The Unbelievable Truth - 20x04 The Rolling Stones, Vegetarianism, Eggs, Harry Potter

Episode Date: February 18, 2022

20x04 23 April 2018 John Finnemore, Henning Wehn, Lou Sanders, Graeme Garden The Rolling Stones, Vegetarianism, Eggs, Harry Potter...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We present The Unbelievable Truth, the panel game built on truth and lies. In the chair, please welcome David Mitchell. Hello and welcome to The Unbelievable Truth, the panel show about incredible truths and barely credible lies. I'm David Mitchell. On the panel this week, it's Graham Garden, John Finnemore, Lou Sanders and Henning Vein. The rules are as follows.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Each panellist will present a short lecture that should be entirely false, save for five hidden truths which their opponent should try to identify. Points are scored by truths that go unnoticed, while other panellists can win points if they spot a truth or lose points if they mistake a lie for a truth. First up is John Finnemore. John, your subject is The Rolling Stones,
Starting point is 00:01:01 an English rock band formed in London in the 1960s whose first line-up included Mick Jagger on vocals, Keith Richards and Brian Jones on guitar, Bill Wyman on bass and Charlie Watts on drums. Off you go, John. Fingers on buzzers, the rest of you. The Rolling Stones, a.k.a. the Naughty Beatles, are the most high-profile victims of this government's fit-for-work assessment policy.
Starting point is 00:01:22 are the most high-profile victims of this government's fit-for-work assessment policy. They have a combined age of 317 and are all forbidden from approaching a custom sniffer dog in case the sheer excitement kills it. 90% of the Rolling Stones' revenue is derived from song licensing. Organisations that they have permitted to use their tracks include the AA, Stop Breaking Down, Yeats's Wine Lodge, Street Fighting Man and Gordon's Gin, Mother's Little Helper. Henny. I don't know their revenue streams inside out so 90% seems a bit steep. Yes, I would
Starting point is 00:02:00 agree. Leaving the only question, why did you buzz? Because I just wanted to think about it, and so if John just rattles on, I haven't got no time to think about it properly. It's a trademark of yours on this show, if I may. So, buzz so you can think. No, 90% of their revenue is not from song licensing. They earn much more by touring. John.
Starting point is 00:02:23 The Stones also wrote the music for a Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Graham. Rwy'n meddwl eu bod wedi ysgrifennu cerdd ar gyfer Kellogg's. Roeddent wedi ysgrifennu cerdd ar gyfer Kellogg's. Iawn. Yn 1964, roedd y Stoens yn cynnig cerdd ar gyfer adborth Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Roedd Brian Jones yn ysgrifennu'r cerdd ar gyfer y llyreigion hyn. Gwyddoch yn y bore, mae'r lle yn ymlaen.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Gwyddoch yn y bore, mae' ffwrdd yn eich wyneb. Wael ym mis y bore, mae pop sy'n dweud, Rysgwysmi ar gyfer chi a chi a chi. Ac os gallaf ddweud hynny, rydych yn perfformio hynny â llawer mwy o ffugrwch na'r ydw i'n siŵr eu bod nhw oedd wedi gwneud. Mae'r choir plant ar y dechrau o You Can't Always Get What You Want yn cynnwys Emily Thornberry, Adrian Edmundson, bigger than I'm sure they ever did. The children's choir at the beginning of You Can't Always Get What You Want included
Starting point is 00:03:07 Emily Thornberry, Adrian Edmondson, Viggo Mortensen, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Henny. Might cost me a point, but Adrian Edmondson, was he in the choir? He wasn't. It wasn't Desmond Tutu, was it? Do you want to buzz?
Starting point is 00:03:26 No, that would be just foolish, wouldn't it? Oh yeah, go on, man. No, Desmond Tutu was not part of that choir. Lou? The other one. Which one? Yeah, number two. Number two was Adrian Edmonds.
Starting point is 00:03:41 The other one then. The other one, another buzz. Viggo Mortensen, no. No! LAUGHTER Absolute... If you're going to literally... For every one of these unlikely people, John's wishing he'd put a list of 19. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:04:01 Mick Jagger has 42 children, three of whom are older than he is. So Mick's hobbies include ballet dancing and midnight rambling, and he is an avid watcher of Countdown, often calling the show's producers if he spots a word he thinks they missed. Lou. I think he's a fan of ballet. He is a fan. He is a fan of ballet. Who isn a fan. Yes. He is a fan of ballet.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Who isn't? Yeah, but we all like ballet. No, we don't. Are people hopping about? I think he means women in leotards. And now on Radio 3, Tchaikovsky's People Hopping About. Yeah. Yes, ballet is part of Sir Mick's training regime.
Starting point is 00:04:47 In an interview with Q Magazine, he says ballet helps his balance and maintains his 28-inch waist. Keith Richards once did a corporate gig for the president of Turkmenistan who mistakenly believed he had booked Sir Cliff Richard. Yeah, that is exactly what happened. He walked up there and then they realised they had the wrong man. No. Though when Cliff Richard's home was raided,
Starting point is 00:05:12 Sky News Australia mistakenly reported that Keith Richard's home had been raided. It's Cliff Richard, Keith Richard's, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. It's a genitive. Yeah. Genitive? I was just confirming their different surnames. Iitif? Roeddwn i'n cyfathrebu eu surniamau gwahanol. Nid oeddwn i'n ceisio'r hollbwysig. Rydw i ddim wedi...
Starting point is 00:05:30 Rydw i ddim wedi llwyddo Cliff Richard. Beth yw Cliff Richard, Cliff Richard, Cliff Richard, Cliff Richard? Henning, rydych chi'n dweud Cliff Richard. Ond am bwrpas. Cliff Richard. Henning, you're just saying Cliff Richard now. But for a purpose. If you say it one more time, he'll appear. Yes, that constitutes a booking.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Keith Richards once left his infant son Marlon in a hotel by accident and didn't notice for three years. The boy grew up feral in the corridor, his first words were room service a'i ffrindiau gwahanol yn y hotel gan amgylch ac doedd yn gweld am 3 mlynedd. Gwnaeth y ffrindiau fferol yn y coridor, a'i gair cyntaf oedd gwasanaeth ystafell, ac roedd yn credu ei enw'n Sheraton oherwydd roedd yn cael ei ysgrifennu ar yr holl beth. Mae'r dymorion ffynol Ceef yn cynnwys botl litr o vodka Conquer, ffyrdd nad yw'n bodoli, a'i ffynnu mewn fyddi. Mae'r ffyrdd i'w ffynnu gyda chyffin..neu papurau Bichon Frise, ond nid y ddau. A gwaith o'r Shepard.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Henny. Os nad yw'n cael ei ddod ar y cyfan fel ffrut, mae'n rhaid i'r Shepard ei ddod ar y cyfan. Mae'r gwaith o'r Shepard yn wir iawn. A gallaf dweud, rwy'n hoffi'r ysgrifennu... ..'dod ar y fel cas o ffrwyth. Brian Jones wedi creu'r logo oed a chyflawni ar ôl i gorilleg wedi cymryd ei chyflawni arno yn y zoo Lundain.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Beth a wnaeth ei greu ar ôl gweld y baboons, yn angen i gofnod, nid yw'r hanes yn cyflawni. Grae. Rwy'n mynd i fynd â'r gwartheg sy'ynnu ei llaw arno. Mae'n anodd yn anodd. Roedd yn y ffaith ei ddylunio gan artist James... Dwi ddim yn gwybod sut mae'n ei hanfod. Pasha? P-a-s-c-h-e.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Ie. Felly os ydych chi am ysgrifennu, rwyf wedi'i ddychmygu. Dwi ddim yn gallu ei ddweud. Roedd yna lle yng Nghaerfog, rwy'n ei hanfod. Byddwch yn meddwl y byddwn yn golygu holocaust. Ie, mae'r ffaith hwn. I was a Holocaust denier. LAUGHTER Anyway, that guy, he designed it because he was immediately struck by Jagger's mouth when he met him. For which Jagger apologised, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:33 when he turns around quickly... Bill Wyman was only asked to join the band because he owned an amplifier. Penny. Was he in the band because he's got an amplifier? Well done. That's true. Amplifier. Henning. Yn y band, oherwydd mae'n ganddo amplifier. Gwell wneud. Mae hynny'n wir.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Ie, pan ddodd Bill Wyman i gyfansodd gyda'r Rolling Stones yn 1962, roedd yn cymryd gyda nhw amp a chabinet bass. Yn ymddiriedol, roedd yr amp yn y drosglwydder mawr, ac roeddent yn hoffi'r swn mwy mwy pwerfod, mwy eledig, a gafodd ei a'i gwaith i'r band. John. Mae Charlie Watts yn lepidopterwyr amadur, ac mae ganddo dros 600 sbetsimend o ffwrdd,
Starting point is 00:08:12 er nad oes moddau. Oherwydd, fel mae'n ymgysylltu'n ddifrif, mae'r stôn yn casglu'r nodau. Diolch, John. Ac ar ddiwedd y rhan hon, John, rydych chi wedi llwyddo un gwirionedd yn ystod yr oes gennym, a dyna'r peth yw bod y gair yn y gair yn y gair. Yn ystod ei blwyddyn, roedd ei blwyddyn yn dysgu i gael cyfrifol, ac roedd ei gair yn y gair yn y gair. elevators and his first words were reportedly room service and that means John you scored one point the stage show for the stones 1975 tour of America
Starting point is 00:08:52 included a giant inflatable penis in Memphis police warned the band would be prosecuted if the penis was inflated it was a charge that lawyers for the stones took very seriously as it was very likely to stand up in court next up is a chymerodd llawyr am y stôns yn wirioneddol, oherwydd roedd yn debygol o ddod yn y llyfrgell. Yn nesaf, Henning Vane. Henning yw o Gymru ac yn un o'r comediwnau Cymreigiaid Cymreigiaid sy'n gweithio yn y DU. Yn sicr yn y 20 o'r top. Henning, dyma'ch bwnc.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Vegetarianism. Ymarfer nad yn bwyta gwaed neu ffis, sy'n cynnwys ymgyrchu o'r gwahanol cynnyrch, gan gynrychioli pob cynnyrch, gan gynnwys oed a dairig neu ffis, a'i gwahaniaethau yn cynnwys veganisme, sy'n llwyddo i gyd-gynhyrchion, gan gynnwys eg ac adar. Yn ffwrdd, Henning. Roedd rhai rwydweithwyr wedi'u ffynnu... ..gyda'r dyn. Roeddent am greu llwyddiant a bwysig arall
Starting point is 00:09:44 i bawb yn rhoi gwrtaith bwysig. who wanted to create awkwardness and extra cooking for everyone giving a dinner party. In Russia, vegetarianism didn't even exist after the revolution, when the Bolsheviks removed the word vegetarian from dictionaries. John. I don't know why they would have done, but did they remove it from the dictionary? They did. For decades after the Bolshevik revolution, vegetarianism in Russia was essentially banned. Leaders of vegetarian societies were persecuted and sometimes arrested, ar ôl Rheolwgiaeth Bolchevich, roedd vegetarianiaeth yn Rwysiaid yn bwysig yn cael ei ddiffyg. Roedd arweinydd cymdeithasau vegetarian yn cael eu hwydo ac yn amser yn cael eu hwydo,
Starting point is 00:10:08 ac roedd y gair vegetarian yn cael ei ddwylo o ddictynnau Rwysiaid. Mae vegetarianiaeth yn enwedig yn golygu bod person yn ddim yn bwyso llyfn unedig, ond yn bwyso coctail sy'n cael ei gwaith, mŵn, hannu, fyddoedd, gwerthoedd, plant heb-bwyd, ysgrifennu Christmas, ymgyrchu gym, a chynulliad cyffredinol, unborn children, its Christmas spirit, its gym membership, and general sense of purpose. Providing there's enough ketchup. So, yeah, every meat-eater thinks vegetarians are politically correct numpties with too much time on their hands,
Starting point is 00:10:36 whilst every vegan thinks all vegetarians are cold-hearted proxy murderers who haven't quite thought it through. To be properly thoughtful, you need to be vegan. Vegans have higher IQs than other people. If you don't believe me, just look at vegan intellectual heavyweight Mike Tyson. Tyson hasn't touched meat since that ear incident. Although he has found a soy-based ear substitute. although he has found a soy-based ear substitute. Ironically, some of the most famous vegetarians include Ian Beefy Botham,
Starting point is 00:11:11 Kevin Bacon, Jon Hamm and Meatloaf. In the song, I would do anything for love, but I won't do that. That refers to eating a bacon sandwich. Graham. I have a feeling Ian Botham is vegetarian. No. No? Don't do that. That refers to eating a bacon sandwich. BELL RINGS Graeme? I have a feeling Ian Botham is vegetarian. No. No?
Starting point is 00:11:29 He gives pheasants to the poor from his estate. LAUGHTER It says here. Fair enough, that is the opposite. Well, it's... Maybe that's because he doesn't eat them. Yeah. I think he also does eat them. Does he call that programme Pheasants for Peasants? Jesus... LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:11:50 Time to bring him up, isn't he? Jesus was the first vegetarian, but he soon lapsed, dowling out 50,000 fish to the starving. To make matters... I think Jesus was vegetarian. He ate fish. Yeah, but you said he was the first vegetarian, but then he lapsed. i'r parhau i wneud metos. Rwy'n credu bod Jesus yn fwydr. Hei, fe wnaethon i ffis. O, ond roeddech chi'n dweud ei bod yn y fwyaf ffydr, ond wedyn fe ffynnau. Iawn, rwy'n credu nad oedd Jesus yn y fwyaf ffydr.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Wel, rwy'n gofyn yr hyn rwy'n ei ddweud nawr. Ac nid oedd hi'n ffydr hefyd. Iawn. Rwy'n credu y gallech chi ddweud ei fod yn ffydr cyn ei fod wedi bwydu unrhyw beth. Rwy'n gwybod, pan oedd hi'n cael llawn o blwch. Nid oedd hi'n ffydr. Ie, diolch. Ie, ond rydyn ni i gyd wedi bwysio unrhyw beth. Yn fath, pan oedd yn cael llawer o fwyd. Nid oedd yn ddwygan. Ie, diolch.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Ond rydyn ni i gyd wedi llwyddo ddwygar. Ond ni wnaethon ni llwyddo yn fwy na'r cyntaf. Ydych chi'n dweud nad yw ddwygan yn cael eu bodoli i ddrin eu môr o fwyd? Rwy'n credu bod ddwygan yn cael eu bodoli i gael ymddygiad. Maen nhw'n gwneud eu rheolau eu hunain. They're making their own rules. Early in the 20th century, English schoolmasters recommended that students become vegetarians in order to curb their appetite for self-abuse. However, they quickly relented when several news agents went out of business. Donald Trump has banned vegetarians from America in case some of them are vegan and established
Starting point is 00:13:04 their own state in San Francisco. Is there any place more resistant to a healthy diet than America? Well, the Yorkshire village of Fryup turned down a request from Peter to change its name to Vegan Fryup. In disgust, Peter built a village of Tofu next door. And that's all there is to be said about the difficult topic of vegetarianism. a chreuodd ffyniad o toffw y tu ôl. Ac mae hynny'n yr un peth sy'n cael ei ddweud am ddifficil o ddifficiliaeth. Ac os yw hynny'n gallu achosi un ag, mae'r holl bethau wedi bod yn gwerth iddo.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Diolch, Henning. Ac ar ddiwedd y rhan honno, Henning, rydych chi wedi llwyddo 4 gwirioneddau o'r rest o'r panel. Mae hynny'n wahanol iawn i mi, ond... Yw. Y 4 gwirioneddau yw bod ymgyrchion yn gwellau gwych na phobl eraill. Yn testiau a gyflwynwyd yn 1970, roedd mhen sy'n ddysgwyr o ddysgwyr o ddysgwyr yn ddysgwyr yn gyffredinol
Starting point is 00:13:52 o 106 yn cyflawni â 101 i ddysgwyr nid-dysgwyr, yn ogystal â bod ddysgwyr neu ddysgwyr femail yn cyflawni â 104 yn cyflawni â 99 i ddysgwyr nid-dysgwyr. Y gwirionedd ail yw bod ffwrdd ofosg yn ffosg, o 1981 i 1992, cyn i mi fynd yn ôl i ddiddori ffosg. Y llwyth yw yw bod yn ystod y 20eg ganrif, roedd gweithwyr ysgol Cymru yn argymell bod myfyrwyr yn dod yn ffosg er mwyn i'w llwyddo eu hwyl am ddiffyg eu hunain. Y llwyth yw yw bod y fferm yng Nghymru, Fry-Up, wedi troi at y cymryd o bobl i ddiogelu addysgau addysg, neu PET neu Peter i newid ei enw i Fryup Vegan i ddi-chynllunio Dydd
Starting point is 00:14:29 Vegan Dynion Cymru ar 1 Nofembr. Ond ddyweddwyd na. Ac mae hynny'n golygu, Henning, bod gennych chi 4 pwynt. Pan oedd yn ffilmio'r Revenant, roedd Leonardo DiCaprio wedi rhoi'i dyniaethu i'w ddigwyddiad a chymryd yn ymwneud â bwyd bison, o ran ei fod yn y ei fod yn ymwybodol nad fyddai un ffync gwneud o gellid yn edrych yn dda. Fodd bynnag, pan ddodod i'w ddynnu gan ddyn CGI, fe dweudodd, Dwi'n siwr y byddai'n edrych yn iawn. Yn nesaf, yw Lou Sanders.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Lou, eich pwnc yw... gwaith. Oedol neu obiectau rhwng, wedi'u llwyddo gan gwirfodolwyr a phobl eraill, reptili, amfibwyr a ffis, sy'n cynnwys ychydig o ychydig o ychydig o'r ychydig o'r ychydig o albumen neu egwyt ac wedi'i ddynnu mewn llyfr neu ffwrdd sy'n gyflym. Yn y dda chi, Lou. Lai, os nad ydych chi'n hoffi pigeon, meddwl eto,
Starting point is 00:15:16 oherwydd ychydig o bigeon dynion yw rhomantigion gwirioneddol ac maen nhw'n cw'u cerddorion cwbl o'u cerddorion cyn mynd i lawr ar un gwael i gyflwyno, heb i'r rhai sy'n un-legged. Ac mae Mam a Mam Pidgey a Pap Pidgey yn cymryd ychydig o'u gwmpas i gosod ar y top o'r ddau oedd yn gwneud cwmniadau oedd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd. Yn ogystal â'r ddau oedd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd. Ac mae Mam a Pap yn gwneud y cwmniadau oedd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd. Ac mae'r neges yno, sydd, dwi'n credu, yn dweud nad yw'r cyffredin yn dda iawn arall. Ond, beth mae'r cyffredin yn ei wneud? Henny.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Ydyn nhw'n gwneud y cyffredin a'r cyffredin sydd yn eu bodd yn eu bodd? Ie, mae hynny'n wir. Mae cyffredin yn gwneud am bywyd a rhannu ddwylydau. Mae'r fadr yn bodd yn eu bodd yn y ddwylydau drwy'r dydd, That's true. Pigeons mate for life and share parenting duties. The father sits on the eggs during the day, which frees the mother to go and eat cigarette butts in a gutter. In China, they pay very good Chinese money for virgin boys' eggs. What, please? OK, the hen's eggs are cooked in little lads' piss
Starting point is 00:15:59 and they're very popular. John. I mean, that is a really weird lie. It's a lie, so I can only think it's the truth. The Chinese virgin boy eggs. Yeah. Yes, that is true. Oh, thank God for that.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yes, in the Chinese city of Dongyang, they enjoy a delicacy called virgin boy eggs, which involves cooking hen's eggs in urine collected from the toilets of boys-only primary schools. Yummy! After boiling, the eggshells are cracked and the eggs are placed back into fresh urine and the process is repeated.
Starting point is 00:16:31 The entire cooking process generally takes a day. Locals claim that the eggs prevent heatstroke. I wonder who first discovered that. I've got a touch of heatstroke. I wonder if this is worth a try. No, I'm saying they're all non-judgmental, but they're a bit mental, aren't they? The causes of World War III were unexpected.
Starting point is 00:16:57 It's like, oh, we have to appease them now. We have to nuke them, really. Well, you're laughing. America, they would make me president. i newcom, mewn gwirionedd. Wel, rydych chi'n sgwyddo. Yn America, byddai hynny'n gwneud fi'n Prifysgol. Rwy'n gwybod fy mod i'n centrist sylweddol, ond rwy'n meddwl bod yna ffordd tair o ran newcing a dweud bod popeth yn iawn, sef ysgrifennu. Mae egwiliad ffoc yn broblem hefyd yng Nghymru. Mae gwen dyn Mae dyn Mae dyn yn caeli ddweud yn ôl.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Rwy'n meddwl mai ei enw yw Mei Din, ond dydw i ddim yn gallu darllen ysgrifennu Cynhyrchydd Cymru. Mae rhabwydion yn rhoi hanner hanner o egwiliadau oherwydd maen nhw'n eu gwneud yn llai ffurtal. Mae hyn yn anodd oherwydd bob amser rydw i wedi cael fyfyrwch, mae'r rhain yn cael eu gwneud yn ffurtal iawn. Roedd gwneud oeddiad i dyn o'i fferm pan oedd ei fferm wediel ei gyflawni gyda chynnyrch a'i gynhyrchu gan ei ddau? Diwrnod Mawr! Rwy'n rhaid meddwl amdano. Nid oedd unrhyw beth yn byw hynny'n digwydd. Felly, ie, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n wir. Nid, ychwanegwch. Sut fyddai hynny'n gweithio?
Starting point is 00:18:01 A ydym wedi cael amser i roi can? Nid, dyna'r hyn sy'n digwydd. Mae'n digwydd yr hyn sy'n digwydd. A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A...
Starting point is 00:18:11 A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A...
Starting point is 00:18:19 A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... A... five-year-old daughter, Sarah Connell, who had been trying for years to have a baby. In the early 1970s, the UK's egg marketing board was concerned that the term egg whites might sound racist, so instead of actually tackling racism,
Starting point is 00:18:33 they spent £2 million on trying to rebrand egg whites as egg see-through bits. The idea for the Beatles song Yesterday came to Paul McCartney when he fell asleep in his breakfast and was originally titled Scrambled Eggs. John. You can sing Scrambled Eggs for Yesterday, Yn ystod ystod, roedd y cân y Beatles yn dod i Paul McCartney pan oedd yn ffodd yn ei ffodd a oedd yn arfer yn ei enwio'n sgrambled eggs. John. Gallwch chi syngu sgrambled eggs i ystod ystod a, am y rheswm hwn, rwyf wedi'i ffodd. Wel, rydych yn hollol iawn.
Starting point is 00:18:53 O, da. Yn ystod ystod, roedd y cân yn dod i Paul McCartney yn ei ffodd. Yn ystod 1980, ysgrifennwyd i fyny gyda tun gwych yn fy mhen. I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. Keen not to forget his magical dream melody, McCartney wrote some temporary lyrics for the song about scrambled eggs and named it after the breakfast dish. The song began, Scrambled eggs, oh my baby, how I love your legs. No, no, no, I think everybody in the audience wants to hear you sing it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Well, you know, people don't always get what they want. Did you just do a music reference joke? By accident, I think. I realised it at the same time you did, and I thought, can I remember the next line and pretend that was deliberate? And I thought, no, I can't. Lastly, the Looney Tunes catchphrase was originally,
Starting point is 00:19:39 that's all yolks, that's how loony it was. Thank you, Lou. Thank you. At the end of that round, Lou, you've managed to smuggle one truth past the rest of the panel, which is that fake chicken eggs are a problem in China. Fake chicken eggs first appeared in the mid-'90s and production spread all over China.
Starting point is 00:20:00 The fake eggs are made from a mixture of resin, coagulant and starch complete with pigment for colour as well as a counterfeit shell. Mae'r egiau ffac yn cael eu gwneud o gyfnod o resyn, coagulant a start, gyda pigment ar gyfer cwlwr, yn ogystal â chel cyfnod. Gall un person gwneud tua 1500 o'r rhain ar ddiwrnod. Ac mae hynny'n golygu, Lou, bod chi wedi cael un pwynt. Diolch. Fel mae'n llu egiau a chynhyrchu llwy, mae'r platypus sy'n cael ei adeiladu'n un o'r unig mamelion
Starting point is 00:20:24 a allai allu gwneud hunain, y cwstard. Yn amlwg, dyna'r cwstard wir yn ymwneud â hyn. Mae cwstard ymwneud â'r cwstard yn ymwneud â'r byd. Yn nesaf, mae Graham Garden. Graham, eich prifysgol yw Harry Potter, cwstard o ffantasi, ymgymryd â ffanchais ffilm sydd wedi'i ysgrifennu gan JK Rowling am wythnos gwizard ifanc a'i ffrindiau sy'n myfyrwyr yn ysgol Gwaithgwerth a Gwizderd. novels plus accompanying film franchise written by jk rowling about a young wizard and his friends who are students at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry off you go graham jk rowling wrote the original harry potter book in ancient greek in fact harry potter and the philosopher's stone is the longest published work in ancient greek since the third century a.d john well i've seen
Starting point is 00:21:02 a latin winnie the pooh and therefore i wonder whether someone's translated harry potter into Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. Mae'n dda. in the language since the novels of Heliodorus of Emesa in the 3rd century AD. I had a friend who read the Harry Potter books in French to improve his French, and he said it was hard to concentrate because the French for wand is baguette. So there's quite a lot of Harry Potter getting out his magic baguette
Starting point is 00:21:39 and giving it a wave. So they call those loaves of bread wands? Yes. They're not very good wands, are they? More like clubs. In the French version of Harry Potter, the word baguette... LAUGHTER Harry Potter was actually Rowling's 50th book.
Starting point is 00:22:01 She had failed to find a publisher for the 49 books she'd written in her Shades of Grey series. LAUGHTER So she gave up and turned to Hogwarts. Stephen Fry made broadcasting history when Radio 4 aired nine solid hours of him reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Disappointed listeners said it would have been better if Stephen had read it out loud.
Starting point is 00:22:23 LAUGHTER Two-thirds of this programme is written by Stephen Fry. a dywedodd y gwylioedd ei fod yn well os oedd Stephen wedi'i ddarllen yn llawn. Mae dwy-derdd o'r program hon yn gofynion Henning Vane. Roedd gwyliau gwyddon a grwpiau bwysau Wickham yn y DU yn cymryd bod storïau Harry Potter wedi rhoi'r cymaint o'u penodolion occult yn fwy. Ac fel y canlyniad, roedd y titaulau hynny'n y llyfrau mwyaf wedi'u llenwi o'r ddeged yn y DU, Harry Potter stories gave away too many of their occult secrets. And as a result, those titles were the most banned books of the decade in the United States, closely followed by Arthur Ransom's Swallows and Amazons and Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys. John?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Were they the most banned books in the States? They were, yes. Some of the most censored books on record in US schools and libraries are the Harry Potter series. The books have chiefly faced calls for censorship from Christian religious leaders who disapprove of the magical world Mae llyfrau'r sensoriadau wedi'u cynnig ar record yn ysgolion a llyfrgellau Cymru, y series Harry Potter. Mae'r llyfrau wedi cael cael cysylltiadau am ddysgu gan aelodau deithiol Crestiynol sy'n annog y byd magigol ac wedi cydnabod y llyfrau fel satanig. Mae rhai eglwysau Pentecostal wedi'u llwyddo'n gyhoeddus. Mae'r Amerigain ddim yn ddwylo, ydy'r hyn y maen nhw?
Starting point is 00:23:23 Rwy'n siwr y byddwn i'n eu llwyddo. I'm ready we should new come Thank you very respecting the BBC's commitment to balance It took a five-year search to find the right actor to play Harry Potter on screen Little did anyone realize that the youngsters earnings from the final movie alone would total approximately £40. In the year after the first Harry Potter movie came out, Hermione became the third most popular name for a girl. By far the most popular name for a boy that year was Dumbledore. Incidentally, Dumbledore is the old English word for cat flap. The toy firm Mattel produced a vibrating replica of Harry's broomstick.
Starting point is 00:24:16 However, mums complained their teenage daughters spent too long riding it, so it had to be withdrawn. Lou. I'm getting into the mind of Graham, right? I'm thinking he's not going to make something like that up. Felly roedd yn rhaid i mi ei ddod yn ôl. Lou. Rwy'n mynd i mewn i'r meddwl o Graham, iawn? Rwy'n meddwl nad yw'n mynd i wneud rhywbeth fel hyn. Wel, ar y cyd-destun hon, rydych chi'n iawn. Ie!
Starting point is 00:24:34 Ie. Mae'r ffelm ffurf y ffurf y ffurf y ffelm y ffelm y ffelm y ffelm y ffelm y ffelm y ffelm. Mae'r ffelm ffurf yn y ffelm a'i ddod yn ôl. Mae'r ffelm ffurf yn y ffelm a'i ddod yn ôl. Mae'r ffelm ffurf yn y ffelm a'i ddod yn ôl. Mae'r ffelm ffurf yn y ffelm a'i ddod yn ôl. Mae'r ffelm ffurf yn y ffelm a'i ddod yn ôl. Nimbus 2000 broomstick. The battery-operated toy was advertised as having, quote, a grooved stick and handle for easy riding. One mum in New Jersey said her 12-year-old daughter
Starting point is 00:24:54 played with the broomstick for hours. She said she likes its special effects. So does her 17-year-old sister. An eagle-eyed student at Durham University, where you can take a module in Harry Potter studies, Mae'n ddiddorol iawn. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gilydd. Mae'r un o'r 15-a-lau oed yn ei gily y modiwl Harry Potter a'r Eid Yllwysion wedi cael ei ofyn fel rhan o'r graddfa BA ymgyrchiadau addysg y brifysgol. Roedd y modiwl yn gofyn i ymarferwyr seilio'r series yn ei cyd-destun cymdeithasol a chyfarchodol
Starting point is 00:25:36 a deall rhai o'r rhesymau ei gyflawni. Dwi'n credu, mae'r gair yn mynd yn hollol anodd. honest the western world is gone completely nuts let's nuke ourselves jk rowling was so nervous at the premiere of the first harry potter film that for moral support she took her sister mary lee rowling along a'r ffilm Harry Potter, ac ar gyfer cefnogaeth, roedd hi'n cymryd ei ffrindiau, Mary Lee, i'w rôl. Diolch, Graham. A, ar y diwedd hwnnw, Graham, rydych chi wedi llwyddo un gwirionedd yn ystod yr oedd y panel. Mae'r ffilm Harry Potter a'r Hallow'r baby yn y ffilm Harry Potter o'r diwethaf, Harry Potter a'r
Starting point is 00:26:26 Hallow'r Dyfeddol, rhan 2, wedi cael ei rôl £40, sydd ddim yn cael ei gyflwyno'r pris o ddwy ticet i weld y ffilm yn cinemau 3D i IMAX. Mae'r bach Toby Papworth yn y camera ddwy gwaith, yn ymddangos mewn traileuon bywydol ar gyfer y ffilm sydd wedi cyfrifo dros 1 miliwn o dolar ar y swyddfa bwysig ac mae ei enw yn y credydau. Roedd Tobias' mab Ashley wedi dweud, Mae'n ymddangos yn rhy ddifrifol. Mae hynny wedi'i dweud, roeddem wedi cael diwrnod gwych.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Ac mae hynny'n golygu, Graham, rydych chi wedi ganu un pwynt. Yn ystod y gweddill, yn Which brings us to the final scores. In joint third place, with minus two points each, it's Lou Sanders and Graham Garden. In second place, with three points, it's Henning Vein. And in first place, with an unassailable six points, is this week's winner, Jon Finnemore. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE That's about it for this week. Goodbye. in the chair with panellists Josh Finnemore, Graham Garden, Lou Sanders and Henning Veigh. The chairman's
Starting point is 00:27:46 script was written by Dan Gaster and Colin Swash and the producer was Richard Taylor. It was a random production for BBC Radio 4.

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