The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - Bryony Deery Pt. 2 - Health, Wellness, Diet, Beauty, Skincare, & Hacks

Episode Date: May 10, 2024

#698: On today's episode Lauryn and Bryony Deery are solo to discuss all things health, wellness, diet, beauty, and wellness. This is Bryony's second appearace in a short period on the show. Be sure t...o tune in to her first appearance to get her full story and backaground.    To connect with Lauryn Bosstick click HERE To connect with Michael Bosstick click HERE Read More on The Skinny Confidential HERE To Watch the Show click HERE For Detailed Show Notes visit TSCPODCAST.COM To Call the Him & Her Hotline call: 1-833-SKINNYS (754-6697) This episode is brought to you by The Skinny Confidential    Produced by Dear Media

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following podcast is a Dear Media production. She's a lifestyle blogger extraordinaire. Fantastic. And he's a serial entrepreneur. A very smart cookie. And now Lauren Everts and Michael Bostic are bringing you along for the ride. Get ready for some major realness. Welcome to The Skinny Confidential, him and her. If you don't, don't. I think it's about, we all just need to chill out and stop being so extreme and do this.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And if you do this, you know, TikTok and Instagram has become like that. So I think we all just need to just give ourself a bit of permission. We had such good response from your podcast. People just fell in love with you. Well, I'm shocked. I don't feel like I got the essence of your beauty and wellness, health, diet routine because you have such a story that I felt like I wanted to save it for a separate episode. Well, thank you for saying that.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I feel like you helped me out a lot on that podcast. So thank you. If you guys have not listened and you need more context of Bryony, go back and listen. So I think just to start this off, I'm going to ask you what the weirdest shit you've come across lately when it comes to these categories? Like what's something so weird that you're doing right now? I had this crazy acupuncture facial the other day, which I posted. I had like a hundred needles in my face. That was pretty wild for me considering I'm scared of needles, but I'm seeing this salmon semen everywhere, which I've never tried. But I mean mean I will seriously try anything if you told me to like hit my head on that wall and it would make me look a year younger I'd try it I'm the same way
Starting point is 00:02:14 I'm like if Taylor's fecal matter is gonna make my under eyes go away put it on put it on the salmon semen facial works really oh my god it works it's I think there's something in salmon semen that is really good for your skin combined with the micro needling and I guess it's super popular in Korea it's like not a big deal but when I posted that I got a salmon semen facial people were like you've lost the plot no I think I think that is just all what beauty is about just experiment i mean if anything anything beauty wise that they're doing in korea they're just so incredibly advanced with it i would try it the one thing i actually think is game changing for your skin is BBL and Moxie. Have you tried that? What's that? Tell us about that. So it is a combination of a laser and needling, but it basically resurfaces your skin. You shed like a snake and it is so good. I had the worst acne scarring and pigmentation and it basically has all gone. For someone like you to say you had the worst acne, super interesting because you are so
Starting point is 00:03:32 beautiful. And if you look at your Instagram, you're glowing and in person, it's the same thing, which is rare. I don't know what you're going to get in person. It's very much the same. So did you really have so much acne? Like you say that I've heard you say that before. I promise you I had the worst acne and it affected me so much. On a really deep level and confidence. I already was struggling with my confidence. Then I had acne. I remember I was working in, I was a secretary and I obviously was client facing and I was covered in spots. And the guy that worked in the post room, actually, he said to me, he was like, oh my God, like he was, he felt so bad for me. He's like, what happened to your face? As if I had a reaction to something,
Starting point is 00:04:23 but it was just my acne and like things like that would happen all the time and obviously that was years ago and it still stays with you so I really struggle with my skin and I went on Roaccutane twice and it didn't work for me I think that which is called something else it's called Accutane here. Accutane. Yeah. I think that you experienced then something similar to what I have, which is an identity crisis where you look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself. Yeah. I mean, I would call in sick for work. I would honestly like in the morning, this sounds so dark, but I would dread getting out of bed and looking in the mirror. I would like dread touching my face because I was like have I got a new spot today which is like just a gross thought like it's so triggering to
Starting point is 00:05:12 even like honestly I would I was living in this house share which I hated with two other girls and it was just a complete like chaos it was just. And I would wake up and then have a new spot every day. And I was just covered. It was like cystic. I think when looking back, I was so stressed out. And people at the time, I remember people would say like, you just have to fix what's going on inside and, you know, calm yourself down. And it's stress related. I honestly wanted to punch them in the face. I'm like, you don't understand. I it's stress related I honestly wanted to punch them in the face I'm like you don't understand I just have this I just have bad skin so I like became the girl that had bad skin but I honestly now and again you probably want to punch me in my face now
Starting point is 00:05:59 but I swear those people were right You have to calm your nervous system down and do whatever you can to really just calm things down and your skin will start to clear. I think that we become addicted to a narrative of who we are. Meaning you just said... You attach. Right. I'm the girl with bad skin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:24 But when you flip that and you say my skin's glowing I love my skin I'm glowing from the inside out and you start saying that to yourself that is a big piece of the puzzle it's so powerful and I think I I mean there's so many things that I did as well to my skin to help it. But actually, I tried so many different things at the time, like topical things, Roaccutane, all these different things. But actually, like you say, the one thing that helped the most was just de-stressing daily habits, rituals, whether it was breath work, sound baths, meditation, just doing whatever I could to just have a moment to just reset. That really helped. I actually met Barbara Stem. So she was a customer on my app. And this was so early on
Starting point is 00:07:14 when I launched. I was shocked that she was using my app. She got in touch with me, her and her daughter were doing using the app. And then said let's go for breakfast I'm like what the hell Barbara Sturm like oh my god I have I'm like the girl with bad skin why the hell does Barbara Sturm want to go for breakfast with me and anyway I still had a little bit of bad skin at the time but it wasn't and it was like I could hide it and it was under control and I remember she just told me I needed to really strip back my skincare and I still use her gentle cleanser to this day like morning and night I have the most simple basic routine and it has changed my skin what's your routine okay so I obviously use the skinny confidential ice roller every, which I do actually think
Starting point is 00:08:05 helps acne because it closes your pores. So I use a warm water, not hot. It has to be just warm. If you're using hot, I find that any areas of redness, like around my nose or it gets more red. So just warm in the morning to cleanse. And then I'll put my vitamins. So I use the Gentle Cleanser Barbara Stem. I have the Summer Fridays, the new eye serum, the jet lag. It's incredible. Love that. Incredible. Yeah, that's a good one. Really, really good. And then I will do the vitamin C serum from Summer Fridays.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Okay. Then I'll go to the ice roller and I'll just like my skin almost soaks up what I've just done because I'm close I'm like almost locking it down with the ice roller makes sense and then I will use your new sun cream I call it sun cream for the rest of your life so cute then I use your sun cream and that is literally my routine and sometimes if I need a bit of extra hydration, I will use a little bit of the jet lag mask, which I really like under my makeup. But I keep it.
Starting point is 00:09:13 It's literally that. It's so easy. That's that in the day. And then at nighttime, I will always double cleanse. Double double cleansing. I promise you, you hear it and you're like what difference is it gonna make it makes the world of difference also you have to wash your pillowcase a lot you have to wash your pillowcase your sheets in general but your pillowcase more and also don't
Starting point is 00:09:40 be washing your pillowcase with something that rhymes with schmied with chemicals all over your skin. Like wash your pillowcase with something that's unscented. I'm a big fan of like Molly Suds or Branch Basics. Like it's got to be something that's not filled with shit. You're so good at that stuff. I still need to. I could be a bit cleaner on my like household products, I think. But you're also in London
Starting point is 00:10:05 and the there's different I'm sure there's different chemicals here than in London do you know what I mean yeah totally I think there's different um what's it called restrictions and permissions and things but yeah so and then nighttime skin routine double cleanse eye serum and like a hyaluronic or a jet lag mask and then sometimes I'll do I have a gua sha that I'll use and I use your facial oil or I'll use the summer Fridays one I, it sounds like a Summer Friday skinny confidential ad. It's not. I'm just obsessed with both brands. I'm so happy. Yeah, genuinely. It's completely changed my skin. So those like really, and I was the girl that was using tretinoin, all these different acids doing all these things. And just, just my skin was like,
Starting point is 00:11:01 ah, like stop, calm down. And then I just stripped everything back and it has made such a difference I am getting eaten the fuck alive on TikTok right now I kind of love it it's like why are people so mad like how does something on TikTok because I said I don't like tretinoin and I don't like it because I think it's way too harsh on the skin. I think it looks amazing. But I think over time and over years, you're thinning your skin and it looks waxy. And there's something subconsciously that makes someone look older. Because if you think about it, if it looks better, the longer you use it, that means you've been using it for a long time, which signals to people that you're older. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yes, I know what you mean. Fuck, the TikTok gets so mad. Also, if it is, it does definitely for sure thin your skin, or at least it did when I was using it. And everyone's trying to have that youthful, plumpy skin. So I don't know. Maybe it works for some people. For me, it didn't. It was too strong on my skin.
Starting point is 00:12:10 But at the time I was trying everything. And now you're going to get eaten alive with me. I know. I'm right there with you. Listen, do what you want to do. No man alone. I just don't want to put something on my skin that's thinning my skin every single day.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I think, yeah. I mean, if it's working for you, great. It did not work for me. So yeah, I would say a simple skincare routine. Obviously, I just said that I do the BBL Moxie. That is something obviously not simple, but it is incredible. I'm going to try that. So I'll do that probably twice a year. Okay, I'm going to try that. So I'll do that probably twice a year. Okay. I'm going to try that. You have to tell me who you go to so I can.
Starting point is 00:12:49 You look wild for a week. I don't care. I like shit where you look wild to get to the other side. Yeah. I know what you mean. It's like almost the more wild you look, you're going to get better results. But yeah, it's really good and you your skin feels like sandpaper and you can see like for me i have really or had bad pigmentation so i could see almost like the pigmentation forming like little dead skin cells on the top of my skin and then it was coming honestly it's insane okay i'm gonna try and find a picture of where my pigmentation was bad i'm gonna try it and also i do have to say to bring it back to korean skincare yeah my korean facialist said in korea i could be wrong that they don't like no one either and
Starting point is 00:13:32 oh uh-huh that's interesting everyone on tiktok yeah do a little bit of pilates by brianie meditation yes for sure beat seriously take a beat. Seriously. Take a breath. Honestly, it makes such a difference. I think we're all just running on this adrenaline and living on our phones and living under this like reactive state. And I think we need to do whatever we can either in the morning or throughout the day, in the evening to just reset. How do you reset? What are some tools that you like? Let me give you an example. Say you've had a jam-packed day like you have had today. You're jet lagged. You're tired. What are you going to go do to reset your nervous system?
Starting point is 00:14:21 Okay. So to be completely honest with you tonight. Oh, you're going to tell me dinner. No, I'm going to go and have dinner with Sarah and Catherine. And I'm really looking forward to having a margarita. And that to me is also wellness. I really am passionate about living like a blue zone, living a blue zone life, which includes which includes you know if you want to have a margarita in the evening have your margarita have a glass of wine or if you don't don't I don't I think it's about we all just need to chill out and stop being so extreme and do this and if you do this you you know you're gonna die and it reminds me of that clip in Mean Girls, you know, when he's like, you will get pregnant and die. But TikTok and Instagram
Starting point is 00:15:11 has become like that. So I think we all just need to just give ourself a bit of permission. And yeah, sometimes wellness looks like that. Being social, I think you get so much from just being around the people that really make you feel energized, good, winding down. Obviously, I don't go and do that all the time, but I'm in LA and the girls are here with me, so we're going to go out. But at home, I love to cook. I love to cook. I love to set the scene. I have a Danish boyfriend who you've met
Starting point is 00:15:47 he's very like particular with the home and like lighting and the home is so gorgeous it's one of the most beautiful homes I've ever seen thank you guys it's home I'm serious thank you that's so nice but the actually I think we spoke about it that night the lighting is like a real danish thing so he's very like i'm gonna butcher this but it's like hygge i think it's called okay it's like coziness and that's about lighting and ambience and atmosphere so i really like to create that in the home i love incense burn incense there's a cosmos kate moss have you heard of kate moss's company cosmos no can you send me the link oh my god so i never thought i would change my There's a Cosmos, Kate Moss. Have you heard of Kate Moss's company, Cosmos? No.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Can you send me the link? Oh my God. So I never thought I would change my perfume. Her perfume, which is so random that I think this. I could use some perfume right now. It's insanely good. And then her incense is really good. So we like set the scene at home.
Starting point is 00:16:41 We'll put like, we're always playing jazz music at home. I find that so soothing. Sometimes I think you and I are related in a weird way. I know that... You're my American. No, there's a frequency of it. Do you listen to jazz? Every single day.
Starting point is 00:16:59 No way. The ORL kids are dying. Oh my God. Jazz, bossa nova. I wake my children up to jazz playlist i'm gonna send you send me every single okay i'm also like into a spanish guitar like anything that's like but it has to like reflect where you are so if we're traveling like i love a little like latino vibe if you're at home in london it's like a jazz kind of yeah so then cooking and just taking your time
Starting point is 00:17:26 I think for me if I have if I have time to cook and I go and get all the you know it's just so soothing so I'll do that and we always like sit and have dinner together and we're not really big tv watchers we like talk we'll just talk about our day and that's really nice it's like a nice ritual that we have we also have a puppy now so I love doing um a dog walk at the end of the day so good for your circadian rhythm I swear having a dog I feel like that's a life hack getting a puppy it's grounding it is the most grounding like calming I don't know it makes you so present in the moment you just don't think about your I mean you probably feel the same with kids you they ground you you feel like you see the world in the mood yeah sometimes they probably stress you but I guess
Starting point is 00:18:19 with kids you look at the world through their eyes so pure. Whereas, you know, I just think it brings that feel into the home. So I don't have kids yet. So my puppy is... It's pure. You're right. It's pure energy. It creates that pure energy. I love an Epsom salt bath.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Okay. I forgot you said that on the podcast. I need to buy that. Taking a bath though when you have kids is like... Impossible probably. It's... I can't even explain it like I might yeah I might have to wait a couple years do you feel like you're opening like the local swimming pool it's it's
Starting point is 00:18:53 like you can't relax yeah you know what I mean yeah but I gotta try an Epsom salt bath oh you will love it a dry brush and then go in the Epsom salt bath for at least 20 minutes. You will be like. Can I give you the weirdest takeaway that Weston and I. You're going to die. Oh, tell me. Weston and I have the weirdest takeaway from dinner with you guys. Oh, tell me. I'm so intrigued.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's like a really weird one. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you guys had us over to your stunningly beautiful insane house like it's it the vibes were vibing first of all me and weston are really particular about five senses and you guys hit all of our our things like we have our five senses okay and weston is very he has an eye for design he He designed my house. He's amazing. Anyway, after we went to your
Starting point is 00:19:46 gorgeous house, we then went to dinner and we both observed something separately because we are so detail oriented and I have to ask you about it on air. Okay. I'm nervous. We're sitting around this huge table. There's probably like 10 of us. Yeah. Okay. So the way that your boyfriend drinks is so sexy and let me explain it okay so he like it's a it's so different than the way americans drink hear me out this sounds so weird he honestly like what is that going to be? This has like made his life. It's just a particular seamless way. He ordered a bottle of beautiful wine and he had everyone get a wine glass, even if they like kind of like weren't drinking wine.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah. And then he would pour a little tiny bit in everyone's glass and he would sip it. And so we were all like sipping wine. Whereas when you're in America, they give you a glass this big and you're like gobbling the goblet. And everything is like so big. And then I would watch him and then he would just pour a little tiny bit more. And it was I'm talking like a half an inch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And then we ordered a couple more bottles. But there was 10 of us and we split these bottles and it almost was like he was drinking it like an aperitif. Yeah. To as a cherry on top of the food, as opposed to the way Americans drink
Starting point is 00:21:19 where the drink is the main character. Is the centerpiece. Does that make sense or am I crazy? So he's so into wine yeah he also is very he's very into rituals we have that in common something he has four double espressos in the morning i can't how does he do that and he could like sleep standing up straight afterwards so he he just makes, he has a really nice way of making everything
Starting point is 00:21:49 like simple day-to-day things. Romantic. Yeah, he like romanticizes life. So like he'll put the jazz on, he'll make his espresso, do all these things and it just becomes like such a ritual and then he does it with wine he also does it with soy sauce what the fuck are you talking about what
Starting point is 00:22:10 do you mean he does it with soy sauce so also he has this this is like a real like casper fan club but he he has these really like funny particular ways but he also has a way of getting the waiters on side maybe this is from his like background or whatever but he he does it in a way like if I was to do it it would be so rude and patronizing he does it in this way where the waiters are so eager to please him. I don't know how he does it. So, for example, we'll be going for sushi. They'll pour the soy sauce and he'll go, stop. He'll go, stop. And like, if I did that, that would be so rude.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And then the waiters are like, they stop. And he's like, do you know why you do that and he'll explain to them why you do everything you do and then for the rest of like if we go back to that restaurant they would like never dare do more than what he's just said i'll tell you what it is and it's the same with wine now it's he's dainty about it there's a daintiness he's dainty he's also not overindulgent yes that's it to me and western are like both of us were like did you watch the way he drank wine it was like he's elegant with everything whether it's like for example i know when i cook for us like most guys I could like throw the food on the plate and like it would be like, keep it coming.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Keep it going. Is there any more? Yeah. Whereas he's like, you know, I know that he likes like he's very visual. So he likes like a small plate. He's not like otherwise it's overload. It's very sexy because he he that's so funny that you both picked up he has tattoos and he's like kind of rugged yeah great looking guy and you would
Starting point is 00:24:13 expect him to like get like an old fashion with like a i don't know and it was the way he was drinking wine was just chic anyway i had to tell you that compliment. I love that tangent. It's a total compliment. Me and Weston were like obsessed, dissecting every detail about it. Oh my, I want to know your debrief and we need to talk about that. I feel like there's so much to like uncover from that night. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So what are some beauty favorites makeup wise that you reach for all the time? The lip gloss, like eyebrow mascara okay so refi do you know refi jess is one of my besties i love her she's done so well with that brand and it is incredible so i use the brow tint not the brow sculpt okay so i think their brow sculpt is the most popular but i prefer the brow tint okay you would love with your coloring so it is like perfect for us i only use the lamination one in the pencil i know it does the lamination but it tints at the same time amazing that's
Starting point is 00:25:16 amazing the pencil is amazing the bronzer cream bronzer incredible really really good and then I have for my skin I would I don't like foundation but I like like a tinted serum so I like the ilia one I don't know if you know that I do yeah and I or I just like like your sun cream with a bit of concealer so you're like you're simple with your beauty simple but I'm very specific about there's a really good YSL skin tint. That's incredible. It's like a serum. So I like like a real light base makeup by Mario contour stick. Can you send us all of these?
Starting point is 00:25:56 I'm going to do. I can put them in the show notes. Yeah. And are you a spray tan person? Oh, yes. Oh, I can tell you the spray tan maths. Go. Okay. person oh yes oh i can tell you the spray tan maths go okay so before you have a spray tan the two nights before you scrub your skin in the shower so you dry brush it you dry brush before you go in the shower and then you get in the shower you do an exfoliation full body exfoliation
Starting point is 00:26:19 casper's gonna be so embarrassed but i do this on him as well like we get in the shower together scrub each other i'm like should we do a scrub tonight he's like oh yes so i thought you never anyway so we do the scrub i cover my body in like a thick cream oh two nights in a row okay before the spray tan day then you wake up shower with bar V-Wash, which is actually for your vagina. Huh. But the pH is non-stripping of your skin. Huh. So it's neutral.
Starting point is 00:26:52 So I'm scrubbing my vagina wash all over my body. You're not scrubbing at this point. You've done your scrub. So you're just washing. Then the day of the tan, you just wash your body with the V-Wash as your shower gel. This is before the tan? Before the tan. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Then you get out of the shower. You don't use any moisturizer that day. Never use any moisturizer. So then the spray tan, I have the most incredible spray tan person in London and she does Bondi Sands Express. Okay. Which I love.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And then three hours later, I wash it off and you just feel like you've gone on like a two week holiday. You wash it off after three hours? It's an Express Bondi Sands. I swear to you, the color is so nice. I have it on now. It's so natural. Okay. Then, so when you're showering, you're using the V-Wash, only the V-Wash. Don't use any other shower gel with scent, oil, nothing. Okay. you could also get any like feminine wash would work warm showers not too hot and there's this glove from amazon i'm gonna send it to you you'll just be obsessed and it basically i would say oh and then you need the necessary body lotion which is no fragrance all of that
Starting point is 00:28:03 stuff it's so good you use that every day then when it's starting to fade you use this amazon glove that's like two pounds and you don't get any patching two pounds it weighs two pounds no it costs two pounds which is like three dollars i love it my australian friend imitates me and you just sounded like it. So that's how much it is. And you would just like use that in the shower. You have no downtime. You know, everyone's like you have to plan the downtime of the spray tan. This is like the hack.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You won't have any downtime. You could use that once really quick. It will take it straight off and then you could reapply straight away if you wanted. So you're also using tanning stuff after the spray tan? No, this helps you take it off. And if you wanted to start again. And if you're doing this at home, if you're doing the home version, if you're not spray tanning, the Saint-Tropez Express Mousse is the best color.
Starting point is 00:29:01 You need to do like a whole blog post on this. And I did a TikTok on spray tan maths. I'm going to give you a quiz right now. Okay, hit me. This is a real quiz. Oh, I love this. Do you get your nails done
Starting point is 00:29:13 before or after a spray tan? And I'm 100% on the answer. I know what you're going to say. What? I know you're going to say after. 100. No. Oh, I don't agree.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You're messing with the spray tan using the acetone. Yeah, but I don't want my fingernail beds to be all spray tan. No, they won't be. You put barrier cream on each nail. Barrier cream takes the shine off the manicure. Does it? I think it does. I get a Russian manicure and it's so shiny. And when I put that fucking barrier cream on my nails.
Starting point is 00:29:47 But what would you rather? A less shiny nail or patchy acetone fake tan? You know what I mean? I wash my hands right after the spray tan. Because I don't like spray tan on my hands. Oh, I'm the opposite. I do double spray tan on my hands. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:04 Because I love a tanned hand huh yeah I think you should try my way and I should try your way and then we can debrief yes because I the one thing I hate is when people put oil lotion on my fingernails oh yeah after I get a manicure because the shiniest they'll ever be is when they're untouched. Okay, I'm gonna next time I'm gonna do this. Can you tell me what your what your assessment is? Yes, I will. This I think about this like every day. So could you let me know? And I swear like before I found out this is like such a silly thing. But having a spray tan, I just think I mean, look, I love going in. I love going in the sun. It feels good on your body.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It feels nice. But you are aging yourself. You know what I do? Every minute you're in the sun, you're aging. My phone, when you pop it up, has the UV. I changed it to have the UV. And the UV right now is one, which is great. That means you can go outside.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So in the morning, you look at the uv and you find when it's zero so i go sit in the sun when it's zero so you're still getting that sunlight i'm getting my sunlight but the uv is zero oh so then but it's nice to have it on the on the home screen so you can just quickly yeah saving lives i love that how do you think about fashion? You're very stylish. What are things that you sort of gravitate to when it comes to your fashion and style? So lately, I've really been focusing on like more timeless pieces. I think simple is actually better. If you can stay like staple pieces, I love a good pair of jeans a good
Starting point is 00:31:47 blazer t-shirts I'm not so fussy with my style I like simple comfortable cool not too elegant where it's like too you know could be maybe I don't know I think I like simple, cool, but with a classic kind of twist. Give us an example. I think it's nice having a bit of a uniform. So a blazer, a double-breasted blazer I love, I think is so flattering. What's a good brand? You're wearing one right now. So I'm wearing Saint Laurent right now. You wear Saint Laurent a lot.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yes. I like Saint Laurent too. It's really nice. And I think another brand, I don't know if you have it here, but it's on Matches. It's called Ray. That's really good. Ray. R-A-E-Y.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And I have another blazer similar to this from Ray, which is probably like a quarter of the price. I also think a good high street version of Saint Laurent pieces like dupes is Massimo Dutti. I think it's really good. I don't know what that is either. See, I knew you would have good style tips. What about the jeans? You're wearing really cute jeans. They're also Saint Laurent. I copied you on those jeans when you came in the studio. I bought the jeans. I think they do a really good fit if there was one brand that i could buy it would be and like i am actually i i do loads of wardrobe detoxes okay because just like a space thing we live in london there's not that much space i think i love to like
Starting point is 00:33:17 declutter and the things that i'm getting rid of, and again, I completely understand that this is a luxury to be able to buy investment pieces. But for me, it was the things that I was getting rid of was the more kind of fast fashion high street pieces because maybe they were worn or whatever. So I've been trying to buy less, but buy better. A hundred percent on the same frequency as you with that. I think that it's way better to invest in a beautiful blazer that you can wear a hundred times that's a classic than something that is fast fashion. And your eye knows the trends. So the trends can make it look dated. Whereas if you get something classic, you don't have to worry about it.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Are you into a good tailor? Oh yeah, I love tailoring. So do I. And I think if you, that's another good tip. If you're buying like a, for example, a Zara blazer, buy the biggest size, but go and get it tailored, maybe like cinched in at the waist or i
Starting point is 00:34:26 i love a long a super long sleeve so i like to get a larger size and then get like a tiny bit of tailoring and it just makes it look much more premium great tip yeah before you go leave our audience with like a projectile of wellness tips like Like give us just, if you were to just like do a monologue on wellness, like give us like all the wellnessy things that you just love that you think work and you can just be as random as possible. Okay, so I've recently, we were just talking about this.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I've recently been following a macro focused nutrition plan. I say focus because I don't measure my food. I will never do that. I refuse to do that. So I have a rough idea of my macros and I've been eating like that. I love to trial things and, but to trial them for a long time and see if it makes a difference, like two months or something, you know. And honestly, I promise you I'm eating more than ever before. And I'm losing weight. I feel energized. I feel like I'm really enjoying food. I'm debloated. If you're starving yourself, you will notice that your body is like clinging on to stuff and I'm really seeing food as fuel.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I'm eating sourdough every morning. I'm eating rice. I'm eating potatoes, carbs, fats, proteins at every meal. So really focusing on that. Creatine is incredible. I know you love creatine as well. I think supplementing Pilates with weight training. So I do one to two strength sessions a week. We also have strength sessions on the app, which I love because I like to create a one-stop shop. So I just want to make it easy. So I just do that. And what other wellness tips do I love? I would just say, oh, I love the tip that Michael gave me of GABA, apigenin and magnesium. I'd love to hear that. I'll tell him that we talked about it in this episode and he'll listen. On that subject, matcha, because he said L-theanine. I don't take L-theanine because
Starting point is 00:36:34 I drink so much matcha, which has so much L-theanine in it. That has changed my skin as well. So those would be my kind of top tips. And also just something every day, like in silence for yourself. The silence? Can we get better PR on silence? I know. It's so precious. Yes. I think if you can just sit with yourself and do some sort of practice that involves you just being silent for like an extended period of time it's going to really help you I think that is a beautiful tip to end with can we do a code for the app yes a hundred percent um so we will do I'm just making this up on the spot love it we will do two months. Okay. Free. Where can they find the app? So the app is Pilates by Bryony and you can find me on Bryony at Bryony Deary on Instagram or Pilates by Bryony.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And you have a matcha brand that's so good. Thank you for saying that. And that is Cloud Chair Matcha. I love it. I really, really love your app. I think it is a one-stop shop. Your voice is so soothing. It's beautiful. If you guys haven't checked it out, there really is no excuse not to have self-care when you can get it in the comfort of your own home. So definitely go use that code.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Code Lauren for two months free. That's so generous. Can we give away a couple? Yeah, for sure. Memberships? Why don't we give away two annual memberships? Amazing. Two annual memberships.
Starting point is 00:38:13 All you have to do is follow at? Briny Dairy. And let us know your favorite takeaway on my latest post, as always, at Lauren Bostic. Thank you so much for coming back on. We love you. Thank you. Love you.

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