The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - #73: Kim Kelly - Consistent Fitness, Positive Self Talk, Motivation, and How To Conquer Stress with Training

Episode Date: August 1, 2017

On this episode we sit down with Kim Kelly (@kimkellyfit). Kim is a personal trainer and fitness expert. She has been training us for a long time in San Diego now and we have both seen amazing results.... On this show we talk about being consistent in the gym or with your training, the partners you choose to work out with, diets, motivating yourself with positive self talk and motivating your partner. We also discuss how to work out from home, working out and dieting while pregnant, essential supplements and how to incorporate alcohol into your diet without going overboard. Kim is an amazing trainer and one of the most positive people we know. Once you listen to this episode you will understand why we hold her in such high regard.  To find out more about Kim Kelly go HERE Connect with Lauryn Connect with Michael This Episode is brought to you by Canna-Pet Canna-Pet is an organic CBD supplement made from industrial hemp that is non-psychoactive, safe, legal and produced specifically for animals/pets. Canna-Pet is a holistic alternative to pharmaceuticals. It helps with things like arthritis, anxiety, inflammation, pain, allergies, seizures, vomiting, cancer and more. For healthy animals it can help with longevity like eating your vegetables. We use Canna-Pet with our chihuahua Pixy and it has helped her to recover from temporary paralysis and anxiety. We continue to use it to help with her arthritis and keep her calm.  USE PROMO CODE: PIXY at checkout for 50% off all purchases  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following podcast is a Bostik Media production. This episode is brought to you by Canipet. Got a ferret? A lion? Guinea pig? Maybe, Michael. Well, then we got the answer for you. What's that? You know, if your lion is having anxiety, if it's suffering from a bout of arthritis,
Starting point is 00:00:20 may need a little Canipet. Yes, you guys need Canipet. We are such fans. Canipet's an organic CBD supplement made from industrial hemp that's non-psychoactive, safe, legal, and produced specifically for animals. Yeah, most of you know the story. Our pet Pixie, who is the most important thing in our life, especially in my life, sorry Lauren, she came down with a bout of bad arthritis and her back legs gave out and this was about a few months ago and so we were really scrambling around trying to figure out how to fix it and a friend of mine recommended canapet it comes in little capsules cannabis gets liquids it does not get
Starting point is 00:00:55 your pet high i take a little pill and sprinkle the sprinkle it all over pixie's food in the morning so she has it with her meal and it was a game changer. She started walking around again. She started to calm down and it fully got her up and moving again. So what we did when we went away to France was we left Pixie with our godparents who have four other dogs, you guys, four. So that makes six dogs total. We left them with Mike and Jen who run the podcast Wrinkled Not Dead and right now they have currently six dogs in the house so we needed something for Pixie that would calm her anxiety because she gets nervous with all those dogs and we didn't want her to lunge and jump at the other
Starting point is 00:01:33 dogs and have like an anxiety attack so we also wanted to really make sure we were focusing on something for her arthritis so we gave Mike and Jen the CannaPet and we always Snapchat message with them and it seems to be working really, really well. Basically, it's fully legal without a prescription, vet recommended and covered by major pet insurances. CannaPet sold in pet stores and online at and not sold in dispensaries because it's not marijuana. It's just hemp. Yes. So you don't have to worry about the dog being all messed up or the cat being all high. It's not marijuana. It's just hemp. Yes. So you don't have to worry about the dog being all messed up or the cat being all high. It's completely controlled. It's vet recommended.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It's worked wonders on Pixie. And if any of you who are pet owners can get, if your pet's sick or needs any help, this is the product that I would recommend for you. It's really been a game changer for us. And, you know, our dogs are our best friends. So why not get them the best yes and you guys if you read the skinny confidential this is very on brand because it's non-gmo vegan and free of animal products preservatives gelatin wheat sugar dairy
Starting point is 00:02:35 making it healthy and clean for our furry friends you can use it on your dogs cats horses and all other animals you can purchase it online at, and they're giving 50% off to all TSC listeners if you use the code PIXY. That's P-I-X-Y at, She's a lifestyle blogger extraordinaire. Fantastic. And he's a serial entrepreneur. A very smart cookie. And now Lauren Everts and Michael Bostic are bringing you along for the ride. Get ready for some major realness. Welcome to The Skinny Confidential, him and her.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Welcome back to The Skinny Confidential Him and Her Show. You have me, Lauren Everts, and my lovely husband, Michael Bostic. Howdy, howdy, howdy. And on this episode, we interview one of our all-time faves, Kim Kelly, who is Lauren and I's trainer. We interviewed her a couple weeks back. We're in France right now. And I think the interview is a very valuable interview for anyone that's interested in health and fitness, working out, motivating yourself, getting after it, getting it done. I will say I've had a lot of trainers in my life
Starting point is 00:03:53 and Kim kicks my ass. I am huffing and puffing to keep up with her. Yeah. You're always crying. Just to give you guys context on this. So we interviewed Seth before. He has trained us in L.A. and we live halftime in San Diego and a couple of days a month in L.A. So you've heard from Seth, who we work with in L.A. And now this guide, I have hired a trainer to work with me to do the best workout moves for you guys to make sure that the moves I do are legit. So Kim and I are working out a lot lately because she is going to be a major contributor in my guide, which is going to be released later this year. You guys know I already have a guide, but we're working on more workouts for you right now. So that's a little bit of context, little behind the scenes story for you. So we're going to jump right into the interview. It's a long interview. It's a valuable interview. I think you guys will really like it and leave feedback after the podcast or email us at
Starting point is 00:04:59 podcast at the skinny to let us know what you think. Also, I want to note that Kim has a worksheet for you guys that has a couple of her super secret fitness and health tips. And that worksheet will be on the skinny confidential tonight. So make sure to look out for it. You can print it or just pull it up on your mobile phone when you're grocery shopping or when you're trying to get in a workout at home. And as always, everything will be linked in the show notes. So with that, I will introduce you to one of my favorite people in the world. She has the best energy ever, Kim Kelly. This is the Skinny Confidential, him and her. All right, you guys, we're going to get into it with Kim. So Kim, tell the audience all about you and your fitness experience.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Okay, well, I am a fitness instructor, personal trainer. I've been doing it for a little over 10 years. Just super passionate about it. It's what I live, breathe, and think about day, morning, night. And I just love to help people, motivate people, and just help them with their goals, their health goals, their fitness goals, just get happier, healthier, leaner, stronger, whatever they're looking for. So we kind of got into it a little bit before this, but give us what you need to be successful in fitness. Because I know that you have like a whole thing, and I really want the audience to hear the breakdown of kind of your mantra. So I think it's important to have these four facts in your, you know, fitness regimen just to have time, effort, preparation, and consistency. So I'll explain a little bit about each.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Time is basically you make the time for your fitness. It can be 20 minutes, it can be 30 minutes, it can be 40 minutes. But it's best if you book that in your calendar time for your fitness. It can be 20 minutes. It can be 30 minutes. It can be 40 minutes. But it's best if you book that in your calendar and in your schedule, like Lauren does, for instance. So I know you book all your fitness into your week, into your phone, and you show up for that hour. Sometimes 15 minutes. No. Pretty much every time she's late. So make it as an appointment would be, whether it's your hair, nails, skin.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So this is your fitness appointment. So you book it into your phone, schedule it, and that's when you show up. And when you show up, that's the time you've made for it. There's the effort part. So you need to make the effort. Don't just show up. You really want to be 100% focused. So that probably means no phones, no extra things around
Starting point is 00:07:25 you, you and either your class that you're attending, listening to your instructor or your personal trainer, but stay present and push and try your hardest during that time. Preparation. I always say this is probably the easiest of the four because it literally just means making sure you have your gym bag with you. Make sure you have your running shoes, your athletic shoes, your clothes, your yoga pants, whatever your workout is that day that you'll need. Pack it the night before. I always do. I bring several changes with me. That's just because of the industry I'm in. You can do one or two changes depending on what you're going to do that day, but just have it in your bag the night before ready to go. Don't you have like a bag that you don't you bring a bag that you have everything and you
Starting point is 00:08:08 also have like a lunchbox? Yeah, totally. So preparation and everything. So along with my clothes, I have my running or athletic shoes, my clothes, the shorts and tank top I'm going to wear if I'm going to go to yoga, I'll have my pants and tank top. I bring my towel and then in my backpack in the car is my protein shakes, my almonds, my electrolytes, my BCAAs, which we'll get into later. So I definitely have that bag packed. I pack that bag in the morning and I pack my fitness bag at night. But I make sure I have the time in the morning to prep all my shakes that I'm going to be taking or my powders. I don't live off those. Those are my in-between drinks, in-between workouts. I stop for my, you know, food or lunch on the way. But those, you definitely need to get those. You need to have your snacks ready. You need to have your electrolytes ready. You just need to be prepared in that. Well, I feel like if you prepare like
Starting point is 00:08:58 that, it's going to force you to be a little bit more consistent, right? Like if you take all that time to prepare a bag and set up your snacks, you're not going to let it all go to waste. Yeah, absolutely. And I can't tell you how many times someone will come to class or come to a session and be like, oh, I forgot to eat. That's me. No, sometimes you have it with you and you're drinking it, which is fine. But the thing is, you want to do is you don't want to go to that class or that training session, because what will happen is maximum 15 to 20 minutes and you're depleting. You're like seeing stars or you're just not able to perform.
Starting point is 00:09:30 So like again, back to if you're going to show up and make the effort, you need to make the effort. In order to make that effort, you need to have the right nutrition in you ahead of time. So that's, it all kind of circles back together, you know, prepared, make the time, make the effort, be prepared. And the last thing I was going to touch on is consistency. So if you were to do a great workout once a week, that's fantastic, but it's really not going to get you results or any kind of long-term fitness goals or changes. So let's go into that a little bit, because I think a lot of people think they need to do these extremely hard workouts all the time. And then it's, you know, that becomes
Starting point is 00:10:09 daunting and overwhelming. I think the first time I worked out with you, I went home and almost like went in the fetal position and like started crying. And so, you know, but then again, we, we started, we, you know, I've got, I've improved a little bit, but I think a lot of people, you know, they go to these really hard classes or these hard workouts and then it like defeats them. Totally. And they stop going. So what would you recommend if someone's starting out? Yeah, I totally hear that 100%.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Because I do tend to teach more HIIT, more high intensity interval training and more circuits. But I love when my, in a class or in an environment, when I see someone in the room that's doing their, I can, I can usually gauge. Someone's trying their hardest, their best. That might not be what the person next to you is doing and it doesn't matter. You're working at your maximum capacity. Just give it your all.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I'd rather have you come to that class, take breaks. Or I use the word pace yourself. When I'm in a race, if I'm running a 10 K or a half marathon, I know when to pace and when to push. So you kind of have to train yourself, your pace push set. Okay. So I'm going to hold back here. Cause I know she's going for a minute of burpees and the last 15 seconds, I'm going to go all out. That's your push rate. So how many times would you suggest somebody gets active? I know you like to be active every day, but if you're somebody, you have a nine to five job, you're busy with your career, you have kids,
Starting point is 00:11:28 you have a family, what would you suggest to that person? Great point. So I know I'm in a totally different industry. Um, my husband's a desk at a desktop. He's a graphic designer. So he's behind a computer all day long. It is harder for him. But I say any movements, try to get a little bit of daily movement in. So if you can't do that killer workout, not many people can, let's face it, every day. And I don't think that's great to do it every day. But if you can move in some way, you know, count your steps. I say minimum 10,000, 15,000 would be great. But just move, go out for a walk, take your dog, get some fresh air, go for a hike, maybe a quick run, maybe it's a two or three mile run. Or go in your backyard,
Starting point is 00:12:12 do a set of like squat jumps to plank to push ups. Like if you just keep that 15-20 minutes that you might have available, no stopping, maybe a 10 second break. So there's different, you know, intervals and Tabata and HIIT. You can do 20 on with 10 off, 30 on with 20 off. Kind of find what works for you. But I think if you can get some kind of movement in, you know, five to six days a week, that's great. And you've told me once that you cannot walk by a bench
Starting point is 00:12:40 without looking at it and thinking, what could I be doing on that bench? 100%. I see this a lot, too, because I'm a mom. I have two boys. They play a lot of sports. So between soccer, baseball, flag football, I mean, even if you don't have kids, you're at a park, you're on activity. There's so many, and don't take offense to this little ladies and the moms and dads out there, that will sit there the whole game and even through the practice. And it's like, I find that I was out in Santee and it was hot,
Starting point is 00:13:06 but I knew there was a trail. So I was like, okay, I'm going to go on that trail because I know my son has a 20-minute break in between games. Felt great. So I look at the environment and I'm like, what can I use? Yeah, there's a bench there. I'm going to do some push-ups, some tricep dips. Maybe I'll do some box jumps.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I'm not saying everyone wants to do that, but don't be afraid to move. People are actually, I think we talked about this recently. They're envious when we work out and we're sweating and we're like working hard people be walking by us like, what are they doing? Like they want that people crave that they want that. I know when I'm not working out, let's say I'm at a restaurant, people are running by on the beach, right? I'm like, Oh, man, that looks fun. So just once you start doing it and liking liking it make sure it's something you like you're gonna want to do more of it and you're gonna become I mean you tell me you guys how do you feel about it like when you go when you're just about to start your workout or you're driving to your workout I I'm a little
Starting point is 00:13:56 scared when I work out with you I'm not gonna lie because you are so intense you're the most intense person I've ever worked out with so I get get a little scared, but then when I get there and I get through the warmup, the warmup is like, the warmup is basically hell. The warmup is, I mean, I've never seen a warmup like this in my life. What the fuck kind of warmup is this? But you know, no, the way I feel, I mean, I love working out with you and I've had a lot of trainers and we've talked about this, that on the show, but I like that you do the workouts with us and my goal now has been to keep up with you and so like i feel like and you have i'm getting closer no you crushed me on that hill the other day i'm not i'm not there yet but i'm getting closer and so like i think it's
Starting point is 00:14:35 it's motivating to see somebody you know especially like when you're such good shape it's it's motivating to see somebody that you're working out with doing it with you and then you're like okay i'm going to try to keep up with this person. I think, but there's two, there's two ways to look at it. Some people get defeated by that. They're like, oh, I'm never going to get there. My mentality is that I get motivated. I'm like, I want to get to that same level.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And I think I do that with everything in life, but it's important to set good examples. I think, I think you do that. Thank you. I appreciate that. I totally hear you on that because I've been on the other. So I've been the trainee. Yeah, the trainee in the room. And I like when the, you know, when the teachers involved in their passion and their movement, I don't do when I'm teaching a class the whole thing, but I really do do most of it because
Starting point is 00:15:19 I find that it is motivating. I stop, they stop. That's how it goes. That's just the rule of them. I stop, they stop. That's how it goes. That's just the rule of them. I stop, they stop. I've seen you sometimes when you're, when I'm doing squats and you stop and I'll, I'll stop. And then you'll look at me and say, okay, five more. Like you do kind of subconsciously follow the trainer, which is great. But it's also like sometimes when the trainer's just sitting there, you're not as motivated.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And don't be, well, Michael made a really good point. So don't be intimidated. If you're like, oh my God, I'll never look like that. How does she or he do that? They can jump so high. They have so much energy. There's so much trying. So those, we'll talk about that.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I think the words that are going into your head and you're thinking, hey, you're not me. I'm not you. It doesn't matter. You'll get there. I'm just there to motivate you and help you and coach you and I'll inspire you. You just do the work and just stay consistent. Put the effort in, make the time, stay consistent, prepare. You do that and I'll do the other part. For you to have gotten to a place where you can have that mindset and be motivating to other
Starting point is 00:16:22 people, were you always like that? Were you always into fitness? Like, when did you start? We're kind of going back now. I don't think I've ever asked you this. Where did you start with all of this? Like, I mean, did you, have you always been in this good of shape? Because that's really going to be defeating to me. Well, I've had two babies and my first baby, I gained 40 pounds of it. That's a decent amount of weight for pregnancy. Second, I was better. I was always into fitness. I always enjoyed working out. I used to be tortured
Starting point is 00:16:52 by running to tell you the truth though. I remember John would run and I'd be like out of breath. I couldn't breathe. I was so defeated. That was probably my turning point. That was 20 something years ago. We'd go for a run and he would always beat me. And I'm like, I'd have to walk part. I couldn't, it was just, I couldn't breathe. I'm like, okay, I'm going to run a little bit more tomorrow. So then I do another quarter mile or maybe,
Starting point is 00:17:13 you know, not even each time I went out, I do a little bit more. Each time I went out, I did a little bit more. Seriously. That was 21 years ago. I've run a marathon now. I've run half marathons. I can run. But what I'm saying is that didn't happen overnight. You know, so I built up to that, but you just have to be consistent with something. But let me go back to what you really asked. So I can remember being in classes that I took and listening to the instructor and doing what she asked and thinking, oh, but I would do it this way, but I would do it it this way and then I kind of started to do my own thing in class and of course that's not very fair to the instructor they didn't like it so I just always knew that I had a different idea I would put this angle on it you're creative
Starting point is 00:17:54 it's creativity it is and I that's where some people do it in you know health beauty you know fashion my creativity just like I could that's why I can see something and think, how can we use that fitness wise? Or, you know, so that's just where the passion first started. And then I would say about 10 years ago, I really started with teaching bar. We went out to go.
Starting point is 00:18:15 We met by the way, we met at pure bar. We were both, well, Kim was a teacher and I took her class and I was drawn to her immediately. I thought, where'd she get that shirt? Where'd she get those pants? Where'd she get that bracelet? I want the headband. You know,
Starting point is 00:18:28 the headband I'm talking about. She's wearing, where did you get that? And she, if you will, she put pictures on the blog, but she really does have this presence and this, um, this brand of fitness when she walks around. I mean, I'll be working out with her and people will come up to us and, and really stop the workout and say, I've seen you running around town. I mean, she is her own brand. She lives, eats, breathes, sleeps, fitness and health. And, um, so, so we, I ended up teaching pure bar with you. I was a different kind of teacher. Let's just say that, um, you know, no, Kim was like, like so good. I kind of like made things up as I went um and then we both ended up teaching reformer Pilates at the same place that's right that's right and then one day I just reached
Starting point is 00:19:11 out and I was like hey I'm in San Diego can you train me and I mean I like love working out with you now I was I can remember the day I think that you I don't know if you text or email I was like super excited to hear from you and it it's, yeah, that was awesome. So. And then we manipulated Michael into coming to the workouts. Yes. And then we. And Taylor.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And Nico. Yeah, we got the crew going. And Weston. And Dante. And Mimi. Some have fallen off. Taylor. Taylor.
Starting point is 00:19:36 But no, I mean, I'm a lot of like Dante and Weston. I'm proud of those guys. They're showing up and I feel better. I feel like I'm getting in better shape. I want to say something that you mentioned. I want to go back for one second for anyone that's listening that can't have a trainer, um, or maybe doesn't have time to have a trainer or whatever it is. I think one of the great things about Kim that, that I've gotten out of working out with you is I used to think that you had to work out in a gym and it had to be an hour and it had to be really almost
Starting point is 00:20:06 clinical. Like it had to be like in the gym or taking a yoga class or, um, doing class pass, whatever that is. And that's all great. But what I've learned from you is that you can really kind of do anything anywhere. Yeah. So can you elaborate on that for people that don't have a trainer? Sure. I mean, there are, I think you just mentioned maybe a class pass is for a minimal monthly fee. It allows you to try a lot of different studios in your town or in your area. I think they limit how many visits you can make per, you know, studio, but it's a great way to try different workouts. But back to what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah, I, I personally don't go to a gym. I haven't been in years. I personally don't do machines. I haven't in years. That doesn't mean you know what works for me might work for you. But I love free weights. I love resistance training. I love like I you know, we've talked about before I look at a tree, I'll put my TRX up on there. You can do like, as you guys know, like 15 minutes of TRX and you are like dead. Yeah. Sometimes I'll literally have 30 minutes or so in between clients, but I know there's a set of stairs in Solana Beach. And I know if I run up and down the stairs and at the bottom, I'll do some squat jumps
Starting point is 00:21:16 at the top. I'll do pushups back down, back up. So I just do a round of five and I feel awesome. So you just have to kind of be aware of where you are. And again, back to that preparation. Hopefully you have those clothes and the shoes in the car with you. And just fine. Maybe it's a set of stairs.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Maybe it's a dry sand run, which we've done. Those are hard. You know, take your shoes off and run the beach. What's funny is, I think if you go back and listen to earlier podcasts, you'll hear me talk about that. I have consistently, we've talked about that. I've consistently worked out my whole life, which I think has been good because it's kept me in somewhat good shape, but I've gotten so bored with all the workouts. And I think the reason is that I was consistently going to a gym
Starting point is 00:21:56 around the same machines, around the same things. And since working out with you, I'm all fired up again because all these things are different and it's stuff that I've never done before. And I think what happens also when you, you know, when you get bored or you get kind of complacent in a gym, your motivation level goes down and then you start to plateau. So I think it's important for people to understand that it's, that you need to switch it up. Totally. Absolutely. And another thing you can do is maybe find, if you can't afford a personal trainer, understandable, totally, find a small group of, you know, your friends. Maybe there's four of you that want to hire,
Starting point is 00:22:35 because I'm betting that any local personal trainer will take on a small group for maybe a slightly increased rate, but you're splitting it amongst four of your girlfriends, right? And so you get the benefit of kind of a personal training session, but you get also the added benefit of a group setting, which can be motivating. When you're with other people in a workout, you kind of might be looking at that inner competitor that might come out in you.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And plus, you're just more fired up. Not to say one-on-ones aren't great, I love them, but that's another way to get a great workout in outside of gym and, you know, get the benefit of personal training. Outside of when, I mean, you, you and Lauren motivate me, but outside of that, whenever I invite my friends, I always have to go and crush them, right? Like that's my main thing when they get there. I'm like, okay. You really have to big dick them. Yeah. I go in there and I'm like, I had demoralized them. And I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:23 these guys, I just gotta like, I gotta show them. But I think something to touch on, like outside of joking around, I think instead of just working out with big groups, I think it's important to find people that are in better shape than you. That's kind of been like my little hack this whole, my whole life is that I find people that are stronger than me or faster than me or better than me. Because when you work out with people that may not be in as good a shape as you, or on the same level, you, it slows you down. And I know that's kind of me, cause you're like, Oh, maybe my friend is, you know, it's a good friend. But at the same time, like it's just like in business or anything else, like you want to find people that are on the next level and then work to that level. Exactly. Same applies. That's a great, um, I love that because
Starting point is 00:24:01 same applies in a race. So if I'm at the starting, you know, lineup of the races ready to start, you always find someone that's faster than you. And you, you know, obviously you see their number or their shirt or what they're wearing and you try to pace with them. And it's hard, you know, but that's,
Starting point is 00:24:17 and it's a total stranger. I don't know this person, but I'm like, okay, he or she is where I want to be. So I'm not going to lose sight of them. How do you know who's faster than you when you're in a race? Can you just tell? You can tell. They're in front of you.
Starting point is 00:24:29 They're pacing. Oh, so you don't pick it before you start the race. Right, no, I'm sorry. Yeah, the race has started. I'm talking about running now, but Michael's right, in a workout. Oh, there's girls, and I don't mean to say girls, girls and guys, that will be in the front row of my class, and I really prefer it. There's some that will just crush it.
Starting point is 00:24:48 They're crushing me. They just don't stop. They won't stop. They don't take breaks. They do their burpees. They do their push-ups. They do their squat jumps. They're just go, go, go, go.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And it's good to have them in the front row because guess what? Everyone's like, man, she is killing it or he is killing it. I want to be like them. And, again, it's not comparing yourself to that person. It's like I want to work up to that. So separate that guys. That's really important. I can't do that. I suck too. That's awesome. I want to be that. So speaking of that's like self-talk stuff. And I know we wanted to touch about like, how important is, I know being motivated, but how important is what you tell yourself when
Starting point is 00:25:23 you're working out? Oh my God. So important. I mean, if you ask any, I'll, I'll talk about workouts. If you ask any professional athlete, I mean, it's all, you know, especially I know some sports are more mine, like baseball. Um, you just have to like, it's mindset. You have to go in. And I just think, even when I'm like my, I can feel my legs are like jello or I'm like, might be a little shaking or I'm like, Oh my God, I'm dying. It's like, just push, just drive, just go. Or I say, you know, get it girl. Or, you know, push, drive.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You can do anything for 30 seconds. Or I say, you know, you've done harder things in your life. Get it, come on. You know, I just keep going with positive words. So I'm saying that to you. But if you're not with me, put in your head, just everything positive. Like you've got this. You do do that. You're always, always yourself, your self-talk and your talk to me is
Starting point is 00:26:09 always positive. There's nothing negative. Oh yeah. I should never say the word I can't, or I can only do five or just tell yourself, you know, just as many positive, find what resonates with you and just repeat it in your head. And then I like to also have a goal in mind. So I don't like to think, and I'll separate the two here when you're in a workout, I got to go home and do some emails. I get to grocery store. What am I going to eat? Oh, you have to make that. You don't have time to think like that. Yeah. I don't usually let you have time to think about that. The only thing I can think about when I'm working out with you is if my heart's going to explode
Starting point is 00:26:40 out of my chest and if I'm going to throw up. Okay. So there you go. You don't have time to think about other stuff, but it is a good thing. Maybe like 10 or 15 minutes before. Do you guys ever think, okay, like when I'm, I know I'm about to finish class. I'm like, I'm going to go straight and get that warrior smoothie loaded with like protein and hemp and almond butter and green, whatever it is that sounds good to you. Um, and let that be your reward. Put a reward in your head and you're like, yeah, so I'm going to like nail out this last set of burpees or this last hit or Tabata round, whatever you're doing. But just, you know, have that reward or maybe you're going out and maybe it's an evening class and you're going to sushi with your girlfriends after. Well, work a little harder. Maybe it's a glass of rosé.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And maybe it's a glass of rosé. Okay. So I want to get really specific here. what is a workout that someone could do after listening to this podcast outside in their backyard oh gosh okay well they don't have a backyard or in the street in the street in the city like no excuses no in your living room give us a no bullshit like exercise yeah so I would um take I would combine strength, cardio, and abs. So in your head, you're saying I'm going to do, and whether it's 20 seconds or 30 seconds, I would go for minimum 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:27:52 30 seconds of jump squats. And you know how to make that harder. You can go higher, you can add a butt kick, a knee tuck, whatever version of jump squats. Then go right into push-ups. So that's your strength. And then turn it around, line your back, go right into V-ups or So that's your strength. And then turn it around, line your back, go right into V-ups or bicycles.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And I just circle that. So the next time around, maybe I'm doing jumping jacks or I'm doing burpees for my cardio. Pick a cardio, pick a strength, pick an ab. How many sets of each
Starting point is 00:28:17 and how many times? I like to do, I mean, so that's three sets. If you're doing a strength cardio ab i would repeat it a minimum of four times well here's one thing i want to touch on though these are like amazing suggestions and i agree but i find that when i'm with you in the group doing these workouts like burpees and jump squats and push-ups those are hard right so like what do you what would you tell somebody that starts doing that in the living room as soon as it starts to get hard and then
Starting point is 00:28:44 they give up like it's like oh that's too hard i don't want to do that yeah so there's definitely variation so like a hot i say high knees instead of burpees jumping jacks pretty much everyone could do and if you're having trouble if you're you know you could just stand in place and then drive your knee to elbow opposite knee opposite elbow if your heart rate's elevating if you're wearing one of those devices that tells you, you know, if you're working harder, so you don't have to do the burpee with a knee tuck, you know, that's level three. But I'm more talking like, even if they have to do like, let's say they have to do the burpee with a knee tuck, but they're giving up because it's like, Oh, that got hard. I'm in my living room. Nobody's looking. I can just like go watch
Starting point is 00:29:20 TV or go to work or jump in the shower, what would you tell that person? Well, I'd go back to consistency and effort. You're just going to, it's going to be, like think about me when I told you when I was running and I'd have to start walking and then I'd get frustrated because I was out of breath. I couldn't do it. And I was literally about to give up. Now it's one of my favorite activities
Starting point is 00:29:43 in my whole entire life. I look forward to that all week. So, but if you asked me 20 years ago, I'd have been like, no, this sucks. This is awful. I can't do it. And I had those negative voices, but each time I did it, I went a little, I made myself go one more block or two more blocks. So next time when you go back to it, try to get that two or three more burpees. And I swear, if you do that, you will improve. There's no doubt in my mind. If you stay consistent and try a little bit harder each time, I have no doubt that you're soon going to be, you know, making that 20 second mark.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It really is practice. But don't give up. The give up is the death. With anything, it takes practice. Anyone that's an expert, it's just practice. What did they say? It's 10,000 hours, Michael. Michael knows the quote.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, 10, 000 hours to be an expert in something okay see i think i don't know it might be misquoting but still i want to get in really into it food because you've given me some amazing suggestions you've given me the suggestion of the chocolate quinoa oh i know i I love that. You told me about cilantro lime hummus. The dip. Yes. And you told what did you tell me to dip in it again? Oh, I usually use jicama or celery, some kind of crunchy vegetable. Jicama, you guys. Great tip instead of chips. Oh, yeah. And then the other recommendation you told me about was something called fitness bread. And we'll link this in the show notes. Tell us about fitness bread. You know, I found it, I believe at Jimbo's, but I love it. It's kind of a rectangular,
Starting point is 00:31:09 but very thin. And so it toasts well. Sometimes if I'm super lazy, I'll just like put in the microwave and then I put in literally any spread you want on it. Sometimes I do that hummus. And I think that, um, the one you were referring to the cilantro lime is actually made from chickpeas. It's made from something else, but we'll have to look at that. Anyway, sometimes I put, um, like some kind of spread and, um, nutritional yeast on it and sliced tomatoes. Sometimes it's locks, like literally you can do every, anything with it. And it's nice to have, you have to have some carbohydrates in your life. You really do. So there's, that's the big thing out there. What, what's a good carb? What's a bad carb? When you should, you have your carbs, which shouldn't you have, but you definitely want carbs
Starting point is 00:31:53 in life. So good carbs would be something like that. You know, you want brown, not white, nothing white, no white rice, white bread, white flour, white tortillas. If it's white, it's sugar. And I loved the combo that we did. You told me to do fitness bread toasted. And then on top, you had me do avocado. Yes. And then you said slice a tomato, lemon. And then this was a really good tip that I just want to call out. You told me for protein to put hemp seed on top. And I thought for the longest time that hemp seed was fiber, which it is, but it's also a great protein. 10 grams, I think, in my scoop. So I use it quite a bit. Yeah, absolutely. Trying to manipulate Michael into that hemp seed protein. Yeah, stir it up. Hey, listen, we've talked about this too. I'm the type of person, if you give me the options and present
Starting point is 00:32:42 them to me, I usually take advantage, right? Like I've been consistent with the workouts. I'll take the proteins I'll eat, right. But I don't, I probably should. I don't do as good a job researching this kind of stuff when it comes to my health. But if you like, if you give me something, give me something, my skin, something to eat. Just for the record, the hemp seeds are in my perfectly organized pantry next to the chia seeds. So I feel like now you know where they are. We're all clear on it. Listen, Christopher Columbus couldn't find anything in that pantry. Like it is, there's no way. I mean, I know it's so organized that it's, I can't find anything. I don't know how to explain it. Like you got to be Magellan to get in there. Can you alphabetize your pantry?
Starting point is 00:33:16 You should see it. It's really, it's really, really nuts. So another thing that I want to talk about is shakes and smoothies. you're a fan and so am I. Tell us like everything there is to know. Like give us a shake smoothie 101. Okay. Well, I love in my, it has to have protein guys. At the end of the day, here is the deal. And I know there's this thing, oh, protein, protein.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Well, listen, protein feeds muscles. Okay. So when your muscles are happy, your body's not using it for energy. So it's just going to feed your muscles. Anyway, so make sure you have, I like about two scoops, which was about 25 to 30 grams of protein in your smoothie. Then I do ice and I do unsweetened almond or coconut or cashew milk. And then I like to add some kind of healthy fat.
Starting point is 00:34:02 So it's usually almond butter. And I'll do hemp seed as well. What about coconut oil? Yeah, you could do coconut oil. I know. You know what? I have a habit of going to the almond butter. But yes, coconut oil is a great addition for the healthy fat.
Starting point is 00:34:16 So either one? I would do either. I would do either. Yeah. And then I add some greens. So it'll be like kale and spinach, kind of whatever I have going on in the fridge or whatever I can grab. So I like to put the greens in.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I like the healthy fat. I like hemp. I mean, some people like chia. I prefer the hemp. It also has fiber in it as well. And then the protein. So you didn't hear me say fruit, really. I'll do a half a frozen banana.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I do like that. That would be my choice. You don't seem like you really like would do it every day frozen banana. I do like that's that would be my choice. You don't seem like you really like would do it every day though. Yeah, no, it's not my thing. And also a lot of as we talked about earlier in the backpack I bring in my car
Starting point is 00:34:55 with all my shakes in it. Is this like a cooler backpack? It's like a cooler backpack. Okay, you got to send me the link for this because I want this. It's great. I love it.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I love it. So it's because it's in my car all day long. I go from client to studio so I have to travel. So with that being said, I don't really blend my, obviously I don't have a blender in my car. So I pre-mix. This is where the powdered PB comes in. I get the organic powder PB and my protein, and then I'll throw some hemp in it, and then I just need ice water. So that's not as nourishing and awesome tasting as if I was home blending it. But that's a quick on the go solution.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I always have almonds with me. I get those little snack bags. I pre-fill them up throughout the week. I grab a couple. So those are in my bag at all times, no matter what. I just found out that cashews are super, they're inflammatory. So I'm going for the almonds now. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah. I didn't know that. Yeah. Someone just told me that the other day. I kind of been switching up to walnut pieces too. Oh, that's a good one for the healthy fat as well. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I love the walnuts. I kind of, I've been, I've been doing cashews. I think, should I stop that now? I guess I'm going to almonds. I wanted to ask you,
Starting point is 00:36:00 now we're going like a kind of another direction. Maybe I always do this and Lauren gets mad. You, I want to kind of get into relationship and you have multiple relationships you know you have your kids and you have your husband lauren and i are you know married now we're thinking about maybe having kids what can you do if you're pregnant can you work out like you do what do you got to eat how can you train what did you do because you my friend weston saw you and was like you would never know that you had a kid ever. Like pregnancy is on your mind, Michael. Oh my God. Well, I always wonder because I'm going to get in trouble. I know I'm going to get in trouble. I see a lot of women,
Starting point is 00:36:34 they get pregnant and they just, they stop working out completely and they like eat whatever they want. And I can't pass judgment obviously because I'm a man, but I wanted to get your thoughts because you're a woman, you're in shape, and you've had two children. Yeah. Here's my feeling on that. Whatever you're currently doing, you should pretty much be able to continue doing. You know, talk to you. I'm certainly not a doctor.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I'm not a big fan. When I was having my kids, the hot yoga craze wasn't like it is now. So I'm not sure I would advise heated yoga, heated boot camps, or heated anything for that matter. Light heat perhaps, but I would say whatever you're currently doing, you're fine doing until it becomes uncomfortable. I mean, I ran through my pregnancy with my first one, I had to stop and then I took spinning classes, cycling, indoor cycling, and that felt fine. So you might have to modify your cardio or maybe you're on the, you know, whatever it is you're doing, I would say don't stop and don't use it as an excuse. And if you're not doing enough,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I would just start, you know, power walking, get something in because, you know, yes, you're having a baby and you're eating for two, but not really. I mean, I forget how many extra, I think it's like 300 calories a day. It's not even that much. And I'm not a calorie counter. I'm not trying to go that route, but just be mindful. Cause my first, I will say I took a, you know, some luxuries and, um, and paid for it with the 40 pounds. So some people, Oh, that's not that much. I have a smaller frame. Yeah. Kim's small. You guys, she's, she's like super tight and small. How tall are you? Five, six and a half-ish. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So we're about the same height. So then what about... Now I know how much I'm supposed to gain. What about like post-pregnancy? So post-pregnancy, again, depends on your delivery, C-section versus not and all that. But I didn't have a C-section in either of my kids. But it was harder to come back from my first pregnancy than my second one was like, boom, no problem.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I was working out with I think within a week easily. And my first was a little bit harder probably because of the extra weight gain. The delivery was harder. There was a little bit more things going on there. But yeah, so that's another reason you want to keep the weight gain in check. And your doctor will tell you. I think the average is probably 25 to 30 pounds, which was more like my second one.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And I'll tell you, I popped back like that, the delivery was easy, and it was boom. But everyone's different. I don't want to take that away from anyone. So just talk to your doctor. We get a lot of questions now because I think people see Lauren and I working out with you on the snaps, and so they see it a lot.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And so there's been a lot of women and men reaching out where maybe one of the two in the relationship is super into working out or super into being healthy. And they're trying to figure out how to motivate their partner. And I was speaking to a girl and she said, it's leading to fights. And she thinks that she was like, do you have any tips on how to motivate your partner to stay in shape, but without making them feel put down or bad? Like how do you, like, how do you set an example to your partner? Uh, that's a really good question actually, because I have a very different lifestyle than my husband does because of the line of work, but I will be honest. I try to stay out of it a little bit. He obviously sees what I do day in and day out.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And I'm like, oh, you should do this. But I'm very careful with how I say it. He has seen friends, neighbors recently have some good successes. And he's kind of like, wow, did you see so-and-so? And I immediately go, yeah, don't they look great? I'm super, you know, so I pipe in that way as kind of a roundabout, you know, third party thing. The other thing that has helped, I don't want to like, I'm not here to promote a product, but he got an Apple watch and I'm like, okay, how many steps should I take today? And then the kids are interested, like, let me see your watch. So then you're like, oh, I kind of have to be
Starting point is 00:40:19 accountable. You like, if you could pick, you like 000 a day you said yeah and and you know there is you know way not too long ago they were saying 11 000 be great and then i heard recently 15 i mean 15 might be high for some people i'm going to be honest it's not for me but that's because of what i do so don't go from 3 000 and go god she said i have to do 15 000 get to 10 so you think it's it's more lead by example and show other examples as opposed to saying like, you need to get in the gym, you need to do this. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:50 By the way, if you don't have an Apple Watch, you guys, there is an app on everyone's phone. That's the heart app. And you can, it's the heart, or is it the health app? Excuse me, it's the health app. Everyone has it on their iPhone and it will count how many steps you take. But the only thing is, is when I'm working out, I don't hold my phone. So that's hard to take into account. Um, but I definitely think that
Starting point is 00:41:15 everyone should be just checking out their steps, whether it's on your phone or on that watch. Okay. So you always talk about your four critical elements to leading a balanced life and I want you to share that with the audience okay yes there are definitely four things that will I call it your foundation so think of a house of the foundation you know you want to have that stable so obviously nutrition and I call it 80 20 I'll explain that in a second so 80 percent of the time you're on 20 percent% of the time we have barbecues and trips and parties and whatnot. So there is life to be led. Don't worry, it's not all strict. The second, whatever your fitness or activity level is. So hopefully some level of
Starting point is 00:41:57 movement like we've talked about. The third, stress is a huge factor in everyone's life. And listen, there can be good stress and bad stress. So stress is stress, good and bad. We all have it. We want to try to reduce that as much as possible. And by the way, endorphins help do that. Endorphins is what releases when you work out. To touch on that, I don't know if you knew this,
Starting point is 00:42:19 but when you first met me, I was just super, super stressed. I was very, we had the fat shoe last week. I was very high octane, right? And I, and I don't know if like you haven't known me long enough, but since I've been working out so much with you, like my stress level has gone down by, I'd say probably like 75%. That's awesome. That's incredible. It was incredible. See, so right there. So don't underestimate. Um, and again, we'll, we'll circle back to some other ideas I have for, for fitness for you. Not you, Michael, but the audience.
Starting point is 00:42:51 So when you reduce your stress, likely is you will sleep better. So I kind of chunk that in the same category, reducing stress, sleeping better. Sleep is critical. Maybe you're not getting eight hours, but you're aiming, like seven to eight hours a night. Anything less, you're starting. You're really just, your metabolism will go to hell. You'll just, it's, everything's harder. You're craving sugar. No matter what, and then you start to reach for carbohydrates, which turn into sugar, which you think are helping you with energy through the day. It's just a bad cycle to get involved with. So I know when I don't get good sleep, I'm, I was just call it a day in a way.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I can do it once during the week, but any more than that, and I'm definitely off. So that's a critical part. And number four is supplements. So I definitely believe in supplementation. That's your vitamins, your branch chain amino acids, your healthy fish oil. Yes, I do probiotics. If you had to recommend three essential like three essential supplements to somebody somebody on a budget or somebody that just that all they can afford is to get three critical things what would those be specifically to woman i think so let me see as i said woman sorry let me let me get let me tell you if i have to name three if you were to tell me you can only take these three supplements with you probiot Probiotic, fish oil, branched chain amino acids.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Okay. And where's the best place? What's the best brand? You know, everyone's got a different feeling. I use AdvoCare. I love that line. I've been using it for four years. It's all tested, clean product. You don't need to worry about. It's in all the professional sports. So professional athletes use it. That was one of the reasons that I was turned on to the line, but the science and the medical research behind it is extensive. You can certainly look that up. That's what I use.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So I use a product that is called Catalyst. I use it pre-workout. I use it post-workout, and I usually use it, no, I always use it again later in the day. So I have steady doses of branched chain amino acids in me. And this is what you've recommended to me. I've been using it for the last six months and I really, really like it, but I think it needs like a really good explanation because I've just been learning about it over the last six months. I'm still learning about it.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Right. So yeah, it's a bit confusing. What is a branched chain amino acid? You also hear them called BCAAs. So BCAAs, what they do is it's an amino acids that will feed into lean muscle. So your body will naturally burn muscle before it will burn fat. So that's a bummer. You're working out and you're burning muscle. Well, that's not why you went to work out. I'm not saying you're, we all, why not utilize fat for energy throughout your day,
Starting point is 00:45:30 whatever you're doing, whether you're working out or running errands or going to the store, your body needs energy to perform, to get up off that chair, to go out to the car, to go to the store, whatever. So it works especially well in your workouts, but it's going to work for you all day long. That's why I like those steady doses, morning, afternoon, night, or pre-workout, post-workout, later in the day. So it's a muscle protector and it helps the body utilize fat for energy. And just to be honest,
Starting point is 00:45:57 what everyone calls it, I love when you say this, they call it liposuction in a bottle. It's not like a diet pill though. No, no, no, no, no, no. Just let's be clear, you guys, it's an amino acid. No, no, no, it's not like a diet pill though. It's new. Let's be clear. You guys, it's an amino acid. No, no, no. Heck no. Amino acids are amazing. I love them. I love lysine. I love all of them. Absolutely. Get to know them. It'll make it. So for, I hear this so much, so much in classes and clients and all, I can't lose that extra layer. I can't get, see my
Starting point is 00:46:22 abs. How do you get your arms? I'm answering the questions that I hear so often and what works for me. I'm telling you guys, if you want to see that difference, have your body working at an optimal level, which means it's burning fat, protecting muscle, feeling better. When you hold on to your lean muscle, I'm not saying bulk. I think these two both agree I'm not bulked up. I just have lean muscle mass.
Starting point is 00:46:45 So your, your metabolic rate is higher. You burn more calories throughout the day. You're stronger. So there's just so, and I'm post I'm after 40 here. So that's a huge to have to be able to hold. Which is insane because I'm 30 and I'm running up the hill trying to catch you in your 40. And I can barely, one time,'re 40. You beat me though. One time. You beat her? Have you guys ever seen Rocky 3 when he gets trained by Apollo Creed?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Oh God, Rocky 3. No, I missed that one, Michael. Apollo Creed keeps beating him every time on the beach and then in the end he beats him one time and they jump in the air and hug and high five. It was like that kind of moment. Can we touch on your plyometric ability though? Crazy, right? You were so excited
Starting point is 00:47:28 for her to mention this on the podcast. Don't lie, Michael. I get confused what plyometrics are. You're talking about the frog leaps? Frogs, jumps, any kind of push off the ground. Michael excels at that quite a bit. I got some good hops.
Starting point is 00:47:42 So you own that. You could be an Olympian. Well, shit. Maybe it's not too late. Basketball isn't your strong suit. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:47:52 With these, with these hops, I might be able to, I'm telling you some of those NBA contracts are getting pretty big. I might have to look into that. So is there, my question is, and I don't know the answer to this.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Is there different kinds of BCAAs? Like, is there, is there only one kind? No. I mean, what scares me is you probably can find a ton of BCAA products if you go to Amazon or anything on the internet. Please be careful in what you're purchasing or ordering. And you want to ask about how it's tested and who uses it and know a little bit about
Starting point is 00:48:23 the science and research behind it. And I go back to Avicare because they use a company called Informed Choice, which is the worldwide anti-doping agency. And you might go, oh, I'm not an athlete. I don't need to worry about that. Well, you want to know what's going on in your body and long-term effects. So, yes, you do. I'm going to just say that my catalyst is next to me right now. It says that it supports muscle tone and enhances strength and energy.
Starting point is 00:48:49 That's another thing. So when you take a pre-workout, not only are you utilizing fat for energy, but your muscles are getting energy through amino acids. That's protein for your muscles, right? So when your muscles are fed through your workout, you're like, why were those 15 burpees easier today than before? Because your muscles are going to fit. So I learned something recently about Catalyst, which is the BCAA product we're talking about. So a girlfriend of mine was running a half marathon
Starting point is 00:49:14 and she took it pre along with her electrolytes and whatever and her goo with her. And then about halfway through, she took another three Catalyst. I thought, I've never thought of that. Why did you do that? Because you're halfway through the marathon, you're getting tacks, and your muscles aren't feeling as great as they were. And again, it won't do anything funky to your stomach or anything weird. And she just pushed, and it drove her through the end of the marathon, or the half marathon.
Starting point is 00:49:40 So again, it's longer workouts. You might want to do that. But just for the sake of everyday working out one, you know, you're set pre and then post is fine. Okay. Let's kind of switch it up. We've been talking about so much healthy stuff. Let's talk about rosé and vodka sodas. Yay. I'm just kidding. So Kim has told me to focus more on vodka sodas and a little rosé as opposed to anything sugary, which I wasn't huge on sugary anything, but I feel like you've really been an advocate of the vodka soda. Talk to me about the girl that likes to have a drink, but she also likes to eat kale. Yes. Hello. Are you
Starting point is 00:50:16 talking about yourself? Maybe, maybe this is a selfish question. Okay. So here's my, you know, like I, let's go back to that nutrition rule when we touched on 80, 20. So I'm betting 20, you know, maybe it's 15% for you, but, um, there's, you might attend parties. You might have girlfriends want you to go out to anniversaries, getaways, barbecues, 4th of July. We just had, so think about life. You're not going to sit there and just watch everyone else have fun. I mean, if you don't drink, that's fine. I'm totally with that. However, if you drink, just choose wisely. So I use vodka sodas and I just put a bunch of lemon or lime or whatever. I'll even like cut up a couple strawberries and throw them in there. Whatever fresh fruit that the sugar from the fruit is not going to
Starting point is 00:50:59 make a big difference in the drink for you. So it just gives it a little bit of flavor, doesn't have the added sugar that a lot of the, I mean, there's so many craft cocktails out there. What do you stay away from? Like what's a big, like what's a big no? I don't get into the craft cocktails because every time I take a sip of someone's and I'm like, first thing I taste is sugar. I'm like, no thanks. So I stay away from that. I'm not a beer drinker but I am a rosé drinker I realize there's sugar in wine but I like a nice chilled glass of rosé I'm not going to lie I love it
Starting point is 00:51:31 who doesn't thank you Michael loves rosé I love that maybe a little too much rosé all day but then I'll switch I told Lauren I usually have one nice glass and if I'm going to have a second drink then I'll switch. I told Lauren, I usually have one nice glass and
Starting point is 00:51:46 if I'm going to have a second drink, then I'll usually go to the vodka soda. Okay. So you can still get to your fitness goals and have a couple of vodka sodas a couple of times a week. Absolutely. Absolutely. I feel like when people say, Oh, I'm never going to do this again, or I'm just not going to have any sugar and I'm going to drink only. When you say never and you cut out anything like on a semi-permanent to permanent basis, I think you're kind of, me, I'm setting myself up for failure. So I'm just telling you what works for me. I need to have balance. So balance is you got to have some fun. You got to have a social life. You got to be able to go out
Starting point is 00:52:26 and not be watching everyone else have a drink and be bitter about it or just not having fun so have fun but do you know the difference like i was saying earlier um so if it's your sister's neighbor's daughter's birthday party on a thursday night do you need to go to that i mean is that critical is that your third or fourth night out that week? Choose wisely. Just choose wisely. Say yes to the important stuff. Learn to say no. No feels good sometimes. A polite no, a polite decline. Because guess what? We work. We want to get up for that class in the morning. We want to work out and not suffer. We want to feel good. And I will say this, you know, we have a lot of younger listeners, maybe like 18 to 25. I didn't start noticing how taxing things were on my body until 25 and on.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And I think, you know, for a lot of young people like, oh, that's not me. I can drink, I can party, I can go out. Trust me, it catches up. Quickly, it really does. 100%. Before we go, I want to play a game. And I told you that, I actually have not told you that we're going to do this. So this is like off the cuff. I don't know about the game either. Yeah, he doesn't know either. And the reason I want to do this
Starting point is 00:53:35 is because I'm so big on modifications. That's how the Skinny Confidential came about was I wanted to share my modifications with people around the world. Okay. So I'm going to name like five things that everyone loves that maybe aren't that good for you. And I want you to tell us what you would do to substitute.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So the first one is cheese because there's a lot of cheese lovers. Nutritional yeast. A hundred percent. That's it. No doubt about it. That's it. No doubt about it. What is nutritional yeast?
Starting point is 00:54:01 We have it, Michael. It's in the pantry. You've got to use it. And did you get the cayenne one that I sent you a picture of? No. Tell us about it. What is nutritional yeast? We have it, Michael. It's in the pantry. You've got to use it. And did you get the cayenne one that I sent you a picture of? No. Tell us about that. So you can get nutritional yeast in bulk at like a health food store, Whole Foods, Jimbo's, whatever. And I just buy it in bulk and then I put it in a container in my fridge. And then I sprinkle. I swear it's awesome. Has great benefits. I think there's a lot of vitamin B's in it. And it's kind of a cheesy
Starting point is 00:54:23 flavor. You can sprinkle it on quinoa and salads, on our fitness bread. It's the best. Lentil pasta, maybe a cheesy lentil pasta. When the team goes back in to do the show notes,
Starting point is 00:54:35 I'm going to have them link this yeast so that I can go back to my own show notes. We have the yeast. He's so unbelievable. It's in the pantry. Kim, one day I'm going to have you come over and look at this pantry
Starting point is 00:54:44 and I'm going to say, okay, find these five things. That's the game. That's the game. That's the game right there. Find the five things. If you played the game, it's like find these five things and you're not allowed to come out until you find them. You would open the door 10 years later and just find my skeleton laying there. All right, Michael. Well, I'm sorry that I have a clean pantry. Like it could be worse. Um, okay. The next one is my personal favorite sourdough bread. Yes. Whole wheat sourdough. Where do I get that? Vons. They have whole wheat sourdough. Okay. Let's take it a step further. Let's say like, what's something that's maybe not exactly like sourdough, but something that will
Starting point is 00:55:25 kind of help with that craving what would you say like fitness bread yeah okay yeah because at the end of the day it's a car but sourdough does have a specific taste i'm with you there i'm into the game now what about cheeseburgers in and out you're taking over my name big macs mcdonald's and in and out burgers alwaysless. Take the cheese off. Add a healthy fat. Do they have that there? Avocado. Avocado.
Starting point is 00:55:50 I don't think McDonald's is doing well in the avocado department, but maybe In-N-Out. I'm not sure. Okay, my next one is a margarita. Skinny. And how do they do that at home? Tequila, club soda, lots of lime. Sometimes I do put a little Cointreau in. I like
Starting point is 00:56:07 my little I like Cointreau to coffee. Spark. I know. It's got me. Spark got me off coffee, guys. I love it. So that's another and again, they have a spark is loaded with amino acids, vitamins, tons of vitamin B, a little bit of caffeine. So you do have that, but it's really just a mental focus alert drink. And you don't love coffee because it's acidic. No, coffee is very dehydrating, highly acidic, disruptive for the digestive tract. So there's many reasons. And I always tell my clients, well, last time I check your coffee, didn't have vitamin B three, six, nine amino acids running through it unless I'm wrong. So no, I used to be a coffee drinker, but I've found- Like crazy coffee drinker.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Crazy, like once or twice a day to those little coffee shops in the corner. Okay, last one. Chocolate cake. Dark chocolate anything. I keep dark chocolate morsels on my fridge, and I just open it up and sprinkle a little small handful. So good. And that subsides the craving. That does. Yeah. And I love that chocolate quinoa crunchy. I know that cereal. It's by one degree, you guys. We'll put it in the show notes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Love it. Is there anything before we go that you can just give like a couple tips of things that you have in your fridge that's something that they can go buy at Trader Joe's? You know what I really like? The farmhouse, and not something that's like overly tasty, but I love it for what it does for my digestive health. And I actually do like the taste of it. Some people think it's weird, but the farmhouse sauerkraut kind of. Yeah, it's like a kimchi kind of. Yeah, kind of kimchi, but you can put it on anything and then you get the benefits of the probiotics prebiotics. So that's always in my fridge farmhouse. You tell me you put that on your fitness bread a lot. I do. I do. And I do eat meat. I eat organic chicken and
Starting point is 00:57:56 turkey. I eat fish. So I'll put that, you know, on my bread with my protein. It just has, I don't know. I like it. Yeah. It has a good little taste like a zing. Yes. Okay. I always have some type of spread. So usually that, um, cilantro lime one, I like majestic as far as hummus goes. It's a sprouted almond. Um, I just love it. I love majestic. Yeah. I know Lauren wanted to make that the last thing, but there was one question that I had and then I want to maybe end on a high note. It's kind of a two-parter. You've trained a lot of people for a long time. You've seen a lot of different people come in and out of your fitness programs. What would you say, I don't want to call it a failure because maybe that's the wrong way to say it, but what would you say
Starting point is 00:58:39 the main reason for clients to drop off? Is there a main reason for some of these people not to hit their fitness goals? Like what is, is there something they're doing or is it a lack of motivation? And then the part two of that is what have you seen for your clients that have stayed motivated and have improved a lot? Like what are the, what are the contrasts there that you see between these two? So what makes someone drop off? I don't want to say drop off. What makes somebody, somebody not, it's not fail, but not hit their fitness goals like where they like maybe they get demoralized and they quit or they stop showing up or they start working out and then you know you see them a little later and they're not in such great shape yeah compared to somebody who you've seen kind of
Starting point is 00:59:17 skyrocket and really hit goals and really get in good shape what is that what are the two comparative differences there I think the main thing is want. They want the change. They like almost desperately like, so when you want something so badly, when you want to change, when you want to get healthier, fitter, or when it's important to you,
Starting point is 00:59:37 when you put it at the top of your list, you'll work your week around it or you'll work your appointments around it. People that are kind of half in from the beginning, I find just, you know, I try to motivate as much as I can, but it's in their mind. So it's their mindset. And it's perplexing to me because I feel like when you do get going on a rhythm, it always blows my mind when people don't start because of the endorphins and because of how you feel and the results that you're seeing and the energy. I feel like when I'm with you guys or clients, like you give me energy,
Starting point is 01:00:09 I give you energy and there's this ball of energy and then we leave with it and we go on throughout our day and do our lives. But that energy is still there with us and we feel so good. So I feel like it might be something personally happening in their life that's stopping them and whether it's in their mind or or you know and family issues business issues i don't know but i feel like if you can just stay consistent and put that effort in and find a group or find a trainer or find a class that you're like this person's so great they make they should make you feel rock star awesome at the end of the day whoever it is you're they should make you feel rock star awesome at the end of the day. Whoever it is, you're training. They should make you feel like Apollo Creed made Rocky Balboa. Boom. You need to feel like you've left that workout, left that room,
Starting point is 01:00:53 and you are on top of the world and you can do anything. And if you're going to a workout that you're leaving going, eh, change, change it up, find something different, try a new instructor, go to another studio, do an at home workout. I like I'm going to go back to I think some type of small group environment would be good. Sometime the individuals individual stuff's okay. But the small group is more motivating, especially if you're struggling with that in your head or showing up or you know, getting those results, put yourself around people that make you feel good and you want to be around.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I think that is an amazing way to end. Um, Kim, thank you so much for being on the podcast. Where can everyone find you or email you if they want to contact you with questions? But be wary because if you train with her, you are in for some tough time. I feel sorry for you. In a good way. When people come up to us on the beach when we're working on this, hey, do you have a card? I'm like, oh, man, you don't know what you're getting into.
Starting point is 01:01:53 But no, in the best way, though. Thank you. You can sign up. I have an email list if you go to Okay. And if someone wants to email you, where can they find you? Through that as well. Okay, they can find you on your site.
Starting point is 01:02:10 And what's your Instagram handle? Kimlly fit kim kelly fit and we'll include all this in the show notes guys thank you so much for being here we're gonna have you on again definitely and get even more down i love it thank you guys so much and i'll be frog leaping until now go hold a plank thanks thanks guys this episode was brought to you by Canapet, the all-natural CBD pet supplement for pets. Canapet helps pets with arthritis, anxiety, and helps to promote longevity. If you missed the beginning of the episode, Canapet is offering all TSC listeners 50% off when you use the promo code PIXIE at checkout. That's, promo code PIXIE.

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