The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - #6: Boob Jobs, Moving in together, Networking, and Finding your Passion #askhimandher Episode 6
Episode Date: April 12, 2016On this episode Lauryn and Michael (mostly Lauryn in this case) give the rundown on Boob Jobs! They also cover Moving in together, Networking, and Finding Your Passion, #askhimandher Episode 6 To lear...n more about The Skinny Confidential visit the site HERE To connect with Lauryn click HERE To connect with Michael click HERE Â
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Oh hey! We are back with the Skinny Confidential Him and Her Podcast, Episode 6.
And we have a lot of spicy topics today.
We're talking about lifestyle choices, finding your passion, and boob jobs.
Boob jobs.
Boob jobs.
Jordan is in Peru. It's just Michael and I today. We bogged her down with so much work that
she took off. She fled down to Peru and I don't think she's ever coming back. I don't blame her.
She's drinking Pisco Sours by the pool. So first things first, let's address a couple things.
Firstly, the sound. So we decided that we would move our podcast
to our office instead of our home.
Yeah, we thought that in the beginning,
we thought that it would be great to film it in our home
on video and sound so that you guys could tune in on YouTube.
I have actually spoken with Lauren
and we've decided to next the YouTube aspect of the show.
It just became too much.
It was too much production.
We have too much going on and we were just struggling to produce that content. Plus it's a podcast. So I
feel like a podcast shouldn't be really on YouTube. It's more just, you know, for iTunes and hopefully
we can get it streamlined somehow to Android users. I'm hoping. Yeah, that was another reason we did
it is we were hoping that YouTube would be good for Android users. I'm going to find a solution
for the Android users. So don't to find a solution for the Android users,
so don't worry about them.
Mr. Solution, man.
Mr. Solution.
But also, our floors at our house were marble,
so we got a lot of comments about the sound.
The echo.
It wasn't necessarily because we don't have the right equipment.
It's because we had a huge echo from the marble floors in our home.
Let me just tell you about something with Michael and equipment.
He does his research for 6 million hours. He gets the best equipment you can get. He tries all different things. So the equipment is
definitely great equipment. It was just the marble floors, which I'm obsessed with. Every time a bad
sound comment came in, I whipped Taylor in the back and berated him with verbal abuse like you
have never seen. The guy needs to go to therapy now.
No, Taylor's in the background with his red headphones on, ready to go.
So anyway, so we have a new location, and the sound's going to sound better,
and there's no more YouTube video.
You're just going to be able to find us on iTunes.
Michael's going to create a solution for the Android users.
Stay tuned.
Let's hop right into it.
What's the first question?
Okay, so the first question is from Lauren Furr.
She asks, you're always talking about doing what you love and leaving a job if you're
unhappy or uninterested.
What do you do if you feel like you don't have a passion?
How did you discover your passions?
So I'm going to jump right into this.
I think some of you are maybe misunderstanding what I'm saying.
I'm not saying that you should quit your job today and walk out with your middle fingers up saying that you're never coming back.
That would be fun though, I feel like. I mean, it would be a cool move. You'd probably get some
good- Don't do it. Don't do it. Yeah, but I'm not saying you need to leave right now, but what I was
saying is if you're waking up every Monday morning and you're not happy with what you're doing-
Make a change. Make a change. Yeah. You can start looking for another job. You can start working towards another career path.
I don't think that you should settle in. Someone asked me a question today and they said, hey,
you know, maybe you should speak onto this because not everyone can go and start their
own business. That's true. I'm not saying that everyone should go and start their own business.
All I'm saying is that everyone should be doing something that they love or that they like. It doesn't even really have to do with
passion. It just has to do with your well-being. I think too, there's nothing wrong and no shame
in the game to be working at a job and working on your passion at night or in the morning or
whenever you can fit it in. Even if it's for an hour a day,
time block that shit. Create one hour to three hours a day where you can be completely uninterrupted and just work on maybe a mood board, creating a mood board of what you love, what you don't love,
what you hate, pros, cons, and keep adding to it. Maybe it's writing, maybe it's blogging, maybe it's modeling, whatever
it is, take a chunk of every single day and practice your passion. Nothing just comes overnight.
I didn't know how much I loved branding until I started blogging. And in fact, I've said this
before, branding is actually more interesting to me than anything. And that came through
blogging. So start doing little things you love. And sometimes through those little things,
you'll discover the bigger passion. Yeah. And let me just add to this. I think Lauren
is very fortunate and very lucky. And I've always said this to her that she found her passion very
early on. She knew she wanted to do what she's doing now. And I've always
envied her for that. And it took me a really long time to figure out what my passion was. And what
I had to do was start being very, very honest with myself. I've done multiple business deals,
and I've been involved in multiple companies. And I never really had that spark of like, wow,
this is my thing. This is my passion. It wasn't until I was really honest
with myself and realized that I'm passionate about business. I'm passionate about helping
people like Lauren out. I'm passionate about starting new deals or starting new companies.
Like that's what gets me going. It's not, it's not something as simple as blogging or writing or.
And again, it doesn't have to be simple. Like you said the other day, it can have to do with,
you just love to watch reality television, make a career. Let me ask you this. What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I grew up, I was like 10. I wanted to be a babysitter.
Okay. See, everyone used to ask me this question. I would sit there with a blank stare because I
thought my answer was wrong. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a businessman when I grew up. I know
that sounds really strange. People are sitting there like, yeah, right. This guy wanted to be
a businessman. No, it's true. My dad was an entrepreneur. He was self-employed his whole life. He started in real estate. He never really had a traditional company. He was more of a deal maker. And he would come home every day in a suit with a briefcase. And I remember that's what I looked up to when I was a kid. I was like, oh, my dad is a businessman. People would ask me what my dad did. And it wasn't something like firefighter or butcher or, you know, artist. It
was, you know, he was a businessman. That's what I knew him as. So I wanted to emulate my dad
growing up. That's what I wanted to be. And that's what I am. And just to play off that,
I have to say that I was at San Diego State University and everyone around me knew what
they wanted to be. It felt like, I had no clue.
And I really want to tell you guys for two years of my life, I thought I was lazy.
I didn't want someone to tell me what to do.
I wanted to beat to the tune of my own drum.
I had, you know, this voice that sometimes is maybe offensive.
I'm not for everyone.
I just thought that I would just like kind of float through life being a bartender. And what it was, was I hadn't discovered what makes me tick.
And once I discovered that, this whole new world opened.
And as you grow and you evolve with that, more passions come through that.
So if you can just find something tiny that you love, just start growing it.
All right.
Yeah, and I think just one final point.
I think you need to start being very,
very honest with yourself. Maybe your thing is sitting in front of the TV for 12 hours a day,
watching reality TV and then gossiping about it on the internet. I kind of touched on this earlier
with Lauren. If that's your thing, you can make a business about it. Don't be ashamed to say to
somebody, hey, look, my passion is watching reality TV and blogging about it on the internet
or writing about it on the internet. I mean, your passion can be anything you want,
and it doesn't have to fit society norms. Just, you know, you don't have to have that,
my passion is this, and this is my business. Your passion can be anything. All right.
Does that answer that? Next question.
Okay. The next question from When do you think you should move in with a significant other?
How long should you wait and should you move into someone else's place?
Here's the thing.
My opinion on this is very strong.
If you have read The Skinny Confidential, you kind of know my opinion on it. I believe that there is only one time in your life when you can feel a hundred percent
free and liberated. And that is when you're living alone. You sort of find yourself,
you find what you like and what you don't like. You find the style of your, of your home. Now,
if you cannot afford to live in your own home or your own one bedroom or studio, that's fine.
Get a roommate and really make your room kind of like your home.
Embrace that time.
I would suggest instead of rushing to move in with someone that you just really enjoy the time that you have to be independent without a significant other.
You have your whole life to live with them.
A lot of people would say,
well, I want to move in with my boyfriend because I want to find out if he's the one.
Personally, I feel like you know if your boyfriend's the one without moving in with them.
You're not being real with yourself if you don't. I think that that's a question that you can find out pretty quickly. Now, maybe not everyone's as black and white as me, but... Why are you girls in such a damn rush?
I'm not in a rush.
In fact, I'll move out right now.
Like, I'll move out tomorrow into my own place.
I loved living alone.
I did want to make your office into a theater room.
That could be nice.
A theater room?
I wanted to make your man cave into, like, a winery.
Well, I think, and this goes with everything,
I think business, relationships, moving in, getting married, getting engaged.
Why is everyone in such a rush?
You have a whole lifetime.
I mean.
We've been engaged for like three years.
We are the worst engaged couple ever.
We got engaged.
We still haven't sent our save the dates out.
Yeah, we have a location though.
It's dreadful.
But anyway, to get back to your question, I mean, I don't think that you should move in right away.
I look at it as like, what's the rush?
Get to know somebody.
I mean, you don't want to be dating somebody for six months and realize they're a Freddy Krueger. And next thing
you know, you're sharing a bedroom with them and you're in the house with them. And all of a sudden
the romance is killed and you're stuck with them. I mean, really, you should take the time to figure
out if this is somebody that you can actually wake up every day, roll over and look at.
There is nothing more liberating than living alone. I had so much fun living alone. And on
that note, I also had fun
living with roommates. I beat to the tune of my own drum. No one would wake me up. Sometimes Michael
wakes me up and I want to stab him. Like no one told me what to do. No one told me where that
picture should be hung. I loved it. Moving in for Michael and I was tough the first two weeks
because we both are so type A that it was difficult to put things
where they should go i mean i feel like now we have like a good chemistry with moving in but
yeah basically i do what i'm told yeah that's so you finally realized that thank god you know
i had this place before this is this to touch on the last part of the question about moving
into someone else's place i think think I can answer this for Lauren.
I had a beautiful place, a penthouse place.
Taylor's been there.
No, no, no.
I'm not bragging.
A little bit bragging.
I'm just saying it was a beautiful place.
It was beautiful.
A bachelor pad.
It looked over the park in San Diego.
I loved it.
He asked me to move in with him.
I said move in.
This place is amazing.
I said no thank you.
Lauren moved me out of the place to a low floor. My view now looks like nothing. You love our house. No, I do love thank you. Lauren moved me out of the place to a low floor.
I do.
My view now looks like nothing.
You love our house.
No, I do love our house.
But moving into someone's place in all seriousness, I think that could be a big mistake.
I think it needs to be.
Horrid idea.
It needs to be our place.
Our place.
Because when you move into someone else's territory and you're using somebody else's things, they're always going to have that over you.
It's always going to be their place even if they say it's our place.
Their towels on the floor.
So I recommend finding a place together,
taking your time before you do it,
really cultivating the relationship,
really figuring out if this is what you really want to do.
I mean, think about if any of you have ever had a roommate,
imagine having that roommate for 10 years of your life.
I mean, that's what you could...
20, so we're only going to be married for 10 years.
I've had roommates that have been there for three weeks
and they couldn't handle it any longer.
My future ex-husband.
I also think that people will say,
well, what if we can't afford to move into our place?
I would rather tell you to move into a place
that's way cheaper and not as cute
with one bedroom instead of two
than move into someone else's place.
And I also would advise you,
if you do decide to move in together,
create your own spaces within the home.
It doesn't have to be a room.
It could be a corner.
It could be a desk, a corner.
You could put them outside like I do with Michael,
like with the dog.
Lauren and I are lucky.
I have a man cave and she has her office.
His man cave.
It's like, it's all like manly.
I got all my books in there. I got my computer. I got my video games. Yeah, talk about it. I mean, that's a cool little man cave and she has her office. His man cave. It's like, it's all like manly. I got all my books in there.
I got my computer.
I got my video games.
Yeah, talk about it.
I mean, that's a cool little man cave.
No, and Lauren's got her office.
It's very white and bright.
It has all her blogging stuff.
It has her computer.
It has lighting.
That's all I care about.
So anyways, next question.
At Business of BS, as a business major in college,
we're constantly told that networking is crucial.
What is your advice on networking
without seeming unauthentic or like you're engaging in every conversation with a personal agenda? Okay, I do agree that networking is very important up to a point.
I see a lot of people making a mistake thinking they need to go to every event to do what's so-called networking.
I see it a lot in Lauren's industry. I believe
that networking is just going and meeting like-minded individuals and developing authentic
relationships. I think where people run into trouble networking is they come in, the tail
end of this question is very telling. If you have a personal agenda while you're trying to network, you're probably not going to be a very good networker. Nobody likes to meet somebody and
have a feeling that they're trying to get something from them. My personal take on this
when I network with people is I try to bring them some kind of value or I try to develop a real
friendship with them. If something ends up developing from that, great. If
we end up doing business from that, great. If we don't, also great. I don't, I would never sink
down to a level where I'm networking with people that I don't like or don't have a like mind with.
Like I just, I don't, I'm, I'm, that's, I'm just not going to sink down to that level.
Can I be honest? Yes. You're, you know what I'm going to say? Yeah. I don't like networking.
I actually hate it. You don't like networking. I actually hate it.
You don't like networking in the sense where you're trying to meet people to get them to get something for you.
I do not.
I don't want anyone to do anything for me that they don't want to do.
I don't like putting people in that position.
I like to be in bed with my chihuahuas and a glass of wine in my computer.
I am not a big networker.
And in my industry, a lot of bloggers are. They're constantly at blogger events. I am more
interested in connecting with maybe brands that are interesting to me. I mean, I want to meet
other people, definitely. But when there's an event that's set up for networking, it just
feels too forced to me. I don't like it. It's uncomfortable and it rubs me the wrong way.
And Michael gets mad at me sometimes because he's like, you got to get out there.
There's nothing wrong with networking, but like I always say, it's quality over quantity.
If you're just trying to develop a relationship so that you can further your personal agenda, I'm assuming that you
probably don't have a very strong network of real authentic people around you. You probably know
people, but those people probably aren't so pumped up to like help you out. I know that my network
may not be as big as others, but the quality of that network is very strong. Yeah. And I think
to play off of that, the reason that I just don't like it is I just don't like eager beavers, people that are just,
you know what I mean? Like people that there's always like a reason they're talking to you.
I like to have real conversation. And when I feel that someone's being an eager beaver,
it's immediately a turnoff to me. I think that there's a way that everyone can win in a
situation and when there's a forced networking event for some reason a lot of the eager beaver
personalities. Yeah I'll be honest most of my business partnerships and most of the people I've
partnered with in my life have not been from networking per se in a traditional sense. It's
been with going to an event, meeting someone, developing a friendship with them, having a
couple conversations being like, you know what?
I like this guy.
Let's do something together.
It's never been me meeting somebody, me pitching my idea, and then catering that idea because I networked with them.
This all just comes down to developing real meaningful relationships.
And I never had a personal agenda.
A lot of the partnerships that I've had, they've just happened naturally. And I think that's the
best way. I mean, anyone that's not doing it that way, I call this the lily pad syndrome,
the lily pad syndrome. Is it a lily pad that a frog jumps? Yeah. Don't be the person that's
looking at a lily pad. Yeah. Don't be the person looking over someone's shoulder,
waiting for the better person to come along. So the lily pad syndrome is when you're like a frog
jumping from lily pad to lily pad to lily pad. Sometimes in certain industries, I noticed that
there's people that want to get on people's Instagrams. So they, they, they try to be in
groups with those people so they can be tagged. I, I have to just focus on my own trajectory and
what I'm doing and, and, and what, what my family's doing or my friends.
I can't be focused on what everyone else is doing
and be using someone else to get to where I want to be.
I am the type of person that I have to get myself to be where I want to be.
And the lily pad syndrome is something that just turns me off.
Yeah, so to finalize this thought, yes, networking is important.
To an extent.
But you will fail at networking if your intent is to get
something from somebody else. If you go into networking with a mind of like, hey, I'm just
going to meet some great people and be myself and develop some friendships or some relationships,
networking will probably be very, very good for you. If you're a person that's going to further
your personal agenda, networking will probably backfire in your face. And I probably won't be
at the next networking event that you guys go to.
I'll probably be in bed with wine.
Okay, so next question.
The Fitstar Callie asks,
Michael, Lauren has spoken openly about her boob job.
What do you think about boob jobs?
And Lauren, what do you recommend for girls thinking about getting them?
All right, all right, all right.
Well, well, well, well, well,
I am a big fan of good boob jobs, right? Like I don't, I think it's very important that if you're
getting a boob job that you really consider what is practical. Um, and I'm, you know, maybe
shouldn't, I'm just giving a male perspective, but if you have maybe a small chest to begin with, maybe don't think about going triple D. How's mine looking? Lauren's
are looking excellent. I was looking at them this morning to make sure. Ew, I was asleep,
you perv. I will look when I please. Sicko. But anyways, no, I'm a big fan of boob jobs if they're
good boob jobs. If they're a bad boob job, it could be a disaster. So I think you really need
to pay attention to what you're doing. And on that note, I'm going to let Lauren take
over because all I really know is looks. What about how they feel? They feel great. For me,
as long as they look good and feel good, I am all about them. Okay. Well, I'll take that over.
So boob jobs. Okay. Here's the thing. You have to examine what kind of boobs you have before you get a boob job you have
to like if you have boobs that are pointing right and left which a lot of girls do and that's fine
i'm not making fun of it i'm saying that it's it's a thing don't go really big and expect them
not to point more right and left does that make sense So you don't want the googly eyes. Yeah. Well,
you want to like, maybe you don't go super big. You just go. Taylor's cracking up right now.
Taylor, Taylor, do you have a boner? Um, so you always want to examine what kind of boobs you
have before. If you have really, really, really, really big nipples, they're going to get bigger.
So just know whatever you have, it's going to be intensified and there's nothing wrong with having huge nipples. I'm just saying like, just know like what you're getting into before
you do it. Also the difference between saline and silicone. So when I got my boobs done,
there was like a big debate. Um, the doctors were saying silicone wasn't good. And so I had saline
now the silicone is okay. And if I go back under the knife, which I will probably in the next five years, I would get silicone.
And also there's a rumor that you have to get your boobs done every 10 years, and that's not true.
So definitely talk with a doctor before you, like, do your maintenance.
And I would also say that whatever size you're thinking about getting, go a little tiny bit bigger.
Because what happens is
you get these huge tits and then you cut you're like oh they're too big and then they just kind
of go down so I would get a little bit bigger than you're thinking unless you're a very tiny girl
you don't want to look matronly right so you don't want to have like these like huge matronly
tits you want to you want to have them right to proportion of your body.
I had a small bee, which Michael saw before.
Yeah, I did see.
You saw them in high school.
They were good then too.
In high school they were good?
Yeah, they were good.
Thanks, honey.
And then from there I got a big C.
I'm very happy with my size.
You think sometimes they're a little bit too big, but they're not i feel like they're good sometimes they're cannons no they aren't so um
so for size like just make sure you're getting what's proportionate i definitely don't recommend
going too big i've seen a lot of horror stories with that and then as far as where to cut the
nipple like we're going to get intense here um do a half moon underneath the nipple instead of the entire nipple, if that makes sense.
And if you want more on this subject, I wrote about it extremely openly on my blog.
And you can just Google the skinny confidential boob job.
I mean, my last two cents on it is that if you're thinking about that, just like anything else, you should do it for you and not for anyone else.
Don't let somebody pressure you into doing something you don't want to do
or vice versa.
And I got to be honest,
I never thought that I would be on a podcast
discussing boob jobs.
Well, here you are.
I'm broadening my range of professional abilities.
Okay, well, there's nothing wrong with you
being on a podcast talking about boob jobs.
I feel like you like it.
Taylor likes it.
Taylor's so entertained.
He's over there with his red headphones ready to go. So to all you men that have tuned in for some
business advice, I hope you got what you came for today. Yep. They got what they came for.
All right, guys, send in your questions to hashtag ask him and her on Instagram and Twitter.
You can also email us at asklauren at, but you'll also be asking Michael.
Or leave us a comment on our Instagrams or Snapchat us,
at Lauren Everett.
And at Michael Bostic.
And we will see you guys next time.
Thanks for listening.