The Science of Flipping - Episode 92: Mastermind Series with James Hawk and Hunter Hayden
Episode Date: March 17, 2017document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { podlovePlayer("#player-5eb5ab311643d", "", ""); }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { podlovePlayer("#player-5eb5ab31164c2", {"title":"Episode 92: Mastermind Series with James Hawk and Hunter Hayden","subtitle":null,"summary":null,"duration":"","poster":null,"chapters":"","transcripts":"","audio":[{"url":"","mimeType":"audio/mpeg","title":"AUDIO/MPEG","size":0}]}, ""); }); Justin Colby continues his mastermind series with James Hawk and Hunter Hayden out of Jacksonville, FL. Get a Free Coaching Call with TSOF team. CLICK HERE TO FILL THE FORM. JOIN MASTERMIND  — APPLY NOW!! In this episode you will learn about: Abundance Mindset and Persistence Importance of Systems and Boardroom Meetings – Mastermind Importance of Hiring and Working with a Great Team
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Welcome to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby.
What's up? What is up, everybody? Welcome back to the Science of Flipping. I am your host, Justin Colby.
And as you can see, if you're watching on YouTube, we are back with another episode of the Mastermind series. These are two
gentlemen who are absolutely killing it out in Jacksonville, Florida. But before we get to them,
if this is your first time hearing this podcast, make sure to get over to
We have a couple cool things for you. To all of my loyal listeners, we give away, I give away my book.
It is the same book that's on Amazon.
It's called The Science of Flipping.
It's selling every day for $10 a day.
But for my listeners, I go ahead and give it to you for free.
Obviously, it's a download.
It turns into an e-book.
But go download it, right?
This is the same book that is being sold on Amazon.
And also guys, if you want to be a part of these masterminds that you've been hearing from members,
we have an opportunity for you to fill out an application, whether you're just starting,
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With that being said, guys, I want to get right into these two gentlemen.
These guys are absolutely killing it.
Hunter and James out of Jacksonville, Florida.
What is up, boys?
How are you?
What's up, boys?
What's going on?
So, listen, if these people are watching this on YouTube, you guys do look, and I think, you know, James, you brought this up, or Hunter brought it up.
You guys look like the intern right now.
This is a movie.
This is straight out the movies.
We're just all tied in here you know
that is awesome yeah so i do this video so people can watch it on youtube and i also have the audible
that goes on to itunes and you can watch it or listen to it either way so they're thinking all
right so we are watching a full-blown interview right now. Awesome.
So guys, this whole series, we spent some great time out in Cabo.
Pretty impactful, wouldn't you say?
Dude, it was awesome out there, man.
It was sort of like I got a ton of value out of it.
That's awesome.
Yeah, just the connections and meeting with other guys
that are doing the same thing
in different markets
and sharing the successes,
the failures,
everything was
pretty empowering
and we came back
a little more on fire
than we left with.
Yeah, you did.
So what has happened
since you have come back
from Cabo?
What's your business life been like?
What are some major changes that you guys maybe have started implementing since the mastermind out in Cabo?
I mean, definitely probably the biggest thing for us is just our mindset, right?
We had a huge shift when we got back um especially you know talking with you kent sean um and you know
discuss what we were doing you know before we got there and uh you know when we left like basically
our mindset was completely different um you know i just feel like we weren't focused uh you know
on all of the right things maybe uh before we went And now it's completely different.
The big thing for us now is like power, right?
Business is moving and it's growing.
We're doing tons of deals.
We just need to put more people in place.
I hear ya, I hear you.
I hear you.
So what is the thing?
What's the secret to your success, right? You guys have built a very successful business out in Jacksonville, Florida.
What have you guys done?
How are you guys able to get?
Say it again?
No, so there must have been a lag in here.
Oh, got it. Yeah, so I so i mean for me i think just our persistence
right um you know we've always been massive action takers so i mean just really like jumping in you
know jumping off the cliff and building the plane on the way down right that's kind of, I mean, that's how we do it.
So, um, yeah, pretty much, pretty much. That's it, man.
Just, just going out there and making it happen.
Yeah. It's just like believing, um, that it's going to happen and getting ourself out there and having no fear and
the marketing campaigns, the follow up, um, just, you know,
knowing that stuff's going to happen,
and we're just better off of just pushing through and keep putting more money in it.
Yeah, yeah, and that's scary, right, to be able to think, man, we're going to put more
money in this business, but, you know, we talked a lot about it in Cabo is, you know,
what separates people that make it from people that don't make it is that ability to know everyone else is going to let that fear conquer them.
Everyone's going to allow that fear to stop them, halt them, paralyze them.
And if we and all the listeners out there can realize it just takes you to take that extra step where everyone won't, you're ultimately going to be the victor, right?
And I think that was a big message I think everyone took home from Cabo
over the weekend or so.
The other big thing I think we also found just seeing other guys from Phoenix
is that our market's not too small for a lot of people to do very well.
And I think the mindset of just not being afraid of,
okay, we're a decent-sized market,
but hey, look, even if we have other competitors,
we can still really crush it here.
And I think that's where the mindset shifted as well,
is let's take focus of our market
and really become the game changers here
and not try and do it in multiple different places
like we
have an office somewhere else and um we're not going to invest anymore down there you know we're
just going to stay here yeah well we yeah we looked at all the transactions that just happened
here in the last like six months and it was just an insane number right so it's like we're not even scratching the surface
for like what's really happening here yeah you know so i mean and yeah the whole like you know
going into different markets thing i mean as far as i'm concerned like there's a lot of growth just
right here where we're at yeah well that brings up a great question you know i want you guys to
maybe address some of the newbies right is a lot of lot of people think, oh, I can't invest in
my market. I'm in Phoenix and Justin or Sean's there, or, you know, I'm in Jacksonville, Florida
and James and Hunter there. And I, there's too much competition, like address some of those
people that, that fear, like they can't get started in their backyard. Yeah. I mean, from my point of view, like the whole competition thing,
I mean, anything that, you know, really, you know, that can be, you can be super successful
and like, there's going to be a competition in it. Right. Um, I mean, if you're in a tiny,
tiny market where there is literally no buyers, like there's, you know, whatever, a few thousand
people, I'm sure there's some area that you're close to that you can go into and, you know, do something
there. And I mean, it's just the abundance mindset, right? So I mean, no one is going to do
all the deals. It doesn't matter what market you're in. Like no one's going to do them all.
It doesn't matter how many people's there i mean
that's just the way it is you just got to get over the fear and just go out there and make it happen
it's a personality thing too you know it's like you know we might be great to the sellers who
decide to go with us but then other people might have a different approach might have a different
you know talk a different way and that might hit other sellers.
Nobody's going to love us all the way through and through. Everyone's not going to
love us, but everybody will love somebody
enough to do business with them.
Right. I would say
you're hitting the head on the nail. Again, Sean and I
are in the same
city and there's
plenty of deals to go around.
Not too worried about it.
What I would say though, or what the question I'm going to ask of you guys is specifically in your
business, what are you guys doing now? Are you primarily wholesaling? Are you wholesaling and
fix and flipping? Are you buying, buying holds? What are you guys actively doing?
Um, so primarily like wholesaling, right. is the majority of our business, but, you know, probably about 20% fix and flip and, uh, you know, maybe about 10% a hotel, but failing is definitely at the moment going as well so um but for the most part though wholesaling
is you know where the majority of our revenue is coming coming from right now yeah and the
the other sides for the renovation side and the whole tanning side requires you know employees
to handle that stuff effectively so you kind of got to look at it and see where your best time's
used and we're trying to figure it out that out in the next six months and really a year to see where the best ROI was on our time
and also our money.
Yeah, no doubt.
So every 10 deals you do, you usually will flip two of them
and you'll wholetail one of them?
Yeah, essentially, yeah.
The wholetailing has been a little strugglesome.
Not what we expected.
They're not really selling as fast and as easy as we thought.
But we can shift.
Then we just turn those into retails and then we flip them.
Great exit strategies, right?
And so whether it's rule number one or rule number eight, exit strategy has got to be you want multiple exit strategies, right?
If you go in with one exit strategy, there's a chance for you to get hurt. If you go in with one exit strategy,
there's a chance for you to get hurt.
If you go in with two, there's a less chance.
And if you even go into three,
even further less chance of if something happens for you to financially get hurt.
So being able to diversify what you're doing at your level,
you run a very successful seven-figure-year business
out in Jacksonville,
you got to be able to diversify
because if
there's only one strategy, it's like putting all your eggs in one basket, right?
And that basket gets tipped over.
You're all done.
Oh, absolutely.
So moving forward, what are your goals that you guys want to kind of achieve throughout
this year?
You know, where you're at now, where you want to
be, what do you guys want to be able to finish out doing for the 2017? I can't believe it's almost
got us the middle of March already. Right. So, yeah, I know it's just crazy. Um, I mean, I know
that what we're really focused on now, um, for the end of the year is just really getting the rest of our time back right um i mean we've gotten
a good portion of it but just you know pretty much putting a bow and getting the rest of it back you
know putting a bow on it and let's you know get more time to do some bigger stuff um you know
looking to do some commercial and stuff like that when we can you know kind of get everything moving
you know just like it's supposed to on the whole self business down yeah so a couple more
employees salespeople marketing guy or gal and then just kind of streamlined
the renovation business to where one day we go so to the other side.
Just getting the right people in the right systems in place.
Yeah, that's the biggest thing.
The people are tough, right?
Yeah, it's hard.
We have some good people now,
but it is a process finding the right employees. Yeah, and that's what I i've always found the people that i've hired are
always within my network they're always someone that i know somewhere they're in my meetup group
they're at the ria meeting they are um on my facebook page they're in the facebook page groups
that i'm in they're always somewhere they're i'm networking them without a title agency whatever it is um
and i know there's all different ways to hire i have just always chosen to bring people in within
my network they know me i have a uh rapport with them at some level and so they understand where
i'm coming from all the way up until today i had a phone interview to bring in a phone sales guy
and he came from being in my meetup group. Right. And I was at my meetup group talking about how
we're looking to possibly bring in this phone sales component. And he calls me, he's like,
Justin, I would love to be a part of that. I don't know if you would want me to be,
but that would be really awesome. And so next thing you know, I'm on a 40 minute call with him
about his experience, what he wants, what I'm looking for to see if it's going to work.
Right. And so I want, I want to be able to build this phone sales place, uh, not place, but
division. So he came because I just mentioned it. People forget to talk about what they want
because the more they talk about it, the more it kind of gets put in that atmosphere. Right. And I
don't want to get too hocus pocus on it but you start putting that message out
there whether you're talking about it posting about it you know whatever um i've always hired
from within and guess the last time i've hired an acquisition person three years ago i've had the
same two acquisition people for the last three years. And they don't want to leave because it makes so much money.
And I give them a cool place to stay.
And it's a great atmosphere.
And, you know, it's, you know, so at the end of the day, they trust me more.
So that's always been my method to hiring.
One thing I do want to say uh while we were in cabo um this was probably one of the biggest
nuggets uh for me while we were out there um on the first night i had dinner with kent
and uh you know i was we were discussing kind of like what we were doing and everything else and
you know just the numbers right like what our projections were for the year.
And he said, he basically told me just forget about the numbers.
Just completely forget about them.
Make it a game to replace yourself.
So just worry about building it out and stop worrying about the numbers and then the numbers will grow way more than you ever thought possible if you just focus on that.
So I was that was pretty big, you know, pretty big nugget for me because it's always numbers.
Right. Like I'm always thinking about the numbers.
I mean, that's that's just it.
And, you know, so that was that was a big shift for me.
And I think about it every day.
You know, Jess, I can resonate with you.
Same guy.
We've had acquisitions for over three years.
Right here.
Yeah, hey, I'm that guy.
I mean.
And you're great at it.
You're great at it.
You know, so.
You know, guys, is there anything, you know,
first of all, why don't you name your company, what you do, bring, you know, tell people where
to find you if they want to be a part of your world. Maybe they want to, you know, work with
you in Jacksonville, Florida or somewhere else. So, you know, let people know who you guys are.
Sure. Um, so the main company is Hayden Hawk Investmentk investment group um but as far as if anyone's
looking to buy property is there anything like that here they can check out check us out at um that's the website where a lot of our properties will be posted for
sale um you know not all of them now you gotta get on the list if you want the really good ones but you know after a couple you get the real nuggets
yeah you go right on was any last go ahead no we're on every you know facebook instagram um
yeah we're everywhere you can you can find us somewhere for sure yeah that's awesome well now
they can find you on itunes right so now right? So now you're international because I have people way out in Canada, Mexico, Australia.
Now you guys are going to be international.
I'm ready to go back to Mexico, man.
It was awesome out there.
Hey, listen, I want to thank you guys.
I know you're busy.
I know you're crushing out in Jacksonville. Is there anything you want to leave listeners with or a certain golden nugget that you want to leave impressed on people about what it takes to be successful in this industry, what it takes to be able to create the life that you want to live?
I mean, this whole podcast is all about creating the life that you want to live.
So anything that you guys want to leave leave the listeners um i would just say for
for me it's just um listen to podcasts like this listen to um every pretty professional that's
doing it really well and implement and not be afraid of like implementing exactly what they're
telling you to do because you can sit around just thinking about it, talking about it. We did that at the beginning. We're just always talking about it, talking about
it, but just really take action. Even if it's difficult and uncomfortable, just get out there
and do it. Yeah. I mean, understanding that there's going to be disappointments and there's
going to be times that, you know, you're like, man, this sucks. Why don't I just go back to a
regular job? But once you start, you just push
through that and you start getting some wins, that's going to fire you up and that'll give you
what you need to just push through and just make it happen. But understand that it's not going to
be easy. The wins always feel better than the losses too. Oh yeah, that's a good point.
Always, always. Well guys, I appreciate you spending some time with me and giving back
to my loyal listeners you guys are a part of the billionaire mastermind for a reason uh greatly
appreciate you too i look forward to possibly seeing you in san diego for boardroom elite
right so boardroom elite will be there good yeah we'll be there good i will see you in uh i'm sure
we'll talk before that but i'll see you you in San Diego for the Board of Elite.
Guys, that's it for all you listeners.
Again, you want to meet people like this.
You want to be in our world.
You want to get with me or Kent or Sean or any of these gentlemen and ladies that are out there absolutely crushing it.
Go to the Science of Flipping.
Fill out the application.
We do not take everybody.
But if you feel like you'd be a good fit, show us why you'd be a good fit. Prove to
us that you would be a good fit and let our team at least have that conversation with you. At least
try to get in the game. Even if it's scary, try to get in the game. Besides that, that's all I got.
Peace out. Talk to you guys soon. All right, man. Thank you. Thanks for having us. Peace.