The Trillionaire Mindset - 1: Get Rich or Die Crying

Episode Date: October 4, 2021

Trillionaire IG: Trillionaire Twitter: TMG Studios YouTube: TMG Studios IG:... TMG Studios Twitter: BEN EMIL 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We'll share it for just getting hammered this morning. Welcome to the Trillionaire mindset. I'm Ben Khan. I'm your co-captain. This is my co-captain. I'm your elder Rosa. Yeah. Because we're equitable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:43 We rehearsed that. Ben tried to call himself the captain and I said, come on. No, you're the, we're co-captains. Right. Yeah. We have no first mate. We have, well, we do have a crew.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yeah, we got a crew. Yeah, there's a poop deck. Anyway. So, before we get started, Emil, actually, if you don't mind, I have some prepared remarks for the audience. I do mind, but go some prepared remarks for the audience. I do mind, but go ahead. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Okay. Yeah, I have some prepared remarks for everyone because you might be confused. You might be wondering, who the hell are we? What is this? What is this? It's a podcast. It's a show. It's about money, which hopefully everybody has a little bit of.
Starting point is 00:01:21 You've got some, right? Very little. Okay, I was going to ask you for 20 bucks, but now I'm not. Like I said, I prepared some remarks to give everyone a background as to what this is, what it's gonna be, and why we're doing it, because you're probably scared, you're probably wondering who the F are these guys, are they doing this?
Starting point is 00:01:39 I'm a little scared too. So I'm gonna read to you right now, these remarks are prepared. The last two years, there's been a major cultural shift toward the stock market. Crypto, the pandemic, GameStop, it's insane. Suddenly everyone's an expert and everyone wants to make money. And listen, I'm not here to piss on your rainbow, okay? But stocks are very hard.
Starting point is 00:01:59 They're tricky things. This stuff is difficult. The experts even get it wrong sometimes. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't learn about it. Before all this shit happened and everybody was trading stocks and downloading Robinhood, I was the only one that I knew who gave a rat's ass about this stuff. It was lonely. It was very lonely. I tried talking to you about it one time and you said shut up.
Starting point is 00:02:20 He said shut up. They're boring me. And now everyone's into it and that's great But everyone I talk to about stocks just wants to make money faster like give me the next so what's a hot stock tip? What do I what do I do? What's the next game stop? I have no effing idea. I don't know. I'm not if I knew I I think I would tell people if I knew but You tell me I would tell you yeah because I want you to make a lot of money. But, so...
Starting point is 00:02:49 This show, just so everyone knows, it's not about helping you get rich quick. F**k! We're not giving out weekly stock tips. Uh, and that's kind of the irony in the name of the show, because... I'm really sorry to break this to you, you're not going to be a trillionaire. You're not going to be a billionaire. No! You're never going to be. But the show is going to cover a little bit of everything. We're going to cover, you know, trading stuff, there's going to be technical things, how to read a chart, a little bit by bit,
Starting point is 00:03:19 stocks that are hot this week, what I'm watching, what everybody else is watching, what's, you know, shitting the bed and what's going to happen. We're gonna get political, we're gonna talk about Wall Street regulation, we're gonna talk about Big Tech. Big Tech. Regulation, we great. Politics, here and there, why things are the way they are,
Starting point is 00:03:36 the way the whole thing is structured, because I only know so much, you only know so much, you're more politically oriented, I'm more into the trading. You're gonna make me a little money. I'm gonna make you a little bit of money. God help me if I swear to God I'm gonna make you money. Good. Amelie I swear to God I'm not gonna pick up the phone yet. But listen, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:59 This is one thing I really want to make clear. Please do not just dive in with hopes of becoming a day trader because trading is extremely hard. It takes dedication, it takes trial and error, and you're gonna lose a lot of money. You're gonna lose however much you put in. Yeah, so do it. We don't care. We really don't care.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And I guess this is a good time, as I need to say, that we're not professionals in the least. None of this is gonna be... No, it is. It's financial advice. we're not professionals in the least. None of this is going to be... No, it is. It's financial advice. You can take it to the bank. No, it's not. And you can sue us if you want.
Starting point is 00:04:32 If things come bad, sue us. That's not true. None of this is all for entertainment purposes only. But look, I'm not saying that you can't become a trader. You can. It's just, please have a realistic expectation of what all of this entails. It's gonna, you're gonna be so stressed out
Starting point is 00:04:52 and you're gonna lose money, so just be prepared for that. God, you're so boring. We're going to the moon, everyone. Okay, so I just wanna let people, you know, because I wish someone had told me that. When I first started, I was like, oh man, I'm a genius, I'm 19 years old, and I'm not 19 now, but that's how old I was when I started.
Starting point is 00:05:12 But because, look, if you treat the market like a casino, it's going to treat you like a gambler. And the house. You're gonna get free drinks. You're gonna get to talk to a pretty dealer. That's true. And there's gonna be old people smoking around you. Yeah, that's exactly what trading is. Maybe treat it like a casino. Maybe treated like a casino. Yeah, they're gonna be pumping in oxygen into your room. No clocks on the wall. No clocks. No windows exist. You're trading, baby.
Starting point is 00:05:42 But so the other part of the reason we wanted to do this show is because this stuff is really important and we feel like there's kind of a, there's a missing, there's a missing element in the popular culture we need a show like this because everything else is, we didn't want to do this. No, we didn't need it. Yeah, it was forced up on us. You forced up on us. And now we're stuck. Now we're stuck here.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Doing this. We're contractually obligated to be here. No, we're not. But look, the stock market is everything. It affects parts of your life. You didn't even know it affected. What happens in the markets reverberates everywhere, positively, negatively. And as you get older,
Starting point is 00:06:28 you can't just keep ignoring it. You should pay attention. You should know what's going on, just like you should kind of have a general sense of what's going on in the political world. So too, should you understand what's going on in the stock market? Because yeah, you got Congress making decisions based on,
Starting point is 00:06:43 they can make like Nancy Pelosi make so much F and money just from like insider knowledge and She's able to do that because there's no laws against her doing insider trading. That's okay. No, I'm for another stay I didn't even know about this. I'm pissed off now. Yeah, well There's a lot more to be pissed out pissed off about there, buddy Because we're just scratching the surface I I digress. The stock market is for everyone. Everyone should learn the basics of how it works, how to participate, even in the smallest amount, because it's interesting, it's fun,
Starting point is 00:07:13 it's raw human emotion, it's greed, it's elation, it's brilliant. Wow. That's how it is I think that was the trainer mindset. There's that's the trillionaire mindset at work. Wow It grabbed hold of you. Yeah, it got me that was the bull That's that was the bull. It got me bear bear grabbed me and call me down Yeah, that's what bears that when you're bearish you got a it's a time to be cautious But that's what you're about the bears and bulls don't worry time to be cautious. Exactly. Uh... But that's... What do you about the bears and bulls, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, don't worry. There's just two animals. But that's... It's real... It's real drama. There's stories that are provocative and it's happening daily. It's always unfolding and it affects everything. There's always something happening and there's always something to learn. And we're gonna learn together.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So join us on a journey where we fill our curious minds with knowledge, uncover the truth. Maybe make a little money. Hopefully make a lot of money. Yeah, and some new friends along the way. Wow. It's the trillionaire mindset. I'm so excited. I'm so excited too.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You know, I didn't want you to do it, but I'm glad you made I'm so excited too. You know, I didn't want you to do it, but I'm glad you made that little statement. That was very nice. You didn't want me to do it? No, I thought it was gonna be cheesy. I liked it. That wasn't cheesy. No, it's great.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It's really cheesy. I think they're gonna enjoy it. I had a hard time reading it too, because reading is hard. That's true. Reading is really hard. So as we said, I'm Ben. This is Emil.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Emil knows fuck all about anything, really. Right, and said, I'm Ben. This is a meal. A meal knows fuck all about anything really. Right. And you're going to teach me. And I'm slowly going to help me dip my toes into the stock market. Yeah. A meal is the every man. Right. And I am also the every man. But I've got a little bit more experience in stocks. So I'm curious why I should be trusting you with my with my money. Why shouldn't I just be marching my ass down to Charles Schwab, you know empty out my Underwear drawer give him all my money. You keep all your money in an underwear. Well, so I'm gonna keep it I don't know send this dog market Yeah, you good. I mean that's I'm trying to I got to empty out this point. It's scary, right? I'll tell you what I've already gotten some
Starting point is 00:09:20 Financial advice from you and I'm pissed I don't know, it was like, this was like maybe eight months ago. You told me that every time I'm filling up my car at the gas station, I should be buying a lot of ticket. So I started doing it. I haven't won anything. You've got a dollar.
Starting point is 00:09:37 It's five dollars. I do a power ball. I do a mega millions and a super lot of it. Oh wow, five bucks. That was not my advice. My advice was take one dollar. Which one was supposed to be buying? I don't know, this is California super lot of cost of buck. Oh wow, five bucks. Five bucks. That was not my advice. My advice was take one dollar. Which one was it, my, my, my, my, my, I don't know, this is California superlado,
Starting point is 00:09:46 cost a buck. All right, well anyway, what if I, I've probably filled up like 25 times. So you owe me. I owe you, I owe you money. Okay, well, so I guess you, we wanna talk about my story and what I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:10:00 trust in you. Yeah, well, okay. How'd you get into stocks? I got into stocks when I was This is gonna be a whole spiel folks. Geez Got into stocks you've been doing it for a while. I've been doing it for a while over 10 years I I first opened my account when I was 19 years old I opened an e-trade account because a guy that I worked with named Tom encouraged me It's always a Tom Tom. I love Tom. I'm still in contact with Tom I opened an e-trade account because a guy that I worked with named Tom encouraged me.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It's always a Tom. Tom. I love Tom. I'm still in contact with Tom. He encouraged me to open an account and I did and then he said, hey, why don't you, I don't like him for this. I do. I started down a bit of a wrong path because I got greedy, which is what happens to everybody
Starting point is 00:10:44 and what I'm hoping people will avoid. He said, hey, she'd check out penny stocks. What is a penny stock? A penny stock is garbage. It's just, it's crap. It's crap that is appealing because it's cheap because it's trading for a penny or a tenth of a penny. So with, you know, 500 bucks, you can buy 50,000 shares and feel like, right.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And if that goes up, and if it it go and you start having pie in the sky Wow, this is a dollar. Oh my god. I'm gonna have 50,000 dollars from a $500 investment And every penny stock has a story they all have some product or revolutionary Manufacturing process you name it. They've got everything So the very first stock that I bought that I found, when I Googled, I literally Googled Hot Penny Stox. That's how, just how short-sighted and greedy I was, I was just like, all right, yeah, let's go. Let's just find the, how naive I was is really humbling. And I still am in many ways, but the very first stock that I find when you Google hot penny stocks It was the ticker symbol was SKGO and
Starting point is 00:11:51 Go go they were skylight skybridge technology group Okay, and they were selling a revolutionary new gas additive pill it was a little pill that you put in your gas tank and it was said to improve your gas mileage by 50% and I was like, God damn, that sounds revolutionary. I'm getting it on the ground floor of this company. It's trading at a tenth of a penny. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. So I scrambled and emptied my entire account into it, which is like 1,800 bucks. And I remember, I emptied it out on this. Yes. I put it, which is like 1,800 bucks. And I remember, I emptied it out on this.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yes. I put it all into this damn thing, and I thought. I was so confident. Because there were so many other people online who were pumping up the stock, like, oh man, I can't wait to buy, you know. But didn't it sound a little too good to be true?
Starting point is 00:12:37 You just put a little tail in here. And that's the voice that you've got to listen to. The little voice that says, okay, if this is really, there's no way that I'm just now finding like the next big thing. If it was the next big thing, it would already be priced out of my reign or bought out. I wouldn't, yeah, you wouldn't know about it. Exactly. But to 19 year old dipshit little me, we, actually, it was called shot in the
Starting point is 00:13:02 gas commercials. They had a commercial and this shot in the gas. Go ahead. This is the commercial Gas prices are on the rise. You're seeing it on TV every day Shot in the gas increased your mileage clean up the exhaust coming out of the exhaust pipe and more power at the gas pedal I know I can improve performance better gas mileage saves me money Thanks to shot in the gas, but no longer have to use premium fuel in my Jaguar any longer. We're giving away one million samples. All you have to do is build the website at the bottom of the screen and place your order. We ask you to participate in the shipping and handling, but the product is free.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I got that. What? The product's free? Yeah, the product's free. I paid $7 or something. You got it? I'm handling it. Yeah. I should have kept it as a souvenir. It was just it looked like an action figure did it help your Volvo? Fuck no, it didn't do anything. It was probably just I don't know it was probably just a thumbs that they stamped with their little thing on it There was another one with the CEO. He's this big Southern guy and he's in his truck.
Starting point is 00:14:05 He's like, my truck used to get 15 miles of gallon. Thanks for shouting the gas. I'm getting 30 miles to the gallon. That's an improvement of 100%. I just thought, damn. Wow. Why isn't this thing more popular? Honestly.
Starting point is 00:14:20 You think that you're smart until you mess around with penny stocks and it's truly humbling to see just how stupid and goalable you are. I don't know, I've never done it so. Well, just avoid penny stocks. Avoid anything that this is like the first primary lesson. It's too late to get rich off of like GameStop or AMC or maybe not. I mean, I don't know, they could double again. I have no Fing idea, but the big money has already been made. Same thing with like Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And if you're looking for a get rich quick thing, you are thinking about it all wrong, especially if you're young. You're gonna, if you're 20, you got 40 Fingers till you're 60. So you have so much time that it's better to like get rich slowly than to do it. Try to do it fast because that's a guarantee. He keeps saying that. I lost so much. Okay, so you lost the 1800. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:12 well, I didn't lose it. I slowed. I held on to that thing. Yeah, you got a hold on shot in the gas. Yeah, you know, it's good to take out the gunpoint. I held it down to like I think so I bought it at like point zero zero one eight or something I held it down to like point zero zero zero zero five. Oh it dropped. Oh it goes even it drops down to like a thousandth of a penny And I was just like what's going on and all where all these people who were Pumping up the stock saying that they can't wait to buy 500,000 shares. They were all long gone Because that's just how it works. It's just a hustle for everybody in the penny stock game. And the guys who made that commercial,
Starting point is 00:15:51 they're long fucking gone. So, Wayne, that was the first one. And then I was working jobs, and jobs I didn't really care about in post-production here in Hollywood, and funding my account with every last dollar I could just because I was like, all right, I was bit and I had to, okay, I learned my lesson on that one. I'm not gonna get burned by another penny stock. So you're moving away from penny stocks, moving away from penny stocks,
Starting point is 00:16:17 but surprise, I did not fully move away from penny stocks. Wow, they phoenix back in. Yeah, and okay, a bit of a bit of a sad tragedy. 2011, my dad dropped it. Oh my god. Sorry, it's just funny to phrase like that. 2011, dad drops dead and my of a heart attack, okay, which is pertinent information. Okay. Dice of a heart attack. I wasn't there. I just got the phone call and I was like, damn, really? That's what you said when you're done. No, I didn't say that. I said like, okay, I didn't know yet actually. I didn't know until I got to the hospital. My brother was just like, you got to come to the hospital. And then I, yeah, then he told me.
Starting point is 00:16:55 But anyway, each, my brothers and I, each had $15,000 in accounts, each in our name that my dad had set up. And once he died, they were left in our control. Oh, now you got a little chunk of change. Now we got a little chunk of change. And I told my brothers, I want the market to treat me like a casino. Yeah, I'm feeling like gambling, baby. Give me those free drinks.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I want to smoke a cigarette indoor. You got an inheritance burning a whole truck. Yeah, oh man, I couldn't get rid of that money quick. And I convinced my poor brothers to give me control of the money. I said, you guys, I'm doing this trading thing. And at the time I'd been doing it for, I don't know, a year or two, and I felt good. I felt comfortable.
Starting point is 00:17:37 How did you convince them? You were like, look, I learned my lesson from shot in the gas. They didn't know about any of that. They just knew that I was messing around with stocks. I had a couple small winners, but I always felt like, and this is what I told them, I need more money to make money, which is true generally.
Starting point is 00:17:51 You need to be able to absorb lots. That's what I'm constantly telling people. I'm telling you, I need more money to win more money. Yeah, you mean to buy lottery tickets? Yeah, Ben's got me on this thing. I'm filling my gas four times a week. Just to buy, just to buy a lot of things. I don't even need gas.
Starting point is 00:18:07 My thing never gets below three quarters. That's actually very responsible in case of like a natural disaster. All my money on lot of things. So, not a good investment, but anyway, my brothers give me their money because to them, it's like, well, yeah, it's money I didn't have before, so what's the big difference?
Starting point is 00:18:24 Sure, why not? The smart thing would have been to put it in index funds, or put it in Apple, or put it in Amazon, or Google, or any number of companies that at the time were valued at a 20th of what they are today. Oh, if you put it in Amazon back then, I know. I know. I know. But you know what I did?
Starting point is 00:18:41 I kept on, I was like, I gotta find the thing, I gotta get rich. I wanted my brothers to be proud of me. You're like, my dad is dead. I'm the man of the house. I'm now the man, even though I'm the middle child. Yeah, well you have her responsibility to my brothers to make them a lot of money. And I know that they're gonna want it now. So what did I do?
Starting point is 00:18:58 I find this one stock whose symbol was OPMG, Options Media Group. And they had this product called Phone Guard, and I thought that it was a sure thing because they got, no, what's the phrase? No other than Justin Bieber to endorse the product. Oh, what year was it? This was like 20, I think it was the end of 2011, 2012.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Okay. And then, yeah, they had Justin Bieber. I thought, man, Justin Bieber is like the hottest celebrity of all time right now. That plus a stock, that just makes sense. And it was trading at like five. What does Phone Guard do? Phone Guard is an anti-texting and driving app.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah, and some family, their daughter. They're better than shot in the gas. It's way better than shot in the gas. That's Justin Bieber with the family of the young woman who tragically died from the texting and driving accident. Little dark.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And I remember I was so thrilled when that, when this like press packet came out, I was like, oh, it's real, it's actually real. It's not just a penny stock scam. It was a penny stock scam. It was 100%. Bieber's in on penny stock scam. He didn't%. Beabers in on penny stock scheme. He didn't see the thing is,
Starting point is 00:20:06 he didn't know. Celebrity stock. He was helping a poor family that lost. I mean, I don't know what Beaver was thinking. It was probably just, because I think they paid him, I don't know, probably 250 grand, if not a million dollars, something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:20 But, poor oblivious Beaver. The CEO of this company would go on to get, I think, arrested for drunk driving. And he was just dump and say, it was all, Bieber had no idea what he was getting into. Nobody ever does. Celebrities getting into penny stocks is nothing new.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Okay, so from the chat, I found this, you didn't, phone guard did not take off the way you actually did. Yeah, no, it did not take off. It actually went up. And you were like, baby, it did not take off. It actually went. And you were like opposite. Baby, baby, baby. No.
Starting point is 00:20:47 But I remember, I remember, I didn't have all the money in it, but as it kept dropping and I kept thinking it's such a sure thing, well, I should keep buying more. But then the rational. You kept buying more? Yeah, the rational part of my brain was like, hey buddy, if this thing's gonna be working, shouldn't it be going up instead of down?
Starting point is 00:21:09 And if it's that much of a sure thing, why isn't it caught on? Why isn't like anybody talking about it? Why isn't the app? Because the app itself was like a drain on the battery because it constantly had a ping, a satellite. Anyway, I, this was over the course of like a year I stayed in this fucking thing. And I, and I traded other stocks, but it wasn't working.
Starting point is 00:21:31 This thing was a suck on my account. And my brothers would occasionally ask what's going on with their money. And I was mortified. I didn't know what to say to him. I'm like, how do I say? Yeah, I lost all your fucking money. Sorry, boys. They're like, hey, Ben, What's going on with Daddy's money?
Starting point is 00:21:46 Uh, I gotta go. And I kinda did that. I made taxes as an excuse one time. But anyway. I mean taxes as an excuse? Yeah, like, wait, I can't, one of the things is like down, but I gotta hold on. I just, it was just bad vibes. Hey everybody, it's Ben and Emil. Dressed in new clothes. What happened? I don't know. Ben and Emil. Dressed in new clothes. What happened?
Starting point is 00:22:05 I don't know. Ben got sick. I got nervous. I threw up, I got scared. It's our first ad break and we thought. You know, nobody deserves to be featured here more than us. It makes sense. So we're here to tell you, subscribe to the Trillionaire mindset on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:22:19 On Apple Podcasts. On Spotify. And many other podcast platforms. Wherever you get your podcasts podcasts smash that subscribe button break the computer break your Phone smashing it so hard that you can't even believe how hard you smashed it please Please also be sure to like leave a like on this video like it hit the like button on this video Rate us five stars if you think we deserve it and if you don't still rate us five stars. Yeah, please It's like your mom always said if you don't have anything nice to say still rate Yeah, please. It's like your mom always said.
Starting point is 00:22:45 If you don't have anything nice to say, still rate five stars. Still rate five stars every single time, because it's the kind thing to do. We appreciate it. Yeah. The Trillionaire mindset debuts new episodes every Monday. You know, Monday suck enough as it is. They really do.
Starting point is 00:22:58 We're trying to make them a little better. We're trying to make them a little better. So here's what you should do. Every Monday morning. Call and sick. Every Monday. Don't go to work. Don't go to work. Your boss doesn't care. Stay home. Watch this. Yeah. Your boss doesn't love you. No, your boss doesn't love you. We do. So
Starting point is 00:23:12 your boss will never respect you if you just go to work on time every day. Yeah. Honestly works for suckers and that's true what you know mindset. And make sure to comment below. Let us know that you called them sick and you're watching it. Yeah, okay. That's really important. We'll see. If you watch it on Tuesday, we'll know you're not a real fan. We read every single compliment. Yeah. Anyway. Now I'm back to who are real Trillionaire heads are. We're building an army. We're in each one of you gives us $5.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And eventually that'll make us Trillionaire's actual Trillionaire's. No. Back to your scheduled programming. Us. Okay. But I knew I wanted to make it up to him, so I got a shitty job that I hated, that paid me well, but it was all the way in Santa Monica
Starting point is 00:23:55 and I lived at Down and Long Beach. I commuted to this thing every day. The office didn't have air conditioning that worked, so I was in there sweating sweating daily, just miserable, 10 hours a day, still trading because I knew, okay, I can get this, I just need to focus up. I get the account, the account collectively was it, like, I don't know, 30 grand or something,
Starting point is 00:24:19 and it whittles down to like 20, and then again, still not learning my lesson fully. I graduated to bigger stocks, but I find this one that's being pumped by this group that and also just avoid groups that are pumping like Twitter guys who are like our stock did this last week and this one we had a winner. They're all Ninkam poops. They're Ninkam poops. They're nincompoops. I never use that word.
Starting point is 00:24:47 But like there was this guy's, he calls himself Zach Morris on Twitter. Zach Morris is the actor, I think, yeah, say it by the bell. And he actually blocked me for, I called him out. I was like, you're the worst pumper I have ever seen, ever, and then just blocked.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And all his little fanboys were like, oh, did you lose money on one of his picks? You fucking dork. Yeah, I did actually. Did you, what, yeah, suckered in? Well, I didn't get suckered in because sometimes, I'm getting scared about listening to you. You are a sucker, man.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Listen, there's a difference between drinking the cool aid and seeing every, and recognizing that everyone else is drinking it and just knowing when to get in and get out, which is totally possible if you're nimble enough. And that's what I was aiming to do. Didn't work out. I lost a couple thousand bucks. You played yourself. You listened to a guy named Zach Morris.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I played myself with a guy named Zach Morris. It's exactly right. So these guys had had a good track record and I thought that they were reliable, bought into a stock into earnings, which is also something you shouldn't do, especially on questionable companies. I'm sitting there in this office in this job that I hated the day. I had already been working out for a year. I had saved all this money.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I had put it into my trading account. I was like, I'm going to make my brothers their money back and then I'm going to give it to them and then I'm just going to leave that chapter. I'm just gonna leave that chapter, I'm gonna fucking close that chapter. It's gonna be done. And uh, company reports earnings and the stock tanked like 30% immediately after hours. And I just was, I think I had lost $12,000 just like that. And I just got up, $12,000 just like that. And I just got up, I walked to the bathroom of this hellish office building, and I just sat down on the floor in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I put my head between my legs, and I just sat there for like 10 minutes. Jesus. And then I took out my phone, and I opened up the calculator, and I began to do the math on how much time I had essentially just wasted at that job. And it was like eight months.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Eight months was just a total wash. And then minus gas and minus taxes and minus like wear and tear on my car from that commute. I was going to have to work at that job for another year, just to get back to where I was that afternoon having lost just before losing that money. And I just remember thinking, okay, fuck me, one, fuck me, two. And also, don't give up because-
Starting point is 00:27:24 Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up. I didn't want to give up. I felt like. Quit while you're ahead. Or. We're 12,000 down. That actually would have been really sage wisdom.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Right. And like, hey, focus on a different career. And you know who would have been able to give you that advice? You. Your dad. Oh, damn. Yeah, that's true. He was gone.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, he was dead. He was dead as hell. Definitely. I mean, he was dead as hell from the moment his heart stopped beating, but he could have sent a sign from heaven. Maybe he was, you know, it was all these losing stocks. That was a sign from your father in heaven. Ben, get out of the market. Yeah, stop it. Dip shit. Well, anyway, I hope there's a rainbow. There's a rainbow. It's quickly approaching. And because I've been telling everyone,
Starting point is 00:28:05 Ben's the WizKiddle Wall Street. You've been telling people that? Yeah. No. I'm the piss kid of, well, Wiz is, Wiz, you're the WizKid. Yeah, I, I, what I saw,
Starting point is 00:28:16 that's the thing is I didn't let it get me down because I knew, okay, I'm still learning and I'm learning every single trade is a lesson if you're paying attention. And a couple years, I start to get better. These are expensive lessons, they're all good. They are expensive lessons. Then I started learning options.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And options are a way to leverage a little bit of money into a lot on bigger stocks like Amazon and Google that are a bit more reliable and aren't as susceptible to 30% drops, right? Start learning those, I'm still working, I'm still funding the account. And then in like 2015, your brothers are still wondering what's going on.
Starting point is 00:28:52 My brothers at this point, they thought, because I traded blockbusters stock a couple of times. Oh God, they thought. They thought that I had lost it all in blockbusters stock. And at the time blockbusters stock and at the time blockbuster had diminished into a bankrupt penny stock and they thought that I was thinking like blockbusters coming back. I didn't think that. Anyway, around 2015, was there a scam you did not fall for at this time? Oh, yeah, sure, they're plenty. Okay, they're plenty that I didn't fall for, but
Starting point is 00:29:22 Oh, yeah, sure, they're plenty. Okay, they're plenty that I didn't fall for. But so 2015 rolls around and my grandmother passed away on my dad's side. Okay, you said this was gonna be, it was gonna start getting, it is. It was her time. She was suffering from dementia and she was like in her late 80s.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And my dad's third of the inheritance from her got split amongst my two brothers in me and and you said to your brothers guys give me one more chance you're like a you're like a criminal at the end of the movie we're gonna do one last job what last job oh no I did not as soon as I got that money I paid them back I just was like okay okay, first things first, boys, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Here's your money back. Here's like an extra $5,000 in interest. Please forgive. I'm gonna work out for them. Yeah. It only took, you know, they could have made more if I had just put it in fucking anything else. They gave it to just any financial advisor. Anything, they could have, not even that,
Starting point is 00:30:27 they could have thrown a dart at a board that had done better than I could. Like that chimpanzee. Like that famous chimp, stocky the chimp. No, Raven. Is that really the chimp's name? Raven the chimp. Huh, wow, I can't tell if you're lying.
Starting point is 00:30:38 No, it's actually, that story's kinda, it's kinda bullshit because they did it for those of you who don't know that there's this like Story about a shampoo through darts at a wall. She did better than Wall Street investors Which she still she still beat the Wall Street investors, which is impressive But it was during the dot com boom. Oh, yeah like late 90s early 2000s Sure, and they basically picked a bunch of like internet companies. So it was kind of hard to lose, but she did still beat the Wall Street bankers and the and the most only six. Yeah, you're getting beat by a six year old, too
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah, just throwing darts. God damn it. Well anyway, I wasn't trading in the 90s right there really 2000s but so Grandma dies and I get this chunk of change and at this point I had progressed in my trading and I was somewhat consistent and I felt like I was ready to lose more money to lose more money Yes, and I get this influx of cash and I just I Started trading and I think the first year I lost Barely anything like three grand or something. The next year I made like 20 grand and then thanks to you.
Starting point is 00:31:51 You made how much the first year? Like I lost like three or five or something like that. Yeah. And then the next year I think I made like 20 or 25,000. Okay. But then the next year it was a little over a million dollars. You made a million dollars. A little over a million dollars. Yeah. Over a million dollars. Yeah. And the WizKid. And I just thought, oh shit. Finally, I'm getting it. And it was a bunch of different things. There was this one grand slam that I hit. But then there were a bunch of... I was just, I was hitting my stride. I was doing options. A million dollars. Yeah. That's a lot of money. Yeah. And at the peak, my accounts ballooned to
Starting point is 00:32:34 like 2.1 million dollars. Wow. And it was fucking so stressful. So that's all it takes, folks. You need your dad to die. You need to lose a bunch of money. Yeah, you need that relative. You need your grandma. You need a modicum of privilege to. Is it privilege that your grandparents did well enough in their modest teacher earnings to save up over decades? No, that's pretty good. Yeah, that's alright. It's nice. And I hope to do that to my you got promise you one day like 200 grand Minus and that was split Well, so yeah, it was I think it was like 600 total is this tacky to talk about Whatever Yeah, who cares. It's the trillion-year mindset. We're talking of I'm I
Starting point is 00:33:18 Don't give a shit. I mean, okay, so then you were just rolling you're gonna rob me rob me should we give out your address? Yeah, you want to come No, no, no. Give out my old home address. The people who live there now can deal with it. Okay, so you made, then after that, you're made. I made all that money and then I'm starting to panic because I know, yeah, because I know the tax man is gonna be coming.
Starting point is 00:33:39 You're panicking about taxes? Yes. You know how much taxes you have to pay on, shit like pay them? I had to, I went from writing, I checked to the IRS for like, whatever I made, the profit on that year before, plus my salary, I paid, you know, $5,000 or something.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Okay. And then the very next year, I talked to, I had to hire a tax guy, like a legit trader tax guy, and he goes, you're gonna have to pay the IRS about $520,000 this year. And I went, I'm sorry, what? Can you say that again, Colin? Yeah, $520,000.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You didn't have any this, this, this, this, did you? And I'm like, no, okay, it's about $520,000. I'm like, damn. Not fucking saying that amount of money. Oh, and by the way, you owe about 160,000 to the state of California. I'm like, fuck. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So that was a big thing, because I'm terrified. I'm like, because you know, I hit that peak, but then stuff starts going down. It's not like it stays up there. And I'm like, you know, I hit that peak, but then stuff starts going down. It's not like it stays up there. And I'm like, all right, I gotta get prepared to pay all these taxes. I'm gonna be a good American citizen and I can avoid it. I genuinely, I don't care about that. I care about not going to prison and not incurring all the penalties and fees from evading taxes, Wesley Snipes style. Right. For those of you don't know, Wesley Snipes star of a blade and white man can't jump. Famously avoided taxes and like.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Went to jail. I don't think he went to jail. Did he go to jail? He had to pay millions of dollars in back taxes. But all the fat cats on Wall Street stored in the Cayman Islands, they're walking through. They got it figured out. But the other thing that really got to me was making Wall Street store in the Cayman Islands, they're walking through. They got it figured out.
Starting point is 00:35:25 But the other thing that really got to me was making all that money really fast, put my mortality at the forefront of my brain because my dad. Your mortality? Yeah, because my dad, in his... But his enjoy the money. Yeah, but in his 62 years of life, he amassed just about a million dollars. Like from all the saving and all that stuff. And then he died before he ever got to enjoy any of it. He died like six months after he retired. Jesus. I've working a job that he hated, which sucked ass. And here I am. Here I am having made more money
Starting point is 00:35:58 than my dad ever made in just a couple years. And my stupid bird brain goes, oh, the next thing, the next rational thing that's left for you to do is to die. Right. Because that's what happens. You made the money as a con. You made the money. And now you,
Starting point is 00:36:13 This is how much a con can make. Yeah. And this is what, And now you expire. And now you just die. So I started having chronic heart palpitations. Jesus. For like weeks.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Was it panic attacks? It was probably, it was panic attacks. I was smoking a lot of pot. And my heart was just... The pot wasn't chilling you at? Make no, I really? It wasn't. It was making it worse.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And then while I would be high, I'd have these heart palpitations and panic even more because it feels like your heart is stopping. And I couldn't talk to anybody. Like, I can't, I had a therapist, but she's, you know, she's a therapist. She's got like three roommates. This is a New York.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And I'd be like, hey, so this week, yeah, pretty, and you're just trying to complain about having too much money. Yeah, I'm like, I got so much money, it sucks. Yeah, I've got too much, yeah, I don't like you right now. I'm pissed at you. Yeah, I'm like, I got so much money. It sucks. Yeah, I've got too much. Yeah, I don't like you right now. I'm pissed at you. Yeah, well, sorry, man. And then I remember hanging out with a couple of friends
Starting point is 00:37:10 and they asked me what was going on and I, because I was having an episode, we smoked some pot. My friend gives me this vape pen and I tried hitting it and she goes, oh, you need to suck that really hard. So I sucked it really, really hard and got a big lung full of vape.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And she said, by the way, that's like 80% THC. And I went, what? It's like, what? You need to tell me that before I hit this fucking thing. And then I started having a panic attack and they're like, what's going on? And I said, okay, you guys, I gotta tell you something.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I need to share something with you. I can't get this to myself, but I made a lot of money recently. And my friend Brandon just goes, cool, I'm $30,000 in debt. The student loans and I was like, that sucks, man, I'm sorry. It's so on top of that, it know, it was a little alienating. Oh boohoo. No, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:08 That must have been hard for you. So then I thought, okay, I don't want to die and I keep having these hard palpitations. Maybe I should go to a cardiologist and my brilliant idea was to go to the only cardiologist who I knew, which was my dad's cardiologist, who had seen him a week before he died and gave him a clean billet. What?
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah, he was like, I saw my dad actually when he was leaving the cardiologist, I was going into the same medical building for like, cardiologist told him he's fine. Cardiologist told him he's fine. And I was like, oh, I'll go to him. He's a hard partner. He knows what he's doing. Yeah. And I went there and this guy was like,
Starting point is 00:38:54 he should not have been practicing anymore. He was walking dead. Just like didn't move his neck, or his head on his swivel, and he just, what seems to be going, what's wrong? And I told him the hard pal that they did the echo cardio gram, they had me do a stress test and all that. And he comes in after his underlings do everything.
Starting point is 00:39:19 He comes in. I don't think that's what they call it, but nurses and PAs underlings. He comes in and he just looks at it. He talked to me for 30 seconds. And he said, nothing's wrong with you. You just need to relax. You need to enjoy that sweet, sweet money.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He said, I didn't tell him anything about that, but he said, do you drink coffee? I said, yeah, he goes, stop drinking coffee. He said, okay. Hey, I smoke a little pot too. Should I not do that? He said, definitely don't do that. It said okay. Hey, I smoke a little pot too. Should I not do that? He said definitely don't do that Thanks for coming that'll be five thousand dollars. Wow. I don't know I had insurance
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah, you were rolling in Delray me. I also was paying my own insurance was like 700 bucks a month It's a crazy time I had quit my job to do trading full time you quit your job. Yeah quit my job What how much money did you make? Okay, so the reason I quit my job to do trading full time. You quit your job? Yeah, quit my job. How much money did you make for your career? Okay, so the reason I quit my job, this is just a quick last part of that story. I was making so much money at such a rapid clip that my job was getting in the way. How much money were you making?
Starting point is 00:40:18 I was making, it was just consistent, I don't know, 20 grand a week here, 30 grand there, 5 grand here, it was there, five grand here. It was, it wasn't much of me to the day. Well, so I told my boss I was thinking about quitting and she said, why don't you take a week off and think about it and I said, okay. And that Friday, that last day of me thinking about it,
Starting point is 00:40:41 I had been stalking this Amazon trade. I was waiting to short Amazon after earnings. And you're a little freaky. Love this. I woke up. I woke up. I was stalking it. I was because I had missed it on the way up. I made like 13 grand a couple months earlier on it going up. And if I had held on to that same position, it would have been like a hundred and eighty thousand dollar profit and I was so mad That it had gone up so high so much so fast I knew that it was gonna come down. It was just a matter of when and the day after earnings that faithful Friday
Starting point is 00:41:15 Was the day that it cracked just in the middle of the day it did that But it was actually quite a dramatic trade because I put down eight grand I bet eight grand against it in the first 30 minutes and it didn't hit until the last hour of trading that day So all day that eight grand just was slowly going down just worthless seven grand six five four three two Ben Conner and I thought tricks I thought oh fuck me. I guess, yeah, no big deal. I'm just gonna keep my job and keep doing the trading on the side. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:50 At work. Because I was doing it at work. And then- You were doing it at work? Yeah, of course. I knew how to do my job and also do the trading. It's like the job was easy. But then in the last hour, it started to crack and I would got so excited and then
Starting point is 00:42:07 it just fucking tanked and I made just about $91, $92,000 in a day. And I was like, oh, that's my sign. That's more than my entire annual salary right there boom in a day. And yeah, it felt so good. It's a very special feeling because I felt like all that stuff, I flashed back to the little, to the little shit head from six, seven years earlier sitting in that bathroom feeling like shit and wondering and pissing is crying about losing his brother's money. I wasn't pissing my pants. Pissed his pain crying about losing his brothers and money. I Wasn't pissing my pants
Starting point is 00:42:49 but I felt like I had finally had a comfortable circle and I knew I had trusted my gut And I did it I had accomplished something and I was finally in a position where like I got it I have a good amount of money now to absorb the losses that I wasn't able to absorb before because trading is losses. It's a lot of losses. Again, people, it's losing. You're gonna lose. I lost. So much money. But then I made it all back and then some. So stick with it. What? So that's it. You became a millionaire. So that's it. And you want to know something? It did not make me That's it. So that's it and you want to know something it did not make me
Starting point is 00:43:31 Happier at all. I was I was not happier if anything it made me more upset because I felt alienated from people who didn't have what I had It was upsetting to pay taxes and it didn't change shit You have this expectation that oh you can have a bunch of money. You're gonna be happy. It didn't do a Fuck all for me. You're really Harsening my mellow here. I thought uh, I Feel like truly if I just had A bunch of money out. I would have no what would you do differently man? What would you do any differently? I feel like I wouldn't worry. I feel like I just I
Starting point is 00:44:02 It's probably so common I feel like I wouldn't worry. I feel like I just, it's probably so common for every person on the planet, but it's impossible not to worry constantly about having enough money. That's true, but also when you have that much and you start to realize how quickly it can go and it goes very quickly, which is trippy.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Because then that big number feels so small. It's really fucked up, it's weird. Don't make me sympathetic towards people with a lot of money Be sympathetic toward me. All right, fine. I'll do that. Be sympathetic toward me. You're the only one. You're the only I'll be sympathetic towards. Okay, cuz I mean it was jarring. It was like it was a it was a quick thing that like It was life-changing and yeah, I didn't worry. I would go go have dinner for a hundred bucks. Yeah kept my same card I didn't buy a nice car. Just be happy without money. Yeah, be happy with what you got because if you're not happy with it
Starting point is 00:44:54 No, if you're not happy without it, huh? Mm-hmm. You'll never be happy with it. Wait, you've just broke my head. What did you say? If you're not happy without it, you'll never be happy with it. Yeah, that's true. You ever hear that story Kurt Vonnegut tells about Joseph Heller? No. Joseph Heller wrote Catch 22. And him and Kurt Vonnegut are at this
Starting point is 00:45:17 like very fancy party. I think it's on Shelter Island. These like billionaire, millionaire, just throwing it and they're surrounded by all these finance people and publishing titans and Kurt Vonon gets said to Joseph Heller. He said Doesn't it make you feel silly? You'll you know These guys probably make more in a day than you'll ever make from catch 22 and Joseph Heller said Yeah, but I have something they'll never have in Kervon gets said what and Joseph Heller said enough
Starting point is 00:45:43 Damn, yeah, That's true. It's never enough. It is never enough. I'd be enough for me. I'd have enough. Yeah, I mean, now that I've had time to process that amount of money, I would be so content with, yeah. If I were to make that amount today, again,
Starting point is 00:46:01 I'd be totally happy and no panic attacks. Because now I know what it's like. So that's my story. That's why I'm somewhat, I wouldn't say I'm an authority figure, but I would say that I'm someone I consider myself a shepherd for you. And for a lot of my friends who ask me about stocks all the time, and I'm like, okay, just shut the fuck up. I'm just gonna start a podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:22 That's what you say, though. Yeah, I say shut. Oh, please. Stop asking me. I'm trying to make money. I'm just gonna start a positive. That's what you say, though. Yeah, I say shut. Shut up, please. Stop asking me. I'm trying to make money. I'm trying to... I'm trying to... It's how it trade. This is fitting.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I don't actually hear me. I'll get my pen when I make my... You want this cap? This pen, rather? No. You gotta earn it. You gotta earn it, son. I know, I know my place.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I know my place. So I feel like, yeah, that's a nice introduction to earn it son. I know I know my place So I feel like yeah, that's a that's a nice introduction to my hotel. Yeah, you had me scared there for a second That I'm gonna have to borrow 20 bucks No, that I didn't know what you were talking about, but it came around oh yeah, yeah, it's it's all full circle So the other part of the show is we want to cover what's going on in the markets, right? Yeah, and what's going on? We had some big stuff going on this week. Chief among them, we had the Pfizer FDA approval. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Everybody was freaking out about. Now this I want you to explain to me. Okay, so this is great. This is a great example of first foray into kind of the format. Because in my mind, I'm coming to you and I'm going Ben explaining. FDA approval is coming.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I should buy Pfizer stuff. Buy big. Yeah. Well, you would think so, right? Exactly. And then when we pulled up the chart on Pfizer, what did it do? It was down there.
Starting point is 00:47:33 You fickle down like shrippers in it. It was down there. Yeah. And that's actually, that's, I can't think of the word, but it's perfectly represents, it's representative of what happens in the market a lot. It's an old adage by the rumor, sell the news. Buy the rumor, sell the news.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah, so if we, can we pull up a chart on that thing? That's what they're saying down on Wall Street? Yeah, buy the rumor, sell the Wall Street. Look, part of the reason why Pfizer went up and when we have a chart pulled up here, I'll be able to point it out easily. It's that if you go to, do six months. Look at this, this.
Starting point is 00:48:09 So look at what it did over the last six months. It was it, it tried a few times at 40 and then it kind of spiked and peaked just after June. Took a while and then it just shot up to 50. That's what, 20% increase? On 20? 30? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I'm not good at math. Yeah, but we didn't say anything about math. It started to ramp up because Moderna was going up, BioNTech, the other vaccine stocks were going up. And Pfizer's going up too because people are clamoring over themselves because, hey, Pfizer's, it's one of the vaccine stocks, right? It's gonna make a fuck ton of money.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Right. So people buy it up. And now that they approved. Now that it's FDA approved, and now that also, wait, so what's Moderna doing then? Moderna is... Moderna is taking two because of the... No, it's not tanking, but it's pulled back.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But the reason that it pulled back likely, from the likely reason that it pulled back when the news came out was what other news is there that's going to keep propelling the stock ever higher right what else is there at this point like if you're buying on that you're late to the game you're the last guy going oh man Pfizer just got FDA proves I'm thinking that that's a good thing or you know people also thought that, uh, now that, now that it's FDA approved, everyone was going to get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:49:28 But I don't know if that's going to, and did you see, did you see, um, Trump, he told us, he told the supporters to get vaccinated. Yeah, can we watch it? I love, I haven't seen this. I'm excited for this. India is doing so well. India is being decimated right now. You did a great talk.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I had to invent a lot of the equipment that we got. The coverage were all bare. Everything that we did. And then we developed a vaccine, three vaccines in three months, in nine months. And actually, I'll tell you, it was three days less, three days less than nine months and it's great. And you know what? I believe
Starting point is 00:50:08 to leave your freedom. I do. You got to do what you have to do. But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it. It's good. Take the vaccines. But you got that. That's okay. That's all right. You got your freedoms. But I happened to take the vaccine. You got your freedoms, but I happened to take the vaccine. You'll be the first. See, I can't believe they boot him. I thought I was pissed. I was like, Trump needs to go out and tell people to get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:50:36 They'll listen. He had already done that. But he's lost complete control over this death cult. That is mega. Yeah. And in one sense, it's actually kind of good that he's lost complete controls because it shows that they have some semblance of critical thinking skills,
Starting point is 00:50:49 even though they're employing them in the wrong way. I don't think it's critical thinking. I think they're like vaccines are bad. Trump, no, no. Did we know which one he got? By the way, which... He probably got Pfizer's and that the gold standard. I have no idea, I thought Moderna was.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Wait, can we watch the rest of the clip? I forgot how insane he is. And I think he might go full, uh, I think he might go full in so much. I was saying, you know what? But it is working. But you do have your freedoms. You have to keep, you have to maintain that. You have to maintain that.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And you got to get your kids back to school. He was bombing. I know that. And the mask issue is interesting because- So he doesn't mask. Fouchy said, mask to bed. And now he's a radical masker. Now he wants you to wear 15 different masks that went to, I don't know. He also told me he was a great athlete. Then I
Starting point is 00:51:36 saw him throw out a pitch at the baseball. I used to be a great athlete, sir. You did? Really? Oh, that's good. Then I watched him on television. Oh, my God. That's not a match. That's not a match. The ball almost went to first base, didn't it? A true psychopath. He's a good stand-up.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I mean, he's a good, good stand-up. He's a good stand-up. He was bombing, and he was just like, let me just trash-fout you a little bit. Yeah. I'll get him back. He knew that that was the way to go. But dude, I don't think these guys do have any critical thinking.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I think they're just like weird, edge-lord contrarians, because like, what's the new one now? Like, they want some kind of COVID treatment. Like, they're taking invermectin or something like that. Yeah, the horse dewormer. I think it is for people too, but, and before that, it was hydrochloroquine, and they'll just, they want any treatment, except for the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah, well, because the vaccine's gonna give you, they just don't wanna listen to any lib. Yeah, that's true. They just don't wanna get owned by the lib, and if you were to get vaccinated in savior life, you would be getting owned. Moderna's working on, just speaking on vaccines, of vaccines, Moderna's working on an HIV vaccine, I think.
Starting point is 00:52:45 I don't know. Yeah, they're working on a vaccine for HIV, and I think cancer too. I think that HIV one goes into trials this year, and the cancer one is like in preclinical stages. But you had a question that's, it's really important about Moderna's stock price. Right. So if we can pull up Moderna's stock price.
Starting point is 00:53:05 So if we can pull up Moderna's on that same page, yeah. So 396, 88. Yeah, why is it so much higher than Fyther? Well, it's different. Explain it to me. Fyther's at 47. So if we zoom out just a little so it's all on CNL Line or memes talking about how you're dumb.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yeah, well, so, okay, you see right there on the left side, it says MKT cap. Yeah. Market cap, do you know what market cap is? Yeah, but what is it? What is it? So, cause you'll probably do it better. I know it.
Starting point is 00:53:34 It's short for market capitalization. Yeah, that's it. So this is a little stock one and one for you guys. Market capitalization means what the stock is worth, what the company's worth as it's in total. Like if, if Moderna is a pizza, it's $160.17 billion pizza. That's how much it's worth. Damn, that's a lot of pizza.
Starting point is 00:53:52 That is a lot of slices. And that's calculated based on how many shares there are total. Outstanding is what they call it. The outstanding share count, which includes the amount that's publicly tradable in what's called the float, and also what's out there. That's the amount of shares or how much they're worth. The amount of shares times the stock price gets you the market cap. Okay, can we see Pfizer's marks?
Starting point is 00:54:16 So Pfizer's is 266. Wow. 0.54. So they're actually a bigger company. Yeah, they're worth more despite the smaller stock price. So what does that tell you? Don't get fooled by low stock prices. Yes, but also in this specific case,
Starting point is 00:54:32 clearly Pfizer has way more shares available out there, right? Okay, yeah, you really threw a meatball down the middle and I whiffed it. So that also tells you that so a stock like that, the more shares you've got out there that are tradable, the more shares it's going to take for the stock to move. That's part of the reason why it hasn't gone up as much as say Moderna,
Starting point is 00:54:56 because Moderna's, it could be a number of reasons, sure. But one of them that drives it is, it's basic supply and demand. You've got a smaller supply and there's higher demand Stocks going to reflect that right if there's only 10 shares out there and everybody wants some those 10 shares are going to go crazy But if there's 10 million shares it's going to take a considerable it's going to yeah to move the needle so and that's all part of what we call liquidity because liquidity is how much part of what we call liquidity because liquidity is how much how much money it's going to take to move stock. The more liquidity there is, the more easily tradable it is, the more shares there
Starting point is 00:55:33 are, the more, you know, right. I know what I'm talking about, man. No, it's like, I am licensed. I'm not licensed. You're not licensed? No, so I'm not licensed in any capacity. Again, why this is not You're not licensed. You're not licensed. No, so I'm not licensed in any capacity. Again, why this is not, what are we doing? I bet those people we could sue us. They could sue us.
Starting point is 00:55:50 They good. I mean, anybody can sue anybody for any reason. I could sue you for being ugly. You're not ugly. Okay. I'm just using it right, right. Wait, so, but can you tell me this? Is it like a Bitcoin where you could just buy
Starting point is 00:56:03 a little portion of a Bitcoin, or do I have to be able to afford a Bitcoin where you could just buy a little portion of a Bitcoin? Or do I have to be able to afford it in time? I think nowadays you can, there are certain brokerages that offer fractional shares, which is pretty cool, but it's also depressing. Like, god damn, I got to buy half a share of my derna. Why? Because I don't know, it's just... Well, you could afford it. Yeah, but I feel like, I feel like, if you've got 200 bucks, just fucking save it. Or start putting it in an index fund instead, because at least then you get a dividend.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yeah, but what if you want to spread your money around? I'm in a bad mood. Yeah, you can't buy it. I feel like you should first save up enough to like, because I don't know, to me it would be depressing. It feels worthless to put 200 bucks in the, exactly. 200 docs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Gidee. 200 dollars or bucks. Yeah. Jesus God. 200 docs. 200 bucks in the stock market. Yeah, that's why penny stocks are so appealing to young broke kids.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yeah, I'm kind of starting to see it. Yeah, because you could buy- There's no way to make money on the stock market. Unless you're like you. Yes, yes there is. There is a way to make money in the stock market. Unless you get lucky. And wait.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I've gotten lucky many times. I've also gotten incredibly unlucky. It's just a fucking crap shoot. Casino that's just, they love to just... Do you have any money in the vaccine stocks? I have no money in the vaccine stocks. In fact, I told my cousin not to buy Moderna at like 90 bucks, and I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Jesus, dude. Because I didn't know, I had no idea. It had already gone from like, the damn thing, if we, can we pull up my Dernan one more time? This shit is insane. Look at what, a year, one year. Even, uh, fuck, God damn it. It, because that doesn't reflect it like.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Damn, you told me to stop. Before, before the pandemic, it was like a $5 stock. In March of 2020, it was, yeah, look at that. Look, January was like a five dollar stock in March of 2020. It was yeah, look at that Look January is a $20 stock Jesus and then just it took off. You know who bought those stocks who Like Rand Paul and politicians and stuff Yeah, you know who's the you know who's the best trader in all of Congress? Nancy Pelosi no Nancy Pelosi. No Nancy Pelosi. I think fine. It in all of Congress? Nancy Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:58:25 No, Nancy Pelosi. No, Nancy Pelosi. I think fine, it's pretty good too. Yeah, Nancy Pelosi makes such. I think I'd be pretty good too, if I had a little earpiece. No, what was coming down the bike? Because they are legally unbound
Starting point is 00:58:37 by the things that bind us. We cannot, if I work at a company, or insider trading just does not apply to them. It's fucking crazy. Or they'll have their spouse do it. I think Rand Paul's spouse bottle. Pelosi's spouse does a lot of her trading. But it's still based on what she knows.
Starting point is 00:58:57 She just bought a ton of Nvidia, the graphics card maker. Like millions of dollars worth. Who knows? Who knows what the hell she knows or what she's thinking? She made a ton of money on Amazon. This is how we're gonna get rich. This is if you want to get rich quick Follow get elected to Congress follow or follow the Senate. There's people who track the trades I mean, there's so many. It's kind of hard to keep track, but there are people who keep track of the trades and
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yeah, I think they bought Microsoft pretty high when they were, uh, gonna get a big defense. Oh, yes, someone I believe wasn't Pelosi, but someone did buy, I mean, there's, there's shady shit that goes on every single day. There are, there's people with software, there is software, rather that can tell you when there are big options trades being placed. And more often than not, it's just like, okay, it's just someone placing a trade. But then a week later, that company gets bought out. And it's like, oh, that person, nobody knows who they are, nobody's ever going to know who they are, just someone who had information, just cleaned up, made millions of dollars,
Starting point is 01:00:01 hundreds of thousands of, however much it is. And the SEC, the governing body over the stock market. We got to get insider info. Yeah, so if anyone has any insider information. Hit us up on signal. Yeah, signal. You can give us that information and in exchange we will take it to the bank. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:23 No, I'm not going to take it to the bank. Have you forgotten insider info? No. I don't know what he said. He said it like he lied. I mean, I have friends who work at companies, but they wouldn't, I'm not going to add, but they're not going to know anything either. I know someone who got rich on an insider trade.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Are you serious? Yeah. Who? Well, I'm not going to say. Yeah, but what was it? What happened? It was like a family friend. This is insane.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And it just seemed like they, I mean, this is probably like rumors too, but they were like, it seemed like they had a lot more money than they should. And I remember I said, I said, how did they have so much money to my parents? And they were like, they got a crazy stock tip and they bought it in heavily.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Yeah, I know. I've heard stories like that, that same guy, Tom. But that was a risk, right? It could have not hit. Yeah, totally. That same guy, Tom, knew a guy in the same field as him. Got a stock tip to buy some biotech company way like 30 years ago. And he became a multi-millionaire off it
Starting point is 01:01:27 You know, I don't even think it was inside information. It was just hey, I work at this company We're doing really well because that's not inside our info if it's not information that's Publicly available you could glean the same conclusion. Is that the right phrase glean? You could glean I don't fucking know. Yeah, this is a grammar problem. This isn't an English podcast. It's in English. I think you could say Glean. Glean, yeah. They're gonna dub it into other languages.
Starting point is 01:01:51 So I hope they know how to say Glean into... Yeah. Yeah. We figured out how to say Glean in Korean. That's Glean. Glean is the one word that's... It's universal. It's universal, it's Glean in every language.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Spanish. If I have to say Glean, don't you love that in other languages where English pops in I do that that up Microsoft yeah Microsoft it's often brands yeah it is that it's sort of McDonald's yeah because that one that one stays clean here's how you say it jubda j. Jubda. There we go. Jubda. That'll be fun. That'll be fun. Can you do the English one?
Starting point is 01:02:28 I want to hear it say Glee. Glee. You got it right. Glee. Anyway. Yeah. Alright. This was the inaugural episode of the Trillionaire mindset.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I hope you stuck around. I hope you continue to stick around. I hope you learned something. Yeah, I hope we all learned something. I hope you realize, hey, just because you're in the whole 20k doesn't mean you can't pull out of this. Yeah, just don't, don't do what I did. Like you could seriously save so much time and stress and money if you just don't do a couple things that I did.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Don't be greedy. Be patient. I'm gonna give you all those tips. Yeah, be patient, just don't be greedy. Don't, don't play with other people's money. Don't play with money. You can't afford. Don't borrow anything. Don't take out credit card money.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Yeah, don't ask your brothers for their dead, dad's money. And keep your parents healthy. If they're eating french fries, slap them out of their mouth. Oh, for the heart attack. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't want them having, yeah, you don't, if they're smoking cigarettes, let them. Cigarettes taste good. No French fries but cigarettes. French cigarettes, French cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Okay, yeah. Anyway, that's the trillionaire mindset, baby. That's the trillionaire mindset. You've got to have that attitude of... That stick to it, Ness. That stick to it, Ness. You're right. Yeah, I'd like to hear that in Korean.
Starting point is 01:03:44 It's not a real word, it's not a real word. They'll figure out how to Can't even spell it. Anyway, that's it folks. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening

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