The Viall Files - E116 Jason Tartick isn't Jealous

Episode Date: April 15, 2020

The Bachelor's Jason Tartick joins Nick to teach us how to be friends with your girlfriend’s ex. They talk about going back to work in Corporate America after being on Reality TV, and Jason explains... what’s going on in the economy during this crisis. Then Jason describes being quarantined with Kaitlyn. Remember, relationships are temporary; digital pictures are forever! Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS STORYWORTH: MASTERCLASS: See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's going on, everybody? Welcome to another episode of Vile Files. I am your host, Nick, recording from the comfort of my home and joined by my producer, Rochelle, joined from the comfort of her home. Very comfortable. Very comfortable. Very comfortable. We have an awesome episode for you today. One Jason Tardik, Caitlin's equal half, we'll say. Oh.
Starting point is 00:00:36 How do you answer? Usually it's just like you say something about better half, worse half. You tease, but like, you know, we'll just. But it was a lot of fun having Jason on. We talk about a lot of things, but it's been a lot of fun becoming friends with Jason and getting to know him. why I'm able to say that, you know, Caitlin and I have kind of developed a friendship, you know, several years after our stint on The Bachelorette. They've had a crazy couple weeks, too, because they had the tornado in Nashville,
Starting point is 00:01:19 and then now they were getting their house redone, he said, and their wood floor wasn't finished. And so their Airbnb-ing, it just sounds tough, man. But but he was in good spirits totally uh it was a lot of fun and uh it's always fun to uh to chat with uh someone who you know is now dating someone you you briefly dated yeah but uh it was it's a lot of fun and uh uh we've been looking forward to doing this with jason and you, obviously he doesn't live in LA and he travels a lot, but, um, with, uh, with everyone kind of staying inside and us recording at home for, for a period of time, you know, we figured what a great opportunity to, to do this because, uh, the good news is from a podcasting standpoint, we're not limited to people being in studio. Um, so, um, Jason's one of the first people I reached out to
Starting point is 00:02:05 to see if he wanted to hop on, and we appreciate him doing it. So with that being said, let's just get right to it, and we'll get to Jason. Don't forget to send in your questions for Questions with Nick or Ask Nick episodes. Ask Nick at castmedia.cast with a K. We're still doing those, and we need to continue to get some juicy stories and fun stories to talk and share with our audience.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So thanks again for sharing those stories. And anything else, Rochelle? No, just thank you to all the healthcare workers out there working and grocery store workers and everyone making sure the world still goes round. Absolutely. All right, guys. Well, without further ado, Jason Tarnick.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Jason, how's it going, buddy? Nick, it's going well. I mean, it's a crazy world we're living in right now, but as well as it can be going. It is a crazy world. I really appreciate you taking the time. It's funny because, obviously, you and I had talked about having you on my podcast, and I thought it would be a lot of fun. Obviously, people always kind of joke about, obviously, when Kate and I ever it would be a lot of fun. You know, obviously, you know, people always kind of joke about, obviously, when Kate and I ever get together or when she was on my podcast. And I thought it'd be just kind of fun having you on for a variety of different reasons.
Starting point is 00:03:16 One, you're just a really interesting guy. And given the fact that we're in the state that we're in and kind of stuck at our homes, one of the first people I thought of to have on was you just because you're not in LA all the time. And so taking advantage of kind of the situation we're in, here we are and it works to our benefit. It's a beautiful thing. I appreciate you having me on. It's funny, yeah, how you kind of mentioned it. But Nick, you and I met in Vegas, right? That was the first time we met. So you and I had built a friendship before Caitlin and I started dating. Then Caitlin and I started dating and people
Starting point is 00:03:50 wanted to be awkward between us. We refused to allow that to happen and things are coasted and life is good. It's actually quite the opposite. I mean, I was thinking about this too, because not to get like mushy on you or anything like that. I mean, and we can talk a little bit about it and like from a big picture standpoint, um, as you know, like, you know, Caitlin and I didn't have, we didn't even have an awkward relationship. We didn't have a relationship at all. Um, since, uh, our show four years ago and you know, we don't have to get into the details of why, but, um, ever since, uh, you and Caitlin started dating was really a catalyst for, um, you know, Caitlin and I,
Starting point is 00:04:34 uh, developing at least some sort of friendship. And for me personally, it was, um, you know, I was always, you know, all the subsequent, uh, so many of the seasons that um followed uh caitlin's uh there were uh you know the the lead would get engaged and then there would be like their you know second or their runner-ups and there always seemed to be you know a level of respect and friendship like not that people were like hanging out all the time or our best friends uh but there there seemed to be again that that mutual respect. And it always bugged me that not only Caitlin and I didn't have that, at least publicly, there was a perception of animosity. And so ever since you and Caitlin got together,
Starting point is 00:05:18 for whatever reason, those walls were broken down. And it really can, it's, it's nice to be able to have that, you know, and again, it's not like we all hang out all the time, but like, I feel like I didn't even, I didn't feel comfortable ever even reaching out to Caitlin. If I had a question, if there was like an idea or a networking opportunity, I didn't even feel comfortable. And now that I do, it's a, it's a nice feeling. And so I, I, I appreciate you, uh, and whatever role that you played and, and giving her the, uh, the comfort and the confidence level that she didn't feel like she had in the past. For sure. And I think, you know, one of the main things is every season, you're right, is different. And then I think the relationships post-show are different and,
Starting point is 00:05:58 you know, everyone can come up with their own reasoning and rationale as to why that is. Um, that being said, when you sign up for something like this, you can't forget what you signed up for, right? And it's a weird world we live in, right? I was on Becca's season. I fell in love with Becca. Becca, Garrett, and I and Caitlin have double dated. It's all good. When you realize what the circumstances are and get past that, it is what it is. And I think for any new chapter to start, old chapters have to be closed and figure what the resolution is moving forward. And yeah, I'm glad we're at that point too. And honestly, when I think about the iHeart Podcast Awards, I think it was a great time.
Starting point is 00:06:37 We're all hanging out. It was a great time. Good banter. And Caitlin and I even joked on Twitter about how we need a reality show where we actually set you up. Sure. I would, Caitlin sets me up. Um, you know, add a new twist to it. Fuck it. I mean, whatever at this point. Didn't you joke around about, uh, I think you joked around about like, all right, if
Starting point is 00:07:03 you guys have an extra bedroom in your house. Oh yeah. that what was that oh what was that in reference to i forgot what it was it was like january and i was like well you know what nick you can stay in our extra room under the circumstances we could play bachelor with you and set you up on blind dates totally i mean i mean that's that's the point though it though. It's just nice to be able to have that comfort level to joke around with you guys and have that rapport. And, you know, people talk about people in relationships all the time. I mean, when you're ever in a relationship of any kind, especially if you're an adult, if you're single for a period of time, you have a lot of friends. Some of your friends are friends of the opposite sex. You don't always maintain friendships with exes per se,
Starting point is 00:07:53 but it's nice to be in a relationship where you don't have to worry about unnecessary jealousy. And I guess what I mean by like, certainly you might be in a relationship where some things become less appropriate. You know, if you're in a committed relationship, there's like things you don't do. But to know that you don't have to cut off all your relationships or friendships and there's a reasonable level of like trust, it's nice to be able to have it.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Have you always been that way in relationships where you just kind of, you seem like obviously a very confident guy? Yeah, I think,? Yeah. I think it comes down to confidence, trust, and communication, right? And I think let's break that down. So when we talk about communication, I think Caitlin and I have a pretty clear understanding that a rule of thumb is do and act and say and text and call and tweet and whatever you're doing with the assumption, I'm right there and I'm watching and vice versa. If I'm having conversations with my buddies, other people of opposite sex, whatever it may be, be as respectful as you would if literally like Caitlin was on my shoulder and vice versa. So when it comes to having these conversations or whatever, you guys
Starting point is 00:09:00 texting or whoever she might be calling or whatever it is, it's just a mutual respect. And that's the trust that I have. I have that trust. I have no reason not to have that trust. So that's communication, trust, and then it's just confidence in your relationship. And if someone is... You talk about history. Everybody out there has a history. And for you, it's almost emotional abuse if you continue to let someone's history prior to your commitment live in the current state. It's just not fair to anybody, the situation, or the future of that relationship. Yeah. I mean, again, I would agree.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I mean, whether it's abuse or not, who knows? Neither of us are kind of professionals to do that. But we can agree that it's certainly toxic, right? Toxic is the word. or kind of professionals to do that, but we can agree that it's certainly toxic, right? Like you can create a very toxic atmosphere if you're just constantly reminding your partner of things they did. And, you know, it's interesting, especially like if you ever made a mistake
Starting point is 00:09:58 or, you know, obviously the extreme would be cheating on someone. But, you know, every relationship has its ups and downs. You're not going to be in a committed long-term relationship without at some point hurting someone's feelings or doing something, having some miscommunication. And then you work through it and you apologize, you come to understanding. And from that point, you kind of have to move on and move forward, not constantly use that as something to remind that person, like if you forgive them, but to use that as like a currency to be like, well, I forgave you for
Starting point is 00:10:31 this and keep reminding them for the thing that you forgave them for. And so it's interesting that way. And I know some relationships that are currently happy and married and there was a point in which they cheated. For me, if my partner were to cheat on me, I couldn't come back from it. Sure. That's just me personally. But that's your choice. Right?
Starting point is 00:10:50 That's my choice. But to your point, I do know a couple that it happened. They had a communication. They forgave one another. And when they forgave one another, it ended right there, right? They didn't bring anything else
Starting point is 00:11:01 into the relationship moving forward. They're happily married and they have kids. So to each their own. But yeah, relationships, you give some good advice out there. I see your Q&A. You give some good advice as it relates to relationships. I'm thinking we got to have Jason on. He's good too.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Oh, we definitely going to have Jason back on for an Ask Nick episode. But we wanted to have him on as a regular podcast episode first. Well, I gotta say, we've talked about StoryWorth once before, but they are back and better than ever. One of my favorite things that I remember as a kid is when we would get together for the holidays usually, and my dad and my aunts and uncles would always tell stories about when they were kids. And my brothers and sisters, we always loved them. They were the best stories. It was fun to hear them kind of tease each other. I think I mentioned this before last time we talked about StoryWorth, but there's always this classic story of when my grandparents went on a
Starting point is 00:12:01 cruise and literally had to leave the cruise early because their babysitter, they were such monsters. And they convinced my aunt that she was adopted and then did this whole like thing. And it was a terrible story when they were kids, but so funny. And now StoryWorth makes it possible to record those stories, to send loved ones the ability to tell these stories so that they are preserved and so that you can give it to your grandchildren and aunts and uncles and friends and families. And it makes a great gift. And I got to say, I wish that was something that was available when I was a kid, but it's something I gave my dad to start recording all those. And I think it's an amazing
Starting point is 00:12:38 gift. And it's pretty cool to hear all the stories about your grandparents and what they've had to do and your parents. It's such a neat thing. And there's so many stories that people have to share. And now there's a way to document it. Yeah. So every week they send the person you're gifting this to a new prompt. And you can also pick out the prompt as well. And like their questions like, what was the first big trip you took? Or like, how did you meet your spouse stuff like that and then yeah so every week they record uh that story they write it out so that at the end you have a book full of all these stories for everyone to have yeah it's so neat imagine kind of giving that to your you know grandparents or your parents and prompting these kind of things that they don't
Starting point is 00:13:20 even think about but there's so many rich stories there. And then they spend a year doing that. And then you can pay that forward. Such a neat gift idea. If you're looking for something very creative, we definitely suggest that you try it. Yeah. And these days, you know, we're learning to stay in touch through Zoom,
Starting point is 00:13:39 through like FaceTiming. And we're just, I feel like we're all realizing how important family is right now. Yeah. Great way to stay connected. So connect with your family and discover untold stories with StoryWorth. Get started right away without the need for shipping by going to slash V-I-A-L-L. You'll get $10 off your first purchase. That's slash V-I-A-L-L for $10 off. Very excited about our new friend of show, Masterclass.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I'm sure you've seen it all over social media and wondered what maybe Masterclass is. But I actually have been using Masterclass since Christmas. I was thinking of kind of a cool gift to give my brother-in-law and I decided to give him the gift of Masterclass and I got a two for one. So kind of like it was like a win win. So I started doing that. And honestly, I've been really doing a lot
Starting point is 00:14:32 of them, you know, with quarantine. It's kind of a great way to kind of hone in on your skills. Yeah. My two my two favorite were Chris, Chris Voss, the art of negotiation. Just really kind of fascinating. He's like, I think it was a former FBI or CIA guy or something. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then Annie, how do you pronounce her last name? Leibovich. Art of photography. She does this whole kind of course on photography. And I've actually recently, also around Christmas, I bought a really invested in a camera. I've been doing some photography. It's just kind of a fun hobby, but it's very insightful and I love it. So I've been using it for six months.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I've been watching Judd Apatow's comedy one. Oh, I got to check that out. Yeah, there's so many good ones on there. There's so many ones I haven't even started to see. What's the famous director, Casino, and he did the- Scorsese. Yeah, Martin Scorsese. He's got one.
Starting point is 00:15:30 There's so many legendary names on there. So I highly recommend you check it out. Get unlimited access to every Masterclass they have. And let me tell you, they have a ton. And as a VibeFile listener, you get 15% off the annual all-access pass. Go to slash V-I-A-L-L. That's slash V-I-A-L-L for 15% off Masterclass. So much of what we talked about obviously comes from confident.
Starting point is 00:15:56 You're a really confident guy. You're almost too normal. I remember when I was talking with one of the head producers who's no longer with the show now, when people were deciding between Colton, Blake, and yourself. And this was right after I met you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 And he was just like, Jason's too fucking normal. And that was a compliment to you. He actually said, he's like, honestly, you're probably the same if it weren't for this crazy, I call it lucky or unlucky, this kind of story I involved myself in.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But it made a lot of sense to me where you're definitely a bachelor outlier. I don't know how to articulate that and it's not necessarily a positive or a negative. It's just there's a lot of- Nick, you're saying I make boring TV. That's what you're saying. No, no, no. You were fine TV. No, no. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. But you... I mean, yeah, you have a... When I talk to you, there's a handful of people I talk to who have been on the show where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:04 this is a different conversation than I'm used to having. Sure. No, that's fair. I don't know. I agree. I mean, so it was interesting when they picked Colton as the Bachelor. I agree. You kind of self-reflect and you're like, so what do you think it was?
Starting point is 00:17:20 I heard a lot of feedback. People said, and I honestly had no idea. People were saying that I was campaigning to be The Bachelor. Now, maybe that's the truth. I didn't really realize at the time that I was maybe campaigning. I really don't even still get what that means. I think at the end of the day, anybody that probably goes through that process would want to be The Bachelor. No one would say no. Yeah. Yes. Right? Who would say... Right i yes right like who would say right so but i think it's just one of those weird things where you have to you have to pretend not to to want it right but yeah i mean and this is not a criticism but no one wanted
Starting point is 00:17:57 more than colton so right exactly i don't he did it right can we agree it he nailed it can we agree he nailed it um i mean i think colton i love colton is a good friend a dear friend but i think i mean colton just he's i talk about colton i'm thinking this guy is super street smarts and he knows what he's doing i mean like week two i just followed colton's lead so what happens in the mansion anybody that's listening it's almost like survivor like you got to kind of ally up a little bit in the mansion. Yes. So I'm like, Colton's going to be my guy. One, because I like him. Two, because he's a smart guy. So I start seeing he only had one suitcase packed. I'm like, how does this guy only have one suitcase packed? Colton, how do you have a box?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Colton how do you have a box he had he had his stylist sending him like new stuff to the mansion at the end of like each week like he I mean no shit in paradise he had I think he had a an air conditioner
Starting point is 00:18:58 he was like you know how paradise is you can retest to it super sweaty and stuff he was smart enough to be like I'm not gonna bring three suitcases. I'm going to bring two suitcases, and I'm going to put an air conditioner in my third suitcase. Oh, my God. So Colton's a smart guy. He's a smart guy.
Starting point is 00:19:14 High maintenance, whatever you want to call it. No, Colton's a sweet, sweet guy. And at the end of the day, it didn't work out, but it all worked out. Yeah, it sounds like it worked out pretty well. Prior to dating Caitlin, have you... Were you always like this? I guess what I'm saying in terms of your confidence level, your lack of jealousy, or is that something you kind of learned as you've gotten older? I think it's 100%. I'd love to be like, oh, that's how I always have been. It's absolutely something I've learned and grown as a person to be able to come to. I mean, every day is a new day. And if you can't learn from yesterday, then you're not doing yourself any justice whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And what I've always tried to do, even at a young age, is put myself in a better position and make myself a better person than I was yesterday. And in high school, I remember my girlfriend, I think it was junior year, went to prom with a senior. And I went nuts. This is no relationship. We're done. This is all... Lost my temper, my cool. It was all like, so I think I've slowly developed. And at the end of the day, control what you can control and what you can't control. What is the use of negative energy? If it's going to be applied in a toxic manner, it does nothing. It does nothing. I totally agree. Because it's funny, because you were saying, you know, Caitlin, I have this kind of understanding that, you know, say or do or text or tweet, whatever you do, if I was standing next to you, and that's great. That sounds great. But it only works if that person who's standing next to you is like, more or less pretty chill, like everyone has their kind of insecurities and triggers. But I only say because I've dated who are like yeah i operated that way all the time thinking i'll show you i'll do it and like and i would tweet something or say something like well why'd you say that how do you don't realize how people could take that or whatever so like there's still there still takes a level of um confidence in yourself and the relationship you have to allow you to not make drama where drama
Starting point is 00:21:29 isn't meant to be found. For sure. And I think that also not only stems from confidence, it's just emotional intelligence, right? And the same thing goes for The Bachelor and maybe why it would have been a little bit more of a boring one. It's seeing situations, reading and reacting. If I'm doing something that is triggering, let's say in this example, Caitlin, because she's my girlfriend, I'm doing something that's triggering her. My initial reaction is going to lead with my ego. You're getting mad at me for this. You've done this before.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And it becomes an egotistical battle that gets nowhere. Or you can take a different approach to it. Step back, think in an emotionally intelligent manner and be like, how can we make this productive? Clearly, this is bothering you. And most likely, the reason it's bothering you is because something I don't know about. So rather than us sit here like, you know, idiots fighting nose to nose, head to head, why don't we talk about what happens? And when you drill down to the root of an actual issue, you end up realizing it's likely something that has been stemmed from someone's history that had nothing to do with you and something your perception
Starting point is 00:22:31 didn't even align with what the reality was. And I think over the years, that is an approach I've learned because it's more efficient. I hate conflict. That's another thing about me. I hate conflict. I just don't like conflict. I find nine out of 10 times, unless it's in business, it's a different story. But from a personal relationship, friendship perspective, I think conflict is good, but I try and find solutions from it and move on as opposed to dwell on it and waste energy towards just shit. I think if Jason and I were in a dating relationship, we would never fight i really like how he processes you would try to find that he would be like let's think about this i i'm a
Starting point is 00:23:11 problem and i do no so but you uh you i mean i don't i don't know caitlin that well but like you guys are you have different personalities and she's even talked about this a little bit in terms of um you know what are are some of the things that you bring to the table in your relationship with Caitlin? And then what are some of the things that you have found after dating Caitlin has been kind of a way that she's gotten you out of your comfort zone? For sure. That's such a good question.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I actually... I'm going to relate this back to Peter and Maddie. I remember when Maddie said to peter she said the comment about um i don't want to feel like if i i have to put in overtime or work extra hard on our relationship if things aren't aligning already it was something of that nature you can roll it back but my my answer to that would be like if you're not putting overtime into your relationship, you probably don't have a great relationship because every relationship requires overtime, every single one of them. Another point I have that aligns with Caitlin and I is if you aren't arguing, if you're
Starting point is 00:24:15 not having arguments or discussions or conversations, like you're not having a couple battles, you're just not communicating because you could live with anybody. You could live with your mother, your sister, your best friend. You could be partnered up with anybody. You're going to have those battles. But with Caitlin and I, we're A and Z, right? Caitlin wears her heart on her sleeve. I'm more reserved with my emotion.
Starting point is 00:24:35 You know, Caitlin is very like, I stay in the box of probably what you'd consider politically correct. Caitlin lives outside the box of that, right? She's like, what box? I don't understand. Is there a box? I don't understand. So, and I think, you know, the other thing is Caitlin's not as patient and I have my patience levels higher. So I think from one another, we've benefited a lot. I think what she may have benefited or does benefit from me is perspective, patience, and just more, you know, copacetic and understanding of what people are doing and
Starting point is 00:25:08 why they're doing it. Especially you talk about the hate online and things like that, just really how to deal with situations. What she's taught me is that you need to loosen up a little bit. You need to stop worrying so much about what everyone else thinks because of who the person you are is going to help someone out. So one example of that is anxiety. My whole life, I have had situational anxiety, very specifically in doctor's appointments and stuff like that. So I would hide it. I would do everything to hide it. So I would see a therapist. I wouldn't tell anyone. I was on SSRI medication for a period of time, not one person knew that I was on SSRIs except me and that doctor. And there are these experiences that I've had challenges with that I would hide
Starting point is 00:25:53 from. And she's allowed me to kind of be like, hey, it's okay. You don't have to be this image that you want everyone to create. Be who you are. And as a result of it, you're going to empower people and people are going to learn from it. So what are you up to now these days? I know you're living, you and Caitlin live together in Nashville, right? Yeah. So, and Nick, actually, when we get a chance,
Starting point is 00:26:16 I'd love to go back to hear a little bit about when you first went on the show. I'm curious when you got off the show, like a little bit about your story go back to work because i remember you told me you worked at salesforce and i'm just kind of curious like i'm i'm definitely gonna share like what i'm up to now but i'm curious a little bit about your story too well after after andy season i went right back to work like the next day which was a huge huge mistake uh i did the same i was like i was well i was just so
Starting point is 00:26:46 i was so thankful for them to being so cool with me going on the show uh yeah so whether i was well i went home night one or i made it to the end i was just like hey i'm like i'm committed this job you know thanks for letting me go and so as soon as i was done i was like i gotta go back to work you know it just i was probably more nervous that I was gone the whole time. And then, you know, my, I was pretty messed up with the breakup, at least for a couple of weeks. And then, you know, the producers didn't let it go, which is a whole nother story. But yeah, so I went back to work. work it took me it probably took me three months before i felt like i was back in the headspace to like do my job the way i i uh i
Starting point is 00:27:35 was doing it before i left and then what do you mean the producers wouldn't let it go i would get i got some calls about uh implying that she might be struggling with her decision, which she wasn't. Oh, no. That's so mean. yeah you know that vid that that package they recorded or whatever that was none of that you know that was just kind of playing off my uh um struggle with the heartbreak sure but but uh i mean it was funny because i remember i was just like i need to i need to move on she you know she made her choice whatever this is what it is yeah and then like a day later i'd get this call and i was always like so it was just they weren't saying anything but they were saying enough to make me like why
Starting point is 00:28:30 are they doing this is she's yeah they were they you know it's like you know whatever it is what it is um and um it was your boy okay gotcha love that guy yeah what a gem. And I was done. I mean, this was like, you know, they had, that was their first year of Paradise. And so that wasn't an option for me to go on just because I was the runner up. And so would you have gone on? I mean, it was so different than probably not because at that point, Paradise was kind of a, what the fuck is this thing? Like, they literally didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:29:07 See, when I just got off Becca's season, they wanted me to go on. And I was just like, I'm not there right now. Yeah. And it was just a little different. At that point, it was a hit show, you know? Yeah. But I'm just saying at the time, I remember they were talking about doing it. And they were like, it was very much a crapshoot so to speak
Starting point is 00:29:25 yeah um yeah and so uh and then uh then i started talking to your girlfriend and to make things normal we just started you know and you could say the rest is history when i went back on and it was after caitlin season you know there was they talked a little they floated the idea about me being the bachelor yeah and so i i didn't go back to work i just kind of was like i'm gonna wait it out if if i also just want to like have the right headspace and i promised works not to to do that and then uh not to come back before i knew i was never going to leave again and uh but i always kind of assumed it would be Ben. And then afterwards it just,
Starting point is 00:30:06 uh, I decided to come out to LA and kind of, I give it a shot. And I had the blessing of, you know, at work at that point to take some risks and then without that, I probably wouldn't have done that. And,
Starting point is 00:30:16 and I guess, like I said, the rest of the rest is history that way in terms of, um, it was, you know, calculated risks in terms of, I felt like it's life yeah uh i felt
Starting point is 00:30:27 i owed it to myself to just try this thing um and i had a lot of support of people doing it and it all it all worked out and uh yeah i guess it's a nice segue to you because like you were like myself a working professional you know like you weren't you know nothing against people who like you know a lot of people will make fun or joke about you know oh bachelor people don't have jobs a lot of them are younger and they just haven't quite figured it out yet but like some people like if they're lucky enough to have a job where their work is cool enough to go um so like you like me you've you kind of you've taken a risk by changing your career path and leaving what you used to do. Yeah. It was a really funny setting. I remember I was at a bar actually,
Starting point is 00:31:13 and a higher up at at Seattle recognized me. We got talking and he had mentioned... The only reason I knew that you worked at Salesforce is because he said that you, once upon a time, had worked there, which is why I asked you kind of how that worked. So similar to you, I wrote this three-page memo to my work of why they should allow me and grant me the opportunity to go on the show. And it went all the way to the president of the bank. He stamped the approval. He said, you can go.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And then I get to go. You're good to go. I get a call an hour back later. The HR director of the whole bank runs into his office and goes, do you know what you just stamped the approval of? Have you seen this show? And it went back in the queue of can he go or can he not go? In long story short, they said, you go. But obviously, there could be repercussions based on how things go. Well, like you, Nick, right after the show, I went right back to work. And I worked for about a year until essentially the worlds colliding could no longer collide.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Because it's totally two different worlds when you're in this whole reality TV, social media, kind of air all your laundry and news, good, bad, and ugly to the public. Yet at the same time, you have to serve as a corporate banker to C-level executives in industries across the board. So it was, again, it was all a risk-based decision that made sense. And I kind of took a leap of faith to be self-employed. And I now live in Nashville. I live with Caitlin. We have our two
Starting point is 00:32:46 dogs we rescued from Bunny's Buddies, which are just fantastic. And I would say in general, life right now is entrepreneurial project-based management. So I have a few companies that I've invested in. Actually, one of them is right here. It's called Happy Snaps. They're a healthy oat crisp. I have a few other things. I do a lot of lending on the real estate side. And a big thing I just started was a YouTube channel called Restart. And the idea behind Restart is there's so much craziness, especially today in the news. And we break down really what's going on and how it's relatable to your everyday individual. So just breaking down the craziness of finance and the news and career management and wealth and finding good health and
Starting point is 00:33:32 happiness and breaking it down so that you can understand in a quick segment how it impacts you. So there's a lot of fun stuff going on. I think that's great. I've been watching some of the stories you put up on Instagram and then kind of going back to like, this person was on The Bachelor, and they're giving us sound financial planning advice, which I don't think most people expect. But I'm interested. I mean, I know this, this episode is not going to release this week. So who knows what the world will be like in a week or two. But that being said, you know, with dealing with the coronavirus outbreak, there's two things people seem to be worried about. One, there's the actual virus itself. How do we stop the spread? How do we stop? How do we flatten the curve, as they say?
Starting point is 00:34:19 How do we protect our loved ones and the people in our society? And then two, what is going to be the economic fallout of basically halting our economy to a slow halt, a halt or a drastic stop? What are the short-term and long-term ramifications? How does it affect our stock market? Quite honestly, I just haven't even looked at my portfolio because it's like, what's the point right now? I'm not going to sell it. So hopefully it all rebounds. Sure. I mean, this is maybe for the people listening.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I know this is usually as in a podcast about financial planning, but kind of to your point, to the average person out there, do you have some calming words for us in terms of how you think the long-term ramifications are? Or do you have any ideas and best practices people can practice in the interim? For sure. I think, yeah, that's great. I'm going to make it high-level, understandable stuff. As far as the health and staying health goes in that world, I'm clearly not an expert. But a couple of things I do know, right? The biggest issue with this virus right now is the volume in the spread. And you're hearing people say, well, compare the numbers to influenza. The issue with influenza is it is not spreading at
Starting point is 00:35:38 the rate this is spreading. So this is strictly a volume game. We have 950,000 hospital beds right now across the country. Okay? We have 300 million people. So in simple terms, if everyone has to go to the hospital in a quick period of time, we cannot manage it. So the whole practice of social distancing is so important because like you mentioned, the curve, what the curve is, is saying we need to just slow the rate at which people are being exposed to this. If we could slow
Starting point is 00:36:11 that rate, everything too will slow down and it will be okay. Now, when it comes to the finance stuff, there's some really, really important things that are going on right now that in a week from now could change and hopefully will change. But the government is putting out a multi-trillion dollar stimulus package that is going to impact every single person that's listening to your podcast. What does that mean? Right. So let's break that down. So what a stimulus package is. Everyone, if anyone out there is here, if you're in the arts or theater, you've heard of the show
Starting point is 00:36:46 Hamilton, right? And the Broadway show. Well, that is based on Alexander Hamilton, one of our founding fathers, who created the central bank. So then you say, what is the central bank? The central bank is like a chaperone at an elementary field trip. The chaperone really should have no job, right? Their job, just see everything, make sure everything's okay. But if little Nicky is going up the stairs in the
Starting point is 00:37:10 monkey bars and falls on his head and cracks his head, chaperone's got to come in, take him to the hospital and make sure everything's okay. That's kind of the job of the central bank. And right now, little Nicky just fell and Nicky's head is, he needs stitches. And that's right now the state of the economy. So the central bank is coming in and saying, right now we're in a state of emergency and the economy needs help. So we're going to come in and help. And Republicans and Democrats, regardless of the side you're on, they are right now
Starting point is 00:37:42 coming together to negotiate what should be done. Right now, the Republicans have a lot of plans that impact more of corporations, where the Democrats aren't approving it now because they want more plans to impact individuals. So hopefully when this podcast airs, the stimulus package, which is what we just explained, will be implemented and every person listening will have some type of positive impact that is associated with them. So you think that's, in your opinion, necessary that the central bank is getting involved because of the situation that we're in? In my opinion, they have to be involved. Because if they're not involved, the trickle down is massive, right? Companies will go out of
Starting point is 00:38:23 business. We don't have planes, trains, automobiles, and trucks transporting goods. We have manufacturing plants shutting down. So that's all high level. But what does that really mean? It means all the people here living, we're not going to get our paychecks. If something isn't done, we're not going to get paid. And some of the things they're proposing, which will probably impact your listeners, we talk about student debt. They're talking about doing six months of no federal loan payments or interest. Now, for anybody that's a Joe Biden fan, he turned it down and said, no, I want you to take $10,000 off every student that has a federal loan.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So that could come into play. Big tax rebates for those that make under $100,000 or household income under $200,000. Huge relief for small businesses with less than 500 employees. And then industry-focused relief. So the list goes on of what they're doing, but I highly, strongly believe something has to be done. And just before we wrap this up, and this has been really, I mean, for me, very interesting, and I really appreciate you taking the time because I like how you are simplifying it so it's digestible for everyone. Are you optimistic that assuming that as a society, we do our part, we flatten the curve, we stop the spread, do you think by, say, the end of 2020, things will be
Starting point is 00:39:42 back in the right direction economically? Yeah, I think so. It's a positive finish here. So if we look at China, really in mid-January, companies in the United States was facing some issues from what China was experiencing. They're slowly turning the tide into a right direction now. So I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. That's my personal opinion. It doesn't mean I'm right. I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. But I think in like three months, two, three month window, we're going to slowly see the numbers start coming back up. And hopefully by end of year, we should be in good shape. And hopefully we can get a vaccination in place in about 12 months so that we are prepared for
Starting point is 00:40:24 this. They're saying, you know, this could die through the seasonal summer, which hopefully that would be the case. The virus wouldn't last in that type of heat. So I think by, you know, Q3, Q quarter three, quarter four, 2020, we should be okay. Then the next question will be, well, we have to go through another season of, you know, the flu and corona season. So how will we be prepared? But I think it's there. The light is at the end of the tunnel, but we just have some stuff to get through.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah. Well, thank you. Thank you for sharing that. And it's cool. I mean, I honestly didn't know that you were doing some of this entrepreneurial stuff on your own kind of behind the scenes because, you know, publicly it looks like you obviously have been very supportive of Caitlin and her podcast and her traveling show. And that's really cool because even regardless of your kind of entrepreneurial efforts, it's really neat to kind of see someone like yourself be as supportive as you are to Caitlyn. I mean, I think, do you get feedback or do you see fans' comments, whether it's positive or negative, about kind of being there, like traveling with
Starting point is 00:41:41 Caitlyn and kind of, you know, she kind of has this very, like you said, big presence. And so you kind of maybe take this quiet step back and, you know, society wise, you know, usually it's the other way around, right? It's usually the guy who's, you know, you know, the stereotype, if you will, but it's, you know, cool to see someone as confident as yourself, kind of, you know, be that person who's very comfortable with Caitlin, you know, continuing to still be kind of a leading lady, if you will. Yeah. You know, has that always been kind of in your DNA or someone who's not as, you know, kind of, you don't have that macho, I need to be
Starting point is 00:42:15 super macho personality where you feel like you have to look a certain way. Yeah. I think in any relationship, it doesn't matter what you do or what you bring, but if you wake up every day and you have a purpose and you're wanting to fulfill that purpose and make it happen, you should go out there and make it happen. And for me and a partner, that's what I was looking for. I didn't care exactly what it was, but someone that wants to make a difference. Caitlin certainly makes that difference. Now, I've always had my own thing. I have an MBA in accounting and finance from a top 25 school. I had 10 years in corporate banking. I've had a solid career and I've had investments before that and companies before that. So that's kind of been my thing and I'm very secure that I
Starting point is 00:42:55 know that's my lane, right? I think some of the problem in relationships, especially in the bachelor world, is it becomes this competition of who has more followers and higher engagement in what they're doing. And as it relates to what Caitlin's doing and how she's leveraged her platform, it's absolutely wildly impressive. And from my standpoint, I have my thing. And my thing has never been, I'm going to be the top of the food chain in this world and be the best podcaster. It just hasn't been my thing. And as a result of that, I think that I'm so wildly supportive of Caitlin's businesses and what she's doing and how she's doing it. And yes, we're in a relationship where Caitlin earns more than me. She's got more fame, more power, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:45 But also, I'm sure she would tell you, when it comes to her company, I'm going through every one of her financials to make sure those numbers are right. And I'm negotiating everything for her best interest. So we have this really good partnership where some of my stuff, she can help out with creativity, and her stuff, I can help out with operations and finance. And I think it does go back to where we open this conversation. It just comes with security within. She's got all that. She's got more than me, all that stuff. But at the end of the day, I'm very secure with who I am, where I am, what I've accomplished, what I'm going to do. And for me, it's not a competition. It's how can I support her to help her achieve my goals. But in return, I need some support too, as I want to pursue mine.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And Caitlin does a good job of that? Yeah. She does in different ways, right? Because a lot of her stuff is at the forefront. A lot of her wine is she's selling it to her following. A lot of the stuff I do might not be business to consumer. So it just doesn't relate to our audience. But you feel like, yeah, but she's still like, whether it's publicly or privately, just having that. For sure. You know, sometimes you don't have that mutual support and relationship sometimes. Like in a lot of relationships, you know, there's the one person who like the case, say the breadwinner,
Starting point is 00:45:02 whoever that is, you know. Sure. There's the one person who, say the breadwinner, whoever that is. Sure. And then the person who always... Sometimes people feel like they're taking a back seat. And so it's great to see you two both having your passions, whether who makes more or whatever, supporting each other. You've had some public relationships. Have you experienced things, whether it's public or private relationship have you experienced similar type of things from
Starting point is 00:45:28 either vantage point as you are kind of you are like one of the faces of the show and you you know are these things you've dealt with in relation i mean i i haven't like the only real bachelor relationship i was in was with vanessa right like certainly like you know i was on andy seaton i was on cait season, but those weren't relationships outside of the show. There weren't real life conversations. You know, Jen Saviano a little bit, but that was like for a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:45:53 we talked, you know, after the show and we weren't even in a relationship at that point. So not from a bachelor standpoint. With Vanessa, like, I mean, we had our, certainly had our struggles and a lot of it had to do, it was show related. Like we were just trying to even figure out whether we were compatible or enough you know enough like so much of our challenges uh were show related and so so much
Starting point is 00:46:16 of that was so much of the blame of our struggles was put on the show right it was a lot of like let's just get through the show let's get through the show let's like let's you know uh let's you know and once the show's done airing well it'll be normal like you know any any challenges i had i was just like i was hopeful that i could blame it on the show we later found that like we just weren't compatible um yeah and as far as my personal life i mean i haven't really other than vanessa i think quite honestly like that's you know the song the balance that you two have is something that i've personally always looked for um i've had i've spoken about this you know there were not necessarily girlfriends but uh you know i've i've been asked about like a one who's got away type of person and without naming names like the
Starting point is 00:47:02 truth is i've never actually dated this person. And so I'm always reluctant to, uh, I, sometimes I don't like to use the word one who got away because the truth is it's easy to glorify people. Sure. Uh, especially if you don't date them, especially if you've had a little bit of taste of what they might be like. Sure. Sure. Um, so, and then like timing doesn't line up, but you certainly know you have chemistry, you've, you have things you talked about, but there've been But there have been a person and there's been a couple people where for whatever reason, I've never been in a relationship where I felt like I had their support. And the one person I remember referring to is the best way I could describe it as like, they always felt like they were my cheerleader. And I don't mean like in a corny way. I just mean, uh, they would,
Starting point is 00:47:51 they, you know, because some, I've, what I've had is, is relationships is I like a challenge, right? I like someone who, who keeps me on my toes and, and, and will call me out for my bullshit. I really like that. But that's often turned into just not helpful. It wasn't criticism or helpful. It was criticism, but it wasn't useful criticism. And I didn't feel like it was coming from a good place. It felt like it was coming from a place of trying to pick a fight. For sure.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And there was a person in my life i i just felt like if i got criticism it came from a place of hey listen i think you could approach the situation a little bit better and then when i was feeling you know not confident about something and down myself they were just they were such a champion of me and they were they were just like personally just like my and i they always made me feel really confident and i quite honestly it was a really unique feeling that i i remember thinking to myself i've never really had someone like have that balance where uh they they could critique me but they were they didn't it and it wasn't like the opposite of is dating someone who's like oh i love you so much i'll do you're the best. You're the greatest, you know, you're whatever. And I just felt like, I don't, am, am I, or are you just like,
Starting point is 00:49:08 are you just like telling me that because you're afraid, you know, you're not feeling confident. This was like, it was just that balance. I always desire desired and hearing you talk about that. I am envious of that just because that's what I've always kind of like sought. And you know, I'm serving me. I'm just, I know I obviously play out probably a big reason why i'm single and and all those things but it's that kind of very uh very subtle balance that you have with someone where you know you can have that criticism and you you know feeling like someone who's in your corner who really thinks that you're you you're capable of a lot of things who you don't really compete with because i've had that too, where if I've dated someone who has a big personality, I do find that I'm competing with them a lot, uh, directly or indirectly.
Starting point is 00:49:50 And especially if, uh, you know, if things are going well for me and not so much for them, it, it turns into a competition. Um, and that, and it takes a, it, it takes a very confident person like yourself to have their thing going on. And Caitlin as well, you know, because it's not always going to be even. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:13 You know, you decided to take a risk, you know, to quit your job and start this thing. And like, you're a smart, motivated guy. But there were no guarantees. Guarantees. Right around a time where Caitlin was like in her stride with her podcast, doing as well as it is in her businesses and things like that. And that's hard to do, but I'm assuming you must have had a lot of support from Caitlin doing that and a belief from her, which makes it a lot easier when you're in a relationship like that. Exactly. A ton of support from Caitlin. And again, I personally think it's private, public,
Starting point is 00:50:42 but for anyone that doesn't, I could tell you it's certainly private. And like you said, there's going to be swings in our relationship. Think about 10 years from now, maybe the podcast doesn't exist. Maybe the wine's not there. And then I have some going on to support in different ways. So it's ebbs and flows. But I do think like we live in a world where everything... It's so easy to tell authenticity. And it's like you look at anybody who's accomplished great things and when they receive an award like an Oscar or something like that, and you could see on their face with all the sincerity in the world when the first person that they thank is their partner. And the way they talk about their partners, and there's countless amount of people have done it,
Starting point is 00:51:20 like this person has challenged me, they've loved me. They supported me. They've brought out the best version of me. The list goes on. I don't think that is an easy task to find someone like that. But I do think there is a reason that those that achieve greatness in whatever it is, usually there's a correlation and it's more than just that person. It's their team and then their significant other. And I think there's something to be said for that. Totally. Because like, I mean, no matter what you're doing work or personal life, like some,
Starting point is 00:51:49 you always just need that person that you can really talk to. Right. Or event. And like sometimes, um, sometimes that person you hope to is always your partner, whoever that is. But sometimes a lot of people don't feel that,
Starting point is 00:52:03 right. They don't feel like, I don't, I can't talk to them because they won't understand or they'll take it personally or they'll make it about them or et cetera, et cetera. So it's hard to find. So it's neat to see that you guys have that. And I think if I look at other relationships I was in that didn't work out, I have to be a little self-aware when I wasn't the best version of myself. It was because I wasn't happy with myself. I wasn't happy with where I was at. And therefore, I was leaning on someone else to give me that happiness. And I think while you have to create happiness as a couple, it's your job to create happiness within too, right? It's
Starting point is 00:52:40 not Caitlin's job to make me happy, right? It's my job to make myself happy and secure with who I am. It's Caitlin's job to make herself happy and secure with who she is. And then as a team, we need to come together and elevate all of that. That's my personal opinion of a healthy relationship. I will say I've gotten to meet a lot of bachelor people now through the podcast. to meet a lot of Bachelor people now through the podcast. And, like, Jason, you're, like, you are just one of the, you don't, you have no ego. Not no ego, but I think that's probably something
Starting point is 00:53:12 that allows you and Caitlin to work as well. Like, you don't talk to me like you're better than me. You know what I mean? You're always so nice. You remember me. And I just think, like, you're a very real and authentic person that that literally means Rochelle's always been a champion of you before I know but even now more now that I've gotten to know him I also think you're one of the easily the top five best looking guys oh don't even
Starting point is 00:53:41 you're really you're you're really beautiful i've when i met you in person i was just like i was just like you know because sometimes you meet you meet people and they're on tv and you know like bachelor bachelor cast especially specifically for guys they cast a lot of tall guys right and if you're tall like even if your face is a little crooked like people kind of think you're pretty good looking it's like because like you're tall you know um and like you're not short but you're definitely not one of the tallest guys no i met you in person i was like this guy is really he's hot he's he's super hot like you have you have great hair you're like you you are objectively you're you're objectively a total babe i say that i say that it's that. I say that as a straight man.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I just like, I'm confident enough to say that. I was just like, that's a great face. You guys are pumping my tires here. I loved it. The podcast award when Becca Tilly was like, yeah, you know, I really wasn't. Yeah, he's cute or whatever. But then ever since he's been dating, Katie said that she says this to Kate. And ever since she's been dating you, man, he's getting to kate and ever since ever since she's been dating you man he's getting hotter and i was like
Starting point is 00:54:47 i think you guys are great together but i i met you before you started dating caitlyn and you were you were you were very striking before before caitlyn i'm dying i'm dying i was like man what does he do like all that banking all that all that banking um i have a question how's the quarantine been on the the old relationship you know what honestly i'll be i'll be completely wrong with you caitlin is like she will tell you she's very emotional and she's an anxious person and that's what makes her her and that's a beautiful thing but i was a little concerned coming into this i'm like it's gonna be like an anxious craziness every day like she's gonna be so worried about everything and every day i'm gonna have to talk her down through everything she has been i'm like actually concerned with how chill she's been i'm
Starting point is 00:55:38 like what's going on here like is she's taking edibles every day or something? Because she is so calm. And I think you guys can attest to this while obviously there's so much craziness going in the world. Our schedules are actually pretty busy right now. Nick, I don't know if you guys feel that way. But I think a lot of people are expecting they want some entertainment. They want you to go live. They want other things out there. So we've been both pretty busy. And it's actually going much better than I anticipated. Much better. But it's better. Go ahead, Nick.
Starting point is 00:56:14 No, that's great to hear. But you're right. I mean, I will say I feel very, very blessed. And I'm sure you and Caitlin feel the same way. That a lot of what we do is working working from home i mean i we don't normally record this way but you know technology allows us to do this and you know whether it's like using your social media platform to you know i have more time like even these some of these silly videos i've been putting out which are hilarious by the way thanks but yeah i feel very blessed that
Starting point is 00:56:43 um i'm able to continue to do what I'm doing and stay busy. On the flip side, it's almost like people ask me how quarantine is going. And I'm just thinking, I don't know what this means, but I don't feel like it's too much different than normal because I spend most of my time... I'm single. So like, oh, this is the worst um i'm like unfortunately i'm really good at being alone um so uh for better for better or worse um but uh yeah it's been it's been okay and yeah i do i do feel very very lucky to to uh to be in the position i am because i know like even some of my friends are you know they're not especially people who out there who wait, especially people who are out there who wait tables, especially people who work in the service industry. It's been a tough time on them, and my heart goes out to them.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, absolutely. And I think, you know what? It doesn't matter what industry you're in. Everyone's impacted in different ways for sure. But our industry, this podcasting and YouTube, this will all be impacted because some of the first things that companies are going to have to cut for a small short-term perspective will be marketing, budgeting, and advertising, things like that. So everyone is feeling it. And I feel like if we have this platform, it's kind of our duty to do something good with it, right? Get it out there that we need to be social distancing. When these blood drives come to your community, push it out there
Starting point is 00:58:01 and do stuff like that. And if you can, support your local restaurant by ordering in if you can. I know there's some great restaurants I know out in L.A. that I hope will be able to survive this because it would be, I mean, there's some dishes I really rely on. But also just kind of, you know, support your local business when you can while we'll continue to practicing, practicing you know safe measures and keeping our people in our community safe what do both of you guys miss most being in quarantine dim sung speaking of restaurants like uh din tai feng is a restaurant in la that i would go probably twice a week um yeah and uh it's not like as much as you know ordering in uh which i have been doing you have to eat that fresh like you have to have that like fresh it's not it's it's drastically different uh when you take it home at least this is i get so i miss that routine and like i literally haven't like had a physical connection with someone in over a week now
Starting point is 00:59:02 don't you feel like people are gonna start booty calling and just being like you know what i'm gonna I've had a physical connection with someone in over a week now. Don't you feel like people are going to start booty calling and just being like, you know what? I'm going to risk it. Forget about it. I'm done. Probably. My neighbor went on a booty call.
Starting point is 00:59:15 He's like, it's okay, though. I'm the only person he's doing this with. I'm like, sure you are. Sure you are. I know we talked about this, and again, this probably will drop in a couple of weeks, but like, as we sit here right now, like I haven't been able to get tested and there's a limited amount of tests,
Starting point is 00:59:29 but like I'm acting as if I have it because I've had some symptoms that suggest that I might. And so I'm not even like, yeah, I'm not even like reaching out to friends and be like,
Starting point is 00:59:38 well, do you just want to come over here and like maybe we'll hang out? Like I just, unfortunately. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know, ladies, watch out in a couple months,
Starting point is 00:59:47 Nick is going to be ready to go. I'm going to be bursting with excitement. The nude situations, no one's, you know, I am curious, will there be like an influx of nudes that are being sent around to people? Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:02 100%. Well, you know, if you're out there people if you want to send a nude that's fine be safe cover your face not to me not to me i'm just saying in general okay oh i thought you were putting like a oh no no no no no no no no i don't want send them to i don't ask i don't i don't i do not i do not want any i don't want any nudes i'm saying for this is a relationship podcast we We give, people ask about this stuff. If you want to send a nude,
Starting point is 01:00:28 that's fine to your. No faces. No faces. Be smart. Don't, don't trust anyone because relationships are often temporary.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Digital pictures are forever. So, but certainly whatever you have to do but I do not want your nudes people let the record state let the record state I don't want to be judging people
Starting point is 01:00:55 if that's what they do to pass the time love thy body free the nipple kind of thing absolutely if you gotta do that or FaceTime whatever you gotta do I've started thinking a lot about my exes and I'm like I feel like
Starting point is 01:01:10 everybody's probably doing that you're like oh remember that guy and then goes it's a dangerous path uh yeah don't don't do that don't do that that's not a solution I mean they need to there's gotta be if we are quarantined for however long we are,
Starting point is 01:01:27 there's going to have to be some type of solution. I don't know what it would look like. But I mean, people, we're still humans. Yeah. I mean, all serious though, you just got to be smart, right? Yeah. There's a difference between taking a walk outside and going and playing pickup basketball with 10 guys.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah, that's just... You know, like that's... And, you know, I live in Venice. And, you know, just last weekend, you know, I stepped outside to get some fresh air and I saw that. And it was just like, come on, guys. You can't like...
Starting point is 01:01:59 People need to be smarter about that. But like, yeah, like you're going to have to be smart. I'm shocked to hear that people are on the beaches in LA no i mean that's the thing it's like i was uh people you know i think well i went yesterday because i just drove there because i thought i could just stay alone and just read on the beach and get some fresh air and then i saw it was like swarms of people i'm like well i can't do that but like yeah initially they kind of made it seem like swarms of people. I'm like, well, I can't do that. But like initially they kind of made it seem like it's good to get outside and like, but then it's just too crowded of a city.
Starting point is 01:02:31 It is. Well, yeah, there's that. And it is good to get outside. It's just, again, there's a difference between social distance and social isolation, right? Very fair. And for someone like myself, since I started like getting symptoms,
Starting point is 01:02:44 I've been basically isolating myself. So that kind of sucks for a period of time where it's just like I've had no... I barely even really have gone outside. It sucks. But yeah, we're going to have to get out and you're going to see friends. You just got to be smart and wash your hands. And there's a big difference between doing that and um and like you said
Starting point is 01:03:05 going to the beach and hanging out in groups of people and um hanging out in groups of 10 is still like it's that's still still too risky because if one person has it and you're out there sweating playing basketball and breathing on them you can affect two or three people and etc etc then it you know exponentially grows that's one of the things things that when Caitlin got tested, and I know we talked a little bit about before we started recording, Caitlin was sick for six days, 102 fever, every symptom, and she got tested. And the process was crazy. I mean, she had to get four swabs up her nose, two on each side. She said it felt like it went to the back of her brain. It was pretty painful. It unfortunately was supposed to take a couple days to get results, but it ended up taking about six days to get results. And she found out it was
Starting point is 01:03:51 negative. But one of the interesting things is at first, they were going to consider testing me, but then they told Caitlin, oh, no, no, no, we're not going to waste a test because if you have it, Caitlin, he absolutely has it. It wasn't even like even like well if he's been this close to you in this search it was like no he hasn't so that was interesting um but as we trade so we're talking about quarantine we transition real quick to entertainment while in quarantine and i gotta ask a couple bachelor questions i'm seeing my and i feel like nick you're my best resource i see mike fleiss like you know for you know foreshadowing potentially replaying seasons. What is going on with all this, Bachelor? We had it live with Chris Harrison.
Starting point is 01:04:30 He foreshadowed something in the summer big happening. What do you think is going on? I mean, here's the thing. ABC and Warner Brothers, Warner Brothers being the production company that produces the show, for the people listening, the best way it was described to me years ago before, like it wasn't until after Caitlin's season I even knew Warner Brothers was involved because people see ABC, right?
Starting point is 01:04:56 If you go to, you know, think of it as Target, right? You go to Target and you see Target sells all their Target brands, right? That would be like ABC producing their own show. But then you might go and buy dishwashing detergent that's like Dawn, right? Target's still selling Dawn, but Dawn makes the soap, right? So the Warner Brothers makes, along with Mike Fleiss' production company, NZK, they produce the show and they sell the rights to abc right so both warner brothers and and abc are affected by by this and the bachelor franchise before coronavirus you know
Starting point is 01:05:34 happened i mean they're they're doubling down like you got you listen to your heart they were going to do summer games like it's like you they can't produce enough for bachelor the the world the way the world is and where people are consuming uh uh media is that uh i mean bachelor was one probably their only profitable i mean i don't want to speak who know i don't want to say sure i don't but it seemed like uh bachelor was doing very well you know people are watching less scripted stuff and more non-scripted stuff so they're going to want to keep doing that right and so they're caitlin uh claire's uh season's been delayed indefinitely i don't see them um uh starting anytime soon i mean they delayed it for two weeks they haven't made any announcement my that my guess is by the time
Starting point is 01:06:15 people listening this there will be some sort of update but sure probably not gonna be for a while so that will be delayed uh bachelor of paradise will be delayed so they're gonna have to put they're not gonna have to but it would be so many people watching the bachelor now um our new is a new audience i mean i can't tell many times people who uh came up to me and said you're the first bachelor i've ever season i ever watched uh i get that a lot imagine now there's been colton season ari's season peter's season, Peter's season. There's that many more people who have never even seen me on the show. I've never seen Caitlin on the show.
Starting point is 01:06:50 So there's definitely an audience of reasons to maybe bring back some seasons that, you know, were popular or whatever. How they're going to do that. You know, Mike Fleiss teased that they're going to display individual episodes from time to time. I don't know. That's harder to find because like things are, you know, it might, who knows what they're going to do, but it sounds like they might do something. Then the next question is,
Starting point is 01:07:13 yeah, do we want that to like, I don't want people to be like, I mean, I've had some good episodes. I've had some bad episodes, right? Like, you know, selfishly for me, it would be fun to see like a Nick marathon because you can go from the you can go from that whole time where you see the story arc. Right. And other people who watched my bachelor season, who didn't watch Andy season, who watched Andy season because they hated me so much. And Andy season refused to watch my season of The Bachelor, et cetera, et cetera. So it's like mixed emotions. I sure caitlin has her own emotions about like do i really want to live relive that experience on tv i mean i don't even have a beard the first two seasons i don't even i mean don't even start about how i looked so i don't know what they're gonna do but it'd be it'll be interesting i will say it would be kind of fun
Starting point is 01:07:57 to like if they played caitlin season to like caitlin and i like live tweeting like our points of view from it and things like that and have some fun with it and like have like a kind of a recap of of seasons before with a with a very much a 2020 hindsight point of view which would be kind of fascinating yeah i think i'd have to be involved with that live tweeting too but that would be i think she is like uh i think i'll be honest i think she is a little nervous about that actually happening. She doesn't want that. She does not want that. She does not want her season to be replayed.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Really? I know that. Well, I think she might be disappointed because hers is one of the better seasons. I think she's aware of that. So I think she's concerned. I would be fine. For business, it would be great.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I think it would be great i think yeah i think well i mean caitlin had a hard time i mean they can't like yeah people it's always funny when people um you know every season ends right and when it ends people will be like oh so and so was a great or a shitty bachelorette or bachelor or whatever um you gotta wait like a year or two right you have to let it digest what they think of you after that moment is very different um because also the fan the audience likes with caitlin and her podcast like people's opinions of caitlin now uh i think because they've gotten to know her as a person they will look at her season differently i'm like for me for example i always like i'm bad i have a lot of insecurities about my time on
Starting point is 01:09:25 Andy's season. Less though, I'm fine actually with Caitlin's season, but specifically Andy's season. But I don't know how people would think knowing me now going back and watching it. Like I've had people do that and be like, oh, you actually seem fine because they understand it a little bit differently. I think honestly, Caitlin would be, I think also it was a different time. She got... You took the words from my mouth. She got slut shamed a lot. She got... Although Caitlyn walks so Hannah Brand could run,
Starting point is 01:09:53 I honestly think... If I'm Caitlyn, I want that. If I'm Caitlyn, Caitlyn should want it being aired. I think it would be great for her, to be honest. You're going to have to talk her into that one. It's not any of our choices, but I think she should want it.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Yeah, I do agree. It's definitely different times, different measures, and the way things that were perceived in 2015 are not now for the good. So I think it'd be a lot different. But what an interesting scenario. If I had my choice, I would say Bachelor, for my seasons, I'd say Paradise season three first,
Starting point is 01:10:28 my season of The Bachelor second, Caitlin's third, and then you could just, you can dump Andy's. All right, I got one more question. Do you think there's a chance, this is all speculation, right? You're sitting back,
Starting point is 01:10:40 bored, talking Bachelor stuff. Do you think there's a chance that they don't even film claire's season and that therefore they just wait another year and there could be a new bachelor is that even a possibility i mean i think anything's on the table at this point right that's a great question my my first reaction would be like no there's no way, right? But that's making an opinion based off of like relatively normal times. And I think we're just in such uncharted territory with like the world we're in today. I think they're going to do everything possible, right? The big question comes down to how long do they have to be delayed before it just makes more sense
Starting point is 01:11:26 to skip the bachelorette and do bachelor in paradise what's more important to the franchise having a bachelorette season or having paradise i kind of think they have to well i like paradise as a show better but you have to keep in mind that then they're turning off a feeder system so to speak sure right so that's 25 to 35 new guys that like they're saying no to um do they really have what they have listened to you they have the listen to your heart feeder system now they do have that so that should be interesting and caitlin and i, we were judges on one of the shows. Oh. Yeah. So we were judges on one of the shows. And it was honestly such a great experience. Such a great experience. I mean, I know there's a lot of back and forth discussion about,
Starting point is 01:12:17 will you watch? Will you not watch? But I really enjoyed getting to know some of the people that were on the show and the whole concept was fun. It was great. Yeah, I mean, I think it's going to be good. We're going to recap it on this podcast for fun. I don't know what to expect. I think, listen, it's one of those things that's easy to snark because it's new and it's different.
Starting point is 01:12:36 It's a little bit out of left field. But quite honestly, as far as that particular show goes, not that there's any positive from Corona, but like people are going to watch it because that's... So if it's at all good, it's going to be a big hit, right? Because it could have been good before and no one gave it a shot.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Sure. Right? I heard like a lot of people, you know, not everyone, but I heard a lot of people like Winter Games, but not everyone watched it, you know? But the people who did, a lot of people liked it Games, but not everyone watched it. You know, but for people who did, a lot of people liked it.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Yeah, that's fair. So I think if it's at all good, it's going to be a big hit. All right. I got to put you on the spot for one question. You don't have to answer it. But would you ever consider going into another spinoff in any capacity? In any capacity? I mean, sure.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Not in any capacity, but like, I mean, summer games or Bachelor in Paradise or Winter Games. In the pursuit of a relationship? In the pursuit of a relationship. No, I mean, I've, you know, certainly they canceled summer games and they, you know, some calls were made and I quickly said, you know, I just don't think it's going to work. And listen, like, when it comes to the, like, Paradise, like, I keep saying, like, I had an amazing time on Paradise. I had so much fun like i i you're in a great you have a great life you have caitlin you have a great relationship but like i don't feel bad for you but i wish you could have experienced that because it's not it's just
Starting point is 01:13:55 a unique experience that is so much different than the stresses of the bachelor bachelorette it's just a neat it's a neat experience. And all things being equal, like that would be fun to like do again by the pure fun of it. But I just don't think I could go down there with any sincerity about pursuing a relationship on that show. And with that being said,
Starting point is 01:14:21 I just, it doesn't, I don't think it makes too much sense for me to do that, you know? All right. That's, I just, it doesn't, I don't think it makes too much sense for me to do that. You know? All right. That's, I mean, very fair answer. I think if I, if I, if I went, if I, if, if it ever, if, if there was a situation where I was like, you know what, fuck it. You know, they asked me, I would be very honest with like, I would like, you know, it'd be one of those things where I'd go down, Chris Harrison would be like, Hey Nick, how's it going? Hey, welcome back. And it'd make a big deal about coming back and he'd be like so why are you here and i'd be like you asked me i don't know
Starting point is 01:14:49 like do you are you do you think you're ready to find love there's no way i'm gonna find love here man like i wouldn't even pretend i would just be like i'm like clearly i hope to get a few more followers obviously that's a given um i'm really here to go have a drink with Wells. Let's be honest. Yeah. I mean, can I mention I wear my podcast t-shirt? I mean, listen, I just don't think I could pretend. You know what? You never know. Maybe I'd go and then someone would be there. But I don't think it's for me at this point.
Starting point is 01:15:19 And what are your thoughts? What are your initial thoughts about the senior bachelor that they're talking about? I think it's awesome. I think it's great. Not now with coronavirus. Well, no, no, no. No, I'm just saying. Don't be a Debbie Donna, Rochelle.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Come on, Rochelle. It's a concept, baby. They're very at risk. I mean, for the same reason, not in any way am I saying Claire is a senior citizen, but the past couple seasons, it's been so young, right? And that's been fun to watch. Yeah, but people are dating in all different ways. People get divorced.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Divorce is a real part of our society and relationships. And whether it's someone like Claire who's 38, 39, she'll be 39 by the time they film, or people in their 50s and 60s you know people like it's easy for younger generations you know no matter how old you are you you still feel young a lot of people do right you know when you're 20 you're like you oh this and that and then all of a sudden you you turn 30 and you're like i don't feel different than i was 20 you know when you you know i remember my dad you know his 50s it's like yeah like certainly you get older you
Starting point is 01:16:28 feel it but like you don't feel like you need to like give up on life and if you find yourself to be single which a lot of people are later in life you know it's it's that's a that's a huge difference in in in how people talk and i there was a show that was actually produced by a Bachelor producer on Netflix. What was it called? Dating Around. If you haven't seen it, people, you should watch it. I don't know if it's still on Netflix. And it was a dating show.
Starting point is 01:16:57 And they had all ages, all different. And it was, you had your kind of Bachelor lookalike guy. You know, it was kind of very traditional. And then you had... And then I had this older guy. And that was my favorite episode, right? Because it was just older people and they had these life lessons and past relationships and some widows and widowers. I think it's going to be really fascinating and fun to watch. And I think it's going to be really endearing. For sure. And I think just, at least for me personally, is like tolerance for bullshit, kind of as you age and deal with situations, it just slowly minimizes. You just don't have
Starting point is 01:17:33 tolerance for nonsense anymore. And that's why I think it would be so great because it would just be like fully candid, transparent, no bullshit type scenarios. And I just thought it was great. It would be different. I mean, could you imagine like some old guy or older girl just like losing their shit in a dramatic way that like you would be like... I mean, I just don't think they're going to go that route. I think it's going to be all about like just endearing love.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Who's going to be the villain? Like Shooter McGavin? to be all about like just endearing love who's gonna be the villain like shooter mcgavin like some crotchy old man who's just like grumpy oh that'd be so great i will say i'm like i feel like the last few seasons i haven't really this sounds like this is pretty soft to me but i want to like see a love story that's why you would have been good i want to yeah i want to see like two people that i look at them i'm like that is like love as the Bachelor. I want to see two people that I look at them, I'm like, that is love. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I want to see them after the show. What's crazy is, Vanessa and I didn't last, but my season of The Bachelor was the last season where The Bachelor proposed to the last girl standing and they gave the relationship a shot. Ari's in a relationship with this person so that worked out right and they have a kid and they you know you did better than i did
Starting point is 01:18:49 but the show itself it didn't end on like this romantic high note like ari season ended kind of like well good luck ari and lauren and then you had you know like and then you had colton's and then you have peter's and then you have hannah's and then yeah like uh you know Beck and Garrett they're they're they're doing well you got Rachel and Ben uh Rachel and Brian yeah but yeah you so you have Hannah's and then you have a bunch of bachelors three bachelor seasons in a row that ended kind of non-traditionally I yes I think they need uh they need to get back on this kind of hey we're gonna give this a shot. Right. In Paradise, there were a lot of breakups.
Starting point is 01:19:27 We unfortunately saw Kendall and Joe break up, and then Demi broke up, and unfortunately, Kristen Crystal. And I'm like, I just need a damn good love story. I want to be vested in it. Hopefully, Claire will bring that to us. All right, Jason, before we let you go, we are going to play Do You Know Me?
Starting point is 01:19:47 And we're going to do this from the comfort of our homes. So how we play Do You Know Me, Jason? I'm going to ask you a question. Okay. Question is going to be, can Jason X, Y, and Z? Don't answer it at first.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Okay. Think to the answer yourself. Rochelle and i are going to guess okay uh if we know the answer all right and we'll see especially after talking to you for this past hour or so who knows jason better all right i like this let's game on let's go do you know me with jason tardick question number one can jason name three breeds of cats can jason name three breeds of well it's definitely a dog person i don't know if i can name three breeds of cats uh it doesn't matter i'm not on the spot uh i'm gonna say he definitely can he just seems like
Starting point is 01:20:41 a list type person where he knows a lot of uh information i'm gonna say he can't remarkably people like i'm gonna say he knows siamese because that's like such a don't give him one don't give him that was that was obviously number one but i i i couldn't name another one okay let's see let's see if i'm right okay so siiamese was number one. And then I was thinking, so does this fall in the category? I think it does a bobcat or does that not fall in the category? We're talking domesticated cats. Okay. Domesticated cats. There are, I think they're called Jaguar cats. Rochelle, can you confirm? I'm going to Google it.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Jaguar cats. See if those exist. No, I'm definitely... It's a mini. They have spots on them. I can't... It's like a mini... It's like my brother freaking has one, and I'm blanking on the name of it.
Starting point is 01:21:37 All I'm finding are big jaguars. No, small. Okay. Nick's right. I can't name three cats. I thought so. Wow. Nick's right. I can't name three cats. I thought so. Wow. Isn't that random, though?
Starting point is 01:21:48 I could name 12, 15 dog breeds. Dogs. I could not name. Definitely Siamese. Yeah. Wait. Can any of you guys name? Can you off the top of your head?
Starting point is 01:21:58 No. No. I would say fluffy cat and short-haired cat. No. Yeah. The ones without hair. Yeah, but we don't know the name we can describe cats it's called the sphinx cat i just googled it a persian cat bengal okay bengal cat that was what i was thinking of a bengal cat my brother that's what you're thinking
Starting point is 01:22:20 of right yeah so bengal siamese yeah all right and speaking of that have you seen lie uh not to go away but have you seen tiger king oh my god yes watch we can talk we can do a whole podcast i mean a whole podcast oh go watch it that's on that where what is it it's on netflix watch it it's fucking wild this is the time yeah we could on that stuff. We should recap Tiger King. Oh, you have to. Question number two. Does Jason have an Uber rating higher than 4.6? If you don't, I'd be shocked.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Absolutely. You're very polite, Jason. All right. So I think I do, but let's confirm this. Here we go. We're loading up. All right. We got a 4.78. So not the the best but it's about 4.6 higher than mine i'm pretty pissed about mine because i'm actually really polite but what i do is huff
Starting point is 01:23:12 and puff that's not polite how is that polite what is here i don't i don't always but like i mean listen like if if you don't know where you're going, don't be an Uber driver. Oh, my God. You are that rider. But I'm really polite. No, I'm really nice. Wait, Nick, what's your rating? It's like four or five. That's good.
Starting point is 01:23:34 That's good. All right, next question. Next question. Question number three. Can Jason name four Kardashians? Yes. Four? Four. Yes. Four? Four.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Yes. Of course. Everybody can. Well, you guys say that and this is literally my worst genre of anything. Pop culture here. So I know we have Kim Kardashian. We have Khloe Kardashian. Yeah. Just name a bunch of other
Starting point is 01:24:03 names. Yeah, we have... Even if they don't have the same last name, they count. If I name Kim Kardashian's kids' names, that doesn't count, right? No, but like sisters and shit. There's a Brandon Kardashian, isn't there?
Starting point is 01:24:22 No! Kim? Khloe? Oh, Jason. a brandon kardashian isn't there no oh my god chloe oh jason can't wait who's the guy kardashian what's the guy's rob rob their brother oh rob kardashian kim care no there's not a carry jason doesn't know he doesn't know wait is there a carry. Wait, is there a Kari Kardashian? No. How embarrassing. I think he's doing this on purpose. This is what Caitlin says to me. She goes, you always do this on purpose.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Kim, Khloe, Kourt. Oh, my God. Kourtney and Kris. Yeah, that's shame on me. I didn't get it. If you ask me anything, actor, actress, reality, I won't get it. Oh. Question number four. Is Jason currently carrying more than $20 in cash in his wallet?
Starting point is 01:25:10 Yeah, I think Jason's a cash guy. I think he always has cash on him. I never have cash. Well, I think he went to the bank and got a couple thousand out in case the world went to shit. Maybe so. That's possible. Yeah, because I think Jason is risk risk averse that way but i think he
Starting point is 01:25:26 always has some amount of cash on him i'm so old school at this i have a money clip totally man totally yeah it's it's ones on the outside and hundreds oh yeah that's i i uh this is my wallet. I definitely expected that to a T. Oh, man. Last question. Did you guess, Rasha? Would you have said yes? I would have said yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Did you see the ones up above that that I sent you? No, but we'll just... This is fine. Last question. I like it better. I like it. It's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Does Jason prefer vodka over tequila? Uh, yes. I say he's a tequila guy. Also, isn't tequila supposedly better? Like the CrossFit guys like tequila. I don't know if you're a CrossFit guy,
Starting point is 01:26:19 but I feel like you. Do I strike you as a CrossFit guy? Not, no, but like. Not that there's anything wrong with it. Uh, I don't remember. Tequila is better for your health supposedly tequila is better for you yeah i think but i i am actually a kettle one vodka guy so nick you take the cake there yeah i like i do
Starting point is 01:26:38 like tequila but i would prefer how do you know tequila i just i'm a i read people i don't know i don't remember i don't remember i i don't remember like what you ordered in vegas when we met but yeah i just wanted to say vodka just seemed like you guys are you into seltzers or no i i don't i'm not much of a drinker uh but if i do drink liquor it's just whiskey on the rocks got it i'm a it's an unpopular opinion but i am not on board with all these seltzers. You're just talking about water, right?
Starting point is 01:27:09 No, like the White Claws and Truly. No, they give me heartburn. They give me heartburn. Yeah, everyone loves them. I just haven't. Yeah, no, they're very popular. Shout out to Chris Harrison and his. He's got a rosé, though.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Yeah, very tasty. I just, I can't drink. If I drink too much, I'll get heartburn, me personally. Gotcha. Jason, this has been a ton of fun. Thanks for doing this. If you want to find more of Jason's financial information for kind of the layman and the easily digestible person
Starting point is 01:27:42 in terms of where can people find you, Jason? So if you go to a restart on instagram or restart on youtube and check it out and leave some comments so give me feedback good bad or ugly but any feedback's good feedback so let me know awesome uh well i really appreciate it buddy this has been a ton of fun and i can't wait to uh you'll have to come back for an Ask Nick episode. I will. Maybe we'll do it with you and Caitlin. That would be fun. Yeah, that would be a lot of fun. Let's do it together, and we'll see if
Starting point is 01:28:11 that season repeats itself. Oh, boy. I personally have mixed feelings on Do I Want... I do think people would... Because I actually was fine with my edit on Caitlin's season but
Starting point is 01:28:29 for the people who like I came in as like the bad guy from Andy's season so like I was starting like six feet under so to speak so I think but yeah I have mixed feelings about that personally I think Caitlin should want it I think people would I think people would love watching
Starting point is 01:28:45 her. I love it. I'll tell her that. And I don't think ever in my life will I forget the time that I couldn't name four Kardashians on the spot. I think you're low-key proud of that. Oh, boy. All right, Jason. I appreciate it. Thanks so much. All right, guys. Thanks for having me. Take care. Stay safe. All right. Jason. I appreciate it. Thanks so much. All right, guys. Thanks for having me. Take care. Stay safe. All right. Bye-bye.

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