna go do something fun let's go have a party let's just go and they're always talking and they're always having a good time and they're very easygoing and they just want to have a good time, right? Where red personalities are entrepreneurial typically, give me an answer. I don't want to talk. Let me know now. Let's just get straight to the point. No frivolous BS. I don't want to bullshit with you. Let me know what
Starting point is 00:03:01 you're going to buy my house for, right? I don't care where you grew up. Yellows are going to be a lot more helpful, right? All they care about is helping others. They're very social conscious, right? An example would be like Gandhi or Mother Teresa. Those are extreme examples of yellows. People are all about helping someone else, right? They're the first. They walk into a big room and someone's sitting alone. They're going to go sit with the person sitting alone, right? Where a blue would and someone sitting alone, they're going to go sit with the person sitting alone. Right. Where a blue would go immediately to the most crowded table, pull up a chair, move everyone around and be the life of the party. Right. Green are the thinkers. They are the architects. They are the engineers. They are the I need to do all the research. I need to get ready to get ready.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I need to know all my ducks in a row before we start moving. And there are absolute distinct ways that you need to be able to communicate with these people, regardless whether you're in business, friendships, relationships, or otherwise. No doubt. If you do not recognize that different people think and communicate in different ways, you are basically ignoring at least half the population. Right. And in all likelihood, ignoring three-quarters of the population.
Starting point is 00:04:12 In other words, if you communicate the way that you want to be communicated with and that's the only way you do it, then you basically just cut off three-quarters to half of the people that you communicate with because they absolutely can fall into at least four categories. And in some cases, it's variations of multiple categories, right? You got to be very aware of the way people are. Yeah. And I mean, if there's any psychologists out there listening to this, this isn't scientific what we're talking about, but at a very high level, understanding how people communicate, what their interests are going to be. So I know every time I call Kent, even getting on this recording, I started talking. He's like,
Starting point is 00:04:55 all right, can we just get this done? Let's just get this going. And that's his person. He's red. He is very much red. And personally, socially, he's a blue. He's very easy to get along with. He loves to be around people. But I know there's no bullshit. Like Kent just wants to get after it. So if I want to be Mr. Blue and talk his ear off, he's going to shut me down. There's going to be no more talking. Right. So I'm going to come in kind of hot with it and just be like, all right, you ready? Let's get this going. But conversely, if he was a green, I would have to have laid out a half hour worth of what exactly this podcast episode is going to be about, how it was going to go down, what questions we were going to talk about. And he would have to know all that. So then he could get prepared to have this conversation, right? And to not be able to understand who you're speaking with, especially in relationships,
Starting point is 00:05:43 I would argue, you and I talk about this all the time, man, you can be absolutely missing the boat, right? Yeah. I mean, you, so guys, I mean, think about it like this, right? So as, as Justin just laid out, I'm a really, I'm a hardcore red. I'm very bottom line. I'm very action oriented. Have you come at me with the story, all the details, you know, the whole soap opera behind it? It's a sign of actual disrespect.
Starting point is 00:06:12 It's that extreme to guys like me, right? You just want to get straight to it. Right. I mean, so that's why this is so important because you may be saying, you know what, let me just finish my story.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm, you know, you can sit here and listen to me. And the reality of it is, is in my mind, I'm so, I'm so hardcore the other way that it's like, you're not prepared. just finish my story. You can sit here and listen to me. The reality of it is, is in my mind, I'm so hardcore the other way that it's like, you're not prepared. You're not being respectful of my time. I mean, that's how extreme it is in my mind when somebody comes at me that way. So to understand how to read people quickly and put them into one of these boxes and ultimately
Starting point is 00:06:40 take different actions very, very quickly is really, really important. I mean, it is something that people absolutely should spend the time to study, whether you're in sales, whether you're in marketing, or whether you are in any kind of customer support, any kind of service-based business, real estate or otherwise. It doesn't matter. This is a skill that can totally change the game for you. Yeah, there's no doubt. I mean, someone like a red personality in business is going to be all about bottom line.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Give me the number, right? What are you going to offer me? So in real estate investing, you walk into someone's house, you're on the phone with them, wherever that may be. A red personality literally just wants you to give them an offer. I don't give it. They don't. They're not going to give a shit about your history, your background, how long you've
Starting point is 00:07:23 been in business, how much money. What's the bottom line? What are you offering me? What is my bottom line? Right? And that is going to be their hot point. So if I'm going into negotiation with Kent, I'm not going to talk to him about being in business and how we did a development three years ago and how I lost a lot of whatever. He's like, dude, I'm interested enough that I called you. How much money are you going to give me for my house? I'm either going to say yes or I'm going to say no, but I'm not going to waste your time because I'm not going to waste my time. That's the type of knowledge I need to know. If I go any other way with Kent, I'm out. It's already done. Yeah. The decision has already
Starting point is 00:08:00 been made. Right. And there is no recovery. Equally equally on the other side you know a yellow they have to connect with you as a person they absolutely have to know that you're compassionate that you care and that you are you know that's the kind of person if you're walking into their house it's you're taking notice of the pictures on the wall and the family and you know who grew up in the house and we're going to take care of all you know we're going to make sure we don't scuff the walls when we move, when we move the furniture out for you. And, and, Oh man, that's a beautiful, beautiful fireplace over there. Did you guys, you know, did you guys do the mantle or, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:32 the deck on the back of the house looks great. You know, did you and your father build it? If you don't recognize those things, that person's out. Yep. A hundred percent. They're not going to, they're not going to connect. Yeah. You then there's the green, right? So the green is what I think in our business, line of business at least, can be the most taxing on us investors. Meaning if Kent was a green and I came in there and discussed and I played it pretty easy, but I didn't give him all of the research available, if I didn't give him every house that was sold in the last year and a half, every square foot,
Starting point is 00:09:09 if I don't give him all of that information to be able to back up my offer, and I relate to him, I connect to him, and then I just give him an offer, without all this data to help him make a decision, I'm out again. Because he is a methodical, data-driven, research-driven, green personality that needs to get every duck in a row to decide whether this is going to be a good idea and then he will make a decision. He is not going to be the person who
Starting point is 00:09:40 moves quick. He will not sign at the table. He will not sign up over the phone. They need to take time. And if you push them, they absolutely will just shut down. You will get nowhere with someone saying, sign now where I'm out and doing the whole sales technique. You're going to lose in that case because he needs to look at all the research. I mean, all the research. Yeah. And that is my business partner, right? So the president of our company, a guy by the name of Jerry Statum, is very much a very analytical, data-driven, hardcore, get down into the minutia, the weeds, and truly understand every possible outcome, extensive planning, extensive research, pro formas, forecasting.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And that's a great balance for a guy like me, right? From a business partner perspective, that's the kind of person that is absolutely the yin to my yang. Yeah. We sit there and balance each other out very well. I know you guys kind of have the same situation with you and Eddie in your business. Yeah. And so it takes all kinds.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But to Justin's point, if you come into that person hot and you're like, let's go, go, go, go, go, go, go, make it happen immediately, which to me makes perfect sense, right? I'm the guy, you tell me, let's go, let's go. I'm going to be like, yeah, let's do it. Let's rock and roll. Research? Shit. We'll figure it out on the fly.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Let's go. Right? And he's exactly the opposite. So again, very somebody, you know, very important that you do quick reads here. Yeah. And I think lastly, what we didn't talk too much about would have been, you know, you brought up yellow and to underline yellow is it's all about help. It's all about giving. That is who yellow is. And if that can be to Kent's point and you're talking about their family and building that rapport, that is yellow. They're a bleeding heart.
Starting point is 00:11:25 That's who yellow is, right? And lastly is blue. And I think Kent has a lot of blue in him. I have a ton of blue in me. So my predominant color would probably be blue. That would be my predominant personality trait. Secondly would be red. And blue is all about, like another word is vacation, right? Traveling. Let's just go. We're going to figure it out. Let's go have a good time. Let's go to Mexico. Or what should we do this weekend?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Oh, let's take a road trip over to wherever. Fly by the seat of your pants. Not really worry about it. Not really plan everything detail like, you know, hey, I want to take a family vacation. Sure, we're just going to go. I think, you know, you went to Mexico on a last minute call from a friend of yours, right? And you're like, Hey, cool. Let's pack the car and we're going to Mexico. That's a very blue type characteristic. So that type of, you know, in an investor world, how you would somewhat approach that type of person is, man, what are you thinking about
Starting point is 00:12:20 selling for? I mean, they are very lax, not lackadaisical, but they're, they're very even keel. Like you can talk to them a little bit more laid back. You can say, dude, what are you thinking about selling for? What's really driving you to do this? Well, man, I want to, you know, and they'll give you an answer. And it's all about kind of figuring out how they can have the perfect situation for themselves, right? They can go do whatever they kind of want to do because it's all about doing for them. It's all about whether it's having fun, going and traveling, living in the area they want to live. It's just more about enjoyment as a whole. And if you can hit it on the head with them about what really drives them, you'll win with them too. If they're just like, man, I want to get an RV and I want to
Starting point is 00:13:00 travel the world all the time. Well, let's figure this out, man. What are we talking about here? How quickly you want to get that RV? And then you start going along that path and talking about traveling the nation and all that kind of cool stuff. You'll win blues over all the time. As long as you make it fun, easy, they don't want to have to overthink, you know, help offering them to move, right? Just the stuff like the reason why I don't move right now, to be honest, I don't move because I don't want to deal with it. I don't even want to have to hire movers to deal with it. Like that's how much I hate moving. So being able to keep something super easy, super
Starting point is 00:13:34 fun, easy, chill, laid back, that's how you're going to hit it with the blues. So how do you recognize when you walk into a room and you're, and you, how do you cold read somebody? A couple of questions. It's all going to be about kind of the questions you're going to ask, right? So I'm going to say, what's the most important thing about selling your home to you right now? And then they're going to start breaking that down. They might only give me a one word answer. They might say, it's all about the money.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Okay, well, you're a red. I know right away, you're red. I want top dollar. Red, right? Man, I don't know. What's the most important want top dollar, red. Man, I don't know. What's the most important thing about selling your home? Well, I don't know. I kind of wanted to travel some more. I'm going with blue. If they say, I think it's a good time. I've been looking around and I've been watching the market for a long time and seeing what's going on. I just think it's a good time to sell. Probably looking at a green, right? They're doing their research. They're doing what needs to be done for them to make the right decision.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You ask that same question and they say, really want to spend time with my grandchildren or my daughter or son, or I really want to be closer to the family. You're likely with the yellow. And there can be variances here, right? Again, I'm not trying to be too polarizing here, but there can be variances. But that's what I'm looking for. And that's how I'm going to start digging in, knowing that I'm going to be a chameleon. And then it's all about building rapport with the right person. Because otherwise, you're going to blow yourself right out of the water immediately if you come in with the type of conversation that won't resonate with them.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah, totally. And honestly, it goes for anybody you're talking to, right? I mean, cold reading is cold reading. You have to be able to listen. So let's talk about that for a minute, right? I mean, it's probably the single biggest thing that I see a lot of people do or mistake that I see them make is that they just don't listen. Make sense?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I mean, they're so busy to basically throw up all over their prospect with information and I just learned this great new trick or communication or influence tool or whatever the case may be. I can't wait. But they're a little intimidated by the process to the point that they just, I got my script, right? I got my script. I got my information.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I've got everything dialed in and they are so eager to show how much they know, for lack of better ways of saying it, that they just don't take the time to actually listen to the prospect. This is a huge deal in any business. This is how you win. And if you don't listen, I can pretty much guarantee you across the board, you are never going to win. I mean, I talked about this a lot in our teachings. You have to answer the question, what's in it for me, period. If you don't answer that question, they don't care. Now, the irony of what we're talking about here is what's in it for me means something different to every different personality. No doubt.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Same question, but all four people have to hear it differently. Yep. And I heard Zig Ziglar say this years ago. It was amazing. He talked about if you're not aware of this kind of stuff, as I just said, 50 to 75% of your business can get away from you because he came from the car business, right? So he was talking about that these guys would sit on the lot and they were all trying to sell the brand new red Mustang sitting on the lot. We're all going to sell the same car,
Starting point is 00:16:57 but every different prospect needed to hear something different. And so if you see the 25-year-old kid walk up and he's got his suit and his tie and he's dressed nice and he's, you know, you could tell he's got a little money in his pocket. He's doing all the right things. He's feeling good about life. Well, you know, that's the guy you're selling based on the way you're a cold read. Your initial read is, man, I need to be selling this guy. It's a hot car, you know, young professionals. This is the kind of car they drive. This is how you go pick up women. This is how you get to, you know, how you, all your friends become a little envious of you. This is the way people know you're being successful. You
Starting point is 00:17:24 know, whatever it is, right? You're really kind of selling the flash of it. It's probably the sizzle, not the steak. Whereas if the mother walks up on the lot, and she's got her three-year-old walking up, holding a young child in her arms, and she's looking at the car, you don't sell any of that. The car comes with anti-light brakes. It comes with 12 airbags as consumer
Starting point is 00:17:46 reports ranked it as one of the safest cars in the u.s at this point you know you're selling all of the safety you're selling the exact same car but you're selling different benefits because of the way you're reading people and this is kind of another illustration of the same point you really have to think about this yeah in again the mom and the hot shot young guy with a little money might be more than willing to spend this exact same amount of money, right? It's they're looking for different benefits of what they're buying, right? Totally. What's in it for me, period. Me specifically, right? Not what's in it for your prospect, what's in it for that individual. I talk about this an awful lot. And it's always about if you focus on solving all of their issues,
Starting point is 00:18:30 and I don't mean issues necessarily in a negative way, but what they are looking for, all of their hot points, you will get that deal or you will sell that car or whatever that is. Or you will get that girl or you'll get that guy because you listened, you heard what their hot points are by asking the right questions. And then you can then approach that. And if you solve all of those, whether it's the mother or the young hotshot kid, or someone who wants to sell their house because they want to be closer to their family, or they feel like it's the right time to sell their house because they've been
Starting point is 00:19:03 watching the trends and the markets and the numbers. And if you're listening to those things and you solve the issue of, you're right, it is the right time to sell your house. You can get top dollar and here's why. And you really hone your craft and focus on the things that are important to them because in their head is what's in it for me. And you focus on them, ultimately you're going to get the result you're looking for. Amen, bro. All right, dude. That's another great episode, man. That's worth rewinding for all you loyal followers of Science Flipping. It's, again, the personality. Again, if you're a psychologist, you might not think this is great. It's not scientific, but it's real. There are
Starting point is 00:19:42 these four different personalities. We color-coded them. There are plenty of books out there. Listen, I want you guys to engage, right? If you have questions, if you want to talk to me and Ken, if you want just to say you like it, this video is going to be on YouTube. Justin Colby is my YouTube channel. Ken, what's your YouTube channel? Ken Clothier? Ken Clothier, man. Not hard to remember. And anyone who is interested in speaking further about mentorship, coaching, go to We will be happy to get one of our team members
Starting point is 00:20:14 together with you if you are interested in speaking with one of our team members. With all that being said... Oh, also go check out Inc. Magazine. Just made it again, right? Yeah, tell them about it, Kent, tell them about it. One of the 5,000 fastest growing companies in the country. Again, two years in a row.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Memphis Invest, five years in a row. So it's all good. Yeah, man. What are the four companies? Memphis Invest. Memphis Invest, Premier Property Management, Real Estate Worldwide, and PPMG, which is a company that they actually purchase properties through.
Starting point is 00:20:50 That is awesome. That is awesome. That's big time. Very cool. Inc. Magazine, the current issue. Check it out. All right, boys and girls, we are out. That is it for today.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Thank you for another great episode. And I look forward to bringing my co-host back for another one on round two. Peace. See you. Hey, you. Yeah, you. I want to know what you think about the show. Subscribe and leave a comment.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I'm making this show for you, the listener. So please tell me how I can make this better for you.

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