The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 33. How to Use a Podcast With Your Blog with Hannah Clark

Episode Date: August 2, 2022

Is launching a podcast something you plan to do to go along with your blog? If so, you are going to want to tune in to this episode. Today, we have our very own podcast manager on the podcast sharing to use a podcast with your blog. Hannah Clark has been managing our podcast since the beginning. She helped us with launch and handles the overall management of it and we wanted her to come share her knowledge of podcasting today. We chat with Hannah about the niche of your podcast, how people consume content, the basics of launching a podcast including what you need to get started, show notes and their importance, repurposing blog content to podcast content, how long it takes to launch, monetizing your podcast, tips for growing your show, and how a podcast manager can help! If you have been wanting to launch a podcast, this episode is for you!Check out the show notes (link below) for links and resources mentioned in this episode!Thanks for listening! Connect with us on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsIf you need questions answered before you start your blog and you aren’t quite ready to join the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp, check out The Blog Depot, an online course and membership community!SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper. We're on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you're just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we're excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success, and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging
Starting point is 00:00:38 and work from home life, all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. Well, today we are interviewing someone who is super special to us, someone that makes this podcast possible. Without her, it simply would not exist. A podcast was a dream that we had for a long time, and it wasn't until we found Hannah Clark that we have been able to make this a reality. So today we are interviewing our very own podcast manager, Hannah. Welcome to the show. Hey, thank you for having me on. I'm so excited to be here. Yes. We can't wait to dive into all things podcasts. They are up and coming. I mean, they are the thing. They are what people are wanting to do to start to use to help grow their blogs. So Hannah, can you start out by telling our
Starting point is 00:01:32 listeners a little bit about yourself and how you came to be a podcast manager? Yeah. So I'm Hannah. I'm a podcast manager, obviously. I am a registered nurse, been a registered nurse for six years. I still am. I just don't work in the hospital anymore. So I, a few years ago, I had my son and then I wanted to be home working and did not think that could be possible. So I, my neighbor ended up telling me about a VA course.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And so I ended up taking that, fell in love, loved working at home, still worked in the hospital some, but really just liked working from home. And so I was a VA for a little while, and then I found podcast management and moved into that. And I fell in love. That's been a year and a half ago or so, two years since I started my business completely. And I love it. I love working from home. I love podcast management. I love all things podcast. So. Well, we are thankful for people like you who love podcast editing because we would not be able to have the podcast without you. So we love to be the ones on here talking and then we love to send it over to you to edit. So let's kind of talk more about podcasts because I think it's an area that a lot of people
Starting point is 00:02:45 want to dive into, but it's really overwhelming quite honestly. And so I know it's something that held us back for a long time is like, how do we do it? And so since we didn't know how to do it, we didn't move forward with it. So let's say somebody already has a blog and they're considering starting a podcast. Does the blog need to be the same thing, the same niche as the podcast, or should it kind of marry the two or what would be your recommendation on that? Yeah. So I think that people like to consume content in different ways. So some people really like to read content and some people really like to listen to content. And I think that they can both exist together. I think you can use your podcast in addition to your blog to
Starting point is 00:03:31 drive traffic back to your blog. I think that it doesn't necessarily have to be in the same niche, but it is really good that if they are in the same niche, that you can have content for both and use them both, like repurpose both. And would you say that there's a certain type of person that should consider adding a podcast to their blog? Or could it be on sort of like any topic? Do you think that there's anything off limits in terms of starting a podcast when you're a blogger? Absolutely not. I think that anyone could start a podcast. I just don't think that you necessarily have to start a podcast if it's not your thing. And I think that you just have to feel comfortable in what you do. And that's for anything, not just podcasting.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I think it brings a good point. You said it earlier. People basically digest information in different ways and people are made up differently as well. So for instance, me and Jennifer kind of laugh a lot because I'm a very visual person. I need a video. I want somebody explaining. And when she sees a video, she kind of cringes. She would much rather read through something. So I think that's a way that a podcast can serve your audience as well.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They might be really connected to you on your blog, but maybe they haven't been to your blog in a while because they don't have the time to, to look at blogs anymore, but they might be able to still connect with you on a podcast because they might like that better. Right. People are so busy too. And like, not that they wouldn't go back and read the blog posts. Like I think that blogs are great, obviously, but they can first digest it even by listening to it. And what I like to do is I like to use show notes, which go to your website and it drives people back to your blog. So yeah, people are busy. They are traveling. They are walking the dog. They are cooking, they're cleaning, and they can listen to it and then be like, okay, actually I want to go back and read more. So they'll go back later and read.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And that's what I do show notes for. So let's talk about those basics for anybody who may not understand how that works. So they decide they want to have a podcast. It complements the content that's on their blog. And so they publish this episode and you talked about show notes. So where are these show notes? Where are people finding these podcasts? And how can that drive the traffic back to your blog for bloggers who are wanting to use a podcast in that way? Yeah, absolutely. So people listen on Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 00:06:00 They listen on Spotify, Pandora, Google Podcasts. There's so many, so many platforms, so many different ways to listen. So you have the episode and then you have an episode description on Apple Podcast. And it's just like a short summary of like what the episode is about. And at the bottom, typically I'll put, you know, show notes and it'll be a link to the website. On the website, you'll have a player there too, to where if people find it organically, find it through Google, then they can listen that way too. And it'll be all the contents right there. And then it's like a longer blog post essentially that has all the links and
Starting point is 00:06:37 resources and such that were mentioned. And kind of like I was talking about earlier with y'all, you can even mention something in the episode that, you know, like this recipe that I did and you kind of talk about it. And then, you know, typically if I hear that as a podcast manager, I'll go link that recipe or I'll go link that blog post. So it drives traffic back to that post as well. I'm an avid podcast listener. Like I listen to a lot and there is nothing that gets on my nerves more than when they share something in an episode and then you can't find it. Like, I'm like, they they're sharing this thing, but like, I have no idea where to find the product
Starting point is 00:07:16 or the resource or whatever. So I love show notes for that reason. I actually use them often as a podcast listener to find those. And so as a blogger, consider that just another stream of traffic coming to your blog, which is amazing because aren't we always looking for different backlinks and things like that to help with the health of our site? So show notes are an amazing way to help with that. Speaking of content, if someone's like, okay, so I have a blog, I have to show up there. I have social media. I need to show up there. How in the world am I going to think of the content that I need for a podcast too? They're going to be stretched thin
Starting point is 00:07:56 or how am I going to do that? What's your suggestion for somebody who's having those thoughts as to what's preventing them from starting a podcast? Yeah. So repurpose, you can repurpose blog posts into podcast content, podcast content back into blog posts. And so I'm a big fan of repurposing. It's kind of like you have a, you can have a podcast blog and social media, and they can kind of all work together to kind of talk about the same things. And you can even say you had something on your blog post. You can even pull parts of it. Like I talked about this. Oh, let me talk more about this on my podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:30 So really it kind of can help your content even for both. You can kind of use them together. And I would think it could really just help strengthen your brand. So if you have a blog and you have social media, adding that podcast, just, I don't know, maybe makes you a little more legitimate. I don't know. Just like for food bloggers, a lot of times publishing a cookbook isn't necessarily going to be like
Starting point is 00:08:54 their number one moneymaker, but it makes them legitimate in the eyes of their audience. I think a podcast, would that do the same thing? Could it make people be like, well, this person really has it together. They really have a solid brand if you have all of these components. Absolutely. Yeah, definitely. And it builds that like, know, and trust factor of people. Yes. They like to read your content, but they can also hear you and they can also be like, Hey, I like, I know her. I know, I know about her. I read her blog and it's really cool to hear her too. I think that's, yeah, you bring up an important thing with that like, know and trust factor. I mean, it's just like with creating a solid foundation for organic traffic to your site,
Starting point is 00:09:32 you're building yourself as the authority on that specific topic. So having a podcast is only going to help with that. Absolutely. So let's say that someone has listened to this and they're like, all right, I felt the nudge and I know, I know this is the next area. How does a person go about starting a podcast? Like they have this dream. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I'm going to start it. So now what, like what's their first step? What do they need to do to get going? So first you just need like some basic equipment and it's super, it sounds very techie and like a lot, but really the most important thing is a mic. I think a really important factor is having a mic of some sort. It doesn't have to be an expensive equipment and all this. It doesn't have to be like that. It can just be a simple mic, just something that you can pick up and have really good quality audio. Amy and Jennifer have a really good mic, so we can link that in the show notes as well.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And then headphones are important for sound quality in a quiet area. That is honestly the most important part, just a quiet area. And then you can, if you're doing guest interviews, you can record on Zoom. Audacity, which is where I edit, is just like solo or garage band. Finding a mic was something that was hard for us. We kind of struggled. We bought one mic and then ended up buying a different one. There was even, because the first one that we had,
Starting point is 00:10:50 we couldn't plug it into our computers. That was what it was. And I don't think that the sound quality was quite as good. But when we're talking about a mic, like you don't need a $500 mic. I think our mic was around in the hundred dollar vicinity. And quite honestly, it's been well worth the cost because I think it's made the podcast sound so much better. So I would just, I would recommend that we have a Samsung Q2U is the mic that we
Starting point is 00:11:18 currently use, bought it off Amazon, plugs right into our computer and works effortlessly with our recording. Like for interviews and stuff, we use Zoom. And then when we do things, just Jennifer and I, we use GarageBand currently. So Audacity is one we've wanted to look into. So if you're thinking about different ways that you could record, I would definitely check out Audacity as well. So when they have all their equipment and things that they need, let's say they're obviously going to need like a show intro, and then they're going to need to have a place to,
Starting point is 00:11:51 to put the show. So how does the process of getting this set up on a platform look like? Yeah. So you need, so you need the equipment, the description, and kind of like know a concept of the podcast. If you can niche it down, it is really good because then it speaks to a certain audience, just like your blog would. It speaks to a certain audience. You get those people listening. And then you need cover arts. You need music, an intro and outro, your content, and then submitting to platforms.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So you have a host. I recommend Libsyn or Buzzsprout. All my clients currently work on Libsyn and it's just a really good host that you can use. So say you go ahead and set up your Libsyn accounts and then you can submit to the platforms once you have everything in order. And that would be Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pandora, Google, Spotify. So just like with your blog, you need hosting in order to have a place to put the files, all the audio files that relate to this podcast. It would be the same thing. But then you essentially submit it to the different platforms. And those platforms, I would assume that's where people
Starting point is 00:13:02 can find you maybe a little more organically. So if they go on to Apple Podcasts, for example, and they say, I want to listen to a podcast about blogging, they could type in there like blogging podcasts, and perhaps the ultimate blog podcast might come up. And so they've then discovered us. And then that gives us like a new person to connect within our community. Right. And you can even like, so whenever you're submitting, you put them in categories. So, you know, you have different categories of entrepreneurship courses, just different categories that you put them in and people can find you that way too. And then it's also kind of important to make sure that your podcast name also has something, say,
Starting point is 00:13:45 y'all are talking about blogs, you can put blog in there, like make sure it's very searchable. That's a good tip. So when you're thinking about naming your podcast, make it something that makes sense to the topic that you're going to be talking about. That will make it easier for people to find. Yes, absolutely. Do you want to start building a foundation for your blog? Do you have questions you need to Yes, absolutely. is an online course and membership community that will teach you the foundations you need to build a blog. We teach you about niching down, finding the right mindset, the best platform to build a blog on, and so much more. With monthly coaching calls inside the community, you will find the support you need to finally make your dream a reality. The doors are open to join this amazing
Starting point is 00:14:41 blogging community, and we can't wait to help you find the link to join the blog Depot in the show notes. So when someone is the name, they have some of these, you know, foundational things started. How, what does the process look like from start to launch essentially? Is that something that you can do in a weekend? Can you get that set up? Or how long does it take for a podcast to get from that point that you've put your content on those platforms and then it's ready for listeners to listen to? Yeah. So I usually say it's four to eight weeks until launch from the time that you start. Typically it's a six week process. It can go faster. I mean, but it takes two weeks to
Starting point is 00:15:26 submit typically to Apple. I like to give it two weeks to make sure that Apple approves it. So you can do it in four weeks, you know, you can do hit it hard, get all these things done in two weeks, get all of it edited, that kind of thing, get show notes written and then hit submit and it'd be done in four weeks. But typically it's a six week process. I think that's good to know going forward, just for people who are interested in this, like if you're like, I would love to have a podcast out this fall. You probably don't want to start it in August because you're going to need to give yourself a little bit of time. We've learned a ton with podcasting. So we started in January with this podcast. And I would say
Starting point is 00:16:03 one of our biggest tips with podcasting is to batch your work. It's the easiest work to batch. If I can be honest, it's one of the easiest things that we do in the business because we can sit down and do a couple different podcast episodes and they're done because we release it weekly. There's not a definite way that you have to launch either right people can do episodes like weekly they could do bi-weekly you can do whatever you want or they can do seasons i don't know if you have a recommendation for what's best we've chosen to do it every week we have a new podcast that comes out every single tuesday we do that for a couple reasons it keeps us on track keeps us on schedule and we want to continue just adding value to our listeners.
Starting point is 00:16:46 But do you have any recommendations on that? Is it better to have seasons? Or what's your take on that? Why would somebody choose a season over just doing it every week? Yeah. So I do recommend weekly just because I know that whenever I listen to podcasts, I'm like, oh, there's a new one coming out Monday. There's a new one coming out Tuesday. And I look forward to that. And so does your audience. So whenever you have a podcast and it's consistent, you are looking forward to, as the listener, you are looking forward to their content. Batching your work, like you were saying, is wonderful. That's for anything that you do. Batching is great. But batching podcast content, just in case there's any mishaps or any... Say you have an interview to record with somebody
Starting point is 00:17:30 and they can't get on. Well, then you're like, I don't have content for next week. So it just gives you a little bit of time to breathe kind of thing. And it takes a little while to edit and get everything, show notes written and that kind of stuff. So it just makes it a lot less stress and kind of helps avoid that pod fade that you're talking about, which would be if someone's doing this and they feel like it's just a lot of work all the time and they kind of just fizzle out kind of thing. So yeah, I do recommend weekly. Bi-weekly is also okay, like just twice a month. Seasons are okay. It just kind of depends on the podcast. And I don't want to say you will lose listeners, but like I said, some people are really looking forward to that.
Starting point is 00:18:11 So they're going to be like, wait, when is the season happening? So it's kind of just keeping it up and going, really boost your audience to listen. When we started, we said, we're doing this a year. We're going to see what the podcast does in one year. We are going to release a new episode every single week. So we set our intention from the start. And whether that intention I think is the season or whether it is a weekly episode, I think that's important to think about and be realistic with your time. Ask yourself,
Starting point is 00:18:42 okay, so I have a blog and I do need to be on social media. So do I have the time and energy to do a podcast? And if you do, what does that look like? Is that something that you're going to do on your own? Or is that something that you want help for? That's why we ended up with Hannah is because I have my blog. Jennifer has two blogs. And then together we have Spark Media Concepts.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And so we are a little bit stretched thin, but a podcast was something that just kept, I mean, it was just nagging us constantly. And we're like, we have to jump on this. And I think Jennifer will completely agree with me, but it's like one of the most fun things that we do. I agree. Yeah. I love doing this. The people that we get to meet, the conversations that we get to have is such a blessing, you know, just to be able to have time with people, you know, where everybody's busy. But when you ask somebody, would you want to come and talk on the podcast about something
Starting point is 00:19:44 that's super important to you? I mean, I don't think we've been told no yet because people, one, like to talk about themselves, but two, you get to connect with like-minded people who are in the same niche that you're in. And that's powerful when you join forces with those people. I will honestly say it's helped us grow Spark Media this year alone, just with the connections that we've been able to make. So if you're kind of on the fence, I think it's important to look at it more than just from a revenue standpoint. I think that there's definitely other perks for having a podcast. And like I was saying earlier, you kind of have to ask yourself, do I have the capacity to do this or not?
Starting point is 00:20:26 And Jennifer and I knew we, we personally didn't have the capacity. So we went on the hunt for a podcast manager. So let's, let's chat about that a little bit, because that might be something that someone's feeling too. Like I would love to have this, but there's no way I have the time to do this on my own. So Hannah, do you want to share a little bit about what you do as a podcast manager and how you help people with their podcasts? Yeah, absolutely. So like you were saying, it is a long game. Podcasting is not something that you do for a month and then you're like, oh, I'm done. It is kind of like your blog. It is a long game,
Starting point is 00:21:00 long-term type thing. It doesn't have to be 10 years, but it can be, like you said, you gave it a year. You'll want to give it a year. That is a great way to start and say, let me just get through this year and just see how, am I feeling okay with it? Am I not? And kind of reevaluate from there. So what I do is I do everything for launch. I handle launch. is I do everything for launch. I handle launch. I do all the editing. I write the show notes. I do promotional graphics with audiograms, like the little sound waves that you see. Basically anything except for the recording. So my clients record, Amy and Jennifer know, they record, they send it over and I handle the rest. So.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And we can absolutely attest to that. Like we tried to start our podcast for, I don't know how long. And finally, I believe Amy found you somehow. And once we made that decision and once we move forward with working with you, it has been an absolute dream because literally all we do, like you guided us through the whole setup and it was completely stress-free. I would say other than maybe picking out our music that took us a little while, but you, you gave us all the resources. And then now literally all we do is hit record. I mean, not all because Amy does a lot of work to find our podcast guests. So that is one thing, but in terms of actually recording, we record, we mess up, we make mistakes, we hand it all over to you and you make it sound amazing when it goes out to our
Starting point is 00:22:30 listeners. So it is pretty much a stress-free thing for us to do now because we get to do the fun, easy part and you take care of all the rest of it for us. Oh, you guys are the best. I think that there are people out there though, that can't have a podcast manager yet. So put Hannah in your back pocket and she'll be there when you're ready, but you can also do this on your own. I know that there are people who, who do that. They record and do it all. So I don't want to give the impression that the only way to have a podcast is with a podcast manager. I will say if you are on the fence as to whether or not a podcast
Starting point is 00:23:10 manager would be worth the investment, if you have the funds available to go there, they are like a hundred times worth the investment. But if you are just strapped and you don't want to invest in that way, you can edit the podcast and do that on your own. You can do the submissions and things like that in order to do that on your own. So don't let that piece hold you back from starting. I think as a blogging or podcasting or whatever you're wanting to do, it just takes that initial mindset shift from, I want to do this to I'm going to do this. and set shift from, I want to do this to I'm going to do this. And then you decide how you're going to make it happen and setting some realistic goals. And there are ways that you can learn to today. Hopefully you're going to gain some insight here on having a podcast. There's lots
Starting point is 00:23:59 of different online resources that you can look at as well. I think that it's only going to continue to grow because people are monetizing their podcasts as well. And so it is another stream of income. It's not just making people aware of the blog that you have or the brand that you have, but you are able to monetize with it as well. So Hannah, do you want to talk a little bit about some of the ways that people do monetize their podcasts? Absolutely. Yeah. And just to go back to what you were saying, I don't believe everyone has to have a podcast manager in order to have a podcast. I completely agree. If you, like you're saying, if you need extra help, then you can even have someone launch it and then you take over the rest kind of thing. Or you can just, you know, like you said, YouTube, you can Google anything and everything and you can learn these
Starting point is 00:24:49 things. And, you know, there's so many resources out there and, you know, I'm also happy to answer questions as well. So I will say while you're bringing this back up for a minute, Hannah, so we bought a course and so you are trading time. It is a trade-off. So that is just something to consider. We bought a podcast course. I don't even think it's available anymore. So I'm not going to link it or anything, but $300 or $400, something like that. And then we bought the equipment, but what ended up happening is the equipment that we bought wasn't, it wasn't the best equipment. So we did take the course and we bought some equipment that just, it just didn't fit our needs the way it was.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And I think us unable to figure out the technical side of it really held us back. And so we stopped on it. I mean, it was something that we would work on for a little bit and then we would stop and we knew we needed to do it, but it just, we didn't, we did not personally find the right resources in order for us to get it up and off the ground. And so it doesn't mean they're not out there, but that's just something to consider when you're thinking about it is make sure you have a solid resource. I would recommend a referral from somebody. If you're going to take a course or learn how to do that on your own, I would definitely get a recommendation from somebody
Starting point is 00:26:00 that, Hey, this is the thing that you need to do, but know that you are going to trade time for money a little bit. So you might be saving money on the front end, but you are going to be investing some time. And if that's fine with you, then go forward. If you don't have the time to invest, you might consider investing the money. And like Hannah said, do you know, she, she, or another podcast manager, when you think Hannah's the best could do the launch and you could do shows or however you want to do it. You have options is my point. You don't have to have... There's not one clear path that you have to follow. There are options for you. So back to my question that we got. Yes. About ads and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah. How do people monetize their podcast? So how do they make it worth their time? Or if they are investing in a podcast manager, for instance, how do they get that back? How do they earn that money back that they're paying to put their show on? Yeah. So I am a big fan of if you have a... Some people may have a product or they may have a service or they may have a course or so. I'm a big proponent of putting that as an ad in your podcast. So that drives people back to you. You can also do... You're already working with brands typically with...
Starting point is 00:27:15 As a blogger, some people work with brands, affiliate links, that kind of stuff. You can talk to those brands and you can say, Hey, I'm starting a podcast. Would you be interested in collaborating? And then you can also mention affiliate links and that kind of stuff in your podcast and then put that on to your show notes and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You can do ads as well from other companies too at some point. You can use Patreon as well, which is a membership that people can join. And typically it'll be like ad free. So like say they pay $5 a month and it can be ad free, or they can pay $10 a month and they can get merchandise or discounts of some sort. And it kind of also monetizes your podcast in that way. And you get to set those parameters. You get to set the parameter like, okay, if I do
Starting point is 00:28:06 a Patreon account, I'm going to have $5 is just ad free. If you set a $10 amount per month for your podcast, then those members will, you're going to give them a deliverable of some sort. So you get to choose that. So you could just, am I right or wrong? I don't know the answer for sure on this, but can you just have like a $5 a month Patreon account that they can just, or like plan that they could just have it ad free. And essentially what you're doing there is just, you wouldn't have any, like if you did an ad within the episode or whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:39 you just wouldn't have that ad in that specific episode that they listened to. Instead, they're essentially paying $5 so they don't have to listen to your ads is essentially what they're doing. Absolutely. Yeah. You can definitely do that. And, you know, Patreon does take a percentage, but it is the, from what I've seen, it is the one that takes the least amount of percentage from what I've seen compared to other platforms. So when somebody has a podcast and they're out there, they've gotten it launched, how do they grow it? Like what are your tips and tricks for getting that podcast
Starting point is 00:29:11 in front of more ears? How about we say inside of more ears? Yes. So I think the biggest thing is sharing about it, you know, on social media, telling people about it, try to get people to share the show. So people are like, oh, no one wants to hear that I have a new podcast episode out. Yes, they do. They do want to hear it because they want to listen to you. They are following you for a reason on social media. They want to hear what you have to say. And they love the value that you can provide by having guests on your podcast and that kind of thing. They want to hear what you have to say. So I would share about it every week, every single week, every
Starting point is 00:29:49 time it comes out, talk about it because people want to hear it. You can also be a guest on other podcasts as well. So you can have your podcast and then you can pitch to be on other podcasts and they can even come back onto your podcast. So it can be like this whole community. You get in front of their community, they get in front of yours, and it's just this really nice connection. Yeah. And I would imagine that that just benefits both parties even because then if you're a guest on their podcast, they're going to share in front of their listeners who then learn about your podcast. And then you're going to share that you were on this podcast. And so it's really just building this network and this community of people through all these connections you make
Starting point is 00:30:36 having guests on your podcast. So do you think having guests come onto your podcast makes sense for most people? Yeah, absolutely. I think that it can be similar to what you're talking about, but just adding a little bit extra value, that kind of thing. So just somewhere that you want to talk about it on your podcast, but you're like, I don't know all of the answers. So let me get somebody on that does, an expert on that does, and have them on and then just have this nice conversation. And then in turn, if they have a podcast, you can get on theirs and do the same because we're all experts in something. So even if you feel like you're not, so you can definitely, I think guesting and being on podcasts and having people on your podcast is a great thing.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I think at the end of the day, it really comes down to the same thing as it does with blogging. It's really about providing value, whether it's for your readers, for your listeners, it doesn't matter. Like your goal, your number one goal always should be, how can I provide value? Whether that's entertainment, whether that's, you know, help, whether that's resources, whether that's help, whether that's resources. I think no matter what your topic is, there's some way that you can share that in a way that is helpful to other people. And so having that as your number one goal in mind when you start any kind of platform like a blog or a podcast, that's going to help you stay focused and remember the reason that you're doing it. And then you can add on these other components in terms of
Starting point is 00:32:10 how it's going to benefit your blog, how it's going to grow your business, how you can monetize. There's just... It could go in so many directions. I think there's probably... The benefits are as many as the number of people who want to start because it's going to look different for everybody. Absolutely. I think adding that value to other people's lives is front and foremost. That should be your number one concern, like you're saying. And then... And you can add so much value through blogs, through podcasts, through different types of content. And then, yeah, adding value and then thinking about the other things that it can help as well with your business and blog. I hope if you're on the fence about starting a podcast that today encouraged
Starting point is 00:32:51 you to maybe take the leap of faith and just dive in and go for it. All three of us here love podcasts and Jennifer and I love having one. Hannah loves editing them. They're just fun. Quite simply, they're just fun. And if you want to connect with Hannah, if you're like, all right, I'm ready. And I want the help. Hannah, would you like to tell them how they can connect with you and how you can help? Yeah, absolutely. So like I said before, I do launch and all the management. I do pitching. I do it all, all podcasting. So you can connect with me at or on Instagram at hannaclark underscore podcast manager.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And I'd be happy to chat with you. You're the best, Hannah. Y'all are the best. Thanks for being here and sharing your love of podcasting with our listeners. And hopefully some of them will answer the nudge and start one of their own very soon. Yes. Thank you so much for having me on. It was an honor. Thanks, Hannah. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with us, please find us on Instagram at spark media concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly
Starting point is 00:34:00 newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration. You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes. For those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the waitlist for the ultimate blog bootcamp. The link to join the waitlist is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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