The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 20. Corry Frazier on Brand Photography and How It Can Impact Your Blog

Episode Date: May 3, 2022

What is brand photography and how can it impact your blog? We have brand photographer, Corry Frazier, on the podcast today sharing that and so much more. Corry works with different types of business o...wners, including bloggers, and she is here sharing her knowledge and expertise on the importance of brand photography, the five branding questions you should ask and share with your photographer when taking brand photos, tips for finding the right photographer, how often she recommends getting brand photography, and tips for feeling more comfortable at a brand photography session. Corry provides so much insight into brand photography and how it can truly impact your business and your blog. Be sure to tune in!Check out the show notes (link below) for links and resources mentioned in this episode!Thanks for listening! Connect with us on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsThinking about starting a blog? Check out the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp!SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper. We're on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you're just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we're excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success, and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging
Starting point is 00:00:38 and work from home life all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. We are so excited to be interviewing Corey Frazier today. We recently connected over on Instagram and Corey is a brand photographer and she is going to share so many amazing tips and tricks with you today. I cannot wait to allow her to introduce herself and her business. So Corey, welcome to the Ultimate Vlog Podcast. Well, thank you ladies for having me. I have been so looking forward to this and connecting with your community as well. So I am very honored to be here on your podcast. So basically I'm a brand photographer. I work with a lot of small business creatives, really trying to craft
Starting point is 00:01:26 and create images for them that will help in their marketing and their conversion rate in their businesses and in the things that they offer the world. So do you work with a lot of bloggers or tell us kind of the different kinds of people that you work with? Because I think brand photography can be a large scope and not just one type of person. And I know we have a lot of different people listening. So who do you work a lot with and kind of explain what brand photography will do for someone? Sure. So I do work with a lot of bloggers. And basically, if you are a business, if you have a business or your brand, brand photography is for you. It's something that I think is very needed. And basically, even people like hairstylists, hair and makeup artists, people who own brick
Starting point is 00:02:10 and mortar stores, I've worked with a bakery before, restaurateurs, realtors, any kind of business that puts out any type of media or has any kind of online presence, brand photography is something that is a great investment. And I also have worked with people who just need headshots. Maybe you're a college professor, but you're getting ready to go and present at a workshop, or you're going to a speaking engagement. They've come in and gotten some great headshots, but more than just the traditional smiling and looking at the camera, thinking about ways that you can create images with negative space so that you can put text or graphics there. Those are all the pieces of brand photography that I think a lot of people don't realize and don't know that it's more than
Starting point is 00:02:53 just a headshot. Yes, I would agree with that. We've had images taken, you know, obviously for our business as well. And I think sometimes we do feel a little lost. What do we really need going into a shoot? What is it that we need? And I think looking ahead at what the business needs is something that is worthwhile to help in regards to what's going to be in the shoot. So let's back it up just a little bit. And do you have a definition for brand photography? Because just in case we have somebody who's brand new to this space, how would you define brand photography? How is that different than a family photo session, for instance? Right. So I think with the family photo session, I've done family photography. That's how I actually got started in photography years ago when we lived in Hawaii. But for me, family photography, it evokes emotion. It's capturing that one moment in time
Starting point is 00:03:43 and freezing it forever. And my mama heart loves family photography. I think any of us who are moms know that we see those pictures of our family. We're like, oh. But when you're looking at brand photography, it's really an entirely different genre of photography. You're looking at the who. You're answering those five main brand stories, if you will, the who. Who do you serve? Who is your ideal client? Who can benefit from working with you or from the services or products that you offer? The next part would be what. What does it actually look like to work with you?
Starting point is 00:04:16 I think when we can show our potential or ideal clients or customers what it looks like to be working with us, whether it's coming into our bakery or having us be their hair and makeup artist, or even showing a brand as a blogger, showing a brand what you can do or how you work with your audience or your community and also with brands. That's an important piece to that puzzle. Also the where. Where can people work with you? Where do you do what you do? I think people love seeing the behind the scenes of you sitting in your workspace. Even messy bun and coffee cup and all, I think that that is an important part. If it's an important part of your brand, that's an important part for you to show. Also, the when. When is a great time to work with you? Meaning, when are you launching
Starting point is 00:05:04 something? You want to make sure that you have images ready for that. I also great time to work with you? Meaning when are you launching something? You want to make sure that you have images ready for that. I also, when I work with branding clients, think about seasons. You don't want to be posting graphics for, let's say, a freebie or an opt-in or a sales page of you in a short sleeve shirt that has a summer print on it when you're trying to put something out at Christmas time. The eye will catch it and say, is something in your brain, even if it's subconscious, we'll be like, hmm, that doesn't make sense. So looking at seasonally, even when I work with clients on a one-time basis, I'm always like, make sure that you bring enough outfits that we can capture what you do or what you're offering in a seasonal way so that it makes
Starting point is 00:05:43 sense to use these images in the spring, these images in the summer, these images in the fall, and these images in the winter. And then also the why. It is a great opportunity for you to share why you do what you do and why you've chosen to serve your community or your audience in the way that you do. And brand photography is an amazing way to capture that. Those are such great tips to think about in regards to that. I mean, all of those reasonings I think can give any blogger, for instance, because that's the majority of those that are going to be listening here. Because I think that that's important to look at why do we need all these things and who
Starting point is 00:06:18 are we? We talk a lot in our course that people really need to know who they're talking to and what they're doing to serve. How are they adding value to others? And so I think adding that photography piece onto it to be used in all the different ways that you've said can really just kind of help their brand have more integrity, you know, just, just really strengthen that for people, for people to see. Right. Absolutely. And I think the visuals are so important that we talk a lot about copy when it comes to social media or obviously blogging, we talk a lot about copy and copy. Those words are so important, but research shows that the visuals that go along with that copy enhances it and makes
Starting point is 00:07:00 it even better. And you get a far longer reaching result when you have amazing images to go along with that amazing copy. And I think too, a little of my education background here, there are all kinds of ways that people take in information. Some people love to read. And so the words on the page really matter. But there are other people who are visual learners. They take in information in a visual way. Other people are auditory processors. They will hop on a podcast and binge all day. And that's how they learn. So I think as business owners, we are missing the mark by not taking some of that research that's out there about how people consume information. And we should be creating in that way so that we are hitting the mark on all types of people who are consuming the information that we spend a lot of time putting out there for the community that we love and that we want to serve.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But there's so many pieces to it that I think a lot of times people are leaving out the visuals and not putting enough emphasis on that. And talking about showing who you work with or who you're working for. I recently worked with a client who is a home organizer. So if you kind of think of like the home edit or Marie Kondo type of style. And so we actually, she brought in a friend who was a model for our photo shoot and we were in the friend's closet and she was organizing and I was taking pictures. And it was fantastic because her community, her ideal client was able to see this is what it looks like when Caroline comes into my closet. I need her to do that for me. So when you have that visual, that is a visual story that you are telling that's so impactful for your community.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I love that because you're talking about so much more than just snapping a photo or having a picture that you can throw up on Instagram. You're really, truly telling a story and showing somebody what you do via those images. So there's got to be a lot more to it than just hiring a friend to come over and snap some photos or just finding a photographer on a Facebook page or something like that. So if somebody wanted and is convinced that they need these images, like what is a tip that you have for interviewing or finding the right photographer to help them? That's a fantastic question. I definitely think that connecting with somebody
Starting point is 00:09:20 on a personal level, especially if you are going to be in front of the camera, because I think so many of us, we can say we're not nervous in front of the camera. But most of the time, we're a little nervous in front of the camera, even photographers. I do prefer to be behind the camera also. So I'll be honest. But I think finding that person that you connect with and feel like I could go and have coffee with them. I could have lunch with them. I could go and have coffee with them. I could have lunch with them. That immediately right there is going to have, you're going to have a connection for that working relationship and build that know, like, and trust factor, which I think is key when you are choosing any
Starting point is 00:09:55 kind of photographer, whether it's a family photographer, a wedding photographer, a branding photographer. But I think that if business owners go into their branding, let's just say a branding photographer interview, if you will, with these key questions and asking like, so how can we plan for this? Do you have a roadmap for us to follow for this shoot? And listening for them to ask or say those things. I have a roadmap. I have a plan. I have all these questions.
Starting point is 00:10:22 What kind of content buckets are you wanting to create for? What kind of platforms are you creating work on and making sure that they have that marketing and branding know-how, if you will. They don't have to have a branding and marketing background, maybe per se, professionally. But as long as they understand those key pieces of content creation, how you're going to be using your images and they're asking you those questions. And if they don't ask you those questions, you ask them those questions. I think the connection and relationship piece is super important. I'll never forget when my oldest son was two, we hired a different
Starting point is 00:11:00 photographer because I loved her images. But during the shoot, she said to me, can you just make him sit still? And I look, I was like, he's two. No, I'm doing my best here, but no. And it was, it was just this very interesting, you know, dynamic there that I was like, I don't think that you get it. Like, you know, some of your images might be beautiful, but like you have to have that connection and the understanding of who you're, who you're shooting, you know? So we didn't use her again, obviously, but I think that that is so important, whether it is family photography or brand photography, because when Jennifer and I have gotten photos taken for Spark or for our blogs, it can feel so awkward.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I mean, for a lot of adults, the last time that we've had pictures taken was either our senior pictures or our wedding day, you know, but other than that, we don't, and it can feel really, you can just feel a little bit out of your comfort zone, you know? And so having that connection with a photographer, I think is super important. I think that's a very good tip to make sure that you feel comfortable with the person that is shooting you, because if you don't, I think that's really going to show in your pictures. Right. That you're not confident. You're not comfortable and you're not confident. A hundred percent. And I think somebody too, that's done their research, that they understand
Starting point is 00:12:16 what it is that you do, because when they're bringing that understanding to the table, they will create better images for you because they will be thinking of things that you may not be thinking. For instance, I was working with an interior designer and I saw we were shooting her living room and there was a little corner where her little boy's toys were. And I was like, you know what? We're going to shoot this from a different, this angle, but we're going to shoot from this angle too, because that is a blog post waiting to happen. How to incorporate your child's toys, your toddler's toys into your living room in a very chic way. Cause she had it done really, really cool. And she was like, I never would have thought about that. And so I was like, well, that's why
Starting point is 00:12:54 you hired me because I see things this way. So I think that when you're looking at hiring a photographer, ask those questions and make sure that you really share extensively about who you are, what you do, and your ultimate goal. If you're looking for just a few headshots or just some smiling pictures with your laptop, well, that's a whole different ballgame. But brand photography is not just that. I think that brings up a really important point that if you're going to be a blogger, it's important to know who you are. It's important to know who you are, who you want to serve. And I think a lot of people sometimes in the beginning can feel a little like confused with that. So we really try to coach our students to get a clear understanding of who they are wanting to serve. And I think
Starting point is 00:13:39 like, you're just reiterating that point that we make so often, but that is really important that they know who they're serving and how they want to show up, how they want to be seen, how they want to communicate. And if that's showing through their content and their photography, then people will really be able to connect with them and understand, oh, I have a question about interior design. This is who I go to because they are the expert in that. Right. Really, truly. I think that's where the magic happens. That expertise shows through when your images and your, what you're, you're writing, what you're saying, what you're sharing in your blog, when those two match up and marry
Starting point is 00:14:15 well and are on the same professional, if you will, level, then I think that's really where the magic happens. Yeah. And it sounds like this, when you hire this photographer, they're not only just there to do what you're asking for, like, hey, I need a few images of this or me in my kitchen, whatever. You're kind of a team and you're working together to meet the needs of those people who you're trying to serve going along. So you're really creating this partnership and hopefully like a long-term relationship that you can continue to work going forward in creating content together.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I'm sure that relationship just keeps improving over time as you get to know each other better and know the content better that that person is creating. Right. 100%. It's like a dance. It's one of those... It's a fine art, if you will, in terms of getting to know their brand and really digging deep. You know, I ask a lot of questions. I do have a roadmap and a plan. And so tell me all of your content buckets. What are some things that are coming up in this quarter that you're going to want to share about that you're going to, you know, what content are you putting out?
Starting point is 00:15:19 And then I kind of come up with the artistic or the visual layout of, okay, this is what we could do. These are the props that you could use. Make sure that you source those. Let's get everything organized. And then I do a very detailed shot list. So I have a consultation meeting. And if that's our first time meeting, we kind of get to know each other. Usually that's not the first time. Usually when they inquire, that's the first time. And they decide like, is she going to be my person or is she not going to be my person? And then once we do the consultation, I come back with a very detailed shot list so that when we do the shoot, it's pretty seamless.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And it just evolves and new things come up. We have the shot list, but kind of like a wedding day. Things happen and you're like, oh, that's a really great idea. Let's shoot that. But I like to be very organized so that we can be very efficient. We can get all of the things that the client needs. And then we have a plan for our next shoot. And I do a lot of repeat clients. And it's like I'm a part of their team, if you will, or their staff to where I'm coming up with a lot of really great content ideas as we prepare for the shoots ahead. I think you're right that you're totally part of their team.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I think it's a fallacy to think that bloggers are doing it all on their own. Most of the time, most of us do have help in some way, shape or form behind the scenes, whether it's just like a confidant helping you through or whether you have people helping with social media or photography or a VA doing things. I mean, I think you're 100% part of the team. And I love that you are willing to kind of like get in their business with them, if you will. And, and really like it is, you're just proving it so much more than just shooting a couple of photos.
Starting point is 00:17:04 it is, you're just proving it so much more than just shooting a couple of photos. Like you're giving them ideas as well, because I think a lot of times we don't always see in ourselves what other people do. And so by you saying, like saying that it just, I don't know, I feel like that would definitely give them confidence because as you're coming in and you're seeing, you know, what they're doing and then you're giving them these ideas that they otherwise wouldn't thought of. I think that's the beauty of what we get to do in blogging is that we can always share in a different way. And all the time we're pivoting and learning like, oh, how can I share this in a different way? Or you have a different lens than they do. And so you giving them a tip or an idea, that's just helpful, quite honestly.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Right. Well, and I think that's why so many business owners hire coaches. It's that outside perspective. Oh, a hundred percent. Another lens looking at your business. And then it's like, oh, wow, you see yourself in a completely different light, or you see your business in a completely different light. And I've worked with business owners that they were like, can I be honest? Your session with me has reinvigorated my love for what I do because it has gotten a little stale. It has gotten a little redundant and I'm in a rut. And doing this branding shoot with you really empowered me to see my business in a different
Starting point is 00:18:18 way. I know what I'm doing is so impactful because you see it the way I intend my community to see it. And then you're capturing it in these beautiful images. Like I can see it, feel it, touch it. This is my business living here in these visual images. And we're telling the story of what I do and who I serve in a very visual way. And so that I'm like, I did not realize that I was going to be a counselor and a therapist, but I am so glad that I can help you in that way. But I really do. I think as small business owners, especially women, and if we are moms and wives and doing
Starting point is 00:18:54 all the things, wearing all the hats, I have found with the clients that I work with, they are just like, A, thank you for taking this off my plate and you taking it and let me outsource it to you. It is worth its weight in gold. But then also thank you for seeing my business and helping me see my business in a completely different light. Yeah. Because we get lost in the details. We're in our business every day and we get lost in the details and the stats and the open rates and the click-through rates and all of that. I think it's easy for us to get lost in the details and the stats and the open rates and the click-through rates and all of that, that I think it's easy for us to get lost in the details. And sometimes you do need that, like the reinvigoration and that reminder of why am I doing this?
Starting point is 00:19:37 And sometimes that's as simple as somebody like you coming in and saying this. Sometimes it's as simple as a comment on your blog or a message on social media. Like, this is how you impacted me today. I mean, people don't realize how far that can go for the creative, quite honestly. Who is? I mean, when we sit down at our desks every day, it's, how can we serve? How can I show up? How can I help? How can I make an impact today? And when you're sitting down with that goal, you want to make sure that you're doing that. And I think that making sure that your visuals, like you're saying, reflect that, that you are passionate about this area. Yeah. And I think that besides just having these images and they look professional,
Starting point is 00:20:21 and then you have some content that you can use, they can have so much more far-reaching impact than just that. You can actually use them to serve people and inspire people and grow your business in so many other ways. So what are some ways that people can use these images once they have them besides just... They might just be thinking, Oh, well, I can post it up as my featured image on my blog post or I can share it on Instagram. But there's so much more to it than just that. And you can have so much more impact than just that. What are other ways that they can use these images? Well, I think that when you look across the board, like where are you showing up online?
Starting point is 00:20:58 If you have a website, those images need to be spot on as well. If you have Instagram, we all know we are attracted to those feeds. And I'm not saying that it needs to be professionally curated at all. I think we've actually moved past that and the trends are more real and honest showing up. And your brand photography can be very real and honest and you showing up in your messy bun in your coffee cup. I have definitely made sure we included a lot of those kinds of images for clients who wanted and needed those as well. But when you look at your social media website, your blog, if you want to get into YouTube videos, having those great thumbnails,
Starting point is 00:21:29 that's an important way to use your images. Sales pages. If you're going to offer a course, if you're going to have a landing page of any sort, those images are great to have on a sales page. A freebie opt-in. If you're doing anything to grow your email list, if you are sending emails on the regular, it's great to have a bank of images to pull from
Starting point is 00:21:49 that are personally branded to you. Stock imagery is amazing and can be great as fillers. But I think that if you have a bank of your own branded images, whether it's you or just your hands doing what you do, I think that that's always the way to go. Maybe it's an ebook or a course that you're wanting to create or have created. Those images are great to use there as well. Maybe you are running ads and you need some great visuals for that. Maybe you're going to host a workshop or you're presenting at a conference or a retreat or a podcast. All of those are great places. And how many times have we done something like that? And somebody's like, we use some of your bio and your headshot. That's the first thing that everybody asks for.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So making sure that you have that on hand ready to send out is super important. So those are just anywhere that you can think that you're going to show up. These branding images are fantastic for that. And I love how you're going to have these all on hand, ready to go. And it's going to just raise your own confidence level so much. So say you wanted to reach out to a brand for some sponsored work. Well, you have an image that you feel confident about sharing with them in your packaging, in your marketing materials. So that I think that confidence just comes through, whether it's like,
Starting point is 00:23:05 like you said, a sales page you're creating, or you're sending emails or whatever the case might be, having these images that you feel confident about together with this product that you've created or whatever it is, I think that speaks through to the person that you're sending it to. They feel that confidence that you have as well. So it's such a good investment to make sure that you have a bank of what you could really use. You've thought through the things that you're going to be doing so that you have all of this ready to go and to share. I think that's just going to continue to help you and come back to you in ways where you're improving and growing your business much quicker than you could have even imagined.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Absolutely. And talking about much quicker than you could have even imagined. Absolutely. And talking about much quicker than you could have even imagined, you know, it's one of those things that some of the, some of sometimes what holds people back from moving to the next step is that they don't have all of the pieces in place to go to that next step and visuals. You know, that's one of the things that might be holding them back. Like, I really want to share this. I don't have a picture and I need to do it, but my toddler just spilled their thing. And I, you know, oh, I got to run, you know, somebody to ball practice. And by the end of the day, you're like, well, I didn't get that one done. But if you have a bank of images that you are ready to just pull from, it makes the
Starting point is 00:24:16 creation of it so much faster and you can accelerate. And I always say, you can go further faster when you have the pieces. It's almost like having your ingredients for a recipe. They're there. And if you can pull it from the pantry and the fridge and everything's already cut up and meal prepped and ready to go, then you can knock out dinner in a flash. But if it's one of those things that you sit down at five o'clock and you're like, well, I don't even know what we're going to have for dinner tonight. It's one of those things that's like, well, we might be doing takeout. So if you can look at making sure
Starting point is 00:24:45 that your brand visuals, your copy, all of your pieces are together and ready to go, it makes the creation and the submission for working with brands or hitting post on the, or publish on your newsletter, your blog, any of those things. When you have all the pieces of the puzzle to sit down, that is one less distractor. And now I've got to go, I had this really great idea. I've written this great post,
Starting point is 00:25:08 but it's living in your laptop because you don't have a great image to go with it. And that's holding you back. So if you go ahead and create those first, then actually I have so many clients that are like, my images are actually driving my content because now I have this picture that you took that I was like, why do I have this one? And she's like, that would be an amazing blog post. I could tell about what I pack for our boating bag. I have all of the links. Everything's ready to go.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And I have an image to share. So I think that's an important piece as content creators that we often don't think about or realize that's what might be holding you back a little. we often don't think about or realize that's what might be holding you back a little. Have you ever wanted to start a blog but had no idea where to begin? Or maybe you have a blog that you'd like to update and want some help to make it the best it can be. We know that there are many people out there who have big dreams for their own blog that never happen because they simply feel stuck. The Ultimate Blog Bootcamp is an eight-week course designed to help you create a solid blogging foundation by teaching you how to treat your
Starting point is 00:26:10 blog as a business, find your audience, design a website that is optimized for SEO, all while providing support via online coaching calls each week of the course. There is a private Slack channel for students as well, so questions will never go unanswered. The Ultimate Blog Bootcamp will give you the tools and support to create a blog that has the potential to turn into a profitable business. We are committed to helping each and every student feel empowered and confident with the foundational principles of blogging and the behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. If you don't want to blog alone, we can help.
Starting point is 00:26:42 We keep each round small in order to provide each student the attention and support we believe you deserve during this process. Since space is limited, get on the waitlist today so we can help you with your blog. The link to join the waitlist is in our show notes or go to and click on the ultimate blog bootcamp. It's interesting that you say that because so when we started Spark Media, we started working one-on-one with clients. And then when the pandemic hit, we were like, we need a shift in our business. And so in May of 2020, we turned it into an online course.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Well, when we were creating that course, we took images from a brand photo shoot and we had everything we needed. I don't know if photographers were even shooting at that time. We are never having another pandemic again. We're just going to put that one out there. But if something were to happen, photographers weren't seeing you in person anymore. I mean, that was just a very ironic example, but we had everything we needed. We didn't have to get any photos taken when
Starting point is 00:27:45 they were done. And granted they were taken, I think they were taken maybe two years prior. Is that right, Jennifer? They were older images, but, and they probably weren't perfect, but you know, we had what we needed. We did. It wasn't like you said, holding us back. No, we've never had a student be like, Hey Amy, your hair's not long anymore. no we've never had a student be like hey amy your hair's not long anymore like you know it's i don't know it just doesn't it still served yes and it was there for us we we had this massive course that we were creating that we had a need for we had a need for the images and the images was one thing off the plate that we didn't even have to think about like so that was a perfect example of exactly what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And we have used those images. I think we've only had like two or three branding actually sessions. We could probably do a lot more. But since Spark was created at the end of 2017, and we use those images still. We do get to a point for sure that we're like, oh, we need new images. Like we're ready. We're ready. These have definitely outworn their welcome here. So with that said, how often do you
Starting point is 00:28:50 recommend like that bloggers do get brand sessions? Because I know that we're behind the eight ball on that one. Yeah. Well, and I would say, I think it depends on what kind of content you're creating, how often you're putting content out, and what your wheelhouse of expertise is. Like for instance, if you, I know, you know, Jennifer does beautiful photography for her blog and for all of her platforms. So, you know, she might not need somebody to come in once a month and shoot pictures of her meals. She does that. She does a great job with it, but you don't normally take amazing pictures of yourself. I mean, yes, you can do selfies and you know, there's, there's selfie
Starting point is 00:29:29 mode on all kinds of cameras and our phones. However, I think again, outsource that piece of it. Have a photographer come in once a year, shoot a bank of images from thinking of the seasons, making sure that you get something to use throughout the year. And then those are your images that you can put yourself front and center, but then you're taking care of your food blog images because you're great at that. But if you're somebody who was like, I have no idea, I don't have a fancy camera or I like the thought of that makes me sweat. Like it just stresses me out and I don't know even where to start, then maybe you need to do something on a quarterly basis to where a photographer comes in. You think in quarters, you're shooting in quarters,
Starting point is 00:30:10 and you have those images for quarter one, quarter two, quarter three, and quarter four. Or maybe you're somebody who creates a ton of content and you need something on a monthly basis and you find a photographer that will come in and do new images for you every single month. And it's a rolling rotation of images every month. So really, I think it depends on what is your bandwidth as to what exactly you need. What is your area of expertise? Can you take some of these pictures of maybe the crafts that you're creating and sharing, or maybe the recipes you're creating and sharing. If you can do that, hire the brand photographer to come in
Starting point is 00:30:47 and take pictures of you doing the thing that you do best. And are you doing something that you're going to teach somebody how to do? Or you with your children, or you with your, if they're part of your brand, you and your family, come in and do some of those kinds of things of, you know, your kiddos sitting on the counter
Starting point is 00:31:02 while you're mixing cookie dough. That's going to be something that, well, I would think would be a little challenging for you to set everything up, get the, you know, four-year-old and the two-year-old to sit here. Like that would be stressful. Have somebody else outsource that, have somebody else come in so that you can get everything set. They're ready. You bring in your kiddos or your dog or whatever it is that you're working on to create that story and, you know, hire out that sort of thing. I think that's such a good point because, you know, I sit here and think, well, I just share recipes. So I'll just take pictures of the food and be done with it. But now I'm thinking there's a lot of posts that I've
Starting point is 00:31:36 wanted to do in the past and I've been held back because I want to do a tutorial, but how am I going to get the pictures of me doing the steps if I don't have a whole big setup? So having somebody come in and I have a list of things that I want to share, like teaching people how to do going forward, it would be so beneficial. So there may be people out there that just need to think outside the box a little bit in terms of the content that they're sharing and think about how incorporating themselves, their family, whatever into those photos can make such a difference. I can think like a food blog, you know, if you're sharing recipes for your family, like showing your family,
Starting point is 00:32:18 sitting around the table, actually enjoying the food that you make can create that connection. And, you know, have people really seeing you as a person and that you're actually feeding your family with these foods that you're creating might just strengthen that relationship that you have with your readers too. I agree a hundred percent. And I think that's where we build that know, like, and trust factor. And we all know that we connect with people that we know, like, and trust. And I think that when you show up as the face of your brand, but it doesn't mean that you have to include your family in every single post. I have teenagers and my girls are older. And whenever they hit their teenage years, they were like, I am not going to be on your Instagram.
Starting point is 00:32:55 No, thank you. You know, I definitely, or let me look at that before you post it. You know, I definitely respect where they are and their privacy and who they are. But if you have little ones and that is something like you said, I definitely respect where they are and their privacy and who they are. But if you have little ones and that is something like you said, that you are creating meals and helping moms create healthy, quick family meals and family recipes, then to be able to include your family in a couple of shots quarterly, I think that it builds that know like, she's a mom just like me. If she can do this and feed her family of five on that budget
Starting point is 00:33:26 that she's talking about creating those recipes on, then I definitely can do it too. So I think that that's where that connection piece and don't hide behind your brand, be the leader of your brand, be the face that people can connect to. And that is done through brand photography. So for those that feel a little uncomfortable about getting out from behind their brand, from behind their camera and getting in front of it, what tips do you have? I know Amy had to convince me to get the first round of photos taken. And once I did it, it definitely felt more comfortable. What tips would you give somebody who hasn't had that done yet to convince them or to make them feel more comfortable with taking that next step?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Sure. I definitely think, like I said before, making sure that you have a photographer that you connect with and that you feel like I could be their friend. The second would be, you know, find clothing that you love. And that when you see like you're, you know, at a dinner party or you go out with friends or you're at your child's birthday party and like you saw yourself wearing that outfit, you were like, dang, I looked good. That would be the thing that you would want to wear for your photo shoot. You know, finding clothes that you, and two, remembering the angle is so important. I will never forget my mom said, I don't know. She saw a picture of herself ending on Facebook. And she's like, why did you let me
Starting point is 00:34:41 wear that dress? Like, why do I look like that? And I'm like, mom, it's just the angle. Like, let me take a picture of you. I'll show you that dress looks amazing on you. And so I think that when you also work with photographers that you can be very honest with and say, look, I have a little hesitation about getting in front of the camera is not my favorite thing to do. Do you have any pointers or tips or those kinds of things? Like, do you know how to pose people that maybe don't feel super comfortable in front of the camera? And if you're like, girl, I got you. I know exactly how to have you stand. I know how you will do this. We'll do that. Then that is the photographer you're going to want to go with. But I think really, and truly also remembering
Starting point is 00:35:21 your why, remembering your purpose that yes, it is painful sometimes to get in front of that camera, but think about who needs to know what you have to offer and share and teach. And for me, that always helps me in my 46 year old self, get in front of the camera, show up on Instagram stories with no makeup, no eyebrows painted on and messy bun, because I know that I'm helping somebody somewhere and something that I'm saying is going to resonate with somebody. So I think that when it's a combination of knowing, liking, and trusting your photographer, finding clothes that you really feel good in and that, that make you feel amazing about yourself. And also having that trusted friend that's like, girl, that's the one you need to wear. Do not wear that. Like this is the one that you need to wear,
Starting point is 00:36:08 you know, and make it fun. I think that when we overthink things or that we make things more of a chore, it then becomes a chore. So I think if you look at it as I'm going to go out and buy a new outfit, I'll pull some old things from my closet, but make it an experience, then I think you look forward to it a little more. And then realizing that sometimes we have to get out of our own way to share the giftings that we have to offer. I think that's a great point. I would also add, do not shop for your clothes the night before your session. I mean, we've never done that, right? Never done that. I don't know why I would have that tip to offer.
Starting point is 00:36:44 done that. We've never done that. I don't know why I would have that tip to offer. Or don't send Jennifer to the shopping center to go pick out all of your clothes because you haven't. And that has totally happened. Face timing at the store and Jennifer picking out clothes and then bringing them over. I mean, classic fail. Do not do that. I think the underlying theme that I'm kind of hearing in this too, and none of us have this... Well, you have said it a little bit, Corey, but you have to be a bit organized with this. So understand how you want to show up and how you want to serve and what your business truly needs. And then you're going to end up with pieces of photography that you can use in multiple different ways of your business. So if you're not sure how you're needing to show up or what you're wanting to share or
Starting point is 00:37:30 what's next in your business, that's where I want you to start. Right. Because I think that that's going to be important and that's going to make your brand session even more successful as well. If you have a really good handle on this is how I need to show up and this is what I need to do. So these are the images that I need. Right, exactly. Go in with a plan. And I think that that's important as a business owner to come to your session
Starting point is 00:37:51 or come to your photographer with, this is what I know I need. And I'm going to hand it off to you to create that, but this is what I need. And this is where I'm going to be using my images. And in fact, I have a really great tool that can help in planning your session. And it's called 50 Ideas for Your Brand Photography. And it is a great handout, if you will, or a download that you can go through. And it really breaks down
Starting point is 00:38:14 all of the places, kind of like what I mentioned before, that you can use and that you need brand photography. And then there is an entire brain dump list, if you will, 50 ideas. How could I use brand photography? What are some things that I could do and that I do do in my business that I want to make sure is captured and I want to tell that story or I want to share this tip. So 50 ways.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And I think that if you just kind of brain dump and get all of the ideas out and spend a couple of days going through it, then I think that it's great to then take that to your photographer and have them help you organize that into content buckets and really plan your shoot around those ideas. That makes it so much more helpful for your photographer. It makes it easier for you and making sure you have those images on hand when you're ready to start posting and
Starting point is 00:39:02 sharing things. Yeah. We will put that link for that freebie in our show notes, because I think that is going to be so helpful for all of you to take a look at as you're thinking about what kind of images you might need for your blogs and websites. So thank you for sharing that with us. And I know that people are going to be asking, okay, so where is Corey and how can I get Corey to me? So tell us a little bit about how you serve. Do you only serve the people where you're at and also share with people where you are? Right. So I'm on the coast of North Carolina, a little North of Wilmington, right outside of Camp Lejeune for anybody who knows anything about
Starting point is 00:39:41 the Marine Corps. And I fly anywhere that you would like for me to come. I do serve a lot of our local market here, but because we have been a Marine Corps family, my husband just retired after 30 years of service. And we have friends all over the world and I have clients all over the world. So I do travel and do quite a bit of destination photography, especially now that our girls are all in college. I am an empty nester and it makes me sob every day. But yes, I am available. And I'm also available you can definitely hop on a consultation call. And I will be glad to help in that way, especially coaching you through how to plan your brand photography session. Because I've heard that from a lot of people. They're like, I'm having a hard time finding a brand photographer in my area. So I'm definitely
Starting point is 00:40:40 available for consultations, but I will fly just about anywhere. Do you want to share also a little bit about your membership? Because I think that that might pique some interest as well. Absolutely. So I have a membership and it is, I have a limited number of available spots in there, but basically you pay a flat fee and I come and shoot with you quarterly, which is really awesome because then it takes the pressure off a little bit of having to create everything that I'm going to need for the year in this one photo shoot. It really helps us think about quarterly. I think as business owners, especially as you grow in business, you start to think a little more about quarters and you're looking at your analytics
Starting point is 00:41:19 and you're looking at your sales and you're looking at what am I launching? What is my goal to put out by quarter four? So we create based on a quarterly system. And that has been super helpful for those branding membership clients. And it's also a guarantee that you're on my calendar. You get first dibs and we book it out with flexibility, of course, because things come up, especially for those of us who have families. But it is a surefire way to make sure that you also have consistent brand images by being in my membership, because that means I'm the one that's going to be shooting for you and with you every single time. And I have had somebody just recently inquire about, could we shoot on a monthly basis? So we are working that out now. So absolutely, the membership is a phenomenal way to go if you are doing a constant content
Starting point is 00:42:06 creation piece in your business. I love how many ways you serve. Oh, thank you. It is beautiful the way that you're using this gift that you've been given to help others serve and use their gifts with and share them with the world. So I have loved every single moment of this episode. And I know that everybody else is going to as well. And they are going to want to connect with you. So Corey, will you please tell everybody where they can find you and how they can connect with you? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:34 So I have a website, I am on Facebook and Instagram as Corey Frasier Photography. And I actually, I have a retreat that a friend of mine and I have created. We have a separate business called The Business Reboot. So we help small business creatives, basically, if you're in the creative industry, which I know most of you are in, where we really focus on the business part of your business. I think a lot of times we get super excited about all of the shiny, pretty things. And then when we start looking at the backend business part, it's like,
Starting point is 00:43:13 whew, that is overwhelming or that gets overlooked or it's overwhelming and you drown. So we are really focused on helping reboot or helping you fall in love again with the business part of your business. So we have a retreat coming up. We did one in Charleston in January, and we have a retreat coming up in September of this year also. Awesome. We will link all of the ways that they can connect with you and the business reboot link as well for them to check that out. Thank you so much for coming today. This has been so amazing and so helpful. People are going to be so blessed by this episode. Thank you. I hope. And if you have any questions, you guys don't hesitate. DM me, email me, reach out. I will be glad to help in any way I can. Thanks, Corey.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Thanks, Corey. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with us, please find us on Instagram at Spark Media Concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration. You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes. For those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the wait list for the Ultimate Blog Boot Camp. The link to join the wait list is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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