The Viall Files - E278 The Bachelorette Recap with Heather McDonald

Episode Date: June 15, 2021

Today on our recap of The Bachelorette we are joined by comedian Heather McDonald, who hosted one of the dates on this week's show. Heather gives us a bunch of the behind the scenes on what really hap...pened on the date and fills us in on how long Karl really spoke for. We also get her perspective on the show, transitioning from a viewer to someone who how now seen how it all works.  Heather gives Nick her hot takes on Kaitlyn and Tayshia, the guys she got to meet in person, her predictions for the top 4, and her views on talls and smalls.  We all admit to crying throughout this episode and there was a lot to cover, so get comfy cause we have it all for you. “Do It Like Mike!” Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to to be a part of our Monday episodes.  THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Article: http://www/ for $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more  Vizzy: To find out where you can purchase Vizzy’s limited-edition Pride Packaging, or any of their other refreshing flavors.  Episode Socials:  @viallfiles @nickviall @heathermcdonald  See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's summer, we're getting outside, and it's a great time to upgrade your outdoor furniture. And you can do that super easy without spending a ton of money with Article. That's right, Article is the easiest way to make your space look beautiful. So whether it's indoor or outdoor furniture, Article combines the curation of a boutique furniture store with the comfort and simplicity of shopping online. Article is offering our listeners $50 off their first purchase of $100 or more. Go to slash V-I-A-L-L and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
Starting point is 00:00:28 That's slash V-I-A-L to get $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. You're crazy. What's going on everybody? Welcome to another special edition of the Vile Files Bachelor Recap And we have a fantastic episode for you today Because the one and only Heather McDonald is with us in studio To break down this episode of The Bachelorette.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And it's special because Heather was, in fact, part of this episode. So we get a little bit of insider information, at least on the first date or take on some of the men. And then we'll recap the rest of the episode. Heather. Hi. How are you? Great.
Starting point is 00:01:23 It's so nice to have you. Before we get in the episode, I just have to remind my audience of some of the other things going on this week. Tomorrow, we have a fantastic episode with the one and only Tanks. If you don't know her, she is on Killing It on the old TikTok and Instagram. Some amazing, funny thoughts on all things relationship, dating, life. Be sure to check that out tomorrow. And now, Heather, let's Be sure to check that out tomorrow. And now, Heather, let's focus on The Bachelorette.
Starting point is 00:01:53 First question for you is, I'm kind of curious. I'm assuming this is your first time on the set of The Bachelor or Bachelorette, right? Oh, yes. But I mean, if you remember from our history together, I have been watching it since the Alex Michelle days. I don't think I've ever really missed. There was one season with a football player that I don't know why I kind of missed that season. But I think every Bachelorette season, every Bachelor season, every time a new season starts, I'm like, I'm done. And then Monday rolls around. There's nothing else I want to watch.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And then I'm hooked. So my first question to you was someone who's watched it, you know, and you as a fan, especially, you knew a lot of the inner workings and we have a relationship and I'm sure you've talked to plenty of other Bachelor alum. Did your expectation meet, especially after watching it back, what was that experience like for you someone who's for the first time you know on the production side you hosted a date obviously so many things are taken out for time purposes right what was that like for you watching it back
Starting point is 00:02:57 i mean i thought the producers were great i really loved everyone that worked on it um obviously like the setup and everything being being in TV, I understood all that. One thing I was impressed with that I didn't think a lot of people as a viewer would think about is that, especially someone like Katie, that literally didn't even go that far in the season. I mean, her date was ended because his boyfriend showed up and they wanted to massage each other. Do you remember that i do yeah with matt and um what's his name uh tyler tyler they were just he could not believe his friend was there and so katie was just kind of like hey and then she gets not no longer on the
Starting point is 00:03:36 show so being that she's you know not an actress or anything not a professional host but also that she didn't even go as long as most bachelorettes go in the process. They throw a lot at them host-wise of like, hey, this is the date, da-da-da-da. And I think that's just a lot of extra pressure that I think a viewer doesn't really think about. That's a lot. And I think she did great. And even watching this past episode, I was like, I started to cry at one point.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Like, I think there's a lot to her. And I'm impressed with the cast. I cried this episode. I cried so much. I mean, I was like hiding from Natalie. Like, I didn't sob. But I was like, she cried. And then I was like, I turned away and like kind of flipped a tear.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Amanda didn't, I don't think. It's all right. She's a judgy mcjudger i'm just kidding no i cry at the stuff that nobody else cries at and then i think the real tear jerkers i'm just like what uh um i like that you said that i always try to offer perspective to my audience and things like that you know through various times i'll like sometimes say well it's the experience for your top three or four. Historically, it's different now with the travel is just different if you don't. It's not because of anything other than, you know, to film the show. And I'm just talking pre-COVID, right? It's typically eight to nine nine weeks and the first uh the first like month is
Starting point is 00:05:09 they get through the first like everything up into hometowns is done filming within the first four and a half five weeks and then you have almost half the amount of time just the top four yeah and so the amount of time almost doubles that you're on this in this world. If you are top four and because it's only four, then you have a lot. It's a lot more of getting to know who your top four really is. Right. Which makes a very interesting point. This episode, there was a lot of new things they haven't done before.
Starting point is 00:05:47 episode there was a lot of new things they haven't done before and the greg great the greg greg getting the first one-on-one when he was the recipient of the first impression rose right was a big deal for anyone who's watched the season before historically the person who gets the first and rest press and rose almost never even gets a date the first week the idea is kind of spreading it out it's just like hey milking it out we know that she's into you she's gonna stick around um there's already probably a target on your back also you don't know this world so we'll just put you on the sideline and see how you respond to being sidelined right right so there's abigail's probably like fuck you Greg yeah well yeah or a lot I mean I I got the first impression rose I sat on the sideline and it's
Starting point is 00:06:31 like you tell yourself the whole time and you know nothing about what's going on you're just like this is all bizarre yeah so I remember telling myself okay look I got the first impression rose so like I should like I should be fine but like what the fuck i'm not on a date it's a weird thing and so greg gets the first date and we'll you know cover the date in a second but i thought it was really interesting uh a former head producer who's no longer with the show once told me that they typically will find their villains by whoever is the first impression rose winner or on the first date that's historically and that might be back in the day and it's different now with like what it means to be a villain etc etc but a lot of your villain has comes to do with who get who the lead
Starting point is 00:07:19 likes who gets a lot of validation early on and how they handle that validation and more specifically how the rest of the house perceives how they handle that validation so for greg to get uh the first impression rose and the first one-on-one is a huge risk for katie if she does in fact really like greg so then you ask yourself why did he get get it? It's not an accident. And while Katie probably was like, I really like him, my guess that was more of a production choice rather than Katie's choice because it really doesn't make a bit of difference whether who has the first one-on-one versus the fifth.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You're not going to have anyone getting two for the most part. Yeah, I mean, if I was the producer and I knew, because they're going to know a lot about these guys before they choose them, that in fact his dad has passed and Katie's dad has passed. I, you know, and then she talks about that, you know, she fished with her dad and he said he fished with her dad. And I was at the property.
Starting point is 00:08:18 There isn't that much to do. They do a great job of making that place look nice. Yeah, they do. Because I was there. They do a great job of making that place look nice. Yeah, they do. Because I was there. And I even said, with all due respect, producers, how did you choose this place?
Starting point is 00:08:36 And one of the producers said, we were all set to go to this drop-dead gorgeous place in Canada. And that's when the spike was so high in March of COVID. And so they did have to find a place. And they really did a good job with it because I was there. It makes you wonder. Yeah. And they do a good job.
Starting point is 00:08:50 They did a really good job and there isn't that like much to do either. You know, so like they're probably like, okay, well I did. Oh, oh yeah. I'll definitely go fishing on a date. I used to fish with my dad and then I think they were like,
Starting point is 00:09:01 you know, and because she's, you know, like, hey, sure. she's you know like hey sure yeah i'd like to go on a one-on-one date one one-on-one date with him because i like him i don't think there was maybe in your case or other cases a producer being like you know who i think you know let's hold back you you know you know let's that kind of thing but here's why i because at first i was like the as first as soon as greg got that first one-on-one, I was like, okay, that's different.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Why? Why? I'm curious. And so I'm watching the whole time trying to figure out the why. And then you heard Katie talking a lot about her dad. And then you have this big reveal of Greg being like, yeah. And the way it was shot or the way Greg waited, I don't know how it all went down,
Starting point is 00:09:43 but it was really beautifully done in a way that made you go, oh. And then I thought to myself, well, yeah, but like that's not, wait, like even if they waited for Greg on week five, that would have been a great moment then. And it would have been a great moment for both of them whenever that was revealed.
Starting point is 00:09:59 But then I thought to myself, and going back to your original point, my guess is, and I'm pretty sure it's because we didn't get to know Katie. This episode was all about who is Katie? How can we relate to Katie? And we learned a lot about Katie, her relationship with her father,
Starting point is 00:10:16 how her upbringing, the money financially. So this episode was about who is Katie and other seasons, sometimes they don't need to do that because we got to know them. We saw their hometowns. They saw their hometowns. We saw their, you know, and then if they're in the fantasy suite, there's more just who are you really, some of the other things.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Right. And that's why we spent a lot of time. And my guess is that is why Greg was picked for that reason. Yes. When otherwise he might've gotten a one-on-one week five at the risk of too many guys getting mad at Greg. And I mean, I, and I think he's like a delight. And one other thing I noticed when I was doing the show.
Starting point is 00:11:01 So they sent me, they only sent me the photos of the people that I was going to have on my date. And I was like, well, okay. Like, you know, let's see. Let me just say, there's distinct personalities. And then what you didn't see, so my date comes, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah, so let's talk about your date. So my date came and basically when they asked me to do the show, I didn't really know, but I figured, okay, there's going to be some type of presentation because I'm a stand-up and I'm going to help these guys put together something. So, you know, it starts out, you know, the greatest lover and sex positive and all this is Katie, so let's, like, get into it and I was I was
Starting point is 00:11:47 glad how it worked out because originally I was like this is a little too sexual for me like I'm raising two straight males who you know I'm sorry wish they weren't but they're straight whatever they'd be better in Hollywood oh I'm just kidding so i just was like so i'm like i and and i'm like a mom with teenage boys like i can't be like to like show your dick size buddy like are you talking so are you talking about like what you were saying versus what was aired no like when i got like the original notes sure i i was just like hey let me just tell you what i'm comfortable with and what i'm not i'm not going to talk about dick size i'm not going to humiliate these guys like i don't like that i don't think that's a sign
Starting point is 00:12:30 of feminism like when you know when on other shows where people are like oh i asked for a dick pic before i date him if they don't i'm like do you want your daughter to be told hey show me the inside of your vagina before i take you out. Like, I don't like that. I think it's gross. And I don't like it. And I don't, you know, as a mom, I don't like objectifying men, no matter what the deal is. I think it's just as bad as objectifying women. So I was like, so I was really happy with having a conversation with them and where we went. I liked that, you know, I asked the questions and that was really fun to see how well they did. And they were all like sweet there.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And then I got to go and help them with what they were going to do to show them that they were the greatest lover. And that part I did really enjoy. Because the first person I walked in is the singer Connor. Okay. And when I first saw him there, now I'm tall. Remember how impressed I was by your height? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I'm a tall, okay? And he is, in that group, because they always tall, they cast giants historically. Right, yeah. And Conor, well. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I liked seeing that there were different types. Yeah. Because I think traditionally it was a very specific jockey type of guy. And not that he wasn't fit. He was just a shorter guy.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Like 5'11". Not even that short. You think he's not 5'11"? He's definitely not 5'11". I was next to him. I was too. I don't know. I mean, I remember.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Okay, he's around that. He's not the typical 6'2". Also in the lineup, he had like a coat on that was like a long coat. So, but there's a lot of guys who are like, like it didn't fit. Like, no,
Starting point is 00:14:10 it was like, like a peacoat, you know, like a longer coat on like a short person. I was a little bit just like, Oh, like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:14:18 like, cause I'm on the stage. So I was like, Oh, I know a little bit. And so I was a little bit like, okay. He's not the normal
Starting point is 00:14:25 but then when I went over and he starts telling me the words to the song and how talented he was and clever I was like oh yeah I got it now like I got why he was chosen I got why she's into him I think he's super cute she's's petite, so it doesn't matter. But, and it doesn't matter even if, if she was tall and he was small, but I'm just saying, I was like, oh my God, I'm, I'm into this. And then, and then what I wish they did show is because I did really kind of help some of them. And I was like, he sang the song. And then I said, the only thing I was put is, you know, a little self-deprecating about you and a little bit more about what's cool about her people want to hear about themselves yeah so his song killed it you know it was really good it was great he's apparently uh he was uh or was or is a piano bar performer so well i believe that
Starting point is 00:15:20 makes a lot of sense that he's quick with lyrics and kind of play anything. Very talented. Super talented and so, like, great. Okay. And all the guys love that, too. So the other guys are, like, in the audience, right? So, okay. So then I go over to Christian, who is Mr. Boston. Really strong Boston accent.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah. really strong Boston accent and he's in the same room hearing Connor like kill it on this clever song that he wrote in two minutes so he's like I don't know what to do you know and I was like oh my god this little baby like let me help him
Starting point is 00:15:58 so I was like you know if this is about being the greatest lover and being married, I've been married for 21 years. It's not all about the boning. Like a bigger turn on is walking and seeing your husband with a baby strapped to his body vacuuming. Like then you're like, yeah, let's fuck like that. Like, let's throw the baby to grandma. Like, there's nothing better than that.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So I'm like, what can you do like are you are you handy could you like could you fix something in the house do you know how to work the remote controls like do you know like can you cook a little like where how are you gonna get her so relaxed that then you can show her that you're the greatest lover so he was like and so he did really well and And then afterwards, they wouldn't really let me talk to them. But he was just like, he was adorable. He was adorable. And he was like proud he did well.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Now, this one guy, I'll tell you which one he is. He started all the shit last night. Where is he? Carl. Carl. Wait, why can't I find his face? Okay. That was my biggest question for you.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Okay, Carl. Was it as bad? He's the motivational speaker, right? Was it as awkward or as bad as they made it seem? You guys, first of all, when I would go and talk to some of them, I said, okay, just like, I'm a comedian. Just keep it tight. Keep it tight. He's like, and then I'm going to go through six things,
Starting point is 00:17:21 and I'm like, I'd keep it to three. You're trying to offer some, as a mother, married woman, successful marriage, comedian, performer. You're like, I'm just here as a resource. If you ever wanted your friends to think you were a professional home designer, well, now you can with Article. And you can do it super not by spending a ton of money. And so whether it's your indoor furniture, outdoor furniture, upgrade your looks with Article. Article also has this new look, the Seaside Retreat.
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Starting point is 00:20:07 because I'm like, okay, what else do you got? No, I'm sure. All right, go. This thing, and I am not kidding because afterwards I go, I think that went on
Starting point is 00:20:14 for 15 minutes and then the producer said 18 and a half. Everybody else's was like five or under. I mean, we were dying and then I didn't know he was a motivational speaker. So I'm like.
Starting point is 00:20:27 How old is Carl? 34. He seems younger than that, actually. And I'm like, thank you, Tony Robbins. And no, I don't want to buy the condo. Like, what the hell was that? What was your joke after that? It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I think they said peaches because I don't, I'd have to watch it back, but there was another guy that talked about having a safe word in sex. Oh yeah. And then I was like peaches, peaches, peaches. Cause you're so annoying.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Like I was literally like, I feel like I'm in Florida stuck at a timeshare and I just want to kill myself. Like that was, we were all held hostage for like 18 minutes. It was awful. Yeah, I've, when people call them, like, it's weird. Because like I have this podcast and one of the shows is relationship advice.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And I've, but referring to yourself as a motivational speaker, to me, bit of a red flag. I mean, they're like, yeah, if you're Tony Robbins. Right. I feel, they're like, yeah, if you're Tony Robbins. Right. I feel like it's fine. You know, if you're making real money and going and speaking at real events. Sure. But it's just a weird thing. I would not want to say I would not want to date Tony.
Starting point is 00:21:37 First of all, I've met Tony Robbins. OK. Robbins. Robbins. Either way. I met him at the Playboy Mansion. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:43 As you do when you're meeting a pastor or motivational speaker either or so and this is like a long time ago but I did I used to watch his commercials okay and I was not pursuing stand-up or comedy or anything and I knew that I should but I was too afraid to like start so I'm like I'm ordering these these cassette tapes about like you know and I'd listen to them in my Toyota Celica I didn't really get through all of them but I listened to some of them but I so then I see him and I go Tony I just want to tell you I got your tapes and at the time I was on a TV show on MTV and I got I did this and this I started doing stamp six years later I'm on a TV show on MTV and I just want to thank you and he's like oh okay what is it you know that Monday this whole thing
Starting point is 00:22:38 gets delivered to my show of his latest tapes indeed well not tapes now they were uh cds and um and i was like oh okay but i always just remember his speeches were like i'm in venice beach in a one studio apartment washing dishes in the bathtub and i was like why did you have to do it in the bathtub and how many dishes do you have you fat fuck like you're one person like what is going on and so no i wouldn't want to be married to tony roberts robbins and i know some shit about his personal life and you don't want to be married to him i don't even know if he has a wife he's like there's a lot of stuff about that but do you imagine just that's your husband like get up start your day like oh yeah no i mean like i'm like it's weird because like you know i my girlfriend where i give a lot
Starting point is 00:23:27 of motivation no but i give a lot of relationship otherwise my podcast i get people asking me and i'm very careful like sometimes i like what do you think of this or what do you think of that and it's just like i i'm i love people like oh do you listen to some some of the some of nick's episodes and she doesn't and i'm glad like it would just be i don't wanna i'm very like i try to be very self-aware about the fact that like well i appreciate people listening to me like there is a like a limit to how anyone can in a relationship you don't want to be that person in your relationship yeah like the motivational speaker in your relationship or the the sage or whatever
Starting point is 00:24:05 but like yeah a 34 year old guy and it's just more like it's a maybe he's great but I think personally long story short as we it's a red flag for someone to come out and say yep motivational speaker and like average person's never heard of you well I think it's the same thing with I'm a life coach. And no offense to life coaches. There are some that really are life coaches. Really great. But I look at it with a grain of salt.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I'm like, I'm a skeptic when people come out. And some of them, like you said, I've worked with some. Some of them have been on our podcast. Yeah. But I'm a skeptic. But I also think a life coach has to be kind of of a certain age. They've had to have lived a life to be a life coach. If you meet a 23-year-old life coach, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Like, you know, if the person's 45, whatever, and they're like, even like a lot of people have coaches for like their own business to motivate them in the morning. Like that I think is like, hey, whatever works for you. But not when you're on the bachelor. Carl was worse than what we got to see. Because part of him being so bad was just the lack of self-awareness and the space he was taking. Also, it wasn't a good speech either.
Starting point is 00:25:16 It wasn't like trying to be funny. It wasn't funny. It was luxury. It was weird. He mispronounced words. I was like, this is like the worst motivational speech i mean the only thing is that we were just dying laughing and that he motivated people not to be a motivational speaker and and you know it was really funny it was really fun having uh taisha
Starting point is 00:25:37 and caitlin there i really do think that element just helped like it is a weird show. They're not traveling. It was during COVID. She is a newer... There's so many newer aspects to this version of The Bachelorette, but I think the addition of Tayshia and Caitlin is really great. Because the laughing... I was next to them. They didn't show
Starting point is 00:26:00 you, but I was on a chair next to them. We were girl-crying laughing, squeezing each other. It was super fun to watch. show you but i was like on a chair next to them we were like laugh like girl crying laughing like squeezing each other like it was it was super fun to watch do you guys get like cocktails to get through carl's bit like oh yeah we all had drinks okay we all had drinks yeah yeah it's uh that was interesting let's talk about mike it's interesting okay just from my perspective and i'm questioning for you okay obviously produce in the sense of the timing of it all. And sure.
Starting point is 00:26:28 But I find it coincidental that, I mean, your first book that you wrote, it was a lot about you being a virgin late into your 20s. So like you can relate to waiting for sex. Yes. I typically, especially when The Bachelor makes a big deal about virginity I kind of roll my eyes and then when people call in on the show about waiting I always hear a lot of different reasons of why people wait you know sometimes it's unclear to them and a lot of people
Starting point is 00:26:59 will reference religion and obviously Mike has talked about religious and then it's like people i honestly and i'm curious what you think and then i'll open up to everyone else i thought that was the best explanation for waiting for marriage that i've ever heard because mike was we didn't reference god in his speech he was just like say what you about me, but I have an idea of my head of what I want. And I want one person and I want her to feel confident and secure about my feelings. And I want her to know that before I even knew she existed, that I wanted to wait for her. And it's a gift that I've been basically developing and creating and building slowly over the course of my life to present to
Starting point is 00:27:45 the love of my life whoever she is when we get married and I was like oh my god like first I I thought that was great and I if if you are going to wait do it like Mike is it kind of was my takeaway I don't know what everyone else thought well so they told me like the day of or something um that you know he was i don't know when i found out but i found out like the day of the thing that there's a 31 year old virgin and he's kind of i didn't know who it was they said there's a virgin and then when i was doing it in the question marks and stuff then I felt like really bad for him so you didn't know they they kind of I told I think they told me after yeah I think they told me there was smell them out no I I'm trying to remember but I think they said there is a virgin and then I figured out oh god I think it's the
Starting point is 00:28:39 guy that keeps writing question mark on the thing and being that I was a 27 year old virgin who did not, I stopped sharing it with people. Like I was in theater and worked on things. I was writing on the Keanu Reeves show as a virgin. And all they did was, I was with all men, all they did was talk about sex. And I was writing sex jokes and everything. And it like embarrassed like it became like a burden and embarrassing and um and I I was raised religious but it was more like I just wanted someone to say they loved me first you know then I was like okay fucking rip off the band-aid dork and like get over with and so and that I do suggest people just fucking like get on the pill, use a condom, be safe, don't get super wasted and just like have sex. Because I do think, my opinion,
Starting point is 00:29:31 it becomes this overwhelming thing and it'll keep you from possibly meeting the right person because the right person is, is like, they just think you don't like them or they, or they think, oh my God, if we do have sex they're going to want to have my baby they're going to never leave me alone they're going to be so psychotic because they're going to get the dick for the first time they're not going to know what to do with it or vice versa so when they told me that I started to have like and like anxiety for him of like how he was going to answer these questions so then I said to the producers like they didn't even know they didn't even know that I had the book,
Starting point is 00:30:06 that I was a 27-year-old virgin. Because my show- Yeah, they didn't know it was a coincidence. No, because my show is like very edgy, very sexual. Like I talk about it, ask a million questions. I have swingers on. Like I, because I'm like, yeah, I didn't have enough of it.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And now, you know, make it up for lost time with my husband, whatever. So, okay. So I was like, if you, hey, you guys might time with my husband, whatever. So, okay. So I was like, if you, Hey, you guys might know, I was a virgin until I was 27. I totally feel his anxiety, whatever. So then when I was going around to like help the people, they're like, he's freaking out. He's like crying and he's freaking out with a producer. And then I really worried that he might leave. Like I was afraid he would just leave the show and not do it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So when I saw that presentation, I was blown away. I cried. They didn't show me. I was crying. I think maybe even the girls might've been emotional. It was beautiful. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And then he gets in the van with us to go to the next, to leave that spot. Now they're going to have their after party with his like trophy thing. And he was elated. leave that spot now they're gonna have their after party with his like trophy thing and um he was elated all the guys like standing ovation all the guys were like that's awesome he had such great support with the other cast and he was so happy and so elated and felt so great like getting that office chest in the beginning i think I thought it was just perfectly done. And it's weird.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Cause you know, Chrissy, you were saying produce. It's one of those things when Natalie and I were watching it. Cause you don't know what his, his speech is going to say. It felt really at first it was like, Oh God,
Starting point is 00:31:37 this is a little early in the, in the process to like be putting this guy on fucking blast when it comes to his virginity. Right. Like it was like 100 and and then it kind of like last week when we were like who's top four whatever we were like i don't know they show a preview of this guy crying about sex we're like clearly that means he goes far because they're not going to get into sex until like later in the season all of a sudden you turn on episode two here's this like oh it's it's already happening so but then it's like sometimes the payoff is worth the uncomfortable tension that
Starting point is 00:32:13 is created yes and sometimes it's sometimes it goes good and sometimes it goes bad i always like people always ask about like how scripted and how forced how produced and it's just like i'll just and i will say it over and over i'll say it a hundred more times they create situations and and they have a hope of what they think could happen but they adapt to what actually does happen and they might get a sense of what he might say and they might have thought i think he has a really good handle on his virginity despite the pressure we're going to put him in. Do you think that because it's like a covid situation and you were saying earlier, Heather, that like you can tell, like these things are set up a little bit more that we're seeing the setups a little bit more in the producing of it? Like, OK, there's a sex date. So obviously they were going to put him in that situation. put him in that situation my heart actually went out to him because i'm sure he would have wanted to have that conversation one on one on one and he was put in a situation where he had to tell
Starting point is 00:33:08 every single person that was there so situation as we go into like other dates and it's like the same thing it's like but as those two guys don't like each other yes but i i think it helps because i think this kind of needed a kick in the pants this season and I think this this episode I was kind of like okay I'm finally on the show like are people still gonna be into it like you know and but I was like and and the first episode I was like okay and then now I'm like okay this is this is fucking juicy i'm i'm happy that they've that they like had some shit let me ask you chrissy because they i get what you're saying in terms of like the whether it's the show or not but if you were a critic of the show and say hey i want good tv
Starting point is 00:33:56 but like the human side kind of a dick move producers to bring mike and force him to do that my question to you chris he is because again well natalie and i were watching it it was like oh man like really this soon but now that we saw the whole date it worked and then it worked out and do you think having been there as you kind of already said but like do you think mike left that date thankful it played out the way it did i'm telling you i saw him like the happiest he's probably been in years like he was just like i feel great i accepted believe i won i can't i'm so i just think it was this relief now everybody in the because i'm sure he'd been in situations over the years like i was at a work situation maybe new friends maybe he joins a basketball
Starting point is 00:34:43 team and he doesn't share that part of his life with friends. And it kind of hangs over your head, and it keeps you from being a really authentic person. And you know they have all the time in the world to hang out and get to know each other. And I think a beautiful part of doing The Bachelor is that you guys do become such good friends with each other, just hanging out, a lot of strong friendships.
Starting point is 00:35:04 So I think it's going to even help him enjoy his time with the guys more, such good friends with each other you know just hanging out a lot of strong friendships so i think it's going to even help him like you know enjoy his time with the guys more being that he was honest also knowing what we know now uh like i don't think mike comes close to top four no because chrissy to answer your question let's say they thought they had this guy in mike and after night one you know despite katie saying i don't have a top two of a top 22 like katie has preferences and she has expressed these preferences to producers and they're like well what about this guy mike oh i forgot about him it's probably in it like we all have been there in katie's shoes and so it's like this is a gut good guy who's open about it who means a lot and people love a good version story.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So let's give him an opportunity to share his story. And again, I go back to like what, like, you know, for all the shit they might sometimes get. I am incredibly grateful of both Caitlin and the producers for allowing me and at the time thinking tricking me into going as far as i did into a proposal for caitlin and at the time i was so mad at her and so mad at them and i am now so great it took me a long longer time to appreciate it but so grateful of that opportunity to be my best self in that moment and get you know i guess validation and's, it's a weird thing to,
Starting point is 00:36:26 it really shows like the lesson of, you know, immediate, how you might feel about something in the immediate moment is not how you're going to feel about it as you let it marinate, get all the thoughts and opinions. It's more of a risk per se, because you really don't know, but it sounds like it, this, this moment might be a great moment, whether it might goes home next week or in four weeks, really don't know but it sounds like it this this moment might be a great moment whether mike goes home next week right or in four weeks he will feel more confident in his decisions and less judged
Starting point is 00:36:53 and maybe be more open about it maybe he'll become a motivational speaker maybe he will and honestly like i do i do like all jokes aside i think he i hope every virgin who watched that episode will look at it through the lens that mike did because i i hope that to me sounds like a real reason to wait as opposed to all the other bullshit that's out there and the fear and the shame and the self-doubt that we we yeah also wait i don't know i thought great. I really, and I got a little teared up from it. I was like, what a, I,
Starting point is 00:37:28 I, I got more teared up in that moment than, than the Greg moment. But I, I teared up in both. Well, that fits me. I teared up in both too.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Cause I was an old virgin and my dad is dead. I should have been on the date with her. We would have just been crying up a storm um but uh okay yeah so now let's talk can we talk now about the mud wrestling yeah well do we want to cover greg's date any more than we have greg was a fishing date yeah i mean i just think they hit it off. I think they do have chemistry. I think it was really sweet. Can we talk about their matching outfits? They were literally wearing the exact same outfit. I love.
Starting point is 00:38:12 That was so cute. The matching outfit. Yeah. I mean, now I go out of my way. Yeah. I go out of my way to dress. Like, I think it's hysterical to go out in public and do that. I think they're cute.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Like, they definitely have, like, a connection for sure. Be prepared to see a lot less of Greg for the next three or four weeks. Because, for one, you know, we just got to get to know other guys. If I'm right, and this was about us getting to know Katie, and Katie really likes Greg, we don't want Greg necessarily to be a be a villain i don't think he really has that energy per se and some of it is this luck of the draw casting you know who else who's willing to speak up and since we have a carl and we have a erin and some of these other guys like we're we're fine um but yeah just be prepared america to see a lot less of greg because we'll get to you know
Starting point is 00:39:07 his second one-on-one whenever he gets it i and i suspect he will will probably be the next time we see greg minus a minus a couple like sound bites well they'll have the rose ceremony next week right sure yeah so she'll say greg and we'll see greg oh but he already has a rose yeah i'm just saying we're not gonna see on group dates yeah it'll be like on group dates and we'll see Greg. Oh, but he already has a rose. Yeah. He already has a rose. I'm just saying, we're not going to see. But he'll be like on group dates. Yeah, yeah. He'll be like on group dates and you'll see them sitting on a couch real quick. And there'll be a couple moments.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah. Got it. Also, like, let's talk about like, you know, so early on, Greg, he's really good at having conversations. He obviously has a good face, but his ability to connect in a sincere way. Like, you you know we'll get more into thomas especially next week about thomas no i i don't want to give too much away about my date next week that i have with him okay but what i thought about thomas from my date i'm
Starting point is 00:39:58 i'm seeing it already in this season and the thomasases the errands and it happens every season a lot these guys talk to katie about what they think they should hear and that is i never thought i would see a connection already i'm already developing a connection and they're not asking her questions about what a connection means to her or they're not expressing to her what a connection means to them it's just more i'm already feeling it and i'm like aaron mentioned he has a connection with katie after night one which is maybe 10 minutes it's just like i thought that was so weird so so thomas was on my date right so i got to talk to thomas too he had they i i can't remember what his thing was but um I liked what
Starting point is 00:40:47 he was putting together he was like working on notes I mean I thought to me he was like the hottest one he's he's gorgeous because he's tall I'm tall he's strapping but he's not overly muscular like the guy that's a little overly muscular and has like two intensive brows the one that was in the box yeah yeah that's like a little too like that's a little too polished for me like thomas is just like almost too good looking but like i'm still into it yeah so i feel like let me know if you agree james puts a little like they're both naturally attractive guys james puts more work yeah then th Thomas has to. Like Thomas could kind of not give a shit.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And until like, unless like old age might catch up with them. But right now his whole life, he's literally had to wake up. And that's, that's pretty much it. He's, he's,
Starting point is 00:41:38 he's blessed with genetics. Right. Like, Hey, I've been trying, I'm trying to get this going in the zeitgeist of the world. But with everybody always talking about white privilege, there is, and there's also wealth privilege, obviously, that transcends races. But there's just a pretty privilege.
Starting point is 00:41:59 There is a pretty privilege that no one's talking about. It does not matter what race you are. If you're super attractive. Sure. matter what race you are if you're super attractive sure like I had a friend whose mom was very attractive and my friend's attractive and she her mom would be like follow me I'll show you how you get free dry cleaning like she you know and she'd flirt with the dry cleaner because she was like a single mom and it was just like you learn these things sometimes like and you you learn you know that like like there's things that come to you just because you're attractive. Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And people notice you and give you, you know, more energy and more positivity because you're hot. Or tall. Well, I think, okay, I think that's going to be the new thing. I think that's going to be the new thing where now people are going to turn and be like, we have enough talls at the company. We have enough talls at the company. We need somes at the company we need some smalls and speaking of a tall i'm sure people will try but i don't know if it's gonna get ready i'm ready for anything heather but they're gonna start asking people's height okay listen but um thomas also being now he's really tall like i think he's like six five at least he could almost be six seven i don't
Starting point is 00:43:05 know so yeah she's a she's a small and when a small gets with the tall a lot of tall ladies start to turn on the small like why are you taking all of our kind like we need we we only have so you could have anyone i can only yes yes so but a small likes a tall and a tall likes a small because it's just like a little spinner. They can just spin on your dick and like this is a combo. And then I've had smalls tell me and go, don't hate me, Heather. Like I needed a tall.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I'm so small. I couldn't even cook. Like I need my tall to get my stuff in my kitchen. Like, so just like, don't hate on it. It's a functional thing. Love is blind and that goes for height too. hate on it love is blind and that goes for height too but when thomas scoops her up already on a first kiss do you see that yeah he fucking scooped her up like a little like a toddler baby just scooped her up on the lap and it was like i was like the only other time i'd seen that much of
Starting point is 00:44:03 like oh like a little puppy like she had to change her underwear after first she had to go to the I was like, the only other time I'd seen that much of like, oh. Like a little puppy. Like she had to change her underwear after. She had to go to the bathroom and change her underwear after. The only time I've ever seen that on The Bachelor before is when JoJo and her guy, Jordan, they were on a group date. And he like brought her around the corner and he fucking shoved her up against the corner and i was like and they're still together today so i'm saying like there's some chemistry always if there's a wall there use the wall which is oh my god i love i love to push me up against the wall and let's make out also like the looks are high when someone like Katie who also said in this episode I don't know what it is about you
Starting point is 00:44:47 And I'm like It's your face It's your body It's your skin I can't explain what I'm feeling He's like a caramel delight It's his face, his height And you think he has a giant dick
Starting point is 00:45:01 Yeah I don't know what it is i think she felt it when he lifted her when he lifted her up and put her on the lap she fucking probably felt it up against her butt and was like and that's where love is that is where love is and so but uh okay what it is yes so hard i can't put my finger on it because you don't want to sound superficial but speaking speaking of a soundbite coming up the trailer for next week or later on episode when they start and then it gets into like who's not here for right for you so when they say to thomas and we'll get back to the other stuff that's either i could tell it's next episode or or it might bleed into four when they said have you like he's on trial have you ever thought I might be the next Bachelor?
Starting point is 00:45:47 And Thomas goes, yes. To me, I think that's great. Of course you have. Every single person that even types their application to get their first interview knows that an end result of this might be having a podcast, the bachelor having a million followers i'm saying like that is it you know everybody is there with the hopes of hey this is a twofer i might fall in love but i also might get a whole nother career out of it i might be able to do more
Starting point is 00:46:20 than singing piano bars i might be able to be a model. I might. I think next week and the week after will be a really interesting discussion, one of which will be around Thomas for that reason. And again, I don't want to give too much away about the date or whatever, but for me, I had a quick... Thomas, when I met him, I met nine other guys. I watched him very closely and i paid very close attention
Starting point is 00:46:46 to what he said and how he said it well he already has a meeting with cast media so just chill out just kidding just kidding i don't care and he's like getting he's getting a little pressured freaking out no he's fine but i'm curious i'm curious because like on the on the on the flip side you're right a lot of the things that might come up i think there's an a fair discussion to have about like who is actually more honest and who is more sincere and we saw that already with the aaron uh aaron cody thing which that was annoying as shit because like we don't know what it is we don't know what it is and like at at best the the editors made it seem like cody's awkward response to being attacked out of nowhere with no validation and being put in an environment where the last thing you want
Starting point is 00:47:40 is one guy saying you're a fraud you're a fake and how do you defend yourself with unsubstantiated rumors that might of which be totally like one man's perspective and and i honestly like and so like yeah there are a couple moments where if you wanted if you didn't want to believe cody the show gave you enough ammunition to be like i don't know there's something about him not me i thought it was so fucked. I thought it was awful. I was like, there's not one piece of evidence.
Starting point is 00:48:09 There wasn't even a story that, that was made up. Like I was at a bar and this guy came onto my girl. He then put this on social media saying that I, there was not one thing. Now I know there's going to be some sleuths that better find out what the hell he did on social media that uh had any that qualified him acting like this because i was like first of all i one thing my sister wrote me the first episode she goes wow a lot of people from san
Starting point is 00:48:36 diego and someone else said that too there's like six of them between like pacific beach no but there's like so many but they some they wrote san diego but then they also was like la jolla pacific beach and for those of you that don't live in california that's all basically like san diego proper and i'm like okay so they got a pool of people from san diego so obviously there is some history with this guys but like what probably nothing's valid but again the situation again in this COVID situation, you see, I feel like as a viewer, because I've been a fan for so long, as a viewer, you're seeing the producing of it more. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:49:14 Like you're seeing they're putting them in the mud pit together. Obviously, Aaron wins so that he can sit down and he can have the conversation with Katie. And then that drags into the night and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and so on and so forth. You can see see I feel like as a viewer you're seeing behind the curtain more
Starting point is 00:49:28 I don't think you could tell there was any tension between the two of them when they got into the mud thing I love how they kept saying tension and I was like other than the music you're playing in the background they're doing literally the same thing as the other guys clearly they said hey like these
Starting point is 00:49:45 two don't like each other so just and we saw on episode one them like actually having uh a discussion but they gave us no context i'm so and then the guy i guess just acted you know classy to katie when he got the boot but like yeah that this sucks like you do give up whatever job you have you have to give up then you had to do like the six six weeks or a couple or i i think there were six days of literally being by yourself with like not great food in a hotel room for the quarantine there was terrible food oh it's brutal. When I left there, I said, I don't know how you guys, the producers, are going to do another six weeks.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I'm so sick of this Southwestern salad, I'm going to fucking kill myself. It was brutal. There was literally four choices of food. A vegan chili, Southwestern salad. By the time you, but two days before I left, they updated their menu.
Starting point is 00:50:43 We need to do more. Still not great, but better. Like switch it up something. They offer chicken fingers or something And so I mean he was Just I was like this is so unfair and I Really need someone to find out if There was anything Where is the post like
Starting point is 00:50:57 You if you can dig up Chrissy Teigen's Pedophilia Post please Bachelor Bile fans Figure it out tell me what It is I would need to know pedophilia posts, please, Bachelor Vial fans, figure it out. Tell me what it is. I would need to know. Probably nothing. I don't know. Chris, it's interesting you mentioned COVID.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I don't see it as a result of COVID. I mean, I can't give an objective opinion on this because I know how it all works. So when I see something, I'm like, okay, this is probably how it all works so when i see something i'm like okay this is probably how it all went down but as a viewer i i mean the show has been on for so long like yeah if you pay attention they've given you the playbook years ago so i'm just wondering why you think it's that
Starting point is 00:51:38 much more obvious and maybe it's because they're not traveling the dates yeah the dates have less distraction it's just like what can they do like i don't know we'll go fishing and roll in mud yeah they have to make it up they're also very limited and like what they could do at that place no but i don't think they're making up i don't do you think they're making up this drama i just think that i think it's being more pushed i think it's being more produced and pushed out because they have to figure out a way to make these uninteresting dates interesting because the dates aren't presenting themselves in a place where they're like you know repelling from a waterfall and they're like trying to show their macho man thing yeah you know something like that like they have to figure out a way to make
Starting point is 00:52:21 the boring interesting because they're not in these crazy situations to the producers because you are losing huge elements of huge of you know a helicopter over hollywood going to bali like you they so and yet where it would create the tension yeah and people are still watching so like i have to say like i think they they're doing the best job i'm just kind of like I just need to know If there was anything And maybe it wasn't revealed because there might be Like a legal situation of like Saying something that you know
Starting point is 00:52:53 They don't have a screenshot of but someone Someone listening to this will Find out or know Somebody knows one of them and will Find out what the deal is my guess is that When something like this, Aaron knows a girl that Cody used to date. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And, and she didn't like the way he handled it. Yeah. And a lot of here, I mean, I'm from Milwaukee and, and they're from San Diego. And well,
Starting point is 00:53:21 a lot of differences. I remember going to San Diego for the first time and I thought to myself, well, other than the ocean and the weather and, like, the size of the city felt a lot like Milwaukee. And that is a really small city that if you are a socialite and you are a part of the bar scene, you fucking know everyone. There's cliques just like high school. It's a very cliquey kind of thing. just like high school. It's a very clicky kind of thing. And so like a lot of rumors and grudges that are really substantiated by almost nothing
Starting point is 00:53:50 are kind of rampant and all over. And my guess is Cody's probably a decent enough guy and Aaron just doesn't like him. But his response to it was kind of, he got really, really calm in a way we have not seen him be calm the whole time.ody cody and i just think if he really knew that there was nothing against him he would have pushed back a little harder i don't know he seemed kind of at peace with the situation i don't know sometimes when people react very aggressively and defensively to me that is a like
Starting point is 00:54:20 a sign of their guilt when the louder you- You're like everybody that watches Dateline. Like his wife was murdered and he wasn't crying. Well, I don't know. How are you supposed to act when your wife is murdered? Yeah. Like the first time he's on a TV show and a girl that he's like spent 10 minutes with is like, it's not going to work out.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And she's, you know, he doesn't know her well enough to be like really bitch like you know when other people there was the one guy on um claire's season when she like said goodbye to him and he's like you're the oldest bachelorette he was really awful and yeah terrible so he probably saw something like that and was like don't do that my reputation's already on the line so if i'm gonna leave and go back to my job in San Diego, like, let me just be classy to this woman who's being classy.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Unfortunately, this is where my road ends. And like, it is what it is. I save what you can say. I agree with you. And not to give you a hard time, but like,
Starting point is 00:55:18 that is what the show is counting on you. At least they're hoping at least some people have that opinion. Right. And it just goes to show how, like how risky it is to have a judgment like that and yeah it's based off of like logical thinking and your part and your but like i i could tell you like in that he's been there for less than a week and everyone who goes on that show has a fear about being the villain has a fear about what like you know again i've told this story like i the last i was broken up for a
Starting point is 00:55:45 year and a half with my girlfriend at the time the first time like we weren't dating i was clearly single but i still had paranoid thoughts about like we still have mutual friends what if like she gets mad because i'm on the show and says you know everyone is this paranoid right so he goes on there and he gets accused by thomas for things. And he's- By Aaron. Sure. Yeah, by Aaron. Thank you. And he's just like, yeah, he's just thinking about like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:56:16 This is his calmness when my guest was processing. What the fuck? And yes. And it could have been a million different things. But it certainly doesn't mean he's definitely guilty. He might be. We don't know. He screams like okay so i'm in a deep dive he screams like a wannabe influencer and i found his ex-girlfriend from 2018 but she's private unfortunately but like every single post he has right now requester is like a photo shoot okay but like hashtag it's 2021 It's 2021 And half the guys Are just like
Starting point is 00:56:47 To Heather's point They're all there hoping to get a million followers Every single one He has an elbow tattoo I'm not stumping for Cody He just has an elbow tattoo No shade to tattoos It's just something about his vibe
Starting point is 00:57:02 Felt a little bit off to me I'm not saying he's your person I'm saying No shade to tattoos. It's just something about his vibe felt a little bit off to me. Yeah. But, you know. I'm not saying he's your person. I'm saying, and just because he, like, it's, if you, the only way someone can claim that they're not there for followers or fame of some kind is by having zero social media presence whatsoever. And I don't ever, they don't even create one. Short of that, you are guilty.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Everyone's guilty. Then people think that's creepy. They're like, what are you hiding, weirdo? Like it's 2021. How is anybody supposed to find you? I mean, it's like in Sex and the City when Carrie wouldn't get a cell phone. Like 20 years ago, she was like, no, not doing it.
Starting point is 00:57:43 And it's like, you've got to, like everyone has to have it, you know 20 years ago she was like no not doing it and it's like you've got it like everyone has to have it you know so that people can find you and so it's like but you're right and there's people that have 30 followers that'll be like hashtag LaCroix like they yeah you know just like manifesting it and whatever and And that's okay. Like, so what? Like, you look at these people that go on Bachelor in Paradise, get to go on free trips, get a bunch of, you know, new Revolve clothes every day. And it looks like what they're doing
Starting point is 00:58:14 is so easy. We know in this business how much time posting and keeping up with all this stuff truly takes. But to someone at home, it's like, hey, you know, hi guys, want to pop in here really quick and tell you how much I love my new skincare.
Starting point is 00:58:32 That just looks so easy to the person that's like in a cubicle, miserable, that has a good body and is pretty and is single. And they're like, yeah, I think I'd like to go on The Bachelor. Yeah. And my guess is like with some of the other, Katie just, Cody, not in her top third, right?
Starting point is 00:58:49 She wasn't giving up anything by giving him the boot. And so, and they probably were like, well, what do you think about this? And she's like, I don't know. I'm not into him anyway. I'm not into him anyways, so I'll just send him home, which is great for the show, because now this guy got sent home
Starting point is 00:59:04 based off of loose accusations and now everyone's just like all it takes is a fucking rumor for me to get sent home and that puts the fear of god and all of them hence set up the carl yes right let's get back to carl how annoying was that then was it more annoying that carl did that or aaron was the arbiter of like just like hey bro you are trust guy like you were the one who just outed fucking cody yes yes and now you're telling carl to shut the fuck up yeah you didn't have any more evidence or you didn't present any more evidence to the guys or to katie uh at least from what we saw then carl we saw yeah and he presented a name at least carl when carl didn't even say a name,
Starting point is 00:59:46 that was the best part of that whole drama. Yeah, and she didn't ask him. Remember, he kept saying, she asked me who's not here for the right reasons. So I said, I don't know that 100% of us are. That's not what happened. He was just like, I just want you to know I have a feeling there's a few guys yeah we we we
Starting point is 01:00:07 gave a disclaimer last week what i want to get into heaven every week and that is you know when we talk about these guys i want to be careful to set the boundaries of we don't really know them we haven't met them you got to see carl i got to see some of the guys but we don't really know who they are and we're seeing it on purpose so same disclaimer as we deserve the right but i want to say everybody was nice to me yeah i'm saying he went on too long and made us suffer but everyone was very respectful and nice to me and we're like very polite and very gentlemanly so i will say that i want to say this about carl and while i don't know him and this is what we're basing off what we saw right the women listen to this pod or guys what doesn't matter car what carl did to katie in
Starting point is 01:00:46 that moment was a monster red flag yes for anyone and when you go to sub one and you start planting seeds of doubt like it's i don't i don't know i wouldn't call manipulation like 101 and saying i want to scare you i'm gonna scare you by suggesting a truth i'm going to give you no basis for it and then immediately ask for your trust by saying well i want to need you to trust me that's what carl said doubt these guys are bad not going to give you any evidence whatsoever what i want you to do is trust me to know that you're going to figure it out. That's fucked up. And a lot of people do that to their partners by selling fear, right?
Starting point is 01:01:32 And giving no substantiated evidence and then asking them to trust them to like help them with this fear. And that is like it happens so often in relationships. And if that anyone ever does that to you fucking run or even like in a toxic work environment where someone's just like hey i'm your friend yeah like i think you're doing a great job but like i don't know there's something weird going on over here they just did not they were just talking shit about how you left for your grandmother's funeral. And I think it's fine. Yeah, I think it's fine.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I can't tell you who it is. I don't want to start any shit. But like. No, but just tell me who it is because I'm just like worried. What should I do, Nick? Tell me who it is. Because like she wasn't. I mean, I did not lie.
Starting point is 01:02:16 My grandmother's dead. Do I need to bring in a death certificate? Like I need this job. Yeah. And what Carl did was incredibly toxic behavior, at least what we saw. And if he does that in life to whether it's his friends or other women like run. Yeah, because that's that's such toxic energy. It's such manipulation. It's truly bullshit. And again, we don't know. Maybe someone was edited and I'm not saying what Carl is. And I reserve the right to like, who knows, maybe we're missing context, but it's a watch for that because- Well, you were missing 17 minutes of his speech. But I'm just talking about his conversation with Katie.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Like for all we know, he gave her specifics and it was left out. We have no idea. And it was pretty clear he refused to give specifics to the guys. And we saw Katie say, well, tell me. I need you to know. And he's like, no.
Starting point is 01:03:09 So I'm pretty sure that's pretty much how it went down. But I don't want to call Carl a narcissist based off of a TV show. So I have a question. But he's competitive. Competitive doesn't mean manipulation. And what I'm saying, that specific action is a very dangerous quality that people overlook in dating situations by trying to gain trust from people,
Starting point is 01:03:32 by scaring them with just vagueness and fear. And you play to people's fears. If Katie is going into an environment and that's a fear that every lead has, it's like, fuck. Does anyone here want to date me yeah you know like everyone has that fear and Claire and Claire had that freak out everyone has that fear but I have a question for you being that you are on the bachelorette
Starting point is 01:03:55 when you're hanging out like at the house and they you know don't let you have your phone you can't watch tv you can't read a book do you guys talk about like i mean also you were on when the social media stuff wasn't as crazy as it is now but did you guys talk about like aspirations career aspirations not as much because again truly like seven years ago well instagram existed facebook is like social media was definitely here but the playbook didn't exist there weren't influencers you know there weren't swipe ups but were there people that were like acting like now for connor for connor being that he his career told to me was i'm a fifth grade math teacher or an eighth grade teacher something like that a lot more of
Starting point is 01:04:42 those and now you know that he's really a singer. Or maybe back in your day, there was someone who really wanted to be like a sportscaster. He might be a teacher. Something like that. I just know that he's, like I heard him say, you could be a teacher and perform in a piano bar. Yeah. It could be both.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And if I'm going to go on The Bachelorette, I'm definitely going to lead with teacher. Yeah, yeah. But I'm just saying like- The guy with the guitar. Seven years ago, for all the conversations about right reasons back then it's far more valid to doubt people's genuineness now and through no fault of their own how do you not like hope that you get a million followers like
Starting point is 01:05:17 it's just i don't fault the people it's just society and social media has created this world where it's hard to go on a show knowing because part of part of the genuineness that people might have had six or seven years ago was just not knowing how to do it yeah it was like if i knew how to turn this into something more trust me i would want to make that happen i just have no fucking clue did six or seven years ago and six or seven years ago They would show up With a freaking guitar That's how they would do it
Starting point is 01:05:47 Sure But it was way more obvious now There was a guy With a guitar Every season Yes For sure But now
Starting point is 01:05:53 Whether you don't play guitar or not You just know Like if this goes You know If this goes well for me These are A handful of things That are probably gonna happen
Starting point is 01:06:02 Dancing with the stars Not even Dancing with the stars No but Dancing with the stars Was a thing though I know Stars was a thing, though. I know. It was a thing for like the last 10 years. That's what I'm saying. You don't have to be The Bachelor
Starting point is 01:06:10 and you don't have to get on Dancing with the Stars to make something of this. You just need to be popular enough to go on Paradise or get a second chance and just get some followers. Yeah. Right? And anyone who goes to that show, when I went on the show, it was just like,
Starting point is 01:06:24 I don't know, it'd be kind of cool to get followers, I guess. I don't know. And there's no way I'll ever be the bat shirt because like, what are the odds? I'm gonna have like one out of 30. So it was just like, eh, I mean, that'd be cool, but I don't really think that's ever gonna happen to me. And if you're asking me what I thought
Starting point is 01:06:37 most people thought back then, it would be just like me. It was just like, yeah, all these could be cool, but I doubt it's going to happen. Where now there's just more pockets of like, like me it was just like yeah all these could be cool but i doubt it's going to happen where where now there's just more pockets of like well i don't have to be the best i don't have to go and dance with the stars i don't have to be top four but i might be able to get x y or z and and now everyone has more of a chance to make something which just makes everyone more disingenuous um wait i want to talk about a couple guys. This guy's getting no airtime,
Starting point is 01:07:06 and I'm telling you, I thought he was the hottest one. Garrett. Garrett, go up. He is a carrot top. He's our first carrot top in the franchise. He's a handsome guy. Talk about diversity.
Starting point is 01:07:22 He's our Prince Harry before he meets Meghan, guy so that talk about diversity he's our prince harry before he meets megan and he is tall good looking fucking charming as shit and you're saying this because you met him i met him and his presentation was not featured at all but basically he told me that like he he knew all the answers. He took a sex class, like, about all of it in college. He also told me he once had sex, like, I don't know, nine times in a night, something crazy. But he's also, like, very well-spoken. And, like, right when I sat down, he's like, first of all, I want to tell you, like,
Starting point is 01:08:03 totally kissed my ass. Like, I think everything you do is amazing. I, like,'s all about like i'm kind of surprised i i'm telling you as long as he stays on the show i would be shocked if he didn't get featured more i don't know if she's going to end up with him but i predicted that he could be the next bachelor if she keeps around long enough that's interesting it's that sexy and charming. And like I said, I know diversity means different ethnicities, but we haven't had a carrot top. Well, based on what you're
Starting point is 01:08:31 telling me, I'm going to say that he'll probably go home in the next two weeks because I truly had no fucking clue he existed until this moment. So you don't think they're ever going to let him pop? I just want Heather to introduce me. Maybe Heather could just matchmake Garrett and myself. I'm telling you, Garrett is a fucking winner.
Starting point is 01:08:49 He's sincere and he's a babe. I don't doubt it. Again, going back to how this all works, a lot has to do with who the lead likes. And after they figure out who the lead likes, you sprinkle in some of the best storylines. And while Garrett might be charming, he might just be a guy who's like,
Starting point is 01:09:06 it sounds like he's had a decent amount of sex, but like no really compelling story or past. And since what he was probably casted as a guy, they thought Katie might actually like. And turns out she actually doesn't. There's a handful of those people. Like I easily could have gone home night one and you would have never seen or heard from me again
Starting point is 01:09:24 because like there is like, I don't know. And he might like them. So like half the producers thought she would like me, half the people, half the producers thought this guy's gonna be so fucking boring. And she liked me. So like I got lucky.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Right. And so it seems like my guess is, and who knows, like unless you, like something's gonna have to have have to happen real fast the next couple episodes because they would figure out a way especially on that date to at least show him like just remind you this guy's still here we haven't gotten him yet he's not and i truly don't remember him at all wait who was the one
Starting point is 01:09:58 that grew up poor that she had a good kiss with that guy too. Did he got the group date Rose? He's in my top four. Andress. Yeah, funny. I really like him. He was cute. He's definitely top four after we like, yeah. Trey is really fun and cute too.
Starting point is 01:10:19 But I think, I feel they have more of a friendship. Like I think she enjoys it. He's got like a really like gregarious way about him. So he's like adorable. I could see him in paradise. He's like that classic like middle of the pack, really nice and charming, funny, easy to talk to.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Like, you know, not my favorite, but he probably goes into his ITMs and he's like, yeah, this guy's an asshole or he sucks. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:40 And and he's not really adding any value to the show. And Katie is just like things. He's a nice guy. Yeah. Okay, wait. I want to talk about a couple more people.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Okay, the single dad. Oh, who was sidelined. He really took a bullet. I mean, so, because usually that would, again, would have been Greg on the sideline as opposed to the dad, and sort of like, I don't know.'t know well you know your dad didn't die congratulations right greg's dad did and we need america to hear katie's story so we need to put you on the sideline and we'll see if you freak out instead of greg right yeah um yeah he's a
Starting point is 01:11:21 quirky guy interesting and then not into hunter just not and i just think it's weird like you write someone a long letter and just to like read it in front of you wasn't he the letter person yeah yeah like why don't you just say it i don't know i don't fault anyone in that world who's just trying to okay well we are faulting them we were talking about it okay let's see on the topic of other irrelevant people, Justin, the best part of my favorite part of the group date. Is Justin the painter? No, wait, who's the painter?
Starting point is 01:11:52 He's the consultant, but he was when Carl was like, you know what I'm saying, guys? And they just cut to Justin going, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I think Justin is the painter. Hold on. Remember the guy that painted the roses like in the beginning? I think that's him and he's also
Starting point is 01:12:07 really charming and sexy and like when he looks you in the eye it's pretty amazing so i hope he sticks around a little longer thomas had the weird line too by the way of being like uh you're not gonna need a sex toy because you're gonna have me me. It's just like, all right, buddy. Who said that one? Thomas. And I just think that's a small dick energy. Was toxic. Yeah. It's just like. Or big dick energy. I don't care who you are, how good at sex you are.
Starting point is 01:12:33 If you are a generous lover, then you will be comfortable knowing that your wife or girlfriend also enjoys masturbating as much as you do. And just because she's great at sex and you love having sex with her, it will never make a guy not want to masturbate, ever. Like no guy has ever been like, you know what, I never need to masturbate again. He might think that the first time after having sex,
Starting point is 01:12:56 but eventually he's just going to enjoy some quality time. So like guys out there, it's fine. Allow them to have your vibrator. It's not a reflection of you. Oh, you know who kind of bugs is Courtney. I'm just not feeling it. He's all right. All right, well.
Starting point is 01:13:11 I met him. He seemed like a nice guy. I thought as far as your experience on the show went probably as well as... I loved it. Every second. It's a nice air time. You added value to the date.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I loved meeting the guys. I loved helping the guys, even though you didn't see that part. I thought Katie was adorable. She was nervous. I hung out with Caitlin and Tayshia after. I totally enjoy them. And so it was really fun.
Starting point is 01:13:41 I loved all the producers. The the whole situation was like couldn't have gone better so um i do think it's going to be a juicy season and i do think it's fun i i can tell you that next week is a big turning point for the season i'm on the i'm on a date and it's a i make a lot of guys cry there's a lot of crying really a lot of crying next episode do you cry i don't cry okay uh a lot of crying it's a and and it's there's a i mean i only saw again like as you know one date so there's so much more that i didn't get to see right um and uh it was a it's a an intense episode and um i like you i i you know we'll see. I have no idea. Right. If how much I'm in or how much like I know what happened.
Starting point is 01:14:28 And I guess we'll see. But quick, before we let you go, give us your top four and your winner. Oh, well, you've concerned me now about Garrett. So we're just going to have to set her up with your girl over here. This cutie over here. I think it's going to be. Hold on. I mean, I'd love to like really get this good so let me just think about it for a minute um okay I think that the guy Greg for sure I think it's going to be Greg I think it's going to be Thomas top four, but she won't end up with him.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I think it could be Justin, the painter. And I think it could, um, there's going to be like one that we, that hasn't been featured that much, but I think maybe I want to say Connor B, but I feel like that's going to be the loop.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Well, there's Blake who hasn't showed up yet too. Oh, which was a Tayshia's ex or? or well in Claire's and probably a lot of others okay um Christian Christian's a cutie but I don't I don't see that I'm going that far so those are the ones I think what do you think I still Greg's my winner I think Blake's gonna be the runner up. I think Connor is in the top four and I think Andrew's in the top four. Well, you think Blake, the guy that shows up,
Starting point is 01:15:49 is it? Yeah. Yeah, because they made him part of the teaser. They focused a lot on him in that teaser trail. So wait, you said, you said Greg's the winner,
Starting point is 01:15:58 Blake, and then who else? Carl, Andrew S. and Connor. Where's Andrew S.? He got the group date rose last episode He's the one who related to Katie on Growing up and being poor Oh okay Andrew S okay
Starting point is 01:16:12 Yeah I thought you know when they kept saying Andrew S I thought that was his name Not Andrew S Like S is his last name I thought his name was like Andrew S And I go oh that's kind of a cool name. Never heard that name before.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Okay, very good. I feel good about my top four. Congratulations. I believe in Christian because they've been showing Christian a lot. Like low key, he's one of the people who they do a lot of confessionals. They have the whole narrative night one
Starting point is 01:16:39 about him being worried about going home. I say, keep your eye on Christian, Boston's boy. He's really cute, but the accent is like so strong. It's kind of crazy. But the town is still my favorite Ben Affleck movie because he was a criminal, but he was a good boyfriend. It still gets it's my favorite era of Ben Affleck. So I'm kind of hot for the Boston thing. Oh, I'm going to Boston too. That's the other city I forgot about. I'm going to Boston too, Boston people. So hopefully Christian will come see me.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Why don't you join? Go home. We'll ask Garrett to come for you. Heather, always a pleasure. Everybody listen to Juicy Scoop. It's Tuesday and Thursdays. I'm going on my sixth year. And then I'm going on tour.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I'll be in Miami Improv all this weekend and then go to for all my dates. Nice with the, I mean, you got the podcast
Starting point is 01:17:31 plug on the show and I'm watching and be like, well, fuck, I didn't do that. I'll tell you how that worked out. I'm sure you,
Starting point is 01:17:38 I was just like, I'm not even a deal. Yeah. I'll tell you what happened. Congratulations how you made that possible because i was like i'm not even gonna argue with them oh i'm also on uh it drops today the hulu documentary i don't know i've not seen it so i don't know how much i'm featured but the housewife and the hustler
Starting point is 01:17:56 for all you real housewives of beverly hills fans i can't i'm in the documentary awesome check it out be sure to check out heather'sop. Obviously, check out the Hulu doc, and you have a website. All my dates. I'm coming to San Francisco, Seattle, Philly, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville. I'm probably forgetting another one, but I have a really great fall, a bunch of city wineries and improv. So come see me there.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Well, Heather, always great. Love to have you. Thank you again. And good luck on all the things that you have going on, so many things. And your tour is exciting. Be sure to check out Heather's tour. We will be back on Wednesday with the one and only Tinks. You won't want to miss that episode.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I promise you that. And if nothing else, we will see you tomorrow.

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