The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - Misery Loves Company - An Argument For More Positivity
Episode Date: April 14, 2020#260: In a time where the world is in quarantine and we are isolated from friends and family, Lauryn and Michael make the argument for more positivity. The hosts discuss how putting negativity into th...e world does harm not only to yourself but to those around you and the world as a whole. In this episode Lauryn and Michael discuss practical ways to stay positive during negative times and practices you can utilize to stay in a positive mindset. To connect with Lauryn Evarts click HERE To connect with Michael Bosstick click HERE Read More on The Skinny Confidential HERE For Detailed Show Notes visit TSCPODCAST.COM To Call the Him & Her Hotline call: 1-833-SKINNYS (754-6697) This episode is brought to you by Talkspace. We all have something we want to change or improve about ourselves. Talkspace is the most convenient and affordable online therapy that can help make a lasting change in your life with access to thousands of licensed therapists. To get $100 off your first month on Talkspace visit and use code SKINNY to get $100 off your first month now! This episode is brought to you by RITUAL Forget everything you thought you knew about vitamins. Ritual is the brand that’s reinventing the experience with 9 essential nutrients women lack the most. If you’re ready to invest in your health, do what I did and go to Your future self will thank you for taking Ritual: Consider it your ‘Lifelong-Health-401k’. Why put anything but clean ingredients (backed by real science) in your body? Produced by Dear MediaÂ
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The following podcast is a Dear Media production. at the vitamins and minerals they need on a daily basis. So Ritual created a smarter vitamin with the nine essential ingredients women lack most. Go to slash skinny today to choose
clean ingredients backed by science. Sign up now at slash skinny. She's a lifestyle
blogger extraordinaire. Fantastic. And he's a serial entrepreneur. A very smart cookie. And
now Lauren Everts and Michael Bostic are bringing you along for the ride.
Get ready for some major realness.
Welcome to The Skinny Confidential, him and her.
Hello, hello, hello.
Welcome back to The Skinny Confidential, him and her show.
Happy Tuesday.
Today you have a solo episode.
On last week's episode, we asked you guys if you
wanted to see more one-on-one from Michael and I, and the response was yes. So we're here. We're
solo. You got me. You got Michael. Back to our roots. Pixie. Back in a home studio where it all
started. Back in the home studio. This is fun though. I was talking to everybody on the team.
They're like, oh my God, what's going on? We're going to be, everyone's going to be quarantined.
How are we going to get the podcast up?
How are we going to get all these shows up and going?
Cause you know, we have, you know, close to 40 shows now.
And I was like, this is how it all began at home.
I mean, don't go back and listen to episode one.
It's horrendous.
The sound quality is terrible.
Hopefully it's a little bit better now, even though we're at home, but this is the back
to the roots, back to basics.
I like going back to the basics though.
I always think it's really important to have that slight edge and remember why you gained
a platform from the beginning.
I'm trying to think about that and reflect on that while I'm in quarantine.
Like, go back to my roots a little bit, you know?
Yeah, I've been here at the roots the whole time.
You're at the roots.
I'm at the roots.
Guys, we have an episode.
It's going to be interesting to see how it's received.
We're titling it Misery Loves Company. And the reason being is, you know, I'm somebody that kind of stays, and I'm not going
to speak for long. She can jump in in a minute. I stay out of the kind of fray. I kind of let
society kind of go the way it's going to go. And I observe and I sit back and, you know, some people
get mad or they say, hey, I'd love you to take more of a stance. I'd love you to jump into the
political conversation a little bit more. I'd love you to jump into the narrative. But for me,
just as a general practice, you know, our lives are public already. And I try to keep some things
private, some opinions private. And so I stay out of the mix when it comes to subjects, but I feel
compelled for the first time in a while to start to address something. And that is the amount of
negativity that's going on right now in the world. I know I'm not, listen, I don't want to hear, oh my God, this is tone deaf.
He's out of touch.
He's not like, I'm a very aware of what's going on in the world.
I employ a lot of people.
My life's affected.
We have a new affected.
We have a new baby.
You know, my wife is postpartum.
Like there's, there's a lot of things going on.
I'm very well aware.
I have an elder father.
I have, you know, we have relatives, like everybody in the world's affected by this.
It's not unique to you. Literally the entire world is affected.
That doesn't change the fact that I can, I and other people can have an opinion about certain
things. And my current opinion on the way the world is, is that it's an extremely negative
and unproductive place. Michael and I are seeing every single time we log on social media, just
so much negativity. And I'm not even talking about towards us or towards any specific person.
We're just seeing like, I'll give you an example.
The other day, an influencer who I happen to really, really love posted a video of her
in her car and she was wearing medical gloves.
And in the video, she was talking about something super positive and she touched her face.
Now, we don't know if she just put the gloves on, if she's had them on all day.
We don't know if she put them on midway through the day, whatever.
But instead of people hearing her positive message, everyone went for what she was doing
And I mean, you don't even know if she was doing that wrong because you don't even know
if she just put on the gloves and didn't touch anything.
So I'm just I'm watching on social media and i'm just seeing that everyone is so quick to point out
what everyone's doing wrong well here's how i feel we're all at home we're all sick of being at home
right we all want to get out we all want to go to restaurants we all want to go to bars we want to
go to music festivals we want to we want to do all these things we do not when one thing's going to
be exciting for me like i can't wait everybody is ready for the first time to get back in the office. Everybody's gonna be on time.
They're going to be on point. Like probably not Taylor, though. Probably not him. But we're all
listen, we're all in the same boat. The world it's called a world pandemic, right? And it should be a
time when people come together and say, hey, we need to uplift and support each other because
there's a lot of people Lauren and I are fortunate enough that, you know, we're here, we're together
with our baby. So like we have, we're around each other. There's a lot of people, Lauren and I are fortunate enough that, you know, we're here, we're together with our baby. So like we have, we're around each other.
There's a lot of people that are listening to this
that are at home alone and they're depressed
and they're sad and it's like,
and it's very understandable.
And so the last thing we need in my opinion right now
is negativity.
And there's so much of it going around.
I get it.
Listen, people are scared.
They're frustrated.
They don't know if that what's happening.
They're worried about their health.
They're worried about their loved one's health.
They're worried about their paycheck. They're worried about if loved one's health. They're worried about their paycheck.
They're worried about if they're going to be able to support their bills and their rent.
It's a very scary time.
I get it.
What I'm trying to do right now is every day I'm trying to point out three positive things
that people are doing right.
And that could be anyone from my sister to my friends to an influencer who I respect.
Instead of telling everyone what they're doing wrong, I'm trying to say what they're doing
And it's shifting my perspective and it's making me feel more positive in quarantine I think
that it's like more of like a grateful outlook than looking for what's wrong and finding someone
who's you know tone deaf or who's touching their face with their gloves or who's doing something
they shouldn't be doing it's so much energy and it's so much energy out of our thermometers to be looking
about what someone's doing negative or what someone's doing wrong. And personally,
I think it's a fucking waste of time. It is a waste of time. And I'll tell you why.
If you're sitting there and you're somebody that's, and it doesn't have to be listening
to this podcast, it could be anything. If you're somebody, I'm going to tell you right now,
people aren't going to like this. If you're sitting there and you're watching the news
and you're watching social media and you're waiting for somebody to make a misstep
or say something wrong so that you can be offended and jump into the fray and be angry, you are
losing in life. It is not productive. It is not helping you. It is not helping the person. It is
not helping the world. It is literally just putting negativity and wasting time out into the world.
It's not, the thing you should do instead is say, Hey, this person, whether whatever their opinion is, like I would, what I try to do every time I see something
like left, right, middle, whatever it is, I try to, I try to be empathetic and say, okay, why does
this person think this way? Right. And so I get it, you know, right now people are scared and
they're angry and they're bored. And to me, that breeds a very negative space where you're sitting
there. Everyone's on edge. They're irritated. They haven't seen the sunlight. I get it, but it's not helping you. It's not helping
your loved ones. It's not helping anyone. You're actually hurting the world and you're hurting your
own wellbeing by waiting to be upset and offended and angry. Flip it, right? I have a lot of business
partners and friends that are, you know, they, they get frustrated with me because I have no
interest in engaging in negative conversation with them. Oh my God, what's going to happen to
the economy? What's going to happen to the world? What's going to happen to the world? What's going to
happen to our job? I don't know what's going to happen. None of us do. The only thing you can do
is focus on what you can control today. Like that's the fact sitting there and crying and
whining about how you hope it can be is never going to help anybody. And also, you know,
if somebody is sitting there and they're trying to be positive and you come in like a big rain
cloud and start being sad and angry and look at, I'm offended here and I'm upset by this and this comedian did this and this influencer did that
stop like stop dragging people into your into your misery like there's a lot of people that are going
to listen to this and say fuck this I don't like that him saying this and I'm a mad that he's saying
it's triggering me like if you're sitting here and you're and you're one of those people like
stop for a second how are you helping I think too, that this podcast is for people that want to optimize their life, right? They want to improve in every area and
they want to be the best version of themselves. And like I always say, take what you like and
leave what you don't. But I think it would be remiss if Michael and I did not bring up that
we're seeing a lot of negativity on social media. I don't think it would be real
and authentic to our human experience to not bring it up. In saying that, I also want to make sure
that we address that there is, for all the negative people, there are so many positive
people that are doing so many amazing things. That's what I want to flock to.
Well, that's what I want to amplify.
I want to flock to that as a person, as an influencer. Like I want to go towards the positive. My fear is that we're getting to a place in this world that where the negative voices are drowning
out the positive ones. I can, you know, maybe this is just in our own choosing. I choose to
try to be around a lot of positive people. And for me, I want those people to be more vocal.
And I want them to talk about the good they're putting out in the world, the positivity they
see. Listen, again, this is not tone deaf. We get what's going on. I understand we're in a pandemic. I understand a lot of people are sick and dying and they're
scared, but that doesn't mean that we have to scream negativity from the rooftops and look to
bring each other down. Like as a society right now, we should be looking to do all we can to
uplift each other. Little break to tell you about something that I am very serious about right now.
And that is ritual. My my vitamins I am not forgetting
my vitamins right now okay you know with everything going on I am being a little bit maybe obsessive
about having my vitamins every single day and the one that I take and the one that I've talked about
for the last year and a half is ritual so after I gave birth I continued doing the prenatals for a
while and now I'm back on the essential for women.
This one specifically has a lot of vitamin D in it, which is something that I need.
And after reading all about the immune system, I was up very late at night reading all these
different things you can do.
I found out that D3 is something that you really want in your body for your immune system.
So not only do I need it, I feel like everyone needs D3 right now.
This is a serious vitamin that a lot of people are lacking on. The reason that I like Ritual is
they're obsessively researched. So if you go on their site, everything is broken down. It's
streamlined. It's very easy to read. You get all the information. There's no like shady additives
or mysterious ingredients. It's just straight into the point. You're getting your nutrients.
You know where they came from.
You know why ritual chose it.
They basically call this traceability.
And traceability, when it comes to a vitamin,
in my opinion, is extremely important.
I'm a fan that they're vegan certified,
non-GMO, gluten-free, allergen-free.
And also, they have a delayed release,
no nausea design capsule.
So it's gentle on an empty stomach.
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we'll get back into the show i want to read a quote from my friend ingrid delamar kenny she
wrote a really powerful caption and it resonated with me and i hope it resonated with you she said
cancel culture is all the rage right now.
If we see a millionaire celebrity who is giving a million dollars, they're slammed for being able
to give way more. If a beauty blogger posts her makeup routine, she's punched with people
are dying and you're doing your makeup. If a public person doesn't talk about the donation
she's made, she's criticized for not doing enough. But if she speaks up about donating,
then she's vain and using the charitable action for publicity if a health professional speaks up about the benefits of a product for
the immune system they're slammed for disgustingly trying to profit from a pandemic she says holy
shit this is a landmine for content creators what is one supposed to do i mean she's and she says
this a pandemic should spread kindness and support, not negativity.
We don't need any more negativity.
Like enough is enough.
It's, it's just not helping.
And the biggest thing is if you're sitting there like, well, I don't care.
I'm going to, I'm upset.
And I want to share like, fine.
If that's what you want to do, do it, go do it alone.
Stop spreading it into the world.
I can't, I can't stress enough how unproductive and unhelpful it is to constantly be looking to
bring people down and be negative.
And listen, again, this is not going to be a popular sentiment.
If you're sitting there and you're somebody who gets triggered by things that are said
online or by the news, or somebody says something that offends you, or you get upset, put on
your fucking helmet, right?
God damn it.
Put on your helmet.
Since when is life supposed to be comfortable? Since when are people supposed to say and do things that
make you comfortable? There's a million things that people say and do that I don't agree with
that make me uncomfortable. That doesn't mean I'm going to go and scream at them and go and
rage about it. Like it says more about you, the way you respond to things than it does about the
other person. And you know, like if we have a daughter now,
and I hope that I teach her these things, like I hope that I can say, listen, girl, hopefully
you're strong enough as you grew up to understand people are going to say things that you're not
going to agree with. People are going to do things that might upset you. People are going to do
things that may seem rude or crude, but it says more about you as an individual, how you react
to it than it does about them. And that's what I'm trying to point out to people. It's like,
how are you, how is it helping you to be. And that's what I'm trying to point out to people. It's like, how are you,
how is it helping you to be so triggered and upset?
I'm going to cancel this person.
I'm going to be mad with this.
Like it doesn't, it's not serving you.
And if you want, if you forget about everybody else, it is not helping or serving you at all.
I think that this whole podcast is built on,
you know, like I said, bettering yourself,
but it's also built on bringing a
bunch of different opinions into one arena and hearing a bunch of different opinions. And I hope
that what that does is it makes everyone open to hearing everyone's, you know, sort of different
story. The same goes for social media. Everyone has a different story. Everyone has a different
experience. I think like Michael said, we all could be less judgmental and more open-minded and I hope that out of this
episode that's what we're putting into the world which is like let's all try a little harder not
to be so judgy on each other and understand that this is such a sensitive time right now
and a lot of people are doing their best there's no handbook on how to handle a pandemic. So,
you know, I just hope that, like I said, that this podcast is putting out positive vibes into
the ether. Yeah, nobody, listen, there's, you know, if you read Stoicism, there's some passages
that I can't remember off the top of my mind, but it basically points out that it's very rare
that people set out with ill intention, right? It's very rare that people set out and say,
like, I'm going to do this to really hurt people. Listen, there's some sick individuals in the world
that actually do that. But the high majority of people, they share their opinions, they share
their beliefs, they put, you know, they say something, and it's not with the intention of
hurting, it's the intention of like expressing themselves and putting something out into the
world that they think is positive. I think I really truly believe that that's the majority
of mankind. Some people aren't going to agree with that. And, and so what I try to do at all times, say, okay,
this person, this individual has this perspective. Why do they have that? Did something happen? Are
they, what happened in their childhood? Are they okay at home? Is their job? Okay. Is there,
are they okay in their relationships? And from there, like it's come, I'm trying to do my best
to come from a place of understanding. So before I go into a rage and get angry and listen,
I haven't always been the best at this.
I had, you know, definitely not when I was younger, but as I've gotten older and as I've worked with more people,
men and women,
I try to always look at it from the other side of the coin.
I try to always look at the,
the someone's opinion and their beliefs from,
from their perspective.
And by doing that,
I can reserve a place of empathy,
empathy and sympathy to say, okay, I may not
I may not understand, but I get why they may believe that.
I want to talk about some positive things that we're doing in quarantine that maybe
can help someone out there that's feeling stuck.
So, you know, just to go off on a tangent, some things I'm doing that have really, really
helped is I can't pronounce the guy's name.
I always pronounce it wrong.
Wim Hof.
Wim Hof, okay.
You keep calling him William.
Okay, Will, William.
Wim, Wim.
Like win, but Wim.
Okay, Wim Hof has this amazing breathing exercise
that I have been doing every morning
that is fucking life-changing.
I found it randomly on Instagram
and I've been doing it every single morning.
I made Michael do it with me
and it's really, really helped me start the day on the right
I can't even explain how much breath work is setting the tone for me right now.
Obviously, I'm trying to meditate with headspace.
I think everyone should be doing that right now.
If you can open a window and get some light into your room while you're doing that, that's
even better.
To wind down at night, I'm using CBD. So I'm using like a couple drops under my tongue. I like the brand
Pellicure. And then I'm using my gold pen. Sometimes it's like this little gold CBD pen.
And I feel like CBD really helps me a lot. A lot of you guys have asked me if you can use CBD during
breastfeeding. I was okayed by it by my doctor, but I don't want to put out a blanket statement.
So definitely ask your own doctor.
And you know, some other things we're doing is like,
Michael and I are really trying to write down things we're grateful for.
We're trying to talk about things that are positive in our life.
We're trying to really look at the good things as opposed to the bad things.
And I think once you practice that, because it's like a muscle,
you start to see good things in everything as opposed to the bad things. Does that make sense? practice that, because it's like a muscle, you start to see good
things and everything as opposed to the bad things. Does that make sense? Some of the things that I'm
doing, I'm doing all those things that Lauren mentioned and trying to, you know, I think
gratitude is the biggest thing, being grateful that we have the opportunity to continue to live
on this planet, being grateful that we have the opportunity to live in an age where, you know,
fortunately during this pandemic, there's still, you know, there's, you can still get groceries,
you can still surf online, you could still work. There's a, there's a million things that in past,
you know, listen, talk about the bubonic plague and things from, from past or the Spanish influenza,
like, and I'm not comparing these situations, but a lot of the individuals that lived through
those times didn't have nearly the amount of resources, just being grateful that we have
these types of resources. And also the biggest thing is, and again, this may not be popular,
but just getting rid of toxic people. Anytime someone comes to me right now, whether it's a coworker,
a friend, honestly, even family members, some family members are going to hear this and be
pissed. I'm cutting them out. I'm saying, I don't, I don't have time to entertain negativity.
It doesn't work. And if you're following me and you're a toxic person, like I'd rather have way
less followers of positive people. Like I I'd rather like everyone unfollow me who's toxic.
I don't want to talk.
I don't want to talk to the community.
If you're going to be toxic in the skinny confidential Facebook group,
like just leave.
Like it's,
I just don't want to create a toxic platform.
It's not fun.
It's not fun for me.
It's not fun for other people.
I want to be in a positive space.
I'll tell everybody a story.
And this was before all this happened.
I meet every single person that comes to work at your media. Every individual, it doesn't matter if they're in
management or if they're just starting or in the beginning. I meet every single person that comes
in the door. I don't look at a college resume. I don't care about where you worked in the past.
I don't care about what you say your skill set is. All of those things have been probably vetted
before. And what I'm going through is a gut check. I want to see, is this person a cultural fit? Are they
going to be bringing positive energy excitement? Uh, you know, are they going to be being
collaborative? Are they going to bring something to the culture that we're missing or that will
enhance the culture? And if I sit down and I meet someone, it's like, Hey, this person's out for
themselves or they're a little bit negative, or they're going to get in the way of what we're
all doing here. I don't hire them. In addition to that, there's been times like there was one day
when, when I fired two people back to back within five minutes and guess what? They were great at
their job. They were executing, they crushed, they hit all their goals and everything, but they were
toxic to the culture. They were constantly negative, constantly bringing people down.
And I looked at it and I said, you know what? We don't need this in the organization. It's
going to hurt the business in the short term to lose these two people. But in the long run,
keeping a positive culture is going to be effective and boom, boom, fired
in both two days.
And it's rare that I do something like that.
But I just, I want people to understand how much greater life is when you spread positivity
and you're around positive people compared to when you're around negativity all the time.
It's just, you want to repel that.
Like it's a gross, you don't want to be around it.
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Yeah, or just isolated.
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support for the show. That's skinny and With that, let's get back to the show.
This podcast has been a long time coming. I think that we are if we're going to take a stance,
it's that we want to cultivate positivity.
And I think that the way to do that is to start the conversation.
And that's why we wanted to open up this narrative.
For everyone that is positive and hanging in there right now, we appreciate you.
We see you.
We hear you.
We love DMing with you, commenting.
It's awesome to have a community that is full of so many people that are grateful and have a really positive outlook on life. Well, and listen, I want to
be empathetic to the people that are me right now. There may be in a negative headspace and
they're scared and they're hurt and they're upset. And like, I get that. I understand that's where
you are, but what I'm saying is take, take every individual out of it. Just think about yourself
in this instance. You're not helping yourself by staying in that negative headspace. You're hurting yourself. You're hurting your
long-term happiness. You're hurting your long-term productivity. What I'm trying to get people in the
mindset of is like, okay, yes, all of these terrible things exist right now. There's a lot
of hardship right now. There's a lot of bad things going on. Sitting there and whining about it and
crying about it and being offended by it. And having a notepad waiting to jump on someone to tell them what they did wrong.
It's a cancer.
It spreads through you and it spreads through society.
And that's what's happening.
And, you know, like we've had people write in and say, hey, Michael, we don't like that.
You know, maybe you've called out the media.
Listen, I'm not calling out every individual that works in the media.
There's a million great people in media.
Dear Media is in the media, right?
I just think that there's been a majority of people spreading negativity.
And so what I've, what I've said, and listen, I sit back and I observe and I watch, and I said,
there's a lot, there's some very positive voices right now that are in the space. And there's also
a lot of really, really negative voices that are overtaking the conversation. And what I'm trying
to do here is say, listen, there are a lot more positive people out there that are working every
day and trying to get better and trying to make people feel better. Those are the voices that we should showcase and reward. And you should,
we should drown out the negative voices of society. I mean, that's just, that's just what
I think we should do. Uh, just to share to my own personal experience that I've been going through
with this quarantine. Um, it's, I'm experiencing postpartum anxiety. Like I have anxiety that I
never had before I had a baby. And it's gnarly.
It's like I described it on my Instagram. It's like, you know, that feeling of when you're about
to crash into a car and like that, that rush of anxiety goes through your body. That's how it
feels. And it's not like a long day of anxiety. It's like little spurts of anxiety. And I think a lot of new moms experience
depression or anxiety. So I think that, like Michael said, we just have to be mindful that
everyone is going through this experience differently. And there's no right way to do it.
But again, the more positivity and optimism that we can breathe into it, the better.
And what, you know, it's been difficult for us because listen, I'm a man and I don't necessarily
relate or understand postpartum. You know, we do our best, like Lauren and I strategize and talk
to each other all the time, as you can imagine. And this is an issue where I'm like, okay, I don't
know what to do. We had Gabby Bernstein on the show a while back and talked all about postpartum,
but you know, as a man and I, and I wish I was better, but like, we're not necessarily the ones
that are equipped to navigate or understand what's going on, especially as a new, and I wish I was better, but we're not necessarily the ones that are equipped
to navigate or understand what's going on,
especially as a new father for the first time.
And I think that that's been,
I told Michael this the other day when we were on a walk,
I think that that's been a hard thing for me
because I'm so used to talking with him
and talking out my problems
and talking with him about what's going on in my life
or business or whatever.
And he's so good at giving me feedback, but this is one thing that he just can't relate on. Because he's a man and he has a
dick. It's, it's why this conversation about negativity popped up, because obviously, my wife
going through this right now, and you going through this, and, you know, and then with the COVID and
the quarantine, that's obviously not helping it with a new baby, obviously worrying about her and
worrying about you. And then every time you you turn around there's something negative going on
on social there's some you know either some people are not taking it seriously at all it's like you
know they're just like oh whatever and then there's some people that are there's so negative
and there's it's very little like there's very few positive stories and there's very few like
positive sort and i think again that's what people need right now we need to come together
as a society as a world society not just as Americans, as a world society and help lift each other up.
There's never, you know, in our lifetime, none of us have lived through a pandemic. Nobody knows
what to do. Nobody knows how to navigate. Nobody knows how to be sensitive. Nobody, nobody like,
listen, everybody's out of touch. Nobody knows what to do. We are just trying to do our best.
And I think that there should be a little bit more empathy for people saying, you know what,
we're all in this together. This sucks. Like, you know,
but we're going to get through it narrative as opposed to, Hey, that person didn't do this right.
Or that influencer didn't do that. Or that celebrity. It's not, it's not helping the
world. You're, you're actually putting harm into the world by doing that. And I want to
call people out that are like, I just do. I probably am. If I see it.
It's so funny. Cause I always have lunch at the same time and I will sit down and read the daily mail.
It's like my trash tabloid that I go and read and I go in on Snapchat and read the daily mail for
like the last two years, all the time when I eat. And I started to notice when I was eating lunch,
my cortisol was up and I always try to keep my cortisol down when I'm eating. And it's because
I was reading all these negative stories. The Daily
Mail was just posting negative story after negative story after negative story. And I
checked myself. I'm like, what am I doing? I'm sitting here. I'm spending my lunch break.
I'm spending 15 minutes just poisoning my brain with negativity. It took a shift. The media with
the Daily Mail took a shift. And I had to check myself. And I think that a
really good way to check yourself is when you're feeling that cortisol or when you're feeling that
negativity, step away from it, delete the app. Now, when I eat my lunch, I want to read a book.
I want to read something positive. I don't want to read article after article after article that's
depressing. So I think that it's also important like when you're just going throughout your day
to see where those negative triggers are and to just eliminate them.
So before we wrap up, I just want to, this is a lot of the internal conversation that
Lauren and I have had together, not on this podcast, just together while we've been in
And the decision we made is to say, okay, this is a rare opportunity for us to be at
home with our daughter, for us to take a second, take a beat,
reset, to actually sit down and strategize. What do we want out of life? What do we want to produce?
What do we want to make? What do we want to build? It's the same opportunity for everybody else.
You're at home. You have time. You're not going to get this time back. You can read, you can reset.
You can think about a positive way that you can have a positive impact in the world. You can think
about what is that project that I've been putting off because I've been so busy and slammed with all my day-to-day work. And now, you know, now there's
the opportunity to jump in. This is the time. Get off social media, stop engaging in the negative
narrative, start thinking, how am I going to come out of this? Because this will pass, I promise you,
don't know how long, but it will pass. How do I come out of this better, stronger, faster, smarter,
more positive, ready to put more out into the world like that's
the that's the question and if you're sitting there and you're contributing saying like the
only thing i can do right now is contribute to a negative narrative you're going to come out of
this more miserable than you went into it and that's all i'm trying to stress to people like
this is a time to reset and to get your priorities straight and to say listen i'm going to be a force
for positive change in the world i'm not going to be a force for negative change. So I also wanna say, if you're feeling bored in quarantine,
definitely check out the Skinny Confidential Book Club
on my blog, because I have so many books that I recommend.
And reading a book is my favorite way
to fight any kind of boredom.
With that, we're gonna end this on a positive note.
So the Skinny Confidential team and I
wanted to get creative on a way
that we could spread some positivity. So what we're
thinking is we wanted to make some beauty boxes for nurses. So I'm thinking like skincare and
makeup and just a bunch of goodies in a pink cheeky box for all the amazing nurses out there.
So if you're a nurse or you know a nurse, let me know on my latest Instagram. And we're going to pick a bunch of people to send really cute boxes to.
Just like as an appreciation because the nurses, I mean, what you guys do, there's nothing like it.
As always, we really appreciate you guys listening to the show.
Zaza just woke up from her nap and the dogs need to be fed.
So we got to run.
But make sure you've rated and
reviewed the skinny confidential him and her show on itunes because every week we do a giveaway
this week we're giving away the cutest new tsc pop socket it's like three hearts all stuck
together and says tsc it's on my phone right now you will love it all you have to do to win
is tell us your favorite part of this episode on my latest Instagram at the skinny confidential and someone from the team will drop into a bunch of your
inboxes and send you this new hot, cute pop socket.
As always, thank you so much for listening and we'll see you next time.
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