The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 124. Does Your Blogging Business Need a Reboot with Corry Frazier & Melissa Pepin

Episode Date: April 30, 2024

We are so excited to have Corry Frazier and Melissa Pepin from The Business Reboot on! Each of these ladies have been on the podcast individually but today we invited them on together. We dive into ho...w this duo helps empower small business owners and entrepreneurs to thrive while keeping a healthy balance in life. They focus on mindset, strategy, systems, and support. Melissa and Corry share more about kick-starting a business, shifting your mindset, and the pivotal role that personal growth plays in the entrepreneurial journey. We talk about the necessity of clear objectives and relationship between mindset and strategy while building a blogging business. This is an episode you aren’t going to want to miss!Thanks for listening! Let us know your thoughts on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsThank you to our sponsor Memberful for sponsoring this episode! Check out Memberful HERE!Check out MiloTree Cart HERE!Check out the show notes (link below) for more information including links and resources mentioned in today's episode!SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper. We're on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you're just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we're excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging
Starting point is 00:00:38 and work from home life all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. Hey, welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Podcast. We are so excited to have Melissa and Corey with us today. They're the owners of The Business Reboot, and they are our friends, and we love them. They've each been on the podcast before, and anytime we get a hang with them, it's usually a lot of laughing. There's been a lot of laughing. So you guys are really going to enjoy this episode. So welcome, Corey and Melissa. Oh, thanks for having us. Thank you. Yeah, we're excited. And I would love for you guys to share a little bit about what the business reboot is,
Starting point is 00:01:20 who you are as business owners as we dive into this. Because you've been each on the podcast separately before. So you've shared a little bit about what you each do, but I would love for them to understand what the Business Reboot is. Tag, you're it. Who's first? I know. You go first, Corey. You go first. No, you go first. Okay. I'll go first. Hi, I'm Melissa. Thanks for having us. No, the Business Reboot is we are an education and coaching hub, essentially for small business owners, for entrepreneurs in general. We want, like we have a big mission and that is to be able to help people run businesses that are wildly
Starting point is 00:01:57 successful and profitable while you're still able to live the life that you love. We don't believe that you should, you know, never have a second to breathe or be able to experience the life that you love. We don't believe that you should never have a second to breathe or be able to experience life in a way that makes all of this work worth it while you're running businesses. And we spent years as entrepreneurs watching people close their doors because they weren't secure in the basics of how to run their business. And we just wanted to put a stop to that. So we are business coaches that help provide a framework that is based on mindset support and systems and strategies that we help you implement, along with providing a lot of accountability and support.
Starting point is 00:02:33 So yeah, we love business and we love watching people win in business. And recently, we've kind of shifted a little bit about how the demographic of people that we're seeing really run wild with the things that we've been able to create. And that's actually women who are over 40. So we've kind of, we're still in that. This is like our third year running the reboot. And we're watching kind of the metamorphosis of the people that we're working with shift to mimic our own demographic. Corey is an elder. You know what?
Starting point is 00:03:05 I really do. She was going to say that. I'm on the younger end of Kori. You know what? You're not that much younger, so I just want that to be a record and documented. Not that much to be significant.
Starting point is 00:03:15 She's still over 40. We're just going to go with that. But it's significant. It is. No. But we really, like our big goal is we love watching people
Starting point is 00:03:23 succeed in business and we just want to be able to help them do that because we've built businesses over the last couple of decades. And it's worked. And we're just here to share our knowledge with people. years in family photography, senior photography, now working mostly, well, actually exclusively with businesses in the branding space. And so brand strategy and how do you tell the stories of who you are and who you serve and the problems that you solve in a visual way. And so being able to bring all of those skills and assets to small business owners, because we have, we've been around the block a time or two, like Melissa says, we are ancient, really, in the small business space. In the business world.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And two, I think what we are seeing is we've built businesses through many seasons and stages of life. My kiddos were going into kindergarten whenever I started my business. Melissa started her business before she had kids. And now she has middle schoolers and high schoolers. And my kids are in post grad and, you know, in college. And so it's one of those things of we are seeing, especially women over 40, really try to navigate this small business world because either A, they're like, I know that I have something that I want to
Starting point is 00:04:37 contribute, I want to put out into the world, I've been dreaming of this, and now it's finally my time and my season. Or B, they have had a career. They have had a very successful career. And maybe it was corporate. Maybe it was medical. We're working with a couple of different people from different varying backgrounds. And they're like, now I want to work for myself. I want to put this out there. So how do I take my experience, my knowledge, my expertise, and how do we package that into
Starting point is 00:05:00 serving in a way that I have ownership of that? I am the small business owner, but I know I can consult. I can almost like a rebranding of their lives and their world. They're rebooting everything that they've done for work. They really are rebooting. And so we get that a lot from clients that are on inquiry calls. They're like, that's really what I need. I need a reboot. I'm rebooting all the things. And so that's where we've really found a great place to serve in. So I really love how you guys opened this up and talked about what you're really seeing out there and how it's women over 40 who are wanting to create something for themselves, to share a story,
Starting point is 00:05:39 to kind of create that second part of their lives. And I think we've experienced something similar and are also noticing there's no lack of passion and ideas that people have in order to start this business. I think one of the biggest challenges is they jump into it, but they don't really know what to do, how to structure it, how to make sure that they make it into something sustainable. And the one thing you guys mentioned is, you know, having that balance, because I think when you're so excited about something, when you start, you're spending all your time on it, and then it's not sustainable, and you burn out. So can we just talk a little bit about like some of the recommendations you would make for somebody who is getting ready to start a business or is wanting to start a business? How are they going
Starting point is 00:06:25 to be able to do all the things they need to do as a solo business owner to get started? What are some tips you would give them? I would say, first of all, is creating a really great plan. I think knowing what is your goal in this business? Who do you want to serve? What are the problems that you solve? What is the area of expertise that you're bringing to the table? But then also looking at it from the perspective of like, you need a really solid plan. You need a really great framework. You need some systems in place. Because I think that especially in the creative field that Melissa and I come from, we are really creatives, you know, creatives at heart. But the business owning side, and even people who've been in business we've watched this recently
Starting point is 00:07:05 with some of our clients have been in business five and ten years and there are still things that are tripping them up and so they'll come to us for a reboot because they're like there's this one dot i haven't been able to connect whether it's business finances and budgeting which is another thing if you're getting started you need to know how much money are you investing to get this thing rolling how much can you commit and then where are you going to put that money for the best use? And so, you know, we've definitely told people get support right away. Don't try to navigate this world by yourself. If you can get into some sort of education program, there are free things out there. There are paid things out there. There's group things out there. There's individual one
Starting point is 00:07:42 on one things out there. But really having support and creating a plan from the beginning is one of the things that we definitely start with. somebody's really excited, you'll be gung-ho. And the next thing you know, you're doing a lot of stuff for free and you do a lot of stuff for notoriety and for exposure. We love a good exposure payment because last time I checked, my mortgage company did not accept that. They don't like that. They will not be on board for that. And so just knowing what you can actually handle. We see time after time people setting themselves up to do way more than they actually can physically take on. And just like I don't believe that, you know, somebody can be good at every single task, like you can be okay, but you can't be amazing at every single thing. I think it's the same with stretching your time, just really knowing what your capacity is.
Starting point is 00:08:40 You know, I will say, because we've recently, you know, kind of discovered and started verbally saying women over 40, like run the businesses, which meant that we were both women in our thirties and I was women, woman in my twenties running a business. And I will tell you that those years where I had, you know, uh, I shot a wedding when my son was 10 days old, which meant I had to figure out how to one, navigate postpartum with a 10 day old and then figure out how I was going to get him fed. How to, I mean like all of, all those things, like I, it was a different game than now where my kids are both teenagers as of this week and, you know, they can sit and look at the wall for, you know, all I care when I got to record a podcast, like I got to get this done.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And so just really knowing the season, knowing what you can actually handle and being realistic with yourself about it because that go-to gung-ho is fantastic, but it's not always realistic. And we're not here to be Debbie Downers and say, you can't do this. But also it helps you to call out when you do have more time
Starting point is 00:09:44 that you're not using efficiently too. So your capacity, that's another good one. I think that's such a great encouragement because often I think we look at what other people are doing, whether they're starting a blog, whether they're starting a brick and mortar, no matter what it is, a new photography business, and we're maybe in either a similar season or we're a similar age. And we feel like our journeys need to align and look fairly similar. And that comparison game can put you in a really bad headspace. And you can fail before you ever even allow yourself to get started if you do that. But one of the things I think is important that you said, Corey, was that you have to have a plan. But one of the things I think is important that you said, Corey, was that you have to have a plan.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And without a plan, then I think you're kind of, you know, throwing noodles on the wall, like common phrase, you know. And while that's easy to do, because a lot of times, a lot of times in blogging, at least people start and they're like, well, I kind of want to have this blog and I think it'd be fun. And what we are trying to help is kind of flip that script a little bit and think like, how can you actually think of this like a business from the start? Because it's really hard to show up every day with something that's just kind of fun. And you're not making an income, you're not pushing the needle forward, but you're just, it's for fun. And it's hard to stay focused on that. So I think behind that, when you pull the curtain, behind that is a mindset and a belief system that they're not really sure that they can build a
Starting point is 00:11:11 business blogging because they don't know if they have it in them. So I know mindset is huge with you guys. How do you encourage people who are, maybe they've been a mom this whole time and they've just stayed home with their kids, or maybe they've worked for somebody else their entire life. Let's say that they've never been an entrepreneur at all. And this is their first taste of that no matter what the job is that we're talking about. What is the encouragement that you have for them as they are getting started like that they can do this? Well, and I think one of the things that Melissa, who's her go to is when you sign yourself up for entrepreneurship, you assign yourself up for a lifetime of self-development and content creation. Like those are two of the things that are really non-negotiables. Like you've got to be able to market yourself, but you constantly going to be challenged in a mindset way because there's always somebody newer, faster, more experienced, less experienced, but making, yeah, cheaper,
Starting point is 00:12:13 less experienced, making a whole heck of a lot more money than you are. Like there's, there's always going to be a comparison. And I think that I know for Melissa and I, where we really try to help our clients is saying, what are your goals? Like, let's look at reverse engineering. Like you said, this sounds like it's going to be fun, but fun isn't sustainable. Fun isn't real. And also fun doesn't pay the bills. And if you want this or need, and some people don't, but if you want your, then that's just an expensive hobby. It's actually not a business. And so Melissa and I are kind of like your tough love sisters to where we're going to encourage you and we will, we are the biggest cheerleaders that you will ever have.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But also we want to shine a light on some of the, you know, the darker corner issues that maybe you need to deal with in order to see success, because it actually might not be this new thing you need to implement or this new product or this new thing you need to buy. It actually might be you that might be creating that. I just need to tell you, we are so polished on this beautiful podcast course. Like there might be things that we need to say. I'm like, if you're in front of me, we're like, girl, ma'am, why are we doing it like this? We're not doing this. That's so funny. No. And you're totally right. And I think that it is the self-development,
Starting point is 00:13:27 the personal development. There are so many ways that we will self-sabotage and we will get in our own way. And if there's anything that we know, and I think all four of us know this, is that it must be nice is the most backhanded compliment. It is my zero to 60 rage compliment when someone's like, oh, it must be nice. And you know what my new response is? It really is. It really is nice
Starting point is 00:13:48 to be able to have this happen to me. But in order to get to a place where it must be nice, it takes a lot of work. We actually were just talking about this yesterday, where if you get with a coach that makes it seem like they're going to be able to provide you with all of the answers and that everything's going to be easy and you won't have to do any work, then they're just going to take your money because that's not going to actually help you. You're going to walk away way defeated. And so we have clients that it is really hard. Every week they come to us and they walk away encouraged, but they come to us defeated because they go, I haven't implemented, I haven't done this. And I'm like, we can't do it for you. All we can do is lead you in the right direction. But Corey and I
Starting point is 00:14:29 say with the reboot that we are like a bowling alley where we're the bumpers on each side and you're the ball in the middle. And we just want you to get to those pins. And what we're doing is anytime you stray too far to the left, we're going to help bump you back to the middle. And anytime you stray to the right, we'll bump you back to the middle because the goal, the end goal of everything is to be able to get those pins down. And so the other caveat to those, if you're looking at this, if you're starting a blog and you're looking at this solely as business, I will tell you that the allure of money eventually wears off too, because if you're miserable doing it, it's not going to be worth it. And so you have to have this balance of fun and looking at it from a business perspective.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And one thing that we do from just the mindset place is remind people that any amount of value and worth that you would give somebody else who's just trying and going for it, doing it, you need to be able to place it on yourself too. Because you don't, I mean, especially again, going back to women over 40, like you're looking at the back end of your life. Like you've got now, hopefully another 40 years, hopefully another like six years, sign me up. But you're looking at, I don't have time to waste. I don't have time to waste. I don't have time. Nothing is worth me not trying. And so we just really think that it's important that if you're going to put in the effort to give it a lesson. And now at least you know what to do
Starting point is 00:16:05 next time or what not to do next time. And it's all like the knowledge is just as valuable as the money. Yes. You brought up something that I think a lot of people struggle with, and that's that you're going to have to have a mindset of change. You're going to have to have a mindset of things are going to go wrong. And I liked your analogy of the bowling alley. You're just going to have to kind of bump back and forth down the lane until you get where you want to go. But if you don't even get the ball rolling, then you're not going to go anywhere. So that's so perfect. Because I think we do, even unintentionally, we throw up all these roadblocks for ourselves. We have the excitement, we have the passion, we probably even know that we could do it we just
Starting point is 00:16:45 for some reason hold ourselves back and i think it's partly like what are other people going to think of me or you know am i going to look like a failure am i going to look strange all that kind of stuff so i really like how you how you put that you know you got to surround yourself with some people that are going to help you stay on that right path so that you can keep moving forward. And you've set that goal at the end, and that's what you're really working towards. And you have to keep that in mind all the time as you're getting yourself set up for all of this. Right. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. Thank you to Memberful for sponsoring this episode of the Ultimate Blog Podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Whether you are sharing your passion for food, art, relationships, family, health and wellness, or travel blogging, you can monetize your blog by adding a membership with Memberful. Trusted by some of the web's most prominent bloggers and independent publishers, Memberful allows you to connect with your audience while building sustainable recurring revenue. With content gating, in-house newsletters, private podcasts, and tiered membership access, Memberful is the ultimate membership software design with independent publishers and creators in mind. Memberful gives you the flexibility to create your ideal online presence, deciding which parts of your website are accessible to everyone or only visible to paying subscribers. Plus, Memberful seamlessly integrates with all of your favorite tools,
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Starting point is 00:19:17 making sure that you're laser focused on what you actually want to do. I think you got to have an idea, you know, instead of just like, I'm picturing a girl in the middle of like a wildflower field, like just prancing right now. Don't ask me why I'm picturing a girl in the middle of a wildflower field, just prancing right now. Don't ask me why I'm picturing this. But he was like, you know, this flower looks pretty. I think that you have to have this more of a concrete idea of like, okay, this is what I want to do. Okay, so instead of being the girl who's floating in a field of wildflowers and doesn't know what she's doing,
Starting point is 00:19:44 let's go back to the beginning. And let's talk about some of those systems and strategies and tools that can help somebody. What are some of the tools and strategies that... Let's say it's a person who is either at the starting point of their business, or maybe they've been a blogger or a business owner for a couple years, and they're just not getting where they need to go. At some point, you kind of have to have a come to Jesus meeting with yourself. And you got to say what needs to change. And if it doesn't change, then what? But you have to kind of go back to the drawing board, I think. What tools can you put into place at that point that somebody is
Starting point is 00:20:21 rebooting or needs a reboot? Okay, So I think too, one of the main things, like we've said before, is it goes back and forth between mindset and strategy and it applies to both is what are the goals? Like what is the ultimate goal? You can't work towards something if you don't know where you're going. It's like you go out on a road trip and you're like, well, I mean, we're just going to see where we land. I mean, for some people that might be great. My type A, Enneagram 3 personality, that's not going to work. I mean, I some people, that might be great. My type A, neogram three personality, that's not gonna work. I mean, I need to know what kind of clothes to pack. Like, just get on an airplane and fly.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Okay, guess what? That's not a good vacation plan. I mean, maybe for some people, not for anybody that has children, I feel like. But I think it's the same thing with your business. Like, you can't just start it. We're just gonna see where it goes. Okay, you could spend a lot of wasted time and money
Starting point is 00:21:01 without having an actual plan and reverse engineering that in terms of what are the needle movers? Like, where am I going? And what are the things, what are the stepping stones that I need to put into place? What daily actions, what weekly actions, what monthly things do I need quarterly? Like, let's break it down. Annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and then daily.
Starting point is 00:21:24 What are your top three things that you need to get accomplished in order to move the needle? Because I think a lot of times as small business owners, we will get into the habit of being busy for just being busy sake. And the things that you're actually choosing to do nine times out of 10, we will choose to do the easy things first. And we put off the hard things that typically are the needle movers because we don't want to address those or we don't want to tackle those. And I think that when we get really good at knowing what are the needle movers, like let's just say for blogging, for instance, you know, you're looking to secure,
Starting point is 00:21:55 well, first of all, you need to put in the time to grow the blog and to have enough longevity that it shows that you have talent, you have knowledge, you have expertise, and you have a readership. So is it creating social media content to bring people to make your blog more visible? And then once you've achieved that, okay, so you know what brands are going to need and want from you as far as demographics and insights and all the numbers, the stats. So now that you've established, you can't be pitching, I'm just assuming, but I would assume you can't pitch brands if you've been blogging for two months. Like that might not be something that's smart. Maybe you need to find your brand voice.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You need some really great visuals. You need to have some assets that you've created and accumulated and you're actually helping people and you're getting feedback. And like I said, the numbers. And then you can start reaching out and looking, okay, now I've done this. I've mastered this skill of creating a blog, consistently showing up and serving through it. And now I want to start monetizing it. But I think a lot of times we will jump straight to the, I need to monetize right away. When it's like, but you haven't even built the platform yet. Like you gotta, you gotta crawl before you walk and you walk before you run. And I think as business owners,
Starting point is 00:23:09 again, it goes back to that comparison trap where you can't compare your beginning to somebody else's second decade. It just doesn't work like that. And I think that we are in a society too where we want fast and furious and instant gratification, Amazon within 24 hours or less. If you live where I live, it might be 48 hours. We're out a little bit, but I think that we're
Starting point is 00:23:31 used to that instant gratification. And most of the time business simply doesn't work like that. Right. I think too, that practicing the craft more, if you're blogging, what do you need to be doing? You need to be blogging. You need to actually be writing. My dear friend, Hannah, who is an author, she teaches a lot of writing courses and helps people get books published herself. And she always says, the number one thing you need to be doing is writing. People are like, what do I need to do to put a book out? Do I need to find an agent? Do I need to start bulking up my social media so that I have a following? And she's like, you need to write. You need to just go write. And, and I think that that is the thing that gets lost
Starting point is 00:24:09 is we get really busy trying to, you know, spin wheels that are going to just create busy work, like Corey said, instead of actually going and doing the thing. And I think, I think this goes back to anytime you feel stuck, you really need to have like a personal powwow with yourself where you get quiet and ask yourself what you want out of this. And I will tell you, and we've been coaching, you know, this is almost four years in and the reboot's three years in and we have yet to meet a business owner that goes, I know exactly what I want from the second we sit down at the table with them. They don't, we don't. And even, I will tell you, with Corey and I, when we started the reboot,
Starting point is 00:24:47 what we wanted then is not at all what we want now. And so you have to be understanding to know that sometimes your desires for what you're wanting this business to look like are gonna shift. They're gonna grow with you, hopefully, as you grow. And if you're gonna sign up for entrepreneurship, you need to be able to sign up not just for personal development, but also for change, because you're going to have to
Starting point is 00:25:10 be resilient and maneuver as things shift. I mean, think about people who started small businesses. Say you had a construction business that you started in 2008. And then the housing market crashes. Well, what do we do now? Right? It's like you have to be willing to have yourself anchored in the purpose of the business and then figure out what you want from it and then go from there. I will say this. It's some absurd number, like 60, 65% of businesses closed within the first two years because people go into it with, again, not knowing their capacity with these big hopes and dreams. And we feel like we're going to be able to take on the world. And you feel like if you put it out there, and we've seen this time and time again, people will have a new offer and they'll put it out there and they're like,
Starting point is 00:25:58 why isn't anybody abiding it? And I'm like, well, because they've seen it one time and you're trusting putting it on Instagram as being the proficient way for somebody to have access to it. But honey, only seven of your 4,000 people saw it. So put it out there again. Got to do it again. And so just getting comfortable with repetition, knowing what you want from this. And when you get stuck and you feel like, I don't know if it's time for me to get help. I don't know. If it is going through your head, should I get help with this? I'm going to just tell you, get help. You should. Don't hire a coach that doesn't have some kind of coach that's feeding into them either. And then just always make sure that you are comfortable with reassessing
Starting point is 00:26:35 because even the tiniest shifts can change everything. Everything. Are you looking for a simplified way to earn revenue from selling your own digital products? We have found an incredible resource for you with Milo Tree Cart. Milo Tree Cart is founded by Jillian Leslie, host of the Blogger Genius Podcast. So she knows exactly the kind of platform a blogger needs to sell their products. There are ready-made sales pages, one-click sales funnels, a user-friendly sales dashboard, all while also getting a dedicated support team to assist you. You can bundle your digital downloads or sell them separately. You have unlimited product storage and all file types
Starting point is 00:27:22 are accepted on the platform. Mylo Tree Cart simplifies the process of getting your digital products into the hands of those you created them for, all while generating more revenue for your blogging business. Click the link in our show notes today to sign up for Mylo Tree Cart and start earning more from your digital products in 2024. from your digital products in 2024. Yeah, isn't it true that it's rarely the glamorous work that's gonna move the needle? You talked about doing that stuff that's going to move the needle.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And it's like, if you're a writer, write. If you're a blogger, blog. It's not all the things that we think about, like, oh, I'm gonna set up this fancy system or I'm going to launch this product fancy system, or I'm going to launch this product to the world, you have to do like the day to day work and the things that move the needle forward. And that's not always the shiny, bright stuff. And we have to stay focused on that, which is so, so hard when there's this long list of things to do. And sometimes we're
Starting point is 00:28:22 not even like just trying to pick off the easy ones're not even just trying to pick off the easy ones, but we're trying to pick off the ones that we think we should do versus what we might know in our hearts is the thing that's really going to make the difference. And it's, I think, really hard sometimes to ignore tasks that are sitting there on our list and just not do them for the sake of doing the things that are going to move the needle forward. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's not sexy. They're not fun. Like, taxes ain't my thing. But if I don't for the sake of doing the things that are going to move the needle forward. Yeah, that's not sexy. They're not fun. Like taxes ain't my thing. But if I don't do them, the government will find me, you know, but you have to do it. I mean, the collecting of the money, the sending the invoices, the, you know, creating the content, doing the contract, like
Starting point is 00:29:00 all of those things are not the most fun because it's not, you end up doing the job maybe 20% of the time. And then the other 80% is you spending time making that business work. But when you also stretch your mindset to look at it as a job, it really changes how dedicated you are to the work too. And I will say this, this is going to be high topic, controversial. Sometimes people are just lazy. And I know say this, this is going to be hot topic, controversial. Sometimes people are just lazy. And I know that none of us want to hear that. But there have been times in my business before where I've been lazy. And I'm like, it's not that I am not capable of doing this. It's that I don't really want to. And so I just don't. And it's been a decade since I had a blog. Corey and I were like the OGs that started on like and you had an RSS feed and
Starting point is 00:29:45 it was like, you know, me and my mom that read what I was writing on the internet. I remember when there were times where I felt like it was tedious. It was not the work being difficult to do. It was just not wanting to. And the same as that, that translates with a lot of things in our businesses. We just have to, we have to be willing to call out our own crap. And I think that that's really hard for business owners, which is why, again, getting help when you've decided, hey, I feel stuck and I don't want to stay here. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:30:14 We're not going to magically be able to pull ourselves out of pits. I love the whole like pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality. And as a kid who grew up in poverty and single parent home, like I can tell you, I have bootstrapped myself as much as humanly possible, but there were times where I just couldn't do it by myself.
Starting point is 00:30:30 And we see a lot of our clients will come to us and they say, you know, I really, like I gave everything I had to be able to do this myself. And it takes a lot of vulnerability to admit that you need help. And so that's why for us with our clients, like we wanna meet them and we want to be the people to rally and go, we're not going to be your bumpers because we feel sorry for you.
Starting point is 00:30:48 We're your bumpers because we know that what you're wanting to do is worth chasing and worth pursuing. And we believe you're fully capable. And with a little bit of direction, you're going to be unstoppable. And so I really do like fall back on, don't sit in stuck, find the help and know that it takes vulnerability to do it. And so you should be proud of yourself for being willing to. I think that is a lesson for life too. Quite honestly, what you just said, it's, we can feel that way in so many areas of our life. And that's, I think the encouragement of not staying stuck, you know, you might stay stuck for a little bit, but at some point you have to look in the mirror and say, okay, how much longer am I going to stay here? Am I choosing to stay here? Because
Starting point is 00:31:28 that's a choice. And that's hard. Like that's really hard to come to that realization. Like, okay, now like pick an area of your life. It doesn't even need to be business. You know, I'm stuck here, but this is now a choice to stay. So what choice am I going to make now? Like, what's one thing I can make now? What's one thing I can make now? And maybe that is something that one of you, I can't remember which one said at the beginning, but accountability. Accountability is huge. And when you're an online business owner, if you're an entrepreneur, sometimes we do need that person who can hold us accountable like, Hey, I thought you were going to do this. Where is it? And so I think accountability is huge. I just,
Starting point is 00:32:07 I don't want anybody to miss that. So if you don't have somebody that is holding you accountable to what you are telling them your goals are, find someone. Because I think that's really an important piece of the puzzle. And I know as we're wrapping up here, Corey and Melissa, I know that you do offer lots of different ways for people to utilize your services. Do you want to share some of those with our community? Absolutely. So one of the things that we're actually doing today is we have workshop series called Built. And it's a quarterly virtual workshop. And it comes with some great resources. And we're talking about different subjects every single time, but all things that are going to really make a big impact
Starting point is 00:32:48 for small business owners and their growth. And really kind of looking at their business through a microscope or a magnifying glass, I should say, for different topics. And the one we're talking about this week or today is working smarter, not harder, and looking at systems and AI for how you can really make huge impacts in your business in a way of working smarter, not harder, because we all have a laundry list of things that need to be done in our business and for our business. And when we can really learn how to use the tools in a very creative way, we can take a lot of those tasks off our plate or minimize the amount of time it takes to get those done. So that's something that we're talking about today. We have two more workshops coming up this year. And then we also have a retreat that will be
Starting point is 00:33:33 happening in June. Melissa, do you want to talk a little about that? Yes, of course. So this is actually going to be a three-day retreat that's in Athens, Georgia, which is where I am. It's going to be so fun to have a retreat in one of our hometowns. We cannot wait for this, but people are gonna be staying at the Athenian Guesthouse, which is gonna be so exciting. It is an all-inclusive retreat, and we basically wanna help you figure out
Starting point is 00:33:56 what's not working in your business and create the new things that you're gonna actually be able to take through the rest of the summer, through the rest of the year while we're together. We're going to be basically jam packing three months worth of coaching into a couple of days, where we're going to have one day of education and teaching, then one day of implementation. And it's going to be really cool too, because just from a branding perspective, you're going to be able to walk away. We say
Starting point is 00:34:20 it's like flipping a switch. You know, at the end of the day, you're closing one business. And then the next day, when you flip the switch on, you're going to open a new one. And just being able to actually implement and put into practice and put into place some of the things that you've been wanting to do in your business and you just haven't done yet. So we're also, again, like I said, with branding, we're going to be providing the opportunity for headshots. And you're going to get one-on-one coaching session with us while we're there as well.
Starting point is 00:34:43 the opportunity for headshots. And you're going to get one-on-one coaching session with us while we're there as well. And our coach, Jessica Rastel, she'll be there doing some talking too, just about implementing speaking into your systems and how you're working. So we're really, really excited about it. All that information and information on Built are available on our website at And also, always we have one-on-one coaching together. Well, I guess it's two-on-one coaching because you get both of us with the initial clients. And it is high touch, high access coaching. So we roll up our sleeves and we get down and dirty with our clients and really help them to implement strategies and to dig into every part of their business that is maybe making them
Starting point is 00:35:26 feel stuck or that they want to grow in. You don't have to be stuck to get a coach. Don't wait until you feel like things aren't working to want to progress. The best thing you can do is when you're feeling good and you're inspired is to have somebody join your team. We like to say that we are the board members, the people that work with you that you don't have to manage. So we do everything from sitting in on interviews with our clients as they're hiring new team members to really just helping them map out how that they can, you know, afford to financially stretch and grow and grow teams. So it's really awesome. But we've got those three things that are, the coaching is always available. The retreat is in June and built is set up quarterly so that you have that quarterly motivation to keep your
Starting point is 00:36:09 eyes on your business. So where can they learn more about your offerings and services, Melissa? You can go to That's our website. You can also find us on Instagram at business reboot, or through our podcast, the business reboot podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts, including this one. We will put all of that in our show notes. And thank you ladies so much. I always appreciate any time that we get to spend with you. It's always a blast. And I always walk away feeling really encouraged. Yeah, so definitely. Thank you. Thanks for pouring into us and have a great day. Thanks for being here with us today. Thanks for having us. Thank you. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with us, please find us on Instagram at Spark Media
Starting point is 00:36:56 Concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration. You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes. For those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the waitlist for the ultimate blog bootcamp. The link to join the waitlist is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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