The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 68. Time Management & Productivity Tips with Jaimee Campanella

Episode Date: April 4, 2023

Today, we are talking all about time.  Joining us is Jaimee Campanella, a time strategist and productivity consultant who mentors and guides parents, professionals, and entrepreneurs to take control ...of their time.  Jaimee is the creator and principal facilitator of the Time Power Program that gives people the essential tools and strategies to avoid overwhelm and tame chaos so they can regain control of their time for good.  If you are looking for ways to regain control of your time, tune into today’s episode! Thanks for listening! Connect with us on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsCheck out The Blog Depot. This is a community and course that we have set up for you if you need questions answered before you start your blog. Join The Ultimate Blog Bootcamp, our online course and coaching that helps you build the blog that you have always dreamed of.Check out BigScoots plans using our affiliate link to see what plan is best for you for your blog!Check out the show notes for more information including links and resources mentioned in today's episode! SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper. We're on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you're just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we're excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging
Starting point is 00:00:38 and work from home life all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. Today on the Ultimate Blog Podcast, we get to talk about something that is a pretty hot topic, I think, and that's time. We have brought on Jamie Campanella, who is a time strategist and productivity consultant who mentors and guides parents, professionals, and entrepreneurs to take control of their time. She is the creator and principal facilitator of the Time Power Program that gives people the essential tools and strategies to avoid overwhelm and tame chaos so they can regain control of their time for good. Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast, Jamie. Thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be here with you, Amy and Jennifer. Thank you for having me. Yes. We are so excited that you're going to fix all of our problems today.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yes. In just a few moments, everybody's time issues will be resolved. I think that that's something that we hear all the time is, oh, I just don't have time for that. Or if I had more time, I would do this. Time is the excuse for anything that we are not doing in our lives or what we're not doing well in our lives. So just to kick us off, why do we struggle so much with this idea of scarcity of time? Yeah. Well, it's interesting that those comments or phrases that you just said, those are the most common phrases that I hear from anybody that I work with. I don't have enough time. I'm late because there's not enough time.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Whatever it is, it's always time. We're blaming time. And I always imagine time is like this cloud. We're just blaming time, this external thing that's made wrong all the freaking time. That's made wrong all the freaking time, right? And it's interesting. And I think this is the first problem that we're making is that we are blaming something external. We think that's external and we're blaming it rather than taking responsibility for it. I always say, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:38 I can't give you more hours in the day. Sorry, I'll just say that straight up right now. You know, I can't extend time, but I can teach you how to appreciate time. I can teach you to make the most of your time. And the first limiting belief, actually, what you just were identifying is I don't have enough of it. We live in this cycle of time scarcity. The more we think we don't have enough time, the more we say we don't have enough time, the more we say we don't have enough time, the more we believe it. Just think that is the way it is. There is no other way. This time is
Starting point is 00:03:12 always going to be against me. I'm never going to have enough of it. I would be doing this if I had more time. I could be doing this. All these shoulda, woulda, couldas, all because of time. Time is out to get me. We speak about it like it's this evil thing that we can never get enough of. And yet it's the most valuable thing that we have. People struggle with it because they don't have the right appreciation and mindset around it. So I think anyone who is interested in having a different relationship with time, the first thing you need to change is the way you speak about it. It's a very powerful, our language. You know, we talk about this mindset a lot with money, you know, abundance, money mindset,
Starting point is 00:04:08 you know, the way you treat your money, you'll get more money, but money can be replaced. Time cannot. And yet it's the thing that we overlook, mistreat the most in our life. We don't value it. Yes, we might say, of course I value time, but when you think about how you're actually living your life, do you value time? Do you respect time? Do you believe that time is on your side? There's so much to say here about time mindset and the power of it. Yeah. Wow. And don't you think we live in a culture and a society today where we sort of glorify busyness? Oh yeah. Hustle culture. It is like everyone walks
Starting point is 00:04:55 around with this badge of honor, busy, busy, busy, busy. We think busy equals success. We think the harder we work, the more we do, the more successful we're going to be. We think if I'm not busy, I must look lazy. What, you know, so yeah, this, the culture that we live in has glorified being busy. It is glorified filling up all of your time with to-dos, tasks, whatever that looks like. So I am all about breaking that hustle culture, I've taken off my badge of busy honor. And it's so ingrained in us. Just the other day. Now I'm all about not being busy, right? I mean, of course, I'm very productive, I do a lot with
Starting point is 00:05:42 my time, but I don't want to be busy where I feel like I'm out of control. Cause to me feeling busy is like out of control. Yeah. And I had this really beautiful, well-planned day. It was very fluid. And someone said, Hey, how are you? This was a couple months ago. Oh, I'm good. I'm busy. And I thought to myself, why didn't you say I was busy? It's not true, but it's like, that's what we think we should say. That's what we, that expectation. If we say I'm busy, that must mean my business is doing well. That must mean I'm doing well.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I think things are thriving in my life. But really busy, when I think about it, is frazzled, late, taking on too much, rushing from one thing to the next. Busy is not being present. Yes. You just described my life. Yeah. And that is the start of my journey, I guess I would say, is was feeling out of control with my time. I'm someone who likes to know what to do next. I'm a systems person. I like to feel in control and time. I felt someone who likes to know what to do next. I'm a systems person. I like to feel in control and time. I felt like it was always out of control. It was something I could not rein in. I was disappointed with how much time I had. I was not enjoying anything.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So your own personal journey is what really led you to wanting to help people overcome this. Absolutely. Yeah. So a little bit about that. So I started as I was in corporate, I was a non-for-profit for many years. And when my second son was born, I decided I wanted to create a business for myself, which many bloggers can relate to. So I could work from home, be present with my kids, and experience this true sense of work-life balance that everybody was talking about. And as I mentioned, I was a systems person, strategist. So I knew the tools and the systems that I had used in my professional life would be instrumental in how I created this quote-unquote balance for myself. But as my
Starting point is 00:07:42 business and my family began to grow, I was in that place that I described, always fighting with time, disappointed. I was working later hours. I was taking work calls when I was with my kids. My clients seemed happy. The kids seemed fine, but I stopped taking walks. I had no more personal creative time. I wasn't working on the future health of my business. And the fact I was tired, I was overwhelmed. I was burnt out. I was irritable. I was not my best self. While I was experiencing success, I was running a successful business. I lost my purpose. The whole reason I wanted this business was to have a certain lifestyle, a certain experience. And the money was great. It was intoxicating. The more
Starting point is 00:08:30 we write, the more blogs we post, the more clients we take on, whatever it looks like, you're becoming more successful. But that was that hustle culture. I dove right into it. More, more, more equals better. But all these other areas of my life started to slip and I lost my purpose. So it was only when I changed my relationship with time and put in the right structures in place that things really changed for me. And I saw so clearly that it didn't matter how much money I was making. Nothing mattered when I was not present with my kids and I was not present with my business. Both were losing. And everybody I was working with, all my clients were saying the same thing.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I'm busy, I'm tired, don't have enough time. And I don't know if I mentioned this, I was running a virtual services agency at the time. So I was like, Oh, let me give you a new assistant. Let me help create a new system, a new procedure, a new automation, you know, all these shiny solutions. But everybody was still saying I was tired, busy, didn't have enough time. So I realized there was something we must not be looking at, because these were all smart, successful, ambitious, amazing women, like doing big things in the world, making big impacts. So I felt like, why are we all suffering? What is it that we're not looking at? Like, we got to figure this out because something's not right here. And it was that fighting with time. It was that not taking responsibility for time, feeling like time was controlling me.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I had to shift that power position. I am in control of my time. And that when I did that, when I discovered that, when I did that work, when I changed my relationship with time, I realized this is how I need to be helping people. Not, yeah, systems, personal assistance, whatever it looks like. That is important. But until we change the way we think about time, none of that's going to really work in the long run.
Starting point is 00:10:35 It's a band-aid. So that place, right in that sweet spot, finding those gems is where I created the signature method, Time Power, to share both these relational shifts to time that gave me the work-life balance that I finally achieved and a system for structure. The structure was key. I realized it's not that you don't have enough time. You just don't have structure. You don't have a way to manage it so that you're actually achieving the experiences you want to have, being with your kids, being with your partner, travel, writing a book, whatever it is. You said so many interesting things there. And what I keep like this theme that coming back to is kind of the mentality that you have surrounding time.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So are we having having a victim mindset? And I think that... And I'm speaking from personal experience here. I think that we do often say that if I stay the victim... And I know that that feels icky to refer to it like that. But I think it is, honestly. I don't have to take responsibility for it if I'm a victim of it. And so I don't have to... I can just continue to say I'm busy. I try really hard actually not to say to anybody, I'm just busy because everybody's busy. That's life. I really don't know anybody who's not busy, which is kind of sad. But we're all busy in different ways. And we all have different things on our plates. So I think it becomes almost like
Starting point is 00:12:03 this push-pull with like, I'm busier. No, I'm busier. No, I am. And you're like, who cares? We're both too busy. So we just need to come to this place that we can, I think, take an honest look. And so I'm really just kind of honestly curious what that looks like for you when you're like, okay, Jamie, I need to take some personal responsibility here. The systems that I've set up in my life aren't actually serving myself, my business, or my family. What did that process look like for you? And how much time did it take to shift yourself out of this mentality, this negative mentality, and put yourself into a place that you could accept that things needed
Starting point is 00:12:43 to change and then be willing to put in the work to do that. So you mentioned that you're trying to stop saying I'm so busy. So one exercise that I did and I practiced for many months, and this is a tip or a technique I'll give you now to try as well, is by taking out the phrase, I don't have enough time out of my language, because that is, like I said, the number one thing people say, the reason this is happening to them is because they don't have enough time to do X, Y, or Z. So if you can take out, I don't have enough time, it's a very powerful action. Cause as I mentioned a little earlier, the way you think and the way you speak is the experience you will have. You will always feel like you don't have enough time. If that's
Starting point is 00:13:32 something you're constantly saying to yourself, you'll be on that hamster wheel of time scarcity. So removing this phrase is a huge step towards changing the experience you're having. And so people always say, okay, well, what can I say instead? So if you can replace that phrase, and again, this is the practice, but how long did it take? It took months of practice and awareness. But once you're aware of it, you hear it in your mind, you hear yourself saying, and you hear the people around you saying it so much more. So building consciousness around time, building awareness. So when you're about to say, I don't have time to do that, try replacing it with, it's not a priority for me, or no, or I would love to do that. Can we revisit that next month, next week, next year,
Starting point is 00:14:22 whatever is appropriate. So those statements, it's not a priority for me or no, or yes, but can we do it then? Those are statements of responsibility. Those are statements demonstrating you are in control of your time and you're making conscious choices about how you spend your time. I would love to sign up for the bake sale,
Starting point is 00:14:42 but I have other priorities this month. I'll sign up for the next one. So it's not about rejecting or pushing away things that you actually want to do. It's taking responsibility for them. It's I'm making a choice. If I take this on, what will that look like? Do I have time to allocate to that? And so that's step one, stop saying I don't have time. Step two is replace it with active statements of responsibility. And the third part of this is that you can do a kind of internal check and balance to know what is right for yourself. So one of the common things people say is I don't have time to exercise. And you can replace that with anything in your mind that
Starting point is 00:15:23 resonates with you. If you can't say I don't have time to exercise and you have to change it to it's not a priority. Exercise is not a priority for me. Well, I have a gut reaction to that. That's not true. I better make time for it. When you have to use active language with that's taking responsibility, you know, instantly, if that was true or false. I don't have time to go on date nights. I don't have time to spend with my partner. Okay. Being with my partner is not a priority.
Starting point is 00:15:54 You know, like, all right. Doesn't have a great ring to it. Not at all. So this is how you can exercise the muscle of time abundance, time awareness, getting out of victim mode and taking a more active stance with your life. Because the fact is, time is the undercurrent of everything you're doing. Time is your story. You know, I say the way you're living your life, your calendar, your time is literally the story. You know, I say the way you're living your life, your calendar, your time is literally the story. Like, so if someone's writing a book about your life, it's based on these chapters are based
Starting point is 00:16:36 on your time. What, what did you dedicate your time to? Were you active in your school? Were you a successful blogger? Were you a successful writer? Did you write a book? Did you make a difference in your industry? Or were you bogged down with the administration? Were you bogged down? Where do you want to make your impact? Especially bloggers, you have a voice, you have some content to share with the world. You have something to share. Are you spending your time writing and content creation and giving that to the world? Or are you spending your time in copywriting or copy editing, or I don't know, photo taking or formatting or all the little administrative things that we tend to get bogged down in. So just remember how you spend your time is your story. It's yeah, it's the story of your
Starting point is 00:17:23 life. So when you think about it that way, everything you do needs to be a conscious decision about how you spend your time. Like I say to people, there's nothing wrong with deciding I'm going to stay in bed and watch Netflix for three hours today. I'm making a conscious choice. That's what I want to experience. That's great. It was a conscious decision. I took care of myself and this is how I'm doing it today. But I don't want you to be in the bed watching Netflix feeling like, oh, I should be writing another blog post. I should be taking more photos. I should be creating.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I should be putting away the laundry. I should be meal planning. No shoulda, woulda, coulda. Then I feel like then it's not worth it. You're not even enjoying the shows because you're not fully present for them. enjoying the shows because you're not fully present for them. So this conscious awareness of decisions and around time is the experience you're going to have. Oh yeah. I can relate to that so much because you have these days where you don't fully commit to taking the time off. You don't fully commit to working. You're kind of in-between. You get to the end of the day
Starting point is 00:18:25 and you're like, I totally wasted this. I was not productive in my business. I got nothing important done. I could have just taken the day off and spent the time with my kids and went and did something fun. I really didn't do either. So now I just feel bad about myself come the end of the day. And that never, ever feels good. And it's also this struggle with the guilt of what you should be doing. If you're working, you should be spending time with your kids. If you're spending time with your kids, you should be working. That's a really hard mindset to get out of. Yeah. And then both suffer. The mom guilt is there and you're not enjoying one or the other. I totally resonate with that. That was, like I said, in part of my journey, I was with my kids, but I was checking my phone under the table. I wasn't present. Even though I was physically there,
Starting point is 00:19:15 I wasn't there. I was writing a business proposal in my mind. I was writing my next content piece in my mind. I remember one time I was reading my son a story bedtime and I was kept thinking, God, I can't wait for him just to freaking fall asleep. I want to go write. I want to go work on something really wasn't present. And I remember him saying to me, Oh, why did the bunny go into the hole? And I thought to myself, Oh my God, I have to read the page over again because I, while I was reading it, I was not present. And that was like that moment of like something's got to change because I can't even read a story and know what's going on with my three-year-old. So it's a lose situation. It's not a win-win.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And if you're not conscious about the choice, then that is where the mom guilt comes in. You're not present and then you feel guilty for not being, or you feel guilty for not spending more time with kids. You feel guilty for not doing more in your business, whatever colors or shades shows up for you. But when you're conscious about time, you can feel more at ease. You could feel more present in those moments because I know I have time scheduled to work on X, Y, or Z later. So right now I can just be. When it comes to hosting your website, you want somebody you can trust. That's why we recommend BigScoots. Not only do we recommend BigScoots to our students, but we both use them for our own blogs as well. We love them because as a new or
Starting point is 00:20:45 experienced blogger, their hands-on 24-7 support is invaluable. Anytime we've submitted a support request, we've gotten quick responses from a real person ready to help. Big Scoots has an uptime of 99.99%, meaning your site won't go down at critical times like with other hosting companies. With managed and shared plans, you'll be able to get support that fits your budget. Big Scoots is the perfect hosting company for bloggers. Use the link in our show notes to find a plan that works for you. You said something really important there that we think it's a win-win, but instead it's actually a lose-lose. So I am right in that season that you just described.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I have a three-year-old, almost four. And it is having a toddler, having a young child like that. I also have two older ones. But you do feel a little bit like I feel this pull a lot. And I think a lot of bloggers have young kids or kids that they feel that pull like, okay, I can do it all. I can do it all. And I can be a mom and I can also run this business and I can figure out how to do both. And I'll just set her up with something over there and then I'll get something done. And then you don't because it's really unproductive to work with a child around, at least my child, like love her dearly. But I don't have the child that it's super easy to work with. And so I need to really have time separate. But then if I didn't get done what I needed to get
Starting point is 00:22:14 done during the day, then everybody's home from school. And I'm like, just give me 20 minutes. Just give me 30 minutes. Okay. Well, I guess my husband's almost home. So like, can you guys just watch TV for a little bit longer? Then I feel that pull. Like I wasn't a good mom. Like my whole point in being a blogger, I'm getting really vulnerable here. My whole point in being a blogger is so my mom who overworked, like she wasn't ever there at the end of the day, love her dearly, but she wasn't. Like her passion, she loved us, but her passion was her work and her job. They owned a business. And so I internalized that.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I was like, I will be there for my kids when they get off the bus because that was a hard time for me as an adolescent to be alone. And so I was like, I don't want that to happen to my kids. So I want to be with my kids. I'm not always with my kids.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I'm in the same house as they are, but I'm doing exactly what my mom did by working. And I'm not saying with my kids. I'm in the same house as they are, but I'm doing exactly what my mom did by working. And I'm not saying that that's a bad thing. I want to say that I'm not shaming anybody here, but I think that we have to truly ask ourselves, are we actually winning? Like, are we actually, is it, are we actually, and be honest. And the honesty is honestly the hardest part to say, no, actually not. I want to actually sit at the bar with my kids at the island with my kids at the end of the day and ask them, how was your day? I don't want to be like, oh, grab a snack and go play. I don't want that. And that doesn't mean that every mom doesn't. That's fine. To each their
Starting point is 00:23:45 own, we get to decide what that looks like. But I think this is a real struggle for a lot of us who are at home running businesses, running blogs, that we feel this pull constantly between motherhood and entrepreneurship. And there's got to be a way. You're proving that there is a way that we can marry those two and we can be the mom that we want to be a way. You're proving that there is a way that we can marry those two and we can be the mom that we want to be, whatever that looks like, with no judgment or comparison to somebody else, but also have the business that maybe our family does need for financial reasons. Having both, how do we integrate that instead of like, you have to pick one or the other? So what you're expressing is like you said, what a lot of bloggers and a lot of moms who are trying to run their own businesses experience. You start it because you want to have a certain experience.
Starting point is 00:24:35 You've wanted to be present for your children because of it. You wanted the opposite of an experience you had, and then you get lost in the business and the boundaries or, you know, get blurred. And there's a time and place for multitasking. There's a time and place for, Hey guys, can you watch a movie? I need to finish this. There's a, there's nothing wrong with that. And that is why I say time management and productivity. It's not a template. There is no one size fits all everybody's life circumstance is very different. Whether you're running six blogs, one blog, three kids, two kids, stay at home, part-time job, whatever it looks like, there is not one solution that I could say is going to work for all of you.
Starting point is 00:25:15 That is why I take great pride in creating customized, personalized time management structures for you in your context. So the first question I always ask people is, what is the experience that you want to have? So for you, Amy, you said like, I want to be home when my kids get off the bus. Great. What time is that? Three o'clock. So your workday ends at three. And maybe when your husband comes home, whether it's childcare or whatever, that next time slot is that's your next work window. We work around it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And then you're able to see, okay, if this is the lifestyle I want to be with my kids in the morning until they get off to school, daycare, whatever. And so my work hours are when they're out of the house. So how are you going to manage your business structures and workflows to fit within the time you have for the lifestyle you want to
Starting point is 00:26:05 have. I always say this big picture of experience and of lifestyle is the first thing we need to talk about before we even talk about designing your structure. It's like saying, I want this big, beautiful house, but until we make a blueprint for it, you're just putting brick after brick after brick, but you're not creating anything beautiful. You're not because there's no blueprint, right? Time is the blueprint for the experience. I want to be present for this, that I want holidays off to be, you know, you have to decide what, you know, how many hours a week do you want to dedicate to your blogging business? There's big picture design of your life and the experiences that you need to be really clear about. Then we make the structure around it.
Starting point is 00:26:51 That is, you know, that is how you do it. That is the essence of, you know, the programs that I have for time power. It's, you know, first we look at your mindset. We have to change the relationship with time. We have, you can't be a victim in this model. We need to audit your life. What is going on? Where is your time going? What are you holding onto that you could delegate or let go of? What is the vision for the life? So then we have to talk priorities. If you have a certain block of window and you want to make X amount of money or you want to produce X amount of pieces, we have to be very practical because every single thing you do requires time. And if you're not aware of time, how much time things take or how much time you have, that is what creates the feeling of busy, overbooked,
Starting point is 00:27:36 overscheduled, late and rushed. Because you're just adding more and more. It's like, you know, you want to like organize your house, but you keep adding more and more and more stuff. You know, it's like, I always compare this to the home edit because we all moms love the home edit and like seeing the organized color coded everything. That is what I do for you in your life. You know, if we don't know what's in the closet, if we don't know where all your time is going, you think you just need more shelves. I just need a bigger closet. I just need a bigger, I need more bins. Well, we don't even know what's in there. And until we take things out and see, you're like, oh, actually I can be giving away this task or I give away those clothes. You realize, oh my God, I have three empty shelves. I didn't even know I had.
Starting point is 00:28:15 You can't keep adding. That's the whole busy hustle culture. You keep adding more and more to your plate. You keep adding more and more to your closet, but there's no sense of organization. It feels out of control and it's haunting you like, oh, that closet is such a mess and you lose sleep about it. So these are kind of like the pillars of really making the changes. It's mindset, the audit, the big picture vision of your life, and then the structure. What does your schedule, what does your calendar look like? What tools do you need to be using to manage or automate and so forth? So this is like, I do the home edit of your life to make you more time efficient and productive. I feel like this is probably a really hard first step to take for people because you're going to have to like,
Starting point is 00:29:06 essentially open your eyes to all the things you've kind of put your head down. No, I'm not going to look at what I'm doing to myself here. I'm just going to plow through. I'm just going to keep going. Because if you start peeling back those layers, and you have to start looking at the excuses that you're making, the fact that you keep piling on to yourself, that you've prioritized the wrong things first. You talked about, you kind of have to design your work around the life that you want, not trying to fit your life into this work that you've created. And Jennifer, that is it. A hundred percent. And most bloggers, most business owners, they are letting their business run their life.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Yeah. You started this business. So you have to design your life first, then your business. When you do that, your business will thrive. Your business will not thrive in the ways that you want it to when you're unhappy, when you feel stuck, when you feel like you don't have enough. Do you think that part of that mentality of like, I got to do more, I got to be more, I got to create more, I got to have more, I got to make more comes from that? I would guess that
Starting point is 00:30:16 majority of us have college education or we've gone on and we were told to have a nine to five and that's just what life looked like. Many of our parents likely did that. I mean, my parents have been entrepreneurs, but my idea of an entrepreneur was working like 70 to 90 hours a week, and they're still doing it in their 60s. I'm not my dad. My dad is like, I'm not going to work as much as your mom because this... Our life is... We're like ticking. That's what he's honestly thinking. But my mom is still in that 70 to 90 hours and she's an entrepreneur. They run a brick and mortar business. So it's different. I think this can go brick and mortar or online. It's just a business owner in general. But I think that that's what we're told. If you want to be successful,
Starting point is 00:31:01 then that's what that has to look like. And I think you're challenging that thought with, actually, it doesn't. Let's actually flip the script here. And what if I told you, you can have success without running yourself into the ground? You can actually have it all. And I think that that almost feels too good to be true to a lot of us. Let me tell you about one of my clients, Lisa, because I feel like it speaks to exactly what you're talking about and how like people really don't think it's possible. And that's why sometimes you do need to work with someone external who has an objective perspective
Starting point is 00:31:36 because you're in it. So Lisa, one of my clients, she's a blogger. She has two recipe websites, very successful. She came to me tired, exhausted, overwhelmed. She was working 80 hours a week. She has two recipe websites, very successful. She came to me tired, exhausted, overwhelmed. She was working 80 hours a week. She was engaging with her posts all day, every day on the phone. She hadn't taken vacation. She hadn't taken a day off. She worked the nights after putting the kids to sleep. She worked the weekends. She wasn't feeling well anymore. And she was starting to resent the business, even though it was like, you know, she was also the breadwinner. These businesses were what were supporting their lifestyle. So she felt like she couldn't let up. And the more she produced, the more money she
Starting point is 00:32:15 told me, the more I post, the more money I make. So I can't slow down. I said, but yeah, but your body's slowing down. Your mind is slowing down. Your energy is slowing down. If we don't make this shift, it's not sustainable. You will literally burn the business you've worked so hard on to the ground unconsciously. But she was a perfectionist. She wanted to do it all herself. She thought it'd be too hard to train other people. She wanted everything to be in her voice. And through that audit, she didn't realize how much she had in her closet, how many tasks and projects and things she was holding onto that were not in her zone of genius, that were not propelling her business forward, which were not actually contributing to the success. She was bogged down. So many tasks she was doing were not actually in alignment with what
Starting point is 00:33:03 she wanted to be doing or actually helping her business. So she didn't think it was possible to have work-life balance. She genuinely said that to me. She's like, listen, I got three kids. I got two businesses. I like to exercise. It's just not possible. And I said, trust me, it's possible. What do you want? She said, I don't want to work weekends. I don't want to work at night, but I don't want my revenue to change. I want to be present with my kids. I want to have one-on-one time. Okay. We will create that. And we did. It took two months. It really was possible. We did that audit of her life. We got really clear what she wanted. And then we were able to see so clearly what she could delegate to a team,
Starting point is 00:33:49 what she could outsource and feel comfortable with. That was really important for her. She needed to feel comfortable with what other people were helping her with. She wanted to be the writer. She wanted her name on things and for that to stay true to her voice and to be genuine. So that was something she did not want to sacrifice. So what were all the other things that we could sacrifice? Editing, copy editing, like all the little tasks that weren't changing the quality of her work, but where she was spending hours of her time. And when I said to her, you can spend three hours editing, or you can go do a one-on-one activity with your kids once a week. What is more important? And so we had to make relational shifts to time. We had to do the audit.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And then we had to make conscious choices that what are the priorities of your life for the experiences you want to have? And once she became clear about that, everything else, the structure fell into place. The outsourcing fell into place. And literally now she has a team supporting her. She's working far less and she's making,
Starting point is 00:34:44 she literally told me, double the amount of money in both of her business. She said, I've never been this successful. She said, I've never even imagined this transformation was possible. I am making more money. I'm spending more time with my kids. I'm not working on the weekends. I'm not working at night and my health, I'm actually paying attention to my health. And it literally is my best story because it's like night and day. But she had to trust the process. She had to give it. But she knew there was something bigger that she wanted.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And so you have to recognize first that you're in a place where you're ready to make change. It's not like a one, two, three magic wand. It takes work. It takes work. It takes effort, but it is possible. I just worked with someone yesterday who came like very busy executive. I'm busy. I don't have time to go swimming.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I don't have time to exercise. I don't have time to visit. The list went on and on. I said, okay, good. I will help you make time for all of those things in the lifestyle you want. It's like, and people say, well, I'm trying to do it
Starting point is 00:35:45 myself or do it yourself model. Why do I need to work with someone? I'm like, would you read a book about learning how to swim and then feel comfortable going in the ocean? Valid point. You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah, you could watch a thousand videos. You can read more books. You can buy one more app. You can multitask, but that's that same mentality. I'm adding more and more and more into my life to try to solve the problem. You're not going to read those books. You're not going to watch those videos. You're already in that stage of burnout. You need someone to help you stand there in the ocean with you while you practice what you've learned to make sure you know that I'm going to pull you up if you
Starting point is 00:36:22 go down. It's accountability, which I think is... We need accountability in so many different areas of our life. And I'm also laughing because I bought a time management book in January and I've literally read 12 pages. And I'm like, I don't have time to read that book. Let me tell you. Business owners, they spend between $5,000 and $15,000 on all these solutions. And they're spending all this money to buy back more money and time.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And they never solve the problem. The books sit there, the courses sit there. Or they think outsourcing is the only solution, but people don't even know how to outsource. Like the bloggers, she never thought she was going to outsource. She didn't know what or how or where to start. She thought it would be better to just do it herself. So, I mean, coaches need coaches. You know, like everyone needs somebody to help them create what they want.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And otherwise, you're just adding more to the messy closet and nothing's getting done. I love the closet analogy that you've used today. I think that that's... It is like you just have to lift up the curtain a little bit and take a peek inside and you're going to feel really vulnerable. I'm just thinking about some things myself, just feeling very vulnerable about that and taking ownership, having self-awareness. But I think we have to come back and ask ourselves, how do I want to feel with my family? And how do I want to feel in my business? And do I feel currently the way that I want to feel? And I think that's a process. I mean, you have more experience than I do. But I mean, a process to come to that point like, okay, I have tried to figure this out on my own. And it's clearly not,
Starting point is 00:38:03 I'm not doing a very good job at it. So maybe I do need some help. So can you kind of outline a little bit, Jamie, how you work with clients specifically? Yes. So I have the Time Power program, which is designed to, like I meant, to work with you on shifting your mindset. So it's a live training support program. It's one-on-one, personalized and customized to you and your situation. We work on your mindset. I give you specific relational shifts to make tools and techniques to enliven these shifts in your day-to-day life.
Starting point is 00:38:36 We do a life audit. So literally a glorified brain dump of every single aspect of your life. And with moms and bloggers, I can't just look at your personal life or your business. Your moms are enmeshed in both. Your life is both. So it has to be holistic. So we kind of do this deep dive into the audit of what is going on, where is your time going? And then we do exercises to create the live vision you want. What is the experience? And then we build the specific structures that you need to have that experience. So it could be time blocking.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It could be a project management tool. So again, it's custom to what you need. But those are the pillars of the work that you'll do with me in the one-on-one time power program is really transforming your life. It's rebuilding to meet the vision that you have. And we touch all those layers and levels. So it's really unique in that sense of no one else is gonna sit there
Starting point is 00:39:36 and get into the nitty gritty with you. I am. I'm handholding, I'm with you, I'm doing it for you. It's not like you're getting homework. You have enough going on in your lives. We do it together. We have that transformation and we build the structure together.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That sounds incredible. It really does. I love that you have used what I'll call your pain for purpose and a pain point in your life and then kind of healed yourself. And now you're reaching your hand back and saying, okay, now come along with me and I want to help you too.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Because I think that we're meant for joy and too often we're chasing what we think is joy and it's just kind of sucking the joy right out of our lives because we don't have what we think we should have. And that is more time. So thank you for sharing this today. I feel like we could have literally talked for like three more hours, but I think that
Starting point is 00:40:27 you've given, I know you've given me a lot to think about, and I'm sure that you've given our listeners a lot to think about. So thank you for all that you've shared today. It's been awesome. Thank you so much for having me. It's been a pleasure to speak with you both about time. It's my passion and I hope people walk away inspired to really change their outlook and raise consciousness
Starting point is 00:40:50 about how they relate to time. Yeah. Can you tell our listeners how they can connect with you, Jamie? Yes, absolutely. So you're welcome to learn more about my Time Power program at If you're looking for some inspiration and tips, you can follow me
Starting point is 00:41:05 on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. And also my website, you'll find lots of great free resources, masterclasses. You can sign up for the newsletter to get some inspiration right to your inbox. And if you are ready to take some changes in relation to your mindset, I do have an amazing self-paced course available, just focused on mindset, changing your relationship with time as the foundation. And I have lots of other great products and tools. So just visit my website and follow along and stay inspired. Awesome. Thank you so much, Jamie. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with
Starting point is 00:41:48 us, please find us on Instagram at spark media concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration. You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes for those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the wait list for the ultimate blog bootcamp. The link to join the waitlist is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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