The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret - Bonus Pandemic Special - We Don't Know Why We're Here

Episode Date: April 29, 2020

The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret is a podcast in which your hosts, Joanna Hagan-Young and Francine Carrel, read and recap every book from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series in chronological order. ...This week, another bonus pandemic special, in which we answer some listener questions and then tangents happen. All of the tangents.Potatoes! Bread! Jam! Doritos!Find us on the internet:Twitter: @MakeYeFretPodInstagram: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFretFacebook: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFretEmail: thetruthshallmakeyefretpod@gmail.comThings we blathered on about:Total Body Yoga - Deep Stretch | Yoga With AdrieneChocolat | Joanne HarrisThe Essex Serpent | Sarah PerryInspirobot.meGiraffe Fight - Africa - Episode 1 - BBC OneJust taking a nap after eating all the strawberry jamAedh Wishes For The Cloths Of HeavenMusic: Chris Collins, indiemusicbox.comP.s. Reach out if you need to chat about sobriety in quarantine or whatever @francibambiIf you want recipes and cooking advice/tutorials then ask @joannahagan

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've just worked out I can hide myself you can yes that's so much less distracting like I can't do that um if you hover over your thing there's a little minimize button oh god that's so much better right yeah I can't help it I'm like a fucking canary with a mirror I can't stop looking at myself I'm staring at my own face I'm so vain I think this webcam is about me probably think didn't call us about you hey Joe well I can still say this iPhone wanker when does yours arrive uh between the first and the 12th of May because I ordered it straight from Apple and I just realized Callum who's also by the way pre-ordered one um I know sorry oh crikey that was distorted you're spiteful laughter keep it within the clipping range
Starting point is 00:00:47 but he ordered his or fam is in that's kind of exciting how are you getting on how's uh how's bread I tell by the amount of bread you're baking that your mental health no no I've been a bit wobbly this week I don't know why but everything has sort of crashed down on a call I can't even function like a little bit for a couple of days so that was fun but I still managed to go for a run yesterday and in a moment of complete to not a panic I bought 32 kilos of flour right yeah that's quite a lot of flour for yeah quite a small kitchen uh are you putting that my la cruzé cupboard is now my flour cupboard and then my bread bin is now just full of bread bread flour what a very concern I like the idea of you like maybe tucking it into the
Starting point is 00:01:34 spare bed it was considered but the spare room has got so much junk in it because I've been having clear outs and so now everything for the charity shop is in the spare room yeah that's it we've had so much time to organize stuff and then I've got these bags of stuff oh I can't actually take this anywhere which is fun bury it again first of all flat if I bury it that would just be putting it in my downstairs sleeping room yeah they might work out it's you so yeah so I'm now baking a loaf of bread every day and just taking them to people because it gives my day some structure and routine I think everyone is turning to bread baking as some kind of weirdly soothing thing which I can't judge on because I am literally making a loaf of sourdough apple and
Starting point is 00:02:16 thyme sourdough at the moment every day feel a bit like an upper class Victorian lady like filling my morning with watercolors and baking and improving myself in quite gentile ways oh apart from the fact like I set up a door anchor so I can do chest presses with my working resistance fans which the Victorian ladies probably didn't pinch I'm gonna start doing weights again I miss I've got some little like what are they called dumbbells thank you I'm gonna start adding some of that into my day because I feel like lockdown is a really good time to get hench yeah I listen to the latest cortex episode and cgp gray basically is shaming me into fitness so yeah I I don't like feel like anyone should have to do fitness in the state of things it's just I don't normally
Starting point is 00:03:02 have time for it and now I do and working out and baking and the two things I can do every day feel like I have achieved something yeah and I say shaming I mean I took shame from it obviously he wasn't saying in a shaming way I just draw shame from other people doing things well um but yeah he made a good point in that that is one thing you can do that you know is going to be good for you and yeah you know it will help in multiple ways it will make you healthier during a time where you're worried about your health and it will help you sleep and it will release endorphins and endorphins again I do uh I think part of the reason my mental health is struggling so much is I'm so used to being super productive and I'm genuinely now just feeling very guilty and anxious
Starting point is 00:03:45 about the fact that I haven't done enough while I've been in lockdown yeah which is so stupid like it's exactly the same feeling I have when I'm not in lockdown and I'm panicking about deadlines and writing and have I done enough today which is really fun which does tell you something which is it doesn't matter if you now start up and become super productive it's not going to make you feel better yeah if it's exactly the same feeling you get when you're doing five jobs my instinct would be to try and suggest some things you could do but actually no because if you feel this way all the time then perhaps the thing to do is try and get through the other side of it yes I am now trying to acknowledge why I have that I'm trying to be very sensible immature and acknowledge why I have
Starting point is 00:04:25 that feeling and anxiety and then deal with that rather than trying to give myself five jobs but I am doing something every day so I can point to it and say that was a thing yeah non-zero days is the yeah even if it is just a loaf of bread or doing yoga which oh I did the best yoga video today oh which one it was like the 45 minute deep body stretch one oh that makes you feel like high afterwards that's great nice I genuinely feel like a sponge that's been really thoroughly wrung out it was amazing yeah even if I did sort of get stuck I can't do gomakarsen very well can't do what cow legs cow legs cow legs yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that is the best one ever if you get it right like if you manage to sit down into it perfectly it feels amazing but um it's really
Starting point is 00:05:11 hard to adjust yourself into it if you get it wrong as you sit down yeah my left hip's really funny at the moment so like we were doing lizard and I couldn't even get down onto my forearm so which I normally can quite easily so I tried to go into uh cow legs and I was sitting into it backwards from all fours and I just like slipped over and then lay on my back like a tassel for a bit it's a pose it's a pose turtles and animal too yeah no it's fine I've accepted that there is uh still room for me to grow and learn is a fuck I hate the tassel only back the tassel only in mobile for a little while off of small gods yet but there's something in that I can't wait for small gods where's this next yeah I've um I've got it off the shelf um I'm
Starting point is 00:05:57 going to see if I can read the first part before Thursday morning next we'll see I am rather pleased to say that I did already have a copy that wasn't my signed first edition so which I thought meant I would start reading it right away and I have got it off the shelf that's better I read chocolate I finally read that oh did you know it very much I love it a lot um it gave me real anxiety near the end like it was really well written and like building up to the climax in quite like a kind of a fast paced but slow paced way um so I stayed up till about 2 a.m reading it and it was amazing and nice I love it uh Joanne Harris is a ridiculously good author I'm Anna tells me that the next one the lollipop shoes is really good as well so
Starting point is 00:06:44 I am rereading the Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry which I only read once when it first came out and I like is that like the oldie timey detectivey novel is that something else it's oldie timey I wouldn't say it's super detectivey it's about a woman who's abusive husband dies and she's super into archaeology and she runs away to Essex and there's a reverend oh it's so good it's really good writing I read it when it first came out but I like read it really quickly because I was in one of those like devouring books phases yeah so I don't think I really took it in that well so I'm really enjoying rereading it good see I think that should count towards your non-teriors as well remember that reading is good yeah it's one of those things like because I don't count like playing
Starting point is 00:07:30 a computer game obviously I kind of don't count reading either and it's like well reading is is taking something in and doing something and in a very practical sense you are a writer as well and reading is reading good writing is part of becoming a good writer yeah I feel bad calling myself a writer right now because I literally have not written anything apart from like parody poems for the group chat and the podcast Neil Gaiman is still calling himself a writer and he's mostly attending I mean he is literally writing though is he yeah they've got like a little cave in the airbnb they're staying in in New Zealand that he takes it and like he gets a day where he gets to go like candles in the cave and jig I just wrote for a day what the fuck that's so
Starting point is 00:08:16 metal Neil Gaiman is like the most Neil Gaiman thing by with Amanda Palmer being the most Amanda Palmer thing right oh I want a cave I don't I don't like caves I need to find I need to find something like that though where I can like oh not outside though this country's too small for that I would find myself somewhere weird to try and just write somewhere weird I know that I know that's a good tip find somewhere completely different to try and write maybe I'll sit in the shed and get eaten by rats do you have rats in your shed often they eat my broom that's a bit rude of them you should educate them I don't really have like I'm fairly short of rooms in this house the spare room I can't sit in because it is for
Starting point is 00:09:02 it's storage and utter chaos right you sit in the bath no bath in it just sit in the bath fully closed look like it's just got to be weird isn't it that's the thing I might try that now writing for me works best when I am in my very comfortable so I have like a perfect way of nesting the cushions on the sofa for right so all of your parts are completely gravity-less and you don't have to work yeah no that's pretty cool yeah I also have to trick myself into it like I have to just sit and be near a notebook and pen and then kind of just put the odd word down like coaxing like a rescue dog out of its crate yeah basically just leave a treat there for me well like normally when I'm really super blocked and I can't write I have to just force myself
Starting point is 00:09:46 into it that's why I do like a month every year where I write a poem every day and why I've done like those write a play a day challenges in the past because it just forces me to write through not having anything to write about but this time is really different I've tried doing that a couple of times and my brain's just gone no you this is just making you unhappier and more anxious stop it fucking stop it you dickhead well that's nice that you've got that voice in you know you didn't yes I have trained this voice to occasionally make me stop doing things that make me unhappy so I am not going to try and force myself to write through not being able to write I'm just going to leave a notebook and pen near myself at all times and occasionally pop some
Starting point is 00:10:25 words in it until I end up able to write every day again what I've got at the moment when I'm reading is a notebook and pen nearby so I can just write down tiny little either words or snippets that I really enjoy I'm just going to very quickly go and do something to bread cool cool cool and very gently stretch it every half an hour so that the gluten learns how to be gluten oh I vaguely understand the science behind what I'm doing is it like a fold is it a stretch and fold I saw that it's a very wet dough so you kind of just lift it and gently and then fold over and then I'll slap it back that whole size yeah but you're no slappy very gentle oh no slappy don't slap me don't slap the bread no molesty no molesty we're very nice to the bread
Starting point is 00:11:12 which means the gluten develops gently and then I don't fully understand the science behind this but it means the because gluten is a protein and it's two different molecules coming together during the kneading process and by doing it like this the gluten proteins which are the things that people are intolerant to don't develop quite as much so if it's still no in no way safe for a celiac but say someone gets a bit bloaty while eating bread because this gets this very gentle stretch and a long slow ferment rather than kneading and very quickly proving uh this won't make them feel quite so bloaty self care is treating yourself like a wet sourdough hashtag I want to make then to like one of those Instagram inspirational quotes anyway yeah intro intro us tell me why I'm
Starting point is 00:11:59 here um hello and welcome to the true shell make he fret a podcast in which we are usually reading and recapping every book from Terry Pratchett's discord series one a stym in chronological order I'm Joanna Hagan young and I'm Francine Carroll I don't know why I'm here we don't know why we're here it's a bonus pandemic lockdown special it is which means basically I wanted to talk to Joanna and she's come up with a tenuous excuse for us to record it yeah basically shits and grins so we have planned nothing um we have a couple of lovely listener questions we would just do a whole mailbag episode but like we've only had one email yeah what the fuck guys all right let's maybe not have a go at our listeners I'm not having a go that's just how I speak to people yeah maybe
Starting point is 00:12:49 I should be nicer all right cool so let's do listener questions first they probably make some sense yes so this is a lovely listener who also sent us some good questions back when we did our bonus hog swatch special in December so that was good that was when we could sit in the same room the lilacs out I walked to town yesterday and the lilac is flowering yes I suppose something happened what yeah it's nearly the end of April now yeah which means oh we'll definitely have to do a bonus episode next month for the 25th yes yeah cool yeah quick before we go into uh questions and ridiculousness we should probably say about spoilers this is normally a very spoiler-like podcast but as this is a bonus episode I would assume potential spoilers for the rest of the
Starting point is 00:13:40 discord series although we'll still avoid saying anything about the shepherd's crown we'll get there we'll put some time codes in the show notes and what have you all of that stuff because we're not total dickheads wow not saying we're not dickheads but so thank you lovely listener for emailing us some questions these are good fun number one hmm rincewin's love of potatoes is something that we see grow exponentially with each book he appears in and his daydreams about them have most definitely made me hungry while reading them in the past what is your favorite way to eat potatoes boiled fried mashed etc I'll let you go for us Francine um hmm that's a very good question I think for me it would have to be
Starting point is 00:14:28 a three-way tie I'm afraid depending on mood sorry Joanna we're talking about potatoes let's try not make this dirty hey dirty soil foods anyway oh fuck me what am I saying potatoes smiley faces obviously oh yeah are up there um it's not necessarily the tastiest way but it's nostalgic and delightful um I really like croquettes so the kind of mashed and fried potato tube things you know those are good might get some of those from the supermarket but probably probably the top is going to be thin and crispy fries I think yeah I will elevate those that slightly above the other two so that's the winner crispy fries preferably with cheese on oh yes better with gravy oh I've just remembered chip chop chip maybe I'm just hungry I'm gonna say I'm sticking
Starting point is 00:15:25 with it fries I like fries the best as long as I've already well made okay top three then uh I didn't I I know I know what my number one is I don't know what order my other two are okay just put it out there and we can we can work through it I'm gonna go with number three really really shitty soggy took 40 minutes to get here cheesy chips from the kebab shop with garlic mayo because it's the worst and I haven't had it in so long and I miss it so much you can still have that you know pizza mama mia is still delivering I know but it's something I only order when I've got back from the pub at like turn the morning and I'm not going out till turn the morning anymore actually I haven't gone out till turn the morning for about five years
Starting point is 00:16:12 so when I get back from the pub at midnight and I order bad like kebab chips because they're any good if you're really drunk they're never any good oh yeah no they fill you with regret as well so then number two is definitely chip shop chips I have been super missing chip shop chips while in lockdown especially a chip bussy which like really has to be supermarket sliced white bread mm-hmm like too much butter yes now do you put ketchup in there no nothing I'm not really a ketchup person no you're not are you what do you have with chips usually I usually have mayo but not with a chip bussy okay just so just the like you're relying on the grease here yeah yeah I mean that's why it's so much butter and there's a special like kind of pain when you swallow three
Starting point is 00:17:05 types of carbs at once isn't that like it stretches your swallowing tube what's that one called esophagus swallowing tube though I think we should keep swallowing well it's the swallowing tube and the breathing tube I always forget which one I'm pretty sure the esophagus is the food one is the other one the larynx I mean that's something to do with your throat fuck I don't know it's long time since GCSE biology yeah anyway sorry I'm interrupting your potato reverie please continue no that's fine so chip chip chips I miss a lot because those are something I cannot recreate in lockdown although I did make some amazing chips last night I will show you a picture of this is the Nigella Lawson Tuscan fries recipe oh what what that sounds good already
Starting point is 00:17:53 that does look good what am I looking at exactly uh so this is just uh chips cooked in hot oil but they start in cold oil so they come up to temperature with the oil uh whole kind of yeah and then there's whole garlic cloves go into the oil as well for the last 10 minutes or so cooking them about a minute before you scoop it out you throw in some rosemary too how does my Jella Lawson make everything so much more sinful and then obviously drowned in flaky sea salt obviously and I had those last night with uh steak and mayonnaise sauce which was filth absolute filth it was beautiful oh I'll tell you what a steak sounds good right now which means I'm not eating enough iron thank you for that yes I need to go and eat some fucking spinach
Starting point is 00:18:37 good vegetarianism yeah um what was the other one oh yeah number one definitely has to be for more which in the world yeah see it's good if it's made really well and I just cannot do it justice compared to you so next time I make some I'll do like an extra little dish and bring you some like someone who can't fend for themselves except it's only for confiscated potatoes it's not even that complicated it's like three ingredients and some slicing oh it takes like five hours you have a mandolin I have to slice them by hand yeah a mandolin don't I yeah yeah I've never really used it properly because I've heard so many horror stories and I've injured myself so terribly on so many kitchen implements I'm not trying to eat another one to you do need to
Starting point is 00:19:23 use a decent finger guard when you use a mandolin like I get a bit nervous around them and I'm fairly compliment compliment confident awesome speech but in large sharp objects I've been I got a scalpel and a cutting board so I can make stencils for my painting um and I'm terrified using it every time just it's so sharp and I'm so clumsy that sounds like the um the the plums oh um they were so they were so sharp forgive me it is so sharp and I am so clumsy and now they're all over the floor I need to get a Stanley knife for doing like fancy cut patterns in my sourdough but yeah definitely my favorite kind of potatoes and I really want them well I'm afraid I can't really sit here while you go make dough for more so
Starting point is 00:20:16 I also don't have all of the ingredients currently in the house there's no double cream so oh yeah more questions yes there are sorry I was still thinking about potatoes yeah in which we are all rinsewind have either of you gotten to see or participate in any of the disc world stage play adaptations no I didn't know there were any and what did you not oh um I knew they I did I've forgotten I knew they existed uh who is it I think it's Stephen I can I'm gonna double check because I feel like this is the kind of thing that people will definitely correct me on I knew nation had been put on stage because I read Terry Pratchett's essay about there are scripts available there's a couple of them that have been adapted for stage and you can buy the
Starting point is 00:21:02 scripts and it's not uh like andron groups put them on quite a lot I don't think it's particularly expensive to get the rights to put them on um I'm trying to find who actually did Stephen Briggs has adapted most of them although it was Mark Ravenhill who did uh nation I know Stephen Briggs also reads a lot of the audiobooks yeah weird sisters more guards guards men arms masquerade and masquerade obviously would work really well carpet jacqueline loads of them have been done I've never I've never had a chance to go see one because that's just not come up that near to me and I try to convince uh a theatre company and a guy I was working with a few years back to put it on but he didn't think it would sell despite me being his marketing
Starting point is 00:21:49 person stood there saying like we can easily fill an entire audience with discord fans he'll travel to see it if we do it well yeah that was fun I loved working with that dude yeah that dude that dude mm-hmm uh the theatre company I work with now I'd love to do it but we only stage new writing so I need to like figure out a way to convince the people I work with to do it just not quite under the banner of the theatre company which I reckon they'd be up for yeah in fact as weird sisters is the next book I'm 90% sure I have a copy of the script I might see if I can organize some live reading from it for our next few weeks worth of episodes cool because I know a lot of board actors in lockdown cool cool cool we could do a little do a little group reading
Starting point is 00:22:32 yeah I've had like random passages from mcbeth in my head because just the line the weird sisters obviously starts off on the hand in hand posters of sea and land blah blah blah I'm going with establishing now and I'll re-establish this in the actual episodes that it is not bad luck to say mcbeth unless you are in a theatre or on a stage so it's okay for us to say it on the podcast okay also I don't care so I know but like oh yeah you get tweets yeah lesbians and nerds maybe lesbians hey also hot potato office stalls pluck to make amends so you can't spin around when you've got your wired headphones on so also I can't really do the like clappy thing with you from on zoom so this is this isn't a listener question but this is something
Starting point is 00:23:17 I saw a conversation about on Twitter the other day that I thought was interesting you know all those weird like hand clapping games we did as kids yeah like it was the really specific one that I went to a chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread bread bread and this is what he said where did we learn these like school yeah playground but where did the other people know them from like what's the from like the the year above I guess yeah and then where did they get it from um I think it probably just appears in in the world like a apparition I don't know but that's what I mean they're like if you actually look at the words that one specifically is one of the fucking weirder ones Elvis Presley girls are sexy sitting in the back seat drinking
Starting point is 00:23:59 Pepsi having a baby in the navy one two three I think ours was like boys go woof woof girls go wow I don't know we had a bunch of different I was Catholic school yeah there was also I oh god some of them were really dirty and like we were very young we are the backstreet girls we wear our hair and curls we wear our dungarees and there's like a whole bit about that one got yeah that one got really filthy I forgot about that one yeah but I'm such a prude now I'm not even going to sing it they're like weird old folk memories or something that just like someone must have made them up at some point and then it moved organically across generations to get to the point where like the original words for something completely
Starting point is 00:24:44 different yeah I'm sure it's like um skipping rhymes as well yeah I was never much good at skipping oh I love double dutch stuff but yeah but where does it all come from I'm very curious about the weird old folk memories of seven-year-old girls what was the last last listener question a concept I once saw out on the fandom albeit very briefly is that rinse wind would make a better witch than a wizard as more of his skills lie in bluffs or mental games than in actual magic what's your take on that which is not a take I'd actually heard or thought of before but I quite like it as a theory I think he would make a better witch than he does a wizard but I'm not sure that he's selfless enough to be a witch
Starting point is 00:25:30 no I mean I think he is at his very very base nature of being he is a wizard like there is nothing else um he would accept being in himself but his way of doing magic is very witchy yeah um but then he doesn't not do magic for the sake of knowing when to do or not do magic he doesn't do magic because he's shit at it apart from like obviously some occasions in the dungeon dimensions yeah he's also a coward and to be a witch you need to be able to face a lot of shit true but then he faces a lot of shit despite being a coward not if you can possibly help it um I think in sorcery actually he obviously is kind of driven by his conscience to go into it but I don't think that would work in the long term which is a generally maybe it could be a traveling
Starting point is 00:26:33 witch but generally they're quite settled and part of the community and and I don't think Winsman could take an active role in a community like that I think is a librarian's assistant he does quite well yeah I do like how his place is a librarian's assistant we just got a tweet from the tulip wizard saying that he just listened to his first episode really enjoyed it and he's looking forward to catching up and going along for the rest of the ride so uh shout out tulip wizard we uh we hope you enjoy the rest of the ride and eventually getting to this episode yeah hi hello from the distant past tulip wizard you say distant distantish so now we've got to come up with our own things to talk about which is great I can always tack on the half an hour of
Starting point is 00:27:17 us talking about food the other week no no save that that can be another bonus or uh the the video clips I've been slowly tacking together into a video oh god don't do that no one needs to see video with me makeupless bra less and it's all right we're all we're all very low resolution so oh that's fine then if you could blur me out I'm from a pixel-faced fox yeah yeah I don't want anyone to know what this looks like right now I'll do like the the voice manipulation as well what's always on like this yeah be utterly pointless everyone knows you yeah I feel like disguising my voice on the podcast I co-host is probably not particularly
Starting point is 00:28:07 necessary tell me something to paint by the way so I feel like painting today but I've been completely out of inspiration you should paint do you want something you can paint from life in your house or something you can paint from photos and references both uh okay in your house you should paint your favorite coffee mug okay and from photos and references you should paint uh a giraffe okay because they're my favorite mythical creature because they're not long horse they're not real I'm sorry I refuse I don't care that I've seen them in person at the zoo I refuse to accept them they are ridiculous giraffes are ridiculous they are stupid yeah they're not real have you seen like the footage of them fighting how do they
Starting point is 00:28:57 have you not no they like whip their necks around and hit each other and it looks quite comical but then afterwards they're all bleeding like those horns are quite hard see they're just they're pointless stupid animals and they're not real but you love them yes they're my favorite mythical creature okay I'm just saying like for something you hate so much I don't know why that's your favorite mythical creature because as a myth it's brilliant it's incredibly entertaining a stupid long-necked horse that can only fight by whipping other people with its neck fucking brilliant but then you actually put that out into real world and that's an example of why there is no and they give birth standing up so the giraffe the baby giraffe just they don't have
Starting point is 00:29:49 working vocal cords because their necks are too long oh they don't no noise they don't make noises because they're stupid necks oh hence they're not real made up okay intelligent design does not work as a philosophical argument in a world where giraffes exist okay cool do you want to go out for the puffy with the jam came up on my feet again oh I love the puffy with the jam oh covered in jam look at him sticking his tongue out he's so full of jam thank you for listening to this uh truth shall make you fresh bonus pandemic special we will be back next week to start talking about weird sisters yes something we'll actually have something like planned for next week um not just record ourselves talking bollocks for an hour
Starting point is 00:30:41 two hours oh get us but you'll be lucky if you get an hour of content out of it dear listeners because i'm cutting quite a lot of it to be your own good it's where we got angry yes uh so yeah so we'll be back next week with weird sisters in the meantime you can follow us on instagram at the true shall make you fret twitter at make you fret pod facebook at the true shall make you fret and you can email us your thoughts castles and snacks at the true shall make you fret pod at i would like to reiterate what i said a couple of episodes ago by the way i've been thinking about a bit more lately anyone who's struggling with being newly sober or whatever at the moment and who just needs someone to chat to hit me up i'm a few years in and i just
Starting point is 00:31:30 know how shit it must be if you were new at francey bambi yeah and if you need any help with like cooking i guess hit me up or poetry cooking or poetry those are the two things i have cooking poetry shaving your head yeah all of these things get in touch and i will do my best to advise i've been making text video sourdough tutorials for the friends i'm giving sourdough starter to that is where my lockdown has gone very middle class i'm going to get very into jam making next week probably that is adorable by the way how serious are you about not wanting any of this video out because like i'm not going to put any more time into finding clips if if you no no you can put video out it's fine okay okay so listeners if i can be asked at any point over
Starting point is 00:32:19 the next few days you might see a little little bonus some outtakes and some whatever bits of video i randomly come across that i like from these little zoom recordings marvelous exciting we might have a youtube channel does that mean i have to make a youtube channel no i can do that's fine perfect awesome uh and yeah email us with any thoughts and things that you might have about yes and thank you who's the listener who sent us questions by the way we didn't give them a shout out she's just our lovely favorite listener what's her name uh well last time she emailed i said do you mind if we use your name when we read out your questions and she said don't worry just call me a listener so okay i'm assuming favorite listener
Starting point is 00:33:01 gold star gold star for you thank you for our questions we enjoyed them yes after the pandemic is over if you would like me to send you a literal gold star please get in touch and i will do so marvelous i mean not like a literal star just a sticker yeah you understand i cannot like my powers so mighty are limited had i the pluck the stars from heaven ah fuck no what's that poem um oh no it's class of gold never mind what that yates poem had i something i would pluck x from the sky and spread them under your feet and cloths of gold ask your dad he's the one who gave me the yates book all right cloths of heaven that's what it is okay so the whole the whole standard had i the heavens
Starting point is 00:34:01 embroidered cloths in wrought with golden silver light the blue and the dim and the dark cloths of night and light in the half light i would spread the cloths under your feet but i being poor have only my dreams i've spread my dreams under your feet tread softly because you tread on my dreams okay so what she said except i have like a little sheet of gold star stickers instead of astral powers i think thumbs up i'm giving a thumbs up because i've forgotten nobody can see me yeah or can they sorry that was meant to be the x-files theme it's not oh i don't mean x-files i mean the other one try like that yes i always get the two mixed up in my head no i've forgotten the actual x-files thing no wait that's dr hoom uh
Starting point is 00:35:00 low earthly means okay so quick quick point here yeah David Dukovny in series one and two of x-files is so beautiful it hurts me oh yeah Lillian Anderson now is so beautiful it hurts me i like he was very beautiful at the time but like they seem to have peeked at very different points in their life is what i mean yeah David Dukovny is definitely at his absolute like glowing peak in early x-files whereas Lillian Anderson now just i'd quite like her to step on me and then cook me scrambled eggs that's very specific i was trying to think of something i was trying to think of something that fell into the sfw category okay cool cool cool i think on that we'd probably better go because we're clearly
Starting point is 00:35:57 hungry and or something else entirely and i've got to go and deliver a life of bread so my love to Ben enjoy your new role as kiki's delivery service please get yourself a broomstick and a large bow i might i mean oh you'd look really nice in a large red bow i must have a large red bow in the house somewhere if not i have the means to make one oh i wish i could draw anime i'd draw you as kiki i want to get a big basket you can draw anime there you go that's something you can do i can't draw anime that well anymore that is a skill from 10 years ago me anyway anyway we've passed dear listeners we will actually leave i promise oh man i can't wait till we can go for coffee again though
Starting point is 00:36:42 well they will feel like now we're going to have to start taking microphones and record no we don't we don't have to record everything we fucking do no we don't that would make us very obnoxious i mean more so we are quite obnoxious people we really don't need to dial it up any further good point would you like to do the goodbye words front scene oh yeah yeah sure with that dear listener don't let us detain you don't sue us i don't think we're going to get sued for badly singing the x files theme my narcissism has dialed up to 10 at the moment if you download the actual x files theme and put it into the show we might get sued ego okay yeah i won't do that right i'm gonna go because i need
Starting point is 00:37:42 to pee and do things to brad and have a life i'm gonna hoover and eat some doritos bye excellent i'll eat some doritos then hoover that's the better way around that is a much better way around love love love your face bye oh how do i end this every time i can never remember how to there it is

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