The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - #9: Psycho Ex's, Public Speaking, How to be productive and get stuff done, launching a business while you have a job

Episode Date: May 4, 2016

In this episode we talk about launching fast. Psycho ex's. Improving public speaking. How to be productive and launching a business while working a traditional job. To learn more about The Skinny Conf...idential visit the site HERE To connect with Lauryn click HERE To connect with Michael click HERE

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and just like that we are back with the skinny confidential him and her podcast we've got me lauren everett's from the skinny confidential and michael bostick my fiance jordan over here to my right and taylor the bare naked cucumber on the sound um really important first things first that you subscribe to the podcast on itunes and leave us five stars and a review would be much appreciated and if it's going to be a bad review make sure you leave your first and last name so that we can make sure you are not a disgusting bridge troll michael come on oh we're gonna start like that i can't with you it's been a long day you guys can you tell actually it's been a long day, you guys. Can you tell? Actually, it's been a long week,
Starting point is 00:00:45 and it's only Tuesday. So let's hop right into it. First of all, Taylor has gotten some amazing feedback on his bare naked cucumber. He's getting private messages. People are reaching out, asking to see the bare naked cucumber. I feel like we should make it a hashtag. He's never had before. Hashtag bare naked cucumber is our new question. If you want to send a question. I was walking down the street and some girl asked if she could see it. It was awkward. No, she didn't.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Oh, my God. I already can't with you guys. It's going to be a long show today, you guys. I just, I can't. Okay, so let's talk about the weekend. First, let's hear about your weekend, Jordan, because we certainly saw it on Snapchat and it was looking wild. Jordan was pretty nervous. She's like, does my voice sound scratchy? Because she
Starting point is 00:01:29 was not feeling too hot. I was singing the Carrie Underwood pretty intensely and I'm just getting my voice back. But here, Stagecoach was a blast. If you've never been, I recommend going. There's great barbecue and great music. I gotta be honest, when I heard about Stagecoach, I thought to myself, oh my god, that sounds like my worst nightmare. Country music and Carrie Underwood, but then I saw you guys on Snapchat and looked like you were having a lot of fun. Nico was frolicking around in the pool, spraying champagne. Nico's her boyfriend. Yeah, and also our lawyer. Shout out to Nico at In Becerra Law, if you are in a jam. Yeah. No, so it looked like a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:02:09 It is fun. I mean, the house is the best part. Like, we get pretty crazy. We made some jello shots and, like, did a little throwback to high school and college years. But it was really fun. Yeah, high school. I'm going to be talking about last weekend. How many times did you black out?
Starting point is 00:02:22 I don't black out. I try to keep it pretty PG. PG, please. But I definitely enjoyed a few jello shots, and it was very fun. Yeah, it looked fun. So we kind of did a pool day on Saturday. We made skinny margaritas by the pool with Weston, who's in the other room hiding. Weston works with Michael and I in the office, and he came over and we did margaritas and guacamole,
Starting point is 00:02:48 and Michael's dad made us these jalapeno burgers that he is, like, obsessed with. Like, literally you'll tell him your whole entire family was murdered, and he'll be like, well, what did you think of my jalapeno burger? Like, he's so intense about these burgers. It's like he thinks they're, like, gourmet. He kind of burnt them this time, though. Listen, my dad is a character. He's so intense about these burgers. He thinks they're gourmet. He kind of burnt them this time, though. Listen, my dad is a character.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I don't know if any of you see my Snapchat. He pops on there once in a while, and he's definitely a character. He literally just puts all the bacon burgers up in a second. As he gets a little older, he reveals more and more. I just learned that he now likes to lay naked out by the pool. Me and my sister and Lauren, we pop in there every once in a while. I said, listen, guy, you're going to be doing that. Make sure I don't pop into the pool and find you out there. Yeah, you don't want to pop in at the wrong moment at our parents' house.
Starting point is 00:03:36 So my dad's absurd. We go, and I said, look, we're going to have a couple people over. I like visiting their place because it's nice and peaceful. And we get there, and he wants to cook burgers. And we don't have tomatoes or the hamburger meat or anything. Wait, pause. You can't cook anything at your dad's house if you don't have all the right ingredients. And it can't be just a tomato. It has to be a certain tomato from a certain market.
Starting point is 00:03:56 So just like pre-baked that. I'm excited to tell this story with Jordan here because she doesn't know the story and she wasn't there. So I get to the house and I'm all ready to settle in and lay by the pool and relax and get one day off without work. Me and Lauren are checked out. Weston's there. Our buddies Rock and Dante came over. You're ready to relax. I'm ready to relax.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And, of course, my dad goes into full meltdown mode because we don't have any of the supplies. He refuses to let me get the tomatoes from where I was getting the hamburger meat. He sends me in three different directions and then not until i argued with him i said i don't want to go we get into this huge thing and i'm like listen this guy's having me over at his house i don't want to piss him off i want to get him the right tomatoes so i say fine fine dad i go fine guy i'm gonna go i'm gonna get the tomatoes he goes okay so i get to the i get to the grocery store the
Starting point is 00:04:41 guy doesn't trust me that i went to the right place. He makes me put the grocer, the guy in the produce section, on the phone. This is true, you guys. We can't make this up. He makes me find the produce guy and literally put him on the cell phone with him. So I get there, and of course, of course, they're out of the heirloom tomatoes. They're out of season. So the grocer, the guy in the produce section, I literally, I was like, listen, I know this is really strange. I need to put you on the phone with my dad.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And I need you to tell my dad that they're out of season. Because if I show up again without the tomatoes, he's never going to believe me. He already got a whole thing about it. So this poor guy is like, god damn it. He's working. He doesn't want to be on the phone. It's Saturday. He's wrestling with the fruit cartons.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And next thing he knows, he's talking to my dad. And my dad is screaming in his ear about tomatoes. His dad is so loud, you guys. He's literally the the fruit cartons. And next thing he knows, he's talking to my dad. And my dad is screaming in his ear about tomatoes. Wait, his dad is so loud, you guys. He's literally the loudest person I've ever met. He's not screaming because he's angry. He's screaming because he couldn't hear him so well. So this grocer, I'm sitting there. I'm in the middle of the store.
Starting point is 00:05:36 The grocer's holding the phone six feet away from his head in fear of ripping his eardrum out. And so finally I get my eye. I go, listen, I told you. I promise they're not here. So he goes, okay, just forget the tomatoes. they weren't a big deal anyway classic gb so then he gets on the grill he's had he's like three margaritas deep he gets on the grill and makes his jalapeno burgers that he talks about like from 6 a.m to 6 p.m every day and he burns them well he burns them no he burned them and your mom was so pissed and
Starting point is 00:06:05 over him so we all like we're looking forward to these burgers that he talks about like every second and they're burnt yeah so he's sitting there eating these burgers and he's going on some rant about why he's like david hasselhoff like he's eating the burgers and he's going on a rant about why he doesn't like a wet swimming suit on his body when he's out by the pool which is why you know he may go in there naked and so like, you know, this is just a little too much. I've had enough. And then he, you know, I mean, I'm not mad about Susan seniors, um, you know, snap material. I get great snap material out of it. So I mean, I'm good with it, but I did hear a couple of stories that I don't know that I was supposed to hear. Have you ever heard a story of
Starting point is 00:06:42 someone sending someone to the grocery store and making them get the grocer on the phone about a tomato? Yeah, your dad. It's so your dad. Every time he sends me to the store, he's like, put the guy in the meat department on. I want to see what they have. The guys, like, know him at the checkout line. Like, I'm not even joking. He knows, like, all their names. I feel like he spends more time at the grocery store than he spends at your house.
Starting point is 00:07:00 That might be true. Literally every time. And he loves Costco. I mean, we could go on and on for hours about Gary and Costco and grocery stores. If anyone from Costco is listening and you want your number one spokesman, you need to hire my dad. I call him Garibar. His name's Gary, but I make this name Garibar
Starting point is 00:07:16 and so he loves his name. Sometimes I call him Susan, too, when he's not looking. But, yeah, if you guys want to hear grocery tips, maybe one time I'll have him on the Skinny and Confidential and he can, like like share where he gets each of his things because he's very specific okay um so i am doing like a very strict summer tone up plan um i'm doing like you know a lot of protein um a lot of low carb, just not that fun. Nothing fun, actually.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So I'm kind of hangry. Kind of is an understatement. Yeah. No, I'm not like hungry. Like I'm full, but I would love a good piece of sourdough with like some Kerrygold butter. I'm not going to lie. So anyways, I'm doing, I'm being really like regimed. I'm, you know, eating my chicken last night with my broccoli and my lemon and having like sparkling water.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And Michael walks in and immediately he has like this guilty look on his face. And when you're hangry, your senses are like very strong. I don't know if it was so much guilt as no you're not wanting to get my head bitten off so i'm like where were you you're late like we we left the office at the same time like what's going on and i see peeking behind his back like the smallest piece of an in and out cup it wasn't even a bag it was the cup he. He didn't think I would notice. I feel like it was a water cup or was that Coke? No, it was Coca-Cola. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And I almost bit his head off and ate it for dinner. How could he go to In-N-Out when I have to sit there with plain chicken and broccoli and lemon? No, but you know what is the worst part? And you should maybe feel bad for me in this situation. I didn't want to get caught with the In-N-Out, right? But I knew that I had to get home. And I knew that there was like, we left the office at around the same time. So you're gonna be like, where the hell did this guy go? You know? So I swooped into the In-N-Out drive through, I grabbed my double double animal style.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And you must have shoved it down your throat. That's what I'm saying. It's a sad story. Because I was literally driving down the freeway with one hand slamming a burger down my throat with sauce all over my face. How could you do that to me though? I didn't mean to do it to you. I just forgot to get rid of the cup because I was still thirsty. I needed a nice ice cold Coca-Cola to wash it down. Well, if you guys are interested in toning up, I'm going to put the plan on the bombshell body guide. It's super easy. It's, you know, like I said, high protein, high fat and low carb. But hopefully it'll tighten up my ass for summer. Is it looking tighter? It's looking pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Looking pretty tight? Pretty, pretty tight. Thanks, Tay. Ew. All right. Wes, is it looking tight? Wes gave me a thumbs up. Wes goes mute when we go on this because he gets embarrassed. So I'm excited lately. We've been getting, finally, finally, we've been getting some pretty good feedback on the show. My whole theories of launching fast and throwing it out there are coming true. Lauren is finally looking at me. She's becoming happy with the product. Lauren is a perfectionist and doesn't like doing things half-assed. Listen, guys, I've been talking about it since the beginning and if you've seen my Snapchats, I believe that you need to launch a product fast.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You need to get out there in front of consumers. You need to get the feedback and you need to adjust from there. We definitely launched with a raw product out of our house. Raw is right.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Raw is right, yeah. Raw is right. Without the best sound equipment and we really take it. By raw, we mean echoing and dog barking. and stab myself because it wasn't perfect.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But you know, some really exciting things are starting to happen because of it. We're getting some good feedback. The sound quality is better. We're having fun with it. We're having fun. We've kind of got a rhythm going, you know, and so we're excited. But my whole point is, if you're thinking about launching a business or launching anything,
Starting point is 00:10:59 don't be scared to launch it fast with not a picture-perfect product. Get it out there and get some feedback and adjust. Lauren, what do you think? Now that you've seen the results of getting something out there like this, what do you think? Do you agree with me or do you still disagree? Ideally, I would like to launch with a perfect product. It's just my personality.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I do think there's a medium between what you're saying and what I'm saying, but I will say that we're making some moves with this podcast that we wouldn't be making had we not launched. So I definitely see your point. But, yeah, I think that it's good that we did what we did. But that doesn't mean I didn't want to stab my eyeballs out when it wasn't perfect. I read a quote the other day in this book I read. It said, if you're not embarrassed by your first product, then you launched too late.
Starting point is 00:11:40 What do you think about that? I'm always late. So, you know, I don't know what to say about that i just found an instagram that i'm going to post with you later oh great i can't wait it's a it's a guy sitting in a car outside dead as a skeleton saying are you almost ready weston's getting so mad because he's not getting photo cred yeah he got photo cred so yeah it's a guy that's literally a dead skeleton in a truck and the girl says i'm almost ready okay well why don't you just accept that that's how women are and get off my back about it?
Starting point is 00:12:08 We've been together for so long and he still doesn't realize that you're supposed to tell me a half an hour before. So if I'm supposed to be there at 5, tell me 4.30. It's not that hard. I don't understand. I lie to Lauren all the time. Everyone lies besides you. It's so weird. I tell her I'm pulling in when I'm literally leaving my house 20 minutes away.
Starting point is 00:12:27 That's true. She does do that. Remember when you picked me up in an Uber to go to Pilates and you were like, I feel like you said, oh yeah, and like I'm just pulling up and like, I don't know, it's perfect timing. Okay. Anyways, let's get into the show. We've got four questions today.
Starting point is 00:12:41 A little bit of biz, a little bit of fun, a little bit of psychoness. I'll go ahead and let Jordan ask the first question. Okay, the first question is from Libby D. And she asks, my ex is legit psycho. He's doing things straight out of Fatal Attraction. Have you guys ever had to deal with a crazy ex? Help, please caps by the way oh boy oh boy oh boy well well well haven't you had to deal with some psychos um i may still be dealing with one yeah well i'm psycho don't forget it like i'm i'm crazy i don't know why don't you why don't you tell the first story i'll be surprised if you can top some of mine but about my psycho exes what does she want she wants to know some stories and then she wants to know
Starting point is 00:13:25 no let's let's tell a couple stories first and then we'll like round it out um okay so i mean i've had i've had like boring ones like letters on cars like guys waiting outside when i was in school for me um yeah all the normal ones yeah just like it's like the normal ones um i feel like you should tell yours because they really taught mine well without getting into too much detail but here's her name i had a girl um bite through a wine glass no it's not the story like you can't what do you mean you can't just bite through a wine glass like okay long story short we were seeing each other then we weren't what does seeing each other mean seeing each other you know Like seeing each other or seeing each other?
Starting point is 00:14:05 Like seeing, I saw her a couple times. Going steady. I don't know how to say it. Oh my God, is that what you call it? Going steady? Listen, guys, don't hold this against me. We're talking like college years here, so it's been a long time. And if I was single now, I wouldn't even know what to do.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I'd probably just sit there with a blank stare. I'm in a relationship now for eight years, so I'm pretty much dead to the single. If you were single, you'd be dead. Yeah, I'm pretty much done to the single world. But anyways, we're seeing each other. Then we weren't. I was the type of personality where, like, a lot of guys. Weston's crying laughing because he went to college with Michael.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I was really, really into something. And then I just wouldn't be in it. And I always thought there was something wrong with me. I kind of did a post about this on Lauren's site. But I just realized that, you know, I don't know. I just wasn't that into it. Okay, so get with the story. So I was into it, hot and heavy real quick, and then I was done.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I was over it. And I guess I probably didn't handle that the best way. Girls don't like to just be told, hey, I'm done. They want a much deeper explanation. No, you don't say. So I probably could have handled it a little better. Probably. Long story short, I was sitting in my apartment one day,
Starting point is 00:15:03 and she busted in, and I won't say who, and she was drinking wine, and we were all in a community. What do you mean a community? Well, she was sitting there, and I was like, look, it's over, and she started drinking the wine, and next thing I know, the wine glass was broken, and she was chewing the glass, and the blood was dripping out of her mouth. Well, that's a surefire way to not get you back. That's like some vampire shit right there.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Why would she eat glass? I don't know, but... Was she really eating it? Like, show me like she... To not get you back? Jordan is looking at me... That's like some vampire shit right there. Why would she eat glass? I don't know, but... Was she really eating it? Like, show me what she was doing. Well, not eating it, but it was just like she bit into it and ripped her mouth open. I kind of remembered that she was eating it. She probably just cut her mouth and spit it out, but... Was she trying to scare you?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Because that's terrifying. Well, I don't know if she was trying, but she sure did. Did you date her again? No, I didn't. One time, a girl hit me with a Jetta. Another girl. Yeah. Clipped me in the back of the't. One time a girl hit me with a Jetta. Another girl. Yeah, clipped me in the back of the legs. Took me right out.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I kind of deserve that one. You won't get into why. Have I done anything psycho to you? I feel like I'm, like, I mean, I tell you. I mean, not in those leagues. You haven't hit me with your car yet. I would hit you with my car, though, if you did something that really pissed me off. Okay, but, like, the question, so how do you mean what did you what did you do to deal with it um what do you do to deal with it i don't know i mean
Starting point is 00:16:11 michael ran away i ran away i cowered and ran here's the thing the problem with psycho exes is that the more you ignore them the worse it is. And I have experience with someone that will not be named that I dated for a long time, that the more I ignored him, he became even more like obsessed. So if you're going to ignore them, just know that. I would continue to ignore even though it makes them worse and like let them go off and be psycho I I've known girls that have to get restraining orders because it got so bad hopefully it doesn't get that bad for you but I guess my my thing would be to just wipe them from your life and ignore them and delete their number and just push them away completely yeah I think looking back on it I probably would have given a better explanation maybe Maybe I didn't give the best explanation. I don't know. Of your psychoness? No, not of, I don't, I'm not psycho. Oh, to the
Starting point is 00:17:10 girl. So maybe she didn't know. Oh, I see what you're saying. You're saying that you would have given a better explanation to the psycho. Yeah, but you know what? I was 20 something years old or 18 years old. You know, I don't know what to do. I just thought like, you know, kids, when you're done, you're done. But I guess, you know, I don't really have a good answer for this because I haven't been single for so long that I don't even know what to do about this. I know for sure I didn't handle it very well in the past considering I got hit by a car.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Taylor, have you had any psycho exes? Unfortunately, I don't think so. Unfortunately? What do you mean, unfortunately? Well, I don't know. I've always felt like hearing these stories, I kind of idolize it as going, wow, I would have liked to just been in that situation and let some girl obsess over me.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And Taylor's a psycho. Calling all glass chewers and car runner-overs, Taylor is looking for you and ready to have you get psycho on him. Yeah. Yeah, I would say don't give the psycho any ammunition because they just get worse. Just ignore, ignore, ignore. Yeah, and maybe looking back, if I could give some practical advice,
Starting point is 00:18:10 be upfront with somebody, give them a reason as to why you're breaking up. Don't leave them any wiggle room. I mean, some are just like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction, though. They just don't stop. Yeah. Hopefully they'll get the point. And the worst is, though, I feel like now with social media like can you imagine you having social media in college can you imagine like just imagine that weston imagine you guys all have social media and
Starting point is 00:18:34 there's probably some people that know me from college listen to this and be like oh imagine if that motherfucker had social media if you have people from your college that are listening to this that dated you, then they're still psychos. So, anyways. Watch your back in the parking lot. Let's move into the next question. Okay, the next question is from Frank, and he asks, You guys seem like you get a lot done. How do you make time for work, working out, and still find time to have a life?
Starting point is 00:19:04 It feels impossible. Well, Frank, I don't have a life news flash um it's hard i mean how do i have time to have a life i i you have to schedule everything um and i've learned that the hard way you literally have to schedule from the second you get up to the second you go to bed um and you have to also learn to delegate um i always find time to work out and you don't i do i don't listen i prioritize a lot of things and i should probably prioritize working out more i've consistently worked out you should probably prioritize like um oil on your forehead too you gotta put some oil on your forehead i've consistently worked out my whole life so i feel like i can pick it back up pretty good. I'm not one of those people
Starting point is 00:19:47 that likes working out. A lot of people feel like they get a release or they get a rush. I know it's something I have to do, so I do it, but I honestly hate working out. I really don't like it. I've done it my whole life. I don't like it. It's boring. No one likes working out. No one's like, oh yippee, I get to go work out. Let me rephrase it. There's a lot of people
Starting point is 00:20:03 that don't like working out. It's but and so they they don't they feel weird when saying that they're like oh like how can you say you don't like working out or like working out sucks or it's more like working out does suck it's boring there's it's repetitive there's it's mine it's mindless you know i mean like i'm somebody that likes to be fully engaged and like use my mind a lot so i get bored just clanking weights around or running on a treadmill. Do what I do. I'm listening to podcasts every time I work out now. So I'm listening to TED Talks and other podcasts so I can be doing two things at once since I'm such a multitasker and it's really helping me work out. I actually look forward to it now. So what I will say though is I'm a disciplined person so I do work out and to answer this
Starting point is 00:20:40 question about how I find time for work and working out and have a life. This is an easy one for me. I talk about this all the time. I literally schedule out every single hour of my day. I've showed people on Snapchat. I've showed Lauren at multiple times. She doesn't seem to want to listen to me sometimes. No, I'm learning. I'm learning. I'm trying to learn. What I think would help Lauren, what I think would help Jordan, what I think would help everybody is you really need to schedule out your time. And when you're, say you schedule a time to do emails, maybe from eight o'clock in the morning till nine o'clock in the morning. During that time, you should not be doing anything but your emails. You should not be returning phone calls. You should not be talking to coworkers. You should not be looking on social media. I promise you
Starting point is 00:21:22 that if you do that and dedicate your full attention to whatever task it is at hand, you will get it done a lot faster and more efficiently. What do you think? I do agree with you. I think time blocking is amazing, but as a woman, and you can attest to this, multitasking is like ingrained in us. Well, first of all, multitasking doesn't exist. Oh, here we go. Oh my gosh. Do we really want to go off on this tangent? Frank was just asking a measly question. No, no, I'm not going to go more on that. So I'm just saying multitasking as a actual concept does not exist. It's, it exists, but it's a bad, it's, it's, it exists in a bad space. The human brain can only process so many complex tasks at one time. So multitasking is actually inefficient. If you're a man. No. If you're a man.
Starting point is 00:22:05 No, if you're a man and a woman. I'm just kidding. But I think that's an excuse, like you make an excuse for yourself. No, I'm not making an excuse. I just have trouble doing one thing at once. I can't help it. I think it's the opposite. I think you have trouble... Doing a lot of things at once. Doing a lot of things at once, and you don't want to admit that. You're scared to just do one thing at once. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's hard to do one thing at once. Don't you feel like that? Especially with our business. I feel like I totally get the most done when I'm not multitasking, and I just lock myself in a room and just power through it. But I like to multitask when I'm doing mindless things.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I'll talk on the phone and catch up with a friend while I'm cleaning or something. That kind of multitasking, totally fine. Yeah, that's fine. This is more for complex tasks. Yeah, I'm trying to learn to time block. I would recommend everyone getting one of those time block cubes. I'll do a post on it.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's really, really, really helped me. I got it off Amazon, and it looks like a dice. I think it's important for people to understand that you know part of your day really should go towards scheduling planning i know that's weird that's weird like people don't think about that like okay i saw michael last night we're in bed what are you checking honey go ahead michael last night we're in bed and he whips out his phone it's like 10 o'clock at night I'm watching housewives and he starts scheduling tomorrow and he's scheduling down to when we're having dinner at the house or when you're sneaking in and out in and um it was it was like amazing I was like what are you doing he says he's he's time blocking each each hour of the
Starting point is 00:23:44 day each you you do like 10 minutes at's time blocking each each hour of the day each you you do like 10 minutes at a time i feel like yeah no i schedule i'll schedule 15 minute intervals even for reading i'll schedule 10 minute intervals for breaks don't you also schedule when you're gonna schedule yeah i have it scheduled tonight to schedule between 9 and 9 30 to schedule a whole day for tomorrow oh i scheduled sex at that time. Is that gonna, I had the calendar. I might have to rearrange some things. Okay. I'll schedule it from 9 31 to 9 32. Um, okay. I hope that answers your question, Frank. Get a time cube. It will help. Okay. What's next? Nina Morrison asks, do you and Michael have any tips regarding public speaking and effectively conveying your ideas to an audience without getting too nervous?
Starting point is 00:24:29 I think you can answer this question a lot better. Lauren just recently did some public speaking, and I know she was really nervous about it before she did, and she went into it and absolutely crushed it, and I think she has a different perspective on it now. Okay, here's the thing, you guys. I spoke in public, and I don't know what was wrong with me, but I was so, so nervous to the point where it was pathetic. I thought I was going to just really tried to come prepared. I wrote out all my notes on note cards and just, like, planned a strategy. And when I got up there, it was surprisingly a lot more easy to speak in front of an audience than I had anticipated. And I had a couple sips of champagne before, I'm not going to lie. And it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. And I actually ended up loving it. But I will tell you, before I got on stage, and you both saw me, I was a full-blown mess.
Starting point is 00:25:29 But what was, so like, what was your... I don't know. I all of a sudden, at this age, got like a complex. I'm so used to being behind the computer and typing and talking through Instagram and through Snapchat that being on stage gave me all of a sudden this rush of anxiety that I had never had. So what was your, like, what was the thing that turned it? Like, how did you end up conquering that fear and how did you end up doing, like, you did really, really well. I was there, I was actually nervous for you before you went up. I thought I was filming the whole thing on
Starting point is 00:25:57 Snapchat. What did you think I was going to do? I didn't know. I was just nervous that you were nervous. I was trying to act like there was no big deal, like you're going to crush it, but you did. You were nervous? You didn't tell me you were nervous. I was nervous that you were nervous. I was trying to act like there was no big deal, like you're going to crush it, but you did. You were nervous? Well, I was nervous. You didn't tell me you were nervous. I was nervous that you were going to fuck it up. What if I did? Well, then I would just be like, I would creep out the back door. Would you really have? No, no, no. No, Michael was texting me the whole time, like, I'm so nervous for Lauren, but I know she's going to do great. Like, you are cute. Yeah, don't, you know, don't, don't hurt my heart exterior. Um, I was nervous for you, but so I was wondering, like, you got up there, and it was almost like it was a different person,
Starting point is 00:26:29 or it was the person that I know. You weren't nervous at all. So, like, what can we tell this person that helped you conquer that fear? I would say that I made note cards, and I went over it, but I didn't memorize. I think that's where the – and I practiced for Jordan. It wasn't memorized. It was just we had a conversation, and I spoke in front it wasn't memorized it was just we had a conversation and I spoke in front of her and it was really comfortable don't memorize anything because if you memorize
Starting point is 00:26:50 that's more pressure than already like the speech so I went up there and I just winged it but I also had like an outline of what I was going to say so it just kind of intertwined and I'm telling you once you're up there and once you're in front of the audience it is so much easier um and it helps if you know the topic like they were asking you about blogging and you're a blogger you've been doing this for how long now so it's your profession you know what you're talking exactly and when you know when you're what you're talking about it's a lot easier I mean next time I feel like we should bring Weston in on this question because Weston is a great let's not even get into that but you know what's funny is that Jordan brings that up.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's the whole time when you were acting like you were so nervous about public speaking, I kept saying to you, I'm like, hey, it's not like they're asking you questions about bioengineering or how to build a steamship. They're asking you about shit you do every single day. I know, but that was even more intimidating for some reason because people want value when they're coming to a speech like that about something that you do every day. So don't know why but it was just intense pressure and listen you guys I have I've been on stage I've I've done the whole like acting ballet tap
Starting point is 00:27:55 dance routine that everyone in the world has done I've been I've been like in front of people it's not like I've never done it but for some reason talking about my profession that I care so much about that I'm so passionate about um and making sure that that came through to the audience was so important to me that it was like almost debilitating to get out there you know well like in this I'm not going to harp on this too much it comes down to like not being bullshit and authenticity and knowing what you're talking about I think if you go into any public speaking engagement or any conversation you actually know what you're talking about you're bullshit, you'll do fine because you're going to be like, oh, I do this shit every day and I talk about this every day.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So if you had to give like a speech on chihuahuas, you would be fine? Oh my God, I could give a Pulitzer Prize winning speech. Really? Wow, confidence. What else surprisingly has helped me, which is non-traditional and I think that you didn't have this tool years ago, and I swear swear to god I'm not joking I'm not lying at all is snapchat snapchat this is the third plug you've done on your snapchat I won't even plug my name Michael Watson but I swear to god I'm not joking I was talking to Weston about this the other day and I said honestly since I've got snapchat and I've started filming videos and then pressing my story and sending it out
Starting point is 00:29:05 there to all these people. I have gotten way more comfortable on camera. I've gotten way more comfortable public speaking. I've got way more comfortable with myself. I really think it's a really good place to practice and it's a safe place to practice because you kind of control a little bit what you put out there. No, someone told me I look paste. I looked pasty the other day when I was talking. Yeah, people say shit to me all the time. But the point is, you can consistently talk as yourself on Snapchat and then have the confidence
Starting point is 00:29:33 to not send it to your friends, but put it to my story for anyone to see. It really is a confidence builder. And I think that if you're sitting there and you're like, I don't have a tool to practice public speaking, honestly, try practicing on Snapchat for a few days and tell me what you think, because I really do think it's a really helpful tool. That's a good tip. Good advice, honey. You're full of them today. Okay, what's the next question? Last and final. Last question is from Simon,
Starting point is 00:29:57 and he asks, what do you do when you want to start a business but don't have any money and you have a family to support? I have three children and i'm scared to take the risk do you want me to go or do you want to go you can go okay uh simon you know i get these questions a lot on my snapchat and i hear these a lot like again this is going to sound harsh but people are always looking for excuses of why they can't do something i don't have children, so I'm not going to pretend like I understand what it is, but I do have financial responsibilities and I take risks all the time, seven days a week, 365. And what I would say is, look, if you have a stable job right now and you are supporting your family, that's great. But what are you doing between
Starting point is 00:30:40 the hours of seven till two in the morning? Well, he's probably sleeping. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. Simon, you need to get your ass up out of bed. Oh my God, Michael. No, I'm being serious. You need to get up out of bed. There's plenty of ways that, like yesterday, for example, I built a, I don't build websites, but I'm working on a project with my buddies, and I built out my very first e-commerce site using Shopify. How long did it take? Honestly, it took me like four hours, but that's because I didn't know what I was doing. Okay, so four hours it took you to build a full-blown site. A full-blown functional site. I mean, yes, it's not perfect.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It did look good, I thought. It's not perfect. It looks good. You know, you could probably make some tweaks here and there. It ended up costing me. I ended up buying the theme on Shopify, and this is a good Shopify plug, for like $120,
Starting point is 00:31:19 and I bought a couple widgets for maybe $10 a month. So I'm probably in the project, like $150. Simon, if you don't have that money, you can also go on That's a site that Lauren's blog uses. I love Taylor and I have some web properties. Taylor uses WordPress. Jordan's used WordPress. Taylor watches porn on WordPress. No, he doesn't. It's another free website service. You can get out there. You can create your own website free of charge. I mean, it's a good place to start starting any business. Everything is heading towards online.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And then you can work on this stuff slowly but surely along the way. You can launch slow. You don't need to go balls to the walls out the gate. Or you can launch fast. Let me tell you something. I launched this podcast with, or we launched this podcast. Lauren's looking at me like. Like I'm going to stab him.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah. Okay. We launched this podcast with a couple hundred bucks in equipment. Really? Like it doesn't take a lot to get something together. It's 2016. Technology exists. The internet exists.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Like you can do a lot more outside of your job now. Also start a podcast. Take, take an hour and tell us about your three kids, Simon. Tell us what it's like to have three kids and a family and do a podcast about families. Start a blog. Take an hour a day. Spend an hour a day on your blog, seven days a week. There's so much you can do with social media and the internet. There's actually no excuse for you not to do something productive every single day towards a larger goal. I am a big fan, and I will keep saying this until I'm blue in the face,
Starting point is 00:32:50 at chipping away every single day, even if it's an hour, towards something that's a bigger picture goal. So say you're working a 9-to-5, you have three kids, you're completely overwhelmed. You can find one hour every day, seven days a week to work towards a bigger picture. Big success comes from tiny little things. That's how extraordinary success happens. Every single person that's successful says that. So my advice would be to take an hour a day, time block it with a cube, chip away, and you'll be good. No, but I mean, a lot of people think that in order to start something or do something, they need to quit their job and that's all that they can. I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:29 there are 24 hours in the day. There's plenty of resources online. There's, there's plenty of things you can do now to launch a business slowly. You don't need to go from home, from home, from home, little Johnny sitting on your lap, little Susie pulling at your apron. You can do it, right, honey? I don't know about Johnny and Susie, but yeah, I mean, I don't know. I'm harsh on people when they say that because I get that you have kids. I get that you have financial responsibilities. I get that you're busy. I get that you're tired, but so what?
Starting point is 00:33:57 I mean, honestly, so what? Business is not supposed to be easy. If you have an idea. You're like Cruella de Vil today. No, I mean, I think that people need a little bit of a wake up call. It's like, listen, you're going to go through your whole life. You have this great business idea and you're going to get to your deathbed. And if you hadn't tried it and you're sitting there, you're going to have a huge regret. So you might as well take a chance and do it. I mean, you know what? Honestly,
Starting point is 00:34:20 your kids can live on a little less. You can live on a little less. You can struggle for a while. You can try something. And guess what? Worst case scenario, you go back to exactly what you're doing right now, which is your job. But you might as well get out there and take a chance. I mean, money is fleeting. It comes and goes. Really, it does. And people figure out life.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Okay, guys. That is it. We talked about some major realness today, including public speaking, psychos, time blocking, and taking risks. If you want to hear your question answered on the Ask Him and Her podcast, just use the hashtag Ask Him and Her on Twitter or Instagram. Make sure to subscribe on iTunes. Leave us a five-star rating, and we will see you next week. Yeah, and you know what else I think I'm going to do? I think I'm actually going to create an email called podcast at the skinny confidential dot com where they can send questions in there because a lot of people want to email their
Starting point is 00:35:08 questions in. You do that. You do that. Okay. All right. Jordan, can you get that? All right. I'll be right on that.
Starting point is 00:35:14 All right. And we're done.

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