The Weekly Planet - 140 Big E3 Reveals & Warcraft is...

Episode Date: June 20, 2016

By big E3 reveals we mean just the ones that we care about/remember. Spider-man! Batman Arkham VR! Resident Evil The Seventh One! A zombie one probably!We also get stuck into DC news as well as moveme...nt on the Wonder Woman front, Spider-man Homecoming casting, a new Superman for Supergirl and Warcraft! Thanks for listening.3:56 Big Justice League News! (pending)7:29 Injustice 2 details10:20 No invisible jet for Wonder Woman12:11 Tyler Hoechlin cast as Superman15:49 Spider-man Homecoming casting news20:04 Big E3 Newses!47:01 Independence Day Commentary Warcraft Spoiler Free1:04:27 Warcraft Spoilers1:12:41 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:19:42 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy Warcraft on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here:  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Mick Mason. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yeah, man, you are here. Big week for video games, Mason. I know, right? We're going to be talking Warcraft. Yep. We're going to be talking E3. We're going to be talking other news stories leading up to those things.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Oh. And then we'll do the What Are We Reading segment. Oh, yes. And then we'll do letters. Yep. Which is actually tweets. Yep. Then we'll thank everybody we're supposed to thank
Starting point is 00:01:07 and we'll always forget at least one person. That's right. And then I'll feel bad for a week. And then I'll come around and I'll be like, I'll be sure to thank that guy. And then I thank that guy. And then I'll forget somebody else. And the cycle will continue forever.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Every show before the show, you're like, do we thank that person last week? You always ask me. Maybe. Who knows? Yeah. All right. Well, let's start week? You always ask me. Maybe. Who knows? Yeah. All right. Well, let's start with a major Justice League announcement.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Okay. Impending. We don't know what it is yet. Exactly right. A whole lot of journalists. This is the movie. The movie, yeah. A whole lot of journalists were flown to London or got to go to London.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I don't know whether they paid for it themselves. They were flown to London for nothing, basically. Yeah. Wow. I hope they all paid for themselves. And we flown to London for nothing, basically. Yeah. Wow. I hope they all paid for themselves. And we didn't get an invite, weirdly enough. Does that mean we're not journalists or we're not big enough or both? Which is it?
Starting point is 00:01:53 I think we determined like many, many episodes ago that we're part of the indie, like we're the indie new media movement. We're not part of the establishment. Yeah. So we're cool. Right. We're cool. But we can't think we're cool. Yeah. So we're cool. Right. We're cool. But we can't think we're cool.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Don't think we're cool though, right? That's right. But we're not the fat cats. Yep, yep. Just lounging about. Going a bloody justice league. I mean, we are fat and lounging about, but we're not. We're not the metaphorical fat cats.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah, we're literal fat men lounging about. We look after ourselves. You enjoy a Diet Coke. You know, right? Wait, so what was it? We don't know whatnging about. We look after ourselves. You enjoy Diet Coke. I know, right? Wait, so what was it? We don't know what the announcement is. We don't know. It's going to be announced on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:02:30 What do you think it is? It's probably like a set photo, but we're like, look, it's the entire Justice League. This will be blue or something. Yeah, it'll be, because we didn't- You know what I think it really is? What's that? Damage control.
Starting point is 00:02:39 That's what I think it is. Oh, it's almost certainly that, yeah. Because it wouldn't be Zack Snyder's out, because they wouldn't- No, it's too far in, yeah. Because it wouldn't be Zack Snyder's out because they wouldn't. No, it's too far in. That could never have happened. And also, like, they wouldn't have a press conference for that. They just throw it out on a Friday afternoon or something
Starting point is 00:02:54 so nobody would notice. Exactly. Yeah, I reckon it'll be. They just throw Zack Snyder out of a plane on a Friday afternoon. I think it'll be everybody in full costume maybe. Yeah, potentially. Or it might be an additional. Oh, an additional member. Like we might get a Green Lantern reveal or something like maybe. Yeah, potentially. Or it might be an additional. Oh, an additional member.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Like we might get a Green Lantern reveal or something like that. Yeah, maybe just, yeah. Do you think, so Batman v Superman just finished up a cinematic run and it ended up getting like $330 million in the US over 12 weeks. Avengers crossed 400 over, not Avengers, sorry, Civil War over its six-week run that it's had so far. And Deadpool is now like $336 domestic as well. So they wouldn't be entirely happy with it.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So I'd imagine this is like Justice League, it's like a year and a half away or something like that, maybe two years, I don't know. Here's our new plan. All movie tickets are going to be $47 to the next one. That being said, I was reading- And you don't pay, you're That being said, I was reading some stuff about the extended cut, which I was like, how can they kind of fix the stuff that I don't particularly like?
Starting point is 00:03:53 I didn't hate everything. But if you liked or hated everything, it's fine, it's cool, but you're wrong. If you hated everything, it's fine? Or it's not fine? If you hated everything, that's fine too. But if you loved everything, that's cool, but you're wrong,, it's fine? Or it's not fine? If you hated everything, that's fine too. Okay, cool. But if you loved everything, that's cool. But you're wrong, but it's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So one of the things that I read, I didn't go through all of it because I want to be surprised. And reading is difficult. It makes your head hurt. Just give me a pithy clip on the internet, some yellow text over the top. Absolutely, that's all you need. So fresh.
Starting point is 00:04:23 But it was Superman. You know how he gets blamed for that terrorist act at the start of the film? Yeah. Apparently, Callan Mulvey's character burns all the bodies, so it looks like there's heat vision. Right, okay. So that's one line they probably should have included. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Because otherwise you think that, well, Superman doesn't riddle people with bullets, so it probably wasn't Superman. I would have loved a scene of just Cal and Mulvey and he's just pouring petrol on bodies and he's just whistling while he works. He does look very sinister, doesn't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:54 But I would just want to see a man enjoying his job, you know? Absolutely. Even if you're a sociopath. Hey, speaking of justice and injustice. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you see they released 15 minutes of gameplay footage of that? Yeah, what did you think? It looked pretty good. I mean, it, yeah, yeah. Did you see they released 15 minutes of gameplay footage of that? Yeah, what did you think? It looked pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I mean, it looked quite bare bones. Yeah. But I guess that's A, because it's not finished yet, and B, because they want to hold on to some secrets. Definitely, yeah. But apparently, like, the big reveal of, like, the game changer is they're going to have a gear system in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 So, you know, every time you win a battle, you get an extra thumb cover or something like that. But I don't know. For gouging eyes yeah but i assumed like based on the cinematic trailer we got that it was going to be like you could switch modes and you could be armored or not all right it seems to be that it's just it's a leveling you get the gear and then in between matches you what change your load out is that a multiplayer thing or is that a uh single player that's see that's the thing like
Starting point is 00:05:42 apparently they're gonna they're there going to be some sort of... Like, if you want to play multiplayer, that's going to be the single player option. But apparently, for multiplayer, they're going to have some sort of... They haven't quite worked it out yet, but it's going to be like if you can build up your character and then kind of go into a ranked match. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Like, I guess there might be a point system where you go, okay, this person has 100 points of bonuses. We'll pit you against somebody else with 100 points of bonuses maybe. Yeah. But also if you just want to start out and play, they'll rank you somehow. Okay. Oh, but the reason I mention it is because they all have dialogue
Starting point is 00:06:13 before they start a match. Yes. And there's Gorilla Grodd versus Superman, and Superman says, I ruled this world once. I'll do it again. Oh, so that's the Injustice Superman. And Grodd says, you're a real prick. I'm a monkey.
Starting point is 00:06:27 This is ridiculous. What am I doing here? I'm a psychic monkey. He's a gorilla, but somebody will tweet you. Yeah, I know. He doesn't have a tail. He's a gorilla. I get it.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I've heard that the dialogue for that is really diverse. There's like a thousand combinations. It's better than someone turning up and going like i'll be the best and the other person goes maybe i'll be the best do you know what i mean like there's no but it's good that it's specific yeah but i mean like it looked pretty good uh i'm probably probably gonna enjoy the storyline i'm gonna enjoy the spin-off comic yeah right now it looks kind of bare bones yeah so i you know we mentioned it last week i week. I remember I didn't finish the thought. I'm pretty sure this is going to be set solely in the Injustice universe. There's going to be a plot line.
Starting point is 00:07:09 There's going to be like they're rebuilding the world plot line. But I think maybe they're going to all be like put into some sort of arena battle. Right, right. Like some sort of fire pits of apocalypse kind of scenario. Yeah, like a dark side. Like dark side or something like that. Because I think in the cinematic trailer it's like every time you go into the pit, you become a better fighter unless you die
Starting point is 00:07:28 because then you're dead. You're dead. It's not a good fighter. What's the gorilla doing here? What's the gorilla here? What's going on? What's happening? Anyway, that's my thought on that.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Great, cool. Unless I actually did say that last week, in which case. You may have. I said something different last week. Tell you what I'll do. If you did, I'll go back and I'll edit it out and i'll re-upload it great i'll definitely do it that's priority number one fantastic thank you uh also they mentioned that there'll be no invisible jet for this incarnation of wonder woman oh boo is that something that upsets you yeah well it
Starting point is 00:07:57 doesn't upset me but i mean i'd like to see you are crying quite a lot right i think that you know what i understand why they're not. I completely get it. That being said, there is a way you can do it. You can just say it's stealth, it's tech. Yeah, exactly. You don't have to say it's magic. I mean, in the Marvel Universe, everybody's got stealth technology.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's just that flippity-floppity system. Like that tile situation where the tiles all flip over and it's invisible. That's right, exactly. No, I like the idea. Just give me some comic book stuff. Just give me Invisible Jet. I like the Invisible Jet. I mean, there's been different versions over the years.
Starting point is 00:08:32 For a while, she had like a shape-shifting one. Oh, really? It was like a hair clip or something like that, and she threw it out and it kind of morphed into Invisible Jet. In the animated version, it was just a dotted line around a floating woman. Yep, that's right, if you remember correctly. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't even have to be invisible. It could just be like... It could be visible.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It could be a visible jet. But I think, like, in this world of the Kryptonian technology and what have you, you could just have kind of like a crystalline ship. Oh yeah, sure. You know, it's clearly you can see it, but it is like, somewhat transparent. I think that would work.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, definitely. So that means you can see the people in there just kind of walking around on the toilet. Yeah, exactly. Whatever they're up to. Sure. There's toilet facilities, this one. It's not even a big deal whether it's there or not, to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:15 But I think this is something that could change down the line. Yeah, and also, most versions of Wonder Woman can fly. That's right. So most versions of Wonder Woman don't really need an invisible jet. No. Or an invisible jet. No. Or a visible jet. It's like when they give the action figure of the Flash a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:09:31 He can move at superhuman speeds while he doesn't need a motorcycle. Because it's cool. Unless he thinks it's cool. Yeah, then he... Oh, boy. There we go. Look at that nerd on his motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Tyler Hoechlin, though. Is that how you pronounce it? I don't know. I've been pronouncing it Tyler Hair-clin. Let's just do that then. Hair-clin. Hair-clin. You know, I've spelt it wrong here, so this may be why.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Whatever his name is, that bloke. That guy, yeah. He's been cast as Superman in Supergirl. People were saying, we even speculated last week, Tom Welling. Well, we didn't speculate it. Other people speculated it, then we just jumped on it. We echoed that. We're like, we could do some original research,
Starting point is 00:10:06 or we could not do any research. Yeah, that's right. And Tom Welling could do with the work, I assume. No doubt. Now, this guy, and I actually just double-checked it before we started. Oh, and we'd miss out on a scene where Dean Cain and Tom Welling meet, and then they're like... You don't think that could still happen, though?
Starting point is 00:10:19 Like, maybe Tom Welling plays like a version of Cyborg Superman or something? Oh, maybe. Yeah. Okay. That's possible. Yeah. Okay. That's possible. I think it would be unlikely if this show keeps going that Tom Welling never turns up. That's true. I think that would be very odd if that didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:10:33 What was I going to say? So this guy- Oh, what if Tom Welling was Zod? No. Really? He's not sinister enough. He's got like that boyish face. Maybe that's the key though.
Starting point is 00:10:44 If he had a little goatee. That's what I'm talking about. A little pointed goatee. Or mutton chops. That would also work, I guess. But I think maybe we can get a different characterization of Zod. Boyish Zod. Boyish Zod.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Okay. Anyway, Tyler Herklin. Yeah, he nearly, well, not nearly. He was rumored to be Batman at one point. Oh, he was on that list. Yeah, one point. Oh, he was on that list. Yeah, yeah. On that list with Armie Hammer. I mean, everybody was on that list.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah. So, I just wonder how far that actually got in. Armie Hammer. Yep. A box of Almond Hammer. Baking soda. Baking soda, I know what it is. Surely that's the origin of his name.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I don't know. It's got to be, right? I guess, yeah. I mean, it doesn't have to be, but. I mean, it's weird that it's a. It's got to be, right? I guess, yeah. I mean, it doesn't have to be, but... But I mean, it's weird that it's a... It's a weird name in general. It's one of those names that would pop up like on Facebook, like somebody's made a list of funny names.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Right, right, yeah. And then it's a box of baking soda next to it. It was like... Do you think people called him Soda in high school? He's pretty big. Yeah, okay, that's true. Maybe his jock mates maybe called him that. in high school he's pretty big yeah okay maybe he's maybe his jock mates maybe yeah i called him that yeah yeah i know it's a bit of i don't maybe not i don't
Starting point is 00:11:50 think teens are up with baking soda brands i guess that's probably true all right if he grew up in the 30s yeah they would have called him soda definitely yeah what do you think of the casting anyway it looks good it looks good enough do you think because every photo i've seen of him he's got he's got the five o'clock shadow. Right, right, yeah. Do you think they're going to leave that in? No. Oh, depending on what the state of him is when he turns up. Drunk.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Then yes, flicking peanuts at a bar like Superman 3. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but it's possible. It depends on what version we're getting here. Like how far has he been? How long has he been Superman? Has he been on Earth much? Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:24 What is all this? What if his trick in this is the reason nobody recognizes him? As Clark Kent, he's got the stubble. Right, right. Heat visions it off. Superman grows it back real fast when he becomes Clark Kent again. Just tenses his face. Just really make it really irritating for him and the makeup artist.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Continuity. And the continuity guy and the people who have to like arrange the shooting schedule yeah yeah that would be good that would be great i tell you what having a heavy and he rocks it he rocks up one day and he's like here we go freshly shaved superman scene and they're like none of this is clark kent's scene he's like oh they they have to like they have to open the box of stubble in a can. It's just glue and shaved dog hair. They just put the glue on it and just throw a fistful at him.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah, whatever hits. I mean, shaved dog hair does make you cool. As long as you don't think about it. Don't think about it. So we've got some people rumoured to have, or maybe confirmed, I think so, actually to have joined the Spider-Man Homecoming movie, which is due out next year Martin Starr
Starting point is 00:13:26 one of them that's right love him Party Down Silicon Valley which you not really into I steadfastly refused to watch
Starting point is 00:13:33 that's so good you know what the first couple episodes didn't grab me I'll come back I really really enjoy it what is good about it though it's very funny
Starting point is 00:13:39 it's got it's a lot of things are very funny this podcast other things are certainly funny. This podcast, other things. That's certainly funny. This podcast is certainly a combination of funny and informative. What levels?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Who's to say? That's up to you, the listener. If you've never heard a joke before and you've never heard of any of the things we mention on this podcast, it's funny and informative. It's probably like when you see the remake of Robocop before you see the original and you're like, this is a pretty good idea. This is an A+. This is not an A+.
Starting point is 00:14:11 What are we doing? Martin Star. Yeah, it's great. And it's really, I like the kind of insight into the tech world and they kind of take the piss out of it and all that. It's cast really well. I know you should watch it. The other one was Logan Marshall Green,
Starting point is 00:14:25 who you might remember as Ryan's brother from the OC. No. I don't remember any of the names you just said, and I don't remember that character. Okay, he was the guy who... Was he in Phantom Planet? Because that's the only thing I remember. I remember the theme song.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I remember that. And then Adam Brody was in Thank You for Smoking. Was he? Yeah. Oh, cool. Was he like the up-and-coming Thank You for Smoking. Was he? Yeah. Oh, cool. Was he like the up-and-coming Thank You for Smoking guy? Yeah, kind of, yeah. Okay, I like that movie.
Starting point is 00:14:49 He was also in Prometheus. He's the guy who David puts- Wait, Adam Brody or the other guy? No, the other guy. Okay, great. David puts the alien goo in his drink and then he's like- Oh, I don't remember what he looks like. He looks like the poor man's Tom Hardy.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Oh, okay, sure. Yeah, yeah. He's actually pretty good. So like everybody in the CW. Yes. Great. And the other one. Okay, sure. Yeah, yeah. He's actually pretty good. So like everybody in the CW. Yes. Great. And the other one is Donald Glover. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Now people are saying- Could be Miles Morales. If he is, it's possible. But then he would be older than the current Spider-Man. He would be older. Exactly. So it would be a change to the continuity, which Marvel aren't unaccustomed to doing. I think- I'd imagine if I was them, they're thinking long-term
Starting point is 00:15:26 and they're thinking, look, as soon as the current Spider-Man maybe wants to step away in five or six years, that's when you introduce Miles Morales. Correct. So you hang on to him until you need him. That's how I would do it. Me too. If I was in charge of anything, which I'm not and never will be.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah, right. Because we're too sensible, if anything. That's right. Somebody said Robbie Robertson. You remember him. He was in the last, the first Spider-Man movies. Yeah, I know I if anything. That's right. Somebody said Robbie Robertson. You remember him. He was in the first Spider-Man movies. Yeah, I know I remember him. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:15:48 He's a guy who's like, Spider-Man's pretty good. Yeah. But it doesn't seem like a... Maybe he'll be like a cool teacher. Because he's too old now to be young Miles Morales. Correct, yes. Because he's 33, maybe. And it's too...
Starting point is 00:16:00 It would be weird if they introduced Parallel Universe. I mean, you just did a video on like a Spider-Verse series. But I think it's too, because if they introduce Parallel Universes in a Marvel Studios film. Yeah. I'd be like, that's okay. That, you know, that's a really complicated wrinkle and we'll get to that. Yeah. But if they introduced it in kind of, because Spider-Man Homecoming is still a side movie.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah. Like it's a Sony Pictures movie. Yeah, that's movie yeah with some with marvel's approval on it yeah but if you introduce parallel universes then people will be like well why haven't you put parallel universes in the i think i i think it's something i should have specified this in the video because the video was basically i'd be interested to see a toby mcguire andrew garfield um what's the new kid's name tom holland tom ho Holland. Spider-Man movie. And I should have said like- And Gwen Stacy.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yeah, and Gwen Stacy. But I should have said like three or four movies down. Yeah, okay. Because you need to establish this Spider-Man. Don't complicate it straight off the bat like Sony had the tendency to do. Sure. So I probably should have specified that. But no, that is something I would like to see.
Starting point is 00:17:02 But like they're slowly building to magic and the like right you'd slowly build to dimensions that being said you wouldn't need to introduce miles morale as in an alternate dimension you could just be like he's the up-and-coming kid spider-man i thought more in the sense of if you wanted to introduce donald glover is like an older version okay gotcha it's like i've come from a parallel universe to warn you about yeah no you're right i know i don't want to see none of that, Mason. I'm against that. Unless it's done well, in which case, I'm all for it. But in my heart, I'm against it. Do we want to talk about the Spider-Man PS4 game?
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah, well, why don't we do all that now? I've got a list of vaguely relevant announcements that we can talk about for E3. Video games are obviously not our area. That being said, let's bloody crush this. Let's knock it out of the park. Let's knock it out of the park. Let's knock it out of the park. Let's do better than every video game podcast. They're aware of things.
Starting point is 00:17:51 They're on the pulse. They've played games recently. They have all the consoles. Yep. That's it. Let's start with Batman VR. It's actually Batman Arkham. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So it's like all the VR games that were revealed. It's like a short-ish kind of chapter that you play. Now, it's set in the Arkham universe. It's rock steady. You're doing it, which is great. Okay, great. And by the sounds of the people who have played it, it's very good. You play as Batman and you're in his perspective and it's like a detective.
Starting point is 00:18:19 You've got your detective vision. Yeah, exactly, and all that. Do you think there's going to be any actual detecting, though? Because if anything, the detecting has gotten worse. Yeah, it has gotten worse yeah it has over the course of these games that's actually one thing that the was it one of the rocks that you didn't do the arkham origins they did the detective stuff quite well but i think when you rewind a crime no i remember that but i don't i don't think there was really no detecting in it like there was no gathering of clues it was just you turn on the detective vision you look at one thing yeah and then it beeps or whatever and then it points you
Starting point is 00:18:49 in the direction of and you just move to the next thing and then you just yeah no so it was it was an interesting mechanic but there was no actual i would have much preferred if see and that's the thing that's the dilemma where you want the game to flow properly. Yeah. But if you go, okay, well, here's a newspaper clipping and it mentions this person. Yeah. So now you have to go and find that character. I think maybe a lot of people would never make the link. Never make that connection, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And then that would just be stuck forever. I guess you'd have to have Alfred in your ear to be like, Master Bruce, maybe you should get your shit together. I guess maybe if you could, like if there's a clue, and it's a newspaper clipping and it mentions some mob boss or something like that, then you could just go, okay, well, now I have to go through the street, maybe find a thug and interrogate him and ask him where that person is
Starting point is 00:19:38 and then find it. But if you didn't, and you could just do that on your own, but if you didn't know, if you were stuck, you could then call Alfred and he could tell you that. Yeah, he could be like, listen, I don't mean to tell you how to do that on your own. Right. But if you didn't know, if you were stuck, you could then call Alfred and he could tell you that. Yeah, he could be like, listen, I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, mate. I'm Mr. World's Greatest Detective, but if you maybe just follow a real basic clue.
Starting point is 00:19:54 So I guess if you went into it as you might have to do some sideways thinking here and do some detecting, we're really going to focus on that. But there's help if you need it. The trailer doesn't actually tell you much. it's just like a bit of a teaser you see the cow so it's kind of like you're inside the cow or whatever but you know what also the the detecting in batman the comics isn't always great that's true a lot of the times he's found an enzyme and he goes how many puts in the computer and it's like this is from joker toxin
Starting point is 00:20:21 or whatever right there's a lot of that. Yeah, that's true. And there's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. But how does that translate into a game? What, you go home and sit in front of a computer in a virtual world? That's right. Do you know what I mean? And you connect enzymes Tetris style. Yeah. Or Bejeweled style. So how long is this game going to be?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Is it tech demo? Is it like an hour long and then it's finished? I couldn't. I don't know. That's also another thing I wonder about with these VR games. Yeah. Because a lot of them are kind of glorified tech demos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Is it just kind of... I like the idea of a snapshot game where it's a, say it's an hour or a couple of hours, but it's a really well-crafted cinematic experience. And maybe you pay $20, $30 for it as opposed to $60, $70 for a full game. I like the idea of that. But yeah, that is a concern that like a lot of this stuff, it's just kind of like Wii Sports and Wii Bowling.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It just becomes all that kind of shit. That's true. Also, have you written down Telltale are releasing a Batman game as well? Yeah, I've got that here. I've never played any of them. People constantly like to play Walking Dead, to play Game of Thrones. Fables.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Fables as well, yeah. I should. Yeah, but I mean... But I haven't. Sure, but I mean, for me, if we're talking detecting, I think if anything, this is going to be the Batman game where it's like, this isn't going to be action-paced,
Starting point is 00:21:40 this is going to be... Enzymes. Yeah, enzymes. You're pointing and you're pointing and you're clicking and you're finding enzymes another vr thing did i mention the batman returns pc game which was a point and click adventure i mentioned it last week last week i was great i say boo yeah it was it was bad now that i think about it but i mean good good on them for breaking out of the mold thanks guys yeah uh star wars vr another thing, which is to do with Battlefront,
Starting point is 00:22:06 where they were like, and there was a big Star Wars reveal, actually, which we can also briefly talk about. But you're in an X-Wing cockpit and you do an X-Wing mission. Great. That, to me, is very exciting. Trench runs. Trench runs. Mon Calamari cruises.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah, no, that's cool. That being said, I'm not going to pay... It's $399 for the VR thing, for a thing that might... Look, I think there's a very good chance VR will take off. But I didn't get the PlayStation Move because I'm like, was this really going to be anything? Right. And also you need the space.
Starting point is 00:22:38 You need the space to walk around. I guess, no, but you don't... You can sit, you can just... Yeah, you don't with Star Wars. No, I mean, and the Star Wars VR X-Wing thing, that's kind of the perfect VR experience. Would you play Star Wars VR Mos Eisley Cantina and it's just you chopping limbs off?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, or just tugging on bartender's sleeves and ordering blue milk. Yeah, definitely. There was also the Resident Evil 7. I didn't see it. I actually downloaded it because if you have PlayStation Plus or whatever it is, you get the demo. So I downloaded it.
Starting point is 00:23:10 It fucking freaks me right out, man. Oh, really? I don't play a lot of horror games. And horror games aren't really horror games anymore. The Resident Evil games are just running and gunning now. That's true. Yeah, they started off, you had... You had a weird box-shaped head.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yep. And it was Resident Evil Silent Hill. Yeah. And did you ever play Alone in the Dark? I did. I know it. Many years. I think it was rebooted a couple of times recently.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah, not well. Yeah. But, I mean, they started out as you were one person against all these monsters and you had to run and hide more than anything. And now they've just been... Now they're just like, you're fighting zombies and they've got anything. And now they've just been, they're just like, you're fighting zombies and they've got rocket launchers on them. Save the president's daughter.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Exactly, yeah. That's from 4. That 4 kind of changed that. But 4 I thought was a really good balance of horror and action. And then 5 and 6 were just like madness. 5 was the one in Africa? Yes. 5 was the one where you fight the giant bat.
Starting point is 00:24:02 A flying slug bat thing. Yeah, I remember that one. I played that one. you fight the giant bat. A flying slug bat thing. You don't remember that one. I played that one. Yeah, that thing. So the demo, like, it's first person, and you wake up in this creepy house, and, you know. Oh, it's first person. It's first person, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:15 It's VR, man. Yeah, I get it. But I don't have VR, so I just use my television. But I'm walking through this house, and there's a bit where you walk up the stairs. So when you turned your head, you just saw, like, pot plants. That's right, yeah. Dishes.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Great. That adds to the ambiance of it. Certainly. Oh, look at this resolution on this pot plant. It's almost like I could touch it. Put this in my inventory. Walking around with a pot plant. Stuff it in your pants.
Starting point is 00:24:39 So I walked up this set of stairs and there's mannequins. There's like three mannequins against the wall. And I went to the table and had a look around. I turned around and one of them had moved. So I was standing right in front of me. And I nearly hit the fucking roof, man. Like, see, I just did not. Maybe I'm just, I was playing it late at night or whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Like, it was a cool demo. Oh, yeah. Lots of excuses as to why you're a freddy cat. I think I'm just a freddy cat. Maybe I am. But no, it was very cinematic and very, very kind of, not cinematic. It was just very creepy. And is this a change in tone from all the last year?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Yeah. It's not like any of the other Resident Evil games that we've had. You didn't have a gun? No. You pick up an axe, a hatchet, but you can't really do anything with it. Is this the same team that's done the last Resident Evil? I believe so, yeah. Because do you remember when Hideo Kojima, the Metal Gear Solid guy-
Starting point is 00:25:24 That's what we can talk about he was going to do a Silent Hills game yes it was him and Guillermo del Toro were going to collaborate there was a Norman Reedus
Starting point is 00:25:33 was going to be in it that's right there was a demo that was released yes and it was this weird mysterious it was set in a house
Starting point is 00:25:41 it was very reminiscent of that yeah and it was like here's the reveal it's going to be silent hills and then it's like actually we're not doing it anymore yeah because kojima got fired yeah even uh konami konami are notoriously terrible with staff like they are just a horrendous place to work by all accounts sure uh so they i don't know they had a massive falling out but hideo kojima's now with sony okay and there was it sony and he's doing death standing which is like his new norman reedus is
Starting point is 00:26:10 in it there was a trailer release where he's not actually norman reedus or norman actually norman reedus because he was going to do the last one yeah okay canceled and he's holding a baby and he's naked i don't i don't understand it it was trailer. Right. Yeah, I guess I'm excited for that. People love his storytelling. I think it's confusing. Hideo Kojima. They do, but at the same time. He's good at crafting a world.
Starting point is 00:26:31 He's good at crafting a weird, problematic world, I think. Like, there's some weird stuff in those games. Yeah, sure. There's some very odd things. Yeah. But he's responsible for some terrific leaps forward in gameplay. I mean, you look at all the stuff that the metal gear solid gear that gear games did for you know for stealth and shooting and all that kind of
Starting point is 00:26:50 stuff that's true yeah and like naked raidans running around the that's true yeah compound or yeah uh yeah south park the fractured butthole yes you watched the trailer for that it's like a civil war-esque and i'm like oh the fractured butthole and you. You watched the trailer for that. It's like a Civil War-esque. And I'm like, oh, the fractured butthole. And you're like, what? I didn't even twig at all. But now that I'm reading it right in front of you because I wrote it down, I'm like, of course, I can't believe I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:27:15 But it's not a clever joke, surely. It's a pretty good joke, Mason. Well, it is subtle. Yeah. Gets past those senses. Got past me. So there's been a last South Park game, the Stick of Destiny.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Destiny, yeah. Yeah, which was very well received. And this is like a spin-off. Wait, Stick of Truth. Stick of Truth, sorry, yeah. I think a pick of Destiny. That's actually me. This one is like a-
Starting point is 00:27:39 This is their take on superheroes. Yes, their civil war, their Marvel universe. A lot of people have sent through that, you know, the whiteboard of all the ideas. Oh, sure, yeah. Spinoff movies, solo movies, teen movies, Netflix series and all that. Yeah. This isn't something that I will play.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yep. But, you know, it looks fun. Is that so? At this point, what of South Park is like CG footage and what is hand done? Do you know? I don't know if they hand do any of it anymore. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I don't think there'd be no point in doing that. That would be the long road. And the speed in which they turn every episode. Churn is always a bad. Yeah, I know. You're going to say churn. I said churn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 When was the last time you watched an episode of South Park? A long time. That being said, whenever I see it, I do enjoy it. I just, I always forget when it's on. Yeah, but it might, because this particular trailer, does this represent in-game footage? Yes. It does, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah, yeah. And is it being generated as we watch it, or is it? I couldn't tell you. I didn't think it would really matter. Because the last one looked exactly like the show. Yeah, and I've seen, from the gameplay that I've seen of this, it also looks. Okay. What is the gameplay?
Starting point is 00:28:48 You know, it's kind of an RPG, but it's sort of semi-Sidesquallery, but you can kind of go into the foreground. All right, cool. Yeah, and you create a new character. Do they have actual superpowers, or are they just... No, I don't know. Maybe, but I don't think so. Throwing plungers around and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, all that bizzare. Xbox is doing a thing. Project Scorpio or Scorpion or something? I don't have an. Throwing plungers around and stuff. Yeah, all that bizzo. Xbox is doing a thing. Project Scorpio or Scorpion or something? I don't have an Xbox. I didn't watch the conference. What are they doing? I think soon nobody's going to have an Xbox. Because, I mean, the number one thing is that they're going to do...
Starting point is 00:29:16 Cross-platform. Cross-platform. So it's if you have a PC, you can run all the Xbox games on it. Yeah, which is something they were very much against in the past. And they're going to release Xbox controllers that you can run all the Xbox games on it. Yeah, which is something they were very much against in the past. And they're going to release Xbox controllers that you can use on your PC without a dongle. They're just Bluetooth controlled. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:29:33 People have been saying that PS4 sales are so... They're so far ahead of Xbox that Microsoft's like, well, we've kind of lost the console war here. Right, right. For this generation anyway. So we're just going to force Windows 10 on everybody. I've been fighting that battle for months.
Starting point is 00:29:50 You mentioned that earlier. Yeah, right. Constant updates. Yeah. And what... I don't want Windows 10. Yeah, right. I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah. My computer worked perfectly. Leave me alone. Yeah. Anyway, so go on. That's all I have. Well, and they're doing a slim console as well. That's right, yeah. And go on that's all i have well and they're doing project scorpio doing a slim console as well that's right yeah and i know there's a big push this is what i
Starting point is 00:30:10 really like this where you can play any xbox game yeah okay sure like that's something i mean many ways you can play any xbox game you just purchase the xbox that's required and the game and then you play it xbox so they shot themselves in the foot at the very start of this console launch when they said you can't share games you can't you can't share games and your every tv's or yeah i'm just always looking at you it's all yeah you're always being watched yeah yeah like um that did they reversed that feel like how how dare you want to share a game with one of your friends yeah and especially because everybody if you can't somebody will crack it and people will do it anyway.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yep. Why not encourage sharing, encourage community and all those kinds of things? Right. Encourage like playing with your friends and whatever. And you'll be like, well, I'm lending this to my friend and you can't play it. So they'll be like, oh, maybe I'll just buy it and whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah. But if you can crack it and copy it, everybody will do that. Most games that I borrow, I won't buy. But I'll be like, yeah, I'd try that, but I don't want to drop 70 bucks on it. Was there any PlayStation release news? Yeah, there was a bunch of stuff. Firstly, New Zelda game.
Starting point is 00:31:12 People are excited for that. He's back. I haven't played one in a long time. Breath of the Wind. Or Breathe of the Wind. Breathe of the Wind. Okay, sure. He's back, that green-clad bard Zelda.
Starting point is 00:31:23 He's back in a big way. at him go good old zelda on another adventure king of the forest is zelda good on him they uh so what a legend of zelda that guy god of war's back but it looks kind of more tomb raider-esque it's like a third person he's been rebooted. Sort of. Okay. Because it's the same Kratos because he's got the scar from where he got that bloody sword through him. Okay. A lot of them.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I dropped off the God of War games mostly because a lot of people say this Kratos is very unpleasant. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Because he's just rage. Yeah. And initially that's kind of interesting and fun but he kind of peters off because yeah like why is he still so angry if the rage never subsides if there's never any moments where you break the tension and it's kind of and this one though is north norse mythology did you ever play
Starting point is 00:32:16 asura's wrath no okay what is that it was like this guy it was like um a point and click 90s game yeah no it was on it was on like 360 and ps3 and it was like uh it was this mix of like it was very anime style and it was this mix of like super high tech yeah and like uh like eastern mythology like kind of uh buddhist and indian and all that sort of stuff and the world was amazing but the game game was. The game was just like, and the storyline was really good. Yeah. Ish. For a game.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yeah, for a game. But it was like, where you were this guy and you ran around, you shot a whole bunch of foot soldiers and you build up your rage meter. Right, right. And then you'd fight a guy and you just hit, it was just quick time events. And it was broken up into episodes. It was kind of like watching an anime yeah but they wouldn't let you progress to the next episode of the anime unless you just button
Starting point is 00:33:11 mash in front of your tv it was kind of like that but it was like these set pieces of like like the the the set piece is really good like at one point you fight this demigod who keeps getting bigger like he starts out sort of similar to you and then he's like the size of a house and then at one point he's like the size of the moon and he's kind of like like he just he's floating above the earth and he just pushes like one of his fingers like down in the atmosphere to crush you and it's like and it's like glowing red hot because he's going through the atmosphere with it and it like it all the ideas were really good but game wise was just yeah anyway that sounds like it would have been better ideas were really good but game wise was just meh yeah anyway that sounds like it would have been better as a series exactly right yeah that was capcom right because
Starting point is 00:33:50 at one point there's like a crossover you fight a king yeah you fight yeah right uh but yeah i'm i'm excited because kratos has a son yep and i'm excited to see a different little kratos little kratos um i just i'm excited to see a different... Little Kratos. Little Kratos. I'm excited to see a different version of that. And this is a God of War game. I didn't play the last one. It was like a prequel.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I was just like, I can't do that anymore. But this one, I will definitely... I actually got the PlayStation 3 because of God of War. Is your son like a bonus character? I think he's a little healthy, healthy guy. Okay, sure. I think he's there for most of the game. So you can command him to go and fight the fiery demon horse or whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:30 and then you go and fight a different horse. Okay, sure. The regular horse. You know what's always great? Bloody CPU-controlled characters. That being said, it's changed. Like you look at Last of Us, a lot of games do it really, really well. But some games do it very poorly still.
Starting point is 00:34:44 But Santa Monica Studios, the God of games do it really, really well. But some games do it very poorly still. But Santa Monica Studios, who do God of War, they're a great studio. It's not something that concerns me. They'll do it well. They do good games. They do ever clear albums. We got our last Guardian release date in October. Games have been coming for like eight years.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I was going to say, I remember trailers for that years ago. I assumed that game had come out and we were done with it. No, that's a good one. Game of the Speed coming for like eight years. I was going to say, I remember that. I remember trailers for that years ago. I assumed that game had come out and we were done with it. No, no. Is that the, that's the people that did Shadow of the Colossus. Yes, which is amazing. I love that game. Yeah. So apparently by the people who played it, it's very-
Starting point is 00:35:18 And Ico Eco. Yeah, one of those. Right. Yeah. Ho Chillin. Great. Apparently it's very, it plays like a last generation game because it is yeah you know they didn't finish it before the last generation finished up that's
Starting point is 00:35:31 right there was a lot of like creative people falling on and off and is this the new duke nukem forever i i don't think it can i'll i'll be getting it okay but i don't think it'll live up to expectations okay so i'll just bear that in mind. What about a VR Shadow of the Colossus? I don't know. How would you do the climbing? Don't know. Yeah. It's not for me to determine.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It's for the boffins over at whatever that company's called. Yeah. The massive reveal, probably the most exciting thing, for me anyway, is the Insomniac Spider-Man game. Yeah, it looks good. PlayStation 4 exclusive, which a few people are annoyed about. But-Man game. Yeah, it looks good. PlayStation 4 exclusive which a few people are annoyed about. But it's Sony.
Starting point is 00:36:09 What are they going to do? It's Sony, exactly. That's basically the reason. That's not to say that maybe it will eventually become a PC or an Xbox title because that happens. But for the moment,
Starting point is 00:36:19 yeah, just PlayStation. Now, I would say the number one concern, well, I mean, there'd be two concerns. Right. One is, what is the web swinging like? Yes. Because you want to have good web swinging. All I want someone to say is,
Starting point is 00:36:29 look, the web swinging is Spider-Man 2. Right. Did I say web swinging or web swinging? Web swinging. Yeah, so is the web swinging good? Yeah. Is it free-flowing? Does it make you feel like you are Spider-Man?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yep. And the number two concern is the costume. Yes. Because it's a new costume. As far as I know, we've never seen this in a comic book or a cartoon or a movie or anything like that. I think it looks good. I don't think it matters. I think you're going to be able to re-skin him.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Oh, exactly. There'll be classic Spider-Man. You'll be able to do Scarlet Spider. You'll be able to wear a sleeveless hoodie. That's right. Exactly. No, you're right. Maybe that's something like a component you can change very early on in the game.
Starting point is 00:37:05 True, maybe. Maybe it's not. I don't can change very early on in the game. True, maybe. Who knows? Maybe it's not. I don't care. If it plays well, I don't care. Exactly. Maybe. And because he's got the Civil War eyeshutters.
Starting point is 00:37:11 He does, yeah. So you might meet Tony Stark and he's like, hey, here's your new suit, that kind of thing. Yeah, that's right. I really like the song. I am always a big, maybe more so recently, but I'm a big fan of when they tweak a costume a little bit. Like even with the Marvel movies, they change Captain America's costume every time, they change Iron Man's suit every time.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I like it. You like Superman removing his underwear? I mean, sensually. I like him removing it. Yeah, look, sometimes that design works. But live action underpants are always very strange. Yeah, I can't argue with that. But I really like the design.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, okay. It's got the web spinnerets on the gloves. Looks good. I saw, I'll follow this, Insomniac who did like a... I really like the 90s Spider-Man costume, the Ben Reilly one. Yeah, I like that one too. It became the Spider-Girl costume. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah, Insomniac, they did the Resistance games, which I enjoyed. They did an open world driving game recently. Apparently, this is an older Spider-Man. It's not connected to the cinematic universe. And all the Marvel games which are going to be rolling out, this is the first of apparently many rumoured, they're in their own universe and they're not tied to the movies. Is it a shared universe, though?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, I think it would be. If they, say, do a new Iron Man game, would it be in this Spider-Man universe? I would imagine so. I don't know. This is just the rumor. Yeah. But that's the way.
Starting point is 00:38:36 There's been so many terrible Marvel tie-in games. Yes. Most of them, except for Captain America. Correct. Which is pretty good. Like, the Thor's terrible. There's, like, three Iron Man Man games and they're all bad. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Like they're just, Sega, Sega, whatever you call them, they did them all and they're pretty much all crap from all accounts. Yes. And I feel part of the reason for that is that they have such a limited time to make them. That's exactly right. Because they can't go, okay, I was recently on an episode of Filthy Casuals, a video games podcast,
Starting point is 00:39:06 and I said pretty much the same thing. That is, people should go and listen to that because they have some A3 thoughts this week. That's very good. Probably better than ours. Almost certainly. If you can believe it. Yeah, I know, right?
Starting point is 00:39:15 But if Marvel go, okay, there's going to be another Captain America movie in two years, they can't give all the details of that movie to the video game company and say, work off this script and put in all these action set pieces because invariably somebody will leak that yeah or the code will be released on the internet and all of a sudden you know the entire plot of the next captain america movie so they basically wait until the movie's nearly finished then go you've got two months yeah what do you got what do you got see what you got and then you have to
Starting point is 00:39:43 build levels around specific things from the movie. Right. Exactly. And apparently the developers of all these games, which are rumored to be coming out, they're excited by the freedom that you get when you can just go like, do whatever you want. That's why the Arkham games are great.
Starting point is 00:39:57 That's right. Because it's sort of the cartoon version, but a darker version. There's elements from the movies. There's elements from the comics. Throw in whatever you want. And it worked out. There's a good chance that. There's elements from the comics. Throw in whatever you want and it worked out. There's a good chance
Starting point is 00:40:07 that I think this will be the Arkham kind of Spider-Man game. Okay. Yeah. Good chance. Not 100% but I'm positive. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I'm feeling positive about it. Folks, note down he's made another grand proclamation about what is going to be good or great. Let's see what happens. I'm feeling positive. What do you think
Starting point is 00:40:24 the fighting system is going to be like? I think it's going to be like the Ark. Let's see what happens. I'm feeling positive. What do you think the fighting system is going to be like? I think it's going to be like the Arkham system, but more jumpy. Okay. What have the previous Spider-Man fighting game systems been like? Shit house. Even in Spider-Man 2, it's very clunky. Okay. Because in this trailer you see like Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:40:41 and he webs up a guy and then he flips over the guy and he lifts the guy off the ground and he smashes him into the roof of the building. How would that have played out in like one of the previous Spider-Man games? It'd be like A, A, jump, B, A, A. I hate those. Yeah, exactly. So I think it'll be much clearer than that. Also you see a guy
Starting point is 00:40:58 like web a guy out of a car and he... Like you do that in the old Spider-Man games but a lot of the time it's just a quick time event and you end up doing it a thousand times. You also see Spider-Man pick up like an air conditioning unit with a web and hit a guy in the face with it. That guy's definitely dead. But yeah, like I would want to feel like Spider-Man in those games.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I would want maybe you've got a button for webbing, you hit him with the webbing, and then you've got a measure of control of what you do there. Right, right, yeah. Like then you pull back on the stick and he lifts the guy off the ground and then you turn right and then he spins him or what have you like if it's just aaby or whatever that doesn't feel no i agree it feels clunky and you have to memorize you i as someone who's not a very good memorizer yeah i'm not a combo guy like that i don't want to have to memorize a long screen of buttons to make
Starting point is 00:41:44 something happen i want to feel like i'm long screen of buttons to make something happen. I want to feel like I'm Spider-Man and go, okay, well, I've hit him with the web. What would Spider-Man do now? He'd pull back. Yeah, if you hit Punch, maybe he pulls him in and you hit him in the face. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Right, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. We know what's up. We know exactly how to make video games. Video game designers just make games the way we want and then I'll play them in a year's time when they're cheap.
Starting point is 00:42:05 The last thing I want to talk about, I we're we're missing a lot of stuff but uh the the game that ended the playstation conference was called what was it um days gone zombie game okay and it was weird because they showed the trailer for it early on and then they ended with gameplay and it was like spilling over world war z zombies like hundreds and it looked pretty cool. But everyone was like, that's a weird game to end on, especially because you revealed it earlier. Right. And the rumor is that Rockstar were going to turn up.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Oh, I heard about this, right? Yeah. And reveal the new Red Dead. But because of the shooting, they thought it would be in poor taste. Which shooting specifically Orlando. Yeah, that's right. There's been a lot this week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So I can understand why they didn't turn up. I also don't begrudge anybody that would and just presses on with what they were doing. That's a call that I wanted to make. Because it's the video game industry. They're not the government. No, exactly. They don't have to address it.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And 99% of, more than that, 99.999% of people who play video games are just playing video games. That's right, yeah. So they don't have to address it yeah yeah and 99% of more than that 99.99% of people who play video games are just playing video games that's right yeah so they don't have to you know no but I can understand because there would have been backlash like the media would be like video games are killing kids or whatever right it's not and it's because because it's a it would be good if that were the case because then there'd be an off switch right let's not get political but if if video games were causing violent behavior you could just ban video games and then and that would be great but that's not the reason what was this other game days gone yeah zombies zombies okay it's
Starting point is 00:43:35 got the dude from the force unleashed as the main guy it's like you're in a bikey gang but then there's a zombie apocalypse do you think that's just because they had his character model left over from something else do you think i bought it from the Force Unleashed guys? That's probably been a bit dated by now. That's true. But it's possible. Anything's possible, Mason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Not anything. I guess it's kind of like the same people who do superhero movies keep showing up again and again because they know how to work with green screens. Right, right. They've gotten this guy
Starting point is 00:43:59 because he knows how to wear a ping pong ball thing on his head. Ooh. Exactly. He is. He's good. And he's a great voice actor as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:06 What's his name? Can't remember. I'm looking it up, his name. Force Unleashed actor. He has the voice of the Emperor in Rebels and stuff. It's quite diverse. It says Jimmy Smits. It's not Jimmy Smits.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Sam Witwer. There we go, yeah. He's great. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 00:44:41 FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Okay, Mason, we're going to talk about Warcraft before that. We've hopefully done... Did you just refer to it as Warcraft? That's what I heard.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Really? Yeah. I didn't mean to say that. We've got an Independence Day commentary, hopefully. Yeah. It should be up right now. It's in the description.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Independence Day is coming out this week. We'll be doing an episode next week independence day resurgence sorry correct so if you want to check out the other one the 1996 classic 20 years today yep that's right this very day yeah so um we haven't done it yet but i'm sure it's great oh yeah if you're patreon it's there you you it's already available um you could also If you're a Patreon, it's there. It's already available. You can also just go to Bandcamp. You can pay like a buck or two bucks or whatever it is and download it. Or you can just play it from there for free.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Do whatever you want. Yeah. We don't care, man. All you can do, some people do, just listen to it and not watch the movie. Yeah. We get a lot of people saying that. That's right. We get two things at this podcast, more than you'd think we'd get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Number one is I listen to your audio commentaries without watching the movie. Yeah. And I still had a pretty good time, so that's good. And also, hey, guys, if you listen to your podcast at half speed, you're going to sound drunk. Why does that keep happening? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I don't understand, right? I couldn't tell you. But keep doing it. However you like to listen to it. Thank you. Whatever bloody gets you through. As long as you're subscribing at bloody regular speed. I couldn't tell you. However you like to listen to it. Thank you. Whatever bloody gets you through. As long as you're subscribing at bloody regular speed. You know it, mate.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Leave a five-star review at double speed, mate. Double speed. Double the speed. Get into it. So we find this on Warcraft this week because it just came out here. Yes, we did. A week later than it was everywhere else in the world. We're going to go spoiler-free than spoilers.
Starting point is 00:46:22 We don't have a hell of a lot to say. Good thing E3 happened thank god but you know I have some thoughts and you also have some thoughts I have some thoughts also but before you get to the thoughts Mason what do you think the story was
Starting point is 00:46:34 oh no alright so let me get my bearings we need a theme tune for what do you think the plot was alright so so Let me get my bearings. We need a theme tune for what do you think the plot was. Right. All right. So.
Starting point is 00:46:48 It should be just. Okay. So there's a world of orcs. Yeah. I think it's another world. It's not another dimension. Right. But they have.
Starting point is 00:46:56 There's magic called the fell. It's like an evil green magic and it's ruined the world. Yeah. Of orcs. Of orcs. And so they need another planet to call home. And so the evil head of the orcs, who's an orc and also a wizard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:11 He. A wiz-orc. He's a wiz-orc. He has decided to, his plan is to open up a portal to the good guy's planet. Yep. The name of which is Azeroth. Azeroth, yeah. Azeroth.
Starting point is 00:47:23 And in order to use this magic, in order to open the portal, they have to sacrifice a lot of lives. Yes. And so they've only got enough lives on hand to send a few orc warriors through the portal. Yeah. And then once they have defeated all the good guys on the other side of the portal, they will sacrifice a whole bunch more lives.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yep. And they'll open up the portal and all the orcs will come through. It'd be an orc-opalypse. It'd be pretty awkward for humanity. Definitely. Yeah, so anyway. But maybe there's good guys and bad guys on both sides. Maybe there's good guys on both sides, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Interesting dynamic. That's very, very interesting. What did you think of the movie in general? Look, it took a really long time to get started, I felt. There was half an hour. But that's the thing. I went out on Twitter last night and I asked listeners, the weekly wackadoos, the listeners of our show,
Starting point is 00:48:15 if you're a big fan of Warcraft and World of Warcraft, what do you think of the lore of this movie? Did they do a good job with it? Yes. Was it accurate? Was it faithful? Was it faithful, yeah. Or what they changed, were you okay with it?
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah, yeah. And for the most, most people said they changed some things for the better. Like they streamlined it. Yeah. Like, you know, they took some of the stuff that, you know, was much further on in the game world and they just put it in at the start. Sure, yeah. Most people were like, this movie was quite accurate yeah yeah as far as that went but i but in the end i and i should have asked this a follow-up question which was
Starting point is 00:48:52 if you didn't know anything about warcraft like what what would you feel about the opening the you know opening sequences and the the character development stuff like that as somebody who doesn't know anything about warcraft i felt that there was a lot of nothing at the start but i guess if you knew a lot about warcraft you would have been like oh it's that character it's that character and that it's this event and it's this place yeah i also didn't get for me it was quite difficult to determine where things were happening right right because at the start we got a lot of locations yep and we got we got a lot of characters a lot of of locations. And I was like, where are these taking place? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Are these next to each other? Are they a really long way away? Yeah, yeah. I don't know. I found at the start, first of all, the opening is in one of the trailers. It's just an orc and a human. And apparently it's inspired by Sergio Leone. Oh.
Starting point is 00:49:40 It's just an orc and a human facing off each other. I think that guy's Callan Mulvey. You mentioned that at the time. you yelled it really loud in cinema out the patron saint of this podcast correct uh i thought that was a really exciting opening and then i too that was quite creative yeah we've done what was that movie i was dracula untold where where there was an action sequence filmed from sword point do you remember that it was real bad but anyway it was an interesting idea this that was quite creative this yeah this opening sequence uh but and then it cuts to the orc stuff and the orc stuff for this entire movie i found really really engaging i felt like
Starting point is 00:50:16 they were really well designed with these the orc character designs i think they in terms of you know they they looked for the most part, they looked quite real. Yeah, yeah. And they did the eyes well, which is a key point for CGI characters generally. I felt initially that they had a lot of weight to them. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Like in their initial appearance, in the initial battle, there's an initial sort of an ambush situation between orcs and humans early on. And I felt they had a lot of weight to them. They felt like very threatening. Like one hit and you'd hit every bone in your body. Yeah, like these monstrous kind of, like these kind of, like, you know, flying boulder kind of characters where if you were hit by them,
Starting point is 00:50:56 you splintered into a million pieces, you know, you're done. But I felt as the movie progressed, that became less and less threatening. They became, everybody became more cannon fodder. Yeah, yeah. They lost a lot of physical weight to them. I don't know. And a bit of that, I think, has to do with one of the lead guys figures out that you don't match them strength to strength.
Starting point is 00:51:15 You have speed as the advantage. Right, sure. Because they can't turn the way that you can turn and that a human can turn, I should say. No, I found the Orc characters far more engaging than the human characters. Yes. I thought the Orc characters were much better cast. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:30 In general, especially the lead Orc played by Toby Kebbell. And I like the stakes of his because he's got this child coming to the world and he's just trying to find a home for his family. I found all that very, very interesting. But then it kind of cuts to the human side of it and that's where it sort of started to lose me a bit in terms of there was like a 10 minute conversation with a wizard and and i remember we just like turned to each other one point like
Starting point is 00:51:57 what is happening what is going on yeah and i again i know it's because i'm not a massive fan of these properties i don't know the world yep and uh but to me it was because I'm not a massive fan of these properties. I don't know the world. Yep. But to me, it was like, I'm a bit confused by what all this is. Who's this paladin guy? What's his job? Where's he been? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:14 What can he do? What can any of them do? What's the monarchy in this world? That's true. And they sort of explain it as it goes. But initially, I'm like, this is a lot of information I don't know. And it's also a problem with this kind of movie is that there's a magic system in place, but you don't know what any of the, anybody, like you don't know what people's power levels are.
Starting point is 00:52:31 That being said, they did a good job of pretty much basically going green magic is bad. Blue magic is good. Sure. So that was a good visual distinction to make. It's like in Star Wars, like, you know who the bad guys are because the lightsabers and whatever. So that I didn't mind. But yeah, it's, it's a bit kind of it was a bit like what can these guys kind of do yeah yeah here's a here's a question for you and the listener sure the one
Starting point is 00:52:56 listener we have our weekly whacker to do terry hey terry it's good to good to hear from you mate i always feel warcraft is a very like it's quite campy, but it's like it's quite irreverent. Yeah. Like the, I remember playing, I only ever played Warcraft 2. Right. But it was very, like all the designs are kind of silly. Yeah. And, you know, all the orcs and humans have funny little things to say and they're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:53:24 and I, as I understand it, that inherent like, it's, and I, I, as I understand it, that inherent campiness is not in that silliness. The irreverence hasn't really gone away. Like it's, it's more grim and grittier, but there's all kind of, everybody's still kind of not taking it that seriously. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Right. Yeah. But this movie is very earnest. Yeah. This is, it's taking itself very seriously. What do you reckon about that? Did it work?
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yes. and no, because I just think, honestly, it just wasn't, the human side wasn't cast that well. Like the king... It's Dominic Cooper, nice guy. That doesn't work at all. He didn't feel...
Starting point is 00:53:57 He was kind of tiny. Yeah, he didn't feel regal or... He had a weird haircut. Yeah. Also, I think, when I think also of Warcraft, I think, and it's a different franchise but i think they're very similar in their origins i think of you know
Starting point is 00:54:08 warhammer right right where all the all the human characters are also huge create huge monster creatures yeah like i feel they have the same source material they're not you know they're obviously not the same franchise but yeah like these guys were just kind of i wanted some more like monstrous men i don't know what's going on there. So what about the Ragnar Lothbrok as the main guy, the guy from Vikings? He always seemed drunk. He's a bit like that. He's Australian.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Okay. He's a bit kind of slurry. You're saying the actor is quite drunk. Yeah, definitely. Okay. No, but that's kind of his acting kind of... I could see they were kind of going for this Aragorn kind of thing, and he didn't quite get there.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I think he did okay. Unhinged. The young kid wizard. Yeah. He looked like a kid from a Disney show or something. Didn't buy him? Not really, no. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And you know what? I saw him in an interview and like, you look older and more wizardy in real life than you did in the movie. Maybe it was the little moustache. Yeah, okay. Whatever. I don't know what was going on. Did you buy Ben Foster as the ultimate,
Starting point is 00:55:08 this guardian character who's been helping the human world for generations or whatever it is? Not as much as I would have liked to. He did okay. But the thing about Ben Foster is he's quite good at sinking into a role. Have you ever seen him in 30 Days of Night? He plays this real creepy kind of loner.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yep, he's also good in 310 to Yuma. 310 to Yuma, exactly. He can do that. But this, I don't know if it was exactly suited to him. I didn't entirely buy, first of all, his motivations. Yep. Like he'd been, oh, wait, spoilers? No, no, I think we've still got a little bit more to say.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Okay, fine. You can talk around it. Let's see you talk around something. Here go what am i what am i doing yeah yeah i wasn't his motivations to me weren't entirely clear yeah or he didn't convey that or maybe i just didn't pick up on it see that's the thing like i feel that he's kind that that character is supposed to be quite a conflicted character as to what his motivations are he's being pulled in different directions and i think if you were familiar with the character from the games yeah you'd be like oh obviously the way he's acting is because of these reasons but if you don't know you're just like what are you what are you doing mate come on
Starting point is 00:56:14 yeah uh let's talk kellen mulvey was that him look it didn't it didn't is he listed as uncredited uncredited cameo couldn't tell you yeah. Yeah, okay. Let's talk special effects then. Okay, let's do it. Orcs generally good, especially face stuff. Yep, uh-huh. They did all that mo-capture stuff, like a lot of it was in frame or whatever. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:35 You know, you can shoot... Because it used to be like that you'd film something and it'd just be like Braden Fraser kicking a room full of nothing and then they'd put in mummies around him or whatever. But this is all, you know, it's like Planet of the Apes. Everybody's there. But there are no real sets in this movie.
Starting point is 00:56:50 There are, but then it feels like they go away towards the end of the movie. Yes. A lot of green screen. If we're talking effects, I definitely felt like things got... There was less and less detail, I as the yeah as it progressed like up there we were talking you know the the orcs look great yeah especially early on when there's some emoting right there's scenes later on where there's you know there's some there's orcs fighting orcs at
Starting point is 00:57:16 one point right i don't think that's a spoiler but it's sort of i felt they sort of started losing resolution towards the end like it's just they're like oh we just just have them smash into each other and have some dust come up or whatever right right fine yeah yeah no i i can't really i can't really argue with that this movie is actually cheaper than what you'd think it was like 140 million dollars oh bargain or something like that but in terms of like bat Batman, Superman was like $250,000. Yeah. And Civil War was $250,000.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Do you know what I mean? So they did a lot with the budget comparatively for what they had to do. I guess that's true. But then when I think of a Batman v Superman, for example, a lot of that extra money is Ben Affleck paycheck probably. Sure, yeah. At least $50 million. There's no big stars in Warcraft.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Doesn't seem to be as much. Except for Callum Mulvey. Of course. If indeed he was in that. Yeah. He was. Okay, great. And also, yeah, I guess,
Starting point is 00:58:15 where does the rest of the money go? Real sets, I guess? Yeah, I guess so. You know, I did enjoy, I liked the exaggerated world and weapons and shields and armors. Me too, shields and i really liked that kind of stuff yeah i thought the king armor didn't entirely work the weird lion helmet oh yeah right uh-huh i thought that was a little uh a little a little strange but generally i guess it's it's very easy
Starting point is 00:58:38 to it's very easy to make uh any kind of medieval style world look really cheap. Yes. If the cost if the armour and stuff doesn't look right it'll look really cheap. But also it needs to be it can't be real looking armour because it's an exaggerated world but it can't look too far
Starting point is 00:58:57 to the other side because then it's like it's people playing dress up. But I think all the costumes look really good. Really. And I also think with the orc designs like you know there's there's one one of the guys has like
Starting point is 00:59:08 is it like crocodile skeletons on his shoulders or something like that and they they look quite like they weren't over designed no it seemed to be this from the same school as like teenage mutant ninja turtles 2 that kind of where they're like okay we need to personalize them but i don't me personally i don't think it was over designed okay fair enough Okay, fair enough. You know who I did enjoy in this? Oh, yes. As far as the human characters, what was the real person? Gamora, who was the actress who played her. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I thought she was pretty good. Uh-huh. What was her name? Little Tusks looked a little weird. Paula Patton. Paula Patton, that's it, yeah. Who was in Mission Impossible 4? One of them.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Mission Impossible 4 goes to protocol the best of the Mission Impossibles. Before Tom Cruise get her off like he does all these female leads. Correct. Should we talk spoilers? Let's talk spoilers. Anyway, so we should give a rating. Sure. Look, yeah, look, it was fine.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Yeah. It's not something I could recommend to somebody who doesn't know anything about this world. Right. I think it's one of those things where if it was on like netflix or streaming or whatever if it wasn't an adaptation of something would we would anybody recommend it like if it wasn't sure yeah that's a good question look here's my here's my here's i think i would view it differently because as far as taking all the material of the world and funneling it into a two-hour movie, it's a really good effort. I think so, yeah. At the same time, yeah, if it wasn't that, would it just be convoluted and weird?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yeah, there wouldn't be enough. You'd spend the whole movie going, how do those guys know each other? And I mean, I still did do that. Yeah, but you know that there's a backstory to that. Yeah, right. But you know that there's a backstory to that. Yeah, right. Look, this is my, rather than saying best movie ever or worst movie ever,
Starting point is 01:00:50 I'm going to say if you woke up in the cinema and Warcraft was playing, I wouldn't leave. Right, yeah. I'd be like, oh, it's too much of this. Yeah, that's true. I didn't hate it. There were bits that I liked more than others. Yeah. Now, we might be getting another one of these because it did really well in China.
Starting point is 01:01:02 That's true, yeah. And I think it would have been more beneficial to tell a smaller story. Right, okay. To start with. Define smaller story. You know the way that Lord of the Rings starts, for example, which is like a song. Yes. A weird song about washing dishes.
Starting point is 01:01:18 No, that's not it. But it starts with a focus on Hobbit character and then it introduces Gandalf and magic and then Elven Village and then Mordor and then it kind of expands outwards. I think that's kind of the way you should do it. If we're doing another Warcraft movie, we should get J.R.R. Tolkien to write it. Bring him back from the dead.
Starting point is 01:01:42 But I mean, at the same time, if you did build it like that if you built a fantasy movie like that yeah I reckon a lot of people would be like they've just stolen the structure
Starting point is 01:01:50 from Lord of the Rings yeah but you do yeah maybe just do it better then just do it better than Lord of the Rings just do a fantasy movie better than Lord of the Rings
Starting point is 01:01:59 that's your solution isn't it I think it's a good template because Lord of the Rings could have fallen into the trap of because Lord of the Rings has an equally complicated mythology that's true yeah but they's a good template because Lord of the Rings could have fallen into the trap of... Because Lord of the Rings has an equally complicated mythology. That's true, yeah. But they did a good job of kind of slowly introducing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:12 And I think this is a little too heavy too soon for people who don't know the world. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense, all right. Yeah, if you woke up in the cinema, like I said. Okay, spoilers. Yeah, let's do it. Glenn Close was in a CGI cloak in a rock.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Glenn Close out of nowhere. She must know Duncan Jones then, I guess. I guess. I don't know. I'm sure someone could definitely tell me what that was, but what was that? He had to walk into a weird black liquid floaty thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah. Great. Good. I'm not against it. I just don't know what, I mean, that was kind of, I got the point was to be like,
Starting point is 01:02:50 you're now the protector of the realm and whatever. Like I understand that. Yeah. But I guess she's kind of like an overseer of everything. Yeah. Kind of like an Oracle of sorts. Now I mentioned this to you as we left the movie theater. Do you think they,
Starting point is 01:03:02 you said, is this a bin? No, you asked if it was a bin. do you think they... You said, is this a bin? No. You asked if it was a bin. I knew it was a bin. Do you think they gave Glenn Close a costume fitting and stuff like that, or do you think she just showed up and they tilted the camera slightly
Starting point is 01:03:14 and they just CGI'd everything around her? I think that's what it was. I think she probably did it in front of a green screen because that cloak was CGI. Yeah. She probably just wore a form-fitting outfit and they just went from there. Correct.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah. What else happened in this movie? Toby Kebbell was also one of those bald wizards. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Which was good to see. I like that guy a lot.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Dwarves gave guns out. I like the guns. Oh, I forgot about the guns, right? That was pretty good, man. Do you think guns are a game breaker in this kind of fantasy universe? I mean, I know they have them. They seem to be like a one-off. That's true, yeah. You kind of got to pack them you have to pack it
Starting point is 01:03:47 like a giant square bullet yeah that's true that's true yeah uh yeah towards the end it just became waves of people just hitting each other yeah it seems like that and duncan jones if this is true has been really good at not letting on that there was some major studio interference oh yes in terms of like you need this you need to streamline this, this end sequence needs to be that, you need to explain this character. And in doing so... And to his credit, he didn't. No, but it feels like something to this happened along the way.
Starting point is 01:04:16 They did push it back quite a bit. Yep. Yeah. So the wizard was bad. He was a bad bloke. Oh, he was a bad bloke, yep. Surprise. He was being corrupted. He was corrupted by a demon. Oh, he was a bad bloke, yep. Surprise. He was being corrupted.
Starting point is 01:04:25 He was corrupted by a demon. At one point, he turned into a demon, but luckily, a big clay man fell on him. That's true. I think that was... I guess that was well set up in the sense that you knew Lil Wizard had that power. Yeah. And so you knew whether... Like, he didn't...
Starting point is 01:04:41 The problem often with these things is somebody pulls a magic power out of nowhere. Yeah. The problem often with these things is somebody pulls a magic power out of nowhere. Yeah. Because it worked in the sense that we knew he had some like, you know, throw people around magic powers and he could shoot a fireball or whatever. Yeah. And we knew he could do the teleport thing.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yeah. And so at the end it didn't come out of nowhere. No, no. That was fine. No, I'm okay with that sequence. We're actually recording, right? Did we remember? Yeah. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:05:01 I thought something more was going to come of the fact that he had no shoes on. Like Die Hard. Die Hard style, right. The main guy loses his shoes and he jumps on a griffin pretty sweet shot yeah and then he flies and then he fights a dude good cgi animals i don't think i mentioned oh yeah the big dire wolves definitely they were good but you know that bit how he fights the guy who kills his son i just found that bit that was quite touching how he lost his son that was that was pretty effective. Yeah, and then he slashed that guy on the balls. Oh, yeah, that's true, yeah. That was pretty... Yeah, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And you know what? I also liked that... So we lost the main characters. I enjoyed... Not enjoyed it, but I thought that was a... It also did well to set up... Apparently their kid that they have goes on to be like a big player in the Warcraft universe. But...
Starting point is 01:05:42 I guess if you don't know the characters, then you don't know who's going to live and die. Yeah, that's true yeah but i guess if you don't know the characters then you don't know who is going to live and die yeah i guess that's an advantage if you don't know the characters if you do you go well okay i know that person can't die and that person can't die so that's right they're going to live on forever again but that all comes back to the orc stuff i found much more whenever they would go to the orcs then i was way more invested than than it was um with the humans and i like that the main the toby kebbel lock had a show it was with the humans. And I liked how the main, the Toby Kebbel orc had a showdown with, with the wizard and the wizard was like cheating and like sucking his life
Starting point is 01:06:10 force out of him. That's true. Yeah. That was really cool. Yeah. I don't know if I entirely bought the, there's honor among orcs and then, but sometimes there is no honor.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Sometimes, sometimes because they're like, we'll never fight with, we'll never fight alongside you. Cause you don't have any honor. And then he's like, but kill all the humans. And they're like we'll never fight with we'll never fight alongside you because you don't have any honor and then he's like but kill all the humans and they're like okay but he did like suck the soul out of like three of them i guess when they turn their back yeah he's a pretty scary pile on right they're gonna rip his head off yeah probably so i'm saying he's probably full of weed green goo though that's true yeah yeah do you want to see another one oh good question
Starting point is 01:06:47 maybe because like the just in terms of visual style i would like to see more of that world right right um like they could go to another they could go to a wizarding realm i want to see more wizards certainly more wizards they like wizards more wizardy wizards okay yeah yeah sure and one thing i posted on twitter i thought was interesting it was an interviewer just attacking duncan jones oh sure he didn't like about the man whose dad recently died yeah that's right and he's just like i didn't like this don't you think that maybe you weren't the best person to direct this that he was just like and duncan jones just bloody handled it and he was really polite and he had a really he clearly thought about the world is clearly passionate about and every he had an answer for everything but not
Starting point is 01:07:32 like a jerk yeah he clearly thought it through you know I just realized we didn't we didn't we didn't mention it this is a movie adapted from a video game that is not total garbage yes he. He's done it. He's done it. He did it. Good work, Duncan Jones. Is it the best video game movie? Yes, it is. Is it better than Prince of Persia? Oh. I'm going to say tie.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I'm going to say it's a tie. I always forget about Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia is more of a kind of a Pirates of the Caribbean kind of fun time. That's true. I'm surfing on bloody sand or whatever. Oh, and also another thing I forgot. You always got to look out for whatever game mechanic they want to shove into the movie.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And of course we had, here's an encampment and here's a human encampment and we'll zoom back and forth so it looks like it's, you know, top-down Warcraft point and click. You loved it? We loved that bit. We turned to each other and thumbs up. Yeah, we did. That's true.
Starting point is 01:08:23 But anyway, so I think Duncan Jones, it's probably third in terms of, for me, for his movies like Source Code and Moon I really enjoyed. And it's like I kind of enjoyed. But I think it'd be good to give him maybe another crack at this. But also, I don't think this is like a situation with Josh Trank where he just didn't scorch the earth because people didn't like his movie. That's true. Because he's out on Twitter going, hey, if you like it, that's great. earth because people didn't like his movie. That's true. Because he's out on Twitter going, hey, if you like it, that's great.
Starting point is 01:08:47 If you don't, that's cool. Right, exactly. He's handling himself really well, and I just think that – I know he's clearly very intelligent and he clearly – I don't know. He clearly is a good director. I'd like to know what he's going to do next. Yeah, I think there may be even –
Starting point is 01:09:04 there might even be like a movie director playbook now that says, don't trank it. Like that's been written in. Like if you make a movie and it turns out not to be the movie we all wanted, just ride it out. Exactly. It'll be fine. Just ride it out.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Because good directors make bad movies. Sometimes bad directors make good movies. Sometimes bad directors make bad movies. Sometimes. Sometimes make good movies. Sometimes bad directors make bad movies. Sometimes. Sometimes they just have a career for a really long time. It's weird, right? It certainly is. So whatever he does next, I want to say it.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And also what I do think is a positive from this movie is that this is going to give him enough. Because it's done so well, especially in China. That's going to give him enough Hollywood juice maybe done so well especially in China yeah that's going to give him enough Hollywood juice maybe to make a movie that he is super invested in but this one he's a massive
Starting point is 01:09:50 massive Warcraft fan okay yeah so this is this was like a passion project for him okay yeah alright
Starting point is 01:09:56 the Weekly Planet fans page yes at the Weekly Planet what a great Twitter handle I agree they threw out a Twitter which super detailed Weekly Planet pod style review would you give War uh best movie ever worst movie ever just a movie
Starting point is 01:10:09 so it's 20 best movie ever 13 worst movie 67 just a movie okay so yeah there you go there you go that's probably pretty accurate anything else oh that'll do it i think all right then let's do the next segment yes it's called what We're Reading. Oh, yeah. And... Oh, What We're Going to Read. There he is. Great. He's back. I'm doing the thing.
Starting point is 01:10:34 What are we reading today? I've been watching Elementary. I'm years behind on it. American Sherlock. Yeah, American Sherlock with Johnny Lee Miller. With British Sherlock. Yeah, with British Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu as Joan Watson. I hate the intro.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Oh, with the little rotating gun thing. It's like a ball kicks a gun and it falls into a wheel. What do you think of the show? Because this is my first time watching this. I watched two or one. Two episodes or one episode? I like it a lot. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:11:01 It's fun. Okay. He's not as in... Look, and again, I like a lot of oh really it's fun okay he's not as in look and again I like a lot of the British Sherlock yeah there are some episodes
Starting point is 01:11:08 that are really on the nose for me and I think the difference is between the American one and the British one is that Stephen Moffat
Starting point is 01:11:15 really really loves all his main characters and he cannot bear to them he cannot bear for them to get into any real trouble or to not be the best at all times
Starting point is 01:11:27 right yeah and that that that really grinds on me a lot of the time with sherlock yeah but this character is much more fallible yeah and he's got he's more druggie isn't he's more and he's got real problems and he's like there's there's there's moments in it where he's like you know uh you know he's talking to joan watson and like, okay, I can determine from this and this and this that, you know, the reason you're acting like this is because of this and this and this. And then it turns out it was just a guess. Like he doesn't have all the clues all the time.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Sometimes he's just guessing. Sometimes he's taking credit for things. Yeah. That kind of thing. So he's a bit of a kind of a con man at the same time. Yeah, he's got a nice arrogance to him, but he's not infallible. Yeah. And they're all pretty good. I mean, I've only watched like five episodes. I think they might get a bit of a con man at the same time. Yeah, he's got a nice arrogance to him, but he's not infallible. Yeah. And they're all pretty good.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I mean, I've only watched like five episodes. I think they might get a bit samey after a while. Do you think they're going to make out, Sherlock and Watson? I don't think they will. You don't think? I mean, I say that now, but they probably have. I mean, there's like four seasons of it out now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Yeah, they churn them out, don't they? Yeah. Apparently with that show, they went to the British guys and they were like, can you help us adapt Sherlock? And they were like, nah. And they went, well, we're just going to do one anyway because it's out of copyright. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Anybody can make a Sherlock show. Something that I maybe don't like about it so much is they've kind of minimised Joan Watson's role. Right. Like she's an ex-surgeon, but she was never in the military. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. Well, as far as I know. Yeah. I mean, she doesn't – she's an ex-surgeon, but she's not, she was never in the military. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Well, as far as I know. Yeah. I mean, she doesn't, she's very much, so far, she's very much like this, she just hangs around Sherlock. There's no, she doesn't have any action sequences or anything like that. Isn't she like his babysitter kind of thing? Yeah, she's his, like, sober sponsor. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Okay. Yeah. Good stuff. Pretty good, though. All right. Yeah. I won't watch it, because I have too much stuff to watch. Yeah, and if you look, if you didn't care for the first couple, it's fine. Yeah. No, I didn't hate her Because I have too much stuff to watch Yeah and if you look If you didn't care for the first couple
Starting point is 01:13:05 It's fine No I didn't hate it I was just like whatever I read The Dark Knight Returns The Last Crusade Which is a prequel story To The Dark Knight Returns When did this come out?
Starting point is 01:13:16 Earlier this week Huh A lot of it Who wrote this? Frank Miller with some other people It was one of those things where like They don't give Frank Miller full control Because you know
Starting point is 01:13:24 He's insane. Is Dark Knight 3 finished? No. It struggles along. So why has this come out now? The Dark Knight, it keeps getting delayed and pushed back and nothing's really happening. At first, I even talked about it on the show. I was pretty positive about it.
Starting point is 01:13:40 But it's so few and far in between. It's taking so long for anything to happen. I'm just like, I don't know, man. It's hard to stay enthused about something that I keep forgetting about. That's true. What's the art style like? It's the guy, the kick-ass guy. Oh, John Romano Jr.?
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah. Okay. That's interesting. I don't always like his art style. I don't think it always works. For Superman, I didn't think it, when he did a run of Superman, I didn't think that particularly works. For Batman, it absolutely does. I guess, yeah didn't think it, when he did a run of Superman, I didn't think that particularly works.
Starting point is 01:14:07 For Batman, it absolutely does. I guess, yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right. I enjoyed the story overall. It's really rushed at the end, so much so that I thought, is there another one coming? Like, is that it? Now, how, so this is a prequel to Dark Knight Returns. Yeah, it's 10 years before. 10 years before, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:25 And I like the Batman because he's slowing down, but he's not completely out of the game, but he's just sore and slow and just hating himself. And his goal is just like, just get Robin better so I can get out of this. So I like that element of it. Hang on, what's he want to do? Get Robin, sorry, get Robin into the Bat role. that Rob but the same time is like he's not ready
Starting point is 01:14:47 so I gotta keep doing this okay sure right and I keep getting hurt yeah all the time yeah but it's it's more good than bad but it's very rushed towards the end yeah I feel like it could have been a few issues or a longer story I had no idea this was coming this is so so weird. To me, this has kind of jumped out of nowhere. Has this been on the boil for a long time? Yeah, it's been on the boil. It's a one-shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Though it's called, when you download it from Comixology, it's like issue one. So I'm like, oh, great. But as far as I know, it's done. But it feels like it shouldn't be. Right, okay. Very odd. Do you think they should even,
Starting point is 01:15:24 do you think they should be filling in these gaps? You know what? The Dark Knight Returns legacy is all over the place. Yeah, isn't it though? It doesn't matter. After they did two, all bets are off. Yeah, that's... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Damn right. It's better than two. Cool. Like, much better than two. Can't wait for four. That's right. Four is for all Frank Miller again, right? So he says.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Oh, so good. Can't wait for it. Another thing that I watch, and we're actually going to do a sponsored episode on this. So this is a free one, Mason, for you. Oh, great. Well, yeah, that's how that works. So I watched two episodes. I got given two episodes of Stranger Things.
Starting point is 01:15:57 It's a freebie for them. Freebie for them. Sorry, yeah, which is an upcoming Netflix show. And we're going to talk about it more in depth later, but it's great. And I'm saying that because we are getting sponsored for it. A company approached us who are representing Netflix and they're like, can you be sponsored by us and talk about it?
Starting point is 01:16:17 And we said, we will do it. But if it's not good, we will not say that it's good. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. We'll take your money. But if this is bad, we'll just go, why don't you watch it's good. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. We'll take your money. Yeah. But if this is bad, we'll just go, why don't you watch it and see what you think?
Starting point is 01:16:28 Yeah. Kind of thing. It's kind of the canary in the coal mine. It's like a bit of a heads up, guys. If we don't specifically say it's good, it's bad. Yeah. But you've watched it and it actually is good. That being said, I've only seen two because I'm only going to give it two,
Starting point is 01:16:41 but I really enjoyed it. It's what Super 8 tried to be and missed the mark. So it's kind of Spiel it's like it's like spielberg it's like it's et it's goonies it's x files and i don't mean it's not like a mishmash right right it's its own thing yeah it's i don't know i really enjoyed it and i wished i had more of them to keep anyway it doesn't matter right look well we're gonna do a paid episode Let's not give away all our talking about a thing now. If you're any good at anything, don't do it for freebies. That's what they say. That's what the Joker said.
Starting point is 01:17:13 That's what he says. You know what I say? What? It's time. It's time. Time for letters. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Some letters, they're only a day away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. You took charge of your destiny. I did it. I'm the king of destiny. If every week Mason plays it through his phone, sometimes it's better than others.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Yeah, I think that was a very good one. I agree. So if you want to send us a letter, it's a tweet. Yep. It's hashtag weeklyplanetpod, and we go through them and pick a few. It reminds me, a tweet. Yep. It's hashtag weeklyplanetpod, and we go through them and pick a few. Oh, which reminds me, a bit of housekeeping. Last week, I asked people to tweet at me who they would like. As One Punch Man.
Starting point is 01:17:52 One Punch Man and Rick and Morty, if they did live action versions. A lot of people said Michael Cera for both One Punch Man and Morty. So if he's got time for both. A lot of people. I got Aaron Paul, somebody said for One Punch Man. Okay, yeah. Which works. But the issue for me is like your A-list stars are too good looking
Starting point is 01:18:13 for Saitama, One Punch Man. Sure. Because he's just so bland. Yeah. But if you get a character actor, they often have a weird physical attribute. Right, right. Like they're like, oh, they've got big ears or they've got a weird, very specific brow, which is why they're character actors.
Starting point is 01:18:28 You go, oh, that's that guy. Interesting, yeah. There's very few people who are like right in the middle, who have nothing. And Aaron Paul could work because he's got a good bald head, but you'd have to kind of bland him up in CGI. Take his eyebrows off. Yeah, take his eyebrows off like he's a handsome man, right?
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah, but he's not Brad Pitt. Yeah. A lot of people said Bill Murray for Rick. That's the face I made, which is kind of, again, Bill Murray's a great comedic actor, but when was the last time he raised his voice or did anything? Yeah. He did anything physical on screen.
Starting point is 01:19:00 I can't really think of it. Somebody, hang on, I bloody find it. There's a few really good ones. Yeah, I think so. Alex Muth on Twitter, he said John Slattery from Mad Men. Yep, like that. Look at that. Yeah, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:19:14 He sent a photo of, he's looking quite haggard. I wonder if he's got the improv kind of chops, though. Oh, that's a good question. Maybe. Maybe. There's a few good ones. I kind of remember the other ones. Neither can I.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Shouldn't have brought it up really. Yeah, what are you doing? I don't know. But there was a lot of Bill Murray's. Yeah. Charlie Cox as One Punch Man. That doesn't work. Who's he?
Starting point is 01:19:35 He's too bland. He's, um... Wait, no, he's not bland. Oh, he's Daredevil. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, he's too good looking. Nah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Because sometimes I'm like... It's kind of hard to tell, right? You need to see the shaved head. Yeah, you need to see the shaved head. You kind of need to see him without makeup as well, I think. And he's always got that five o'clock shadow. Yeah. He'd probably look real dull if he took all his hair off. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Kay on Twitter has said Patrick Wilson for One Punch Man. I think he's got too, but that's the thing, I think he's got too much going on. And he's also quite handsome. He's a handsome guy, right? I'm looking at the- It's hard to get into the Hollywood game if you're not handsome on some level. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:17 I'm looking at the One Punch Man workout. It's 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10K running. I could do that. Could you fight a monster, though? No. Could that's a giant crab man in his under my point is that that would not prepare you for fighting a crab man definitely not yeah i'd get killed what about larry david for rick oh yeah he's an improv guy yeah he's an improv guy i don't think he'd have the patience for the rest for everything else for all the sci-fi all the sci-fi. For all the sci-fi stuff. Unless you just, yeah, unless you CGI'd him everywhere else.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Right. Like if you got like a stuntman and CGI'd Larry David's face on and had him just do dialogue and then in the improv scenes you just had him improv. But I don't think he'd have the patience to sit around and be like,
Starting point is 01:20:58 there's some monsters from Planet Gleeblegloble or whatever. Right, right, yeah. Yeah. They're actually doing another season of Curb. Yeah, I heard about that, yeah. It's pretty good. All right, do you want me to get straight into the bloody letters?
Starting point is 01:21:08 Let's get into the letters. Hashtag weekly pod, this is from Austin Bell. John Malkovich as Rick. Did we mention that last time? That works? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Man. Maybe just keep it as animated because it's an amazing show.
Starting point is 01:21:20 That's what I'm all about. Probably, yeah. Austin says, what are the best, worst changes from source material to film or ones that you think uh worked well so stuff that worked well for source material changes and ones that didn't oh yeah steel is terrible correct the amazing spider-man 2 for me is a combination of really good adaptations yeah and really terrible adaptations okay sure and the reason for that is because, and I think we were pretty positive on that movie when it came out, because it just throws everything at the wall.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Like the costume is great. The death of Gwen Stacy I think is really good. But you've also got the goblin design, which is nonsense. The weird convoluted backstory, the train in the floor. Yeah, right, right. the Sinister Six set up it's just a mess but some of it works you got any stuff that
Starting point is 01:22:13 got any ones? I had a conversation with somebody and we've mentioned this so many times but we were talking about Iron Man 3 I had a conversation with somebody with Iron Man 3 somebody who wasn't a big fan of iron man growing up as i was yeah he was like i really loved how guy pierce was the bad guy at the end and i took it out of the equation me being really mad that they made because my my
Starting point is 01:22:36 feeling about that character has always been okay revealing that the mandarin was just a drunk actor yeah that movie is the equivalent of if you were a really big fan of Batman and it turned out the Joker was just a kid's party clown. Right. And the real villain was just that accountant who threatened to reveal Batman's true identity in that one scene. It turned out he was the bad guy all along. And I'm like, yeah, from the perspective of somebody
Starting point is 01:22:58 who doesn't know anything about Iron Man, that is a really good twist. It turns out I've been really mad about nothing for a really long time. I don't know. I think there's a lot of that movie that doesn't hold up. Yeah, no, that's true. Like the grappling. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:11 What about Joseph Gordon-Levitt as One Punch Man? Yeah, I think that works. And he went bald in 50-50. Yeah, that's true. And he looks very bland. What about Danny DeVito as Rick? Nah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:23:24 He could play something in that world yeah but not what about sam rockwell is either rick or one punch man he'd be a good rick yeah okay he'd be a great rick you want to lock in sam rockwell i'm locking that in okay i'm rocking it in it's a it's a lockwell on sam rockwell as Rick. We did it. We did it. Who suggested that? Let's see. That was, I think a couple of people mentioned, but Sean Roney on Twitter, at RoneySean. Well done.
Starting point is 01:23:51 He did it. Well done, mate. You bloody did it. That's the first one I saw. This is from Batman or at art underscore Vandalay underscore EH. Great. Thoughts on CBS scrapping MacGyver and getting James Wan to direct a new one. Will he get a better haircut?
Starting point is 01:24:04 Wait, is this actually happening? Yes, the MacGyver pilot as James Wan to direct a new one. Will he get a better haircut? Wait, is this actually happening? Yes, the MacGyver pilot as the one, the trailer we saw. Oh, this isn't just a rumor. No, no, no. Apparently this is happening. Nice. They're scrapping all that and they're going to redo it with James Wan's going to do the pilot, which is what I just said, I guess.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Wait, so he's not doing a movie. He's doing another pilot. Yes. Huh. I like it. Yeah. Because I, did I hate that trailer? I think I did.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Yeah, there were two trailers that came out that same week. It was the Lethal Weapon one. Yeah. Because I... Did I hate that trailer? I think I did. Yeah, there were two trailers that came out that same week. It was the Lethal Weapon one and this, and I hated them both, but maybe I hated that one. I quite liked the Lethal Weapon one. Okay. Against all odds, I quite liked it, but MacGyver looked very... It looked very strange and very...
Starting point is 01:24:40 Look, it's me, MacGyver. I'm doing MacGyver things. It wasn't, here's's a character he develops some skills and uses his skills and then you go oh it's it's MacGyver it was I'm MacGyver like the MacGyver you remember and I'm sassy and doing MacGyver stuff MacGyver terrible haircut terrible the worst haircut the worst haircut imaginable because we can't give him a mullet no you can't but we can't give him regular hair because then how would you know he's MacGyver if he doesn't have silly longish hair.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Yeah, great. It's got a much better chance of being good. Are they recasting? I don't know. I don't think they would. All the wheels are in motion. They do this every now and then. Because I say Michael Cera for MacGyver.
Starting point is 01:25:21 I don't say that. Not true. Sam Rockwell would be a good MacGyver. He's a loose unit, mate, that bloke. Or you get Will Forte. Sarah for MacGyver. I don't say that. Not true. Sam Rockwell would be a good MacGyver. Yeah. He's a loose unit, mate, that bloke. Yeah, great. Or you get Will Forte. Who's that again?
Starting point is 01:25:30 MacGruber as MacGyver. Yeah, we kind of got a MacGyver movie, didn't we? Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. This is from Humorous Hubris on Twitter. Hey, Nick and James, what do you think is a bigger waste of money, Arkham Asylum or the Weapon X program?
Starting point is 01:25:49 That's a good question because people keep busting out of both. Yeah. And they just cause trouble. The Arkham Asylum seems to be an ongoing disaster. Exactly. They keep closing it. The Weapon X is kind of like a one and done, and they kind of vaguely bring it back.
Starting point is 01:26:04 But whenever we see it it's normally a flashback not always they do bring it back every now and then yeah like it keeps it it's since evolved to different weapon plus programs but yeah it's all because Deadpool movie is it's technically a that's a Weapon X yeah and in the comic books we've had
Starting point is 01:26:23 there's actually there's a character called weapon x yeah who has like cybernetic arms and his hands pop off and stuff like that cool
Starting point is 01:26:30 and then we had a series of other ones like at one point they're developing weapon candidates in like a virtual world where time moves faster
Starting point is 01:26:39 right right there's a character called phantom x and he's a very good character I like him but is he costing anyone money that's the question which is a bigger There's a character called Phantom X, and he's a very good character. I like him. But is he costing anyone money? That's the question, which is a bigger question. No, that's very true.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Yeah, like on the scale of regular citizens being consistently murdered because the security is lax, I'm going to go with Arkham Asylum. They're definitely worse. Because a lot of the time, not always, but when somebody breaks out of the Weapon X program, they burn it down and then go on to do good issues. That's true. And there's a few years where they have to rebuild Weapon X.
Starting point is 01:27:14 But Arkham Asylum, they're just like, I don't understand. They escaped again. I don't know. Anyway, I'm still the administrator of this facility for some reason. I'm wildly in it. Unless they get killed. Yeah. And then the next most corrupt facility for some reason. Wildly, unless they get killed. Yeah. And then the next most corrupt guy gets in again. Gets in, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:30 And maybe is running for mayor also or something. Yeah. Yeah, so I think it's definitely, especially in terms of damage to the society, it's definitely Arkham. A lot of lunatics come out of this. Okay, we've got one last thing. It's sort of a question, sort of a tweet. What about Richard Dean Anderson as MacGyver?
Starting point is 01:27:48 You could do that. Bring him back, mate. Bring him back. Have his son. This little MacGyver. Frank Taylor says, and he brought this to my attention, did I miss the update about being on Google Play Music? About damn time, you dickheads.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Okay, so I looked into this. It's news to me. We are on Google Play Music. About damn time, you dickheads. Okay, so I looked into this. It's news to me. We are on Google Play Music. Oh, great. Months ago, they opened up the beta and I tried to sign up for it and it won't let you because you can't do it in Australia. You can't have it. Fantastic.
Starting point is 01:28:17 So I used like several proxies and got it in. Yep. But then I just forgot about it. Okay. And it's there. But the thing is, I can't listen to in. Yep. But then I just forgot about it. Okay. And it's there. But the thing is, I can't listen to it. Sure.
Starting point is 01:28:31 My own podcast because it's still not available in Australia. Okay, sure. But for whatever countries Google Play Music is a thing, you can get it on your bloody Android or whatever. Spotify's rolling out podcasts as well. Is it? Yeah. There's another thing I've got a bloody look into.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I know, right? See, there's a little podcast tab. Your favorite podcast will live here, it says. Will it? I don't know. If I get around to it. And if this, presuming this is your favorite podcast, which it almost certainly isn't.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Yeah. Anything else? That's it, I think. Let's wrap it up. Okay, let's thank most of the people we should thank and forget about some other people. I agree. You can find us at Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook
Starting point is 01:29:06 and Twitter and Gmail and Bandcamp. Hopefully we'll have that Independence Day commentary up pretty soon. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:29:13 I'm at MrSundayMovies. You should follow The Weekly Planet on Twitter. Good stuff there. We've got a Patreon, slash MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:29:21 We do. We sell some t-shirts. They're on Redbubble through Golden Legend and Fergal Quigley. Yes, yes, yes. That's another thing we do. You said Brute and the Basilisk, didn't you? I will.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I will thank the Brute and the Basilisk and Rackham for our theme songs. Yep, yep. We've got an Amazon affiliate link somewhere buried in the episode description. I don't know. Yep. Oh, we got a check from them. Oh, did we? Great.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Yeah, I went and took it into the bank. And they were like, you can't well i feel out this isn't interesting but i filled out a whole form and i need because you know you put it in an envelope and you put in a little box and then i turn over the back and it says if this is a non-australian currency don't put it in here i know and i was like oh god so they had to go to the desk and be like i had this check from amazon for some reason so they went what and they're like did you think about getting why why are you the money? And I'm like, yeah, I fucking, believe me.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I looked into it. I didn't yell. You can't yell in that sort of place because they will have you thrown out. Yeah. Sir, sir, calm down, sir. So, yeah, thank you for everybody who's been using that. Absolutely, yeah. If you're going to buy something anyway from Amazon, don't go out of your way, but if you're going to buy anything,
Starting point is 01:30:26 just click on that link. You get to regular Amazon and we get a piece of that for some reason. So when that check clears in three months, I'll transfer you the money. Fantastic. Oh, so exciting. We haven't done the thing where we note the weird things that people buy. We should probably do that in a couple of episodes maybe. When we're running low on content.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Exactly. The next week, Independence Day, and then we've got like Tarzan and there's a bunch of stuff. It's like a whole bunch of stuff in a row. We've hit the bloody. This is the point where people start emailing or messaging and being like, can you stop seeing movies because I don't want to see those movies.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Okay. Yeah. We'll see what we can do. We'll see how we go. Look, we're in the machine now. We certainly are. Good stuff. Done. I think that's all. That's got to be it, right? Yeah, that's now we certainly are good stuff done uh i think that's that's that's gotta be it right yeah that's fine that's good stuff okay great okay bye everybody grab that
Starting point is 01:31:11 jam you guys see you later bye fx is the veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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