The Weekly Planet - 200 Biggest Box Office Bombs

Episode Date: August 28, 2017

Wow. We an achievement. 200 and 198 episodes respectively.So to celebrate we talk the biggest box office bombs of all time as well as the future of the MCU, James Cameron throwing Wonder Woman some sh...ade, Godzilla VS King Kong plus updates for the Uncharted and Han Solo movies.Also, there’s some weird shit happening over at DC.0:00 Visit for all of the podcast!3:08 James Cameron Hates Wonder Woman6:52 The future of the MCU9:!2 The Inhumans (will be bad)11:13 Godzilla VS King Kong news17:04 Uncharted movie update19:01 Black Mirror Season 4 trailer20:42 Han Solo character cut & new vehicles29:34 DC Movie news GALORE.51:11 200 BOX OFFICE BOMBS1:35:40 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:42:22 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy Justice League on Amazon, have fun with it: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of, where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday, with me as always my co-host, Nick Mason. Not just another episode, in fact, keep it rolling. I've got something. Hang on. What do I do? No, just keep it rolling. I don't know what to do by myself.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I think he's just gone to the toilet. I think this is an elaborate route so he can go to the toilet. He's going to come back and hand me some hand soap and be like, this is for you. And I'll be like, that's the hand soap from my bathroom. But he'll be like, no, it's slightly different. It's only half full because I dropped it at the supermarket. But I want you to. No. It's slightly different. It's only half full. Because I dropped it at the supermarket.
Starting point is 00:00:47 But I want you to have. He's still not back. I don't know what he's doing. Is he wrapping a gift? This guy man. I'm so sorry. Episode 200 everybody. You're still filming James?
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yeah. No we're not filming. It's podcasting. Did you run to your car? Yes. I got something. Hang on. I'm hoping he like wheels in a big cake. He's just standing outside. I don't know what he's doing. It's podcasting. Did you run to your car? Yes, I got something. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I'm hoping he wheels in a big cake. He's just standing outside. I don't know what he's doing. Maybe he's climbing inside it. Maybe he has climbed inside it. I hope he's not going to light sparklers. James! It's for you!
Starting point is 00:01:20 It's my gift to you, James! Okay, so he's brought in a cake that he's probably baked himself, almost certainly, even though it's on a plastic tray. And it says 198, because for those who are long-time listeners of the show. Happy 198th appearance on the Weekly Planet, James. Yeah. Because I have missed two episodes. Once for my honeymoon. What was the other time I missed it?
Starting point is 00:01:45 You had a kid. I went to Japan. Nice. Yeah, I didn't miss it for having a kid. You left the door open, you dumbass. What kind of cake is this? It's a rainbow cake. Oh, do you make it?
Starting point is 00:01:54 No. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. I literally got you nothing. No, you got me a glass of water. Oh, yeah, good point. All right. Go on with the episode.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Straight into it? Yes. Should I blow the mouth? If you want. Yay. I did it. Should I blow them out? If you want. Yay. I did it. We can eat that later. Absolutely we can.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I mean, you're not going to eat it. You're carb free now. I am carb free until I come back from America, until I go to America. Then I'm carb heavy. Now explain that. Well, I want to be in relatively good shape, so I haven't been eating any sugar or carbs. Because you're on, you've got to be on film. I'm doing some Screen Junkies things. i think i'm doing collider jedi council
Starting point is 00:02:28 i'm doing a movie fight yeah that's true you gotta actually be in tip-top shape i'm gonna beat the shit out of andy signor that's good that's the plan so thank you if you're listening to this and you know him don't tell him i want to surprise you yeah that's right yeah all right do we get on with it? Yeah, let's do it. Episode 200. James Cameron hates Wonder Woman. Did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Oh, that's right. She's a step backwards, right? Is that from Sarah Connor? I've got the quote here. Okay, I'm ready. All the self-congratulatory back-patting. I got self-congratulatory right, but not back-patting. That's great, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Hollywood's been doing now of a Wonder Woman is so misguided. She's an objectified icon, and it's a male Hollywood doing the same old thing. I'm not saying I didn't like the movie, but to me it's a step backwards. Sarah Connor was not a beauty icon. She was strong. She was troubled. She was a terrible mother. She earned the respect of the audience through pure grit, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:03:22 They're different characters, though. They are different characters. Yeah, that's true. I don't doubt what James Cameron has done for female leads in action movies. etc. They're different characters. They are different characters. Yeah, that's true. I don't doubt what James Cameron has done for female leads in action movies. Sure, right. I mean, Ripley, Sarah Connor, Jamie Lee Curtis in bloody True Lies.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yep. Even with the strip scene, I guess. Yep. Catherine Brewster. Yes. My So-Called Life from Terminator 3. Well, he didn't do that one, but yeah, sure. But it's a spiritual successor. Yeah, absolutely. It one but yeah sure yeah but it's a spiritual successor
Starting point is 00:03:46 yeah absolutely it is well yeah it's a literal sequel that's true but a spiritual successor because he didn't do it um what do we got here so yeah look i i i don't i'm not sure what he means by this entirely yeah yeah exactly right look i think what really he means is please don't forget about me while i film Avatar sequels. Yeah. Well, it's too late. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Well, I think it's also, he has, you know, and people, when he said this, people have caught attention to him saying that Terminator Genisys was great. Yep. And a lot of people didn't really like Avatar in hindsight. So the last movie he really made that people really enjoyed was Titanic, I guess. Sure, right.
Starting point is 00:04:24 So I think it's it's quite it's a bit it's a bit of kind of you haven't really done a lot lately to kind of yeah yeah to be thrown throwing punches like this i guess yeah is he mad that somebody might usurp his like period piece uh yeah i guess potentially titanic and wonder woman sort of set in the same era i guess i don't know it's just it's a strange i mean i i think also he's equating beauty with that you can't be like a heroic person yeah and beautiful and we both know that's not the case you can be beautiful and a hero and a podcaster that's true that is so true you can do it all that's right but uh yeah no so look i don't obviously don't agree with him.
Starting point is 00:05:06 But again, that doesn't take away from the amazing movies that he has done. I think that's the thing here. People are saying, well, all your films are garbage. They're not. He has done amazing films. Some of his films are garbage, but some are amazing. Yeah, well, I would say most are amazing. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah, all right. Yeah, fine, all right. What was the abyss like? There was a water face. There was a water face serpent thing. Yeah, that. Yeah, all right. Yeah, fine, all right. What was the abyss like? There was a water face. There was a water face serpent thing. Yeah. That's true. But also I'd like to know in what context he said this.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Right, yeah. Because did he just call a press conference and say it? Like call a press conference in front of his submarine or something like that? Because oftentimes when you get the full context of something like this, they're in an interview and the interviewer sort of backed them into a corner in a way. And they're like, well, would you say Sarah Connor's better
Starting point is 00:05:51 or Wonder Woman's better? Who would win in a fight? You'd be in a fight and he sort of has to back his own character. Why wouldn't you? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Who knows? I mean, Wonder Woman does have quite a bizarre history.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It 100% does. It's steeped in bondage. That is literally one of the main sources of its origin. It's based on his mistress. Yeah, he had a wife and another partner, I think, at the same time. And they all were... They were all in on it. They were all in on it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Good on them. It was the 40s, man. It was a different time. It certainly was. But hey, got some more news here. I'm ready. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 will take place after the next two Avengers movies. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And it will help set up the next 10 to 20 years of Marvel movies, James Gunn said. It's really going to expand the cosmic universe. Okay. Wow. Make sense to you? Yes. Does that story check Make sense to you? Yes. Does that story check out? He's not wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:47 He also said that Wonder Woman was shit. Oh, James Gunn. Yeah, and Peter Quill's a better female hero. He would, wouldn't he? That's what he said. That's true. Yeah, I mean, that makes sense. I mean, that's what kind of Guardians have kind of been there for.
Starting point is 00:06:59 It's to expand the cosmic stuff. Yeah, but I think we're going to be getting a lot of that in Avengers anyway, aren't we? Because that's going. The next one's going. But I mean, surely in the next 10 to 20 years, Marvel will buy back. Surely at some point they have to get all their fantastic poor properties back and get...
Starting point is 00:07:15 Well, there was news of that this week. They mentioned the story. It was called like Kindergarten Heroes or something. I have no idea what that is. Yeah, hang on. I'll quickly look it up. Oh, Mr. Mark Millar. Well, I should have done this while you were getting a cake from your car.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But so, because, I mean, when I think Marvel Cosmic, I want to see Galactus. I want to see the Silver Surfer. I want to see sort of a lot of that Andy Lanning recent Guardians of the Galaxy run. I want to see that. I want to see the Annihilators. I want to see all that kind of stuff. So they've got to buy some of that back, man.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah, no, I completely agree. What have we got here? I've got the name. The Marvel team and Fox have got Fantastic Four. Kindergarten Cop? Is that what you're thinking? It's going to feature Franklin and Valeria, two children of blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Oh, the Fantastic Four, okay. Human Torch and the Thing will also appear. We've heard all that before. Yep. Tonally, it's like The Incredibles, which makes sense because The Incredibles is a good Fantastic Four movie. I cannot, for the life of me, find it, Mason. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You know what they say, though? Yeah, what's that? Prepare your podcast before you start. No one's ever said that. They say wing it. Wing it till you zing it. Wing it and bring it. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Bring it. It is a cake. Sorry, rework of Kindergarten Heroes. There you go. Which may or may not have been what I said earlier. Yeah, okay. It doesn't matter. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Okay. Yeah. Which requires them to have at least some of the Fantastic Four characters. So there you and that's what fox are doing oh i said yeah yeah hey guess what we're doing this friday oh we're seeing the inhumans you better believe it baby that's right oh boy yeah so uh we're gonna have to record our episode earlier this week because i leave on saturday morning so we're gonna have to come out of the theater fresh as a daisy oh yes ready to get in get into it it's a good thing we are seeing it this Friday, Mason. Stars in our eyes.
Starting point is 00:09:08 That's right. But it's a good thing we're seeing it straight away because it's ending its theatrical run a week early, even before the movie has been released. Is it pulling a Scaramucci? It's ending its theatrical run before its theatrical run has started.
Starting point is 00:09:24 So that's... Technically, this is the most popular It's ending its theatrical run before its theatrical run has started. Technically, this is the most popular movie we've ever shown here. I mean, it ran for negative days and it made $100. So statistically, I think it's very successful. On pre-orders alone. So that doesn't speak highly, does it? That clearly means that what I imagine IMAX and Marvel came to agreement where IMAX realized that through pre-sales, this is not going to make money
Starting point is 00:09:48 if they just show Dunkirk for an extra week. Yeah, right. You know, so that's- Some sort of David Attenborough documentary. Well, have you seen anything for it? No. Other than online? Oh no, like posters or billboards or anything?
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, nothing. Nothing at all. Yeah. In Australia, no? Yeah. So I don't know whether that's the same for overseas, but I think this is going to come and go, the whole thing, very quickly. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah. So I'm excited, though. Yeah, me too. I am genuinely interested to be like, to see what this is going to be. I'm excited to see what the audience is like. Because when Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Arrow comes, you know, the premiere is on, millions of peopleents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Arrow comes, the premiere is on, millions of people are watching it, but you don't know who they are.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So this is going to be great, because we're going to see their target demographic in the cinema. I think it's just going to be board reviewers, though. Yeah, probably, yeah. Is it like in the afternoon on a Friday or something? I don't know. I'd have to look it up. Are you excited?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Well, I've got nothing but time, so... Absolutely, you do. You do, don't you? I do. I've have to look it up. Are you excited? Well, I got nothing but time, so. Absolutely, you do. You do, don't you? I do. I gotta wake up. Excellent. What else we got here? Director Adam Wingard says Godzilla vs. King Kong will have a definitive winner.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Like some kind of famous boxing match that recently took place. Surely, right? Because he could just laser breath him in half. I know it's not called laser breath. It's called laser breathing. Is that what it's called? That's correct. That's what it is. I know it's not called laser breath. It's called laser breathing. Is that what it's called? That's correct. That's what it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 What's it called? Yeah. What's it actually called? It's called... Atomic breath. It's called atomic breath, yeah. Yeah. I was going to say it's called sleep apnea breath,
Starting point is 00:11:16 but then I ran out of... I couldn't think of it in time. I panicked. Laser sleep apnea. He has to wear a mask when he goes to bed. That makes sense. I like that. I think because a lot of the times they do kind of cop out with this stuff to batman superman's credit they had a definitive
Starting point is 00:11:32 winner i didn't think they were going to do it i didn't particularly like the fight but see i'm against that i don't think i don't think that's to that film's credit i don't think i think that's against the spirit of superhero movies yeah you're probably right they shouldn't be a winner they should fight for a bit then they they're mates, as we know, and then you never know who the winner would be. Then they're like, I would have beat you, you know, and then they're like, nah. That's Godzilla and King Kong.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I would have beat you, you know, nah. But, I mean, if they say there's a definitive winner, it can only go one of two ways. Great. It's Godzilla, obviously obviously or they do the turnaround and it's king kong but how break the the jaw like in king kong the peter jackson one wow all right yeah and again they're going to be scaling him up apparently he when he turns up he's going to be bigger and more kind of because he's older yeah right and more kind of scarred okay and that it
Starting point is 00:12:21 was a good looking king kong man i watched some vfx stuff from the other day on it and it was that was yeah really interesting they got toby kebbell i guess i guess if god's king kong got behind him yeah put him in a sleeper oh i thought you meant like they teamed up they got behind him and they worked together as i'm hoping for i'm hoping for king kong rides godzilla in a battle in the sequel it is a hundred% going to happen. Yeah, good. I think it might even happen in this very movie because they're going to end up fighting Mothra or Mechagodzilla or Rodan or something.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Kingura. Kingura, yeah. Yeah, okay. I was going to say that monster lives in the moon, but that was an episode of Doctor Who where the moon was an egg and then turned into a monster, but then it laid another egg, so we still had a moon. Remember that time the devil lived in a black hole or something?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Remember that episode? On Mars? Yeah. Yeah, David Tennant one. Yeah. Yeah, he went down. He was like, I see you. They just had on the whiteboard, they just went,
Starting point is 00:13:16 should we do a Doom episode? All right, yeah. So it's, yeah, all right. Let's do it. Do I have any more thoughts about King Kong? Oh, yeah, I don't know, man. That's your thought. I mean, scale him up still, but, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Scale him down. Oh, so he's like the size of a pea. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. So, yeah, look, I'm 100% not against it. Because King Kong, Godzilla's invulnerable to conventional weaponry, and King Kong is not. Yeah, that's true. Maybe if he gets bigger, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:46 But also in 40 years after whenever King Kong set, Kong Skull Island. It's hard to say. It's hard to say. Kong Skull Island. We have a lot of trouble saying a lot of very easy words. That's not just this week? No, every week.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Somebody tweeted in and said instead of saying choreography, which we can't do, we should say blocking instead. See, I'd confuse myself. Me too. I feel like that's when you kind of, you know, you go out to your car and the wheels are missing. There's just bricks where they used to be. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I've been blockinged. Yeah. Again. Oh, some local thespians have been doing some blocking around my car. Oh, well. It helps them get into acting college, I guess. Adam Wingard is also the director behind Death Note. Did watch that no i didn't watch it yet well maybe we'll talk about a bit later okay yeah i have some thoughts oh really i might save it for what we're eating
Starting point is 00:14:33 okay our famous without telling without saying to the listeners give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down oh all right but that's only because i've only ever seen this particular version okay right, right. Also, for those listening, that was not a positive response. Yeah, all right, but it wasn't a negative response. No. Look, I did the middle thumb, all right? He did the middle thumb thing. Yeah, but... Like he's Caesar at the bloody gladiatorial arena.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Okay, I'll quickly say this. The reasons I liked it because the thing... No, sorry. What I liked about Death Note was... I'm familiar with the premise, but I wasn't really up to date with the core ideas and the characters and the events that take place. This movie does a really condensed version of the anime and manga.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So a lot of the times through it, I'm like, that's a really interesting idea. Oh, I like that character. I'd like to see more of them. Oh, that seems to be happening a little bit quick. Why is this soundtrack so weird? Okay, right, right. So I think the core ideas are strong,
Starting point is 00:15:28 but the execution is not. Right, okay. Yeah, but obviously the core ideas are strong because the source material is strong. Would you say that it might be a better idea to make it a longer animated series as opposed to a live action show? Yes, 100%.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I just think some of the casting's strange. That's never going to happen. Yeah, I just, I'm not yeah it's i i wish i had read or watched yeah the previous incarnations because now when i go back to it because i know the rough outline yeah because they've taken like 30 odd hours and compressed into 110 minutes or whatever or two hours whatever it is which is in which is impressive yeah right but it's yeah it's it's yeah it's yeah it's not, it's not horrible. It's not horrible.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Terrific. But I think if you are a fan of it, then yeah. You're an idiot. No, I mean, if you're a fan of the original, then yeah, you would hate it. See, I don't know about that necessarily. Yeah. I mean, I think, you know, like if I think of like Iron Man, you know, they compressed decades of Iron Man storyline into the first Iron Man movie. No, this is like, because this isn't just like ideas and vague things about him.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They can't touch on his specific things where they kill this person, this person, then this guy comes after him and then turns up and whatever. So it's events that they're kind of streamlining, if that makes sense. Oh, it makes sense, baby. I'm glad. Does this make sense to you? Sean Levy, director of the Uncharted movie and also Stranger Things, says that it's going to be like Indiana Jones.
Starting point is 00:16:51 It's going to be an Indiana Jones story for a generation that didn't grow up with Indiana Jones. So imagine Indiana Jones. Yep. But you've never seen Indiana Jones. Okay. All right. What do you see?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Nothing, I guess. No, I'd like maybe do you see? Nothing, I guess. No, I'd like maybe a dog in a hat. I guess. This sounds like the name of a dog in a hat, doesn't it? Yeah, that dog is all over you today. Yeah, I know, right? What a dog. Because I was holding the cake earlier.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Oh, right, yeah. You got that cake smell on you. The cake smell. I think now you're a little too far from the microphone. Your dog's pushed you away. Oh, no, come on, dog. It's pushed you away. Alright, what about now yeah
Starting point is 00:17:25 that's better okay sounds good good stuff uh yeah i don't know okay so if you've never seen indiana jones yeah it's a new generation's indiana jones which i like that's but also he's i'm getting rid of this fidget cube i keep i keep i keep clicking it and i can hear it in the mic i'm sorry everybody go on well i was gonna say it's it's an Indiana Jones movie for people who haven't seen Indiana Jones. Yeah. You have to put Indiana Jones in that reference. Yes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:50 So it's... So, yeah, so when you're explaining it to people. Guys, hey, gather around, kids. This is an Indiana Jones movie. A what? Well, he's like a dog in a hat. What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I don't know where I'm going with this. But, okay, that's... Yeah, I think... We get it, yeah. I don't know where I'm going with this. But, okay, that's, yeah. We get it, yeah. I think it could be interesting. Yeah, sure. I think Sean Levy, you know, he's done Stranger Things. Tom Holland's good at what he does.
Starting point is 00:18:13 He looks enough. That's right. Tom Holland is in, he's Nathan Drake. He's the young Nathan Drake. Okay, sure. And he might be for many years to come. Unless, well, it's a video game movie, so probably not. Yeah, right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Maybe this is the one, though. Okay, think about it this way Sean Levy took all the core elements of the 80s that's true and put them into Stranger Things can he do the same
Starting point is 00:18:32 for Indiana Jones but with a boy dogs and hats yes I reckon he probably can excellent that's true I meant to ask you if you'd watch this
Starting point is 00:18:41 did you watch Black Mirror Season 4 trailer yes I did Charlie Brooker put it up on his Twitters and there's a there's a star trek one uh there's a whole lot of there is a star trek there's a whole lot of other imagery that out of context is weird do you feel it's broadening out i think the ideas are broadening out but that might also be budgetary yeah okay so it doesn't just have to be we're in london and everybody wants to kill themselves
Starting point is 00:19:02 because they've got a chip up their nose see i feel that the ones and everybody wants to kill themselves because they've got a chip up their nose. See, I feel that the ones where everybody wants to kill themselves because they've got the chip up their nose are better because they're more true and they're closer to now. Right, yeah. But the ones where we're in out of space... You have a history of hating the further away ones, like the bike one though. The possible apocalyptic future where they're all on exercise bikes
Starting point is 00:19:23 for some reason or the one where they're all on exercise bikes for some reason. Or the one where they're in the virtual reality world future. Yeah. Or other ones. But give me ones where there's killer bees or there's the first one, the National Anthem, which I still don't want to spoil, even though if you haven't seen Black Mirror, just watch the first episode. It's on Netflix. And you will not enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 No. That's very true. Yeah. It's hard to recommend, isn't it? You've got to be really careful about who you recommend that episode to. That's true, yeah. Because if you could come away looking not good for recommending that to people, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Anyway, it looks good. Like, as always, is it six new episodes? I believe so, yeah. Well, as always, I'm looking forward to three to four of them. Three to four of them will be very good, in my opinion. I think people are harsher on them as they've kind of gone on, as they've gotten more popular. But I think generally they're still pretty strong.
Starting point is 00:20:18 That's true, yeah. Yeah. All right, what else we got here? Michael K. Williams was cut from the Han Solo. Wait, is that Omar? Yes. Okay. Was cut from the Han Solo. Omar from The Wire. That's right.s was cut from the high is that omar yes okay was cut from the hand solo that's right it was cut from the hand solo movie yeah because as you know it's reshooting
Starting point is 00:20:31 at the moment donald glover just wrapped uh and the reason he was cut was because he couldn't get back for reshoots because he's shooting something some another movie in africa or whatever okay right so he couldn't get back so it was it was apparently like an alien-ish character. Sure, right. So I don't know whether that means a lot of prosthetics or just different eyes or a chip up his nose. Who knows? It's Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:20:52 You don't know, do you? You don't. It could be anything. It could be anything, yeah. So that's fine, I guess. What do you do with reshoots? It's a shame because he's a great actor. Maybe he's a young Snoke.
Starting point is 00:21:01 He's got the scar. That's right, from the chip. From the chip up his nose. That's right, from the chip. From the chip up his nose, that's right. My new theory. I can't wait to tell our friend Steel Saunders about my new Snoke theory, that he's Omar from The Wire. The guy that was cut from the Han Solo movie.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Famous Baltimore vigilante who was killed, I think, in season five. You know what? I haven't seen The Wire. That's good. I know, everybody says that. Do you think if i go to it now i'll be like well i've seen breaking bad and i've seen amazing television since then do you think it's still that level yes okay good yes more so in fact more so in fact in fact yeah is it better than look i'm not look i'm definitely a the wire booster yeah but i i, I shut up about it.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I'm like an atheist that will shut up about it. Really could just spoil season five for me. Yeah. You prick. Yeah, I know, right? Maybe he lives, I can't remember. But when I watched the, after I finished watching The Wire, I went, I've got to find something else to watch.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And people are like, you should watch The Shield with The Commission. Yeah. And I watched it. I'm like, no, this is just a TV show. Yeah, right. Which feels real pretentious on my behalf, but I'm like... Well, The Wire did change television, they say. Yeah, that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Very good. The Shield isn't The Commish, is it? It's a different... It's a different guy. I wish it was The Commish, but it's not. Different guy or different actor? It's Michael Chiglis. Yeah, okay, good.
Starting point is 00:22:23 He's not The Commish. He didn't get bumped down to a SWAT team strike force and became corrupt. The commish was before the shield. Yes, correct. So do you reckon the shield came off the back of the wire? They went, well, we can make cop stuff too. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I don't know how the timelines worked out. Okay, good. All right, fair enough. More Star Wars news though, Mason. Oh, yes. You're a big fan. There's new vehicles released. You looked at pictures before the show.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I said, look at these. One looks like an AT-8, an AT-AT walker with a club foot. Yes, it's called the AT-M6. Yep. Or the AT-MSX. Because it's got like a Mega Buster 6 gun on its back. All-terrain Mega Caliber 6. Mega Caliber 6.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's got a cannon on its camel hump. Yep. Yeah. I like to think that it's also still a troop transport. So whenever they fire the gun, the troops have to like leap out and hang on the side. Like they're on a train in India or something. Yeah, I'd be up for that.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yep. They get one, they got one red light and they've got two seconds while they're charged. And they're like, oh, juice. Jump out the sides. Do you reckon, do you think like it's been 30 years since
Starting point is 00:23:27 Empire Strikes Back or even a few, a bit more. Yes. Like this is the progression is just a slightly more armoured vehicle. It's,
Starting point is 00:23:34 apparently it's gorilla-like. It's simian. Yeah, it's got the, yeah. It flings poo. I was going to say, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, do you think that's, do you think they've gone far enough? Well, no, because, I mean, obviously there's a massive design flaw in the Adat walkers that they can be tripped over.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yes, but I think. Maybe the gorilla aren't, maybe the gorilla legs are so they can't be tripped over. Yeah, I think they're going to be more dexterous. So I think they might even try that. They'll be like, do the thing that none of us did, but some people did 40 years ago or whatever. Yeah. This is definitely going to work.
Starting point is 00:24:06 That's true. Maybe you can climb things. Maybe you can climb walls. Yeah, well, I remember in the Expanded Universe, I think it was in the... I can't remember. They had spider ones, and they used them to crawl up walls.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Well, they're supposed to be all terrain, aren't they? Well, they're not all terrain, are they? It's just most terrain. I would say some terrain. Barely any terrain. They should be bat-at walkers. Barely any terrain walkers. One terrain, they should call it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Snow sometimes. Snow sometimes. Although, I mean, they did pretty well on the beach planet. Yeah. Well, snow and sand aren't dissimilar in terms of colour. That's true. Not wrong. Just a few shades, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:42 That's very true. Yeah. Also, those ones in uh rogue one weren't specifically for battle they're they were they were cargo all right yeah that's true yeah so i mean i hate to be hate to get all technical on you mason but you're a fucking idiot oh what that was also the first order dreadnought yeah it's a big ship looks like the star destroyers yeah but it's they they threw the figure i think was Star Destroyers. Yeah. But they threw the figure, I think it was 7,700 metres long. 7,700, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:09 How long is the Star Destroyer? I'm going to look it up real quick. Probably less. So it's nearly 8 kilometres. Yeah, right. Is that right? Yeah. You said 7,700?
Starting point is 00:25:16 7,700 metres, yeah. What's that in feet? What's that in miles? What's that in British pounds? Oh, I don't know. Brexit. It's a full Brexit, I believe. It's a full Brexit?
Starting point is 00:25:24 It's a full Brexit, exactly. I didn't think we were there yet okay so the standard star destroyer is 1600 wait 1600 meters oh wow so this one's a real big what's a superstar destroyer let's look it up this is kind of insight you can only get that's right on wookipedia that's right superstar no not suo a star superstar destroyer lego Superstar No not Su-O-A-Star Superstar Destroyer Lego Very nice Yeah big zap Those things are real expensive
Starting point is 00:25:49 The Superstar Destroyer Is 19,000 metres Well that's really put The New Order Destroyer In perspective hasn't it Yeah No good Chuck it in the bin mate
Starting point is 00:25:59 7,700 metres That's less Wait That's less than half A Superstar Destroyer Ridiculous Idiots It's less than half a Super Star Destroyer. Ridiculous. Idiots. It's smaller than a lot of things I can think of.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah. Nothing springs to mind, actually. The Death Star. Smaller than the Death Star. Smaller than that other ship. That was a planet. Yeah. Smaller than that.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yeah. Yeah. Looks pretty good, though. Yeah, sure. It's got some big old guns on it. Have you heard all the DC news? I've bundled it all together. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah, this was a... Real shit show, mate. I was going to say a bumper crop, butled it all together. Oh, good. Yeah, this was a real shit show. I was going to say a bumper crop, but it's that too. You're right. Yeah. But the thing about this is, before we go through all of this, bear in mind a lot of this is rumors. Yes. So I'm just kind of going through what's been said.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'm not saying whether any of this is true or not. And some was clarified as well. Some was clarified. So there were some rumors and people were like, oh, my God, he must mean this. And then the person involved was like, actually what I did mean was that. And they're like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:26:48 maybe he actually still means this though. So the big point of contention or the first one was that Martin Scorsese will produce a film that Todd Phillips will direct. Of the Hangover fame. Of the Hangover fame of War Dogs, which I think they work together as well. Two of the biggest pricks in Hollywood,
Starting point is 00:27:06 Jonah Hill and Miles Teller together at last. That's right. If the rumours are to be believed, what do you think? Make a call. I think Jonah Hill's looking very svelte these days. Do you think he'd look after himself? Probably on some Blue Apron.
Starting point is 00:27:17 We're out of the ad. Oh, forget it then. No, I'm still on board. I'm on board with the... You know what? I'm always on board with the previous ad until the next ad starts. Okay, good. Yeah. always on board with the previous ad until the next ad starts. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I don't drop the previous ad until we do another ad. At that point, that ad's gone forever. New ad. So the idea is that they're going to be working on a Joker origin film. Terrific. Here's the twist. Yes. It's a story set separate from the DCEU, which is the DC Extended Universe.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's a very extended universe. That's right. Because they're going to create a series of films that aren't connected, this being one of them, allegedly. The intention is to make a gritty and grounded hard-boiled crime film set in the early 80s Gotham City that isn't meant to feel like a DC movie, but more of a Scorsese film from that era, like Taxi Driver. But it's a supervillain film. But it's a super... That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Now that you phrased it in that way, that actually sounds pretty good. But it's a Joker origin story. Yes. Does that interest you? I mean, we have had Joker origin stories before. So one of the... I feel the best thing about the Joker's origin
Starting point is 00:28:22 is that we don't know what it is. Right. And then anytime we hear about the Joker's origin is that we don't know what it is. Right. And that any time we hear about a Joker's origin, you need to have the proviso that maybe this isn't true either. Right. So if they would make it an Elseworlds, or if they throw in the, you know, maybe like a book ending of the story,
Starting point is 00:28:43 like maybe a modern day book ending where the Joker explains his origin and it's implied that it's probably not true then i'm completely happy with this origin okay but also it's not going to be jared leto right it's going to be i think the best thing about a joker origin is that it's not jared leto yeah so they're going to be getting a whole new casting a whole new joker but the other thing is this i like that really like the idea of scorsese doing a superhero supervillain thing i like the idea of scorsese directing a superhero film yes for villain film but this isn't oh he's producing producing right so i don't like how how is he how involved is he in this yeah i like the idea of like his particular
Starting point is 00:29:20 take and he's not adhered to certain rules of the universe, especially when he can go off and do his own thing. Yeah, right. I like that. I never got around to war dogs. Me neither. I heard it was fine. So how is Todd Phillips? Is he Scorsese-lite?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Is that where he's going with this? Did he start out with The Hangover? I think he started out with Old School. Right, okay. Well, that did have the Godfather in it. Remember there was a character who was the head of the fraternity? Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's true. Yeah, he did War Dogs. He did The Hangover. Films. What else we got here, Mason? Can you see this from here? No. So it's my – because my computer's facing the wrong direction.
Starting point is 00:30:01 It's completely the wrong direction. I can see the back of the laptop. Are you assuming that my vision is so fine that I can see what's on your screen reflected off your eyeballs? Correct, yes. Oh, yep. What do we got here? Hang on, filmography.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Director, he did Hated, Gigi Allen and the Murder Junkies. Okay. He did Frat House, Road Trip, Bittersweet Motel, Old School, Starsky and Hutch, which is getting a reboot at the moment on TV with James Gunn, School for Scoundrels The Hangover Due Date
Starting point is 00:30:27 The Hangover Part 2 Hangover Part 3 War Dogs I saw Due Date yeah that's Robert Downey Jr's act it's whatever
Starting point is 00:30:35 okay great the other thing is okay if my reaction see I never got around to Hangover 3 either terrible
Starting point is 00:30:42 was it just but it wasn't really a comedy even was it wasn't really a comedy even, was it? Wasn't it just quite grim? It was a bit grim, yeah. Maybe that's okay. And very unfunny. Then maybe that's where he's going with this.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Like maybe his career arc, like he's just like, the easiest way to get into Hollywood was his comedies, but I want to do real grim stuff. Right. Maybe. So segueing into it. Yeah. The thing is as well, we already had an 80s Joker origin movie.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It was Batman 89. Oh, yeah. But look, I'm not entirely against this because I like the idea of Elseworlds stories. Yeah, right. There's too many questions surrounding this for me to be like, oh, this is great. Yeah, absolutely. There's a lot of things that we don't know. Namely, is this even true?
Starting point is 00:31:23 That is number one. I mean, if we could have definitively figured that out before this recording we could have maybe not had to say anything at all that's great um are we gonna have the same is it gonna be so that's the thing is he are they have decided they're gonna be bound by some of this continuity is he gonna look like the classic joker or is he gonna be like some sort of street tough who keeps getting a series of Joker-themed tattoos until he becomes the Joker? Right, yeah, yeah. I remember there was a comic.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I can't remember what exactly it's called. He's like a common criminal, and he's so bored of just robbing banks and everything, and he's about to kill himself until Batman comes along, and it just gives him the will to live. Oh, sure, yeah. What's that comic called? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Anyway, it's good. Nice. So so if something along the lines of that and it is more kind of it's it's more of a crime drama than a yeah and he's just toying with batman like he's not even he's like this is this is why i'm doing stuff now which i guess is the point of the joker a lot of the time yeah and i think batman gives him the scars like he hits him with a batarang and gives him the smile. Okay, that's fun. Yeah, isn't it? Yeah. As these DC movies chug along, I'm becoming increasingly more okay with the idea that this Joker is not the first Joker.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yes. That he's a second one, or he's Jason Todd, or he's... You say that because you want him to be swapped out is that why you're saying that no i but i i i think it's because i'm i'm also more and more on board with the idea that he these movies are set in the tim burton batman universe right i'm more and more on board with that i the i mean they're not going to go away for at least a little while so i think the until flashpoint until flashpoint, they reboot it. But the idea that I'm,
Starting point is 00:33:08 I'm becoming okay with it. I think it's probably Stockholm syndrome because I'm just like, you know what? If, if it's, if Batman started out like this in the Tim Burton universe, this is the logical end point. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:19 So I guess I'm okay with it in that sense. Yeah. If you like, this isn't comic book Batman, it's not accurate Batman. It's not accurate Batman. It's not good Batman. But if you started the universe like this. It's none of the things you know or like.
Starting point is 00:33:30 If you started the universe like this and then 20 years of Batman like setting clowns on fire in the street and like throwing people off bell towers to their death or whatever and just 20 years of that and nobody's, like he kept like building a bigger
Starting point is 00:33:45 and bigger tank of a batmobile to the point where he's this paranoid lunatic who's completely invincible and he's been doing that for decades great hair yeah exactly and then this is where you end up i'm like well that actually makes a lot of sense yeah it does yeah you're right it's still no good it was very upsetting to watch it, but... I still... I think also... I don't still think. I think there's a chance that if they introduce this new Joker, then they flashpoint. They just go...
Starting point is 00:34:11 Now he's the current one. Okay, yeah, right. Yeah. But speaking of the Joker, the Crazy Stupid Love writer-directors of Glenn Ficarra and John Requia... Now, Crazy Stupid Love was the one with... Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone. It's good.
Starting point is 00:34:27 It's actually all right. I've seen some of it. It's all right. Get out of here, Mason. I've seen some of it. It's all right. It's quite funny. There's a bit where you get Steve Carell all fancied up.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Jazzed up. Jazzed up. Boy, that's dated. Well, it was 2011. Yeah. What do you want? It's true. Anyway, they're in talks to write, direct, and produce the upcoming Joker and Harley Quinn film.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Jared Leto will return as the Joker. Terrific. In this one. Yep. Margot Robbie will also return. This is going to be after Suicide Squad 2. It's going to be a criminal love story. David Ayer was going to do it, but now he's not.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Or maybe that was Suicide Squad 2. I don't know. And Gotham City Sirens has been pushed back for now. It was said that it was cancelled. Yes. Do you get the feeling that maybe they're just throwing this out there to see how the internet reacts and goes, that was the one that people hate the least. Let's do that one.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Absolutely. Yeah. So what do you think about this? Wait, which one is the one we hated the least? I just mean in general. Oh, sure. I don't think they're listening to us specifically. I just mean the general, you know, the yelling of the internet.
Starting point is 00:35:23 This is my version of whatever the thing is we're talking about. If they are listening, bring back Billy Dee Williams' Two-Face. They already did that in the Lego Batman movie. They did too. Yeah. Do it live though. Okay, do it live. Do it live.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I will. I mean, I can't, obviously. Right. Yeah. You know what, though? On this, this Joker Harley movie, some of the best stuff in Suicide Squad was the Joker HarleyHarley origin stuff. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Which is very brief. Yeah, sure. But I really liked seeing it. Yeah, okay. And that was, for me, I remember coming out of it being like, you know what, that would have been the movie I wanted to see. Yeah. What about you? Look, it's going to be upsetting for interns all across Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah. You know, all the bizarre things they're going to have to ferry across to producers and co-stars and just used condoms and dead rats in bags and whatever. But yeah, all right, I'll see it. How many Joker Harley properties are coming out now? Gotham City Sirens, Suicide Squad 2, New Joker Origin. New Joker, yeah. Joker and Harley, so there's four.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Four. Wait, is that again? Gotham City Sirens, Joker and Harley. Su there's four. Four. Wait, is that again? Gotham City Sirens. Joker and Harley. Suicide Squad 2. Suicide Squad 2. What was the fourth one? New Joker origin.
Starting point is 00:36:30 That's four. If that's Harley in it. Oh, Joker and Harley. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, right. Again, if this is true. That's true, yeah. We've got more news, right?
Starting point is 00:36:37 More DC news? We do. Well, before I get into that, you mentioned shipping rats to people's producers or whatever. Yes. Jared Leto was on an interview with Australia's own Kylie and Jackie O. Kyle and Jackie O. Two of the worst people in the business.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Correct. And he talked about the Joker and Suicide Squad. And Jared Leto said, no, there's so much hype and bullshit about it. I think it's just a fun thing to talk about. Even when Suicide Squad came out, there was so much misrepresentation about what went down about the method acting crap like it was just 90 not even true it just takes on a life of its own these were your co-stars saying these things about you that's true it wasn't like these weren't stories rumors it was like will smith was like
Starting point is 00:37:19 yeah he sent me a bag of bullets with my name on it and john courtney's like yeah he boomeranged a used condom to me or whatever. Right, that's true. So I don't, what does he mean 90%? And I love how he's like, you know that method acting crap?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yeah, yeah. Bullshit! You did that for six months. Yeah, he gutted a crocodile and he put the skin all over me while I was asleep. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Anyway, I've talked about method acting. I love that how it's kind of like, no, that was, that's not how it went down at all. Yeah, right. Yeah, right on that. Anyway, Justice've talked about method acting. I love that how it's kind of like, no, that's not how it went down at all. Yeah, right. Right on, mate.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Anyway, Justice League Dark. Here we go. All right. Oh, do you want to do yours? You've got a bit of news that you want to touch on? I've got more. Oh, no, I don't have any.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Okay, good. Because you mentioned other news. I thought it was the Batman. Oh, we're getting there. Oh, we'll get there. Yeah, that's all right. I can wait. There's been a lot of DC.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I've got some stuff to say, all right? I don't know. Studios apparently are going back to work on the script because the recent presentations by directors were underwhelming to executives. So, Justice League Dark. In the dark. And fart in the dark. Fart in the dark, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Jesse Eisenberg has apparently been cut from Justice League. Fine. Great. Didn't even think for a second they would have put him in it. No, me neither. I mean, a prison scene maybe? A prison break possibly? Yeah, he gets shivved.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Gets shivved. That'd be great. By Batman. Yeah. Or by real Lex Luthor would be my hope. Yeah, absolutely. Like he goes into prison and then there's a title card that says, two minutes later.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And then he's like, hey, dad. And his dad's like, there's only room for one Lex Luthor in this prison and just stabs him. Yeah. I'd watch that. This isn't fun. Joss Whedon's ex-wife, Kay Cole, came out and said that basically he's a hypocrite for preaching feminist ideals because the whole time
Starting point is 00:39:03 they were together from when when he made buffy in the mid 90s he's just been sleeping with actors and interns and fans and all sorts of everybody yeah whilst being like why isn't there enough strong female characters women can whatever it's such a and all the this is important to me in all the the because i read that there's a lot of you know anecdotes and like stuff he said whatever they and whatever. They all come off like he's like, hey, ain't I a stinker? Look at me. I'm such a...
Starting point is 00:39:28 I've got a quote here. Yeah. It felt like I had a disease. This is because he sent out letters. By the way, again, there are two sides to everything. Sure, right. We don't know his side of it.
Starting point is 00:39:37 He's been quiet about it. This is just the information we have. But I kind of get the vibe. Sure, yeah. Like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I'm a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and i can't touch it what a prick he's like that that is the ultimate power move of like rooting around on your wife for the better part of 20 years and then blaming the patriarchy like oh so good this this has been happening more and
Starting point is 00:40:03 more if the system weren't in place for me to be able to do this i wouldn't have been able to i'm so sad about it yeah that's right exactly sad anyway this is this has been a thing it's been happening more and more of late where people like tout themselves as feminists and they they love these particular ideals and then somebody comes out and goes hey you sexually assaulted me that time but then everything they said has just kind of been scored i mean this isn't a takeaway from some of the strong female characters that he has created because obviously he has but it's just i don't know man it's just it's not very nice to hear yeah it's i've heard all sorts of weird stuff about him like not that specifically but like
Starting point is 00:40:40 like odd behavior like apparently like in you know when he made buffy yeah there would be like uh he'd get into a disagreement with like one of the actors and then he would just cut all their scenes like they'd get they get like one scene an episode like in i think the last season of buff do you remember anya he didn't really watch but no there was a character called anya who was a demon who became like trapped in a human body right and like the last apparently he got into some disagreement with her on the set or like you know something and so she's in the last season she's got like one scene an episode but she didn't fire her so she had to come to set every day and just stand around just stand around so she could do a one scene and then it'd be like i'll be here
Starting point is 00:41:20 doing research i'll see you see you later i don god i don't know yeah but any i don't know if any of those are true yeah all right anyway i just think that's it'll be interesting if the bat girl film still or is he doing back ill about woman i can't remember oh it's back oh yeah yeah i mean i guess he's still gonna do it i don't know probably yeah i mean it's hollywood i mean and you can you can't you can't separate these things you know what I mean like a person who does I mean it's his private life you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:41:50 it's really you know who are we to say or judge or what if any of this is true and who knows like I said two sides what is life anyway we're unqualified to talk about this anyway absolutely Matt Reeves said this I mean also people make
Starting point is 00:42:05 mistakes that's true but 16 years yes yeah and i think it's the stringing somebody along which is yeah you know what i mean i don't know exactly people make mistakes but for 20 years worth yeah yeah i don't know yeah because you know it does happen in relationships yeah i'm giving myself an out mason no that's not true yeah but but you know what i mean though like it does happen in relationships. I'm giving myself an out, Mason. No, that's not true. But do you know what I mean, though? Like, it does happen, but you're right. Just in case you accidentally sleep with Andy Signore when you go to Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I get it. Yeah, no, I understand. He seems like a handsome man. He's probably lifting weights and on a diet as well. That's to impress you. Matt Reeves says this about Batman. We said this a while back and people went bananas. When Warner Brothers approached me, they said,
Starting point is 00:42:54 look, it's a standalone. It's not part of the extended universe. And people took that as, which I can understand, that this is a Batman that is separate from the Ben Affleck Batman. They're going to recast it. Affleck's out. He's out every week, isn't he? That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:07 That's what we're hearing. I do get the feeling that he doesn't really want to do it. Oh, absolutely. Because of the rumours we're having, getting. But hey, but then it turns out he clarified. He was like, no, I was just saying that it's its own movie in terms of it stands alone from the others. There's not going to be plot elements from Justice League or Wonder Woman or anything, or Man of Steel or Batman Superman that are going to be impinging on this story.
Starting point is 00:43:29 It's going to be separate. Yes. But it's in that universe. It's in that universe. It exists in the universe. This is from the horse's mouth. Yeah, even though Casey Affleck last week said that Ben Affleck probably wasn't going to do it.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Casey Affleck and shut up too. Drive in the bin with Joss Whedon if you ask me. But also, they're brothers, but maybe they don't hang out all the time. If somebody said to me, hey, what fire station is your brother currently working at? I'm not going to say it, but I wouldn't be 100%. I'd be like, I'm fairly certain it's this, but maybe it's this. Randy Quaid doesn't know what Dennis Quaid's up to all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah, that's probably intentional. Yeah, great. So Quaid doesn't know what Dennis Quaid's up to all the time. Yeah, that's probably intentional. Yeah. Great. So, no, so it's its own story. Anything else you want to add to that? No. Good, isn't it? Yeah, that was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, so, I don't know. Yeah. Ben Affleck's in, he's not in. Who knows? Who does bloody know? All right. Good. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:44:21 What do we got here? Mason, the topic for this week is box office bombs because it briefly came up last week. And we were like, why not? And also the title of this episode would be 200 box office bombs. So people will be like, 200 box office bombs? That's a lot of bombs to talk about. I mean, it won't be high quality conversation,
Starting point is 00:44:38 but they'll be talking a lot. Do you want a rating system for this? In terms of like, I wrote down something roughly, not really. It's like if it bombs, will they all bomb? The response would be, yeah, that makes sense. Or what? That's so weird.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I love it. Okay. Is that good enough? That's really good. Okay. That's a delightful rating system. Yeah. So do you mind if I kick it off?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Let's do it. Because the one that I remember specifically, because I was a kid at the time, but there was a lot of news behind it. In a way, you behind it in a way you're still a kid i'm still a kid at heart not obviously the way i look or act or you know just my demeanor and how gruff i am yeah just my craggy features my gray hair your hair just blows away in the wind i've got a kid of my own you got a club foot. My dad's old. Yeah. Bone spurs. Yeah. But anyway. You're turning to dust on a beach.
Starting point is 00:45:31 What else? What other things do old people do? Porridge. Yeah, porridge. You're slowly transforming into an old tree. All my friends. Niled old tree. All my friends are dying.
Starting point is 00:45:41 That's true, yeah. Yeah. Water world, though. Oh, yeah. I remember hearing about this not doing well at the time. as they were filming it people were like kevin costner's doing the worst thing a person could do he's making this he's built a set out the middle of the ocean yeah right yeah that's just it's like mad max on water for some reason so they've got to ship everybody out there every day or whatever. Yeah, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And it's this insane $175 million budget, which is crazy in 95 when this... Yeah, right. Was it 95? I think it was 95 when this came out. And there was a lot of things... Like, there's been stories since how... Like, we've talked about this, how he thought he was a bit bald in certain scenes,
Starting point is 00:46:22 so he'd CGI his hair in. Yeah, right. It really is... You see, it is a kind of a... Because it's scenes, so he'd CGI his hair in. Yeah, right. It really is... You see, it is a kind of a... Because it's off the back of Dances With Wolves. It is a kind of a... It's a vanity project. Aren't all...
Starting point is 00:46:32 Most of his work is vanity project, I feel. So, well, after this, he did The Postman, which was another box office bomb. Not quite as bad, because he wasn't allowed to do that one on water. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But do you remember much about this at the time? I remember they called it Fishtar.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Like Ishtar, which was also a terrible box office game. I'm not familiar with the story of Ishtar. Also Kevin's Gate, which was... Oh, yes, Kevin's Gate. Yeah, I got that on my list. Oh, you mentioned as well. So are we going to mention the top five as we go? Yeah, but let's mention...
Starting point is 00:47:01 We're going to rattle them off. Because, yeah, we should rattle them off because we're probably not going to mention the, well we will there's a top, it's constantly changing but there's often a top 5 adjusted for inflation, top 5 bombs of all time but I don't think we've seen I reckon we'll look at the list and we'll be like I haven't seen that
Starting point is 00:47:16 I haven't seen that, I haven't seen that it's going to be a little bit weird if we're like this episode's the top 10 box office bombs I mean we've seen two of them but I assume they're bad. I mean, why would I watch Alexander? Yeah. You know, realistically.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah. Yeah, what do you remember about this? First of all, it's not that bad. It's very expensive. It doesn't look as... A lot of it is, why is this filmed on water? Like out? Oh, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Because a lot of it is... It's a water world, James. No, I understand that, but like, you could do it in a tank or just with it's a water world James no I understand that but like you could do it in a tank or just with oh that's true yeah with pools you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:47:49 you could make it look like it was in water you could do it in SeaWorld you could do it in SeaWorld you could empty out a you could drain out a whale or whatever and just put Kevin Costner in there
Starting point is 00:47:57 yeah put Kevin Costner in or drained out whale that's right that's your water world for you but yeah you could exactly
Starting point is 00:48:04 so there was The story is Does Kevin Costner think he's an auteur of some sort? I think he did think he was an auteur Right But I think he's had too many misses Yeah I don't think he's a bad actor at all
Starting point is 00:48:15 Have you seen Mr. Brooks? He's good at Mr. Brooks Good man And you know The one where you bring a knife and then they bring a gun Yeah touchable sure He's in that, isn't he? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:26 The baseball one? I was going to say Field of Dreams there. The baseball one? Bring a knife, bring a gun. Bring a baseball one. It's bring a knife, bring a gun day at the baseball field, Field of Dreams. Da-da-da-da-da-da.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Wow, wow, wow. I haven't seen that one, but that's the one where his dad plays ghost baseball in a cornfield with him. Sure, why not? And everybody's affected by it if you're a father or have a child. So I don't think I can watch it. You wouldn't dare, would you? No.
Starting point is 00:48:53 That's right. Tend to a blubbery mess. I couldn't handle it. It's an okay film though, right? What do you think of it? Waterworld. Did you see it at the time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I didn't. It's not good. It's no good. I saw it on... What fascinates me is that he then took another stab at essentially the same movie with the postman. Yes, I know, right? Weird.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I saw it on VHS and I remember the end bit where he has to get the girl who's got the map to dry land because she's got it tattooed on her back. And he's in a hot air balloon. And then he just ties a regular rope around his legs. And he leaps out. And he grabs her. And he bungee jumps out.
Starting point is 00:49:31 It's a regular rope. It would have torn his feet off. That's right. And I remember as a kid just laughing and laughing. If it didn't tear his feet off, it would have just gone slack. Right. He would have grabbed her. And then the balloon would have just floated off and he would have been at the...
Starting point is 00:49:48 It would have shucked the skin off his feet like it was corn. Just... And also, there's like three bad guys coming together at the same time on jet skis. You remember? And then they all crashed together for whatever reason. Dennis Hopper's missing an eye. He's a fish man with mutants. Have we talked enough about this?
Starting point is 00:50:07 I think so. Okay, here's a little fact for you. It's Academy Award nominated film. Best sound mixing. Technical Oscar. That's so... Surprise. It was nominated for Best Science Fiction Film
Starting point is 00:50:19 and Best Costumes at the Saturn Awards. The awards where anybody can be nominated for anything. The Sega Saturn Awards. Correct. That's right. They're given away by the last remaining sega satin which is gain sentience uh it was nominated for best visual effects by baftas yep and at the golden raspberries it was nominated for worst picture worst actor worst director and worst supporting actor dennis hopper who won so congratulations the late dennis hopper. Well done Dennis Hopper and you did it only a couple years after the Super Mario
Starting point is 00:50:46 Brothers movie. It's true. You probably won the same award. Yeah. I remember when you were an easy rider now you don't
Starting point is 00:50:52 because you're dead. It's cruel. I like Dennis Hopper. Me too yeah. That is cruel. Oh man. There's things in that movie
Starting point is 00:51:00 just quickly that they should have explored more I feel. There's a bit where he goes fishing and he gets like a giant sea creature. Remember you see it come out of the water oh yes and there's and he's a mutant but is he the only kind of one that you really see like that seems
Starting point is 00:51:14 like an interesting aspect of that world he's a man that can breathe underwater but what do the other ones do and also how what how far in the future is it? Yeah, I don't know. Because maybe in 100,000 years, humanity will develop gills. Yes. I guess it's because the polar ice caps melt and there's probably a nuclear war. Yeah, okay, maybe he's a nuclear mutant. All right, that's fine. Yeah, what do you want?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Okay, so here's the number five biggest box office bomb of all time. Allegedly. This is according to or something. My It's 2002's The Adventures of Pluto Nash. That made $7 million. There you go. It cost $100 million.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Is that right? Yeah. It cost about $100 million. Marketing of $20 million. I think that's under. Because they knew. Oh, maybe. But I don't know. I think that's under because they knew oh maybe but I don't know
Starting point is 00:52:05 I feel that no I feel that that's what they've said it cost see I think they knew what it was oh really okay right
Starting point is 00:52:11 yeah and 7.1 million dollars at the box office how is that possible yeah that's astounding and he's easily the worst performing film of Murphy's career
Starting point is 00:52:20 that is saying something yeah I know right meet Dave meet uh Norbert Norbert. Norbert. I mean, he's been... Why do they keep giving him these movies?
Starting point is 00:52:32 Look, he's Nutty Professor. Yeah. And The Clumps. And I guess off the back of Beverly Hills Cop. And he wore those leather jumpsuits in Raw. He said a lot of really homophobic things in the 80s. Boy, did he. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It was a different time. And also, you know what? I guess Shrek somehow. Was this before Shrek or around the time? No, I just meant why he still gets roles. Oh, yeah. The thing is, I don't think he's a bad actor. I just don't think he can carry a film.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I don't think anybody's going to see an Eddie Murphy film anymore. But that's the thing. I would. Yeah, if it was something good. If it was something good, that's the thing. But it astounds me that he can't Eddie Murphy film anymore. But that's the thing, I would. Yeah, if it was something good. If it was something good, that's the thing. But it astounds me that he can't pick something good anymore. What's going on there? There's a Paul Scheer How Did This Get Made episode
Starting point is 00:53:13 because he was on Meet Dave. He was in it. That's right. I think a lot of him was cut out. He was the butt or something. Yeah, he was the butt. He was like Ensign Butt. And he was talking about...
Starting point is 00:53:20 That's Paul Scheer, not me. Paul Scheer, yeah. That's a great episode. You should check it out. I checked it out. Not you, Mason. You're not the only one listening to this. What?
Starting point is 00:53:29 What? I've been telling you these things in confidence. But no, he talks about how- That cake is for 198 delightful chats we've had in our life. That's what I thought this was. So it does smell really good, the cake. It does, doesn't it? And it's sitting like three feet i can eat maybe one slice of that then i think i'm done okay well i can't because of carbs because of
Starting point is 00:53:51 carbs that's right we'll feed the rest of the dog yeah dogs love rainbow cake and carbs what was i saying yeah he talked about that that particular movie and eddie murphy is just surrounded by handlers and yes men he's got no concept of the real world that's true like apparently for for set like the car would roll right up and he would step out and then he would just be standing where he needs to stand. That's completely unnecessary. He's a human man.
Starting point is 00:54:14 That's true, yeah. He can move around. Yeah, yeah. And I think that's also why, I mean, he came back for Saturday Night Live, the 40th anniversary of what it was recently, and he did a monologue. It was just no good because he hasn't done anything. I don't think it's his fault.
Starting point is 00:54:29 There's all this talk that he's going to come back to stand up. How can he? He hasn't done anything. He hasn't done anything. You're right. He hasn't experienced any life. He's been mollycoddled for 40 years or whatever. That's true.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I feel bad for him if he didn't have myriads of dollars. Yeah. Or does he? He'd have to, surely. He'd have to, yeah. That's true. I feel bad for him if he didn't have myriads of dollars. Yeah. Or does he? He'd have to, surely. He'd have to, yeah. That's right. Yeah. So anyway, he's sunk a lot of films,
Starting point is 00:54:51 hasn't he? Yep. Yeah. Good on him, though. So that's at least a loss of... I can't even remember what happens in Pluto Nash. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:54:59 At the end, it's a clone. It's a clone of his. Oh, terrific. I'm going to give Pluto Nash a... Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. And I'm going to give it Waterworld... Yeah, it's kind of it's a clone of his oh terrific i'm gonna give pluto nash a yeah that makes sense and i'm gonna give a water world yeah it's kind of a bit weird because it's no i think that makes perfect sense i mean the budget i understand it did i think it just broke even on vhs but i think in 1995 if you said 175 million dollars no i think but even that if you said hey $175 million. No, I think even that, if you said, hey, there's a new Kevin Costner film coming out in 95,
Starting point is 00:55:28 people would be like, great. Is Skeet Aldridge in it? Yeah, is it going to be about sports or being a father or whatever? And you're like, no, no, it's set on a potentially post-apocalyptic future and he's got gills. I think people would be like... It's his Battlefield Earth. Yeah, people would be like, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:55:44 That makes perfect sense to me. Should we talk about Battlefield Earth? Yes. John Travolta's... This is why I hate John Travolta. It's a vanity project. It's a Scientology novella. Correct.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Which has turned into a shit film. Oh, it's not a novella. It's a series of... Oh, is it? Oh, no, wait. I'm thinking of... Some other shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Battlefield earth cost $103 million. Nice. And it lost $73 million. Nice. So that's, so that's good. I mean, that's understandable.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I remember seeing a trailer for that and going, okay, that's, I like star Wars and there's no star Wars at the moment. So yeah, right. I guess I was, but I,
Starting point is 00:56:24 I never ended up seeing it. I've seen clips of it have you seen it i've seen battlefield earth and atrocious i like barry pepper yeah i do i genuinely do i think it's good forrest whitaker's in it too yeah exactly are they giant in it they're like nine feet tall yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's all achieved using weird angles and it's filmed at weird angles like there's often just scenes for no reason dutch tilt is that a thing that's called where it's just crooked weird angles. Like there's often just scenes for no reason. Dutch tilt. Is that a thing? I think it's called Dutch tilt. Where it's just crooked? Blocking.
Starting point is 00:56:47 The screen's crooked? Blocking. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Atrocious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I don't have anything else to say about that. Anyway, that one makes sense to me. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Got another box office blunder mason. All right. Well, this is allegedly, again, you might be reading a different biggest box office
Starting point is 00:57:06 bombs of all time list. I'm not. Okay. You're not reading anything at all. No. Number four is Mars Need Moms. 2011's Mars Need Moms. I completely understand why this tanked.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Estimated loss is $137 million. Computer animated. Disney's had a lot of misses, man. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. Like recently. Yeah, like recently. Yeah. Yeah. Disney's had a lot of misses man Yeah that's true Yeah Luckily they have billions of dollars Yeah like recently
Starting point is 00:57:26 Yeah Well this is They did the weird They did the Robert Zemeckis CGI mocap That everybody hates Yeah it's true Polar Express
Starting point is 00:57:35 Yeah of course This made no money This wasn't a Pixar film at all Was it No This was Disney computer animation Well there's your mistake Right there
Starting point is 00:57:41 You know The director Simon Wells Did the time machine Which I quite enjoy yeah right the guy's this one it's probably not good but I like it
Starting point is 00:57:49 yeah I didn't I did not see this what kid would go to see a movie called Mars Needs Moms I guess moms bring their kids to it
Starting point is 00:57:57 moms would bring it wouldn't they it's hard to say it's so hard to say I don't like it yeah so Mars
Starting point is 00:58:04 did it even come to Australia? I think it did. We have to rename it Mars Needs Mums. Let me check. Mars Needs Mums Australian Release. Yeah, no, it played here and it was called Mums. There you go. Wow, no wonder it tanked. it was called Moms. There you go. Wow. No wonder it tanked.
Starting point is 00:58:25 In Australia? Yeah. Or in general? It's culturally unaware, isn't it? Isn't it though? Yeah. Yeah. No, I didn't see it and I never will.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Same. Do you want to talk about some other... I got some other Disney ones here. Okay, I'm ready. I'm sure I do. The Lone Ranger. Oh, yes. Which I maintain is fine.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I understand why it tanked. Uh-huh. which I maintain is fine, I understand why it tanked. It apparently cost anywhere between $225 and $250 million, which if you see the movie, it's kind of baffling. There's a lot of Johnny Depp running on a ladder across a train. That bird headdress. Yeah. Not cheap. That's a different bird they had to kill every day.
Starting point is 00:59:02 It's true, yeah. Johnny Depp always wanted a fresh bird. It wasn't even for the film. No. The character wasn't supposed to have it. He just demanded a fresh bird they had to kill every day. It's true, yeah. Johnny Depp always wanted a fresh bird. It wasn't even for the film. No. The character wasn't supposed to have it. He just demanded a fresh dead bird in his head every day. He still does it to this day. That's right.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It's under some scarves. It lost $260 million. I only saw this because I was kind of forced to at the time. People were like, let's go see this. I'm like, I don't want to. No. And then I was surprised how much I didn't hate it. Armie Hammer's good. What's the action like? It's bad it's like pirates of the caribbean ish okay but i would say you're better in a lot of ways because it kind of makes more sense right
Starting point is 00:59:34 so do you think this this is this was this a massive flop because they overspent i think it's that and i think it's they miss they miscalculated how much people like johnny depp yeah and they also assume that people would give a fuck about The Lone Ranger. That's very true. I mean, do you remember the only guy... We know. We know.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Don't bring him back. Don't bring back... There's a Shadow comic book series out now that's very good. Yeah. But it doesn't... That's low risk. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Print six issues and if nobody reads it, it's fine. You make your money back in comiXology. But don't spend $200 million on any of these. The Phantom, no. Don't. The Shadow, no. Green Hornet, no. It's fine. You make your money back in comiXology. But don't spend $200 million on any of these. The Phantom, no. The Shadow, no. Green Hornet, no. It's out. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Doc Savage, absolutely not. John Carter, another Disney one. Yep. Don't do it. That's on the list. Yeah, so. Oh, John Carter. I think the problem with John Carter was they went,
Starting point is 01:00:20 this is going to be the new Avatar. Yeah. They even didn't call it John Carter of Mars. Apparently, potentially because they had one called Mars Needs Moms. Oh, yeah. People didn't like, they liked the moms, but they didn't like the Mars. Mars, exactly. So it's just called John Carter.
Starting point is 01:00:36 We like Mars attacks. We didn't like Mars, but we like people being attacked. We like Jack Nicholson being attacked. We like Pierce Brosnan's head on a little dog. I haven't seen it. We like Tom Jones runningson being attacked. We like Pierce Brosnan's head on a little dog. I haven't seen it. We like Tom Jones running in fear from Martians. Matt, a guy who does some editing for me, he does some Caravan of Garbage along with Ben,
Starting point is 01:00:52 he recommended a comic. He sent it to me, which is Mars Attacks Meets Judge Dredd. Nice. Which I think maybe we'll talk about that at some point. Yeah, okay, we can talk about that. He recommended the comic book Crossovers. I mentioned this a while back that I was going to read, and I got to it.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It's the Elmer Fudd Batman crossover. Oh, yeah, you did mention it. You said it was great. It's great, yeah. You said that, Mason, already. Did I mention it on the show? You said it on the show. It's real good.
Starting point is 01:01:16 It wasn't one of our private conversations. Oh, okay, great. It was on the show, yeah. All right, then. Yeah, did you see John Carter? No. I have it, and I started it, and I'm like, this is fine. Okay. And then I didn't finish it and i started it and i'm like this is fine okay and then i didn't finish it well then it's not fine is it no it could be fine you could not finish it
Starting point is 01:01:32 no i think they also bank i think it speaks volumes they banked or backed the wrong horse in terms of terms of an actor i was gonna say they probably should have put channing tatum but then again he did jupiter ascending and that did nothing correct yes for uh for that what are we talking about i think the a lot of the mistakes we're seeing is people executives vastly overestimate any star like how many how many people we've had this discussion before, one of our 198 amazing discussions that I thought were just between us. But how many actors would you be like, I'll see every single one of their movies regardless? None.
Starting point is 01:02:13 None, exactly, right? Zero actors. Yeah, exactly. I think there would have been a time when I would have seen like every Ewan McGregor film. Sure, right. Or I guess if I was young, if I was alive then, probably De Niro in like the 70s and 80s.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Sure, right, yeah. But now, no. Nothing. Like I like Chris Pratt, but I didn't see Passengers. Yeah. You know? And there's so much stuff that's obviously just paycheck work. Yeah, like the movie Paycheck with Ben Affleck.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Oh, boy. Yeah. What else you got? Just make better movies, all right? God.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Me? Yeah, you. All right. All right, number three, allegedly, Cutthroat Island. Also from 1995. What's going on? It was just... What won that year?
Starting point is 01:02:52 Forrest Gump? Was that the highest? Relatively likable actors doing weird genre films. Gina Davison is the other guy? Jeff Bridges or Jeff Daniels? Jeff Daniels, probably. Hang on. I'm going to check out what the highest grossing films of 1995 were.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I bet it's like Polo 11. Polo 13, sorry. It is. It's number three. So it was Toy Story, Batman Forever. I was going to say it was going to be a Batman movie. Apollo 13, Pocahontas. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Okay. Sorry, go on. So both of us. Ace Ventura was number five for Nature Cause. Nice. Let me think. Well, Cutthroat Island estimated lost $137 million. I reckon all these figures, they're low-balling as well. I bet it's much more.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Well, that's the thing about this. Studios never release the exact figures on this stuff. Yeah. Particularly in terms of marketing uh it didn't even do as well as mr holland's opus which was number 13 and got 84 million 82 million dollars yeah yeah so um congo did better wow yeah but that had laser gorillas or something yeah talking laser no it had gorillas being lasered that's you're mixing up your gorillas and whatever i'll take any combination of talking gorillas and lasers.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Apparently, the Guinness Book of Records used to have a largest box office loss column. Oh, yeah? Was it bought out by MGM or something? Must have been, yeah. So MGM's Cutthroat Island was... Was it? Yeah, MGM's Cutthroat Island.
Starting point is 01:04:22 But that was the top spot until they cut it out. So it earned $10 million at the box office. $10 million of $150 million. Yeah, the budget was $98 million, along with $17 million in marketing expenses, probably much more. That's horrendous. Adjusted for inflation, $137 million.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Do you think they went, people sort of liked Hook, it's time for pirates. Yeah. People loved Hook. Let's do pirates without any magic or whatever. Or fun. Or fun. Is it bad?
Starting point is 01:04:52 I don't know. I like Gina Day. I remember. Long Kiss Goodnight. Long Kiss Goodnight. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. The show where she's the president.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Oh, yeah. President Gina. Yeah. President Gina. Great. What was that? Number what? That was number three.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Do you want to talk about stealth? Yeah. I mean, no. Lost $96 million in 2005. The plaque... Jamie Foxx, they kind of hushed that because I think that was around the time of, like, Ray and Collateral, and they were like, just...
Starting point is 01:05:20 That's right, yeah. Or didn't they... I think... Wasn't it Ray and Collateral, and then they're like, we have this on the shelf we may as well yeah you might be right
Starting point is 01:05:26 we've got stealth on the shelf so let's just throw it out there and see if it also picks up some steam and then it didn't no sentient fighter jet then becomes more sentient
Starting point is 01:05:35 when it gets hit by lightning that's right and it kills Josh Lucas maybe or it kills Jamie Foxx who knows I haven't seen it
Starting point is 01:05:43 I've seen bits of it I don't remember that was also the era that we saw everything and we haven't seen it i've seen bits of it i don't remember that was also the the era that we saw everything and we didn't see it yeah wow yeah that was our one blind spot and catwoman yeah we got two blind spots yeah no uh i think at the time i'm surprised it didn't do better because that's the kind of shit that came out then it was like imagine a jet but it's extreme and it knows where you live or whatever no you don't think uh i can picture the trailer yeah you know i think i think at 2002 we were already sick of that yeah we're sick of that aesthetic by five it's like no yeah i i feel like we were I was certainly already just exhausted by that.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah. Something extreme has gone even more extreme. No, I'm not surprised at all with that saying. Okay, fair enough. Yeah. It didn't have any... Like, it didn't have any personality to it. The plane?
Starting point is 01:06:37 Well, it's a robot, Mason. No, but the whole thing. Okay. But the robot specifically. Yeah, yeah. But doesn't the robot turn good and then helps them stealth? Like, what if Jamie Foxx is, you know, he's home at his house and he leans out the window and he sees the stealth,
Starting point is 01:06:51 like all sinister outside his window and the stealth's like, shh. That'd be spooky, wouldn't it? Oh, do you want to hear about number two? Yeah. Do we want to jump to two straight away or do you want more other things? Yeah, give me more. Okay, I'll give you the third.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Oh, no, I think this might be on the list. I'm going to avoid it. Even Almighty, I'll do this one. Okay, sure. I've lost $88 million. This, to me,
Starting point is 01:07:12 feels like it should have made a lot of money. Yeah, right. Apparently, it's not very good. Oh, right, sure. But they took Steve Carell's character from the first Bruce Almighty,
Starting point is 01:07:20 which did very well. They pumped $175 million into it. Yes. A lot of animal stuff so you know yeah right that is yeah it's real animals or cgi animals both so it's expensive and it's it's hard to wrangle for many reasons children or animals yeah exactly and steve perrell was also i think at the time he was doing like the office or maybe not maybe he was done 40 year old virgin
Starting point is 01:07:41 he was he was coming up he probably he would have at least done the um anchor man in 40 year old virgin yeah right and it just nobody saw it huh like it just tanked and he's he's in it he's got a big moses beard in it because he's not he's not god in this he's he's a noah's kind of character yeah and the the elephants help him build the ark because there's a big flood cool so i remember seeing ev Almighty and being like, that's fine. Isn't it a case of Bruce Almighty, all the jokes have been done? Do you think they really rang out all the potential in Bruce Almighty? I think also that's why they took it in a different direction because Bruce Almighty is he can do literally everything.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Yeah. Evan Almighty is he has to build a boat. True. Stakes are lower. Yeah. you can't do that with a sequel you can't make the stakes lower in a sequel yeah so that's and also it's a it's a movie universe in which there exists a god who appears to be benevolent in some way yeah so where's there's no stakes no you could just get jim carrey back to fix everything they could like it's not like it's not like it's going to end with oh i didn't make the boat in time and then it's just 20 minutes of people drowning in the most horrific ways and just you know just a father going like no and his children have fallen off a bridge and
Starting point is 01:09:01 they're drowning he's like ah. And then he shoots himself. Imagine that. Imagine if it went in a real weird direction at the end. Oh, I would see that. Yeah. Because I would tell, I would be, you need to see this. I'm not going to tell you anything about it. Trust me. Don't walk out.
Starting point is 01:09:19 You're going to be a little bored. You're going to be a little bored until the third act. And then. It's got to be the best thing you've ever seen. Yeah, right? Oh, incredible. Yeah. Anyway, it's probably shit.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Probably how it turned out. Exactly. Apparently, yeah. Do you want to do number two? Okay, number two. 2013. Yep. Estimated loss of $151 million.
Starting point is 01:09:42 47 Ronin. Yeah, yeah. There you go, yeah. It's not that bad Okay It also doesn't look that expensive No, right? Have you seen it? It looks
Starting point is 01:09:50 No, I haven't But it just looks desolate And filmed in a forest Yes That's exactly what it is Yeah Well, I read something about this Because I was
Starting point is 01:09:59 And also Who else is in it besides Keanu Reeves? Nobody They're all Japanese They're all Japanese, exactly. Well, I... Because I saw those numbers and I went, I don't understand this.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I need to find out why this costs so much. There were a lot of reshoots and there was trouble with it. Right. But I think one of the reasons is because they filmed everything in Japanese because they had a lot of Japanese actors so they could familiarize themselves, familiarize themselves with the language and the scenes
Starting point is 01:10:24 and then they filmed a bit in English. You are doubling the time spent on set doing that even if it's rehearsal and you're not filming which you got that's you what are you doing yeah that's madness yeah also you could just just say this is what it is yeah you can even just have them all speak Japanese. That's also fine. And then, like, you know, we just watched The Defenders. Yeah. There's characters in that, one of the characters, Bakuto, he only speaks Japanese. Yeah. And all the other characters just understand him and speak English and he understands them.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I don't think it's Bakuto. I think it's a different guy. Is it? But yeah. I know. The guy gets beheaded. Yeah, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Go on. Anyway. We'll get tweets no but Kudo speaks Japanese he probably does but he's the one from Iron Fist
Starting point is 01:11:09 yeah anyway it doesn't matter anyway but what I'm saying is you've already forgotten no no I'll get it back what I'm saying is
Starting point is 01:11:18 no I meant Defenders alright that you have to that you can just have the characters speak in whatever language they're most comfortable with
Starting point is 01:11:25 and just have all the characters just go... Like, it's not... We're not like, what magic is this? We get it. We just assume they all talk in whatever language they talk in and the other characters understand them. It's fine. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:11:36 And it's okay to give them subtitles. It's fine. Also, this isn't a movie... But a movie for $225 million doesn't do subtitles for the whole thing. I guess that's true. Because people don't see it anyway. But that's what I'm talking about. It's also not a movie that looks like it's going to appeal to people
Starting point is 01:11:52 who go to Transformers. No. So you'd go, okay, well, it's a movie set whenever. I mean, you get your weeaboos. You get some weeaboos and they're all on board with subtitles. They love a sub. They hate a dub. Subs, no dubs, baby.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Subs, no dubs baby subs no dubs get your keanu reeve heads you know and that's uh you reeve heads yeah exactly exactly but i remember at the time thinking i will see that uh but i just won't go and see it because i think it also came out in december and i'm like eh december right yeah Christmas. I've got other things to do. Yeah. So do you think that's... Are you surprised? No. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Not at all. That makes sense. I think it's smarter to put Keanu Reeves in a movie like John Wick. Low budget. Yeah. You know, that kind of situation. He's not a guy who can carry a $200 million movie that's not The Matrix. That's true.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Speaking of The Matrix... What? movie that's not the matrix speaking of the matrix the wachowskis oh yeah have had a string of flops yeah since the matrix trilogy yes uh siding with speed racer cloud atlas then jupiter ascending they're all weird and terrible in their own ways probably i've heard cloud atlas is quite an achievement i haven't kind of In making Tom Hanks look Japanese? I don't think he is. I think Hugh Grant is Japanese. I don't think they Japanese up Tom Hanks.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Oh, you're right. Okay. All right. Or maybe he is. They definitely change his face for something. It's interesting because the Wachowskis, their first outing was quite groundbreaking in a lot of technical ways.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You're talking about before The Matrix even? No, I mean The Matrix. Right, okay. The first one I care about. I should have specified. And then everyone since then has been, I guess, has all the rest been technically groundbreaking in some way? Like Speed Racer was all...
Starting point is 01:13:42 Speed Racer was all green screen. All green screen. And that's interesting because it's like a cartoon yeah but nobody cared but nobody cared I mean that movie's upsetting to watch I've never seen it
Starting point is 01:13:53 it's bad there are people who defend it well Cloud Atlas is an unfilmable book yeah and Jupiter Ascending is just
Starting point is 01:14:00 bees and dog men and hoverbirds see it's on Netflix now I should check it out. Yeah. Would you recommend it? I haven't seen it. Oh, okay, right.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I've only seen like recaps of people making fun of it. Okay, right. Maybe I should check that out. Yeah, please do. Yeah. I feel I also should see Valerian before I see Jupiter Ascending. I do want to see Valerian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Because I've heard very, very mixed things. Same. Yeah. I'll get a tweet more when it was out. And you probably got the same where someone's like, you've got to see it. It's amazing. And the next person's like, you have to see it. This is the worst thing ever.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Right, right, right. So it's, who knows. This one blew my mind. Oh, right. Because I've never heard of it. Supernova, James Spader, Angela Bassett. It's from like the 90s. It lost $92 million.
Starting point is 01:14:44 It looks kind of like Event Horizon, but not as good. I feel if, it cannot be surprising if you, if it's a box office bomb and you're like, I'd never heard of this. No, I mean, it's surprising that it exists. Like I feel, cause it came out in like 99. Right, right, right. It's Trim Spader as well. Oh wow, the best spader. Yeah. So, uh, but I did it's the it's the the villain is the the bully from can't hardly wait so the villain isn't a supernova no oh well no it's uh i did i
Starting point is 01:15:13 watched the trailer to be like i i feel like i should at the time i feel like i should have known what this is yeah right because it's kind of in my wheelhouse but i'd never heard of it have you heard of it no never oh interesting but also it's got that generic kind of title yes it does yeah yeah treasure planet upsets me because that one's good yeah lost 109 million dollars but it came up off the back end of um the death of 2d animation and for disney sure yeah they planned sequels and everything it's really good i well we talked about in that disney episode that's right and you you can't talk Treasure Planet Mason without Titan AE. Yes. Are you familiar with that?
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yes. The Matt Damon space adventure. Oh, yeah. Animated. Have you seen it? No. I have. How'd that go?
Starting point is 01:15:55 Don't remember. Nice. Great. I remember Creed did the soundtrack. I think Creed High was either in the trailer or in the movie. Yep. So picture that, if you will. Nice.
Starting point is 01:16:06 I bet after Treasure Planet came out, the people who were making Titan A.E. went, oh, no. They knew what was coming. Yeah, right. They were well aware. What's next, though? Look, I've got two number ones here.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Okay. One's an independent film. Let's go with big budget. Because I probably know what that is. Yeah, okay. What is it? Well, what I've got here, biggest bloody Big Budget, hang on, where are we?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Bloody, where are we? Is Heaven's Gate good? Surely not. No, I can't remember. Sorry, go on. I've seen it but I can't remember. It's The 13th Warrior. 1999's The 13th Warrior. I haven't seen it. What was the numbers on that because i've got that one oh it tells you i'll tells you baby uh so it based on a michael kreit novel so they were
Starting point is 01:16:52 shooing us money in the bank it's a it's an awful it was the 90s it was a night come off the back of congo everyone was feeling good gorillas with lasers they're like is this warrior gonna have a laser or a talking gorilla and they're like no and they're like oh no we warrior going to have a laser or a talking gorilla? And they're like, no. And they're like, oh, no. We've made a terrible mistake. So this was 1999, $160 million. Yep. So this was... The book was called Eaters of the Dead.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Eaters of the Dead, yeah. And they changed it. The movie was called that, wasn't it? Yes, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it earned $61.7 million at the box office, which isn't bad. I mean, that's still $100 million loss.
Starting point is 01:17:30 And when you adjust for inflation, that's $183 million. That's the loss. Yeah. Yeah. But you'd think... You'd think Antonio Banderas would carry it. Antonio Banderas,
Starting point is 01:17:40 based on the last Michael Cricht novel you'd ever think to adapt. You know what I mean? I mean, even the fact that they thought, we're going to call this Eaters of Death. I've got the budget here. I'm going to put $160 million into it. Directed by John McTiernan?
Starting point is 01:17:53 Originally. Oh, right. Because he was kicked and Michael Crichton took over. Oh, no. You know, that famous director, Michael Crichton. Yeah, see, that's exactly it. So my feeling would be on this that they went, okay, well, we've got Jurassic Park work
Starting point is 01:18:07 because it had dinosaurs in the modern day. Yeah. Let's try another one. Let's Congo. It's got gorillas. That's almost as good. You can say from the mind of the guy who did Jurassic Park. From the guy.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Congo. From one of the dudes who made Jurassic Park. But then like, and then they're sort of running out of juice here, but they're like, okay, let's try another one. And then McTiernan's brought in and he's like, okay. But then I would imagine Crichton comes in. I don't know anything about Michael Crichton, but I would imagine. I know he's dead.
Starting point is 01:18:35 I imagine he'd always been like, every single one of these is as good as the last. Well, he did Sphere. He did Sphere, that's true. He did Westworld. Oh, yeah. Sorry, keep going. He did Timeline, which is a big flop.phere, that's true. He did Westworld. Oh, yeah. Sorry, keep going. He did Timeline, which is a big flop. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Sorry, go on. So you think that... I think he's just like, this is going to be just as good. Don't even... We'll blow out this budget, but we're going to make it back because it's me, Michael Crichton. Don't even worry about it. Don't even sweat, dog.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Jurassic Park made millions and millions of dollars. It's still making bank. And that wasn't even sweat dog jurassic park made of millions and millions of dollars it's still making bank and that's because and that that wasn't even my full vision because i was held back by the fact that some other hack directed this film but this is going to be pure crichton that's right and it's going to be the best and then people like what's this about who cares and then they accidentally got the actor who played Crichton in Red Dwarf to direct. Yep. Oh, dear. Anyway, great stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Is it okay? It's boring. Well, that's, yeah. Well, I know they recut it and reshot it. Which I feel is a Michael Crichton touchstone, if I'm perfectly honest with you. Boom, got him. Have you read? Yeah, he's dead. It's Red Jurassic Park.
Starting point is 01:19:42 It's great. It's boring. No, it's not. The book's boring. You're boring. There's not it's boring boring there's a whole sequence where the kids have to hack into a computer you can see all
Starting point is 01:19:48 the computer screens yeah there is all he's like oh my god it's unix i'm gonna hack into this unix clickety clickety clickety click he's going through all sorts of menus you can see the menus there's a
Starting point is 01:19:59 lot of god it's dull there's a lot of dna so dull yeah but at least in the book uh the the main park ranger has a bazooka. That's true. Because he's not an idiot. Yeah, because he's not an idiot. In the book, Robert Muldoon, who gets torn to pieces in the movie,
Starting point is 01:20:14 shoots a velociraptor's leg off with a bazooka and it hops away. That's right. Yeah. Dennis Hopper style. That's right. So anyway, but the indie film. Yeah. This is a little side note.
Starting point is 01:20:26 How can an indie film lose be the number one box office bomb well it's a it's a it's a ratio issue okay okay sure
Starting point is 01:20:32 it's called Zizik's wait Zizik's Road this is from 2006 okay Zizik's Road Z Y Z Z Y X
Starting point is 01:20:40 I looked it up it's a it's a that's a horrible title I know but it's a real place it's on like it's in like the Mojave Desert right it's's a... That's a horrible title. I know, but it's a real place. It's in the Mojave Desert. Right. It's like a sort of a dirt road, partial highway.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Anyway, it doesn't matter. Sounds amazing. Anyway, it's an indie film. It's got Tom Sizemore and Katherine Heigl in it. That wonderful combination. Wait, what? Tom Sizemore, Katherine Heigl. Are they a couple?
Starting point is 01:21:03 I have no idea. I've not seen this. I've never heard of this. Anyway, it had a six-day theatrical release at the Highland Park Village Theatre in Dallas, Texas. It cost $1.2 million. That's indie film money. But it earned $20 at the box office from six patrons,
Starting point is 01:21:20 two of whom were cast members and got in for free. Brilliant. So if you go $1.2 million... Wait, if you divide $20 by $1.2 million, you get 0.0017%. That's the return. I'm trying to spell Zizek's Road. Z-Y-Z-Z-Y-X.
Starting point is 01:21:41 See, that name in itself is... Exactly, right? Yeah. It says the box office here is... Oh, I thought it was million. It says box office 30 USD. I was like, 30 million? No, $30.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Oh, $30. Okay, well, conflicting reports then, obviously. Yeah. Maybe somebody got in on a child's ticket or... Inflation. Inflation is probably it, you're right. That's hilarious. These days.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Why would you call that? I wouldn't even know how to... Like, if I read that, I'd be like, I couldn't tell you what it... I can't pronounce that word to tell somebody. Yeah, well, that's just a guess. Zizek's Road is just a guess on my behalf. Could be Zizek's.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yeah, could be. Could be Zizek's. Probably Zizek's, though. Probably Zizek's. We've got a few more, mates, before we wrap up. I'm ready. Catwoman lost $52 million. Yep.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Obviously. RIPD looks very expensive and lost anywhere between $90 and $114. When did that come out? Do you have a... $13. See, that was... And when did MIB 3 come out? Because when did MIB 2 come out?
Starting point is 01:22:36 2 was 2002-ish? See, we were sick of MIB. I was sick of MIB halfway through MIB 2, yeah. Yeah, see, so 2002, we were sick of that whole genre. He's a guy and he's thrown into a wacky world. It's a sci-fi world. It's a fantasy world. How can it be?
Starting point is 01:22:52 It was just a regular cop. This is different. Right, we were sick of it in 2002. And then I went to, what, 2013. 2013, after Men in Black 3. 11 years they went. Yeah, okay. They did not see the signs.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I'm not surprised. Shut up. Even with Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, okay. They did not see the signs. I'm not surprised. Shut up. Even with Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, well, Green Lantern lost 90 as well. Even with Ryan Reynolds. Even with Ryan Reynolds. Wynn Talkers in 2002 lost $81 million. Even with Ryan Reynolds.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Even without... Nicholas Cage. Yeah, Nicholas Cage. Which is the one where they use the Native Americans to have messages that couldn't be decoded by the Japanese during World War II. John Woo style. Yeah, it's an interesting story. Yeah, it was John Woo. It was John Woo.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Apparently it's horrendous. Yeah. Yeah. We were sick of John Woo halfway through Mission Impossible 2. Mid-air. Mid-air. Mid-jump. But I think Windtalkers is, I think the theory behind that is they went,
Starting point is 01:23:44 right, everyone's riding high from Saving Private Ryan. Yeah, right. People love gritty World War II. Band of Brothers, killing it. Here we go. That's right. I'm sure, look, people always write in and say, I can't believe you forgot this particular
Starting point is 01:23:57 thing. Believe it. Yeah, we're gonna. Don't you worry about that. I'm just double checking my list. I've even left ones off. I remember when I was making this list, there was stuff I left off because I'm like,
Starting point is 01:24:06 how do I go? Like Alexander. Yeah, precisely. Final Fantasy, The Spirits Within lost anywhere between $72 and $102 million. Obviously,
Starting point is 01:24:15 because it was a CGI movie with all CGI people. Terrifying. Yeah. And it was right in that, that was right in the nexus of we can do this, but we shouldn't. Nobody right in the nexus of we can do this but we shouldn't nobody knew that was peak we can do this but we shouldn't yeah uh this one surprises
Starting point is 01:24:31 me until you hear the budget also because it's not great the wolfman lost 80 million dollars but the wolfman shouldn't have cost 150 million dollars it's a b horror property yeah and again they learned that lesson again seven years later with the mummy yeah so exactly it's weird right yes but it's weird but there was going to be more than that but my brain stopped working briefly but like is it because anthony they were like well we can't put anthony hopkins in like cheap you know blood makeup and i'd forgotten what movie we were talking about i'm back what movie we were talking about but i mean like so that would they like listen we've got a we've got a cgi him he can just act on stage and we'll cgi the whole thing or yeah i don't know i remember there's a bit where he gets his cgi head knocked off and that was probably it just use it just use an intern yeah just knock
Starting point is 01:25:22 their head off yeah oh. Oh, God. Surgically alter him to look like... You nearly said Anthony Scaramucci. That's dated this episode, hasn't it? I did that already. Oh, did you? Yeah, I meant Scaramucci. You put it in my head. That's right.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Jack the Giant Slayer, which was the Jack and the Beanstalk gritty retelling. Yeah. Lost anywhere between $86 and $101 million, obviously. Cleopatra, remember? That's like a classic. Lost a lot $86 and $101 million. Obviously. Cleopatra. That's like a classic. Lost a lot of money back in the day. Oh, yeah. Even at the time when they were making it,
Starting point is 01:25:52 they knew they weren't going to make money back because of the elaborate sets and costumes and the people that got involved. Wild Wild West. Also, Ballistics X versus Sever. The Lucy Liu. Antenna Banderas. He's back.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Another bomb for Banderas But again C because Shrek movies Because Shrek 2? Because he was only in 2 Or 3 one of them No he was in 2 he was the cat Terrific And he was also in 3
Starting point is 01:26:18 Bless his heart That was from 2002 That was before Shrek 2 There you go That was the 2002. That was before Shrek 2. Wow. There you go. Wow, that was the era of like blue and black posters. You get your equilibrium. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:33 You get your paychecks. You get your whatever. That was before they were like, blue and black ain't doing nothing for people. Let's make everything blue and orange. That's right. And then we had a decade of blue and orange. And now who knows what it is. Now it's just a whole, it's just people just mashed together on a poster, or it's a face. Sometimes it's just a face, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Is that everything? I think so. All right. That's every conceivable thing. I can't imagine we'd missed everything if we have. Why don't you bloody cry about it? All right. Not you.
Starting point is 01:27:00 Okay. But why don't you bloody cry about it also? Okay, well. Good. Is that the end end i think it's the end yeah not of the show is it no we've got more seconds to go on should we throw another ad in somehow okay you know what i do want to talk about we'll do this now okay um we've very oh no this wow this sounds like you said it's sitting me down for a talk listen you're fired how can i
Starting point is 01:27:23 fire you this is a collaborative process that's true uh we've been thinking about doing you think that this is doing oh he's doing the two hand you'd think that because this is a collaborative process you i can't fire you but it turns out i can so i guess it's my house so in that sense i could make you leave but i'm taking my cake yeah fair enough and eating it too yeah like the expression nice you're welcome um yeah we're we're thinking about maybe in the future doing an ad free uh subscription yeah it's like doing like a slightly rich breaking point even for ourselves yeah but just i know most people i don't people really don't complain about the ads ever because people understand but also i'd imagine they'd be
Starting point is 01:28:03 people who don't want to hear ads that That's true. So we thought you know we might we might do it. Or they don't like delightful products. Yeah. Oh maybe they don't. That's fine. Live your life I guess. Yeah so I don't know we'll just float that out there see what people think. Yeah because it's very little kind of effort on our behalf to put it out. It's just a little bit more editing. It's not much to it. But um just a thought if people might be interested in that. But if not, that's also fine. We should do one of those surveys like Filthy Casuals did
Starting point is 01:28:31 to see what people want to hear or topics and ideas and guests and all sorts of things. The future, Mason, of podcasting. All right. Do you know what it's time for now? What's it time for? What we're reading. Oh, what we're going to read.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today well you read you've watched death death note yeah give some more give some more talk about death note oh what do you want to know mate um how's willem dafoe in it he's really good yeah he's uh he's he's johnny death note or whatever his name is i can't remember his name senior death note senior death note if name. Senior Death Note. Senior Death Note. If you, you've read it, is that right? No, I've read some of the, I've seen some of the anime. And not for you. You said you were like, eh.
Starting point is 01:29:14 I've heard some of it's very drawn out. I don't know. I'm just less and less on board with anime as time progresses. I don't know why that is. I think maybe One Punch Man killed me for anime. Because it was so good? Because it was so good. Ah, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Yeah. And because it takes all the tropes that you knew, Mason, and flips them on their bloody head. Flips them on their bloody head, exactly. Yeah, fair enough. It's got a good soundtrack. It's got some 80s synth kind of rock. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:39 I can't think of any examples. And I'm watching it and I'm like, oh, I like this song, but it's also like, why is this in this? It doesn't fit the tone. It's not the era that it's set in, the movie itself. Yeah. It feels, like I said, it feels very compressed. I think if you did not like the anime, I think you should watch it.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Okay. Because it gives you all the story points you want to know. Is it odd that it's a Japanese series that's been transplanted to America? Are there bits where you go like, okay, that would have made sense if it were in Japan? No, I think they do a relatively good job of westernizing it. I mean, as far as it makes sense to me, I wasn't ever like, I don't understand any of this at all. But I can also say, I understand why people hate it. Right, okay. I completely, I get it.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Okay. But as a, let's say there was never an anime or a manga or anything like that, an original version. If you just watch this on your own, would you be like, this was good and I enjoyed it or would you be like. I would be like, this has some great ideas but it feels too rushed.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Also the ending is bullshit. Oh, interesting. Yeah, it really is. And I don't know whether the comic ends like that. i think it doesn't i think somebody told somebody said on twitter that like the very very very end yeah i think somebody somebody said on twitter that the the netflix version ends just when the anime gets good so i think there's more there's more did it feel like i'm setting up for a sequel? It felt like something else should have happened.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Okay. Right. Certainly. Interesting. Yeah. Okay. Uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:31:11 I don't know, man. Look, I, it's a shame. Yeah. Cause there's a lot about it that could have been really good and that it's just, and it's just fine.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Well, there you go. Or terrible depending on what you think. What have you been doing? Uh, cleanse the palette. Watch. I watched,
Starting point is 01:31:24 uh, uh, wet hot American summer. I watched that you been reading? Cleanser the Palate. I watched Wet Hot American Summer. The new season. I watched that and I haven't really even seen the others. What do you think? I loved it. Yeah, it's fun, right? Well, I feel it's divisive in the sense that they're all so stupid.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Yes. That you're either on board with it or you're not. Have you not seen the previous two? I've seen most of the first movie and none of the second series. Okay, well, I guess it ultimately doesn't matter because... No, it really doesn't. Because they're set... Because the...
Starting point is 01:31:50 The first one is a prequel to the... The series is a prequel to the movie and this is set 10 years after. 10 years later, right. But they're all... And they're all... Yeah, so the prequel series, everybody's literally like a decade older
Starting point is 01:32:02 than in the original movie. So they all look older except they're supposed to be a day younger oh sorry yeah yeah but except for paul rudd who looks the same yes and now it's been another 10 years and it's and paul rudd looks the same how does he do it that's a secret yeah drinking is a murderer probably anyway i guess you don't really have to watch him in any order although yeah i think you should watch him in order because there's because they flash back to stuff and i'm like i should have watched that yeah that probably would have been funny yeah oh and uh a couple of weeks ago i said i was going to start on killer
Starting point is 01:32:31 be killed and which is the ed brubaker comic book series hard to say isn't it it's real good it's hard to say breaker so good real good yeah so to quick recap it's a dude who it's it's ed brubaker hard to say uh who did captain america when a soldier he did criminal he did sleeper he did a lot of other great stuff he did the fade out which is a series i enjoyed a lot right right um but it's it's about a guy who he's gone through some tough times he goes up to rooftop thinks about killing himself he changes his mind but he falls off the roof and he falls six stories he doesn't die and then when he goes back up to like his apartment he's visited by a devil a demon or a devil of some sort who's like i saved your life now you have to kill one person a month
Starting point is 01:33:15 in exchange and like and it's it's very much like and it's told in like flashback and flash forward yeah and you get you know you get some action and then you get some recap of how it happened blah blah blah but it's also very much he's a guy who's like you know he's he's he's gone off his medication and he's a loose unit he's kind of a loose unit and it's it's very much up in the air as to whether this is actually happening or he's just gone insane so it's pretty good and it And it's done in kind of an intelligent, like an intelligent kind of way. Yeah. Like it's not, I don't know. And it feels very much like a real world.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Like the world is fleshed out enough. Yeah. And he goes through enough like real life struggles and relationships and issues and friendships and what have you that it doesn't, he doesn't feel like a cardboard cutout. Like the idea of this, you know, maybe it's real or maybe maybe i'm crazy like that's a trope that's been done before yeah but there's a there's enough real world it's it's fleshed out enough that you go okay well i'm
Starting point is 01:34:15 i'm totally on board with is this real or is this not because he seems like a real character so it is kind of it is real world yeah a lot of except for the demon exactly yeah but like initially he's like, I'm not going to do this for you. You know, what are you going to do to me? And the devil breaks his arm. And then he goes to like a friend's place and, you know, he shows up with his broken arm. And he's like, well, maybe this demon did it. Or maybe I just broke my arm when I fell off the roof.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Right. It's only just hit me because the adrenaline's worn off. Like, so it's all very up in the air. Okay. Very good. Cool. I also read a comic book called Generation Gone, which is about hackers with superpowers.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Boo! No, it's real good. That's good? It's good. You wouldn't think a comic book about hackers in 2017... With superpowers, no. ...would be good, but it's very good. Yeah, it's real good.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Two top quality recommendations. Top quality reads. A lot of people have written in and said The Tick. Watch The Tick. Yeah, which is on Amazon Video, on amazon video apparently it's very good so i'm i will who is the tick now this time around is there a fan of which again is it yes he's back that one was a putty yeah oh yeah yeah the previous one was putty yeah they did a pilot earlier and this is the season apparently it's good at deconstructing the genre okay Okay, I'm on board. You know, like Deadpool. Yeah, that guy's funny.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Yeah, look at his balls. Always making us look at his balls. Ready for the next thing? Oh yeah, cool. The classic one was Letters, oh letters 198! Letters, oh letters
Starting point is 01:35:39 They're only a take my way I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. In my defence, the letters segment only started like 198. Yes. If you want to reach the show via a tweet, you can hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. If you want to send an email, Mason loves emails. I do love emails.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Weeklyplanetpod at There's a lot of unread emails in there, Mason. You're all right. I'm getting emails. Weeklyplanetpod at There's a lot of unread emails in there, Mason. You're alright. I'm getting to it. Alright. This is from Jesse. Just saw Terminator 2
Starting point is 01:36:13 3D release. Best minigun scene in a movie? I think we've talked about this. Yeah. We need more Mason's minigun minutes. I agree.
Starting point is 01:36:20 If they'd put some more miniguns in movies or TV shows. Some people are like, oh, check out this minigun. It's not a minigun. It's a big gun. It's a big gun, but shows. Some people are like, oh, check out this minigun. It's not a minigun. It's a big gun. It's a big gun, but it's not a minigun.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Not a minigun. It's a very specific weapon. Is the Terminator 1 the best minigun minute, even though he doesn't kill anybody? Yes, because there's... It feels real. It feels real, and it feels like there's some legit destruction happening. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Like he just... Like he slices the roots off the lead's cut. Yeah, he cuts a swath. Yeah. Like he just, like he slices the roots off of his car. Yeah, he cuts a swath. Yeah. He cuts a bloody swath. Do you think it's, so it is the best one?
Starting point is 01:36:51 I think so. Should we do a minigun episode? Yeah, maybe. But I mean like, until, what I want to see is somebody being chopped to pieces with one.
Starting point is 01:37:00 That's all I want. That's what I wanted in Daredevil Season 2. I think you should go to, Dredd's got a good minigun. There's some CGI muzzle flashes in there. Yeah, I see. But it's hyper stylized. That's all I want. That's what I wanted in Daredevil Season 2. I think you should go to Dread's got a good minigun. There's some CGI muzzle flashes in there. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 01:37:07 But it's hyper-stylized. It's the world. I don't want hyper-stylized. You want a man. I want somebody just staggering around. A swath. They've been hit
Starting point is 01:37:14 with a hundred bullets like a sash across their chest. And they slide and they slide in half. Yeah, no stylization. No pretty colors. I want it
Starting point is 01:37:24 just somebody being riddled with bullets. Okay, fine half. Yeah, no stylization, no pretty colors. I want just somebody being riddled with bullets. Okay, fine, Mason. Yeah. You psychopath. Yeah, that's what I want. Do you want to read a letter? That's the thing. I'm not...
Starting point is 01:37:33 I'm still looking for one. I had a letter, but it was about the tick, so... Oh, very good. Sorry, did I ruin that for you? You kind of did, but that's all right. Did it just say, watch the tick? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Sounds like a great letter you picked out, Mason, you dumbass. Some Jan. Hey, dickheads. What are your thoughts on pro wrestling? Are you fans or former fans? Thanks.
Starting point is 01:37:52 I'm not a fan, but not because I hate it. Yes. What about you? I'm also not a fan. Yeah. Because you hate it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Do you really? We're two peas in a pod. Yes. No, I don't know. No, I'm not against it. I never, because it kind of sporadically was here as a kid. I liked the idea of it, but you couldn't really, it was hard to access.
Starting point is 01:38:10 You maybe had a friend who had a thing. Yeah. Like a rich friend who had a subscription. I think I'm just against oily men with big underpants on. I love that. Yeah. I watched the Conor McGregor fight today, Mason. That's the thing I watch.
Starting point is 01:38:23 We're reading in Mayweather. Yeah. People said it was the fight of the century and he did better than he should have in boxing. That's what they said. Well, look, I don't particularly want to comment on either of those people, but I'm astounded it lasted more than 45 seconds.
Starting point is 01:38:35 But do you think it's in everybody's interest that it doesn't last 45 seconds? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely, yeah. You know who the real winner is? Those two? Because they both got $100 million.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Minimum, yeah. Yeah. They are real winner is? Those two? Because they both got $100 million. Minimum, yeah. They are the winners. Yeah. Pretty much. Would you let somebody beat you up for 10 rounds for $100 million? Yeah. He'd probably kill you. Oh, him?
Starting point is 01:38:54 Yeah. No. What about me? Yeah. Okay, good. Yeah. I probably couldn't kill you. Here's a letter.
Starting point is 01:39:01 This is from Jeremy Franklin. All right. He says, his wife and I, my wife and I regularly watch movies together. I've started yelling, huzzah, whenever a character says the movie title. That's the game Huzzah. Yes. So far, it gets a laugh one third of the time. I believe the sample size is too small.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Going to the movies with my in-laws, I'll test there and report back my findings. Very good. Thank you, Jeremy. How many times do you have to go to the movies with his in-laws to get a i think you'll only get one and then they'll never do it again yeah but also you gotta pick your movie don't you does he gonna go and see the movie before to make sure they say the name of the movie that's true you're right yeah oh man it's quite the undertaking jeremy yeah but i respect your your abilities what if every week enthusiastically he's like hey guys we have to go you have to go to the movies. Jeremy wants to go to the bloody movies again.
Starting point is 01:39:46 I don't want to see King Arthur. That's true. They'd definitely say King Arthur and King Arthur, wouldn't they? That's a box office problem. No, maybe they wouldn't, though. At the end. Maybe like All Hail King Arthur. Maybe just the once at the end and then title card.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Yeah, that seems like a Guy Ritchie thing to do. I should mention pro wrestling. Yeah. I like the idea of it. I don't understand why people are like, that's dumb and superhero movies
Starting point is 01:40:10 are smart or vice versa. It's all theatrics but the way they really put their bodies on the line, I know it's all choreographed but they're still... Oh, you said it very effectively. Thank you
Starting point is 01:40:21 because I didn't think about it. I just went straight into it. Yeah, good. Blocking. But they really throw themselves around. And they're big men. Yeah. Like, when you've got that much mass on you,
Starting point is 01:40:32 and you're moving that quickly and landing that hard, it's not good for you. Like, it's incredible what they can do. That's true. Yeah. So I respect it, but I just don't care. Nice. You got another letter?
Starting point is 01:40:43 I can do another tweet. This is from Hayd Miller. Yep. Me and my friends are embarking out on a two-day-long, 30-hour total Marvel movie marathon. God. Have either of you two done any marathons? If so, what was it, and did you enjoy it?
Starting point is 01:40:55 If you were to do a movie marathon, what would it be? I tried to do Lord of the Rings once, the extended editions. Yeah. I got about 20 minutes into the second one. In a cinema? No. At home? Yes. By yourself? No, it was other people there. Oh, fantastic. Yeah. traditions yeah i got about 20 minutes into the second one in a cinema no at home yes by yourself
Starting point is 01:41:05 yeah no it was other people there oh fantastic yeah recently at the asta which is our local sort of iconic movie theater they did the fast and the furious movies wow like all eight in a row and i wanted to go desperately i couldn't make it out to work you did not want to go i know that's true yeah but you did want to go well again i think i would have gone just to see what the fans were like who's because that's the thing like i like the last couple that are the ones that i've seen i think are great and i like them because they're hilarious and nobody in those movies is really taking them that seriously and there's that bit where jason statham shoots up a plane full of terrorists while holding a baby yeah it's great like it's great but are there
Starting point is 01:41:42 people who enjoy them like there's going to be people there like me, and there's going to be, like, other people. There's going to be people like you, and there's going to be other people. That's true, yeah. Yeah, I hear you, man. It's a circle of life. It is a circle of life.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Yeah. I think my... I think these days two movies is my maximum now. I can't do a movie marathon. Yeah. I'm not... I mean, I don't like flying because you have to sit for so long. Yeah. So i can't do a movie marathon yeah i'm not i mean i don't like like i don't like flying because you have to sit for so long yeah so i can't imagine i know you can get up
Starting point is 01:42:10 at a movie and go out and get a popcorn or whatever but no i'd if i was to do a marathon i'd be at home like oh i'll watch a show that's true but i can but i could i'm in my house yeah i like that i like being in my house i don't like being somewhere else for 10 hours what if everybody in the cinema gets one pause how big fast and furious fans what are they doing probably doing donuts they're doing donut they put on a sleeveless vest and a big gold chain and they do doughies in the park in the car park and everyone gets one everyone gets one exactly right exactly you've got you can pee or you can do a doughy they're your options i'd do a doughy yeah same you'd have to wouldn't you and you could pay while you're doing it yeah they wouldn't know exactly you'd be like well this v-tech kicked in yo i don't know i don't know man
Starting point is 01:42:55 i'd use too much in os and i paid myself that happens you know i don't so that's the thing i don't think i could do because it's very rare now that there's three movies that are great in a row. Yep. And like, I respect the idea of watching the Marvel movie marathon. Oh, it's incredible. But there are some movies in there that are, for me, would be a chore for me now. And I don't want to have to sit through them just to say I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:21 It's a young man's game. It certainly is. Well, I like... There's movies that I like. I don't want to watch Civil War again anytime soon. I like Civil War, but I don't want to watch it. That's true. It's from Nate. Last tweet. Hashtag tag weekly planet pod.
Starting point is 01:43:37 You think that Liam Neeson will return as a Force ghost, Qui-Gon Jinn, in the Kenobi movie? No. But I say yes. Really? Well, because it's hinted at at the end of Revenge of the Sith. He invented Force ghosts.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Also, he'll have to teach everyone in Kenobi how to be a Force ghost. Yeah. I think they're going to forget all that happened. Okay, you've got to stand real still
Starting point is 01:43:55 and let somebody stab you. That's right, yeah. That's all there is to it. Now, I'm pretty sure this is going to work. I mean, statistically statistically speaking hundreds or even thousands of jedis have died before me and i can't see any of them anywhere i'm not 100 on the math i don't know if i mean it's worked for it may not work for you but it definitely will just let him
Starting point is 01:44:17 stab you i mean they're probably other ways out of it whatever situation you're in where some guys are going to stab you might be other ways out of it maybe Whatever situation you're in where some guy's going to stab you might be other ways out of it. Maybe fight him better. Yeah. The thing is, when I died, he took me by surprise. I want you to stand still and let him hit you. Just maybe bring your sword down. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:44:37 It's going to freak him out, though. Yeah. Do you think Qui-Gon watching that would have been like, holy shit, I didn't disappear. Because who else disappeared? That's true, yeah. He took it to the next level. Obi-Wan shows up in the afterlife and he's like,
Starting point is 01:44:50 yeah, what do you reckon? What of it? What now? Maybe try again. Oh, you can't, you're dead. It's me, Obi-Wan. You're pretty good. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:45:02 So no, I think there's a good chance he could turn up. Well, Liam Neeson has turned up in Clone Wars as well. So no, I think there's a good chance he could turn up. Well, Liam Neeson has turned up in Clone Wars as well. So, yeah, I think there's a possibility. Jean-Franco Gervasio also asked if we'd say that Qui-Gon Jinn. I don't think we will. I said yes. I don't think we will. Tell him yes.
Starting point is 01:45:19 What's the automatic response? Oh, let me check. Yes and yes, it says. Yes and yes. No, there's also I don't think so. He's getting it right, I don't think so. Okay. Well, that's not fair, is it?
Starting point is 01:45:28 Because that's not what we both think. If you're listening, John Ralphio. John Franco Gervasio. Also has a spinal cord injury, uses a wheelchair. Can he be the official Professor X of the podcast? Absolutely, you may. 100%. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:39 Professor X. How did he get Professor X the last time in the X-Men movie? He went into his mind. They had a mind fight and he went bald. That's right, yes. That's right, yeah. And then in the last one, he was stabbed to death. In Logan, he was stabbed to death.
Starting point is 01:45:54 Oh, he was too! Yeah. Sorry, that was the last one. Because he had to take the mind drugs to stop him from... And then he was stabbed? Then he was stabbed to death. I'm thinking of the previous, previous one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Oh, very good. There's less nuance in being stabbed to death. Well, he had a bit of a soliloquy, didn't he, then he was stabbed? Then he was stabbed to death. I was thinking of the previous, previous one. Yeah. Oh, very good. There's less nuance in being stabbed to death. Well, he had a bit of a soliloquy, didn't he, before he went out? Yeah, straight out. Yeah. Is a soliloquy more of a song, though? No, a soliloquy is... It's to yourself, ultimately.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Yeah. Yeah. He wasn't to himself. He had a chat more than anything. Yeah, he had a chat. Get a bit of a chat. Look, I rolled the dice on a fancy word. I blew it, all right?
Starting point is 01:46:25 What do you want from me? Okay, that's the show. Nice. Just wanted to say Mason has some thoughts on episode 200. Oh, no. You son of a bitch. I've thrown you under the bus. You have thrown me under the bus.
Starting point is 01:46:38 You've thrown me under your little red bus mug there. This is a gift. You get a lot of gifts as a teacher, Mason. I used to be a teacher. You know that. Yes. This is a London bus mug. It's from gifts as a teacher, Mason. I used to be a teacher. You know that. This is a London bus mug. It's from a girl called Matilda.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Huh. Yeah. And I love it. It's my favorite mug. It's good, isn't it? Do you drive it around at your desk sometimes? You make vroom vroom noises? Listen, that's between me and this mug, but yes.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Nice. Yeah. Boy, who the funk would make it to 200 episodes? I mean, it's possible. It's possible. It's quite likely in the world of podcasting that you can make it to 200 episodes the fact that anyone is listening after 200 episodes is the astounding part that's the part that's amazing yeah so look
Starting point is 01:47:16 it's doing this has afforded me like so much freedom in my life from you know i could spend time with my family i work from home uh-huh you know what i mean if i had a family i could do that yeah it's a bit lonely isn't it yeah it is but i have the listeners there's more of them than there is your stupid family there's tons of listeners i'm claiming all the listeners you can have your dumb family i don't care have them dumb kid but it is incredible But it is incredible because, like we've said a hundred times, I'm sure, these are conversations we just have and they're amusing to us. Yes. But it's one of those things where that really translates to something
Starting point is 01:47:57 that people would think would be interesting. That's true. Because, you know, when somebody's like, this is my funny friend, and you meet him, you're like, oh, he sucks. Yeah. I get a lot of, oh, you meet this guy, you love him. I don't. And maybe it's because they've been like, you love him,
Starting point is 01:48:10 and I'm like, oh, don't tell me what to do. Yeah, I definitely will not. Don't tell me who to like and don't like. And somebody will be like, you know, sometimes people are like, you like him, he's funny. And I'm like, why would I like someone who's funnier than me? That's all I got is being sort of funny sometimes. No. That's exactly right. But right but no we it's incredible and who knows how long it will go for i mean we don't have any plans
Starting point is 01:48:32 to not do it do we that's true we haven't had any kind of riffs or anything yet so yeah rift is always around the corner though you know yeah yeah what would you do if we didn't if we didn't do this yeah say we we rifted oh yeah would you do another podcast didn't do this? Say we rifted. Oh, yeah. Would you do another podcast? Yeah, maybe. Yeah. All right. No, what I would do is I would...
Starting point is 01:48:51 That's a betrayal, Mason. What I would do is I would guest style... I would appear as a guest on other people's podcasts until that stopped yielding an increased listenership for them and then people would stop asking. Right, yeah, yeah. You drive it into the ground. That's right.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Yeah, fair enough. All right, that's the show into the ground. That's right. Yeah, fair enough. All right, that's the show for this week. That's right. To the end of the show, Mason. Oh, let's see. You can contact us on Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Bandcamp. I'm at WikipediaBrown on Twitter. 200 episodes going strong.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Still have to explain it a lot of the time to people. Yes. Encyclopedia Brown. That was a series of books I read as a child. I don't really. I didn't read them. I don't. Okay, that's fine was a series of books I read as a child I don't really I didn't read them I don't okay that's fine it's not a reference I get
Starting point is 01:49:28 yeah what else if you want to support the show you can go to bloody slash MrSundayMovies
Starting point is 01:49:35 chuck in a buck chuck in a buck you can go to wait that's not it we've got an Amazon affiliate link it's in the episode description
Starting point is 01:49:42 you can click on that if you want to help out the show by doing what you would probably do anyway, because everybody shops on Amazon, you just click on the link. It goes through to regular Amazon. Buy your weekly stuff on Amazon. How does it work? We get a kickback somehow.
Starting point is 01:49:53 I don't know. But you don't have to spend any extra money. It's amazing. We don't care how it works. That's right. We just like the money. Love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:59 What else? There's some teas on That's all linked below. Thank the Brute and the Basilisk and Rackham for all our themes thank you to Raw Collings who does heaps of stuff for us
Starting point is 01:50:10 he's the best including our newsletter so if you want to subscribe to the newsletter which every week that comes out and like man Planet Broadcasting
Starting point is 01:50:15 does a lot of stuff a lot of stuff going on there soon to be don't click that now it's all getting revamped it's all happening
Starting point is 01:50:22 very good just load up and keep refreshing until a website appears. Never stop. What else? Anyway, that newsletter. Subscribe to that bloody newsletter. It's real good.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Give it a bloody listen. I think that's it. Thanks for everybody for listening. Yeah, man. Madness. Madness. Episode 201? Maybe, yeah. Downward spiral from here. We're talking about the Inhumans next week Episode 201? Maybe, yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Downward spiral from here. We're talking about the Inhumans next week. Oh, God, yeah, aren't we? And Game of Thrones. GIT Bros 2017. Yeah, all right. Fine, God. Are we doing Inhumans and Game of Thrones episode next week?
Starting point is 01:50:57 I guess so, yeah. Okay, cool. Do you want to do Inhumans this week, Game of Thrones next week? Well, I don't think anyone will care about Inhumans like Game of Thrones the week after good point this is probably an off air conversation we'll just wedge it in
Starting point is 01:51:07 it doesn't matter it is it is an off air conversation this is a real rift the rift is starting alright thanks for listening guys grab that gem you guys
Starting point is 01:51:15 we'll see you next week bye I figured maybe you could if you wanted to save Game of Thrones for your 200th appearance on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:51:25 You son of a bitch. You got me. I did get you. You love Game of Thrones. You haven't done 200 episodes yet. What are you thinking about that? I want to rift and then I'll do two more with someone else. And then I'll quit.
Starting point is 01:51:41 And then I'll tear it all down. We should do three more. I should, you're right. We should do three more. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.

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