The Science of Flipping - Your Best Strategy To Win

Episode Date: December 10, 2020

Want to know the best way to win? You need a strategy. i have one for you! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up, everybody? What is up? I am your host, Justin Colby, and welcome back to another episode of the Science of Flipping podcast. Here, you will learn all things real estate investing, best strategies, best tools, systems, tips, tricks, organization tactics, you name it, it is here on these episodes. Now, I actually am going to talk a little bit about something that's on my mind. I've been getting a lot of questions from individuals in the Science of Flipping group on Facebook. If you're not a part of that group, make sure to go over to Facebook and look up the Science of Flipping. And it's a great group, a lot of interaction, but people are asking me questions. And when I reply, I come to find out that they are feeling a little overwhelmed with And I find that, you know, what's happening these days is there's almost this drinking from a fire hydrant scenario that is happening. As a matter of fact, you're listening to my podcast. Well, you might be listening to several other real estate investor
Starting point is 00:01:16 podcasts. And you may be hearing, you know, conflicting point of views. Maybe you're hearing similar point of views, similar strategies, conflicting strategies. And I find this to be pretty normal these days. But one thing that is becoming more discouraging, and this is where I want you guys to really listen in here, is if you are not following an actual game plan and a structure and a playbook, you're always going to be mediocre. And why I actually am recording this podcast is a moment in time is I had a gentleman in my group reach out to me and we started chatting and, you know, I offered a little bit of help and I said, Hey, if you want to schedule a call and, um, you know, his immediate re reflex was almost to get defensive. Like,
Starting point is 00:02:00 Hey, I don't want to buy anything. And, you know, I kind of took a step back here. Like, what has happened to this individual that when I said, hey, if you want some more help regarding the subject matter, you know, you know, obviously there's a lot of people out there selling stuff and I understand it. You know, I am a coach. I'm not, you know, just building products to sell products. But the reality is this individual was asking me questions about how he hasn't been able to achieve what he wanted to. I started to try to ask him questions. You know, we kind of went back and forth a little bit and I just said, Hey, let's just jump on a call. But the reality is based around his questions, he had no blueprint. He had no path. He didn't have a coach. He didn't have a playbook. He had nothing. And it, you know, what I was trying to get into conversation with them was to start to create some level of, you know, daily activity and RGA revenue generating activity that he can start to focus on each and every day to follow an actual process. And what's happening now to come full circle is people are listening to too many,
Starting point is 00:03:18 there's too much noise out there. If you, if you catch my drift, right, there's too many, you know, gurus on YouTube. There's too many podcasts out there. People are getting confused and they're not choosing a path to go down. They're not putting a system or a process in place to follow and that is becoming a large challenge in our space. Now, there are many real deal gurus, gurus out there, and I can name many of them. In fact, I had many of them on my real estate roundtable that I did. And not sticking to a game plan, you were not going to achieve what you possibly could achieve, even if you are achieving some level of success, right? Even if you are doing a deal every quarter or maybe even a deal a month, my guess is you're trying to do more than that.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And I'm simply here to say, if you don't have that game plan, if you don't have the blueprint of what to do and are following it from those that have done more than you, have found more success, you're really hurting yourself. I myself, as a business owner, have invested well over $50,000 this year alone in coaching and masterminds because I continue to want to be a better business owner, leader, real estate investor. And as I've mentioned on several different shows, I have seven different businesses I run. The lead horse is always going to be real estate, but I have other businesses that I also need to run. So I'm always looking to learn from other people. The point to all this, everybody, is this isn't meant to, you know, sell coaching intentionally. Although if you do want coaching, just go to the science flipping dot com. I'm happy to speak with you if you're the right fit. The science flipping dot com. But it is intended to help you realize if you are not where you want to get, if you haven't achieved the results that you want to achieve, if you feel like you're floundering, stop all the noise.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Stop listening to 20 different YouTube channels, 20 different podcasts, and drinking from that proverbial fire hydrant, right? There's too many people. There's too many messages. There's too many messages, there's too many, you know, difference of opinions, you need to pick one or two and follow them religiously. Follow what they say that the strategies they have the tools they have the path that they follow. Make sure you are in alignment with them. If they feel good to your stomach, right, the gut check, like, if you feel good about what they say,
Starting point is 00:06:06 their temperament, their mentality, their strategy, their success, if you find other reviews about them at their testimonials, and you believe in what they can achieve and help you gain, then start to follow them, right? And this is this is in large part the challenge I am seeing with this space is too many people are getting discouraged because they're listening to too much or they're digesting too much of this noise. I like to call it and they don't actually have a process. They don't have a blueprint. They don't run a game plan. You know, as I'm recording this, this is Sunday football is on and I'm a sports analogy guy. And it's like, I say this to many people. I know how to throw a football. You know how to throw a football, but why is it that there's not just a head coach? There's not just an offensive coordinator. There's also a quarterback coach that works with the quarterback on their three-step drop, five-step drop, seven-step drop, where to position the ball in the different drops,
Starting point is 00:07:09 where to release the ball, and at what point. There's so much more to it than just knowing how to throw a football if you're going to be a quarterback. Why is that any different than in business? You need to have that path. You need to have those very specific processes, strategies in place. If it's not me, that is fine, but make sure you are following one or two people max. So you can actually follow a true system that works, make it a gut decision, make it feel good in your gut. If you do want to talk to me about what that looks like, go to the science of, the science of We can have a quick little 15 minute strategy session. Happy to do that for you. Um, but again, find that blueprint, achieve what you want. If you're not there yet,
Starting point is 00:07:54 this is the number one breakdown I'm seeing in our space. Write this down. Think about it. Look who you're watching. Look who you're listening to and resonate with somebody and go for it. Again, if you aren't watching my YouTube videos, go to YouTube. I drop a video a day on YouTube. I have a podcast a day on iTunes and Spotify. I'm here to help you guys. Hopefully this finds you well. Hopefully this resonates with you here going into the holidays and going into the new year. This is your time. There's a lot of stuff going on in real estate, a lot of positive stuff, uh, and you know, here to help you guys. Hopefully this finds you well, talk to you guys soon. Peace.

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