The Science of Flipping - Episode 99: How To Get High Performance and The Failure In Motivation with Patrick Precourt

Episode Date: May 6, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Science of Flipping Podcast. I'm your host, Justin Colby. All right. We are live. I suppose we are live. Not 100% sure, but let's see what goes on here. What's up, brother? How are you doing? Good, man. How are you? I am doing fantastic. We are live, dude. We are live and rocking. Dude, I'm going to introduce you in a second for all the people who are here live watching us on Facebook Live. But before I start, I'm going to be showing this here and I'm also going to use this for my podcast. So
Starting point is 00:00:45 I am the founder of the Science of Flipping podcast, I'm the executive board member for Real Estate Worldwide's Boardroom Masterminds. And guys, we have a special guest today. My very good friend, my brother, my mentor mentor someone who i rely on very heavily um i know you've heard from him in the past and uh i just want to introduce i i can't say enough about this man dude patrick pre-court how are you my brother i am awesome brother and ready to rock and roll did you did you note that i was your younger brother did you throw that out there or did you pick that part i just don't know where that fell in, you know? That's right. That's exactly right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Dude, what is going on? So sorry about for all you people watching right now. Sorry about my lighting. I'm in my new office and my lights are terrible in here. So I got to rearrange my lighting and all that kind of stuff. So sorry if you guys find me to be all dark and gloomy. But hey, it is what it is. Wanted to get this information out to you guys and wasn't willing to wait.
Starting point is 00:01:50 So what's up, man? I'm like, you know what's funny? I just had that conversation with somebody earlier today about standing on the sidelines and waiting to get started. Right. And I shared a post on my Facebook feed talking about this. And some, most people got it. Some got a little offended but basically it's it's sometimes man sometimes you got to stop waiting for a plan and all you need is the set of balls right and just get started get it going on sitting around
Starting point is 00:02:16 and waiting for things to be perfect sitting around for everything to be in alignment and all the answers to be big enough strong enough to have enough money that their knowledge will will stop you from ever going forward. Dude, I'm glad you're here and glad you're in a new office. I'm glad the lighting isn't perfect because we're going to do it and nobody's going to care, brother. Rock it. I love it. I love it. So listen, if you guys are on here, one thing that really helps Facebook and helps us, let us know where you're from. Say hello, throw some thumbs up, give us some likes, give us some hearts. Facebook really loves this kind of stuff because it shows engagement, right?
Starting point is 00:02:50 And so if you're on here, if you're watching, let us know what city you're from. Give us a shout out. Say what's up, right? Just throw something in there. We'd love to shout you back out. I see Cheryl is on, Eddie's on, Nick, what's up, my man? Long time no see, Nick. Again, if you're watching this, let us know where you're from. Give us some thumbs up. Give us some hearts. The whole thing, Facebook really encourages that. With that said, what up, John Perry? What's going on, buddy? Say what? I said, Mr. John Perry. Mr. John Perry. We got to love that, man. Carlos says, what does he say? Baltimore, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Pat P is a beast from Carlos Zamora. So you got a fan out there, man. What's up, Mr. Josh? That's right. That's right. So keep mentioning where you're from. Say what's up to us. We have, you know, I specifically wanted Pat to be on this Facebook live feed and this podcast feed because he is a master of a subject that I think is so crucial, right? So Kent Clothier, myself,
Starting point is 00:03:59 and Sean Terry and others are putting on a scale and escape event, right? This is an event talking to people who are currently actively doing deals. Maybe they're crushing it, right? And they're doing seven figures, but they work 80 hours a week. Conversely, maybe they're doing a couple deals, but still work a full-time job and they just need to figure out how to fire their boss and how to hire right and how to get out from the nine to five grind. And there's something so important to be said about motivation versus inspiration. There's something to be said about hiring and hiring correctly and helping those people succeed. And there's a man that you guys are looking at, Preport has such an amazing outlook on this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And he's built multiple 10 plus million dollar businesses. So I wanted to have him on to get his perspective of really what it takes to start a business, scale a business, hire correctly, and really help your guys, help your team, help you build your business so that you don't have to be in your business. I think I've been talking about a lot. I know Kent has been talking about a lot. I know Sean has been talking about a lot. So I wanted to get your perspective and I wanted you to share with everybody out there your thoughts about motivation, building a business, how to do this recruiting side of things so that you're getting
Starting point is 00:05:26 the most out of your people, you're getting the most out of yourself and all that kind of good stuff. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. So let's start out with this, Justin. Let's start out with an understanding that for most entrepreneurs, we can put us in three buckets, right? First bucket is just can't freaking get started. Stuff just will not ignite. It's kind of like trying to start a damn campfire, right? You got all the wood, you got a brush kindling, you got all the pieces, but the freaking thing just will not light up. That's bucket number one. Bucket number two, things are rolling, but you feel like you're always catching your tail.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And it's a lot of start, stop stop start stop you find yourself above water below water below water below water it's a constant grind and the third one is guess what you've got it it's rolling money's flowing deals are flowing everything's like going ahead but you've masterfully built yourself a job that just owns your freaking life and it rolls over you yeah from a business perspective you make a little money but you've created an environment that is exclusively reliant on you you haven't built the foundation right now you're like well guess what i had a why my why was well like everybody's why to own their time right because out of owning our time we can have all the other things that we want and need in this life.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And now we're like, well, I got this business. I was supposed to give it my time, and it did just the freaking opposite. So what I'd like to share today is kind of why that happens and the antidote to it, how to fix it, right? Yeah, absolutely. It's not that hard. At least it's not hard to discuss. It is hard for some of the shifts that we have to make in here and of course the answers are always the same you want you want to know where all our answers are housed in the mirror brother just look right back at yourself oh he's there
Starting point is 00:07:16 that's exactly what i need right now mr john i get it brother i get it because you know what i wouldn't be able to sit here and talk to you about it if I didn't suffer through a ton of times myself and as an example I'll refer to this a number of times as we go through you know our most recent business that we started from scratch right was our gym business which is a brick-and-mortar business and it's grown into a respectable company's been around this is its fifth year it's been in business alright there's a lot of moving parts Um, we're in about 14 little over 14,000 square feet have around 650 members or so 25 or 25 26 or so people that work at the gym trainers and office and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:07:56 Right a lot of moving parts. We were a high-service gym 360 classes a month The only reason I bring that up is when you talk when you start using that excuse well my my business is too complicated to outsource or give stuff to other people they're gonna screw it all up listen 360 classes a month we provide and in that say we average 20 people a class think about how many one-on-one personal engagements there are and our job our single mission in the gym is to provide an outstanding experience for every single client every single time they're in the gym how does that happen justin when my monthly involvement
Starting point is 00:08:38 operationally is less than five hours a month and that's what I want to show you over the next however long you guys want to sit here talk about this stuff okay because and don't even start guys with my business is different no shit everybody's business is different it has nothing to do with that right that that will accept your business is different and more complex and harder I'll give you that all up front it's not true but I'll just give you that all up front. It's not true, but I'll just give you that so we can eliminate those kinds of excuses before we get going, just so we open up our minds to this, right? Let me ask you this. If I was to ask you, because you're a business owner, right? What is one of the top, I don't know, number one,
Starting point is 00:09:25 two, three challenges in growing and expanding a business. Be past beyond process and systems and past, say, the financial side, because as we grow, we're always chasing money, too. Those two go hand in hand. Totally get that. All business, as they grow, you'll never have enough. You're never like, oh, we got enough money. It doesn't work that way. If you're growing and expanding, you'll always need more money to grow and expand so accept that as a common denominator too but what's the number one thing justin you would say is a challenge for entrepreneurs
Starting point is 00:09:53 and trying to grow a business genuinely grow a business creating the creating the culture hiring being able to remove yourself remove Remove yourself, hiring the culture. We'll put that in a little side bucket here, right? Because the culture is not something, the culture is, right? The culture can't be manifested out of thin air. The culture can't be artificial, can't be disingenuous,
Starting point is 00:10:18 can't be unauthentic. The culture is. Yep. So when it comes to creating, and I'm just, not that today is going to be about creating culture, but when it comes to creating culture, people, your culture is yep so when it comes to creating i'm just not that today it's going to be about creating cultural when it comes to creating culture people your culture is a reflection of the person on top right are you a genuine person of authenticity are you a man or woman of integrity do you stand behind your handshake you genuinely try to people treat people the way they should be treated you say oh the golden
Starting point is 00:10:46 rule i say that treat people according to the platinum rule trump's the golden rule right the platinum rule golden rules treat them the way you want to be treated how about treat them the platinum rule the way they want to be treated which means you've got to be bigger and and and kind of pay attention to who you're dealing with not everybody wants to be treated like you let's accept that to be true that's's culture. And that comes from the top down. Culture is not going and writing out a bunch of shit that, hey, this is who we are. That's not how culture works.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Right? Culture is a reflection of the top down. So just kind of keep that in mind. And then, so it's top down, but then it's bread. And spread here. Okay? Right? Define here, bread and spread here.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But let's go on to the hard part here, finding the right people, attracting the right people, and then getting performance out of them. Here's what I've found in my own experience and likely in many of your own experience as one of the traps in entrepreneurialism, we get good. Think about the path into being an entrepreneur. We get good at something. Right. And then we want to take it and do it on our own.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That's one path in. What's up, Max? Good to see you, brother. Let's give a couple of shout outs real quick. Max, what's up? For the compliment. Stefan. Man, long time no see. I definitely been thinking about reaching out to real quick. Max, what's up? Thanks for the compliment. Stefan. Man, long time no see.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I've definitely been thinking about reaching out to you. Patrick, what's going on? Josh Hanson. Anyways, just wanted to give some shout outs. Keep engaging. Keep asking questions. Let us know where you're from. This is going to be some good stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:20 We're going to go as long as you guys want to continue to listen to us. Keep going, Pat. You're coming into entrepreneurialism, right? And it's either because you got really good at doing carpentry, and now you want to own a carpentry company, do it on your own, stop making money for the man, right? Or you're in corporate USA somewhere, and you're like, you know what? I've had it here.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I'm going to go study this. Once I study and learn it, I'm going to go build a business around it. Fantastic, right? Step one in entrepreneurialism is you cut the umbilical cord to whoever your former boss was, and you start doing it yourself. Totally cool. Nothing wrong with this, okay? That's not how I did the gym, and I'll show you the difference in a second, right?
Starting point is 00:13:01 But there's nothing wrong with this path of doing it yourself because it's where you perfect the process. It's where you kind of get in the trenches, where you kind of earn your stripes, right? Kind of hard sometimes to expect something of someone else that you're not willing to do in and of yourself, right? And they can see that kind of stuff. So there's nothing wrong getting in the trenches and grinding it out. But the trap is this. If we're successful to the point where we need to hire people, which means we're probably successful at getting this far, if we're successful, it means that we've gotten very good at doing it.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And then we get this very false, misleading, trapping belief that nobody can do it as good as we can. No one can, dude. No one can dude no one can and if I hire someone else they're most likely gonna do a shittier job than me right I mean right been in that bucket right I get it gets worse we get over that like man we gotta hire somebody else right so we bring in our first person and instead of focusing on what is most so here's here's the truth of impact and reach and um ultimately achieving our why you can't do it alone
Starting point is 00:14:15 it's not even how this world is designed right you want to have a big impact build a big freaking team have a tremendous amount of influence and let it rock. When we get into these entrepreneurial one-man operation, two, three-man operation, the challenge is we stick in this role of what I call manager. Every business needs a manager, so make no mistake, but it also needs a leader. Just because you're the boss doesn't make you a leader. You got to gotta understand the difference if we're going to take away anything from this conversation justin this is probably it right here as if you want to write something down super cool this is it managers manage results managers grow results leaders grow people managers grow results leaders grow people now watch how this plays out if i play the the role of a manager, what do managers want?
Starting point is 00:15:07 They want repeatable, duplicable, predictable, known results and outcomes. They want to know that if we do A, B, C, and D, our processes and system that we've perfected, that we're going to get the result we desire. So as I bring in this new employee, I tell them what to do, how to do, when to do it, where to do it. Just freaking do it exactly like me. Don't ask questions. Don't think too hard. Just get the shit done the way I tell you to get it just freaking do it exactly like me don't ask questions don't think too hard just get the shit done the way i tell you to get it done we'll get the result we desire
Starting point is 00:15:29 and voila if they do it works out fine the challenge is they cannot continue in that mode and i'll explain why so oftentimes we end up with people that are that maybe even start out great performers and then they turn into crappy performers they're like wow this employee sucks no you're a crappy leader you got a little responsibility why this person why you create an environment for their failure we'll get into that in a second but remember right so managers grow results leaders grow people if you look at the the macro spectrum of leadership, leadership role 101, step one, is a self-lead to manage this first, right? What does that mean? It means, you know what?
Starting point is 00:16:11 We've got to be able to control particularly our emotional states. You know, when you hear Tony Robbins talk about states, what he's talking about is our emotional states. He's throwing in our mental states. If we can't control that that we can't possibly lead other people if we come in and we're unpredictable in in in say our anger bout in a way we respond to stress then we cannot manage other people because we become unpredictable to them and they will not stay honest and truthful to us because they'll this is what happened on a subconscious level this has been proven time and time again right if i can't count
Starting point is 00:16:45 on you justin to lead me in times of trouble then internally i feel you're a threat and as a result of that you will get neurotic behavior out of me there's been proven like if you uh it's funny you take this over to the dog world the animal world canine world horses are no different right um oftentimes owners have problems with the dogs dogs are neurotic they can't they won't behave and they bring in a trainer um that tries to change the behavior of the dog tries to train the dog challenge is the dog isn't problem the owner's problem the owner is freaking neurotic the owner's got an emotional instability they They're not predictable. They have anger bouts. They lash out at people in a way that's just not stable. Unfortunately, this is probably 80% of all adults walking around the earth right now.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I've heard this a lot about horses. You brought up horses. I've heard this a lot about horses you brought up i've heard this a lot about horses are exactly the same way horses will not conform to a rider that is emotionally unstable they'll call them out that quickly but dogs are no different right so you see neurotic behavior in the dog guess what it's a reflection of the fact this is what happens in the dogs because their dogs don't have this ability to um logic uh logically think like we do right they have a fight or flight mode they're very uh behavioral driven but they don't think like we do yeah they they they see this behavior in us and like that i can't that person my person is a threat and therefore i can't follow them because that that that's a threat to me so they go into the you know fight or flight mode which means now they attempt to be the alpha to lead the owner
Starting point is 00:18:33 they are the one and and internally there's a conflict with them and that's what creates a neurotic behavior because they know they're not supposed to be superior to humans they're supposed to be supported to humans but have created supposed to be supportive to humans. But it created this internal dialogue that's crushing them. No different than with employees. If you're a neurotic freaking company or business owner that's very unpredictable. At moody days, on days, off days, the way you
Starting point is 00:18:55 react to the same situation changes and it's not predictable, guess what? You will create a neurotic behavior in the people that you're trying to get to perform. Yeah, so, and I'm going to speed this little part up here. Okay. What I'm talking about right now, just from a macro viewpoint, as we migrate from hats of manager over to leader, which is required to get top performance out of people, whether you're a parent at home or you own a business, makes no difference. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Four different levels that we're talking about first one is self-management right self-leadership welcome back to you miss cheryl is making sure that you're controlling this right here second level is leading others okay the way you lead others is to allow them and i'm going to go into the three key pieces that that actually drive individuals which is really what we're here for today, but allow others to make decisions and fail on their own terms so they can grow and expand on their own terms. And it's one thing I see in parents all the time, man, they don't allow their kids to
Starting point is 00:19:59 grow. A child will never outperform the lid that a parent puts on, the expectations the parents put on them. And the people that we have that we're influencing, whether they be W-2s or 1099s, makes no difference. They're just an outward team. If they're a realtor, we're making so different. If we need a group of people to work towards a common goal and outcome, we're leaders and influencers. And to the degree that we pull it off will be directly relative to how much wealth and abundance we attract into our bank account that part is 100 true right third
Starting point is 00:20:31 level is teaching others to be leaders and the fourth level is teaching other to be teachers well forget about the top two right there all i want to focus on right now is leading others because this is the one that's going to break you free and give you your life back quite honestly just especially in a business that you've created that owns your member i have 26 people working at the gym yeah we do 360 classes a month operationally spend less than five hours a month in that business and it was built foundationally that way from day one by finding the right people creating the outcomes that I needed, and allowing them the autonomy to get the results, and then hold them accountable to the results,
Starting point is 00:21:09 but allow them to do it on their own terms. I didn't tell them what to do, how to do, when to do it. I let them to do it. Let's talk about the three things that drive us as human beings. This is all of us. If you have something, man, that you know you got to get done, and you're struggling with, you're procrastinating it off it's easy to look at these three things and find a way to create an environment that allows you to succeed in doing it right gives you the discipline to execute and we'll use the simple definition of discipline and doing what you have to do when you have to do it even though you don't want to right and that's the we procrastinate off on. Right. Wow. So three things. Very simple. Number one, autonomy.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Okay. The ability to make decisions, do things on our own terms to get the result that we're being held accountable to. See, when a manager and a micromanager gets in your space, tells you what to do, when to do, how to do it. They steal from you the drive that comes out of working autonomously. You say, well, why is that such a drive? Because internally, that allows us to tap into what is actually unique to us, the God-given talents and skills that were given to us as a one-off, unlike anyone else's. That's what we get to tap into and out of that we get a certain level of well drive it inspires us internally right and when a manager or micromanager gets in there and tells you exactly what to do when to do how to do it it steals that and all the drive that would come from that is eliminated and you'll pull it off a few times do it okay and after that it's going
Starting point is 00:22:43 to become such a redundant drag to the point where you'll dread doing it. So if you're a manager or a leader, step number one is focus on the results you need and allow someone to get there on their own terms. If they need help, be there for them. If they need some general direction, be there for them. But get the hell out of the way. Allow them to grow right number two is a big one is we all you me everyone need need to know that we're here for a bigger reason we're part of something bigger than just ourselves because you know what that's not satisfying to us and in a working environment a job environment
Starting point is 00:23:20 or a team environment right knowing that we're contributing to the team, that we matter, that other people need us, right? That's inspiring. Notice the amusement word inspiring and not motivational. We'll talk about why in a second, right? Inspiration is intrinsic, internal. It comes from the inside, which is I'm not relying on anything out here or forth that I can call on when I need it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Motivation is external. It comes from the outside here. And not only is it not available to me when I want to need it, it's not in my control, which means when it's outside of me and when I need it, it's not available, it can do more harm than good. You ever go to an event, come out of the event amped up, jacked up Monday morning, and by Wednesday you're like, well, that went away pretty damn quick. Every time. Every time I do that.
Starting point is 00:24:10 That's because that person motivated you, but they didn't give you any seeds of inspiration. Totally different. A great leader will inspire you. A manager will create a codependency because they want to be the big person all the time. They want to be like the number one, right right and that's not the role of a leader so a manager will create a codependency they'll inspire they'll motivate you but instead all that's doing man is pumping more caffeine into your veins when that shit runs out you are required to come back to them for more yeah this is in corporate usa leadership we have have the smallest, most insecure, whiniest
Starting point is 00:24:47 little bitches as leaders. I mean that guys, not that's not, I mean, not using it. Trying to be PC. I got you. I got what I'm saying. The most insecure people. So yeah, they got to create a codependency. So you know, if they don't, these people aren't going to follow them because they got nothing else on there. So it's kind of an interesting thing but us as a business owner that need top performance out of our entire team our entire team anyone who we uh influence right it doesn't matter if we're on top we want results you get results by growing people so number one give them autonomy space space to grow. Number two, allow them to be part of something big,
Starting point is 00:25:28 bigger than themselves. Allow their voice to matter. Let them be significant in whatever it is you're attaching them to. And then finally, and this is kind of like, excuse me, this is another big piece of this whole thing, right? As we go from autonomy into being part of something Excuse me, this is another big piece of this whole thing, right? As we go from autonomy into being part of something bigger than ourselves.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Third one is self mastery. What that means is we have to know internally that we're always improving and have the ability to always do better. This happens in a number of different forms. Number one, okay okay is whatever job role we have you have to know there's another tier it doesn't stop here because it's not very inspiring as a matter of fact that's a freaking that's a that's a killer right there that'll knowing that you that you've reached your limit here what's why would you do why would you work
Starting point is 00:26:23 harder why would you try to do more why would you try to be more right right so it's the so you're talking about um in self-mastery knowing that we're always getting better knowing that there's another level number two and this is on us this is on our shoulders feedback i need feedback from you so i know if i'm doing good or bad so i can make improvements and adjustments otherwise if you give me no feedback there's no relevance of what I do so it's what's my drive to change because if I make a move you don't give me feedback on it I don't know if there's a right or wrong but why would I want to continue that process but when you give me feedback that path
Starting point is 00:27:00 where you just did right there kind of didn't work out very well this is why good i can work with that any measure can be improved any measure record can be improved exponentially but typically managers because it's just to do it my way my my way my how you just follow my orders we're not even worried about we're not concerned with feedback because we're just telling you exactly what to do, right? And if the lack of autonomy didn't crush us and the lack of being part of something bigger didn't crush us, guess what? The third one, if we have an inability to achieve self-mastery, that will crush our soul. And then us as managers show up one day and say, why aren't you motivated to work? Well, you put out that fire, bastard. You starting to get this? Yeah. You can take somebody that everybody else says is a shitty worker that is undriven, unmotivated, turn them into a superstar, and you can take a superstar
Starting point is 00:27:58 and crush their soul. That's the kind of level of responsibility we got to start taking for our businesses here. Does that kind of make sense? of responsibility we got to start taking for our businesses here. Does that kind of make sense? Absolutely. I think that that was exactly what I wanted to get out of this interview, exactly what I wanted to get out of these videos. You're hitting it right on the head. There is a strong difference between just being a manager and a leader. And to learn the difference, I mean, there's a lot of books out there. You and I read a lot of different books. We could probably recommend a bunch of them. John Maxwell being probably the leader in terms of leadership.
Starting point is 00:28:32 One very obscure book. You probably could find it, but it would be a little more difficult. It's called Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun. Dude, I kid you not. Rockstar. So picture Huns back in the roman days they didn't have email or telephones or this type of communication they had nothing man they had i don't know what they had they had like um i don't know stars or something to send messages to and they bounced back yet Yet somehow Attila became one of the most successful leaders of thousands of Huns.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And of course, Huns are just pillagers, right? Not exactly like loyal kind of dudes. You know what I'm saying? Somehow I pulled it off. You want to talk about phenomenal leadership capabilities, right? And an interesting book, and it gives you a lot of, gives you a different insight on how inspirational, almost cult-like tribal leadership happens. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah. Gus, let's bring this back around. Let's bring this to application now, right? Right. Because people out here listening are in one of those three buckets. They're either, they got the damn campfire that they can't get started. Right. They just can't get out of the starting gate or they're in motion or chasing their tail constantly in the same movement. They can't seem to break this circle.
Starting point is 00:29:59 There's always running and gunning. Right. Or in a third bucket where the business is rolling but it relies exclusively on them they were to leave for two three weeks we come to a stuff we just hit the fan you're one of the greatest this is this is a bit counterintuitive one of the greatest measurements of a successful leader is what happens when they leave the office or they leave the camp, whatever you want to call it, right? Yeah. A great leader, when they leave, performance will go up. An average leader, when they leave, performance will go down.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And here's why. If a leader's done their job and has inspired people to perform at their highest level on their own, that would include a high level of internal responsibility. The second they get out of the way, this isn't top-down leadership. This is get the hell out of the way leadership. People will step up out of the personal responsibility, ownership responsibility, and play bigger.
Starting point is 00:31:01 You ever see a team like in rugby, we used to see this all the time, man. If you get a sin bin, soccer does this too, get a sin bin or hockey, you lose a player off the field. You ever see a team play better when a player leaves the field? They step up in a bigger set of shoes or the leader's done their job, right?
Starting point is 00:31:22 Their team will do exactly the same thing. They'll step out of the way and the team will play bigger without them a team is dependent codependent on their leader manager when a leader leaves the motivation has left right when the you know proverbial you know cats away blah blah blah right we'll play nice we'll play that's what will happen to see the performance go down and you'll find in most most scenarios you'll find most people are just glorified managers man they don't have the guts to step up and be a leader no doubt let's take this over justin now people let's let's apply this so let's talk about people who have the damn campfire they they just can't quite get things going, right?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah, yeah. Would you agree that real estate is not a one man, one woman operation? I agree. I agree. It takes many, doesn't it? Absolutely. Absolutely. They don't have to be in your office.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You don't even need an office. They don't have to be on your team. You don't have to employ them. But it takes many working together towards a common goal and outcome. Yeah. So I'd suggest that if you're just starting out, right, one of the possible causes, Justin, of not being able to get started is you're trying to do this all by yourself. Meaning you're not relying on others. You're not leveraging others to help in the game. And if it takes, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:32:46 five different people to play five different roles and you're, for whatever reason, holding back from leaning on those people, you're going to forever be stuck with the damp campfire. What's the easiest way out of it? Well, leadership or influence, right, is based on influencing more than one person towards a common goal and outcome. Identify the outcome. Get crystal clear on the outcome. Then identify what you have in resources, assets. Then identify who you need in resources, assets, and make an intentional effort to reach out to them. Everybody's benefited in a real estate transaction, whether it be a title company, whether it be an attorney, whether it be their real estate agent, and they become part of your
Starting point is 00:33:29 micro team that you have to influence, coagulate together towards a common goal and outcome. If you're not crystal clear on what that outcome is, how can they possibly work together? That would be a great starting point of trying to apply some of what we're talking about here, correct? Yeah, I 100% agree. Where I want to spin this topic really quickly is put yourself back in the times and you and I are a little different, right? Like I've never had a job. I think you have, but kind of in a different aspect. And I know you've built homes and all that other stuff. But at the end of the day, there's a lot of people out there that are doing a deal, two deals, three deals, four deals a year. They're making some extra money, but they would love to be able to take what we're talking about, fire their boss, jump straight into being an
Starting point is 00:34:16 entrepreneur, owning a business, hiring a team, doing what we're talking about, but they can't get out of their own way. If we're talking to that person right now, what would we need to be able to help them understand to get to that level? And listen, I've never had a boss. I've always been 1099. I've always had my own business. But what I can tell you is there's a lot of people out there that just want that security, right? And that's a big component. But they also are fighting this other side of saying, I want to own my time. I want the life Pat and Justin have.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I want those moments. I want to be a part of that world. How do we get those people off the bench and into the game? Well, yeah, I mean, we could take this from a number of different angles, but I'll start with this. Okay, and some of this starts, you gotta, you know, they gotta stand up that mirror in front of them and ask themselves some real questions. Because here's the truth of it, Justin.
Starting point is 00:35:18 If they do not believe that they can do it, they do not believe they're worthy of owning a business or making a few hundred thousand dollars a year or having the lifestyle that is often talked about, then they're 100% right. And that lack of belief will crush them. No matter how hard they work,
Starting point is 00:35:42 it'll defy the process from ever happening. Yeah. And so, so I want to believe it before you see it. Right. I talk a lot about that. That's the phrase I use, whether you, you're faith-based or not, you have to believe it before you see it. And that brings up the next big question here is how do you believe it if you don't believe it? And I'll share this with you okay because it's a conversation i just had this morning with somebody beliefs most beliefs that we have come from two spots right one is they're adopted from a position of authority whether it's somebody we like or didn't like is there regardless it could have been a parent it
Starting point is 00:36:22 could have been a teacher could have been a priest their beliefs that we grew up with we established that's category number one category number two our beliefs that we've created established out of our own experiences in life right an example would be hey uh justin i have this diet for you and then if you go on this diet and are very strict in four weeks you'll lose five pounds of body fat you go on the diet you lose five pounds you now believe that that diet will work yeah right but something had to happen before that otherwise you probably would have condemned it from happening if you didn't believe it so beforehand you had to adopt a belief and that came from an authority person, an expert in,
Starting point is 00:37:07 I'm not an expert in this, but an expert in fat loss and nutrition. You looked at my credentials, right? There was enough credibility here to give you an adopted belief. Now you could stand behind the belief and test it, but not believe against it, if that makes sense. It does. Right. So my point here is, and it starts with an honest discussion with ourselves. Yeah, we all have that kind of dual personality. So it's cool and okay to talk to yourself.
Starting point is 00:37:40 If you don't believe, you've got to seek out someone that you trust, that you respect, that you honor, where you can adopt a belief from them, okay, that has done it, that can show you the process, that has tangible, provable results and outcomes that you can anchor on to. And use the adopted belief to undo the negative disbelief. That's all we're trying to do right now. Then at least gives you a clean slate. Now you can let your own results create your new beliefs. Look at beliefs, Justin, as nothing more than a little software process parked in our brain. That's all they are. And they are flawed, ruthlessly flawed.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Our beliefs are a function of our experiences in our life and our experiences are constantly changing therefore our software is constantly getting rewritten right we've been lied to by authority figures in the past all of us have we adopted a belief based on a lie that we haven't gone back and overwritten and there's a couple ways you can deal with shitty beliefs right you can go back and go through all the mental trauma of like oh poor woe is me and my parents did this and my priest did this and all these other things did this or you can just rewrite the freaking beliefs right insert new software that serves you which is my way of doing things i don't need to go back and undo a whole bunch of shit. I just write over it. And that's how it becomes obsolete. I now got Windows 12 or whatever we're on.
Starting point is 00:39:12 That's gold right there, Pat. And just for the sake of time, I mean, Pat brings that to a point that I'm trying to make here is if you don't have it inside yet, you need to look externally, right? Whether it's Pat or myself or Sean or Kent or anyone that you need to look up to, to get into this industry, to get outside of your own belief patterns, to understand this is doable for you. You may have a nine to five job. You may not be able to quit today, but you can, you have to externally look out for that belief system because you can do this. And that's what we want to impress upon you. If you're not, if you're listening and watching these and not going to the scale and escape summit, you need to be,
Starting point is 00:39:56 if you're actively doing deals, whether it's a hobby for you right now, and you're doing three deals a year, or if you're doing three deals a month, and you need to figure out how to scale it and build that into a larger business, you have to be there. This is the type of stuff we're going to be talking about. This is the type of stuff that will help you get to that next level and continue to build that belief and confidence in yourself. So, you know, I think that was gold right there. And Justin Tarr, I see you, buddy. You need to be at this event, period. You need to get in here May 19th and 20th. It will be here in Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:40:31 My man, Justin Tarr, get your butt there. I know you need to be there. I'll be honest with you, Justin. Shy of the person who's got their business on autopilot where they can literally go away. I usually use the benchmark of six weeks at a clip without a problem. If you walk away from your business for six weeks at a clip, you've got a good system going on. Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:52 By being there right now in that spot and producing all that you need and want in life, you'd be insane to pass on this opportunity. The amount of talent, the amount of knowledge that's about to be shared and dropped there is ruthlessly amazing. The speakers that are going to be there are amazing in the experience that they bring to the table. I'm crazy not to participate in this because it's all right there in a nutshell. Right. Right. I mean, we'll have, you know, like you said, I mean, Jesse Isler is just a name I'm bringing up because he's a billionaire, right? We're going to have a billionaire speaking at this event. Talk about learning how to build a business, scaling a business, knowing how to create a culture, knowing how to hire, knowing how to let people live up to their expectations.
Starting point is 00:41:32 This guy started Zyko Coconut Water. He's a part owner of the Atlanta Hawks. Just on number one bestseller. Kent Clothier speaking. Sean Terry speaking. I'm going to be speaking. So many great others. There's a link here, forward slash SAE.
Starting point is 00:41:51 If you believe you need to get to the next level, get there. This is one step to getting there, right? So, Pat, as always, I mean, I could have you on these episodes over and over again. I could do this with you every day, man. You dropped two things I want people to remember, right? Managers manage results. Leaders grow people. Grow results. Leaders grow people. That is gold. Secondly, if you're sitting there and you're thinking, I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can get to that level. I don't know if I could be Justin Colby or Pratt Precourt.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You need to find the person to create that belief in yourself. You need to look externally to know that it can happen, and you need to follow that to create your belief, right? Those two things were worth watching these videos, being on this episode. You need to write those down. You need to truly believe them. I got to share one more thing too. For those of us, because this is the life of my entrepreneur,
Starting point is 00:42:51 life of my entrepreneur is chaotic, right? It's stressful. To say the least. To say the least. And there's this constant drive. I hear it all the time. I wish things could just get a little simpler, simplified, less chaotic. But here's the truth, ladies and
Starting point is 00:43:05 gentlemen, right? Nature is not set up that way. Things never go from complicated to simple. They always go from simple to complicated, never in reverse. So the request for things to simplify and become less chaotic will leave you in a state of stress because it'll never be achieved. The goal is to understand, to learn how to thrive in chaos. Not for chaos to go away, but how to thrive in chaos. And you'll see the greatest leaders come alive in the times of challenge. When there's nothing going on, there's nothing to be solved, no big problems, right? They disappear. You don't even hear from them.
Starting point is 00:43:47 You don't see their awesomeness. But when stuff hits the fan and big people got to get bigger, that's where great leaders thrive. So your goal is to accept change as always changing, find peace in it, and learn how to thrive in a state of chaos. That's the magical place to be at. Love it, man. Love it. Hey, thank you for spending the time, dude. As always, I greatly appreciate you, dude. As always, I got to get my butt out to Connecticut. Tracy was bugging me yesterday. When are you coming out and seeing us? I'll get there. I promise. Boarding weather's right around the corner. That's it, baby. That's it. I appreciate it as always, dude. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Guys, I think you heard it here, man. Pat just dropped a bunch of knowledge on you. Peace out. That's all we got. Peace.

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