The Weekly Planet - 193 Spider-man Homecoming is...

Episode Date: July 10, 2017

With Spider-man: Homecoming in cinemas it seems like the perfect time to talk about that. As well as more Han Solo scoops (or lies), RIP Joan Lee, the future of The Batman, Green Lantern Corps, N...ick Fury’s return and more. If you want to support the show well too bad you can’t. Or there’s a patreon or whatever. Thanks for listening!Visit for all of the podcast!Spider-man Homecoming Easter Eggs:’t You Know Who I Am: RIP Joan Lee8:33 The Jeremy Renner dilemma10:41 Nick Fury’s return14:37 The Batman Trilogy17:32 A director for Green Lantern Corps22:48 Han Solo Scoop! (or lie)24:53 - 29:45 Potential Spoilers29:45 Spider-man Homecoming Spoiler Free Review55:10 Spider-man Homecoming Spoiler Review1:19:33 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:26:08 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy Spider-Man: Homecoming on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. I've got my hearing back. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:00:31 For listeners who don't know, we took a little trip during the week for secret podcast business. I went on a plane for the first time in a very long time. And you had a great time and everything went well. I hated it and I went deaf. When we landed back in melbourne the pressure did a thing and my hearing went and then i was deaf and then i went to bed deaf in terror thinking that maybe my hearing would never come back and then i woke up and i had i had hearing again and now we can continue to podcast unless i lose my hearing again oh yeah i didn't realize before
Starting point is 00:01:00 that day that you were terrified of flying i hate it why though because of the hearing thing just the hearing thing it happens every time but also uh no i don't know just impending death what if you put they should be on rails is what i'm saying but in the sky yes what if you put but you don't like roller coasters either oh it's a really good point now that i think about it you know if you put if you chew gum and put it in your ears doesn't work no that's an easier way to go deaf, is what I'm saying. That's what I'm going to say. If that's what your ultimate goal is, yeah. Anyway, we've got some stuff done.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Speaking of podcast business, if I can get one piece of podcast business out of the way, this week I was on an episode of Don't You Know Who I Am? You were. Which is one of our Planet Broadcasting compatriots, Josh Earle, has a podcast where four people get together and we have to answer questions about each other.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And who you are. And who you are. And who we are. Yeah, no, I've heard it's great, but I haven't listened to it yet. It's a funny good old time. So it was myself, Greg Larson from Fancy Boy, Ben Russell, Laura Dunaman, and I either won or I lost
Starting point is 00:01:55 or I came somewhere in the middle. Very good. But everybody on board is very, very funny, so everybody should probably check that out. Yes. Then I'm definitely going to listen. Look, I'll tell you how much of a good time the listeners are going to have
Starting point is 00:02:07 is that I came out of it going, man, everybody's a lot funnier than I was. I didn't think I did well at all. I feel like that every time. This is not great. So what I'm saying is everybody else was real funny. So everybody should definitely check that out. It's a great show too.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I will link that below. You're welcome, Mason. Yeah, I, in research, well research well not researching but in going like in preparation for going the episode i listened to a whole bunch of old ones yeah and i've already listened to but i listened to them again and i'm like man these are funny i'm oh no i'm real nervous and also uh for the pod for the podcast uh josh asked you to send over like a couple of funny stories about yourself you messaged me and i messaged a number of people like, what's interesting about me? Because you freeze up.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. You freeze. I didn't know you were terrified of flying. I could have put that in. Yeah, you could have put that in. But like, I'm like, I can't think of anything. No, I couldn't think of anything. For me, I mean.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, when you put yourself on the spot. And then you get it eventually enough. And then as soon as the pressure was off, I'm like, oh, yeah, all those stories that happened, I remember now. So next time, if I'm invited back again. Unlikely. Very unlikely, but I have more stories, so it's fine. Depending how well the downloads go.
Starting point is 00:03:15 If they go well, you'll be back. I'm back regardless. Well, he wasn't that funny, but boy, it helped out, didn't it? It helped the analytics, didn't it? Anyway. It is a great show and he's a great dude. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:26 As I said, it's linked below. Sad news though, Mason. You're too busy caught up in your own neurosis. No, that was already sad news. No, this is definitely sad news. I shamed myself on that podcast. This week, Joan Lee, or sorry, last week,
Starting point is 00:03:36 Joan Lee, wife of Stanley, of 70 years passed away. She did. That's very sad. They released a statement saying, yeah, it's sad news to confirm that she passed away quietly in the morning, surrounded by family. And the family asked her, yeah, it's sad news to confirm that she passed away quietly in the morning, surrounded by family.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And the family asked her, please, give them time to grieve and respect their privacy during this difficult time. They were married in 1947. Wow. Yeah. Wow. I didn't think you could even get married back then. You weren't allowed to.
Starting point is 00:03:58 That's right. You were one of the first. But no, it was. Heterosexual marriage was illegal. That's right. In 1947. Yeah. But it was
Starting point is 00:04:05 well we just just before we started on the Marvel YouTube channel there's like a five minute Joan Lee tribute where Stan Lee talks about how they met which is actually
Starting point is 00:04:12 it's a really funny story how he actually went to the building where she works to meet somebody different and he accidentally met her wow and then they ended up
Starting point is 00:04:20 getting married and he also that woman was Joan Rivers dodged that bullet. She's real sassy. She'd be sassing you all day. You couldn't escape it. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:29 She'd wake up, she'd be heckling you. I mean, she's dead now, but still. No, I don't care. Let's put the boot in Mason. Oh, no. No, I'm sure Joan Lee's also very lovely. Yeah. Not Joan Lee.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Bloody, the one you said, Joan Rivers. Joan Rivers. But yeah, she also, she's credited with helping him create the Fantastic Four. They mentioned this in that interview as well, but he wasn't really happy at Marvel, so she kind of encouraged him to kind of do something that he would love. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:56 He said he wasn't happy at Marvel. He said he was going to quit. Yeah. And she said, well, if you're going to quit, because the publisher said, just write dumb stories where there's a lot of fights. Yeah. People meet up and they fight and that's it. They talk about their powers as they shoot their powers at each other.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And he was like, well, I'd rather create something with some characters that have some heart to them. And she said, well, why don't you just do that? I mean, the worst thing they can do is fire you and you're going to quit anyway. So it's like, okay. And then he got together with Jack Kirby and they did the Fantastic Four. Yeah. And then it turned out that was a real, got some real numbers.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And I feel like the Fantastic Four would be more kind of, people would remember it more fondly if they'd had a good movie. Yeah, that's very true. Because I feel like at this point I'm like, I'm sick of them or whatever. But on the back of this, I'm like, you know what? Maybe now's the time to be like, because she, in a way, in a big way kind of encouraged that creation. Yeah, and then after, you know, Marvel were like,
Starting point is 00:05:49 can you make more comics that are like this, with actual characters that aren't billionaire playboys that we can relate to in some way? Exactly. So she's credited on some animated stuff from Marvel as well. I think she voiced Madam Webb at one point. Really? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:04 There you go. So, look, it's, I mean, I can't even imagine that, you know, stuff from Marvel as well. I think she voiced Madam Web at one point. Really? Yeah, yeah. There you go. Look, it's, I mean, I can't even imagine that, you know, losing someone you've been married to for 70 years. Like, it's, I cannot fathom that. I hope to one day, potentially, but man. Nah, you're going to go first. Yeah, hopefully. Yeah, for my sake.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Yeah. And by that, I mean our relationship. You're going to die first, and then I'll have to do the podcast by myself by yourself yeah you can do two voices two voices well that is that people think that that's a thing isn't it they really don't think that's a that's a both of us are you yeah yeah but no so she will be missed up stanley's you know would obviously be devastated can i provide a heartwarming segue sure i've got a new loot crate. Oh, God. Oh, no. That was the worst. No, that was great. Speaking of the Fantastic Four.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Well, I was going to say speaking of Fantastic Four. No, because this month's theme. No, it's fine. It's fine, James. It's what she would have wanted. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. This month's theme is Alter Ego.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Okay. Right, what have we got? Well, I cracked the box open. You know how I collect Optimus Primes? Yeah, you do. The loot crate box is an Optimus Prime. You fold it into an Optimus Prime. A truck or a man.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Truck. Very good. Truck. So I'm going to put this together and bloody put it next to all my other Optimus Primes. My Power Master Optimus Prime. My Masterpiece Optimus Prime. My regular original recipe Optimus Prime. Made masterpiece Optimus Prime. My regular original recipe Optimus Prime.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Made of chicken. Yes. Good. I've sprayed it in lacquer so it doesn't rot. You wouldn't have to anyway. If it's KFC chicken, it's fine. What's the thing? What's the first thing?
Starting point is 00:07:37 The first thing is another Q-fig. It's Spider-Man hanging off a lamppost. And it's black and white. It's noir style. It's in black and white. But it's not Spider-Man noir. No, it's a spider-man hanging off a lamppost and it's black and white it's noir style it's in black and white but it's not spider-man noir no it's spider-man it's original recipe spider-man made of chicken i wonder if i got that i think you did i think it's all that's all black and white ones there have to have a look oh real nice very good all right well mason hold these i've never seen one in a shop i don't understand i don't think they're as well known as the um
Starting point is 00:08:04 well i think there's they're harder to make than Funkos. That's true. Not all, but they're generally kind of the same. Exactly. These are all very specific. Like it's Jessica Jones kicking over a wall or like Doctor Strange doing his magic. Kicking over a wall.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Wait a minute. Wait a sec. They've just painted a beard on Jessica Jones. Yeah. Well, look, if you can awkwardly segue us back into this, I'll bring up some tragic news, and then you handbrake turn into the loop train. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I would love that. Do you have more tragic news? Depends. What do you think of Jeremy Renner's bones? Do you want them intact? Jeremy Renner's bones? Yeah. I guess I'd like to collect one.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Okay, sure. So you're saying when he dies he's donating his bones to the biggest fans yeah exactly is that you are you jeremy renner's biggest fan i think so yeah the born alter egos what's that movie called he's in i don't remember uh he's in the legacy born legacy yeah i haven't seen it i should yeah should you yes okay uh jeremy renner um fractured his right elbow and his left wrist in a movie, but it wasn't in Avengers. Right elbow, left wrist.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah. Right elbow, left wrist. Yeah. Was he doing like, was he doing the Macarena or something? Was he patting his head and rubbing his tummy? That's probably, oh my God, you're right. So, but apparently he's just going to press on. It doesn't seem like he's got a cast on one and whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:26 He'll be fine. A fracture doesn't sound like it's a clean break or anything. That's true. Yeah. So also you can just CGI someone's head over somebody else. It doesn't matter anymore. Use his stunt double. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Harrison Ford snapped his leg in half on Star Wars and they dragged his old ass back to set. That's true. Jeremy Ren is a young, fit man. Yeah, exactly. So here's my question to you yeah um when he dies and all his bones are auctioned off to his biggest fans yeah is a broken elbow and a broken wrist worth more or less it's not mint is it well it's not mint
Starting point is 00:09:58 but it's also rarer yeah good point yeah yeah it's like one of the you know there's that that stamp and there's a plane on it, but the plane's upside down. They put it upside down, so now they're worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's like that. Well, it depends how many bones he breaks on his way to the grave. That's true, yeah. Like if he gets there and it's all broken, doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So it depends on how he dies. Yeah. So if he dies in like a back of a garbage truck. Yeah, shredder style. Shredder style. Then it'll be worth less less a break a broken one an intact one will be worth a lot yeah absolutely it would so the hand that's hanging out the back that'll be worth a lot oh this is gonna be very interesting isn't it though i hope i live live
Starting point is 00:10:36 long enough to get one of his bones me too yeah very good uh more marvel news i'm ready uh nick fury will return in Captain Marvel. Oh. I like that. Me too. Because he's good at kind of ushering people into things, isn't he? That's true, yeah. He's like, hey, do this thing.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah. And they're like, I will or I won't, depending. So I guess because he's movie to movie at this point. Or maybe he isn't. Oh, is he? No, see, I feel. I think he re-signed, actually. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yeah, but I think he had nine initially, and then he did them all. That's true, he did, yeah. He used to be in every one. Yeah. And now he's every second or whatever, yeah. But I feel that's more that he... That's not him being picky.
Starting point is 00:11:15 No, absolutely not. He'll do anything. He'll do anything, right? Yeah. He'll do Ricky Gervais' extras. That's true. Yeah. So, you know, good, great.
Starting point is 00:11:23 We get to see him again. Or maybe he'll get a little action scene again. Oh. He has to have a little action scene now. You can't just put him in and he's like, listen, this is the news. No, I reckon that's exactly what I said. I think he's had his action scene. But even like Age of Ultron, he shoots an Ultron bot because it flies through the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Oh, yeah. He shoots a rocket launcher. He has to fire a gun. That's true. You're right. Yeah. Okay, he'll get one. He has to fire a gun. That's true. You're right. Yeah. Okay, he'll get that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. But you're right. He has had his... I don't think he'll get an action scene as good as the one he's already had. That's true. But yeah. What do you think about that, though? Sounds great.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Doesn't it just? Yeah. What else is in there, Mason? Ooh, let's see. Speaking of Marvel, look at this. This is a delightful novelty. It's a Hulk bowl. Hulk bowl?
Starting point is 00:12:04 It's a Hulk bowl. It's his fingers holding a bowl. Yeah It's a Hulk bowl. Hulk bowl. It's a Hulk bowl. It's his fingers holding a bowl. Yeah. A Hulk bowl. A Hulk bowl. I love it. It's a bowl. It's a bowl.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Do I pretend the Hulk's hands are my hands? Yeah, I guess so. You know what? My hands are a comparable size. Disagree. Well, that hurts. Well, because he'd be holding it and the bowl would be like teeny tiny you're only seeing the tips of his fingers that's true you're right yeah that's a good
Starting point is 00:12:28 actually that's a good cereal depth bowl that's it's pictured with cereal oh very good that's right i hate a shallow bowl get it out of here mason not that bowl you seem like an all-day cereal guy i absolutely am i would only eat cereal yeah but i but as you know i make my own muesli oh jeez i I forgot about that. I'll tell everybody about it. I shouldn't have given them the opening, folks. I've been waiting. I've actually got the recipe open in front of me.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Oh, no. Oh, no. It went in one of the newsletters, the weekly planet newsletter. If you go to, it's on the newsletter. Nice. Maybe it'll go in again. You just turned this plug into a sharp handbrake turned into another plug for you But a plug
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah but that doesn't hurt us anybody Tom Holland said this on Infinity War Hello I'll be honest my voice is kind of gone Oh no I was going to get you to do it Do you want me to do it? Hang on
Starting point is 00:13:17 No it's literally I can't do it Yeah He's been Hang on Hello No it's not bad Alright alright here we go i'll step in i don't feel mine is as good as yours so please don't send emails about this before yeah
Starting point is 00:13:31 this is what he said about infinity war it needs no teasing that movie literally literally literally i'm not good at this no teasing it's got to be the biggest movie of all time. Wow. Believe me, no one is ready for that movie. That's so... He says... I mean, people are like, Tom Holland says it's going to be the biggest movie of all time. I think he's just like, he's at a premiere, he's excited, and he's like, it's got to be the biggest movie of all time.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yeah, totally right, exactly. Who knows? Yeah. But there's been some set leaks and whatever. But I mean, to and from the premiere, he's like, that's the biggest cat I've ever seen. You know, a bit of that that absolutely is yeah oh very good yeah but uh no look i've said there's leaked set photos that i've been avoiding it's like check out who's knocked out on this yeah exactly right i don't want to check out whose shield's been destroyed
Starting point is 00:14:20 by thanos uh wait what yeah exactly that said, we might have some spider spoilers for some stuff coming up. So I'm a massive contradictions mason. That's true. Because one minute I'm eating a red rooster and the next minute I'm spruiking a delicious muesli. Matt Reeves said this about the Batman. I have no idea. I have no idea about an arc. But really the important thing
Starting point is 00:14:45 is just to start you have to start with one you know you have to start with a story and then that begins something so that well he's not wrong
Starting point is 00:14:52 but at the same time he's not saying anything is he exactly but a lot of people kind of took from that was he's got a trilogy kind of planned
Starting point is 00:14:59 yep but he's like I'll just do one I'll make a good one and then we'll sort of go from there which is wise actually I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes the other day, the first of the reboots.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I forgot how good it is. That being some of the special effects are like, oh, yeah, that's not quite as good as it's developed into. But it's a very good movie. As in the monkey effects. Yeah. Do they seem, well, I guess, again, at the time, they seemed flawless.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yes. Some of them are better than others. Like, Caesar himself is a marvel, Mason. But, no, it's a great movie. And especially because I watched it with my parents. That does make everything better. Boy, does it. Like, 60% of that movie is just monkeys signing to each other.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Or not even, just kind of looking at each other to look. Yeah. So, no, it's... I'll be honest, i cannot think of anything worse than watching a movie with your parents my parents are my parents my parents don't talk during movies oh really oh wow you change your opinion change my parents talk during movies no yeah also i have no problem with my but i think it'd be i think it'd be okay do you think it'd be more more awkward like you know some you know when you're a kid and you're watching a movie and like with your parents and a
Starting point is 00:16:07 sex scene comes on or something like that, would it be more weird now as an adult for me to watch a movie where that happens with my parents or your parents? I don't know your parents very well. So I'd be, I'd happily sit through that. I'd be like, what do you think of this?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah. But I'm bloody in out. I'd say Mason. Oh no, don't do that. I'd make it real weird for them. Yeah, good. No, would you rather watch it with my parents or your parents?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah, your parents. Okay, good. But no, look, the Batman, great. Move it along, mate. Let's bloody, let's get it going already. What's the next Loot Crate? Ooh, there's a Loot Crate t-shirt. And again, going to throw it in the Optimus Prime collection.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Optimus Prime T. Transform an Optimus Prime. An original recipe, Optimus Prime. You can put your t-shirt. Underneath it should say, which is the universal sound of a transformer. You know what? I want to go back to a comic
Starting point is 00:16:53 or if somebody's got it, tweeted at us, what noise do they use? What words do they, how do they spell that? Oh, it's a script. No, in a comic. I should know that, shouldn't I?
Starting point is 00:17:03 Do some good transformers. I reckon it's silent. It's probably just clunk. They don't even, I mean, they often don't even use, thought balloons are gone in comics for the most part. It's coloured squares relating to the character. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And a lot of sound effects are gone as well.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Oh, clank. Well, I think they've also, they do a better job of conveying sound and movement. Exactly, yeah. So you don't really need it. We've come a long way. That's true. Baby.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Baby. What's next? Rumour has it, there's a rumour. Yes. The rumour is that it's a lock, but who knows, Mason, that Rupert Wyatt will direct the Green Lantern Corps movie. Who's that? He did Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I just talked about it. Okay, all right. So I think that's a great choice. Okay, great. And he knows how to work with CGI whatever. Yeah, that's true. So Green Lantern will be all CGI whatever mostly. So on a weird planet. There could be a killer wog. Yes. There could be a gnawt. Well, Mogo's
Starting point is 00:17:57 Mogo's in that DC logo. He is in the new DC Studios logo. He's one of the characters in the background we've talked about it haven't we I think so yeah no I think
Starting point is 00:18:08 he's a fine choice I think he was going to do Gambit at one point but that kept getting kind of pushed around that's right yeah I think if he stepped on board yeah
Starting point is 00:18:15 fantastic is there any more Loot Crate Mason there is is this the last thing it is the last thing I mean there's there's a pin in the book
Starting point is 00:18:21 I always forget but there's all he comes with like a pin and there's and you can and there's like downloadable comics there's all sorts of stuff in there yeah i bloody love them good ah yeah it's uh it's a little it's a teeny little at dc comics poster book it's got some of my faves in here hang on you love a little book i do love a little book hang on there's bruce wayne and his dead parents that's pretty great put that on your wall yeah i'm gonna put that on my wall put that in your parents wall as a threat oh yeah good point there's the uh there's the uh hipster. Yeah, I'm going to put that on my wall. Put that on your parents' wall as a threat. Oh, yeah, good point.
Starting point is 00:18:46 There's the hipster Batgirl, Batgirl of Burnside poster. That's one of my favorite covers. This is all like new 52 covers. Yeah, yeah. Many of which are super great. Are they all 52? Or is there some rebirth in there as well? I think it's all new 52.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Anyway, it doesn't matter if you're listening to this. You missed out. Yeah, that's right. What's the game or the downloadable thing this week or comic? It is a bonus character in a Power Rangers game. Oh, that beat them at one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Green Ranger.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Your favourite Ranger. Yep. No, is it? I don't... Yeah, why not? Wasn't that your wheelhouse, though? Power Rangers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:23 No. Oh, all right. We did a whole episode on it. Yeah. And I just spent the whole episode going, I wheelhouse though? Power Rangers? Yeah. No. Oh, all right. A whole episode on it. Yeah. And I just spent the whole episode going, I don't care about Power Rangers. I don't listen when you talk. So speaking of Power Rangers, this isn't in the news, but because it's doing so well on digital, they might actually get a sequel.
Starting point is 00:19:37 So there you go. Great. Terrific. So we're going to have to do another episode on it. Good. I love it. I feel like it'll be with like- We're going to have to do another episode.
Starting point is 00:19:43 We have to do it. This is our wheelhouse, Mason. Just because it came out in our era but we still don't care about it doesn't mean we shouldn't cover it. Fine. We're legitimate movie critic journalisms.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Student men. That's true. So you've got to go where the flow is. Yeah. I've got a hot scoop but I'll do the loot crate read before okay don't mind if i do and then we do the hot scoop and we do this is our reward this listeners this is your reward for
Starting point is 00:20:10 sitting through the loot crate ad hot scoop hot scoops uh you could sit what i'm saying is you could you could skip ahead the loot crate yes but if you do the hot scoop will not make any sense because james is going to perfectly segue from whatever I'm saying now to the hot scoop. Yes. Yeah. So you'll be like, you'll be scratching your head. You'll be like, it seems like a hot scoop, but I'm not entirely sure. I've missed out on something.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It feels more of a wet slop than a hot scoop. Yeah. Okay. Are you on the quest for epic gear, housewares and collectibles, Mason? Yeah. Probably less so because of your Hulk bowl, obviously. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I mean, I've got them all at this point, but yeah. Loot Crate's the best surprise you know is coming. There's an epic range of pop culture items for less than $20 a month. With the value, it's like $45, I think. I can't remember. Or is it $50? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:20:57 It's not in front of me. But it's more, much more than what you pay for it. So they've got a bunch of stuff. Help a corporation lose money. Yeah, man. They're like, this cost us $45 to manufacture, and we're giving it to them for $20. But we've said we'd do it, so we can't not do it. We're in a bind.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh, no. There's a number of ones you can choose from. I lost my house. There's Loot Gaming. I like the traditional Loot Box. Me too. That's a number of ones you can choose from. I lost my house. There's Loot Gaming. I like the traditional Loot Crate the most. That's probably my favorite. But there's also Loot Crate DX, which is the fancy one, which we get the occasional one.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Loot Pets, never gotten it. Don't know. Sure, it's lovely. It's all right. The dog's asleep. That's right. The dog doesn't know you've betrayed her. We put the dog on the plane, so she's deaf as well.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah, that's true. Now, next month is animation. The offer expires this month. The offer expires July 19th. In July's crate, you'll find items for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bob's Burgers. That's good, right? Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I've never seen it. It's a good one. Futurama. Yeah, nice. And Rick and Morty. Very good. Which will be back in July actually so soon
Starting point is 00:22:06 I think it was a I think it was a figurine or a statue for Rick and Morty I remember hearing that I don't know that for a fact if that's what you're banking on maybe look it up before you sure right
Starting point is 00:22:15 so yeah one lucky subscriber also in the Mega Crate which has a whole bunch of cool stuff in it previously it's had like gaming consoles and yeah sometimes
Starting point is 00:22:23 it's not just a PS4 in there. Yeah, that's right, exactly. A pile of gold. That's it. You have until, as I said, the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific to subscribe to receive that month's crate. And then when the cutoff happens, you don't get it anymore. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:22:36 If you go to slash weeklyplanet and enter promo code weeklyplanet, all one word, you get $3 off any new subscription. Nice. That's slash weeklyplanet, code planet code weekly planet now you have to segue into the hot scoop uh loot crate more like han solo film nice good y'all be with that are you in the scoop yet because it seems like you're just still doing the ad that's how seamlessly you've done that okay we've been we've been rolling the dice on some hot scoops lately yeah we're 50 50 yeah uh the one we said last week may not be true about
Starting point is 00:23:11 the james gunn or the week before about the howard the duck but yeah right there's some hound solo stuff that was true well hang on didn't james gunn definitely say he's not doing that said it's not happening okay right but who knows mason yeah i mean even if it never comes out i'll just be i'm always going to think yeah but maybe it was in development they decided not to do it that's very not on the back of this this lie or hot scoop yes that's right i'm sure they've got like 50 things that they're thinking yeah they're all in the whiteboard they're all in the hollywood white i'd imagine any character that's kind of slightly prominent is being developed in some way yeah i reckon they just do like i'm sure they do that you know in movies they have like that little
Starting point is 00:23:45 sometimes during movie testing they've got a little switch yeah and it's like yes or no right throughout the movie when things happen people turn the switch to yes or no yes i imagine that they've just they they've got all that data and like they go all right you know 90 of people turn the switch to left to yes when howard the appeared. So he goes up in the rankings of stuff we're probably going to produce kind of thing. Absolutely. I reckon it's like one of those things where there's a whole lot of glass tubes with like beans in them and they fill them up. There's just a guy filling them with beans.
Starting point is 00:24:17 With beans. Or M&M's maybe. Or M&M's, yeah. And then Kevin Feige has an M&M eating competition with the producer and director of the next film. And you'd think two people could defeat Kevin Feige in an M&M eating competition, but he's good. He's very good.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. This is from Joe. So hot scoop or lie, who knows? Now, this is a new hot scoop deliverer. Yes. He's delivering a new hot scoop. That's right. So he's got no he's got no
Starting point is 00:24:45 pedigree he's untested he's untested okay right also it's about the han solo movie so anything could be changed for this so we can never prove this wrong all right it's very true my film studies uh teacher at college where has a friend who worked as an extra on han solo he said that the set was like a fish market and olden eichenreich and amelia clark were running through the market chased by stormtroopers and a massive stormtrooper dog they dressed up they dressed up a fucking doberman in stormtrooper armor sounds mad tbh give it the good work so yeah i would love to see that me too yeah right i can't imagine that would look any good i thought for a second there you meant i thought for a second there he said it was like a fish market. And I'm like, is that a metaphor?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Right. For what? I don't know. Like a bad, like a bad, stinky old workplace. Yeah, yeah. Like, man, you know, like everybody's like, man, I did a day's work on that Han Solo movie. It was a real fish market over there, you know? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:38 It was a real Doberman in Stormtrooper. That's right. You know what I mean? Yeah. Ah, yeah. Cool. I mean, it's like if Lord and Miller were doing weird stuff, yeah, maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It's weird, though, that there are dogs in the Star Wars universe, I guess. Though there is one in the Caravan of Courage movie. They fight like a big dog in the woods. Yeah, right, okay. They're not canon, though. It could be a dog-like alien. It could be a dog. It could be a dog.
Starting point is 00:26:04 They put it in Stormtrooper armor and then... They're going to CGI something else. Some sort of alien creature. Yeah, good point, actually. Yeah, you're right. But a dog's an easy model and you can train it. Yeah. To do a dog thing.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah. Also, it seems that also seems like something, unless there's a pivotal action sequence where Han Solo brawls with a dog, like wrestles on the ground with a dog. That seems very easily like something they could cut out. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah. They could just, you know, they add it in with CGI and then they can just take it out. Just wipe it out. If people turn that switch to no. Yeah. I'm going to see a dumb stormtrooper dog. Yeah, me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Absolutely. Bangs its head on its kennel on the way in. Yes. Clunk. This second one is from a tried and true person who has a brother working on the set. Wait, should we have said Joe? Should we have said Joe?
Starting point is 00:26:50 I just said, no, it's just Joe. There's a lot of Joes. There's a lot of Joes. This is the second one. I'm not going to say his name. His brother's been working on Han Solo. So he's had some stuff right multiple times. Hello.
Starting point is 00:27:00 All right. Here we go. He described one of the issues being on set that he was pretty much sealed in a set for the day in a big glass circular set with lots of glass tubes with M&Ms in them. Some M&M-ing. Right. A 360-degree set with a load of projection of landscapes out the window.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Despite being sealed in all day, he described it as the most beautiful set he'd ever been on. Anyways, inside of one of the glass tubes is... Oh, potential spoilers for this. It's not a massive spoiler, but I'll put a timestamp in. Okay, right. Inside one of the glass tubes is Beau Buffett's helmet. This may be a spoiler or an Easter egg,
Starting point is 00:27:35 primed for big old yellow arrows and things you've missed. I should also point out that my brother is a bit dense when it comes to popular culture. He once confused Channing Tatum with Jennifer Lawrence. Sure, right? Okay. Has this guy working movies? Well, Channing could be a girl's name.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah, I guess it could. Stockard Channing? Stockard Channing. Yeah, okay, fair enough. But the city he worked on sounds like Camino. Okay. You know Camino from the Attack of the Clones? Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:01 The planet. Oh, sure, sure. Yeah, which explains the Boba Fett thing. Oh, yeah, okay, that makes sense. Would you want to revisit this weird planet? Wasn't it just water? It was water and glass tubes. Then, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:28:11 That was an all CGI kind of world. It was just Ewan McGregor walking down a green screen corridor talking about tennis ball. So if they've made that, I'd be, yeah, I'd be really interested to see like a physical version of that.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yeah, you? Okay. Yeah, sure. Yeah, except? Okay. Yeah, sure. Yeah, except... Oh, well, hang on. Hang on, everybody. Except if the premise is that Han Solo gains the eternal enmity of Boba Fett. Like he has to go to Kamino for something.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah. And then he encounters an older, like a post attack of the clones boba fett and then they butt heads and then boba fett's like i'll get you next time one day i'll get you won't i you know yeah that would suck that would i feel because again not everybody has to have that destiny and not everybody has to have this complicated backstory and past together disagree okay then good do you think there's a i mean the han solo movies in total flux that's true anything could be true anything could be true or not but do you think either of those sound viable yeah okay i don't i'm not saying any of them are good but i'm saying
Starting point is 00:29:21 viable yeah viable and again disney's got enough money that they could literally film and they could build sets and film stuff that they have absolutely no intention of putting in the film yeah absolutely yeah just in case yeah or just to throw people off the set yep yeah and then they had to reshoot the whole thing and all the money went down the toilet yeah no great good stuff mason well we've got to get on to the whole thing and all the money went down the toilet. No, great. Good stuff, Mason. Well, we've got to get on to the main thing we're talking about this week.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Okay. It's been a big week for Spider-Man movies because there was one. Oh, yeah. Wasn't there. In many ways, that's the biggest kind of week for Spider-Man movies. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:29:58 When they release a Spider-Man movie and people go see it and watch it. Spider-Man Homecoming. Yes. On track to have a US opening weekend of $120 million. Which is good. Which is good, Mason. I knew that one.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I knew that one. Three digits good. Three digits good. For the most part. For the most part, yeah. That's generally good news. But so that's, I mean, for the sixth Spider-Man film. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I mean, if you count Civil War, then its seventh appearance. That's pretty great. And eighth, if you count civil war then seventh appearance that's pretty great and eighth if you count like those like nicholas hammond spider-man movies from like the 70s i do not i i count them i'm gonna do a carrot when we when we get back to doing caravan of garbage yeah like movies and stuff which we will people have asked about that a lot yeah it's just there's they're more time consuming and but it's definitely something on the cards yeah um look spoiler alert i'm gonna do the nicholas hammond spider-man telemovie where a bunch of uni students build a nuclear bomb yes it's real good when they get the the nuclear material i can't remember i'm looking for i saw that one that that was at my local video shop when i was a kid and i rented that many times
Starting point is 00:31:02 speaking of caravan of garbage this week when he-shooted people, it was just a rope. Just like a frayed string. No, it was just like a long, like if you can imagine like an inch thick, just a white rope. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 There was a lot of slowly climbing buildings. Yeah, it's no good. But yeah, Caravan of Garbage this week will be, well, I feel like we should spoil it because the Angry Video Game Nerd did it earlier this week and I was I feel like I should we should spoil it because the Angry Video Game
Starting point is 00:31:26 Nerd did it earlier this week and I was like oh no oh we've done the same one that means we're gonna get people are gonna be like you copied we recorded this
Starting point is 00:31:33 before well obviously before we saw that but yeah we did we did Planet of the Apes on PS1 one of the worst games ever just it's
Starting point is 00:31:42 it hurts my feelings yeah just a that'll be up a little bit early on Patreon hopefully Ben's doing the edit at the moment so have you watched best games ever. Games of all time. It hurts my feelings. Yeah. Just a, ugh. That'll be up a little bit early on Patreon, hopefully. Ben's doing the edit at the moment, so. Have you watched Angry Video Game Nerds version? I haven't, because I'm like, I don't want to see if this is similar.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I'll watch it after, but I'm like, oh, no. But anyway, he's great. I mean, I'm not like, oh, what a prick. Yeah. So, you know, he's been doing this for a very long time. So, yeah. Good on him. But hopefully ours brings something new to the table or it's exactly the
Starting point is 00:32:05 same i don't know so anyway uh yeah i think that's worth checking out it'll be out tuesday and let's patreon a bit earlier okay so spider-man's back we're gonna do spoiler non-spoilers then spoilers aren't we mason yeah we are yeah so uh we're gonna start with the the usual thing where you tell us what you think the story was of spider man's homecoming you even gave me a little more lead up there like you spread it out and i just felt this sense of dread yeah because i'm like oh no it's coming but maybe he'll segue into something else was it the sense of dread like you're slowly going deaf on a plane yes okay so uh spider-man yeah peter parker he's spider-man yeah already he's Spider-Man. Yeah, already. He's Spider-Man and then Civil War happened and he was all Spider-Man-ing about
Starting point is 00:32:48 and then Tony Stark's like, hey, you did good, kid. Now hang out in Queens. Just do some Spider-Man-ing, but not too much Spider-Man-ing. Do a small amount of Spider-Man-ing. Community Spider-Man. And I'm gonna get back to you with a cool mission. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And you're gonna be on the Avengers. And he's like, great, I'll just... Well, to you with a cool mission. Yeah. And you're going to be on the Avengers. And he's like, great. I'll just. Well, he never kind of promises that. Yeah. It's kind of. Yeah. But, but Peter, Peter sort of assumes that's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And so he's been, he's been waiting around in New York, in Queens for like eight months, waiting for some Spider-Man-ing, some big time Spider-Man-ing to be happening. Absolutely. Yeah. So yeah, we'll try and get this spoiler free before we get into it. Yeah. But if you haven't seen it, probably don't listen to this at all oh yeah sure right as as has been pointed out we're not good at not spoiling things that's true but we are good at
Starting point is 00:33:35 spoiling things correct yeah so that's what you're here for uh did you like it yeah i did did you like it a lot i did like it a lot do you think it was the best Spider-Man movie committed to film? Yes, except for the one from the 70s, the telemovie one. Disagree. You know what? The new Spider-Man costume does share a lot of elements with the one from the back of the day. Which one? His original one?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah. Like the one, his homemade one. No, I meant the one from the 70s. Because it's got the external web shooters. No, I get what you mean. But the one, because you know no it's got the external web shooters no I get you but the one because you know he has two in the movie
Starting point is 00:34:07 you've seen the trailers the Civil War one Civil War one okay right yeah fair enough maybe they took not took little bits of body cues from it
Starting point is 00:34:13 yeah okay fair enough what about this movie did you love in particular compared to all the other Spider-Man movies it's fun isn't it yeah
Starting point is 00:34:20 and I know people are like why does everything have to be jokes and fun I wouldn't say this isn't like a joke a minute. Yeah, sure. It's more like a fun vibe.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, it's got a fun vibe. Would you agree with that? It's got the vibe. Yeah. And I think it did a really good job of representing a high school. Like even though I haven't been to school in a very long time, this felt more like high school as I remember it, as opposed to the original Spider-Man, which I watched the other day. Yeah. Doesn't hold up super well.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Sure, right. Comparatively. It's very dour. I know you bring that up a lot. Yeah, it's true. I meant to watch two as well because I wanted to see how it would stack up. But that movie, look, it did a lot for comic book movies and movies in general. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I wouldn't go that far, but all right. I think so. But I think if you... What did it do for movies as a whole? Like Blockbuster Summers. It kicked it up a gear, man. All right, fine, okay. It had a huge opening.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Sure. Yeah, and also... I thought you were going to say something like, Judi Dench took a lot of her performance cues from Tobey Maguire. That's right, yeah. And then she won that Oscar. For Philomena. But, you know, I think, like comparing the two,
Starting point is 00:35:24 and obviously this is built off the back of that and what works and what doesn't, this is leagues ahead. Yeah, totally. If you compare them simply as two movies, not as in the time that they came out. Yeah, sure, sure. Right. Uh, would you ever go back and watch that one or are you like, I'm done forever? Yeah, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:35:39 There's good stuff in it. Like Willem Dafoe's great. He's a really good Green Goblin. Yep. J. Jonah Jameson, obviously. Oh, of course, yeah. But yeah, I just thought this one was just kind of next level. Yeah, it's a good high school.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yes. And it isn't, you know, it isn't the popular kids and the jocks and somebody getting thrown into a locker or whatever. I mean, it's a little bit, but it seems more realistic. It seems more realistic, yeah. I did an Easter egg video, Mason. I'll link it below below it's very extensive if you don't mind staying so it's i think it's worth checking out we get it you notice things i know there's some things that other people miss that's right yeah but uh what i thought what i really kind of liked and i know that that version of
Starting point is 00:36:19 flash thompson isn't like your traditional flash thompson bully uh-huh the version we've got is kind of is he's kind of an Indian kid and he's rich and he's just a prick. But what I remember from school was a lot of the people, the bullies and the mean kids weren't like giant hulking menaces. That's true. They were just like, just some dick.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You know what I mean? Just like some kid who went to your school who just thought he was better than everyone else who was just a complete fuckwit. That's true. That's what I remember. It's very realistic in that sense yeah do you think that that sort of rules out him becoming venom yes it definitely does 100 yeah yeah and he's like he's good in that particular role but i don't there's not no they they got like
Starting point is 00:37:00 tom hardy will be the eddie brock version. Yeah, totally. Yeah, that's what we're going to be getting. But maybe they'll mix elements of the Flash Thompson, the other stuff that he does. Yeah, potentially. We'll talk about it before. But yeah, no, so I really like that. Even like there's, they have like school news reports and it's really kind of awkward.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah, sure, sure. And me being like, I always go to say, I used to be a teacher sure until recently uh that's the kind of like film stuff that a lot of students produce just like awkward timing and pacing yeah right just yeah i just thought it was and what i enjoyed about that also is that and it's never outwardly stated but clearly the male anchor in the in the in the school news report has a crush on the female and that's obviously why he took the job to do it and she's and she's always like uh please don't stop this yeah and she's from nice guys as well
Starting point is 00:37:52 and that's that's betty betty brand i think there was a bit too much like everybody that spider-man you was kind of growing up is in that school like there's a a lot of that. Oh, sure, sure, sure. Maybe Betty Brandt did go to school with him. I don't know. It's not a big deal. They didn't make a big deal of it. But yeah. Well, they recast Flash.
Starting point is 00:38:15 There's a new Aunt May who was fine. I didn't think she was like standout. No. What I enjoyed about Marisa Tomei's Aunt May in this film is they clearly try to granny her up more. With the glasses. With the glasses. And the high-waisted dress. And the high-waisted pants.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And kind of like the 70s clothes. Yeah, yeah. And like, it didn't work. No. We can still say it's Marisa Tomei. Absolutely, yeah. And she was good, but I didn't think she was amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:40 There's not a lot of her in it. Sure, right. And also, I enjoy the previous, well, as much as you can enjoy them, because they're not like, look at this hilarious character, you know what I mean? But I thought the other two did a good job, and she was fine. I thought she was okay.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, but not a lot of screen time. Before we kind of get into more of the story elements and action and casting and whatnot, this kind of, this through the internet, through a loop, Mason. Hello. It says at the start, it a loop mason. Hello. It says at the start, it opens on the Avengers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:08 The aftermath of the Chitauri invasion. Yep. And it's... Can I pause just briefly? Yes. The dog's asleep on my leg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:16 But she's at an angle, she's slipping off and my leg's falling asleep. So I'm going to move the dog. Yeah. But just to be aware, the dog is going to get real mad at me.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Your coke's done up? Yes. Okay, good. Because it could be a... Because I think every second week you spill a drink down the side of the couch. Dog's grumpy. Hey, stop it. Dog, I just got to move you slightly, dog.
Starting point is 00:39:35 She won't bite you. Yeah, no. Dog, I'm going to move you. Dog, just move here. Dog, move up here. It's more comfortable here. Come on. There we go.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Good dog. There we go. Yeah. Okay, move here dog move up here it's more comfortable here come on there we go good dog there we go yeah okay move here come come here yeah there we go you can cut out where the dog gets mad at me right nah okay good dog dog see that dog's always causing trouble i was telling your story she caused some trouble for me in the park the other day that's true you did yeah i won't get into that okay you're a good dog there we. Was it her fault? What do we got here? I can't remember. There was a controversy. Yeah, so it opens on the Avengers.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I guess this isn't a spoiler because it's in the opening minutes. The end of it, and there's damage control, and you see Adrian Toomes as the vulture and whatever. In this, I believe, you know what disappointed me a little?
Starting point is 00:40:20 Not enough damage control? Well, damage control in this is like the US Department of Damage Control. Yes. They're not... Well, they're Stark funded, aren't they? Yeah, or something, or it's a collaboration or something. But in the...
Starting point is 00:40:33 I mean, there's still room for kind of... I always liked the idea that they're like a bumbling corporation of just misfits. In this, they seem quite capable. But there's always room for there to be, I don't know, for whatever reason, if there's a damage control series or a movie, they're just like the rejects or they're the B-team or something like that.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah, absolutely, yeah. And then it goes eight years later and it cuts to the modern day. Oh, so what you're saying is the Chitaurian Avengers came in in 2012. So Spider-Man is set in 2020 or Avengers is set in 2009. Okay. And people are saying that like Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 all take place
Starting point is 00:41:17 in a very small window and then the Avengers happens soon after that. Okay. Sure, sure. Right. Which is probably what has happened here. Yeah. Because apparently Doctor Strange definitely takes place in 2016. Okay. All right. Yeah. that. Okay, sure, sure. Which is probably what has happened here. Because apparently Doctor Strange definitely takes place in 2016. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Yeah, so. Okay. I don't think it's. Well, but seeing that in the theater, I was like, wait, what? Like that was, that kind of threw me for a bit. Didn't even cross my mind. Because you're so into movies. Yep.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Very good. Yeah. Anyway, I don't really think it's that big a deal. No, it was. But no, it did kind of, it was, it did kind of have me scratching my head. That was probably the lice. Maybe, yeah. Peter Parker, we've got a new Peter Parker.
Starting point is 00:41:51 We've seen him before, though. What do you think of Tom Holland? He's actually 21. He's older than I thought, which also means you better crank these sequels out. Like, get him going. Yeah, right. Because he's not going to look like that for long.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, right. What do you think? Good, good fun. Do you think he's the best representation we've had? Yeah. Even the 70s one? Yes. Even the Japanese Spider-Man?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah, even the Japanese one. Okay, fair enough. All those things. Yeah, no, I think he really looks and acts kind of like a kid. Andrew Garfield, I think we're the same age. So when he was Spider-Man, I'm like, this is weird. Yeah, exactly. Because he's still in high school.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Yeah, and Tobey Maguire was like 28 or 26 or whatever when he did it. But no, I thought he'd... I mean, he can play a kid, like a bumbling kind of kid really, really well. Sure, he's got abs and he can do flips, but he just seems like a kid who's not only... He enjoys school and he enjoys his friends and he likes building Lego and whatever. Yeah, right. But also there's a joy in him going out helping people in spider man and he's kind of
Starting point is 00:42:49 he's not great at it yet either that's true yeah like he'll get hit in the head or he'll accidentally stop a guy who's trying to get the keys out of his car thinking he's a robber or whatever so i like so it does an origin without you see his uncle shot and then he swears revenge and then he learns a lesson and then whatever you know what i mean they just kind of bypass that but they show us the side of the origin which we haven't seen before yeah which i liked yeah and yeah and the the you know there's a there's a point where he tells somebody look don't stress out my aunt because you know what she's been through yes and we know that it's the death of her husband. Yeah. We don't have to see it again because we get it. We've seen it.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah. But yeah, so no, I like that a lot. And I think he was really good. And I think he's really well cast. Tony Stark also didn't kind of overshadow the movie as much as I was kind of worried that he might. Sure, sure. The stuff about him, I kind of,
Starting point is 00:43:41 they did spoil a lot in the trailers, but there was still some minor story points which were kept hidden. Yeah, exactly right. Major action sequences, they were all laid out, which was kind of a shame. Absolutely, yeah. And even the bit where he steps out of the suit. On the rooftop.
Starting point is 00:43:57 On the rooftop. I guess that's probably more spoilers. I guess I'll save that for later. But, yeah, that would have been a better kind of, it would have been a more shocking moment if i hadn't seen it in the trailer yeah totally you know what i mean but yeah what about villains mason there was a lot of them but it didn't feel like there's a lot of villains in this and it's bogging this down that's true there's two shockers yes uh there's the tinkerer yep and there's the
Starting point is 00:44:21 vulture and there's maybe others i can't remember okay yeah there's at least those i feel the vulture is the best villain potentially the best marvel villain we've ever had yeah yeah there's one the final twist on him i didn't really love i'm like ah this again which i'll get into in spoilers but no i his motivations were clear oh yeah because the reason he's robbing stuff is because tony stark came in and took away his contract to yeah but i also think this this is a yeah but this this he works as a villain because he thinks what he's doing is absolutely correct yeah and he even makes you think that what he's doing is absolutely correct should we save that for spoilers yeah i completely agree
Starting point is 00:45:02 but i was like yeah any number of points. And Keaton puts in a great performance. Doesn't he? And I'm like, you know what? That's actually what we'll get into. But I'm like, that is a really good point. Yeah. That's exactly it. And also, it's again, this Tony Stark thing of, it's his fault again.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, it really is. And he's blaming everybody else. Yeah. He took a man's job and a whole lot of people's jobs away from an incident which he had a hand in. Sure, right. And I know he's trying to do the right thing, but he's taking money away from people. Yeah, right. So he kind of deserves it.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah. But then he's like, Spider-Man, this is above your pay grade or whatever. Stay out of it. But he's not really doing anything about it. Yeah, sure, right. He's not really hands-on you've got automated iron man suits you could probably do this yourself right from the shower if you wanted to you know what i mean but hey yeah but no what i also liked about the vulture is he's just a guy yes but the difference between him and doc ock which i kind of liked that whole sequence thinking back on double toasted it's a great youtube channel
Starting point is 00:46:04 and podcast that martin one of the guys on there does this whole rant not as good as yours and mine though correct uh-huh it might be better but uh it probably is but he he has a there's like this 26 minute spider-man 2 rant about how dumb spider-man 2 is okay and one of the things is and i've said this before as well the the octopus man doc ock yes like he goes he gathers everybody into a room and he's like i'm gonna make create this sun and don't worry everybody because i'm using these octopus arms they're going to drill into my spine and then that's going to control it and nobody went excuse me that's amazing that in itself is an amazing advance yeah that's true like if you're paraplegic if you've lost lost limbs, you know what I mean? Like that is some next level shit.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah, exactly right. And nobody says anything about it. And then somebody out of nowhere goes, excuse me, isn't there a chance that the arms will, the artificial intelligence will override your brain? And he's not just like, why would that be it? Why would that happen? Right, yeah. And then he's got this like, don't worry, I've got this chip, this very visible chip
Starting point is 00:47:04 that's going to. Yeah, that'll do it. And I love Spider spider-man too i think it's great yeah but the vulture in this is oh and the another another flaw of that and i've said this before in a video is doc ock is just a man yes and peter parker hits him in the head a lot oh absolutely yeah there's exactly there's no there's no point where he gets you know he also ingests the goblin formula and now he's indestructible or what have you. He's just sort of a late middle-aged kind of overweight man. Yeah, that's right. That's the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah, like speaking of the octopus arms, like, yeah, it's because they need the two contrivances. They need a superior origin in Dr. Octopus and they need a device that can destroy the city. So they have to put them both into the lab accident whereas again if he just invented the arms people will be like that's incredible that's the best i feel i always feel that same way about iron man people like the suits are great but also you built this art you built jarvis who's a completely autonomous artificial intelligence before Before. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's bloody hell. It is bloody hell, isn't it? And this endless power reactor as well. Yeah, exactly. But also in this, he's just got them loosely in a crate. It's true, yeah. Anyway, but what I like about the Vulture in this, he is just a guy, but what he's created is something where you can't get near him, like the man.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Right, sure, sure. Because it's just this hurricane of power and energy and blades yeah yeah yeah that even though there's a man in it he's very safe yeah that's true so i i love that aspect of it yeah i thought it was and when he kind of when he's bearing down on spider-man or something yeah it's hot like he's horrifying yeah i think we spoke i think when we you know many months ago when this movie was in production i think we were like that's what i want to see in this not like a because he is an older man yeah he's 60 at least yeah yeah and but what he's got is like this
Starting point is 00:48:56 yeah this gigantic big bird i don't know but it's no it's like this you know this this it's condor man times three it really is at least just this this gigantic predator yeah down on it yeah yeah it's incredible yeah it kind of reminded me a bit of um uh horizon zero dawn like the big metal birds in that that are just yeah horrifying what i also like about the vulture uh wings and the the flight system is that he's he's sort of got a launch bay like iron man yeah the first iron man yes so it's kind of like well this is how the technology progresses in this universe you start out that you have to sort of stand in a in a thing in a thing and then the door forms around you kind of thing yeah whereas iron man suits now just you, he can squeeze out of them from any direction.
Starting point is 00:49:45 That's right. They can all fly around in bits. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. And I also liked, I really enjoyed the way that all the tech that they were using was from previous movies. Yeah, agreed. Oh, it's a Atari arm.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Oh, that's a gun. Oh, that's a whatever. Yeah, a gun. I enjoy that a lot. That's a gun, yeah. The cops had a gun? They had a gun. Like, even like the Shocker's gauntlets.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. Crossbones's concussion gloves from Civil War. Oh, right. Okay, sure, right. They're tweaked. So there's little things like that which I really liked. The action in this I liked a lot, but again, it's stuff that we saw. We saw the bit with the Lincoln Monument.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yep. We kind of know how they saved the other- No, see, that's the thing. I did not know that. You hadn't seen that in the trailers because it's in all the trailers i mean i've yes but i sort of i don't know but we the i mean we know sort of what is going to happen yeah but i think we don't see how spider-man leaps in and saves the day we don't see or not or not or what have you like we just know that.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I think that was a surprise to me because really all we saw in the trailers was there was going to be some drama at the Washington Monument. Yeah, okay, fair enough. I think there's a little bit more to it in that. Maybe it's because I look at trailers too much. Maybe. I have to, most of the time.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Yeah, you do. We get it. But yeah, like the boat thing, we'd seen the resolution of. Yeah, sure. And even we knew kind of where the final showdown was happening, that being said,
Starting point is 00:51:06 being in the theater and watching it, I wasn't like, yep, get through it. I was, I was, I was a hundred percent on board. Cause there's a lot of kind of like,
Starting point is 00:51:14 this guy does not know what he's doing. Like he's not ready for this. Like he's not prepared for this. Yeah. So it does have that sense of tension. He's not in control, but he kind of, he thinks he is,
Starting point is 00:51:24 he thinks he's got a handle on it. Yeah, right. But even there's, and I said this in my review, there's bits where, well, like when he goes to stop the bank robbers, you see him, he walks in and he contemplates how he's going to stand. Yeah, that's true. And what he's going to say. And he's kind of, and I like that where he's getting his kind of fursona.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah. Developing it as he goes. Exactly, because he's looked towards all the other heroes and he's like, well, what would Captain America do? Or what would Iron Man do kind of thing? And he kind of has to, he's looked towards all the other heroes and he's like well what would captain america do or what would iron man do kind of thing and he kind of has to he's like well i gotta build an image somehow yeah thing you know that's it yeah what do you think in the new suit do you think it was too much yes i do but i think probably in the next one he's gonna get a downgrade right i reckon the new suit well we're talking about the new spoilers yeah i think the point
Starting point is 00:52:04 of it though was that it is too much. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, that's definitely the point. Like it's supposed to be overkill. Somebody wrote in with a tweet. I can't remember who it was, but it said, why would Tony Stark build a kill mode into Spider-Man's suit? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:52:17 But I guess a lot of those programs are locked. And that's in the trailer as well. Yeah, yeah. That's a thing. But no, I like seeing all the cool different stuff because we've seen a lot of Spider-Man action. He'll web up a guy, he'll shoot someone's mouth and they'll be like, I can't talk.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah, right. There's like web grenades and taser webs and a bunch of other stuff that we hadn't seen before, which was super cool. Yeah, but I mean, you know, absolutely. The point of all of that is that he doesn't need any of it. Yeah, but he kind of does yeah but like you know he he's he doesn't know where he is yet at being a superhero but i think
Starting point is 00:52:52 that you know the point of this movie is again if you if you if you you know you can't handle the suit what what's what's the what's the expression if you if you if you need the suit then you're not worthy you're not ready to do it yeah yeah but're not ready to do it. Yeah, yeah. But I like there's even a moment where they're having a conversation about it and Spider-Man to Iron Man is like, I'm ready for this. You know, I fought Captain America and Iron Man's like, he could have killed you. Yeah, if he wanted to. But he chose not to, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah, right. Yeah, which I thought was cool. I don't know. I think maybe we should move into spoilers. Let's do it. I'm going to say best movie ever absolutely had a really good time
Starting point is 00:53:26 I might even go back yeah we meant to if I had more friends we'd go back we missed that screening for separate reasons which will
Starting point is 00:53:34 actually I've got to email Michael about that I'm so sorry if you're listening Michael it was Mason's fault no it wasn't actually but let's talk about it
Starting point is 00:53:43 in terms of recent films okay how did it compare to Doctor Strange better than Doctor Strange agreed how did it compare to Ant-Man but let's talk about it in terms of recent films, okay? Okay. How did it compare to Doctor Strange? Better than Doctor Strange. Agreed. How did it compare to Ant-Man?
Starting point is 00:53:50 I think it was better than Ant-Man. Agreed. How did it compare to Civil War? I liked Civil War more, I think. Yeah, just because Civil War had more... Civil. Yeah, more civility to it, didn't it? Yeah. I think yeah just because Civil War had more civil yeah more civility to it
Starting point is 00:54:07 didn't it yeah no but I think it had more new characters and I like that I like that we got the introduction of Black Panther
Starting point is 00:54:13 I think the action you know what I liked Civil War because it had it really it really built on the characters and the fact that
Starting point is 00:54:21 you could tell you know each character had their own each character has their own. Each character has, since we've seen all these movies, we know how each character moves and fights and acts. Yeah. And kind of, and I think those things were all really, really accurate and they all worked really well together.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Okay, fair enough. You know what I'm saying? Civil war. Yeah. That's what you're saying? There was a bit of a civil war to the whole situation. Civil War. Yeah. What were you saying?
Starting point is 00:54:43 There was a bit of a Civil War to the whole situation. I think it's weird because Civil War was kind of out of my consciousness because it feels like a while ago. Yeah, right. No, I remember coming out and being like, that's amazing. But now I'm like, I won't watch that for a very long time. Okay. So I don't know. I don't know if I can compare them.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I think they're on par. Yeah. Okay, fair enough. Yeah, I think they're a lot of fun. But different, Mason. A bit different. Similar but different. Similar but different.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Okay. And compared to the other Spider-Man films you'd think it's obviously better much better okay best movie ever yes
Starting point is 00:55:10 spoilers yes Vulture yes motivations you wanted to talk about it what a twist what are you doing
Starting point is 00:55:16 what a twist you liked it but that's the thing he was like you know he speaks to Spider-Man and he says listen
Starting point is 00:55:23 all those guys up there they don't care about you. They're rich. They want to, you know, what have you. And you should be with us because you're one of the little guys kind of thing. And he's not wrong. He's not wrong. It's a very convincing argument.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I guess if he wasn't hurting people. Well, yeah. I mean, obviously the difference is he's selling these weapons to people and they're robbing banks and they're what have you yeah but again banks are insured man so aren't they but they're shooting up delis by accident yeah that's true yeah you're right give them you give one to the wrong person and you know it's all over but no i i thought i thought that was a very compelling argument what i didn't like one thing i really didn't like about this was that he turned out to be liz allen's father he didn't like that one thing I really didn't like about this was that he turned out to be Liz Allen's father.
Starting point is 00:56:05 You didn't like that? No, because we've seen it before. Have we? Where? Look, this did the... Oh, you mean with the Green Goblin? Yeah. And this did the best version of Spider-Man being discovered. Right. Like it wasn't like an obvious thing where, you know, in the first Spider-Man, having just watched it,
Starting point is 00:56:20 he's got the scratch on his arm and Willem Dafoe's like, oh my God, it's the guy. It's the same guy. But this, they're sitting in the car and you see him piecing it together yeah right and then he's like probing he's asking questions and peter park is just sweating in the back yeah yeah like but he's such a dad asking questions yeah no but i thought that was uh no i liked that particular scene but i'm like oh this again really but i think it did it better than the other movies right right yeah okay that's my opinion mason okay i like it but you know there's a lot of like my girlfriend's dad found out i'm spider-man although that was in like the amazing spider-man or whatever yeah right it was once oh sure yeah but at the same time i also so that that so if we can follow on to the end point you didn't like the idea that once the vulture was in prison.
Starting point is 00:57:06 No, I liked... Somebody asked... I liked that. I didn't think he needed to be... Like, it was just that he happened to be Liz's dad. Like, what are the chances? But yeah, I think everything built around it, like him going into jail at the end
Starting point is 00:57:19 and then deciding not to rat him out. I thought that was good. I liked, yeah. And I also loved the fact that he was... When they're going to homecoming dance, Liz gets out of the car and closes the door
Starting point is 00:57:29 and the vulture's like, you saved my daughter's life and I owe you for that so I'm not going to kill you. Yeah. But if you get back into this, I am going to kill you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I thought that was interesting. Absolutely. Yeah, I agree, Mason. Good. And then he saved him at the end. He did. Yeah. Because there were too many arc reactors.
Starting point is 00:57:44 That's true. He has a lot of arc reactors, doesn't he? Yeah, well, he's got a lot of Iron Man bots now, I guess. Yeah, I guess he does, yeah. Or he blew them up, and that's why he has arc reactors. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Also, it's interesting that Pepper Potts is back, despite the fact that they broke up because he wouldn't stop making Iron Man suits. Or he blew them all up. I can't remember why they weren't. No, because he... He was paranoid or something what was it
Starting point is 00:58:05 Civil War reason so in Iron Man 3 at the end of Iron Man 3 he blows up all his Iron Man suits because Pepper's like he'd spend it because he had PTSD
Starting point is 00:58:14 so he kept staying in his lab making Iron Man suits and then he got over PTSD because that's just what happens you just get over it it's fine
Starting point is 00:58:20 and then Pepper's like then he's like I'm going to prove I'm all about this and not be an Iron Man so I'm going to blow up all my suits and I'm going to get surgery in China or whatever and then pepper's like then he's like i'm gonna prove i'm all about this and not be an iron man so i'm gonna blow up all my suits and i'm gonna get surgery in china or whatever yeah and then i'm not gonna be iron man anymore long live the chinese government in civil war uh captain america's like where's pepper and he's like she broke up with me because i kept making iron man suits but now apparently she's fine with it well because he's down to like he's down to
Starting point is 00:58:43 like two iron man suits and like those drones that put a ship back together yeah he was like listen Pepper I'm just making a a big jet thing filled with drones
Starting point is 00:58:53 that can put a ship back together and she's like I guess yeah what are the chances though that's a weird loophole I guess it's a ship that puts I bet they all go together
Starting point is 00:59:01 to make an Iron Man suit yeah that's right if they wanted to yeah like there's probably a scene they cut out where it turns make an Iron Man suit as well. Yeah, that's right. If they wanted to. Yeah, like there's probably a scene they cut out where it turns into an Iron Man suit behind her back. And if she turns around, it breaks up into two. It's dancing behind her, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:12 What I did like about... So there's a couple of moments where Iron Man rescues Peter Parker. Yeah, right. There's one where the Vulture drops him out of the sky. Yes. And his parachute activates and he hits the water. And then he's like, thanks he hits the water and then and then he's like thanks for coming rescue me i really appreciate it he's like i'm not here yeah right
Starting point is 00:59:29 i'm an indian waiting yeah and then later yeah he's like you're not even here for this man when he saves him in the ferry shut up you don't even know what you're talking about and he steps out of it yeah right like i think that would have been a great moment if i had not if i'd not have seen that oh shit he really turned up for this. Oh, yeah. Because he heavily implies, well, he tells him outright that I don't care about you enough to keep close tabs on anything you're doing. Yeah, yeah. But that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:59:52 He's been following him very strictly. That's true. Side note, I'm pretty sure Robert Downey Jr. just wears his own clothes in these movies now. Why do you say that? It's just, it's, he... Says number one actor. It does, that's true, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah, I won an Oscar for Chaplin, it says. No, it's just because he looks exactly the same whether he's in the movie or like on the red carpet. It's just the beard. They're the same clothes. No, it's definitely the same clothes. Yeah? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:13 But he just has to grow the beard. Oh, he just has to grow the beard. Yeah. Or maybe they just CGI'd on him now. Yeah, it doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:20 But I think it was a good use of him though in general. Yeah, it wasn't too much. No. No. Yeah. It's definitely not an Iron Man movie. No, that's true. But I also... You know what one trope that this movie had that I didn't really care for? Do you mean rope?
Starting point is 01:00:33 Because of all the ropes? It's because of the Spider-Man ropes. Yeah. Exactly. All of his ropes that he shoots out. Yeah, sure. What I didn't like was that... And I understand that Happy's kind of an idiot.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Yeah. That's kind of his bit but i didn't like the fact that it was a situation where the adults don't believe the kids yes in a teen movie yeah fair enough it was they could have found a different way because you know there's he's lit there's a there's a you know there's this arms dealing ring in Queens and in the US and like they're building super weapons that are just, they can blow up a city. Clearly, yeah. Dangerous. And Happy Hogan gets a call from Peter's friend who's like,
Starting point is 01:01:16 there's a problem. And he's like, nope, goodbye. Yeah. Like even if that character is an idiot, I don't, I don't buy that. No. You know, I guess it's fine. Oh, yeah, because it has to be Spider-Man. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah. I also don't feel like Tony Stark was not across that. He's like, no, I sent FBI guys. It's not enough. Exactly. I was just about to say that. It's definitely not enough, especially once they've got, like he knows they've got alien super weapons.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Yeah. If you send in a half you know three or four fbi guys it's not enough no and i guess what would have happened there you've sent in shield sending shield yeah yeah whatever shield are doing whatever they're doing exactly right yeah but i guess maybe they were just going to watch the arms deal and not interfere getting cut in half like that was never a goal, but hey. It's all movies, isn't it? Sure is. A couple of post-credits.
Starting point is 01:02:10 There's one where Captain America tells everybody... Oh, do we have more stuff to talk about in this one? Oh, yeah, totally. This is just next to my list. Oh, yeah, cool, cool. All right. Did you feel like they put Chris Evans in the suit and they filmed it all?
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yes. And then at the end, he really was kind of fed up? No. Just kind of like, how many of these am I doing? No, that's a fun little trope yeah but do you think that was I think
Starting point is 01:02:28 I feel like that was him actually saying that no I don't think it was no that's in the script that's definitely that's definitely the idea he didn't look angry about it
Starting point is 01:02:36 no no but I think that's definitely the idea being that you know actually I also loved Hannibal Buress as the the coach or whatever
Starting point is 01:02:44 and he's like I guess I'm, I guess Captain America is a war criminal now, but here's the thing anyway, we're going to watch it. But I think the idea being that Captain America has been, he's been unfrozen and they've gone, okay,
Starting point is 01:02:54 you have to do instruction of videos and bullying and sports and blah, blah, blah. And that's the bit it's just. Yeah, absolutely. But I also think that they obviously filmed those all at once. And maybe Chris Evans just said that.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Nah, I don't think... We'll never know, Mason. I 100% know in my heart that that is not true. Let's find out. Have you ever... Did you ever watch... There's a very famous... Not very famous.
Starting point is 01:03:16 There's a Dana Carvey sketch. It was on Saturday Night Live, but it was also on the Dana Carvey show, where he's being a famous... I think it's Dan, rather. He's being like a famous newscaster who decides he wants to go, we enter on like a, like the news desk and he's repeating like, he's kind of, he has to, he wants to go on holiday to the Hamptons for months. And so he has to record every, he has to record the lead for every conceivable news story before it happens.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And so they're on presidents. So he has to record all the different ways Gerald Ford is going to die. So it's like he's died at 83. He's died at 84. He's been eaten by wolves. The corpse of Richard Nixon rises up to the grave and strangles him to death. And he has to just keep doing all this.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And it leads up to the point where he's like, Gerald Ford is dead today and I'm gay. And they're like, he's like, wait, what? And he's like, why? And he's like, but I'm not gay. And he's like, well, today you're not gay. But I mean, what happens is you wake up one morning, you're like, man, Gerald Ford dies and you wake up one morning you're like man Gerald Ford dies
Starting point is 01:04:25 and we're screwed so what do you everybody look that up hang on I'm going to see if it's Gerald Ford it's probably
Starting point is 01:04:31 hang on that sounds good maybe it's Dan Rather I can't remember anyway that's the bit that's the bit that's the bit okay cool
Starting point is 01:04:38 I do like those little Captain America moments though I enjoyed his little his appearance I forgot to put this in my easter egg video there's like
Starting point is 01:04:44 you see a photo of Bruce Banner in the school yep I don't know why they'd have that he's a monster but so I enjoyed his little, his, his appearance. I've got to put this in my history video. There's like, you see a photo of Bruce Banner in the school. Yep. I don't know why they'd have that. He's a monster and a murderer, but Hey, whatever. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Yeah. And also the, the, the principal is the grandson of the howling commandos guy. It's the same actor. There's an M I can't remember. Hang on. Who is,
Starting point is 01:05:00 who is what? The principal of Peter's school. His grandfather was in the howling commandos. Oh, right. He's even got a photo of him in his office. Dana Carvey plays Tom Brokaw. Okay. Peter's school, his grandfather was in the Howling Commandos. Oh, right. He's even got a photo of him in his office. Dana Carvey plays Tom Brokaw. Okay. That's the news anchor.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Don't know who that is. Okay, doesn't matter. Yeah. Very good. Okay, so this was, I didn't love this. I thought it was weird and kind of, it felt, the MJ reveal was strange. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:23 How so? Well, it's not Mary Jane Watson for one, so it might not even be. How do you know it's not? Because she says her name's Michelle Jones and Mary Jane's name is Mary Jane. Maybe Mary Jane Watson. Acting name? Acting name. Yeah, it's possible.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Or like model name. Right. I'm not against it. I don't really care, but it felt very kind of like, huh? Yeah. Okay. Right. Okay. Great okay did it feel like see i feel it was less egregious than at the end of the dark knight rises when he's like i'll use your
Starting point is 01:05:52 given name robin so i felt it was like that i felt it was nothing like that because why would why would the character be why would his given name name be Robin and then his vigilante name also be Robin? Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Why wouldn't they say, why don't you use your given name? Maybe he called himself Nightwing. We don't know whether he would.
Starting point is 01:06:12 That's true. You're right. Okay. It is a parallel universe. But why wouldn't he say, use your given name Dick Grayson? Yeah. You know what I mean? Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Maybe it's under that. I don't know. Yeah. Good point. We'd get it. Yeah, we'd get it. Because we're huge super fans. We love movings. We love movings.
Starting point is 01:06:25 We love movings. Yeah. But no, I thought she had some funny moments, but I was like, oh, he didn't need that. Right, okay. Or you could have handled that better. Or just say she's Mary Jane. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:06:35 I guess, sure. But then... It's not a twist. It's just a whatever. It's just a whatever. That's true. What about the rest of the supporting cast? I liked them.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I like Ned Leeds. I like all his little friends. Yep. Liz Allen's whatever. That's true. What about the rest of the supporting cast? I liked them. I like Ned Leeds. I like all his little friends. Yep. Liz Allen's fine. He's, you know, the crew that, Martin Starr's good. I like him a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah, they're all fine. Great. I like them. And they mostly look like actual kids again. Yeah. Yeah. So probably John Francis,
Starting point is 01:07:00 John Francis Daly wrote on Freaks and Geeks. Which one's he? He wrote on it, I think. But who's he in this? He wrote the screenplay for this movie. Which is why Martin Starr is in it. Oh, wait, he was...
Starting point is 01:07:13 Oh, you know, no, because he was Sam on Freaks and Geeks. So hang on, that's Sam. I can't see. He was the other geek. Oh, the geek. He was the geek. Okay, I like him. Freaks and Geeks, man.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Good show. Good show. What about this, Mason? This blew people's mind. I liked it in a big way. The Iron Spider. Oh, at the end. Sure, for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Oh, right. Eric Chen, who did our intro animations for YouTube and the Weekly Planet and that, and he does a bunch of other cool stuff for us. He wrote this in an email to me, something along along these lines that he liked the parallel to the stark reveal because peter parker had the moment to be like you can come out and review yourself as an avenger everyone's gonna love you and whatever this is your moment because this is what i did i told everybody right man i'm the i'm the greatest man who's ever lived and he went yeah it's not not for me sure right no i didn't even think of it like that but that's that's what it was that's what he'd set up for him yeah sure sure
Starting point is 01:08:05 which I thought was really cool some people were saying that in that moment that Tony Stark was going to out Peter Parker as Spider-Man
Starting point is 01:08:14 but I don't think what that was I think it was like get in the suit yeah exactly it was get him in the suit because in the first Civil War
Starting point is 01:08:21 the comic book Civil War event Peter Parker does go on stage with with yeah iron man and say it's me peter parker i'm spider-man but in you know he's 28 exactly exactly right yeah that's it but no i i think there's a chance we might see that because you were talking about a downgrade for the next movie uh-huh i think that might be the suit we get in infinity war oh maybe like the iron spider because if you're going into space to fight a monster that's
Starting point is 01:08:46 true probably just don't go in a sleeveless t-shirt you'll break your wrist and your elbow that's true yeah you gotta get some proper gear yeah i mean i i i probably at least for a time yeah yeah fair enough yeah but i think because if you recall in at the start of the movie he gets his first spider-man suit in that case and i you know, it's got all the holographic do hickeys and all that sort of stuff. But in, when at the end of the movie, he gets his, he gets a new version.
Starting point is 01:09:13 He gets the suit and it's just in a paper bag. Right. So I think that. You don't think it's this. I thought it was the original one. No, I'm saying it's, it looks like the original,
Starting point is 01:09:20 but it doesn't have any tech in it. That's why it's just in a bag. Oh, because you don't have to put it in the suit with the electronics and the whatever. I just assume he just gave it back to him. No, I don't think that's it. Because he also didn't keep it in a case. He just had it in his room.
Starting point is 01:09:33 That's true. Yeah. But I feel Stark would present it in another case. Yeah, he would, wouldn't he? Yeah. Or maybe it's just like, who cares? Yeah. So I reckon the one he has at the end of the movie is a significant technology downgrade,
Starting point is 01:09:44 which again- Disagree! again works to the point of the movie because he doesn't need the drone. He doesn't need the artificial intelligence. He doesn't need the million different versions of the webs. I would absolutely take that though. Oh yeah. It's got a parachute in it. Instant kill mode.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You can't fly. And it's instant kill mode. Yeah. It's weird that you'd think that if you're falling from the sky and the parachute fails, it would activate web wings. Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. There's a bunch of stuff that it should probably be able to do.
Starting point is 01:10:10 I like the interrogation mode. People think it's, well, it probably is. Yeah, that was a funny gag. I like that a lot. Like the Batman, it's the Batman voice or whatever. And it's just a skinny kid with a little drone next to him. It's not intimidating at all. I like Donald Glover in this.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Speaking of, he's Aaron Davis, the prowler, uncle of Miles Morales. That's right, because he says, I've got a nephew in this neighborhood and I don't want to see him get, you know, any harm come to him. So that's cool. Which I thought, what I think is interesting about that as well is we don't get an age on Miles Morales. So they could do 10 years of Peter Parker. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:10:43 And then that kid at the moment could be three or four. That's true, yeah. So I think depending on what Tom Holland does, he's probably, because they got him young, they probably signed him on for 50 years. Yeah, that's true. But they can, at any point from here on out, I'd say they probably could do at least another two or three.
Starting point is 01:11:00 We're going to get a Miles Morales. Yeah, yeah. Which I think is a really cool way to introduce him. Real even say you can even put him in the next one yeah i mean i mean new york's pretty big forget about it they could just thank you they could just put spider-man in queens yeah miles morales in another borough yeah they could work you know they could work different sides of the city sure but they're probably too similar in age though that's true because they're both supposed to be i think miles morales is like 14 and peter's supposed to be 15 that's true i don't know i don't know i don't know mason yeah man i do not know what else what else
Starting point is 01:11:32 well i've got some a user of not users some listener reviews here i love that jesus christ for those people who don't know, Mason's been sick for four years. It's the tram. Yeah, it's definitely the tram. People are passing. Yeah. What were you going to say? I've got allergy. It's the pollen.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I think, actually, I also love the scene where he has to escape from the damage control facility. Yeah. That was fun. That was fun. Oh, voice of, what's her name? The voice of the AI is Jennifer Connelly. Oh, is it really?
Starting point is 01:12:06 Paul Betty's wife, Mason. Okay. Also played Betty Ross. That's fun. Isn't it? That is fun. That's a fun thing. Do you think we'll get a...
Starting point is 01:12:13 I didn't recognize her at all. No, neither did I. I only saw that after. All right, what have we got here? This is from Kush says... I should say a lot of people love this, but there are some people who have emailed in and tweeted in as well who are like,
Starting point is 01:12:25 I didn't love it. That's fair. I think it was great. This from Kush says, Spider-Man Homecoming was so refreshing. It's like drinking a cool solo on a hot day. Great twist too. Zach says,
Starting point is 01:12:38 didn't think Spider-Man Homecoming was that great. Why could he fight heroes in Civil War but barely fight a thug in this? I think that might come down to in Civil War they weren't trying to kill each other. Oh, definitely. Yeah. I think that may be it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:52 We're going to talk about Spider-Sense as well in a minute. Broderick says, just saw Spider-Man Homecoming. I think it was a perfect blend of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's a good Peter Parker as well. He's a great Peter Parker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Jesse says, saw Homecoming. Was good. Could have been better. yeah oh yeah he's a good peter parker as well he's a great very good yeah uh jesse says saw homecoming was good could have been better the the zendaya reveal reminded me of robin from the dark knight rises what do you think of that mason no i mean jesse are on the same page mason you're out jesse you're in i don't want to do this with somebody who disagrees with me slightly on anything no that's that's fair. Damon says, with Ego and now Vulture, I believe Marvel is finally getting memorable, dangerous villains.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Best movie ever. Would you agree with that? I would agree. Pronounceable Name says, I don't say Dark Knight good very often, but Spider-Man Homecoming might be the perfect superhero film. There you go.
Starting point is 01:13:42 It is pretty good, but at the same time, as a standalone film maybe not right okay only in the sense because you need to have
Starting point is 01:13:50 Iron Man in it and you need you know I think if you've never seen any of these it would make sense oh sure yeah it would
Starting point is 01:13:57 yeah that's true I mean as long as you're aware as long as you're aware there are other superheroes out there yes and Iron Man's a you know a big name
Starting point is 01:14:03 a big gun yeah I guess that works and that's fairly evident but that first four minutes must be super weird though like yeah right because it's the recap of civil war from his perspective that's true yeah uh what do we got here this is from sup says saw spider-man liked tom holland no origin story bullshit disliked planeliked. Plane sequence. Vulture motivations. Hmm. Oh, interesting. Charlie says, what is wrong with Tony? Why would he give Spider-Man an instant kill mode on his suit?
Starting point is 01:14:31 Good question, Charlie. Because that's why I said that earlier, because I took it from Charlie. Yeah. Thanks, Charlie. Why wouldn't he? He's a man that doesn't care whether he kills somebody or not. Yes. He doesn't even think about it. He assumes people kill other people in their daily lives just as a matter of course, because
Starting point is 01:14:44 he's a rich guy and he can get away with anything. Absolutely, he can and does. He's killed so many people and nobody's ever pulled him up on it. Countless, yeah. But he pulls up other people on it, doesn't he? Just he goes into foreign nations and he kills people. Yes. That's a declaration of war, if anything.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Yes, it is. Anyway. But he's doing the Lord's work. That's true. So what were we going to say? When you mentioned before that I'm sick all the time. Yes. That's true. And also were we going to say? When you mentioned before that I'm sick all the time. Yes. That's true.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And also I apologize that you've had to cut out all the coughs that I've been doing. You've done a lot of coughs this episode. So many. You put it in my head. I may have coughed out. Coughed out. I may have cut out a lot though. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Depending on how much pausing we left. Yeah. What do we got here? So, yeah. What was I going to say? There's a thing we're going to talk about specifically, Mason. Did you write it down? Remind me.
Starting point is 01:15:25 I said, hey, this thing. And you went, a spider sense. Yeah, okay, sure. So the director, John Watts, said, I didn't really kind of do it in this film because you've seen a lot of it in previous films and they kind of leaned on it. Okay. And then Kevin Feige was like, yeah, he's got it. But no, we didn't kind of highlight it.
Starting point is 01:15:40 I felt like that he didn't get hit a lot so that he probably yeah his head didn't flash and it did like a zoom shot around him yeah right right duck to punch yeah i think it was just well he's fast isn't he like he's he's fast but he also he's he's fast and he can see things coming but also just because you can see it doesn't mean you can move doesn't mean you can move necessarily like sometimes that there just isn't room to dodge a punch. So you're going to cop it kind of thing. And again, he was in situations that would have killed other people immediately. So pretty good. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Yeah. And I also think, you know, the segments where he sort of leaps through the ship as it's falling to pieces and he webs all the things. Fun. I think that is a combination of him being a science nerd who knows these angles. Well, he also saw the ship through his vision. It was like, web here, web here. Oh, right, right.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Okay, never mind then. But even making those maneuvers is... You need a sense to do that. That's true, yeah. You couldn't just see them and go, oh, that's what I have to do. You'd have to then be able to do it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Anyway, it's good. I like it. Go and see it if you haven't seen it. Yeah, see it yeah right anyway it's good i like it go and see if you haven't seen it yeah see it or don't because live your life you can live your life as you please or as you don't please but if you don't watch it we can't be friends man yeah i've seen it already if listeners out there if you haven't seen it me and james can't be friends so boy oh no wow we can still do the podcast, can't we? Not all podcasters have to be friends.
Starting point is 01:17:07 I wonder if there are podcasters out there who are bitter enemies, but they have a good dynamic on podcasting. Wasn't the Maddox podcast that? I never listened to it. I never listened to it either. Yeah, me neither. Yeah, anyway, I don't know. The guy's still doing stuff, isn't he?
Starting point is 01:17:20 I think so. Good on him. Great. Yeah, great. Is that it? Also, I think this is good for kids yep take care of this i wouldn't take a kid to guardians 2 yep probably civil war is probably a bit much uh i think there's too much espionage but i think this is no i think a kid love this
Starting point is 01:17:38 yeah and it's not also going back to the original spider-man there's some scares in that like this like there's jump scares there's horror moments right so yeah, there's some scares in that. Such as? Like there's jump scares. There's horror moments. Right. Sure, sure, sure. So, yeah. Like there's a bit where he goes to save that old woman in the building and it turns around and it's the Green Goblin and he's just like, ah! Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Sure, sure. Yeah. James has purchased a fidget spinner. I didn't purchase this. It was a gift. Huh. Who dislikes you that much? My wife.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Nice. Makes sense. Anything else? Let me say... Come on, Mason. We haven't got all day. Hang on, hang on. People have work to do.
Starting point is 01:18:16 No, I'm just thinking about things. Someone's driving to work going, come on, fellas. I'm nearly at the office. I like the bit in the... when the two villain... a couple of the villains, the henchmen come to the school. Yep.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And they're looking around for, to try and track down the alien little energy source. Yep. And Ned leads us hiding around the corner. And he runs into the two kids in the classroom. And they're like, you guys, you guys, you guys doing all right? You having a good day? And then one of them's just like, yes.
Starting point is 01:18:44 That is pretty good. It was a real kid. Yeah. Oh, the bit where he escapes in the rubble. That was a very Spider-Man moment. That is a very iconically Spider-Man moment where he's like I'm trapped, I can't
Starting point is 01:18:57 dude, why don't I just give up? I'm just a hard luck hero living my life. There was a sense of claustrophobia where he's like oh shit, he's really pissed. And again, he reacts like a normal person would in that situation by just screaming and being like, help.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I'm dying. But then he does the absolute classic Spider-Man moment where he's like, all right, got to gather my stuff. I got to think about MJ and I got to think about Aunt May and I got to think about the girls I got to crushes on and've got to do the right thing. And then he throws all the stuff off. And he's free. He's free to catch a bird, man.
Starting point is 01:19:30 All right, you know what it's time for? What are we reading? What are we going to read? Ah, very good. I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? What do you read? You know what I saw today?
Starting point is 01:19:44 I saw The Beguiled. What's that? Which is the new Sofia Coppola movie. Is it good? It's good, yeah. Is she a hit and miss? I don't know if I've ever
Starting point is 01:19:50 seen any of her movies. Sorry? Is she a hit and miss? Did you say he? She. I know she is. You know what? Honestly, I don't really know.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Okay. This one was weirdly tense. It was sort of a horror movie but not. Who's in it? Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell. I know. And Kirsten Dunst from Spider-Man. Which one? Which Spider-Man? It was sort of a horror movie, but not. Who's in it? Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I know. And Kirsten Dunst from Spider-Man. Which one? Which Spider-Man? First Spider-Man. Spider-Man 1 through 3. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:13 All right. And it's set a few years into the American Civil War. Oh, it's in the past. Yeah, it's in the past. And there are these women at a... A meet and greet? No, not a meet and greet. Like a school of deportment. There's only a few of them there.
Starting point is 01:20:30 A lot of them have left. But a few of them there because they have nowhere to go. And Colin Farrell is this wounded... It is in the south. And Colin Farrell is a wounded soldier from the north. And he's like, help me out. And then they bring him into the house and weird stuff happens. Is it sexy?
Starting point is 01:20:44 I wouldn't say it's sexy. How sexy is it Is it sexy? I wouldn't say it's sexy. How sexy is it though? I said, I wouldn't say it's sexy. It's weird. On what scale? Of weirdness. Sexy to weird. It's probably right in the middle of sexy and weird.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Yeah. Okay. And by that, I mean, it's real creepy. I've actually, I've seen a trailer for that. Yeah. Yeah. Doesn't he? It's doesn't he?
Starting point is 01:21:03 Cause he's a bit, he's a bit of a deviant, a miscreant. Or is it them that are the deviant and miscreants? I'm not going to spoil it. Where did you see it? I saw it at the Lido. You saw three movies this week. I did. Oh, that's too many.
Starting point is 01:21:14 All right. I watched all of The Handmaid's Tale. I was going to say also. No, wait. Never mind. I was going to say I didn't hate Tony Stark in this movie. No, me neither. Anyway, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:21:23 He's a prick. Yeah, he's a prick. The Handmaid's Tale. It's a mixture of 1984, V for Vendetta, and Pride and Prejudice. Do you know what it's about? No. It's the very near future. Things have got bad.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Yes. And the world has returned, or the US in particular, has returned to this Victorian era. Oh, and everything's quite prudish and conservative. Yes. who turned to this Victorian era. Oh, and everything's quite prudish and conservative. Yes, but it's also, so there's a bit of kind of, you know, technology has reverted, but also the elite kind of still got their computers and cars and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:21:53 And it's also children of men in the sense that there have been no more children or very few children being born. Because women's reproductive rights are being kind of crushed down? Well, they think it's a plague. And so basically because of the reproduction has kind of slowed, then it's kind of given rise to this new breed of like conservatism,
Starting point is 01:22:17 which has kind of taken over the government and then taken away women's rights and all sorts of other stuff. It's big and intense and weird and horrible. Not sexy at all. Yeah, right. It's good. It's great. It's 10 episodes.
Starting point is 01:22:29 It's on SBS On Demand. Oh, yeah. In Australia. But I think if you haven't seen it, Mason, then definitely worth checking out. Scott, what's her name from Mad Men? Elizabeth Moss. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Kate Moss. I also have been watching Castlevania on Netflix. Oh, yeah. It's good. Written by Warren Ellis. Yeah. Of many, many comic books that I love fame. It feels like, because I'm nearly at the end of the third episode and there's only four,
Starting point is 01:22:52 I'm like, oh, they're not going to wrap this up. It's weird that it's a season of four 25-minute episodes, isn't it? Well, as I said to you before the show, I think it's the same thing with Voltron where they probably did 10 or 8, but they're splitting them up. Because Voltron feels the same way. Yeah, right. I think this is quite canny in the sense that there's a lot of movies on Netflix. Like stuff that I haven't seen or even Netflix originals
Starting point is 01:23:17 that I always click add to my list. But I'm never going to get to it probably because it's two hours long. But if you break it up into four 25-minute chunks... Then you will get to it. Then I can just watch 25 minutes as a tester. You know what I mean? You gonna check it out? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Yeah, I think it's interesting, yeah. I feel like I'm gonna get to the end and be like, oh, man. Is there a character called Simon Belmont with a whip? Does he have a whip? Yes. Great. I don't remember much of...
Starting point is 01:23:44 They've covered all the bases of the game. I don't remember much of they've covered all the bases of the game I don't know much of the lore so I'm like I'm interested to be like oh this is this universe how's the Dracula in it he's a good looking Dracula
Starting point is 01:23:52 is there an Alu card I don't know I think he's just Dracula maybe maybe not yet alright nice but it's four episodes so I feel like
Starting point is 01:24:00 I don't think we'd get anywhere near that at this point but yeah yeah if you've got Netflix the first one's like 22 minutes so do what you want does he throw some sort of episodes so i feel like i don't think we'd get anywhere near that at this point but yeah yeah if you've got netflix the first one's like 22 minutes okay does he throw some sort of molotov cocktail device dracula no some belmont not not as of yet how many belmonts are there just him uh that's all i've seen okay let's say there's not more okay yeah belmont belmont belmont belmont
Starting point is 01:24:21 back when i was a kid you could get because you Because, you know, when you're a kid, there was like a book club at school. You could send away for books. Scholastic book club. Yeah, Scholastic. You could buy books. They used to do... There used to be a series of books based on video games.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Oh, yeah. It was a Castlevania novel. Was it good? No. Why not? Was it Choose Your Own Adventure? No, you know what? Because there were...
Starting point is 01:24:43 It's like you open a trap door. Oh, there's a vampire you're dead you had no way of knowing that and you're dead that's what choose your own adventures they're all like that it was all
Starting point is 01:24:52 yeah it was every time it was hey you had no way of knowing that yeah anyway there was a yeah there was a series of there was a series of books based on video games
Starting point is 01:25:01 there was but some of them were set in that universe and some were kids who got sucked into the universe and castlevania was you were a kid that well the main character was a kid who got sucked into the castlevania universe but there's also there was also like a metal gear one there was a kid get sucked into a metal gear no metal gear he you were the the main character was the guy from metal gear the gear there was a bionic commando one i
Starting point is 01:25:23 remember that game yeah and. And book series. You know it. Very famous. Yeah. Okay. I guess that whatever gets kids reading. That's true, yeah. Even if it's total garbage.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Well, that's the thing. When I was teaching, Mason, because I was that. Yeah, we get it. There was concern with parents were like, I don't really want my kid just reading only Die of a Wimpy Kid books or whatever. And I'd always say, as long as they're reading. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:44 You know what I mean? Because that is the gateway to other things, you know? It's a gateway drug. That's why I give all the students in my class copies of Fifty Shades of Grey. That's right. And there's like obviously stuff that you give them to read that they have to read. But if a kid's reading it's... Fifty Shades of Grey, I just said it.
Starting point is 01:25:58 That's right, yeah. Then it's not a bad thing, you know, if they're reading stuff that they love. All right, Mason, letters. Catch the reading bug, guys. Get it up your butt. Jeez. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you, some letters.
Starting point is 01:26:15 They're only a day away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. Do you want to do your letter first? I'll do a letter. Do you want me to do my tweet first? No, do a tweet. Okay, so if you want to reach the show,
Starting point is 01:26:27 Mason's all over the Gmail, weeklyplanetpot at Would you say keep them brief or keep them long? If they're long paragraphs, use some paragraphs. Yeah, please use some paragraphs. Everybody's good about using paragraphs.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I really appreciate it. Excellent, excellent. Yeah. Or you can hashtag weeklyplanetpot on Twitter and we'll read out some... Yeah, we will. Something there. Go for it. Or am I going appreciate it. Excellent. Excellent. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Or you can hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and we'll read out some. Yeah, we will. Some from there.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Go for it. Yeah. Or am I going for it? You go for it. This is from Anthony Norris. They're making a sequel to World War Z. Why not make a Netflix series?
Starting point is 01:26:56 He seems very out of breath, that guy. Why not make a Netflix series based on the actual book? It's not a bad idea. That's true. Have you ever read it? No.
Starting point is 01:27:11 It's more of a guidebook, isn't it? Yeah, it's kind of, or it's like a book it's not a bad idea that's true have you ever read it no i think it's more of a guidebook isn't it yeah it's kind of oh it's like a it's like a uh historical kind of document account of what happened so it's like in this area of china there was this outbreak and this thing what weird thing washed up on shore in this country this person turned up and they did this or whatever and we had to and we knocked all the teeth out of the zombies because then they couldn't bite you. Like stuff like that. And the movie kind of mushed a whole lot of that stuff together. Okay, sure, sure. So you could kind of do it like the start of District 9. So you could probably do it like in that style.
Starting point is 01:27:37 We're kind of like, I remember the zombie apocalypse. It was bullshit. Yeah, sure. Yeah, exactly. Okay. Yeah, I think so. It's good. Maybe. Are you sick of zombies just generally? I think if you can do it fresh yeah okay sure that's fine what about you know
Starting point is 01:27:51 what zombies aren't known for being fresh honestly very good they're really but i but i say that also in the terms of genre they're really they're really a bit over i didn't realize you were also talking about genre i don't. I'm just tired of zombies I guess, I think. Yeah, fair enough. But I think we haven't really seen... And by zombies, I mean people are always looking at their phones. Nobody talks to each other. Nobody talks to train anymore.
Starting point is 01:28:16 It's more like anti-social media, isn't it? Didn't the milkman used to come to your house and have sex with your mum? That's right. Why doesn't that happen anymore? Come on. Come on. Come on. Yeah. Yeah, great stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Yeah. Look, yeah. No, yes, yes. Pretty cool. I don't think we've seen that. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Good work, Anthony Norris.
Starting point is 01:28:38 What's your letter? Oh, this is a letter from Jonathan Harley on the Gmail. Okay. He listened to our episode last week on the Cornetto Trilogy. Edgar Wright's Cornetto Trilogy. Yeah, I remember.
Starting point is 01:28:46 And in his life, he worked in Summerfields, which is the supermarket in the movie. Ah. Like that chain. Real supermarket. Sorry? Real supermarket. Apparently, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:56 And also, he's a police officer. Ah. So he did both of those things. So he's uniquely qualified. Absolutely. So in the film, he's got a couple of facts about supermarkets and the police. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:29:10 So late in the film, a Summersfield employee runs at the heroes brandishing a yellow knife. Those are what every Summersfield employee is issued with while they work there. So that's an attention to detail. Okay, two, Sandford. That's a joke just for people who work in those supermarkets. Unless you've been assaulted by a knife-wielding Summerfields employee.
Starting point is 01:29:31 It's very possible. Okay, point two, Sandford, which is the town in the film, is a fictional town that the police set all their scenarios in for assessing new recruits. Ah. Right? So there you go. So that town is not a real town. It's a fictional town. No, fictional town, but the police use it. scenarios in for assessing new recruits. Ah. Right? So there you go.
Starting point is 01:29:46 So that town is not a real town. No. It's a fictional town. Fictional town, but the police use it. They're like, okay, there's a hostage situation. It's in Sanford. So there you go. Great. Three, in the movie, Nick Frost's character is caught drink driving by Simon Pegg's character.
Starting point is 01:30:01 And after that, the team was all eating cakes. Yes. Cake finds are a real thing in the British police force. So if you do something stupid like crash a patrol vehicle, get your phonetic alphabet wrong on the radio or call the inspector, mate, you have to buy the entire station cakes. There you go.
Starting point is 01:30:18 There must be good cakes or you'd be further ridiculed. More like the wide, thin line. Yeah, yeah. No. Number four, you're told in training the pocket notebook is the most important piece of kit you're issued like which is well like in the movie exactly so there you go these make hot fuzz a very special film for him so because it's very accurate yeah oh that's really cool isn't that fun yeah there you go love it so it's it's subverting the
Starting point is 01:30:40 genre it is but also adhering to the real world yeah yeah great who's that from that was from jonathan harley thank you jonathan yep you're my hero you're not mine okay it's from reg williams whatever too i bet i guess that's 50 that's a pass that's pretty good uh this is from reg williams hashtag weekly planet pod red sun movie might be coming along very heated debate as to whether people want that people like do a real superman movie before you do it uh what other elseward stories would you like to see in film form not animated mason we're talking live action we're talking get a person on set put them in a dumb costume for 12 hours of the day yep so they sweat everything out of their body yep and they have to go home and the suit's
Starting point is 01:31:25 all damp the next morning when they put it back on so this is a very this is some sort of low budget production correct to just get one suit get the feel of soviet russia just uh just they have to put on a weird damp cold suit every morning and oh all right so which ones do you want to see i've got a list here of potential ones. I can go through those if you want. Please, if you could. Gotham by Gaslight, we talked about last week. Yep. Batman in the 1800s or whatever that was, 1900s? Yep, I would like to see that.
Starting point is 01:31:52 In the past. Yeah, sure. Steampunk Batman. Okay, cool. Have there been some proper steampunk movies yet? Not really. Kind of Hellboy sort of, but it's also modern day. Yeah, no, not at all really.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Injustice we talked about last week. Yeah, that'd be good. Batman and Dracula Red Rain, I quite like. I'm not on board with that. You don't like Batman fighting a Dracula? Those were all so dumb. Red Rain's good. There's been any number of Batman versus Dracula cross.
Starting point is 01:32:16 I think they're all dumb. This one's good. All right, fine. Batman Predator. I kind of would like to see that live. Yeah, that'd be good. What about Kingdom Come? yeah
Starting point is 01:32:26 Jump into the Future that would be good I agree I haven't read this one but Mike Mignola did a Lovecraft style comic called The Doom That Came to Gotham which is kind of like a Cthulhu
Starting point is 01:32:40 yeah right right right weird monster universe combining with Gotham yeah I would like to say that and i think one of the things that we haven't seen in a batman movie is batman fighting the actual supernatural right that's true actually yeah it's always just science gone wrong science gone mad a deformed man that he beats to death or throws off a roof or whatever yeah you're right so actual magic because he also often he's he's ready roof or whatever yeah you're right so actual magic
Starting point is 01:33:05 because he also often he's he's ready for that like yeah that's true stuff that yeah and i would appreciate i would like that as well yeah it's i mean it's a tough balance i guess because you want especially as batman exists in the wider dc universe yeah that is that there's constantly supernatural stuff happening in aliens and super high technology or whatever but batman also has to exist in the world where he's a detective and he fights bank robbers as well but he also has to be ready to fight a god at a moment's notice so it's kind of it's kind of a tough balance drop everything where it's like why don't you use you've got you know you've got a boom tube teleport generator in your in your bat cave why don't you use that all the time yeah but he only ever employs
Starting point is 01:33:43 it when he's has to go to you know he yeah he adjusts his levels as to what he's fighting but it's always weird why he wouldn't use the super high technology
Starting point is 01:33:52 when he's fighting he could really clean up a lot of crime in Gotham oh so many I guess the boom tube takes a lot of power maybe that's the reason yeah
Starting point is 01:33:59 also it's probably like one in a hundred times you step through it like blends you with a cicada or something that's probably like one in a hundred times you step through it blends you with a cicada or something. That's probably true, yeah. Well, speaking of...
Starting point is 01:34:10 Wait, where were we going with that? Where were you going with that? I honestly don't know. I have nothing to say. Oh, because we're talking about zombies, World War Z. I was going to say there's a Batman comic from many years ago called Dark Knight, Dark City, where the Riddler raises the dead in
Starting point is 01:34:27 gotham city and he has to fight a whole bunch of zombies cool i would like to see that all right then just just give me something give me give me a give me maybe a b-list villain who gets in way over his head and he summons some sort of yeah some sort of cthulhu is that what happens in that like the riddler's like i did not intend for this exactly yeah interesting. All right, yeah, I think they should delve in elsewhere. We talked about this last week. Yeah. That's this week's episode of the podcast. That is, we've spoken.
Starting point is 01:34:52 We said we're going to talk about Baby Driver, but I told Mason I was tired and I didn't want to do it. You sure did. But rest assured, we both saw it. Yes, we did. We might do a little bit of it next week, but that being said, next week is also Star Wars Celebration and we might be having an interview.
Starting point is 01:35:08 We should just tell people, yeah? Sure, right we might people already know they do yeah we are we're gonna be able hope we're gonna speak to edgar right this week about baby driver yeah um on thursday that being said that could change at a moment's notice they could cancel it on us because we had 20 minutes right and then they emailed you and said now you got 15 Yeah, and it was initially like, we're going to film it and now they're like, bring your own stuff. Yeah, sure, right. So I'll just bring some mics or whatever.
Starting point is 01:35:31 So yeah, I mean, there's... Next it'll be, okay, Edgar Wright's going to have a big black screen in front of him and you won't be able to see his face. Yeah, that's it. I said, they said, do you want to bring, because we've got to clear photos, do you want to do any photos?
Starting point is 01:35:43 And I said, we'll probably just get a selfie or something. Yeah, sure, sure. And they're like, okay, we'll have to clear it with, I'm like, I'm sure if I just ask him when I'm there. Yeah, right. I'm not really a selfie guy, so I don't even, I don't know how to do them properly. I'm not good at them, I don't do them enough.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Yeah. We're not really interview guys either, so we'll probably. Oh, no, we're definitely going to fuck this up. Look, and also I think it's also entirely possible we'll say something that we're not, like we up look and also i i think it's it's also entirely possible we'll say something that we're not like we'll ask him a question we're not allowed to ask and well often the problem is in a lot of cases with interviewing apparently with interviewing you know big stars or directors or something like that is they're very you know they're very nice and genial and they would answer any questions you like but the people that their handlers are like don't say this don't ask him this never say this kind of thing stay on
Starting point is 01:36:30 topic or whatever and so i think you know we we might we might get into a topic that he would happily talk about but we've been told not to and then they'll be like all right interview over get out well the direction i got was like i was like was there anything we can't ask yeah not that we're gonna not that we're gonna grill him about his personal life all right where do you live all right but i just didn't want to step on anything and they basically just said just talk about baby driver so we probably would try and deviate that from a little bit but they're right there's a lot of stuff i do want to know about that film anyway yeah totally anyway we'll give that a crack anyway it might not happen so yeah who knows yeah let's talk it up though yeah definitely 100% in
Starting point is 01:37:05 but no I'm looking forward to meeting him it's kind of weird because normally I'd be like I don't want to do this but this I'm like oh no I'd love to talk to Edgar that's really cool and I'm sure he wants to talk to us I'm sure on day 300 of his press junk
Starting point is 01:37:24 and he's going to want to talk to two idiots. Oh, the poor guy. Yeah. I'd love to just ask him about that. Just be like, what is it like to sit in a blank room for a month and just say, how did you film the driving sequences? Yeah, I'm going to ask. That's my first question.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Yeah. Good. If we only talk about that I'll be okay yeah yeah alright here we go nice
Starting point is 01:37:48 that makes it to the end of the show thing oh yeah so you can find us on Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter
Starting point is 01:37:55 and Bandcamp and I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter I'm at MrSundayMovies if you would like to support the show somehow you can go to
Starting point is 01:38:02 slash MrSundayMovies movies chuck us a buck as we always say. Chuck in a buck every week. We thought of that day one, didn't we? Yeah, we did. We've said it under our breath every time since. Chuck in a buck, baby. Or you can click on the Amazon affiliate
Starting point is 01:38:16 link that's in our episode description. Chuck in a buck to yourself. Chuck in a buck if you want to find the 1970s Nicholas Hammond Spider-Man film telemovie on VHS or Betamax, which will be of better quality. That's what they say. You go to Amazon, you click through, buy what you're going to buy anyway. Buy your groceries.
Starting point is 01:38:34 In America, you can get anything on Amazon. You can get anything here as well. Nah. Yeah. Buy a Pop-Tart on Amazon, see how far you get. I will. You son of a bitch. I won't.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Anyway, you can do that. Anyway, you just click through. You pay the same price. We're going back that's it we've got t's on yes that'll do it there's probably other things there's other things always other things thank you for the master that's gonna rack them for our themes raw collins is doing a great job on the newsletter and at the weekly planet and the weekly planet so good that website does some articles it's great that's great great isn't he yeah let's see thank you everybody
Starting point is 01:39:06 who listens yes if you've gone this far or even halfway even the people who quit listening halfway through this fuck you
Starting point is 01:39:13 no thank you you've gone in the wrong direction there really oh no wow the halfies I call them okay right
Starting point is 01:39:22 yeah fair enough yeah I usually finish a podcast me too actually no I get to the end where they're like and they do this bit
Starting point is 01:39:27 and then I turn it off that's generally what I do yeah what else Mason that's it I think yeah next week Star Wars
Starting point is 01:39:35 something's happening D23 we'll do that hopefully some Megawire stuff maybe a bit of Baby Driver yeah and then other things
Starting point is 01:39:42 if you gotta I feel we should talk about Baby Driver if he gives us an interview about baby driver we'll say but if he doesn't then we'll ask him we'll ask him you know what we should do we should go through every major franchise and ask him if he would direct a movie in that that's right yeah would you do a batman movie what about a superman movie yeah what about a spider-man movie i'm thinking about getting a t-shirt printed yeah that says keep calm we're not going to ask you about ant-man
Starting point is 01:40:07 can you do that before then i'll see what i can do please do okay cool yeah nice all right thanks guys bye oh wait grab that chubby guys yeah bye that was close yeah this podcast is part of the planet broadcasting network visit for more podcasts from our great mates i mean if you want it's up to you

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