The Weekly Planet - 103 Best Sci-Fi Films

Episode Date: September 28, 2015

This time around we're all about some of the best sci-fi films of all time!Plus we cover news of Darth Vader's return, Prometheus 2, Sinister 6, Ghostbusters a new Wolverine and I think we talk about ...Pan again for a bit? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Shoes, shooting up your butt hole The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet, an official podcast of
Starting point is 00:01:11 where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. Double thumbs up. Double thumbs up. That's so many thumbs up. Well, they're kind of to one side. They're a little tilted. They could go either way, couldn't they? I don't like that. Depending on how this podcast goes. Oops, looking good. Looking good. Oh, wait. Hey, what's that over to one side. They're a little tilted. They could go either way, couldn't they? I don't like that. Depending on how this podcast goes.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Oops, looking good. Looking good. Oh, wait. Hey, what's that over there? Can I look back? Yes. Oh, no. Thumbs down. No, we're good.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Great. Great. Everything's good. I like that jumper. Thank you. You went to close the door of the man cave, your man cave that we're in. Not a man cave. Regular door.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And you've broken the door off it. Yes. That's because that couch you're sitting on on which I moved in with my brother, which is enormous. The one that you like. Great. Apparently, we nearly tore the door off. But I fixed it using my skills.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I have a screwdriver. We've yet to try and escape this room. We might be trapped in here forever. My dad gave me a toolkit once. I think it's in case he dies. I don't know. I don't think your dad will ever die. I've met him.
Starting point is 00:02:08 He's sturdy like an oak tree, that man. Straight to the news? Yes. Let's do it. Hugh Jackman has been doing the rounds for his movie Pan. Charmingly. Absolutely. Great bloke, terrible movie.
Starting point is 00:02:20 We talked about that last week. Yes, we did. But he's been asked to- In fact, we interrupted the regular news just to talk about how terrible it was. Again, didn't hate it, won't say it again. Yeah. I did hate it and I won't say it again.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Two opinions. Twist. Yeah. Anyway, people have been asking about Wolverine, how this is going to be his last outing in the Wolverine solo movie. And they're like, who should be the next Wolverine? And his response was, I think Tom Hardy would be a great Wolverine,
Starting point is 00:02:46 which is not saying that Tom Hardy will be Wolverine because Tom Hardy's doing a DC thing at the moment as well. Sure. He's doing 100 bullets. And he was obviously already Bane. Yeah, he's had his bloody bite at the cherry, mate. He's had heaps of bites at the cherry. Enough.
Starting point is 00:02:58 You don't think he'd be a good Wolverine? No, I think he would, actually. He can have as many bites of the cherry as he wants. All the cherries. Yep. Until that cherry's just a pip. No, I don't think it'll happen, but you never know. He's kind of stocky.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He's short and stocky like Wolverine classic. Yeah. So what's he sort of committed to now? 100 bullets. Yep. Mad Max, I guess. Which is going to be one movie. I'm still not excited about 100 bullets being one movie.
Starting point is 00:03:22 How many? You can't shoot 100 bullets in a movie. Exactly. Not enough time. Yeah. Th not excited about 100 bullets being one movie. You can't shoot 100 bullets in a movie. Exactly. Not enough time. Yeah. Thumbs down. Bullet time, though. Bring back bullet time.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Would you be upset if bullet time came back? They'd need to give it another twist, right? Yeah. Surely. Like curving bullets. No, they did that. Maybe they just spiraled back and hit you. They kind of did that as well, though, didn't they, in Wanted?
Starting point is 00:03:45 I don't know, man. How do you curve a bullet? I think Wanted closed the book on all kinds of weird bullet geometries. Okay. So there's no more of that. Everything's gritty and real now, man. Yeah, true. You can't curve enough.
Starting point is 00:03:56 We don't want to see bullets move. No. Yeah. No, exactly. You don't need it. You know what I don't like? A close-up shot of a sniper rifle, and you see it kind of go into the chamber and then it like fires out in a slow motion explosion and you follow the bullet and like because video games can do that now so who cares like what do i i don't need to
Starting point is 00:04:13 say that i get it it's a gun jesus next news okay we just watched the uh the first footage from jessica jones yes we did a little bit of a teaser well we saw some footage from j Jones. Yes, we did. A little bit of a teaser. Well, we saw some footage from Jessica Jones. Oh, yeah. I mean, we don't necessarily know that's her. Nope. I mean, we know that that's the character. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:31 That could just be whoever was on set that day. Either of us. In a wig. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so we see her. She wakes up at three in the afternoon. Some kind of stupor, alcoholic stupor she was in. And she crushes her alarm clock.
Starting point is 00:04:42 That's pretty good. I do find it odd that she had the presence of mind to set her alarm clock for 3 p.m., though. That's weird, right? Well, she got home drunk, presumably. I think it says a lot about the character in just that little bit. Like, you know, obviously the alcoholism and the kind of dysfunctional lifestyle and also the super strength. So those are the things, aren't they? They sure are.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Let's move on to the other. I have a lot of faith in the Netflix, whatever the Netflix comes up with next. Absolutely. Oh, which reminds me. I don't know if you're going to bring this up, but Black Mirror has been confirmed for 12 more episodes on Netflix. Yes! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I didn't know that. When is that happening? 2016. Okay. That's quite close. That's next year. I was like, boob. Then I was like, no, that's good.
Starting point is 00:05:21 But I also read that there's going to be an American adaptation of Black Mirror. I don't know about that. That was on Wikipedia. I don't know if that's good. But I also read that there's going to be an American adaptation of Black Mirror. I don't know about that. That was on Wikipedia. I don't know if that's true. I'm not against it, I guess. Yeah, yeah. Sometimes it can work. Look, if it means the regular Black Mirror also exists.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Also, I don't want the same episodes just redone. Yeah, okay. Do you know what I mean? If you're going to do it, new ideas. Yeah, but have you felt that so far? Because there's only been seven episodes. No, no, I mean in terms of if they're going to remake it. Oh, American remakes of it. Okay, okay. Do you know what I mean? Like, if you're going to do it, new ideas. Yeah, but have you felt that so far? Because there's only been seven episodes. No, no, I mean in terms of if they're going to remake it. Oh, American remakes of it.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Okay, right. Just the same thing. You're afraid of life on Mars happening all over again. I'm afraid of life on Mars. And the first season of The Office. And the Red Dwarf pilot episode they filmed. Oh, sure, yeah. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yes. Not good. With Dax from Deep Space Nine. Absolutely. She was in it. And the It Crowd. Craig Bjerko. I don't know that guy.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, for anyone who hasn't seen it, I think the first 10 minutes of the American version of the It Crowd is on YouTube. You can just track that down. Oh, John McHale's in it, isn't he? John McHale is in it. That doesn't work straight up. John McHale is in it.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I like John McHale. Richard Ayoade is in it. Yeah. And a couple of other people. But it doesn't work on it. Like, it doesn't. No. They haven't, like, I'm not saying an American, like, an American idea of that wouldn't work.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah. But the combination, like, I see why they didn't pick it up. Like, the characters didn't gel. Yeah. Like, they didn't have Chris Morris as the insane boss. They had a pretty good boss. Who was the boss? I can't remember. Oh, Tony Dan as the insane boss. They had a pretty good boss. Who was the boss? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh, Tony Danza was the boss. Very good. We finally answered that question. But like there's that, it's sort of frame by frame, the original version of that. But there's a scene in the British version where, what's her name? Jen. Jen asks the boss, oh, what kind of people will I be working with?
Starting point is 00:07:06 And he just bellows out like an insane man, standard nerds! But that's not in. This actor clearly doesn't do that. Yeah. So none of it really worked. Oftentimes when they do remake a show, they'll do the pilot exactly the same
Starting point is 00:07:21 as the first episode of the British version, just to see if it works. Right. Which I guess I can understand, but it's kind of dumb. Also, Crichton came over for the American version. The American version, yeah, that's true. Drew Goddard, who's doing all sorts of cinematic things, he's back on the season two of Daredevil.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Oh, yes. He wrote a bunch of Spider-Man stuff, including a Sinister Six script. When Spider-Man was exclusively at Sony and not going to bleed over into the MCU. All that was scrapped. All those Aunt May prequel movies and whatever else they were playing. Oh, sure. That's a shame.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah. But anyway. The Sinister Six origin movie. Exactly. Well, they all get trapped in a lift and they end up at the bottom of Oscorp. I guess we'll put all these suits on. All right. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Hey, look at me. I've got heaps of metal arms. Woo! Crime! Hey, look at me. Hey, look at me. I've got heaps of metal arms. Woo! Crime. Hey, look at me. Hey, look at me. I'm old and a vulture. Woo!
Starting point is 00:08:10 Crime. That'd be great. That'd be great if it was just the Sinister Six and then Crime. That was the poster. Yeah. Woo, Crime. Woo, Crime. So many arms up.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Anyway, Goddard's back. Yeah, but he was- In a big way. In a big way. He was basically saying that his version of the Sinister Six movie which does include Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:08:29 was written that you didn't need to have any kind of the other continuity so technically he's saying that you could just plug that into the MCU
Starting point is 00:08:36 if you wanted to sounds like he's aiming for a second paycheck here sure absolutely but you know if it's good great I'd say that
Starting point is 00:08:43 would you say it? I would say that yeah yeah. Especially if they they're just so for crime. All those women for crime. Great. The producers over at Sony, some producers were asked about what they're going to do with the Men in Black franchise.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And they said, look, the idea is... Give it to Jaden Smith. Please. They're going to reboot it. Great. Without Will Smith. Okay. As're going to reboot it. Great. Without Will Smith. Okay. As a trilogy. Yeah, just immediately just shoot for a trilogy again. It didn't entirely work with the first three Men in Black movies. No.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Try it again. It only took you 13 years, oh, maybe even longer, to get all those out and they rapidly declined in quality after the first one. Yeah, get the first one right. Come on. That's the thing. Do you think it's a beloved enough franchise where people are like, yes, the men in black are back.
Starting point is 00:09:30 When the enemy is near, the elite is here. So have no fear and let me see it. Is that Black Suits coming? Is that the second one? Nobody cares. It's the better song. It's not. It's not.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Nod your head. Black Su suits coming. Yeah. Sorry, what were you saying? Again, I would very much like to live, I've said this before, but I'd very much like to live in an alternate universe where Will Smith continued to write raps for all the movies he's been in since. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And the album's called In the Pursuit of Rappiness. But that's never gonna happen do you think there will be another movie where he raps the thing no you don't think it's gonna happen at least once like you'll get to maybe 60 and it'll be like remember when i did this and people be like yeah we love men in black to the rap it's the best rap you know what people yell i think maybe he'll do one where it's a fictionalized version of him maybe oh okay like he's in it like a like a matt leblanc extras kind of thing or sure yeah yeah and then maybe he'll do he'll add one in at the end and it'll be like a minute long are you saying that's gonna happen after his
Starting point is 00:10:38 star has crashed back down to earth i don't think will smith star will ever crash back down to earth he is hoping though he's not in Independence Day 2. Oh, then it's Easter. He's bloody cooked, mate. What are we talking about? Men in Black. Oh, that's right, yeah. Do we need to see another one?
Starting point is 00:10:51 No, look, I think... There's definitely potential to do good stuff there. Yeah, I think people were really keen on it after the first one. Yeah. Like... Because it's pretty good. Yeah, the first one's pretty great, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But no, I think the love is disintegrated. What about if that, where it was leaked, that they crossed 21 Jump Street open at Men in Black? No. See, I think that could be cool. So, Joni Hill becomes a manager? Just nod your head. Black suits coming?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Okay, I'm in agreement. Great. Speaking of black suits coming. Yes. It's rumoured, we talked about Darth Vader. There's that rumour That he's going to be cloned And return in episode
Starting point is 00:11:27 Oh yes Seven or eight Or whatever that was It's said now That Hayden Christensen Is training up To return to Star Wars They reckon he will
Starting point is 00:11:36 Darth Vader will be in The Star Wars Spin-off movie Rogue One Which makes sense Because he's still alive In that time period It's just before A New Hope
Starting point is 00:11:44 But they're also saying The rumour is that He's going to appear In some form spinoff movie Rogue One, which makes sense because he's still alive in that time period. It's just before A New Hope. But they're also saying the rumor is that he's going to appear in some form in Episode 8 with Hayden Christensen playing Darth Vader. Ghost. Ghost? Well, that's the thing. Could it be a ghost? Could it be a flashback? Could it be a clone?
Starting point is 00:11:57 Could it be none of these things? And this is all bullshit. Yes, definitely. So could it be that they're just throwing the idea out there and seeing what people want the most and then giving us the opposite of that because they hate us? Do you think? Think about it.
Starting point is 00:12:14 It does feel like that sometimes, doesn't it? It does feel like that they hate us, yeah. But to be fair, we deserve it. People attack George Lucas too much as a person, his character. Is that what we're talking about? Are we talking about Star Wars or are we talking about franchises in general? Let's talk about Star Wars. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Anyway, George Lucas, the great man. Yes. I want to talk about that later because it's going to come into my what we're reading. But do you want to see Hayden Christensen come back? No, because I don't take him seriously as... I mean, I guess, to what end though? Like, if you see him as Darth Vader, he's got the helmet on. Yeah. And he's going
Starting point is 00:12:51 to have James Earl Jones' voice. So it doesn't make any difference. But if we see... So he'd have to come back as a ghost, right? Or they clone him and he comes back as unscarred. I guess if they clone him, he comes back as unscarred. He's young. I guess if they clone him, he comes back as unscarred Hayden Christensen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 But I think... I don't think I could buy it because the dialogue was so bad. Like his performances... But the thing about that guy is... So embarrassing. But he's not that bad an actor. He gets a bad rap. And I'm not saying he's the best actor ever.
Starting point is 00:13:18 But I think under the right direction he can do... He's in Shattered Glass, which I haven't seen. But what I've seen of it, he's quite good. He's in another movie called Life is a House, where he's... A house? He plays a house? That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Real bloody wooden, mate. I mean, it was a brick house, but I can't remember. Mighty, mighty. Yes. Anyway, yes. And he's not bad in that. It's with Kevin Kline.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So I think if you put him in a real set and with a real director and you know with a with a real director no offense George Lucas but you're not bad at your job they'd earn you billions of dollars yes and maybe maybe it could work I'm not saying I want to see it but I'm saying people will laugh in the cinema yeah like if they don't know it's going to happen I reckon there'll be people they'll be like oh and I've done it i've cloned him darth vader and they'll open the cloning chamber or whatever and hayden christensen will pop out and people will be like ha ha ha oh this isn't supposed to be a funny moment oh oh how many more of these movies are there oh yeah so many i don't know i just think it could
Starting point is 00:14:21 work i'm not saying they should do what i'm saying is we should perpetuate a bad vibe about this whole thing so that whenever anybody who listens to this show goes into that movie and it happens, think bad thoughts. Okay, we can do that. Yeah. I'm up for that. Sigourney Weaver has had a cameo in the new Ghostbusters reboot. See, Paul Feig said he wasn't going to talk about any of the cameos.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah. But I think he's like... People hate this. Yeah, people are sending him so much hate mail. He's like, all right, we're going to keep this a secret. But Ernie Hudson is going to be in it. Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Nassar Gourney-Weaver. There you go.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I can understand why he's doing it because I think... I know Bill Murray agreed to do a cameo because he supports the director and he likes all the actors involved. So he's like, I don't want to be seen to be shunning this. Right, right, right. So that's why he did it. So I think a lot of this has to do with trying to get people on board. It's not working.
Starting point is 00:15:16 No, it will never work. We've talked about this before. There are a lot of people who are never going to get on board with this, and that's whatever. Who cares? We're done. It's going to be on board with this yeah and that's whatever we're done it's gonna be okay do you think the cameo is that the new characters are going to switch on the tv and watch the film ghostbusters in its entirety on the tv because i think maybe that's the only
Starting point is 00:15:34 way that's going to satisfy but some people but bill murray like they've all reenacted all the scenes is that all they are now is that why they're getting them back is that what you're saying what are you saying i don't know what I'm saying anymore. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I don't understand why they don't just make this a sequel, though. Maybe they've CG. Maybe they've reverse Ant-Man'd it,
Starting point is 00:15:53 and they've made everybody how they look now in the 80s Ghostbusters. Great. I would love that. Sorry, you were saying? No, I don't understand why they don't make it a sequel. Just be like, yeah, all that exists, and then ghosts disappeared or whatever well maybe it is exactly you're right maybe it is that's that's that was going to be my point but you bloody stepped on it
Starting point is 00:16:12 that's right speaking of sigourney weavers and her franchises uh ridley scott oh here we go here we bloody go said that there's still a few movies now between... I've still got a few movies to ruin before I die. Me, Ridley Scott. So before Prometheus bleeds... I've still got some mythology to grind into the dust. Me, Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Still got a legacy to pee on. It's me, Ridley Scott. Nah, he's all right. Nah, good on him. Well, apparently The Martian's great. We'll talk about that next week. But there's about like three or four movies that have to happen between Prometheus getting to Alien.
Starting point is 00:16:58 You know what I've just done there? As I've done exactly the same thing that like Ghostbusters fans slash haters have done. Yes. Which is just for no reason just slammed it yeah but prometheus wasn't great no it was really bad so i feel justified i mean a lot of people love that movie but no yeah man who name one person gary bucey wait someone who loves it yes i don't know not just one person in the world i'm sure there are i mean you know
Starting point is 00:17:23 what i like the world i think it's visually spectacular and I like all the bit. Yeah, the story's terrible. Like the main lady in it? Whatever her name is? Rajeen something? Rooney Mara? No. We'll never know.
Starting point is 00:17:36 She was the girl in the dragon tattoo. Oh, was she really? Yeah. I think so. It's not Rooney Mara. I might be wrong. She's got a silly name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Let me tell you. Well, I'll think of it in a minute. You're reaching for your iPad. You's not really Mara. I might be wrong. She's got a silly name, let me tell you. I'll think of it in a minute. You're reaching for your iPad. You're not thinking of anything. No, I'll never. No. Anyway, so what do you think about, so there won't be any xenomorphs. He's made that clear in this next Prometheus movie.
Starting point is 00:17:57 But it will explore the engineer's planet, which is apparently called Paradise. And it's going to have like the proto-Xenomorph return again, where it's, you know, the one that, like, burst out of a... Oh, yes. Even though they left that. Even though we're like, oh, that's not quite... That's not quite what we wanted. Boy, this was the big finale, and it's not what we wanted.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And also they left... Naomi Rapace is in there. That's it, I apologise. Yeah. And... And Michael F. Arspender. Yes, he's back as the head in a bag, in a duffel bag. I wonder how they're going to do that.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Because if you recall correctly, listeners, a giant man with a white head grabbed Michael F. Arspender by the head and tore his head off. Yeah, that's true. And then Naomi Rapuse put his head in a little duffel bag. Naomi Papuse. Put him in a papoose. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And they flew off into space, leaving that alien behind, presumably to die of starvation and sadness. So that means when they go to Prometheus' planet, the big white-headed guys, the big muscular guys, there's going to be another outbreak. Yeah. I reckon they'll just straight up give him another robot body. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Like immediately. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Like on a big CGI conveyor belt. And they'll plug their head in and be like, oh no, what's going on? Oh, Michael Fassbender. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:19:13 It's a bit of Attack of the Clones for you. That's it. Prometheus 2, despite having no connection to Alien as of yet, is going to be called Alien Paradise Lost. Okay. You know what? I'm kind of back on board. Because of that name.
Starting point is 00:19:25 No, I want to see The Engineer Planet. Yeah, sure. Do you reckon it's going to apparently it's going to be like a lush jungle world. I don't want to see Lance Henrickson again for some reason.
Starting point is 00:19:32 How would they work him into it? I don't know. I want to see Guy Pearce again. He's dead. No, but young Guy Pearce in a hologram? Yeah, okay, fine. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:40 A clone? I was going to say he's dead but I don't think he's dead. You can't kill a hologram. No. Yeah. All those things are great. You know what? I'm going to say he's dead, but I don't think he's dead. You can't kill a hologram. No. Yeah. All those things are great. A lot of...
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm just looking through the cast list and all the good characters are dead. Idris Elba, dead. Other people, dead. Dead. Yeah. Guy Pearce? Dead. Yeah, he's dead.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah. Good cast, wasn't it? Yeah. Anyway. So, we've talked a lot of sci-fi this week. Oh. And The Martian is out next week, which we're really excited to see, wasn't it? Yeah. Anyway. So we've talked a lot of sci-fi this week. Oh. And The Martian is out next week, which we're really excited to see, aren't we? Ridley Scott's returned to form, probably.
Starting point is 00:20:12 So they say. Who are these people, though? Did they like Interstellar? I don't know. I couldn't tell you. You liked Interstellar. I didn't. You didn't like Interstellar, did you?
Starting point is 00:20:22 So we thought. Oh, yeah. This is a good week to talk about sci-fi movies. Now, we can't talk about all sci-fi movies because there's at least six. At least. And we don't have the time for that. We don't have time for that. Don't have the time or the inclination.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So we thought we'd pick one or two of our favourites... Oh, yes. ...and talk about that this week. Yes. At great length. Can I say, though, can we... I'm going to see... This won't be...
Starting point is 00:20:42 If we want to talk about two or three, these won't be my top three necessarily. Here's some movies we've talked to death in this podcast. Inception, that's a favourite of mine. Not going to talk about it. Talking about it too much. Terminator 2, love it. Talking about it too much. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Can't think of any others. So what are you going to talk about? Do you want to kick it off or do you want me to kick it off? Yeah, you kick it off. I mean, you already know this because you know me so well. I said it before. I said, are you going to talk about do you want to kick it off or do you want me to kick it off i mean you already know this because you know me so well i said it before i said are you going to talk about sunshine and yes i am going to talk about sunshine we've talked about it before and you said not at length i kind of feel we have talked about it at length but all right do you have a backup just in case i'm like no i do backup all right but i feel like we haven't
Starting point is 00:21:23 talked about sunshine at length the matrix i'm we haven't talked about Sunshine at length. The Matrix, I'm not going to talk about it at length because I've talked about it all bloody. I feel like we could do an episode alone on The Matrix. Okay, well, let's save that. Like the trilogy of The Matrix. When they eventually announce a Matrix sequel or a new trilogy, which I feel like they'll probably do at some point.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The Matrix rebooted. Oh, hang on. My brother's calling. Which one? The one you like. Great. Tell him I said hi. Hey, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The Matrix rebooted. Oh, hang on. My brother's calling. Which one? The one you like.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Great. Tell him I said hi. Hey, man. I'm just recording the podcast with Nick Mason. Oh, well, they can't hear you because you're not on speakerphone. So, I go, I put you on speakerphone. You're on speakerphone. I've got nothing to say.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You're a fucking idiot. Oh, he's watching Batman Return returns huh yeah why he said i don't know kids love it kids do love it i mean i gotta go i gotta do this yes yeah she's good thanks man bye that's my brother great little insight into our world you've spoken on the phone at least once. That's right. Weekly Planet exclusive. Okay, District 9, great. Not going to talk about it. Fair enough. But if people would like to email in and say,
Starting point is 00:22:31 hey, maybe you should do an episode on these, let us know, definitely. I could talk about District 9. Yeah. The thing about Sunshine is, Mason, it's incredibly underrated. And you know what? Every person who's watched it,
Starting point is 00:22:45 who's actually contacted me and said, hey, thank you for saying Sunshine was a movie that you enjoyed because I also enjoyed it. That being said, there's probably a whole lot of people who watched it and in anger never listened to the show again or contacted me. Took the DVD out, snapped it in half, snapped their iPhone in half, snapped their computer in half, just in constant rage. That's it. What do you think? And then they're like, like oh i've got to go to an internet cafe to tell mr sunday movies that i hated his movie that he
Starting point is 00:23:11 liked and they go and then it went into the internet cafe and then they thought about the movie again they were so enraged they snapped the internet cafe in half the whole thing did you like sunshine it was all right we saw it together together, I think, probably. Maybe. From 2007. Yeah, okay, yeah. Do you remember the story? They have to restart the sun for some reason. Yes, and apparently it's potentially a real thing that could happen. The sun might go out. The sun develops.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Well, it will eventually. There'll be some kind of, I'm going to say nexus. I'm against it. What, the sun going out? Yeah. Yeah, you don't have to be for it. Okay, good. I think nobody's going to be upset if you're against the sun going out.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Relief. But it develops like a miniature black hole, and it basically dulls it down however many degrees, which means the Earth has gone into some kind of ice age, and it's slowly dying. So this is a prequel to the movie's Ice Age. Correct. Ice Age 3D. Well, it's a sequel, but time is cyclical,
Starting point is 00:24:01 so it comes around again. It comes around. Because it's set in the near future, maybe 10 years from now. Oh, that's very soon. So cyclical. So it comes around again. It comes around. Because it's set in the near future, maybe 10 years from now. Oh, that's very soon. Something like that. So basically what it is, they send off the ship called the Icarus
Starting point is 00:24:12 or Icarus to go restart the sun, which is basically... That's a bad idea, calling it Icarus. You don't call... Is that referenced in the movie? I don't think so. That's weird. Because things did not end well for Icarus
Starting point is 00:24:24 when he went near the sun. No. Well, then maybe he shouldn't have had wax wings, the idiot. Was he also trying to restart the sun with a nuclear bomb? No, he was just flapping about. Okay. So basically the idea is they've got a giant ship, which is basically a huge miles and miles of solar panels
Starting point is 00:24:40 with a bomb attached to it, a nuclear bomb, which they're going to shoot into the sun, and then they're going to fly back. And that nuclear bomb will restart the sun. You know what they could have called it? Did it do well at the box office? No. I reckon maybe they could have called it shoot a nuke into the sun.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Because sunshine, we encounter that every day. Yes. Like unless you live in the 30 Days of Night universe. Absolutely. But that'd be Norway or whatever. You know, how many times have you seen somebody shoot a nuke into the sun? I haven't seen it many times. They should have followed the snakes on a plane example
Starting point is 00:25:11 and just said what happens in the movie. That also tanked, though. Yeah, all right, never mind. So I'm just saying. You're probably right, though. That probably more people would have gone in. So it's director Danny Boyle, who's one of my favourite directors. The good thing about Danny Boyle is he always does a different movie.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I mean, all directors do a different movie. Some don't. You're right. But, I mean, as in he tries like a different genre. Like you look at his – I mean, I'm not saying they're all amazing, but he's got a pretty solid filmography, but he'll do like – he did Trance, which I didn't love, but Trance is still interesting. It's about hypnosis and bank heists and whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And you've got that one where James Franco has his arm pinned under a rock and you've got Slumdog Mewy now, which is like got that one where James Franco has his arm pinned under a rock and you've got Slumdog Mewy now, which is like a... See, James Franco has his arm pinned under a rock, but instead they called it whatever they called it. What is that called? Something about... See, that's the thing. 27 hours?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah, okay. 47 minutes, 14 days, one year, 10 months. I don't know. Something like that. He also did train spotting. He also did shallow grave. he also did shallow grave he also did the beach which a lot of people hate but i think it's okay just right he also did millionaire what's that it's like it where kids find like a bag of money i think it's called
Starting point is 00:26:14 is it a thriller no is it a fun kids film no is there a feisty dog it might be don't remember it too well anyway i don't hate any of his films, the point is he wanted to make a sci-fi film, right? And he wondered beforehand why directors don't usually make one of these, like Kubrick only made 2001 Space Odyssey, because apparently these things are an absolute nightmare. We're not going to mention 2001 A Space Odyssey. No. Primarily because I've seen it more than once
Starting point is 00:26:41 and I could not tell you what the plot is. Monoliths. Oh, yeah. Okay. Done. We talked about it. So anyway, the first ship mysteriously disappears. It's so slow.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Continue. The first ship. It is, isn't it? Mysteriously disappears. So they send another ship and they call it... Sunshine. The Sunshine Ship. They call it Icarus 2.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Might as well bloody call it Titanic 2, mate. What are you thinking? And the idea is that that is the last resources left on Earth to be able to do this. So this is the last shot. So there's a crew of like six or eight, I can't remember. And it's awesome because it's like an international crew. It's not like all American.
Starting point is 00:27:21 It's a great cast. You've got like Michelle Yeoh. You've got Chris Evans, who's awesome in this, by the way. I'm pointing at you. You were pointing dramatically. That's why when Chris Evans... As if I'm not going to... Yeah, Chris Evans is good in stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah, but prior to that, he'd done like Cellular and Fantastic Four and whatever, which I don't think he's bad in, but when I saw this, and then when they were like, he was going to be Captain America, I'm like, that's great. He's awesome in Sunshine,
Starting point is 00:27:44 the movie Sunshine sunshine which i love it's got the guy from fear the i'm shouting it from the rooftops the other guy from fear the walking dead that you've been watching any of that nope people love it it's it's okay now is it that's the prequel yeah what have we said about prequels garbage yeah you really yeah it's like i really took the wind out of yourselves there didn't i what have we said about prequels? Garbage. Yeah. You really, yeah. Really took the wind out of yourselves there, didn't I? It's got Killian Murphy, Rose Byrne, anyway, whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:16 What do you like about it, if you like anything or remember anything about it? Boy. Because I can talk about this at length. I just don't want to talk about it for 20 minutes. I'm going to wiki it real quick. I feel like you for 20 minutes. I'm going to wiki it real quick. I feel like you should say something. I'm going to wiki it real quicky, all right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Give it a quicky wiki. Am I right? Yeah. While you're doing that, I can tell you... Quicky wiki wild, wild. All right, tell me some facts about it. Okay. I love the ship design.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So like I said, it's basically a huge solar sail. So all the energy that... Does somebody go space mad in it? Yes, they do. That's what I like. I like a bit of space madness. So all the energy that... Does somebody go space mad in it? Yes, they do. That's what I like. I like a bit of space madness. So I guess we're spoiling these. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:50 They eventually catch up with Icarus 1. They find it, right? And they go on board and everybody's dead. And they're like, well, that's not good, is it? But it turns out the captain... And somebody's like, hey, don't be too hasty. And it turns out the captain of that ship... I shouldn't spoil this.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Skip ahead if you haven't seen it. The captain of that ship spent a lot of time staring into the sun, right? Yeah. Because remember, the way the ship's set up, it's got a whole lot of really interesting different rooms. They've got a room which is literally just a sun room where it's just a big glass wall and you can just stare at the sun all day. Mistake.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And it turns out that if certain people do this, they're drawn to it and you can just stare at the sun all day. And it turns out that if certain people do this, they're drawn to it, and you go mad. And it's kind of implied that one of the crew of Icarus 2 is kind of going that way, but it never kind of plays out like that because he doesn't make it that far. There's another room which is like a greenhouse room, so it's like unlimited oxygen, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Oh, boy. That's the life. Yeah. It's like a sunshine. They should have called it Unlimited Oxygen. That would have really drawn in the bloody punters, mate. Oh, a movie about oxygen. Oh, there's a room with oxygen in it.
Starting point is 00:29:54 My favourite. There's like a hologrammy kind of room where they go to get calm and stuff. Yeah. And there's like a – and you know what's good? You've just got one of those comic books from the 90s and you tilt it slightly. Look at that. Hulk's coming right at me and um and like what i love about also the design of the ship is in in like the main room there's not like when something happens there's not like a big thing that says emergency emergency there's like a little red blip and because they're all astronauts they know what that is yeah so they don't need a big red
Starting point is 00:30:24 side that's For the audience. Yeah, exactly. So it's things like that which I really appreciate. After he completed the movie Millions, Danny Boyle was briefly attached to direct 3000 Degrees, a Warner Brothers project about the 1999 Worcester Cold Storage warehouse fire. So was he just going for like a movie about hot stuff?
Starting point is 00:30:42 I guess so, yeah. Hot stuff. Hmm. I guess he was. Did that movie ever get made? Well, the Wikipedia entry is red, like the link is red, so I would say no. It's probably a stub at best. Oh, a bloody stub, mate.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Coming next from Danny Boyle, lighting a match and then sticking it in the pack of matches and the whole match box just explodes. Danny Boyle. Danny Boyles. Yeah. Real hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And in the movie as well, they do a lot of, there's apparently rules for sci-fi where you have to cut outside a ship every so often because otherwise it gets too claustrophobic. And he pushed that to the limit. I can't remember what it is. It's something like every 14 minutes. So he was like, bang on every 14 minutes. You cut outside, you see the ship, you immediately cut back in. And there's not a lot of rooms with like windows.
Starting point is 00:31:27 There's that one big sunshine room for crazy people. Sure. And there's like nothing else. Again, mistake. Yes. So who set this rule? And are there rules? I'd be interested to know if there are movies that have broken that rule and if people have
Starting point is 00:31:40 gone insane and run screaming from the cinema. That's a very good question. I feel like the movie Pandorum probably broke that rule inside the whole time inside the whole time yeah that's not a bad movie actually is that that's ben foster and and dennis quaid yeah and some other people probably is everyone crazy or made up who knows they're all made up and crazy mate it's got a decent ending the situation i remember the situation of what that ship is in is interesting yep the character twist isn't as interesting that's what i recall from that movie also a lot of this movie like a lot of horror movies because this does have a sudden horror twist in it yep
Starting point is 00:32:17 where the captain of the other ship where they catch up in turns out he's been standing in his sun room worshiping the sun for like eight years and And he's like, the sun is a god and if the sun wants to die, who are we to say that we shouldn't? I remember thinking at the time when this movie came out, maybe they should have screened their astronauts for potential worshipping the sun. Characteristics. Characteristics, yeah. What do you think of the sun? They have to tick a box, one to five? It's fine. No interest. Yeah. I want to marry it. Sure. What do you think of the son? They have to tick a box one to five? It's fine.
Starting point is 00:32:46 No interest. Yeah. I want to marry it. Yeah. Like scrawled in blood. Yeah. Yeah, that's odd. I mean, it obviously happened to him over time, but that's an odd.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I mean, he came into the interview and he was wearing one of those three-way mirror things around his neck to get real tanned. Get real tanned. You know? Get real tanned. That's a warning sign. You've got to look out for little warning signs. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Little things like that. Yeah. But the idea was also that he was going to use light in horror the same way that darkness has been used. So when, you know, you never really see the guy, the other captain who's been like, who's been like horribly disfigured by the sun because he's just been sitting in the sunroom for so many years. Again, a mistake.
Starting point is 00:33:28 A mistake. And you can never really get a good look at him because the light is used like darkness, where it's blinding in the sense you can never really get a good sense of it and it's really disorientating. And the movie, like Two Thirds In, does go into this kind of weird slasher direction. It does a bit, yeah. but i actually don't mind that i think it's a really and it's a shame that they spoil it in the trailer or that if you're still listening and i've spoiled it for you yeah
Starting point is 00:33:53 yeah but i feel like you could have probably maybe they put it in because they didn't want people to think it was just about people slowly drifting towards the sun which is good still though i'm all for that no i'm i'm a big fan of movies taking a weird 180 midway through i know you are have we talked about this in the show your romantic comedy idea yeah we've talked about we may have we've definitely talked about in real life certainly do you want to talk about well i've just said that if i was some sort of movie producer i wouldn't be one for very long because i would ruin everything like my idea was for a basically you a film's going to come out you produced a film
Starting point is 00:34:27 and every indication like all the trailers and all the behind the scenes stuff and all the cast interviews pitch it as a certain film like a fun romantic comedy but like it's ashton kutcher and kathryn hyde yeah but the viewer advice says like rated r for strong horror scenes like the fine print that's all it says that's all it says and it's never mentioned. And then like you've got your quirky characters and whatever and they're just trying to make it in the big city and then like 10 minutes into the film, like one of the characters shows up,
Starting point is 00:34:55 like just their head in a box, whatever, and it just takes it just a sharp turn. The wacky best friend. Yeah, the wacky best friend, exactly. He's played a basketball match with Ashton Kutcher and talked to him about life and relationships yeah so all the trailers are like oh these two guys these two people gonna get together or they don't get along like and you see the entirety of this movie played out she's breaking her heel on her way to work exactly
Starting point is 00:35:17 they're like but then they have to work late night at the law firm to get the thing done and blah blah blah but then i hate each other but then they love each other whatever and you see the whole other, whatever. And you see the whole trailer played out, like the whole movie in the trailer. But none of that actually takes place in the movie. Like it hard cut 10 minutes in. I mean, I think all that stuff should happen, but it all happens in the first 10 minutes and then it hard cuts. No, I don't think it should. Oh, like at all.
Starting point is 00:35:40 No, at all. It's just all fake. That's all. The trailer's all fake scenes. Like maybe the first. Like Fantastic Four. It's all fake scenes. Like maybe the first... Like Fantastic Four. It's all fake scenes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Hard cut to rubbish. Yeah, exactly. Except this isn't rubbish. I didn't want you to think... I actually think this would be an amazing idea. Yeah, but I've spoiled it multiple times now, so it's never going to happen. That's why you probably love A Cabin in the Woods, I assume.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I did like A Cabin in the Woods. For that very same reason. Yeah. So I showed somebody that and they were like, I don't like it because it takes a weird turn. Because it's kind of cliché. And I'm like, well, that's the woods. For that very same reason. Yeah. So I showed somebody that and they were like, I don't like it because it takes a weird turn. Because it's like, it's kind of cliched. I'm like, well, that's the point. Anyway, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Anyway, Sunshine's pretty good, isn't it? Yeah, I guess. Yeah. For the sake of our friendship, yeah, it's pretty good. And the reason also Danny Boyle said these movies are difficult for a couple other reasons. One, you need everything in the world to already be on the ship yep like you can't bring in other elements or other characters unless you come across another spaceship sure obviously with a sun worshiping maniac yeah and two he said well when you shoot it and then you've got like a six to eight month wait while the
Starting point is 00:36:40 special effects comes in so he said in between he probably should have started to work on something else or whatever to kind of clear his mind and then come back to it. Okay. Did he feel he was too close to it? I think he was. Yeah. But that being said,
Starting point is 00:36:52 I think it's one of the, I genuinely think it's one of the best sci-fi movies there has ever been. I can understand why it didn't do well. I can understand why it's hard to market, but you look at, look at the cast and I know the way, even the way it looks in the world, it creates,
Starting point is 00:37:04 and it is incredibly tense and claustrophobic and it's well worth your dollar, Mason. Give me a dollar and I will give a copy of it to you on USB. A USB you have to return. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 00:37:37 FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and
Starting point is 00:37:58 show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's How big's the USB?
Starting point is 00:38:17 Four gig. What if I lost it? That would be okay. That's a pretty good deal for a dollar. I could delete sunshine. Yeah be okay. That's a pretty good deal for a dollar. I could delete Sunshine. Yeah, okay. Put on the James Franco gets his arm caught under another thing. Roxy Trapsy, the movie.
Starting point is 00:38:35 James Franco's Roxy Trapsy, the movie. That's amazing. And the follow-up animated series where he makes friends with The Rock. And voiced by Seth Rogen. Yeah. Roxy Trapsy and bloody James Franco. What's going on at Adventure, Roxy? Was Roxy Trapsy's name already Roxy Trapsy before he trapped him?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Just to be clear, this is his first trapping of somebody, right? That we know about, sure. Okay, sure. There, I've talked to some- It's like Hook, Captain Hook.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah. Didn't have a hook for a hand. No, he didn't. His name was just Hook. Correct. Yeah. Yep, I was trying to think of another example, but that's the best example.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Thank you. Yeah. I'm glad that movie... Don, you glad that movie came out so we have that example? That's true. Okay, so I'm never going to talk about Sunshine again.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Wow, brutal. Okay? Good. What's a movie that you like that we could talk about? Well, here's one that's a lower budget one. I've mentioned it briefly on the show, but not at length. Or maybe I have at length. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:39:32 You've seen it as well. It's called The Man from Earth. Yes. Which is from 2007. Sunshine. Yeah. Same here. Battling it out. That's right. To be the least seen movies of all time. Oh, boy. This movie actually was shared on torrent sites and stuff. That's right. To be the least seen movies of all time. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Well, this movie actually was shared on torrent sites and stuff. That's true. Like quite a lot. Got a bit of a cult following, yeah. And the director was like, good. Because it was made for like zero money. Yeah, totally. It looks like he just filmed it, I don't know this, in his own house.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Potentially. Like this movie is, in a way, it's the opposite of Sunshine in that- It's at night. No, it's during the day. Oh. It's the same as Sunshine then. So this movie, yeah, it's not, you know, Sunshine is like, you know, solar system spanning and it's got spaceships and et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Sure. This movie is set entirely in a log cabin yes and it's almost entirely dialogue yes but it is still science fiction yes which i think is i think this is this is this movie gets a bit it's quite philosophical definitely one might say it's a bit wanky but a little pretentious at times but I feel this is an amazing idea. It's an amazing way to produce a sci-fi movie knowing you're limited with a limited budget.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, and literally no special effects. No special effects, like two props, I think maybe. Handful of actors who are very good, I think. A lot of familiar faces of like, that guy's on Deep Space Nine or something like that. Yes, exactly. There's a lot of that, yeah. Who is it
Starting point is 00:41:05 that guy was in the John Billingsley who was Neelix in Star Trek Voyager there you go that guy was probably in the Pretender yes
Starting point is 00:41:12 the main guy probably was in the Pretender exactly I don't know if he was I might go that wrong I used to like that show remember when he pretended to be a race car driver
Starting point is 00:41:19 and then he was good at being a race car driver how do you walk into that just be like I'm an international race car driver okay do you want to drive a race car driver. How do you walk into that? Just be like, I'm an international race car driver. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Do you want to drive a race car? Yes, I do. The end. What was that show about? No, that was it. Okay. Very short episodes. Anyway, so go on.
Starting point is 00:41:42 So essentially it's set in this cabin sort of in the, I guess the Midwest of America or like the Colorado Rockies, something like that. And it's about a guy called John Oldman. Bit of a tip, bit of a tip off there. Spoiler alert for this movie. I hear spoiler alert for this. Tell you what, quick recommendation. If you want to watch a movie, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:03 if you want to see a sci-fi movie with no special effects and see how that turns out yep give it a quick watch yes come back here okay because again it's available on torrent sites correct very easily very easily anyway so basically it's it's about this man john oldman he's a professor at a local unit like a university yeah and he is... The movie starts when he's just... He's quit his job and he's just headed back to this log cabin
Starting point is 00:42:30 to gather his stuff and leave town. Yeah. And basically what happens is his friends and colleagues, like a half dozen of his friends and colleagues, decide to... They're very surprised by this. They decide they're all going to travel to his log cabin and sort of talk him out of it and sort of find his reasoning for it.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Because they love him. Because they love him and they want to... He's a good bloke and he's been here for a long time and they like him. But then it's sort of... He's sort of... After this long period of... He's not rapt to see everybody.
Starting point is 00:42:59 No, no. Well, he's not upset, but he's kind of like, I was hoping to kind of sneak away. Sneak away, right, right. And so it seems like his relationship to them seems like they're more invested in it than he is kind of thing. And sort of after a very short period of time, after a bit of chat, he reveals to them that
Starting point is 00:43:20 he might be able to live forever. Yes. He reveals that he was a Cro- able to live forever. Yes. He reveals that he was a Cro-Magnon man. Yep. And for some reason, not magical or super science-y. No. He didn't lick a meteor. He didn't lick a meteor or inhale any fumes or anything
Starting point is 00:43:38 or fall into a volcano. Yeah. But for some reason, he's been alive for 14,000 years. It's just genetically. Just genetically. Yeah, exactly. And it's sort of – and so what he does – like what he's doing now is he's – people realise after like –
Starting point is 00:43:51 they spend time with him for like a decade and they realise he's stopped ageing. Yeah. It's like start asking questions. So he's learnt to just move on every time kind of thing. And he sort of starts being like, imagine if there was a man who could be a blah, blah, blah. And then, but then it's sort of,
Starting point is 00:44:07 it's people slowly reveal that he's talking about himself. He's talking about himself and sort of, and because, you know, all these people, all these colleagues are from the university, like there's a philosophy mate, there's a philosophy professor and there's a, you know, a science professor and there's a, It's a real who's who of things I don't care about. Nerds.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It's a real nerd alert. It's a real who's who of things I don't care about. Nerds. It's a real nerd alert. It's a real attack of the nerds. But basically they all, like everybody sort of gets a turn to grill him as to how this could possibly be. Exactly. And like... What were certain eras like? Yeah, what does he remember and all that sort of thing, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And I think it's great because it's not, again, it's quite pretentious and it's very wordy. It's almost all dialogue. No action. There's one fistfight on top of a train. Oh, yeah, absolutely, yeah. That's going into that volcano we mentioned earlier. That's right, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah, but it's sort of, and it's kind of, and I probably won't reveal any more of the plot than that, but it's not like, it doesn't delve into sort of cliches you might think of when you think of like a man who's lived for thousands of years. Somebody points out an arrowhead or something that's on his drawer and they're like, did you keep that from when you were in the Cro-Magnon era? And he's like, no, I just bought it at a junk shop.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Why would I? Why would I? Exactly, why would I hold on to these things? I was just trying to survive this kind of era. Or, you know, some elements are like, what was life like? And he's just like, I don't remember all of it. I've got so many memories. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Like I've got like 14,000 years of memories packed into my head. Right, right. Like obviously I'm not going to remember anything. And he's had multiple, well, it's implied that he's had like multiple children. Should we reveal? No, let's not. Okay. Yeah. okay and it's yeah and it's i think we've left enough yeah absolutely yeah but i think i think it's great again it's wordy definitely uh settle in don't be doing the ironing or something me listening yeah watch out for that train fight hell yeah it's a good one you You can't miss it. Can't really miss it.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Great. If you had to recommend one of those two, which would you recommend? Man from Earth. How dare you. What would you recommend? Probably that. No, they're both good. They're both good in completely different ways.
Starting point is 00:46:18 But I would recommend Sunshine. Should we do one more or should we just move it along? No, let's do one more. All right. You got anything in the top of your head? Let's talk about aliens oh i thought we'd save that okay all right cool we'll cut that out pretend i didn't say it okay how about source code yeah i'll talk about source code source code good i was gonna say children of men oh no so we're children are you sure over source code yes all right you know why Source code's a little bit confusing
Starting point is 00:46:45 and I have to think about it and it hurts my brain and it's late. Well, I was thinking this week, I'm like, oh, I think I might talk about Fifth Element and then I'm like, I have to re-watch that then. I don't have time to re-watch it.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And you know what? I think these are all different genre-wise. Aliens. Yeah. Quite similar to Sunshine, if I'm honest with you. They both got Aliens.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Wait. No. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Both got Sunshine. They don't though. Oh. Wow, those movies are mutually exclusive. That. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Both got sunshine. They don't though. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Wow. Those movies are mutually exclusive. That's amazing. So Children of Men. Yeah. I think it's set like now it would be because it came out in what? The deep dark future of 2015. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah. I think it came out in like 2004. It's probably the last good movie. And you know that I love. We should definitely. I feel we should do an episode on movies set in the future but the future's already happened well yeah back to the future two futures coming up that's like we're gonna do a back to the future episode yeah yeah absolutely
Starting point is 00:47:34 i was gonna say free jack so basically basically 2008 johnny mnemonic i don't know when that's set 2002 probably probably whenever they were able to strap computers to the heads of dolphins. We do that. Oh, I've been doing that since the 80s. Yeah, just grab an Atari and wedge it in there. Anyway, Children of Man, Clive Owen's probably last good movie. How dare you? I like Clive Owen a lot.
Starting point is 00:47:59 When did Shoot Em Up come out? Shoot Em Up's garbage. Yeah, it is garbage. I wish Shoot Em Up were good. I want it to be good. Yeah, I really want it to be good. It's got Clive Owen, he's a charmer. It's got Monica Bellucci.
Starting point is 00:48:11 It's got bloody, what's his name? A baby. Baldy McSluggo. Oh, yeah, Paul G. Maddy. Yeah, I shouldn't call him that. He's great. Oh, that's going to get back to him. Somebody's going to add him into a tweet
Starting point is 00:48:21 and add an audio clip where you call him McSluggo. He's really great. I'm sorry. He's just a regular looking man as well. Just when you're standing next to Clive Owen. I mean, you stand anybody next to Clive Owen. They're not standing for long. No.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Punch him or shoot him. Up. So it's now, roughly. It's 2027. Oh, really? Yeah. There you go. It doesn't look like 2027 oh really yeah there you go it doesn't look like 2020 but i guess in this universe
Starting point is 00:48:45 nobody cares about the future really no it's just kind of everything's at a standstill there's no innovation anymore and it's kind of like it's not a crazy out there future it's just like yeah there's kind of moving signs on the sides of buses now yeah and music's slightly different right that's pretty much it. Yeah. Yeah. Which I guess- They've re-released the White Album
Starting point is 00:49:07 on a different format. That's- Ugh. And the idea is that- Gotta buy it again. Yeah. It's made in black. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah, anyway. I think it's about 20 years prior, roughly. Yeah. Oh, 2007. Ooh. Ooh. Common theme or common years? It's not really a theme, is it?
Starting point is 00:49:24 No. A year isn't a theme. No. Except if it's like a birthday party. It's not really a theme is it a year isn't a theme no except if it's like a birthday party it's an 80s theme these parties are terrible why do people hold them anyway they are right yeah they are yeah 80s is the theme you you you put up if you can't think of another thing correct yeah yeah and people always get upset if you don't turn up in 80s gear. It's like, what? Shut up. I didn't have a headband, all right?
Starting point is 00:49:50 So 20 years prior, humanity had just stopped procreating. Some kind of virus. It's not really explained. Maybe it is. No more babies. So every baby that has been born is still alive, obviously. And there is nothing else. So you kind of get hints that people are replacing pets with dogs
Starting point is 00:50:10 and stuff and things like that. You see billboards and stuff like that. They don't really drag it out too much. But basically, society has just given up because they're like, what's the point? 60 years, a bit more. This is gone. We're all gone.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And there's a lot of emphasis placed on celebrities in terms of youth. Like there's a famous celebrity jerk called Baby Diego who is the world's youngest man. And he's like 19 or something like that. And he's just a prick. And somebody, you don't see him, but the movie kicks off where somebody shoots him. Yes, it starts off, you've got a restaurant or a cafe,
Starting point is 00:50:46 and everybody's looking at this TV screen of this news that the world's youngest man has been killed. Yeah. And then there's a terrorism attack. Terrorism attacks. Yeah. And I guess there's two factions out there. There's the government, which is trying to suppress this kind of-
Starting point is 00:51:03 Lousy government. Lousy government. This freedom fighting force who's headed up by Julianne Moore, who used to date Clive Owen. And they lost a child, I guess, 20 or so years prior. I don't even think related to this event. I think they just lost a child because it's not really- Right, right. I might be wrong about that.
Starting point is 00:51:18 But she went on to lead this kind of resistance, this anti-government force. And he just went on to be like just a bureaucrat, just a nothing level bureaucrat. Just a pencil pusher. Yeah. Ugh. But again, he just drinks. He's just like, who cares about anything, whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:35 And she brings him back in. I guess we're spoiling this, right? Everybody's seen this movie. Everybody's seen this. She brings him back into... But again, if you haven't, pause, watch an entire movie, come back to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:51:47 I would say this is the most watchable of all the ones we've talked about. Yeah. Like, it's got the most mass appeal. It's the easiest to
Starting point is 00:51:53 watch. I'm not saying it's the worst. It's not. It's great. No, I think all these are good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I mean, not Sunshine, obviously. You know what? Children of Men might be better than Sunshine. I might, yeah. I'd probably enjoy them better than sunshine. I might, yeah. I'd probably enjoy them equally, maybe.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I don't know. Anyway, Julianne Moore's group has come across this woman from Africa who is pregnant. Key. Key, yeah. And there's no explanation for it. And it's about him and Julianne Moore getting this young lady to, what's the group they're trying to get to?
Starting point is 00:52:27 The Future Group or something like that? Yes. Future, future, future. Human Project. Human Project. There we go. Which is this rumoured to exist, probably doesn't exist group,
Starting point is 00:52:40 which is trying to kickstart humanity, which basically has all the world's best scientists in one place and they've just been trying to solve this problem and and it's not it doesn't come it doesn't come down to necessarily the government versus this this group of rebels they're both terrible and it's about clive owen kind of ducking both right to do what's best for this woman and her baby and when and but with both humanity and. And humanity. And with both sides having their own agenda. Because they both want to use her for political reasons and whatever. It's amazing. It's got some amazing action sequences.
Starting point is 00:53:16 It's a really kind of, like I said, it's a really realistic future in terms of, there's not like flying cars and laser guns and whatever. But there's a little bit of stuff. There's a tiny bit, yeah. Some of it is kind of outmoded though, like already. Like there's a, if you remember Minority Report. I do.
Starting point is 00:53:31 There was, you know, the touchscreen. With the gloves. And there's gloves, but there's a similar element in Children. I mean, I can't remember what the device is. Oh, he's got a little holographic-y. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. But of course now, you know, with Kinect and all, you can just. Everybody's favorite.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah. All that new thing Google is doing, that thing. Search engines? Yeah, search engines. You can search anything. Reading our minds? Yeah. Email on a computer.
Starting point is 00:53:55 What? Yeah. Through a dolphin? Yeah. Great. Since the 80s. Since the bloody 80s. I don't know what else to say about this.
Starting point is 00:54:04 The action sequence, though, there's that one particular action sequence which is one shot where it follows Clive Vohman through a war zone. Yep. And it's maybe four minutes, maybe? But it's really, really impressive. There's actually, if you go on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:54:18 you've heard of it. I know it. Google, again. Yeah, that's right. Covered up. There's a guy called The Nerdwriter, all on Word. Google, again. Yeah, that's right. Covered up. There's a guy called The Nerdwriter, all on word. Oh, yeah. And he's made a video called Do Not Ignore the Background.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Oh, I put that in my watch list. Yeah. And it's all about the cinematography of Children of Man and sort of background details you miss and stuff like that. Things you missed. Oh, that's something. You could look into doing something like that. I could.
Starting point is 00:54:45 But it's kind of, yeah, like the cinematography is great and it's like you don't, you pick it up when you're watching it but you don't really think about it. No. But it's sort of, there's this element of like the camera lingers on background details that it finds interesting kind of thing. Yes, yes. Like you're following Clive Owen's sort of journey but then he'll go out of shot and the camera
Starting point is 00:55:08 will linger on like you know people in detention or they'll yeah criminal detention not school detention sure that'd be there are no schools yeah all the schools are closed anyway that's great you should check that check that down on youtube i'm just looking at alfonso curon yeah and he's did he do a Harry Potter? He did. He did Prisoner of Azkaban. He also did Gravity, which I don't love.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Which one's Gravity? Sandra Bullock's in space. She's like, oh, George Clooney, help. I preferred that to Interstellar. How about that?
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. Gravity looks great and is an amazing technical achievement of technicality. Yeah. Like they switched off the gravity. They certainly did.
Starting point is 00:55:49 But it's a lot of Sandra Bullock explaining her thoughts and what she's going to do as she's doing it. And that annoys me. Show don't tell, man. Alfonso Cuaron should know that more than anybody because he made 2006's Children of Men, which is the year it came out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Because I looked that up. Nice. We're professionals. I don't know. What else do you say about Children of Men? It's good. It's real good, man. Watch it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Tell your friends. Tell your children. Tell your men. Tell your women. Might edit that out. No, leave it in. Leave the silence in as well. That's it.
Starting point is 00:56:25 We did it. I'd love to do this again about different movies. Me too. But that's all the movies. Bugger. Next week, though, I'm looking forward to talking about The Martian. You looking forward to talking about The Martian? See, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:39 The Martian seems like the movie I wanted Interstellar to be. Sure. Like a movie set in space, but it looks like it's kind of fun. I'm having a bit of a romp, you know? Hey, I'm trapped on Mars, but I'm having a bit of a romp. Sure. Did you think Interstellar was fun at any point? No.
Starting point is 00:56:53 No, it was harrowing. It was very harrowing, wasn't it? Yeah. Everyone's sad. There was that robot. Everyone's sad and dusty. Ooh, I don't like it. They're my least favorite emotions.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Sad and dusty. You're the bloody Anakin Skywalker of this podcast. Yeah. Fan, bloody, But then again,
Starting point is 00:57:11 that's my two favorite aspects of like country music singers. Sad and dusty. Great. Good stuff. Well done.
Starting point is 00:57:19 You know what it's time for then? What we reading? What we gonna read. Ah, theme song. I'm doing a theme. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 00:57:33 What are you bloody reading? I'm bloody reading... I'm going to watch... This week I'm going to watch Sicario. Okay. Which is the film with Emily Blunt and other people. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Giovanni Ribisi. He's not in it. Benicio Del Toro. That's the one. Clive Owen. I forgot to mention Michael Caine's in Children of Men. He's really good.
Starting point is 00:57:51 He's great. And he based his performance on John Lennon because he knew John Lennon. They were friends. John Lennon was a bad parent. Oh, I've heard. Yeah, I've heard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Bad guy generally. Anyway, sorry, Sicario. What appeals to you about Sicario, the movie? I'm told it's very tense and it looks tense. Just watching the trailer, it looks... You know what it reminds me of? Do you remember there was that movie with Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman and a few years ago?
Starting point is 00:58:21 What was that called? I was going to say Green Zone, but that was... It's not Green Zone. And I think Jamie Foxx is in it as well. Yeah, he is, yeah. And it didn't really sit very well with me. How do you mean? You found it... Did you like it or did you not?
Starting point is 00:58:33 I found it really heavy-handed and dull. Okay. That's what I remember about it. So you found it bad, is what you're saying? That's not the word. Sure. I don't remember it enough to say it was bad. It tried to be kind of even-handed, but I didn't really find it that way. Oh, you found... what you say that's not the word sure i don't remember it enough to say it was bad okay it
Starting point is 00:58:45 tried to be kind of even-handed but i didn't really find it that way oh you found you were like we did you feel it was a bit gung-ho it was yeah right it wasn't it wasn't just that i don't remember it well enough to even to comment on it well you know it is a great maybe shut your bloody mouth then i think that's all right you know what is great three bloody kings that's a terrific war movie yeah Yeah, okay. But I don't... See, that's one of those movies that the trailer led us down a different path. You thought it was going to be a wacky adventure.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Thought it was going to be a wacky romp, but it wasn't. But it was dust and sadness. Dust and sadness. There was a bit of wackiness in it, but that movie speaks volumes about many periods in time, including both wars in Iraq, despite being made before the second one. Huh. The Kingdom is the name of the movie, are you thinking?
Starting point is 00:59:28 That's the one, yeah. So you're saying Sicario looks a little bit like The Kingdom? I'm not saying it is. I've heard it's okay. I think thematically it looks to be the same in terms of it's like, here's some people who are getting in way over their head. Sure. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 What was The Kingdom about? Pretty much that. Great. Yeah. So it's about drug cartels and things like that? Drug cartels, yeah. And all that bizzo. Do you feel you're overloaded with that
Starting point is 00:59:49 after watching a lot of seasons of Breaking Bad? No. I think, you know what, Breaking Bad's kind of the only real drug cartel kind of thing off the top of my head that I enjoyed. There's a Netflix series called Narco, which is apparently very good. People have been recommending that to me.
Starting point is 01:00:04 It's got the dude from Game of Thrones. Joffrey. Yeah, Joffrey. Hodor. Hodor, yes. You know your GOT. Boy, do I. Well, when are you going to see that?
Starting point is 01:00:15 Maybe we'll see it together. We'll see it together as a team. Great. Like we did with Pan. Set a grand tradition. Yeah. What Time Reading is a very interesting book about the rise of the Star Wars Empire.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Are there any good movies coming out in the last... Hunger Games. Yeah, okay. Children of Men. No. You can watch that though. I could. I'll give you a USB.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Do you have a dollar? Oh, okay. Didn't I give you a dollar before? Yeah. What else is there? There's Star Wars. Oh, yeah. There was going to be a Mission Impossible movie
Starting point is 01:00:45 but they moved that forward six months oh we've seen that already we have already seen it yeah I'm sure there's something yeah it's
Starting point is 01:00:52 is blockbuster season kind of over Spectre Spectre there we go there we go there's some exciting things excellent normally we get a bit of
Starting point is 01:00:57 resurgence in like late October November and then something comes out in December and then in between a bunch of other crap comes out oh sure yeah boy does it yeah I'm really excited sorry you were saying I'm reading this book called How Star Wars and then something comes out in December. And then in between, a bunch of other crap comes out. Oh, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Boy, does it. Yeah, I'm really excited. Sorry, you were saying? I'm reading this book called How Star Wars Conquered the Universe, which is basically the rise of the Star Wars empire. It's mostly a bit- Financial empire. Yeah, a lot of that.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Merchandise empire. Yes, there's a lot of that. It's basically a kind of- It's a look at everything you could possibly want to know in terms of not only like how the films were made but how george lucas started but also like the toy empire and the and the video game empire and the expanded universe and how star wars had a lull in the 80s and then george lucas had the foresight to go you know we'll wait until the 90s and then the people
Starting point is 01:01:38 who watched it when they were kids they'll have kids and then i'll bring it back and everybody will love it and whatever and how it's it doesn, it doesn't paint him in a terrible light. It paints him in terms of he is a control freak and he does like to micromanage, but he's not a bad guy. Right. I mean, he just has trouble letting go of certain ideas.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And he also has obviously trouble working with actors. The most telling of the ones that worked out well being the first Star Wars A New Hope and which he renamed and empire strikes back is because he had so much interference and he had so many people to bounce off and he had to compromise sure and then by the time you get to return the jedi the author makes a really a real point of we just talked about star wars i shouldn't be talking about this again the author makes a point that he hired this kind of yes man director who didn't really contribute anything to
Starting point is 01:02:25 the story except he just went whatever you want george lucas i will okay sure which is why return the jedi which i don't hate is kind of the way it is and then clearly lucas got a taste for it that's right you have yes man yeah and it even i'm up to the point i'm not through it yet where he hires rick mcc who became George Lucas' yes man. And it talks about through all the- His little, what's that guy? Yoda? No, Jabba the Hutt's little friend.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Oh, Salacious Crumb. Salacious Crumb, there we go. Yes, that's right. That's the international symbol for Salacious Crumb. A little man by your leg. A little gibbering idiot. Yes. And Rick McCullen is a great producer in the sense of and they say
Starting point is 01:03:05 this in the in the book that whatever george lucas need to needed to do he would get it done okay like he can do it and that's why george lucas loved him because he'd be like i want to put a cgi jab of the heart in whatever in the re-release of star wars and rick mccullen's like yep let's go done let's do it and he'd like he'd make it happen and it's really so is Rick McCullen just good at yelling yes I guess I know he doesn't he seems fairly even-tempered he's really good at just no I just mean I mean enthusiastic yelling I'm sure he's really good because that seems to be the only what you're saying there is George Lucas was like hey we need a CGI whatever and he's like okay hey everyone you know what is it just George Lucas is very quiet?
Starting point is 01:03:45 You're not wrong. They do mention that, that he acted as his mouthpiece, because George Lucas doesn't. Yes, exactly. He's not a great kind of people person. Right. He likes people, and he's a great humanitarian, but he's not kind of good.
Starting point is 01:03:58 He's not comfortable in kind of social situations. Like, he's developed it more so, but he didn't like the fame that came along with Star Wars, like, even, like, straight away. So, anyway, it's a really good read. And if you like books, Mason, I'll give it to you on a USB. Yes! Digital.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Just stack it on there. Oh, okay. Bloody stack it up, mate. Well, I guess we should talk about our letters this week. Oh, letters theme. Oh, wait. Yes? I've got a What We Reading here.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I'm ready. From Patrick. Okay, hi, Patrick. Who wants to be the official Terry McGinnis of the podcast. Done. Locked in, mate. Future Batman. Hey, James.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Hey, Nick. I recently found Action Comics Volume 1 online and read that, despite the fact that it was written in 1938, which is a real dumb year. I guess so. He ain't wrong. What was happening then? Wars?
Starting point is 01:04:43 No. Not yet. Boring. It's actually pretty good with some almost progressive views, brackets, assuming everyone in the 30s was sexist. Anyway, I don't know if you've ever read it, but here's a link just in case. So basically he's saying that, yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:00 I guess they would be a good read, wouldn't they? Like going back to check out those original kind of action comics. There's a certain window of good stuff out there, isn't there? Sure. You're saying this isn't it? No, I don't mind action comics, number one. Yeah. It's not bad.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Sure. I mean, it's certainly an insight, isn't it, to the beginning of Superman's. You are not wrong, because it is literally the beginning of Superman's. That's great. Keep up the good work and don't be dicks. All right. All right, fine. God. You got a latest theme for this week? Yes. that's great keep up the good work and don't be dicks alright alright fine god you got a letters theme
Starting point is 01:05:28 for this week yes so every week how does this work every look every week you refuse to edit in a letters theme
Starting point is 01:05:35 I refuse thank you you're paused for that now so I can do it because it's a bloody thing now it's a Pavlovian response it is so I would like the listeners yes to perhaps compose their own theme music
Starting point is 01:05:49 to a theme or maybe freestyle. And then what you do, put it or upload it to YouTube. Yes. Tweet the link to me. Yes. And I will play it through my phone. Use bloody phone, mate. Give me one second because I have one ready,
Starting point is 01:06:04 but I can't remember who sent it to me. Or why. Yeah. Well, why are you looking for that? If we're doing The Martian next week, often we'll ask for themes.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Yes. Like a certain style. Do we want a kind of how about a 1960s kind of space? Yeah, something with a theremin in it. Sure. A bit of that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:24 You know what I'm talking about? Imagine Spock trying to read somebody's mind in a teleporter while tumbling through a black hole. Something like that. Yeah, at least. Think that, but bigger, you know? Bigger and more, more stuff. Edit some of this out, but not all of it. I'll edit some of it.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Oh, here it is. Dennis Alonso. Thank you, Dennis. A letter's theme. In a world full of weekly planet fans, one inbox holds the key to our questions. But now, it's time to read them. Starring James as Mr. Sunday
Starting point is 01:07:01 and Nick as Mason. In the romantic comedy of the ages, James as Mr. Sunday and Nick as Mason. In the romantic comedy of the ages, get ready for Letters. Very good. Loved it. Acapella, I guess. Yeah, that's right. Fantastic.
Starting point is 01:07:18 So if you want to... He's got a good voice. I know, right? That dude from Screen Junkies Ever Dies. Get into it, which we will talk about in a minute in one minute what are you talking about hello my roommates and i just threw an under the sea themed party at our house see there we go good themed party under the sea exactly unless it was under the sea in the 80s which case you're a dickhead yeah that's right i of course dressed as aquaman one of my roommates, Nikki, is from Australia,
Starting point is 01:07:48 and she's contributed two things to the house party, goon punch and fairy bread. They both seemed very suspicious, and I wonder if she was trying to trick us silly Americans into consuming ridiculous things. Can you confirm that these are actual things in Australia? Thank you, Joe, a.k.a. the official Lionel Hartzler podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Both of those things are real things. Both of those things are true. Goon is really cheap wine in a.k.a. the official Lionel Hartzler podcast. Yes. Both of those things are real. Both of those things are true. Goon is really cheap wine in a cask. It's in a cardboard box and inside that- A box of wine. Yeah. Inside that is a- I'm sure they have these in the States- is a silver bladder, which holds the cheapest wine you can imagine. But you can often mix it into a punch and make it slightly drinkable.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Yeah. Or you can play the game Goon of Fortune. I was going to say, have you ever played Goon of Fortune? Where you get a whole bunch of them and you close peg them to a washing... To a spinning washing line. They're called Hill's Hoist in Australia. I don't know what they call them in America. Washing lines.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Yep. And then you spin it yep like the wheel of fortune wheel and whoever it lands on has to drink it from the clothesline yeah i was playing that once only one time as i was leaving uni i think it was one of the last parties and it landed on me and i went you know what i don't have to do this so i just walked our little guys grow i know right know, right? Yeah. Yeah. And fairy bread is just bread with sprinkles on it. Yeah, exactly. Hundreds and thousands.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yeah. You ever played Goon of Fortune? No. You ever played Fairy Bread of Fortune? Yeah. Do you like fairy bread? Yeah, I love it. It's really good. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:09:16 It's really bad for you though. Don't care. Look at me. Do you think I care? You don't look like you care. No. Okay. Hey, James and Maiso.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Love the show and i've listened to all the episodes that we know about i was wondering if you two for the ones we lose yeah but listen to those uh i've just uh i was just wondering if you two had seen the wachowski's cloud atlas if you haven't you definitely should i i'm no apologist of the wachowski's recent filmography but despite some questionable makeup choices for hugo weaving i think this is a really good movie. On this note, I thought maybe you could do an episode
Starting point is 01:09:48 on the best movies of the Wachowskis. I guess we just talk about the Matrix. Yeah, just talk about the Matrix. As ever, keep up the good work at Grab.GM. Chris O'Reilly from Leeds, England. I have not seen Cloud Atlas. Me neither.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Doesn't Tom Hanks yellow face it? I think a few people do, yeah. Yeah, I guess not few people do yeah well yeah I guess not a lot of people saw it to be upset that movie cost so much money it's apparently an unfilmable well it's a book
Starting point is 01:10:11 well I bought the novel and I didn't get through it because it's unfilmable yeah yeah I once I was watching something and I fell asleep
Starting point is 01:10:19 and because I was on a hard drive and then Cloud Atlas started and I woke up and I'm like what the fuck is this? Like, I had no idea. Like, I'm just like, what world is this? It's a future or you grants in this?
Starting point is 01:10:30 What? And it's Cloud Atlas. I do plan on going back to it because I've heard there is a lot of merit in it. Okay. But. I recently watched some of Speed Racer on Netflix. And? I didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:10:42 It's no good. Too many green screens? Look, I understand. Too many Matthew Fox. I totally get if you were on a lot of drugs, you could just watch it and be like, oh, if you're on like MDMA or anything or something. Don't do that though.
Starting point is 01:10:55 No. Yeah. I don't do drugs. But if I did, I probably wouldn't watch Speed Racer. Yeah. I'm sure there's something better you could do. Like stand near a hospital just in case. Be responsible.
Starting point is 01:11:06 There we go, yeah. There we go. Have your Bible ready. Have it bloody ready. Great. Hey, guys. Last letter. I'm listening to your podcast every week,
Starting point is 01:11:15 and I must say, it is the best. Do you like anime? I'm asking this because there's a rumor that Christopher Nolan will make a live action Akira trilogy. Oh, trilogy. Trilogy. Oh, trilogy. Trilogy. I know your opinion on this.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Did we say that? That's the rumor anyway, that Christopher Nolan is going to make Akira. That's going to be his next project. You excited for that, if that's a thing? Is that his first... Movie? No, he's made many movies. Thank you. Finally, a straight answer from this.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Besides Batman, has he done any licensed stuff other than that? Let me think. Magician one, Magician Fight. He did Inception. He did Instastella. He did Insomnia. He did Memento. Because he's done Batman, but he hasn't done...
Starting point is 01:11:56 Straight up adaptation of Batman? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, he's done some original stuff around that kind of thing. So this would be his first time adapting. Do you think he would just adapt it straight? Or do you think he'd be like, I'm going to Christopher Nolan this? I think he's going to Christopher Nolan it.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Do you think maybe, do you want a straight adaptation though? I mean, it already exists. Well, I, you know, I just went Ur trilogy,
Starting point is 01:12:17 but I think that's just my reaction to trilogies. Sure. I think that's the way you're going to go. Akira, the animation, and we could have talked about this in Best Sci-Fi, because I really enjoy the original Akira. Animation.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Animation. Yeah. It's quite amazing that they packed the thousands and thousands of pages more or less into one movie. Yeah. Like there's some elements like, well, there's quite a lot that they did cut out a lot. I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:12:41 You are. Yeah, in a lot of ways I'm an idiot. But there is so much of the first few akira books that are that are just in that yeah the the animation sort of stops the story dead at a certain point in what sense uh in well we can spoil akira yeah in in the movie uh tetsuo is is looking to find akira and he wants to find him and et cetera, et cetera, defeat him or join up with him. Yeah, Shakira. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah, thank you. Good pull. That rhymes. And in the movie, basically Akira returns. Tetsuo goes to a secret facility and he finds that Akira like had become pure like he evolved into pure energy and all that's left were some of his organs
Starting point is 01:13:28 and bits and pieces and he was pretty happy about it yeah no he's bummed about it he's like oh no but then Akira returns and sort of destroys the city anyway Akira comes back and he sort of destroys the city again
Starting point is 01:13:38 and turns the whole world into a concept or something I don't know what happens but in the manga the original comic book akira and tetsu akira comes back in like physical form yeah and they sort of rule the city together for a while cool quite a while why didn't they do that too long yeah i guess it is yeah just have a monster have a bloody giant monster man exactly yeah yeah you like it obviously it's really good
Starting point is 01:14:04 yeah you an anime fan i'd like to do an episode on it i feel like i don't know enough about it we had mentioned we mentioned anime many episodes ago and a lot of people and i said can people send me some good anime to attack of attack on titan people recommended that what's a little bit of that uh a lot of people recommended full metal alchemist yes watch the first episode wasn't on board with it ooh I know in your face millions of people who love that I mean millions of people don't listen to this
Starting point is 01:14:27 but tell people but if you can spread the word that we said that that it's hey this guy you don't know he doesn't care for it but I don't know maybe I was in the mood
Starting point is 01:14:34 if I only watched one episode Evangelion apparently amazing I quite like that yeah the boons that ended weirdly as well
Starting point is 01:14:39 I need to watch some stuff to talk about it yeah fair enough we can do that Evangelion I liked a lot but it did end in an episode. Because it's giant robots fighting giant monsters. And the final episode basically takes place in a little kid's head.
Starting point is 01:14:54 And it's just all white rooms and people going, who am I really? Kind of thing. It feels like the budget ran out. And people were very unhappy with that. So there was a follow-up called The End of Evangelion where basically the whole world was destroyed. It's like, how do you like it now?
Starting point is 01:15:08 Who did it turn out they were really though? I can't remember. Oh, no. Yeah. Pretty good. Sounds pretty good. Great. Also.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Probably aliens or something. Do you know about, what do you think about dragon ball evolution do you see that movie live action movie no i did not see that movie so terrible great like oh thoughts on akira so um yeah i i knocked back the trilogy but i think trilogy is probably the way to go for this if you want to get more of the story yeah sure on board because again if we do a straight adaptation yeah the same but live people are are like, well, it's no, but you know. Yeah, absolutely. So they just draw it from the source material
Starting point is 01:15:48 more than so the original, from the animation. I want the storyline to be the same. I just want more of it. Sure. More Shakira. More Shakira. They were making a few years ago. Motorcycle fights.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Yeah, that's awesome. That Kristen Stewart was cast in it. Chris Evans was in it. Zac Efron was going to be in it I believe so yeah I think also Joseph Gordon-Levitt maybe I might be wrong well now he's definitely in
Starting point is 01:16:10 it sure yeah that's it he'll be Tetsuo he'd probably be Tetsuo now that I think about it wouldn't be Kaneda hardly yeah he wishes yeah
Starting point is 01:16:21 also do you guys know what the latest Otis trailer epic voice man says grab that gem crossover maybe it'd be great if you guys know what the latest Otis trailer Epic Voiceman says? Grab that gem. Crossover maybe? It'd be great if you guys went on movie fights.
Starting point is 01:16:30 We get tweeted this a lot and I know that those guys get tweeted a lot. Oh boy, do they? Actually, I've been in contact with that guy, the guy who runs it.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Andy? Andy. Andy Signore. Yeah, he's a good dude. He said, look, if you're in the country, we should do this. How about we make this promise?
Starting point is 01:16:46 If we're ever on the same continent, we will make it happen. Definitely, yeah. Because they seem like super nice guys. But I feel, yeah, I mean, yeah, this was mentioned to us a lot. We would like to do it, definitely. It would be great. Yeah. But I feel, and we've brought this up.
Starting point is 01:17:02 We get killed. Well, that's because we're bad at everything. but I feel, and we've brought this up we get killed because because we're bad at everything but also because it's difficult to have an argument over Skype I don't know if you've ever tried to do that but I feel like as well we'd go on it and if they were like, I think this is the best Indiana Jones
Starting point is 01:17:18 movie, I'd be like, yeah I guess you've raised some really good points if I'm honest with you but yeah, even if we're super fired ourselves up for it, it doesn't work over Skype. If you ever try, if you ever try and have some sort of fiery debate over Skype, it's all like,
Starting point is 01:17:32 so I did, wait, wait, do you, okay, you go, you go, yep.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Ah, right. It doesn't work. It doesn't work. Yeah. Yeah. And I think they know that as well. So if we're ever,
Starting point is 01:17:43 yeah, maybe one day, maybe next year, maybe the year they know that as well. So if we're ever, yeah, maybe one day. Maybe next year. Maybe the year after. Ooh. Yeah. You prefer 2017? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Got more of a reaction. Anyway, that's the end of the show. We did it again. Where can people find us? Ooh, Weekly Planet Pod on Gmail and Twitter and Facebook and Bandcamp. And also follow the Weekly Planet, which is a good thing to follow. Absolutely, at the Weekly Planet on Twitter. Rob Collins is crushing it. I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies
Starting point is 01:18:07 I'm at Wikipedia Brown yeah slash Mr. Sunday Movies absolutely what else do we what else we got anything else
Starting point is 01:18:12 did we say the Bandcamp stuff yeah we did yep good t-shirts Golden Legend get one of them I guess yeah he's made a
Starting point is 01:18:19 Shrinky Land t-shirt he has you'll love it I do love it and what else was I going to say if you do have an opinion on The Martian, send it through. Yeah. Or a Martian theme song.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Yeah. Either way. Yeah. That's the show for this week. That is the show for this week. Hang on. Anything else? Let me think.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Thanks for listening. I don't know if we mentioned that enough. We like it, don't we? Yeah, it's great. Yeah. Yeah. It just keeps getting bigger and better. Not better.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Bigger. And better. Not physically bigger. I mean, the file size is about the same. Give or take. Yeah. Yeah. It just keeps getting bigger and better. Not better. Bigger. And better. Not physically bigger. I mean, the file size is about the same. Give or take. Yeah. Yeah. Our heads are getting larger, though.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Certainly. We should probably get that looked at. Why? I think it's probably the paint on these walls. Anyway, thanks for listening, guys. As usual, as always, grab that gem in your daily lives. What was that catchphrase you showed me that somebody sent in? Your new catchphrase. One of them. I'm going to try out a few. You're going to life what was that catchphrase you showed me that somebody sent in that your new new catchphrase one of them i'm gonna try it a few you're gonna try it a few catchphrases okay now okay somebody put on a t um uh blockbusted podcast at blockbusted pod uh
Starting point is 01:19:15 sent us a picture of a t-shirt it says another iconic catchphrase for mr sunday movies it's just a picture of you and it says none of this matters none of this matters hashtag and that's true that's true that's true nah see you didn't say with a resignation that we'll try it we'll try a different one next week none of this matters no no go with your standard one where's this beginning yay okay bye everyone as women our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit
Starting point is 01:19:56 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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