The Science of Flipping - Episode 98: Incredible Announcements | Real Estate Investing Podcast

Episode Date: May 6, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby. What is up, guys? What is up? Welcome back to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I am your host, Justin Colby, and I am back. I just spent about two weeks, almost a full two weeks in our masterminds, the boardroom and boardroom elite, and it was absolutely incredible. If you've been getting my emails, you've been seeing video footage. If you've been getting my emails, you've been seeing testimonials. If you haven't been getting my emails, make sure to get on our list and I'll give you our book. Go to Go ahead and download my free book. This is not just an e-book.
Starting point is 00:00:50 As I always tell you guys, this is my real book, right? This is the book that I wrote and published and it is for sale in Amazon for $9.99. You can buy it. I'm happy to take your money, but you might as well go to and download the free book. That way you can get my emails. That way you guys are seeing everything we're doing and you can be a part of my world. I'm so excited. You can probably hear the energy. I'm excited to be back. I'm actually, if you're watching this on YouTube, then you can see I'm actually in a new office.
Starting point is 00:01:30 And if you have not subscribed to me on YouTube, go over to YouTube and subscribe to my channels. You guys are going to see a bunch of videos, a bunch of content. Make sure to go over there, subscribe, because you can actually watch these videos at home when you have time. But for those that are watching this video, you're going to see I'm in a new office. We actually not only was that a mastermind for two weeks, I've actually been moving offices. We got a bigger office, better office. So right now, as you can see behind me, all my sports memorabilia is still down and we're going to do some pretty cool stuff inside my office.
Starting point is 00:02:08 So I'm very, very excited. There's just so much great stuff going on right now. I can't even really explain to you guys. There's so much cool stuff. Business is booming. The masterminds are incredible. And guys, again, if this is your first time to this podcast, this podcast is all about creating your systems, creating your processes, giving you the tools that you need to build the business. Whether you're a wholesaler, whether you're a fix and flipper, whether you're a buy and hold investor.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And quite honestly, what I'm going to start really talking to you guys about is wholetailing and what wholetailing is and how wholetailing alone has doubled, tripled, quadrupled our profits relative to just simply wholesaling. And it actually has eliminated a lot of our frustration from the rehabs we've been doing. If you're a loyal listener, you've been listening to me over time talk about rehabbing and flipping and hiring contractors and doing repair estimates and getting under budget and payment plans. And then you've heard me kind of transition into educating you guys on how to creating a wholesale business. And now, guys, you're going to start to hear a lot more about this wholetailing because it's something I actively do in our business. We are constantly taking down properties and wholetailing them. may need work but may need not a lot of work that we can actually just buy and put right back on
Starting point is 00:03:46 the MLS without going through a rehab. The reason why I bring that up now is because I've actually been teaching our mastermind members about this for years and they are crushing it. It just kind of made me think it's something I should really be teaching you guys as well. There obviously is, if you are a wholesaler, then there's going to be a transition into finding the right capital and raising the right capital, which is going to be everyone's issue, right? For all you wholesalers, where do I find the money? How do I raise the money? What is the right money? What is not the right money? What do I say? How do I find the lenders?
Starting point is 00:04:28 All those questions I'll be answering for you over time, not on this exact podcast. And if you're a rehabber, this going up or adding square footage, dealing with the city, dealing with stolen copper, electrical, just dealing with less issues with contractors being late or lien waivers being signed or any of those type of things that us rehabbers have to deal with, which is part of the fun, but also part of the frustration and the minutia. Um, so you guys, at the end of the day, guys, this podcast is really about helping you guys create a life by design to become, to fire your boss, to start with the end in mind. To get out of the daily nine to five. But to give you the processes, the tools, the systems that really we've been using over the last eight years to help you get there. To help you go from doing one deal a month to doing five deals a month. From making, you know, a hundred grand a year to making a million dollars a year.
Starting point is 00:06:05 That is my intention. That is my goal. That is what I set out to do with this podcast. And again, if you're here for the first time, if this happens to be the first episode that you've ever listened to, or you've ever watched on YouTube, go to the science of It is a great resource for you to catch up, to listen to podcasts, to download my book. My book is called the science of flipping and it's all about the tools and the processes and the mindset it takes to build a flipping real estate investing company. Um, it is absolutely free. Download it. There are applications for
Starting point is 00:06:44 people who want to work directly with me, directly with my team, directly with our coaching staff. There's applications to be part of a mastermind. Guys, this mastermind, I'm being dead serious. If you just want to be considered to talk to part of my team, I don't care whether you have the money or you don't have the money, whether it's a financial issue, whether you feel. I don't care whether you have the money or you don't have the money, whether it's a financial issue, whether you feel like you don't belong yet, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Whatever negative thoughts that are stopping you from filling out this application, go to the Science of Flipping right now,, and go to the Mastermind tab and fill out the application. We will get back to you. Not everyone gets accepted,
Starting point is 00:07:29 but don't limit yourself by whatever you're thinking would be a reason we wouldn't accept you. Get into the and fill out the application. Get with my team. Let us make the decision of whether you're going to be a good fit or not. I don't care if you're just starting. I don't care. If you're just starting and you've never done a deal, fill out the application. If you're doing five deals a month, if you're making a quarter million dollars a year, fill out the application. I have people doing two million
Starting point is 00:07:58 dollars a year in our mastermind. There's always something for everybody, right? Go to the science of flipping and fill out the application. So again, today, guys, I want to just kind of, I'm just rejuvenated, right? I just have this feeling right now. It's this kind of a brain dump on you guys about this transition that I've seen so many of our mastermind members go through. Their profits are going through the roof, right? I can't tell you how many people who were making three or 400 grand last year. Now they're making 900 grand, a million two, because they just started
Starting point is 00:08:36 to change and go into this whole tailing model. And it's not for every home, right? I still wholesale homes. I still rehab homes. But I have been finding instead of rehabbing those homes by simply wholetailing them, by taking them out or taking them down and maybe doing a very, very soft clean out, right? Maybe renting just a dumpster and just cleaning out the debris and then listing it. We have easily see double and triple the size profits. In fact, one of the deals that we're currently doing, I'm going to go start shooting video. I want to show you guys exactly how this is getting done. And as a matter of fact, guys, I'm putting on a live webinar, an absolute live webinar, May 9th. I'll start emailing you guys about it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 It is a live webinar to teach you this exact strategy from where we're finding the deals, how we're funding the deals, and then how we're selling the deals and creating this amount of profit. So that live webinar is May 9th. You will start to see emails about that, which will be really, really great for you guys to be on. Another piece of housekeeping is we have the Scale and Escape event. The Scale and Escape event is May 19th and 20th here in Phoenix. It will be myself.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It will be Kent Clothier. It will be be myself. It will be Kent Clothier. It will be Sean Terry. It will be Chris Clothier. It will be Jesse Itzler. This is for those who are doing deals. Maybe you're doing one or two deals. Maybe you're doing 10 deals a month. But what we are going to do
Starting point is 00:10:19 is show you exactly how to scale and escape your business, how to fire your boss. If your current nine to five is the main reason why you can't get there, we are going to show you the tools, the processes, the systems to build a business. This is not for someone who has never done a deal. That is not what this is for. This is for the people that are already doing deals. Maybe you have a nine to five and that's your big hurdle. Maybe you can't figure out how to scale the business and you can't figure out how to get more leads. Maybe you can't figure out how to profit more.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Whatever those issues are, this event specifically is for you. This is a once a year event. This is not a bring come one come all this is going to be small it's gonna be intimate it is gonna blow your mind it is gonna be nothing but content and more content between myself and Sean Terry and Kent Clothier we have built multiple multi-million dollar real estate businesses you need to be there because Jesse Itzler, our keynote speaker,
Starting point is 00:11:27 he has built billion dollar businesses with a B, baby, billion dollar businesses. So this is something you have to be at May 19th and 20th. It's just about two weeks away, if you have not got your tickets, get over to forward slash S as in Sam A E. S as in Sam A E for scale and escape. If you have not got your tickets, go to that website, watch the video, understand what the video is saying, get there. I promise you it will be worth it. And as a matter of fact, for those of you who have stayed on this video and this episode and listened all the way through, I am going to be choosing one person and one person only that I can give away a VIP ticket.
Starting point is 00:12:24 The ticket is $3,000. And if you buy a normal registration ticket, I will give you a VIP ticket for free. And that is you getting to spend a full day with me and Sean and Kent and others masterminding, right? And it is a masterminding. We'll be focusing on your business. If you want to be around me and Sean, Terry, and Kent Clothier for a full day, and you want to have that private experience with a very small group of people, you need to buy your registration ticket,
Starting point is 00:13:03 and I'm choosing one person to actually go in, and I will pull out a VIP ticket. So one person to go in, and I will pull out a VIP ticket. I got a lot on my mind, guys. You can hear it. I'm going to start just – I got to give you guys more content, and there's just so much cool stuff going on right now. I'm just so pumped. I'm just – you can tell, man. This is going to be a great, great year. Real estate is hot. If you're not in the game, you got to be in the game. If you're already in the game and you need to make more money, you need to start listening to what I'm going to teach about whole tailing and how
Starting point is 00:13:41 valuable that is. If you're in the game and you need to get more systems, you need to go to the scale and escape event, period. There's just no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You just have to be there. Guys, I'm going to be starting to show you the systems and tools and implementation on how to wholetail. I actually am going to bring on some more expert guests for you guys. Stay tuned. This podcast is going to blow up.
Starting point is 00:14:11 My content is going to blow up. Go over to YouTube. Start subscribing to my videos. It's going to start getting insane, guys. This is going to be awesome. I just want to give as much as I got to you guys because so much has been given to me. The masterminds are incredible. Go to the website has been given to me. The masterminds are incredible. Go to the website, fill out the application, the masterminds guys. I just,
Starting point is 00:14:31 I had so much to talk about and I'm just like, you know what? I'm just going to mind dump on you guys. Let you hear it all. And I look forward to giving you another podcast, the next podcast. I promise guys it would be much more tactical, but there's just so much cool stuff going on right now. I had to just get it out. It's rocking. It's rolling. It's May 4th today. Make sure to go to forward slash S-A-M-A-E. Watch the videos. Understand what the event is about. If you buy a ticket, a normal registration ticket, I am choosing one person, one person to pull a VIP ticket. If you do buy a ticket, I want you to email my assistant personally,
Starting point is 00:15:21 Andrea, A-N-D-R-E-A at Andrea, A-N-D-R-E-A at Let her know you bought a ticket. Give us your name. I'm going to put together a pool and I'm going to be giving away a free VIP ticket that is the value of $3,000. So make sure you are there. Make sure you go check it out. Make sure you apply for the mastermind. Guys, dude, it's just good. I'm sure you guys can see my energy, hear my energy. Keep listening.
Starting point is 00:15:59 You guys are awesome. You guys are blessed. I really appreciate you guys. And I'll see you on the next episode. Peace.

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