The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - Mini: Lauryn's Day Planner Tips You Need

Episode Date: May 23, 2020

BONUS 6: On this Mini episode Lauryn breaks down how she plans her day every morning. She shares all the hacks, tips, and tricks for starting the day on a positive note. As usual expect specifics. will also be a blog post breakdown on The Skinny Confidential and Tiktok @laurynbosstick To connect with Lauryn Evarts click HERE To connect with Michael Bosstick click HERE Read More on The Skinny Confidential HERE For Detailed Show Notes visit TSCPODCAST.COM To Call the Him & Her Hotline call: 1-833-SKINNYS (754-6697) WOO MORE PLAY is the all natural and organic coconut love oil that is changing the way we have sex. With only 4 all natural ingredients WOO is the perfect personal lubricant to spice up your sex life. That's just the pre-party.  All Him & Her Listeners will receive 20% off your entire order plus free shipping when when visiting & using promo code BDAYBITCH at checkout. Produced by Dear Media

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I have been putting this practice that I've been doing in the morning on my stories and on TikTok, and I wanted to talk about it on the podcast because sometimes audio is easier to understand, and especially with this, I think that it will be really helpful. So I've been doing this practice every single morning, and it's kind of a medley of Tim Ferriss and Scott Adams practice, but I infused it together and put my own touch on it. And I think that it will really help you. It's really helped me have clarity throughout this whole entire situation. I feel a lot clearer in the mornings and I feel like I can see what needs to be done in a really seamless way. So the first thing you do is you want to do a fresh page in your notebook. I like to wake up. I like to do a meditation or a breath, drink like
Starting point is 00:00:52 lemon water, do whatever you need to do, get your coffee, sit down. You got your blank page. So every day is a blank page. And at the top of each page, I write Lauren's AM routine with the date. So the first thing I do is the podcast that I'm listening to. So today I'll give you an example. It was Tim Ferriss featuring Scott Adams, which is funny because like that's what this was inspired by. I put the music that I'm listening to. So put like the music vibe you want to go for. So sometimes it could be bossa nova. It could be coffee talk. It could be blue oyster colt. It could be Led Zeppelin, whatever you want. Put the music that's like the vibe. Then put your workout. Um, maybe you're not doing a workout.
Starting point is 00:01:29 That's fine. You could just put walk, uh, just like the point is, is to just train your body to like get moving every day and to hold yourself accountable. So you have the podcast you're listening to the music that you're listening to and your workout at the top. And then the next thing you're going to do is you're going to write down three gratefuls. And Tim said that for his gratefuls, he likes to get as micro as possible. So instead of just writing, I'm grateful for my family, he writes down, you know, I'm grateful for being able to wake up to such a beautiful view because it inspires me to write. An example of something that I wrote today was my husband being able to hang out at home with my daughter.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I think that right now it's really special that Michael has this space and time to see Zaza every day when normally he would be at work. So that's like one grateful. So you wanna do three of those. The next little section is must get done. So these are three things that you absolutely have to do.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And these are three things that you want to get done before you lay your head down on the pillow. It could be something so simple. It doesn't have to be something crazy. It could be, I want to post five Instagram stories. Or it could be something bigger. It could be, I want to write the first chapter of my book. Whatever that is, it's your three non-negotiables. Those are your priorities that you have to get done. The next line you're going to write, want to feel. And so that is how you want to feel throughout the day. Do you want to feel motivated?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Do you want to feel driven? Do you want to feel refreshed? Do you want to feel zen, peaceful? It could be three completely different emotions, but you're just setting the foundation of how you want your day to flow. So words that have really come up for me are peaceful, productive, in my own lane, inspired. It could be anything, just three, you know, emotions that you really want the day to have. The next line you're going to write sending happiness to. And this is a practice that a lot of people in the book Tools of Titans talked about. They say that they really think and visualize
Starting point is 00:03:33 three people that they want to send happiness to. This doesn't have to be someone in your family. It could be someone that you haven't talked to in 10 years. It could be your ballet teacher from when you were five years old. It could be anything. You're just putting out good vibes into the ether and sending good energy to whoever that may be. You could send a good vibe to your sister. You could send a good vibe to, like I said, your preschool teacher, whatever you want to do. It's like, it's just a practice of sending good energy out. And then the next thing you're going to do is a mantra. So you want to say, I, Lauren Everett's blank, blank, and blank. And my mantra, I try to make the same thing every day. Sometimes I switch it up. But the point is, is you're kind of like hypnotizing yourself
Starting point is 00:04:15 to reading that every single day. You could say like Scott Adams, he wrote, I, Scott Adams, want to be one of the world's top cartoonist. And that ended up happening for him. If you're unfamiliar with him, definitely check out his work. It's awesome. But you could write any kind of mantra that just really helps you. An example could be, I, Lauren Everett, want to read 10 books during this quarantine. And you could keep writing it day after day after day. So you're constantly looking at that mantra. Or it could be something broad. I, Lauren Everett, want to practice meditation and spirituality every single day in quarantine. Whatever it is, the point is,
Starting point is 00:04:55 is that you're writing it every single day. So it's your mantra. And then lastly, I do my Ivy Lee method. I've talked about this so many times on the blog. Google the Skinny Confidential Ivy Lee method if you need more specifics. But but basically it's six to seven things that you want to accomplish that day. Now, these aren't your three things that must get done from above. These are different to-dos. This could be anything from you want to cook dinner, to you want to nail the conference call, to you want to do a hair and eye mask, to you want to conquer a hundred emails eye mask to you want to conquer 100 emails whatever it is it's on this ivy lee method the one thing is that you want to put the top priority at
Starting point is 00:05:32 the top and the one that's the least priority at the bottom and now the next day when you have to write your six to seven things on your ivy lee to-do list you're going to pull some over so you're probably not going to get them done every single day and that's okay. You can just pull them over to the next day. The ones you really want to focus on getting done, like I said, are the ones above. So what I'm going to do on my Instagram story is I'm going to post a little, um, a little like worksheet on this so you can see it visually. But I did want to hop on the mic to tell you about this because it's really been changing my life in quarantine. And I think that it'll bring value to some of you. Just having like a morning routine is so important, especially right now when so many of us are working from home. And to see that just gives you clarity.
Starting point is 00:06:15 So I thought I would hop on the mic and let you guys know that this has been life-changing for me. Maybe on the next episode where I do five to 10 minute episode, I'll talk about breathing because that's been amazing too. With that, make sure you're following along at TSC podcast on Instagram, and I'll see you guys next time.

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