The WAN Show - You Said I Was Wrong - WAN Show September 13, 2024
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Hey there everybody. Welcome to a chilled out, relaxed WAN show.
So smooth.
We've got a great show lined up for you guys today.
We're going to be talking about Apple's iPhone 16 glow time event
The PlayStation 5 Pro announcement Luke. We also have some good news in this week in AI and
We're gonna be talking about how the US government is pushing for greater VPN access. They're pushing for greater VPN access
Yeah, I think it's a good thing. Well, it's smooth. Mm-hmm goes down easy
Just like this intro. To our intro.
Uh, yeah. The show is brought to you today by Manscaped, The Ridge, and Acronis, along with our chair
partner Secret Lab and our laptop partner LG.
Why don't we jump right into our first topic, which is of course that I was wrong this week.
Yeah. Twice. Yeah. Now I
assume that you have watched literally nothing. Nope. I assume you know I mean I
don't think there are any two tech products that you could care less about
than the iPhone and the PlayStation. Yep. Yeah. So why don't I catch you up on exactly what happened
and then we'll go from wow it's been three minutes and we've already thrown
something at our producer I'm sorry I was talking why't we... what do you want to start with? Should I catch you up on the iPhone?
Okay, so Apple announced the iPhone 16 lineup.
So you got the 16, the 16 Plus, the 16 Pro, and the 16 Pro Max. If I recall correctly, honestly...
I'm not obsessed with Apple's lineup and
figuring out exactly what it is. I'll look at it when I need to and I'll
refresh myself, but other than that it honestly isn't something that I pay that
close attention to. But this time around, and this made people pretty angry, I was
approaching the iPhone announcement event from a bit of a different
So I feel like, and what happened was our video ended up having a pretty positive overall spin on it.
When largely the reaction from the tech press and sort of influencer army out there was pretty negative.
But I'd like to explain why. So first of all all let's talk about what makes the iPhone 16 lineup new. They're getting the new A18 processor
family so we have a regular A18 in the iPhone 16 and then an A18 Pro in the
iPhone 16 Pro. As far as we can tell from Apple's comparative benchmarks like they
didn't compare both
of these new processors to one single predecessor. They compared them to
different things. And if you do the math from previous Apple presentations, they
seem like they're probably pretty close. So it looks like they're very, it looks
like they're very similar in terms of the at least CPU performance, GPU
performance, and neural processor performance
But all of this is going to become more clear as time goes on
There's there's upgraded glass. So their ceramic shield is is now significantly stronger
I actually don't have a I don't have a summary of the specs in my notes, which I normally have when I run through
something like this, so we'll have to kind of figure that out. But the things that really stood
out to me were actually not necessarily the hardware. Oh, there's a new button. It's like
a programmable button. Which is kind of cool. Action button, which I kind of like.
Was that ever a thing in the past?
On the past? Um on the
iPhone? I read some comments of people talking about like oh they took the
button away so that they could give it back to us now and I was like what? I
mean they had the home button. Okay. But that wasn't reprogrammable. Did they have a button?
Actually it was on the 15 Pro. Yeah it was on the 15 Pro but now it's on the regular 16. So
that's just okay. So there were there were a few things that people were pretty, and the camera button is new across
the board.
So we have a dedicated shutter button, but no, no iPhone in the past has ever had a shutter
So there were a couple of things that people were pretty upset about, and one of them was
that in the video I said that I was probably going to go
because I've been talking about switching to an iPhone for a little bit for a while now
and I think I'm just I'm overdue and there's a lot of things about iOS 18 that are looking
very compelling to me and there's some there's some Android there's some Android army members
who are worse telling me that these aren't new features
to Apple or that they're copied from Android or that they don't make that much of a difference
or whatever.
But the reality of it is that to me, like the phone operating system that I use doesn't
really matter and I don't really care who's copying from each other.
Realistically, Google and Apple copy liberally
from each other at this point.
And it doesn't really matter to me
where it originated from.
What matters to me is that I need a new device right now.
And the iPhone 16 lineup actually looks
pretty compelling.
And I think that's kind of the root
of where your thoughts on this stuff came from
was that you need a new device and you're on an old one.
And I think you and I even talked about this, I don't remember, but a lot of
people that are unhappy with the event, it's because they have a current
generation device and they're looking at the upgrade and going this doesn't
really seem like a lot, but we're at, I mean it's called iPhone 16, the jumps per
generation is gonna slow down. Phones have been boring
for a long time now. And the way I'm kind of looking at it is you can be disappointed
quite genuinely every single generation, or you can start shifting your goalposts a little
bit and look like one or two generations back for your improvement jumps.
And I think it's going to be more than one or two. I think realistically what this comes down to is that the the days of us getting
something major to upgrade to every single generation, not only are they dead
but they've been dead for a long time. I completely agree. I've been over it for a
few years now at the very least. And so I guess that was, and the amount of speculation that we were paid by Apple to
have kind of a positive spin on it.
Guys, anytime you see someone who accuses us of being paid by Apple to be positive about
Apple products, you can immediately just dismiss anything.
Were we even invited to the event?
No, of course not.
Yeah. Let alone paid. Immediately just dismiss anything invited to the event. No, of course not. Yeah
Apple's little paid the extent of Apple's media relationship with me up until now is
That they emailed me once are they kind of cool with MAC address? Oh, I don't know if they are
No one has kept me up to date on it. Okay, so I not sure. Maybe. But as far as I am concerned, and as far as the LTT channel is concerned, Apple has never so much, has never gone past
scheduling a conference call with me. They never actually went through with the call.
It did get scheduled, but it was cancelled minutes before we actually went through with
minutes before we actually went through with engaging for the first time. Apple has no interest in working together with me.
So people were mad about a number of things.
They were mad because they felt we were overly positive about the event.
And I think that a big part of that comes down to that difference in perspective
where most of the rest of the tech media, if they're running a 15 Pro now or a 15 Pro Max,
are looking at this going, oh, boring. Where's the innovation, Apple?
And I think they just have to get used to the idea that that's gonna happen
over a much longer cycle, whereas I'm looking at it going, man, my AirPods Pro
2s just got way better, like ages after I bought them, which I'm pretty stoked on.
I didn't even know that was a thing, that sounds great.
It's a kind of behavior that-
What feature are you gaining?
For me personally, not much.
They're optimizing the noise cancellation,
they're adding some like-
And this is retroactive to what you have now?
Yeah, it looks like it's like some kind
of machine learning assisted, quickly switching
in between transparency mode for conversations and turning everything back up.
Oh, that thing looks really cool.
Yep, it's something that absolutely exists
in other products, but my assumption is that
based on how well Apple has handled active noise cancellation,
it'll actually be implemented pretty well,
and I might actually use it.
They're also adding like hearing aid-like functionality
to AirPods.
I've been using them as casual hearing protection
for a long time, but they are more formally talking
about using them that way
with the improved active noise cancellation.
If you cancel out a wave, the wave is canceled.
No, I was thinking you mentioned hearing aid
and then noise protection.
And I thought you were saying those were the same thing
for a second. No, no, yeah, not the same thing. But yeah, I thought you were saying those were the same thing for a second.
No, no, yeah, not the same thing.
But yeah, no, you're talking about different stuff.
So I just, I thought that was pretty cool.
I actually opened the video on like a software update,
essentially, and I think a lot of people
were kind of surprised to see that.
The other thing that people kind of went after me for
was that I told them my intention
was to go with the iPhone 16
plus the non-pro and and a lot of the feedback that I got on that was Linus
you know if you're gonna go into the Apple ecosystem for the first time in a
long time you should be having the full experience but the reality of it is guys
like I can pick any iPhone I want like we're ordering all of them through work.
I just literally grab off the shelf whichever one I am, I want to use.
But the reason that I went with the iPhone 16 or iPhone 16 Plus, I haven't actually 100%
decided which one I want, I'm going to hold them first, is that I don't think people should
be buying the Pro. Don't get me wrong.
I don't know what the difference is. There's features on the Pro that I would like to
have. The regular iPhone 16 still doesn't have a high refresh rate display.
Ooh. Yeah. 60 Hertz? Which for like $800? Pretty embarrassing. But most of the other stuff that's and but then again
neither does the device that I am upgrading from. It feels nicer. I have a
higher refresh rate screen now I can feel it. It does but I guess what I've
discovered is for my phone I don't know I... I don't game on my phone.
It does make touch feel more responsive.
I can absolutely instantly tell
if I'm using a high refresh rate device
and things like higher polling rates on the touch input.
It definitely makes a difference.
But I think I have just become not that much
of a power user and a lot of the other features on the Pro, I just don't need them.
The studio quality microphone, 4K 120 FPS recording,
I don't need that stuff.
It's got another, I think it's got another camera.
I don't know, man. The iPhone's ability to film in log
makes video on iPhone extremely interesting
sure but I'm not using it professionally this is just my phone do I need to shoot
4k 120 on it like I can they added I could see it they added pro res
recording to the non-pro so if I just want to record in ProRes and I don't
need 120 frames per second is ever like you ever want to shoot like a little slow-mo thing of your son playing badminton or something like that? I don't know.
Sure, do I need it at 4K?
Oh, it's 4, okay, so you can still do-
4K, yeah, oh yeah, I can still do high frame rate.
Yeah, it's just, it's a lot. People are saying, okay, yeah, the Li LIDAR, the LIDAR is great. You know
what? That is great. I don't take that many pictures. And the handful of
features that need the depth sensing, I can, I know enough people that I can
borrow a phone from. Like there's been, I think it's come up twice. Once when I had
to do a facial scan for that VR headset, the big screen beyond.
And once when I was a bit part,
I when I had a bit part in an undisclosed film
that I don't know if it's ever even gonna get made
at this point.
I haven't heard back about it in a while.
Whatever, anyway.
I wonder if part of it, sorry.
I used it to scan the room that I was in
because that was useful for them for VFX overlays.
I wonder if part of this is people that,
can you pre-order yet?
I think we've placed our orders.
Did they set up pre-orders?
I actually don't know.
It's a minor detail.
Procurement will take care of that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Way to go.
It's nice.
What was I gonna say?
I wonder if some of this is people that bought the pro
that are yes you can you can pre-order it. I wonder if this is people that bought the pro that
you know want the tech guy to make the same decision they did. I do think there's a lot of that.
And I can see why they would want to because it's
$1,500 Canadian Canadian. This is Canadian. So it starts out I believe 1200 us
And it is funny. It is funny to me seeing how many people are legitimately angry at me Like I've betrayed max is 1750 because I am because I'm using an iPhone
The pro max is what my car cost.
Not my current one.
Yeah, I was gonna say.
Surely that's not right.
No, my first car.
You're getting older.
Your first car was a minute ago.
You might have to have some inflationary adjustments, which we'll be talking about a little bit
It's still a lot of money.
Yeah, I mean, we're...
And so I was...
Realistically, I was looking at the iPhone 16 going,
okay, is this really, do I need a titanium phone?
Or is aluminum probably okay?
Are you gonna end up, that one's not in a case,
are you gonna put it in a case anyways?
No, I'm not gonna put it in a case.
Yeah, okay.
But like, it's aluminum, and dude, their glass is like,
very shatter resistant, so I'm really not that worried
about it.
I used to be no case, I was no case in my previous phone this phone so huge
That I decided to get a case for it anyways because I was like I feel like it's just gonna get knocked off of things
More often. Yeah, it's enormous, and I'm happy. I have one look at this
There's a massive bite out of that oh wow yeah, you really hit that one yeah
She uh that case is doing work, and it is actually it's it's been dropped a couple times, but something that's kind of nice about it
Is that I just don't care?
Because I don't even like the phone nice, but I don't want to replace it. There's a case on it
But I don't care for it. It makes sense. It's just like now whatever. Yeah
Which is a nice?
It's nice to just not worry about it another. Another difference for the pro is that the bezels
are slightly smaller.
So in about the same form factor there,
the screens are 0.2 inches bigger.
But then if I cared that much about that,
why would I get an iPhone with like a, you know,
giant forehead notch in it in the first place?
Like I, I don't know guys.
I mean, feel free, feel free to like come at me
and let me know.
But I think that people should probably just be getting the regular 16 if they want an
iPhone, if they want the ecosystem.
And it's funny to me how we get so stuck in our tech bubble, and we get so stuck in our
priorities that sometimes we forget that most people don't care. Yeah, most people
Cannot tell a 60 Hertz display from a high refresh rate display
Also only looking to upgrade their phones when their battery life starts to annoy them too much
Which is usually every like three years
Or more more like my battery life didn't really start getting bad on this until about the last year or so
And I believe this is up to, I believe this is six years.
Probably depends on their usage.
Like if they game a lot, so they're doing some really brutal battery cycles, then it's
going to be sooner if they don't later, et cetera, et cetera.
Noke asks, you often say you prefer a phone where you can take photos and videos of kids
important moments with the iPhone 16 shutter button be a good addition for you?
I never need to be that quick on the draw.
As long as I've got a gesture that I can activate
in a reasonable amount of time,
and the onscreen button is there
in a reasonable amount of time,
like I am so well adjusted now to the ergonomics
of holding my phone so that my thumb is here
for the shutter button,
I just... the value of a dedicated hardware button for that for me is extremely low.
Extremely low.
There's still things that I'm super not impressed about.
I mean, the fact that Apple's base storage is still 128 gigs...
I was just going gonna talk about that.
On devices that cost like a flippin' ton of money,
the fact that storage upgrades cost so much.
$300 to go from 512 gigs to one terabyte is crazy.
Apple literally charges so much
that their NAND flash chips could be made of gold
Literally we got no I'm serious we we grabbed some pieces of the golden controller and we compared them to like
like like NAND chips and
like we like we did the math and like how much gold it was to weigh as much as like apples NAND chips and like we like we did the math and like how much gold it was to weigh as much as like apples NAND chips and
Like wait for wait
Apple Apple storage and memory cost as much as gold was this for a video. Yeah
I was gonna say why would you need the pieces from the gold?
We it was I believe it was from the other one and then look up gold value
I believe it was I believe well, yeah, but we had the gold so we could
That's why I said is it for a video, because it's for a video that it's a cool visual thing. Anyway, yeah
Yeah, so it was it was it was freaking hilarious right though because
It's it's crazy. It's like when you compare printer ink to you know, yeah
Chanel number whatever, you know, like like these obscenely valuable liquids funny enough. I watched that video oh
The like printer video yeah, yeah, yeah, I watched that one of the very few who did it
I didn't watch the other terrible performer. How'd you like it? I was actually pretty good. Yeah
I didn't know about the whole tank thing and stuff and there was one really mad comment that was saying
Everyone knows you should just get an older laser printer
They had a bunch of up votes. I get these questions all the time, and it's like
like genuinely
No, no, no, no, no, no, they were like everyone knows like like our advice was bad
They didn't get to the part of the video where we talked about that. Oh
very cool I can't help, I can't help people.
I can't help them.
Anywho, so,
I'm kind of excited to try it,
even though I'm definitely gonna have some issues.
I don't think that having USB 2 speeds
is gonna bother me that much, day to day, I very rarely offload.
I noticed Plex actually...
Wait, why is it USB 2 speeds?
On the 16 non-pro, it's USB 2.
You're kidding.
Even though it's USB-C.
Like, look!
There's absolutely stuff that is gonna make me mad.
But how often do you...
When's the last time you offloaded photos from your phone via USB?
Uh, yeah, that's fair. When's the last time you connected your phone to a computer via USB?
Oh, decently often actually.
Okay, to transfer files though?
Okay, so who cares?
Who cares?
I do think it's interesting.
Do they have any color overlap?
Oh, black and white?
Okay. Crystal asks, will you miss your s pen? The answer is
Absolutely. Yeah, I have become I've gone from
why are they taking up space in my in my note with this stupid pen to
Whenever I want it. I really wanted it, predominantly for marking up screenshots.
Why don't you get a new note?
Is it just Apple time?
Yeah, I could, it's just time.
Apple time?
Yeah, it's just time.
So basically, I think that's what it boils down to.
And you know what the last part I think is?
Is, I mean, we've talked about this on the WAN show,
so you guys will kind of be familiar with this already, but
I'm so tired of negativity.
It's like, why do we have to compare it to last year's iPhone 15 and say it's not enough?
What do you mean it's not enough?
If it's not enough, then keep your iPhone 15.
That's totally fine. That's go for it even good
That's good. You just yeah, okay
If anything I would actually now that our mobile processors
Especially apples are fast enough to do pretty much whatever we could need to do on our phone reasonably speaking
I would actually love to see less frequent upgrades and longer software
support or whatever that looks like.
Because you've got to remember, Apple is driven somewhat differently from other phone manufacturers.
They are a lot less motivated by the initial sale of the iPhone.
To be clear...
Oh, they're happy to grab it, though.
They're happy to take your money.
But they are far more motivated by the size of the iOS ecosystem and the number of people
that are buying stupid men.
Yvonne picked up wordscapes, like the mobile,
like word crossword spelling de jumble thing.
And I've been playing with her sometimes.
Dude, dude, the lengths that they go to. We're both getting into playing
boomer games with our partners. Nice. What is happening? I play the New York Time
games with Emma. Oh, Wordle or whatever it is? Yeah, those things. And you play
Wordscapes? Yeah. How the Mighty Fall. Nice, I know, right? We used to be true
gamers. I used to play Left 4 dead 2 with my posture like this boys
Oh, I heard that yeah, so so so we've been playing wordscapes lately dude the length that they go to
To extract money from you. I'm sure Apple gets a piece of every one of those transactions
At the end of the day, the most important thing to you
is that you're on an iPhone.
Not necessarily that you are on the latest iPhone,
but that you are on an iPhone.
Because the bigger the install base is,
the more of that sweet, sweet app store money
they're extracting from you,
and the more incentivized app developers are
to continue to prioritize the iOS platform.
So, I forget where I was going with this.
What was my last reason?
I forget, it doesn't matter.
Let's talk about the PlayStation 5 Pro announcement.
This was a little more recent,
so I'm gonna remember all the details a little bit better.
But in a nutshell, Sony upgraded the GPU.
I was a little surprised.
Oh, we also get Wi-Fi 7, higher
base storage. I'm trying to think if there's anything else that was really upgraded going
from the PS5 to the PS5 Pro, and I don't think so. There were some things I was a little
surprised by. I didn't expect the CPU to stay Zen 2. Yeah.
Already when the PS5 came out, I remember it, I remember feeling like, oh yeah, it makes
sense that it's Zen 2 because the development cycle for this is so long that it would have
had to be, but boy would it ever have been nice if they, you know, if the dev kits were
all Zen 2 and it was like Zen 3 for the real products, you know, if the dev kits were all Zen 2 and it was like Zen 3 for the real product,
you know. So I was a little surprised to see Zen 2 stick around. But it also kind of makes
sense. Wait, hold on, what's going on here? Okay, hold on, we'll get to the PS5 Pro in
a second. Shrafk to in floatplane chat says, Linus, this is such a disconnected take. When
a product costs $1,200
and there's no improvement to justify it,
that's when we should be negative.
This is a consumer protection issue.
A consumer protection issue would be
if Apple tells you it's something that it isn't.
A consumer protection issue would be
if Apple deactivates your iPhone 15 Pro and forces you
to buy an iPhone 16 Pro. You are not compelled to buy this. This is not food, it's not shelter,
it's not water. It's a iPhone. But if you have a 15 or especially like a 15 Pro,
you don't need a new phone. Yeah. Which is not bad thing like like the that that's the biggest take from the event
From me is that you don't need it and I am certain
Honestly, it might have even already happened because I just don't care that much because I'm not going to upgrade my phone
Yeah, but whatever new pixel announcement. I'm not upgrading to it. So like I don't even really care what it is
What I'm not upgrading to it. So like I don't even really care what it is. What I'm looking for is
Gonna end up being like the pixel 10 or 11. Yeah when that launches I'm gonna be evaluating that versus whatever iPhone is launching at the same time in
Comparison to the phone that I currently have and deciding am I gonna get a battery replacement or am I gonna buy one of these phones?
Yeah, so I'm interested in it
So basically back to back to my point of us being more focused
on the positive aspects, remember too guys,
this isn't a review, this is a summary
of a product announcement.
So obviously, I'm gonna talk about the highlights.
Why do I wanna drag myself down?
Why do I wanna drag everything down
by dwelling on the negative?
And at the end of the day, if it's not a big enough upgrade over last gen, well that's
fine because Apple's not targeting last gen.
They're not selling it to last gen.
The question is not, the question is not, is $1,200 compelling enough for someone who
already owns an iPhone 15 Pro?
That's a stupid question because it's not $1,200.
It's $1,200 minus whatever you could sell your 15 Pro for.
That's the actual value and that, I don't know, that's up to you.
I have no idea what they're worth in the secondary market.
You can go figure that out.
The question is, is $1,200 worth it for someone who needs a phone?
And so I think that's the difference.
And it looks like just on the surface to me, like it looks like, yeah, probably.
That's the difference in perspective
that I wanna start approaching things with is,
as someone who is the actual target market for this product.
Okay, so let's go back to the PS5 Pro.
So the main things are it's got a better GPU,
similar architecture, which again surprised me,
because we gotta remember this product launched
four years ago, I think it works out to write PS PS 5
came out in 2020 PS 5 release that PS 5 no nuts not this limb or was it 2022
yeah November November 2020 was when the PS 5 launched. So four years later, I was kind of expecting, you know, I don't know,
Zen 3, at the very least, I was expecting an architectural change to the GPU. But then,
as I was sort of working through the script with David, I was like, no, it actually makes sense.
Because from Sony's perspective, the most important important thing because this is a mid
cycle refresh that realistically they aren't going to sell a ton of yeah
especially if you compare this to base PS5s or PS4s right these pro models are
for their more affluent customers they're for their more the more
discerning console gamer right you know it know, SIPsT like this, right?
Who can definitely see the difference in the pixels,
or realistically, who can see the higher refresh
and higher frame rates.
So making sure that developers have continuity
between the regular model and between the pro model
is way more important than squeezing
a little bit more performance out of it.
Wi-Fi 7, I think, is actually a pretty important upgrade
that is maybe not being talked about enough,
especially by us.
Like, we turned that video around extremely quickly.
And so there were a couple things that I think
weren't necessarily wrong,
but are things that I would probably wanna do differently
to go back. I would talk about WiFi seven.
And especially in the PlayStation ecosystem
where you might have a PS portal
and your PlayStation five pro is not connected via ethernet.
Having WiFi seven and a WiFi seven router,
even if your PS portal doesn't support WiFi seven,
which it doesn't because it's a PS portal,
it would be better to have a stronger connection
between the PS5 Pro and your router.
It's still better.
The better every link in the chain can be,
the better off you're going to be.
So Wi-Fi 7 is something I would have talked about more.
I also would have more explicitly talked about
the lack of a disk drive.
That was something that we kind of glossed over.
And at the very beginning, we had a bit where, talked about the lack of a disk drive. That was something that we kind of glossed over.
And at the very beginning, we had a bit where,
you know, by the time you buy a stand,
and I think David and I had talked about
how the visuals should also have the disk drive,
and it should just like add up the whole price
and compare it to the thing.
Because we said something along the lines of like,
by the time you buy a disk drive,
this thing costs darn near twice as much
as a base model PlayStation,
or costs about twice as,
I forget exactly how we worded it.
And I probably would have expanded on that more later,
because I think that people were pretty upset
when they felt like we were justifying the price,
when we talked about how it wasn't Sony's
most expensive console ever,
that crown actually, corrected for inflation, goes to the PS3,
which came out at $599, but that was back in...
Man, when did the PS3 come out? Like 2002?
Oh boy, I'm gonna get this wrong. 2006. Okay. So that came out way back in 2006.
I said I'd touch on inflation.
Quite a few people were really upset
that we made a with inflation comparison to the PS3.
And I'd like to explain why we did that.
And the reason they were upset was because,
and I get this, people are sick
of seeing a price justified today
because of inflation.
Well, it's reasonable for it to be $700
because if you compare that to $500 for the PS3,
inflationarily, they're very similar.
In fact, that was more dollars back then.
But that wasn't what we were saying.
We weren't trying to justify the price.
In fact, the very opening of the video.
Wages haven't scaled with inflation. I'll get to, yes, I'll get to that. We weren't trying to justify the price. In fact, the very opening of the video... Because wages haven't scaled with inflation. I'll get to... yes, I'll get to that. We weren't trying to justify the price,
though. What we were saying was, there's a precedent for this.
That's what we were saying. This isn't their most expensive console.
Is that like one of the communication things that you would have wanted to change?
I would have wanted to clarify that. And I can see why people are upset about it, because,
yeah, their wages
haven't flipping scaled with inflation. The buying power of that much money is
not the same even if it's the same inflationary wise. Exactly. However
something that I feel like a lot of people overlook in stuff like this is
that the costing of a product from a company from a consumer electronics company like Sony is
contingent on their costs for their sourcing
Do you think Sony makes power supplies
Does Sony have a power supply manufacturing plant? Do you think it's that I think it's more that there's no competition
Really in the space we talk about that
But I just want to I just want to talk about the importance of why this inflation number matters
Sony buys power supplies from
Light on and those power supplies cost more now than they used to yeah because
Commodity prices have gone up in inflation. Yeah, do you think Sony manufacturers?
No. Do you think Sony has their own iron mines where they get iron to make steel? If we were talking about Samsung, maybe. Who knows? They do everything.
That's true, but we're not. But Sony, no.
Sony manufacture DRAM. No.
Does Sony manufacture DRAM? No.
Sony is their designer, but they don't actually manufacture just about any of the raw materials
of a PlayStation 5.
Like certainly they're doing board assembly.
And just like Em Hop pointed out in Philippine Chat, fab time is huge right now.
Fab time is crazy right now.
Ranma Chan says, I saw a chart yesterday that showed how much TSMC is essentially gouging
companies due to manufacturing capacity and it's rough. And that was why the second thing I said
was microprocessors. Yeah, Sony doesn't make microprocessors. We are in an environment right
now where there's an effective monopoly on cutting edge node microprocessors. As much as it's been kind of hilarious
for people who hate Intel, many of whom are justified
to watch them struggle with the rollout
of their fab business, we should be rooting for them
because Samsung has proven time and time again
that they're just not gonna catch TSMC.
Here's a hot take.
Then again, so is Intel.
I'm surprised they're as cheap as they are.
With how few people can make them cough, cough one place.
I think we're lucky that they're not making it way worse. And maybe they're not making it way worse because they know other companies would then have more opportunity to spring into the space,
and they would rather there's less people competing, so they're happy to take their
really significant cut that they are. But they have an effective monopoly on cutting edge chips.
And the fact that they're not just astronomically more expensive is, I think, where...
Soterios Johnson Yeah, I remember seeing a quote from, I think it was TSMC's chairman or something
like that, basically making the observation that Nvidia's sure
charging a lot for these AI processors.
Yeah, yeah, I don't remember that quote,
but I know what you're talking about.
Yeah, like, huh, we could take more of that
because who else is gonna make it?
Nobody. No one.
No one.
Like they could effectively charge,
you know, there's limits to this,
but practically anything for certain product lines that like,
you know, a government is not going to just not buy it. So
like, I don't know, I think, yeah, I think the fact that you
can buy go out and buy a very respectable, super solid CPU for
your computer for like 100 bucks is and it's from a monopoly
that you're also going through middlemen for is wild like yeah, I don't know
Yeah, so I think
They're cheap because they're a loss leader you buy the console and Sony gets the licenses when you sell the games
They have no competition right now, but you don't decide that that too. That's not up to you
Yeah, and when there is no competition, there's no real reason for them to do that.
Yep. And who's competing with the PlayStation 5 Pro right now? Microsoft?
Not even a little bit. My understanding is the rumor is that Microsoft has actually canned
their mid-generation refresh. I don't know if that will end up being true or if that's even
actually canned their mid-generation refresh. I don't know if that will end up being true
or if that's even the recent rumor mill.
But Sony is effectively competing against absolutely nobody
and what they're selling is an experience
that only has a value to those few who value it.
And back to our conversation about the iPhone,
because I think that in both cases,
a lot of the criticism of our coverage
Came down to the same thing
Sony is not selling PlayStation 5 owners a $700 upgrade
Sony is selling people who want to buy a console a
$700 console and
If you want a disc version, yeah, you're gonna have to pay another 80 bucks for an add-on for an add-on disc drive
Dude, the writing's been on the wall for game discs forever. I
think this is
the last generation with this dress I
Hope not. Yeah, I hope not me too
No, I
Think we're gonna get one more. I
Think PlayStation 6 has a disk drive
But I think that it is I think that it is it moves to this add-on
Model that we have now and I think they de-emphasize it extremely heavily and then I don't think PlayStation 7 has one
Okay, well, sorry, what was I saying right Right, so they're, so right, so, so they're selling a $700 PlayStation to someone who wants a PlayStation 5,
but like a bit better.
And if you were, have a PlayStation 5 and you were going to upgrade to it, you wouldn't be paying $700.
You would be selling your PlayStation 5 and you'd be paying whatever the difference is.
So you'd probably get a few hundred bucks for your PS5 and you'd pay $400 or whatever, which
if we're being realistic, four years into this product's life cycle, it's not a ridiculous
amount of money.
I wouldn't pay it.
I have personally never bought a PlayStation.
That's not true.
You never bought a current gen PlayStation.
No, I've never bought a PlayStation.
I was given a PlayStation 2.
Oh, you were given that?
Yeah, I own it.
Darn it.
But I didn't buy it.
All right, fair enough.
I knew you had one.
Yeah, I got a PS2.
All right, fair.
Thought I got you.
No, it was a gift.
Okay, so question, I'm jumping off topic from PlayStation.
Do you have anything else to say about PlayStation? No, just, we're evaluating it from the perspective of someone who's interested in buying it.
And I think that's something that our viewers are just going to have to get used to.
We are not evaluating it from the perspective of someone who hates consoles and thinks they're
stupid. And we're going to be realistic. Like it was, I don't know, it's tough seeing people say,
and we're going to be realistic. Like it was, I don't know, it was, it's tough seeing people say,
yeah, it's easy for a, you know, it's easy for someone like you to come down and
millionaire, explain to us why it costs so much, but you're just out of touch. It's like, well,
okay, but if someone else said it, would it be, would it be more true? The information doesn't change.
Or less true because what it really boils down to is that there's about $200, $250 worth of GPU and
SSD upgrade in this thing.
Stop millionaire explaining to me.
And it costs about $200, $250 more, kind of depending on how you want to do the math.
And it's like...
And they're going to make money off it because they have no competition.
So that's what companies do.
And it's like... And we're not not I'm not being an apologist. I'm not saying I'm not saying it's
good. I'm just saying it is. Sorry. Yeah. The the whole iPhone thing comment that I saw a few times
after we moved off the topic was that we were
ignoring negatives in the video that you did for the iPhone thing. Yeah. Did you mention anything
about how like, you know, it's cool, whatever, but it might not make sense for you to upgrade
if you're on 15? I just thought that was obvious. Okay. I did not. I did not mention that it might
not make sense to upgrade from the 15. That wasn't my perspective.
And I think this comes back to a point that you've kind of been hammering on for a while.
We don't need everyone to have that perspective.
Oh yeah, for sure.
If you want that perspective, you should be watching a video from someone who has an iPhone 15.
I don't.
If you are seriously considering this thing, I would watch...
I would value personally, like actually completely detaching myself as much as possible.
I would value seeing your video because it's a different take.
And then I would watch a range of other videos that also have other takes.
And then I would find where my opinion is
on it somewhere in the middle or whatever. Maybe I align perfectly with someone who knows, but like
you figure out where it is, but I don't personally even want a reality where every single piece of
content on a product is exactly the same because if that happens, there will only be one reviewer left.
Yeah, and there's no- Because eventually there will only be one reviewer left.
Yeah, and there's no-
Because eventually people will stop watching
all the other ones.
There's no value to it.
No one wants that.
This is a funny thing.
I often get asked by up and comers
or people who wanna start a tech channel,
you know, like, do you have any advice on,
on like, you know, my style?
Like, what can I do to make my videos more like you?
And I'm like, you don't. Yeah, you don't. You should have your own ideas. You should have your own perspective.
However much the audience is going to yell at you for not exactly copying what everyone
else does. In the long term, they'll value it. And the proof is in the pudding. My perspectives,
my tastes have changed over the years. And that's not flip-flopping,
that's being open to new information
and new ideas and new perspectives.
Theoretically, if you follow the scientific method,
your stances on things should change with new information.
You should be trying to have the most accurate one you can.
And I did mention some negative things.
Like I mentioned that you can get cheap Android phones
that have high refresh rate displays.
When I talked about the 60 Hertz display on the non-pro,
I mentioned that I would miss side loading
and that I would probably still need
to have an Android device handy.
Like I did acknowledge issues.
It's not like I'm just trying to,
yeah, it's not like I'm just trying to like
be an Apple
apologist all of a sudden.
I'm never going to get an invite to one of their events.
That's never going to happen.
And like, honestly, it really just doesn't matter anymore.
I don't know if you want to go.
It would be so much more work to make the same video that I would make in my basement.
Yeah, because you're just watching the keynote anyways.
Yeah. So like, so like, make in my basement? Yeah, because you're just watching the keynote anyways. Yeah, so like...
So like, why am I there?
Yeah, I don't know.
Like, I can get hands on with it, but let's be real, it's an iPhone.
Like, that's...
I think we've bashed the things that you were wrong about.
Moving on.
Should we do this one?
I'm still wondering what this one is.
Oh, sure.
Yeah, we could do a couple of merge messages.
I mean, that was kind of like two topics, right?
Yeah, I think that was two topics.
If you guys want to interact with the show,
send a little message to producer Dan
so he can put it at the bottom of the screen or send you a
little response or forward it internally, the way to do it is a merch message. We
don't want you wasting your money just throwing it at the screen. If you
want to throw money at the screen, you should get high quality merchandise in
the mail for your efforts. And we've got a deal for you this week we are heating things up with a special promo
for WAN show we're bringing back Luke you gotta get your thing oh they don't
fit oh they didn't have my size does it bring the wrong size yeah but I have
other colors to show you all right cool we're bringing back some pieces for a
limited time now that it's almost fall. These are the color block hoodies that we released a couple of years back, themed around our
various channels. So I'm wearing the short circuit one, here's LTT, here's the
Tech Quickie one. We thought it'd be fun to throw these back up on the site for
just $39.99, but the catch is that they're only available as a mystery, so you
never know which one you're gonna get
And we're gonna heat things up even more
Coming back at the same time
Wands sweatpants and if you buy a mystery color block hoodie, you'll get these for 10 bucks
Heads up nuts
Heads up. This is kind of for our big boys out there, okay? We have very limited stock of
the smaller sizes. We're stocked a little bit deeper on the bigger sizes, but the
discount will apply automatically when you have both a mystery color block
hoodie and a pair of WAN sweatpants in your cart. So if you're looking to send a
merch message while being able to get some stuff that's on sale that won't be
available for much longer, now is your chance. Also on the store, the Offsite Laptop Bag is available again. To be clear, guys, it is not going to fit an Ohio
class submarine in it. It is a laptop bag. It is not a... what are they called? The like...
Messenger bags?
Yeah, it's not a messenger bag. This is a laptop bag. So sorry for any miscommunication around that.
LMG.GG slash laptop bag.
It's up there.
And I guess that's all we have to say about merch messages.
So all you gotta do is add something to your cart.
You'll see a little box for a merch message.
That'll go to producer Dan.
Let's show you how it works.
Dan, hit me with a merch message.
Sure thing.
Hey, LIDAR Nuke and dual and PVS 14.9 vision monocular.
Sure. I know thatular. Sure. Sure.
I knew that thing.
Yeah, cool.
If given the choice and that it was unproblematic,
would you choose to cover older military tech?
If not, if so, under what circumstances?
Older military tech.
Yeah, I don't see why we wouldn't cover
a military tech thing.
The issue for me is that we don't really get
into tech history that much, and we definitely don't, I think, have the street cred in
the military space to speak intelligently about that kind of thing.
Like, I would be doing all the same research that anyone else would do, you
know, browsing forums and Wikipedia and, you know, downloading
schematics off of War Thunder or whatever.
Leaking military secrets, yeah.
Given the reference in the in the naming, covering like night vision goggles, I
don't think is a thing that makes a ton of sense for us. I think it would have to
be like, how do they, how do they make sure that like, I don't know,
these electronical components are able to survive
in like warfare zones?
I could say that being like a good tech quickie.
Yeah, kind of interesting.
What makes an electronic device battle ready,
you know, or something like that.
How does it help resist EMP pulses, stuff like that?
Yeah, I don't see really the why we would get into
a specific piece.
That really seems more like a gun channel could...
Okay, I could see us being brought in as a collaborator
on something like that.
Like if they wanted to discuss,
if they pull the board out of something
and they were like, okay, and then to talk
about what makes this board special compared to consumer electronics at the time, we sent
it to LTT.
Or the opposite, considering they had that, was it PlayStation 3s?
I think it was that server farm made out of PlayStations.
Like little things like that.
Yeah, could make sense.
But I think there isn't as
much crossover as you might think, but there's some. Next up.
Hi, LLD. You've teased a smaller backpack before. Is that still in the
works or was it replaced by the... I don't know, laptop bag?
Does it just cut off there? By the. Okay, by the.
It is definitely still in the works. Our latest sample of it is very good.
Luke, you saw it last week.
Yeah. Yeah.
I really liked the side pockets.
I won't say too much about it.
I don't know how much we're talking about,
but those are sweet.
Did I even show you the little hidden pockets
that are in them?
I don't think so.
I don't know if those are gonna make it into the final,
but we're gonna push for it. Depends on costing a little bit. But yeah,
no, the smaller backpack is coming. We're working on naming for it. I think we're going to have to
do one more sample, but hopefully that'll be like a pre-production sample rather than a sample
sample. And if we can sign off on that one, it go to production We're very very excited about it right now. It fits like a 15.6 inch gaming laptop pretty comfortably
We think we can make a tweak that would allow it to fit most 16 inch devices even at that size
It's the one that I was wearing in my AMD
Ryzen 9000 coverage from Computex, if I recall correctly. So it
looks a little bit different. Computex line is 224. It looks a bit different now
and the internal layout thankfully is way better. It was, my notes after that trip
were not good and I wasn't a hundred percent sure if
we were gonna if we were gonna even be able to move forward with the product
because the design of it was so dependent on it being basically unusable
as far as I could tell but Matthew I think is the one who did the work on
tweaking the design
while also dramatically improving the usability of it.
Yeah, here's the video where I think it made its first appearance.
This is apparently a hack.
If you just go back and forward, ads disappear.
And the more you do that, the more it trains YouTube to just not bother serving you ads really
Yeah, it doesn't seem to account for that you go right back onto the video
Here's just accounts for that you bounce off the video the second you see an ad. Here's a question
Yeah, if ad block is piracy. Yes is ad aversion piracy
Like avoiding that oh like like ad avoidance like going back and forward to make it not send it to you.
Resume viewing. Resume viewing.
That kind of thing.
Yeah. Yeah. Creepy.
I think as long as you are...
Because you're not breaking terms of service.
It's not against the terms of service to...
Close your eyes?
Is it officially against the terms of service to use adblock?
Whereas navigating away from a page
is absolutely not against the terms of service.
But if you automated it, so if you had a browser extension
that every time you clicked a YouTube video,
like micro loaded the page and unloaded it,
and then loaded it again, I think
that would qualify as an ad serving countermeasure
Because it's the automation of it like not manually running it that whole that whole argument
where ad block is basically the same as closing your eyes is
Stupid yeah, because it's not yeah closing your eyes
It's the same as closing your eyes and you know,
they'll compare it to like TV commercials or whatever else. Right. Um,
no, because you, you, you would just close your eyes. That,
that would be the same thing. Um, but when you, when you automate something, um,
then to me that becomes a, um,
is it also the distribution of it of said thing
So you're talking like if you made your own script or something like that
I want to address this really quick Sydrax and FulplineChat said I just hate malvertising. I
Strongly agree. I hate malvertising too
So that's it. We're not telling you don't run this. We're also not telling you don't use adblock. Yeah
Never happened never said that yeah, it's I
Yeah, I don't have I don't feel like I don't feel like rehashing that one today sure
I have never said don't use adblock
I'm trying to think like maybe there was some way of showing the garage in 2013 where somebody's gonna like got him
It's like I don't know whatever
Okay, I have never
That I recall said don't use adblock
I've been very consistent for a lot of years that... I don't know,
Val Herrick in Float Plane Chat said, Linus literally called me up last night and
told me not to use adblock. So what are you saying? I told you not to tell people
that. That was a conversation between just the two of us. He called me too. So
is that why you're so tired this week? You're just calling all of the audience members. I actually have to confess something you broke into the float plane database
I have to confess something I
Bought an auto-dialer it wasn't even
It was it was a recording. Oh, so it couldn't even tell it wasn't me because those guys are idiots
It's not a whole it's not even a honor voice. No. No, it's literally an old-fashioned auto-dialer
They got bamboozled
Get rekt
Anyways yeah, it's not a thing dude. We're just
and like
We've got we both got some Linux ISOs okay so like relax yep or don't relax it
actually doesn't really matter to me stay tense I'm probably gonna do one more if
you're okay with that sure sure let's see hey LLD did Plex ever fix your
issues got my first NAS set up a bit ago. Transcoded downloads are crucial
for me, so decided to try MB. Haven't had any real issues, might be worth a look.
I am probably going to try Jellyfin or MB at some point. Overall, I've been pretty
annoyed with Plex.
That issue recently was a permissions thing in TrueNAS where I was having trouble with that show you wanted to watch.
So that wasn't a Plex issue.
That series of Linux ISOs?
Yeah, series of Linux ISOs, sure, whatever.
The point is just that I haven't actually tried
to do a lot of local downloads lately.
So I haven't realistically played with it that much,
but Plex has been pretty well behaved for me lately,
and I actually saw some pretty promising news.
I think it was either this morning or yesterday.
Plex announced that they're going to split out
the photo backup functionality
that they used to have in the main Plex app
into a separate app.
And I remember talking to them about that
because the photo backup function was really cool and really easy to use and really convenient and I really liked it and
then they just deprecated it and I was like well that's sort of uncool because I thought that that
was part of the function of this product. So now it's a separate app and I wonder if that's going
to help them overcome some of the challenges that they've had because from what I gleaned,
the issues that they had continuing to support that feature
basically came down to library access
and constant changes when it came to
accessing the library and then backing it up,
especially as a background task.
So if that can be a dedicated app
rather than part of the video watching app,
maybe that'll help them do a better job of it. So I want to check that out, but I know absolutely
nothing about it yet. And I'm gonna have to, I'll give it a chance. I mean, I have a lifetime
subscription. So if I, so if you go away from it, you can always just come back. Yeah. And look,
but the cost of Plex is not a factor for me. Yeah.
For a lot of people, the cost of Plex is a major factor, so they want something free
and open source, but I don't care because I already own it.
So the cost of both of them is the same for me personally.
It might change what I would recommend to someone else.
I might say, hey, give these free options a try before you spring for the paid one.
But for me, it doesn't matter.
So I'm going to give it a shot.
And then the other big thing that I'm waiting for is
That that NAS software that I invested in from from ash tech you doing the research on this before the NAS software comes out though
Because I'm assuming you're gonna have some video on the NAS software kind of does make sense
Yeah, but my whole thing with the NAS software is I want to have to do as little work and research as possible. Oh no I mean like if you're if you're making a video like hey do this
stuff to set up your NAS or whatever I don't know having an informed opinion on
the Plex jellyfin whatever debate would be good? No I probably won't. Oh okay.
Because a lot of my opinion is gonna come down to ease of setup and so my my goal, my big ulterior motive with this whole with this whole
investment into Eshtec was that whatever I want to install on a NAS that I think
is good, I will have a backchannel way saying, hey, can you guys support this and make sure that everything just works so that I don't have to think about it?
And then by proxy, everyone else will be able to install, let's say, Plex or Image or whatever,
super easily and won't have to think about like the stupid permissions issues that that I switched which VM I was using to download ISOs.
And it made it so it turned into read-only for certain containers.
Because it was using Kubernetes.
I was on the older version of TrueNAS scale.
Just such a mess.
And I'm sitting here going, I don't want any of this.
I just want to have my files and like I can read and write them and stuff.
Yeah, it's the whole thing.
All right.
Are we done now?
Are we moving on?
I don't know.
Who knows?
You want to pick a topic, Luke? I'm this one.
Which one? Scroll up. Might just be a man and say it. Because I don't know what's
going on with it. Be a man, do the right thing. I fix it. Sure yeah. What's happening there?
Um honestly. Inform me. Honestly I don't know so why don't we do this together? Oh, oh boy. So earlier this week
Yesterday, I fix it announced their smart soldering iron. This thing's kind of wild by the way. It's
This is cool hundred watt heater ready to solder in five seconds. It can run off the wall for like an entire workday
I think they advertise.
It has a literal web interface that you access through like Chrome, you know, like through
a browser, like an actual, you know, like a web interface so that you can configure
it and yeah, I don't know, it looks pretty cool.
I've definitely seen some discussion around the price
By the time you buy the soldering iron and the dock and you know, whatever else people are saying
it's like hundreds of dollars which
When you compare to some of the more
value oriented options
Is not that competitive? Yeah, but there are also soldering irons that are wicked expensive
There are but I think that for the people who are into like hackos you're
gonna pry them from their cold dead hands yeah I'm showing our producer cam
for no reason oh I'm a JBC boy oh there you go Rolls-Royce baby actually my the
one I have at home is like a $40 clone and it's like okay, but it doesn't have a battery pack.
You can't like move it around.
Oh yeah, that's right.
Dan's the one, he's the one who made us spend a fortune
on those stupid soldering stations.
That's so nice, dude.
I was sitting there.
They're a partner.
This is not an endorsement,
but I was sitting there trying to learn on my soldering iron.
Oh yeah.
I remember this.
This actually happened.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was trying to get Dan to like teach me. Oh yeah. This actually happened. Yeah,
I was trying to get Dan to like teach me how to solder. Yeah. And I was, you know,
coming along but I was struggling a little bit and then he gave me the nice soldering iron. I
instantly did it. Like, and because you're, you're learning the techniques, you're not
necessarily because you're, for me to use a really broken soldering iron is difficult,
but I know what's wrong and for somebody learning, but you don't need like a $1,500 station to learn how to
solder with. Yeah so it's like it's something like this is great. It's for sure a skill
issue but still the nice soldering iron just made it so much easier. And so
something that has like a temperature control like this and it can get hot
really quickly and it's not super unwieldy. It's a nice thing about the JBCs
is they are like this size for their their ends and stuff like that but
they're ultra professional levels. Yeah. Alright so, oops where am I going? Last
laptop there we go. So back to this thing. So I've seen some some commentary on the
pricing. Some people are not super thrilled with it. Some people are more
thrilled with it. Anyway, Vitor responds and
says now I want an LTT soldering iron. And Kyle Weins, CEO of iFixit says he does seem
to be good at copying our products. There's been a fair amount of speculation as to what
exactly he means by this. Is it gentle ribbing? Is it genuine upset? And more
than one person has pointed out that on the very day that he posted this, one of
our videos went live with an iFixit sponsorship in it. So what I will say is
I also don't know. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna reiterate everything that
I've said about the iFixit relationship and
We'll go from there. Sure. So if it's gentle ribbing
gentle ribbing received
If it's not gentle ribbing well, I don't know we're good on our side
We're chill. We believe in the iFixit mission.
We have absolutely no intention of becoming iFixit.
We're not gonna even begin to approach the kind of replacement parts that they stock,
the guides that they create through their community, even the type of content that they
They do such a great job of their teardowns that we've looked at doing that type of content
before and we've just kind of gone, yeah, I don't know, maybe someday, but realistically,
this seems like it's pretty well served, evaluating the repairability of devices and stuff like
We absolutely value iFixit as a partner.
We specifically went out of our way to make our
driver available as a standalone driver for people who just want a driver upgrade and they're going
to put it into their iFixit kit and use it with their iFixit bits. We went out of our way to make
sure that our driver was compatible with iFixit bits. So there's a whole thing. We talked about it
in the short circuit live stream when we announced our precision driver,
where the ISO standard is actually not
what everyone, including iFixit, does.
And I forget the exact detail,
but basically it comes down to manufacturing tolerances.
So you're supposed to have this socket,
which is actually a, if I recall correctly,
a metric translation of what is actually an imperial size.
So that's supposed to be the size,
and then the bits are supposed to be smaller,
but what everybody else does is they make the size bigger
and the bits smaller, or whatever.
Basically, you're supposed to make this big enough
that at the upper range of the tolerances for the bit size,
they'll fit for sure.
And what we did was we made this at the upper range of the tolerances for the bit size they'll fit for sure. And
what we did was we made this at the lower range and then our bits were smaller. I forget.
Hold on. Let me think about what it is. So what happened was our initial drivers, this
was too small. That's right. So everyone else makes the bits the size and then they make
their their driver bigger.
Slightly oversized.
And what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to make the socket the size, you know, four
millimeters or whatever it is, and then the bits are supposed to be smaller.
So in our first samples, we had bits and sockets that fit perfectly.
But when we went to put someone else's bits in our socketsckets we realized they were the ones that were at the high end of the
tolerance range were too big. So we had to go back and we had to make ours wider
like everyone else. And anyway, doesn't matter. The point is that we went out of
our way to make sure that the driver was compatible to reduce waste. So if people
already have a set they can upgrade to the fidget spinner slash precision
driver without wasting all of the bits in case
that they already have.
But we also wanted to offer an option
with the ideas that we had to improve the product
that would include bits and a case.
So, you know, I don't know.
If he's serious about it,
I don't really know what to make of that.
We're still down to work together.
I disagree, I guess. I will say that.
I disagree that it's a copied product.
iFixit didn't invent precision screwdrivers.
iFixit didn't invent bitcases.
And, you know, from my point of view, either it's a copy at a higher price in
which case he shouldn't be worried about it right or it's a product that
innovated with things like this magnetically detachable nicely cool
stackable case deeper bits that make their way into, you know, recessed housings more easily,
an all-metal driver that has bit storage, they do have one with bit storage, but it's not all metal,
higher quality bearing, replaceable tops, stronger magnet.
No, I think it's about as different as a product can be and still be a precision screwdriver. Oh
We added we added magnets to the inside. Yeah, that's nice. It's a parts tray. Yeah
Yeah, and to be clear the iFixit one can also be used as a parts tray, but it won't be magnetic. Yes
So there you go. So yeah, I don't know. Is he mad who knows are we working on a soldering iron?
Not at this time, but if we thought there was room to innovate and make a better soldering iron, I'm not going to rule out anything. We
definitely have other products in our roadmap that are tools,
and therefore will probably overlap with anyone who sells
tools. But part of our product development philosophy is that
we don't just make the same thing that's already out there.
is that we don't just make the same thing that's already out there.
If we aren't adding something, then,
I don't see why we bother.
And in some cases, what we're adding
can be as simple as making it more affordable.
most things I have to do around my house
basically just require a screwdriver.
So I have LTT screwdrivers for everything.
I had to use a hammer last night.
Wasn't an LTT hammer.
I'm disappointed.
We actually do have a potential product spec for a hammer.
I have some ideas.
That was entirely a joke, but all right.
No, I mean.
It's true.
I mean, what I said is not untrue.
I used a hammer last night.
And I literally pulled it out and was like,
huh, it's like blue.
It's not orange and black.
I have ideas.
And you know what, sometimes it can be as simple as coming in at a lower price.
Like, I think that anti-static work mats are
overpriced, essentially. So our mod mat, which we actually created in collaboration with Mod-Rite,
who has been doing mod mats for, oh lord only knows how long, they...
Didn't they patent it?
Yeah, yeah, like way back in the day. So they're they're they're pretty og
so we actually partnered with them and ours is gonna be coming soon, it's gonna be
Very price competitive compared to what's out there and that's still like profitable. So
So yeah, if we see if we see an area where we can improve the state of the market then yeah
We'll go for it
but if we don't then we're not then we're not just looking to come in
and copy someone else's product.
And I reject the assertion that this is a copied product.
And if it is a copied product,
they should have no problem recopying it.
And then there's this better.
And that's how competition works.
Then everybody's product is better.
I mean, we didn't patent anything here.
Even if we could have, which I really know I don't think we could have but even if we could have that we're not
It's not really how we roll. I do think at some point. We'll probably have to patent something
But that's not a bridge that we've really had to cross yet, I think if we ever did like a like a new
to cross yet. I think if we ever did like a like a new you know what it's probably better for me to just not even say there are a couple things that we
have in development that could potentially benefit from being patent
but for patent tax write-offs yeah sure let me get right on that. All right. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, hopefully we're still cool. We love you. I fix it. And
if you guys are mad, I'm sorry. Speaking of madness, the US government pushes for
war the doc just keeps floating around. The US government pushes for greater VPN access.
Last week, the White House met with Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Cloudflare, as well as civil society advocates
to encourage tech companies to offer more digital bandwidth for government-funded internet
censorship evasion tools, which is an insane sentence to me. Tools supported by the Open
Technology Fund, or the OTF,
which is funded by the US government,
have surged in popularity in countries like Russia,
Iran, Myanmar, oh, and Myanmar, sorry, missed the and.
According to OTF president Laura Cunningham,
the number of VPN users they support
has more than quadrupled over the last few years
to around 46 million users each month the otf wants
Discounted or subsidized server bandwidth to help meet that growing demand
What is which to me?
Sounds like the government is basically being like yeah
We don't really care if you like pirate movies and music and stuff. We want all your data
That's that's my
That's what I get from this person
Which is funded by the US government have searched and populated countries, so they want you know resistant groups and whatnot that are in
Maybe not super friendly to US countries to be able to do their thing.
But do they want encryption for their own citizens?
This would allow them to see all the things.
To encourage tech companies to offer more digital bandwidth for government
funded internet censorship evasion tools.
Isn't that such a wild sentence? Huh. But, but, but, um, interesting. Yeah. I don't know a ton
about the OTF. I don't know how far the fingers of the US government are in the OTF, but if you run the VPN yourself
You can do a whole heck of a lot
But are they saying they're running the VPN?
I don't know, I don't know.
Or are they saying they want tech companies to offer more bandwidth, wait, for government-funded
censorship evasion tools.
For those.
Not for all of them.
For those.
It's very interesting to me.
It sounds like a two-pronged attack.
This is the vibe that I'm getting.
So the one prong is, hey, we
get to help groups that are in Russia, Iran, Myanmar, and other places.
Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is valid.
Which is probably something that they want to do.
They need to be able to communicate and organize.
A multitude of reasons.
Yeah, for sure, for sure.
And then the other one is like, oh, I don't know, and if other people use it, we get to
have a really good look into what they're up to. Well, yeah.
Wow, 46 million users a month.
Yeah, like what is an OTF VPN?
Like, no, this is good stuff. Oh
No, this is good stuff
Like do they do open VPN did I see an open VPN logo? I recognize that logo immediately yeah, so we know this is like good then
So these are tools that you can use to build VPNs like this is not necessarily
Very interesting cuz I don't know though. I'm not aware of like a sick back door in OpenVPN.
Umm... I don't know what this means though, or if this is just a list of things.
Like I don't know if this means um...
Do they make- are they responsible for OpenVPN?
I don't know.
Help me out here.
I have genuinely no idea. Are they responsible for OpenVPN? Guys? I don't know. Help me out here.
I have genuinely no idea.
Like I don't wanna get into like a WireGuard
versus OpenVPN debate.
Like WireGuard may be better.
It's on here though.
It's on this list.
That's why I'm saying like,
I'm not sure what this list necessarily means.
Like do they just put funding into these?
Yeah, maybe.
They're part of the funding
I see open VPN wire guard and tour I see this okay, but I don't necessarily know if this means
This is from the open tech fund or if this means this is the funding that it's received. You know what I mean?
They've got to have received more funding than that overall
Oh, wait, maybe that is over. Because it says free and open source software
sustainability fund.
Your mom's an open VPN.
Why do we even talk to any of our chats anymore?
Read the last paragraph.
Through the FOSS sustainability fund,
open VPN will focus on growing its core.
Okay, this isn't the, is that a different thing?
I don't know.
Is the FOSS sustainability fund a fund within the Open Technology Fund?
I don't know. I don't know where this rabbit hole goes.
But it's, it's definitely...
So there may be downsides, but fundamentally...
It's probably good. Better VPN access seems...
Probably good. Good.
Okay. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say it's a W for now
yeah and hopefully I don't end up eating those words yeah we don't have very good
information on this so I don't think we can really say much unfortunately but
we'll move on what I would like to talk about is Nvidia purses yeah what AI
researcher Teresa Barton is selling a limited run
of 10 purses crafted out of Nvidia GeForce GT 730 graphics cards for $1024
or $1024. Her website also indicates that she will at some point be selling a
handmade bag made out of... A handbag. Yes, A handbag made out of a H100 AI chip for $65,536.
While Barton says the cards themselves are non-functional and ethically sourced from data center dumpsters,
the fans still work. Which is, I mean, that's, uh...
That's neat? That's cool?
Yeah! I don't know.
Is there like a little battery bank somewhere to power the fan
I see the fan has its the fan is on the outside and it has its own plug
Yeah, there's got to be there's gotta be something there to be a battery in there or something
I think one of my questions is how much stuff can you actually store in this purse like purely aesthetic?
I do think that they look surprisingly neat
Yeah, I read this title and was like oh, it's gonna look like junk and then I saw the actual purse thing and I was like
It's not too bad. What is um, what is the what is the justification for the price here because
She literally says that's a way to be waste
I don't know. I think purses in general, there's probably whatever.
How do these items end up so divorced from their costs? Like is this... like about here, here,
is there like... I honestly think if you try to figure this out you're just gonna hurt your brain.
Is there an objective? Like is she, is this contributing to some kind of-
Oh, I think 1024 is just computer number.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
that's not what I meant by that.
I didn't know.
Oh, Mike, I just got assaulted by LTT ads.
Oh, they just went away.
I get it.
All of the verticals of ads on this website,
which there are many, they were all LTT ads
for a split second and then they went away.
I just, I was kind of expecting it to say like oh yeah proceeds are going to some
kind of research into AI something but no this appears to be just like I don't
know maybe she's just a bespoke designer that made only ten of a thing and if
you're gonna do that you're gonna charge a bunch. Yeah I guess so.
Uh sure well hey you know what I wish you luck.
I bet you at least one person bought it. You think so? I feel like it.
You think so? I think so. I don't know dude.
I um I think that seems think so. I think so. I don't know dude. I
I think that seems pretty unlikely. I think even most people who spend a lot of money on purses
probably expect to be able to carry something in them I
Do not agree with that statement at all
Wow, I Don't really I don't really understand Wow.
I don't really, I don't really understand what I'm looking at here.
So you're basically telling me this purchases ineligible for this.
Why is it even here then?
I guess shop probably doesn't deal with a lot of things that are over 30 grand.
So they never really thought about that scenario.
This just seems like like, is she just,
is this a social experiment?
Is she just trying to grab headlines?
Like this can't seriously be the best sales pitch
you can come up with.
Oh, is this the like $60,000 one?
Yeah, I don't think she thinks
anyone's gonna buy it personally.
But like, you know enough rare, one of a kind
GPT-4 training GPU, you know there's lots of them, and if you know enough to one of a kind GPT for training GPU. No, there's lots of them.
And if you know enough to know about GPT,
then you'd think you could just use chat GPT
to like write a better description for it.
That's literally all it says on this entire page.
This particular page, I think is more about
the bringing eyeballs in.
Like she's, I think she's memeing, dude.
Oh, at least to a certain degree, yeah.
Fits a phone certain degree. Yeah fits a phone
My short chain available. I bet at least one has sold. I think she's memeing that doesn't look good
The other pictures look pretty good. Well the pictures are just stupid because this picture is not a GT 730
This is the H
The h100 one so what is it doing on this product page?
Like what is this doing here? This is not any of those things. This is this is ancient. This is like
Yeah, GF 100. This is Fermi. This is a this is a 480
So like what am I even I don't think she expects to sell any I think she's memeing
So I buy one I still know but I bet you she sold one because of what you
Just did don't actually do it
I'm I want to know if it's a real site. Am I actually going to get a purse in the mail?
Do you want my credit card? No, I don't
That's the only way I'm gonna get an h100 at some random time in the show you should throw that thing back at me
What I'm sorry, I was talking. No, it's fine. Just the thing I threw you should throw that thing back at me. What? I'm sorry I was talking.
No, it's fine. Just the thing I threw at you.
Do you want your water bottle back?
He didn't throw a water bottle at you, Dan.
It's on your side of the table.
With this?
That's my water bottle.
Oh, I drank from it.
I couldn't find yours.
Oh. Okay. Well, do you have any diseases?
I'm sure we've done worse.
Pre-show, baby.
Subscribe to Flo Flowplane!
And subscribe to our sponsor, Manscaped.
Blonde and Gold are in this year.
Oh, he's actually doing it!
But if you don't like blonde,
trim it!
Our sponsor, Manscaped, is riding the gold train
with their Lawn Mower 5.0
Forged Gold Edition. Not only does it Manscaped is riding the gold train with their Lawn Mower 5.0 forged gold edition.
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The lawnmower 5.0 ultra gold edition is available in limited quantities so head over to slash when and use code WAN show to get 20% off and free shipping
Actually looks pretty slick. Yeah.
Not bad.
The team does such a great job of the footage for these.
A lot of it looks like it was provided by the brand,
except that I recognize backdrops and stuff that we have.
Wait, it's not?
This footage?
No, this is our footage.
Oh my god.
Look, someone bumped the table there.
Good job, James.
This is ours?
Oh, yeah, I know that set.
Yeah, that's the screen thing. Yeah, this is all our footage. That's. Oh, I know that that's it. Yeah, that's the the screen thing
Yeah, this is all our footage. Oh man. I was killing it
No, that's it's over in the corner where when show set used to be at the very far away
Yeah, there's a there's a piece of glass and then they have a display behind it
Yeah, like now the team's the team's great bring it back there. Yeah
This is this is where ed's all was experimenting with some of the UE 5 like real-time tracking stuff. there. Yeah, this is this is where edsall is experimenting with some of the ue5 like real-time tracking stuff
Yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway the show is also brought to you by ridge look at us
They're also bringing gold to you this summer with that's us to massive sweepstakes. Yep. That's it. Did you see it was Dennis driving?
Yeah, yeah, that should be
Now you could do now you can drag race like Dennis he's the passenger seat. I think it's a cyber truck up
How am I looking at and if being the center of everyone's attention isn't your style don't worry. Okay that happened
I know they were telling us before the sure on got pulled over right yeah, right there. Yeah, yeah, they
Okay, sorry. We're really we're really losing track of the sponsor talking points here anyway, so good
Ridge massive sweepstakes they have other prizes to choose from and yes
That is real footage of Dennis and charade on the highway in Salt Lake City
anyway, the winner of the sweepstakes gets to choose between a hnessy Velociraptor, a gold-plated Cybertruck, or $100,000 cash.
This says what would I pick? Oh, it cut back to me. Yeah, that's what it's
supposed to do. What would I pick? I guess I'll take the cash
What would I do with a velociraptor?
I love that the follow-up sentence was what would I do with a velociraptor?
Not the other one
Yeah, that makes so much sense
I'm trying to acknowledge something that's a real option. I mean I don't
What I would be seen in that like you could melt it into a controller
I'd be on the parking lot scraping it off, and I don't know man. I'd be I'd be
Legit I'd be legit ah
Look Reg. Hopefully this is compatible with the sponsor spot. We're doing for you right now here. I'll talk about your key holder
There you go be distracted
I would be there is they do have a cyber truck and a Hennessy version of their things their key holder in their wallet
Yeah, I would be embarrassed to be seen in a cyber truck. At all? Or the gold plated one?
Is the gold plated one less or more embarrassing? It's cooler. So it's less embarrassed. Yeah,
it's cooler. I think it's so bad that it comes all the way back around to kind of cool. This
might be a weird take. I actually think where it says just ridge on the side of the gold plated
one actually just looks good.
I rarely like when you see like just the brand logo on things, but I just something to break
up just the like see of it's all the same right there. Yeah, like I think it actually looks sharp
having something on it. Yeah. That thing looks so tacky though. I just can't. So if you had to pick a vehicle you'd go with the
Hennessy Raptor and if you had to pick something you'd go with the cash? Hold on a second,
hold on, hold on let me think. Are you looking up their value on the resale market? No
You have to pay people to take them away. I'm just a little curious
Price of stainless steel per pound. Oh, dude. See I would have a really hard time going back to filling up at the gas station
I am NOT into having a gas vehicle anymore. Can you go anywhere in a cyber truck?
Will it turn on?
Get the truck and electrify it. It'd be a fun project.
Oh, no, but if I'm gonna have an electric truck,
I'll just get a Rivian.
Dude, getting like over a thousand horsepower
Hennessy Velociraptor and taking the engine out
and electrifying it would be kind of hilarious.
That would be completely lame.
I'd put in my cappuccino.
Dude, I'm sure the engine for the Hennessy is bigger than your old car.
Somebody put an LS in it with twin turbochargers.
No way.
They had to remove most of the front end and the hood.
It's 800 horsepower.
Oh my.
That's actually terrifying.
Death speedrun?
That would have like the power to weight ratio of a slot car.
Like that would be ridiculous.
It's like nearly one to one.
That's crazy.
Actually, I think the engine weighs probably more than the car.
More than the rest of the car.
Yeah, so it would affect that slightly.
Top Gear 1224 says, what's more embarrassing a gold
cyber truck or a purple tycan? Gold cyber truck. Yeah I really think it is. The
cyber truck is just brutal dude. Anywho, from now until September 16th you'll get
two entries for every dollar spent or you can get four X entries when you
purchase the cyber wallet or
Hennessy specialty product so we've got a couple of their oh, we've got a key holder and a wallet Oh, why am I even holding these up? We've got wonderful footage of them. There you go. That's what they look like
Wow, see it looks so nice. So enter now at slash when or using the link in the video description
I take the cash. I'm just gonna take the cash. Take the cash
Speaking of take the cash. I'm just gonna take the cash. Take the cash. Speaking of taking the cash, our next sponsor is Acronis. Is your business
paddling risky waters? The risky? What? Paddling the risky waters of the internet unprotected.
Our sponsor Acronis is here to save you from scary sharks. Wow. My goodness. Acronis doesn't just act like a shield, but they also simplify your IT management.
Instead of juggling multiple vendors and spending thousands, Acronis CyberProtect brings security
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But they don't just backup your files.
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fix IT issues without relying on central IT. You can manage remote endpoints, run
vulnerability assessments, and handle patch management all from a single
platform. Hey wait, that was a redundant talking point. Dang it you guys. Anyway
protect your business from data loss and cyber threats with Acronis CyberProtect
by heading over to slash Wanshow or the link in the video description.
Okay, we're supposed to do a few merch messages. Dan, go ahead and hit me. Sure. Hey, Linus and the talent.
I'd be curious to your thoughts on, yeah, that's nice.
No, I'm not responding to this merge message.
No, no, no, that's-
No, I don't like it.
No, that's good for you.
Okay, whatever.
Talent is a derogatory.
I take it that way.
It is not.
I don't think he means it to be, but right now- No, talent is not derogatory. I take it that way. It is not. I don't think he means it to be, but right now.
No, talent is not derogatory.
It removes the person from the statement
where you're just like an object.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on a second.
I, what, really?
I've always thought it's not a-
I think they meant it as a derogatory,
but it's like, no, that means that you're the real person and we're just like accessories to make your show.
What? Oh man, see... Because I've called you guys the talent before, because from my perspective,
like I'm producing the show and you're just kind of like part of what makes the show,
right? So you remove the like human aspect that your people... He's the human, we're the legion. No, no, no, I'm not a person either. Like the show right so you remove the like human aspect that you're the human were the no no
No, I'm not. I'm not a person either like the show it becomes the entity right?
And you are just kind of a part of the show like set dressing right? I it's a whole thing most of chat
Does not appear to be aligned with that damn. No no it's definitely supposed to be
No, I don't understand. I don't, I don't. Because I thought, because hold on. Because a lot of people have said,
hey, Dan and the talent before, but this is the first time that like Linus has been. No,
no, they're calling me untalented. It's definitely a sick burn. But like, but a lot of the other
merge messages that use Dan and the talent in them, right? Yeah, because the onscreen players are the talent.
Yeah, like that's just, I think that's just an industry term.
I don't think it's meant to be derogatory.
Like if you say, and-
Yeah, but that's derogatory to you
because you're like the people as well.
If you say, and director, then like,
I don't think that's disrespectful.
I think that just describes their role in the production.
Am I off base here?
I don't know. I think we're all a bit off base.
I didn't realize that this would be so polarizing so immediately.
All right.
I've never loved the turn personally, but I honestly, my amount of cares is quite low.
Yeah, because like I...
But I've never loved the turn.
Oh, all right. Well, for what
it's worth Luke. Host makes more sense. I think you're talented. Because is well not
everyone's a host though. Here's a question. Yeah, about the word talent. I just looked
it up and I'm still not. I've taken it maybe I'm just taking it wrong. I've taken it as
like you have an innate skill. It's not something that you honed But you were just naturally good at something dude, you're playing video game logic
Hmm. I get to be sounds very likely
Are you guys actually siding with me for a change? Yeah, I think I think Linus is right too. Yeah, sure
It's it's all it's it's a bit of a, talent is used for anyone on screen, not just the host.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're calling me untalented, but they're just meaning on me.
But originally, the reason why I didn't originally like it
is because it seems derogatory to everybody else.
Oh, that was my original reason.
Oh, like referring to the person who is like the star, whatever
people that are any good as the people with talent. Yes.
Oh, I see. That's like when I originally didn't like the star or whatever. Those are the only people that are any good. As the people with talent. Yes. Oh, I see.
That's like when I originally didn't like the word, that was my reason.
Yeah, but I don't think like a director implies that they're not a talented one.
I think it's just, yeah, no, talent is just, yeah.
But the directors tend to be the ones with the money.
No, that's a producer.
Yeah, no, director...
Do directors not also?
If you're good, sure.
But if you're a good talent, then you also have money.
And if you're a good...
Actually, as far as I can tell,
most everybody else ends up not making a ton of money.
Yeah, then you're an extra, you're not even talent.
Well, no, no, I just, I was trying to come up with,
like, I mean, I guess if you're like...
See, but like, yeah, why is there a distinction there? No, an extra is still talent.
Are they?
A lesser talent.
Although often extras are given no lines, so they have like no real effect on like...
Luke's literally looking this up.
I'm going out of here.
Background actors, supporting artists, junior...
Oh my goodness. Have we custodianized
the extras? No, that's right there. No, no, no, I mean that we don't call them extras
anymore. Oh, oh. Now they're junior artists. Oh, that's something that I didn't know about.
That atmosphere sounds so much worse to me personally. Oh yeah, that's awful.
Whoa, that's such a downgrade.
Excuse me, what's your job?
Could the atmosphere go stand next to the potted plant?
You've got some bad atmosphere.
Oh man.
Yeah, this is not something I've thought about a lot
or cared about much.
I turn into gas.
I mean, if you could do that,
you might be one of the main characters in the show,
I may be slowly turning into gas.
I mean, we've seen plenty of evidence of it.
Those poor chairs.
Okay, so when we frame it as Linus and the talent.
What was the question?
I don't know, I want to finish this.
Yeah, what does that mean?
So Linus and the talent means that was the question? I don't know, I want to finish this thought. Yeah, what does that mean? So Linus and the talent means that I'm untalented.
No. Yeah.
That's what they meant.
It was a sick burn.
They were, it wasn't serious.
No, but we've just established that talent
is a role in a production.
Yeah, you guys are both talent because there, boom,
talent, untalent, talent, untalent, talent, untalent.
Yeah, but you still have a job here.
Well, yeah, but they were just memeing
because they were pretending to misunderstand
the term talent as having talent.
And they were referring to me as being untalented.
I think that's why I don't like the word.
But they did, but they,
No, cause in my mind, you're the one with the name.
So you get to be a person
and then we're just accessories to your production.
No, because like I've, okay, like I've-
They definitely intended it to imply you were untalented.
Yes, but I've gone on the third party sets
where I am like the main person,
and I get referred to as talent.
Or like on the contract, it'll just be like,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
heretofore referred to as talent.
Like it just means a performer.
That's all it means.
Exactly, right?
I mean, my favorite term is watering the talent.
Right, I fill up your water bottles.
I used to give the bands on stage their water.
Do you want warm water?
Do you want cold water?
It would be best for your throat, right?
Watering the talent, it's fun.
I don't know. From now on I want to be referred
to as shortened. I'm not tall, so I actually see the whole term as kind of discriminatory.
Okay, atmosphere. Kingent.
All right, so what are we talking about? What was the- Shortened Kingent.
You wouldn't let me get there.
I'd be curious to your thoughts on why tech and gaming cafes haven't taken off in North
It seems like it'd be a slam dunk with gaming becoming super mainstream and popular now.
They don't seem to be doing as far as my terrible observations can account for.
I don't think they're doing as well in Asian countries either these days.
Oh, really? I mean, I don't know. Because mobile gaming is taking off, that's why.
Oh but are you talking about like a themed cafe though or are you talking about like an iCafe
with like gaming computers in it? Is that what they're referencing? No I think they're talking
about themed cafes. Oh my bad. There was that bar downtown that had like gaming themed cocktails
and stuff? Was
that what it was called? Yeah, but didn't they shut down during COVID?
I think they at least shut down one location. Looking it up. Yeah, I guess, yeah, I guess the
question for me is, you know, what is it? Man, this is tough, because I have to
confess that when we went to Japan, like went to the Pokemon Cafe, for know, what is it? Man, this is tough. Cause I have to confess that when we went to Japan,
like went to the Pokemon cafe, for example,
I was super unimpressed by the whole deal.
The food was not just not very good.
Like it was functionally inedible.
A lot of it.
Where at, sorry?
In Japan.
It was packed.
Like business was booming, but it was just kind of sucky and I just kind
of wonder if the expectations for a themed restaurant are totally different here because
I wouldn't see a business like that succeeding very well here.
Your food still has to be good.
Like I've never been, but my understanding is-
That food quality in Vancouver is actually insanely high.
My understanding is even like Hooters has decent food, though I've never been, but my understanding is... Average food quality in Vancouver is actually insanely high. My understanding is even like Hooters has decent food, though I've never been there.
That's what I've heard, don't quote me on that.
But I don't think it's good enough to have a theme with...
A themed restaurant with just like disgusting food in it here.
Yeah, apparently the wings are great, says Chat.
Yeah, there you go. So, says chat. Yeah, there you go.
So they used to, to know about nowadays.
The wings are good, yeah.
So maybe that's part of it.
And I think that one of the challenges is that
in order to have like a gaming themed cafe,
it either is like sort of generic,
in which case I don't know if it would appeal
to people as much, or you'd be paying licensing fees
because it's commercial use of the IP. And I think that affects the
quality. So like the Pokemon Cafe seems to be actually run by the Pokemon Company. And
so the kind of margin that these that these licensed brands expect has a direct impact on the quality of the product in a lot of cases has been my experience.
With that said, I mean, I think we've talked about, you know, restaurant ideas before and like Yvonne and I have talked about lots and lots of business ideas over the years.
Like one idea that I had a while back that I thought
would be super cool is I wanted to create like toddler land. And so the idea was that it would
be like an attraction for adults where you have this warehouse that you decorate the outside to look like a normal house,
but everything is scaled up.
You walk through a giant front door
and you experience this entire environment,
like what it would be like to be thigh high to an adult.
So there's like giant stairs
and you can like sit and eat a meal at a giant table with giant cutlery and like I don't know
It'd just be like a weird it'd be such a like a you know, an Instagram a bowl
like thing to do a big spoon on like
Suspension crane wires that like flies food towards you
But not even that not even no I hadn't gotten that far cuz that would be a lot of work
It's sweet though. Mostly it was just gonna be creating a giant environment It It was kind of inspired by these upside down houses that you can go to. But just
like... Have you ever been to Darktable? I have. Yeah, I like those types of experiences personally.
Would the meals also be giant portions? Yeah, I mean sure yeah I'd be down. Like you source
produce that's like oversized and stuff and like I don't know I don't know just does it just like wacky ideas, but I've I've always had this kind of
Brain worm idea that like if I don't want to
If I finally just want to chill I would like go
You know move further out than where we are now
to a smaller area and then open just like a very small corner cafe diner thing like Luke in Gilmore Girls and just like do that.
Interesting. I'm just going to chill now and I would have to have enough money that it wouldn't
have to be super profitable or maybe even profitable at all, because like those types
of businesses are often...
You'd want to buy the property outright.
Maybe find one that's commercial zoned on the bottom and then live above it kind of
Like he does in Gilmore Girls, exactly.
Are you a Gilmore Girls fan?
Oh yeah.
I did not know that.
Hold on.
Let's play a game.
I mean, I haven't watched it in a long time, but yeah.
Well, yeah, it hasn't been airing for a long time.
Like, are you like, uh, quizzing me?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, the smart snappy dialogue. Yes, the one-liners. Absolutely
Very much so that's a huge part of the draw. It's not the only draw. Yeah
That's why I started there. That's why I started there
I think you like
probably the
relatively realistic and believable character interactions
It's very dramatic as a show, but it doesn't get
into like, I cannot believe that any human would behave this way territory, I
think, for the most part.
That's kind of all you need.
It is very dramatic, but there's never usually like, I don't think there's any like murders.
It's not like, oh my, how could, oh my goodness. It's like... It stays pretty grounded. Yeah. It's not like, oh my, how could, oh my goodness.
It's like...
It stays pretty grounded.
What else?
For me?
I'm answering it.
Yeah, I found some of the characters pretty relatable.
I found the mistakes that the characters go through or like the choices that I didn't
agree with to feel very human. If that makes sense. Like I might not have agreed with the choice that this one
person did, but yeah, I could see them doing it. Or I could see like one of my friends
like doing this. I found Rory insufferable. Often. Yeah, I just like it like he's not
my favorite character. Sometimes there's characters that I dislike enough as people that I just kind of have a hard time watching the show and I just
Found her extremely difficult said be around in my opinion the and someone in chat said this but I'm not actually just copy copying them
It's also my opinion. The show is about Laura Lye and Luke, right? And I didn't like Luke just because he shares my name
You're not that shallow. No, not quite. Because I definitely...
And his character is just...
I root for any character named Linus.
I get so few Ws, Luke.
There isn't that many Luke's either,
but the ones that I do have are pretty cool.
You literally have an apostle.
I don't want to hear about it.
I have that.
Skywalker's pretty sick.
Luke from Gilmore Girls is pretty based. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't want to hear about it. That's I have that. Skywalker is pretty sick. Yeah. Yeah. Girls is pretty. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to hear
about it. We've got it going on.
Yeah. I don't know. It's just it's
just a good show. I like.
I find
some people might not even like
this, but I don't
care. I find a lot of modern
media is like, oh, like
it's all about the the grays, like, you know,
the evil guys, you should probably like them a lot, and the good guys are like actually really bad,
and meh meh meh meh meh meh, we're gonna make sure that you come out of this learning something,
and having moral questions, and like, sometimes I just want to watch something and be like, cool.
Yeah, the Nazis lost.
And that's good.
Good. Like, just leave it Yeah. And that's good. Good. Like just leave it
alone. I don't, anyways. And there's another form of content that aligns with that whole concept
which is just where it's like relatively casual and you actually just want to relax and watch
something. And I think Gilmore Girls falls in line with that. There's another like, there's a Canadian show where it follows a family that owns a, it's
like a convenience store or something.
Oh, Kim's Convenience.
Kim's Convenience.
I like Kim's Convenience.
For, I think, similar but not the same reasons why I like Gilmore Girls.
I thought Gilmore Girls was better, but I still thought Kim's
Convenience was pretty good. Yeah, it wasn't something like Kim's Convenience
wasn't something I was gonna sit down and watch dedicated. Sure, but if it was on?
Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, and like Gilmore Girls was somewhat similar. I used to
watch Gilmore Girls because the computer at my parents house was in the family
room where the TV was, so like my mom would be watching the More Girls or whatever.
And it was good enough that I would like
headphones off and like actually pay attention
to it while I'm doing other things.
Slice of life shows. Yeah, chill.
Slice of life shows.
Or you can go you can go on the dramatic level
and have more intense topics.
But I often do like it when it's like, yeah,
the Nazis lost and the Nazis are bad. There's a time and place for the like, the morally gray, learn things, question
things content, but it's just, it's so constant these days. It's just like, man, relax. I
don't, I actually just want to chill. The world has enough of this already. Have you looked at politics at all? I don't need more of that, personally.
My goodness. All right, I forget what the question was, but go ahead, Dan, hit us with another
merch message. Yeah, sure. What even is this show about? How did we get, was that a merch message?
I think so. Yeah, that was a merch message for the last 15 minutes. Hey, WAN.DLL, with the PS5 Pro comes my continued sorrow
that storage is soldered.
Thoughts about the idea that PS4 hardware
could outlive PS5 hardware,
since high failure components can be replaced.
That's an interesting question.
And to be clear, I wanna acknowledge
that the PlayStation 5 has some non-soldered
storage. It does have a storage bay that you can install an M.2 SSD in, which in
my opinion was such a pro-consumer, like, healthy move that I can't say
enough how unexpected it was for me, from Sony, of all players.
But with that said, what Eric points out
is that the boot SSD is very much soldered
and you cannot boot off of that M.2 drive.
Could PS4 hardware outlive PS5 hardware
because you can just replace the drive anytime you want?
Man, I'd love to think that, you know,
Sony could issue an update or something
that would allow you to move all of the boot partition,
like any necessary OS files over to the M.2 drive.
I kind of don't think they would. But then I didn't think they would to the M.2 drive. I kinda don't think they would.
But then I didn't think they would have an M.2 slot
in the first place, so I don't know, maybe they would.
But remember, Sony acknowledges, I think,
that the performance of the M.2 slot is not as high
as the soldered SSD.
But then I don't think we've seen a game yet
where it's made a difference.
I think really my answer to all of this
is that it should be terrifying for anyone
who's into consoles, that it's basically
just PlayStation right now.
That is horrible.
It's very bad.
Does it matter?
Well, hold on, hold on.
Let me, hold on, let me finish.
Does it matter if every Sony exclusives just gonna come to PC
Anyway, I'll let you finish but I
Did finish?
No, I'm doing the Kanye reference I know the reference but I'm already done talking
I think it does I think it matters
for console people
But like PC people I don't think it makes a difference.
What's a console person even going to be in a few years?
I mean, Microsoft has publicly acknowledged Steam OS now.
I think we're going to get a Windows Console OS for handheld,
at which point we're going to get a Windows Console OS for desktop,
because basically the same thing.
If we get that, then I think it's fine,
but I've heard no whispers of that.
And honestly, PC on a TV right now is not a great experience.
It's not a console-like experience.
It's not great.
You can configure Steam to launch on startup
and launch in big picture mode.
It's not.
You're 100% right.
Like, there is, I don't care.
But I understand the reasons why certain people like consoles.
And they're getting less solid
because consoles are getting more annoying to use,
I think, over time, which is weird and sucks.
But back in the day, the argument was like,
with my N64, put thing in, turn thing on,
I am playing game.
That's it, which is awesome.
It was so funny funny I saw one comment
that had a fair number of upvotes that was just like, there's like charging more for
just like, it's like slightly better and it's more expensive. And I was just like, just
like on PCs. Sorry man but welcome to the party. Yeah exactly. I apologize that you're here. Yeah.
Yeah and? But yeah, no they're so PC-like, you're right. Yeah. Which, which unfortunately,
they seem to be inheriting a lot of the negative aspects of PCs and not inheriting as many of the
good ones. Those worn patches. While PCs are actually gaining the good things from consoles.
Consoles are retaining a lot of the negativity
that they've had, like paying for access
to online multiplayer.
That is mind-blowing.
And you look at the way that Microsoft has just brazenly
changed the way that Game Pass works,
so that it kind of sucks on Xbox compared to on a PC.
And effectively have just said, I don't know, get good, buy a PC, then if you want to get a good deal on Game Pass, like, what?
Yeah, it's, it's, I think a somewhat uncomfortable time to be a console gamer, especially if you're an Xbox console gamer,
but even if you're a PlayStation console gamer, it's just all a little uncomfortable right now.
And if you're someone who's like a TV gamer,
maybe let's call it that,
then yeah, it's just awkward
because Windows isn't an amazing solution.
You can do it, but it's, yeah.
It's not great.
As long as you need a keyboard and a mouse,
couch solutions for that are just kind of awkward and really bulky.
And I don't think there's any getting away from that, to be honest.
No, but there's so many games that you can play on PC with a controller now.
Like it's kind of...
It does help a lot.
Solved, essentially.
It helps a lot.
Speaking of which, speaking of games that you can play with a controller, I have a hot
take that the internet
is not going to like me for.
You played more Final Fantasy 6 and it's not that good?
No, I did play more of it and it's very good.
I'm still very happy with that game.
It's gonna take me a long time to beat it, but on a-
It really is.
On a- I got pushed with a very strong recommendation to at least try a game.
Uh oh.
So I did.
What game? And so far it So I did. What game? So far it's really good.
What game? Star Wars Outlaws. Oh. It's really good so far. I thought people said it was okay.
I thought people said it was terrible. Or wait no I'm thinking of Jedi Survivor. Yeah. Uh okay so
sorry is that is that a hot take? Outlaws? Do people hate outlaws? It's because it's from Ubisoft, which is I think why people don't like it after playing
the game. It has one of the coolest, I'm going to say most innovative and then someone's
going to be like, oh, they lifted it from this indie game. I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Most innovative like lockpicking mechanics. The story seems really good so far. The characters
seem cool. The design of the environments are fantastic.
The city that I'm in is awesome. There's some things that leave things to be desired. I
think the speeder driving mechanics are not great. I think the general gunplay isn't fantastic.
Yeah, aren't people mad that you can't shoot and also drive at the same time or something?
Yeah, that's kind of weird. You can use an ability to do like...
Like a takedown or whatever it is. Like an ultimate kind of weird yeah you can use a ability to do like like a takedown or whatever it is like an order that kind of yeah but it has like charge up that
is definitely like awkward yeah but it also has barely impacted my gameplay at
all so I don't care I haven't played that much so maybe it becomes more of a
thing the more you play I don't know but But so far, having played it, it's... I think most people are
saying it's bad because Ubisoft is bad, not because the game is bad. I think the game
is pretty good. How many hours are you in? Counting it in hours is already becoming disingenuous.
I'm not that far in. I'm through the intro
to the game area and then I've spent probably like 20 minutes after that and then that's
it. So I'm not that far into the game. But like the sound is great. The story already
has me quite interested. The lockpicking mechanic is so cool that there's a thing that constantly
turns and then in a, it like shows the pattern
that you have to do.
And then as it comes back around making like ticking noises,
you have to like almost preemptively press along
with the rhythm and then unlocks for you,
which is like actually kind of fun and satisfying.
You'd like feel like you did well when you did it
instead of a lot of other lockpicking mechanics and games
where it's just like tedium.
Right. I don't know. I just can't with Star Wars anymore, dude. I just I...
Oh, I'm just I'm just I'm completely ignoring that it's Star Wars.
Oh, okay. That makes sense.
I haven't seen a lightsaber in the game yet. I don't think it matters.
You're like outer rim, whatever, space outlaw person.
No part of the game so far has been in like
Star Wars has not been important even slightly so far. I don't think we've ran
into a single character that's like a major character from the mainline series
personally yet there's no lightsabers no there's no even reference to any of it
so far. There are technically stormtroopers, I think I've seen like four and they didn't matter.
Okay, and the last one I think I've got for you here. Oh, Linus Duke and Dan, question
for Luke. I currently am desperately searching for a job in a market that seems almost dead
for developers. What do you think of jobs that ghost applicants?
We've done it by accident. I am sincerely sorry for anyone that we ever didn't get back to.
It was not our intent. Sometimes I end up doing it and I don't also, like he's saying, intend to,
but for some of the positions here, we just get a insane amount of applicants
and it's a little bit hard to keep track. You can keep bumping to get a response, but in general,
you're recognizing that it's a tough market out there. Don't just apply to one place.
And don't wait.
Dude, I had not one-
You got to take care of yourself first.
But two articles in my newsfeedfeed like before even refreshing that were like
I've applied to 900 jobs and like haven't gotten an interview and I've applied to 400 jobs and
haven't gotten an interview. It seems like it's getting hungry out there. A big part of the problem
is. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, spicy taking coming. No. Oh, okay. AI written applications.
AI written cover letters, AI written applications.
Application rates at jobs are going through the roof, not in line with unemployment
because the barrier to apply to places is lower than ever, especially when they ask for cover
letters and stuff because people just aren't writing them.
Interesting. And then the average quality of people's
writing is going up because a lot of AI writing is better than the average
person's writing. Yeah.
Now tell me this, if you're using AI to write your application and then they're using AI to sort it. Yep. This is a whole thing.
How are how are the humans actually involved in this transaction?
I really think we're gonna have to find some way to change the dynamic of how hiring works.
I don't know what the answer is but I go back to everything's in person.
You walk into a store and hand in a
resume like yeah we meet potential employees at at like you know events
job ventures don't have to go back to online dating but for like jobs I feel
speed applications you all get together and like did like speed dating but like job applications crazy no do not show up here with a resume I'm just saying you
know it was you know it was very surprising to me when we did the
screwdriver pop up Tim's your zero zero sorry, sorry, sorry. Tim 000X3.
And I actually do believe this.
My brother-in-law uses a bot to apply to 1,000 jobs a day.
He got 10 offers since he started Zero before.
And people hear that.
So then they start doing that.
Because if you're getting zero offers,
you're desperate, right?
You're gonna do something.
This makes sense.
You have to self-preserve, right? People are going to try to fight.
So they're going to hear that, then they're going to start doing that. And now this person,
who was previously able to apply to, I don't know, maybe 50 jobs a day max, is now applying to a
thousand. Then you times that by a bunch of people. And then all the workplaces have too
many applications. So it either takes them basically months to go through it, which is what,
like some of the positions I've had
where I have 2,200 applicants, like, yeah,
it's going to take an obscene amount of time
to go through it all.
Or they don't feel like doing all that work.
So they just sort it with some algorithm
or AI reading thing or something.
So like, this is broken, basically. And I'm not
I'm genuinely I have no clue what the next step is. But I
really hope I don't know some startup or something finds some
solution to to solve this because it's
so bad.
At the precision pop up, I noticed we had a little booth
that was like an LMG jobs booth,
and I was, Ariana and the new HR, oh shoot.
Probation, I think.
Well, whatever, whoops.
Pretty sure that's wrong anyway, so I think you're okay.
Yeah, let's go with that.
I'm gonna say pretty sure, but yeah.
Cool. Anyway, they were there and I dropped in and I was just like,
what are you guys doing here? And they were like, oh yeah, it was
someone in management's idea. And I'm like, they're like, why?
Is it a problem? No, it just wouldn't have occurred to me in a thousand years
to have like an LMG jobs booth
at like a product launch pop-up thing.
But I talked to them after the fact
and they were like, yeah, we were actually like,
what's the, not bumping, pumping, bumping
would be like club, right?
Yeah, they were like, booming, booming,
business was booming was effectively what they said.
And I was like, oh, that is cool. And I guess in the context of this conversation,
that makes sense. Like, we're going back to human connections to wild, right? Like, that's not,
that's not what I was told growing up. I was told, you know, send your resume
Maybe drop it off ask to speak to a hiring manager
But like good luck none of them were gonna talk to you by the time that advice made its way to me. So yeah
Wild I don't know if I ever got a job out of the blue
Trying to think like I volunteered at the pool
I'm trying to think. Like I volunteered at the pool. Oh dude.
My family just, oh yeah, all of us.
My mom got into the film industry by biking up to a film set and like talking to the director.
And then the director could tell, they were in like the middle of nowhere.
So he was like, yeah sure, bring me a resume like today as like a joke.
And she actually biked all the way back home and then biked all the way back to
the set and gave a resume.
And he was like, that's not sure you have a job.
And then she became, that was a union position.
So she skipped the whole, like, you have to work through indies to get into the
union thing because she technically got union hours from that, meaning that she
was in the union.
So then she was just working for like big Netflix shows
Almost all of my early career jobs,
I just got by like basically showing up and being like,
I'll work right now.
I can do this right now.
And they were like, sure.
I'm sure my brother has similar stories.
My family's kind of, yeah, we've been all over that.
In response to your question, how'd I get a job at NCIX?
I was well known on their forum.
They had thousands and thousands of posts.
They very much knew who I was before I showed up
with the resume.
That's kind of how Sean got a job.
Sort of.
He still had to
like from our infrateam win the the interview rounds or whatever yeah he had
to go through the process but we absolutely knew who he was yeah all
right but yeah it sucks out there it sucks real bad it sucks for both sides
because I've gone to pretty crazy lengths and it's sometimes taken a long
time to fill positions in
in some of my teams because of the insane waves of applicants we'll get. The most we ever got I
think was like 22, 2300 but properly giving an appropriate amount of time to each one of the 22
ish hundred applications is brutal. Hold on a second Who's top gear 1224 says he was notorious actually
What was your username on the NCIX forum you to tie back?
I want to know now new line is from the NCIX forum. Let's see if I let's see if I remember them
Or if I get to pull Thanos, I don't even know who you are
We'll see if we get a response anyway, sorry, yeah, I got distracted there
Yeah, I know so like it it sucks for the people putting in applications
and it also sucks for the other side because I
Don't know that having an ocean of applicants actually means
That you are for sure going to get
This actually means that you are for sure going to get like the best one because it's such a crap shoot when you're just going off of pieces of paper that try to describe a
It's like, no, dude, depends on what they're applying for.
Like if they're applying for a writing position, piece of paper is pretty good.
Yeah, maybe as long as they actually if the piece of paper is writing, but are you actually
getting the writing sample with the initial application
or are you just getting the resume and stuff
and then you request the writing sample afterwards?
Depends. I mean, a lot of the time you can,
at least if they actually wrote it,
you can tell a lot about someone's writing ability
from their resume.
Another problem, because it's pretty easy.
Like, okay, cool, we have this super neato,
was this written by AI checker, except that so do the people that
are trying to get past it. So they can just make small edits until it says 0%. Like it doesn't
mean anything. Top Gear was memeing and Tyback says you don't know me, but you were impossible to
miss on the NCIX forums. That sounds likely. Yeah, that's kind of my jam. No, there's no archive,
Nokia. It's actually a real shame.
There was a lot of technology lost there.
It was
low-key, like, kind of an
amazing resource, an amazing
archive, because the
threads about products
were tied to the bottom of the product page.
So, if you browsed
the product archive,
you could find all this discussion about products
that was highly, highly relevant
and probably difficult to track down anywhere else.
It's a real shame that that site
has just vanished into the ether now.
I maintain that I would love to acquire the domain and IP
and resurrect it, but we have not been able
to reach an agreement that I consider to be reasonable
up until this time.
Taron asked me about it the other day though.
He was like, do you like still want to do that?
Like if you can negotiate it,
but the offer that I got last time was not,
had no basis in reality. So it was very difficult for me
to as time goes on to it's worth less and less like are they recognizing that?
I don't know. I mean, I haven't talked to them about it in a while. Basically, the last time
I made an offer, it was pretty much based on the cost of a four And then plus like, and then plus like some and then what they came back to me with was essentially an offer that would have some kind of like long-term revenue share
like a bunch of I'm sitting here going no you understand that this brand is
like completely trashed and worthless right? Like it's not even the people who know what NCIX is know that it imploded
spectacularly and was like shady at the end like it's it's the IP is worth
nothing the brand is worth nothing it's a four letter. people's personal information on them were auctioned off. Yeah
The bit man asks if you got NCIX calm, would you bring back the netlinked name?
No, I think I think what I would do with the NCIX channel is like a like a software and troubleshooting channel
I think that would be that would be the
closest thing to sort of its origin story while also fitting in well with our current portfolio of
channels. I would I would love I'd love to do something like that. Yeah, Top Gear asks, Is the
issue the creditors or the seller? Or that's not really what they asked, but whatever close
enough. It's a combination, right? Because the ownership of
the IP was not necessarily the corporate Netlink Computer Inc.
So if I were to acquire it, there could be some dispute as
to who I was supposed to pay for it.
And none of that, as far as I can tell, has been legally resolved.
And no one who's involved has any interest or any motivation to resolve it until someone comes in with a bag of money.
So it's kind of a chicken and egg problem.
So I just think it's just gonna, I just think it's gonna just languish forever.
And I think that's also something that the seller doesn't understand is the baggage associated
and the risk associated with digging up this, this corpse could be diseased.
They'll just never sell it though.
I mean, they'll die eventually.
But that's, that's not them selling it.
No, I just mean like, you know,
I remember telling my wife at some point,
she wanted me to like pick something up
and I was like, any problem goes away
if you wait long enough.
She's like, no.
I'm like, no, really, I mean, yeah,
eventually we're all just gonna, you know, big crunch
or whatever the current theory is
for how the universe ends.
None of this is gonna matter.
The fact that humans were on this planet going to happen. Yeah, eventually.
The fact that humans were on this planet will be irrelevant.
Yeah, sure.
When the sun just goes whoop.
Wait, we digging up corpses to eat?
No, no, no, just roadkill.
I want to, I want to be US president.
It's recycling.
All right, what are we talking about?
More topics. Oh, sure. we talking about? More topics.
Oh sure, yeah. This week in AI,
strawberries, UI benefits, and meta being meta.
Do you want to do the AI roundup?
Yeah, sure.
There's some pretty interesting stuff this week.
I wasn't sure. I didn't know that
strawberry was actually 01.
I don't know.
I didn't know
I didn't dive super far into that. So maybe the person who wrote this is is correct I just I didn't think that was the case, but I didn't verify this or anything
So maybe it is I'm not really sure but
Either way, I'll go through the talking points regardless
And then if you guys want to look that up if you care at all the needle. Yeah, sure
But I'll go of these are points open
AI has unveiled its new strawberry AI language are very star star but star I
thought it was strawberry oh wait no it is it is strawberry oh it's starberry in
the dock why does our why do I know say starberry I thought it was strawberry
gosh darn it notes okay well that's fine handyman is saying it is very oh one I
think he means strawberry oh one I think he means that it's... Look if you want real news go watch a different show.
This is just us talking. I do have some cool stuff to show for this but yeah okay so strawberry I
guess it is the same thing thank you Handyman I believe Handyman. So they unveiled their new
strawberry AI language model which the company says has significantly improved reasoning
and problem solving abilities.
The new model's official name is OpenAI 01 with initial versions available now, which
are 01 Preview and 01 Mini.
OpenAI says that 01 Preview outdoes GPT-4-0 in competitive programming, mathematics, and
scientific reasoning.
Users however say that this improvement is far from global
and comes with significant delay
due to the multi-step processing occurring behind the scenes
before answering a query.
And before we move on-
So we're just adding more power.
Before we move on to other This Week in AI topics,
I wanna go over some of the things that I did.
Oh, Luke did a thing.
So one of the examples that they had
was how many E's are in the word strawberry,
which is I think why, or sorry, how many R's?
How many R's are E's or R's?
Yeah, R's, I did E's because I wanted to switch it up.
How many R's?
So how many R's are in strawberry?
Hold on, is this a trick question?
No, it used to say two.
It used to say two. It used to say two.
So previous models would say two because it couldn't like count very well.
It didn't have... Oh.
It couldn't like deconstruct problems, things like that.
So I dumped... Oh, I actually...
Do you mind zooming a little?
Don't want to show you all that.
Anyways, I already did. That's fine.
We're doing some stuff with OVH. It's going to be cool.
I copied some texts that I had and had it count the amount of E's
that were in it and it did it and then I was like I don't want to verify that so
I made a smaller amount and then asked it to count that and then I did verify
it and they were correct so it can count that properly now which is cool okay I
didn't know that was hard that was that that was not super easy. And then I
looked up a calculus question, a fairly basic one as far as my understanding
goes, and I compared its answer to what the internet said, and it sounded like it
was pretty correct. Ign ignore this part you might
zoom in a little on the calculus question I just for the general do you
mind zooming a little control plus okay but yeah it's interesting it came to the
same final conclusion that I found in in answer banks on the internet which was
interesting and then this is a question that I had shown on Wanshoe
before that it couldn't answer,
which was this New York Times game
with the rules of the game,
and then can it do it basically, right?
Oh, it totally did.
So that was wrong.
Oh, it was?
Because I was trying to see,
so this knew the 01 preview, you can't do attachments.
So I was trying to see if I switch to a previous model, like GPT-4.0 and do an attachment,
can I then switch to 01 preview and make it read the attachment? The answer is no. It
no longer allows you to switch the second that you have an attachment. But I just fed it the information
this way instead of inserting a picture. So I just laid it out for it basically. Yeah. It took
62 seconds, but it was not wrong. It won the game. Wow. Instantly. Well, in 62 seconds. Yeah. I then
kind of realized, you know, the works instantly, 62 seconds of the time.
I mean more like the first time it tried, but yeah.
So the challenge here.
Oh, I don't think I even told it.
Okay. I didn't actually ask it to do it in six words.
Yes, Christopher, we do. I didn't ask it to do it in six words. Yes, Christopher, we do.
I didn't ask it to do it in six words, but the goal this time was to do it in six words.
Sometimes they'll be like, oh, do it and try to do it in four words or whatever.
And when I play with Emma, usually we try to beat the amount that it asks you to beat
it in.
So it says six words, we'll try to do it in four words or whatever else. So I then asked it after it did it right away the first time, I said, can you do it in. So six words, we'll try to do in four words or whatever else. So I then
asked it after it did it right away the first time, I said, can you do it in as few words
as possible? Because that's not in the rules. So it wasn't aiming to necessarily do it in
a few words as possible. And then we went way off the rails. This was rough. After why
we need a word starting with K so we can consider the last letter of Koi as
K by rearranging the sequence slightly, which is not a thing at all.
Additionally, alternatively, we can add a bridging word if necessary, which is necessary,
and then it just didn't do it and decided the last letter of Koi was K.
Which is a really different misspelled word.
Not how that works. Yeah. So I tried to work with it and then it ended up
but it answered like sort of multiple times in one answer.
And also the final one was actually eight words. And it was like,
congratulations, you won using eight words. And I was like, that's, uh,
that's worse than six.
So yeah, I don't know. It's not a silver bullet and in classic open AI fashion,
they're being a little closed about how it works.
But it is interesting.
You can see it sort of think, like throw a question at me and I'll show you how it how it in quotes thinks because this part's actually important
Sorry, what do you want you want a question throw throw something at me to throw at it?
What's better a zip-up hoodie or a pullover
Mm-hmm. What's better, a zip-up hoodie or a pullover?
Sure, why not?
I don't know.
You're putting me on the spot here.
I don't know if that's a smart question.
It's not.
But let's see.
So when it does this whole thinking thing,
we'll see if it actually has to think.
Yeah, okay.
So we can see what it does.
Evaluating hoodie types.
Yeah, cool.
It's very neutral, very good.
But you can see the steps that it took.
Noticing convenience and style.
Offer adjustable designs and casual aesthetics
while pullover hoodies excel in warmth and simplicity.
And I wanted to dive more into it.
I wanted to try to play chess against it
to see its spatial reasoning, but I didn't have time. But I was chatting dive more into it. I wanted to try to play chess against it to see its spatial reasoning. Sure. But I didn't have time. Um, but I was, I was chatting back and forth
with Wendell about this for a second. These are odd. These are weird. Oh yeah. Noticing convenience
and style. Did it notice that? Did that happen? They're like, they're very humanized ways of doing this.
Right, but is it actually different from what it was doing before?
It's uh, I think, I feel like they're trying to make it more approachable and friendly
by humanizing it.
And I don't know if I like that and I wonder if this is part of the contention that has
led to certain people leaving OpenAI.
Because this is like genuinely kind of weird.
I think they just generate random text to it.
Because like this is all factors that would have had to be considered
by any other previous model anyway.
So if the only difference is that,
and how do they prove that this has anything to do
with the actual model training anyway?
Why would OpenAI be motivated to show us any part
of the narrowing down and categorization that
helped it to understand my two comparatives here?
Well, originally, they were supposed to be open and now they're like the least open version.
So I think that's why they would show us but I think in my opinion, the reason why they're
showing these steps is they're trying to justify the
time taken, which is that does make sense.
This is why it's taking time, because it's not blitzing towards one answer.
It's trying to compartmentalize the question that you asked and then solve each section
individually and then bring an answer to you to deal with.
That's like the whole reasoning steps and stuff.
I haven't done enough research on how this works yet.
This broke yesterday, I've had no time.
But it's definitely interesting.
It is worse than old models at certain things.
Some people have called that like an overthinking problem
where sometimes the solution is like easier than it tries to make it
and by in quotes again overthinking
it causes some problems here and there but
They don't show it actually it's faking they hide it for competition. Yeah, I mean, okay
they hide it for competition? Yeah, I mean, okay.
Like I was saying, they're, they're, they're very strongly humanizing what it's doing. They're not, they're not, it's not exactly what's happening.
That's fairly obvious. It doesn't work that way. It's not personifying. Yeah.
But then was it all, wasn't it kind of already like friendly?
Yeah. I see the difference. By doing that drop down. It feels like you're trying to look behind the curtain
I see and there's another curtain and I don't think like in the same way that people used to argue with me before it
Was able to look on the internet. They're like no it is looking on the internet. Do you remember that? Yeah
People are gonna get this I see and I I don't I
Don't necessarily think that's good, you know?
In other news, speaking of things that are not that great, the state of Nevada has announced
that it has paid $1.3 million for a Google powered AI system that will assess unemployment
claims using evidentiary documents and transcripts from appeals hearings and recommend to a human referee whether to approve or deny benefits. Nevada
officials promise that every case will receive human review and they expect the
new system will eliminate the backlog of cases that has existed since the
pandemic by reducing the time it takes to write a determination from several
hours to just five minutes in some cases.
Here's my question. How do you do a human review in five minutes
of something that used to take several hours
unless you're just mostly going along with what the AI said?
I don't know how realistic what I'm saying is,
but I've also been reading some stuff about how
the whole like
get a chat gbt or whatever style program to help you with the thing and then review the output
before you submit that's being followed through less these days well yeah dude fixing a bad
output in some cases as someone whose entire job for a lot of the last probably
eight or nine years has involved a significant amount of taking other people in this case,
other people's output and fixing it is actually a significantly higher mental burden than
just thinking about it and putting it down for myself in the first place, whether we're talking about script review or whether we're talking about like
a planning document for an event or whatever the case may be.
Imagining for a second that by having the AI do the work that someone can just review
it and that those skills even
are necessarily transferable or fully transferable
is so naive.
You also have to understand humans, right?
Like someone's gonna fall behind
and need to catch up because their boss is mad at them
and they're feeling like they're gonna lose their job
so they just start stamping things faster.
Like it's I
Don't like this it clearly still hallucinates. It's clearly still does
Is able to be lightly pushed into problems that are not super easy to detect if you're not really looking through stuff
if you're not really looking through stuff.
It's not ready for these types of scenarios. And Meta's global privacy director recently admitted during an Australian Senate inquiry
that the company has been using public photos and posts on its social platforms from as far back as
2007 to train its AI models. Meta claims they only scraped accounts of users over the age of 18.
Is this even news?
And Google's Notebook LM app
now has a feature called audio overview,
which can summarize the documents it's given
into a lively bantering conversation between two AI hosts,
essentially a fully automated podcast.
That actually sounds completely unhinged and I would
potentially listen to the crap out of that I would love we should just feed the
WAN document to it see how it does yeah see how it does so accurate it is I'd be
I'd be I'd be actually pretty down if you did this with the I don't know the
automated meeting notes that you get,
if you try to have something automatically take, like exactly transcribe what people
say from meetings, it's hilarious anyways. Yeah. It's wrong all the time. Oh yeah. They
all are. 100%. Oh dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. Oh, have I, have I I got a clip. Hold on.
This is amazing.
Oh, I should send it to Dan.
Do I have it?
I wiped my phone a little while ago,
so I actually don't know if I have this clip
on my phone anymore.
I'm so upset right now.
Oh, let's see if it synced to Google Photos.
My Google Photos is a little messed up though,
so things don't always sync there.
Okay, well, do a thing real quick if you don't mind. I'm going to see if I can find this.
Google the way back machine. When Google search deprecated its cache feature earlier this year,
Google liaison Danny Sullivan expressed a hope to compensate for the loss of the feature by linking
to the way back machine. Now, according to a blog post from the internet archive,
that hope is now a reality.
Google likewise confirmed that search will be linking
to these archived websites.
Users will be able to find these results
by clicking the three dots next to a particular link
and searching the more about this page option
on the about this result panel,
which is actually pretty cool. So that's that's good news.
Yeah, I thought that was super cool.
That's cool.
I'm being able to find way back machine stuff better is is pretty, pretty excite.
Some actually really silicon.
I think I found it.
But I am Dan. Do I have just like a standing
share folder with you yet? No but you can just send it to me on chat if you want. Nah. All right
while they do that some other really good news actually we're all in Gaben's family. Valve is
officially rolling out Steam families for all users.
Family allows up to six members of a household
to play any game from their shared library.
This includes the ability of multiple people
to play multiple games from the same library
at the same time, or the same game
if the library contains multiple copies.
So cool.
The previous family sharing system
blocked playing multiple games from the same
library if the owner was already playing a game.
Which was really inconvenient for me because if I wanted to play tape to tape over in the
LAN area and someone's playing Beat Saber over on the TV, I couldn't do that. So you
had to go sign in a stupid other account to pain in the butt. If you're not playing the
same game at the same time and you're a family living in the same house,
this totally makes sense.
I love family sharing, I've been in the beta for a while.
I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it.
And it's great and everything else needs it, dude.
The kids wanted to, the kids want to try Anno.
And I was like, I like logged into Uplay
and I'm like, these guys are so far behind.
So what I have to log in as a parent,
I have to log my kid into my Ubisoft Connect account
in order for them to play this game.
Like we've gone so far backward from disks
and then now Steam has caught up to disks and then past
disks in everything but resale. Resale is still something we've got to solve here Valve,
but like, dude, I was just I was looking at it going this is this is ridiculous. It's
like dinosaur. I'd rather I'd rather they just like not bother playing the game. I like
I just don't want to I don't want to deal with this platform at all. This is such this
is an absolute game changer
for Steam users.
It should be noted, you can't just willy nilly
change families.
There's a one year cool down.
So you can't just be like, yeah, yeah,
I'll just like join a family and then dip
and then join a different family according
to what's most convenient for our shared game library.
But you also like, so the next note is a council
said his children will be unable to leave the group unless kicked out by a parent
while parents can leave at any time once a user joins the car man now you got
real leverage I'm gonna kick you out of the steam family I wonder about that
rule actually says once a user joins a family they'll have to wait a year
before joining another as a as a child of a family that
You may have conflict with
Is that weird? It seems like it might be weird. I wonder if once you're a certain age you can just leave anyways
I don't know probably yeah, cuz you your age is determined by your birthdate
Anyway, not by telling it how old you are, like in steam. Oh yeah.
Yeah, you don't say, I am 13.
You say, I was born in this year.
So it should be fine.
Yeah, yeah.
Yes, sound is very important for this video.
Apparently kids can leave, they have to contact steam.
They can't just do it willy nilly.
I am a little worried if there's like
any identifiable information in the videos
or anything that needs to be blurred?
Oh, what is this? Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Okay. Just don't worry about it. Okay
No, it looks like it should be fine
You're thinking about sharing it to stream, but I can't see what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Well, cuz it's a surprise for you
Oh, okay. Yeah, it's a surprise. Okay
On my own laptop, oh well, I didn't think of that, did I?
If not, I can get it.
Nope, nope, nope, nope.
I can do it on my own laptop.
Just makes the sound easier.
This was taken in August.
So this was taken a little over a month ago.
And this basically summarizes, in a nutshell,
why I just completely don't believe anything I hear
from Google about the usefulness of digital assistants.
I've talked a fair bit about how utterly bloody useless
my voice assistants always are for me.
So no matter what the demo is, whether it's that stupid camera that was supposed to take
a picture whenever it was the right time because AI, or whether it's like your assistant's
supposed to like book an appointment for you and it's somehow at the right time and the
person on the other side isn't mad about it.
Just like all these things.
And I hear from you guys like,
oh yeah, I know it works great for me.
I'm sitting here going,
the amount of time you waste getting this stuff to work
compared to the amount of time it would take
to just call your stylist and make an appointment.
I'm sorry, I just don't buy it.
Assistant is a more convenient alarm setter.
This is the kind of shit that I deal with
just about every bloody time I try to use the thing.
Okay, so Dan, do I have audio?
So your laptop's currently playing something, so let's make sure that stops before we play this.
Your laptop's playing something.
There we go. And I'm gonna turn that on and we should be able to hear it too, I hope.
Yeah, go for it.
You guys got audio for me?
No, I don't have it here.
Does Luke hear it?
We should turn on C. Bing-giddy-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing- Watch Dan until he fixes it. I mean, you gotta play audio or I can't. Oh, I see.
Yeah, I don't know.
Let's look at him very intently.
Why aren't we getting it?
I wanted to listen.
Does it look like I'm looking at him?
I'm trying to look at his portrait.
Oh, we were just gonna look at him.
I guess we could look at him.
He's like behind a monitor though.
This feels like more,
like if he's looking at the preview of the
show then like this is like intense like we're like yeah yeah we're overseeing.
Micro management. I think I know what happened. You press that key on your
keyboard slightly too slowly. See how effective this is? Yeah. He's gonna fix
it because you know looking at it. I'm gonna have to take the stream down to fix it.
We can. Uh. Really? We probably shouldn shouldn't do that let me let me see what
I can do if we go set this to seven we can solve all the problems he starts to
apply changes no I'm not going to do that we can solve all the problems LMG
has if we just have two managers per employee and then they just stand over
them yeah it's very effective they'd work probably twice as hard.
That's what construction does.
And it's very efficient and there's never cost overruns.
Construction sites, worker and friends.
And to be clear.
And like he said, timelines never get exceeded.
No disrespect to the people who are working hard
on construction sites.
It just
When you drive past them the optics aren't great
Yeah, oh the honestly the road workers I understand almost more because a lot of the times It's the whole hurry up and wait situation. Yeah, the whole crew can't be working at the same time
You have to wait for some process to finish
But it just you know when you walk by and there's four people looking at the one guy in the hole
I was doing so it's just like okay Sometimes the hole is too by and there's four people looking at the one guy in the hole who's digging, it's just like, okay.
Yeah, but sometimes the hole's too small and only one person can do it.
I also, and anytime people bring up that argument, it's just like, yeah, and then you go to work and sit on your
darn phone anyways. Like there's-
I have a solution.
Assuming that-
I also have a solution.
The worker's on the side of the road-
I mean, you just turn up your laptop speakers.
Just because what you happen to be doing is inconvenienced by these workers not having
been done their job already doesn't mean that you're also not lazy at your job sometimes.
Shut up!
Um, my solution is dumb.
My job isn't broadcast to thousands of people.
I mean, yeah, it is.
Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay my solution is dumber than yours but
also might actually work a little bit better than yours Dan. So I'm gonna hit play at the same time
and then Luke can just listen to it slash watch it on my phone. Oh well. Oh yeah I guess I'll have to
do it. Okay are we ready? Okay so let's switch to Linus laptop. Oh Dan Why are you hanging out in the middle of my car console? Okay. Here we go. One, two, three
She's right here
Sorry, do you want to call Yvonne ho
Who do you want to call Yvonne
Who do you want to call? Ho It's brutal that it's writing it too.
That's so bad actually.
It's writing it out prop the Ghostbusters is very funny.
The best part is that that interface as soon as I deactivate like the voice assistant,
the top contacts thing goes away
I can't I can't touch it. I can't touch it. I'm like come on
While the voice thing is up. Can you touch it?
No, no, it doesn't work because it because the voice thing is like an overlay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's so annoying
Dude and to be clear I use that function all the time and it does work a lot of the time
It works just often enough that I depend on it. And then so when it doesn't work
It's just another another potential double W for the old Acura
When I want to call people I press the phone button on the steering wheel
That's me pressing the phone button on the steering wheel and then I have a dial. Oh, it just goes through my speed dial
I actually and I am a boring person and honestly the top four people in my speed dial
It's pretty much all I need and then I have fun. Oh, it won't be through there
Am I on your speed dial? Yeah
But I mean in my car I'm talking in my car car, okay
my goodness What I mean in my car, I'm talking in my car. My goodness.
Look, I'm insecure, okay?
I just want to know where I stand in this relationship.
The same spot.
I'm number two suggested.
After the literal GF.
Hold on, hold on, let's see.
I don't actually, okay, so this is interesting.
I use T9.
So you'll see the way that I,
like when I open my dialer,
it literally just has me dialing random numbers.
So with that in mind, yeah, I only have like my recents.
I just clicked like-
Which is just 50% Yvonne and then like some random
other people you can it's like unknown numbers for the most of most part well
those are incoming oh yeah yeah so if I were to if I were to do like outgoing
only it would be probably about 80% Yvonne I call almost no one but my wife
I don't do like speed dial on my phone. Is there a speed dial thing?
Yeah, speed dial still a thing you can like oh, yeah. Okay. I have a favorite section there
Is that is that better that might be even better?
Okay, so it's it's dad brother girlfriend and Linus and mom I
So the the one that you're looking at here yeah
this this is this is fine right yep the one that you're looking at here I set
this up when there were only about 10 to 12 people in the company so I set it up
with basically you and Yvonne and then I think it's just like alphabetical.
So I still have a bunch of people that don't even work here anymore.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They're in like this top contacts list.
Like the, I forgot there was even a favorites thing on my phone.
I don't use that.
Yeah, speed dial, dude.
Speed dial is dead.
Like it's really easy to use.
You just go like this and then assign.
But I just, I'm never going to use that because I can totally just, okay, I miscl sign, but I just, I'm never gonna use that because I can totally just,
oh, okay, I misclicked, but I can, I have you that quickly by just boop, boop, boop, boop,
because once you have T9 memorized,
it's quick.
It's so fast to call people T9.
Dude, iOS 18 adding T9 dialing is way too much of the reason
that I'm willing to try it.
I believe you.
I can't call people 13 on dialing.
And the only person I call is my wife, so it's stupid.
That's like a phone screening for me
is an actual required feature.
I'm not gonna switch phones
if it doesn't have phone screening at this point.
Yeah. Which just won't happen.
I don't know.
Like I don't, I cannot think of a possible feature
that a phone could have that is going
to override my desire to have phone screening.
At this point, with how many spam callers there are, I'm using phone screening like
every other day.
Xwar2 asks, do you guys think your social situation may change considering the text
bubble change in iOS 18?
On my end, it's prohibitive with my one friend being singled out as
the only Android user. How do I say this gently? X-MAR2, you and the rest of your
friends are f***ing assholes. Switch to a cross-platform messaging app. iMessage is
not special.
You're welcome.
Urban Furber said, iPhones have screening.
I thought, yeah, so I would consider them.
I'm just saying this is,
I'm not saying there aren't alternatives.
He's also saying, iPhones have T9 dialing now.
I'm just saying that is a required thing for me.
If one of the brands, if Pixel stopped having it,
I would no longer use Pixels.
Just straight up.
I would no longer use pixels just straight up
Rubber Nick says how do you know what they are doing Linus the fact that it matters
That anyone is on Android or iOS tells me what they're doing. That's ridiculous. It's
Stupid speed dial is not T9 recursive.
The amount of time I've spent arguing about T9 dialing with people who just-
I think most people have literally no idea what it is. Don't understand what it is and don't want to understand what it is.
I've explained it so many times.
And you don't need to, but if you don't understand what it is, don't argue about it.
That's it.
Someone says, what is it?
Oh man. Okay. I'm going to explain it. I'll explain, don't argue about it. That's it. Someone says, what is it? Oh man, okay.
I'm gonna explain it.
I'll explain it.
I'll explain it.
I'm gonna explain it again.
You know how on your phone,
when you open up like the dialer screen with the numbers,
if you start typing someone's number, right?
It'll start auto completing the rest of the number.
That made a ton of sense back in the early 2000s
when people memorized phone numbers,
which also no area codes.
Yeah, yeah.
And phone numbers were a lot shorter.
Phone numbers were seven digits.
When I was a boy, we didn't need area code
to dial the area code unless it was long distance.
Anyway, okay, there's another way to start dialing numbers
where instead of dialing the numbers, okay,
so the two area codes here are,
well, the two main ones in our area are 778 and 604, okay?
So if I dial 778 in the modern era,
that's gonna auto-complete literally half the people in my phone book.
And if I type 6-0-4, so it's not narrowing it down much.
I've typed three numbers and it hasn't really done much.
But if you look closely, and this is a remnant
of a very long time ago when it was really great
for marketing to have your phone number for your business
that you would expect people to maybe memorize, I hope,
because that's how people would remember phone numbers was by memorizing them. If you could
have the phone number of your business correspond to a word. So say for example, you were a
business that did house cleaning, then you might so numbers correspond to letters. 2 is ABC, 3 is DEF, 4 is GHI,
and so on and so forth. So, what you can do is you can dial the numbers that correspond
to the name of the person you're trying to call, and it narrows it down way faster.
Way too fast.
If I type 5853, that could be Luke, it could be Duke, it could be Laveged.
It's probably Luke, right? So as soon as you've typed probably three numbers at
most, four, unless you have an enormous contact list, you have probably surfaced
the person you're trying to call, and on Samsung anyway, you can text with a
swipe to the left and you can call with a swipe to the right. So for me, being
pretty fast, I can call Luke in... Okay, well here, I don't know, give me a name.
Uh, Jake. That was pretty quick. I saw it come up. I didn't see the whole thing.
My phone's slow, which slowed me down, but like...
I said the... He typed three numbers and then a list of people came up and I didn't see the whole thing. My phone was slow, which slowed me down. But like, I said the, the, he typed three numbers and then a list of people came up and I could, I could,
I couldn't see it very clearly, but I saw Jake's profile photo. I recognize his profile.
So probably in about half a second, I can call someone. It completely negates any need for me to
have any kind of favorites or ever dig around in my address book. And that's the reason that it's faster. It's because for whatever reason,
when you go to contacts, you then have to click search,
you then have to start typing.
It's so many more interactions with the device
when what you should be doing is just dialing the numbers
according to the letters,
and it goes through your entire address book,
which when your address book is as big as mine,
can be a challenge.
And admittedly, it's not as big as it used to be.
Like back when I was handling all of like our brand relations
on the sponsor side and product procurement,
and also the team and, and, and,
and, and, you know, the, the random people that I might call
list was a lot longer.
Like these days, yeah, I mostly just call my wife,
but I'm definitely used to it.
I'm definitely used to just, you know, doing that.
And you can put businesses in there too.
Like if I want to call my vet, I'll just type,
here, hold on, I have to close the stupid address book
that I opened like a caveman.
So I just type 838 and boom, my vet's there
assuming that I actually put my vet in my address book.
Which I, oh, you know what I probably did,
but it's probably under Fraser Heads Animal Hospital.
There you go.
So 3727.
I don't actually, I couldn't tell you.
Like if you asked me right now.
What is the number code for calling Dan?
Dan, three, two, six.
I'm gonna say six.
Nice, nice.
But there was like some computation there.
But yeah, I don't have to think about it if I'm dialing.
So it's one of those things where it's just like,
if it works for you, great.
And if you don't want to memorize all of that bulls**t,
just don't and don't care and just not be bothered
by the fact that T9 dialing is there for everybody else.
Because it doesn't affect anyone other than the people
who use it.
It's totally fine.
Jaron DeVries says,
I learned about T9 dialing from you,
changed my life, best tech tip ever.
Yeah, it's just, it drives me bananas.
When I'll explain it like this this and then people will look back at
me like a stupid. No it's not stupid it just doesn't matter. It's not for you and
that's fine but it isn't stupid. Yeah I don't use it. I think it's cool. I think
if you're a person who's like invested in it it's it's pretty sweet. I there are
definitely use
cases where I think it would be kind of nice but looking at my phone and the
people that I call I don't call them any people the favorites tab is fine and
honestly I don't even use that I can pretty much just operate out of recent oh
dude especially in my car when I can't rely on my voice dialing
recent is like a godsend. I'm usually trying to call Yvonne anyway. In my car
the the top contact is Emma. Yeah. To call her in my car is yeah probably half a
second because I'll move both hands simultaneously I'll press the the phone
button on the steering wheel
and then just enter on the middle of the like dial thing
cause she's the first one.
And when you press phone, it goes directly to the favorite.
So it's just like, calling.
And then if it's basically you or anyone in my family,
it's just like one or two dial clicks and then enter.
And it's right there.
It's like, okay, cool.
So we Kaku asks silly question,
is Taryn eligible for the $5,000 tech upgrade series?
I don't think execs are eligible, at least not anymore.
We did Colton though, and we did Yvonne,
come to think of it.
Are execs eligible?
I think some have opted out.
I'm not 100% sure.
I don't know how it works.
All I know is that the
the float plane peeps are Elijah says they're eligible
If I ever get pulled I'm taping Elijah to a pole so he can't do anything in my house I
Wouldn't blame you we could actually just have like an Elijah cam
Yeah, sure that would just be in the corner of the entire video
So it would show what elijah was doing taped to the pole while you and I were working on it
Not taped down and we could give him like little puzzles or something to play with
Yeah, like little finger puppets or sure
And then and then we can make sure there's a monitor nearby with like subway surfers So he can just oh good have like, you know distractions so he doesn't just like start tweaking out. Yeah, we're having withdrawals
Yeah, that's good
Elijah we got you we're thinking about we're thinking of you. We'll make sure it's comfortable
Okay, what else are we supposed to be talking about? Okay, yes, Subway Surfers. Oh, God.
He's in now.
He's in.
There are two more topics left.
Long form videos in the shorts feed.
Somebody on the subreddit posted a screenshot of a long form YouTube video being displayed
as a short.
According to Google's support page, they are conducting a few experiments with the watch
page to increase discoverability across channels, formats, and lengths of YouTube,
which could mix, could include a mix of video formats, including long-form videos where you'd normally see shorts.
Kind of weird?
I get the motivation.
I get it too.
There's no money in shorts.
Not for creators, not for YouTube.
Yep. It get it too. There's no money in shorts. Yeah. Not for creators, not for YouTube. It's very small. Like we did that. We had that short a couple weeks ago that did like eight or
nine million views on that little like underwater scooter majig thing. And compared to a long form
video that did that kind of viewership, to be clear, it's really hard to get that kind of viewership
on a long form video by comparison. But compared to long-form video that did those kinds of numbers, huh?
Like a fraction it's like I think the I think the monetization rate is like a 20th or a 30th or a 40th or something
Like that like it's some it's some tiny tiny amount by comparison. And so sorry
So I can I can see them wanting to convert Shorts viewers
to a longer video watching session.
I don't know that having letterboxing and pillarboxing
or whatever, or like gigantic letterboxing,
I guess is how it shows up.
I don't know that that's the solution, but.
That's my biggest pushback, to be honest.
The formatting's weird.
I can see why they wanna do it,. I can see why they want to do it
and I can see why creators would be interested in it as well because short form content is very much
Seen as a funnel somewhere else whether it's to your courses that you offer to your merch to your long form videos
almost nobody sees it as
or like
Something that gets a lot of eyeballs so you can sell sponsorships or product placements
like almost nobody is treating shorts like the end.
It's a means.
Elijah pointed out short to long conversion is so bad though, less than 1%.
So that's true.
And I don't think that's at all surprising if you look at how the mechanism of shorts
It's not really designed for that.
But this could help increase it, I think is the idea.
Yes. There are also, if you look into it, some really interesting strategies being employed
by creators to improve their short to long conversion. And I promise you there are certain
creators that have way higher conversion rates than that. I also think there's other forms
of conversion rate. Like one of the most interesting short strategies that I've seen is a creator who they didn't take a slice out of their video. It's a genuinely
unique piece of content, but it's related to an upcoming video and it's really
interesting and it makes you want to know more. And then that video comes out.
So they use it as a trailer, like hours later or a day later. So yeah,
it's basically a trailer and you won't see any conversion on that effectively
because there's nothing for them to go to watch,
but it,
it might give you a stronger click through rate on that first notification
because these viewers are primed to be interested in this piece of content and
then they see that content follow through. Really
interesting idea. There's a bunch of interesting angles that creators are
taking. But...
Nokii asks, didn't you guys get sponsored by Nexigo to make
sure it's answering people's tech questions? How's that sponsorship revenue
compared to full video sponsorship? I don't know how much they
paid but I would assume that it is less than full length videos like VODs and
more than if we just uploaded shorts without any sponsorship. We uploaded a
short yesterday I think, oh no today we uploaded a short yesterday, I think. Oh no, today. We uploaded a short today,
that's actually doing pretty good.
It's reacting to the cardboard laptop.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, Evan and Caitlin made.
Met the MatPat's retirement party.
Almost said funeral.
He's alive, as far as I know.
Oh my goodness. Yeah. Can yeah just ominously add that at
the end of all another 80 years maybe oh my goodness um yeah that's cool though
that's good yep job team is Is Uber engaging in pay discrimination?
Non-profit news organization,
More Perfect Union recently conducted an experiment
where they brought together several Uber and Lyft drivers
and had them log into a shift
and place their phones next to each other on a table.
They found that the drivers were consistently
offered different pay
for the same jobs, with lift price swings being the most drastic. Sometimes this
variation was only a few cents difference, but it could also vary by as
much as three dollars. Due to the black box nature of Uber's algorithm, it is
unclear why any given driver was offered different pay. According to an Uber blog
post, upfront pay may be affected by GPS location,
estimated arrival time, promotional offers,
and surge heat maps that refresh every few seconds.
However, these should have been largely accounted for
by having all of the drivers in the same place
at the same time.
However, this pay may also vary depending on tests
that are being run by Uber.
Our discussion question is, is this pay discrimination
and what is the likelihood that Uber can
or is using this system to minimize driver pay?
That second part, 100%.
As for whether it's pay discrimination,
that's harder to say because they would have to prove
that they're discriminating based on some kind
of protected attribute of the drivers.
Also, are these drivers all the same rating? Is
rating allowed to play into their income? Does it play into their income? Is it just a way to get
kicked out of the program basically? There's a lot of questions to ask here. I just thought it was
interesting. It's interesting that there's variance. Yeah, I mean it makes sense that if they're going
to play around with the rate that you pay they're also gonna play around with the
Rates that they pay totally and I would absolutely see them using this to minimize the amount that they pay while
Maximizing the amount that they extract. I mean, that's literally the name of the game business works. Yeah
Hey flow plane updates speaking of business. Yeah, have you ever wondered why the WAN show is late all the time?
To answer that oh my god this is a monthly series to answer that question people like the first one we have a monthly series called why is
WAN late that just launched yesterday and is apparently already beloved.
So Sammy has been going around in the Lead Up to Wan show and talking to people about what's going on in the lead up to Wan show, especially when we are late.
And there's some pretty good behind the scenes. You can kind of see what it's like on a Friday around here. This is this is pretty old. This is from I
Mean, yeah, obviously when you were at
Defcon yeah Defcon. Yeah
And you're getting a fair bit of gray in the beard. Oh, yeah dang. Yeah, not the hair so much
Yeah, I heard for sure. Well, you have a really favorable
hair color to hide it. Oh, yeah
Favorable hair color to hide it. Oh, yeah
Like since my gray has been coming in for a while
But because I have a little bit of like blonde highlighting it's been hard to hard to hard to tell I just pretty obvious now, though. I don't care. I
Thought I was gonna be bald. Yeah, me too. I'll take it dude
I'm so stoked to have gray hair. Like you're apparently supposed to look
to the men on your mother's side.
Yeah, I didn't know that.
Dude, my grandpa went bald in high school.
Oh, my grandpa had hair the whole time.
Okay, then yeah.
So yeah, I didn't know that though.
So I just look at my dad and be like,
well, like I had written off having hair.
I assumed by the time I was like 25, I'd be gone.
And I didn't care about that. Which to be clear, yeah, is fine.
Yeah, I was like, whatever, I guess that'll happen. I guess I could pick it.
Seriously though, there's so many bald dudes, I don't know, who cares? And then when I figured
out that isn't happening, it was fairly neutral, I guess, because I had accepted it so much that
I was just like, whatever. And now it's like, oh, I guess I'll have it, but it'll be gray.
That's fine.
I don't know.
I just, I don't care.
Some people get really self-conscious about it.
Really, really, really, really into it.
Like I was quite taken aback when I was on Ludwig's stream and he goes, hairline check,
hairline check, hairline check. And I'm like, like he does that with his stream,
like very regularly.
And then he's like, oh, you're doing pretty good for 37.
Are you on the Finasteride?
I'm like, sorry, what is that?
What even is that?
I only know what it is because we had this conversation.
It's like a hair thinning drug.
I thought mine was worse.
Well, it's mostly here.
Am I doing it bad?
It's mostly here that it's gonna recede more.
So yeah, you could see, I'm definitely receding, but.
I don't know.
It's just, I think like,
I respected my dad the whole time I was growing up. My dad was bald the whole time I was't know. It's just, uh, I think, like, I respected my dad the whole time I was growing
up. My dad was bald the whole time I was growing up. So I just, I never cared at all.
Apparently that drug can be dangerous. So I'm not endorsing it.
Yeah, it wasn't an endorsement.
Yep. Like, I don't even know if it's legal in Canada. There's all kinds of drugs in the
States that, like, are not a thing up here.
Yeah. Supp, supplements too.
Anyway, it follows both Finus and Luke after 4.30 p.m. and we're even tracking who's the
latest so go check it out. We're also bringing back another special week on Float Plane,
Riley Week.
Riley Week will go live with a few specials centered around Riley.
That's gotta be fun.
We'll talk more about it next week and maybe even show a little teaser of what's to come. So make sure you guys are subscribed to Float
Plane. And now it's time for When After Dark. Yeah. Dan, you want to change the color scheme?
He's got this. I believe in Dan. Nice. Nice. When After Dark. Nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. Nice.
And after dark, nice.
It'll be nice.
Some merch messages.
Yeah, hit me.
Do we go back to the way we started the show and be all gentle and soft?
Hi, Linus, Luke and Dan.
Hi, little cages. I moved last weekend and in the confusion,
the movers stole my PC.
Have you had any PCs stolen?
How do you prevent theft in such cases?
I had a pocket PC stolen.
It's kind of my fault.
I left it behind in a nice rink.
And then when I went back, it wasn't there anymore
and that, yeah, them's the brakes.
And that was pre like pins. Like wasn't there anymore. And that, yeah, them's the brakes. And that was pre, like, pins.
Like, literally, if the battery died on that device,
it completely factory reset.
Like, it was just, yeah.
That was a real thing, by the way.
It was terrible.
Yep. Yep.
I don't think I've ever had a...
I don't think I've ever...
Oh, okay.
I think this isn't what you mean,
but like we've had equipment stolen,
but not like my computer.
Yeah, I've been very lucky.
Yeah, I have never had one stolen.
I do take measures.
You know, general house security is one.
That's not gonna help you when movers take it.
So I have no real tips for stopping the
movers from taking it.
That's, that's a rough one.
Um, when I'm traveling with like laptops and stuff,
um, even if I'm not tired, if I'm just like sitting down
in an airport, I never like, I don't like just put my
bag on the seat next to me because there's a chance
I'll look this
way and it will be to my back.
And so one might just take it and walk away and I might not notice.
I'll like tie it to myself or wear it or something or like it can even be pretty simple.
Like I'll put the bag down.
I'll kind of like hook my foot through the shoulder strap while I'm sitting down.
Like it's not even a noticeable movement really,
and just make it so that if you were gonna pick up the bag,
you'd be picking up my whole leg,
and then just like, whatever,
I'll just keep it that way.
Might've had a beater laptop taken from the back of my Civic
once when it was broken into,
but I remember at the time not even being sure
if it was in there, like it really didn't matter.
So maybe. sure if it was in there like it really didn't matter yeah so maybe my the first laptop I ever bought still works this was that thing but pre that oh really
yeah that I see thing also still works yeah I've never actually had a lot of
it to someone the like brown one right yeah okay yeah bamboo yeah yeah sweet steal a bag get a
free Luke basically one way to look at it hey Dale I recently installed a smart
panel and apparently my network closet and office are pulling 1200 watts total
constantly any tips for how I can bring down my $600 monthly electric bill?
For the network closet, there's not much you're going to be able to do other than
buy new stuff. And I mean, $600 a month? Oh, man, power must be way more expensive where you are.
They're saying home office and stuff too, right? They just added monitoring.
They didn't say home office. They said my network closet and office.
Office, home office. Well, you guys are assuming that it's home.
Yeah, otherwise you wouldn't care about the electricity bill.
You might if you pay utilities and you're... It's true.
I don't know. I think we forget that our electricity is cheap here.
Yeah, no, I think the electricity there is just really expensive. Without reducing what your electronics are doing
or what your things drawing power are doing,
the only way you can really do stuff
is like get more efficient like power supplies
or something like that.
1200 watts constantly.
240. That's a lot.
Is a lot, yeah, 240 would improve efficiency a little bit,
but we're talking like, you know, three to
five percent maybe.
So maybe you're saving like, you know, 20 bucks a month and whatever that upgrade is
costing is going to take a minute to
I'm really wondering like the what is what is the constantly what is running constantly
that's taking that much power because there might be some things that you can do where
you can run like scheduled systems to shut
things down or something because that's that's a lot to pull constantly.
Dude, like are you running AC overnight? Oh yeah like AC could be a big part of it.
Tim says I'm in Massachusetts I have a home lab I spend a thousand dollars a
month in electricity. Yeah we're really lucky that our power comes from falling water here.
Yeah, you got to, other than buying new stuff that is more modern or doing less with it,
shutting it down when you're not using it, putting it on a schedule.
I don't know what to tell you because utility power costs what utility power costs.
I mean, you could put up solar panels.
That's an option.
I mean, you're spending a panels, that's an option. I mean
you're spending a lot in order to make these upgrades but like it's also
costing you a lot to not make them so it almost seems like you'd have to. I feel
like it's gotta be because he said constantly my interpretation of that is
like even at four in the morning when no one's there. So my assumption is that
certain things just need to be shut down, whether that's AC
or something else.
Could be the computer?
Maybe the computer.
1200 watts, like that doesn't even account
for having AC running.
Yeah, it's not enough, is it?
It's gotta be, he's leaving the computer on constantly.
Shut her down.
Put her to sleep.
Hibernate it.
Do something.
I feel like something can change.
Up next, Linus the Closet Gamer. You have said in the past that you didn't agree with some of
the decisions that LMG made. What were they who made those decisions then?
Oh man, there's all kinds of decisions that I don't necessarily agree with.
It's a big company now.
I could probably just search my email. I mean even in the earlier days.
Oh, yeah.
I'm just gonna search my email for the phrase. I don't agree.
Oh my god, there's so many.
Uh, hold on. Well, I'd kind of hope so at this point to be honest. We've been around for so long if he
didn't disagree that many times like
uh, he's like too agreeable at that point. okay. I search for which we know is not a problem
G-dub sometimes I don't agree with myself. I like that. That's good
G-dub sometimes I don't agree with myself. I like that. That's good
My position can change on things. Yeah. No exactly. That's reasonable. Oh
Yeah, okay, I'm trying to
Don't see the results no, I mean hmm I
Man what could I?
Oh, I'm gonna search for try anything twice because that's a line I often use
when people suggest something to me.
And okay, this is regarding the compilation
of Scrapyard Wars.
My response is just try anything twice. I support it. I do
and I said I
No, okay. I didn't this I didn't really have an opinion on man
I guess a lot of this would take place like via chat Luke
Can you think of something we did that I was like, I don't agree, but let's try it anyway
Like I feel like there's definitely been-
I promise you this has happened a bunch of times.
I can't really think of like a particular example.
Like, there's definitely concepts for videos
that I've been like, I don't agree,
but we can try it and see how it goes,
or like, titling a video where I'm like, okay.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, go ahead and try it and see how it goes or like, like titling a video where I'm like, okay, yeah, go ahead and try it. Um,
I don't think that's the best approach. I can't find anything right now,
I can't think of a particular one off the top of my head,
but I know there was videos back in the day that we'd go back and forth on and
you'd let me try stuff and sometimes it would work and you were wrong.
And sometimes it wouldn't work at all. And you were right. And it's just like, I don't and sometimes it would work and you were wrong and sometimes it wouldn't work at all and you were right and it's just like,
I don't know how it would go.
All right, well, I don't know.
Do you wanna do another one
and I'll keep trying to find something in the meantime?
Do you have any for me, Doug?
Yeah, I know that there's one or two in here.
Let's see if I can find it.
Ah, hey, LLD.
Luke, what's your favorite lean back game
to relax with these days?
Oh, I thought of something.
Oh, okay, nevermind, Luke.
Shut up.
We're doing it.
We're doing a fairly costly customer survey.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, I don't agree.
I told the senior management team
that I don't think it's the best possible use of money.
I think that a lot of the things we're looking
to learn from it are things that if the product team
at Creator Warehouse wants to know,
I could probably get them 70 to 80% of the way there
by just chatting with them for 30 to 60 minutes.
A lot of the questions we're asking,
I understand why they want to do it in this way
by hiring like a survey
company that specializes in the composition of the questions
and the sampling and whatever else,
and it has these connections.
I think that the polling and survey industry is inherently flawed because truly neutral sampling is literally impossible, especially in the modern age.
And you see that with highly publicized survey results like US election predictions, US election polls.
So we're doing it. We're spending what I consider to be a not very
amount of money that I'd like to spend on it,
but I greenlit it because
this was something that the team other than me and Yvonne and some
other people is aligned on and my whole thing is like okay well then here's my expectations in
terms of measuring a return on this and I hope you know what you're doing.
Tyback says, this is a mistake,
you're airing dirty laundry.
It's not dirty laundry, it's okay to disagree.
I've said that a bunch of times on the show,
Show is Lioness.
I've said a billion times on the show
that this company makes decisions
that I don't agree with all the time, and that's okay.
And that's okay.
You're never going to be in an organization where you agree with literally every single
action the company ever takes.
And I've provided my rationale, but let's make sure I provide their rationale as well.
Their rationale is that if we sample our existing customers, it doesn't tell us much about the
broader customer base that's out there.
If we just go based on gut feeling,
well then, or like, you know,
what we've anecdotally observed over the years,
sure, yeah, that might get us 70% or 80% of the way there,
but if this gets us a few more percent,
that might at the very least,
help guide product development in a more scientific, a more rigorous way.
Part of the justification is that
that's just what these things cost.
So if we wanna dip our toes into data collection
in this manner, this is just kind of what it costs
to have a credible company do it, and then we can
decide after trying it once if that's something that we want to do again. So there are absolutely,
absolutely counter arguments. And at the end of the day, I said, I don't agree. And here's the check.
a check. Bold. Bold. Well, you gotta you gotta try stuff, right? I mean, if I just wanted to, if all we ever did was my
perspective, then that could potentially limit our capacity
for new ideas and growth, right? There is this whole problem
with founders, where, in some some cases to like grow past a certain
point you either need to like cycle them out or certain job functions can't be done by them anymore
because they'll have a certain scope of thinking that doesn't necessarily continue to work.
And to be clear there's certain times when I would absolutely stick to my guns.
And to be clear, there's certain times when I would absolutely stick to my guns. Yeah.
But when it's a difference of opinion, you have to leave openings.
Okay, sorry, what was the question for Luke? I want to hear now.
What's your favorite lean back game to relax with these days?
back game to relax with these days. Oh. I don't do that as much these days. Not playing. You assume Luke leans back. Yeah, time has been expensive for me lately. Genuinely lean back is a tough one because usually I'm more like I'll
go play Pokemon Go because it gets me outside I'm walking I try to stay in
constant movement when I'm playing Pokemon Go as much as possible.
Literally the opposite. Yeah it's not a lean back but it is relaxing. Yeah. I'm
changing the words which is not fair. So I think that makes sense. Yeah. So it's not a lean back, but it is relaxing. I'm changing the words, which is not fair.
So I wanted to include the answer because it's sort of in line, but it's also completely
not. So a general lean back game, I haven't played it in forever, but either Civ, Civilization,
or FTL is not a lean back game.
I sweat when I play the game.
I always make it like hard as possible.
LCS stresses out.
Go crazy.
I've beat all the challenges in the game on all the,
That's impressive actually.
I am a FTL sweat.
It's one of my favorite games ever.
Very sweat.
But yeah, so Civ or Assassin's Creed
Right now it's you can tell I played all the time because I don't remember the name
Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey, let me look it up. Did you ever mess with Tabor Fortress?
Sort of give me a sec though. Yes Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I've been playing this game
for, it looks like, six years. I play it, you know, every once, like, every three to
six months. I'll go jump in and do a few missions and then leave again. The setting is beautiful. The South Street Odyssey is a beautiful game.
Great sound, you have a really cool partner buddy
and like this pet eagle that you have.
The environment and the setting is just,
is absolutely fantastic.
So it's a very fun game to go just chill in.
Yeah, I don't know.
That's it though.
Okay, let's see. What else do we have? Hey, leak, lime and do drop. Nice. Linus, when are we getting
more house build updates? Oh, very soon. I actually reviewed a video today that is fixing the
We think we hope
fixing the corrosion issue with the water loops and
adding leak sensing
Leak sensing is good. Yeah
You have flow issues with that. You have a crazy pump. So maybe it doesn't matter
We were having some flow issues, but that was due to the particle filter that we had in line. We got a better particle filter and it seems to be flowing
a lot better now. So, cool. Yes, but no. Linus, are you still grateful of having this job? Years
ago you kept mentioning that you have the world's best job, but you don't really bring this up lately, being frustrated by the community instead.
That's a good question, heavy.
That's a good question though.
Well framed too.
I am grateful.
I have definitely found a more,
I have definitely found a less positive side of it,
particularly over the last year or so.
And I don't think it's new.
I just think that for a long time,
the supportive voices largely overwhelmed
to the point of completely drowning out
the less supportive voices.
Animosity and negativity in the tech space has like massively spiked.
I, um...
That sucks a lot.
Out of curiosity, because other than Sony's own video, we have the highest viewed video
on the PlayStation 5 Pro.
Like, it's not even close.
So out of curiosity, I went over to r slash PS5.
Like Reddit f*** fucking hates me.
It's like not that's not subjective.
That's just a fact.
Largely speaking, the Reddit community just whether it's dismissive or or outright hostile.
In general, the Redditor community just kind of hates me.
And so I went over, I was just, I was curious, do we even merit a post, let alone, you know,
getting any upvotes over there?
And not only did our PS5 Pro video, which multiple people elsewhere, like off of Reddit,
pointed out how balanced it was, like we did point out the things that Sony did
that were making it very difficult for people.
The extremely high price for a console is a tough pill to swallow in this economy.
You know, like it's not great, but we also talked through and explained why it costs what it costs.
So not only did we not merit a post,
even though people are clearly watching it,
people are watching it,
but our last couple of PlayStation products,
so I believe it was the Portal and the PSVR,
had a bunch of discussion about them
when the videos were posted, zero upvotes.
Not because there was any particular argument against anything we said,
but just because outside of, outside of and even within the LTT community there is an amount of animosity that I am
having a hard time really coming to grips with.
It's been interesting.
It's been interesting watching the discourse change around something like the framework
When we did it, it was with full transparency and with the informed consent of the community,
understanding what this was, what it meant,
what would and wouldn't change.
Sorry, are you talking the framework investment right now?
So not only the full consent, the excited involvement.
And over time, that has morphed from enthusiastic support and
I don't mean for everyone a lot of people are still like very much like
rah rah rah framework in fact too much. I mean Austin posted that not completely
positive video and people piled on him for it. It's just another edge of the sword.
Yeah. Too much animosity.
There's too much fighting.
So a lot of people are still very supportive,
but there's another sort of portion of the tech community
that just looks at it and goes,
okay, well, Linus is compromised now
because he's got this framework investment.
But what I don't see is I don't see anybody actually providing any concrete
evidence to suggest that the framework investment has affected my coverage of any mobile device.
Show me.
Show me where I said something that was unfairly flattering a framework
or unfairly critical of a competitive framework.
Show me.
If anything, I treat them like the coach's son.
I reviewed a script with Elijah today.
We had someone come to us with a complaint about their customer service experience with
Framework. So it took us a little while, but we secret shopped them. And I was not involved.
Elijah, Alex, some unnamed people who are staying anonymous because they're not staff
and if we can use their credit cards for mystery shopping, then hey, why don't we just not disclose their names and then we could use them again?
So a team of people put together a secret shop for framework and as I was going through,
I went out of my way to, if anything, I still did act in my role as editor, but when I made
a change to the script, I made 100% certain that everything I did
toned down the positivity as opposed to toned it up. Or I explicitly checked with Elijah and I said,
does this still convey your thoughts about it?
I don't know. It's been a really difficult thing. We're deep enough in Wanshow at this
point that maybe I'll just say this, but I made it... Sometimes I make edits to the script
as we're going through and we're working together on tweaks to it that are just meant to be
a joke. They're just meant to get a laugh out of the writer who's sitting next to me, like watching me change stuff.
And I put in a bit about how realistically
the value of frameworks investment for me is less than,
I could probably name half a dozen laptop brands
that have paid me more over the course of my career than the value
of my investment framework.
Like if you're, and it was kind of,
it was kind of poking fun at this idea that,
that somehow it was going to affect my day to day
operation of the company other than to be extra, extra, extra careful about it.
I mean, you know this.
Every single time the idea of framework has been brought up when it comes to internal
What do I say every single time?
If anything, you point out that they're
expensive and you push against it. If anything. And outside of that you're usually
like I don't want to be involved with the conversation. Because we were we were
looking into getting frameworks for internal laptops because of you know
their repairability and other stuff going on but honestly they're really
expensive. They're really expensive?
They don't have touchscreens?
It's tough, yeah.
There's a lot of people at the company