The Weekly Planet - 106 Hulk Joins Thor: Ragnarok & Back To The Future!

Episode Date: October 19, 2015

Huge week for this show we do!Hulk and Thor team up, two new X-Men TV series, Marvel get Fantastic Four Back (apparently), Vin Diesel hints at Inhumans, a new Star Wars trailer landing, Battle Angel A...lita and Godzilla VS King Kong confirmed for 2020.Also, we talk the Back To The Future trilogy in light of that date people don't shut-up about. Thanks for listening! Also Powers Boothe. POWERS BOOTHE. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always, my co-host Nick Mason.
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's me. You know what sometimes we do as well? What do we do? Is we plug other podcasts that we've been on. Nope. And we say,
Starting point is 00:00:53 We stopped that. We had a meeting. No, we say, stop listening to this one and listen to another podcast, specifically one that I was on. Sure. So this week I was on,
Starting point is 00:01:00 my friends Sarah and Michael have a podcast called It's a Duck Blur. You said you returned. I returned to it. It's a podcast where they break down and discuss every episode of the 80s cartoon series Duck Tales. I always thought it was a 90s show because that's when it aired here.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. But boy, it's OG. It's OG duck-based cartoon. So basically what we did is we watched the episode and we just ridiculed it for like, it's like a 22-minute episode and we ridiculed it for like an hour and a bit. Wow. So if you want to listen to that and you should, because it's real good.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I had a good time anyway. Yeah. Just go to, you can, what Michael does is he adds in a whole bunch of audio drops and stuff like that. So if you don't, you don't have to watch the episode to have fun with the podcast. I listened to the last one you were on. It was really good. I really enjoyed it. So basically basically but if you want to watch the episode which i recommend you do just go into just go to google and type in ducktales drain on the economy which is the
Starting point is 00:01:53 which is the fun-filled title of that particular episode and you can watch it on like daily motion or something like that or youtube or whatever great and then uh then just listen the episode is gizmo duck in it gizmo duck's not in it. I've been twice. I said, you know what I said? I did the first one. I said I had a real good time. When I come back, can it be for a Gizmoduck episode? And they said, no problem, because Gizmoduck's my favorite character. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And no. Is his feet wedged in that wheel? Oh, my God. I never even thought about that. You'd have to watch an episode, but you haven't. No, I don't know. I haven't seen his origin. Great.
Starting point is 00:02:26 On with the news. Yes. Do you know they're going to make, apparently, a Die Hard origin story set in 1979. Oh, a Die Hard Year Zero. Apparently. I feel that's already a thing. Like, maybe there's a comic book. There actually is.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I haven't read it, but there is a prequel Die Hard comic. Yeah. I thought you were going to say say because the first diehard is a diehard origin year zero like yeah in a way sure because he's just because he wasn't diehard he's just a regular cop yeah and then he has to bloody step up into glass in his bloody feet so set in 1979 it shows that the quote from the article is it's showing how he becomes a diehard kind of guy. He wasn't really a diehard guy. No, but what I think they should do is they should get Bruce Willis back
Starting point is 00:03:12 for the prequel. Okay. But he looks like he does now. Shaved head and all. Shaved head and all. And then they have to conceive, like they have to build a conceit where he somehow gets that widow's peak and he becomes a lot younger looking so he starts old gets younger and then gets old again yes love it i don't think that's ever been done because that's that's what i've said this before on the show
Starting point is 00:03:32 the reason i don't like die hard 4 and i'm ambivalent to die hard 5 because i've not seen die hard 5 because what's the point yes but i didn't like die hard 4 not because of the plot or because they cut out some of the violence or anything like that i don't like die hard 4 because he didn't grow back his widow's peak. He doesn't look like John McClane. He just looks like generic Bruce Willis action guy. And he can just kind of do everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Like the point of Bruce Willis. Did I say? The point of Bruce Willis, the main character of Die Hard. Bruce Willis should shut up. I don't like him. I like some of his movies. Not so much lately. But he just plays Bruce Will willis now like he's not
Starting point is 00:04:07 being john mclean he's just like i'm just an action superstar exactly i'm a generic action guy i'm the generic action guy we'll plug him into a scenario and see what he does is this the same thing is this the movie red it doesn't matter who knows is it gi joe 2 who's to say oh there's lasers it's gi joeI. Joe 2. It is, yeah. Apparently this movie is going to be bookended with modern day Bruce Willis. So he's going to be like, remember the time that I had my first diehard? So this is the Young Indiana Jones diehard movie. That's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Great. Oh, so good. It's that episode of Young Indiana Jones with Harrison Ford. Yeah. So who is a good young Bruce Willis? Who do we have though? Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He did it in Looper. He did it in Looper.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I did it in Looper. All right. I don't think you necessarily have to look like him. I think you just got to have the kind of mannerisms down pat. I think it's a mistake if you cast to looks because that's why you get Ashton Kutcher in a Steve Jobs movie. That's true. Who looks a lot more like Steve Jobs than say Michael Fassbender.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But by all accounts, the newer Jobs movie is much, much better. Okay, cool. So just pick a Bruce Willis-y kind of guy. I know a thing. People have pointed out to me that I say interesting a lot on the show, and now it's in my head. Now you can't say it anymore? You know what? Things aren't interesting anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Actually, you know what? God damn it. If something's interesting, I'm going to say it's interesting. I feel like- Because people who listen to this show don't know when a bloody interesting thing smacks them in the face. So I'm going to say that it's interesting. Oh, there's a new Die Hard prequel, is it?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Well, that's interesting. In a good way? No. It just means you're like, well, that's something. I'm intrigued to know if this is going to be bad, but it will be. Well, do you know, there was talk, and I'm pretty sure someone was writing this. I think it was Ben Treblecook. I was following him on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Is that a person? Yeah, he's a writer. He's an English writer. He was writing... Treblecook. Yeah. We've glossed over that, but all right. We've glossed over a name that neither of us has ever heard before.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I've heard of it because I brought it up. No, but I mean before this Treblecook guy. Sure. Good point, I guess. But he was apparently writing a version of Die Hard 6 where Bruce Willis goes to Japan as the Nakatomi building anniversary rolls around. Oh, sure. And then it happens again, I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Great. So that sounds way better, right? Yeah. Than whatever happened in 5. Yeah. Russia or something. Yeah. I watched 10 minutes and I'm like, this is garbage.
Starting point is 00:06:23 In the first 10 minutes, he gets in like a whole lot of cars because he goes to get his son back. And in the first 10 minutes, he's going through like a car chase and he's crashing cars in Russia. And he keeps yelling out, he yells out like, I'm on vacation.
Starting point is 00:06:35 But he's not actually on vacation. Like he's there for a specific purpose to save his son. Was his son off dieharding in Russia? Yeah, he was a CIA agent, but he thought he was kind of a dropkick or whatever. But he was actually like a special forces elite. I haven't watched it all, but that's what it is. For our non-Australian listeners, a dropkick is an idiot.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yes. Call somebody a dropkick today. See how it goes. You'll be fine. Yeah. Because they don't know. Anyway, more news, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So does he have any more kids? Yeah, he's got a daughter. She's in four. No, but I mean, besides that, has he got a third one? I don't think so. Okay. more news, I guess. Yeah, so does he have any more kids? Yeah, he's got a daughter. She's in four. No, but I mean, besides that, has he got a third one? I don't think so. I mean, probably. It doesn't matter. Then we're safe for die-hard sex. Good, good. So, there was a rumor earlier this week that they were going to merge, I think this is on I couldn't even tell you. Let's say
Starting point is 00:07:17 Den of Geek. Oh, yeah. That's a pretty good site. No, it might have been Joe Blow. I don't know. It might have been Shmoe's nose. It might have been. It could have been any of those, any or all of them. So I apologize. But they brought out the rumor that Thor and Hulk are going to be teaming up for the Thor Ragnarok movie. That's right, yeah. And then apparently it turns out, because multiple sources then confirmed that Mark Ruffalo is in talks to join that movie.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Ruffalo? Ruffio. He got Ruffied and now he's in the Hulk. It's Mark Ruffles. After the potato chip potato chip oh yes is that an australian thing i don't know you're a bloody dropkick mate well let's let's talk about all because there's i feel there's been in the last couple of weeks there's been a lot of marvel movie news absolutely tv news that we yeah that we skipped over a little bit maybe yeah because there's there's a lot of this there's been some shake-ups so people are saying that maybe the Iron Fist TV series
Starting point is 00:08:07 will be taken out, like it'll be cancelled. So the story with that is, and it's just a rumour, a lot of people are saying that it also isn't true. Yep. Which is, I guess, what happens with rumours. That's how rumours, otherwise they're confirmed. That they haven't been able to crack it and a lot of it's been to do with the committee,
Starting point is 00:08:24 the Marvel Consultative Committee, which don't run the movies anymore. They do run the TV shows, including Netflix stuff. That's Ike Perlmutter? He is, isn't he? Yeah, that's him. He's probably at the head of that table, banging his fist.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Sure. And they can't crack the story and they can't agree to sign off on certain things. But interestingly, to use a phrase that you coined, there was a rumor of a Moon Knight series this week which I like Iron Fist but I like Moon Knight a lot more so if I had to say one of those
Starting point is 00:08:52 what do you reckon? and that's the thing because they both have similar elements sure yeah and by similar elements I mean similar elements to Batman because we've got Iron Fist who's Danny Rand
Starting point is 00:09:04 who's like a colourful billionaire. Yeah. And also we've got Moon Knight, who is Batman but with moon stuff. Yeah. Yes, I'm aware it's more complicated than that. I don't think it is. No, it's really not. A moon crashed through his window.
Starting point is 00:09:18 That's right. And he decided to dress as a moon. That's the one. Yeah. Yeah, look, I don't know. And I think... Or he got mooned he might have gotten moved is that an australian thing i think that's yeah no that's an american thing okay if for those who don't know it's when somebody shows you their butt that's just that's a that's a worldwide phenomenon i feel that you that that's what you used to do before the ice
Starting point is 00:09:42 bucket challenge oh you moved someone someone you mooned someone for charity okay because we some people were saying that Iron Fist he's too colourful a character for the rest of the Netflix Marvel Universe I don't think so no that's exactly
Starting point is 00:09:57 a lot of people have said that but I don't think that's true but I think and also people have been a lot of people saying they don't know who to cast. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Because it's... For Iron Fist? Yeah. Yeah. People said Ryan Felipe. That's the number one pick. The problem with Iron Fist, and you can work around it, I feel, with, say, Daredevil. Like, he's sort of a ninja.
Starting point is 00:10:20 He's, you know, a fighter. He mostly gets punched. Yeah, he mostly gets punched. He fisty cuffs, and he clearly, you know, he's got know a fighter he mostly gets punched he mostly gets punched in fisticuffs and he clearly you know he's got he's got some training or whatever yeah but he is kind of a bruiser and a brawler yeah so you can fix that with editing maybe sure thing or you can just have people clumsily lay into each other like you would in a real fight yeah but with iron fist he's you know the top echelon of martial artists exactly in this dimension kind of thing so you
Starting point is 00:10:44 need somebody who can do that. Who can actually do that. I guess you can get a stunt double to do that, though, because he wears a mask. Wears a mask, yeah. Yeah, so I don't know. Get Ray Park. Well, if you're listening, and I know you aren't.
Starting point is 00:10:56 That's a great idea. Yeah. Ray Park. I was going to say the dude who played, he stunt doubled for Deadpool in the Wolverine movie. And I think he's stunt doubling for Deadpool in the Wolverine movie. And I think he's stunt-doubling for Batman in the new Batman movie. I think his name's Scott Lever? Okay, maybe, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And he's like an MMA martial arts kind of dude. Get the Green Ranger. He's a real MMA guy. Yeah, that guy. Absolutely. Not as the actual actor. No, that would be bad. There's also talk of the Inhumans movie being cancelled.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yes. Go ahead. I was going to say, but Marvel kind of stomped that out. And then Vin Diesel pretty much came out and said that he's going to be Black Bolt. Because, again, the rumour said that because Fast and Furious 7 sort of blew up, it blew up that series again, that he would be writing and directing and starring in 8 and 9. And so he wouldn't have time. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So they'd just be like... And he's really the only guy who's ever been attached to Inhumans like cast-wise ever, really. So they haven't looked at who to make the dog yet. Yeah, exactly. Lockjaw. Lockjaw, thank you. And another...
Starting point is 00:12:06 They have stamped it out but people the reason in here the inhumans have sort of been introduced in agents of shield yes and probably yeah it's tough to say isn't it sort of the and they are materially very similar to the x-men yes well they've they've they've brought out a thing in marvel recently and i think they already said this there are you can't They're not introducing any more mutants. There's some kind of disease in the Marvel Universe. Oh, very good. Convenient. Because every time they make a new mutant, it automatically goes to Fox.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Oh, yeah. That's very true. So everybody's an inhuman, which isn't as interesting. It's not less interesting. I guess you're right. Yeah. But again, it's hard to make new in humans. Yeah. Because they were a product of alien genetic manipulation
Starting point is 00:12:58 thousands of years ago. So you have the ones that exist on the moon and you have the ones that exist that are created with the Terrigen mists on Earth and that's just not like it's not there's not just Terrigen mist storms
Starting point is 00:13:09 all over the world you need and in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. they need to be they need to be people with that potential and they find an alien artifact or what have you
Starting point is 00:13:17 I think yeah like they're similar to the X-Men and I think that the plan you know the plan seems to be since they don't have the X-Men in the MCU,
Starting point is 00:13:27 they'll just swing in the Inhumans and say, that's close enough kind of thing. Yeah, whatever, yeah. But people have been saying that, you know, because Disney have Star Wars, that when The Force Awakens comes out, they're going to make $2 billion or something like that. So if they just peel off one of those billions
Starting point is 00:13:43 and give it to Fox and say, can we have the x-men back yeah they'll take a billion dollars for it kind of thing you reckon yeah and then they don't need the inhumans i guess so yeah that movie they can do well there's there was also rumors of a of a deal between fox and we'll get back to thor i know i've said it earlier we'll get to it soon maybe i. I know I've said it earlier. We'll get to it soon. Maybe. I might forget. There's two new X-Men TV series that are starting up. This just announced this week.
Starting point is 00:14:11 One's called Legion on FX. Okay. And the other one's called Hellfire on Fox TV. Okay. Right. And the rumor is that in order for Marvel had to sign off on these X-Men TV series because Fox don't own the rights to X-Men on television. And so in order to sign off, they apparently traded. This is a rumor.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yes. Again, Fantastic Four. Right. There we go. And that's going to be one of the 2020 movies that were announced. Yeah. Do you want to see another take on the Fantastic Four or X-Men TV series? Look, we had some great success with Mutant X.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It was a good one, wasn't it? No, it was bad. You were being sarcastic. Yeah. I wasn't. No, it's terrible. It's real bad. It combines all the worst. It combines, you know, the heroes have like they have all the superpowers and they have all
Starting point is 00:15:02 the Matrix-style kung fu and it's them versus just some some got some middle-aged guys in business suits who have a little bit of kung fu yeah and andy warhol yes they're fighting and then it's as good as the tv show heroes it's probably all right that's fair oh really oh no it's not it's not that good actually it is from the 90s yeah so um but all right so do we have any Oh, really? Oh, okay. No, it's not that good, actually. It is from the 90s. Yeah. But all right. So do we have any more details about that? No.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Because Legion is Professor X's son. Yes, okay, yeah. So he's got a multiple personality disorder and all his personalities have different powers. We saw him in X-Men 2, is that right? Or was that a different... No, that wasn't it. That was Stryker's son.
Starting point is 00:15:41 That was Stryker's son, yeah. Sorry, I apologize, yes. Edit that out. No one will ever know. I won't put it in. No, don't. Edit that out. No one will ever know. I won't put it in. No, don't. Take that out. I'll reference it every five minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But could he carry a series? I guess he could. Sure, why not? What if he was like that guy, the pretender? Who was that guy? That guy's like 55. No, I'm not the actor. Oh, you mean like he goes and does he'd pretend to be yeah
Starting point is 00:16:05 go do different stuff okay he had a different set of powers and i feel like as well patrick stewart would be like yeah i'll be in this occasionally oh yeah okay you know yeah have you been catching up with blunt talk i haven't i watched the first one and i really liked it so i want to go back to it but i haven't got to it yet yeah yeah okay um i guess i could do that yeah i'd like to see a resurrection did you ever read Resurrection Man no Resurrection Man was a DC superhero
Starting point is 00:16:28 and every time he died he came back with a different he immediately reincarnated as a different superhero oh wow okay like with different powers
Starting point is 00:16:34 yeah yeah sometimes it was sometimes useless and sometimes useful kind of thing so he's Doctor Who oh no because he could come back
Starting point is 00:16:42 forever essentially okay sure so like there was a... Doctor Who's not going away. Yeah, that's true. Did they take away the number of regenerations? I think it's just like, whatever now.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like, Resurrection Man, you know, he killed... He'd come back maybe in some way that was relevant to how he was killed kind of thing. Sure, yeah. And there's an issue where he has to go and fight some bad guys and he wants to go and fight some bad guys and he wants powers that are useful enough to fight these bad guys, but he runs across Hitman, Tommy Monaghan,
Starting point is 00:17:12 who takes a lot of joy in just riddling him with bullets for the entire issue and just keeps bringing him back. It's pretty good. Great. Does he also feel pain? Yes. Well, that's not pleasant, is it? I know, right?
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah. What are we talking about? I don't know. Oh, Legion. And Hellfire, which i assume is a hellfire club yeah i'd imagine yeah modern day i guess because we saw that in um first class yeah we did it was like the early days of that so i guess they just bring it up i'm very intrigued by both of these things interesting whether that there you go yeah you took the word right out of my mouth you're gonna use intrigue now from now on i might switch it up. Sure, why not? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:46 But what do you think about the Fantastic Four potentially going back to Marvel? Look, if this isn't true, which it may not be. Yeah. Okay, if it's true,
Starting point is 00:17:54 it makes sense. Yep. Fox can't use Fantastic Four. No, never again. They've ruined it. They've ruined it. Well, see, that's the thing. I would appreciate
Starting point is 00:18:02 at the very least bring it back to marvel even if it is a dud they'll never use it again right you don't think marvel use it no i reckon they'd have a crack at it okay this is how i would do it if i was anything i mean they'll do it once in 2020 oh okay if it's a dud yeah oh yeah at least for us there'll be no more because they'll have enough characters and whatever they'll have enough in humans yeah exactly but Fox
Starting point is 00:18:27 will keep at this forever because if you don't take it from them they will just keep going well we've got to do one in another year because otherwise we'll lose the rights which we're keeping for some reason forever
Starting point is 00:18:42 so let's just keep and they'll just keep doing it yeah yeah well I think that it makes sense to take it back because Marvel can't do an X-Men TV series which we're keeping for some reason forever. So let's just keep, and they'll just keep doing it. Yeah, yeah. Well, I think that it makes sense to take it back because Marvel can't do an X-Men TV series or use the X-Men, and Fox have ruined Fantastic Four. And if I was Marvel, I'd do a period piece X-Men movie like they've talked about with the 2005 version.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Didn't you mention that as well, that it was supposed to originally be that? Yeah, the original, again, I don't know if this is a rumour, but maybe it's just people on the internet going, you know what would be good? Is that you have the Fantastic Four, it's the 60s, it's kind of groovy kind of thing. It reads kind of a square.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You just do it. You put in bloody Michael Douglas' young Hank Pym. You put in bloody Peggy Carter and you just do it like that. Why can't we have a movie set in that era yeah and that way it's completely different and you know what
Starting point is 00:19:28 if you want to bring him to the present just put him in a fucking time machine or time loop or some shit he's got a time platform exactly
Starting point is 00:19:34 I forgot exactly so absolutely you could do that you could just have him yeah meet the characters from back in the day
Starting point is 00:19:41 you could even you could even put in a bit of the the Trank kind of thing where they're I mean you shouldn't but you could even put in you potentially could yeah you potentially put in the day. You could even put in a bit of the Trank kind of thing where they're... I mean, you shouldn't, but you could even put in... You potentially could. Yeah, you potentially put in the thing
Starting point is 00:19:49 where they've been doing secret missions for the government. And that's why we would not have heard of them before this or nobody's mentioned it. Like, oh, hey, these superheroes, they're like the Fantastic Four because nobody remembers them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:59 There you go. And then, at least if it's bad, we'll never see them again. That's right. And look, I feel like before we get to Thor and Hulk, a lot of people emailed in about Powers Booth now being a part of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Powers Booth is going to be in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Yes. Did he think we wouldn't notice that he was in Avengers
Starting point is 00:20:15 as one of the bloody S.H.I.E.L.D. council members? We noticed. We noticed Powers Booth. We noticed your chiseled features and gruff voice anywhere, Powers Booth. We enjoy your work, Powers Booth. We noticed your chiseled features and gruff voice anywhere, Powers Booth. We enjoy your work, Powers Booth. Yeah. Even though it sounds like we're angry. I'd like you to be in more stuff, Powers Booth.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I hope you're good in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'll probably watch an episode, Powers Booth. Nah, he's alright, isn't he? Where were you in Age of Ultron, Powers Booth? Yeah. There's a council in that. Where were you in bloody Winter Soldier, Powers Booth? You piece of booth. Yeah. There's a council in that. Where were you in bloody Winter Soldier powers booth?
Starting point is 00:20:46 You piece of shit. Yeah. Actually, no, there were no council members in Age of Ultron. Yeah. But they were in Winter Soldier. They were in Winter Soldier.
Starting point is 00:20:53 That's what I meant. Okay, right. You fixed it. I did. Well done. Interesting. You're probably in Jonah Hex powers booth.
Starting point is 00:20:59 He seems like the kind of guy who would swing off a chandelier on a rope. Yeah, I guess he would. Yeah. He's got that vibe about him. In real life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:06 He's got a bit of daring do. He does, doesn't he? A bit of old school Hollywood daring do. Sure. Yeah. I imagine he was some kind of oil baron that Zorro has to fight. Yeah, definitely. There we go.
Starting point is 00:21:18 All right. So the Thor and Hulk movie. Oh, yes. Apparently it is happening. So Thor Ragnarok, which is apparently going to be an incredibly dark kind of apocalyptic movie. Directed by Taika Waititi. Woohoo! I still gotta watch that movie.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I haven't watched it yet. It's very good. What becomes of the shadows in New Zealand or whatever it's called. And it's got to be kind of... It's called Dracula. Because they're from New Zealand. Very good.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah. And so they kind of... The Empires. That's more South African, I will. Close enough. Close enough. What's this thing? So it's kind of team up. The Empires. That's more South African, I will. Close enough. Close enough. What's this thing? So they'll team up and kind of go on a little adventure or whatever,
Starting point is 00:21:51 which I think is a great idea. And if neither of them are going to be in Civil War, which apparently they're not, why not just give them their own movie? It's not a pairing that you'd think initially, oh, that's natural, that's a natural fit. But when you think about it for more than a second, it's a brilliant idea. That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:08 No one is really interested in a third Thor movie. Not nobody. Chris Hemsworth is a good Thor. He's interested in it, certainly. He certainly is. Chris Hemsworth is a good Thor. I like the first Thor. I don't mind the second Thor.
Starting point is 00:22:18 A lot of people hate it. But he's not like an Iron Man Captain America. But people like him. And Marvel don't think Hulk works as a solo movie, and Universal also own partial rights, distribution rights, to the Hulk solo movie. So this way... You get to sneak through a couple of loopholes.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Exactly, and make a movie that more people will see. Yeah. I think they should do this all the time. Just grab two or three characters and put them together. And they have been doing it. They did it with bloody Winter Soldier they're doing it with the new Ant-Man movie
Starting point is 00:22:47 Ant-Man and Wasp which is out whenever they should do Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's body right? yeah absolutely so it's just Scarlet Witch
Starting point is 00:22:58 going all over the world just using her powers and then it just cuts to that battlefield from Age of Ultron and he's still dead did they get him off there? yeah they retrieved him okay they did good for him I'd like to see a Black Widow using her powers, and then it just cuts to that battlefield. And he's still there. And he's still dead. Did they get him off there? Yeah, they retrieved him, I think.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Okay, they did. Good for him. I'd like to see a Black Widow Hawkeye. Yep, sure. I mean, Black Widow solo or Hawkeye solo would be good. Doesn't matter. I'd like to see... Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:16 All of those things. All of those things solo. I think because it's also got to a point where people are like, why is Iron Man doing something by himself again? Why doesn't he hang out with all his friends? Exactly. Why doesn't he just call on his friends who can help him every time?
Starting point is 00:23:27 This is how you bloody do it, mate. So good on them. I'm glad it's happening. Did you see, and I don't have the video here, but you can probably just look it up, but don't do it now. Last week was at New York Comic Con. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:38 There was a cosplay competition and the winner was a guy who built his own Hulkbuster suit. Man, that was crazy. Yeah, right? Yeah. That looked incredible. Yeah. But they handed him the big check and these big hands didn't work.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So, better luck next time, idiot. See you next year. Your dumb, amazing costume. So, he's actually... Buddy, take a number and get in line with Powers Booth, you idiot. He was on stilts, obviously. Should have been stilt man. Imagine.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Do you reckon that would win any prizes? No. Probably not. Unless it did the... Oh, yeah. Then it would be amazing. Somebody next year do that. How do you...
Starting point is 00:24:14 That's got to be one of the best cosplays of all time, right? Yeah, that was great. I know you love a good cosplay. You love a bad cosplay, don't you? Totally, yeah. Any's good, whatever. I love a good cosplay. I love a bad cosplay. I love it when it's just a cosplay and it's steampunk yes like it's
Starting point is 00:24:30 bad man but he's steampunk like i think do you love any cosplay where it's just any character and then but they're also dressed as deadpool yeah it's pretty no so many of those there's a lot of those look look i think yeah, yeah, I do. Yeah. See, it's not enough to just go and be like, I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm Spider-Man. You're like, and what else? What else are you? Are you also Sailor Moon and Luke Skywalker?
Starting point is 00:24:56 If not, shut up. Yeah. So anyway, apparently Robert Rodriguez, well, not apparently, this is happening. He's going to be directing Battle Angel. Oh, Battle Angel Alita. Yes. From way back in the day. This is happening. He's going to be directing Battle Angel. Oh, Battle Angel Alita. Yes. From way back in the day.
Starting point is 00:25:07 That's right. Remember James Cameron has been talking about that for like 10 years. Yeah. And then I presumed it wasn't happening because he's like, I'm making Avatar movies until you're sick of them and I die, or whichever comes first. So that's happening. Cameron's producing, but Robert Rodriguez is directing. Huh.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Thoughts? I did not think that this would ever happen. Sure. So it's about a, It's such an odd thing. It's a cyborg woman. Is she a cyborg or is she just a robot? She's a robot girl.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And she's got no memory and she wakes up or something. And so is that, Well, here's the thing. I've seen it, but I can't remember. Okay. It's such an odd choice that James Cameron has been like,
Starting point is 00:25:46 you know what has really struck my fancy? Blue people. Blue people. I mean... A robot girl in this apocalyptic wasteland kind of thing. Yeah. It's very odd that that's struck a chord with him. Yeah, it sounds expensive also.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Yeah. But anyway, whatever. I guess you could just use the future from AI. Yeah, I guess you could. I think that movie's underrated. I don't know, though. I should probably check it out. Or I won't.
Starting point is 00:26:12 You should probably check it out. I'm watching it. I probably should. What do you think of Robert Rodriguez in general? What's he done? Desperado? It's pretty good. It's from like the mid-90s.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yep. He did the sequel. The sequel. Which isn't as good Johnny Depp gets his eyes drilled out oh he does too but then he has a shootout with no eyes
Starting point is 00:26:29 yep some or all of the Spy Kids that's true he did he did Machete yes which I haven't seen because Uncle Machete is in Spy Kids
Starting point is 00:26:36 he is yeah the crossover same universe weird right he was in um bloody what's it called not in
Starting point is 00:26:42 he did Sin City oh yeah which I enjoyed a lot i didn't i never saw sin city 2 neither did i i have a copy of it right here should we watch it on silent as the as the podcast progresses i think we should why not let's do that great i've been meaning to get back to that like because i've heard it's not great but i that movie came came way too late what was it 10 years oh nine years after the first or something like that? And the effect was mind-blowing initially. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:08 But then... That's a movie, if you don't make a sequel within two years, don't worry about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because people are done with it. Yeah, exactly. Oh, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's in this one again. Yes, he is. No, he wasn't in the first one.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Okay, then he's in it for the first time. I'm thinking of Josh Hartnett. Hang on, I just got to... Bruce Willis is in as Bruce Willis. Go ahead. No, it's all right. Yeah, he's a ghost or something. Oh, Eva Green's in this one.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Great. Powers Booth! He's back! Well, he was in the first one. But wasn't he killed? No, his son was. Oh, yeah. Rock.
Starting point is 00:27:36 He's Senator Rock. Ray Liotta. Stacey Keach. Who's that again? I don't know. Brittany Murphy is not in that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:45 We miss her. Christopher Lloyd! We'll get to that. This is all going Brittany Murphy is not in that one. Yeah. We miss her. Christopher Lloyd. We'll get to that. This is all going to tie in. I hope so. Yeah. Great. Anyway, I feel like we've been talking for a while.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Okay. Jeremy Piven. Jeremy Piven's in there. Christopher Maloney. Who's that? He's the guy who's in Lauren RSVU. Stabler. Elliot Stabler.
Starting point is 00:28:02 He's also in Wet Hot American Summer. He's the cook. Oh, he's great. Yeah, he's also in Wet Hot American Summer he's the cook oh he's great yeah he's great in everything he's in the Harold and Kumar movies he's an insane version of himself I think
Starting point is 00:28:10 I think you're thinking of Rob Corddry I'm thinking of Neil Patrick Harris you are but he is in he's also in Man of Steel yeah
Starting point is 00:28:16 oh he is still he's great anyway sorry we've got to burn through this how long have we been going for feels like hours no it's like half an hour
Starting point is 00:28:23 not too bad a bit under but just behind the scenes making this podcast seems like it takes hours. An infinity every week. Oh, Powers Booth, he's looking at a scale model of the city. He's going to take over that city. I'm going to stop watching it. Are you actually watching it?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yes! I thought you were joking. Godzilla King Kong movie 2020 That's when it's coming out Okay Next bit of news Yeah see I'm still not What are they gonna
Starting point is 00:28:52 Alright You don't wanna see it? Of course you're gonna see it They're gonna have It cannot be a versus If they sell it as a versus There's no chance Like it's not
Starting point is 00:29:00 We've talked about it Yeah One punch Godzilla's dead. One punch. Like we said, Godzilla should be the reason why there's only one King Kong left. Because he just obliterates like a hundred of them. Yeah. That's a movie I'd see.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they can't make Godzilla a bad guy where he wipes out a species, can they? True, yeah. I mean, you can bat it out of city. Well, you have the Mutos, the other monsters. They kill all the King Kongs. Okay. And then the last King Kong teams up with Godzilla.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And then they... Okay, imagine. Yep. Just imagine. I'm imagining. There's a ruined city. Yep. It's filled with evil monsters.
Starting point is 00:29:36 They're destroying the city, even though it's already been destroyed. They're still at it. And then you see Godzilla charging in, being ridden by King Kong. Amazing. And he's got maybe a giant lasso that he's made of tons of power cables. He's got the bloody internet cable from under the ocean, and he's whipping it about like a lasso. Of course I would see that.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah. Of course I would see that. All right, I'm on board. Great. Did you say 2020? 2020. It's too far away. You're on board for that idea of yours that probably won't happen. Yeah. Great. Yeah, all right. I'm on board. Great. Did you say 2020? 2020. It's too far away. You're on board for that idea of yours
Starting point is 00:30:05 that probably won't happen. Yeah. Great. I bet it will. It's the Star Wars. So apparently on Monday, Tuesday our time, there's going to be a new Star Wars trailer.
Starting point is 00:30:13 The trailer. That's the rumor. And tickets are going on sale, somebody said. That's what people are excited about. That's what they're saying. And if you don't buy them on the day, they'll run out of tickets.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And you'll never see it. You'll never see it. So that's pretty exciting. I don't buy them on the day, they'll run out of tickets. And you'll never see it. You'll never see it. So that's pretty exciting. I don't have anything to say about it, except I'm very much looking forward to that. Me too. Let's move on then. But what if it's just a movie?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Anyway. We'll cross that bridge when we inevitably come to it. We'll cross that bridge when we cross it and we'll see all the massive Star Wars fans leaping off it. Correct. We cross it and we'll see all the massive Star Wars fans leaping off it. Correct. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies
Starting point is 00:30:54 on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost fx is the veil starring elizabeth moss is now streaming on disney plus all right so this week as we know is the is olita is a cyborg cheers yep okay there we go because we would have got letters yeah we would have uh the wikipedia page says cyborg maybe she's not Somebody look into that who's not us. She's no ghost in the shell.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'll give her that. Certainly not. They're making that as well, aren't they? Scarlett Johansson? That's been said, yeah. They've talked about it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I've seen that. It's good. I liked it. Yeah. Okay, so we're going to talk about Back to the Future trilogy because this week is the 21st of October 2015, which, as everybody knows, means something. And it's the date that Marty McFly and Doc Brown and Einstein and Jennifer travel to
Starting point is 00:31:53 in Back to the Future 2. One version of Jennifer. One version of Jennifer, correct, which we'll get to. The one who got the job. That's right. So we are going to go through the trilogy and talk about things we like and vaguely remember about it. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Because what a bloody wild ride. Yeah. But before that, I mentioned briefly last week that the Hill Valley Preservation Society is doing a fundraiser to give away two original Back to the Future cells. And basically, if you donate any amount of money at their Facebook, you go into the draw. Just make sure you put in the reference in it, the weekly plan. Now all proceeds from that go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which is dedicated to finding a cure to the Parkinson's disease, to Parkinson's disease. It's a terrible shitty disease. My neighbor actually was diagnosed a few years ago and it's just, it's fucking horrible. So look, it's a great cause. Your neighbor Muhammad Ali.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yes, that's right. Yes, yeah. Yeah, he's great. Yeah, he is. He's pretty good. So, yeah, we're going to chuck in about 50 bucks each. Absolutely. So we're going to be announcing that next week.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Great. Next week. slash the HVPS. Yes. Great. And he said he's going to try and get some pictures over to me, which I'll put on Twitter. Excellent. Because he said he's got a's going to try and get some uh pictures over to me which i'll put on uh twitter and excellent and then so because he said he's got a few to give away so he's not sure which ones are going going to whom so yeah i'm not sure what they look like maybe they're terrible
Starting point is 00:33:13 cells but either way maybe well that's well that's you got a chance you got to take for a good cause maybe they're terrible maybe it's that bit where biff has been covered in manure maybe it's every bit where biff has been covered in manure maybe it it's every bit where Biff has been covered in manure. Maybe it's every single one. I would love that. Yeah. Yeah. So that's cool. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:29 we'll, we'll, we'll announce that next week. Pretty cool. What I like best about this week. Yes. Is that in a couple of days, back to the future too,
Starting point is 00:33:38 will become a movie that features a future that has passed. And that's your favorite. That's my favorite. What's one of my favourite genres of movie. Freejack. That's what I'm talking about. Yep, absolutely. The dark future of 2008.
Starting point is 00:33:51 All the greats. Some of the versions of Judgment Day. Yes. Snake Plissken? Yeah, that's, yeah. Escape from New York, yep. Was that set in like 97 or something? I think that might be 97 or 99.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah, yeah. Space 1999. Certainly. yeah. Space 1999. Certainly. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Yep. I think there's also... No, I think it doesn't matter. I don't even know what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:34:13 All of those futures. We should do an episode on that actually. Futures that are past and that are wrong. And are rubbish. Don't make... And ones that Mick Jagger's in for some reason. Like which one? Free Jack.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Oh, right. Free Jack. Okay. I think if you've got to make a future movie, just be like, it's the year 3000. You can't say... That's what Futurama did. They're just like... I mean, one of the taglines at the start of the episode, you know, they change every time
Starting point is 00:34:35 is, you can't prove that this won't happen. That's so true. Which is correct. All right. Let's talk about Back to the Futures. Okay. We're going to film to film. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Full spoilers. But look, if you haven't seen him which is crazy because you have you've just forgotten yeah but go and watch him again because or in general really strong no look what look i hadn't watched him in a long time i re-watched back to the future in its entirety. You have no nostalgia. I watched most of Back to the Future 2. I've seen three the most, so I didn't feel the need to watch it. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I'm going to say this. I'm going to put it right out on front street. One and three are great films. Two is not very good. I disagree. Okay. But we'll get to that. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:35:23 So, you know what I like about you? Aside from your general personality? Oh, yes. You don't give a shit about nostalgia. That's probably true, yeah. Like, you don't have that filter. Maybe for some things you do, but generally you're like,
Starting point is 00:35:35 new things or bring back old things, I don't care if they're bad. You know what? And speaking of the Hill Valley Preservation Society, we're going to put in some money. We're clearly ineligible to win the cells. But if I do win one of those cells, I'm going to make a video of me head-butting through it.
Starting point is 00:35:51 That's what I'm going to do. Because that's how much I don't care about nostalgia. I don't care. I'll throw it down a storm drain. That's what I'll do. That'll be a video, just me flicking it down a drain at the side of a road. Even if it's worth something?
Starting point is 00:36:04 I won't to look back yeah yeah all right so do you think so first back to the future 1985 do you think it holds up yes but what i think is interesting about the first back to the future is that marty mcfly has no time travel iq in the sense that he goes back in time and he figures out that he's gone back in time and then somebody be like, hey, we're watching the new Jackie Gleason show. And he's like, I remember this old rerun of this old show. I've seen it before and I know what happens in it.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And they're like, how? And he's like, oh, I don't know. Rerun. Yeah. And then the kid says, what's a rerun? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he goes, sorry, I'm from 1985. Yeah, and it just keeps going.
Starting point is 00:36:49 It's bloody, he's a maniac, this guy. He's all set to destroy the timeline. He'll play whatever music at whatever prom he's at. Yeah, exactly. He doesn't give a shit. There's just, you couldn't, I feel you couldn't make this movie now. Yeah. Only in the sense that whatever character you sent back in time would go, I'm back in time.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Yep. The rules are that I know the rules are that I can't upset history, otherwise I won't be born or whatever. Yes. And they would be very cool about it. Yep. But Marty's just. Very laissez faire. He's just ripping shreds off bloody the timeline, isn't he? He's just tearing strips off it. Yeah. But Marty's just... Very laissez-faire. He's just ripping shreds off bloody the timeline, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:37:27 He's just tearing strips off it. He makes some pretty big changes. Yeah. We'll get to that, I guess. Okay, good. So the story is, I guess we should recap it. Doc Brown invented a time machine. Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:37:39 He takes a DeLorean and he puts a nuclear reactor in it, which he's got from some terrorists or the plutonium from the terrorists. And then he wants to travel back through time, because he thinks it's pretty, or just through time in general. Just to explore the time. He wants to go in the future to see how the world's turned out. He does. That's his thing, right? So he tests it on his dog.
Starting point is 00:37:57 He does so by standing himself and Marty in front of an untested time machine, which luckily works, despite nothing he's ever done working before. I guess that dog food thing works. Sure. Yeah, he assembled that. It's Ikea. Yes. And then he gets killed, and Marty is to escape the terrorists.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yes, the Libyan terrorists. Would you like to know the names of the actors who are the Libyan terrorists? Yes, please. Okay. They are, hang on, Richard L. Duran and Jeff Ohako. Classic Libyan names. Are they? No.
Starting point is 00:38:40 That is some not super convincing Libyan makeup. Look, they got some guys and they put some bloody sheets on their heads. That's how that scene went. So Marty ends up back in 1955, which is coincidentally the year that his parents met. Yes. And so he has to make sure that they get back together because he somehow stopped that from happening, from them meeting up. So the whole movie is about him making his parents get together and make him.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yes. Because his mum, for whatever reason, is attracted to danger. Or idiots. Danger and idiots. And perverts. Yeah, all those things. Because George McFly was looking at- He's a peeping Tom.
Starting point is 00:39:19 He's a peeping Tom. Which is not cool. No. A lot of this movie's not cool. Which is not cool. No. A lot of this movie is not cool. But, yeah, because I'm recapping for everyone who's seen this.
Starting point is 00:39:30 That's all right. He, George McFly, Marty's mother and father fall in love. Yes. Because he is walking across a road. Yep. And her father hits George McFly with a car and then takes George back to their house and then nursing him back to health, she falls in love with him. It's like a Lawrence Nightingale syndrome, I guess.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Instead of taking him to a hospital because he was hit by a car. Yeah, but in this altered past, Marty McFly pushes George out of the way. He's hit by the car and then his mother falls in love with him. Which wouldn't fly now. McFly. George out of the way. He's hit by the car, and then his mother falls in love with him. Which wouldn't fly now. McFly.
Starting point is 00:40:08 No, certainly not. Also, if you watch that scene, Marty pushes his father out of the way of the car, stops dead in the middle of the road, and then sort of leans back and is hit by the car. Like there's no... I don't know if you've ever tried... If you've ever pushed anyone out of the way
Starting point is 00:40:25 of something that's moving. I would never. You push and your momentum carries you out of the way. You go with them. But he just stops dead. He does. It's weird. So you want to see him push the guy
Starting point is 00:40:35 but then still get clipped horribly. Yeah, clipped. Maybe even get his legs run over. Yeah, get both his legs run over, yeah. And then he gets nursed back to health with those two broken legs. Yeah, yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:40:46 What do you think of the character of Marty McFly? I like his fashion sense, but what do you like about him? His fashion sense. That still holds up. I feel like you could wear that. If it wasn't synonymous
Starting point is 00:40:57 with that character. Right, yeah. Like it's clearly, if you dress like that, you're dressing as Marty McFly. But all of those elements, the like the skinny kind of jeans, the bloody Converse shoes, the vest, the denim jacket,
Starting point is 00:41:09 the weird shirt, the skateboard. All the weird stuff, yeah. The bloody Walkman. I don't know if the shirt holds up. Okay, fair enough. And also, in 2, you realise that he's also wearing suspenders. Yes, he is. Or at the end of 1.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, it kind of holds up okay yeah good stuff but that's only because we as a culture are running out of nostalgia that's true we're just going through the 80s again that's right yeah eventually we're going to run out of nostalgia and we're going to have to wear the clothes from back to the future too because we thought because oh because we thought that in 2015 we're going to be wearing like... Shiny hats? Shiny crash helmet hat, little crash helmet hats. Look like paddle pops?
Starting point is 00:41:53 And self-lacing shoes. I've got a game for later. Oh, yes. For Back to the Future 2 on things that happened and haven't happened in 2015. Okay, we'll do that. So maybe we'll... Okay, we'll go back to that. We'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:42:05 But Marty McFly plays this character so well. I mean, sorry. Because he's so in the character. He is the character. Look, a lot of people think of Michael J. Fox as the deputy mayor on Spin City, but I like to think of him solely as Marty McFly. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And Alex P. Keaton. And you know what he's good in? He's good in The Frighteners. He is good in The Frighteners. The Frighteners is kind of great. He's great in The Good Wife. I haven't seen The Good Wife. And he's good in Scrubs. He's good in? He's good in The Frighteners. He is good in The Frighteners. The Frighteners is kind of great. And I'm told he's great in The Good Wife. I haven't seen The Good Wife. And he's good in Scrubs.
Starting point is 00:42:28 He's good in Scrubs. He's in some episodes of Scrubs. Yes, he is. Good stuff. But look, he's really likable, right? Yeah. And everybody knows the story about how, what's his name? What's his name?
Starting point is 00:42:39 There was another guy. Eric Stoltz. Oh, that's right, yeah. Was cast as Marty McFly. Yes. They filmed for weeks with him and then continued to film after they knew they were going to fire him. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I guess just to keep everybody, everybody's wheels in motion, I guess everybody thought that that was still working on it, except for Eric Stoltz. I mean, Eric Stoltz didn't know. Oh boy. And they do things like they'd shoot like Doc Brown and then they'd be
Starting point is 00:43:04 like, Oh, do you want the reverse shot you know of Eric Stiles and they're like nah it's fine
Starting point is 00:43:10 don't worry about it and he'd be like no I insist I'd like to get some coverage and they're like okay and they do it and he's like
Starting point is 00:43:14 the lens cap's still on and he's like oh so basically they ended up firing him they wanted Michael J. Fox but he was doing Family Ties
Starting point is 00:43:23 yep and so he ended up filming they ended up doing this at They wanted Michael J. Fox, but he was doing Family Ties. Yep. And so he ended up filming... They ended up doing this at night, filming most of this at night, so for however many months it was. But how they basically announced it is Robertson Meckes took him aside and said, listen, heads up, you're fired. Apparently he did not take that well.
Starting point is 00:43:38 They did what I call the classic, is what they do, is they go, okay, all the cast and crew line up, please. Okay, now everyone who still has a job, forward not so fast stoltz so they do it so but took him aside and he didn't take that well which you wouldn't no and like there was talk on set of like he made everybody call him marty and and whatever and a lot of people kind of were weird with that and and whatever but basically i've got the quote here from Zemeckis. He then announced to the crew, he said, listen, we have an announcement. He said this through a bullhorn, by the way.
Starting point is 00:44:11 It says bullhorn here. It's probably going to be shocking, kind of good news, bad news. So the crowd started to grow uneasy, he could tell. I'll give you the bad news. We're going to have to reshoot most of the movie because we've changed the cast. And there's going to be a new Marty, Michael J. Fox. The director saw the reactions. They weren't gleeful per se, but they didn't seem to be angry or worried, as angry or worried as he'd feared.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Someone from the crowd shouted, someone from the crowd shouted, that's certainly not bad news. It's harsh, right? Yeah. So, Stoltz was out. And then there was that generic crowd conversation. Like, I had an Eric Stoltz. Wow. So how much of that footage can we find now?
Starting point is 00:44:57 There's a bit of it. Most of it's locked away to vault. It was only recently that some of it's kind of come to light. He looks okay. He's got black hair. Okay. Eric Stoltz is now probably most famously known as the pedophile dad in the other time travel movie, The Butterfly Effect.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Oh. Do you remember that one? Wow. I bet he got a lot of interview questions that were about him being in Back to the Future. Not about him being a pedophile? No, less of that. Hopefully not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah. Anyway. Yes. a pedophile no less of that hopefully not yeah yeah anyway do you yes even though michael j fox is a tiny little guy yeah i buy him as like a nuggety kind of punch a big guy yeah me too yeah absolutely yeah like he's like five four or whatever he is but yeah yeah he it's a bit shaky initially because you see him like initially he shows up and he's in doc brown's workshop yeah and he kind of like he he's uh you know he fires up all the equipment and then he's got his giant amp.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yep, yep. And then he plays his little guitar. Yeah. And you're like, oh, is this, what kind of movie is this going to be? But then I think it all comes together when he's, you know, he's skateboarding his way to school. Boy, that's a great scene. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Crispin Glover, right? Yes. He's great in this. Yeah. He didn't return for the other ones. He apparently disagreed with the way they wrapped it up. He thought it was kind of too kind of schmaltzy. Too Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:46:12 Too Hollywood, yeah. Too schmaltzy and whatever. Everybody kind of gets what they want and whatever. Marty gets his truck and they're not white trash anymore, which I guess is good. It is the ending. Yeah. It does the ending. Yeah. It does make me wonder...
Starting point is 00:46:28 Was there going to be a sequel? Well, that too, but also everybody in... Like, he returns to a world that everybody else has full memories of and he has nothing. Yes. That's never explored. No.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Like, he gets... Because we're swept up immediately into Back to the Future 2. Yeah. By immediately, I mean like four years later. Yes. That's never explored. No. Like he gets, because we're swept up immediately in the Back to the Future 2. Yeah. By immediately, I mean like four years later. Yes. But like he would show up and he's always like, but what are you doing in a suit? What's going on? And his brother's like, yeah, because I work in an office.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And he's like, what? Like how many, if he didn't, if he wasn't immediately swept up by Doc Brown and sent to 2015. Yeah. If he wasn't immediately swept up by Doc Brown and sent to 2015, how many conversations would he have had to have where he, they'd be like, have you been hit in the head? Why do you not know this? Why do you not know any details about our entire lives? But do you think if he got back and he was like,
Starting point is 00:47:20 no, I have both memories, do you think that would be more confusing? Yeah, and two is just him locked up in an insane asylum. Exactly. Yeah, that's probably true. Yeah, and two, it's just him locked up in an insane asylum. Exactly. Yeah, that's probably true. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, look, these are three time travel movies where you shouldn't think too hard about the time travel. Certainly not. Yeah, but I think, again, it's one of those things, if they released these now for the
Starting point is 00:47:35 first time, people would just pick them apart. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Biff Tannen. Yes. Tom Wilson. He's great, right? Yeah, he's great just generally.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah. Primarily now he's a stand-up comedian, a sometime actor, stand-up comedian. He's very kind of family friendly and he's very nice. He has a podcast that he doesn't do anymore, but it's on Nerdist. It's called Big Pop Fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And he just sort of talks about Hollywood stuff and et cetera, et cetera. He does that amazing song here's a song if you look up if you go to YouTube and look up Biff's question song what am I doing I might put it at the end
Starting point is 00:48:11 of this episode oh great fantastic so it's it's basically a song about all the questions he is asked constantly constantly in his real life
Starting point is 00:48:20 about what happened about things about Back to the Future movies he also if you ever meet him in real life he doesn't I don't think he does about what happened, about things about Back to the Future movies. He also, if you ever meet him in real life, I don't think he does autographs or photos, but he will hand you a card that provides all the answers to any conceivable question you will ask about Back to the Future. You can Google it if you like, but it's basically, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:42 here's what the manure was made of. Michael J. Fox is a great guy. Christopher Lloyd'sd's a great guy chris gringlover was weird there's not going to be back to the future for you know all these quests yeah you know but that's basically what the song yeah yeah he's awesome he's great should be in more things should be more things he's really versatile yeah like and you believe him as kind of this old sleazy, comover kind of Biff Tannen, and you believe him as this young kind of hothead punk idiot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also you believe him as Griff Tannen and Mad Dog Tannen.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah. He's all the bloody Tannens. Yeah. It's also weird that looking identically to your descendants is a thing, but also sometimes it skips a generation, which is weird that Marty looks exactly like his son, but nothing like his dad. But exactly like his great-grandfather,
Starting point is 00:49:32 Seamus McFly. Yeah. Anyway, doesn't matter. Anyway, Tom Wilson, there's also like, he tells a story once on his podcast about how he had to do like a, we didn't have to,
Starting point is 00:49:44 but like Vanity Fair were like doing a, you know, they got a whole, I think it was the Back to the Future cast. Sure. And they got all back together for a photo shoot and everybody's wearing like designer clothes and they're like, okay, what do we, what do we need to say you're wearing in this, in this photo shoot just for the magazine? He's like, I don't know, Kmart.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Got these at Dockers. I don't know. Like, can we say they're Armani? He's like, all right. Whatever. I don't care. Pretty good. Leah Thompson, Lorraine. Yep. Great. know like can we say they're armani he's like all right whatever i don't care pretty good uh leah thompson lorraine yep great um the jennifer in this one is claudia wells and she was swapped out for elizabeth shu in part one because her mother had cancer so she quit acting till like
Starting point is 00:50:18 2008 but she's really good for what she is in this and And super hot. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And, of course, Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown, also super hot. Yeah. Oh, boy. Do you think he's ever escaped this? He embraces it. Yeah. I mean, he was in Sin City a Dame to Kill for, certainly. Certainly was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:38 He was in Suburban Commando with Hulk Hogan. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah. Like, every now and then he'll show up in like a Nike commercial and he'll bloody we have the new Nikes
Starting point is 00:50:48 yeah and he'll say great Scott he'll look at the Nikes and say great Scott exactly the weird thing is because he's old in 85 so he's got aged makeup
Starting point is 00:50:55 and now he kind of looks like that now it's pretty great yeah it's great he's good good for him man ah Judge Doom
Starting point is 00:51:02 there's another he's too that terrifying cartoon man yeah from bloody roger 207 rolls yeah he's pretty he seems like a pretty good dude yeah from all accounts the special effects in this right yes almost entirely practical compared to the other ones there's no bloody i mean you do the flying car at the end there's obviously that and there's a bit of electricity here and there. But pretty much everything else is like real stunts, real locations,
Starting point is 00:51:29 real kind of cars and whatever. There's a little bit of green screen, you know, when they travel through time and the fire tracks go between their legs and whatever. Oh, yeah, sure. There's stuff like that. But for the most part, yeah. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:51:41 All practical, yeah. Do you find all the stunt sequences in this really good, in particular the skateboard stunt sequence which is still amazing yeah it's pretty good it's pretty bloody good the chase sequence is this in general though there's a lot of there's a great sense of tension i was gonna say yeah like time travel logic i don't know maybe yeah and i'm like and i'm always like oh but why would this why would somebody's picture slowly disappear or whatever yeah as soon as they're like okay we've got to get to the we've got to get to the the clock tower yep and you've got to have hook the thing
Starting point is 00:52:08 and the electricity and you've got to get out of the trunk of the car and then do yeah and then you've got to you know you've got to play the song otherwise your parents won't fall in love like you really go he's got to do it yeah i know like even and then the car doesn't start yeah yeah oh it's crazy man that's real, it's real good. Yeah. Also, it's pretty funny, right? Like, not like gags, but it's just like funny kind of things sort of naturally kind of happen. It's not like, whibbity-wham, kind of like people said catchphrases. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:39 It's just pretty, like he goes in. I think we found you a new catchphrase. Thank you, yes. You know, where he goes and puts his bloody headphones on his father and makes him bloody. Oh, that's right, yeah. Stuff like that's darth vader from the planet vulcan exactly yeah like things like that do you like the um a couple of things yes huey lewis in the news right yes huey lewis is in that as well he's the he's the one of the judges of the battle of the bands yes he's like that's a little too loud yeah because because the band the pinheads play sort of a rock a rockier version of the power of love if that's a little too loud. Yeah. Because the band, the Pinheads, play sort of a rockier version
Starting point is 00:53:07 of The Power of Love. If that's even possible. Yeah, I know, right? But the weird thing is that that movie starts with The Power of Love, which is like an amazing pop track. Power ballad, I guess. Power ballad. And then it ends with another Huey Lewis song called Out of Time.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Back in time. But it's just... It's just whatever? It's just what happened in the movie. Oh, okay. Because it's like Will Smith recapping Wild Wild West or whatever. It's just like, I'm going to school. I'm riding a skateboard.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I'm doing... You know, it's... Dunno if it works. So you're not surprised that that one wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Yeah. Because The Power for an Oscar. Yeah. Because The Power of Love was. Yeah, yeah. But it lost out to, and this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I'm ready. Say You, Say Me from the movie White Nights. Say you, say me. Terrible song. I guess it's okay. Certainly doesn't deserve an Oscar over Huey Lewis and the News. What is the movie White Nights? Fucked if I know.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I just got this piece of information. Okay, great. Yeah. The best factoid about I Feel a Power of Love is that they asked Huey, they were like, this movie's amazing, sci-fi movie, people really enjoyed it, people loved the theme song. Yeah. So the producers of Ghostbusters came to Huey Lewis and said,
Starting point is 00:54:21 would you like to do another, would you like to do the Ghostbusters thing? And he was like, no, I don't really want to be known Lewis and said, would you like to do another, would you like to do the Ghostbusters thing? Yeah. And he was like, no, I don't really want to be known as the sound, like I don't want to be pigeonholed as a soundtrack guy. So they got Ray Parker Jr. to do the Ghostbusters thing, which is why it sounds like a blatant ripoff of The Power of Love. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:54:41 There you go. What year was Ghostbusters? 86? Yeah. Something like that. Interesting. Yeah, yeah. So Huey was Ghostbusters? 86? Yeah. Something like that. Interesting. Yeah, yeah. So, Huey Lewis sued.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Oh, really? Yeah. Huey Lewis and the sued. Oh! Does that work? Yeah. Oh, okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:55 No, I'm saying it. Like, if that was a written joke, absolutely not. But on a podcast, that's A+. So, the writer Bob Gale gale right who wrote this yes the reason he came up with it because his dad's he found his dad's yearbook and he wondered if he would have been friends with his dad at school oh that's how this started i feel like the 80s had a lot of movies where it was kind of like it's the 50s and i think it's because a lot of the writers and producers and directors yep
Starting point is 00:55:25 grew up in that era uh huh so there's a lot of like Stand By Me that's probably the 50s sure yeah it certainly seems like the 50s or 60s
Starting point is 00:55:34 there's this movie called Catholic Boys with Kevin Dillon which is probably the 50s American Graffiti probably the 50s uh Happy Days yep
Starting point is 00:55:41 almost definitely the 50s yeah and those are like so it's like 70s and 80s there was a lot of like 50s nostalgia. And, you know, so that's pretty good, isn't it? Yeah. Would you watch a Terminator movie set in the 50s?
Starting point is 00:55:52 Fuck yes. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, right? Yeah. I feel like I've sworn too much to this episode. I might tone it back for the kids. I'm going to have this drink of water too. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:56:02 All right. What am I doing? Originally, they wanted a fridge. It was going to be a time-travelling fridge. So they'd all have to step in the fridge? They'd stack into a bloody fridge, mate. Huh. The thing is...
Starting point is 00:56:17 Oh, it'd be more like... It'd be a stationary fridge and people would step... Like a doorway. Like a bloody Doctor Who. Yeah, yeah. Is that why the DeLorean's covered in ice every time at time travel? Yeah, that's possibly, yeah. And apparently also they were-
Starting point is 00:56:28 That's a tenuous link. Whatever. Look, we decided to completely change the method of time travel. We're like, what's the common thing that people would really relate to? Ice. It's weird that it gets hot when it goes through but cold when it comes out. So Spielberg said the reason he didn't end up going with the fridge, first of all, because it's not as good,
Starting point is 00:56:48 is because remember there was that big thing about kids getting in fridges and dying? That's right, yeah. It was kind of before our time, but there was a big push also when we were growing up. Don't you get in a fridge. You'll die in a fridge. I saw it in an episode of Punky Brewster once. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It was probably in Parker Lewis of Punky Brewster once. Oh, yeah? So. It was probably in Parker Lewis Can't Lose. Exactly. It was probably in that Ferris Bueller TV series. Probably. Yeah. It was. It's probably in Family Ties.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Probably. Yeah. Probably in Spin City. So, do you remember we used to have like a fridge, a super old fridge. We had a fridge. We had a fridge, like a rich family. You were a fridge family. We were. And You had a fridge? We had a fridge, like a rich family. You were a fridge family. We were.
Starting point is 00:57:26 And it had one of those clicks shut, like you had to actually pull the lever down to open it. And if you got in that fridge, you're not getting out. Because I was just going to say, like I've never had a fridge where you can't just, like if I was in a fridge, I could push my way out of a fridge. But here's the thing. I don't know whether it's a law overseas,
Starting point is 00:57:41 but in Australia, if you leave your fridge on the lawn, you have to take the door off it in case a kid climbs into it and it rolls over and they die in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So be careful, guys. Yeah, yeah. Fridges. Fridges.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Or freezers. Both of them. Yeah. And some cupboards. Some airtight cupboards. Some airtight cupboards. Airlocks. Yep.
Starting point is 00:58:03 On space stations. Definitely. Plastic bags that are tied around your necklocks on space stations. Definitely. Plastic bags that are tied around your neck and over your head. Yeah. Trash compactors on space stations. Certainly. Yeah. That channel that powers the Death Star laser on a space station.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Seems dangerous. Don't stand in that. No, certainly not. Yeah. Certainly not. Also, apparently Mustang came to the producers and writers and were like, we'll give you $75,000. Wait, so is this the car company or a wrestler called Mustang?
Starting point is 00:58:30 A wrestler called Mustang. Okay. No, the car company and said, we'll give you $75,000 if you make the time machine a Mustang. Oh, and that was back when $75,000 was a lot of money. Was probably a lot of money. I mean, it is now. I'd take $75,000. You can't buy a Mustang for $75,000.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Probably not. No. a lot of money i mean it is now i'd take 75 you can't buy a mustang for 75 000 probably not no but so they said the answer was doc brown doesn't drive a bloody mustang right absolutely wouldn't absolutely there was a swear word in there but i'm turning it back so so yeah um but i think the delorean was chosen as a joke because it was a joke car because wasn't the story behind it wasn't a guy this car crazy inventor guy wanted to make like this super cool futuristic car. And so he made the DeLorean and it bankrupt his company. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:59:11 And there's this episode of The Simpsons called The Homer. I was just going to say, right now it looks like the car. It looks like the Homer, the car built for Homer. Yes. It really does. And I think the only reason people kind of obviously remember that car is because of bloody Back to the Future. You're looking up whether the DeLorean was really a... It's called the DMC-12.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yep. But it was the only model they ever produced. That's what I'm saying, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it seems really impractical. Just the gullwing doors? Yeah, well, that and there's two seats and there's a lot of junk all over it.
Starting point is 00:59:43 But I think that might be the movie. Yeah, traditionally speaking, they don't have a Mr. Fusion on the back. What do you think about Biff being punched in the face? In 2007, they believe there are about 6,500 DeLoreans still existing. Okay. I thought there was like 10 left. There you go.
Starting point is 01:00:01 No. Okay, good. Is the answer to that. Fantastic. Yeah, what do you think about Biff getting punched in the face? It's good seeing him get punched in the face, isn't it? Yeah, from a scrappy little nugget. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Or George McFly. Yeah. But he just takes him out. I've got a fact about that for part two that I'll get to. Okay, sure. I'm bloody saving it. All right. So do you like the whole hand disappearing thing?
Starting point is 01:00:23 I know you said it's tension filled, but it works, I guess. It doesn't make sense. No, it doesn't make any sense because if... Because if... If in doing one thing he's irreparably damaged the timeline, like irreparably, he'd just disappear. But if he's only done something that would sort of alter the timeline unless he fixes it, nothing should happen.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's just a convenient way to go, I still have to fix things. Because there's the scene in the dance hall where... The enchantment under the sea dance. Yes, George won't kiss Lorraine on the dance floor and he starts to disappear. But then George changes his mind and he cuts back in on the dance. Doesn't make any sense. And then Marty's fine again.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Yes. No, it doesn't make any sense. It's just the visual shorthand for he still has work to do, I guess. Yes. And I guess it works in a... Yeah, absolutely. It works in a movie in the 80s.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It does. You get it. Yeah, I get it. I get things. What do you think about Biff being their slave at the end? Yeah, that's weird. Look, this is the point that has been picked to death about this movie.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Okay. The timeline is altered and Marty shows up again and the guy that works on his cars is the man that attempted to rape his mother 30 years ago. And now he works as their sort of weird indenture. Like the dynamic shifted over. So now George is yelling at Biff. Yeah. Like you'd think he,
Starting point is 01:01:55 you think George would be a better man. You would think that. Yeah. Yeah. Don't know what to tell you. But he's also an amazing sci-fi writer. Yeah. So that's pretty good too.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I've got one more fact here. I'm ready. And then we'll bloody move on. Yeah. Einstein was- Let's breeze through two and three because they were filmed together. Yeah, exactly. So we can get them out of the way together.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Einstein was originally going to be a chimp. Einstein the dog. Yeah. But he killed some people on set. Which is generally the way with chips, isn't it? But after Reese- They're frighteningly strong. Don't fight a chimp.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And they get to a certain age and they snap. Just no matter what? Yeah. Wow. That's like their kind of puberty. Like real teenagers, I guess. Yeah, I guess. But real teenagers won't rip your genitals off.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Some won't. Some won't. Yeah. Einstein was a chimp, but after research, they realized that no film that has ever had a chimp in it turned a prophet. Fascinating. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Well, I don't know that is that's reverse comic book logic exactly in the 1950s some verse some research turned up like in the comic book publishing industry yeah but if you put a gorilla on the cover of your comic book it sold more issues than any other issue of that of that comic book doesn't have to be in the comic doesn't have to be in it so there'll be like a there'll be like a superman comic book and you doesn't have to be in the comic. It doesn't have to be in it. So there'll be like a Superman comic book and he'll be like, I've been turned into a gorilla again. And then you read the issue and you're like,
Starting point is 01:03:10 at no point is he turned into a gorilla. Again. I want my 10 cents back, please. That's probably how much this is. Yeah. It's the past. It is. It certainly is.
Starting point is 01:03:20 We know about the past. We wouldn't be like, we'll give you $5 for that comic book. And they'd be like, but it's only 10 cents. We'd know it was 10 cents. We wouldn't be like, we'll give you $5 for that comic book. And they'd be like, but it's only 10 cents. We'd know it was 10 cents. We'd say 10 cents, please. Because we'd look at the bloody...
Starting point is 01:03:29 10 cents for that Action Comics number one, please. Yeah. We're going to throw away anyway. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Okay, so Back to the Future 2 in 1989. There originally wasn't going to be a sequel to this. Question answered.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Great. Yes. The ending that says to be continued at the end of back to the future one was only put in like the vhs release yep and no further additions okay so there was that was a joke at the end the version i just the vision i just rewatched does not have a there you go so it was a joke kind of like we're going to the future and whatever and they said if it if they actually had a planned a proper sequel they wouldn't have put jennifer in the delorean yes because in if in back to the future 2 yeah right at the start she's like
Starting point is 01:04:13 we're going to the future what's happening i've got so many questions then dog brand just stuns her yes unconscious and then you can clearly see that they've the writers have gone we didn't need her in this yep it's too complicated already we have to paint out we have to we've painted ourselves into a corner we have to write our way out yes exactly yeah and it's weird because they refilmed that scene for part two because jennifer is a different actor right this time elizabeth shu yeah who is also delightful two delightful people yes yes okay so there was also a version or like an early kind of concept that Marty went back to the 60s and his parents were hippies at Woodstock
Starting point is 01:04:53 and he had to make them have sex. Wait, so this is the sequel. This is two. Yes. Okay. To have his brother? No, him. Because he's like 16. In 1985. Yeah. To have his brother? No, him. Because he's like 16.
Starting point is 01:05:06 In 1985? Yeah. I don't know. All right, fine. But that would be like 1970. Yeah, I guess it would. Maybe he's 17. I don't know when Woodstock was.
Starting point is 01:05:16 69, 68? Yeah, my brother. What year was Woodstock 2? 99? Yeah, Woodstock 2. Oh, yeah. Remember that one? Yeah, I do, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:24 That was a disaster. Limp Bizkit were there. Yeah, they were. 1969, Woodstock 2. Oh, yeah. Remember that one? Yeah, I do, yeah. That was a disaster. Limp Bizkit were there. Yeah, they were. 1969. That makes sense. Yeah, okay. If he's 16, it bloody works. All right, that makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 01:05:31 All right, fine, fine. God. Thank God that thing I vaguely remember turned out to be possibly true. So, Crispin Glover was also out. Yeah. He got a pay cut, like half of Elizabeth Shue, and he thinks it's because he kind of put up a fuss about the ending of part one
Starting point is 01:05:47 also if you're an actor yeah shut up yeah I mean what difference does it make you've read the script and whatever just do whatever
Starting point is 01:05:54 yeah yeah I think he sued he did so what basically happened is they still used his likeness and they got an actor to put on
Starting point is 01:06:01 George McFly kind of makeup and like big glasses and so he appears as an old man. And they also use like footage from the first movie. Upside down. Upside down for some reason. That's another thing I would have put up in.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Upside down back repair. That will come up later. Because he is upside down in weird gravity moon boots because he was in an automobile accident in the 80s. Right? I thought it was recently. Okay. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. He was in an automobile accident in the 80s, right? I thought it was recently. Okay, we'll figure it out in a second, yeah. Doesn't matter. So he sued and they ended up giving him $750,000.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Because they were like, this is just cheaper than going to court. And apparently some laws were changed with actors and using their likenesses and that. A similar thing happened with Hicks in Alien 3. I think he got more money. What's his name? Michael Biehn got more money. What's his name? Michael Biehn got more money. To not be in it. To not be in it.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Or maybe it was like half the money he got on Aliens or something. Yeah, yeah. Because they used his likeness at the start on a little 8-bit digital screen. Yeah, it just says deceased. Yes. Definitely dead, not coming back. Or maybe he will now for Alien 5 or whatever. Would you like to know a Woodstock 99 fact?
Starting point is 01:07:04 Is it about all the rapes and murders? In a way. Sure. It's all the rapes and murders that were avoided. Sugar Ray was also slated to appear at Woodstock 1999, but had to cancel due to lead singer Mark McGrath's illness. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, it's disappointing, right?
Starting point is 01:07:17 Aerosmith also cancelled. I heard that was an absolute disaster. There was also a Woodstock 3, and it was in like an airplane hangar or something. Yeah. It was just like in a concrete field. It was one in 2009 as well. Oh, no way. Great. Awesome. Anyway, what do you think the story of part two was? So apparently they didn't want to go to the future because these things never, they never
Starting point is 01:07:41 get them right, but they had to. Yeah, but they did get it right. Did they? Pretty much. It's pretty close. Do you want to play that game? We'll play it in a minute. Okay, sure. So they go to the future just because Doc Brown wants to see the future.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Yeah. And then he discovers that Marty McFly's son is in trouble with the law because he agrees to some sort of robbery. Yes. With Griff Tannen. Yes. And his son is a snivelling weakling. Yes. Like original George McFly for some reason. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Real sweaty. Real sweaty, yeah. And looks exactly like him. Looks exactly like him. And then... Oh, so I've got a question. Okay, I'm ready. Where's the Marty McFly generation of Biff?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Yeah. Think about it.iff yeah think about it i am thinking there isn't one they're so weird that's why he's so cool because he didn't get beat up so much that's actually a really good that's an excellent point thank you weekly planet exclusive we figured it out anyway sorry so the things you were saying. Oh, so they go into the future. Yep. And then in attempt... So they prevent Marty's son from going down this path. Yes. This path of crime. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:57 And they end up sending Griff Tannen to jail. Yes. But in the interim, future Biff Tannen... Yes. Acquires a sports almanac. Correct. And then he uses the time machine to go back to the 1950s, give his younger self the sports almanac.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yes. The younger self places a series of bets on sporting events. He becomes a multi-billionaire. Yes. And then that ruins the future somehow. Correct. That ruins the 80s. He becomes Donald Trump. Oh, good. He does, doesn't he? Oh. billionaire yes and then that ruins the future somehow correct ruins the 80s that barney becomes
Starting point is 01:09:25 donald trump oh god he does doesn't he oh ruining the future ruining the future so yeah so they go so marty and doc and jennifer and einstein go back to 1985 to find it's been ruined yes and then they have to go back to the past and it the future. And it runs parallel with the first movie. Yeah. I'll say this. Yes. I like the future stuff. Yep.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I don't like the weird alternate Biff 80s. Neither do I. I hate it. And I know it's supposed to be gross and awful. Yep. But I hate it. I guess you're supposed to hate it, but I hate it more than you're supposed to hate it. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:00 It kind of drags. Uh-huh. Billy Zane's in it. That's pretty good. He's in it. And he's in the first one. And I like the parallel stuff in the 1950s. Me too. Billy Zane's in it. That's pretty good. That isn't the first one. And I like the parallel stuff in the 1950s. Me too.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I think that's great. I think that's all. Full credit, you can watch both of them and go, two didn't completely ruin one. Logically, they both follow. They work. Which is important to me in a time travel movie, even in one that doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Except for Terminator. Except for Terminator, when all bets are off, I don't care. all great it's all bad okay here we go this is a game i'm gonna call what parts of the future did back to the future get right and when they went to the future okay question mark yep these do you want me to just list things i could do i've already listed them okay i go through if you want can i give you one straight off the bat sure and they got absolutely right every house has four fax machines in it. And when you get fired, they just send you heaps of faxes.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Isn't that odd that they thought that fax would be the main kind of a dot matrix printer. Is that what they were called? You know, the scrolly grinding printer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's how you get fired. But you know what they did get? And also you get a caption on your video screen
Starting point is 01:11:06 that says you're fired with an exclamation mark. It was pretty great. What did Marty do? He used his company card to bloody skim something or whatever? Yeah, something. He agreed with some other guy and then his boss turned out to be listening on the line. And they worked in some weird trope
Starting point is 01:11:23 where he can't handle being called a chicken yeah they did do that yeah so he has to fight anytime someone calls him a chicken was that evident was that evident in the first one it's kind of mentioned but he just kind of fights because that's kind of he needs to fight at the time but in the second one it's like his downfall and third one it's like he's hubris it is getting the hubris thy name is marty mcfly being called a chicken yeah and that's the reason he mangles his hand and he can't play guitar and because he could have been a sweet rock star that's right but he wasn't or maybe he is because the future's not set now or whatever but he's not because it's 2015 and he's not a rock star or a real person
Starting point is 01:12:00 okay they kind of got wireless games right with? Because they're like, you have to use your hands in the toy. Oh, that's right. They've got kind of... Now, they don't really have mind control games, do they? But they've got motion sensory kind of... They got weird retro diners, right? That's exactly it. Like 80s diners.
Starting point is 01:12:20 We've got Retrocade. We've got 8-Bit. We've got bloody Forgotten Worlds. Yep. That's just in Melbourne. Absolutely. I mean, none of those are presented by a weird Max Headroom style, Ronald Reagan president.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Or Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson, yeah. Weird puppet. I think that's a person, actually. It is, yeah. The Michael Jackson one. Sequels, like multiple sequels, the Jaws 19 or whatever. Did you see the trailer for Jaws 19?
Starting point is 01:12:48 It's like a spoof parody. No. It's pretty good. Okay. And I went to the comments and I'm like, I hope somebody said the shark still looks fake. And that's like the first comment. I'm like, great. 3D, not holograms in that sense, but 3D is like a thing.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yep. Video conferences. Sure, where people get fired. Yes. Yep, great. Okay, that works. Flat screen wall mounted TVs. Yeah, Yep. Video conferences. Sure, where people get fired. Yes. Yep, great. Flat screen wall-mounted TVs. Yeah, okay. Tablets.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Like, you know, the guy who asked him to give over some money for the... Oh, for the cab ride. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that and the bloody... Oh, he wants money to save the clock tower or whatever. And there's also needles from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who is still alive in 2015. That's right.
Starting point is 01:13:25 So, he's the guy who gets Marty fired. Yeah, needles. Yeah. And causes him to have the car accident. He's his biff. Anyway. Yeah. These are some things that don't make the cut.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Okay. Hoverboards. And I know people say, there's hoverboards now. And the closest thing we've got now, it's like it's about three inches thick and it's a hoverboard and it's like filled with like liquid nitrogen and it hovers and you can go on it yes but in a laboratory no no it works okay in like you can use it but again it's not mass manufactured like kind of like something sure it's it doesn't matter hasn't produced no and also if you slip and fall and it runs over your face, your face is going to break off because of the liquid nitrogen.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Correct. Flying cars are not really a thing. What? I know people are always saying, look, this is, look, it's a flying car. That's a car that you put like a helicopter part. Yes. Or whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:18 When we were kids, there was a TV series called Beyond 2000 on Australian TV. That looked beyond the year 2000. Yeah, beyond the year 2000 to the future. And every episode, there was a car that turned into a plane or a boat. Some wacky inventor had always built a plane that turned into some sort of other vehicle. And they were like, look, I've built, look, it turns into a plane.
Starting point is 01:14:39 And then at the end of the thing, they're like, his car plane doesn't fly yet, but he's hoping that after a few more years of research and millions of dollars of investment, that'll happen. Never happened. Never happened. They all died in poverty. Correct.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Let the dog out. You've got to let the dog out. I'll let the bloody dog out. Who let the dog out? James. James. James. James.
Starting point is 01:14:58 James. Let the dog out. It's James. He's letting our dog out. All right. We should fly through this. This has gone for way too long. I'll no not really not like that no um it says queen diana in the newspaper oh that's unfortunate yes uh laser discs being because there's when he first gets in the past yes there's like big crates of like-wrapped laser discs behind him.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Oh, that's what that is. Unless they're just throwing them out. Maybe. Because jazz drives became a thing. Correct. I don't think there was ever enough laser discs to pack them as tightly as they're packed. The fax machine things you said, that stun thing that you mentioned before
Starting point is 01:15:47 that can knock out a person. Yep. Upside down back repair. Double ties. Oh, sure, yeah. Which I guess could be a thing, but like you could technically do that, but you know.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Suspended animation kennels for dogs. There's a company called Interno Auto that used to make double ties but really they don't exist okay yeah rubbish fusion powered engines oh yeah sure though there is like i think people have made like a manure powered car like that runs like off the methane. Probably runs like crap. That's really loud. Yeah, it is. We'll fix that in post. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Actually, I will because that'll kill somebody. Doc has a change of skin and hair. Yep. But he looks about the same. He looks about the same, doesn't he? And auto-lacing shoes, which I feel like could be a thing if people bothered. Like, I don't think that's impossible.
Starting point is 01:16:46 And self-drying jackets, I guess, also. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I like the bit how he freaks out about the shark and nobody bats an eye. That's true, yeah. But that's cool. Yeah. I love the hoverboard chase sequence. It's one of the best sequences in all these movies. Now, when they made the hoverboard chase sequence...
Starting point is 01:17:01 Yeah. It happens, and then Biff biff goes well this looks awfully familiar because the exact same thing happened exact same thing happened was that do you think they were like we'll do this and it'll be a fun you know it'll be funny that history is repeating itself was that it was that a proper theme they made i think so or do you think it was just like if we don't do an if we don't do a chase sequence this is more or less exactly the same people are not going to like this film oh yeah sure i guess so i think it's a nice nod to the first one i guess but also the last third act is a nice on nod to the first one yeah yeah it's the same bloody thing yeah like it's
Starting point is 01:17:33 that whole sequence is a good combination of like wires and you know like he's actually on a real skateboard and you can't see it and whatever it looks pretty good there's a little bit of green screen that doesn't look as convincing. The flying DeLorean looks amazing. It kind of does, yeah. Yeah, it kind of does. You know what also looks good is the composite shots. Like that young Biff, old Biff? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Absolutely. I think they pioneered some sort of weird camera trick or a new type of camera where they could do that single shot thing without looking incredibly awkward. It looks amazing. And not only that, it's really well acted. Yes. Like he's obviously both characters.
Starting point is 01:18:10 And there's also, they do the same thing at the Marty McFly family dinner table because he's three of the characters in that room. That's right, yeah. Because he plays the daughter and his son. Yeah. There is one shot though where old Biff throws the almanac. Yeah, and it's a bit. And it's so grain scraped. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Biff throws the almanac. Yeah, and it's a bit... And it's so grain-scratchy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:26 But whatever. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The last bit in the tunnel on the hoverboard's pretty good. Yes. And Biff hates manure yet again. But who likes manure? Who gets a face full of manure and likes...
Starting point is 01:18:36 Yeah, I feel strongly that the movies would be much less successful if every time that happened, Biff was like, I love it, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. I mean, it'd be successful in a certain demographic. Yes. But there's not that many of them. They'd pay good money. Certainly.
Starting point is 01:18:50 They'd pay like a hundred bucks for the DVD, but, you know. That's the extent of it. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. Also, remember how I said the thing about George McFly punching out Biff? Yes. In this movie, you see Biff spiking the punch with alcohol,
Starting point is 01:19:03 and then in the first movie, you see George McFly drinking it before he hits Biff. That's cool, right? That is a cool little callback, yeah. Bit of bloody alcohol courage and whatever. He's lucky that didn't go real south, though. Yeah. All right, we should do three quickly, right? Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Let's knock it off real quick. All right, filmed at the same time as part two. What's the story? This is one of the first movies I ever saw as well at the cinema. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah. I would say that's... It's not intriguing, certainly.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Or interesting. It's neither of those things. It's just a thing that happens. Certainly. Look, it's the one that I didn't watch today. Yeah. So, hang on. I think if you went back and watched it, you'd realize it's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Yeah. But the Doc Brown love stuff really drags it down. Okay, right. Yeah. Like, they're both good in it. Yeah, yeah. Like, Mary... Steenburgen?
Starting point is 01:19:51 Yeah, who's Ted Danson's wife is good. Yeah. But it's a lot of Doc and not a lot of Marty as much. I don't know. He's good, but if it was a lot of Doc and he wasn't doing all this love shit... Movie would be over real quick. No, I just mean it would be better.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Okay, right. If it was just him doing adventurous stuff. Yeah. Look, I can't remember what the plot is. Doc Brown is stuck in the 1800s for some reason. At the end of part two, he gets hit by lightning and he's flying to Norwich and he gets sent back to 1885 and he's living his life in the Old West. Because the time travel circuit, the panel, keeps malfunctioning and listing 1885 on it.
Starting point is 01:20:22 So he gets... And he can't get back. So he leaves his he doesn't have no plutonium that's right or garbage yes the car's wrecked though oh yeah that's also true uh it does not don't have none of those things yeah so he leaves his car in a mine so for 1955 version of him and marty who's still stuck there to take it out repair it yes go back because marty receives a letter yes from doc brown says, here's where I've left the DeLorean. Use it to go back to 1985.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Don't worry about me. Right, right, right. But then he finds an obituary that says Doc Brown was killed like a week after he wrote that letter. And he's like, well, I've got to go back. Got to go back. Back to the future or past. Power of love.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Certainly. I love Doc Brown. That's the secret love story. I think so. Of these movies. So, you know what I do like? I like how Marty, they make an attempt to kind of dress him up like a cowboy. And it's just way off.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Yeah. Like I enjoy that. Yeah, Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood, yeah. He uses the name Clint Eastwood. And we see Clint Eastwood in two. Two, yeah. I think it's either Fistful of Dollars or The Good, Bad, The Ugly or one of those.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And the scene that they show is the scene where Clint Eastwood has a metal plate under his blanket, poncho, and he gets shot, but he lives because it's like a bulletproof vest. Then Marty uses that exact trick, and it's sweet as. Sweet as. Yeah. That was in the video game. It was pretty great. Was it?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Yeah. You had to wear that under your bloody... Yeah. Are there Super Nintendo versions? I think I played it on Omega 500. So you could just be shot? Well, not heaps. Sure.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Yeah. You know that bit where Marty gets hung in the town square? Yes. That, they really hung him. Ooh. So there was like a... They stoltzed him. Yeah, they stoltzed him. There's a bit was a, like a... They stotched him. Yeah, they stotched him.
Starting point is 01:22:06 There's a bit, there's like a thing they can put on the neck so it doesn't... Right, yeah. So it's obviously not really being hung, but apparently it was visible. Yep. So like, everyone agreed, including Michael J. Fox, that, oh, we'll just take it out, we'll do it for a few seconds. And they thought he was acting, but he was really being, like, choked out. Uh-huh. Like, and it was, It was quite a dangerous situation.
Starting point is 01:22:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. The chase sequence at the end on the train is pretty good, I guess. Yep. The shootout's really awesome. How he overcomes his bloody being a chicken. That's right. He's just like, fuck this guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Let's leave. And the flying train's great. Yes, it is. Now, when I was a kid, Harvey Comics released a Back to the Future comic book series. Sure. I mean, they're doing one now, I think. Are they? There's going to be a new version.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Okay. But there was a Harvey Comics version. Harvey Comics created, well, they published Richie Rich Casper, et cetera, et cetera. It was really good at the time. It was written by Dwayne McDuffie, the late, great Dwayne McDuffie. Was it set after 3? Yes. And it was Marty and...
Starting point is 01:23:08 It was Marty and Doc. And Doc's kids. And Clara. Yeah, and they had the DeLorean, they had the train. Yeah. They went back to the 1930s. Yeah. It was pretty great.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Dwayne McDuffie was a creative milestone in comics. Okay. Yeah. Awesome. It was a real good series. I will maybe read that at some point. If it's available literally anywhere. I don't know if it is.
Starting point is 01:23:26 I guess Doc Brown exists out of time in this one, him and his family, because he's from the 50s and 80s and whatever. So he goes, rescues a dead woman who was supposed to go into the ravine and then has two kids that shouldn't exist. Right. And then spends his life as a wacky time-travelling lunatic.
Starting point is 01:23:45 That's good for him, I guess. Yeah, great. Good on him. Yeah. I've got one bit of trivia left, unless you've got anything else to say. No, that'll do it. I feel like I'm selling the short.
Starting point is 01:23:52 It is a good movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wraps up the saga well and whatever. I enjoy it a lot, yeah. Do you think we'll ever see a part four? No. Good. Check bloody Tom Wilson's card.
Starting point is 01:24:03 It says no, not happening. Apparently Robert Zemeckis says, I'd have to be dead for them to make that. Oh, he has said that in the past. I think we've talked about it on the show. He's like, he and the other writer, I think they own all the publishing rights. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And so he's like, I would have to be dead. Yes. Well, they both have to be dead. That means we're probably going to see it. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, can't live forever. Okay, here we go. Michael Winslow.
Starting point is 01:24:28 The famous sound effects comedian who was in many of the Police Academy films. He performed the sound effects of Michael J. Fox's feet during the breakdancing sequence. Clippity cloppity clippity clop. You know the bit where he does the little dance? Yeah. I don't think that's breakdancing, though. That's more like a Michael Jackson kind of moonwalk-y thing. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Again, though, that's an example of do you not know where you are? Because he's like dance and he's like he moonwalks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do a waltz, man. Do a bloody waltz. Do a bloody waltz. Anyway, all in all, best movies ever? Yeah, best movies ever.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Despite your nostalgia and whatever. You don't care for this, but you're like, great. Again, I'm going to throw that cell into a storm. Good, good, good. You know what it's time for? What we're reading. What we're going to read. Theme.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I'm doing the theme. What are we reading today? There's a Back in Time documentary, Back to the Future documentary. Oh, yes. Called Back in Time, which I just said. Oh, yes. Its digital premiere is the 21st of October, and it is, which is this week, as we've discussed, and it's just all about the making of Back to the Future.
Starting point is 01:25:39 That sounds really good. And I don't know whether it's good, but I'm going to download it and watch it, or stream it, or however you're allowed to watch it, the thing. What are you reading? I'm reading, actually on Netflix, speaking of time-parable stuff, I've been watching a show called Continuum. It's been going for a while. Yes.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Have you seen it? No. Do you know what I'm talking about? I've heard of it. Okay. Look, I don't know if I'm going to keep watching it. Please tweet me and let me know if it gets great. But it's basically, the scenario is that there are these rebels in the future
Starting point is 01:26:10 and they've gone back in time. They thought they were going to go back. It's the 2070s. It's like 2077. Yep. And these rebels have gone back in time. They thought they were going to only go back a couple of years, but they ended up going back to now, the modern day.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Okay. And they're going to alter the future, but also in the accident that sent them back in time, there's also like a future police lady. She's gone back in time to stop them, right? But the premise is, the bigger premise of this show is that in the future, all the world governments have crumbled and corporations have taken over the entire world sure and the reason i don't buy the scenario is because in
Starting point is 01:26:51 this future the entire world just isn't garbage like these this it's it's it might it seems to be that there's like a like an elite yeah like this the the this police lady's in this sort of you know corporate elite and so she's got a great life so maybe the rest of the world isn't so good yeah but it's like one of those futures where everything's you know everything's amazing and everybody's got the flat screen tv in the future you know amazing future world or whatever yeah and in the the rebels are painted as these bad guys who are trying to destroy this utopian world you've got the look that says it doesn't work right wait so the rebels are the good guys
Starting point is 01:27:25 no the rebels are painted as the bad guys in the show in the show so then you're not supposed to like them yeah they're like killers okay but try and imagine a world where the governments are gone and the only things that exist are corporations that world's a hellhole yeah absolutely yeah it's weird so i don't know I get the sense that maybe eventually she the police lady's gonna realise that her world is not how she thinks it is
Starting point is 01:27:50 kind of thing and she's gonna take their side or whatever but right now I'm like I don't know about this premise you know what I'm not reading this week what's that that show
Starting point is 01:27:58 that show yeah good idea alright I got a what we reading here I'm ready my what we reading suggestion is the anime called Cowboy Bebop I consider it one of my top three favourite animes of all time, and I feel like if you don't have the time to be an anime fan,
Starting point is 01:28:09 you'll truly appreciate it. Its English dubbing cast is considered even better than the Japanese, which is rare in the anime community. I won't spoil anything about it, but it's very grounded for an anime, and the whole mood of the anime is very jazzy. So yeah, love the podcast. Keep it up. And why does it sound like Masonazzy. So yeah, love the podcast. Keep it up.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And why does it sound like Mason doesn't have his pants on during the podcast? I plead the fifth. Doesn't apply here. Oh yeah, you're right. That's because I'm not wearing any pants. Primarily. Also, can I be the official movie trailer voice? I submitted the letters, the movie trail style thing for the podcast.
Starting point is 01:28:42 That was great. I enjoyed that one a lot. Yes, fantastic. Speaking of themes, Mason. Oh, yeah. Do you have a letters theme for this week? I do have a letters theme. So for those who don't know,
Starting point is 01:28:50 every week you refuse to edit in a new letters theme. I refuse. Oh, he's done it again. I am. Why do you keep... You're a dictator. I am. So anyway, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:28:59 If the listeners would like to record their own letters theme, if you want to put it on YouTube and tweet it at me, and then I'll find it, and then I'll just play it out of my phone, into my microphone, and then we have a letters theme. The letters theme that everyone wants, but James refuses to edit in.
Starting point is 01:29:14 I refuse. There we go. I still refuse. I haven't changed. You haven't changed? I thought I could get you with some reverse psychology, but it didn't work. Anyway, Rob Hurst has sent one in to us.
Starting point is 01:29:23 It's called Power of Letters. I wonder how this is going to go. Interesting. Yep. Okay, here we go. Letters. Letters. Letters.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Letters. Letters. Letters. Letters. Letters. Letters. Letters. Letters.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Letters. Letters. Sorry. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Just like... Just like Huey Lewis and the News. You know what I think? When the producers of Ghostbusters said,
Starting point is 01:29:54 hey, Huey Lewis, do you want to do a theme to Ghostbusters? He said, no, they should have just got bloody Rob Hurst. I agree. He could have done something even better. Even greater, right? Yes. Great. So next week, I guess we're probably going to do a horror movie or a horror comics themed episode.
Starting point is 01:30:09 So if anyone wants to send in a horror themed. Oh, that'd be so good. That would be pretty good, wouldn't it? Great. Or just send somebody going letters over and over and go, ooh, over the top. That's fine too. I'll be equally scared. How about this?
Starting point is 01:30:20 Edit this together. You say letters. Letters. Ooh. Someone do something with that. Look, we've bloody done all your work for you at this point. Hey, Nick, James and Mason, all three of you. Big fan of the show at the Mr. Sunday Movies channel.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Thank you for entertaining me, providing me with insights on movies, and most importantly, teaching me the names of obscure mid-90s comic characters whose exploits I'll never read that's the spirit i'm currently working on a graphic novel of sorts and wondered if nick would settle for having his likeness drawn into a panel and the as the hey asshole guy or hey asshole guy yes absolutely i would love that so that is your dream to be that guy in the movie in a movie yeah which reminds me in one of the back to the futures yes uh mcfly is the hey i'm walking here guy that's pretty great the kid mcfly i think so yeah i think it's yeah it is kid mcfly yeah the greasy weakling mcfly yes i would love that that'd be my favorite thing that's a and if that ever gets adapted into a movie well well who would play that
Starting point is 01:31:23 maybe me ryan Felipe, probably. If so, I'd be happy to do a shout out for all the hours you put in. Podcasting, you've given to me.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I read that weirdly, but I'm not doing it again. Attach a couple of finished pages, but don't feel you have to read them out. I'll talk about this on the show.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Keep on making the funnies. Grab that gem, John from London. I did read them. It's coming along. It's looking good. It's in a couple of pages I don't know if reading a comic
Starting point is 01:31:46 even works though on this kind of medium if I was like and in this panel there's this person standing on this side of the panel of the comic panel
Starting point is 01:31:53 you're reading a comic yeah also I don't know what it was called because he didn't didn't put the name in so sorry John but you'll be okay I assume
Starting point is 01:32:03 it's called John's comic hello James and the other one i'm a big fan of your channel which ones are you referring to i don't know yeah i'm a big fan of your channel the podcast and youtube dickheads i was wondering oh he's referring to me i was wondering what you guys thought of civil war 2 a sequel to the original comic series its release will coincide with captain america civil war i believe it'll be just like the first one, but different. Also, how do you feel about when films affect comics rather than the other way around? Keep up the good work and grab that potato.
Starting point is 01:32:32 There is a current Civil War comic which is set in an alternate future. Okay. Is it the old man Logan future? Sort of. It's so good. That old man Logan story. Yes. Just, they've mashed it up in the-
Starting point is 01:32:44 The new one? Yeah. Is it not as good? No, because he's gone into weird different kind of dimensions and there's like future cities and different versions of the X-Men. The appeal of Old Man Logan was he just wanders the desert and is a prick. And he's the only one left. Yes.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Like it's a Mad Max. It's a Marvel Mad Max. Exactly. It's a world that ultimately has no hope to it. So I would love an actual sequel to Old Man Logan instead of whatever this is. It's not bad, but it's just, it could be Wolverine in any time period. Yeah. Anyway, Civil War 2.
Starting point is 01:33:16 I guess they're doing another one. Fantastic. Do you care? They do this all the time. When Spider-Man eventually came back to be Spider-Man in the comics, that was to coincide with the release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Yes. So, because everybody kind of loved that.
Starting point is 01:33:31 What was it? When Doc Ock was Spider-Man. Oh, Superior Spider-Man. Yeah, yeah. And that kind of, you know, the movie comes out and then they change it or whatever. That happens a lot. Does it bother you? No.
Starting point is 01:33:43 I like, it doesn't bother me i think it's interesting i bet you do yeah oh no oh i'm addicted to saying it uh i you know what it does it does kind of take out a little bit of the dramatic tension yep sure like in the captain america comic books yep captain america was dead for You know what it does? It does kind of take out a little bit of the dramatic tension. Yeah, sure. Like in the Captain America comic books, Captain America was dead for a long time. Yes. And then they announced the movie. Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:13 And you're like, well, obviously they're going to bring him back in the comics in time for the movie. Yeah. Because there's no way they're going to release a Captain America movie and then fans of the movie go to find the comic book and Captain America is not in it. Yes. Like that's not going to happen. Correct. So you can you go well okay
Starting point is 01:34:30 they're going to have to wrap up the storyline here. The buck stops here or the bucky stops here. Yeah very good. Thank you. So but I also enjoy the way
Starting point is 01:34:41 that they have to contrive scenarios in which the comic books are more like the movies. I like watching those wheels turn. My favourite, and I've mentioned on the show, is that the original Nick Fury in the Marvel comic books is white. He was played by David Hasselhoff in the TV movie. And in the comics. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:00 And then in the movies, it's Samuel L. Jackson because the ultimate version of Nick Fury looks it's Samuel L. Jackson because the ultimate version of Nick Fury looks exactly like Samuel L. Jackson. So they've had to contrive a scenario because they're getting rid of the Ultimates line. They had to contrive a scenario in which the regular universe Nick Fury is also black. Because it's his son now?
Starting point is 01:35:18 It's his illegitimate son that didn't exist, that he didn't know existed, but now is higher up, like is a main player in S.H.I.E.L.D. Yes. And is now the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. while the original Nick Fury is trapped on the moon. Correct. Guarding stuff.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Yeah, he's the new Watcher sort of. Yeah, he is, yeah. Also, he's chained up as well, I think. So he can't leave the moon. Yeah, he's chained to the moon. I should have been clearer. He's chained up as well, I think. So he can't leave the moon. Yeah, he's chained to the moon. I should have been clearer. He's chained to the moon. And that new version of Nick Fury just looks like a younger Samuel L. Jackson.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Yes, he does. He does. So, yeah, look, I guess we're definitely going to see more of it now that we're getting more comic book movies. If it gets kind of out of hand and it ruins certain storylines, then, yeah, I'll definitely have a problem with it. But as long as I can kind of do it in a way that's, you know, it doesn't break anything, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:36:09 I feel like I want to see stories being written now that get adapted. That like, I want to see new stories that become iconic and then become movies. Yep, good idea. Because pretty much every movie we've seen is, this is an older comic that people love. Yeah. Like, yeah, do you know what i mean so i
Starting point is 01:36:25 know maybe you have to wait for the kind of like years to pass and then go oh remember that run of whatever that was good to make that so i'm sure they exist but i want to know which ones yeah and also i i feel that a lot of the older comic book arcs you know you think of a spider-man death of gwen stacy or something like that sure like nobody nobody, they're so well regarded or they're so, they've got, people have got such memories of them or they're so iconic in the evolution of that character that people will never say, oh, they did that totally right in the movies. Yeah, absolutely, yeah. And partly because, you know, it's such fond memories in people's minds and partly because maybe a story from the 60s doesn't translate as well to 2015 or whatever. Too many Argyle sweaters.
Starting point is 01:37:12 So many Argyle sweaters and weird hairs. I've got so much such weird hair. So in a way it does work better to say, okay, here's a comic book story set in the modern world and now we'll adapt that in the modern world. There's not so many leaps in time and logic, et cetera. Do you like when they just take the name of a comic, say like Age of Ultron, and just be like, this is just something else?
Starting point is 01:37:35 No, I don't like that at all. Yeah. I think that I, because Age of Ultron in the comic books involves parallel universes and time travel. And a lot of Wolverine. So much Wolverine and Doctor Strange teaming up with the Pun travel and a lot of wolverine so much wolverine and dr strange teaming up with the punisher and all kinds of stuff yeah and in this there was just like oh he's he's got a he's a robot and he's doing robot stuff did you know the current version of ultron
Starting point is 01:37:54 has merged with hank pym and is floating through space yes good to know it is good isn't it weekly planet exclusive that's right wave to nick Fury as you go past. All right. Last letter. Hey, James. Imagine if the Earth is in peril and Nick Fury uses the entire moon
Starting point is 01:38:11 as a mace because he's chained to it. That'd be pretty great. Is he old now as well? Yeah, he's old because his infinity serum wore off. What a dickhead.
Starting point is 01:38:19 I know, right? Hey, James and Mason. I knew you were going to do a Back to the Future episode next week, so I wanted to ask you if you... Wait, how does he know he's from the future? Letters.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Letters. Letters. It's more catchy than The Power of Love. I know. So I wanted to ask, if you were to build a time machine, what would you build it out of? Would it be a car like the film, a hot tub, or even a phone box? Brackets reference.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Don't worry, it doesn't have to be relative to real science. Thanks. Love every podcast so far. Makes me look forward to Mondays back in school. Cheers, Griff. P.S. May I be the official Welsh Jedi of the podcast? Yes, we don't have one of those.
Starting point is 01:38:54 No, we don't. Now we have one. Yeah. And only one. Yes. What would you... I don't know. I like a classic time platform.
Starting point is 01:39:01 I think they're pretty good. I like the HG Wells time machine. I wish you a lot of clockwork. Actually, Back to the Future uses that same method of time travel or science, I guess, whereas it's not a time and place machine. It's just a bloody time machine. Just a time machine, right. You know what's not a bad time travel movie?
Starting point is 01:39:19 It's not great, but it's a bit of a romp. The Time Machine with Guy Pearce. Oh, sure. It's okay. Yeah. Jeremy Irons is a weird underground albino mind-reading man. Yes, that's true. It's got Christina Millian in it or something?
Starting point is 01:39:34 Sure. Former pop star? From Britain? Yes. Yes. I think so. Good for that. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Yeah, I don't know. I like a... Oh, I don't know. Hmm. I like the Bill and Ted's. Yeah look i like here's the thing though i like a time tunnel yep like i like a headquarter here's i like a headquarters it's got some sort of tunnel in it you run through the tunnel and you end up in the past but i also like a top maybe a time gauntlet oh sure yeah you can just you can because you want you because that's that's the dilemma you want i i would like a time gauntlet so i could
Starting point is 01:40:04 be mobile you don't have to get to a thing you don't have to get to a thing but at the same time imagine a groovy time tunnel absolutely it's maybe black and white jacket and it's the time tunnel are you talking about austin powers 2 yes but that was based on the time tunnel was it really time tunnel's a real show yeah wow what about what about what about a scott bacula style quantum leap where you end up in somebody else's body everywhere? Is that really time travel? I mean, it is. I didn't like that at all. What about people who just blip out of time, like a looper, like you just appear?
Starting point is 01:40:33 No, I want something to it. You want something. I want something to it. I understand the minimalist aesthetic there. Yes, you do. But I like an effect. Good, good. I like appearing in a big ball of electricity and you've cut out
Starting point is 01:40:45 a bit of the ground and a bit of a truck. And maybe your feet are burning. Maybe your feet are burning. But they're not in the movie when they do it. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:40:52 If you're... It doesn't matter. Alright, but I mean Rhys, when he travels through time he's in air. So mid-air. That's a time and place machine because him and the Terminator
Starting point is 01:40:59 turn up in different parts of New York or Los Angeles wherever those movies are set. Who cares? Most of them are shit. Alright, that's the show for this week. Weekly Planet exclusive. in different parts of New York or Los Angeles, wherever those movies are set. Who cares? Most of them are shit. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:07 That's the show for this week. Weekly Planet exclusive. Shout out to Janik, who actually lost his dad in the past week. Oh, no. Which really sucks. So I hope you're doing all right. The saddest of shout outs.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Yeah, I know, right? Yeah, I hope you and your family are doing okay. Well, as good as you can in this, you know, really terrible time. Yeah. So, yeah, I hope you're doing all right. Where can people find us, Mason? Oh, they can find us at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail and Facebook. Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:32 I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies. I also thought, and I meant to put this in before we did the letters, we should have hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. If you've got a quick question that maybe won't go in an email, just do hashtag Weeklyplanetpod. Put one of us in. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:41:48 And we should do some Twitter questions as well. We'll find the hashtag. Absolutely. Yeah, sounds great. What else? Follow the Weekly Planet. Yes. For all your Weekly Planet needs.
Starting point is 01:41:56 All the needs. That's not us. He's better than us. Yes, he is. And you know what else? The Reddit is great as well. The Reddit is great. It's a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 01:42:02 One day I'll contribute to that. Me too. Yeah, it'll be great. But I do visit it though. Yeah. And I like it. What else? The Reddit is great as well. The Reddit is great. It's a bunch of stuff. One day I'll contribute to that. Me too. Yeah, it'll be great. But I do visit it though. Yeah. And I like it. What else? Thank you to the Brute and the Baskalist for the theme songs.
Starting point is 01:42:11 Very much so. And thank you- And the Golden Legend for our logo. Yes. It's really good. It's a really good logo. We should use that logo more often. slash MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:42:21 If you want to contribute, we've got a- Bandcamp. God. Yeah, we've got a Bandcamp weekly planet. Just type in... God, shut up, us. Empire Strikes Back commentary if you want to listen to it. A lot of people have really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Yeah. If you can go listen to that for free or put any money in. If you're a patron, it's there already. Nice. That's the show. That's the show, everybody. Next week, something. Something, something.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Grab a data jam, everybody. Yes. I'll see you next week. Okay, bye. something something grab a data jam everybody yes I'll see you next week okay bye when I'm flying in a plane or I'm on the street there's a lot of people that I like to meet they shake my head and never ask my name
Starting point is 01:42:57 and they start asking questions that are always the same hey what's Michael J Fox like he's nice what's Michael J Fox like nice guy what's Michael J Fox like he's nice what's Michael J Fox like nice guy what's Michael J Fox like he's an alien stop asking me the question I went to the bar mitzvah of my nephew Josh now I'm not Jewish but I like to nosh put on my yarmulke, started to pray. When the rabbi leaned over and I heard him say,
Starting point is 01:43:29 Hey, was that real manure? No, it wasn't. Was that real manure? No. Was that real manure? It's a movie. Stop asking me the question. Can we take your picture?
Starting point is 01:43:42 Come on, look mean. Would you call my friend a butthead on his answering machine? Hey, questions, questions, just fill my head. I went to my doctor, my doctor said, Hey, what does a key grip do? Set up lights. What does the best boy do? Help the key grip. What does a producer do?
Starting point is 01:43:58 I don't know! Stop asking me the question! Do you all hang out together? No, we don't How's Crispin Glover? Never talk to him Back to the future for not happening Stop asking me the question
Starting point is 01:44:13 Hey, who's the nicest famous guy you know? Adam Sandler Who is the biggest jerk? Gary Busey How much money do you make? More than you do So stop asking me the question Thanks a lot, everybody.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Thanks for coming out. God bless. Good night. That's it. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Fx's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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