10: Honey Prawns
Episode Date: April 16, 2018Topics include the curative powers of lemonade, deprivation, sausages, song-writing, tattoos, phone books, strange thoughts, plus an idea from a Patro...
Tim and Brady discuss ideas for podcasts that they will never make.
192 episodes transcribedTopics include the curative powers of lemonade, deprivation, sausages, song-writing, tattoos, phone books, strange thoughts, plus an idea from a Patro...
Brady visits Antarctica and takes a microphone.... Thanks to Audible: https://audible.com/unmade ... Or text UNMADE to 500-500 in the US... Try Endura...
Audible - a free audio book with your 30-day trial - use the URL https://audible.com/unmade or text UNMADE to 500-500 in the US Topics include time w...
Topics include '100 Things to Hear Before You Die', news summaries, the Oscars, hype, ninjas, travel, pinching, and chatting to people in backpacker h...
Tommyball gets "made" - the idea was discussed in episode 4. Audible is THE place to go for audiobooks - sign on for their free trial - https://audib...
Topics include automated phone systems, phobias, linguistics, and sequels... plus an idea from a Patron we liked to call Shebambulator. Anchor.fm - c...
Topics include first cars, weather, bottom five songs, and stuff that is rubbish. Plus an idea from a Patron of course. Anchor.fm - get podcasting an...
Topics include gold nuggets, interviewing strangers, world exclusives, boredom, and best man speeches - plus an idea submitted by a clinical engineer....
Today's ideas include sports commentary with a difference, dad boot camp, constrained podcasting, the ultimate podcast for Wing Nuts, and disagreeing...
Be 'inspired' by our conversation and check out Fracture — 10% off with this link : https://www.fractureme.com/podcast Today's ideas include somethin...
A salvaged pilot episode - ideas include What A Coincidence, Blue Moon, an exploration of famous brothers, and flatology. We are on iTunes at: https:...
Today's ideas for a podcast focus on coin tossing, podcastology, cheating at book club, smell of the week, and the movie Groundhog Day. Support our...