The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - How To Live An Exciting Life & Look Good Doing It With Four Sigmatic Founder, Tero Isokauppila

Episode Date: February 4, 2020

#245: On this episode we sit down with one of our favorite people and favorite guests, Tero Isokauppila. Tero is an entrepreneur and founder of one of our all time favorite brands: Four Sigmatic. This... is Tero's 3rd appearance on the show! On today's episode we discuss how to live an exciting life and savor every moment. We also discuss how to find your calling and answer when it calls. Finally we wrap the show discussing internal vs external skincare.  To connect with Tero Isokauppila click HERE To listen to Tero's first TSC interview click HERE To listen to Tero's second TSC interview click HERE To connect with Lauryn Evarts click HERE To connect with Michael Bosstick click HERE Read More on The Skinny Confidential HERE For Detailed Show Notes visit TSCPODCAST.COM To Call the Him & Her Hotline call: 1-833-SKINNYS (754-6697) This episode is brought to you by THRIVE MARKET. We use Thrive for our online grocery delivery on a weekly basis and we also now get our wine at Thrive! They provide the highest quality products and ingredients delivered straight to our door with unbeatable prices.  Be sure to grab our deal by going to to to select your prefferred memberships package and start saving today! This episode is brought to you by ROOTZ NUTRITION Whether your goal is to start seeing better results in the gym, or just look and feel your best, you are going to love the Rootz Protein Superfood.Packed with protein, greens, electrolytes, and tons of superfoods, it's perfect for adding to your morning smoothie, drinking after exercise, or as a quick and easy meal replacement at any time during the day. Use code SKINNY for 20% off your entire order. WOO MORE PLAY is the all natural and organic coconut love oil that is changing the way we have sex. With only 4 all natural ingredients WOO is the perfect personal lubricant to spice up your sex life. That's just the pre-party.  All Him & Her Listeners will receive 20% off your entire order plus free shipping when when visiting & using promo code HIMANDHER at checkout. Produced by Dear Media

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following podcast is a Dear Media production. This episode is brought to you by Woo More Play. Have you tried coconut oil lube? If you haven't, you need to get on board. Let me tell you, I am really, really, really damn good at two things. And one of those things is making a great sandwich. And the other one involves Woo More Play. Wouldn't you say, Michael Bostic?
Starting point is 00:00:22 I would give you an A plus. Guys, this product, this brand was invented out of necessity. And I'm proud to say that Lauren and I are partners of the brand. We did help create it. We love it. We've talked about it for a long time. Regular listeners know all about WooMore Play. Listen, we were in the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:00:38 We're having a freaky time. We thought, what could make this experience even better, even more fun, even more frisky? And we thought, why not coconut oil lube, a little bit of vanilla, a little bit of stevia for taste so that when Lauren's doing that thing she does so well, you know, she's taking care of it as well, get a little sweets in. And yeah, guys, I mean, it is a game changer. You can put it on your vanity, which is very ideal. It's not going to be gross. It comes in inconspicuous packaging. So your next door nosy neighbor isn't going to be all up in your shit.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And you can eat it like it's suck it, fuck it. So it's kind of like a trifecta of everything you want. Do you want to hear the number one customer service complaint on Woo? I found this funny. What? Guys, do not let your dogs get into the Woo. Like I said, it's edible. It's all natural, all organic.
Starting point is 00:01:20 If those dogs get a hold of it, they will tear through the package. They will eat it. I cannot tell you how many screenshots we have of happy Woo users upset that their dogs ate it. But don't worry. Even if your dog does, most likely we'll just send you a new one because we want you to have fun. Sounds like our producer, Taylor. All right, guys. Use code HIMANDHER for 20% off at checkout.
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's HIMANDHER at checkout for 20% off. That's And then like Lauren said, code him and her for 20 off your entire order let's slide into the show she's a lifestyle blogger extraordinaire fantastic and he's a serial entrepreneur a very smart cookie and now lauren everts and michael bostick are bringing you along for the ride get ready for some major realness welcome to the skinny confidential him and her.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Aha! The other part that I don't think enough many people comment on about being an entrepreneur or doing your own thing is the fact that the real magic saws it, how you change along the journey. Like, that is the real magic, is, is like doing difficult things. It's the journey that shapes us. And that's the beauty is like who you become as a human being and what you learn on the way. And most people focus on the external factors or the end goal versus who they become
Starting point is 00:02:36 as human beings. Welcome back, everybody. Welcome back. That clip was from our guests of the show, Taro, the founder of Four Sigmatic, which we have been partnered with for I think three years now. This is Taro's third appearance on the show. Many of you may be familiar with him. My name is Michael Bostic. I'm a serial entrepreneur and brand builder, most recently the CEO of the Dear Media Podcast Network. Typically across from me is my wife and creator of the Skinny Confidential, Lauren Everts. But today she is not in the studio, giving her a little break with the kid, taking a little rest and relaxation. So just have me, I'll keep it short and sweet to the point so that we can get into it. She is on this episode, have no fear. I know you guys really want to sit here and listen to me, but don't worry,
Starting point is 00:03:17 she's on the episode too. So Taro is one of our favorite people. We met him actually through this show a while back by learning about Four Sigmatic, the product that we talk about all the time. He has his mushroom coffee and elixirs, which, you know, we seem to not be able to stop talking about and taking. I take one every time I do this podcast because we love it so much. And for those of you that have been listening for a long time, you're more than familiar with the coffee. For people that are veterans of the show, you may have also heard Tarot on episode 116 and 152. I think with a couple other guests,
Starting point is 00:03:49 he may hold the record for most appearances on this show. And that's because he always brings the fire when it comes to podcasting. If there's one entrepreneur founder that I think really, really gets this space, it's Tarot. He never comes on these shows and tries to do a crazy pitch or sell. He always just tells stories. He's fascinating. And he's somebody, you know, I'm always amazed by the amount of information that Taro keeps in his head. He's one of those guys that can bring up any topic and he has a base knowledge in it. Those are the people that I always find the most interesting, which is why we love having him on this podcast, because there's always something to talk about. And it's not just about the mushrooms, right?
Starting point is 00:04:27 There's, you can talk about basically any subject. He's someone that I call for advice all the time when I'm running my own ventures, you know, pick his brain, he's really done an incredible job building for Sigmatic. And you know, you'll see but from this episode and all the others we've done with him how smart he is and how much of a special person is. We really, really got close with him about a year ago when we went to Finland with him, which is a trip that Lauren and I would have never done on our own. It really took us out of our comfort zone. We went and saw the Northern Lights, went into like 22 degree, maybe Tara will probably correct me on that, 22 degree water, which was freezing, hot, cold plunge, snowmobiling. We went ice fishing. At one point I was driving a dog sled. I don't know how that happened. So with that,
Starting point is 00:05:03 Tara, welcome back to the show. This is the skinny confidential him and her. Do you have a lion's mane shot? Michael, Michael, give me a lion's mane shot. You can have these. Let him have one. No, I just want one. Hold on. Can I just say this to the audience and everyone? Michael is so stingy with these lion's mane shots. He will not give Taylor one. Where did mine go? No. Do you know why? Come here, Taylor,
Starting point is 00:05:26 come get one. I'm getting one. No. What happens is Taylor sneaks in and steals them. And then I run out. No, me and Taylor sold one together. I can drink this when I'm pregnant,
Starting point is 00:05:34 right? Yeah. As long as you're comfortable with caffeine, I'm comfortable with caffeine. I don't know if the pregnancy police is comfortable with caffeine. I'm comfortable with caffeine. Yeah. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You know, I do 200 milligrams a day and if my body tells me i don't want any more than that then i don't have that sometimes i have 100 milligrams see that's what i think with pregnancies there's 200 000 years of evolution that tells a woman what to take and what not to take and then we mess with that it's like why don't just listen what your body wants we mess with every oh my god i thought taylor stole it but it's behind my water bottle i've never ever felt more intuitive and more like a clairvoyant than when i've been pregnant
Starting point is 00:06:15 my body literally tells me exactly what it needs when i need it and if i if i um i'm drinking caffeine sometimes i just will put it away i don don't want it. And before I was pregnant, I wanted two cups every day. So it does tell you like, you know, stop. But the pregnancy police is real, Taro. It is real. I know our bodies always tell us what to do. I think in a pregnancy, you're just more sensitive. So I think that's the big difference when you notice it.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Same if you ever go on a long cleanse and then you come out of the cleanse and you have a slice of pizza and you get a headache you know because your body's more sensitive but i think always if you tune in you can hear what you need we just ignore those messages or if you don't drink alcohol for a long time then you go back in and for sure and that's what they say about like ods as well with drugs it's like it's like i can't remember what's the percentage but overwhelmingly those happen after you try to quit you get cleaned up for a while and then yes then you go back it was something what you did i'm not gonna quote people always quote fake statistic like 82 percent of ods happen anyway it's a high high amount that happened because people get clean and then they take their old it wasn't amy winehouse one of those that she went clean and then i think they can do the same amount if i
Starting point is 00:07:30 have one friend that i would not do a fake statistic in front of it's you oh really no i wouldn't i just wouldn't go for your mind is like a steel trap i don't fuck with that you know what i mean i'm gonna call bs yeah it's been one year since you've been on here and there's a lot that's happened since then we went to finland together we didn't get to talk we didn't even get we were meaning to get you back on here to talk about that for literally a year but that was the trip when i was like this guy's got a lot of shit up in his mind like you you you store a lot of random information up there that's good information but it's a lot i'm not sure if it's always good information it's good it's good you, but it's a lot. I'm not sure if it's always good information.
Starting point is 00:08:05 It's good. It's good. You took us on a trip that we, like, would never have been able to go on if it wasn't for you taking us. So, one year after, how do you feel about that trip? Was there anything to come out of that trip that has been helpful to your dating? Let me talk to you about something. Okay. Okay. Lauren, if you haven't noticed about her, she's not, she doesn't, she doesn't do so
Starting point is 00:08:26 well in the cold. Yes. So, so first we bring her to the freezing cold. Second, she doesn't do so well in the dark. And third, she is never been in a situation where she's trusted me to drive a dog sled in the middle, in the middle of the freezing cold. And so here's what, let me tell you what you did us. You brought us out there and say, Hey, we're going going dogs and i figured there's going to be somebody that's going to be like behind you know when you go skydiving and there's a person behind you and they're holding you and you're like okay cool at least not in lapland yeah so the next thing i know everyone's like okay we're gonna go dog racing dog sledding and all these wild dogs are gonna pull you and like my wife's there and she's gonna get in the front and they're like okay you step here to break
Starting point is 00:09:04 and you let go to go. And they're like, go. And next thing I know, I was driving all of these fucking dogs in the middle of a blizzard, freezing cold, dark. Lauren is, as we're going through, she's freezing and yelling at me to slow down. And asking me-
Starting point is 00:09:17 You were going so fast. The dogs were going fast. I didn't know. Listen, there's no training. Literally my training for dog sledding was three minutes of a guy saying, hey, you're going to go and step on this thing. Not three minutes know. Listen, there's no training. Literally, my training for dog sledding was three minutes of a guy saying, hey, you're going to go and step on this thing. Not three minutes.
Starting point is 00:09:27 It was, here's the break. I kept asking. I said, where are we supposed to turn? Michael said, I've never been here. I go, no, she's yelling at me. She's like, where are we going? I go, Lauren, I've never been to Lapland. I've never been to Lapland.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I've never driven a dog sled. I have no idea where we are. And I was like, and it's pitch black. I was like, this could take me anywhere. I liked it, though, because it takes me out of my comfort zone you're so used to all the you know things like uber and postmates and all these different things in la and you take and it's like completely different world over there and i think it's important to expose yourself to really different places so for me that's somewhere that i would not have gone had you
Starting point is 00:10:03 not brought us there and it was beautiful and amazing and mind-opening and the cold and the heat and the dog flooding that Michael didn't know where we were going. It was different. We may have ended up going there, but it wouldn't have been that experience, right? And I think the experience you brought us to was like so, it was such a unique experience.
Starting point is 00:10:21 That's why we appreciate it because people may go over there, but they don't necessarily do the things that we did and get exposed to the cultures that we got exposed to for sure and i think there's something beauty about like going to the uncomfort zone and having those experiences and letting someone else kind of take you there because if you take yourself there you're not going to go that far or there are exceptional people that will go that far i'm sure you've had some of them on the podcast but generally speaking people will not go that far so thanks for coming it was a beautiful trip and hopefully you enjoyed the nature that was the main point the nature is amazing we didn't do mushrooms no we almost did on that trip no you didn't know but we almost did what was that what's the mushroom called there amanita muscaria or fly garrick and what's the difference between amanita and a chocolate
Starting point is 00:11:10 mushroom that everyone's taking at coachella the chocolate mushroom probably has psilocybin which is a different family of psychedelic mushrooms more common it's a little happier and the amanita is a little darker it's the red mushroom with the white dots that's your mushroom emoji we talked about that last time mario mushroom mario mushroom and that makes you a little more like you know when you're bad kind of drunk you know you're like a little like woozy and stuff but there's a lot of wisdom in that one as well but the chocolate mushroom at coachella is makes you giggly and this one makes you face your inner demons. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You can have a beautiful experience and connect with nature without psychoactive compounds as well. So I'm glad you liked the trip. What's your preference if you have to do one? I would say there are things that you want to do a few times in life that actually end up being probably more helpful to you. So the Amanita would be one of those things. And then there's things you want to do quite regularly that you enjoy often. And there's probably a lot of examples of those.
Starting point is 00:12:16 There are like once in a lifetime experiences that you don't want to repeat that many times or if ever. And that's the Amanita. And then there's amazing experiences like that psilocybin can provide and what's cool now is that you can do those very much legally there's for example a place in the Netherlands called Synthesis which is where you can legally go with top experts to consume psilocybin in a control setting in a hundred percent legal way and you can go to Amsterdam and have a beautiful experience in like a luxurious, you know, a lighthouse and enjoy it. And I think that's, you can do that a lot more often than the Almanita.
Starting point is 00:12:53 But I don't think if Coachella is the best place, you know, it's like so many people, so much stuff. I think these substances are not meant to be recreational. They're meant to be, you know, meant to be mind-expanding and insightful. I agree with you. And I've only been to Coachella in my entire life for five minutes. Five minutes? Five minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I took a picture. What happened? It's just not my thing. You just went on the field? I don't have a problem with anyone that likes it. You took a selfie? I took a picture on Instagram and then I left. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's too... I, I. Did you get paid for that picture? It was a job. And so we went and we did the picture and then we left and I was fine with that. But I mean, people love it. I think if you are, for me, because, you know, I, if I'm going to do mushrooms, I'm not going to do them when I'm pregnant, so everyone calm down. It's going to be somewhere that is in nature during the day yep um with
Starting point is 00:13:47 people i trust i think that's a big one you don't want to be around weird energy exactly i think you're you're right on the spot those are the few things that people often get wrong they do in a setting where they're not comfortable either they're not comfortable with the space and the setting or they're not comfortable with the people around you. That's a big mistake. And being somewhere where it's nature is an element, I think is huge. So I think you're right on the spot. And then Jim and Jenny from high school pop out of nowhere. You haven't seen him in 10 years and your face. Yeah. I made one, one horrible mistake of doing them in a place that was very public. and i almost had a nervous breakdown michael couldn't believe it i'm not a crier and i i think i shed a tear because it was it was too many
Starting point is 00:14:33 personalities it was too much energy it was you know like michael said jenny from high school coming up to you in your face and it's like that's not that that didn't do it for me so i learned my lesson not a lot of soul searching going on. No, a lot of sweating. Now you're panicking. Now, ayahuasca is such a thing to go away and do ayahuasca. What are your thoughts on that? I feel like out of everyone, you're probably pretty well researched into that.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Before we dive into that, I'm going to talk about my latest obsession, my pregnancy obsession, cereal. Specifically, where I get my cereal is Thrive Market. Okay, this is what I did. I went on and I ordered the coconut flakes. They're like these organic, delicious flakes, non-GMO. And then I also ordered the honeyos that taste like honey nut Cheerios. Oh, they're so good. You guys like in the dark, a big bowl with unsweetened almond milk. You can't go wrong. So again, they're the toasted. You guys like in the dark, a big bowl with unsweetened almond milk. You can't go wrong.
Starting point is 00:15:26 So again, they're the toasted honeyos and the coconut flakes. That's what you want to reach for. Michael was like trying to get into my cereal as I was just crunching it while watching Housewives. It was heaven. So for everyone that doesn't know and has not been listening to the show, Thrive has been a partner for years now. And we love them because Thrive Market is an online membership based market on a mission
Starting point is 00:15:44 to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. There's guaranteed savings for every order. Membership pricing with 25% to 50% off traditional retail. So even though you are paying a membership fee each year, it more than pays for itself because of the amount of savings that you're getting. They have everything sorted by diet, whether you're paleo, vegan, gluten-free, vegetarian, everything is sorted. All the best ingredients. They take out all of the guesswork because they only carry the best stuff. Like I said, pick up the cereal, go to my page. It's like all curated for you. I have my favorite sweet and salty kettle corn, my Rouse Arbiata sauce. It's so good, like over a zucchini noodle.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And then I have the mini dark chocolate peanut butter cups on there. So good, I'm telling you. So we love that you can choose your membership. For us, we obviously have the 12 month membership because we use Thrive Monthly. That works down to just $5 a month. And we more than make back that $5 a month because of the savings on Thrive. And remember, you also can try this risk-free.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You have your first 30 days risk-free completely. So to check it out, go to slash skinny to find a membership that fits your lifestyle. Again, go to slash skinny to find a membership that fits your lifestyle. Again, that's slash skinny. And be sure when you sign up there to check out Lauren's curated page. Like many of these other substances, they've existed for a long time for a reason. The main active compound DMT that you can get in ayahuasca is actually in all living things. It's in us. They say that when you die just before you die that it gets extorted in a higher amount and that's why people say that you see the light or something yeah no light at the
Starting point is 00:17:11 end of the tunnel you see your life flashing through your eyes you know in a couple seconds you see decades of life um so it's very natural it's been used for a long time i think we in the society like to say something is good or bad we're like this is good this is bad now we're like saying like you know social media is bad but it's brought a lot of good as well right often we think things are binary when it's both and in this case it's a beautiful substance can offer a lot of value but how it's used i think there's a lot of questionable things. And how often it's used. I met a shaman in Peru and was like, had basically been a shaman her whole life and says like to become a shaman like her, she had had to take it like 12 times.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I know probably like 100 people in Venice who've taken it more than 20 times. Are they shamans now? No, they're not. So I think how often you do it, where you do it, with whom you do it, that's where I think it gets more problematic. And probably the reason you do it. Yeah although I feel like a lot of people go to get something and they end up getting something that they actually needed. You know it's not the experience you wanted it's the experience you needed.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So sometimes that does happen is that you go with a question about A and you end up realizing that it was all the time is about this other thing that you've ignored your whole life from childhood or something like that, that you suppressed. But yes, you shouldn't do it because other people are doing it. That shouldn't be the reason.
Starting point is 00:18:44 You should do it because you have an intention or curiosity or something of real deeper meaning. Have you ever done it? Yes. Can you tell us like every detail? Do you really shit your pants or is that just? That's the first thing she wants to do. Fuck the spirituality, get your shit yourself.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Because I wanted, that's an important thing to know because if like I'm shitting my pants, I don't really know if I want to bring my husband with me, you know? Yeah., that's an important thing to know. Cause if like I'm shitting my pants, I don't really know if I want to bring my husband with me, you know? Yeah. Like that's an important thing to ask. It is an important thing to ask. Um, I think vomiting is probably a lot more common than shitting your pants.
Starting point is 00:19:15 So walk us through, like, did you do it in Colorado? Did you do it in Peru? Like, I want to know, like, I want to know where you did it. We got to track you down to her. You're always running around all over the place. We got to know, we want to know when, did it we got to track you down to you're always running around all over the place we got to know we want to know when all the specifics yeah i think it would be more fun if once you're done with this pregnancy and you know breastfeeding maybe we go and do it somewhere and then we talk about it i think one of the things i struggle with psychedelics is the fact
Starting point is 00:19:41 that it's hard to explain certain things yeah Yeah, I get that. So for example, you're about to give birth. It's like, how do you explain that? Like, it's pretty hard. You can try and you should try, but like, there's just certain things. Holding your own child for the first time is probably one of those things. It's just psychedelics, it's very hard to explain. And I think words are the lowest form of communication that we do. And there's so
Starting point is 00:20:05 many other ways to communicate and i just think that's a little difficult but i think it would be fun that we would go on an experience at a point we can go to like costa rica or somewhere where we can just comfortably legally do it and have that experience so let's like bucket after the podcast okay tay, check my schedule. I think that you would want to try it now too after talking to so many different people. I think at first you didn't want to, but I can tell when he just mentioned a couple of things
Starting point is 00:20:33 that you're interested. Well, like I said, it's who. So I would trust Tao to do something like that. Not some of my like wacko friends that are just trying to go to a hotel or somewhere and party. Especially that one, you will not do it. Well, yeah, I no if it's the right setting the right person sure that i you know it's funny it's like a lot of people don't i've never done recreational drugs in my life right like i just and that's not a joke that's just like really i've never done i never had a calling to it
Starting point is 00:20:57 like never okay never saying and i would say if i did like you know obviously drink alcohol um not so into you know i've never just like i said i've never been called to want to do some kind of recreation i always think that i'm already enough as it is and i'm pretty turbo and excited imagine me on cocaine just never shut me the fuck up you know i'd just be too way too far if you were on cocaine i would just move into a different house i would be the fucking worst coke head in the world because i like to go really fast i like to talk a lot and i'll just annoy everyone around me I'm already kind of close to that but stuff like this that's natural and from the earth like that that I that makes
Starting point is 00:21:32 it to me that that I get called to yeah and you're hopefully coming out of it as a better human I remember you saying at one point when you guys took mushrooms you found more compassion and michael you said that remember i did look at me and she said god damn this is a beautiful man no i found more compassion and michael was telling me things about stuff and i don't again i don't even know how to explain it he was telling me things that i subconsciously knew but didn't consciously know um you know what this is like though and this is why i get what you're saying yeah you can't explain it it's like waking up and telling someone about
Starting point is 00:22:09 your dreams it's really annoying when you wake up and tell me about your dreams i want to scratch my eyeballs out like i'm like go tell a friend also do you know like when somebody hears a funny joke and then they try to retell that joke and it's not that funny anymore if you just can't tell that some some people can't tell a joke so i don't know if somebody listening this would even find interesting you explaining a dream or explaining about psychedelics but they're hitting the fast forward button but what you said about mushrooms applies to other forms of psychedelics as well so you got to be careful who you do it with, where you do it. So don't just go to some home shaman and random person with total strangers, you have no clue, you're exposing yourself to a really powerful experience that if you don't do it in a safe way, that could be really damaging,
Starting point is 00:22:58 actually. So same rule applies. So do your research. What is that toad thing that everyone's talking about? So there's two. Actually, they're probably referring to 5-MeO-DMT, which is a norin toad. You can also get it from certain grasses, but that's the strongest, basically, psychedelic. At least temporarily, it's not a long experience, but you smoke this toad substance. And that's like, if ayahuasca is the dmt this is the 5 meo dmt so this is like even more of like a rocket ship and you completely lose control and then there's there's combo which is more like a frog that it's not a psychedelic but it will like make
Starting point is 00:23:36 you vomit it's like a warrior thing where people put little drops in their arm but the toad is 5 meo dmt do you know do you know the history about the first person that figured this out yeah there's these funny stories there's one person that knows it but i always think like what what happened to us as human beings where we figured out we could smoke part of a toad yeah exactly and and there's also these funny stories like ayahuasca you you take one root and one bark and you combine them together because if you just have that one vine, you're not going to get the DMT out of it. So you have to have these like MAO inhibitors from another plant. So who figured out to combine those plants?
Starting point is 00:24:14 And somebody said that the nature, the forest told them to combine those plants. So there's a lot of myth and lore around these stories as well. But it is pretty fascinating to figure out that like somebody was like, okay, I'm gonna try a bunch of stuff. But then again, we all know that person who in less modern society would be willing to try all kinds of stuff. Like we all have that friend.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Like everybody has a friend who is willing like, fuck it, I'm gonna try it. Yeah, he's sitting right behind you. Taylor, have you tried mushrooms before? At your wedding. Oh, of course, of course. Of course. That's a great time to do mushrooms, Taylor. Why don't you just save it all up and then do it at my wedding and do a great wedding speech for me when you called me the beast and Michael Beauty. It was after that. He tried to do this like beautiful speech wedding. And first of
Starting point is 00:25:00 all, he told Lauren that she had a bigger dick than anyone at the wedding in front of our parents. Taylor, you can insert a couple lines from your speech right here and that he was gonna blow it down and then he tried to do a beauty and the beast analogy but he was so messed up that he got it confused and called me the beauty and her the beast oh what about the time where he ended up at someone else's bedside when they were sleeping we forgot about that one there's a lot of people remember that yeah i'm sure you don't. But our friends remember it. No, we did an episode about it. It's called Mr. Piss Pants Wild Ride. It's an old episode, but we put his speech into the show.
Starting point is 00:25:31 It's really, I don't know how to explain it. My dad will never speak to him again. Sounds like a fun couple hours. Yeah, so Taylor decides to save his mushroom experience right for my wedding when I'm walking down the aisle. He is right, though. It is kind of hard to describe the experience to like actually try to, because it's such a strange, I just remember when we were jumping in the pool, the water, to me, it felt like I was being bathed with,
Starting point is 00:25:55 I don't know, beauty in a weird way. Taylor, you are the creepiest individual. But it was a great weekend. It was a great weekend. I wish we knew you then because we would have had fun. Yeah. You could have came down and been the shaman. Speaking of fun, are you just having the most fun right now running your company? I see your billboards everywhere now. And it just seems like a lot of fun, especially in the position you're in now.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Because how would you describe, you're obviously founded Four Sigmatic, but what's your official role now? Official is CEO. Now you're still now you're the ceo okay yeah but um i'm i'm not sure am i having fun like you know in the u.s everybody always says it's like oh you're crushing it killing it everybody's always on the up and up and then when you find this like external success people often like oh it's amazing but i think as an entrepreneur still today i get like punched in the stomach like every other day and i feel like complete like shit and then there's days when you feel amazing but definitely like as the business got bigger you have more flexibility and freedom and you have a team that you can rely So what good thing is that you be able to hire like really amazing people to do jobs
Starting point is 00:27:06 that either you hate or things that some other people are just way better than you. And that's the same case with me is that I have an amazing team that can do a lot of stuff and make it easier. But I think as an entrepreneur, there's like all these days still
Starting point is 00:27:22 that you're like, you feel like the scum of the earth and it's so hard. And then there's days when you days still that you're like, you feel like the scum of the earth and it's so hard. And then there's days when you feel like you're totally winning and you feel so good. So I don't think that's really changed. Well, that's because when anything good happens,
Starting point is 00:27:35 you get the credit in that seat. And when anything bad happens, you get all the blame. Yeah, but I also think Tarot is unique because Tarot is addicted to me, to the process. You like the process. Like, i don't think that you're trying to get to the finish line what's the end yeah like what's he doesn't he likes the process
Starting point is 00:27:52 of the building and the stuff i mean you i i mean i want to learn more about like taking a pause and and just kind of savoring the moment a little more but at the end of the day it's like what's at the end of the rainbow we're all gonna die you know it's like, what's at the end of the rainbow? We're all gonna die. You know, it's like, if you didn't enjoy the journey or if you didn't, it doesn't mean the journey is always fun and easy, but if you didn't find it exciting, like what's the point?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Like, what are we waiting for? So quick break to talk about matcha. I am obsessed with matcha, especially lately. It's not giving me the shakes. It's the perfect balance. It's all over my Instagram story, and it just supercharges my morning, which I love. So Roots Nutrition has this matcha collagen superfood powder. So they basically gathered up eight of the best superfoods, and they're going to infuse
Starting point is 00:28:41 it into your morning. It's a combination of ingredients that makes your body and mind feel amazing no matter what day or time you take it. So sometimes when you get coffee later in the day, it gives you like the jitters, which is so annoying. Matcha doesn't do that. To give you the scoop on this matcha, it's a ceremonial grade matcha for a calm sense of alertness and sustained energy, which I need very much right now. The collagen protein gives you a youthful appearance, and this is going to focus more on healthy skin, healthy nails, joints, bones, everything good. And then they added a little MCT oil and some coconut milk powder for brain support and healthy fats.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It has like everything in it. And then it even has adaptogens to fight stress and increase vitality. So if you need a coffee alternative, this is it. They basically gathered up, like I said, the eight best superfoods to take in the morning to give yourself the energy and nutrients you like. And you can even manipulate your husband or boyfriend into this. Okay. So I tricked Michael. I was like, let me just do three days without coffee and just give you matcha and see if you notice a difference. He didn't. Surprise. He's obsessed. So if you're feeling nervous to ditch the coffee, just simply substitute it with matcha. All you have to do is go to and use code skinny for 20% off. That's, and use code skinny at checkout.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Cheers. Enjoy. You'll be obsessed. All right, back to the show. What I found is this, and I think this happens, is when you start out, like there's a number, like maybe you're building a business and there's an end goal and there's a reason, and then there's like a number attached to it.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Like, oh, and I might get to that number. Like, I'm going to be so happy. It's going to be so sweet. And then you get there and you're like, okay. And it doesn't really like change anything. You're still running and you're still doing all the things. But it's like, it's not necessarily like this. Like you said, some external thing and some end point that actually is like, okay, you're finished and you're still running so and you're still doing all the things but it's like it it's not necessarily like this like you said some external thing and some end point that actually it's like okay you're finished and you're happy well the whole point that the two secrets about
Starting point is 00:30:33 starting a company or doing your own thing you could be doing as an artist is one is that it makes that nobody ever talks about is that it makes absolutely no sense like if you look at the odds of success starting your own company and the work that goes with it and that you know even if you're successful it's like a seven to ten year journey and you work 80 90 hours and you don't sleep bunch of nights like makes no sense to start a company you should only start it when you feel like that's it's your calling same as writing a book same as probably starting starting a podcast, it might seem like, oh, it's a great idea. But it's a lot of work. And a lot of you have to do it because you love it. You love
Starting point is 00:31:09 conversations, you love meeting new people. And if you love it, awesome. The other part that I don't think enough many people comment on about being an entrepreneur or doing your own thing, is the fact that the real magic saws it how you change along the journey like that is the real magic is like doing difficult things or even going on trips like you go on complete darkness in lapland at minus 39 degrees and your husband is riding a dog sled with huskies in complete darkness in the forest is is the journey that us. And that's the beauty is like who you become as a human being and what you learn on the way. And most people focus on the external factors or the end goal versus who they become as
Starting point is 00:31:54 human beings. And there are cases when some people find external success, money, power, fame, and they don't come out as a better human being at the end. But I think that should be the goal is by doing difficult things, you learn more about yourself. Same as relationships. It's kind of like, in a way, like the goal of a relationship is to learn more about yourself by living with someone else. That's like one of the beauties of love or caring about another person. I want to know the pros and cons of finland versus united states with the mentality like what is a certain mentality that you see in finland that you don't see in the united states that you
Starting point is 00:32:36 think the united states needs more of and what is a mentality in the united states that you think maybe people in finland need more of there's so many, is there something specific? Maybe you could do it as it pertains to entrepreneurship or- Or like work-life balance. Yeah. Or I'm interested in work-life balance. Or even just the idea of like what a successful life looks like, doesn't have to be a financial benchmark.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Could just be like what a- Doesn't have to do with money, just success in general. So what I, I'll start with the positives on the u.s what i love is that when in the u.s people love when i got on an airplane and i sit next to someone and i was like what do you do well i sell mushrooms and they're like they have no clue and they don't probably care at all about mushrooms but they're like generally like good for you like good that you do your thing it's like whereas is like, why would you do that? It's like more, it's an older society here. People are more open to it. So I love the positivity
Starting point is 00:33:33 and the go get them attitude of the U S and you know, the hard work, um, Americans work really hard and Europeans, including Finnish don't work that work that hard like they there's you know work-life balance i'll get to that but like people work even as entrepreneurs sometimes 30 40 hours and there's here it's unheard of right so i think the positivity and the excitement and the openness to new things like in the us people are very open to new things the challenge is the fact that like i think you forget why you're doing it you forget the connection with family nature the beautiful things in life arts culture and that's probably the big thing is like is finland people are more connected to nature so even if they're working hard they take their time to go to the sauna and the
Starting point is 00:34:22 to the frozen ocean or lake lake and do that and spend time with the family over the weekend where here people work kind of like 24-7 more. And I think also in Finland, generally people, when you grew up in a society where you know that you're an underdog, I feel like you're more open to the world. I feel like the US is very US focused, even like Canada seems something super foreign or anything like that. So the other part is that people in Europe, including Finland are a little more like, globally minded, and more aware of what's going on in China, or Nigeria, or whatever may be. And here, it's, it's really all about the US even, it's more about even your state, at some cases, like in Texas, it's about Texas, it's not about the world. So it's more about even your state at some cases like in texas it's about
Starting point is 00:35:05 texas it's not about the world so i think those are the pros and cons but as an entrepreneur i would say it's easier to be in the us us is more entrepreneurial minded but then if you look at quality of life europe generally speaking has a better quality of life but i think what people what i think people don't talk about is yes we're completely as a country very very entrepreneurial minded but we're also like if you're an entrepreneur and you get out there and you fuck it up and you don't make it like nobody's coming to help you're on your you're done like we don't we don't have homeless people because like the government will get you a house like but that's funny it's like not people are not willing to take risks in that case so it's funny because they know that there's a safety net but that's that you know but that's it's odd because you
Starting point is 00:35:47 think if there's a safety net you like you should take even more risk because nothing can go wrong but here when there's no safety net people take it even more risk because there's the the carrot is bigger i would say well and also it's like that burn your boats mentality right like if you fuck it up there's no like then you're done exactly to go and with us there is there's such a safety net and you always will be fine and that often ends up people not even necessarily always trying what are some very specific and very detailed things that you miss about finland i would say air quality yeah water quality pretty simple things this is there's a certain level of like simplicity that is really refreshing almost minimalistic and that just goes around everything like here because there's everything is possible everything is possible and then there has million
Starting point is 00:36:37 things versus in finland it's a it's a more straightforward life it's kind of like to use a beauty anecdote like you have 17 000 products to take and then you're like for every occasion of the day you have a different product versus like if you boil it down there's probably few things that you truly need and that's how the society in finland is that you're really focused on few things that matter and then there's less of this range so i think water quality air quality nature simplicity are some of the stuff that i like particularly mission and then certain foods and certain people but that's more specific what's going on with the women over there american women don't blush too much okay really. Really amazing skin over there. Like remember you introduced me to a couple women from over there. Their skin is like crystal clear.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah. Well, I think it's because here, okay, let's use that as an anecdote for how people think about life there versus here. Maybe that's a good lesson. The skin has like, broadly speaking, 10 different functions that are important for it. It obviously protects us from pathogens and viruses. So for immunity, it maintains our moisture levels. It keeps our temperature.
Starting point is 00:37:56 We can sense things. And so there's about 10 things it does. It like, it removes toxins. Like a lot of people don't know know but our sweat actually has urine in it side fact but wait a minute hold on so you're telling me that if i if lauren's sweating and i it has your there's urine in it i'm always sweating yeah we all are and and urine is not necessarily that as bad as people think but back to the story is only one of them is the aesthetic. And here, it's really about aesthetic, but the skin renews itself, depending how old you are,
Starting point is 00:38:31 it takes anywhere from like a few days as a baby, to when you're older, maybe three months might take most people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, it takes about month, month and a half to renew. And we're very focused on just on the surface. And we're treating it with all kinds of stuff versus there. It's more about like general health, like good quality water, good quality of food that creates healthier cells. So I don't think if you look at their, the women you met who have a beautiful skin, if you look at their skincare routine or something, it's they're not doing anything crazy. It's like soap and some basic stuff. But the fact is that their skin fundamentally is healthier, they're made out of healthier cells, their gut is healthier,
Starting point is 00:39:13 they're less stressed out. Like cortisol is really bad for your skin is when you're stressed out. That really hurts your skin. So I think fundamentally, they just live a healthier life and healthy environment hence their skin is also better when you were stressed out the other day i looked at you and i was like i was like he was talking to me i couldn't concentrate on my spaghetti you you i was like you gotta go get a facial so one of the things we wanted to talk about and like i know you guys have a product that you that you ingest for skin but and we were going to talk about the basically the external skin care versus internal like is it a combination is it like where do you like if you were going to say like the balance of good skin care how much of it is ingesting
Starting point is 00:39:54 internal things the right things versus external well i would say its majority is what what not just what you ingest but how you live like stress and sleep like sleep is so huge for skin quality and and the product you put on your face or the skincare routine is is a small it's a minority is it 10 20 third i don't know like the exact percentages but it is a smaller amount compared to things like hydration like how much water do you drink enough water like that matters way more to skin what you ingest and i think there's just a disconnect in general in the societies like we're really focused on is on this beauty routine without understanding what does the skin do
Starting point is 00:40:37 kind of like referred to as we're only focused on like one of the 10 main functions which is the aesthetic and we ignore all the other functions. Like no matter how much you scrub your skin, there's always going to be bacteria. So your skin has every inch has tons of 100 millions of bacteria. And that's good. The bacteria is good. It's actually what's keeping your skin healthy. And I think a lot of people when they have a skincare routine, they're really focused on the short term solution. Because if you do
Starting point is 00:41:05 use a serum or moisturizer or whatever, you're doing solving the more immediate thing. But fundamentally, you want to build healthy body that builds healthy cells, then it's a lot easier to use the serum after that you have less, it's almost like you have a house that has a beautiful, you paint the beautiful walls, but there's nothing inside and there's no running water. And the fundamentally, it's like you want to build a great house and then it's, it's looks better as well. And, and ingestible beauty is growing a lot. So I think the connection people are connecting is like, oh, wow, like what I take inside actually matters. And funny enough, a lot of the color pigments of skin are also found in foods. And I think this whole idea of rainbow diet is so ancient, but things like
Starting point is 00:41:54 carotenoids do affect your skin quality. So what you get these color pigments that you get in foods, melanin, you can get, including in the chaga mushroom, you find high amounts of melanin that affects your skin quality So there's definitely things you can eat that improve your skin But skin is so much more a reflection of your whole lifestyle Stress levels sleep hydration and not just the beauty products you take If you guys are going to start with any of his skincare
Starting point is 00:42:21 I really really like the serum and that's one that you can put on your face and you can also eat it. Yeah. Just so cool. Well, the thing, that's the other thing is like, why do people not realize that things absorb? Like people put nicotine pads and they absorb nicotine, but somehow they think that putting skincare doesn't go into your bloodstream. And so many skincare products, so many skincare products have like polymers like lily plastic and they're putting it in yeah and that's the thing that frankly when we launched
Starting point is 00:42:52 the skincare i fucked up i didn't realize how deeply rooted this like what i consider a problem and or misconception in society was i thought most skincare is sold with just like one or two ingredients and then there's another 50 at the back that nobody ever highlights. You can't even pronounce those. And I thought it would be important to show all ingredients because in food, if you go and you buy chickpea pasta, you turn the box and look at what is this actually made out of? And then you look at, okay, it's pretty clean ingredients. I'll eat this. But then when you do beauty, you just focus on one or two like call out ingredients. Retinol, vitaminol vitamin c yeah and then you focus on some vitamin c serum
Starting point is 00:43:29 and then you never look some people do but most people don't look at the back and look at what else is here and then there's ingredients that they can't even pronounce so when we started we started talking about a skincare product same way as we talk about food and realize that that's not how skincare users are used to they're used to being just call out one ingredient and ignore the rest and then the rest is marketing i looked at l'oreal's public statements and they literally like estee lauder and l'oreal spends three to four percent of the ingredient cost on the actual product so if you buy a hundred dollar serum it's really like cost at them, like three, $4 out of which only about a dollar of that hundred dollar product
Starting point is 00:44:13 is the actual product and then two to three or two to $4 is on packaging. So it's mostly you're paying a dollar. You're paying a hundred dollars for a dollar with really nice packaging and the lifestyle and instead maybe you should take that hundred dollars and and take some of that money on things like focusing on your sleep quality and stress and going to a ice bath or a fascia release or whatever like that fascia release might improve your skin quality more than many expensive skincare i am obsessed with fascia release right now i'm telling you michael i walked out i it just
Starting point is 00:44:50 endorphins through your whole body michael it's amazing and it's wild because you're i asked the doctor today i said how come when i get a massage it's not the same release and he's like because we're it's like a piece of prosciutto you're breaking up that white part and you don't have to do it a hundred times you just have to do it four times he breaks up the white part and it just releases all this like he's up in my neck but it's releasing my hip it's wild i'm telling you i probably need it but i don't know i left you an appointment he also said he goes i'm not going to treat your husband and this is for all the husbands out there turn this up guys turn this up if he said i will not treat your husband if your husband wears his wallet in his back pocket
Starting point is 00:45:33 he said it's gonna fuck up all the work i do he said okay so not that if i've done that in the past he's saying moving forward i gotta like switch pockets no no there cannot be a wallet in your back pocket he said when you sit down yeah after he treats me not like put it in front of your penis put it under your balls do not put it in your fucking back pocket i want to just start wearing a fanny pack i don't care what you do just don't so this brings me to my next question i am a, huge fan of ice. Ice facials, ice roller, cryo, because I was so swollen for four years from jaw surgery and truly the only thing that worked
Starting point is 00:46:12 was facial manipulation and ice. You know a lot about ice. You're a ballsy motherfucker when it comes to ice. Can you talk about the benefits of that? Yeah, we were talking when we started. How cold was that water we went into? It was probably about 25 degrees because obviously water freezes before that, but they have a little stream so it can get a little colder. I think that day when we went, it was like minus 19 outside. So it was like minus 19 Fahrenheit outside. And I would say
Starting point is 00:46:41 24, 25, probably the water. That was no joke. But it's actually, to me, it's almost easier to go into that water and stay for a minute or two than sometimes do a cold shower. Cold showers are really difficult for me because there's more air and exposure and it's like spatting the water versus just immersing in the really cold. But yeah, ice, there's so many wellness routines and I'm such a sucker. It's such a lifestyle. I buy all the new stuff. But there's really like when it comes down to what truly works, there's like few things that are guaranteed to work.
Starting point is 00:47:10 And one of them, fascia release for sure. And the other one is hot cold therapy, but particularly the cold. So ice is one of the best healers than there is. And there's a bunch of reason what happens. I think what basically does is in a more and more simplistic way is by doing hot and cold, particularly cold, you are healthy blood circulation. So healthy blood circulation is so valuable. And calming down inflammation, which is another thing
Starting point is 00:47:40 that's chronically problematic in our society, both inflammation in our digestive tract, but also inflammation, just being stressed out and everything in your case from a surgery, but that ice really calms it down. And I haven't really met any person who doesn't get benefits from ice. Like I really don't know anybody. It can be uncomfortable. Same as the fascia release when they put a finger in your mouth and release your jaw and it hurts so much oh yeah that is gnarly but that does immediately help you out so sometimes the answer that works is not the most fun it would be more fun if it would be like massage is more fun than fascia release but fascia release is probably more effective same way as with the with the ice treatment so i highly recommend ice. It is also good for beauty and anti-aging,
Starting point is 00:48:27 but generally it will release certain endorphins in our body. And it also does help with things like sleep that further snowballs you into a healthier lifestyle. I'm a huge fan of ice. You need to get cold. Remember when I took you to cryotherapy? What does it do? And I videoed
Starting point is 00:48:45 you with your balls shriveled up your butthole yeah i would say i would highly recommend ice bath over cryo cryo is better than nothing but i would generally say the benefits you get from cryo are much smaller than the benefits you get from an ice bath even though it's cryo technically is colder my friend weston is ice rolling his face every single morning he's absolutely addicted i do it every morning michael's into ice too just ice on the face in the morning when you're puffy and you've been laying down there's nothing like it yeah so why isn't more people doing it it's pretty simple it's one of the easiest things it's inexpensive as well i've realized that people don't want the simple answer like when i and i'll tell you how i realize people don't want to be
Starting point is 00:49:28 uncomfortable no i don't think it's i don't think that ice going your whole body into ice is really uncomfortable i think the face one is not that uncomfortable i think if in the morning you put it in your face in some sort of like using one of those gel masks? How do you use it? I have an ice roller that I use, a very specific one, and I roll my face with it. It's not that uncomfortable. No, it's not uncomfortable. I'm telling Michael, I think that people don't want the simplistic answer, which is why you were saying you fucked up with the skincare,
Starting point is 00:49:59 because it's almost like they want the list of 800 ingredients. It's so wild to me, and I don't know if that's just an American thing, but when I tell, when people are like, oh, how'd you get your swelling down? I'm like, 50% of it was facial manipulation. It's the same. Rubbing my face and then moving the fluid down my neck with lymphatic drainage.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And that's such an easy answer because you could do it right now. It's the same reason why- People don't want to hear it. No, it's the the same reason why like when it comes to diet and weight loss and fitness people would just they want to be able to take something you know they want to buy this supplement and that's going to solve they don't want to hear like hey you know add a little more vegetables add a little more lean protein go to the gym get a sweat if you want to get they don't want to do it if you want to get really ripped like sprinting like running and sprinting is not even for that long
Starting point is 00:50:46 like sprint running is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to get shredded it's uncomfortable run uphill do 10 sprints up the hill it's uncomfortable but it works running up okay but here's my theory on sprinting and i would love to know what you think. I do not want to sprint or run because I think, and this is my opinion, I think that it sags your skin. I think it sags your tits. I think it sags your vagina. I think it sags your knees. And I think it sags your face.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Now- If you're doing it for long periods of time- Over and over, okay. So for me, I'd rather do walking. I think that walking for me, it lowers my cortisol. We talked about cortisol yes sprint is upping the cortisol I'm huge on walking you should definitely walk and you should walk way more you don't have to sprint that often you most of the day you should walk where we're just sitting
Starting point is 00:51:34 everywhere like right now so we're just sitting so walking is a better daily activity that being said to your sagging point then maybe you should run uphill or because then you're not really bouncing because when you run on flat you're bouncing a lot if you go uphill you're kind of like it's harder after you're done it's better for your knees as well a lot of people don't know how to run which sounds really funny but they their poses but when you run uphill you're naturally more in the correct position of running so It's like going downhill is the worst. Downhill, but even in flat, most people don't know how to run. But when you go uphill,
Starting point is 00:52:12 you're more naturally in the correct positioning. So going uphill or even walking really, really steep uphill on like short spurts is better. So maybe you walk uphill on short spurts. I knew you would know the answer. But it's not completely wild that I think that, right? No. And that's the other part about to the skin is like, as we age as human beings,
Starting point is 00:52:32 our skin quality starts to go down and collagen production goes down and other things happen. And, but by maintaining healthy habits, it happens slightly slower. So to sum it up for the audience, what are three wellness things that you would recommend that you've tried and you think they deliver? I would say sleep is number one. So, and you can achieve this in many ways, but generally speaking,
Starting point is 00:52:58 having the room darker, keeping the room colder, even if you really don't like the cold, sleeping in a colder room with warm blankets probably is going to improve your sleep quality. There's things like the chili pad where you can put it under your blanket and control the temperature, but sleep by far the most important. We talked about the other one, which is ice. I would recommend ice cold, but always end with the cold. Don't end with the warm. So go to the sauna, cold plunge, but end with the cold or end being a little bit on the colder side than warmer side. And then I would say various hydration is key. I think a lot of people end up drinking water, but they still are dehydrated. So adding cucumber, lemon, lime into
Starting point is 00:53:45 your water is probably helpful. Also thinking about things that you consume in large amounts of coffee, something you consume in large amounts, being mindful of coffee consumption as well, what kind of coffee, some are more dehydrating than other coffees. Also, when you have coffee, remember to have water as well. So things like that so sleep hydration and hot cold is something i would recommend and i would same as with the fascia i would be shocked if those don't work when done right it's just like evolutionary they're in us so what's your morning routine i don't have a morning routine i have themes that do change seasonally i think that's how many of the themes get into it so the themes is like how is it possible that we live year-round the same way like i don't think that was meant to be i don't think we're meant
Starting point is 00:54:36 to eat the same food there is a fatty season you know indulge the fatty season but then there's also there's a fatty season the winter the winter is the fatty season so there's nothing wrong with being a little chubby you know it's like just get a little chubby but then you know have that season when you're like eating more salads and lighter and and and the temperature used to control it but some of us in this modern day life because we're so much indoors we forget the elements and then we don't have seasons. But what is similar about morning routines, a year round to me is hydration, huge, huge, huge, huge hydration, getting the blood moving, you could do it with, you know, your roller by, but you I like yoga or some sort of like, going fresh air going for a walk first thing like you have so much more energy, you don't need coffee if you
Starting point is 00:55:25 get fresh air in the beginning and then you have the coffee maybe later so that's really valuable so for example this morning wake up have a bunch of water now i've been doing protein smoothies i often fast in the morning but now i do like protein smoothies first thing in the morning so what's the protein source or sig Yeah, we have a protein now. But so I'm having that. Before that, I would make my own similar blends that we do, but I would have to buy multiple products because I don't like gums and natural flavors.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I'm not big on these gums. I think they mess up our gut. Our gut is our second brain. Gut also impacts skin quality so much. So I would buy these like really clean protein sources, then I will mix them because they taste gnarly. So then I mix them with other stuff to make it taste better. But protein powder, blueberries, wild blueberries, water, ice, that's fundamentally it. Sometimes I put like nut butters or something like that for more energy.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Then I do ashtanga right now I do a morning, 1A, 1B. And then once my body kind of warms up after that, then I do, depending on the day, something else. Then I call my mom. I FaceTime my mom because we have a 10-hour time difference. So it's either early in the morning or in the evening. So talk to the family. And that's where kind of the day starts. Those are non-negotiables. Every successful person that comes on this podcast has a space in their morning that's just for them. It's so interesting. Like they create space to talk to their family
Starting point is 00:56:54 or to read or to move their body or to hydrate. No one has come on this podcast successful. Why do you think that is? I think that it's so chaotic to be an entrepreneur and to be a successful person that you have to have that foundation think that it's so chaotic to be an entrepreneur and to be a successful person that you have to have that foundation of your day in the morning to yourself to get your mind right.
Starting point is 00:57:11 It's time to think. Or you can't focus. I agree. I do see some people overperforming there where they have a two-hour morning routine that gets overboard. I made a joke the other day. I get home from work at 3 p.m.
Starting point is 00:57:24 No, I'm just kidding we're still in the morning it's not it's not it's a one hour but but i would say i would also recommend trying to split the day half so i take a nap middle of the day but if you can find ways to in the middle of day have a siesta go for a walk go work out do something that breaks the day half and that often you get the second morning. My friend Ingrid, she's from France. She goes to lunch and she sits down for one hour uninterrupted and has a glass of wine with a friend or a family member. And that's very common in Europe. Michael and I, and I'm not going to say it, so don't freak out. We have a foot spa where we go.
Starting point is 00:58:04 That's a hole in the wall. Disgusting, dirty foot spa. No, but I got to end my day there because I get too tired. We go, we go around five and we will just like read on our phone. So he does, sometimes he doesn't even go on his phone. I don't go on my phone. I go there and let these guys. They don't speak English.
Starting point is 00:58:20 No one speaks English and it's dark and it's, who knows what's happening in the back. And it's amazing. But you're right, like a nap or something to break up the day is really smart. Yeah, you get a second morning, you get it's just like, there's these phases, like same as we talked in the beginning about being entrepreneurs up and down. But I think year is up and down. But our days are up and down as well. So not assuming that you're always on top of it. Like why do you sit on the computer or try to get work done when you're tired and not focused?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Like go for a walk, do productive things when you're productive. Don't try to be productive when you're not productive. And taking these breaks is so valuable and walking, I love walking. So I definitely with you with that. I love your advice because it's simple it's educational it's tangible do i need to make it harder though to sell product i gotta
Starting point is 00:59:11 make it complicated based on your advice no people want to complicate it nope i think you just keep doing what you're doing you know speaking about people what is before we go because i mean we could talk forever what is is there we haven't talked in a year on the mic we've talked before yeah we've talked off the mic, but is there a trend that you've seen over the last year that you just fundamentally disagree with that you don't like?
Starting point is 00:59:30 Is there anything that comes top of mind or maybe not? Like, is there just something that you see people doing like as blanket? Well, again, like I think people say good and bad, but then I see certain things get really trendy that get misunderstood. I think collagen is one of them.
Starting point is 00:59:42 I think although collagen is, can be helpful, it's often misunderstood. So a few things that I think collagen is one of them. I think although collagen is can be helpful, it's often misunderstood. So a few things that I think now that collagen has been all the craze for the last couple of years, there's a couple many kinds of collagen, the type one collagen actually gets killed by a stomach acid. So if you buy a product that doesn't have the type two collagen, it probably doesn't even get absorbed. Secondly, collagen, although healthful is not a complete amino acid. So our body gets kind of confused. So unless you consume collagen with a complete protein, such as, you know, whey or pea protein or something else, you're probably also not going to absorb it. So collagen is an example that although has all these
Starting point is 01:00:21 amazing health benefits, people get excited people don't know that they use bad collagen that doesn't absorb they use it in a way that is not meant to be absorbed and yeah that's a big problem and then finally like a lot of people don't know where collagen comes from like you're boiling hides and you know things like that and it's a lot of i see like bunch of vegans even like it's like super into collagen and it's just like there's nothing wrong do you do you but just do you know where that comes from and then do you know what type of collagen you're using and do you know what you're combining with but taking high quality collagen scooping into a protein fine but like
Starting point is 01:01:00 know that it's type 2 collagen and tied with complete protein otherwise it's just a waste of money and so people are wasting their money on these wellness products to feel better they just came out a study where they're literally saying that millennials will live shorter than gen x so so the what was the reason the reason is that we have we go we drink the collagen drink we go to pilates We do all these wellness things that the previous generation didn't, but we're so fucking stressed out. We're like freaking out about everything
Starting point is 01:01:31 and we're worrying about everything. And therefore like chill, you know, is like, I think- Why are you looking at me, Lauren? You need to chill. No, I'm not stressed. I'm feeling pretty good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yeah. Keep going. So just to talk about wellness trends, I'm not saying that college is a bad thing. I'm just saying it's like, know where you're getting it from and how you're using it. Otherwise you're just wasting your money on something.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Bell Campo bone broth. What does that mean? So that's the thing is like, our ancestors had all the answers and we just like, they had bone broth or they use broth as a base for a soup you would have chicken soup or something it was the you didn't even necessarily want the meat you
Starting point is 01:02:11 wanted the soup the broth and it's so refreshing and amazing and then same with like many other things like we we we have the skill of like trying to make it too complicated when you just go and look at what your grandma had and you know grandma might have taken a couple shots of whiskey at night and maybe had a little bit of things that we consider to be unhealthy but grandma did a lot of things right we were at this we had this disaster prepared seminar thing so i won't get into detail but it was one one of the one of the topics that came up is like okay this is in a natural disaster earthquake fire whatever um what if the cell towers are down and everyone with the people One of the topics that came up is like, okay, in a natural disaster, earthquake, fire, whatever, what if the cell towers are down and everyone, the people that were there were freaking out.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Like, no cell phone. If we don't have a cell phone, how are we going to live? How are we going to get in touch with people? What are we going to do? And I was like, I was sitting there and all I could think is we as the human race, human species has lived for thousands and thousands and thousands of years without cell phones, with all these natural disasters. The cell phone and some of these things cell phones, with all these natural disasters, the cell phone and some of these things, they've made us feel very safe,
Starting point is 01:03:09 but they've also imprisoned us in some ways. Okay, if you don't have a cell phone, you can't make a call and you got to navigate through the disaster. It's simple as that. Like it's been done before. You do like when I share my location with you though, don't lie.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Sure, but I'm saying, it was incredible when we see how many people were debilitated with the thought that in a disaster, their cell phone wouldn't work. And then because of that, they would have no idea how to survive. Now, if the cell phones cough, at least you know how to ride Huskies through the snowstorm. I'll do a message in a bottle for you. Honestly, this is going to be selfish.
Starting point is 01:03:40 And probably some of those people that were at the seminar might hear this. But all I could think the whole time when everyone was in a panic was as long as i'm better than 99 percent of the people here that are freaking out i'm good right like these are the ones these are the people wow i'll hop on the back of a husky i'll hop onto your back you know what i'm gonna do in a disaster look to michael do you get what i'm saying it was like people could not that's efficient they couldn't they couldn't fathom what would happen if they didn't have cell service and i was like well if that's if that's the way your focus is and you can't survive without this device that's in your phone and there is a human being on the planet you got bigger problems here's the million
Starting point is 01:04:18 dollar question okay and you can only pick one this is how how we're going to round it out. You have to go to the moon. And you can only bring one four-sigmatic product. And I'm going to need to know why you're bringing this one. You can only bring one. I'm bringing the mushroom-focused one. For the rest of your life. What are you bringing? I'm going to be so focused on the fucking moon.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I'm bringing the mushroom cacao powder. Yeah, I'll probably die very quickly considering the circumstances at the moon. So I'll probably also bring this reishi hot chocolate because it'll make me less stressed out. At least I'll die a happy man, you know, in the moon. So I'll also do the same. It's so relieving and relaxing to take this reishi mushroom, the queen of mushrooms, and that in chocolate. That's delicious. So I'll take the reishi hot chocolate. You love the queen.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Who doesn't? Or do you want to ingest the good skincare so that you just look good? No, no, no. Michael, he just said he's going to take- Because if you're going to die quickly, you want to preserve a good- He's going to take the reishi hot chocolate. Okay. You and Taylor can take the focus drops.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Am I alone? You're alone. Oh, okay. Because there's also the cordyceps mushroom that nickname is cordyceps mushroom but that's if i'm there you're fucking on the moon no no getting one last pump in yeah before you go man can dream you know what you can drink your reishi hot chocolate and self-pleasure yourself i think that's enough yeah yeah it is just relax yourself look down at earth yeah it's it's very time efficient you know masturbation you know it's like putting yeah taylor knows all about it put and putting money in the bank really as an entrepreneur taylor has
Starting point is 01:05:57 all different types of tactics and efficiencies when it comes to masturbation that's the whole it's getting the poison out it's getting the that's what my dad would tell me it's getting the poison out yeah because listen this stuff makes us do dumb things and makes us think you know but that being said if like if you then also end up watching i mean we're going to real a sidetrack here but if you end up watching then porno and you watch porn and then like does that make you a better man and then the second thing is like you know masturbation you squeeze and you lose a lot of sensitivity. So I think a lot of men would do better if they would not watch porn and not masturbate.
Starting point is 01:06:33 So they become more sensitive. Wow. Taylor, did you hear that tip? That's the tip of the day for you. I don't think it's going to happen for me. No, Taylor has a little bit of a, he loves to masturbate, but Taylor also. But the porn is, we we've you've told that story multiple times so but the porn thing yeah i mean i know it's supposed to desensitize you to
Starting point is 01:06:50 your or sexually aroused you get for it like over a period of time but still i mean i'm going strong like how many times a week are you masturbating i mean not that many just like a normal person now we're going to define what do you envision as a normal person i just want to hear this well it varies i guess no but but be dead on it whatever whatever he says he's thinking like yeah he's like okay oh yeah say five times a week oh so ten ten ten no no i mean maybe five to ten depending on so that's normal person five to ten that's your that's your gauge i i mean how here's a good question how about you no no no don't you go in that weird cave and pull out those vhs no he doesn't this is my fucking show taylor i asked
Starting point is 01:07:35 all right you know what let's end it on that where can everyone find you on a really strong finish it's like literally literally don't want porn to be censored yeah taylor needs to go to the bathroom okay where can everyone find you in four sigmatic yeah four sigmatic all the social online four sigmatic is f-o-u-r-s-i-g-m-a-t-i-c you don't need to find me find yourself you, you know? If they don't know about Four Sigmatic, they've been living under a rock. And just asking you and putting you on the spot, should we do a fun giveaway where we can do a bunch of different Four Sigmatic products?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, let's do a basket of the skincare and the hot chocolate. Two of my favorites. It'll be a very skinny, confidential-esque Four Sigmatic basket. All you guys have to do is follow at four sigmatic on instagram and tell us your favorite part of this episode with tara which i don't know there's so many places you could go on my latest instagram at the skinny confidential taylor's masturbation four sigmatics page is gonna love the masturbation
Starting point is 01:08:38 throw in some of this this line man because this stuff is good too are you trying to get free lion mane? No, not for me. I'm saying for the listeners. You did this on the drunk elephant episode. You inserted yourself into the conversation and asked for free skincare. So I feel like you're trying to get free lion's mane right now. No, I'm giving back to the people.
Starting point is 01:08:57 What? How? You've given back enough in the last 10 times this week. We'll add lion's mane to the basket. It's always fun. Thanks, guys. One of the record holders here. Am I? Wow. Next time you come on, it will be after
Starting point is 01:09:13 ayahuasca when I've had the baby and I'm going to take you up on that. Deal. We'll go somewhere. We'll talk offline. Here comes the pregnancy police again. You can't have your breastfeeding. Can't have ayahuasca. Add a siren, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Yeah. Thank you guys for tuning in again for another episode of the Skinny Confidential, him and her. For those of you that want to learn more about Four Sigmatic, are just intrigued about it, have not tried it yet,
Starting point is 01:09:39 make sure you go to slash skinny for 15% off your entire order. Like I said, they've been a partner of this show for a very long time. You just heard from their founder. He's amazing. Again, slash skinny for 15% off your entire order. With that, we'll see you Friday. This episode was brought to you by Thrive Market, our favorite one-stop shop for all things grocery, household supplies, pet food, beauty, supplements. They've got it all and even wine now wine thrive wine guys to try thrive go to thrive skinny to find a membership that fits your lifestyle again that's thrive
Starting point is 01:10:15 skinny to find a membership that fits your lifestyle everything is 25 to 50 below retail straight to your door thrive skinny

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