The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 23. Spillt - A New Wordpress Plugin for Food Bloggers with Ann and Maddy Baum

Episode Date: May 24, 2022

Ann and Maddy Baum have created a Wordpress plugin, Spillt, that is going to be a game-changer for food bloggers. Tune in as they explain how this plugin not only benefits consumers of blogs but the b...logger as well!Check out the show notes (link below) for links and resources mentioned in this episode!Thanks for listening! Connect with us on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsThinking about starting a blog? Check out the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp!SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper. We're on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you're just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we're excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success, and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging
Starting point is 00:00:38 and work from home life all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. We are so excited to bring you Ann and Maddie today. They are sisters who have created a new plugin for bloggers called Spilt. And it is very new and we are so excited to be one of the first people to share it with you. So welcome to the ultimate blog podcast, Ann and Maddie. Thank you. We are excited to be here. This is Ann. Nice to meet you. And thank you, Amy and Jennifer for having us. This is Maddie. Yeah, we are really excited to kind of dive into this. We've been talking before we hit record and it is, I hope that during this episode, you guys feel the heart of these two ladies and how
Starting point is 00:01:26 much they want to be there for bloggers. So Spilt is created to help the consumer, but it's also created to help the bloggers. So how about one of you tell us a little bit more about Spilt and why it is that you created this new plugin and platform? Yeah. And so maybe what I'll do, I'll give a little background about how we came up with this idea because it really was in the depths of COVID. Anne and I were living, Anne and I are sisters, and we were living at home with our mom. And we were cooking all the time every night, sending text messaging recipes with our friends over email too. And it was just crazy thinking about how difficult it was to save the recipes that we love cooking from our favorite bloggers.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And so we started thinking about that more about if we could build a way that was easier for us as fans of bloggers to save recipes in an organized way. But it was around a time when we were reading about apps like Recipesly that were doing predatory things to bloggers' content. And so we knew that we wanted to do it in a way that was thoughtful. And so at that point, we started reaching out to bloggers just over cold DM actually. And just to hear their side of the process and just what it was like being a blogger, because it was nothing that Anne and I were really familiar with. We just knew about it from the consumer side. And so we started hearing all the different pain points and we wanted to
Starting point is 00:02:58 build something that would also bring value. So what we have come up with today and what we're hopefully launching very soon is an app where consumers and people who like to cook can save the recipes from links to recipes that they find online, whether, you know, whether they're finding them through Instagram from bloggers, newsletters, or just getting a text message with a URL to a blog in an organized way. So kind of organizing them into collections. And then when we're building a, we have a WordPress plugin for bloggers to be able to sync their links to recipes in an organized place on a, in their own type of a profile on our platform. So that whenever there's a new recipe that you publish on your blog, it'll sync back to your
Starting point is 00:03:47 profile on Spilt. And it's more discoverable for consumers to find and they can easily save it to their own profiles. And anytime a consumer leaves a review on a recipe in Spilt, which is one thing that we've also kind of built out that review and that star rating will sync back to the blog. And so that'll hopefully help contribute to, you know, better search results on in Google because we know star ratings are so important to, to food bloggers. Yes, they are. So I love that you are making that really an easy way to do for people to leave a review or leave a comment. So how is this going to be structured? You said that the consumer will have an app, correct? Exactly. And so there will be like a newsfeed of such? Yeah, it's a pretty simple app.
Starting point is 00:04:44 We have sort of heard it compared to Pinterest kind of in the old days. All you really do on the app is save links to recipes in, like Maddie was saying, in different collections. And then you can also leave reviews of ones that you've cooked. But the thing that was really important and kind of the missing link for us was we were so interested in seeing,
Starting point is 00:05:02 well, what are our friends cooking? We have all these people who are trusted cooks who we love, and we wanted to see what they're doing more easily. So you're able to follow what your friends, your family are cooking as well. And that newsfeed is pretty simple right now. It's just showing exactly what it is that the people you follow are cooking. simple right now. It's just showing exactly what it is that the people you follow are cooking. And then you can also follow along as bloggers publish new recipes. And so that's what Maddie was describing in terms of the plugin. It's just something that happens on the backend where they'll push over those recipes into Spilt. So you can check out the latest and greatest things that
Starting point is 00:05:42 different bloggers that you like to follow have published. I really love that. So it's more like you're going to connect with people who you are friends with that you trust. You're going to see what recipes they're making instead of just getting sort of an algorithm served up to you in terms of what they think you're going to like. You're going to see what your friends are cooking. And you said you can also follow along. Say you have a favorite blogger, you could potentially follow along and get all their new recipes as they come out. Is that how that would work? Exactly. And I think you all put it nicely is that it's kind of like an RSS feed and in just a cleaner way. And so you've got all of your
Starting point is 00:06:18 favorite bloggers and all of your favorite friends who are cooking and seeing what they're saving and reviewing. And one thing that was important to us is, you know, the reviews and the comments on, on people's blogs, we think are oftentimes really valuable and just hearing, you know, how did that work for you? Or what did you, you know, do differently? Sometimes they're not valuable and we know that, but oftentimes, you know, hearing what Maddie cooked and what worked well for her, that's something that's so useful to me, but it's not, even if she leaves a comment on the exact same blog post that I'm looking at, if she doesn't have her full name, I have no way
Starting point is 00:06:53 of knowing that it's her. And so we think it's something that can really bring a lot of value both to us as cooks. And also it just gives a little bit more incentive to your followers to leave a review because if you're just leaving it on a blog, it's kind of like, well, maybe someone will see it. Maybe they won't. But we wanted to bring out how valuable those reviews are and give people a place to leave a review that their friends and family will actually be able to see it and get that value from it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I think as you're talking, it's also, I think it's going to be really awesome that it's niched down to just food and just recipes, because if you go on another platform that shares links, you're kind of inundated with all kinds of content. And I think quite honestly, we're all distracted enough. I mean, by everything. So let's say it's a Sunday and you're wanting to plan for the week. You can say, I'm going to go into this app and see what some of my friends made over the last couple of weeks and what they've thought about it and easily make a grocery list from that and not get completely distracted by Googling a bunch of different things or going to a bunch of different websites or having... You know what I mean? I think, honestly, it's going to probably
Starting point is 00:08:10 save people some time in regards to meal planning and give them really fresh new ideas as well. I was actually working at Jennifer's yesterday and she had made a recipe from a blog that I probably would have never made the recipe, but she had extra. And so I had some and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm making this. Like we're having it tonight for dinner. That's how much I loved it. And so it's kind of that natural way.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Like you can't go over and eat at your friend's house every day. Right. But like you said, she could send me a text message and give me that. But then I'm going to be sifting through a bunch of text messages, trying to find that link to the recipe that Jennifer told me about, you know? So I love the organizational piece of this. I really love that part of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:55 And it's funny that you say kind of scrolling back through your exchange text messages, because now that iMessage has the little ability to look at the links, that is really nice, but it's still kind of clunky. We interviewed a lot of friends and friends of friends while we were building out the organizational tools for consumers. And we got so many, just thinking about it, ridiculous examples of how people are forced to save recipes in these antiquated ways. One person had a draft Gmail where they just had a long list of URLs. And then someone else had like a spreadsheet, which was very organized and very impressive. And, you know, people have, I would never be the girl with the spreadsheet.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Jennifer would 100%. And I would call and say, can you just give me access to your spreadsheet? Oh my gosh, exactly. I think you're so right that people do. Honestly, this is something I've never thought about the weird way that we kind of keep track of the recipes that we find. I'm just, I'm purely curious, Jennifer, how do you keep track of the recipes? You find a lot. I don't have a good way. I do. I just find them. And I honestly, I just like try to remember, Oh, what was that website that I liked? Because I like to try, even though I make a lot of recipes for my own blog, I like to try lots of recipes from other bloggers, but I kind of just have a standard list. And I still print out a lot of recipes because I hate that clicking on my phone constantly to
Starting point is 00:10:20 bring it back to life in the kitchen. So I'll print out a lot of stuff. So I'm personally excited about being a user of this app and being able to keep track of my recipes better. I used to save stuff to Pinterest, but I don't use it in the same way that I used to anymore. And I think, like Amy said, that has become a platform where you can gain a lot of content. You can find new ideas, but it's a little different than that community aspect that I think a lot of us began with. And I really like the community aspect of this particular platform because I think that's so much what food is.
Starting point is 00:10:56 It's something that we share with our family. We share with our friends. We make food for people. We share our favorite recipes. We hand down recipes through our families. And so I just love the idea of being able to keep track of it in such an organized way and being able to share it so easily. I love that. And it's something that we so appreciate because we do feel like there's a little bit of this like over-emphasis on algorithms right now and algorithms can be great. And, but they're also one of the biggest takeaways
Starting point is 00:11:24 from talking to bloggers is how stressful that is when there's just this black box that dictates so much of how, you know, your world works and how our world as a consumer works and what are we consuming? And I think that there is this just natural gravitation towards like your friends and your, you know, the people in your life who dictate your taste and, you know, your family and your, you know, the people in your life who dictate your taste and your family and what, what are they making? And so trying to bring a little bit more light to that, I think is where we really come from here is really just wanting to give a place where we can showcase exactly, exactly what it is that they liked. And oftentimes it's not something, you know, I didn't think I would like that, you know, cod recipe, but my mom said it really was great. And so, yeah, I trust her. Sure.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I would never have Googled that. It wouldn't have shown up on any feed, I don't think, but it's nice to sort of learn that sometimes in that direct manner. Yeah. And like you said, it's from people that you already do trust, you know, and I think that that plays a really big, important role. I love that you're kind of savoring the natural, authentic relationship between us and our loved ones and being able to share in that way. I think you pointed something out really important that we might be on these platforms, but we really are not in control of who we even see anymore. And so that can feel very frustrating when you just really want to
Starting point is 00:12:43 connect with the people that are either your friends in real life or people who have similar interests, but you never see their stuff. So that's a question that I have regarding the app then. In order for a consumer to come on the app, do they need to follow the blogger already? Or will they have things in their feed, whether they follow that blogger or not? How does that kind of, how is that going to work? Oh yeah, that's a great question. So we're the way that we wanted to roll this out is we wanted to be really, really thoughtful and, you know, mindful at first of who we bring on the platform for us. I think having a small intentional community is much, much better. We don't want to just
Starting point is 00:13:25 grow at all costs and sort of bring everyone on at once. And so we also care a lot about having bloggers be a part of that process. So bloggers are going to be the ones who were first inviting to come try it out. And we're still describing ourselves as kind of technically in beta. And the reason for that is we, again, want to make sure that this is working for bloggers and that they're happy with how it all functions and that, again, that it's bringing value. And then to answer your question in a long-winded way, the bloggers who are coming onto our platform now, whom we all invite anyone and everyone to please get in touch if this is of interest, but we'll be each given an invitation code. So that's something that they can share with their followers. So for us, again,
Starting point is 00:14:09 having bloggers on here was really important. Having bloggers followers who are those most dedicated fans, those are the people who we built this for. So that's kind of our ideal demographic. So bloggers who come on board will each have an invitation code that they can share with their followers. And so those will be the first users of this. We do have just like a feed of what everyone in the app is doing. So you can always kind of just see what's trending on Spilt, you know, what people are saving and sharing. But there will also be a dedicated space for people who you follow. So eventually, especially, you know, you'll likely join at least having one blogger who has invited you. And then you can
Starting point is 00:14:51 always follow and discover more people there as well. So we've talked a lot about how the consumer is going to use this app and all the benefits. So if someone is a blogger, can you explain what the benefit would be and the process would be if they decide they want to be on this platform as well? Yeah. And fundamentally, I think we want this to be, we were chatting earlier about just how many platforms and how much different stuff a blogger is expected to do with her or his very limited time balancing.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It's so many hats that we honestly have been so impressed by. And we wanted to make sure just fundamentally that you don't have to do much. So we want to earn, you know, if you want to engage, we want to earn that and we want to earn, you know, make sure that we're building ways for you to make money if you want to make money, and we're building ways for you to gain value if that's what you find. But fundamentally, if you want to just check it out and see how it goes, it's really a straightforward process. So we have a form, you know, that you can fill out and we can send the information, share it in a URL. But all it really is, is taking a WordPress plugin that you install on your site. And this isn't a plugin that will load when you know, your your page loads, it's not going to impact page load time at all. It's something just kind of hangs out in the background and says, Okay,
Starting point is 00:16:20 here's here's this blog. Here's the name of it, here's how it should organize itself. We use basic stuff like categories from your WordPress blog. And we take all of your recipes and we put them in those categories so that if someone wants to discover you on Spilt, they have access to all of that content that you've already developed and they can click on it and they can bring up the whole blog post. And then as you publish new posts, we want to make sure that those show up automatically in Spilt. So again, this is something that's happening in the background so that people who do follow you on Spilt can see those blog posts automatically. And then the last piece that our plugin does is, again, totally in the background, is saying, okay, if someone leaves an amazing review for you on spilt,
Starting point is 00:17:05 that seems like a good thing to have on your website. And so we can make sure that those reviews get synced up and the star ratings like Maddie was mentioning before. So those are the main things that happen sort of automatically. And that's, that's the, the first part of just getting someone on our platform. Have you ever wanted to start a blog, but had no idea where to begin? Or maybe you have a blog that you'd like to update and want some help to make it the best it can be. We know that there are many people out there who have big dreams for their own blog that never happened because they simply feel stuck. The ultimate blog bootcamp is an eight week course designed to help you create a solid blogging foundation by teaching you how to treat your blog as a business, find your audience,
Starting point is 00:17:50 design a website that is optimized for SEO, all while providing support via online coaching calls each week of the course. There's a private Slack channel for students as well, so questions will never go unanswered. The Ultimate Blog Bootcamp will give you the tools and support to create a blog that has the potential to turn into a profitable business. We are committed to helping each and every student feel empowered and confident with the foundational principles of blogging and the behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. If you don't want to blog alone, we can help.
Starting point is 00:18:19 We keep each round small in order to provide each student the attention and support we believe you deserve during this process. Since space is limited, get on the waitlist today so we can help you with your blog. The link to join the waitlist is in our show notes or go to and click on the ultimate blog boot camp. So it's totally optional for a blogger to be on your platform. They would have to make the choice to be on your platform in order for their recipes to show up. Is that correct? So how we have it, and from a consumer perspective, if I go to a blog site, I could just take the URL and save it in my collection. So we're not doing anything again
Starting point is 00:19:03 to bypass the blog site. Still, anytime I would want to look at that recipe, I would have to open the webpage. So already we're hopefully providing more traffic. We also hear how important repeat visitors are to blogs. And so hopefully giving your mega fans that platform to save and come back to your recipes over and over again. That's what we're hoping to do. So that we do have, if it does become something where there is a blogger that's feeling sensitive about having their content, you know, even saved there, hopefully that won't be the case. But we're, you know, of course, that's what the beta period is to make sure that everyone is kind of comfortable in terms of having a profile.
Starting point is 00:19:44 That's something that a blogger would proactively have to set up and install the WordPress plugin. But yeah, it's almost like your bookmarks folder. That's how we kind of compare it where people are saving these on their bookmarks folder on their phone and places like that. We're a bookmarks folder. We're always going to open up the link. We're not saving anything outside of that. We just wanted a nicer, more social bookmarks folder.marks. And one that where when you visit it, it won't go to your phone, won't go to sleep. So more time spent on page as well. Yes. Let's all pay attention and give a round of applause for that one, because it is so annoying as a user, you know, when you're, I mean, I'm a blogger and a user of blogs too. And when you're making a recipe and you're
Starting point is 00:20:24 constantly having to like refresh your screen and then you have like raw meat on your hands I'm a blogger and a user of blogs too. And when you're making a recipe and you're constantly having to like refresh your screen and then you have like raw meat on your hands and you're like, well, I can't refresh the screen with raw meat on my hands because that's disgusting. So I love that. So it'll just automatically stay open. And you're right that that is important. The time that you spend on a blog is important to the blogger that helps them in regards to their ad revenue. So you guys have really done a lot of research and made this for bloggers and for consumers. And that's just very much appreciated. I'm just going to keep saying that. And not to mention how gross my phone is and the fact that it came from us as users being like,
Starting point is 00:21:02 you know, you wash your hands to get the meat off, you touch your phone, then your hands are dirty because your phone's probably dirty. Yeah. It's just the cycle. It's like, just stay open. No, we, we really appreciate that. We definitely, that I feel like is the theme we keep coming back to. Like there are so many ways to make this like mutually beneficial. And we really, that's something that we feel really strongly about is it doesn't have to be kind of at the expense of one or the other. Yeah. One thing I did have a question. So you mentioned it'll pull new recipes, but okay, let's just, we'll use me for an example. So I'm going to sign up on Spill as a blogger and I already have recipes on my site. Will those automatically all pull through or will I need to add them onto the platform? Yeah. So the initial time you, that, that you install the plugin, it'll take all of your
Starting point is 00:21:51 previous recipes and organize them based on the categories that you have already organized them on the backend. So if you have like a dinner or a chicken category, whatever, it'll create automatic collections of those on your spilt profile and then from moving forward new recipes that get posted will then show up kind of in the in the feed and automatically to those categories so it's a pretty seamless seamless for existing bloggers who might have hundreds of recipes on their site it'll just pull it all over yeah and we're giving, we're, we have ways for you to, if, if there's some that you don't, for whatever reason, want to
Starting point is 00:22:29 have on your profile or like, or maybe going to like revisit. And we know that I guess happens a lot. We're going to give you to hide certain ones and whatnot and reorganize. I think you guys have made such an important distinction for yourselves between some of the other platforms that have come and gone where people could sort of save recipes. And in a lot of those, there was harm that came to the blogger because essentially the recipe would be almost copied onto the other platform. And I want to just make sure that we help any newer bloggers understand the benefit of the platform you guys are creating, because that's not what's happening. Can you explain what the bloggers, what the benefit to the blogger is, why they're not losing out on something if they're on your platform, if they have the recipes on your platform? Yes. And that's something that's so,
Starting point is 00:23:20 so important to us. And we definitely appreciate you bringing that up because what we've learned, and we're saying this as people who are new to this, is how important those page views are. And that's something that I think is really just that we've kind of come back to time and time again is the more page views that you get, the more ad revenue that you get, those are really fundamental to how bloggers function and make money. Those are really fundamental to how bloggers function and make money. And so whenever someone saves a recipe on our platform, they save the name of it, you know, and they save it to a collection, like they organize it and the link to it. But as soon as they want to open it up, they're opening up your page.
Starting point is 00:24:00 We have it in the same way, again, like you would have a bookmarks folder. When you click on that bookmark, you open the website. We're opening the website. We just do some nice things like we keep the website open so your phone doesn't go to sleep. So that's why it's a little bit nicer than just using Safari or Chrome. And then again, because you have it on our platform, you can come back to it easily and you can go check out, oh, I just made this one last week. Where was that again? We don't want you to have to Google it or go back. You can go straight to that same site, that same one that you cooked last week.
Starting point is 00:24:34 The last thing that we do is we do include a small tab when you open up the blog. We do have the ingredients. And the main thing that, again, we do want to drive home is you can't get there without opening the page. But what we felt like was just such a no brainer was being able to take those ingredients and put them in a grocery list. So instead of having to navigate through and pull them out, you can at least just, you know, copy them quickly and get them into a grocery list for people who are busy and trying to cook different recipes and making a grocery list for the week. So that is one thing, again, that we can do. But it's once you've opened the blog, it's not ever going to divert traffic.
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's never going to reduce the revenue. Again, all we want to do is make sure that bloggers are getting more traffic, that they're getting more time spent on page and that people can grab those ingredients quickly and make a grocery list from it more easily. So will they have the ability to like, let's say I find four recipes, they'll be able to add those four recipe ingredients into the grocery list? Exactly. And we try to make it easy to, you know, you can remove the ones that you already have, like the flour and that kind of stuff. But just to, you know, check, check, check and then make an aggregated. I cannot wait for this. As a consumer, I cannot wait for this. Oh my gosh. I'm going to give my own self an invitation. did hear from bloggers, it's like, oh, well, I don't want my recipes that I'm saving from other blogs to be kind of in the mix of my own blog recipes and kind of preserve that profile.
Starting point is 00:26:11 So when bloggers create their own profiles, they kind of get two spaces, one for just their published recipes, and then one for the personal recipes that they're finding from other bloggers that they want to save in their own kind of separate collections. Again, like optional, we know that some won't be, won't necessarily use it, but we heard that. I will. You just think it's interesting. We want to know what you guys are cooking too. We want to, we want to, you know, we're just, we're all nosy people, but we think it's, it has been just so fun being like, what are they making? What did they, you know, do for lunch last week? It's fun.
Starting point is 00:26:47 So this is awesome. I think the only other question I would have in terms of like from a blogger perspective, what do they need to have on their site? So is this like, do you have to have a specific way that you do your recipes in order for this to kind of sync up?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Do you like, there's different recipe plugins and things like that. For consumers who just find your link online and save it, we try to work with most recipe plugins. If someone's isn't working for some reason, you can always let us know. But we just use the same normal metadata that most search engines use. But to install the plugin, to have that all happen in the background, that we're starting with just WordPress Recipe Maker. We're hoping to have Tasty very shortly. So we're definitely expanding on that quickly. But from the very initial ones will be WordPress
Starting point is 00:27:39 Recipe Maker and we can share updates as more are available as well. Yeah. And that's super helpful. That's the one we generally recommend that our students use as WordPress Recipe Maker because it does such a good job of creating that metadata like you described. We won't go into all of that right now for our listeners, but yeah, for any new bloggers
Starting point is 00:27:58 who are wanting to jump on this, if they are students of ours, they'll be all set because they're on WordPress and they'll be able to have the right plugin and they'll be good to go. Yeah. So is there a fee either for the blogger to utilize this plugin or the consumer? Is there any fees associated? No, no fees. We're not charging anything to bloggers or to consumers. Which I think is such a great question. Bloggers are so savvy. And so whenever we have these conversations, the question is always like, well, okay, so then how are you going to make money? Because we know that that's
Starting point is 00:28:36 really important. It's important to understand what the incentives of our business are going to look like. And so for us, the way that we want to approach this is everything that we develop, we want to be in pursuit of new and different ways for bloggers to diversify their revenue streams and make money themselves. And so some of the things that we're exploring, this will be sort of more in the medium term term are ways for consumers to kind of save and buy an ad free version of a recipe. Again, totally optional. This is not something that anyone has to do. But for another way for bloggers to introduce passive income to their recipe posts, and really where this came from, from our perspective of what ways for us as consumers who love, you know, the bloggers that we're following and want to give back and, you know, maybe make this recipe three times a month and, you know, I just want it in a really clean format.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Of course, I could just screenshot it or I could print it out, but it's on my phone. You know, it should be digital. It should be easier. And I'd love to give back to the blogger when I do that. So those are some of the ways we're thinking of introducing monetization on the platform. Obviously, we as the platform would take a small percentage of that. But I think fundamentally, we're still exploring different ways to do it. But what we do want to make sure is that we are aligned with... We want to make more money when bloggers make more money. And so we want to make sure that whatever it is that we build is helping there. Yeah. I think that's really created such a
Starting point is 00:30:09 win-win situation for everybody. And I love how you guys have just really taken the time to get the input from both the consumer side of it and the blogging side of it. Because at the end of the day, when those 2 things come together, the bloggers are seeing a benefit for all of their hard work. But also they're able to provide their own users with such a good experience. I think it just helps everybody. And I think that the way you've created it, you're not creating a bunch of extra work to be on your platform. And so I think it's important for new bloggers to explore these different opportunities. And this would be one great way just to get more exposure to improve the experience for their readers and the people that like to make their recipes.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And then just be able to be exposed to more people out there once their recipes are being shared a little bit more on the platform. So I really like that. It's also good to be an early adopter of some things that are rolling out. You don't have to be an early adopter of everything. But I think that this one in regards to especially if you're a food blogger would be something definitely worth looking into as you guys are just rolling this out. And it's just becoming available to be
Starting point is 00:31:26 one of the first to utilize this platform and have your own experience with that and see how that helps bloggers and consumers. Yeah. Yeah. And we've been so, so appreciative to how willing bloggers are to work with us and give us feedback along the way. And so if it's something exciting to bloggers to be able to kind of be a part of that process and, you know, give us really candid feedback about how they're using the app then in the plugin, then it's, that's so valuable to us. And we're excited if, if bloggers are excited. So. Well, I'm definitely excited. I think that our listeners are going to be really excited. So I can't hardly wait for this to get launched so we can all use it. We will have a link in our show notes so you guys can check Spilled out, but they are going to want to connect with you.
Starting point is 00:32:15 So how can they connect with you ladies and learn more about Spilled? Yeah. Well, it's funny. There's a couple of good ways. We're very active on Instagram. I was telling a little bit beforehand. ways. We're very active on Instagram. I was telling a little bit beforehand, I actually, I previously worked at Instagram. And so I've always been just enjoyed using the platform. Obviously, I know social media is very different and the landscape is different these days. I worked there back in 2012 to 2016. So no longer affiliated, but can't really speak to anything now, but you can always DM us. That's something that we definitely support and encourage. And then our other professional, Maddie and I actually worked together at a software company
Starting point is 00:32:54 that does texting. And so we've also really loved texting. We're big messengers. So we definitely just, I mean, I can say sort of high level. We encourage anyone to reach out to us either on Instagram or via text. We've got a little hotline set up that we monitor very closely and we just think that's a fun way. have been so immensely grateful for the helpful, helpful feedback from bloggers that they've provided and have been so gracious with their time to share. And so any thoughts or ideas or just concerns that people have texting or Instagram or any anywhere you can find us, we're very open to. And what is your Instagram handle? It is spilt, S-P-I-L-L-T dot app. Awesome. Thank you so much for allowing us to chat with you
Starting point is 00:33:50 about this and be part of this process for you as you, I mean, this is like your baby. I'm sure you're so proud of it. And so thanks for allowing us to take part in that. We are really, really excited about it and can't wait for more of our podcast listeners and students to take part in that. We are really, really excited about it and can't wait for more of our podcast listeners and students to take part in it as well. So thanks so much for joining us today. Yes, thank you. Thank you both. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:13 We really enjoyed talking with you and are excited to have people test it out. Yeah. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with us, please find us on Instagram at spark media concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration.
Starting point is 00:34:33 You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes. For those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the waitlist for the ultimate blog bootcamp. The link to join the waitlist is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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