The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 22. An Ultimate Blog Bootcamp Success Story: Jennifer Alastanos

Episode Date: May 17, 2022

Today we are chatting with Jennifer Alastanos. Jen is a former student of ours in the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp. We chat all about the success that she has had since joining and launching her blog in Nov...ember 2021. Jen shares how she structures her blogging schedule with still having a full-time job, how she stays motivated to keep going, and offers encouragement to a new blogger. If you are wondering how you can get started blogging, listen in to Jen’s story!Check out the show notes (link below) for links and resources mentioned in this episode!Thanks for listening! Connect with us on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsThinking about starting a blog? Check out the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp!SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper. We're on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you're just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we're excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success, and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging
Starting point is 00:00:38 and work from home life, all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. We are so excited to be with Jen Alistanis today. Jen is a former student of ours in the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp, and it is so exciting to watch her blog continue to grow. So she has the blog Florida on foot and welcome to the podcast, Jen. Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to talk with you guys today. Yeah. Okay. So how about you just start out telling us a little bit about your blog and the niche
Starting point is 00:01:16 that you have decided to talk about? Sure. So as you mentioned, my blog is Florida on foot. And so I mostly share different outdoor adventures in the state of Florida. A lot of hiking, also some kayaking, paddling, biking, pretty much anything outdoors. And so I focus a lot on different state parks, as well as some county parks and other local areas. And I launched my blog back in November of 2021 after taking the ultimate blog bootcamp course.
Starting point is 00:01:48 So you said you launched in November, 2021. Now, did you always know that you wanted to be a blogger or when did you decide to kind of go down this path? How did that journey look for you? Yeah. So I would definitely say I didn't always know I wanted to be a blogger, but I did have the idea kind of, I guess, originally back in 2020, I got more interested in checking out some of the local parks and areas in Florida, because travel was obviously very limited at that time. And I ran into a blog by an Orlando blogger who had happened to recently visit a park that I was planning to go to. And there were just some useful tips in there that you can't necessarily find on a state park website. And I was like, well, this is really cool. She didn't have a lot of like park content.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And that's what kind of initially, I guess, gave me the idea. But I didn't really do anything with it at that point. But I did start kind of exploring some of the parks. And after I visited one in early 2021, I sort of typed up a recap of what I did and where I went in that park. And I just kind of saved it on a Google Drive. I didn't really do anything with it after that. But it was kind of, I guess, my first attempt at a blog post, if you can even call it that now that I know a little more about blogging. But that just kind of sat there in early 2021. And later in the year, something kind of sparked the idea again. And I was like, maybe I should really do this. And I didn't know anything about blogging, like literally nothing. And I logged on to Wix and kind of created an account. I did buy my domain name. And other than that, I didn't really know what
Starting point is 00:03:25 I was doing, but I had something set up. And later that night, I was actually scrolling on Instagram. And that's when I saw you guys were having a blogging 101 webinar on someone's story. And I knew I had to sign up because I realized I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. And with talking to you guys through the webinar, I got really excited about the possibilities. And then that's when I joined the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp and really launched my blog. So when you decided that you wanted to launch this blog, did you have a picture in your mind of what this was going to look like, what goals you had, or were you really just wanting to document your journey? Yeah. So I think that's definitely developed over time. I knew I wanted to just start sharing about the outdoors in Florida, but I didn't know exactly what this
Starting point is 00:04:10 was going to look like. I think also I just, there was a lot behind the scenes that I had no idea that was blogging entailed. And so I don't think I really had a great vision when I started and it's kind of developed over time as I've learned so much more and really gotten started in this whole process. So out of pure curiosity, knowing what you know now, would you still have started? Absolutely. I was hoping you'd answer that in a way that I wanted you to. Yeah, no, it's been really fun. It's been really great. I think having like been out of school for a while, it's been really fun. It's been really great. I think having like been out of school for a while, it's been really fun to just learn something new that has challenged me
Starting point is 00:04:50 and just to have kind of a passion project on the side for me to focus on because I don't have to spend hours studying anymore. So instead I can learn about blogging. That's so true. I think that it definitely starts for a lot of people kind of like that, like a passion project because a lot of people like that, like a passion project. Because a lot of people, when they start their blogs, like you, it's something that they're
Starting point is 00:05:11 interested in. It's something that they are passionate about, that they enjoy sharing about. It's something that their friends might ask them about. And so you just naturally turn that into a way to share with a broader range of people besides just the people kind of in your inner circle. So now you're a blogger and you also have a full-time job. Is that right? Yeah. So I work as a clinical pharmacist in the hospital. So I'm typically working at least 40 hours a week.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So that's definitely been something to consider as I started with this blog and realized how much work goes into each post. And so I've actually kind of only set the goal to do one post a week because I know it's sort of what is manageable for me at this time. I know obviously if you can get two, three posts a week, you're going to probably see more growth quicker. But for me, it was really important to just set something that was attainable for me and something that I could be really consistent with. And so far, I have been able to consistently put out a post every Friday since launching in November. And that's something I'm really proud of, because I think if I would have set a bigger
Starting point is 00:06:21 goal, I would have just gotten kind of overwhelmed and maybe just given up where this is really reasonable and attainable and also still keeps it fun for me. I think that's really important to note because while you can grow, yes, faster with two to three blog posts a week, that doesn't mean that one blog post is insignificant in any way. I'm sure that your traffic continues to grow, whether it's slower than it might have been if it was more posts. I still think that you're out there proving that you have something to share and it's something of value and people are coming back and referencing that. And I think that the way that people are exploring more these days, I just feel like there's more of a hunger for that. And I think that only more people will continue to
Starting point is 00:07:05 find your content and find it helpful. I just, yeah. I also love that you have a super healthy relationship with blogging. That sounds funny to say a healthy relationship with blogging, but it's kind of true because I think a lot of times in life in general, we think about things like in an all or nothing kind of mindset. And I think you started by what you just said, going in saying, I'm going to do what I can do and what I'm capable of doing. And that's going to be good enough instead of comparing it to the blogger next door, you know, and saying, well, if I can't do it as good as she can, then I'm just not going to do it at all. And that's really important, I think, to know and
Starting point is 00:07:45 kind of give that permission to other people that even if you don't have time to post three times a week, it doesn't mean that your blog is worth nothing. You still have a voice. You still have value that you can add and things that you can share with other people that can be helpful. So thanks for sharing that because I think that that can be really encouraging to a lot of people who are kind of at that point that they're trying to decide, do I want to blog or not? And do I have the time or not to blog? So you've had to really probably get creative with that in your time. And I'm sure you've had to make a sacrifice once or twice in order to get the blog post written. How else would you say that you balance having a full-time job with also this decision to grow your blog on the side?
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah. So I think it's partly just being pretty intentional about my time. What I've been trying to do is kind of coming up with my four ideas each month. So I sort of know what I'm planning to post each month. And then just knowing that I need to get it done. I think also I'll try to edit photos together for like multiple different posts, kind of batching my work in that way. And then also I'm just kind of squeezing it in when I can. My boyfriend's also really supportive and kind of helps to encourage me to keep going. If there's a week where I'm like, you know what, I don't think I'm going to do a post. He's been really
Starting point is 00:09:07 encouraging from the start, which has been super helpful and just helps to keep me motivated. And yeah, I'd say just kind of planning ahead a little bit and bashing my work when I'm able to. And speaking of that motivation, you said this is way more work than I ever thought it was going to be. I would still do it again. But you. But the content that you're creating can't be just super easy because A, you have to go to a location, you're taking photos, you're taking a significant amount of time out of your day to go visit these places and learn about them and then do your research, write up these posts. How do you stay motivated when it does get hard? Like what is the reward that you're getting for yourself that keeps you going?
Starting point is 00:09:49 I think for me, it's been that I've really enjoyed getting to explore new places locally here in Florida and the Tampa area, as well as beyond. I've always really enjoyed the outdoors, but I think when I initially moved to Florida, I kind of had the mindset of there's no mountains, there's no hiking. And it really opened up my eyes how much there is to do here. There's 175 state parks. So I still have plenty more to explore. I've only been to about 15 of them so far. But it's just it's honestly really fun. Our dog Zelda loves to go to the parks with me and explore them. So for me, the content is just really fun. And it's just, it's honestly really fun. Our dog Zelda loves to go to the parks with me and explore them. So for me, the content is just really fun. And it's one of my main hobbies to be able to go explore these new places. And I just really enjoy sharing them with other people.
Starting point is 00:10:34 So I think finding a niche that you're really passionate about is something that is very important and not just picking something that you think will grow quickly. For example, I know food blogs are very popular. And for good reason, I love being a consumer of them. But I know I just like to make my food and eat it. And I don't want to take pictures. And I also don't create my own recipes. So I know that that's not for me. So I think to stay motivated is it's really important to think about what your niche is and being passionate about it and not just picking what you think might be most popular or easiest to grow. You said something important there too, that I'm really glad that you included. You said there was 175 state parks in Florida,
Starting point is 00:11:17 and you've only visited 15 and you started a blog anyways. And that is really, I think, And you started a blog anyways. And that is really, I think, encouraging because I feel like one reason that people can feel stuck in this, I think in the balance between starting a blog and sitting on the sidelines is they think that they don't have enough information yet. And they tell themselves, well, I'm not an expert necessarily in that area. And so I shouldn't even move forward. I love that you went ahead and did that and said, well, I'm not an expert necessarily in that area. And so I shouldn't even move forward. I love that you went ahead and did that and said, well, I'm going to learn. I'm going to learn to blog and I'm going to learn about Florida State Parks simultaneously. Because I think that that's a really beautiful way to share with people very organically and very naturally as well,
Starting point is 00:12:02 when you're learning along as you're sharing. So that's encouragement for anybody who feels like they have to have it all figured out before they start as well. Because you did just kind of jump in. And I think that's so cool that you're, you didn't really have this idea to be a blogger. You kind of thought about it, but then just attending the webinar, you were kind of like, I'm going to do this. And you just jumped in. Are you one who normally does that just jumps into things? Or do you have to like think about things for a long, long time usually? So I'm pretty type A. So I wouldn't say that I'm the kind of person that usually just like jumps in. But I don't know, I think I was looking for
Starting point is 00:12:40 something else fun to do. I'm very goal oriented. And it was kind of like, just something new to learn about and work towards. So I would say this would be something I did a little more impulsively than a lot of things that I typically do. But it's been really fun. And it's been a great learning experience. So I definitely wouldn't change it. And I think it's one of those things that I almost had to not think about or I would have easily talked myself out of it. Oh, yeah. I think we can talk ourselves out of anything that feels like it could be too hard, you know? Yeah. So I'm glad you didn't do that. I'm glad you didn't. Cause it was so fun to have you in the bootcamp and it's been fun to
Starting point is 00:13:14 stay connected with you. You take beautiful pictures of Florida, like beautiful pictures. So you're clearly extremely talented. And I love that you're willing to share all of this with the people, even those of us who live in the middle of Kansas, smack dab in the middle of the country. It's fun to just see what there is to do there. Yeah, definitely. And I think obviously Florida is a big vacation spot. And I know a lot of people come for either the theme parks or the beaches, which for good reason, there's a lot of great things to see there.
Starting point is 00:13:46 But I think it also could give you some other ideas, even people that live outside of Florida, of places to visit or things to see, because there definitely is so much more to explore here. And it's all so beautiful. And I think a lot of people might be scared to niche down as much as you have. I mean, it's pretty specific that you're talking mainly about state parks in Florida. And some people might shy away from that and say, I can't just talk about that, or I'm not going to have an audience for that. But I would guess that if you sit back and think about it, you probably have a couple different target audiences that you can write towards. You've got the people who live in Florida, like you, who are looking for
Starting point is 00:14:25 those types of activities, but also the people that are traveling. Florida has a lot of tourism. So wow. I mean, your audience is probably just as big as the rest of ours when it comes to some of that because so many people may be looking for something unusual to do or something different or off the beaten path to do while they're there. So just being able to get the word out about that is amazing. Do you kind of keep the picture of those people in your mind when you're writing your posts? Do you try to like think about the questions that they would have? Yeah, definitely. So I definitely try to do some research before I do a post to kind of see what are some commonly asked questions. Also, since a lot
Starting point is 00:15:05 of these places I'm new to exploring myself, I even just think about what else did I want to know or what else did I learn once I was here that would have been great to know before I came and trying to include that kind of content in my posts. Because like I said, you can find a lot of information on like a park website, but then there's little things like where did I park to access this specific attraction in the park? Or there's more than one entrance. What exactly is at each entrance? So just finding those little things that people might be interested in knowing or wanting to know. And then also because Florida is such a big state, I think about like what else is really near to each park that I might visit? So someone might be in Orlando for a vacation, but maybe they want to travel the 30 minutes to Blue Spring State Park to see the manatees.
Starting point is 00:15:50 So kind of pointing out those unique attractions that might be nearby, something else someone is coming to visit for and making that known as well. So you never worry that you're going to run out of things to write about, do you? No, I think when I very first started and when you guys kind of taught me about niching down and everything in the bootcamp, I think at first I was sort of afraid, like, am I going to have enough things to write about? But now I honestly, on my phone have like a note section and it's just like blowing up with ideas as I visit more places, see more places. I just went this morning to a couple botanical gardens for a post that I'm going to be writing up soon. So really once you get started, I think it shows
Starting point is 00:16:29 you how limitless the options are, but it was definitely a little bit scary right at first, but I definitely trusted you guys. I think too, probably something that you found that we found is when you create content, it also allows people to ask questions that then in turn help you create content as well. So do you find, are people engaging with that, whether it be, you know, on Instagram or on your blog, are they kind of giving you ideas for content as well? Does that help? Yeah, definitely. I think, cause I'll share a lot of pictures from places that I go and sometimes I haven't even created a post yet, but people will start asking questions about the different places that I visit. And I think that definitely helps to kind of spark some other ideas and also get some ideas of the kind of information people are looking for.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I definitely find it helpful to have Instagram as well as my blog just to kind of engage with some other people and get more ideas from my audience there. But obviously, the ultimate goal is to direct them towards my blog for sure. Right. Social media is a powerful tool. I mean, I think we couldn't possibly deny that. That's where you connect with a lot of people. A lot of people don't always comment on blogs anymore the way that they used to many years ago. They more do that on social media. So I think social media is a great tool to have, but I love that you've stayed consistent with posting on your blog. That way, those people who you are connecting with on Instagram always know that they can go to your blog and get that stuff. There would be nothing worse than traveling to Florida and you're going to visit some of
Starting point is 00:18:03 these state parks and you're having to like scroll through your Instagram feed, trying to find all the details. I mean, when they could just easily go to your blog, use the search bar and find whatever they need right there. And it's like in list form, ready for them to devour and use so they can have a good experience at the park that they're visiting. Yeah, for sure. I definitely think having the blog as the central point place is really important. And I try to have it broken up into different sections for like North Florida, Central Florida and South Florida to help make that information really easy to find for anyone that might be visiting my site. And I try to include everything in the blog post that you
Starting point is 00:18:40 would, you know, really want to know when you are visiting a new park. you would, you know, really want to know when you are visiting a new park. Have you ever wanted to start a blog, but had no idea where to begin, or maybe you have a blog that you'd like to update and want some help to make it the best it can be. We know that there are many people out there who have big dreams for their own blog that never happened because they simply feel stuck. The ultimate blog bootcamp is an eight week course designed to help you create a solid blogging foundation by teaching you how to treat your blog as a business, find your audience, design a website that is optimized for SEO, all while providing support via online coaching calls
Starting point is 00:19:17 each week of the course. There is a private Slack channel for students as well, so questions will never go unanswered. The Ultimate Blog Bootcamp will give you the tools and support to create a blog that has the potential to turn into a profitable business. We are committed to helping each and every student feel empowered and confident with the foundational principles of blogging and the behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. If you don't want to blog alone, we can help. We keep each round small in order to provide each student the attention and support we believe you deserve during this process. Since space is limited, get on the waitlist today so we can help you with your blog. The link to join the waitlist is in our show notes or go to
Starting point is 00:19:54 and click on the ultimate blog bootcamp. So what is your long-term goal with blogging? You've been doing it now six-ish months, it sounds like. So as you've done this longer, are your goals kind of shifting from when you started or what does that look like now? Yeah. So I think, I mean, obviously when anyone starts a blog, the idea of monetizing it is definitely very exciting. But I think also you have to be realistic about it. It's a lot of work and it also depends in what angle you want to try to monetize your blog.
Starting point is 00:20:35 For me right now, that's not really a major goal. I'm looking at that as more of a potential long term. I'm not trying to grow as like a full time blogger at this point. I still really enjoy my day job. was like a full-time blogger at this point. I still really enjoy my day job. So I think just being realistic with what expectations you have. I initially started sharing some affiliate links, but I kind of learned that I didn't really enjoy that aspect of it. And I really would rather just work on creating my content on my blog and really focusing on that because those posts, while I will, I'm sure update them from time to time, they're going to be there forever. And so it's really about driving that traffic to your blog and hopefully one day having enough traffic to qualify for an ad network. But I realize it's going to be a little
Starting point is 00:21:14 bit of a slower process and I'm okay with that. I think it's so important what you said. You stay in your lane and you focus on what fulfills you, what you enjoy doing, what you enjoy spending time on. Yes, there may be other ways to bring in some revenue, but if affiliate sales are not for you, then leave that off the table. Like for me, it's sponsored work. I don't care for that. So I leave that off the table. If you can really focus in on where you want to spend your time and what's most important to you, that's going to take you further faster than trying to rush into doing a whole bunch of different things. And you'll enjoy it more. Really, if you're doing what you're doing
Starting point is 00:21:51 because you love to do it, but not because you have to do it or because that's what it means to be a blogger, then I think that you'll enjoy it much more. I think that your healthy boundaries that you've set for yourself with one post a week and then knowing what you're comfortable doing and what you're not comfortable doing are really healthy, very healthy suggestions for people. I mean, I'm talking new bloggers, seasoned bloggers. I think it's important to look at what you're doing and ask yourself, does this bring me joy? Because quite honestly, blogging should feel joyful. I think it should,
Starting point is 00:22:25 this is our full-time jobs, but I wake up every morning excited to do it. And if, and if that joy is gone, then I think that it's time to kind of redirect and ask yourself, where did I lose it? Where did I lose sight of what I was doing? And why am I no longer feeling the joy that I felt in the beginning? I love that you still love your full-time job and that that still brings you joy and that you know that this is kind of your thing on the side. Cause I think oftentimes people kind of get lost in their full-time job and that this, the day in the day out of it, and then they don't have a passion project or something that they really enjoy. So I appreciate that you've stayed in your full-time job and then chosen to do this on the side. And I think that there's a lot of people who that might
Starting point is 00:23:10 be their goal too. And that's perfectly fine. Like Jennifer, you said it earlier, like kind of like staying in your own lane, knowing that your blogging journey doesn't need to look like anybody else's blogging journey. And there's no right or wrong way to have a blog. That's the beauty of it. I mean, all three of us here on this call have three different niches, three different audiences and three different goals, you know, and we're all still doing it. And so I think that that's, that's the awesome thing about it is there truly is room for anybody and what they want to get out of it. You can get out of it. Yeah, Absolutely. And I think that's one thing that's really important to keep in mind is not to necessarily compare yourself to anyone else, especially for someone that is starting out as a new
Starting point is 00:23:53 blogger. Number one, there's just so much to learn. And I think that in itself is a huge accomplishment and something to be proud of just getting to the point of launching and then maintaining that blog. And it can be very easy to see, well, this person went from nothing to a full-time blogger and, you know, no time with maybe mine isn't good enough for what am I doing? But I think it's just important to really stay focused on your, on your own journey and not compare, you know, your chapter one with other people's chapter 20 and keeping in mind kind of your why, like, so you still have fun with it, regardless of what
Starting point is 00:24:24 your goals are for growth. Because I think if you're not having fun and it's not bringing you any joy, it's just going to be something else you dread. And that's definitely not the outlook we want when it comes to blogging. It should be something that's so fun and bringing you joy and a great creative outlet. And that's really the way that I look at it. I love what you do. So what would you tell a new blogger who's just decided to start? What advice would you give them? So my first piece of advice would definitely be
Starting point is 00:24:53 to ask for help, especially if you're someone like me who had absolutely no training in blogging or it or anything. I come from a science, purely science background. I know that I would not have the website that I have today if I didn't sign up for your ultimate blog bootcamp. So I think asking for help will save you a lot of frustration and time. It was a lot of work to go through the bootcamp, but you guys were amazing in answering all of my questions. You're always quick to respond. And I know that I would have given up about 20 times if I wouldn't have had your support throughout. So I would say ask for help and then just go for it. Really go all in and see what you can create. It's been so cool to see my blog develop. And I
Starting point is 00:25:38 sometimes will just go to my website and take a look at it because I'm just really proud of what I've created. I can remember whenever we were designing our logos, looking at like the first logo that I came up with, and then kind of taking all the group's feedback and what I came up with in the end. And it looks so much better. So it's just, it was really cool to go through that entire process. It was something totally different that I've never done before. And it's been it's been really fun and a great way to grow. So I'd really just encourage people to go for it. But definitely don't be afraid to ask for help, because it's going to make and a great way to grow. So I'd really just encourage people to go for it, but definitely don't be afraid to ask for help because it's gonna make it a much smoother journey.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I think it's hard for a lot of people to ask for help. So I'm glad that you said that because we want to do it all by ourselves and we don't wanna have to ask for help, but shameless plug here, the bootcamp does help quite a bit because we're there to ask questions to all the time. And we tell our students all the time, don't spend like three hours in a rabbit hole trying
Starting point is 00:26:34 to figure something out. Ask us because we likely know the answer or at least know where to direct you. And then we can help you and just save you time. Because that's one thing that none of us get more of is more time. We're just losing it all you time. Because that's one thing that none of us get more of is more time. We're just losing it all the time. And so to help people in that way, I'm glad that that made a difference for you and then in your own blogging journey. Yeah, I definitely think it made all the difference. It made everything so much simpler. Like I said, I really didn't even know what I was getting myself into, but I've learned so much along the way and it's been,
Starting point is 00:27:05 it's been great. We're so glad you took the time to talk to us about all of this today. And I'm sure that our listeners will want to connect with you. What's the best way if they have questions or want to see what you have to offer, what's the best way for them to find you? Sure. So my website is And then I'm also pretty active on Instagram and my handle is at Florida underscore on foot. So either of those places are a great place to start. And if you have questions or anything about Florida and the outdoors, feel free to get ahold of me and I will try to help you the best I can. Thanks so much, Jen. Yeah, thank you for having me. It's been great. Thank you for having me. It's been great. Thank you. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with us, please find us on Instagram at spark media concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly
Starting point is 00:27:58 newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration. You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes for For those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the waitlist for the ultimate blog bootcamp. The link to join the waitlist is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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