The Texan Podcast - Weekly Roundup - November 26, 2021
Episode Date: November 26, 2021This week on The Texan’s shorter, holiday weekend edition of the “Weekly Roundup,” reporters Hayden Sparks and Daniel Friend discuss the most recent border apprehension numbers and state finance reports.
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Happy Thanksgiving, happy Black Friday, folks.
Senior Editor Mackenzie Taylor here,
bringing you a shorter holiday episode
of this week's News Roundup.
Daniel Friend and Hayden Sparks join me
to talk about the border numbers
and the latest in campaign fundraising.
And we introduce you to a member of the team
who many of y'all may have met in person,
but has never appeared on the podcast before.
Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Well, howdy folks. This is an abbreviated version of the Weekly Roundup podcast,
and I only have, it's Mackenzie here, and I only have Daniel Friend and Hayden Sparks with me today.
Hi, gentlemen. It's pretty weird. It's kind of random having just the three of us on a Friday
record a podcast, especially since we just recorded yesterday. Yeah. Feels kind pretty weird. It's kind of random having just the three of us on a Friday report, record a podcast,
especially since we just recorded yesterday.
It feels kind of weird.
Back to back.
it's true.
It reminded me of the back to back made me think of the shirt to say back
to back world war champs with the U S flag on it.
I don't know.
That's in a random thought.
I'm I'm for anything with the U S flag on it or the Texas.
You do have that American hat,
American hat, American flag
hat that you do wear often.
I also wear the come and take it hat
that we have here at the Texan.
Is Hayden the most patriotic in the office, Daniel?
Yes, overtly.
The most overtly patriotic.
As far as the one who has the most patriotic
garb. Yes. Got it. That makes
sense. I do have my American flag boots,
but I also got some new boots
that do not have the American flag on them.
Yeah, Daniel has,
but they're literally cowboy boots
and the top of the boot,
the leather is dyed in the American flag colors.
I mean, it's not.
It's really cool.
They're really cool.
I love them.
Yeah. Well, gentlemen, thank you for joining us and yes folks as hayden just said this is the friday before thanksgiving we're just
prepping this so we'll have content for you regardless of whether it's a holiday week or not
and it's a it's a skeleton crew here today we have a couple people off and we're holding down
the fort so gentlemen thanks for joining me hayden we're going to start with you. Let's just do a border numbers overview. We're going to hit a couple of topics today, and this happens to be one of them. But just start by giving us an overview of where we're at in terms of border apprehensions here in Texas. This report is the first month for fiscal year 2022.
It's a little bit anticlimactic because we just came off of a year where there were a record-setting number of illegal immigrant apprehensions, but there was a 23% decrease
from September of this year to October of this year in the number of encounters in the Texas border
patrol sectors. There were 98,474 encounters approximately in the Texas border patrol sectors.
And to put that in perspective, there were in July about 144,000 and August, about 147,000. And then in October of last year,
there were 71,929 approximately overall in the southwestern United States, and then 45,734
approximately in Texas sectors. And I say approximately because sometimes it's difficult with these numbers to pinpoint because they are updated at different times. But that is an overview of some of the
numbers that we have seen. Of course, the Biden administration via the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection Agency have been emphasizing the fact that there are many times multiple
encounters with the same individual. So the number of unique individuals who are encountered
in the Southwestern United States overall was 117,260. And then 57% of the expulsions in the month of october were via title 42 which is also the
the coronavirus situation during the coronavirus pandemic these statutes were invoked in order to
protect the public against the virus not specifically why that title was was implemented, right? Was title 42
was brought in for COVID-19 purposes. Correct. It is a decades old statute. I believe it goes
back to the 1940s. But it was specifically invoked for the pandemic. And it's not the whole title.
It's just a portion, a portion of portions of the title statutes that allow the prevention of the introduction of foreign individuals during a pandemic.
And then we had some interaction this week between Cruz and the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Wow. Well, talk to us about that, that interaction with Mayorkas.
Well, one of the controversies around immigration this year has been the remain in Mexico policy.
It has been a hot button issue because of its deterrent effect on illegal immigration.
And one of the statements that Secretary Mayorkas made in this hearing upon questioning by Texas
Senator Ted Cruz was that he is making a good faith effort to reinstate this
policy. And Senator Cruz asked him point blank, are you signaling, I believe the word he used
was expressing to the Mexican government that they should not be pulling for this policy. Because one of the reasons, one of the aspects
of this policy is that it requires Mexico's cooperation. And the nature of Cruz's question was,
is the federal government basically speaking out of both sides of its mouth and saying that
they're reinstating it because they've been ordered to do so by a federal judge,
and the U.S. Supreme Court has up upheld that decision but mayorkas said that
they're in good faith trying to stand it up and he denied or he shouldn't say didn't i shouldn't
say denied because cruz didn't really directly accuse him of doing this but he said that no
the administration is not signaling to mexico that they should be trying to gum up the works
and reintroducing this policy but of, they have drafted language in documents that are intended to satisfy the
concerns of the federal judge's order. And they're still trying to take this policy down.
Of course, we've talked about this before, that policy changes would likely need to happen before a decrease in apprehensions.
However, it is notable that this month, and Customs and Border Protection highlighted this,
it is the third month in a row that apprehensions have decreased. Now, of course, they're still
higher than they were last October. So we're not by any means completely out of the woods.
And we know that this issue affects border jurisdictions and it also affects ranchers and farmers who are having to really handle this on their own in many ways because the resources just are not there. And one of the reasons, one of the statements that Mayork has made is that while the federal government is in his estimation only for the number of criminals that are getting
in, but also for the number of gotaways, which, of course, is the number of people who evade
custody when being sought by Border Patrol and the ones that are not arrested. And these numbers
only reflects the... Those who are caught.
Exactly. Well, and, you know, you published a piece, was it a week ago, two weeks ago, about different experts talking about their estimations of how many gotaways there are for every one person caught and apprehended when crossing the border illegally.
And that was, you know, one for one or two for one is kind of the number.
Those were the numbers thrown around by these experts.
Former agents themselves
saying that that's what their estimations are yes and and agents who ascended to the i mean chief
carish as was was border patrol chief in three different sectors and he's he has expressed
concerns about this uh we mentioned special agent avila last week. He has extensive experience in Homeland Security there.
And Mayorkas did list some of the measures that the government has taken,
though he admitted he could not provide an estimation of just how many illegal aliens are getting away. I believe approximately a hundred and I want to say 125,000 unaccompanied minors this year have
been transferred to HHS custody. So he did estimate that, but the number of people who have not been
caught, that was the focus of Cruz's question. And he did struggle to come up with an answer.
But all of that being said, this month was the
third month in a row that the apprehensions have decreased. So in that way, the border crisis has
improved. Got it. Well, Hayden, thank you so much for covering that for us and keeping us apprised
of the numbers. Daniel, speaking of numbers, let's talk about the Texas Ethics Commission
campaign filing numbers. Let's specifically talk about the, let's start off with the Attorney General's race. candidates and office holders have to do at the mid of the year and at the beginning of the year. Now, when there's this
regular session, they also have to file some stuff related to that. And also during all of these
legislative special sessions that we have had, they have to make filings for each of those.
And so there's been with the three special sessions, there have also been three special session reports that candidates have had to file
if they raised any money during that time. And so the period that we're looking at most recently
is for the third special session, which began in September and ended in mid-late-ish October.
And so there were, you know know lots of different candidates who have
filed reports for this period obviously there's a lot of candidates in the state of texas
the ones that do tend to catch a little bit more attention are the people up at the top of the
ticket the governor attorney general's race attorney general is i think one of the more
notable races this year because the both the primary and the general election race, or the primary for both the Republican and the Democrats, are kind of interesting.
They're competitive.
There's many viable candidates in both of those races. Republican side first. You know, you have three, maybe four by the time this podcast is out,
challengers to Attorney General Ken Paxton. You have the first one to jump into the race against
him was George P. Bush, the current land commissioner. And he actually, you know,
on just like the base number of the total amount raised, he out-raised Paxton at about 550,000,
whereas Paxton followed with about 540,000.
Now, Paxton did send out a press release
saying that he did take the top spot
because he was counting,
looking exclusively at monetary donations.
So people can get in-kind contributions.
So, you know, if you have a private jet and you
want to give your friend a flight that's a contribution uh not necessarily a monetary
one though but it is it's usually it's reported yes it must be reported um and so that goes to
the the total uh now matt kraus has also uh received quite a bit of uh funding he's the
state representative from fort Worth. He's actually
the, well, I guess depends on what happens with Louie Gohmert, but that's another story.
The latest candidate to jump into this race. I mean, he raised the second or third most out of
the candidates at about $435,000. Now, a lot of that did come from one of his colleagues in the state House of Representatives,
Representative Mace Middleton, who apparently they're good friends.
If Middleton is giving Krause, you know, six figures.
Both Freedom Caucus members.
So, you've got that going on.
And the other candidate in the race, former Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman, also did raise six figures as well at about $330,000.
Now, the notable thing for all these candidates, out of the three special sessions that we've had, this is by far the most that all of them have raised um in the republican primary yeah um
they're definitely you know ramping up their efforts to get funding out there to get on the
campaign trail this was the last special session presumably i mean we could have another one i
guess fourth in january are the rumors that are very loosely being spoken of right now so that's
what it looks like on the republican side now the the democrats
are also an interesting race uh got going on there as well um you have some polling that came out
that showed the candidates uh pretty evenly matched there's three candidates in the race right now
that i'm aware of three major candidates uh the first one is a uh former mayor of Galveston, Joe Jaworski.
The second one would be Lee Merritt.
He's a civil rights attorney who has worked on several high-profile court cases.
And then the third Democrat who's the latest entrant into the race, and she actually has not filed any reports because
she's such a new candidate, is a former ACLU attorney, Rochelle Garza from Brownsville.
She had been running for a congressional seat, but then after redistricting,
everybody's plans changed, and so she decided to run for attorney general instead.
So we don't have any campaign fundraising numbers on her yet,
just because she didn't join until after the redistricting session.
So there's no money for her to report there.
But the race between Jaworski and Merritt does look pretty competitive.
When Merritt first entered the race,
he was kind of seen as uh going to be one of the
top challengers um yeah and definitely uh give uh jaworski a run for his money and there's definitely
been a run for money here um because during the first special session uh right after merit entered
the race he did pick up 285, but in the most recent one,
he reported only about $30,000. Whereas it's kind of been reversed for Jaworski.
During the first special session, he reported $30,000, but then during the third special session,
it jumped up to $166,000. So that'll be an interesting race to see who can outrace the other opponents and
who can garner more votes in march presumably it will be in march yes exactly at this point that's
the case well wonderful uh let's talk about the governor's race now now uh it depends on who you
talk to but these are the two big races in the state of the gubernatorial uh specifically primary now we have beto o'rourke running in the democrat field um against you know
the governor um but this is the other big one the attorney general general's race very crowded
a lot of scandal surrounding paxton and the general and the governor's race will also be a
very high profile high dollar fight um to particularly in the primary. Like I said,
walk us through the numbers for those candidates. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how much money
actually gets poured into the race in the general election overall with Beto O'Rourke coming in
again. If you remember back in 2018, when he challenged Ted Cruz for the Senate seat,
that was quite the race that drew a lot of money to Texas. I think he raised like $80 million throughout that campaign.
Significant amount of money.
So he's off to another quick start.
Apparently, he reported in his first 24 hours, I believe I saw the number 2 million was what he said he had raised.
So we'll see if Beto can continue to raise that much money and if there's any other Democrats that come out to challenge him.
But in the meantime, we will have our eyes on the Republican primary race, which also has some pretty big fundraisers in it as well.
Of course, you have Governor Greg Abbott, who is building up his war chest like a machine.
He has been for years on end now.
I don't remember exactly what his total war chest sat at.
It had been like $40 million.
And in this last special session,
he announced that he raised $5 million.
As of the time that we're recording this podcast,
the TEC report for him is not yet available online.
I don't know what the TEC does with some of these reports. There are some
people, Governor Greg Abbott included, where the reports appear to be available. You go to download
it and it just comes up with an error page. It does this with a few different candidates,
but consistently with Governor Greg Abbott. I'm not really sure why it does this. If it's an
internal problem, if it's some kind of a loophole
that the candidates have found,
if you change the file type or something,
it might delay the results.
I don't know.
That said, he did announce
that he had raised nearly $5 million,
which would be the most out of any candidate
presuming that is true.
There's not really good reason
to doubt why he would lie about that to a great deal.
Yeah. And also another candidate who announced a report, but his report is not yet available
either, is former state senator Don Huffines, who says that he raised $1.25 million, which is also,
you know, again, a pretty big chunk of money you know
if we were we're just talking about the ag race and those high numbers were half a million dollars
and huffines comes in with uh over a million dollars that's a pretty penny yeah absolutely
i don't know what i would do with million dollars i probably wouldn't be running for office yeah
um now the other high profile candidate to watch, um, it'll be interesting to see his
report, uh, cause he came in, uh, after the first half of the year. So he didn't have to file that
first report, uh, that first semiannual report, uh, back in July. Um, so we don't know what his
initial campaign fundraising haul was at.
However, we have seen in the past few special sessions, he has been consistently raising six figures.
And he did that again in this third special session.
Allen West, the former GOP chairman, former congressman from Florida, I think.
Yeah. Yes.
I think he's affiliated with another state somehow, too.
Yes. I think he's affiliated with another state, so I'm up to you. Yes.
But he raised $356,000, according to the TEC report that he filed.
And then the other Republican challenger who people are kind of watching is the humorous Chad Prather, who has raised $14,000.
So, again, Prather has not been raising as much money.
If you have been listening to our podcast,
I have talked about how he was the one to mention about this penny stock, TGGI.
So maybe he's just, like, banking on that, skyrocketing to the moon. Banking on that?
That was well done.
Maybe that's where he's carrying on his money to come from.
And, you know, I sincerely hope that it does well for my own sake, too.
Oh, certainly.
But those are the numbers.
That's the base numbers.
That's where we're at.
There are some other governor candidates as well.
We're still waiting on the Secretary of State for people to file.
That's ongoing.
It will be ongoing even when this podcast comes out.
It ends December 13th, unless a court order changes everything, which would be weird.
I don't think they will do that at this point, but you never know.
Yeah, we'll have to see what happens.
But Daniel, thanks for following those numbers for us.
Well, gentlemen, since it's just the three amigos here, I figured we could expand our, not audience not audience our panel we can add one more to the
group we should i agree with this do you think we should although it might get confusing it might
yeah because the only other person in this office that we could potentially pull in
it's not winston because he's also on the road that's very sad to me yeah he's driving along
the road right now yeah little winston oh gosh Oh, gosh, I'm going to lose it.
Just thinking about that dog.
I think you shouldn't have brought up Winston.
That might be the rest of the podcast right there.
But the other person in his office is also named Daniel.
Daniel Ackroyd.
Their outreach and operations coordinator.
Apparently, in his job of doing outreach he goes out to uh visiting
a bunch of different people and apparently a lot of people come up to him and they say oh you're
the one on the podcast yes and to which he says no no i'm not yeah but i feel like he's kind of a
celebrity around grassroots circles we send him out on behalf of the texan he walks around
the room with con, helping folks subscribe.
There's all sorts of,
you know,
things he does and events he attends on our behalf.
So why don't we,
you know,
surprise him?
He has no idea we're doing this,
but we thought we could bring him down and just put him on the spot.
The mic's hot.
He's ready.
he's not ready.
He might be ready.
He might be ready.
Maybe this is what he's been waiting.
He's a cool guy.
And I feel like our listeners should hear from him.
I just sent a message to him that said, can you come down here to the podcast room we'll see
how long this takes him it better be quick should i like throw in some jeopardy music right about
here what are we gonna ask him i don't know yeah i was about to say in the meantime we should try
to think of some questions he said yep okay cool he's on his way which Which, yeah. I'm going to edit this and add in some Jeopardy music.
That's a good idea.
I don't know what we're going to ask him.
We'll find out something.
We'll think about the most uncomfortable personal questions we can ask him.
That's a good idea.
Hey, Daniel.
There's a seat for you right here.
Yeah, will you come sit down?
Welcome to your interrogation. No, the one in front of the mic.
The one in front of the mic.
We're about to give you a platform that you've never had before.
He just had a deep, deep sigh.
Daniel, will you help him or Hayden get that microphone in front of his face?
This is us putting you on the spot.
This is your moment.
The mic is hot right now.
Why did you ever think that was an okay idea?
Okay, well, Daniel, now that you have the mic in front of you get get closer get comfortable we are actually recording the podcast right now and
we are actually putting you on the podcast this week oh yeah yeah no this is actually happening
so this is our special edition thanksgiving post thanksgiving podcast. And we just want our
viewers, listeners, to know
how thankful we are. Our viewers.
Our viewers. I corrected myself. He did.
I corrected myself. But mainly
folks don't know you.
At least on the podcast. And
you go out on the road, you travel with
Connie, you're the face
of the Texan on the road.
It's you and Connie Burton, Daniel Ackroyd.
And so we thought we'd allow folks
to get to know you this week. Oh, well,
thank you. It's nice to be called up
from the bullpen once in a while.
That was literally the only baseball term
I know. But you're wearing an Astros
shirt. Oh, no.
You had to call me out like that? Yes.
You gotta come more
prepared if you're gonna wear an astro shirt for your baseball brad brad is twitching driving down
the road right now and he doesn't know why oh i know the house shakes when michigan football or
any baseball team i don't know why but any baseball team plays it's just now for those who
don't know brad and daniel akroyd uh live
together work together oh yes basically share custody of winston oh yes it's quite the it's
quite the overlap in terms of personal life i'm sure winston has been cheating on brad with daniel
yes yeah i mean you you didn't have to air it out like that okay that's kind of cruel we try not to get this uh
you know hurt brad's feelings too much on this podcast who are we kidding that's exactly whose
feelings we heard each and every week i was about to say that's kind of my my favorite pastime you
know i'm with you i'm with you daniel okay thanksgiving traditions does your family do
anything fun on thanksgiving where are you going for Thanksgiving? What kind of food do you most enjoy?
Give us your Thanksgiving rundown.
I mean, half my family is Italians, so we really just eat.
That's awesome.
We're very good at that.
Do you make any Italian dishes on Thanksgiving, or do you stick with American food?
Oh, no.
It's the average, run-of-the-mill stuffing.
Okay, yes.
Not dressing, but stuffing. i see you're weighing in
on the controversy i've i've been seeing the chats i've kept silent no uh it's the the stuffing
turkey uh my dad's the only one who likes yams but uh yeah we do we do the whole oh yeah we do
the whole traditional american fair uh football
obviously that's just are you a cowboys fan i'm a texans fan wow i mean that makes sense a lot of
from houston it's just sadness we did play a thanksgiving game once against the lions and i
think we won uh so i just cling to memories of 2012,
you know,
last time we were worth anything.
Is it,
how far do y'all make it in 2012?
Playoffs and?
I mean,
I'm sure it was
a blowout in the divisional round
you know.
That's about it.
I'm sorry,
I can tell I'm stressing you out.
I just get like PTSD
because we get so,
it was the Oilers getting so close.
And it was the Texans getting so close.
And it just, it.
It's rough.
NRG is just, I don't know.
It's haunted.
There's something wrong with it.
Is it, okay. I get confused with the stadium and the arena because there are two, right?
There's park too.
They're all in the same complex.
NRG stadium is where the Tex texans play got it so then
are you a big astros fan too you know i really was more of a fairweather astros fan got it harvey hit
and the whole city sort of came together and which is so cool at least the astros to unite behind and
i wasn't a baseball fan up to that point, but that makes sense.
the shirt,
you know,
okay. That's a pretty good indication of where your allegiance lies and that's
And I think tragedy just generally makes you a better baseball fan.
I think,
I think it's the one time where fair weather fans have legitimate reason to
be fair weather fans where it's like,
the whole city's
on board with this let's make sure that we all are on the same page let's all become fans and
that's just kind of how it works you'd see pictures of people in their blown out homes
had nothing except a little tv set up in a corner didn't even have drywall and people
were watching the world series it was pretty amazing that's just incredible and that again that's worth it that's absolutely worth it so
thanksgiving that was cool that was a cool three second conversation yeah no i'm with you but um
thanks for joining us boys do you have anything to grill i'm really was um i feel like we could
have gone a lot more harsh at daniel and really really want to be harsh on Brad while he was just what happens every time
every freaking time.
I mean,
who would want to be mean to me?
that's true.
You're just,
by the way,
what is it like to,
because for those of you who don't know the way our office is set up is all
four of the writers. it like to because for those of you who don't know the way our office is set up is all four
of the writers we have our writing room and then mckenzie has her office as the editor and then
daniel has the office closest to the front so daniel has to listen to but he's closer to the
writers room so he has to listen to all of our banter banter and and laughter and every time we
you know i'm sure we're really loud
and we distract you from work all the time. Or every time Isaiah
says, hey, let me show you this on YouTube.
Yes. And then
that's just a sound that
precedes disaster in
some way, shape or form.
No, y'all aren't bad, but I definitely
the only person
who I can really hear is Brad when he gets
heated, which is not uncommon. can really hear is Brad when he gets heated, which is
not uncommon.
Which I can hear Brad when he gets heated and I'm two rooms removed.
No, I can't.
Can you all hear me when I'm on the phone?
I can hear you when you're on the phone when I'm sitting in the podcast room.
Which the pod, by the way, the podcast room is between, I'm just talking about the layout
of our office.
I'm sure that's really exciting, but the podcast room is between the writer's room and mackenzie's office so yeah we have a she has a
buffer between us and boys and yeah my workspace that daniel doesn't have so no i can't i can't
hear you on the phone unless i'm in in here that makes sense would you like to tell the
listening audience where we uh keep the snacks and coffee and everything else since in case they ever need to really want to know well we we keep it um let's just say close
to the writing staff i don't even i don't even know when snacks are here i need to make sure
that i check but i don't even know if we have size i did have a fruit snack for the first time
in months just one yes
one singular packet of fruit snacks oh yes i make the brave journey to heb every now and again
i'd like it to be appreciated once in a while well i need to remember we we should make it fair and
put the snacks some snacks in each office i feel like that would make more sense
man no that's a yeah there really
are just so many men in this office it's overwhelming and the snacks go far more quickly
than you know my knowledge of them i i don't i don't want to look at our office budget as it
relates to snacks isaiah is the sole the sole contributor to that. Oh, yes. I love how tactfully and diplomatically you said that.
Oh, thank you.
He's the sole contributor.
To the office budgets.
Listen, folks, please subscribe to the Tech Center.
We're very hungry.
That's the best pitch.
I cannot keep Welch's stock.
Oh, my gosh.
Any other questions for Daniel Aykroyd hayden sparks and or daniel friend
nothing wow guys come on so what is it like what are we going out there trying to convince people
that we are actually good writers that we report good things hey i i find it quite easy but usually
usually it goes like this oh you're daniel from the podcast right
see i was just i was just literally just said that before you came in oh yeah no if we get to
meet on the road one day i'll just get it out of the way i'm sorry but no i'm not the illustrious
daniel friend you are daniel and you could be someone's friend i could also be daniel foe you could
that's pretty good sometimes i like to tell people the r and my last name is silent
oh i'm just daniel fiend that's aggressive it is interesting to have two daniels in here
but for me since i sit across from daniel friend which daniel i'm addressing entirely depends
on the volume of my voice so if i say hey daniel that means daniel friend if i say it louder that
means daniel akroyd so he can hear me in the other room thank you for not yelling because my headphones
would have flown off my head i think you might have been bracing yourself i was i was i was
totally bracing myself oh my goodness well. Well, gentlemen, happy Thanksgiving, or I guess happy Black Friday
is when this comes out. Thank you for joining us.
And Daniel Ackroyd,
thank you for being put on the spot so graciously.
It was so exciting.
It was so exciting. I can finally say
on the road now, yes, I am Daniel
from the podcast.
Will you tell, like you've been on the road a lot.
You've been talking to a lot of folks. So first of all, folks,
if you do see Daniel at one of these events, say hi.
He doesn't bite.
He's very kind.
But what is reception been like on the road at a lot of these events when Connie's out there speaking, spreading the word about the Texan and y'all are out there doing doing the Lord's work?
It's it's been amazing. Anyone who's ever met Connie knows that she has a big personality, fills up a room.
It's wonderful.
We have a lot of fun in there.
And I think whether or not people knew about the Texan going into that event,
I like to think people walk away feeling welcomed and sort of part of a club
because that's just the way that's the way Connie is.
It's been amazing.
And also it's been great people giving us tips and stories and asking,
hey, have you ever covered this or have you ever thought about it?
And we're constantly getting suggestions, compliments, stories, things like that.
It's very it's fulfilling to get to see people face to face because I think during the course of your day, you're not going to think, let me email this media company.
But then to be actually in front of folks and hear their concerns as well as their, you know, as well as their kudos is awesome.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, we appreciate you being out there on the road.
And yeah, thanks for joining us and letting us put you on the spot. You got the fuzzy mic. That's,
that's a rite of passage. So welcome to the club. I feel really special. Daniel, I'm so glad.
Well, gentlemen, thank you for joining me folks. Happy Thanksgiving, happy Black Friday,
and we will catch you with a full length episode next week. Thank you all so much for listening.
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