The Sloppy Boys - 227. Jungle Bird

Episode Date: February 21, 2025

The guys try the Campari tiki drink, a new addition to the IBA list (to which they are NOT beholden.)JUNGLE BIRD RECIPE: 1.5oz/45ml BLACKSTRAP RUM.75oz/22ml CAMPARI1.5oz PINEAPPLE JUICE .5oz.../15ml LIME JUICE.5oz/15ml DEMERARA SYRUPPour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice.Garnish with pineapple wedge.Recipes via the International Bartenders Association | Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:34 You know, for texting and stuff. And if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan, you're not with Fizz. Switch today. Conditions apply. Details at Hey folks, welcome to the Sloppy Boys, where we take a deep dive into the drinks that you love. I'm Jeff Dutton, along with Mike Hanford. Squabble up.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And Tim Kallpakis. What is up? We're your host, the Sloppy Boys band, packing up, getting ready to hit the road, not quite yet. Did you guys hear me say squabble up when we first started doing this? Oh yeah. Yeah, and I was not familiar. You're not familiar with squabble up?
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'm familiar with skippity toilet. Does that help? Oh, Tim. Hold on a second. Let me tell you that's of little use to you now. Yeah. You are out of your depth, my friend. Oh, I love skippy the toilet squabble up. My friend is a Kendrick song. Yes. Yes. Jeff. Yes. Yes. Kung Fu Kenny K Dot.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I when I watched that Super Bowl performance, I have been on that. I've been on a Lamar kick. Yeah. Kendrick kick. A kick. And it's funny to me because we all know that song was so huge and the beef was all huge all summer and everyone knew about it, except for a little Mike Hanford did know. And now you're now you're like, this guy's got some. Well, now that he's been on the Super Bowl, I've heard the article, and the beef was all huge all summer and everyone knew about it except for a little Mike Hanford didn't know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:02:05 And now you're like, this guy's got something. Well, now that he's been on the Super Bowl, I've heard the article, read the articles and heard the podcast stories. It's like, this is what this meant and this and this and you know, Super Bowl farmers don't get paid and it's going to be huge, better return on interest. Anyway, return on investment I meant to say.
Starting point is 00:02:22 It's a great little beef those two had going. You're even into the beef part now, a year later? No, the beef, I still kind of don't even know all the touchdowns. I know the Adonis song and they not like us. But Mike, your beloved New York Times put out an episode of The Daily recently to catch you up after. I gotta hear that.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Why do you think I'm talking about it? I listen to it. I haven't listened to that yet, but it's very embarrassing to know this thing that was huge in May now being broadcast to this other audience being like, did you hear about this? Did you hear this?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh, that was that song. There's a new beef. There's a new beef. I heard that song. Well, it's so funny with with Kendrick to I'm listening to his songs like, you know, when I saw him on the Super Bowl, I was like, oh, Kendrick Lamar. Yeah, I think I know one or two of his songs and I know that one hit. And then every song I knew and I was like, oh, he's just like
Starting point is 00:03:18 huge, huger than I realize, like every other pop star. Yeah. When people like everyone knows Billy Eilish. So I'm like, people know who Billy Eilish is. OK, everyone. Also, I forgot that they brought him out for Snoop and Dre's performance. That's right. And that that was three years ago. Isn't that crazy? Oh, yeah. I thought that was like last year, but no, we had Usher and Rihanna in the mix.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah. And that's a year in the Rihanna year. Oh, I liked I liked Rihanna. Yeah, me too. Usher was a funny one to me because when they announced it I was like that's odd But then I guess he had been doing a big Vegas residency And of course he has a bunch of hits from back in the day But then he was rollerblading and I was like, I love this I love I wonder if that the Super Bowl halftime thing is like The Oscar hosting where it's like a lot of people don't want to do it and
Starting point is 00:04:06 Like I don't want to do it. You don't want to do that. Ask the sloppy boys. I think the sloppy boys could do it but but the podcast For the halftime show I think I feel like I'm sure people I'm sure Taylor Swift is turns it down every year And I feel like... Because you can kind of only fail at it. Yeah. In a weird way. Oh, not really. But you know what I mean. It's a bigger percentage of fail.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Or scrutiny, I don't know. Scrutiny, for sure. I think just like for her, if you're already kind of doing your eras to her, then you don't need another like, here's my career retrospective. Yeah, right, right, right. And I think that a lot of NFL fans were getting their Phil of Taylor to begin with so yeah right right I think they've had their Phil Kendrick I was gonna say I can't remember but very good very good stuff my man what did you think of the bell-bottom jeans?
Starting point is 00:05:07 I'll tell you exactly what I thought about those, Tim. We're watching, I'm with a bunch of friends, we're watching, and I said, guys, I don't like the fit. I don't like the fit. Now, hold on, this is a story. We're going through, I'm listening to songs, I know this song, I know this song, I'm loving the Serena showing up, I'm loving the fact that he's talking to Dre. I know what he's talking about at a certain point
Starting point is 00:05:28 I think he looks cool the whole time and by the end I say, you know what I turned around on that outfit I liked it. The flares are in I didn't like that The gene was touching the ground because you know when your pants get all wet and stuff like that That is definitely an East Coast guy. Yes. Yes, I was like, yes, I hate that. What about slush? He didn't consider slush. What about when he walks to his car at the end of the night? You know, you take your boots off at home and now you're going to be walking on
Starting point is 00:05:54 a slushy pant. It's a cold, slushy pants on your on your clean socks now. But I was like it was he had such a cool, like grounded. I'd never seen him perform before. He just kind of stands still and moves like he plants his feet and doesn't really move much. Cool grounded. Oh, yeah, dude, they gave him minimal choreography.
Starting point is 00:06:16 You know what I mean? Like that's about as much choreography as I want to see a rapper do. Yeah, I think you're right. It was just kind of like a couple steps like walking. You can't have like this army of background dancers and like pyro going off and like a steady cam whirling around and not do anything. But yeah, right. He did have to like, I'm gonna like chase the camera to the beat and like he had to be a little bit in sync with the backup dancers, but the backup dancers are doing the dancing.
Starting point is 00:06:42 They're doing the thing. Yeah. but the backup dancers are doing the dancing. They're doing the thing, yeah, yeah. There was a little moment of not great showbiz where he was getting set up. He was like crouching on top of that car before the halftime show. And then the analysts were talking about the first half. And you could see Kendrick in the background
Starting point is 00:07:02 like climb up on a car and squat down and wait in his squatting position is like not very cool. We've had to do that. Like, I hate that in a live show when it's like, Jeff, you have to go on stage and hit play on your laptop. Yeah, hiding in plain sight. Yeah. So shitty.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Um, well, do we get into some booze news? Yes. Bip, bip, bip, bip, bip, bip, bip, bip, booze news? Yes. Booze news hit it. We're all rather reverent to the Muppets. I know the Muppets movie. I know Muppets you got from the Q-reel. I know the Muppet movie. I know Muppets take Manhattan. I was a kid, I was a Muppet Babies fan.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Booze News Muppet Babies fan. Rather Reverend was sent to us by Page Reagan, AKA PaganRage on the Sloppy Boys Discord. To new listeners, I guess we are rather referent of the Muppets, but I'm on record saying that when I've seen adult man with a Muppets poster on his dorm wall, that it's challenging for me to witness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 That's right. Yeah, I remember that. No, but this was, you haven't been in a college dorm in a while, but this was a while ago. Yeah. I wonder what the hot new poster is in college. Like, if it's like people are still doing the Bob Marley. It's the same ones.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I think it's the it's the little shrimp guy, Pepe the shrimp. I bet it's still those fucking posters of like the John Lennon here helping white guys dance since 1952. Those are good. Those suck. Oh, I hate that. Like, yeah, that like reefer madness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Oh boy. I saw Spencer's the other day at a mall in Philadelphia and I popped in and I walked around a little bit. Just checked out. That's all business as usual. All the same stuff's happening. Nothing's few updated, but it's like it's still living in like South South Park world.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Park is still like all over everything. It's not like some Rick and Morty, but it's funny. Yeah, it is just like certain things are just for a window of life. Like college kids, they just find dark side of the moon. Yeah, right. I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:09:27 You know, and it's like, so that's just always going to be a hit at Spencer Gifts. Well, that theme by Pagan Rage, I got to say that if you listening at home have a booze news theme, email to the sloppy boys podcast at I'd love to refill the hopper, so keep them coming. You know, all your kangers and your stinky Finkies,
Starting point is 00:09:50 and your, quite frankly, your Danny Noonans, keep them coming. And I'll tell you what, if you want to befriend Slopheads like Pagan Rage, you can subscribe to our other podcasts at slash the Sloppy Boys. And if you so choose, you'll get access to the sloppy boys Discord,
Starting point is 00:10:09 which is like a private message board and you can chat with these other slop heads. Hey, I loved your business thing this week. Thanks. It was actually really easy for me to do. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, cool.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Now I can tell you more. Damn. Did you know it was easy for them to do? Cool. It's actually really easy to do on Pro Tools. You know, you know PT. You know Petey? Petey.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You know Petey? Wait a minute. I was gonna, oh God, what was it? Oh, I have booze news. You, yeah, Jeff, you have the booze news today. Oh shit. This is big. This is exciting. This, Mike, I have booze news. Yeah, Jeff, you have the booze news today. This is big. This is exciting.
Starting point is 00:10:47 This? Mike, I know this. Jeff told me this. Oh, wait a minute. I think I heard about this booze news. You heard about it, but you don't know the big reveal, yes? No, no, I don't know. You know that Jeff has an anecdote.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Here it comes. Dode us away, my boy. This is worlds colliding. Super Bowl Sunday. Yeah. I'm at the Target up at Glendale and I leave without grabbing beers for the function. And I was like, damn, I should have grabbed a Target.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Oh, well, I guess I'll stop by Albertson's on the way back. In the heart of Lowesville is the pride of Hillhurst. This is where Tim left his car, Mike. Yes, yes, I remember. Now I'm- And they didn't tow it because they love me. I'm not gonna, Mike. Yes, yes, I remember. Now I'm... And they didn't tow it because they love me. I'm not gonna blow up your spot, Jeff,
Starting point is 00:11:29 but I'm just kind of trying to think of who this could be. You'll never fucking guess. Really? Okay. I guessed a thousand people and I didn't get it. Cause it was bigger than I would have ever dreamed. Yes. Okay, keep going. I'm in there, quick in and out.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Quick in and out, Mike. That's what a hamburger's all about. Okay. Okay. Keep going. I'm in there quick in and out quick in and out Mike. So what a hamburger is all about stop I'm in the the beer aisle looking at Modelo's I Reach in my hands on a Modelo and I can feel like some people around me They're kind of trying to get in the same fridge as me. I'm not gonna reveal what they chose quite yet But I hear a British guy. I thought it was Ozzy British guy. Uh huh. He's grabbing something and he goes away. And I see that the girl he's with is is wearing a black hoodie
Starting point is 00:12:12 that says Twilight, New Moon on the back. And Kelsey. Oh, OK. Kelsey looks at me with wide eyes. And I was like, what's the matter? Well, what's that? And she says, come moon. Oh, moon. She says Olivia Rodrigo. Oh, live, brah, live rod in the live rod in the Albertsons, the very Albertans
Starting point is 00:12:34 mere aisles over. I met David Lee Roth. That time, that's right. That's right. Musicians row. Sang with David Lee Roth. That time. That's so funny. That's right. That's right. Musicians row. Sang with David Lee Roth. And then also, I think, Fizz Ramos. Who sings Fizz Ramos? Fizz Ramos, may the rhythm take you where you want to go.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Fizz Ramos. Wait, no. Who sings that shit? You're talking about your parody song? No, yeah. But who sings that shit? You're talking about your parody song? No, yeah. But who sings Balamos? Enrique Iglesias? Enrique Iglesias.
Starting point is 00:13:12 But this is a real run in and I just had to confirm. So I wasn't a creep or anything, but I did a walk by to be like, yeah, this is this person. And do you want to know? Here's the booze news part of it Do you want to know what Olivia Rodrigo and her boyfriend grabbed for their Super Bowl experience? Yes Corona Hey, all right pretty classic pretty classic classic stuff the Pedro Pascal cerveza Oh and Snoop Dogg and Andy
Starting point is 00:13:44 Diggman's own. And Samberg. Hey, stay tuned on Comedy Central and Paramount Plus for Digman starring Andy Samberg. Created by Andy Samberg and Neal Campbell, friend of the show. Written on by Tim Kelpakis. Now Jeff, did you say that Livrod was wearing a, what was her hoodie she was wearing?
Starting point is 00:14:03 Twilight, New Moon. Oh, when you told me that, that was a big fake up because you know. That's what I thought, yeah. Because what's her name's in the hood? Kristen Stewart. Yeah, and I was like, imagine if she was wearing her own merch.
Starting point is 00:14:13 That would be crazy. I wear Sloppy Boy's Mastobonga, but t-shirt all the time. And you know, one time I saw an interview with Matt Damon and he was wearing like a rumpled old Goodwill hunting hat and I thought that was really cool. That's cool. That's cool. I was at a restaurant the other day.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Actually I got two restaurant stories. Why don't I just fold it into booze news? We were going to do restaurant reviews, but you can do it now. Well let's see, I'll tell one now that's appropriate to what we were just talking about and maybe I'll save my other one till later. Yes, that's good.
Starting point is 00:14:47 That's podcasting. Uh, I was wearing my sloppy boys, uh, here for the beer shirt. You know, it looks like the movie poster art by Kyle Hilton. That's right. And I, this is when I tie dyed. It looks very nice, very nice tie dye job. Yeah. And I was wearing it at a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I was eating by myself and, uh, I was eating sushi by myself. I tend to eat sushi and ramen alone. Does anyone have that? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. So those two I feel like are loner foods. Loner dining. Well, they're both sit at the bar foods, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah, yeah. Sushi especially. Okay. But, yeah, well, I've crossed which stories I'm telling here. What was the weirdest going on? I don't know the stories. You haven't said the stories.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I asked Matt Damon, old Good Will Hunting hat. Yes, yes, so I'm wearing this shirt. I finish up here and the lady goes, the waitress goes, oh, that's a cool shirt. I was like, oh yeah, this is my band. That's actually me right there. She goes, oh, that's a cool shirt. I was like, oh yeah, this is my band. That's actually me right there. She goes, OK. And leaves.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Aw. I thought, well, that's pretty cool to have your own t-shirt. Didn't care. I didn't care. Rats. I get a lot of that. My mom tends to tell everyone she ever encounters. My son lives out in California, and he's a comedy writer.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So her doctor and her dentist and pretty much everyone in town is filled in on me. And I feel like I'm always disappointing in that same type of way, her being like, okay, lots of time I'm like, hey, I'm the son from California. You've heard so much about them. They're like, mm.
Starting point is 00:16:18 That's so. The legend was bigger, you know? Like this is sort of like a don't meet your heroes. They thought of you as like Paul Bunyan, larger than life. I will say if you're up, uh, distant upstate New York up in the Adirondack mountains, being from Cali as they call it is way more impressive than being a television writer. Like they'll be like, ah, yeah, he lives in California. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:16:42 And he writes your TV. Oh, so California, Do you go surfing? Yes, I go surfing every morning. Every morning, my glutes are rock hard from it. That's funny. I feel like podcast has a pretty attractive ring to my parents' friends. Like it was-
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh, because it sounds youthful. Is a new kind of unwieldy term for a while. And now my parents say with pride, my son's a podcaster. They don't know that that is the most attainable and least impressive that everyone in the world can do. But also, I have to, I like meeting my parents' friends. But a lot of times, I'm tired. And I'm on vacation.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I'm on my little break. And I tell my I tell my parents, friends that I'm I program the sphere. Oh, yeah. But you guys don't get all booked up with like, well, you got to meet George and Lydia. And like, oh, George and Lydia, come in. Lydia. Yes. Not so much. George. Lydia. Yeah, George. I haven't talked to in a while. Yeah, I never know really what to say with that. Especially with birthday boys.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah so I do a lot of sketch stuff at UCB theater. It's like, oh Fred of ours was on The Tonight Show. I'm like, oh okay. The Tonight Show, is that you? Is this that? It's the same thing. If you're talking to some old parents, friends, you could be a little more shameless where,
Starting point is 00:18:07 I think I'm humble if I meet someone my age in a city. Okay Kendrick. Sit down. Be humble. Be humble. Tim, I'm the Kendrick guy now in this problem. I get it. I know, I understand.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's those bell bottoms. Ring-a-ding. No, I understand. It's those bell bottoms. No, when I meet someone around my age and in a city or something, I wouldn't list off my credits. I'd be like, oh, I'm like a comedy guy. And then, if they ask me more follow up questions, they'll be blown away by my Miami nomination, my two WGA. If they're smart enough to ask a follow up question,
Starting point is 00:18:44 they're gonna be blown away. But when you talk to your parents, friends, you could just come out swinging and just, you know, like, do like brag, you know, like you'll just say like the most recent celebrity, like, so Tim, you're Donna Sunday. And I'll be like, oh, here's my mom calling right now. Her ears are burning. Her ears are burning. Her ears are burning. You know, but I'll be like, hi, great to meet you, Lydia.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I'm Tim, I write for a show that's got Andy Samberg in it. He was on Saturday Night Live, Lorne Michaels. Maybe I can get you an interview. Yeah, when I was working the Tonight Show, that was an easy one to be like tonight show. I guess we could actually watch that tonight. Johnny Carson. Yeah. Well, yes, I know Mr. Carson.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Oh, and Carson was the best, wasn't he? I used the. Oh, Johnny, when he when Johnny waved over to the couch. That was it. I thought what I did the Carson show once I was like, oh, hey, he's waving me over. And I was like, I look once. I was like, oh, hey, he's waving me over. And I was like, I look closer. I was like, oh, no, he's he farted. He's waving his nose waving far away from his nose. The fumes. But it was him.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It was him. It wasn't me. You know why I'm grateful has not ever been waved over to that couch. Oh, JD Vance. OK, yeah. All right. Can we wrap up Boos News? JD Vance. Okay. Yeah. All right. Can we wrap up Boo's News? Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:20:09 JD Vance isn't doing like stand up these days or he could get waved over. No, but he was a couch fucker. He was a couch fucker. Oh, those news cycles do fly by, don't they? Now Mike, you were not going to do another, where you do have another restaurant story or saving that. So once we have our drinks in our hand, we're a little more calm, I can.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Okay. Because I want to, that's more of I want to ask you guys some question about restaurants. Closing up Booze News, I want to say that we, the Sloppy Boys, are on the road right now doing live podcast. Timmy, you're jumbling up some vowels, I don't know. We're on the road right now. And we're going to be in Philadelphia tonight,
Starting point is 00:20:49 February 21st, Friday at the World Cafe Live. Tomorrow night, we're going to New York City, Saturday, February 22nd at the Gramercy Theater. And then from that point forward, I mean, we're going to do Boston, Toronto, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul. Then we're going to take a little break. We're going to come back to LA,
Starting point is 00:21:09 get our instruments and everything. Then we're going to do a West Coast band tour, play some rock concerts, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, at Cebulon and Frogtown. That's kind of cool. San Diego and Phoenix, go to our socials and buy the tickets
Starting point is 00:21:24 or buy the tickets on the as most of them listed, I believe. Yeah, that's good. We should spend an extra, get an extra day in Phoenix or it was Arizona and go to the Grand Canyon. I've already done that. You've done it? Yeah, I've checked it off.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I've never been, all right, well I'll go, but you guys stay for a day to work. We're finishing in Phoenix. So that's on our way back. We should hit it. Yeah. The old Phoenix finish hit it up. All right. Is that it for business? Wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I have one last thing of business. Oh, God. We got these new cameras here. Yeah. And it makes my mustache look terrible. No, you look good. No, it's wiry. It's wiry. It's like I thought you'd been looks maxing. No, I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:22:09 What's that? It's when you put, you go as hard as possible upgrading your looks. Oh, Jeff, be humble, sit down. Now, you could be maxing anything. You could be health maxing, right? They could be health maxing. Ooh, Jeff and I should be health maxing now. We got jacked by June. Yeah, oh yeah. You could be money maxing right? They could be health maxing. Ooh Jeff and I should be health maxing now.
Starting point is 00:22:25 We got checked by June. Yeah, oh yeah. You could be money maxing. All right. I want to do that one. Fin maxing, financial fin maxing. I'm an HBO maxing. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Now that's good. Now that's the good shit. Ooh, that remind me something that I'm going to save and say when we have our drinks to sip on. Nice. A nice save and say. Hey, we're going to save and say here on the Sloppy Boys. Hey, what do you want to save for later in the show?
Starting point is 00:22:53 All right, folks, get out of here. What was that, Jeff? Have we heard that was that one of the seagulls that farted? Um, yes. No, I was one of the birds. Oh, it was one of the seagulls. OK. And he sort of was in a tunnel. I don't know if you could hear the reverb about that. The bird was one of the seals. OK. And he sort of was in a tunnel.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I don't know if you could hear the reverb off that. It was like an echoey fart. Yeah, he was like coming out of a like a sewer duct, maybe. Yeah. Like, well, I better fart in here where it smells already. Yeah, we can hear it extra loud. Well, it's funny you bring up seagulls and birds and smells and things, Jeff, because today
Starting point is 00:23:44 I am going to tell you to about the drink of the day. Yes, I'm excited. Today you're going to tell us about the drink of the day. Today is the day for me to tell you two about the drink of the day. Now, Mealan, can you put in a little music bed here? Just kind of maybe morning music, kind of quiet, kind of nice. We're outdoors. It's calm, it's pizza-ful. It's peaceful.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I wish it was pizza-ful, man. Yeah, me too. I'm going to be full of pizza later. Now, folks, I'm going to tell you about the drink, but first, a picture. We're out here. We're in a meadow, so early morning. Morning.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And we got our binoculars out. Take a look Now this is this is Ornithologist dream out here any type of burger would like this now? Today, we're talking about the jungle bird drink. That was the transition there that we're sort of. I totally got me in the zone. I feel birding.
Starting point is 00:24:59 We're birding and we're hearing that. Oh, is that a wren? Oh, that sounds like a loon. And then clinky clinky. Oh, that's the jungle bird. Maybe we're talking about the jungle bird today. We just did the cardinal a couple of weeks ago. It's fucking Bird Month on the fucking show.
Starting point is 00:25:20 It's Bird Month here on the show Feather February. It's Feather. Yeah, it's Feather February. It's Feather. Yeah, it's Feather Brain February for us. Featherbeary? It's Feathery Berry down here. Feather Berry? Yeah, Jeff, would you make up the poster for this? We call it Feather Berry.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Feather Berry? Feather Berry. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's gonna be great. Okay, so it's Feather Berry here and we're talking about the Jungle Bird. Now, let me tell you about this drink. It had a nice simple history to it. You guys ever heard of the country Malaysia? Yes. Mike gets a lot of ones with really simple histories to
Starting point is 00:26:00 houses keep happening. I make it simple for myself. How does it happen? I don't know. I guess I just make it simple for myself. How does it happen? I don't know. I guess I just make it simple for myself. Oh, OK. I have heard of Malaysia, yes. Malaysia. Now, in there, in Malaysia, is a capital city called Kuala Lumpur.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yes? You've heard of this? Absolutely. I'll take your word for it. Now, there's a bar there. It's actually been demolished. It was demolished in 2013. But when it was opened in on July 6th.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Demolished. It's been raised. It's been wiped from the planet. The earth has been raised where that building once stood, and now it's nothing. July 6th, 1973 was the opening of this bar, the Aviary Bar of that hotel. Bird-like.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And it was called the Aviary Hotel, and this drink was invented for the opening of it. What do you think of that? I think that's great. I think that's perfect. I love that. Fitting. Jeffrey Ong, he was the bar manager there at the Avery,
Starting point is 00:27:06 at the Hilton in Malaysia. And he said, you know what? We got this nice bar. It's looking out. We've got this caged area with all these birds, sort of jungle looking. It looks a lot like Tim's shirt right now. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm going to call this thing the Jungle Bird. OK. What do you think of that? Now, has this come out before or after the yellow bird? This is gotta be before. Whoa. 73? No, after.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I think it's after because the yellow bird was named after a song, that kind of Hawaiian song which I want to say was early 60s. Okay, so this is 73. And it was originally served in a little ceramic bird that you would like, the tail of the bird was like, had a hollow part to it and you'd drink out of it like that. But this article that I read said that, well, the hotel was afraid that a lot of people started stealing all of them. So they were gone, but they got some sort of stemmed wine goblets that have a picture
Starting point is 00:27:59 of a bird on it. So they started using this. Oh, when you said stealing, that made me want to have something else I have to say. I'm going to do a save and say of that as well in the next act, yeah. I'm going to save and say the, yeah, I got to remember that other thing. What else could I tell you?
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm just sort of looking through my notes. Mmm. He's holding up pages and pages and pages. He's got a thick tome here he's flipping through. Yeah, well it's tough, it's tough, you know, I gotme here. He's slipping through. Yeah. Well, it's tough. It's tough. You know, I got written in his own handwriting. No, I take this one out this time, but it's all still a mess.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Well, I can say from personal experience, I've seen this drink pop up. This is having a moment, I got to say, the Jungle Bird. Like recently? Yeah, it was at the Tiki Bar where Clifton's. Oh, I feel like this is one I have Was that the Tiki bar where Clifton's? Oh. Nice. I feel like this is one I have had. And I think that it's cool to me when,
Starting point is 00:28:53 because the vast majority of Tiki drinks all came out of that like first wave of Don the Beachcomber and Trader Vic. So I think it's cool when someone from like 73 gets like canonized. And to me, the one thing I know like this drink is Just known as like the Campari one the company You don't see a lot of Campari on Tiki menus, right?
Starting point is 00:29:11 And this one is like when I looked down a list of like 80 things called different tropical things and I passed the jungle But I'm like, well, that's that's the Campari one everybody In 2020 or 2003 have you ever heard of Jeff Beachbum Berry? Have we talked about this guy? Yeah. I feel like he has come up. Yep. He's a big tiki historian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:29 In 2003, he had a book called Intoxica that brought this drink up. And people think maybe this brought it back. Intoxica. That's a Sloppy Boys album title. I'm going to write that. Intoxica. And it has since, since 2003, been
Starting point is 00:29:46 become the national cocktail of Malaysia. Hell yeah. Right on. There you go. Jeffrey Ong, the guy who made it, he passed away in 2019. Not far ago, long ago. At 71. And the national newspaper described him
Starting point is 00:30:01 as the creator of Malaysia's only internationally recognized cocktail. Hmm. Sick. What else can I tell you here? Oh, I got another say and save. Are you tracking these? I got to say and save. No, it's a save and say to save and say yes, I'm going to say I have a think of and say right now, which is lastly, I want to say real quick as I'm just as I'm seeing it. The hotel, remember I say was demolished. Oh, it's a see and say right now, which is. The hotel, remember I said it was demolished? The hotel was demolished, but I did take this out of the Wikipedia or something. Hotel demolished in 2013 for development.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Somebody has a development deal, maybe TV ideas floating around over there. I just thought that was a funny like, for development. Is it back, it kind of reminds me of the Singapore sling. It's another pineapple based drink from a hotel out there. You know what? I feel like- That's the outlier too, cause it's gin, Tim. Oh yeah, right. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Pineapple with surprising spirits. I have a memory about this drink which was... Remember when we went to our friend Joe Saunders' wedding weekend in Santa Barbara? Yes, I could never forget. And you know what's a fun thing about a wedding weekend when it kind of takes on a personality over the course of nights? You say, we're gonna do this, we're gonna do that. What are you remembering? something lewd that happened? No, I'm just remembering the place we spent all of our time.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Test pilot. Test pilot. Oh yeah, it's like the only bar that would ever work for us. In a part of town they call the Funk Zone. The Funk Zone. We got to town early because we wanted to go to have like a wine country dinner at the hitching post. But then it was like Thursday night, we went to the funk zone and we ended up at test pilot.
Starting point is 00:31:49 We liked it. Then Friday night after the rehearsal dinner, we're like, where should we go? I don't know. Maybe we'll go to the test pilot. And then Saturday night after the wedding, we're like, should we head back to the hotel? What's open? Test pilot. And you're like, well, we just have been here every night.
Starting point is 00:32:03 But they have a Jungle Bird on the menu and I had jungle bird every one of those nights. Yeah, nice. It's sort of like all roads lead to the funk zone up there. And when I would like play hockey growing up and like you'd be at a tournament over the weekend and it's like you're in a hotel and like the restaurant of the hotel is like McCoolies and like, hey, you're just McCoolies is the thing. And after the game, it's like, I got to go get some McCoolies burgers after this. Oh, yeah, let's all be at McCoolies. the thing. And after the game, it's like, I got to go get some McCoolies burgers after this. Oh yeah, let's all meet at McCoolies.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, I love that. All right, well, let me tell you about the Jungle Bird ingredients and let's get to making this stuff. Yeah, great. I have another save and say that I'm going to say later. Continue. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:32:37 45 milliliter black strap rum, 22.5 milliliter Campari, 45 milliliter pineapple juice, 45 milliliter pineapple juice, 15 milliliter sques- squesely-freezed, no, freshly squeezed. That can't be right. Clive juice, 15 milliliters Demerara sugar syrup. That's just simple syrup, right? No, my friend.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I hope so, whoops. I ran out, I mean it is one-to-one, but it's fancy sugar. Oh, I'm not going to do it. I have Demerara sugar, just like I have coconut sugar and powdered sugar and all the stupid sugars I've had to buy here over the course of the pod. So midday today, I mean, I eyeballed it, but I made myself some Demerara syrup. Oh, cool. Nice. It's darker cane sugar. Sugar. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I had a beautiful bottle of it, but I'm just doing normal simple today. It's like a brown sugar? Yeah. Okay. Yep. Method. Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice and guess what? Shake.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with a pineapple wedge. Now I saw it a couple different recipes, people were smashing them, smashing the ice in the crushed ice. Okay. I might do that. Nah.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I'm trying to think of what ice situations I have. And now that I think of it, I'm not gonna, I'm with you, Jeff. Yeah. I just thought out how I'm gonna do it and how it's gonna happen And that's a wise man. I don't need to be shooting ice all over the kitchen tonight. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:10 No, you know, I wish I had some pebbles. That was this a fucking Flintstones. Hey, Dabba Dabba do this bedrock. I wish I had some of that coffee bean pebble. All right. Well, let's make these drinks up that drink that will make Dino say, yeah, but I like that. The first time when you said, yeah, but I would do. I was wondering if he's going to do something with do to make it
Starting point is 00:34:33 like cocktail specific, but no, just the. And he brought it back around. I can't see the wrong character. Let's go make these up and make Dino say, yeah, but I would do. Sorry, Dino, tonight you're saying, yeah, but I do. Yeah. Mike's reading all this from his notes, by the way. That's the ballpark. These notes are a fucking mess.
Starting point is 00:34:56 These are getting deleted. Aka, Sam. All right, folks, we'll be right back with more sloppy boys. Yahoo! Can indigenous ways of knowing help kids cope with online bullying? At the University of British Columbia, we believe that they can. Dr. Johanna Sam and her team are researching
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Starting point is 00:36:06 Do you have business insurance? If not, how would you pay to recover from a cyber attack, fire damage, theft, or a lawsuit? No business or profession is risk-free. Without insurance, your assets are at risk from major financial losses, data breaches, and natural disasters. Get customized coverage today starting at $19 per month at Be protected. Be Zen. With the Fizz loyalty program, you get rewarded just for having a mobile plan. You know, for texting and stuff. And if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan, you're not with Fizz. Switch today. Conditions apply. Details at
Starting point is 00:37:01 And we're back! Jungle birds in hand. Cacaw! It's a beautiful drink, beautiful color. Now see guys, this is where we look into the lens. You know, you look into the camera, you can show the camera. Wow. Are we going to show that to the internet or is it just for us to do? Yeah, you know, it's sort of the audience. Oh, Tim, gorgeous. Thank you. I have no garnish, sort of the audience. Wow. Oh, Tim, gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Thank you. I have no garnish. Mike, nice garnish. Yes. Thank you. I usually don't have the garnishes, but today I got one. I got to say striking resemblance to my beloved Trinidad sour. Yeah. Yeah. And if it froths up, the pineapple froths up the way that the bitters. Yeah, like the color, the texture. What kind of rum did you guys use? Some pretty dark rum there. It looks like blackstrap. I had blackstrap. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Why did we have blackstrap? I didn't have it. I had to go buy it at Cap'n Cork, but I asked for blackstrap molasses. It was nineteen ninety nine and he had to get on a big ladder to get it. And it says right on there blackstrap and it smells like molasses. I use my Smith and Cross my. Oh, I like that stuff. Yeah. I had I for some reason had a bottle of blackstrap molasses rum so I'm using that but I also
Starting point is 00:38:15 saw I watched the IBA video. You know they have new videos for every drink. Yeah. They which I got to do a roundup of which drinks came and left, just so we know what's happening over there. I like that. It kind of gives us something to do between tours to like knock off these additional IBAs.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah. Not because we're back under the IBAs thumb, but because we choose to. They're chasing us. Yeah, at this point. They're under our thumb. We can do what we want. But I was watching on the IBA
Starting point is 00:38:43 and we used their recipe for this. Did we say the recipe? Yeah. For this drink? Yeah. Mike did a great job. Jungle Bird? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Oh yeah, okay, great. Remember Demerara? Oh yeah, Demerara. In the IBA video, the guy just used Gosling's dark rum. So I don't think you're too picky. Ryan Gosling. Oh, can we just take a sip of these, Jeff? Yeah. First steps.
Starting point is 00:39:08 You always hold it off. You tease us and adjust just so. Oh, complex. Oh, you. Oh, no. I like that the molasses is coming through. I was expecting to have a big mouthful of bitter, ashy Campari.
Starting point is 00:39:27 No, but you're a New Hampshire boy getting your molasses fix big time. Ooh, me. I couldn't be happier. I'm shocked at how much, I didn't have Demerara syrup, I used normal, simple syrup, but this blackstrap molasses is really adding
Starting point is 00:39:48 Atari, not Atari though, video game console Jeff I saw your eyes light up ah but I was ready for some centipede man tar and Campari Atari Simon 16 bits it's not even a bit I don't think I like that there's not so much Campbit, I don't think. What the fuck? I like that there's not so much Campari that it takes over. It doesn't taste like a Negroni. Well, Tim, Jeff and I are trying to figure out what bit Atari is. Yeah, it is 8-bit, it is 8-bit.
Starting point is 00:40:15 That was so funny, because I just was not, Tim, you were talking and Jeff and I were like, 8-bit? No, I succeeded in thinking, and then my attention came back and you were like, 8-bit, I succeeded in thinking, and then my attention came back and you were like, yeah, so it's the Campari, I think. I was also, I was allowing you guys space to Google your dumb fact and no one gives a flying fuck.
Starting point is 00:40:34 But I was talking. Of course it's 8-bit, what, 8-bit, that's the whole thing is Atari's 8-bit, what would be less, 6-bit, 4-bit, of course it's 8-bit. Well, Nintendo looks so much better and it's 8-bit, what would be less? Six-bit? Four-bit? Of course it's 8-bit. Well, Nintendo looks so much better and it's 8-bit. Well, I guess that's just the difference of Nintendo and Atari. I'll say, I will say this about the drink.
Starting point is 00:40:56 It tastes a lot like a lot of other tiki drinks. Like, I don't, I can't really, there's not too many tiki drinks I can just be like, oh yeah, that's a Mai Tai, there's not too many teaky drinks I can just be like, oh yeah, that's a Mai Tai, that's a zombie, that's a something. I just don't drink them enough. But this just kind of- I could do those two.
Starting point is 00:41:13 This just kind of tastes like a teaky drink. You know what I mean? Now that's interesting to me because it's got Campari in it which you famously think is ashy. Are you not getting an ash? I'm not really getting it though. I did do this, though, I will say this, Tim. You caught me in 4K here.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I did, let's see, you got the jigger, right? I did two rums. You know, I did two ounces of rum and then a little less of the Campari, so that probably might be doing me a favor You didn't make it to spec you made a different drink. You made a different guy. I lightened the Campari Right, so you didn't make I lightened the Campari a lot of a lot of these a lot of these cocktail guys They say oh, yeah, I make it this way. Well, then you're not making the drink dude. I can't do that
Starting point is 00:42:02 I've done a podcast for four years. Yeah, but wouldn't you say to yourself? I'm turning my microphone off. I'm turning my microphone off. Okay, well your mic's off, I'm going to tell Jeff. Jeff, isn't it weird that he told us that this is an indistinct drink you couldn't pick out from other tiki drinks? And what he did was he put more rum,
Starting point is 00:42:19 which every tiki drink has, and he put less Campari, which only this tiki drink has, and then he gave it a review. I'm turning the mic back on. Don't talk down to me. Don't talk down to me like that. I'm turning the mic back off. You're going to talk just as much as always, but the mic will be off between. I turn it off and on each time I make an utterance. Did anyone have a, a, a save and say they wanted to do?
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yes. I wanted to say, you know, I was reading about the Malaysian, this is the Malaysian national cocktail. And I said, well, there's gotta be a US cocktail. There's not one. Have we talked about this before? It's up to us, Mike, to invent it. Well, that's what I was kind of curious what we would, and I don't think, I don't know if this is, maybe this is just an ongoing conversation. Wait a second. I think, yes, it's an ongoing conversation.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And I was thinking about Jeff's idea last week, when he pimped out the silk panties, which was, it was vodka and peach schnapps. And then on our second round, Jeff split instead of that one ounce of peach schnapps He made he used that one else, but he made a bunch of different schnapps's share it he had yeah like whatever you got Triple sec yeah, yeah banana. Yeah, yeah, la cour And it gave you you took a sip and said ooh Tropicana. There's a carbon Miranda hats worth of
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yes, yes, that's what it was. Yes, that's what it was. I remember. That's what it was. I think if we dial that in, it could be vodka or white rum, but maybe vodka sticks with it with the 80s sexy theme or white rum would probably pair better. But a bunch of different fruit liqueurs
Starting point is 00:44:02 all sharing that ounce mixed with a nice clear liquor like a vodka or a white rum. And it's called the Miranda. I like this. Oh, shit. And it's got themes of inclusivity. It's just one of those, everybody get in here, this is a welcome drink. But also Miranda from Sex and the City,
Starting point is 00:44:23 maybe we're getting that crowd Miranda rights, you know when the cops are telling you you have the right to remain silent. Mm-hmm So we're calling it the Miranda. Yeah, it's called the Miranda and here's what's good about it Wait, is this this is a drink we haven't invented yet, right? It's being invented right now Mike. Yeah. Yeah, right, right Okay, right as we speak It's being invented right now, Mike. It's something along the lines of two ounces of vodka, and then a quarter ounce of this fruit schnapps, a quarter ounce of that fruit schnapps, a quarter ounce of this fruit schnapps, and a quarter ounce of that fruit schnapps. And what's brilliant about it is it's a fruity drink, but it's not going to be juicy, juice-belly, or even tiki. It's going to be in a cocktail glass and it's going to be served up and it's going to be sort of elegant.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And I think that's- It's sophisticated. Yes. Yes, and balanced. They don't want a juice bomb. And balanced as well. Yeah, and balanced is taboo. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Pretty good. If you put a walnut liqueur in there, it's Carmen Miranda's with a nut in her hat. A Miranda with a nut in her hat. A Miranda with a nut in her hat. Yeah. And there's a Carmen Miranda and there's a nut in there too. Having fun over there, Mike? I'm having a great time.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I gotta say I'm happy your Mike's on. Yeah, I'm gonna keep it on for the rest. Damn, what would you change about this one though? This old girl. I think that my black strap rum is so strong. Yeah. That I'm a little bit curious to try it with either a different rum or amp up the carton plattery,
Starting point is 00:45:58 but maybe a different rum or something. I wish I had my beloved Appleton. Ooh. What about, I might put a little orgeat in here just because I like that taste and it already feels tiki-ish anyway. I'll plop a little bit in. I like that, Mike.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Why not? That'll work, that'll work. That'll do it. You wanna go make round two? I still have a bit to go. Well, why don't we talk about one of our save and saves? Tim, you had two, I think. I already forgot one of mine.
Starting point is 00:46:23 That's the trick with the save and saves. I know, I'm trying to remember. You gotta save and saves. Tim, you had two, I think. I already forgot one of mine. That's the trick with the save and saves. I know, I'm trying to remember. You're ready to save, but you didn't save. Damn. Let me look. I jotted down my three and I'm gonna choose one because I don't have time. Three, you had three?
Starting point is 00:46:41 I have zero, go ahead. My mind was on fire, Jeff, at save and one. You should have seen me. Sit down, it's firing. I saw you. You looked like you were in pain. Yeah. He was, he was going back. He was like, oh my God, I got so many ideas.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I was like, Tim, sit down, be humble. One of them is just a fond memory. The other one is like a funny little thing where I've been being a little stinker, but one I want to do is a rant. Nice. I remembered my other one. rant. Nice. Okay, cool. I remembered my other one. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah, because this is less, I think a rant will get us out to the commercial break. We'll ride the rant into the commercial break. This is more of a quick one. This is, I was eating ramen today, and I got my ramen, I was by myself, I got my ramen, and then, oh, what do I know? It's a solitary food, yeah, continue.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Solitary food. And I was like, oh, I got some texts and some emails coming in that I had to make a little announcement for a show that I was doing. And then by the time I started eating my ramen, I got halfway done, I'm like, this is starting to lose its heat. So I said, excuse me, can you take this back?
Starting point is 00:47:37 I explained, I was like, I started answering emails, this thing got cold, can you just heat it up for me? And she did, it was like, nobody was, I think there was one other table being served. But have you ever done that, had your food just heated up? It never crossed my mind. Never in my life. Yeah, I was like, because it was so empty,
Starting point is 00:47:53 it just felt like I was in my own home. I was like, I think I would heat this up if I was in my own home. Now at Houston's, they'll swap out your martini with a nice fresh frozen martini glass halfway through your teeny. What if a ramen restaurant had a hot bowl that comes out? That's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Yes. Also, like, it's not like you're asking for more like pork or whatever. Just top me off with hot broth. Give me some broth. And now that I think of it, there was no egg in there. Maybe it didn't come with the egg, but I think they all should have anyway. Did you bring your own egg? No, no, I thought they would have them provided.
Starting point is 00:48:27 The menu said they'd have them provided. We should make our own eggs. Have you ever seen those? No, we do. No, no, no. But like the the ramen, like the drug egg, they call them. Have you seen this? What? You soak an egg in like tamari and and like, oh, I tried to do this. Sesame oils and stuff. It was called a tea egg and it didn't do it right to do this. Sesame oils and stuff. It was called a tea egg and it didn't do it right.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I've done the sesame oil one. It's fantastic. Yeah. It was a medium boil egg. So it was jammy inside is great. Tim, I made a good I made a good soft scramble the other day. There you go. But it also like dyes the color of the egg, right? Because, you know, sometimes you get that ramen egg brown as brown. Brown egg. Brown. As brown. Brown egg. Brown.
Starting point is 00:49:07 It was brown. All right, Tim. Do your thing. Rant away, rant man. I used to love walking into CVS and looking at a Rite Aid, any of the drug Walgreens. I would peruse the shelves. I'd buy a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I'd spend a lot of money. These days, they're so afraid of me shoplifting that every aisle has the, or is locked. Has a plexi, yeah. Has a plexi. Every fucking thing I wanna get, I have to hit the button and wait five minutes for a dude to come.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I'm saying dudes, the amount of money that they're saving from shoplifting, I guarantee they're losing in ruining their fucking store. This just came up in something. Companies have determined this. Yeah. Like there was a report that was just like, we're losing a ton of money because people
Starting point is 00:49:55 don't want to shop here. And when they do shop, we make it harder for them to do it. It's just not worth it. Did they hear my rant? It's like, it's funny to be like, I'll rev it up for a rant that's already like a rant that's already happened. I already won.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Even my beloved Albertsons, I go and like, I can't get like toothpaste or Tylenol and stuff like they pick that one aisle to just plexi it all off. It ruins it. I know. It's not, they're not big ticket items. It's cheapy shit. It started with the razors, right? Yeah. I know, they're not big ticket items, it's cheapy shit. It started with the razors, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:28 That's what I remember it with. And I feel like deodorant, and like, you know, disgustingly, just stuff like baby formula and stuff too, and it's like, look, if somebody's stealing baby formula, let them have it. Yeah. But you're right, it started with like the Gillette Quattro or the Chic XL, you get those little packs
Starting point is 00:50:46 of four little razors and it's like 38 bucks, so I understand that. These are one dollar items and I just don't shop anymore. I just don't. I mean it really does, it's like, oh am I gonna go to the store and wait around or am I gonna go on Amazon and have this stuff tomorrow? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I guarantee Amazon has seen a bump. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. Good rant T. Thank you. Good rant. You're our resident Alex Jones. Hey, I owe it all to the savings.
Starting point is 00:51:13 We should do a good rant, good riddance where it's like, if you did that rant, now we're not, that's gone with that thing. Let's be done with that for 25. Good rant, good riddance. It's time for another good 25. Good riddance. It's time for another good, right? Good riddance. All right, folks, we're going to make a second round. Uh, I don't know what I'm tweaking.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's pretty good. Yeah, I like that juice in there. I do a little more. I might put this in a bigger glass and make it like a taller, more fun drink. I'm going to tell you right now, this is an order again for me. Mike. Michael, tell you now, I'm gonna tell you right now, this is an order again for me. Mike. Michael. Telling you now. Mike.
Starting point is 00:51:47 I'm telling you. What about the new listeners who are only just getting used to the format? They're getting used to a shakeup. I wish your mic was off when you said that. Yeah, my mic is on and it's up. I wish your mic was off. Your mic is on and Mike is on.
Starting point is 00:52:02 That's right. Yeah, okay. When the mic's on, Mike's on. I'm doing more lime juice in here. Surprise, surprise. I know, right? I'm going to do more Campari. Sicko. How?
Starting point is 00:52:14 I just shit my underpants. Actually, fuck, you know what I'm going to do? Aperol instead of Campari, because I don't really like Campari. Hey, sweeten it up. Anytime I use Campari, I'm like, I wish it was at least Aperol. Why is that, Jeff? Why don't you like the Campari? It's ashy. I thought so. No, it's it's got a scratchy quality I don't really like.
Starting point is 00:52:32 And I'm with you. That's what I'm saying. In fact, I resented that I had to buy a whole new bottle of Campari today. I'm going to have it for two years. Well, we could make some drinks with it on the podcast. Who hosts this show anymore, Jeff? Do you? Yeah, we're going, you want to go to break? That's what I love.
Starting point is 00:52:55 I love tuning in to see Jay Leno talking to the Spice Girls. He says, well, what do you think ladies? Should we take a break? Don't get antsy. I'm getting angry. Okay. That's allowed. No, I'm getting angry. OK, that's that's allowed. No, I'm getting angry because I'm done here. I want to do this again.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yeah, I still have one last sip. Folks, we're going to send you off to the listen to the ads. And when we come back. Final thoughts. Oh, well, round two and final thoughts. Oh,, folks. A chance to win with every spin and a guaranteed winner by 11 p.m. every day. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600. Or visit
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Starting point is 00:54:00 If not, how would you pay to recover from a cyber attack, fire damage, theft, or a lawsuit? No business or profession is risk-free. Without insurance, your assets are at risk from major financial losses, data breaches, and natural disasters. Get customized coverage today starting at $19 per month at Be protected. Be Zen. With the FIZ loyalty program, you get rewarded just for having a mobile plan. You know, for texting and stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan, you're not with Fizz. Switch today. Conditions apply. Details at Acast powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. popular weekly show along with special coverage from Canadian championships, world championships, and of course, the Grand Slam of curling. I'm Warren Hanson. Our weekly show will bring you five popular segments. What's happening around the curling world, hot rock topics, mailbag, what are you hearing, and in the house.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Look out, here we come. Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. And we're back with round two. I just did a hair more lime and switched out for Aperol. Got to say, never thought I'd say I miss the character of the Campari. This is just brought it to like an indistinct to middle. Is it sweet? Yeah, it's just a little sweeter and I thought that would be better and it's not.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I agree with Jeff. I did the same thing. I did Campari but I also added Orjat and it swallowed up the Campari and doesn't have a, it doesn't have any, it doesn't have an edge to it. It doesn't have that je ne sais quoi. It just tastes like a cheap fruit drink that's like everything mixed in. It helps that you're, I like you're drinking up like this big huge mug.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I know. This is a tough beer mug. I put two giant cubes in here, so it looks like it's a lot, but it's not. I switched, instead of black strap rum, I just did Gosling's dark rum, and it's way better. This is the Jungle Bear bird I know and love. Because I was really just tasting like mud,
Starting point is 00:56:49 you know, like burnt molasses taste. And now, I'm still impressed with how balanced the Campari is, it doesn't taste like a Negroni, but I'm at least getting it a little bit of that kind of bitter, like citrus rind taste. That's what happened. Like Campari plus pineapple juice is making me taste like grapefruit in a good way.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I see that. Man, that's really interesting because I have Goslings and I don't often reach for it. And when I do, I try to make like a Dark and Stormy. Brand name Dark and Stormy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I normally like the dark rums, but that one's just got a grit to it that like, it's just so stanky. But I imagine in this rums, but that one's just got a grit to it that like it's just so stanky. But I imagine in this, yeah, it'd be pretty great. It's got an edge. Myers has an edge too. I like those soft dark rums like Whaler. They're just kind of soft. Kraken? Where's Kraken? Kraken, nice and soft. Kraken's nice and soft.
Starting point is 00:57:42 What's a good grapefruit? Is a Paloma grapefruit? Yep, drink. Yeah, that's a good one. Grapefruit. Isn't there, is there a liqueur or something that's like tastes like grapefruit rind or like, does that ring any bells?
Starting point is 00:57:57 Malort. Ah, is that what it is? Yeah. Oh, that has a grapefruit. To me, I always, I always, those are the notes I'm getting. I mean, it's made from work. I didn't know if it had like, part of the ingredients is like rind of grapefruit.
Starting point is 00:58:10 No, it's wormwood liqueur. Mike, I think I'm getting you off the wrong microphone. Is that possible? You know what? That could be it. Is it here? Yep. That's the earbuds, the crackly earbuds.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Hold on, hold on. Crispy little snap crackle popper. Apple earbuds. Check, check, check. There we go. There it is. Crispy. There's those whores.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Rich tones. I got a corn problems over here big time. We got to have this episode remastered and re-released. Just that one little bit. I like to evoke citrus. It's a good thing for a tiki drink to have. And also, Mike, you mentioned a Paloma. You know what makes a really good Paloma?
Starting point is 00:58:53 You have some tequila and some Badger Bev's grapefruit soda, delicious. Yes. Oh, God, I love a Badger Bev. I haven't cracked into my Badger Bev, but... Delish, delicious. I'm cracking in a little too much. Or no, I haven't cracked into my grapefruit yet.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Folks, we got ourselves a nice, beautiful case of Badger Bev's. Badger Beverage. These are your Primo mixers, and they got a great grapefruit soda, tonic, club soda, blood orange soda. Ginger ale, ginger beer. It's a high quality product.
Starting point is 00:59:28 We tasted it and we said, you know what? This makes fever tree taste like shit. And then the guy from the company was like, okay, well, we don't need to say anything bad about the competition. And we're like, no, look at me. Fever tree tastes like fucking shit. And we held him over a building. We said, now you say it.
Starting point is 00:59:46 All three of us. We're just like, shit. Please, please. I'm a family. All right. All right. Now you hang us over the wall. I don't know if I can. You three have the guys make us talk, make us squeal. We get off on this.
Starting point is 01:00:10 He's like, I thought this was more of like a mixer brand deal. I'm lost here, guys. Well, final thoughts. Mike, we know you like it, but elaborate, would you? Yeah, it's an order again for me. Here's what I'll say. It's an order again for me in the sense that I like it, but if I'm at a tiki bar, I'm just gonna order one of the things of the names I know
Starting point is 01:00:28 because it's not much different. You know what I mean? Yeah, add Jungle Bird to the list of the names you know. Yeah, that's true. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not gonna be like, wait, what was the thing? I'll probably just go, yep, give me a Mai Tai, give me a martini even.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I like though, added to list the names, I think a good thing about this podcast is we approached this show as, originally four years ago, we didn't know jack shit about cocktails, we liked them, but we didn't know, and we were intimidated by them. Now we've sort of learned and we're geniuses. But I remember a kissing cousin of his drink, the Negroni, because it has Campari,
Starting point is 01:01:11 when we first did that on the show, I said, hey, slop, let's say you don't know jack shit about booze, but you're out, you're eating. Let's say you don't know jackshram about booze. Nah, he was going to fucking say that, go ahead. Let's say you don't know celebrity bartender Jack Schramm. In that case, you do want to know Jack Schramm about booze. But if you're eating Italian food,
Starting point is 01:01:29 it's good to know the Negroni, right? Because you're going to drink some Cabernet, you're going to, you know, you could have lots of people at an Italian restaurant drinking lots of different things. I think that the drink just hit me in that moment. Mid sentence. Mid sentence.
Starting point is 01:01:47 But Negroni is something you should know. If you're doing it, it's daytime, you're having some Italian food, you want to ease into it, you should know a Negroni. Get that in your little brain if you're dumb like me. This, same type of thing. Tiki, when you're looking down that Tiki menu, you're gonna see the Mai Tai, you're gonna see the zombie,
Starting point is 01:02:04 but now you're gonna see the Jungle Bird and you're gonna see the zombie, but now you're gonna see the Jungle Bird and you're gonna say to the person next to you, that's the Kampari one. Yeah. I know it too. I know a little bit about this. Let me. I know it.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I know just as much as the bartender does on this one drink. Yep. Cause I listen to the sloppy one. Yeah, this is good folks. You're gonna see it in the wild more and more, I think, or at least this year, cause you know, this is good, folks. You're gonna see it in the wild more and more, I think, at least this year, because these things are cyclical. If you're a home bartender or just a listener
Starting point is 01:02:30 that likes to drink along, this is a five ingredienter, and that's when it starts to feel like a little bit of a pain in the ass, doesn't it? Yeah. Yeah, but these are pretty easy ones to get. These are easy to get, and I encourage you to try this one. It's in order again. And I will say, because it's a five ingredient or
Starting point is 01:02:49 you can dial it up or down to your liking. It's customizable to your maybe maybe to your peril, though. Give you enough rope to hang yourself. You dial it down to your peril. I'm doing it right now. Because because round two, I'm going to finish it. It's going to power me through the blowout, the better show. But I do think that's a good show to do it.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Be what is it? What do you call it? As scripted to the letter of the law, do it to the letter of the law. In birthday boys days, we said A.S. for when you we decided you're not going to you're not going to improvise. You're not going to ad lib. You say I'm doing the script AS.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I'm gonna do this one AS. Like yeah, the letter is a long. Okay, so you're gonna act? Okay. But it would be like, Jeff, you know, feel free to, like you could do whatever you want there. And you'd be like, no, I'm gonna do it AS. AS.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Oh, wait a minute. I would, Mike, I was Mike. I was just about to clinch it. I just saw you. Just, I just saw you. You were really sucking in all the air. Now who wants to protract the show? Mike, you have the floor.
Starting point is 01:03:56 All right. I wish I was the micro machine man. Cause I talk so fast. We'd be done. We'd be out of here. But I speak the way I speak. So now I'm just to say my thing at regular speed. I like that you're a plain spoken man, you know?
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah, I'm a country guy. No, talking about Jack Schramm, I saw him, he goes to my gym. I got the one guy asking, hey, who's the big, are you the big hand bobber? And the other guy is Jack Schramm. Are you able to focus, or does it just seem like it's all cocktail people?
Starting point is 01:04:28 It's just the cocktail group, we're all trashed. All of our water bottles have a mix of martinis and margaritas. Squeezing a martini into your mouth? I imagine Jack is doing a bunch of cocktail-related exercise, wrist curls and stuff. Yeah, he's doing wrist curls. He's taking a dumbbell and shaking it over his head. Don't you hate when you're squeezing the Gatorade bottle He's taking a dumbbell and shaking it over his head. Don't you hate when you're squeezing the Gatorade bottle in your mouth and then it hits the olive
Starting point is 01:04:51 that's trying to fit through it? You squeeze it and then it shoots out. It shoots across the room. Yeah, I saw a Shrammer that I was pumping up. I was like, Shram, you should've seen me, man. I was doing my personal record, my personal best. I was talking up, I was like, Shram, you should've seen me, man. I was doing my personal record, my personal best. I was talking myself up, he said, sit down.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Be humble. He said it to me. Go ahead, Jeff, you were about to say? That's our show. Follow us on social media, at The Sloppy Boys, where we release these recipes ahead of time. And if you can't get enough boys, it's slash thesloppyboys. That's where you get double recipes ahead of time. And if you can't get enough boys, it's slash the sloppy boys.
Starting point is 01:05:27 That's where you get double the pleasure every week. You don't want to save all the joy in the world for Friday. Have a little on Wednesday. Get you through the week. You're going to burn yourself out if you just do it on Friday. Exactly. And the best thing of all is you come see us live. Tim already told you the dates, I don't need to tell ya. You can rewind.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And those dates, they're all over the place. They're on our socials, our socials. We're not giving you much of an excuse to miss us, folks. Sorry, folks. Come see us, why the fuck would you sit at home in your apartment when the sloppy boys are in town? Do you have Jim Jim? They're gonna see they're gonna come they're gonna come I die. No, don't don't it's okay. That's right folks We're gonna come right we're gonna come to the show. Yes
Starting point is 01:06:16 Barge sometimes the listeners can break into the show Now let me talk to those listeners who very much want to come but they're thinking I won't go because I don't want to drag my significant other. Drag them. They're going to have the time of their life. We have proof. We have testimonials from girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives. They've been dragged to these shows against their will. They hate it. We should have fans make videos of being like, I'm Kelly, this is Mark, he brought me to a Slappy Boys show and I fell in love with them, I love this group now. I'm a big fan. I want a before and after, the way that,
Starting point is 01:06:51 the way they do at weddings, and they're like, Rick and Erica, congrats, this is my first drink, and then it cuts to like, and this is my last drink. Like I wanna see the Siggo's, like, this is me before the show. Significant others and after because I saw one of it was really funny for Wicked of a dude like rolling his eyes, going up the escalator to go see Wicked at the AMC. And then it cuts to that on the way crying in the theater.
Starting point is 01:07:20 But that's what I want to see for the slop heads. Posted. Yeah. And post it and tag it post Malone Tag it because we see it a lot after our show. We're usually hanging at the we see it live all the time We're hanging at the t-shirt table and we're meeting these people. We're having a great time. We're getting a lot of wives girlfriends husbands Boyfriends coming up to us and say I I never heard of you guys until tonight, and this was such a fun night for me, and you know what, I really needed this.
Starting point is 01:07:51 I've been having a hard time down at the mill. I was actually shopping for rope before I came to the show. I just couldn't afford it. I couldn't find a price point, my price point. That works for my budget. I use to budget out my purchases. Hold on, I had one more thing I had to say because one of you brought up... Ooh, your apple moment.
Starting point is 01:08:15 One more thing. Hey, listen to these foamy cubes with the pineapple fluff. Ooh, I love that. You're making the call of the jungle bird, Tim. The clonk of the jungle bird. No, no, no. Somebody was saying, OK, we got the Miranda. That's something we got to work on. That's going to be a hit for us. We need a hit.
Starting point is 01:08:32 And I also here's just a name, but maybe we sort of reverse engineer a drink around the name. OK, Tiki Martini. Oh, good name. Tiki Tini, Tiki Tini or Martiki. But I think Tiki Martini. Oh! Good name. Tiki-tini. Tiki-tini or martiki, but I think Tiki martini for now. Yeah, yeah, okay, okay. Now, Jeff, I could have sworn that at Can Tiki in Glendale now,
Starting point is 01:08:55 Yeah. up on Burbank or North Hollywood, I could have sworn they had something like that. It was a savory thing, but we could steal it from them. Yeah, no no we'll engineer our own better product. Yeah. But it reminded me because you said like yeah I'm gonna tiki drink I'm a tiki bar I'm doing a zombie a martini a zombie a maitai a martini. I was like yeah how do you how does the tiki bar capture the martini drink? It's so hard because it's bullshit when you see a martini menu that's just a bunch of
Starting point is 01:09:29 but when you see just a bunch of silly sweet drinks in martini glasses and it's called a martini menu, that's dumb. I think what's definitive about a martini is that it's savory. When we say martini, we mean a dry martini, let's be honest. Okay? Right. So a briny little sour guy. What's briny instead of olive and olive brine?
Starting point is 01:09:50 What's the savory tropical thing, man? Pig roast. Pig roast. Maybe there's something like a little bacony piece or something. What's, I mean this? Spam spam Spam Spam
Starting point is 01:10:13 We want this to be a hit tip yeah, I know that's that's that's getting kind of fringy We got to be careful with the meats, but I don't know I don't know that's yeah That's good. Well, we could just think on it. We could just marinate on that. Yeah, this will be a good fodder for more of our road trip for the tour. Yeah, let's talk about it on the van. We'll mixing these up and drinking them
Starting point is 01:10:33 while we're driving the van around. Yeah, I hate driving sober because you're really tense, you know, but if you loosen up with a few tiki drinks. He's kidding, folks, of course. We don't want anyone to drive drunk. Do not drive drunk drunk do not drive drunk do not drive drunk to our show or anywhere folks don't drive anywhere hey uh well thanks for coming especially we're getting a lot of new people jumping on the old sloppy boys bandwagon love to
Starting point is 01:10:55 see that welcome yeah and hey let's say you don't have any friends to tell about the show go make some friends go find them or come to come to the Sloppy Boys Show. Go on the Discord. There are people like you out there. The big thing is to listen to the Sloppy Boys Blowout. I'm sorry to come out and just blurt this at you, but there's another podcast we do every week. It's a whole other podcast and it's really funny and it's better than this one.
Starting point is 01:11:21 And I know it sounds like a big leap to go to a website, but on your little phone, just type in slash the Sloppy Boys. You do it every day, folks. You do it every day. You do it every day. Go on your phone. Go on your phone.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Click around. Every day and in every way, you go on your phone. Oh, we should have announced, this is the sloppy boys Subscription Fundraising the hotline KCRW there they're open the line We're giving out tote bags tote bags make your own topic No, this is great You sign up for the patreon then you make your way over to sloppy boys calm and you get in your then you can purchase a shirt a tote whatever you
Starting point is 01:12:08 want purchase everyone over there Wow alright folks good show I say to us the hosts good show it was a good show Tim we would on fortnight would say GG good GG. Good game. Timothy. GS. Good show. Yeah, good shit, man. What? All right, bye. Bye, folks. Give it up for your boys.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Give it up for your boys. Give it up for your boys. Give it up for your boys you

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