The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret - Bonus: Summer Holidays/Good Omens Extravaganza!

Episode Date: July 23, 2023

The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret is a podcast in which your hosts, Joanna Hagan and Francine Carrel, usually read and recap every book from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series in chronological order.... This week, we’re back! The summer hiatus is officially over. We chat about What We Did On Our Holidays and, in preparation for Good Omens Season 2, we take a look back at the first season (44:18).Orbs! Bureaucracy! Michael Sheen’s little face!Find us on the internet:Twitter: @MakeYeFretPodInstagram: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFretFacebook: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFretEmail: thetruthshallmakeyefretpod@gmail.comPatreon: minute edit: we made the Discord server! Want to follow your hosts and their internet doings? Follow Joanna on twitter @joannahagan and follow Francine @francibambi Things we blathered on about:Cloudesley Shovell - Wikipedia Sarah Hambly - Making a Silicone Corset | YoutubeThe Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green | GoodreadsThe Rise and Reign of the Mammals by Steve Brusatte | Goodreads The Hollows by Kim Harrison | Goodreads The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern | GoodreadsAnno Dracula by Kim Newman | GoodreadsJayde Adams Music: Chris Collins,

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm not sure how much longer we're going to have refrigeration fronzy and I think we're going to go back to having to buy a lump of ice once a week. Yeah, I was going to actually now I'm not going to get existential. Yeah, okay, cool myself. The first podcast back after the break, I feel like we should be able to get out of the soft open before the existentialism starts. I wasn't even sure we were in the soft open yet, this is kind of an extension of the personal rant.
Starting point is 00:00:25 But I like this. I'm just going to start as mid sentence. Incredible. I wish now I'd thought back far enough to cut this off mid sentence at the end of the month, the one and a half ago. I feel like that. I mean, you could go back and re-edit it and re-uploaded it to Buzzsprouts. Anyone who hasn't this in yet.
Starting point is 00:00:43 What have you been busy with that that now now books gone? Been done cleaning. Yeah, you clean out your room. I did my bedroom. My sewing room is next on the agenda. I'm doing like a room at a time. So there's so much shit, Francie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:58 But yes, it's nice to have at least one room in my flat that's free of cluster. It's just what I've basically done is put all the cluster into another room that I'm yet to clean. I just have to be really strict with the rule of not putting the cluster back in the room I've decluttered and eventually I will just be forced out of the house. But yeah, how are you? I'm alright, it's been a busy busy week at work but that's over now, it is now 20 past six on a Friday night, which means it's time to party, brackets, record a sedate episode of a podcast and then heat up some pasta. I think we could get a bit party-ish on the podcast if I can get a hat on.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I've got a diet card and a coffee here, so I mean, I've currently just got a glass of water, but I'm probably going to grab a glass of wine in a minute. I sure want me to go and get a festive hat. All right, maybe during the break. Yeah, okay. Just complaining about wearing headphones over your nice hair day. I don't think you should either have. No, but I've got quite a lot of tiaras.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, that's true. It was very difficult having a massive clear out staring like, I don't need this large red feather boa. I probably will never need this large red feather boa. I probably will never need this large red feather boa. Am I absolutely going to buy a little mini chest of draws type thing so that I've got space to keep things such as this large red feather boa? Absolutely. Look, there are certain prop items that you kind of need. You need a Halloween costume and a pinch. Oh yeah, true. And I will never not have that. What if you get invited to a fancy dress party? You do need a draw, I think,
Starting point is 00:02:28 color brand props, which is why I also haven't got rid of the fairy waysco and Cuddly toy Viking hat from one of my Viking costumes, because again, might get invited to an impromptu Viking party. You never know. Exactly. Absolutely. So embarrassing leather, hot puppies. I've seen it all these so embarrassing leather hot puppies. I got a few henfights. Yeah, that's what garden shoes now they're great. I was very strict with myself about getting rid of the shoes that I literally cannot walk in anymore. I've got like a couple of sentimental pairs, but apart from that they've all gone. That's good. Even the beautiful beautiful stiletto heeletto healed pirate boots. They'll let's be realistic. Even when I could walk in heels,
Starting point is 00:03:06 I could not fucking walk in. I know you can. Listeners, if anyone wants to buy some stiletto healed pirate boots, English size six. No. I can't sell my shoes to listeners. No, that's how. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I just feel like that's the same thing I've become at once. All right, yeah, now, that could get really quickly. There are many of your exploits I will veto as soon as quickly as that. I can't just use the podcast as like my impersonal depop shop. Right. I was pushing it. I'll accept that. How do you feel?
Starting point is 00:03:48 I'm very, very, very, I'm going to a pub quiz at a board game cafe tomorrow. I'm not even calling it a pub quiz if it's not a pub. But a board game cafe quiz sounds like I'm just being asked about board game cafes. I'm hoping it's not all board games because while I like board games, I am limited in my knowledge. I know it's what I like. I know it's what I like. I like what I know. I don't care for anyone. There's so many trivia questions you can put together about what games before it becomes interiminal. I'm really, really hoping. I don't think it's very likely that they do around on American 90s sitcoms on network television, because.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Right now, I could participate in that. For the next month or so, I'm retaining a decent amount of American sitcoms from the 90s trivia. So. Yeah. See, this is a problem I have with punk quizzes. We've talked about it before. Like someone asked you what kind of music you're like.
Starting point is 00:04:44 You like, and you were like, no, I've've never yeah what's music never heard of anything in my life what's a film that happens to me at pub quizzes but just on every single question knowledge that I know is comfortably in my brain I'm asked a question fucking gone just the loony tunes theme over and over again I started doing the the the crossword thing again. Yeah, the New York times one. And I feel that way with that a lot of the time. It'll be like, I know, obviously, I know a six-letter word for upset or whatever. Obviously, I know that I'm a writer. I can't, it's never going to come to me until I get four out of six letters, so disgusting. I do that crossword every fucking day. The word orb comes up probably four times a week. it's never going to come to me until I got four out of six letters, so disgusting.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I do that crossword every fucking day. The word orb comes up probably four times a week. At no point do I ever remember the word orb exists. I always get orb. Orb and ear. Orb, ear, ear, or the ear. Erk. Erk's always been a favourite word of mine. Yeah, that's good. The same, yeah. A spa. The same. Doesn't treat us a words. Oh well, I've done the crossword for the day. Do you want to make a podcast? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Okay, let's make a podcast. Hello and welcome to the Treeshaar Mickey Fret, a podcast in which we're usually reading a recapping every book from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, One of Stime Inchronological Order, I'm Joanna Hagen. And I'm Francine Carroll. And we are back. We're back. We've been so long.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's been so long. It's been 84 years. We have properly returned from our summer hiatus and we are here to tell you what we did on our holidays and to talk a little bit about Good Omen season one and the upcoming good omen season two. Therefore, you just the next month also episodes. It will indeed. So note on spoilers, this episode will contain spoilers for the book good omen and season one of good omen so we absolutely no spoilers for season two of good omen because we didn't go to any of our screenings and we're not cool enough to get screened so we absolutely no spoilers for season two of Goodamans because we didn't go to any of our screenings and we're not cool enough to get screeners so we haven't seen it yet. And I'm trying really hard to avoid spoilers on Twitter which is really difficult when I can't
Starting point is 00:06:52 exactly mute it while we're podcasting about it. Yeah. Oh well. Are you good? I'm not bad. Actually, no, you're blaming the podcast, hey, This is on you. You didn't need to keep that out of it all. Good try. This will also not contain any spoilers for any of the Disqueil books. So if you are just joining us for good omens, but you think you might give Disqueil to try, we are safe. And then you can go back and listen to our entire back catalogue. you can go back and listen to our entire back catalog. I will be like, say like, Reatham. Yeah. Yeah, like read the books.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah. If you are joining us for our Just for Good Omen, this is a weird episode because you don't give a crap about what we did on our summer holidays. But you can skip forward to the Good Omen's chat. We'll put it on staff in the show notes. I've got to say, I actually might pitch up to them for once. Goodness, look at us being professional.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Mm-hmm. So what did we do on our holidays? Francie, what have you been up to Zenfalan's. Goodness, look at us being professional. So what did we do on a holiday? It's Francie and what have you been up to? So my holiday holiday, my going somewhere that wasn't here. Holidays is going to debon to stay with the in-laws for a few days, which is very nice and plimps. I went up a lighthouse fulfilling a long-held dream and not getting stuck up. The ladder halfway just might not beied, so very happy with that. I'm so proud of you. And the lady at the who's selling tickets at the front, I think comes across people like me who are like,
Starting point is 00:08:16 I think I'm okay, quite a lot. So she was able to show me pictures of all the lad, like the ladders. That's okay, cool. Yeah, there's like a wall behind. Okay, yeah, that'll be fine. And I was fine. Yeah, it was very nice. I got to wear a stupid hat for a bit of good. Trecked through the temperate rainforests of Dartmoor. Very, I know, very fancy landscape twisted oaks and moss covered everythings and boulders strewn across wide Shelley rivers. And wild ponies just dotted around the past, which was incredible for my inner 12 year old, and slightly terrifying for my outer 32 year old, who knows that you might get kicked if you go to near the baby's butt.
Starting point is 00:08:54 But, it's wild ponies. They're very pretty and nice to look at from a distance. Oh, I tend 32. Oh, yeah, you did. That was all the way. Yeah, it's a pretty unremarkable age so it just looks like the number, see if it was interesting in any way. It's the freezing point of water and fire and height 32. Cool. It's the number of full set of adult human teeth.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Good. Yeah I thought so. And it's the number of completed numbered piano snarsers by Beethoven. I feel like that's a good year to be then. You've got a Beethoven piano snarter for every year of your life thus far. Yeah, it's better than the next year when I'll be thinking the whole time Jesus died at my age. So what you're saying is crucifixion theme, birth, dough, party. I'm absolutely not saying that. Although I am wearing a ghost t-shirt right now, which is a very crazy fiction themed band. I'll see if I can get ghost to play the party. Cool. I'll start looking into that now.
Starting point is 00:09:52 We've got a year. Happy birthday. Yeah, thank you. And yeah, I was saying about Devon, lots of shipwrecks. And I was reminded of one of my favorite names from history. And I can't remember if I've had said it on the podcast, but it's a Cloudsly Shuttle. Incredible. Absolutely incredible name.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I forgot most of what he did, but he did die in a shiprock. No, bless him though. You know, I'll maybe link to his Wikipedia page if it turns out to be interesting past that name. How about you, have you been able to know if there's not been Barry? I had a little day at the seaside.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I went to Great Yarmouth, walked up and down the pier, ate chips, allodona, and Niga Brox. I didn't walk on the beach much because it was a bit of a spontaneous thing and therefore the shoes weren't the most sensible for beach. I did however win at both Air Hockey and Mini Golf in a single day though, which I'm still riding high on. Making you a the sporting superstar of the podcast, I believe. I am an athletic goddess. Also, I didn't go away for it, but I did kind of write a book or finish the book. I finished the book, completed it mate. Complete it mate. Good, well done. That's in now, is it? That is the publisher has it.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Good. Found it. To my hands. Quite terrifying. Good. I sound only see you, Yastig Lysen, as I am very enthusiastic. It's just I. I sound only so you've got to take a look at this, and I'm very enthusiastic. It's just I've been here. For us, it's been nursing me through the final stages. She's read the book. You're the only person other than me who was who has read the book. That's exciting. It's very good. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Thanks. Good news. I don't know what I've done if you'd suddenly forgotten how to write. And it was very terrifying sending it to you because I do trust you to be honest, although I asked you to be gentle, I do like that you very kindly in your notes for it reassured me and big friendly red letters because it's not a bad book. Was that the right tone? I absolutely yes. No, that's exactly what I needed. It's very hard to write completely, friendly and gently when you're doing edit as speak, but at the same time, like, I know you've not been subject to much edit as speak in the past, so I just wanted to. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you. And your edits that you suggested were actually all very helpful. Joanna, what did you write for a book about? What's it called?
Starting point is 00:12:02 My book is called Friends in the Golden Age of the sitcom. It's a history of American network television over 10 years, told through the lens of the TV show Friends. It is meticulously researched and not shit, according to Francine. We out. I think I said a very good book actually. Yeah, but I'm putting not shit for some corral on the cover. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And it will be out next year through pen and sword books. I don't know exactly when you're out. Since I know, believe me, when I've got a release day listeners, you'll know about it. I'd look at it. Now now you've put the book in. What are you doing with your time
Starting point is 00:12:41 that's not spent writing a book? Every time I've asked you what you've been up to for the last year, you've been like, I, you know, writing a book. Yeah, I mean, I am probably going to start putting the proposal together soon for the next book, but I've decided to clear all of the crap out of my flat first. Which some might think is, you know, a good productive use of my time and some might think is just really intense procrastination because I'm not 100% sure what the next book's about yet. I think it can be both.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I mean, I'm 99% there. I'm not the next book's about. So the cleaning of the house will allow me to find that final 1%. Yes. You're churning it over in your mind. Does he complete with his activities? I think that's an actual thing.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I think quite possibly it's a natural thing. Realistically, what's mostly going through my mind while I complete the physical activities is wide away, own so much shit. Yeah. So how many hobbies have you abandoned in our summer holidays? Where do we put that in the plan, I'll fuck. You put it in there. I know, I know. In the same way, I don't know how I accumulate class, or I don't know why I do things to myself. Well, and mainly I think I've been trying to pick up hobbies. I've been very interest in botanical
Starting point is 00:13:58 illustration. I did a rabbit hole for the podcast on it, and been trying to learn how to show myself. I haven't started yet, but I've received a package which will tomorrow allow me to start learning how to carve letters into stone, which is a good and not at all weird hobby to suddenly decide to do. Stone I mean, stone is a completely normal hobby, Francine, don't let anyone tell you different. AI can't fucking take this from me. Everything else I can do, I'm in so much danger. I need to learn to do something physical. You know, like, computer based engraving things.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Yeah, no, obviously that's a thing, but people pay specifically for hand-letted stuff, because it looks very different. Oh, right, yeah. So it's okay. Which is why I started doing it. Why I'm gonna start doing it the first place, because I wanted something engraved,
Starting point is 00:14:44 and hand-letters stuff is incredibly expensive but so much better. I was like, I should have let it do that. So anyway, in a week, tune back in to hear me weep about how bad I am at that. The main hobby I discarded is for long term listeners, a little cool back.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I finally threw away my rat head in a jar. I decided not to continue the idea of any kind of taxidermy or bone cleaning or anything like that. It had just been really, you know, nothing can stare at you when it accused at tree fashion quite like a disembodied, rotting rat head in a jar on your window. So you bit of me feels like we should provide some context for potential newer listeners. We're not gunna not a chance. Anyway, I just wrapped that up and a bunch of stuff and put it in the. I would have just thrown the whole jar. I did. I did. I didn't open that. This is the thing. If I if I what I thought I started
Starting point is 00:15:41 this so fucking long ago. That was when I got back from, when I was designing the Christmas card, which was before Halloween, because I got COVID in like September last year. And I thought, oh, well, I've still got no sense of smell. I'll finally get that fucking rat head cleaned. And I fell ill weirdly enough, so I didn't.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, I didn't. Yeah, yeah. I feel like, I don't think there's ever a good time to clean a rat head, but I think while you've got COVID is, it would have been better. Yeah, I've had COVID twice now. I had it twice in less than a year, which really sucks. And at no point during any of those days, did I think to myself, you know, I could cope with cleaning a rat skull today. Yeah. And I know, I've,
Starting point is 00:16:32 let's know, as that might seem like a non-sexual, but I know Joanna asks herself that every morning, it's like a motivational thing. Yeah, you know, like that thing where people like visualise stuff, like they have a whiteboard and they write a thing on that, and they're like, if I want that thing, I need to visualise it, which makes me out even more since I listen to the behind the bastards episode about Scott Adams. Oh, yeah, yeah, he was different to that now. Yeah. Yes behind the bus is finding made it into my regular rotation Yeah, no, so it's like that except for me. It's the stuff. I don't want to do like could I clean our outskull today? No Okay, it's probably gonna be a good day because if I'm ever in the mood to clean a rat skull, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:17:07 Oh, that's a good point. The manic energy's gone too far. Yeah, like I feel at that point, I should seek some kind of mental health support, which is immediately I'm in the UK. So that just means going on a two year waiting list. But you know, being proactive, I literally don't know what I do.
Starting point is 00:17:19 If I suddenly need it, I'm at the hospital again. What a terrible thing. So what kind of hobbies of you abandoned Slash picked up? Joanna took my inclusion of this in the plan as a personal attack on the self, which I feel is heavy projection. So please. I've been really bad with hobbies recently. Like I was halfway through nitting a jumper and it's been a while because I literally remember I cast on this jumper while I was on a train in Germany for the German Dessquare Convention. It's cast on. I mean, started to need it. Yes, started. Like, I've got the stitches onto the needle. And then somewhere around the halfway point, I kind of gave up because
Starting point is 00:17:53 I was bored and also it's summer and it's hot, so I don't want to have like a lap full of wool. Yeah. So I've recently tried to return to that because the thing is if I stop knitting, then instead, I do them scroll while I'm watching TV and I feel like that's maybe why M.M.S.L. has been shaky. So I considered crochet instead because I already have all the wool, but then I watch some videos on it and it still looks like witchcraft to me. So luckily I stopped before I bought many many different sizes of crochet hooks. I can't sew at the moment because my sewing room's total chaos partly because I've been writing a book and so this is also my workspace like the stacks of books on my desk right now are nonsense.
Starting point is 00:18:29 What are you going to do with all your research books? I'll keep them. Get rid of some that I'm not going to look at again but some of them are quite interesting. I might pick up again. So yeah, instead of just being designing a lot of stuff I'm obsessively watching tutorials and this dressmaker that I really like designer that I really like, Sarah Hamley, who I followed on like TikTok and stuff, did this incredible silicon corset so it kind of looked like dripping water. And so now I think I really want to get into silicon. I'm not going to, but I might.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I really, really think you should only because I really like things that are weird like that but that will take up a lot of space. I will link the Silicon course at video it's in the show notes and listeners can tell us whether you think I should get really into Silicon. Yeah. What have we been consuming on our holidays then? What have we been listening to? What have we been watching? So actually the first one on my podcast, so it's behind the bastards again, and I know I recommend that all the time, but it's just a really good run. The last few ones, and it's just kind of off of piece off its normal track a little bit. And I like how it normally is, and it's usually like more historical figures and that, but Robert Evans has kind of taken up more of a tech fee again. Yeah, and I really liked how he looked at
Starting point is 00:19:52 kind of AI-generated kids books, Gams. Yeah, you sent me the link to that and that's how it ended up in my like regular rotation. Yeah, the AI generated like kids books and stuff was such a good set of episodes. There's such a back catalog. I'll pick out a couple of good ones from that catalog for you at some point because obviously you're not going to listen to most of these you don't have time. But yeah, and then there was ones on scott scott Evans the mad and scottums. Yeah, the double guy. Yeah, which there's like four hours on Scott Adams like split into two parts and still my biggest takeaway from it is he literally
Starting point is 00:20:30 lives in a mansion shaped like Dilbert's head. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if he does. I'm taking it. No, I'm taking that as for long truths. I like how much Robert Evans commits to a bit that you'll just run with it. That's great. That's a compliment. And yeah, then the last two he did just this week were a crossover exposure of our favorites. It's a ceremonial from your runabout. And they've been talking about kidnapping, panic. Yeah, and that's kind of been tech related as well, because there's a lot of social media stuff, and that was like a history of chain letters, and it was all very cool and good.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I've listened to the first part so far, and the history of chain letters was fascinating. I loved that. Yeah. I like how he kind of brought out the darker sense of humor from Sarah Marshall as well, that was enjoyable. Yeah, I'm so used to it, especially because the last episode of You're Wrong About Edison 2 was they released their bonus episode on making a fleet
Starting point is 00:21:27 with Mac rumors and she's very positive and also very gentle about that album, so to hear I'll be able to have a really dark sense of humor, I was like, oh yeah, that did exist as well. And the other podcasty thing, it's kind of a live show more than podcasty thing, but I went to go and see no such thing as a fish live again the other day, which was very cool. And the song is theatre. But it was a really cool guest again and very, very, very funny. I did not hang around after the show. I didn't get to chat to a couple people from the fish cord anyway, and that was all very nice. I like to be a little stern every now and then. That was good. What kind of podcast do you get so you didn't into? Mostly the kind of visual stuff, lots of TV recap stuff. I've been listening to
Starting point is 00:22:15 delicious legacy a bit more, which is- Oh nice. Yeah, he just did a really, really great episode on the history of the celebrity chef and how that all started. I don't listen to back yet. It's a really nice episode. I don't know since delicious legacy as often as I listen to some other podcasts because there's something about the pacing of it and the fact that it's just one person that I struggle with a bit. My brain doesn't latch onto it in quite the same way, but at the same time it's all very interesting. It's a nice one for when you're doing something else that takes up a little bit of brain. Yeah, I like thinking about when I'm painting or something. Yeah, it's a nice one for when you're doing something else that takes up a little bit of brain. Yeah. I like to think that when I'm painting or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:47 It's a good podcast though. And he's got such a nice accent. It's very soothing to listen to. But yeah, I haven't been listening to many new podcasts. What's buffering covering at the moment? Oh, they're now the ex files and they're doing their ex files recap, which I'm way behind on because I was a bit overwhelmed with 90s television. Yeah, far. Yeah. Well, at least you know David Covney is there waiting for you. Oh, have you seen the pictures of him? Oh God, we haven't even mentioned like that whole strike
Starting point is 00:23:15 thing that's happening. I knew there was something big in the news. Oh yeah, tell me, tell me, well, tell me about David Covney in relation to that. What? There was just, there was a really great picture of him on the picket line with a sign that says something like the residuals are out there with a little picture, a little drawing of a UFO. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You tell people what that is, well, I find that and meet myself and my clicking people. Saga, after I have now gone on psych, along on strike alongside the WGA. This is the first time Saga and WGA have struck together in about 60 years. So this is not a small deal, this is a massive deal. It's also really complicated for people who work as like influencers and do certain amounts of promotion and things because SAG after do actually have some fairly not strict influencer guidelines, but they do have influencer guidelines.
Starting point is 00:24:03 They have a whole influencer program. So influencers can join, say, and have union protections. I think that was very, very important thinking of them. I think a lot of unions wouldn't have jumped on board like that. And I think that was good idea. Yeah, I've seen quite a lot of discussion and TikTok comment sections about this. I think it's, yeah, it's a tough one, isn't it? Yeah, I mean, I don't think anyone does support the strikes and they're not asking people who create content about film and
Starting point is 00:24:31 television to stop. They're asking them to not do things that they're paid to do by studios. So they like should in theory we not do things but good. I genuinely when I first saw everyone talking about this and the guidelines really weren't clear. I genuinely, when I first saw everyone talking about this and the guidelines really weren't clear. I mean, we're technically safe anyway. We're UK based. Yeah. I guess it's a, it's a, it's like we,
Starting point is 00:24:52 but like as a moral thing, I'll be scabbing by podcasting about Goodamans and I think no, because we're not paid by Amazon Prime in any way, shape or form. Yeah. And then also like the studios, not the studios, the SAG and WGA have made it very clear that they are in no way calling for any kind of boycott. Because a lot of people are not active in that. Yeah, all these streamers and studios are so
Starting point is 00:25:17 bad. So we shouldn't watch those shows or go see these ones. They're like, no, we need you to keep watching them because they need to see like, yeah, that we're needed. Yeah. And the small amount of residuals, some of these actors are getting. Yeah, they still need to feed and things. Yeah, I just still need to live. Yeah. Yeah, it's been an interesting, interesting one. There's been quite a lot of discourse from people who I feel hadn't really heard of what unions did until this. Again, I feel like if we show everyone newsies a young age, although I didn't see newsies a young age, I just had to have the parents who support unions.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, now I was gonna say, I've never seen newsies, just, you know, my dad. I didn't get my propaganda fed to be musical form. My mother says she worked for like the Department of Work and Pensions who obviously had strikes fairly often. And she was a member of the Union, but her health was too bad to actually be on a picket line in any way. So she just used to make lots of scotch eggs and hand them out on the picket line instead. I think that's it. Whichever picket line.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah. If you're not there, that is an important role in war. Yes, feed picket. And you feed. This is what I will be good for in any kind of combat situation. I'm very realistic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah, the whole discussion about all this AI stuff has really sped up and the month and a half we've been away. I'm not saying it's connected, but I can make a... The conversation is very convincing, charred. The conversation is there and it's all very terrifying. Like I try not to look at comments on Twitter after someone posts an opinion because it's always depressing.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Well, it's incredibly saturated with the weird blue take-lot now, which is largely why I stopped using Twitter. The final straw was the I couldn't see more than X amount of tweets in a day. I was like, do you know what, fuck this? This doesn't fucking work. I just rage quit. And every now and then I'll go on to specifically reply to someone who's tweet I saw linked somewhere else. But yeah, I can't say I'm using it a lot these days. I am trying to cut down my scrolling in general. The blue tick brigade are at the top. The whole thing where you could only load a certain amount of tweets per day
Starting point is 00:27:34 to be fair. They pretended was like a policy change, but it was actually just they kind of did OS themselves. Oh, cute. Yeah, yeah, I'm not going to go into all the technical details because I'm not 100% sure I understand it. No, we need that, but the, yeah, but last time I went on it, I can load any fucking replace, just a broken site. It's well worth it. It's fucked, but I'm not. It's very annoying and I know I can do a thing where you block all the blue ticks or the script, but then you've just got a million like blocks, use the things at the top because you can't hide those very well anymore, not mobile, so yeah, and yeah, fuck that. And I've pretty much stayed away from Reddit as well, one or two, again, specific things I wanted to reply to. I have like a couple of
Starting point is 00:28:16 favorite subreddits, I go to like a completely uncertain whether Reddit blackout happened, but I was very happy when HobbyDrama came back. Yeah, yeah, I mean, if you see any go from those, please feel very saliently. It's genuinely not just like me continuing out of a moral thing. It's partly that, but it's made very easy by the fact that I fucking hate that app. I hate the mobile app. I can't use it. I hate it so much. I even hate the browser site. At least I can use the old.reddit one on the browser. I'll see. I think I always always use the native Reddit app so I don't know how much it sucks. I will say that any tools for like moderation on a subreddit are shitty. We have had a little rashespan post. I'm trying to stay on top of them. So apologies listeners, if I subreddit is a bit shit at the moment, we're working on it. I'm going to go in and see if I can
Starting point is 00:29:03 work out some kind of auto spam. What's it? And we need to start of a discord. I've been going on about that as well. I've like, yeah, I'll do that. Okay. Less of the podcast admin. Anyway, so despite the sag after it. Partly admin and partly letting people know one day will have a discord. One day we will have a discord. And on that day, I guess I'll finally get the hang of discord. Yeah. So yeah, sag after and WGA is striking, but there are still things on television and there are films. Have you watched anything interesting recently? I finally watched four lines, that was very funny. That's a good film I like that. How about you? I was hoping you would know all
Starting point is 00:29:38 the things to talk about in the watching, but I've been rewatching Latin Kenny basically. I respect that. As a choice to be fair, I rewatched all of New Girl and consistently, as always, cried at the bit where they get in the lift and greenlight by Lord is playing. Because Lord is a witch. Yeah. That's the only reasonable explanation for me crying in that scene. Yeah. That's true. So it's like the Bob and Hymour opening weekend right now. Bob and Hymour. Yeah. No, that's been. So it's like the Bob and Hymour opening weekend right now. Bob and Hymour.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah, no, that's been mad, isn't it? Again, I do want to see them, but I probably won't. So I am going to try and make an effort to see Bob, although I probably won't see it this weekend. I, often Hymour is not. I know like big film fans, like it's worth seeing on the big screen. They've done all this incredible stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:23 It's worth seeing an IMAX blah, blah, blah. But the end of the day, it will look incredible, but it will also be a long film where a lot of sad things happen. And if I'm going to watch a long film where a lot of sad things happen, I want to watch it in a space where I can get up and go to the Lou and everyone and maybe like at the same time. Whereas Barbie looks like, you know, a fun time at the movies, that looks like a, I can quite happily look at the bright flashing colours in the popcorn and also maybe get existential around the edges. I think a maybe hitting saturation point with the Barbie stuff. I am borderline, but I'm also seeing like a lot of good reviews from like critics. So we're
Starting point is 00:30:56 really trusts. All right. That's like, yeah, it's going to be worth seeing. I'm sure it's, I'm sure they've made a good job of it, because otherwise, why the fuck would they've been pushing it this hard? But there's been a lot of it. And I think it's partly because I interacted with the few posts because I found them. And he let out it whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:15 And then algorithms be algorithmic. Algorithms do be algorithmic. Yeah, what else for me watching? Secret invasion, the new Marvel show is on at the moment. And it is disappointing. So, it's A, there was like controversy because it's an AI-generated title sequence, and it looks shit. What's it called? What is this? So, it's MCU, and there's like a race of aliens that can shape shift and like look, like whoever they want, including human beings,
Starting point is 00:31:44 and it turns out they've been secretly living on earth. It's now like it's all coming to a head. Oh, it's been which Marvel characters that we have all are a bit involved. Like Nick Furious, it's Samuel L Jackson is the big guy in this. So none of the like big heroes are such. It's it was so, like I was really looking forward to it. It's based on a big event from the comics, although obviously it's done differently because the canon's different. And a lot of people really love the secret invasion comics. The cast look really good,
Starting point is 00:32:18 and they've just been building up and setting up stuff for the storyline for quite a while. And then it's just really like meh. Oh. It's the same. So it five episodes in three of the episodes have like spoilers for secret amazing, I guess. Three episodes have ended with a character like appearing to die or dying to motivate someone else emotionally. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Right. Three out of five. It does have the plots with AI. It feels like they did the plots with AI. It does however have a live vehicle and like being posh and shooting people. So I'm just watching it for a live vehicle. I'm like, she doesn't shoot anyone in Peep show. And I think that was an oversight of Peep show.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That's true. That's true. But they couldn't have known. Just imagine like how much better peep show could have been if occasionally she just sort of shot Jeremy in the toes a little bit. Yeah, maybe for when you like have a spray bottle of water when it cats like getting on the counter is done. Shoot Jeremy in the toes. I've gone off on a tangent. Anyway, yeah, secret invasion, kind of sucks, but I live here at Coleman. I'm doing my Star Wars homework because Soca, the new series is coming soon, and some of the stuff that gives context for her story is in one of the animated shows I haven't
Starting point is 00:33:37 seen, so I've been watching that, Rebels. But my partner and I also decided to rewatch all the Star Wars movies in order. So we watched the prequel trilogy over the last few weeks. And now we decided- Or the release or chronological order. So we didn't chronological and we're trying to decide what to watch between the prequel and the OG trilogy. Because I'm rewatching one of the animated series set between those two now. So obviously we're not going to like watch all of that together again. But there's some TV stuff we might watch as well as the two movies that are set between the two.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Because we're fucking nerds. Yeah, yeah, 100%. I mean, no judgment there, just this specific subject. I'm afraid I can't much into a far from I know too much style one I like. Which one did you like? Santa Menace. I enjoyed rewatching it. I saw it in the cinema as a kid. It's the one that came out when we were the right age to first watch a start was.
Starting point is 00:34:35 You do need the right person to watch it with. By that, I mean, I'm incredibly obnoxious and everything something happened that was sung about in the weird house on the saga begins I sang that line. Yeah luckily I was with someone that made me again love weird else. I hung around with too many Star Wars fans at once for a while and that was nothing I was it. It took me well but I healed and I reflect that you haven't. Also the season two of the Bad just came to Disney plus in the UK. And I'm really happy I've only watched the first three episodes so far, but I love it so much. It's my favourite TV show.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I know what the bear is. The bear is amazing. I watched the first season was last year, and it was very popular very quickly. It's about a guy who worked in fine dining, but now he's come back to his hometown of Chicago to run like the place that his brother had and... It's just a hallmark movie of TV series. But like not very hallmark movie. It's just so good. It's so well-bristened. It's so well made. It's deservedly been nominated for lots of Emmys, although the Emmy nominations are really
Starting point is 00:35:43 fucking weird this year. Nice food shots. Gorgeous food shots, but it doesn't just focus on the food. So I kind of moaned about the last season of Ted Lasso because it felt really bloated and that was doing really long episodes and it just didn't feel like a sitcom anymore, but not in a good way.
Starting point is 00:36:00 This is like a really good example of, TV shows being on streaming means that they're not restricted to specific apps, so the episodes can be as long as they need to. And there is a really good example of how that can work, like there's one episode from the first season that's like only 20 minutes long. And it's almost all one continuous shot. It's all in real time. And it's just the most incredibly chaotic and tense episode of television I'd ever seen.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Like I felt a desperate need for a beer and a cigarette afterwards. And it's like stand outside staring at the sky looking shell-shocked. All right. It's so good. And the second season is so far from things to be as good as the fast. What else we got on our little list of? What have we been reading? What have we been reading? What have we been reading? Well, actually, one of the things I was
Starting point is 00:36:48 listening to tied into this, which was I finally got into the Green Brothers content, the Vlog Brothers, the Hangreners. Hangreners. Hangreners. Hangreners. Yeah, yeah, the last few months, 10 years after everyone else.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm very much enjoying that. And from there, I found the Anthropocene Reviewed by Don Green and has absolutely lovely little collection of essays about random, well not random but widely distributed earthly things done in the form of a review. Oh nice, that review stuff, yeah. That's very good. A lot of moments that kind of properly got punchy and maybe staring off into the distance for a bit. I like that. Yeah, so I never read any of John Greens like young adult stuff. I might do one day as a place, but I've not been able to.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I don't think I've read anything by either of them. Yeah. I know Hank Greens written some sci-fi, so I'll actually, yeah, I haven't read that either, but I've liked their podcast so much. I thought I'd read that and it was very very good, enjoyed that hugely, and enjoyed listening to the podcast version of it as well. So nice. And then the other main thing I've been reading was the Rise and Drain of Mammals, which I haven't finished yet, but it's written by Stephen Brissetti, who is the guy who wrote the dinosaur, but I really love the release of the Fall of the Dinosaur, yeah. Is that the guy who kind of writes about dinosaurs really love. They're really cool. All of the dinosaurs, yeah. Is that the guy who writes about dinosaurs?
Starting point is 00:38:08 He thinks they're all dickheads. Like he thinks T-Rex, it's specifically. He loves them, but he will not stop going on about their tiny, ridiculous arms, yeah. Yeah, that. Nice. But I haven't found who he's bullying yet in this book, but I'll find it.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I look forward to him bullying a mammal. How about you? Very much. Yeah, so I'll find it. I look forward to him bullying a mammal. Have I? You very much. Yeah, so I'm still working on my like reading through all the books on my shelves in order. We're thinking, still stick by that. Well, it's kind of decided. I've picked some out that I'm definitely like either don't want to reread or rerranded and enjoyed or I'm never going to want to reread again to get rid of. So it's helping me clear stuff out.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And it's like forcing me to read stuff I've had on Michelle for ages but not gone around to reading. It's quite nice timing though. So when we started the haze as I just started rereading the Kim Harrison the Hollow series, which I'd love I didn't need to reread them but I will take any opportunity to. I know timed it really well because I finished the last one of the series and then the new one came out the next day. Oh nice. Good stuff. That was a delightful day for me.
Starting point is 00:39:11 They hold up. Nice. Well, I don't know how much of it. It's just, I've read them so many times and I really like them. But the new one. But the new one was good, yeah. And now I'm up to Kim Newman. So I've gone from Kim to Kim.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Kim to Kim. Anodracula. And I've had from Kim to Kim. Kim to Kim. Anode Dracula. And I've had all four books on the shelf of Rages, but I've only ever read the first two, so I'm gonna actually reread the third and fourth books this time. Yay. Which is, have you ever read Anode Dracula?
Starting point is 00:39:35 No, that's it. What is it? It's like an alternative history that's sort of based on if in the Dracula book, Dracula wins. Okay. And so it's got like the characters from Dracula in it, but also like actual historical figures in it, and it kind of does it like Bram Stoker was one of the gang,
Starting point is 00:39:51 and he was gonna publish all their letters once they defeated the evil thing. And then, okay, will I like it? Yeah, I know, Dracula. It's a fun read. It's a bit like gory in places, but not the worst of. And yet, I don't mind harrowing about something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Is it the movies I can't stand? Yeah, that's fair. So yeah, it's a great book. And then the second one's around like World War I, but obviously it's a different history. And yeah, I'm enjoying that. Well, so if I read, I reread the Iraqi Hanson Queen of the Tilling Trilogy, which is very good.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I always forget how good that is. Erie Red Twilow, which I regret, but enjoyed at the time. I do regret. You know, you've like eaten an entire bucket of popcorn and you realise you feel full in a way where you've not eaten anything substantial. I felt like I needed to give my brain something rigorous afterwards. But after... Grab it on one of those. They could wash it on the other. Like a mangle.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah, yeah. But it's a mangle. Yeah, that'll be fine. I read Woolwood of the Air by Michael Moore Cook, which is the first in atrylogy, and I've only got the first one. Michael bought it for me years ago, and I've not got around to it. And it was really good. Loved it.
Starting point is 00:41:02 And normally, I would have immediately gone and bought the rest of the trilogy. But the next book on the shelf was The Night Circus by Aaron Morgan Stern, which is one of my all time favourite books. Yeah. Yeah. I had to read The Night Circus. Oh, and I read Lathigh Heaven by Ashley Laguin, which is another one of the Alan the Shell for years, a Frank David to me. Sorry Mary, if you're listening, I didn't get around to it before now, but I loved it. Have you played anything interesting in the last What's It? No, I didn't play around to it before now, but I loved it. Have you played anything interesting in the last What's It? No, I didn't play in the Ohio night. I respect that. I do. How about you?
Starting point is 00:41:29 I haven't actually played that much in the Ohio home. I finished Jedi full-norder and I've started Jedi Survivor, which even my very shiny computer occasionally struggles with the graphics for, which is interesting. Oh, and I finally, I played, so I mentioned on the podcast, I went to the UK Games Expo and got Guards Guards, which is the one this World Ball game I didn't have. And I finally, I played, so I mentioned on the podcast, I went to the UK Games Expo and got guards guards, which is the one that's well bought game I didn't have. So I finally played that. That was very fun.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Without me, you bastard. Well, I wanted to learn how to play it so that you didn't have to like watch me figuring out how to play it while we're playing together. And it is one of those games that like if you read the rulebook, it seems giant and complicated. And there's a lot of things. And then when you actually the rule book, it seems giant and complicated and there's a lot of things. And then when you actually start playing, it's a really comfortable, is it if game play loop and it's quite easy to play?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah, you know, you know me, you're right. If I'd seen that and you didn't already know how to reassure me, I would have just gone actually and stepped off the balcony very popping down to that. Be it anything good? We ate in a nice, the place I've had some interesting rocks, we ate in a cool little, it's like a beach shack thing but it was just very nicely cooked fish and stuff, except I didn't have that. I had burrata, nice, which was good, and I'd forgotten what burrata was. Not before I ordered it, I'd like to tell what it was before I did it, but I was like, barcuda. Yeah, really, right?
Starting point is 00:42:47 Not a lot of similarities. With the word, not the item. I made my mind. It wasn't like if you put them both next to me, I'd be like, there's no difference between these images. At the same picture. I had a lovely peach, prosciutto and barracuda salad to celebrate when I handed my book into the photo. That's a nice coincidence. Lovely piece of barracuda, weirdly like mozzarella,
Starting point is 00:43:20 but you know, we've got the... All right, now I'm just being a dick. I don't mind. I was quite pleased with my misunderstanding. Oh, yes. You had, obviously you've cooked yourself in you marble nice meals, any standouts, but no. We're in barbecuing a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Oh, yeah. Incident infotulming barbecuing a whole chicken and then me and cancelled on, that I managed to make the chicken still work Anyway, I was very proud of that. Yeah, and I'm barbecuing lamb on Sunday I'm very much involved with that. I think lamb is the best coat on the barbecue weirdly enough the kind of Cold summer we've had so far has been quite conducive to barbecuing because you know have to stand over a boiling hot Fuck and barbecue while it's boiling hot everywhere else as well.
Starting point is 00:44:05 It's like the warb enough to barbecue in without being miserable, but I mean, I guess it's raining a bit. Yeah, there is an unfortunate amount of rain, but I can live with an unfortunate amount of rain. I'm British. So in preparation for the upcoming Good Omen season two, We rewatched Good Omen season one. We did, which is good, because I felt like doing that anyway. You've been a little long? Yeah, so I don't know about you, but the last time I watched it was when we covered it on the box last, which was like three years ago. Yep, same. It has been a long time. It was high time for rewatch. It was high time for rewatch. So yeah, how did it feel going back three years after we covered it?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Like you enjoyed it. Yeah, very much. Yeah. I kind of started rewatched far enough and at once. I wasn't thinking of it as connected to this episode or any of the other episodes. I was just chilling out watching it. And yeah, it was nice. It's a good show, isn't it? I did watch it all this week. It's much more fun watching it when I'm not having to think, think about it, though. Yeah, you're not making notes about which points in this episode are we going to do? Yeah, I agree. Varan, that's that the other.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah. Did you enjoy it a bit more with like more distance from the book? I don't know. I don't know if I did. I don't, three years, and so much has happened in three years. I genuinely don't remember how much I was drawing comparisons the whole time. I don't feel like it bothered me at the time.
Starting point is 00:45:40 It didn't bother me at the time. I think I was like the first couple times I watched it. I wasn't during a ton of comparisons. I wasn't during a percenting. But obviously the last time I watched it, we covered the book, then covered the show. So I had the book so fresh in my mind and we were talking about it as an adaptation a lot. Yeah. So it was a lot easier to appreciate it like purely at its own thing this time, like watching it this time around, I think.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah, for sure. Any nice surprises? Any uh it's been a while I forgot this happened. I forgot like how good that long soft open from episode three is like I remembered it. I remembered you know that half hour that goes through all of crony years. Yeah. But I forgot how well tied together it is, how much of their relationship you see. Yeah. I really, I think because we've had three years to stew on their relationship, we forgot that they set it up.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah, like they had to do that. Because it's very different how it is in the book. Yeah, their relationships are a lot more on, like obvious, I think, in the show, even though in the book you've got like internal monologues. Yeah, yeah. I forgot like, oh, that moment where Zerophel's talking to the messager on and he realizes like they want the apocalypse to happen and his face just
Starting point is 00:46:52 drops. Michael Sheen's little face. I know I'm talking about like veteran incredibly talented acts to Michael Sheen, very wonderful, well-rest. Yeah, with the acting. His little face, his little face. Yeah, no, he does do. Um, as as Tumblr would put it for a little meow meow. Right. Well, but no, we're not making a zero fail. Our poor little meow meow. No, no, I know, but you can see how it happened on the tumblr. No, I think Crowley is more of a poor little meami out for this. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I may have misunderstood the entire concept to be honest. I'm not very confident and tumbling yet. And it seems like they might be trying to ruin that as well. So I'm not going to get too into tumbler. Yeah. Tumbler's constantly in a state of being ruined. Oh, take it.
Starting point is 00:47:42 It's been in like a free floating apocalypse for many a year. I've got the funny John Ham was. Yes. Don't talk to me about the Greater Good Sunshine on the Archangel's fucking Gabriel. I had that exact line. No, it's just one of my favorite reads of the whole thing as well. Did they watch it a couple weeks before you? I wrote it down because I was just going to text you as I was watching it, but I was like, I'm not going to rub Joanna of the surprise moment when that comes out again.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I'm just going to write that down so I don't forget it. That's the only note I've got from the whole again, I feel so strongly that like John Ham is at his best when he is playing some vague form of dumb or naive or like not, I know obviously he's iconic for Don Draper and for Mad Men and that very particular kind of swarve thing he plays, but I think he is much more fun when he's I'm the okay angel fucking Gabriel. Yeah, yeah. It's a special flavor of naive as well, the all-powerful naive, which is a trope I like. I forgot how many fun guest actors were in there that I'd forgotten about. They got all the guys from League of Gentlemen, Bell Wimbledon from horrible histories. I can Derek Jacobi's just there being the metastron, as you do. Yeah, sure, of course. Jade Adams. I forgot Jade Adams was in it. I love her.
Starting point is 00:49:03 One that I don't remember, we must have talked about it at the time, but I genuinely didn't remember, was when Zero Fail and Madam Tracy was speaking at the same time, like their voices overlapping each other. Yeah, I was really cool about it as well. Yeah. I kind of forgot as well how little Shadwell and Madam Tracy are in the story compared to the book. Like they definitely fade into the background a bit. I guess somebody had to fade back in order to let the crowd really shine. So were there bits you like enjoyed a bit more on rewatching? I enjoyed spotting the least drags and treats in there without having to write them down.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yes, you can just purely see yourself and look see yourself and go, oh, I like that. Yeah. So I think with this next series, I will let myself watch it twice in quite quick succession as it will cover it. And then I'll watch it again before the end of the year. Yeah, because yeah, I want to watch it, chill that. Yeah. At some point. Yeah, there's two very different flavors of watching. I enjoy watching something for the podcast and needing to be kind of detailed and really thinking about it and how I'm going to talk about it. But it's also really nice to let a TV show just kind of like wash over you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, definitely. Yeah, what are you taking notes on that? It's like this special kind of high energy, like, oh my god, that's cool. I've got to share that with everybody kind of thing as opposed to just being being allowed to consume the treat you have been given. Yes, how about you were there any specific bits I can't think of any specific bits? One thing I kind of noticed is that so a zero fell in Krolyore way more at the forefront of the story in the TV show compared to the book. And I think that almost, it didn't bug me when I first watched it, but it wasn't my favourite thing about it because I love
Starting point is 00:50:50 all the other characters so much, because I'm not thinking about it as an adaptation now. I really don't mind how much that the forefront, because I could just watch the two of them interact all day. Yeah. Yeah. Especially the bits where they're each other. especially the bits where they're each other. That was good because I don't think I've been able to watch that properly while knowing what was about to happen. And so I thought Michael Sheen did a particularly good job of being David Tennant. David Tennant did a fine job of being Michael Sheen, but I think Michael Sheen really fucking killed it. I think the problem is is that David tenant playing a zero fail.
Starting point is 00:51:26 He can't help but slip a little bit into the doctor. Because it's such a similar voice. So something like, David tenant saying tickety boo just sounds a bit like something David tenant as the doctor would say, where is like Michael sheen doing a bit of the Crowley eyebrow. Yeah. Like, yeah. doing a bit of the Crowley eyebrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Yeah. Yes. And the Crowley eyebrow perhaps is a bit more of an overt mannerism than any of the zero fails. Yeah, because the zero fails so like stayed and put together. He doesn't really have anything other than like a kind of fussiness around the hands. Yeah. But I did like in looking at the mimic each other's postures, especially where they're on the bench
Starting point is 00:52:05 and they swap. That was the good idea. Love that moment. But it didn't like quite as much though, and I did notice a couple of them. And not like Dr. Shiss on it, it's still a really good TV show and a really good adaptation of a book I love. We've got a pick one or two things otherwise we'll drown and sugar syrup. Yeah, some of the stuff with the kids and with Adam, like I get no shade on the child actors, I thought they were all really brilliant in it. It's just like Adam being sinister. I thought
Starting point is 00:52:36 started building up way too early, like something I love about the book is no matter is, it takes a really long time for them to actually confront him and say, no, we don't like this. And it starts earlier in this. And I get, like, one of my favorite moments from the book, and it's just to silly throw away line, is when he's deciding what countries they're all going to have. And he says, and Doug can have Australia on account if he needs to run around a lot, dad says. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 And it's the even while he's like dividing up the world and he's going to end it and remake it and new, he's still got that in his head and I really like that and I feel like it lost some of that which, uh, title wild speculation. But I know in like some interviews, it's been like sort of, they've said like, you know, go and wrote anything with maggots, Terry Bradget wrote more of like Adam and them and those bits. Which you can take, we see, we talked about with Johnny and the dad, like, you can see a lot of the them in that. Yeah, he writes children very well. I thought
Starting point is 00:53:32 the actor played Adam was particularly good. Oh, he's great. Yeah, a lot because he did manage to preserve that. I'm 11 stuff in him. I'm an all powerful super demon. And that particular bit actually with the I'd forgotten the line that missed out, but I thought he delivered the while I'll stay in Tadfield particularly well. Yeah, and a nice grounding moment. But yeah, and he's right now that would that would have been nice line to keep him. Yeah, I do want to know how much of it is just because it's no game and adapting it and he likes a bit more of the sinister and creepy maybe. He does, yeah, I mean, yeah, his bits, well, the graveyard books, very well, it's creepy, but it's gentle and
Starting point is 00:54:15 yeah, and Caroline as well. Yeah, Caroline, I'd say it's a bit more of that kind of vibe, isn't it? The creepy, yeah. I think probably the bit I enjoyed a little bit less was the stuff with uh, what's a face, Agnus Nutter, Anathema, Anathema, Not Anathema, Anathema device. Agnus Nutter, Anathema device. Agn- oh fuck, yeah, I'm in the wrong universe. I'm going to make you write a lot of this down when we cover season two. I already did. Three years ago, you can't make me do it again. I can't find the notebook. Um, shit, what was that? Yes. Anyway, I thought, yeah, I don't know. I just, I don't know why I find it harder to relate to an album. I did three years ago, but I just didn't really connect with
Starting point is 00:55:09 her character and I think in my memory I was kind of applying more of the book to mute on yeah, mute and an after-the-fans of the characters and I think maybe there are a bit shallower than I remembered. Not like, you know what I mean, again, it's they didn't have the space to put as much depth to them, same as Shaqel. again, they didn't have the space to put as much depth to them, same as Shaql. Yeah, and you don't get that they're in a monologues and stuff. Like, I kind of found that as well, especially the bit where they sleep together, and then she calls them her boyfriend. And to be fair, it's kind of a criticism of the book as well, and I might even said this when we covered the book, but like, especially in the show, there's just zero chemistry between them. I don't 100% believe it's actually possible for Jack Whitehall to have chemistry with anyone.
Starting point is 00:55:48 That's really mean of me, but I do find his face. I'm I feel it. Yeah, yeah, he had one or two moments in Fresh Meat before he ruined it. Yeah, I think if you were playing a character that had two, he would. He's an actor. I don't think he's a bad actor. He just gets cast as these slightly low sim types. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And something about it feels a little bit like nerdy, wishful film and fantasy. Like, oh, this beautiful woman has to sleep with me because the prophecy says so. Yeah, partly that and partly they did. Jack Whitehall's not a bad looking bloke, but he's not, yep, what's the actress's name? Oh god, I can't remember who played in Athens. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Wrote this down three years ago, Francine. I mean, I know exactly where the notebook is with this one. Oh, well done, you. Oh, it's a fucking actress name. Well, my podcast notebooks are shelved with the books. Adrian, are Jonah or are there? I don't know how. Oh, Jennifer, I think that's a record does the J. But yeah, I mean, she's like super model was my. She's so wild find looking, but she's just insane looking like like fuck. It's yeah, very worse for Volmentee like that. I don't think Hollywood can ever not not just Hollywood. I don't think any TV production that has been slightly tainted by America or even Canada has managed to get
Starting point is 00:57:10 away from this occasionally in British films or TV. You will see men who are with women who are you know about the same level of attractiveness whether that's you's insane or normal looking. But she's just so stunning and Jack Whitehall is not unattractive, but yeah, not that level of stunning. I think also I've seen a lot of like criticisms of stuff like name of the wind that's been talked about in technical law recently and so I'm like, yeah, for that discourse, I enjoyed it. I love the book, but they've got a point. Every woman falls in love with this one teenage boy. Would you not? I mean, not now, because I don't women. No, I absolutely would have done like, yeah, I get it. But also like, you can feel the nerdy wish fulfillment. I'm a bit more aware of it. And I'm not judging Neil Gaiman and Terry
Starting point is 00:58:02 Pratchett for that, especially considering like they wrote Good Omen's back in the late 80s, early 90s, and maybe you would write something like that. I'm not, I didn't. I'm not putting the wish for film from their part though because it's not being funny. It's not, you know, Terry Bradshaw has been described as the most married man who ever lived. Oh, yeah. And I can't imagine Neil Gaiman ever had a problem with the ladies.
Starting point is 00:58:22 I'm not calling them raging perverts. I'm just saying that it might be something in there. You're always fucking rocket to like the worst faith in the temptation of my interpretation. Listen, I'm not saying they're fucking serial killer as fancy, you know, I'm just saying. Look, I'm not accusing any of them of eating another human beings never.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I'm just saying. It probably wasn't that whole motivation, but I can't imagine it wasn't motivation there. Yeah, no, no, it's that. That's that. Like, again, beautiful woman has to sleep with the nerd because of prophecy. And then apparently magic plane enjoys it enough to. Yeah, one thing. Especially because in the book, and especially in the TV show she just does not see that enthusiastic about it. Can you remind me in the book? Yeah, and I know I say I remember all the book that I'd
Starting point is 00:59:15 done. Is there a is there a part two of the the nice and accurate prophecy? Yeah, that's all If I can. I can't remember either and I need to check. I was going to mention that because I was going to say, like, going onto talking about season two, you know, what we're potentially predicting for season two, if you would talk, like we knew before they announced like the TV show that Noggaon and Terry Pratchett had talked about writing a sequel to Goodomans. Mm-hmm. And if you would ask me what that would be about without any of the context of the TV show, I would have said it's got something to do with the
Starting point is 00:59:48 second book of prophecies. Yeah, of course. But I know there's a conversation about her destroying it. I don't remember if in the book she does actually destroy it. I feel like even if she had there's a waste there, you know, there'll be another one that might be somebody. Yeah. Yeah. Like Agnes would have arranged for another copy to be sent towards 0.5. Yeah, somehow, some version of L space gets introduced or something. Yeah, like, there's plenty of ways that the second book could have come into it. Obviously, that doesn't look like it's going to be the case. No, well, I don't know. That's the thing. My notes for this have been because I have really, I really have consumed almost zero promotion on what are material about this. I've been quite good about, I watched the trailer
Starting point is 01:00:27 and I think I had a short conversation with you about some stuff and apart from that, it's genuine the mead, the hero. So I just kind of like wrong answer only a couple of bullet points. Amazing, so what are your predictions for season two based on like watching season one? I've got, as I refer, it takes down Amazon, the company ostensibly for workers rights,
Starting point is 01:00:46 but actually the Hates Kindle. Yeah. I've got Neil Gaiman cameos as the bounce down. And bottle episode on the head of a pin. So someone who's actually tried Joanna, what are you reckon? Well, based on having watched the trailers and stuff and also like, Neil Gaiman is not allowed to do any promotion for the show because of the strike, but he is answering a lot of questions on Tumblr. It's an Azeria Felon Crowley story, which I'm not complaining about.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I know also one of the things that Neil Gaiman's on on Tumblr is that he wants there to be a third season and the third season would be the last one and that's what he would consider like the end No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I think the next big thing will be all of us versus all of them. Yes. And I wonder if that's meant to be a cheeky little foreshadow. Maybe so, actually. Yeah. And I didn't notice it at first because obviously from that they go and have them ill at the rits and I took Torie Amos things and I didn't go saying in Buckley Square and I have to be very calm and happy for a minute until the crushing weight of reality hits me.
Starting point is 01:02:06 So characters though, are there any characters like you disappointed we won't see again or happy not to see again? I think they made the right choice with the kids because I believe they're not bringing the kids back, right? Yeah, I would be upset if they brought the kids back because I love like, we talked about it with the book, I love the end with Adam and this young kid slouching towards Tadfield forever. I would find like a little Easter egg hinted at what they're up to now, like you know, like a flash of a newspaper where Petha is doing some fucking child porn machine nonsense, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah, I think that would be cute. But yeah, that it was a perfectly tied up and a bow ending for them. So yeah. I don't know if we're gonna see any of the horsemen again.
Starting point is 01:02:46 It seems unlikely. No, and that's kind of like, I get why, but it's also a bit sad because I loved the horsemen. Yeah, I thought they did really well. How about you? I'm glad that Miranda Richardson's back as an actor, but playing a new character. Fishy.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah, one of the sneak peeks they released, it looks like she's playing the demon that's officially replaced Crowley. OK. Now that, obviously, Crowley and Zerophel, have been left their own devices after terrifying everyone in the bathtub and the hellfire. That's an interesting choice because usually,
Starting point is 01:03:20 and it's quite a British TV thing to do, to take an actor and just using something else in the next season. It's usually a bit more of a low British TV thing to do to take an actor and just using this something else in the next season. It's usually a bit more of a low-budget TV thing to do. Well, I mean, Miranda Richardson's a really good example because she was in Blackadder in like three different seasons and different characters. But I'm really glad they've done it, especially like also Nina Susania
Starting point is 01:03:39 and I can't remember her name, Maggie Service, I think. They both played nuns. Nina Susania was the main nun that we sort of go with. Don't we found it at the corporate retreat? Yeah, yeah. And I love her. And I finally worked out like where I remember her from way back and she was, I think, in, do you remember the Tracy Beaker TV series? Yeah, she was in that one. I think. That was great. I was, I was so obsessed with Jack Lamp Wilson. I know. Anyway, so they brought both of them back as new characters, and I'm really glad because they weren't in the first series for long, so I'm just happy to see them again. Yeah, that's good. If there was a way we could get a nathema back, but without new, I'd be all right with it as well.
Starting point is 01:04:17 They mean a bad Jack Whitehall. Poor Jack Whitehall. I don't know why I've decided to hate Jack Whitehall, but it's happened now, and we've all got to live with it. I'm sorry, Jack Whitehall. I think we had not passed a single three years ago to be on it. I mentioned Jade Adams earlier and I do highly recommend watching her stand up. She's fucking hilarious. I think she's got at least one special on Amazon Prime.
Starting point is 01:04:40 What do you most want to see in season two other than David Tennant and about the top again? Because I think we all feel the same way about that. Oh, the question, the question. I'd like to see more of the in a machinations of heaven. I want to see the bureaucracy. We both have very similar types. Thank you, I'll be a cook. Well, actually, on that, one of the things I'd forgot that was so good from season one is when Crowley gets angry at the world and starts shouting at God, because like I loved the things David Tennant can do with his face when he's angry and also a little bit sad.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Well, yeah, more into the lore of what made you kick out the angels in the first place and how she is. But that angri frustrated angel combined with wanting to see Heavenly bureaucracy reminded me of a really good Neil Gaiman short story called Murder Mysteries, which is in his Smoke and Miracle action. I think it's been published in a few other places. And I think if you haven't read that and you want like a bit of an insight into Crowley and also into heavenly bureaucracy and where Neil Gaiman might be coming from with some of it, I think is a really good thing to read. Yeah, not for a very long time. I'll reread that tonight, actually, that's a nice easy hype, hype. I think that would be a good thing to read before watching Good Omen season two. Well, it's a true week before that comes out.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Literally a week we are recording. Yeah, we were recording on Friday a week before it comes out. Um, I want to see John Ham playing dumb. Obviously, I've talked about that at length on the podcast already. I want to see him play down with like moments of brilliant. Because you know, I want to like, find orize it. You want to remember. He is like an important angel. I want John Ham to play dumb and say fuck again at some point. Yeah. My hierarchy of needs. One of the things Jack got briefly obsessed with was the hierarchy of angels as depicted in the Bible, which I feel I think they got wrong in the series as in as Sarah failed would have been above Gabriel.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Because he's a principal policy. Yeah. And that's higher than an arc angel. Yeah. Yeah. So just for my sanity sake, I would like it if they got that right this time. So I didn't have to. Even if they get it wrong, if they could very clearly explain how they've got it wrong
Starting point is 01:07:01 and do like an infographic. Yeah. I would like a one episode to just be a PowerPoint presentation on the like structure of heaven. It'll be interesting to see the narration as fully gay men. If it's done in the same way, with the you know the references, we don't know it. Yeah, it will be interesting to see it entirely in Neil Bynum's voice because some of it was very practical. Yeah, because they used a lot of like text directly from the book and it was a really good way to get a lot more popular lines from the book in. Well, some of it felt a little bit shoe-hawned. Like the whole God does not play dice with the universe bit was very like, you put that in because you like that bit and I get it and I like that.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Absolutely, but yeah, I don't know, if they do it and I'm not sure they will, do you know if if that's due to... I can't remember now. Do you think Francis went to him coming back? I would have to look again. They will be in the terms of my... Because it's not that Neil Gaimins incapable of doing that tone, but how he looks at things is obviously subtly different. Yeah. Although I think he has similar ideas, battle, sorority. Yeah, I feel like the vibe will be the same.
Starting point is 01:08:17 The vibe is great. The way the vibe is expressed, my very. Yeah, he's more in the traditionally beautiful metaphor game, isn't he? He puts less thuds at the ends of his metaphors. I want to see what wonderful cars and bikes are in this season. Yeah, just the aesthetics. And the costumes. I'm very excited. So excited. Like we've seen from clips and trailers and everything that there's going to be more visits to the past Mm-hmm And I'm sure I should be interesting
Starting point is 01:08:48 Soundtrack is gonna be great. I'm assuming there'll be some queen on it probably Yeah, and if there isn't at the beginning if you leave it like in prime for two weeks and come back to it It will have all become queen. Oh I want something like how do I put it in my car take player? I don't have one I want something sad to happen to a Zarafail, just so my Cousin does the face thing again. Oh, and so Crowley does the whole, I lost my friend face. Oh, someone killed my best friend. Yeah, in the bookshop.
Starting point is 01:09:20 That is my absolute guarantee to make me fall more in love with a piece of media, is somebody has wronged or taken away this person who's very dear to me, scream at the sky kind of moment. Yeah, I love those. Even in books, like Robyn Hobbit did a very well once I'd write. Yes, I did. I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've Doctor soon. Is he indeed? I'm about 10 years behind on it now. I don't think you'll need to be very often. He's just coming back for the 60th anniversary special. All right. If I just watch that with no context, I'll know what they'll be like. That'll be fun. You'll probably be fine. Just text me questions while you're watching. Yeah. I won't give you the correct answers, but I'll give you answers. Yeah, that's fine. I just need to feel like I'm in the loop.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yeah. I understand. One thing I am curious about because of what New Neil Gaiman said about, like, he feels like it's a third season would tell the story properly. And like, as of yet, there's no third season confirmed, because obviously, I'm just in prime all the way and look at the numbers from season two. Yeah. And obviously, between the sag strike and the WGA strike, I feel like it will be minimum. Because we talked about it three years ago, but it's been four years since the first season
Starting point is 01:10:48 of Good Omen's came out. It's probably gonna be at least another, yeah, it was 2019. It's been over four years technically. I feel like we'll be waiting that long again. Like there was a pandemic last time, we got a strike this time. Yeah, that's fine, I mean. But I'm curious about where is the first season,
Starting point is 01:11:08 like, had such a neat ending because it was the story of the book. I am very curious with this because he's talked about a season three to tell the story, whether it is going to be a neat ending again, and this will be one story and then the third story will be, that season to be like a third chapter, or whether this is going to have like some kind of big cliffhanger. I don't think it do. I don't even have a huge cliffhanger, but I don't think it's gonna be, yeah. I don't think it's going to be as neatly wrapped up as the first season was. Yeah, the first season was neatly wrapped up with a couple of lines then,
Starting point is 01:11:39 hindsight, we can see it's like the leaving it open. Yeah. It's time I imagine it'll be left more explicitly open for a death, but I don't think he'll, I don't think he'll fucking put the bonus like we can see is like the leaving it open. It's time I imagine it'll be left more explicitly open for us after that. I don't think he'll, I don't think he'll fucking put the bonus content behind a paper or kind of thing. Do you know what I mean? He will make the it enjoyable and it's own right without going off a fuck sake at the end. Yeah, I don't think it's going to be a frustrating ending, but I don't think it's going to, I don't think angels will be dining at the Ritz while the nightingale sings in Barclay Square. Okay, I'm going to just for the sake of argument, completely disagree, and I'm going to bet that the series wraps that with angels dining at the Ritz while a Nightingale, or some kind of bird
Starting point is 01:12:13 sings in Barclay Square. I'm going to open that up slightly, might be a seagull. Right, so speaking of Good Omen season 2 or Goamans 2, if you will. I won't. Yeah, that's a bad one. Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm a bad person. That's what we're going to be talking about for the next month. So literally the entire next month, but we'll record some of it. At some point we'll talk about it on microphones with cameras and a computer and we might remember to hit record. Why have I just opened my calendar? I've literally written the date down. Good old season two premieres on Amazon Prime
Starting point is 01:12:48 on the 28th of July, all six episodes will be dropping at once. We are not gonna cover all six episodes in one episode because I feel it's gonna worry more discussion than that. And that would be an eight hour episode. Also because we can't record more than one for cost in a week because like, Francine's got a job and stuff. I've got more jobs than I did actually last time we were recording. Yeah, you've got extra job. So we're going to be spreading that discussion out.
Starting point is 01:13:14 So Monday 31st of July you'll get our episode on covering episodes one to two of Goodamans, 7th of August, episodes three to four. 14th of August will be our coverage of episode five. 21st of August will be our coverage of episode six. We're gonna keep all of those spoiler free. We won't talk about future episodes, even if we've seen them. So if you wanna watch along with us, you will be safe too. Yeah, just to be clear,
Starting point is 01:13:39 episode the ones covering episode one and two, heavy spoilers for episode one, two, it's it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But we won't spoiler future episodes. the one's covering episode one and two heavy spoilers for episode one two. Yeah, yeah. But we won't spoil our future episodes and all of this coverage will be Discworld spoiler free in case you're just joining us for Game of Thrones and haven't read Discworld yet. Because you're real careful not to say anything about all right like major spoilers for Discworld. We won't tell them about the thing with the guy and the feather and Mrs. Raffles and, you know, yeah, yeah. We might like mention
Starting point is 01:14:13 that the character exists in Discworld. I can't promise we won't say the word Sam Vines for the next month. That's just how I react to those words. Like David Tannen developed it. You do have some vibes, my beloved. Right, okay. So until we're back next Monday with our coverage of Episode 1 and 2 of Good Omen Season 2. Yeah. You can follow us on Instagram at the True Show Minky Freight on Twitter, I guess, like it's on fire, but at Make Me For At Pod. On Facebook at the Trisha Maki Fret, you can join our subreddit community,
Starting point is 01:14:49 rslashTTsm.yf. You can email us your thoughts, queries, castles, snacks, angels and demons. The Trisha Maki Fret pod at If you want to support this bollocks, financially, go to For all of the Trisha Maki Fret and exchange your hard on pennies for all sorts of bonus nonsense. And also we might be on Blue Sky at some point but I haven't set that up yet. Cool, fun! Yay! And until next time, dear listeners, to the world. To the world. Mae'r swan angrel i honk tim bach fysgu er.

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