The Weekly Planet - 119 DC's Massive Line Up! Sucide Squad, Wonder Woman & More!

Episode Date: January 25, 2016

Huge week for DC with new info on Batman V Superman, Justice League, Wonder Woman and a brand new Suicide Squad trailer!Plus we talk McG directing the He-Man movie, Star Wars 8 getting delayed, DC Com...ics getting rebooted (again) and great Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 news!0:00 Intro1:00 Star Wars Ep 8 Delayed & Avatar 210:38 MCG in talks for Masters Of The Universe16:42 DC Comics Reboot20:36 Stephen Moffat stepping down as Doctor Who showrunner22:37 New Guardians Of The Galaxy members!25:28 Deadpool Australia Day ad28:13 Warner Brothers/DC Line-Up Reveal32:00 Batman V Superman32:38 Wonder Woman38:50 Justice League39:00 Aquaman41:44 The Flash43:30 Justice League VS Avengers48:12 Cyborg49:44 Green Lantern50:50 Suicide Squad Trailer1:17:00 What We Reading1:23:52 LettersAmazon affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit Red hot comic book movie news, shooting up your butthole. The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies, comics and TV shows.
Starting point is 00:00:35 My name is James, also known as MrSunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. It's-a me, I'm-a here. You are here. Let's talk about the news. Star Wars Episode VIII. Pushed back. Has been pushed back to December.
Starting point is 00:00:46 So that's like six, seven months what are you what are your thoughts i think they haven't decided who ray's parents are yet oh you think that i think it's a i think it's a month's long debate i think they've just gotten a big a big whiteboard you know it's one of those smart whiteboards oh yeah and like they're they're skyping in from all around the world and george lucas can't quite get his working so they're Skyping in from all around the world and George Lucas can't quite get his working. So they're all just waiting for him and like everybody gets a say in it and nobody, like it's just going to go forever. Absolutely, yeah. Well, apparently a big part of it is script rewrites,
Starting point is 00:01:15 which isn't a bad thing necessarily. It just happens all the time. But to include a lot more of the new characters. Sure. So look, we said last week that we're going to spoil Force Awakens from now because it's been out for a month or whatever. But, like, was the focus originally going to be, like, on Luke and Leia and, like, Han's corpse?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Like, what are we... Yeah, absolutely, yeah. What are they talking about? They're just going to... It was going to be just they're going to pitch Han's corpse into space and it was just going to... Like Spock's death? Yeah, and it was just going to float through space
Starting point is 00:01:44 and various adventures were going to happen around it. We're going to see all kinds of crazy alien races and super weapons or whatever. That would be incredible. Yeah. But look, the real reason I think, or one of the major reasons is they shattered all sorts of box office records in December.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You get a bit of a clear run in December. That's true. Or you used to, but I think this is going to be like the new season for like big movies i don't understand why this hasn't started happening like 10 years ago it's weird isn't it right because like as soon as those lord of the rings it's the hot dog vendor on the beach theory of economics you know what i'm talking about what's that what's that where like you think you don't want a hot dog but then you do economics or something look i did a lot of things but it's no because like you think you don't want a hot dog, but then you do economics or something. Look, I did a lot of things, but it's no, because like you get,
Starting point is 00:02:26 there's a hot dog vendor on the beach, right? What's his name? Giuseppe. Philip. No, it's Giuseppe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I wouldn't buy from a Giuseppe. That's what it's. Wow. It's just my racial prejudice. Clearly. Anyway, he's in the middle of the beach, right?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Cause you said, Oh wait, it's ice cream. Now I remember. What are you talking about? Hot dogs on the beach. Didn't you do economics? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:44 I did. All right. I was distracted talking about hot dogs on the beach? Didn't you do economics? Yeah, I did. All right. I was distracted by the hot dogs that they served. Anyway, go on. In the bloody forecourt. Anyway, ice cream vendor, right, he'd park right in the middle of the beach, right? Yeah. Imagine the beach is a line.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yeah. There, and he's in the middle, right? Yeah, gotcha. Now, if another bloody ice cream vendor shows up. Yeah. They bloody... Philip? Yeah, Philip. My bloody ice cream vendor shows up, they bloody... Philip. Yeah, Philip.
Starting point is 00:03:05 My preferred ice cream vendor. All right, in a world without incredible racial prejudice on a beach, so not Australia, certainly, right? They'd both end up like back to back, right? Because if one is like at one end, right? All the lazy people would just move to bloody Giuseppe because he's in the middle, right? Gotcha, yep.
Starting point is 00:03:26 So inevitably they just move. He's got that sweet gelato probably as well. That's what I'm talking about. We'll edit this out. Anyway, we won't. No. But anyway, they just end up in the middle. What I'm saying is if there's a gap in the market, which is December,
Starting point is 00:03:39 the beach, then the ice cream vendors, the Star Wars franchise, would inevitably move to fill that is what I'm saying. Gotcha, I get you. And ice cream is, the Star Wars franchise, would inevitably move to fill that, is what I'm saying. I get you. And ice cream is also what you said. We're going to get ice cream, yeah. That's right. Okay, I understand that. Because the original opening for the US for December
Starting point is 00:03:58 was like $75 or $80 million, and Star Wars was like $250 billion or whatever it made. So I can understand why they would do it when if you're opening in may you've only got like three weeks until i think guardians opened the week before yeah like this was always going to happen that's true we just didn't figure it out because we're idiots and we we our economics has never yeah i'm just thinking about those ice creams mates but yeah yeah, initially December was Avatar 2 territory It was going to come out the week after Avatar now they're saying, oh no, that's not set in stone
Starting point is 00:04:34 Sure Yeah, so I wouldn't be surprised if James Cameron came out and said No, we're still doing it He emerged from his submarine The submarine came out of the ocean, just on a beach, and the golden doors opened, and he came out wielding his trident and his megaphone, and he went, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And his trucker hat. And his trucker hat, and he went, I have things to say. I declare war on Star Wars. I'm James Cameron. I will reclaim my throne. Do you think he will reclaim his throne with Avatar 2? No. Avatar 2 would get killed.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah. That being said, we rubbish Avatar a lot because it's boring. Correct. But genuinely, I want to see, can he bring it back? Right. And I know the next one, and you'll love this. Yes. There's going to be a lot of underwater stuff going on.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Oh. Surprised? Indifferent. Yeah. Yeah. I get you. going to be a lot of underwater stuff going on oh surprised indifferent yeah yeah it's pretty i mean like he that it was i'm gonna adjust this keep talking there was some great there was some great pioneering effects absolutely i'm sure like he he's the kind of guy who'd be like okay we can do real-time like motion capture rendering we can do this now we've got 3d we've got all this sort of stuff he will bring the most technological advancements to this yes it's just a matter of if we're going to care for that more than we care for a story or characters we love or characters we remember on any level the real question is yes oscar isaac or sam worthington oh that is a good question
Starting point is 00:06:03 the answer is oscar isaac that is that is yeah that is a good question. The answer's Oscar Isaac. That is correct. Didn't also Avatar usher in a new era of 3D that we all hate? Yes, it did. I'll tell you what, I'll give this one a chance if it ushers in a new era of back to 2D. I doubt it. I would be very surprised. I think he'll try and be like, this is an even more 3D. But if you look at 3D, it's fourth dimension.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I don't know. Time? I don't know. It's beaches. It's just beaches. But I feel like, I know this for a fact, 3D films, they come in waves. Sure. Like a beach.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Like on a beach. Like on a beach. Yeah. So like, you know, when they kicked off in the 50s or whatever, those B-movie monster movies, where the black and – not black, sorry, black glasses, that wouldn't make any sense. You know, the red and blue. And then they kind of – it happened again in the 80s
Starting point is 00:06:51 and you've got like Jaws 3D and there's like this big spike in interest. And so if you watch a lot of those 80s horror movies, they've got really obviously made for 3D cinema effects. Sure, yeah. It's like a shark coming towards the screen. It's got like a black line around it. Right, right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:06 And then that dip dog. The killer's swinging yo-yos right at you. Exactly. That's right. He's walking the dog. He's walking the dog. He's going around the world. A third one.
Starting point is 00:07:15 What's that one? Cradle? Cat's Cradle? Cat's Cradle. Sure. Cat's in the Cradle. There you go. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And then it happened again in 2009. So I think we will see it again in some form, but it cannot be this. It'll have to be like glasses-less 3D or holograms or whatever. But that might not be for two decades or hopefully never. Anyway, do you want more bad news? What about all... See, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Like if it was glasses-less 3D or something like that, they'd have to like retrofit all the cinemas with something absolutely maybe like smartphone related somehow like augmented reality you look at it through your phone yeah that'd be great wouldn't it that's another tape your phone to your head your phone i mean you know just sure you've got a guy in front of you and he's got a huge afro or whatever or like a big hat and he won't he won't get out of your way, and that's probably not his seat anyway. But just add 100 people also holding their phones up in front of you. That's great.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Thanks, James Cameron, for that thing that I've said you've done, that I invented, you prick. No, he's all right. He's fine. He's got a submarine. He sure does. I bet he's got a fleet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah. But look, that's enough of that, I guess. Do you care if it's pushed back? It's probably a good thing. Look, we've got Rogue One to talk us over. Exactly. We've got Rogue One in December. And also, if this was coming out in May,
Starting point is 00:08:36 they would have had to release the trailer for this before Rogue One came out, and there would have been confusion. Correct. So it just, you know what I mean. Just Star Wars movies every December. What do you think is going to be in like do you think december's going to be flooded with i think something in particular like do you think it's going to be like special effects
Starting point is 00:08:54 uh yes i think because they kind of like i said there was lord of the rings and then they throw out a sherlock holmes and because it's the only thing out people go and see it and they did like like king kong hobbit obviously we're all we're all out there at that same time. So yeah, it will start to expand and it'll be more and more and then they'll just be like, the new month is November or September. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:18 So I think eventually, unless this whole kind of thing crashes down around us because studios are spending, they're doing three or four movies a year for $200 million and that's each studio. That's not sustainable. They're going to flood the market and someone's going to lose. Someone's going to be pulled into a rip on the beach. That is cinema. No ice cream for him. No. I've found my metaphor, everyone. gonna use this forever the worst metaphor ever created i liked it but it was about hot dogs see i thought the hot dog thing was like you're a hot dog vendor on the beach and people you did think like what's a hot dog vendor doing there and then
Starting point is 00:09:58 you're like maybe i want a hot dog as opposed to a bloody to an ice cream maybe i want to get some lunch but i don't want to walk across the hot road to burn my feetsies. You know what I mean? No, I know exactly what you mean. I think that's also economies, isn't it? Yeah, that is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That's my metaphor. Okay, good. All right. McG is apparently- McG! Is apparently in talks for Masters of the Universe. That's right, yeah. The real question is-
Starting point is 00:10:23 Sure. Do you care? I don't really care who directs it. I would to see another see i don't know like i really having recently re-watched some of it i really enjoyed the one from the 80s it's very funny it's a weird it's a funny weird universe doesn't look anything like the the cartoon sort of initially yeah but then not really and then it ends up in the real world yeah none of the characters are Sort of initially. Yeah, but then... Not really. And then it ends up in the real world. None of the characters are kind of...
Starting point is 00:10:48 Oh, a few of them kind of carry over, but there's a lot of them that are just like, Who is this? There's a weird eyepatch guy. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Okay. I don't remember. I remember there's that... It's a synth dimensional machine. Oh, it is too. Yeah. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Look, I... I'm with with you this isn't a property i care enough about i don't know why people are getting up in arms about it it's he-man there hasn't been a he-man movie for 30 years and the last one wasn't very good and 80s nostalgia isn't super strong because a lot of those people have kind of you know grown up or whatever so i think you know, do you know what I mean? Like, I don't think there's a call for it like there used to be. Yeah, okay. I think a lot of studio heads are thinking it is
Starting point is 00:11:32 because that was their era. Right, okay. But I feel like that's why you're getting Terminator tanking and like, I'm trying to think about other examples. You're saying the nostalgia tank is running low. For the 80s, yeah. I read an article on Cracked recently. That's where I'm stealing this from.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Sure. But yeah, no, I think there's a, I mean, depending on the property, obviously. But yeah, I think, I mean, unless you're going to make a R-rated Robocop, who's going to go see it? And even then, who would see it regardless? Sorry, my phone's making. It's blowing up. It is.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Look, I kind of want to see the bloody the green the green tiger guy battle cat battle cat i want to say i want to see cringer depending yeah thank you i want to say i want to see a battle cat you know what what's the most way out thing mcgee's done like in terms of a big charlie's angels no like a like a like fantasy wise i probably terminated salvation okay and that wasn't very good. Yeah, see, I like it. We've had the original Master of the Universe. We had Thor the Dark World,
Starting point is 00:12:29 which is basically a reimagined version of that in a lot of ways. I would want to see Master of the Universe as this sort of crazy alien magic world, you know, pseudo-magmagical pseudo-technological kind of super way out an alien yeah and i don't feel like mcg could deliver on that right i think he'd just be kind of a very standard issue yeah okay sure like it'll be fine and there'll be a big action set piece yeah and there'll be some cool dialogue but i don't he's directed some interesting stuff starting with uh corn where are they now uh video short documentary you're so direct right pretty fly for a white guy i recently
Starting point is 00:13:13 i read an article recently about uh it was it was an interview with tom morello from rage against the machine yeah and he was like he was talking about you know the the influence of his band or whatever and he's like just so we're clear i'd just like to apologize for Limp Bizkit. Like, I'd like to apologize for like, because we sort of pioneered rap rock and new metal and all that. And I'd just like to say I'm sorry for Korn and Limp Bizkit and all that sort of stuff. And then it turned out unbeknownst to him, like Limp Bizkit had been playing. Was rocking the set? Yeah, they were playing Rage Against the Machine's
Starting point is 00:13:46 Killing in the Name of at every gig. Really? For like the last 10 years as like a tribute to them because they loved and respected Rage Against the Machine so much. And Tom Rilla's like, sorry about these idiots. Slap in the face. Anyway, sorry, McG. Yeah, so he did the Charlie's Angels movies.
Starting point is 00:14:05 You know what was interesting? He was going to do the Superman movie before Superman Returns. That's right. And J.J. Abrams, we've talked about this before, but wrote that. And then when McG left because he didn't want to fly to Australia because he hates flying. This is actually just talked about in the recent Fat Man on Batman podcast with Brandon Routh.
Starting point is 00:14:24 But anyway. I wish you'd get that. Yeah, you should. I will. That's good. I will. Do it. I will. Not now, obviously. talked about in the recent fat man on batman podcast with um brandon routh but anyway um we should get that yeah you should that's good i will do it i will not now obviously i mean you could you could do a real side i'm gonna do it get off my wi-fi no there's only one device allowed on its own it's my rule it's arbitrary but it's your little arcade machine that's right wi-fi enabled but um what was i saying i can't remember yeah but jj abrams was like can i direct it and they were like, no. But who do you think is the better director?
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, Abrams. Yeah. So, you know, I mean, he hadn't proven himself, I guess, the way that McG had at that point. McG in 2002 directed an episode of the TV series Fastlane. Yeah, what was that? It was like real cool cops that rode like motorcycles and they were in like the underground racing.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I know that one, yeah. Tiffany Amber Thiessen was in it. Yeah. Did it have the guy from Can't Hardly Wait? The main jock guy? It did. Yeah. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Good. That's some like Fast and the Furious kind of like. Yeah, boy was it. This is a big thing. Anyway, look. From looking at this. Yeah, McG hasn't done. He doesn't seem like.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Terminator Salvation. Yeah, see that's not even. No. I get confused with what he's done and what Brett Ratner's done. Yeah, they're brothers or something. Not in a good way. We should probably move this along. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah, look, Master of the Universe, you want a crazy world. You just want it so alien and bizarre and magical. Yeah, like Jupiter Ascending. Yeah, exactly. Insanity. Yeah. But I don't think you can deliver on that. Maybe you can.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Maybe, again, I'm one of those people that doesn't believe that really the director does that much, though, for the most part. Like, I guess if there's a great team of people who all loved Master of the Universe, He-Man back in the day, and they're just special effects who just want to just go all out on it and they go hey McG
Starting point is 00:16:07 what do you think of this? and he goes alright but I think if they don't do if there's not a big push from the bottom up it's not going to happen
Starting point is 00:16:15 it's just going to be kind of generic yeah absolutely so Jim Lee comic book artist and writer comic books Jim Lee
Starting point is 00:16:23 has tweeted a picture with the word rebirth and this has added fuel to the rumor rumors that DC comic universe I have to say
Starting point is 00:16:31 comic universe now I said to say DC is being rebooted I've heard that in June they're going to reboot it with all new number ones again yeah
Starting point is 00:16:39 hooray do you care well you never really kind of got on board I never really got on board with the U-52. So maybe this is my chance to start again. I may not, though. I think a lot of these...
Starting point is 00:16:52 It's rumoured that the team on Batman at the moment are going to step aside. Okay. Because I think he's at issue 48. They've been doing it for a while. That might be wrong. They've definitely been working on it hard. Been doing it for a while. Yeah, and they're a great team.
Starting point is 00:17:07 But it might just be saying universe and they're just going back to number ones. Like it might be like a reboot, only some titles that aren't really working. I read that it was going to be sort of a reboot in terms of they're going to keep everybody who's a core. Like if you're a core character who's going to be in one of the movies,
Starting point is 00:17:24 you're safe. Everybody else we're probably gonna reboot you okay good which these reboots are getting faster and faster they are used to be every like because there was crisis on infinite Earth's in the 80s remember and then like 10 years later there was zero hour yeah and then I don't really remember okay zero I was no good yeah star man that was the one good thing that came out of Zero Hour he was a starfish yeah
Starting point is 00:17:46 exactly starfish detective is Starro the starfish with the big eye who's that villain yeah that's Starro Starro yeah anyway sorry go on
Starting point is 00:17:55 then then they started like coming out every five years and every so this one's if there's been 48 issues of Batman yeah
Starting point is 00:18:03 it was 2011 so this is so okay so four or five years okay so this is really soon it's going to be If there's been 48 issues of Batman... Yeah, it was 2011. So, okay. About five years. Four or five years. Okay, so this is really... I'm saying it's going to be every year probably. I hope so. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I heard... I can't remember which it was. I think it was DC, but it may have been Marvel. They're moving towards kind of graphic novels and standalone stories, which I think is a good way to kind of get new people on board. And it can also kind of keep, you know, the people who like the continuity on board also, because you can kind of... You people on board and it can also kind of keep you know the people who like the continuity on board also because you can kind of you can loosely tie it in but if i prefer reading a standalone story where the story's done and i know it's good like i i do read comics week to
Starting point is 00:18:36 week and i enjoy that also but i really love it when i've forgotten something and i get to read the whole thing like marvel's secret war or, whatever it's called, just finished. So I'm like, great, I'm going to go back and read all that. Okay, sure, yeah. That is a good point. Thanks. You're confused because that was a compliment. Yes, it was.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I was waiting for a long, drawn-out ice cream metaphor. Well, I've only got the one. Look, yeah, no, I see where you're going with that uh so you're saying that marvel is sort of leaning towards one of them is i think it might be dc okay and it's more it's so like instead of like a you know like a 20 32 issue comic it's going to be like four issue like one story like four issue length or six exactly yeah well for example i know they're releasing a prequel to the dark knight returns okay which is a stand regular batman regular the last 60 years of regular batman so that's gonna be graphic novel format it's a real big so that's gonna be like his kind of last
Starting point is 00:19:39 joker battle before okay yeah so yeah i i look i may be wrong maybe that was a rumor maybe i'm maybe none of that's true sure but i'm not against it if it's it can't it can be done right and then you look at the they do like superman earth one and batman earth one and then yeah do you know what i mean or is it earth two whatever it is you know those they release them all at once yes i mean so i may be wrong do you think that would cut into people who are like i just want to pay dollar 99 for an issue and see how it goes? Yes, totally. But also, like you said, maybe they do four.
Starting point is 00:20:09 So maybe it's over four months. Okay, yeah. Who knows? I get you. Anyway, do you like Doctor Who? I'm ambivalent. Good. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Stephen Moffat will be stepping down as the Doctor Who showrunner. But then he's being replaced by the world's biggest Doctor Who fan. Broadchurch's Chris Chibnall. Great. But then he's being replaced by like a fan, like the world's biggest Doctor Who fan or something. Broadchurch's Chris Chibnall. Great. I've never seen Broadchurch, but I've heard it's great. It's real good. And he knows how to work with a guy who's been the Doctor before.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Lucky. It's very convenient. I guess if you're British, you sort of have to work with everybody. Inevitably, like the pool of actors is small enough. You're going to come across Emma Thompson eventually. Exactly. You're going to work with everybody who's ever been on the bill. Reg.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Reg. I can't remember the other ones. Regina, probably. You know, if you had asked me five years ago, I would have been all over that. You're a big fan of the bill. Look, I've just seen a lot of the bill, all right? Okay. So, apparently, there's not going to be any Doctor Who this year, except for the Christmas special. That will give me a chance to catch up on Doctor Who.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Same, yeah. And then they'll do full season 2017 and then he'll take over. Okay. So that may be wrong. I read that and again, I don't really read things properly. Well, that'll give Stephen Moffat,
Starting point is 00:21:16 I guess, enough time to write an episode where he enters the Doctor Who universe and they just make out for an hour because that's clearly what he's building up to. You know, I was really excited. I do like, he makes a lot of great Doctor Who episodes and I was really excited when he took over because I felt the tenant Doctor was kind of getting stale towards the end.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Who was doing, was it Russell T. Davis was doing that one? Yeah, he was, yeah. Yeah. And the episodes that he'd done, like I think he did Girl in the Fireplace and he did Weeping Angels. Yeah. I think he did the original River Song one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And so much. So they're really great. Sure. And so I'm like, awesome. But then it's quickly kind of, not quickly, but a lot of it is a lot of fan service and a lot of- Boy is it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:57 But a lot of it's also really great. So- In your face, me. Yes. I'd like to see him come back and do a few every now and then, is what I'm saying. Okay, sure. Or not.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Do what you want, mate. Make another series of Jekyll, you fucking idiot. He's all right. He's good. Guardians of the Galaxy news. Oh. Rumour has it, as rumours go, that there's going to be three new members of the Guardians of the Galaxy team
Starting point is 00:22:21 expanding the universe, even though these are characters that you know. Except for the first one. Mantis. Do you mean the... Like a bug woman? I thought you meant the 90s TV character. I wish.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Played by... I want to say Carl Lumley. Remember that guy? He was in a wheelchair, but then he put on the Mantis suit. And then he had super... Yeah, he had superpowers. Great. How good was the suit?
Starting point is 00:22:40 I bet it wasn't very good. It was okay. It was okay. In the pilot, he shot darts out of his wrists and they had like poison stingers and they like a mantis yeah exactly like a mantis always does and they would paralyze people but then in the in the additional like in the in the the full series they were like electrical charges okay because i think people were like is that drugs killing people is he injecting people drugs like what's yeah better to better to kill someone with a pacemaker.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I think so, yeah. So, Mantis, Yondu, Michael Rooker. This is rumour. And Nebula, who's Karen Gillian. Karen Gillian, okay. This is a Gillian. Yeah. I was hoping one of those would be Howard the Duck,
Starting point is 00:23:17 but we take what we can get. That's... You know what? That's... I wouldn't put it past them, to be honest. Yeah. But there's better news. I mean, that's a good news. That's pretty good news uh rumor has it and this is very much a rumor at this point
Starting point is 00:23:30 there will be an appearance appearance from ego the living planet oh my goodness that's what i've always wanted and we've always wanted al pacino to play ego the living planet who are space very good that's that is pretty good. I didn't have the second word ready, so I went with space. I think that worked out. He would say space. He would say space and you'd be like, oh, that's very deep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 It's very deep. So how good would that be? Giant planet with a face? Do you think they'd give it a face? Or do you think it'd be like... Oh, just glowing. And it would tell, like telepathy. I think, no, I think they, in the Guardians of the Galaxy... Give it a glowing and it would tell like telepathy I think
Starting point is 00:24:05 no I think they in the Guardians of the Galaxy give it a face they would give it a face I think just as a goof and I think it would be the face of Al Pacino
Starting point is 00:24:12 put that on a t-shirt I'll wear that who asks space we should start a hashtag to get that going Pacino for alright we'll work on it yeah we'll think about it
Starting point is 00:24:24 towards the end Pacino hashtag Pacino the living planet yes, we'll work on it. Yeah, we'll think about it towards the end. Hashtag Pacino the living planet. Yes. We can make that happen. And if... Tweet it to James Gunn. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Please. So hashtag Pacino the living planet at James Gunn in it. Please. And put us in it so we know that it's happening. So James Gunn can finally block us, which is what we've always wanted on Twitter, if I'm honest.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah, pretty great. I mean, if they're doing that, that's balls to the wall, and I respect that. Yeah, see, that's what I'm talking about with McGee and the Master. He's not going to do that. He's not going to bloody do any of...
Starting point is 00:24:55 He has a coward's heart. He's not going to have the weird Eternia Navy where they're all... They're all mustachioed men in half-shirts. They're not going to do that. Real episode. Real episode. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Now, you may have got this on your Twitter feed. Did you see the Australian Day Deadpool ad? I saw it literally hundreds of times. Thank you to everybody who tweeted in. You can stop now. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, it's pretty great though.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Did you find it offensive or amusing? Amusing. Me too. I love the hat slap off. That was really good. A lot of but yeah i mean do you remember we've talked about this before but you remember when the episode of the simpsons came out i very much remember there's an episode of the simpsons bar versus australia yeah nine hundred dollar reduce correct uh that at the time people were very offended by that for some reason i
Starting point is 00:25:40 remember yeah i remember that and it's it's very much like a not like a not in my backyard kind of situation where it's like oh they're poking fun of this guy they're poking fun of this guy but astra how dare you yeah this is our bloody ah let's boycott the simpsons but now everybody's turned around exactly yeah right i remember matt groaning groaning said he's graining thank you um years later he like when he came down here for a tour, he apologized. And I was like, don't apologize. It's fine, man. Simpsons make fun of everybody.
Starting point is 00:26:09 It's okay. I don't know. I really enjoyed it. I just remember thinking at the time, it's nice that the Simpsons knows that there's an Australia. It makes me feel good. Has Deadpool, again, Deadpool marketing knocking out of the park? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Has he done it for other countries I don't know I don't think so yet I think he'll just do it as things come up you think he would have done maybe he'll do one
Starting point is 00:26:32 for like Chinese New Year well yes Deadpool's been banned in China oh then he probably he still will then I think he definitely would
Starting point is 00:26:40 for violence nudity and graphic language huh because that's a huge market. That is. It's massive. If you remember in Iron Man 3, at the end he gets his arc reactor surgery out.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Yeah. Apparently in the Chinese version, because all the doctors are Chinese in that scene, apparently he goes to China and there's a big scene about like... That's it. I might be making this up. No, no, you're right. Where he's like, look at the amazing technology of China.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. So I thought Marvel had a good relationship with China, but I guess... This is Fox Marvel as well, yeah. And this isn't like an Iron Man. This is like a man decapitating and kicking people's heads off.
Starting point is 00:27:20 That's true, yeah. And shit. That being said, I really enjoyed the ad. Yeah, it's good, right? And as you said last week, it's amazing that with each piece of viral marketing or trailer,
Starting point is 00:27:30 it doesn't ruin it. Yeah, I'm waiting for the switch to flip in my brain where I'm like, oh, they've messed it up now. Yeah. But, you know, keep going. Yeah, keep it going.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I dare you. I dare you. When's Deadpool coming out? It's soon, right? February. I think it's Feb 12 or Feb 11., mate. I dare you. When's Deadpool coming out? It's soon, right? Feb. February. I think it's Feb 12 or Feb 11. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, very excited.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Nice. Three weeks. Look, we didn't have a topic for this week because we were like, we didn't talk about it really. Did we? It's up in the air sometimes. But thank God that DC had a big kind of property announcement thing this week. They came around on the CW.
Starting point is 00:28:05 On the CWs. They did a half hour special. On Legends of Tomorrow. What is it called? It's the bloody Dawn of the Justice League. Yes, but after the Legends of Tomorrow special, which neither of us watched. I got five minutes in.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And you loved it. It seems fine. Yes. I like everyone involved. Yeah. They're all pretty good. I'm sure I'll... I get the sense that it's gonna be a lot of
Starting point is 00:28:26 a lot of people have tweeted me and enjoyed it yeah I get the sense it's gonna be because there's so many characters yep
Starting point is 00:28:31 and there's a lot of groundwork and I think they've because they've got all they've also because some of this was established in like Arrow and Flash yes yes
Starting point is 00:28:38 so but not everybody watched that so they're gonna have they kind of have to reset some more information they're gonna you know they've got Hawkman and Hawkwoman okay where that's from are they aliens
Starting point is 00:28:49 or something yeah exactly and they've got to they've got to put it all together so i think it's going to be a lot of groundwork and not a lot of action in this one but absolutely a lot of gw on the cw that's what i say nice thank you but look well i guess we'll maybe talk about hashtag we should send that to them and get blocked by the CW, as we've always wanted to do. Look, the focus is ego. What is it? Ficino, the living planet. That's probably number one.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yep. But anyway. Everything else is fine. Do you think Arthur Darville went into this and was like, oh, this is a bit second rate Doctor Who. Like I've seen some time travel sets. This is not a patch. Well, look, I haven't watched it.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So I couldn't say yeah it does yeah and i heard that the twist that's kind of halfway through it i won't spoil it because there's people who still haven't watched it i can tell you if you want no you haven't seen it either no no i just heard it so i was like that's interesting so no i'm gonna watch it like i feel like this is gonna be like supergirl where i say i'm gonna watch it and then i just never watch it okay because i've stopped watching Arrow and The Flash recently. Hopefully they'll take a season off so I can catch up. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:29:49 If every comic book, big blockbuster, sci-fi, tentpole property could please take an entire year off. Just wait. So we can all catch up. We'll let you know. All right? Everybody watch CSI until we catch up. Yeah. Everybody watch CSI until we catch up. But anyway, Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns presented a thing
Starting point is 00:30:10 on the DC Cinematic Universe. And things are looking pretty good, I want to say. Is that what you want to say? I was going to say it's a big old infomercial. Yes, totally. It's got a big old infomercial vibe. I'm okay with that, though. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:30:22 First of all, Kevinvin smith looks great i haven't seen him in a while he's lost a lot of weight a lot of weight yeah he's he's upgraded from jorts to jeans i saw that he's wearing a full-length jean yeah bless him yeah good on him man yeah uh-huh um second of all um what do you think about the interaction between because it's it's kevin smith sort of having a chat slash interview with Jeff Johns, comic book writer and TV writer, et cetera. Yeah. Kind of creative head. DC figurehead.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah, figurehead. What do you think of their chemistry? It's okay. I feel it's a lot of, I feel it's Kevin Smith attacking Jeff Johns with enthusiasm and Jeff Johns not entirely. Not being able to match. Yeah, not being like, this is not really what I do,
Starting point is 00:31:03 but I'll give it my best i'm here aren't i yeah there's a i remember though you're right because there's a bit where he's like up up and away yeah and it was just it was with that kind of inflection like it doesn't yeah and he does that weird point like i think maybe that was the last thing on the teleprompter and it said really sell this and he's like all right i can't but i'll just say give it a whirl yeah look at the so we'll go through and talk about the properties one by one. Yep. That'll drag this out enough, won't it?
Starting point is 00:31:28 Absolutely, enough. Until we get to the secret ad. They'll never know what hit them. And then, yeah, that's what we'll do. So I guess Batman v Superman, there's not really anything else to say about it. There's a few snippets of extra footage. Yep. Affleck's bloody doing a chin-up. There's a bit of that, yep. It's looking good, isn't it? There's not a lot to say about it. There's a few snippets of extra footage. Affleck's bloody doing a chin-up.
Starting point is 00:31:45 There's a bit of that, yep. It's looking good, isn't it? There's not a lot to say. We do get... I got my first ever look at actor Ezra Miller who I'd never seen before. He doesn't seem that bad.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I know I've taken shots at him in the past. He was wearing a lot of layers. I give him that. Yeah, sure. So I don't really have anything to add about Batman v Superman. It's out in two months
Starting point is 00:32:05 it looks as good as you've seen most of it yeah seems fine there's something that's coming later this year which we'll talk about at the end I guess
Starting point is 00:32:12 which I'm more excited for at this point do you saw the Wonder Woman footage though yes I did it's very much kind of did you get that Captain America vibe
Starting point is 00:32:19 Agent Carter Agent Carter sure yeah yeah so you've got like it's a period piece for the most part instead of World War 2 for Captain America or Agent Carter it's World War Carter, sure, yeah, yeah. So you've got like, it's a period piece for the most part, instead of World War II for Captain America or Agent Carter,
Starting point is 00:32:28 it's World War I. And it's her coming into man's world to kind of fulfill the role of the Amazons, which was initially to protect. Humankind, yeah. And now we're like, fuck them. Yeah. Let's just ride horses and throw shields and whatever we do here. They don't throw shields, do they? That's a different place.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Captain America. Thank you. Yeah, and they said it's very much an origin story, which I guess you kind of need because do people know the Wonder Woman origin story? No. I always go to say oranges story every time. Sorry, go on. Continue.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I think, no, and also because it's sort of changed over the years. Yes. And the continuity has kept changing. continue i think no because and also because it's sort of changed over the years yes and i think you know they're and they the continuity has kept changing like originally she was you know this character from the beginning you know when she first appeared in like sensation comics or whatever and then over the years they're like okay well that was actually her mother hippolyta and then she's inherited the role but now i I don't know. Is she made of clay? Is she made of clay? I don't think she is anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:27 No. But Chris Pine does say, I think, or someone does say she's returning to the world to do the job she was created for. Oh, okay. So I think maybe that is the case. Yeah, okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I don't think they can do that, can they? I mean, it seems like they're throwing a bit of magic in. Yeah, exactly. They're going to go all out. Yeah. I mean, we'll be talking about magic in Suicide Squad in a second, I would assume. So just go all out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Another thing that gave me the kind of Captain America vibe is the way that they were kind of like, she's good and she's kind and she's nice, but she'll also knock all your teeth out. Oh, sure. Yeah. And that's kind of the same. Or it was even your Clark Kent. It's kind of, they're inherently good people. Yeah good people yeah if you cross them they'll beat the shit out
Starting point is 00:34:09 of you oh sure yeah another thing that was really interesting though was that they said she's the best fighter in the dc universe so that's going to be really interesting to say yeah yeah yeah i mean there's a lot isn't there richard dragon i was to say Richard Dragon. So technically it is because technically Batman is the world's greatest detective unofficially. He's the world's greatest detective
Starting point is 00:34:29 and he's the world's second greatest at literally everything else. So he's the world's second greatest fighter. Yes. So technically I would say technically
Starting point is 00:34:37 Wonder Woman's the world's third greatest fighter. She's very good but she's also got superhuman strength which I think knocks her a peg under because it's kind of cheating. And number one assume is richard dragon if he's still alive yeah or if he
Starting point is 00:34:50 even exists in this continuity who's to say yeah i don't know sometimes lady shiva is considered the oh really yeah because she's got cat-like agilities no i'm thinking of cheetah why did i think that you did do the cat like you did the motion. You did the double-handed cat. The universal symbol for cat. Like if you were looking for a cat in a neighbourhood when you didn't speak the language, you would just do that and people would be like, over there.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Il gatto. Oh, yes. You know what's interesting, though? You don't see Wonder Woman say anything. You see Gal Gadot say something. Yeah, that's true. So I wonder, are they going to give her that? It's just going to stick with her accent?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Sort of Greek-ish. Yeah. That would work. Wherever she's from. Yeah. I want to say she's from the Middle East, maybe. I might be wrong. There's no way to find out.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I know, right? Yeah. Hmm. It looks great, though. Yeah. I think she's going to have a British accent. Oh, really? I think she's going to have a British accent,
Starting point is 00:35:44 and then it's going to sort of dovetail into generic american-ish sort of accent for batman v superman okay fair enough yeah do you think we'll get a bit of the modern day in this like towards the end i think most likely she'll appear in a cafe in like some sort of square and somebody will be like oh the game begins or whatever it is the game is on game is on yeah so no very very much looking forward to this i think they're still filming it's not Like, ooh, the game begins or whatever it is. The game is on. The game is on. Yeah. So, no, very much looking forward to this. I think they're still filming. It's not out until next year.
Starting point is 00:36:09 We didn't really see any... We didn't see anything magical, really. No. They had her lasso there and all that. Yeah. No, they didn't give us any indication of that. But I figure if she's from Themyscira and she's ageless, there's certainly something going on there.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Unless it's just kind of like that Thor kind of magic. Oh no, I mean, I didn't mean in the sense that she's not magic. You mean like zappy magic? Yeah, we didn't see any zappy magic. We didn't see, like who's the protagonist? We don't know. Yeah, I think it's. Ares?
Starting point is 00:36:35 I think it's Ares. That's the rumor. Or maybe that's confirmed. Maybe they've learned their lesson. It's probably Charles Dance as Ares. Oh God, so good. Perhaps they've learned their lesson in terms of giving away literally every element of the plot in the previous trailer,
Starting point is 00:36:49 and they've decided not to give too much away in this, which is good. Lesson learned. Yeah. Also, she's riding a horse. Can she fly in this? That's a very good question. Isn't it, though? I don't reckon.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Huh. I don't think so. I don't know. I might be wrong, but... Yeah, okay. I can't even remember whether the new version can fly, the 52 version. I want to say she can, but I genuinely don't think so. I don't know. I might be wrong, but... That's a... Yeah, okay. I can't even remember whether the new version can fly, the 52 version. I want to say she can, but I genuinely don't remember. Let's wait till June.
Starting point is 00:37:11 They'll reboot everything. Then we'll know, for real. We'll read a think piece. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. I'm still interested to see whether... Because Chris Pine is Steve Trevor. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:22 But he's World War I. Yes. So does he... Is he his grandson? Yep. In the modern World War I. Yes. So is he his grandson in the modern day? Yeah. Is it a time rift? Is he frozen in a block of ice? Is he punched through time?
Starting point is 00:37:31 What is it? That is a good question. Yeah. I reckon maybe- You look just like your great-grandpa. Yeah. Do I? Let's make out.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah. I think maybe Condemned to Hell or something. Oh, cool. That'd be cool, yeah. Like by 80s or something and then Hell or something. Oh, cool. That'd be cool, yeah. Like 80s or something, and then... That's pretty good, man. Yeah, I think that would work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 They probably don't know. So, but is he... Do we even know if he's coming back in the modern age, or do you think this is one and done? I think he is. Okay. Yeah. I mean, you don't get Chris Pine to not bring him back.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Not with that hair. Yeah, that's true. Haven't some people said that maybe we're going to go with he's going to play his grandson, Hal Jordan? Yeah, there's rumours of that. Who knows? But it would have to be great-grandson at this point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Generations, you know. I'm calling it Hades. All right. I would like to see that. Because then that brings in that element to it. Brings in Hades, certainly. Certainly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:27 So Justice League, we know the members that we've already seen, you Batman, Superman, you Wonder Woman. But there's also, they showed us a bit more of Aquaman. They gave us a bit more of a backstory. Aquaman. Aquarium.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Aquaman. We'll never get it right. He lives in Aquantis, right? Oh yeah, he lives in Aquantis. Good. He has many Aquantances in Batman and Superman and such. So they said he's the son of a lighthouse keeper and a god, which is... Well, no, he's the son of the lighthouse keeper and the queen of Atlantis.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Yes, but he said... Oh, he's part god. He's part god. And I think that would make him the only... Does he say he's the only god? Or is Wonder Woman a god, technically? No, he's saying he's the only one who has to straddle both worlds. Yeah, they did say that as well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:13 But I think they tell... I reckon they kind of tell everybody in these movies, you're like a god. Your character's like a god. You have to be stopped. Yeah. Don't let your power go unchecked. Yeah, or in the sense of like, none of this will make sense now, but you're a god you have to be stopped yeah don't let your power go unchecked yeah or or in the sense of
Starting point is 00:39:26 like none of this will make sense now yeah but you're a god so it's fine just go with it we'll fix it in post it's fine do you think do you like the casting of jason momoa yes i do me too yeah i mean yeah i noticed in the when they did all the they did did a lot of like animated comic kind of little panels and stuff in it. Yeah. It was all blonde. Yes, except for the concept art. But yeah, you're right. It was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 They didn't even use like 90s era one where he had the long hair and the beard and the hook hand. People hate that one. Actually, I like that one. It's pretty good. He could do cool stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's good casting. I think you hire a guy like that and you don't get people making jokes.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I think if you hire Stellan Skarsgård's son. What's his name? The guy is Tarzan. What's his name? Helen Skarsgård. Helen Skarsgård. Yeah. Yeah, I think you kind of, oh, you're a pretty boy blonde guy.
Starting point is 00:40:19 But you get this guy. You talk to fish. Yeah, exactly. This guy, he looks like a lunatic and a thug. You've got to get on the front foot, hire a lunatic and or thug. Yes. Yeah, exactly. He looks like a lunatic and a thug. You've got to get on the front foot, hire a lunatic and or thug. Yes. Yeah, exactly. You want him.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And again, one of Aquaman's defining characteristics, I guess, is that he's got this regal sense of superiority and a sort of internal rage. And if you make him this pretty man, no one's going to take that seriously, especially if he's a guy who talks to fish. That's right. So no, good to see him.
Starting point is 00:40:52 They also said he's not trained, which is interesting. So maybe they're going to do an origin for him as well where he's like, where do I belong? And then they're like, you're a god. And he's like, am I? And they're like, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:41:06 The Flash as well. Maybe he loses his little clownfish friend and he has to travel across the ocean to find him. This young Aquaman. That would be such a fun time. Speaking of fun times. Poignant. Yes, The Flash.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Yes. Ezra Miller's The Flash. Yep, okay. Same origin as the TV series. Exactly the same. Yeah, that's weird. I can see why they did it. And they were like, well, we've seen him on TV and he's doing well
Starting point is 00:41:31 and everybody likes him, so. This is that. Same one. I can understand. It's weird. Not weird. I can understand. I guess.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Do you reckon they considered Wally West or any kind of variation on him? Yeah, probably. I don't think they're really going to touch the origin, really, in Batman v Superman at all. But they talked about how he's a forensic guy. It's literally the same thing. It's exactly the same. So you reckon they're just going to be like, just start,
Starting point is 00:41:59 and he's already the Flash. Yeah. And then I guess people who know the TV series and didn't know they weren't connected would just be like oh it's just the same guy from the TV series so yeah
Starting point is 00:42:09 and it said interestingly as well he could go through walls he could run across water which we've seen and he can go into another plane of frequency
Starting point is 00:42:17 or reality and go to any point in time boy they've really opened that up they've really you open a can of worms whenever you put in any kind of time travel situation yeah they were like he can go to any point in time. Boy, they've really opened that up. They've really... You open a can of worms whenever you put in any kind of time travel situation. Yeah, they were like, he can go to any point.
Starting point is 00:42:29 He can go to the past. He can go to any point in time. I think they've... But do you think, though, they'll be like, don't do it because of ramifications? Yeah, they'll definitely do it. And then they won't. But see, that's the thing. He'll do it once.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, see? You know what I find really interesting about these guys is these guys are a different level than the Avengers. Yes. Like they're all... Who did I hear say this recently? I don't know, but every... If it was good, it was probably me. If it was bad...
Starting point is 00:42:56 Kevin Smith? Yeah, it was Kevin Smith. No, but every member of the Justice League single-handedly could beat the Avengers. Yes. Like, again, I'm not actually saying that, but if you look at each one of them. You'll get letters. I know. But if you look at each one of them's skill set or power level.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah. Then I can understand why you would think that. Because they're all got, even Batman. Yeah. Is overpowered. And he's got a lot of money. He certainly does. He could smear you in the press probably.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah, he could. Just buy the Daily Planet. Call you a bitch. Yeah, I mean, the Avengers have always been brawlers. Yeah. That's kind of, that was their point of distinction in the 60s was kind of like, they're not as powerful, but they're relatable characters.
Starting point is 00:43:40 They're like you. Totally. They all live in the top penthouse floor of the Baxter building, just like you. They're a rich family, just like you. Just like you. They fly into space're like you totally they all live in the top penthouse floor of the baxter building just like you they're a rich family just like you they fly into space just like you exactly they get hit with cosmic rays just like you they hate their family just like yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right it's um it's it's like different levels it's a big big level of yeah yeah storytelling but when we eventually get that crossover movie, which I think we will see in our lifetime, eventually.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Oh, a Justice League Avengers crossover. Definitely. Wow, okay. It might not happen for 50 years. I think we'll see a crossover sketch on Saturday Night Live. Your lifetime. I think we'll definitely see that. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Just awkwardly interacting around a water cooler or something like that. But they'll just get Ezra Miller and bloody, what's his name? Jeremy Renner. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, this is how I could get. Did you see, everybody's seen it, but did you see the Saturday Night Live sketch? Adam Driver.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah, Kylo Renner. I very good. I enjoyed that a lot. It's very good. I don't watch it, but I watched the occasional skit on YouTube. But no, he's good, isn't he? Yeah. He's got great comic timing.
Starting point is 00:44:45 You know, what I found no, that was, he's good, isn't he? Yeah. He's got great comic timing. You know, I found interesting about that guy. He, he, he's, he's a vet and not a vet. Sorry. He's a veteran.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Who are you talking about? Adam Driver. He was in the, he was in the army. Yes. Okay. Right. And what,
Starting point is 00:44:57 and when he left, when he came back, he, his way of adjusting was kind of getting into drama and acting, all that kind of thing. I see. And now he's kind of kicked off programs where, for return soldiers to kind of, it's a way of like coping and, getting into drama and acting and all that kind of thing. Oh, I see. And now he's kind of kicked off programs for Returned Soldiers to kind of, it's a way of like coping and dealing with your emotions
Starting point is 00:45:09 and things like that. So yeah, that dude, and you can see it when he's acting or when you just, he seems like he's not just some guy who's wanted to be an actor since he was six. Do you know what I mean? Like he looks like he's a guy who's done some stuff. He's got the thousand yard stare. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. And I'm not saying that he's murdered some people, but he's like like he's a guy who's done some stuff. He's got the thousand yards down. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:45:25 And I'm not saying that he's murdered some people, but even a guy like Hugh Jackman, they look like they've done some other things and been regular people before they've done this. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, great choice for Kylo Ren. Great choice for this skit because it makes it better. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Because he's in it. Anyway. What were we talking about? Cyborg. No, wait. Were we talking about something else before that? I'll go back up. The Flash.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Oh, yeah. Oh, the inevitable crossover you're saying. Yeah. I don't think they will. No? I don't think they'll ever untangle. In our lifetime. I'm not saying even this generation of Avengers.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Like, they'll reboot it eventually. No, I think because the two, because it's now just two monoliths. It's Warner Brothers and Disney. Yeah. And I assume that the two CEOs hate each other. So I don't think that'll happen. Bob Iger and... Mickey Mouse.
Starting point is 00:46:16 No, what's his name? Bob Iger's a Disney guy. It's a Japanese name, the guy who runs Warner Brothers. Oh, it's Wacko. Yes. Of Wacko, Yakko and Dot. Yes. Wacko's the CEO of Warner Brothers. Oh, it's Wacko. Yes. Of Wacko, Yakko and Dot. Okay, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Wacko's the CEO of Warner Brothers. Are they Japanese? No. Oh. But they were, the Animaniacs, when you think about it, were kind of dark in that they were locked
Starting point is 00:46:34 in a water tower by a psychiatrist for like 40 years. Because they were too crazy, yeah. Great stuff. Was there water in that water tower? Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:42 What were we talking about? Oh, yeah, Inevitable Crossover. Yeah, they are, they're, What were we talking about? Oh, yeah, Inevitable Crossover. Yeah, they are... What I was going to say is that because... Kevin Turis something. Warner Brothers. Anyway, sorry, go on.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I was going to say that the... Because the powers are bigger and the stories are bigger, the issue is going to be make the villains bigger. Right. Because that, you know, because Marvel's problem- It'll just be Darkseid and Thanos. Yeah, Marvel's problem is always that the villains are kind of air. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:11 They're just businessmen who go crazy and put on a suit usually. Yes. Not a business suit. An iron suit. Crazy man suit. Oh. Yeah, and- Pinstripe's going the other way.
Starting point is 00:47:22 It's so crazy. So, yeah, that's going to be the issue is you need, this Lex Luthor's going to have to go all out. Yeah. Because if he's just kind of smart and he's got one plan, like if he's like the Gene Hackman Lex Luthor. Not good. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah. Because that guy was just a bag of wind. He was. He certainly was. No, I'm hoping this Lex Luthoruther there's more to him than yeah what we initially see and i think there is um cyborg oh yeah he's been getting they've been really boosting him up these these past few years haven't they yeah yeah i'm presuming for diversity's sake is that what they're doing so the same thing as in the comics accident um happens he gets his face
Starting point is 00:48:02 and body burnt and his father turns him into a cyborg correct and it's all about his humanity and straddling the line again like aquaman yeah between like the machine world and regular world and trying to retain humanity yeah like a terminator maybe but almost exactly almost exactly it's pretty good yeah but again we see we've seen literally no no and i kind of appreciate that we've seen some concept art, we've seen some comic book panels we haven't seen. You know what? The actor, he looks good.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah. Yeah. I can't remember his name, but he's the guy who's tread the boards. He's a theatre actor. He is. That's true. Yeah. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:38 But when I saw him, I'm like, that's a good fit. Yeah, totally. And also something that they said that was interesting is that he can't like switch off he doesn't sleep he's just always plugged in oh yeah yeah data just just so many snapchats just coming in pirate bay so much insta so many instas oh he's on peach what even is peach what is i've never known of that one some sort of social network interesting yeah should i get that no yeah you're right i should use facebook it's fine yeah it is fine isn't it though the kids are moving away from facebook because all their parents are on it that makes a lot of sense
Starting point is 00:49:08 yeah that's why i move away from it yeah that's fine um yeah great cyborg movie we'll eventually get it yeah nice uh but what is interesting there's not a seventh they didn't mention a seventh member but they did announce the Green Lantern core movie. Which I guess maybe we won't see Green Lantern in Batman v Superman. Or maybe we'll see him at the end after everybody else. I think it might confuse people because Kryptonite is green. Green Lantern is also green. Right. And they'd be like, let's see Kryptonite, man.
Starting point is 00:49:40 What? Yeah, that's exactly the reaction. That's not Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. But what I thought was really interesting in that the concept art that they showed
Starting point is 00:49:49 sorry the comic panels they showed it was mostly Jon Stewart and Hal Jordan yeah so I think that's who we're going to get
Starting point is 00:49:55 they're going to be the main focus buddy cop yes I would watch the hell out of that and they've talked about the
Starting point is 00:49:59 there's rumours of that Booster Gold Blue Beetle Blue Beetle movie so I want to see that as well rumours from that Booster Gold... Blue Beetle. Blue Beetle movie. So I want to see that as well. Rumours from who, though?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Internet. Oh, okay, great. I don't think it's No? Peach.meat or something. That sounds horrendous. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:50:19 That's what I'm saying. But look, the main event... Yes. And the thing that set the internet aflutter. Oh, yes. Suicide Squad trailer. Yeah. Was it an amazing trailer or was it just the song?
Starting point is 00:50:31 Oh, that's a good question. You know what? It seems to me- Got me real jazzed. They have gone, they've looked at the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. Yes. And they've gone, okay, what do we need? We need a pop song.
Starting point is 00:50:42 We need some fun action. A classic pop song. They've looked at the Star Trek Beyond trailer and gone, everyone's hated it except Maiso, but let's give it a whirl anyway. Let's get a classic song. And then they all went, who's Maiso? No, I'm famous on the internet. I'm a famous internet celebrity.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah, right. Exactly. That's exactly it. Do you know what this means though? What's that? Every trailer from now on is going to be this. It's going to be like, you know, I was going to say hooked on a feeling,
Starting point is 00:51:10 but they've already used that. Do you know what I mean? It's just going to be, yeah. Isn't it hard to think of just one song? Have you ever tried that? Like, I'll just think of a, like you walk down the street, you think of a million songs on the top of your head,
Starting point is 00:51:22 but then you're like, they'll just put a, they'll just make a trailer and they'll put, god i can't even think of one song what happened you could hear the star wars cantina band yeah i'm gonna say you making my dreams come true by hall and oats i'm gonna play that i'm gonna say hello mother hello father okay sure yeah two classics yeah so yeah there's gonna be a probably a year of that it's a year that's generous we'll get like three at least
Starting point is 00:51:48 okay yeah but you know it's a good way to get you in because everyone loves that song it's a great song
Starting point is 00:51:54 right yeah remember that bit in Wayne's World it's the only bit that anyone remembers yeah
Starting point is 00:51:58 it's hilarious from memory yeah and it's it is also Guardians of the Galaxy in the sense of it's like,
Starting point is 00:52:05 here's the criminals, here's the lineup. Yep. Here we go. Let's do it. Bit of action. Because the last one was very kind of dour. It was just kind of like, Will Smith's kid.
Starting point is 00:52:14 And it was, I started a joke. Yeah. Yeah. By a children's choir or something. Yeah, I'm glad that's gone away. The old children's choir. Or a slowed down version of this. The Sanford, that was the rock one where he saved.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Oh, San Andreas. He didn't really save it. It was like California. Where he saved one person. He hijacked his own helicopter and saved one person. I remember. It was California dreaming, but a sad, slow version. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And that was a thing for a little bit, but I think that's going to go away now. Good. I'm going to go with this. Pop hits. Pop hits. Let's try and think of another one. We can't. Mysterious girl, Peter Andre.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Great. All right, let's talk about this trailer. Yeah, but I think it genuinely is a good trailer. Like, song aside, I think it's still a really good trailer. Me too. We get some semblance of what they're doing. Yes. Prison.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Yes. Time. We get a sense of the mission, but we don't know all the details. Yeah, it's very odd, isn't it? But it's not Gotham City. No, it's... Bloodhaven? Mel...
Starting point is 00:53:15 I wrote it down. Hang on, I can bring it up. Melbourne. It's Melbourne City. It's the city of Melbourne. It's pronounced Melbourne. Oh. Hang on, I got this up.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Suicide Squad trailer. While you're there, go to Flinders Street Steak. It's pronounced Melbourne. Oh. Hang on. I got this up. Suicide Squad trailer. While you're there, go to Flinders Street Station. Check out the clocks. It starts with M. Hang on. I can find it. Midway City. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Which is like a minor DC city. It's like Chicago-esque. Great. So, yeah. I can just read out my Things You Missed script if you want. Sure, yeah. The new Suicide Squad trailer's landed. God.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And aside from being balls to the wall crazy, it's packed with Easter eggs. It sounds really dumb when you read it on this. Yeah, when there's a person with you in the room. Oh, boy. You know what I thought was interesting about Deadshot? Yes. They've made him less of a bad guy
Starting point is 00:54:01 because Will Smith says he gets pleasure from reading the world of trash. Yeah, he did say that. But Deadshot would kill anybody for any amount of money. That's right. Yeah. Like he'll kill Batman. I mean, everyone hates Batman.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah, that's true. So do you think they're going to play that, Will Smith, I'm just a good father but I'm in jail but I've only killed bad guys. Yeah, definitely. Because Will Smith can't play a bad guy. Hancock. I mean, I know that was a bad movie, I thought. It was very bad, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Someone tweeted or wrote a letter in that said their friend was confused because they thought, I'm sorry, I can't remember who it was, or what your name is, sorry, that they thought, what's Hancock doing in this movie? Rough. Yeah. But Deadshot, he looks good. You kind of see him in the mask briefly, but it's mostly Will Smith.
Starting point is 00:54:44 But I don't care about that. Look kind of see him in the mask briefly, but it's mostly Will Smith. But I'm okay with that. Look, I think everybody has learned their lesson. If you don't have to put somebody in a mask, don't. Because they look ridiculous and you can't hear them and it's dumb. You have to ADR everything. Yeah. Unless you can do it like Iron Man style where he's wearing the suit, but then it cuts to just his full face and he's just talking regular.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Exactly. He's just in a big space. Big space. Big space. Yeah, big space. Do you see that Katana's got a soul-stealing sword? Yes. I actually see that happening.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Okay. Oh, you know what I noticed? They're like, when they did, when Geoff Johns is introducing all the characters, he's like, okay, we've got Killer Croc. We've got this guy. We've got this guy. Randed off with this guy. No mention of Slipknot.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Because he's dead. Because he's dead. Because he's dead. He's dead immediately, right? He gets like one second. He does punch a woman in the trailer. Oh, then he's definitely dead. And like an innocent woman? I think he gets out of the car.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I don't know whether, I think they bring him in. I don't know if he's imprisoned because they're all ready to go. So they're all in prison guard, but he gets out and he's already kitted up. Right. So I feel like he's already agreed to it. Okay. Sure, sure. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Or maybe he's like, maybe he's, okay, here's my guess would be he survived a previous mission. A previous suicide squad. Yeah. He's like the one left over and he's like, and that gives him cause to be kind of smug. Right. Maybe he'll be like, you guys are newbies. I know what's going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And then he's the first one to die. Would be my guess. Bomb in the head or killed by a weird monster? They got to do a bomb in the head. They got to bomb somebody's head. Otherwise, there's no threat. Yeah. You know who's really good in this?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Who's that? Jai Courtney. He looks pretty. Yeah. Yeah. Funny. We had no, yeah, yeah, yeah. Funny. We had no trust in him after Terminator. What was he in?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Genesis. He was in Genesis. That being said, I've been saying this from the start. I know he makes nothing but bad movies, but in Spartacus he's really good. Yep. And I'm glad that he's, like, can just do your regular accent. Can you act if he can just do your regular accent? Is accent he's australian man yeah i know but that's a it's a good sound like that we don't have an accent some of us do yeah right yeah depends
Starting point is 00:56:52 where you go yeah if you go to say carom downs maybe you meet someone like that i've never been a carom what's it like is it nice yes weird accents on him good yeah yeah he had the best moment he had the best moments in the trailer. He's drinking the beer behind the car. Yeah. That looks great. Punches that dude when he gets out of the bag. We literally do not see him throw any boomerangs.
Starting point is 00:57:13 No. He does pin a dude up against the wall. Do you think he even has any boomerangs? He better. Yeah. Maybe. Maybe he's just throwing cans of beer. Canned beer, even.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Very good. Yeah. No, there's a bit where he pins a dude up against the wall with a boomerang. Do you think he's just got the one boomerang well they come back so you have the name one don't you
Starting point is 00:57:28 I think maybe he's got because you know how Deadshot has like that he has like that psychological version like he can't point a gun at Batman because Batman's
Starting point is 00:57:36 is that true well in the comic books it is yeah I don't know it probably won't be in this because they're probably never met but in the comic books
Starting point is 00:57:41 he can't like draw a beat on Batman because Batman's beaten him up so many times that he's just like this leads to bad bad things so he just can't he physically like he can't do it anymore so maybe like Captain Boomerang's one is he's like he just like it's like his security blanket he has to hold on to a boomerang at all times but he never throws it because what if what if it doesn't come back and look that's the thing with the boomerang if you hit first of all they never come back have you look, that's the thing with the boomerang. If you hit, first of all, they never come back.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Have you ever seen someone do it? No, never. Other than on TV. Never. Other than Paul Hogan doing it with clever edits. Oh, sure, yeah. But if you clip anything even slightly, even the leaf of a tree, it's not coming back.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Not coming back, yeah. And we know this. We do. We're Australian. We've been out there. But I bet he's got like explodey ones and sticky ones and USB ones. Yeah, so,
Starting point is 00:58:27 yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I'm all for it. We see Deadshot's wrist guns. Yeah, great. Look pretty good. These ones, mate.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yeah. Good. Do you think Will Smith will push for a Deadshot movie if this goes well? Yes. Do you think he'll be the breakout hit of this movie?
Starting point is 00:58:43 Although, will he though? Like, he's an egomaniac. Yeah breakout hit of this movie? Although, will he though? Like... He's an egomaniac. Yeah, true. I don't know, maybe he's fine. He did name his kid after himself. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Maybe not push for it, but do you think that's his end game? Yeah, I would say so. Yeah. I reckon people will try to get a hashtag going. Those idiots. Trying to get a hashtag going. Doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Hashtag Pacino, the living planet. I don't... I don't know, because he's kind of had bad luck with superhero movies. But also I think maybe his slate is very full. Where's he got room to squeeze it in? But the thing is, he knows that he's kind of fallen out of favour.
Starting point is 00:59:24 He's aware of that. He didn't get an Oscar nom this year. That's what of fallen out of favour. Like he's aware of that. Okay. He didn't get an Oscar nom this year. Right. That's what they say. Nom nom. None for him. And Jada Pinker-Smith, they're boycotting it now or something as well.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Not because of that. Oh, that's true, yeah. For diversity's sake and all that. But what was I going to say? Yeah, people are kind of sick of him. And I think a lot of it is his kids dragging him down, right? Yeah. Do you think?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Because even though people still- Although a lot of people love- Don't say it. What? Were you going to say Fish Mooney? No, I was going to say a lot of people love Jaden Smith's Twitter feed. Yes. Because it's all caps and all weird pearls of-
Starting point is 01:00:02 Existential nonsense. Existential nonsense from a person who has never lived in the real world for even a second, which is quite an achievement when you think about it. He got emancipated from his parents when he was like 15. Oh, so he could work? Just so he could be a dickhead, I assume. Oh, great. So he could wear a white Batman suit to Kanye's wedding or whatever he did.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Oh, yeah, good. Do you remember when he did that? No, but I'm going to look it up later. Yeah, I think that's hurt. I genuinely think that's hurt him. Yeah. And then, you know, he got things like he made After Earth, Hancock, you know, a bunch of movies that didn't exactly land.
Starting point is 01:00:38 So, yeah, I think this is his kind of like, remember me? I'm pretty good. And I genuinely like him. I find him engaging. Yep. Maybe he is an egomaniac, but I think he's a really good on-screen presence. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Despite the ears. Hey. No, he's right. Yeah. I think, well, Enchantress. I think she's the villain. And that was a rumor from a while back. But this trailer, to me, kind of makes me think even more so.
Starting point is 01:01:02 So do you think she's been part of the do you think she's on the team well it's weird because you see her with um rick flag at one point and it looks like they're in a relationship but i think she might have that dual personality thing when the witch takes over and then she's like a weird smelly greasy woman yes like ash and flies coming off her whatever's whatever's going on there. And I think one of... I can't remember what it is. One of the versions of Enchantress, or maybe this was the room, I can't remember,
Starting point is 01:01:32 she's trying to bring her brother or a demon out of hell who she's related to or something. Okay. And I think that might be the kind of part of the premise of this. Or it could be, sorry. I don't know that for a fact. Yeah, because we are very... And again, I'm glad.
Starting point is 01:01:44 We're very light on details as to what the... lesson learned for now so but but till we get a trailer in july it's just like the whole thing yes but so where why that what's their initial why are they going in what do you assume they're going into i think it's a really really i think the city's like upside down and i think they wouldn't bring them in unless it was entirely necessary. So I don't think they're like, we'll just do a trial run. Okay, yeah. Or maybe they'll have that. But I think it's just going to be a really big situation that they don't want to waste good people on.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Okay, sure, sure. That they can't deal with also. Yeah, yeah. That's what I think. It has to be a big thing. It can't just be a little thing, right? Yeah. Because otherwise you wouldn't deal with also. That's what I think. It has to be a big thing. It can't just be a little thing, right? Yeah. Because otherwise you wouldn't unlock these people.
Starting point is 01:02:29 No, that's true, yeah. Yeah. What do you think? So there's a scene in the subway. Yes. Weird monster. There's a subway carriage being turned into smoke or something. Torn in half or whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Torn in half or something like that. There's some tendrils flapping about. Yes, mysticism. Some people have said Swamp Thing. I say not Swamp Thing. I agree. Somebody tweeted me, or a lot of people tweeted me this, that it's Commons in this movie.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yes, he is. And the tattooed man. It could very well be that, yeah. So, yeah, that's pretty likely. In fact, I think, yeah, because he is in the – Common shows up in a lot of stuff have you noticed he was in terminator salvation you're like oh he's great it's good he's in terminator salvation exactly yeah the best terminator yeah it's the best one isn't it yeah uh yeah i think
Starting point is 01:03:14 that's probably true and i i think there's even like if you if you google like tattooed man like the the new 50 version like i think he even has like a like a green dragon like a green dragon tender kind of thing so that's probably that yeah situation and you see the back of his head and he's bald so common's probably him bald so and we didn't see common in the trailer so it makes sense that it would be but there's also a bit you see that weird explosion and there's all those kind of like demons kind of dancing around it do you see that oh yes yeah yeah which is really bizarre um so i don't know whether that's connected or not, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Could be Katana's soul sword exploding. That would be so sweet. That'd be sweet, right? I should have said that in my things you missed. Just whisper it over the top. Is that this it? Killer Croc? Looks good.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Looks good, yep. I think there's some CGI going on there, which is good. CGI squidgeys. Yeah, just a little bit, just around the edges, you know, just to tidy it up a bit. How do you feel bulk-wise? Like, how do you think you... Look, I want... I wish you were bigger.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I want giant Killer Croc. Yeah. I can understand why they didn't do it. Right, exactly. Yeah, it's expensive. Yeah. Like, it's like putting the Hulk in, you know what I mean? Because I...
Starting point is 01:04:20 But he evolves as well, or devolves, whatever you want to call it. I guess that's true, yeah. It could change. He could get bigger. Yeah. He looks very dangerous. Do you reckon he'll live? I'd like to see Batman fight him, actually.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Yeah, I think he will live because he's too interesting a character and visually he's too interesting to just give him one, throw him away. Because then you have to, if you need another giant. Just King Shark. I guess you get King Shark, don't you? All you all right kill him it doesn't matter it's fine yeah no i'd like to see him again i definitely would yeah um you know what i didn't love what's that harley quinn what about it i don't know it was a lot of people i don't know what it is i don't know what it is a lot of people have said that a lot of people don't like the look which we've
Starting point is 01:05:02 known for a while they don't like the look. Of Harley Quinn. Just her outfit. Whatever. I think that's fine insofar as she's like, it's quite like it's skimpy. Yes. I mean, she's wearing like shorts and like tights. So it's not really, it is, but it's not really. But I also feel that Harley Quinn's had so many looks that it feels kind of like this is just what she wore today.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Okay. It doesn't like, and also in the sense that like, that it feels kind of like this is just what she wore today. Oh, okay, right. It doesn't, like, and also in the sense that, like, she's insane to the point where she'll go into a war zone wearing, like, shorts and a T-shirt or whatever and just carrying a baseball bat. Yeah, absolutely. Where everybody else has got guns and crocodile powers and whatever. So many crocodile powers.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And being killed immediately in the case of Slipknot. Also, El Diablo. He's there, isn't he? Yeah, yeah. He actually looks really interesting. Yeah's there, isn't he? Yeah, yeah. He actually looks really interesting. Yeah, totally. Yeah, I was all for that. Do you think there'll be a scene where him and the tattooed man are in a lift or whatever?
Starting point is 01:05:53 And the door's closed and they have a chat about tattoos? Maybe. I think that'll be a fun little thing. Girl from Imp and M will play over the PA. A little music. That'll be great. Yeah, I'd definitely be okay with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:05 So, no, what did you think of Harley Quinn, though? There's something... I think we haven't gotten the full picture of the character. I completely agree. I think a lot of it's to do with the way it's edited. Yeah. And it's supposed to be kind of funny, and it's not, really. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Especially that first joke she makes about, oh, the voice is in my head. I'll kill everybody. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah. The joke at the end where she smashes the window, I like that. I thought that was quite good. A lot of people didn't like that, though. Why is that? Because she's like, we're bad guys, it's what we do.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Yeah. And a lot of people are like, well, that's not true to the character. Did you know there's a new origin for Harley Quinn? By new, I mean several years old, because I haven't caught up with the new 52. But she's not the psychiatrist. Yeah, because in the original, well, I think she is, but in the original version, which is in the original origin, which is Mad Love, where she was the Joker psychiatrist and then she's sort of, her father was like a con man
Starting point is 01:06:55 and so she's kind of like, why did my father do the things he did? And so she becomes a psychiatrist and then she meets the Joker and she's sort of seduced by his crazy ways and et cetera, et cetera. And she sort of becomes a bit unhinged and falls in love with him and his white abs and tattoos yeah exactly he's so extreme he's so extreme just buddy saw him do a sweet ollie but apparently there is a new version i just saw the panels where again she is the joker's psychiatrist and he just pushes her into a vat of toxic chemicals and so she gets the white skin and that's it yeah i mean maybe i'm missing
Starting point is 01:07:30 the phone but like they're just like we'll just have a girl joker it's fine just push her yeah like so there's but i mean and a lot of people like well so there's a scene in this where she is in yeah a big thing of water it looks like he's kind of like baptizing her yeah something like that and a lot i read her. Yeah, something like that. And I read an article where somebody's like, oh, they've just taken this new version and it's no good. But I... I think there's more to it than that. I think there is as well.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I think... Because we've seen, you know, there's a couple of chase sequences. We've seen set footage of her as Dr. Quinzel. And she's in the trailer briefly as Dr. Quinzel. So I think it's going to be a case of we're going to see a little bit of flashback. Yeah. And I think maybe this element is going to be at the end,
Starting point is 01:08:11 like maybe she chooses to, or she is thrown into a vat of chemicals. So we see in this sequence she falls into this whatever it is. Yeah. It's either a vat or it's a river or something. Yeah. And you see all her, like her hair colour come out. Yeah. And you sort of hit the water.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I know. I think that, because I think she's wearing the blue shirt. Okay. Because there's blue and purple in the water. Yeah. I think that's Joker's shirt and her shirt. Melting off. Melting off.
Starting point is 01:08:39 So it is Toxic Waste. Yeah. Right. Because you see him kind of swan dive yeah so i think it might be a case of they're combining them like there is that element of she is the she is the psychiatrist then they fall in love and there's madness and then and that's the final and that's the final thing where maybe she falls into this toxic place and he jumps in to save her or it's or he pushes her in and then changes his mind or something.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yeah. No, I think whatever that is, that's the final straw in. I think there will be a lead up to that. Maybe, you know, the bit we've seen in the previous trailers where he's torturing someone. Yep. I think maybe that's her and that's what kind of leads up to that. I don't think you could just push her in chemicals and then she's crazy. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:22 You can't do stuff like that. Doesn't work, exactly, yeah. But, yeah, look, I'm not, to be honest worried about it i think it'll be i think she'll be fine i think it'll be okay but it's interesting that just one character just a few frames people like yeah i get well i mean she is a very she's a very loved character absolutely yeah given how new she is to you know it's it's pretty unusual yeah to a character to be and she's not that new she's like 25 years well yeah but i mean but no comparison to yeah to everybody else el diablo he's a he's a crowd favorite slipknot whatever that guy's about ropes yeah slip knots yeah i get it yeah it's pretty good no he is actually that's his powers yeah good but the joker yeah
Starting point is 01:10:01 i'm sorry no yeah i think the joker I don't think he's necessarily the bad guy. I think maybe initially he is maybe, but I think he's, I think his end game is Harley. Are they getting her back or? I mean, it could be a case that they're like, this city is falling. I think it might be a case of the city is falling apart. Maybe due to, I don't know, Kryptonian, like the exes of the Kryptonian invasion or something like that, or Gangmore or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:28 And the Joker's there. Yeah. And they're like, we've got to send in this team to get the Joker in what's left of this city. And then the Enchantress. But it's a different thing. Yeah, and then the Enchantress decides to betray them all or something like that.
Starting point is 01:10:39 And then it becomes, they're dealing with the Joker and they're dealing with Enchantress kind of thing. And there's a lot of Batman stories like that where Batman will go in and the Joker will be there and he'll grab him and be like
Starting point is 01:10:49 what are you doing and the Joker's like I'm not responsible for any of this yeah yeah often it turns out that he is yeah sure yeah
Starting point is 01:10:55 but you know what I mean but he just happens to to be in the chaos and that gives that is the classic of well you could stop me yeah or you could deal with
Starting point is 01:11:03 the whole world exploding exactly so I'm just gonna leave yeah that's right why yeah I mean sure you could stop me, or you could deal with the whole world exploding, so I'm just going to leave. Yeah, that's right. Why? I mean, sure, you could kill me, but when has that ever solved anything? You know what I mean? Are you okay with the Joker? I tweeted this. I am very much
Starting point is 01:11:16 looking forward to a scene where he kills a Las Vegas lounge singer and steals all his outfits. That's right. You know I love an outfit. I love a good outfit in a movie. You certainly do. Man, it's looking good. You're okay with it? I'm very much okay. Like, they've gone with just... I tried to jacket speculate him.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Oh, yeah. But he's in... He wears like a different set of clothes in every scene. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. I think he's just... It's just whatever loud garish thing that he can find. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Just throwing it on, just loves it. It's bangling him. There's no plot attached to it. I think he's just like... I think he might just have a whole bunch in the trunk of his car. Great. He's got a new one every time. He's Joker Lamborghini?
Starting point is 01:11:53 You know what? It's not actually a Lamborghini. I looked into it. You don't care? What is it actually? It's called a Vader. V-A-Y-D-O-R. It's like a kit over like a...
Starting point is 01:12:00 That's my favourite. Yeah, it's good, right? Kit over a what? Over a bike. Yeah, for a bicycle yeah you notice he just drifts around the corner here yeah it's good so is that not as good a car as it's made out to be yeah so like um the you know the there's a brand called this is not important but there's a brand called the
Starting point is 01:12:23 infinity because i looked it up i'm like that's not quite a lamborghini so i looked into it so there's shamborghini oh hashtag that don't make a t-shirt yeah the pachino is the thing so there's a there's a company called infinity and they make kind of cars they're kind of not they're not they're nice cars but they're not particularly interesting kind of thing that's the be like like they're the mcg movies of no but if you like if you you're Bruce Wayne's accountant, you probably have an infinity. Okay, right, yeah. And not bad, but there's a company called Vader and they make this insane body kit that goes over the top.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Right. And they look... Molto bene. It's Molto bene. Good stuff. So you're okay with the Joker then? Yeah, it looks great. Even the tattoos and the teeth?
Starting point is 01:13:03 Look, it looks to me like they've de-emphasized the tattoos. With all those sweet suits. Yeah, I think even more so that the response was so negative. I think they've fudged them in post-production. Because I watched it a couple of times and I'm like, did they leave the damage? They have, but right yeah it looks faded yeah and like and you know the first image we got of him was very high res yeah and they really
Starting point is 01:13:30 want to emphasize how extreme this guy was but I think now they've gone nobody nobody likes it let's let's give it a little let's run the blur tool over every frame of this guy I don't want to say literally no one but the few and far between people were kind of defending that. Yeah. A lot of people were like, we'll just see how this goes. Sure. But I don't think anybody was like, I love this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah. But I'm actually liking his interpretation so far. You notice he sort of stayed in character? In the interview, yeah. I did, yeah. He's like, in a way, the joke is always around. And he's got this like fur collar. Yeah, he's got a fur, yeah, the Joker's always around. And he's got this, like, fur collar. Yeah, he's got a fur, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Leather jacket or something. Yeah, so good. If we get a chance to interview him. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We should. I mean, they'll never let us do it. I would like to give it a go. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:14:18 I'm going to see if I can try and throw him. Oh, I see, right. Right, okay. Because he's such an actor. I bet I couldn't, but I'd bloody give it a go. Okay. Because he's such an actor. I bet I couldn't, but I'd bloody give it a go. Okay. You just want to make him laugh? What do you make him do?
Starting point is 01:14:31 I want to make him upset. No, not really. Yeah. No, I want to see. I want to get like a... I don't know. I want to see him do something that I haven't... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:40 I have to think about it. Okay. I mean, it's not going to happen. No, absolutely not. We've never done one before and they'll never let us do one. All right. I think, is there anything else we need to kind of touch on? No, that'll do it, I think.
Starting point is 01:14:51 It all looks good. Yeah. In general, it's taken the two and a bit years we've been doing this show. Sure. But they're finally rolling out something else. Yeah, that's right. Let me talk about this Roblox. I'll be so happy when bloody Batman and Superman comes out.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Oh, jeez. But you know what? It doesn't matter if Batman versus Superman is bad or not well received because Suicide Squad, I think, can pick up the slack if that happens. I think it'll be okay. And they are going to keep making Batman movies. Oh, yeah, that's it. Can't stop them.
Starting point is 01:15:22 They can't reboot it after this either. Like, they'll have to push through. Yeah, exactly. And also Affleck wants to, did we discuss this? I think Affleck wants to be, he wants to be the highest paid superhero comic book guy.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Well, yeah, he will. So that won't be a problem. And he wants to, well, he's talking about directing one, but I can't imagine a Batman solo movie. I can't imagine
Starting point is 01:15:41 he would have signed on without making that a condition. Yeah, true. Yeah. And you know what? I'd be totally all for it if he was to direct a Batman movie. I always forget that he started with Kevin Smith.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah. Doing weird indie stuff. I know, right? Yeah. Now Kevin Smith can't even get a look in. Can't get him on the show. Nah. I don't think they talk as much anymore.
Starting point is 01:16:01 But I think I also heard that Kevin Smith has said this multiple times that Jennifer Garner hates him. Oh, really? Yes. For what reason? Just for being a... I don't think they talk as much anymore. But I think I also heard that Kevin Smith has said this multiple times that Jennifer Garner hates him. Oh, really? Yes. For what reason? Just for being a... I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I don't know. But yeah, but they're divorced now. So best buds back together. Back together. Here we go. That's how it goes, isn't it? Yeah. When your mate breaks up with a girl and then they kind of slink back.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Yeah, that's right. Some good old times. We've all done it. Yeah. We've all been there. All right. You know what it's time for then? Oh, what's it time for?
Starting point is 01:16:26 It's time for our favorite segment of the show. What are we reading? And what are we going to read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? Yeah. Tell you what I've been reading. Go on.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Well, I haven't actually haven't started yet. Number one, I got to finish watching Legends of Tomorrow five minutes in. So I thought you were in that documentary thing they made, but you meant the actual show show.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Show show, I haven't watched that yet. Okay, cool. Yeah, I haven't watched that either. It looks pretty good. I agree. Yeah, solid. But also I got the,
Starting point is 01:16:57 I haven't read it yet, but the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas graphic novel. I didn't know that was a, yeah, it's good. Look, it's Hunter S. Thompson. Yeah. It's not really to do with the show, but I thought it looked pretty good.
Starting point is 01:17:08 It's a comic, isn't it? It's a comic book. He's like, bloody hell. And it's very, the artist is this guy called Troy Little, and it's very sort of tank girl. Yes, it is. Yeah, it is. Wow, what's that?
Starting point is 01:17:22 Rango. It's quite Rango, yeah. But yeah, it looks really good. I'm going to get into that. I mean, I am right across the plot by now. We know what happens. Sure, yeah. They take a load of drugs and they drive across Las Vegas.
Starting point is 01:17:37 It's pretty good. It's pretty good. Yeah, but I got it on Why would you even bring that up right now? Because we are sneaking in. It's a sneaky plug for the thing we do now. I know you guys didn't see it coming. That's right.
Starting point is 01:17:49 We gave no indication that this would happen. Ah, masterstroke. That's right. Pretty good. So we have a new affiliate program. Yes. And it is a good way to support the show by doing just the things you would normally do. That's right.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Because you know how Amazon has literally everything in the world. Correct. And you buy literally everything in the world yes I'm talking to you no I do yeah okay good well we've put up a little affiliate link
Starting point is 01:18:10 yeah it should be in the description it will be in the description okay so when you're if you're using your podcast app yeah just click the or on YouTube or whatever
Starting point is 01:18:16 just click picture and there'll be a little Amazon link and what you do is you click the link you just show up at the regular you just appear at the regular Amazon yeah and if you buy literally anything we get like a teeny tiny little and it is teeny tiny the link. You just show up at the regular, you just appear at the regular Amazon. And if you buy literally anything, we get like a teeny tiny little.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And it is teeny tiny. A teeny tiny kickback. Just a taste. I'm making, you know how you do that motion of like, look at all the cash. Too much cash. You rub your fingers like,
Starting point is 01:18:34 mmm, cash. I'm doing the world's tiniest one. You've got two little coins. Two tiny little coins. Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle. That's right. So yeah, if you plan on, basically if you plan on buying anything on Amazon
Starting point is 01:18:45 and you just go through this link, it just supports the show. Obviously you don't need to, but it doesn't cost you anything extra. You don't get anything out of it extra other than it helps us out. And so yeah, if you want to do that, we appreciate that, don't we?
Starting point is 01:18:56 Absolutely we do. Affiliate website code. So yeah. Assuming this works. Oh yeah, we don't know. Because we kind of went through it before for five minutes before the show started and we're like, maybe.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Yeah. Let's just see what happens. Yeah. So yeah, now don't know because we kind of went through it before for five minutes before the show started and we're like, maybe. Yeah. Let's just see what happens. Yeah. So yeah, now that would be super, super awesome. Literally anything. I'm going to buy
Starting point is 01:19:10 some headphones because I need some more headphones because I'm always losing my headphones except for these headphones. They're on your head. Can't walk around
Starting point is 01:19:16 with these. It's always the last place you look in your bloody head, mate. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. You know what I watched this week though?
Starting point is 01:19:23 What's that? I watched Agent Carter. Wait. Episode one. It's back. Oh, is it? It's two episodes, yeah. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 01:19:31 It's good, man. It's a solid show. You know what? I'm going to buy a new hard drive on Amazon. On Because I went to download some episodes of some stuff and was like, your hard drive's full. And I'm like.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Your hard drive's full. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, exactly. And I'm like, I hard drive's full. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, exactly. And I'm like, I'll just use that. Oh, that one's full. Oh, they're all... And I'm like, this has never happened before. Like I've never run...
Starting point is 01:19:52 There's so much space. That's the problem with content these days. That's what I'm saying. There's too much content. I never thought I'd run out of space on anything. So I've got to buy a new hard drive. I found out the other day, my computer, which is this one that I work on,
Starting point is 01:20:03 which is built for doing all the things that I do. Yeah. You know, editing and whatever. It's a ham sandwich. It's a ham sandwich. You finally learned that. No. But like, I'm like, I'm running out of room.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I'm deleting stuff. I'm moving things over to the hard drive. And then I just discovered, and I should have known this because I knew it when I bought it. It's got like a four terabyte separate hard drive. All right. Just in it that I just forgot was there. Great. So I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Nice. But you know, that's okay, isn't it? Yeah. I did not know Agent Carter was back. Yeah. What's going on there? Well, she's doing some adventures in- Hayley Atwell disappeared off Twitter.
Starting point is 01:20:38 She's not Twittering. Really? Yeah. Is she dead? No. I hope not. She's a beautiful woman and seems like a charming person. Oh, really? Okay okay she might be back
Starting point is 01:20:46 I'll just check but in the meantime what's going on where are we in the world she's gone to LA to solve a weird case which may be connected to a different thing
Starting point is 01:20:53 when is this set is this set immediate aftermath yeah pretty much yeah I mean there's been a few months past but yeah there's still
Starting point is 01:20:59 it's interesting because it's progressed they're not just like get the coffee Carter like a lot of people in her office now like respect her but there's
Starting point is 01:21:05 her boss is still kind of like threatened and the guy from One Tree Hill I want to say his name Gavin I don't know
Starting point is 01:21:11 I've never seen him I don't think it's Gavin but I know who you're talking about it's just a Chad Michael Murray it is Chad Michael Murray there you go
Starting point is 01:21:17 yeah when you play college basketball you're a dickhead yeah what's the other one called I don't know Brother of
Starting point is 01:21:22 yeah so no it's definitely worth watching it's a good show so yeah I don't know. Brother of. Yeah. Yeah. So, no, it's definitely worth watching. It's a good show. So, yeah. I think they're doing, they did 10 last season. Is Howard Stark back? Not yet.
Starting point is 01:21:32 I've only seen one, but he will be. He'll show up doing that terrible accent. Is Jarvis back? Yes. Oh. And you meet Jarvis' wife, and that's great. Oh, great. Also, slash affiliate program.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yeah, the thing that was- Go to link. I think Agent Carter's on Blu-ray as well now, the first season. Yeah, okay, great. I don't know. But, you know, slash affiliate program. Yeah, the thing that was... I think Agent Carter's on Blu-ray as well now, the first season. Yeah, okay, great. I don't know, but, you know, whatever. I'm not really a Blu-ray guy, as I've talked about, so... There's probably some sweet comedy from Hayley Atwell.
Starting point is 01:21:53 She probably explains a mysterious disappearance from Twitter. She's not on Twitter anymore. That's weird. Yeah. Anyway, I got a thing here from Glenn. Oh, yeah? Hey, dickheads. I watched the premiere of Legends of Tomorrow last night,
Starting point is 01:22:05 having only watched a handful of episodes of The Flash and Arrow. I more or less liked it, I think. And Rip Hunter was my favorite character. I think that the thing, things, that put me off were Heatwave and Captain Cold. In the show where the campiness is part of the show, they seemed like they were cranking it up to 11 and chewing a lot of scenery.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Interested to hear your thoughts. I'm going to give the show a few more episodes, but it might end up going right into the bin or the Supergirl pile as we call it yes I've heard it's good
Starting point is 01:22:30 the Martian man under slide around yeah I know come on come on god come on alright fine god
Starting point is 01:22:35 yeah again if we could stop tell you what if you could cease production of Legends of Tomorrow along with all the rest yes and I'll catch up
Starting point is 01:22:44 on Supergirl please do yeah catch right up on Supergirl. Please do. Catch right up on it. Yeah, so I five minutes in but I don't know I really like Captain Cold. Cool.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Yeah, you've said that before haven't you? Because he's just a real jerk and he's happy about that. Yeah, yeah. If we're talking about we're bad guys that's what we do.
Starting point is 01:22:59 That's right. He's king of the jerks. He's just loving it. He's just king of the jerks. Yeah. You bet you see a lot of yourself in him Don't you? Yeah I do
Starting point is 01:23:05 Because you're a jerk I'm a real jerk It's fine What are you going to say? We're both drinking water Yeah it's good It's the stuff of life In a way
Starting point is 01:23:14 Yeah In a very accurate way Yeah Anything else? That's it I think Cool alright Yeah no it's Bloody
Starting point is 01:23:21 Yeah did all that Get into it I will Got that thing ready? Yeah Good You know what's up It's time for letters I'm ready Letters bloody yeah did all that get into it I will got that thing ready yeah good you know what's up time for letters
Starting point is 01:23:27 I'm ready letters it's loading the classic one was letters oh letters we love you some letters
Starting point is 01:23:36 they're only a day away I know they're here right now we're gonna do letters good stuff great stuff hashtag weekly planet pod
Starting point is 01:23:44 if you want to hit us up on Twitter. Yeah, or WeeklyPlanetPod at Correct. Uh-oh. Twitter is probably the best place to do it. Those letters, I'm so behind. There's so many. I can't.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Would you like me to read some letters? If you want. No, it's not even that, but there's ones from so far back they don't apply anymore. Oh, true, yeah. I've missed so much. We do get a lot of letters. Yeah. Stop it. On the occasions I've had to acquire the letters, Oh, true, yeah. I've missed so much. We do get a lot of letters. Yeah. Stop it.
Starting point is 01:24:05 On the occasions I've had to, you know, acquire the letters during the, I'm like, boy, I'm glad I only have to do this and then no one has to do it the rest of the year because there's a lot of letters. That being said, I do go through and pick out at least one. But yeah, these first two are from hashtags. And also on Twitter you keep it pithy, you know.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Yeah, that's right. It keeps the question short and sharp, which is good. This is from Lewis, sorry, William Lewis. He's at A Proper Goof. What are your opinions on all these petitions? So the two that he's referring to is the PG-13 one for Deadpool. Okay. And George Lucas returning for Star Wars 9.
Starting point is 01:24:43 So let's talk about either of those. Do you want a preference of which one first? Look, let's talk about PG-13, Deadpool. No. I'm going to say no. Because you know what? Movies aren't, not every movie is for everybody. Yeah, and look, if you're super intent on your kid watching Deadpool.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Yeah, take him. You can legally. It's fine. Yeah, just take him. Deadpool yeah take him you can legally it's fine yeah but also what elements what what elements are okay for your kid to watch in a pg-13 version yeah that aren't okay to watch right okay our 18 version yeah what would they be cutting out boobs I guess boobs yeah would it be because it's often just little things that you have to take out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Like blood splatter. Blood splatter, yeah. Or certain things like language. Decapitation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And stuff, yeah. So, I don't know, just wait for it on Blu-ray. Yeah, it'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Or again, take your kid, it's fine. Yeah, just take your kid. You know what? Just take your kid along and if they're ruined, they were probably going to be ruined anyway. That's right. Because. When you were a kid. And if they're ruined, they were probably going to be ruined anyway. That's right. Because it's a movie entirely about poor behavior and language and violence. That's right. All of which are great.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Yes. But maybe not for all kids. Yeah, that's right. But I can understand it, though, as a kid. Because you remember when you're under whatever the R rating thing is. Was it 15 in the US? I've got no idea. Because we don't have...
Starting point is 01:26:04 Ours is in PG-13, then R. PG-13, then M. Then M, which is 15. Which is 15, and then MA. Yeah, that's right. Which is the same? It's the same, except M you can get into if you're under 15. Oh.
Starting point is 01:26:16 MA you can't, unless you've got a Guardian with you. Okay, of the galaxy. Correct. Yeah. If you've got Groot with you. Rocket Raccoon, very small. They'd assume he's a child. That's right. You're taking a risk there, aren't Correct. Yeah. If you've got Groot with you. Rocket Raccoon, very small. They'd assume he's a child. That's right.
Starting point is 01:26:26 You're taking a risk there, aren't you? And then you've got 18. And then X after that. That's the next level stuff. But yeah, no, I can understand the frustration. If you're like 13 and you wanted to see it, I totally get that. But, you know, unfortunately, that's just the way it is. And also, we've we've sort of
Starting point is 01:26:45 we've gone a really long time demanding an r18 version of many everything of everything just we can't go backwards now that being said if they did a pg-13 cut would it hurt us no it wouldn't yeah as long as it didn't take away the r the r1 yeah yeah i guess if they had like a mums and bubs screening in the afternoon like we're not gonna say that so what my brother does with his kids which one uh the one you like correct yeah yep uh he's and he's got young kids like he'll go see a movie if he's unsure and he'll watch it and then he'll and then he'll report back so yeah and that's what i remember that's what my dad used to do like i remember he'd watch you watch terminator 2 on vhs or whatever and he's like it's fine yeah you can watch that yeah there's more groups in the first one and there is
Starting point is 01:27:32 that's true yeah so uh what about george lucas returning for star wars did you hear about that petition i did hear about colin trevoro out because i guess he hasn't proven himself as much as george lucas i know people don't love george luc hasn't proven himself as much as George Lucas. I know people don't love Jurassic World. George Lucas has definitely proven himself. To be... An astonishingly bad director. Thank you. But a nice man because there's billions in charity and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Yeah, I get it. It's fine. It's fine. Yeah, but Colin Tavares, look, Jurassic World isn't amazing. I feel like anybody could have literally done that. Yeah. But I'm talking like what he did on Safety Not Guaranteed. I'm talking the writers, which they've got on board for Nine,
Starting point is 01:28:07 which is Rian Johnson and I'm sure a few other people kind of polishing up the script or whatever. No. Yeah, no, absolutely not. And George Lucas seems, he's kind of upset about the new Star Wars, how popular it is. He referred to them as white slavers or something? Look, he didn't mean it like that.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Oh, sure. I mean, he did, obviously. But he clearly, yeah, he was kind of doing it in jest. Okay. It's hard to tell with him. Yeah. Because he's always talking like this. Yes, he is.
Starting point is 01:28:34 He's probably like white slavers. To his credit, I can see where he's coming from because he's like, this will make a lot of money and it will be popular because it's just the same thing again. Which is true. Yeah. He's right. But when he tried something different you know it didn't i mean i expect him for that and the beer is a charity and whatever a great guy but no he's yeah he's not even on board with these new films so why would you want him to come come along and do the finish
Starting point is 01:29:01 the last one maybe you know what give him know what? Give him a scene. Yeah. Give him a scene with his favourite characters or like some fun dialogue. I don't know. Give him something with green screen. You know how Quentin Tarantino and what's his face? He did the car scene. They always switch a scene or they've done that once or something. Or they've thought about it.
Starting point is 01:29:23 I don't know. Roger Rodriguez. Yeah, yeah. He did the car scene yeah so just give him just give him a scene to do with as he as he wishes i mean make it and then cut it make it pivotal pivotal to the plot so it's not just them walking down the oh i don't know i can see how it would kind of be poetic like the man that started it all ends it. I can understand it. Sure, yeah. But please don't. Yeah, please, no.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Maybe he'd do a great job. Maybe because he'd be forced to be collaborative because he doesn't own it anymore. Yeah, true. Look, preferably not, but if it did happen, I'll be like, this is going to be very interesting. The thing about Star Wars for me is always that it's a sci-fi serial. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:08 You just make it sort of the same. But, I mean, that's the people, a lot of people who are down on Force Awakens are like, it's just the same, it's just a remix of the first one. Yeah. Yes. Because that's what people would go to see if you went to see a sci-fi serial.
Starting point is 01:30:24 You wouldn't want. You want big explosions and great stuff to look at. Plot-wise, it can be just kind of the same. Absolutely. And again, it's for people who just, maybe they didn't see the first six. They just want to jump in. That's exactly right. A lot of it is new fans.
Starting point is 01:30:39 That was the entire point of four. Yeah. You were just jumping in. Who knew what happened one through three? It didn't matter. It didn't matter. Because you're watching this action and it's self-contained and it's on yeah i got a follow-up question from professor underscore jamie oh uh question yes stanley says there's a possibility of a star wars marvel crossover thoughts have we talked about this probably like
Starting point is 01:30:58 we have it'll never happen no i think there's more likely to be a dc i think no we have talked about this we have yeah it comes down to like who uses the force does the force work in our universe yeah exactly time travel is it dimensional yeah you're in you what and then what is because it's a long time ago galaxy far you need to technologically jump one group to another galaxy, which is like that's... And then you imagine Tony Stark appearing in the Star Wars universe. Yes. Does he attempt to steal the technology
Starting point is 01:31:34 or figure out how to use the Force? Who has the Force? Can he use his technology to negate the Force? Does Thor have the Force because he can use the hammer and he's a magic man? Can Luke Skywalker pick up the hammer? Good question. Because A, he's got the hammer and he's a magic man? Can Luke Skywalker pick up the hammer? Good question. Because A, he's got the Force and he's a worthy Jedi, but also metal hand.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Does it depend which hand he uses? That's a good point. It is, isn't it? Yeah. Oh, man. I'm not saying I don't want to say it. Yeah. I think we're more likely to get a Marvel Comics crossover.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Yeah, totally. I think that would, it's very likely. Because we've seen, we've had multiple X-Men Star Trek crossovers. Yes. I think there's going to be a, there is, or there's going to be very soon a Green Lantern Star Trek crossover. Yes. It's a Star Trek Green Lantern call.
Starting point is 01:32:19 I think it's already happening. It might be already happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. Comics wise, I think we'll definitely see one. We'll never see one.
Starting point is 01:32:25 I mean, I can imagine them even doing, in the comics, like a Guardian-Star Wars crossover. Yeah. Like, you could take an Infinity Gem and be like, now the Guardians are in a different reality or whatever. That would work, totally. Or they could even do it from, like, it's an alternative version of the Avengers
Starting point is 01:32:40 where these Avengers exist in the Star Wars universe, but they're not the traditional Earth Avengers. Right. They're like a space crew or whatever. No, I totally could see that working. You're going to have like Iron Man, but he's got a variant of the Boba Fett. Like he's got Mandalorian armor.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Exactly, yeah. But he's teched it up so it's more Iron Man-ish. Yep, yep. And et cetera, et cetera. And Captain America's a Jedi. Yeah, totally. Yeah. And like, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:33:00 And his lightsaber is a shield. That's right. It's like a bendy neon globe or whatever. Pretty much, exactly. So I could see them doing any variation of that as like a one-off or whatever. Totally. And you could even be like,
Starting point is 01:33:12 because there would be like the Black Widow Mara Jade. Right. Even though she doesn't exist anymore, you'd have a little cross. You'd have Luke being like, ooh. Ooh. Hello. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Also, I'm real sad now. Yeah, that's right. I get it. Yeah, no, nod. You'd have Luke being like, ooh. Ooh. Hello. Oh. Also, I'm real sad now. Yeah, that's right. I get it. Yeah, no, that would totally work. And you could have, yeah, I think it would work in the sense of like a one-shot and there's the Infinity Gauntlet. They cross over, they lose it or the Gauntlet or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:40 And this isn't a long time ago galaxy far, far away. It's a completely parallel dimension that you normally cannot reach. And then at the end, they cross back and they're like, well, we'll never do that again. That's right. Or we'll do it at some point. We'll do it again and it'll be a slightly different story. But not as good.
Starting point is 01:34:02 And not as good and we won't remember the first one. They're always doing that. Like you said before, it'll probably be a Saturday Night Live skit at some point. Yeah. Not against it.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I just don't think it'll happen. Yeah. Here's a question. Okay. How do you pronounce the name IJAS? Ijaz? Ijaz?
Starting point is 01:34:21 Ijaz. Potentially. Who's to say? That's a good point. Anyway, have you guys watched... Anyway, you're joe over here it's something to say any of stanley kubik's films uh more specifically 2001 a space odyssey i think all these films are beautifully crafted but i want to know uh um your opinion on the on his legend i haven't seen all of his work none of them i have seen space odyssey it's long and confusing i need to watch
Starting point is 01:34:45 it again i feel like i'd appreciate it i've seen it a number of times and you hate it and i've read the synopsis on wikipedia a number of times i still don't understand what is happening in that film right now admittedly wasn't really paying attention i've never seen it in a cinema yeah i've never seen it i've never seen 2001 a space odyssey in a scenario where i don't have other entertainment options available to me at the time. Entertainment options slash online shopping. Yeah, absolutely. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:35:09 So I've never given it 100% of my attention. Yes. And it is quite dense. Yes. And there's not a lot of action. I like the sci-fi elements of the computer that goes bad and it can lip read. Right, okay, yeah. And I've seen the Futurama parody of that
Starting point is 01:35:26 which is also very good but when it just falls off the rails at the end then I'm like I don't that's why I need to go back and I like the concept of like an alien intelligence
Starting point is 01:35:35 you know dropping something into that's why you love Prometheus so much yes exactly you know what I really like Full Metal Jacket yep sure yeah
Starting point is 01:35:44 that's a good film. That's excellent. Oh, and Doctor Strangelove. That's a fun film. I have not seen Doctor Strangelove. It's pretty fun. I've got to say that. What about Eyes Wide Shut?
Starting point is 01:35:54 I've never seen it. I've got no interest. I heard he was like, I've been tricked by these celebrities. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Real on-screen fornication, though.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Really? Yeah, really. No. No, really, yeah.ation, though. Really? Yeah, really. No. No, really, yeah. You don't see it. You don't see PNV, all right. No. No, that was a thing.
Starting point is 01:36:11 What about The Shining? It's fine. Yeah, it's pretty good. Look, they're not really my... They're not your thing. They're not my thing so much. Fair enough, yeah. Too arty?
Starting point is 01:36:21 Not arty enough. Too arty, probably. Okay. You know what? They're for enough. Too arty, probably. Okay. You know what? They're for people who love the craft of cinema. Or the movie The Craft. Yeah, or the movie The Craft. Just some witches in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:36:32 You love all that. Get into Kubrick. I'm just going to quickly bring up a list here. It's Clockwork Orange. Yep. There you go. That's pretty insane. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:36:43 He did the original version of Lolita. He did Spartacus. I didn't know that. There you go. That's pretty insane. It's fine. He did the original version of Lolita. He did Spartacus. I didn't know that. There you go. He's done some good stuff, this bloke. I've turned around on this bloke. He's pretty good. He seems to know what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Yeah, all right. Mucho respecto. Sure. Is that era of just craftsman directors? Does that still exist? I think you get it. Or is it just like, get it through, make it out there. Make another Jurassic World.
Starting point is 01:37:11 Let's do it. Bring back Lucas. I think you get it with like a Christopher Nolan. Yeah. It's kind of working like that. That's true. Maybe a McG. Yeah, in a way.
Starting point is 01:37:22 In a McG. But not really. I want to say sort of James Cameron in the sense that he doesn't bang out films though he will be in the next few years
Starting point is 01:37:30 because he'll be getting three Avatar movies in a row but anyway it's neither here nor there or it's both of those things yeah anything else? oh he wrote The Killing
Starting point is 01:37:38 that's a good film I haven't seen that okay that's pretty good anyway anyway were those ghosts real? anyway there we go we've just brushed away decades an auteur of just his entire catalogue of masterworks.
Starting point is 01:37:50 It's fine. It's not for me. There we go. We've done it again. Yeah, let's go back to talking about McG He-Man films. Yeah. Good Lord. You know what?
Starting point is 01:38:01 I'm going to watch some more Stanley Kubrick. That's what I'm bloody reading what I'm going to read. Good, great. Yeah. Yeah. Starting with Eyes Wide Shut because of, you know what I'm going to watch some more Stanley Kubrick that's what I'm bloody reading what I'm going to read good grudge yeah starting with Eyes Wide Shut because of you know yeah oh
Starting point is 01:38:10 oh oh that seems real weird yeah yeah that's the show for this week that is the show where can people find us
Starting point is 01:38:18 we're at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail and Facebook and Bandcamp correct get some commentaries we will do a Man of Steel commentary before Batman V Superman comes out Twitter and Gmail and Facebook and Bandcamp. Correct. Get some commentaries.
Starting point is 01:38:30 We will do a Man of Steel commentary before Batman v Superman comes out over the next month. And we'll never speak of them again. Correct. So, yeah, people have been asking for more commentaries and we will. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies. You know what's hard about the commentary? Because I have to move my microphone to there.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Yeah. Come on. You know. Yeah, it's ridiculous. It's a big setup. Somebody set up a teeny little TV. Yeah, it's good, isn't it? Yeah it's a big setup set up a teeny little tv yeah it's good isn't it yeah sorry slash mr sunday movies is a thing so you said you're at wikipedia brown didn't you at mr sunday movies hashtag pacino the living planet to james gunn to james gunn if you could do that yeah that would be amazing yeah that would yeah um that would
Starting point is 01:39:01 be sweet as yeah that's good even if it could prompt some kind of furious response. Yeah. We'd love that. Totally, yeah. Anything else? Oh, there's that Amazon thing. That weird Amazon thing. Let us know if that works.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Yeah. Buy like a, buy like a, like a handkerchief or something. If you need it. See if it works, if you need one. Absolutely, yeah. Like with all things, you don't, you don't have to, obviously, but you know, it helps out the show and, you know, it didn't go any way. We'll know.
Starting point is 01:39:23 We'll know. We'll bloody find out, won't we? Next week, I don't know what we're doing. Who knows what's coming out? Can we talk about the bloody stuff that's on the telly? The Dow Jones. Can we talk about the Dow Jones? The fiscal quarter.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Fiscal crisis. Indeed. Is there someone out this week? The Big Short. Yeah, did you see that? No, I haven't seen it yet. It's quite good. A lot of it I didn't understand. Oh, sure. Despite being an expert in economics and hot dog vendors. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Coming soon. Hang on, I'm just going to check this something out next week. Okay, cool. Dirty Grandpa, no. No? Why is he still making movies? Which one? What's going on?
Starting point is 01:39:58 No, everyone's got some time left. Yeah, he's going to like it. Why is De Niro still making movies? I don't know, man. Do you think he's just like, I've got to keep vital? Like, I've got to keep... Yeah, maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I don't know. I guess. I mean, he might be one of those people, if he stops, he dies. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Oh, there's a movie called From Vegas to Macau. That'll be a good one. Sure.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Have you been to Macau? No. It's good if you like horrible downtrodden cities with fucking casinos everywhere. Oh, good. I do like that. I do like that. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Yeah. Thanks, everyone. Thanks. Grab a datcha jam, everybody. Grab it. I don't want to play this. It's too late. It's a bad game.
Starting point is 01:40:43 You've got to play at least one round. Also, thanks to the Brute and the Basilisk and Rackham424 for all our themes. For all the bloody themes, mate. We appreciate it. That's right. I'm done. I can't.

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