The Weekly Planet - 219 Most Anticipated Movies 2018

Episode Date: January 29, 2018

This week we’re all about the most anticipated movies of 2018!But also we’re about the Oscars, Dundee, the first look at Captain marvel, Doctor Sleep, Duke Nukem, Superman in the Shazam movie plus... trailers for I Kill Giants and Pacific Rim Uprising. Thanks for listening!The Weekly Planet Live Show: Little Dum Dum Club: The Start Of The Podcast1:43 Oscars and Razzies5:21 Dundee is not a movie6:38 Captain Marvel images10:46 Doctor Sleep15:09 Duke Nukem movie18:20 Henry Cavill in Shazam19:52 I Kill Giants trailer22:28 Pacific Rim uprising trailer29:15 Most Anticipated Movies Of 20181:23:22 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:27:17-1:29:43 Doomsday Clock spoilers1:29:43 Letters It’s Time For LettersAmazon affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:55 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nick Kidneystone Mason. Gotcha. You did get me. That is true. Correct. You did get me. That is true.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Correct. You got me. You're a little subdued. I should be the one who's subdued right now. It's a thousand degrees. It is a thousand degrees. In every room of my house. So fortunately, we're going to record this in the coolest room in the house, the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:38 room. It is by far the hottest. It's the room with zero cooling. Not that my house has that much cooling anyway. We've got every window open and I think it's making things worse. We'll see how that fixes the audio. You've got that nice hot dog. I've got a hot dog here.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I've got a hot dog ready to go. And as you mentioned, I do have a minor medical complaint right now and I am hopped up on painkillers. So if they wear off, look, I think I've timed this right so they won't wear off before the podcast ends. But if they do, do boy will you know about it i'll leave i'll no i'll take out most of the screaming okay great thank you appreciate it the back end of this is just gonna be great content though yeah you were saying before that
Starting point is 00:02:16 that sd card we're recording on has six and hours left on it correct so potentially we could just take this to the emergency room that's true so So yeah, make a little adventure out of it. Hot on the road. That's the dream, isn't it? That's right. All right, Mason. Do you have any thoughts on either the Oscars or the Razzies? No.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Wait, so the nominations are out for the Oscars, right? Yeah, I kind of skimmed the list. Blade Runner didn't get something. I can't remember. The best film of the year that's got some good good hot contenders that's true and stuff i would say would not normally be on that list at all like get out like get out is on there is the big sick on there maybe maybe that's definitely on there for writing yeah right yeah and it's a i mean get out i guess isn't a traditional horror movie. No, well, that's true. It's got social commentary. Yeah, if it had like a slasher in it or like a Freddy Krueger-esque monster,
Starting point is 00:03:12 there's no way it'd get nominated. No, absolutely not. So I don't know this, but I'm assuming The Post got nominated. You would think so, yeah. Because we've seen the billboards and it looks like a movie that will be nominated for Oscars. It's funny because Claire came back from it and I'm like, how was it? She's like, you know, it's really important
Starting point is 00:03:31 because it's about truth in media. I'm not hearing good in there anyway. Well, that's the thing. It's just like, you know, it's a reflection of the times now and how the media has kind of evolved over time. And I'm like, yeah, but was it boring? And she's like, yeah, it was pretty boring. the media has kind of evolved over time. And I'm like, yeah, but was it boring?
Starting point is 00:03:43 And she's like, yeah, it was pretty boring. In fact, the post seems like if you were some sort of Oscar voter or you were in control of the Oscar nominations, if you didn't have time to see all of them, you could just skip the post and just nominate it anyway. Oh, absolutely. It's got the look of a movie that would be nominated. So you're like, well, that's probably in the chance, isn't it, eh?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Meryl Streep's in it, right? Exactly. Tom Hanks is in it. It's a Spielberg one. Yeah, great. You can't really go wrong. People are up in arms a little bit because Wonder Woman didn't get nominated for Best Picture.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah, fair enough. I mean, it shouldn't have. I mean, not that literally none of this matters. Awards are meaningless. I mean, you know, that's coming from people who are two of the three top 25 something, something. Media something, something. Yeah, sure. That's us.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We've absolutely been nominated for some sort of award that we've forgotten already. That's correct. But you know why? I think awards, I mean, awards can be important, right? You know what I mean? Depending on where it's coming from and whatever. And I've spoken about it before. But here's an example of why I think most awards are total horseshit.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Right? So we got an email this week. We've got multiple emails for a Webby. Web Popular. To be nominated for a Webby. Oh, great. Which is maybe the big one or maybe it's one of them. I don't know don't i don't
Starting point is 00:05:05 know so i'm like i remember looking into this and that it cost cost money so it costs us money costs us money so i went to check it out and i'm like i'm not going to nominate myself for this obviously but i just want to see what it costs so i go in there it put it put us up automatically for two categories or two recommended categories and it's 395 us to nominate for one category wow so which one are we going to go with well i nominate us for everything so is it uh are we yeah i was going to say we nominated what a fucking joke loudest echo in a in a podcast recording because we can we can definitely win that i feel absolutely we could but that's just are you kidding me like as if it's anyway it doesn't matter it's like uh
Starting point is 00:05:47 what's meaningless exactly if you want to be if you want to if you want to get a star on the hollywood walk of fame you've got to pay for that yeah that's right yeah and campaign and whatever it's a whole thing should we get a star on the hollywood walk of fame should we podcast yes i think i feel we should i don't i mean we shouldn't for many reasons like deservedly obviously not oh yeah that takes us out of the running in a way. Yeah, sure. Okay, fair enough. That's it.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Mason, it turns out that that Dundee movie may not be a real movie. We called it. We did. We called it. So there's some more information. Chris Hemsworth is Wally's son in it. What's his name's in it? Hugh Jackman.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Hugh Jackman's in it. What's his name? Yeah, what's his name? Hugh Jackman. That reminds me, was Logan nominated for something at the Academy Awards? I don't, probably. Probably Sound Mixing or something. Probably Best Muscles.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Best Muscles on a Man. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So it's kind of, I want to see this Crocodile Dundee movie though, this version of it. I'm interested. I mean, they'll wait way too long
Starting point is 00:06:42 and then by the time it comes out, the buzz will have died. It'll be like a Tenacious D pick of destiny situation. And Hemsworth won't be available because he'll be doing Avengers 6 or whatever. Because he wants to get best muscles on a man. That's true, yeah. I'm surprised he wasn't nominated this year. He's got some great...
Starting point is 00:06:58 When I went to see Thor Ragnarok, the audience audibly gasped as a... You know, when he takes his shirt off the first time, the whole audience was like, and they're not wrong. And did you say best muscles on a man? I did say best muscles on a man, yeah. Good. I stood up in my seat and I went, he's got the V.
Starting point is 00:07:17 He's got that V. He's got the V. He's got the V. And everyone was like, good point. Thank you for interrupting our movie. You're not wrong. Did you see the images of Captain Marvel? I did.
Starting point is 00:07:27 They went away from the red, which is kind of what was... Yeah, and I think there's been much debate about this, but I'm 100% confident that is her pre-Captain Marvel uniform. Like come to Earth, come back to Earth, whatever. My guess would be that, because that's the colour scheme of Mar-Vell in the Ultimate Comics, which is... It's his jam.
Starting point is 00:07:48 It's his jam. That's his colour, like that teal and white. And that is, teal is the most 90s colour, along with purple. That's a good point, actually. Charlotte Hornets. Yes. That's the most 90s... I had a Charlotte Hornets T-shirt, not knowing anything about them.
Starting point is 00:08:01 They're not around anymore, I don't think. I don't know. Charlotte Hornets. Anyway, but I'm 90% confident that that is the suit she wears not knowing anything about them. They're not around anymore, I don't think. I don't know. The Charlotte ones. Anyway, but I'm 90% confident that that is the suit she wears before she becomes Captain Marvel. I think she's going to tweak that and then she's going to recolour it. Oh, really, Mason? You're 90% confident.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Would you bet wearing a Justice League lanyard on it? That at some point she wears the red, gold and blue costume in that movie? Yes. Yeah, you're probably right. Yeah. Okay, fair enough. He's wearing the lanyard. I'm wearing that because I'm all in.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I can't wait for the Justice League digital release. There's a two minute extra scene of Superman coming back. He's probably talking to Alfred or whatever. I don't know. Sure, yeah. You excited? He's wearing sweatpants. We're going to do a commentary, Mason.
Starting point is 00:08:37 He's wearing those sweatpants he was buried in. Yeah, I'm very confident that that is the case. And it doesn't look great, but also things change. I'm not really too stressed about it. And if it's bad, it'll be better in the next movie. There's also a little video of her. There's some sort of street tough accosting her. And he gives her a little, like, and she grabs his fist
Starting point is 00:08:58 and, like, gives him a tweak and he falls to the ground. So that's, you know. That's very Chris Reeve Superman, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember when he broke Zod's hand? Yes hand yes that was the best then he killed him yeah that was the best also in every continuity so good and necessary uh what else about that what's something people aren't really commenting on is the fact that she's holding this giant newspaper is that a newspaper or a map i just skimmed it i didn't really look at it too much
Starting point is 00:09:25 i don't think maybe it is a map because it's not the you know how all sitcoms and movies and tv shows they have the same newspaper yeah right you ever you ever yeah it's like it's the al bundy has been the same newspaper is whatever character he is in modern family or whatever it's always the same newspaper yeah yeah man do you think it. Do you think they print off a fresh one or do you think it's like it's been the one newspaper? They put it in an airtight box in between films. A medically sealed, yeah. And then the boss of 20th Century Fox has to go and be like,
Starting point is 00:09:56 we need the newspaper. He's just got it handcuffed to a bit of briefcase a lot of times. Yeah, he goes in with the president of another movie company. They've got two keys. It's a two key launch situation and they get the newspaper out. It could very well be. I mean, realistically, probably not, but I'm not really good at it. Just print off a new one.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Print off a new one. Yeah. But no, I'm looking forward to this. I like it. We've talked about before how. Oh, and she's bringing back the Rachel. Oh yeah. The Rachel's back in a big way.
Starting point is 00:10:24 A lot of people were like, because in the modern day comics, she has like a mohawk kind of situation. Well, I was going to say, do you think that'll evolve into that? I think so, yeah. Or like they shaved on one side or something like that? Yes, I do. Like Natalie Dormer in one of the Hunger Games movies. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Do you know what I'm talking about? Sort of. Yeah, I know which one she is. Yeah, I know. I know. Great. But what was I going to say? Yeah, we've talked about before how there's a whole lot of time periods
Starting point is 00:10:47 that you could fill in in the Marvel Universe. Like it's kind of, it's Agent Carter and then there's, we've got bits and pieces, we've got flashes of kind of Ant-Man and stuff that's happened in the 80s, like with Stark's parents and how they got murdered and whatever. Yep. But nothing else. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But a lot of weird shit must have happened in that time period. It'd be weird if there were literally decades in the Marvel Universe where not much was going on. Yeah, that's very odd, right? Exactly. You like how they're retroactively filling in the gaps, Mason? I love it. Well, there you go. And that's...
Starting point is 00:11:17 The Tooth. Can you keep going? Because we can just wrap it up there because I think that was a really solid ending. Oh, that was a solid finish, wasn't it? Yeah, very true yeah all right we do have more news great if you don't mind i don't mind at all uh dr sleep you familiar with that no it's the sequel to the shining i'm familiar with dr sleepless but i think it's a different thing what's that an album that's a warren ellis comic book okay cool it's about a guy and he's like a super scientist and it doesn't
Starting point is 00:11:44 matter anyway well i think he needs to sleep the regular amount of time though so I don't know why he's got that name but he's sleepless because he's not because you're doing too much science I think it's because he's so woke Oh dr. sleep Mason is the sequel to the best Twitter in his universe or a version of Twitter it doesn't matter anyway this before Twitter was invented no I think I think it was after Twitter was invented. It's just stolen, hasn't it? Yeah, it's just stolen the idea, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I mean, did anybody... How could you predict Twitter? Yeah, that would be weird, right? It's the most useless thing in the world. You can just say what's happening to you. It's like Facebook with all the other stuff stripped out and also the president's going to be on it all day. If there's someone on the other side of the world that you hate,
Starting point is 00:12:24 you can tell them every day. Yep, you can tell them every day. Yep. You can tell them every day. I mean, you can't swear because that'll get you banned, but you can say anything else that's awful. Did you see how Stormy Daniels attacked Rian Johnson? I saw that, yeah. Incredible.
Starting point is 00:12:36 What a world. Yeah, right? The woman who had an affair with the president... Allegedly. ...while his wife was pregnant allegedly whatever she can be like your new star wars movie sucks ryan johnson go to hell pretty good stuff mason yeah oh it feels like that's a sign of the times isn't it yes what a world certainly not wrong anyway doctor sleep oh yeah that's right it's the sequel book to the shining it follows danny the kid from the shining and basically it's 35 years on he's still kind of
Starting point is 00:13:09 haunted by the tea doctor sleep or does he go to see doctor i think he is a doctor or i don't know man i don't know i read the synopsis like four minutes before you got to my house i didn't know this book existed and then i had all the news about my medical issues that's true yeah we got swept up in that that's right exactly thinking about a whole different kind of doctor. So I don't know whether it's going to be a continuation of the movie because the thing about that movie is Stephen King hates it. The Shining. He even remade his own version of The Shining.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Oh, like a TV movie? Yeah. Do you remember that? Not really. He made his own version. I haven't seen it. Who's in that, I wonder? He's probably in it.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Probably like some CW dudes yeah probably I mean it's from the 80s so right okay so who's CW from the 80s C. Thomas Howe C. Thomas Howe would be yeah
Starting point is 00:13:51 who was that the guy who where he he had to he changed himself into a black guy for college is that C. Thomas Howe that is Soul Man yes
Starting point is 00:13:58 I believe that is C. Thomas Howe that's correct one of our favourites that movie is what were they thinking yeah right it's incredible That's correct. One of our favorites. That movie is... What were they thinking? Yeah, right? It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:14:10 How did that happen? No idea. James Earl Jones is in it? Oh, yeah. Oh, it's great. It's not, just to be clear. It's bad. It's very funny.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And he's not even black. He's grey. He's grey. I don't understand. I think he plays the saxophone at some point Yeah, he does a Ray Charles thing If they'd done Oh yeah, maybe it's the piano
Starting point is 00:14:31 Imagine if they'd done it a couple of years later And he would have done a rap Guaranteed Oh, definitely, yeah Incredible Anyway There may be a rap in it Yeah, we can't rule it out
Starting point is 00:14:40 We can't rule it out Anyway, Mike Flanagan's going to direct it And you might be like Who's a Mike Flanagan where he's about? Hey, who's a Mike Flanagan where he's about? Hey, who's a Mike Flanagan? Where's he about? He did the new Ouija movie, which is apparently good. The first one was terrible, but he's a good one.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Is he the third Luigi brother? Is it Luigi, why Luigi? He's the warrior. Whatever the thing he said was, Luigi. Yeah, one of those ones. But he also directed Gerald's Game, which is a Netflix Stephen King horror movie. It's really good. If you haven't checked it out.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I think you've mentioned it on the show before. It's got Carla Gugino in it, whatever her name is. And he's a really, he's a great director. And he's kind of just been making these low budget horror films just kind of quietly that have just been solidly just being good films. Okay. And so I think this is a nice little thing. Doctor Sleep. Doctor Sleep or Sleepless.
Starting point is 00:15:28 But this is not him doing another Netflix thing. This is him going to the big time. No, I think they're putting money into it and all that. Because of It. Because of It. Because of It. But not the other one where the guy's like, I'm a cowboy, but it's the past.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Or is it the future? Time's a circle. It's cyclical. Gunslinger. Matthew McConaughey's in it. it the future time's a circle it's cyclical gunslinger matthew mcconaughey's in it this kid yeah there's a tower cowboys and aliens i know you're familiar with it yeah what is that movie called the dark tower okay good i said tower didn't i yes uh here's here's something that's not i don't know why this is happening uh john cena is in talks to play uh duke nukem apparently in the duke nukem moviekem movie. Look, it's on the one hand... What year is it?
Starting point is 00:16:08 What year is it? When was the last good Duke Nukem game? Who gives a fuck about Duke Nukem? It wasn't Duke Nukem forever, for sure. No, everyone hated it. It was Duke Nukem 3D, which was in 1995 or whatever that was. Yeah. I mean, on the one hand, this is the first I've heard of this.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I think it was 97. It's completely out of left field, and I'm both completely surprised and not even slightly surprised. Yeah. Because John Cena would be the perfect Duke Nukem, I guess. He would be. I mean, who else is going to do it? 1996 was Duke Nukem, though.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Okay. Well, yeah, The Rock, but he wouldn't. Oh, there's going to be pig cops. Pig cops. There's going to be a shrinking ray. You're going to see him pee into a toilet. Pee into a toilet. He's going to throw cash shrinking ray. You're going to see him pee into a toilet. Pee into a toilet. He's going to throw cash at strippers.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Money at strippers, yeah. God. It's not even that, it's not like, oh, society's moved on and it's, you know, we're beyond this now. Although we certainly had when Duke Nukem Forever came out. Yeah, but it was never, it was never good. I guess it was good for like, it was edgy for that second. If you recall though.
Starting point is 00:17:03 But people were immediately sick of it. Like, and that obnoxious. Do you mean Forever or the original one? The original one. No, it was edgy for that second. If you recall though. But people were immediately sick of it. Like, and that obnoxious. Do you mean forever or the original one? The original one. No, I think people loved the original one. For like two years.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Remember also, he could jump. Yeah, he could. Get a Doom Marina jump. You can't. That's true. That was easy.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And he had a jet pack. He had a jet pack. That's true. Yeah, actually, I remember liking that game as a shooter though. Because you could kick the alien's eyeball through the thing or whatever. And it was,
Starting point is 00:17:26 it was so rad. And then, but I guess there must've been some interest in him to get Duke Nukem forever made because they pushed that for years like that got canceled and then redone. And then they read it and whatever. So anyway, good luck with this.
Starting point is 00:17:40 It's not a good idea, but it's weird because it's not gonna, if he's got this, if he's got his nineties extreme attitude, but maybe you do it like, look with this. It's not a good idea. It's weird because it's not going to... If he's got his 90s extreme attitude... But maybe you do it like, look at this arsehole. Yeah, like 22 jumps, 21 jumps for 22. Maybe it could work from that perspective. Where he's like... The worst guy in the world.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah. I guess maybe they've been trying to push... Like a Duke Nukem or a Johnny Bravo or something like that. Yeah, right. Like this guy who's got this weird... Weird big blonde guy. Yeah, exactly. Who's got a very particular attitude that's got this weird big blonde guy yeah exactly who's
Starting point is 00:18:05 got a who's got a very particular attitude that's not going to fly anymore yeah exactly yeah maybe why not just bring back that holden movie whatever his name is holden commodore man ford fairlane andrew dice clay he's back is he oh he's doing stuff yeah well he was in entourage wasn't it wasn't he that's true i think it was a dice That's true. I think it was a Dice Clay TV series as well. Maybe it was a reality show. I think you're thinking of... Maybe he flipped houses, I don't know. You're thinking of Johnny Bananas? I'm thinking of Johnny Bananas.
Starting point is 00:18:29 The in-TV animation for Entourage. Oh, that's right. I'm thinking of that. I had a thought, but it's gone. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he looks just like him. He could definitely do it, John Cena. What about a Gritty Commander Keen reboot?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah, sure. Isn't there a Duke Nukem that He's just a kid with brain damage that's why he has to wear the helmet all the time. From the pogo stick right? Yes. There was a Duke Nukem game that wasn't as extreme before the Duke Nukem. Yeah it was.
Starting point is 00:18:57 It was a platformer in the style of Commander Keen. I like Commander Keen. It was good right? Maybe probably not. I think it was though. Okay, all right. Yeah. Henry Cavill is rumoured to appear in Shazam as Superman,
Starting point is 00:19:12 for clarification's sake, Mason. Great. I think that's a good idea. What a weird twist if he wasn't though. Yes. What if he was the character from Mission Impossible 6? What if he was the wizard Shazam
Starting point is 00:19:22 and there's no... And Billy Batson shows up in Shazam's mystical dimension to get his powers. And he's like, wait a minute, aren't you Superman? He's like, no. Definitely not. I'm the wizard Shazam. Yeah, I'd definitely watch that.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I think it's a good character to put in. I'm not sure about this particular version. Although Superman is nice now, isn't he? Yes. In Justice League. They've established that, didn't't they he's a real good guy now he's a nice man so he's in the in the comic books billy batson looks up to superman and a lot of shazam in some versions he's based off yeah so that's probably a superhero so isn't there a moment also where superman finds out that he's a kid and he goes to the wizard and he's like what the fuck is wrong with you? So it'd be interesting to see that.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And then the wizard's also played by Henry Cavill so that's going to be a real stand-up. Wait a second! Did we just become best friends? Look, if he's going to be the wizard and he's going to be Superman, he has to
Starting point is 00:20:23 grow the beard to be the wizard and then they CGI it off to be Superman. And there's just this foot-long cap between his chin and his chest of just green screen and they don't fill it in. That would be great. I Kill Giants. Have you ever read that? I have not. It's a great graphic novel.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Would you say it's a graphic novel or a comic book? Because I haven't read it. It's more of a graphic novel Would you say it's a graphic? Is it a graphic novel or a comic book? Because I haven't read it. It's more graphic novel. Okay, right. I gave it to Claire. I'm like, you should read this. And it's just been sitting next to, let's just say, her bed. It's our bed.
Starting point is 00:20:51 We share a bed. But this isn't like an I Love Lucy situation where we sleep in opposite rooms or whatever. Was that what happened in I Love Lucy? It's not important. This isn't like the TV show The Queen where they probably sit and sleep. I haven't seen it, but they probably sleep in different rooms, right? Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 00:21:07 This isn't like the great TV show The Two-Bed Johnsons where they sleep in two different beds. It's the whole premise of the show. This isn't an Ernie and Bert situation. It's not. That's true. Yeah. But basically it's about a girl who she lives in the real world,
Starting point is 00:21:22 but parallel to that she's always she's obsessed with fighting giants and killing monsters and you kind of see elements of that in the story and it's kind of like is this a real thing or is she crazy and then people because she's telling people this now i can see it kind of bleed over but then it's it kind of is about that but it's about other things it's really great have we so we... So, is this a limited series? Yes. Okay. And would you say the plot is entirely resolved within the limited series?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yes. Okay. Would you say also that this plot could be compressed down into a two-hour movie? Yeah, you probably could. Oh, cool. Cool, man. I don't love this trailer, though. Yeah, it looks very... Look, and again, I don't know the contents of the comic book slash graphic novel, but it does feel very much like they've gone, she's Harry Potter.
Starting point is 00:22:09 You're right. It's just, she's special, but nobody believes she's special. It's more than that. Right. Would you agree that this trailer looks a little bit like that? There's a little bit of that in it, but also knowing the source material, Mason, because I'm learned, I'm read, I'm woke. I get it. I was on Claapper or whatever that
Starting point is 00:22:25 what was that version thank you uh i was on the crapper you're on the crapper reading this comic book and you were aware yeah no but i'm not 100 sold on it but i'm willing to give it i was speaking of on the crapper i just remembered i was on uh this week's episode of the little dumb i did listen to that that was a very fun show show. With Tommy and Carl and our friend Diamond Dave Thornton. Yeah. It was real good. So if you want to get onto that, get onto that. We talk ice creams.
Starting point is 00:22:51 We talk ice creams. It's mostly ice creams. We talk the dessert tram, an invention of Carl's. That's right. Yeah. It's very funny. It's a very funny podcast. It's also part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. That's right.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Good thing I remembered it. You may be aware of Mason as a show. I'm aware of it. Yeah. You know, you can actually plug your headphones into that microphone and listen to yourself. I'm not going to. I don't want to. That sounds weird. I don't mind if you do that. No, I don't like it. Don't want to. I'm not thing I remembered it. You may be aware of Mason as a show. I'm aware of it. Now you can actually plug your headphones into that microphone and listen to yourself. I don't want to. That sounds weird. I don't mind if you do that.
Starting point is 00:23:08 No, I don't like it. Don't want to do it. I have to listen to your dumb voice up close. Why don't you? Because I don't have to? Yeah, fair enough. Yeah. Pacific Rim Uprising also has a trailer.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yes, it does. We're all on board, aren't we? Mm-hmm. Next thing. No? I'm trying to... What was new in this trailer? We one of the one of the jaguars jaguars jaguars one of the jaguars jaguar rolls up into a little ball yeah that's fun yep um
Starting point is 00:23:33 oh charlie day's looking fresh i think we've mentioned that before somebody opened up somebody's letting the kaiju in that's right who is it it's probably that lady they pointed out directly when when they said they're opening the portal and it was a shot of a lady dressed in an evil person like clothing you know that outfit where you look like a super villain is this gonna be an arms deal thing or have you ever seen yeah probably it could be a land grab yeah you know elon musk i know him if you've ever seen elon elon musk? No. She looks like a supervillain. Google May Musk. I think it's M-A-Y-E Musk.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Jesus. Right? Yeah, it's the hair. It's the hair. She looks great. I know, right? I mean, she's going to be pointing a super laser at us at some point, but until then, she does look great.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, how old is she? She's 69. Nice. Good stuff. I don't care about this, but we'll see it, won't we? Why not? Yeah, absolutely, yeah. There's a bit where one of the Jaegers swats a kaiju with a laser weapon.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Just to be clear, it's Jaeger. Oh, it is Jaeger. Okay, right. Like the bomb. You should have said like the bomb. Like the bomb. Anyway, one of the Jaegers Zaps its laser weapon At a Kaiju
Starting point is 00:24:48 And then the Kaiju Swings it around And smashes through All the buildings So that looks fun What are they always Fighting in the city And how did they
Starting point is 00:24:54 Manage to rebuild the city So they're exactly like Modern day society again I wish I had all the Questions and answers For you Mason Yeah I don't have either
Starting point is 00:25:01 Okay cool Because I don't I don't care to have Questions and I Something about answers Yeah nice good I feel like I'm i'm melting here my sure is when's it going to be cold again so my brain will start working cool change i don't have time i don't know i don't have time for it to be tuesday yeah you're right not now i'm leaving none of this is making sense do you want to talk about doomsday clock number three now? Or do you want to wait until what are we reading?
Starting point is 00:25:26 We'll put it in what we're reading because we can say spoilers for Doomsday Clock. Good call. This time we actually remembered what happens in it. Yes, we did. As opposed to when we discussed Doomsday Clock two, when we were like, I thought it was okay. I can't remember what happened. That's true. Hang on, Mason.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I need to reconnect to the internet. Okay. I've got new internet in the internet at my house, Mason, and it's slightly better. Oh, is it broadband network? No, because they can't run a cable in my house because... Well, it's right in the middle of a suburb. How could they possibly...
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yes. How could they possibly run a cable system through? I mean, because they're bringing in the NBN here, which is like the big internet plan, but by the time they do, everything's going to be 5g anyway they're going to need cape but anyway whatever what do i know he's the man who lives on the internet yeah exactly on may 10th kingdom of the planet of the apes is coming to imX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign.
Starting point is 00:26:29 It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10th. Tickets on sale now. Rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's All right, Mason. We promised people that we'd talk about the upcoming movies of 2018. That's true, we did. We are bound by Gypsy Curse to do this episode every year. To talk about movies that aren't out yet.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. Just at length until we get to the end. And then when they do come out, we talk about them again. And then at the end of the year, we recap the whole thing. Great. So this is the first step in this process. The cryptic, if you will. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah. Are you excited. Yes. Yeah. Are you excited? Yeah. I've got some rough dates here for when everything's coming out. If I've missed anything, it doesn't matter because we haven't seen any of these yet. So we'll probably touch on them at some point. Or we won't. Where's the Gambit movie?
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's not this year, that's for sure. Oh, okay, right. What if they snuck it in? No. They don't have a director. Remember, Ruddy little Gorb Vobinsky Dropped out
Starting point is 00:28:06 He did Yeah It's true Okay in February Mason This is coming up real quick We've got a few ones of note Let me just get the one Out of the way
Starting point is 00:28:14 That won't be good Peter Rabbit You familiar with that? I'm aware of the concept Of Peter Rabbit James Corden is Voicing Peter Rabbit Okay
Starting point is 00:28:22 Great I have no opinion Of James Corden really, but I know a lot of people hate him. Yeah. A lot of people whose opinions I trust hate him. So I'm going to go with them. I don't like or dislike James Corden. He was good.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I remember in that episode of Doctor Who. Uh-huh. Wasn't he Matt Smith's roommate? Probably. I might be wrong. Now, is this going to be an animated movie? It's animated. But it looks...
Starting point is 00:28:44 If you ever read... Because I've read some Peter Rabbit with my kid. It's very kind of like... And he went down to the farmers and he stole some carrots. But boy, did he get in trouble because he got his coat caught in a nail or whatever. Now, Br'er Rabbit is very famously... He gets thrown into the briar patch, right? Yeah, but he loves it.
Starting point is 00:29:00 He loves the briar patch. Yeah. That's his home turf. Yeah, that's his sex dungeon. That's where he lives. That's right home turf. Yeah, that's his sex dungeon. That's where he lives. That's right. I'm hoping for maybe a scene in this one where he gets thrown in the briar patch
Starting point is 00:29:10 and he's like, you know, I live in the briar patch. Like the guy goes in to get him because he thinks that Peter Rabbit's in a disadvantage because he's in the briar patch. You merely adopted the briar patch. I live in the briar patch. And all the lights are out.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And his eyes glow red. This is Peter Rabbit, not Br'er Rabbit, just to be clear. These are two separate rabbits we're talking about. Who's Peter Rabbit? Peter Rabbit's like the British one. Is this a Dennis the Menace scenario? No, they're named differently. Also, Br'er Rabbit was like a movie, like a Disney movie.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Do you remember? You ever been on the Disneyland? There's the Br'er Rabbit ride or ride or whatever anyway it doesn't matter he made me but he beats up the tar baby or whatever that seems racist well that's what it is okay then because it's a trap from the from the fox it doesn't it doesn't matter tar baby yes hey i didn't write it what do you want from me starting to think you did write it i definitely did anyway this looks more like the movie hop you ever seen the movie hop sort of where russell brand was i've sort of seen it you haven't seen it no you've seen the trailer anyway it looks bad uh annihilation you familiar with that no it's the next it's the guy who did the
Starting point is 00:30:22 one about the the robot woman who is going to kill you or maybe she's a friend no it's the next it's the guy who did the one about the robot woman who is going to kill you or maybe she's a friend so it's his next film great it's about a dimensional kind of bubble that kind of appears on earth
Starting point is 00:30:33 and Natalie Portman has to go in to save somebody and it's mutated a whole lot of creatures together oh Natalie Portman back in the genre film game that's interesting yeah you don't like that?
Starting point is 00:30:41 no I don't I'm not for it against her she doesn't like it everybody but I feel like she's given some very clear signals she's not in that game anymore. She hates Star Wars. She hates Thor.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Yeah. She probably hates this. How did she get tricked into it, I wonder? I don't know. She probably thought it was about dance. Or like the Holocaust or something. Oh, yeah, that's right. But no, it's not about either of those.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It's about a dimensional bubble or something. Great. Or it's not a dimension. It's a mutation. I don't know. Anyway, I'm Great. Or it's not a dimension, it's a mutation. I don't know. Anyway, I'm intrigued. I like this guy. He also wrote 28 Days Later, so what do you say to that, Mason?
Starting point is 00:31:11 Okay. Good. Death Wish is also coming out. That's right, yeah. Bruce Willis, Charles Bronson remake. Why? But all right. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It looks totally fine and generic. It's a Bruce willis action film that sounds bad now that you yes it is have you is there a trailer after this yeah have i seen it no because when we talked about it last time charlie clausen was here and i was the only one had seen it and i'm assuming it's not something you rushed out to catch up absolutely not no but also black panther yeah so that going to be hopefully a good one. It's anticipated to make like $120 million. Why would Bruce Willis go out?
Starting point is 00:31:51 Why would Bruce Willis go out? And do a film that is a remake and generic and he doesn't want to work anymore. What's going on there? Because he's a lunatic. Have you ever seen him in an interview? He's completely, he's lost it. Like, I don't know what planet he's living on, interview he's completely he's lost it like i don't know what planet he's living on huh but he is completely out of touch i guess i'm out of the loop with
Starting point is 00:32:10 bruce willis are you yeah okay out of the loop yes looper oh no uh he was in the movie looper oh i see what you're doing here and i've tied it i've tied it back you've tied a little bow on it yeah that was the last thing i remember him trying. It's like an episode of Friends. It is. Where Bruce Willis was in it. He was in that, wasn't he? But I think also he thinks he's funnier than he really is. He thinks he's tougher than he really is.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah. I don't know what his deal is. And if you're going to be John McClane, do the Widow's Peak. Or just throw out the horseshoe. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Because it's gone that far. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to get some more painkillers. I'll behoe. Yeah, yeah. Because it's gone that far. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get some more painkillers. I'll be back. Okay, no worries. You sure you're all right? Yeah, I'm fine. We don't have to continue. No, we'll continue.
Starting point is 00:32:53 We're never doing this again. What? Podcast. Oh, where are your painkillers? In my pockets. So I can technically take them out of my pockets. And have them. Oh, wait, I can't take that. It's a special one. It's a special one. Technically, take them out of my pocket. And have them.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Oh, I can't take that. It's a special one. It's a special one. He just pulled out a bag of cocaine, everybody. Can't take that one. It's my special one. It's my special one. Thanks, everyone. Do you want me to keep going while you're standing there?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Ah, no. This one you don't care about. I can just do two quickly. Okay, carry on then. A Wrinkle in Time. Yeah, see, that's the thing I would have liked to be. Like, apparently that's a classic. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Great. I should sound like this all the time. No, I mean, it's worse. It's much worse. Oh, fantastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:34 But good, though. But good, though. Are you sure you can do this? Yeah. We can cut it short. Actually, we could. We do one more ad, then we cut it short. You're back.
Starting point is 00:33:43 We're back. Okay. You said, do you want to quit? We'll do one more ad, and we cut it short. You're back. We're back. Okay. You said, do you want to quit? We'll do one more ad and then we'll get out of here. But then I said, no, I want to leave a legacy for future generations, a podcast. Correct. Where we talk about the upcoming movies of 2018 and then I die. Just to be clear, I don't think you should do this.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It's all right. I've taken more painkillers. I have an ice pack on me tum. Yep. Everything's fine. And a bucket just in case. And a bucket just in case. To pee blood into.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. And you can keep that. Oh, no. You know what? We'll auction it off a charity. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's the worst thing we've ever said on this podcast. All right. So we were talking about a wrinkle in time. Yeah, I'd like- Somebody's- There's a charity auction
Starting point is 00:34:23 and people are giving up like signed guitars and like trips to movie sets that you can be an extra in a film and I'm like, here's this bucket of pee blood. It's a pink bucket
Starting point is 00:34:33 for my friend's house. It had a mop in it but now it's got blood in it. Blood in it, yep. Anyway, we're back. Yeah, anyway, we might speed through
Starting point is 00:34:43 this a bit. No. Just so you're not uh more digressions that's what i say wrinkle in time yeah i'd like to be excited for it but i'm not yeah i think i've said this to you in private before but there's a website and they do like t-shirts of like cool book covers things like that and i've got a few i've got like a 1984 and a fahrenheit 451 or whatever all these these ones And I'm like, the one for A Wrinkle in Time is really good. And I'm like, I should really read that as an excuse to buy the T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Nah, I don't think you said this on this show. Have I? I'm fairly certain. All right, then. Email in, everybody. Please do. At Wikipedia Brown. Ask him.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I'll put in a bid for the bucket and then ask him. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. It's for charity. It's for charity, you cheapskates. Yeah, but if you die, I'm keeping that money. Just so we're clear. Yeah, that's fair enough. That's right, exactly. It's for charity. It's for charity, you cheapskates. Yeah, but if you die, I'm keeping that money. Just so we're clear. Yeah, that's fair enough.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, that's my bucket. I have no living heirs that I know about. Yeah, nice. But yeah, look, I've seen the trailer. Oprah's in it. Can you get knocked up by drinking a bucket filled with blood and pee? No.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Okay, cool. Because I've just thought, yeah. Look, I don't know. I don't want to know what your thought process is so i don't i'd stop my area sorry go on is that how you had a kid what's going on is that how you think you had a kid yeah i drank a bucket of pee and blood and then your wife got pregnant my wife got pregnant okay right this is not a good topic. No. It's okay. But it's the best we can do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Also, Red Sparrow is out. Oh, I saw the trailer for that. Yeah. Okay, sure. I thought it'd be more fun than it is. No, the fun will be Black Widow. The fun will be Black Widow. A lot of people have said, hey, why do we need a Black Widow film?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Because Red Sparrow's out. Because Red Sparrow looks sad. Yeah, I love it. And I understand understand you know age of ultron gave us black widow with sad undertones but i don't want black widow with sad undertones i want a fun film where she kicks some ass and something that's the thing where she goes up on the man's head and she's like twists around and flips him over yeah it does a flip yeah uh that's from march early black widow a series of colon a series of flips
Starting point is 00:36:44 march 13th we've also got uh around then so i don't know the exact dates of these i think That's from March, early March. Black Widow, a series of, colon, a series of flips. A series of flips. March 13th, we've also got around then. Sorry, I don't know the exact dates of these. I think, because this is my Caravan of Garbage list. Oh, I see, right, right. So the dates are off. I think that might be the Tuesday. Then we've got Tomb Raider.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Yep. Fine, I guess. Yes. If anyone hasn't seen our Caravan of Garbage on Tomb Raider recently. It's real weird. It's a real treat. It's up there right now. Speaking of Garbage on Tomb Raider recently. It's real weird. It's a real treat. It's up there right now.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Speaking of the 90s, it's a real 90s treat, let me tell you. And then we've got Pacific Rim, which we just talked about. And then back in March, we've got Ready Player One. It's a real wrinkle in time situation, isn't it? I feel like I should be on board. Having read only some... Look, and again, this is a book that is very divisive. Having read some snippets of the book, I am 100% confident it is not for me,
Starting point is 00:37:32 but hopefully the movie is better. And it will be for you in a big way. Thank you. Great. Because Deathstroke's in it. Yes. And Harley Quinn is in it. And Optimus Prime, probably.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah. And all a bunch of other... Back to DeLorean. Because he knows the most about pop culture. Is that it? Yes, that's it. Great. He's the king of pop culture. Mason, allow me to slide into April.
Starting point is 00:37:53 We've got the Rampage movie. That's right, yes. I was going to say it's the first video game movie of the year, but it's not, because Tomb Raider is the month before. Oh, do you think that... Which is going to take the coveted slot of the video game movie that is good? It might be Tomb Raider is the month before. Oh, do you think that... Which is going to take the coveted slot of the video game movie that is good? It might be Tomb Raider. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I think that's just going to be okay, though. I think Rampage looks like a better, more fun film to me. Yeah, right, right. I mean, if this was a movie without... Also, The Wolf Can Fly. Did you see that recent trailer? I did see that, yeah. I'm like, oh, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I'm 100% in. The Wolf Can Fly. Look, you know I don't like disaster movies. it have like squirrel wings how can it something like that yeah yeah like i don't like on a jet bus i don't like disaster movies yep but i like if there's a point if there's and there's something the rock can punch yeah then i'm then i can i can deal with it this is everything you wanted out of the film san Andreas. Yeah. A giant squirrel fox or whatever it is. Do we yet have any inkling as to whether the rock is going to transform into a
Starting point is 00:38:50 monster? I think there were some action figures or some concept that was released. He'd have to, right? Yeah. Otherwise, what are we doing? Why are we even doing any of this? How's he going to fight him? With a truck? Well, that's a bit Fast and the Furious, isn't it? With a gun? No. He needs to be big enough to put two trucks on his feet like roller skates.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Can you imagine The Rock fighting a giant monster 1950s Godzilla style? Just in a cardboard city? Ah, mate, I'm on board. Just with the smoke machines going off and a laser probably. Yeah, I can imagine that. That'd be incredible. Yeah, definitely watch that film. Would you definitely watch this film in May?
Starting point is 00:39:29 Though it might be a bit early for us. Avengers, I wrote four, but it's three. Sure. I'll probably watch that. We'll probably both watch that, I'd imagine. Yeah. A little more steam is building up for our theory that Pepper Potts is going to be in the Iron Man suit.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Correct, correct. That's exciting for both of us, isn't it? Yes. Because we both win in a way, even though it was your theory. Yes. But I feel like from knowing you, I get a bit of that residual... A little bit of that theory's rubbed off, you know? That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:59 James, that's what fame feels like. Oh, man, what a world. You're feeling it? And if you die... The fame of rubbing. If you die, that's my theory then like. Oh, man. What a world. You're feeling it. And if you die... The fame of rubbing. If you die, that's my theory then. That's true. I get all the kudos.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah, and the bucket full of blood and pee. I don't know. You could label it the guy who got that theory right about pepper pots in the Iron Man suit. It would double your money. Next up, we've got slenderman looks bad yes we did that we played that video game recently though yep it's all right looks bad and generic this yeah don't i'm not on board i probably won't see it though we might just end
Starting point is 00:40:38 up seeing it anyway it is fascinating to me that this this is getting a like a wide release that this isn't a straight to dvd kind of situation it fascinates me that it is getting like a wide release. That this isn't a straight to DVD kind of situation. It fascinates me that it didn't come out four years ago when it should have. But hey. What do we know about anything Mason? We don't know anything about horror movies so it's kind of tough to judge. I know this won't be good.
Starting point is 00:40:58 That's what I know. I find it very hard to determine like what is an A plus horror title and which is it's direct tovd schlockfest like i have no idea i think you can generally tell from the trailer and who's directing it i think generally i think i mean you know but i mean there are exceptions obviously but uh that and then also i think that week is also deadpool 2 we don't really know anything about that yet do we we know who's in it we don't know anything
Starting point is 00:41:25 about plot is it time travel not really that relevant though is no it's not isn't it it's going to be a whole lot of jokes we're going to look at these balls uh-huh uh there'll probably be more copycat stuff yeah vanessa uh domino cable uh weasel the taxi driver taxi driver that old woman yep just a fun Yep. Just a fun time. It's a fun time. Yeah. Largely irrelevant. Apparently they screened that.
Starting point is 00:41:48 They did a test screening of that recently. And? Everyone's under embargo, so we don't know. Okay, right. Wait, who was it for? Critics or fans? I think it was fans, yeah. When have fans ever respected an embargo?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Because you sign a thing and whatever. Okay, right. They have your name. They have your details. Fox News are going to come to your house and beat you to death. Fate worse than death. Exactly. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:42:08 It's to death. Never mind. I spoke too soon. I was like, oh, fate worse than death. Oh, to death. A fate equal to that of death. Death, yeah. That is bad, actually.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah. And then on the back end of May. Yes. Solo. My birthday. Oh. Is it? Yeah, 25th.
Starting point is 00:42:22 I see. You shouldn't tell your birthday on the podcast. What if somebody hacks you? Oh, they're going to hack my birthday, aren't they? Yeah. Doth. I see. You shouldn't tell your birthday on the podcast. What if somebody hacks you? Oh, they're going to hack my birthday, aren't they? Yeah. Do you want me to take that out? Ah, no, it's fine. You've never already said it before.
Starting point is 00:42:32 People know anyway. Oh, do they? Yeah, I think so. Okay, there you go. Do you want to know when my birthday is? Yes, and your mother's maiden name. And your first pet? You couldn't spell my first pet, Mason.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Wow. Yeah, because it's not a real word it's Mr Mix's Piddalick ah shut up yeah that's right that's what I thought what do we got here my first pet was a water snail
Starting point is 00:42:52 doesn't count as a pet yes it does no it doesn't that's something you scrape off the back of your shoe okay my first pet was a water snail in the fish tank my brother got the fish and I got the snail
Starting point is 00:43:02 how does that work did it just come with was it just a dirty fish tank and My brother got the fish and I got the snail. How does that work? Did it just come with, was it just a dirty fish tank? And you were like, oh, I guess, what did your youngest brother get? A kick of dirt. Yeah, that's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Just some dirt at the bottom. He's like, that's my pet. Some dirt. Well, my pets consisted of that, we had some blue-tongued lizards. Oh, yeah. I had a blue-tongued lizard at one point. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:43:24 They're delicious. And this dog. So next I had a blue-tongued lizard at one point. That's it. They're delicious. And this dog. So that's the kind of thing. So next I get a chimp. Is that right? You get a chimp. Yep, that's right. You train the chimp.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And then I get a guitar. Nice. Is that how it works? Yeah. I'll let you guitar. Yeah. Yeah, good. What's next?
Starting point is 00:43:38 A solo, sorry. That's right. We talked about this last week. The trailer we heard. Might have been out with Super Bowl. Super Bowl, yeah. Has the Super Bowl happened yet? No, it's the 5th. Okay, then. So talked about this last week. The trailer we heard... Might have been out with Super Bowl. Super Bowl, yeah. Has the Super Bowl happened yet? No, it's the 5th.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Okay. So it's coming up soon. All right. What's the date today? Playing with fire. Obviously they're like, obviously they're like, we don't need a trailer
Starting point is 00:43:58 because we're Star Wars. Yeah, exactly. Well, did you hear... I think they're still waiting for kind of Last Jedi to die down. As I said last week, it's a matter of people will really, really anticipate it. Did you hear that wind whipping around, Mason? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:44:11 It sounds spooky. The dog spooked. The dog spooked. My third pet. The dog has spooked about wind and also enjoying catching little mites, little fleas. That's true. She does. Be cool, dog.
Starting point is 00:44:23 You're cool. Is that an airplane? Yes. Okay, very good. What were we talking about? Yeah, so Solo, I think they're waiting until people are like clawing at the internet to release it. And The Last Jedi is still out, so that's still kind of happening.
Starting point is 00:44:38 But yeah, they changed the name in China. Like they took the Star Wars off it because The Last Jedi bombed. Did it really? Yeah. And some people are saying like, see, even't like it it's garbage china's not indicative of what's good or not good from the things that that do well in that country so and also from what i can gather movies only do well in china if you insert an additional scene that is just gratuitous pandering to china yeah right we know that iron man 3 got a scene like an extended scene where he goes to china yeah and marvels over their incredible technological
Starting point is 00:45:10 prowess and gets these the arc reactor taken out of his chest or whatever transformers 4 has a whole lot of milk chinese chinese milk that's right pop stars and whatnot it's just yeah anyway whatever now you see me too has a chinese pop star yeah you can always tell because they always look like chinese pop stars exactly they're wearing a silver they're wearing a silver leather biker jacket that's the key and a silver leather hat yes that's right but uh no i mean you're obviously i i made a video on the last jedi mace and now star wars is ruined i don't know if you saw it i did see that yes it's uh it's divisive i don't know if you've noticed i've got a whole lot of hate mail from it We can maybe do it another week
Starting point is 00:45:46 When you're feeling a bit better No we can do it now We'll see how we go We'll keep going I'm going to say that now I'm full of vim and vigor We'll see Because I'm covered in multiple ice packs
Starting point is 00:45:55 You crashed pretty hard before That's true I'm like fine I'm going to live forever Oh god Oh no Oh no Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:02 Next up we've got Oceans 8 in June. Sure. Most of them aren't good. Do another one. That's fine. Yep, that's true. That's my motto.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Exactly. If you are mad that they're ruining the incredible legacy of the Oceans movies, remember only Oceans 11 is good. And only the remake, the original, is also bad. It's so bad. It's impossibly bad i haven't seen it i've seen clips i've seen it but it's just a whole lot of frank sinatra sidling up to someone at a bar sidling the the big the big ruse in in oceans 11 the original is like there's just a
Starting point is 00:46:38 brief distraction and then they just sidle back into the cashiers like like pit and just take the money out and walk away see i'd assumed it would have been like the sting where it's like an elaborate there's not no and there's like people on radios and there's fake gambling going on and fake mustaches but there's none of that it's just sidling yeah sidling and swiping sidling everybody's drunk yeah that's right yeah everybody's got a problem uh next up mason in uh june also we've got the incredibles 2 yeah uh good they released some some images of some of the characters from this week they got the better call saul guys in it and really yeah yeah uh i'm really excited to see bob odenkirk yes i like better call saul a lot so i never i watched like the first three or four yeah no you should watch it's good okay right yeah
Starting point is 00:47:24 it's kind of quietly just killing it. And people watch it. Yeah. But it's not like Breaking Bad where it was this phenomenon, you know, but it's very good. But again, it's one of those series that's gotten so deep in like, we're like four seasons in. It's another one that I just have to wave goodbye to from the shore. No, you can go back to it.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Okay. Because there's only like eight or 10 in a series or whatever. You've got 40 hours, don't you, Mason? No. You're on your deathbed. Okay. Because there's only like eight or ten in a series or whatever. You've got 40 hours, don't you, Mason? No. You're on your deathbed. What else are you going to watch? Actually, that's a really good point, yeah. I mean, listen to Audible, but when you've done listening to Audible,
Starting point is 00:47:55 all of the audiobooks, then you can do this. Okay, I'll get back to it. That looks fun, probably. Incredible, too. Brad Bird's back as director as well. His last one was Tomorrowland, so he's gone back to animation. That's right yeah I want to see him
Starting point is 00:48:05 do more live action stuff though because I think he's very capable he was very good yeah well he did the best Mission Impossible correct
Starting point is 00:48:11 Mission Impossible 2 and the best Tomorrowland yeah yeah I mean if you've ever been on the ride no it might be better
Starting point is 00:48:17 the ride might be better that's true does it even exist anymore the colouring book's probably pretty good as well I bet it is next up is Jurassic World.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Oh, boy. Oh, Fallen Kingdom. Yeah. Oh, boy. Because I want it to be good. I hope it is. You know what? I recently rewatched original Jurassic World.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Yeah. Perfectly serviceable. It's totally fine. Yeah. I completely agree. We should have saved it for an audio commentary, Mason. I'm not watching it again. Well, I'll watch it by myself.
Starting point is 00:48:45 I'll do my own commentary track. I won't, obviously. Just you and the dog and a big bucket of pee. You can slosh it around. If you're missing me and you're like, oh, which mason were here to say something? Which mason wasn't here? Bit of a zinger.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Slosh, slosh, slosh. No, I think there's a very good chance it'll be good, but that trailer did not. Because I think it's hiding a bunch of stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now, so I think in the next trailer, they're going to show a bunch of that stuff, and then people will be like,
Starting point is 00:49:14 I can't believe you showed everything. Yeah. Look, all I want from this one is I want BD Wong being menacing and insane. I want a woman, you know, a woman or a man, just being unnecessarily cruelly killed yep yep an extended death sequence whatever i want bryce dallas house howard wearing even taller heels the whole time absolutely uh i want jimmy buffett running around with four margaritas probably spit off a bit more than he can bloody chew if you ask me also i want or maybe like
Starting point is 00:49:42 maybe like the wendy's's mascot carrying burgers around. I don't know. I want John Hammond to come back, but he's a little boy clone John Hammond. He's got a little cane and a little straw hat. Yeah, very nice. Very nice. That's what I want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And he's like, you've taken it too far, James Cromwell. That's right. Yeah. And after that, we've got Mission Impossible 6. They just released a video of Tom Cruise breaking his foot. Did you see that? No. Yeah. And after that, we've got Mission Impossible 6. They just released a video of Tom Cruise breaking his foot. Did you see that? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And also him strapped to the side of a helicopter. I just imagine it. He's doing whatever. He's running. He smacks his foot on the side of a building or something like that. He continues to run. They call cut. And he's like, I broke my foot, everyone.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I broke it. Broke it. That's very I broke my foot, everyone. I broke it. Broke it. That's very good. Good work, everyone. You nailed it. He wouldn't call a wrap. He'd just keep going forever, wouldn't he? I think he did call.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I think they called it off for many months. Yeah, right, right, right. I mean, he's like 56 or whatever he is. Anyway, Mission Impossible 6, I didn't. The last one was okay. Same director, which I kind of, I liked that they went to a different director every time. This is the first time they haven't. I would assume that he has listened to our podcast where we reviewed the last one.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, yeah. And he has taken all our criticisms on board, right? Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise and the director. I'll listen to it! Yeah, it's very possible. This time I want to be under the water for 10 minutes, for real. I don't want any CG.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I'm going to drown in that water people are gonna love it they gotta bloody love it yeah that's well that's the reason why people watch those movies because tom chris is a lunatic if he's not a lunatic what's the point exactly uh then we've got ant-man and the wasp in july very nice uh should be getting a trailer for that relatively soon good i imagine uh good good looks good good i mean does it i don't know peyton reed i want to see what he does with the story that's just his because he picked up edgar yeah that's true actually yeah and ball yep ran with it yeah yes and yes off he went to the races mate yeah and uh we'll see where it goes but are
Starting point is 00:51:42 you are you concerned that perhaps it'll be exactly like the previous one, except with no fun little additions that were very obviously Edgar Wright's? I don't know. Yeah, right? I mean, I'm not really concerned because I don't care enough about Ant-Man. It's just going to bother me. Yeah. But I think, again, I feel, again, while I enjoyed Ant-Man and Doctor Strange,
Starting point is 00:52:01 that was the era where they were like, we'll just rest on our laurels for a little bit yeah and I guess the idea now is they'll let Peyton Reed put more of a spin like more of an
Starting point is 00:52:12 individual spin on this more weird stuff what has he got though like what did Peyton Reed do before Ant-Man uh it's not it's not exactly a
Starting point is 00:52:20 oh it's not clear what he did yeah he just emerged from the wilderness well it's he's not like you wouldn't be like oh that's very yeah he did yes man he did bring it on okay i don't know
Starting point is 00:52:30 whether he wrote those or he was in him or whatever i don't know man what do you want from me hang on i'm just gonna check what he directed so yeah he's not like oh he's done new he's done new girls yeah he did yes man i mentioned that yeah he did bring it on so yeah he's done stuff people love bring it on i don't but a lot of people love that movie yeah right yeah i remember Yes, man. I mentioned that. Yeah, he did Bring It On. So, yeah, he's done stuff. People love Bring It On. I don't. But a lot of people love that movie. Yeah, right. Yeah. I remember when I went and saw that at the cinemas.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I was like, I want to see Bring It On. But everyone voted for Bring It On. And then we went and saw Bring It On. I'm like, come on. What would you have rather seen? There was something else that I wanted to say. Nice. What came out the same week as Bring It On?
Starting point is 00:53:00 Why would I know that? I don't know what came out last week. It's in the year 2000. Okay, great. It was August of 2000. Here we go. Here we bloody go. on why would i know that i don't know what came out last week it's in the year 2000 okay great august of 2000 here we go here we bloody go probably something millennial probably some sort of action movie related to the the millennium bug probably probably cellular when did that come out no i think that was way after that okay i think it was like it's probably a Blade sequel. I don't know. Sure, right. What do you think about... Okay, The Cell was out.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I probably wanted to see The Cell. That's what I was thinking of. Cody Ugly. I didn't see that in the movies. Hollow Man. I would have wanted to see Hollow Man. Okay, there you go. Oh, you know what's out in August?
Starting point is 00:53:40 The Replacements. One of my favorite underrated... Oh, the football film. ...bloody film. Space Cowboys is out in August. You wouldn't have seen Space Cowboys. I would have seen it if I bring it on. august the replacements one of my favorite underrated the football film space cowboys is out in august you wouldn't have seen space i would have seen it ever bring it on stargate sg1 beneath the surface surface what the hell no that was that'd be a tv movie yeah probably anyway i would have liked to see any of those things uh next up we've got Alita. Battle Angel or Battle Angel Alita. Yep. Looks weird.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yep. Now, apparently, and we got this wrong, that the manga is set in the US. Yeah, so... It's always a little bit up in the air, but now we know definitively that it's set in the US. Okay, right. I don't think we ever said it was racist.
Starting point is 00:54:17 But let me tell you this much, Mason. Yes. It's racist. That's right. I'm standing by the thing that we didn't say. We are the number one arbiters. Two middle-class white men from Australia. We're the ultimate arbiters of whether something's racist or not.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And that is definitively racist. I think the takeaway from that trailer is it looks weird and I don't like how it looks. Some people are well into it. I am not. But I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. What else is coming out around that time? A couple weeks later we we got The Predator.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Okay, right. Which is Shane Black's The Predator. Ooh. Yeah. Nice. So I hope that's good. Yeah. I really liked Predators.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Is there a bad Predator movie? Predator 2. Do you think it's bad though? It's been a long time since I've seen some interesting ideas in it i remember like like bill paxton or pullman yes which one is it it's paxton isn't it it's paxton yeah because he's been killed by an alien and predator correct yes and he's not in one pullman's barely been killed by anything that's true yeah was he killed by it was he killed by an alien and independent i think so yeah good on him
Starting point is 00:55:25 but uh oh no it's got that bit where the they're hiding from the predator where they got the they got the suits that disguise and he just switches to night vision or whatever yeah yeah i'm like oh that's cool he's got a whole lot of different modes okay yeah and he's also probably got he's got eyes so he can also just regular regular eyes yeah i'm i'm really excited to see this same yeah that's hasn't been a predator movie in a long while and i know you love abp too even though it's crap yeah but uh do we know when this is going to be is this essentially going to be a reboot of i think it's a sequel i think it's a sequel like all that stuff kind of happened where
Starting point is 00:55:59 would you like it to be set if it could be only set in one location a phone booth do you go back to the whole thing is set in one phone i kind of i liked the idea i really like what they did with prejudices and they took it to the the alien jungle i like that a lot but i want to say the jungle but we've seen the jungle and that's what i'm talking about yeah we saw the city and i didn't we saw the snow when uh but you could do the snow again that's true true. Yeah. What about like an interesting location? A dance recital. A dance recital. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yeah. Beautiful. Done. And then on August 7th, we've got a bunch of stuff. All that week, sorry. We've got The Equalizer 2. Okay. Didn't know they were making that.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Barbie. I don't think that's this year. Maybe it is. The Meg, which is about the giant shark that Jason Statham fights. Okay, then sure. And the Scarface reboot. You sure it's not the invention of the unit of data storage that's larger than a kilobyte?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Sorry, it is. That is the subtitle. And he fights it. And he fights it, yeah. He's the one man railing against large storage sizes. Do you think he goes into the virtual world or he just goes into a whole lot of computer data storage centers and just spin kicks his way through them?
Starting point is 00:57:10 Just kick it over towers. That does sound great, but I think that's what happens initially. He thinks he's got it. They get out the Tron laser and they zap him into a computer and then he has to headbutt the concept of the megabyte. That's the final boss. I want him to kick over all the data towers and then they're like, you fool, it's in the cloud.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And that's when he goes into the cloud. He leaps into the cloud. Anyway, he fights a giant shark. Doesn't mean a good shark movie in a while. I saw that Blake Lively one. It was all right. Does he fight it in like a little submarine, for example? I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Okay. I can imagine him in, you know, one of those like submersibles that's like, it's like a bike. Yeah, right. You sit on the bike and it's got the helmet system on it. Yeah. Yeah. It's got a harpoon gun in it.
Starting point is 00:57:58 It's that. Yes. Nice. Good. Thank you. Equalizer 2, did you see the first Equalizer? No. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Barbie. I don't know. Again, I don't know if that's coming out this year. Why are they remaking Scarface? But whatever. Oh, who's in Scarface? I don't know. I've actually seen Scarface. Have you seen Scarface?
Starting point is 00:58:13 I have seen Scarface. Is it good? Yeah. It's one of those movies that I should have seen. There's a bit where he chases some pelicans. Okay. Yeah, it's worth it for that. It's worth it for that.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And there's a montage to the song, Push It To The Limit, which is pretty incredible. Oh, I think I've seen that. Yeah, it's really good. There's also the video game, which is set directly after where he lives. He lives. Because I know the ending.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I think that's why I haven't seen it, because I think I've watched that scene. Yeah, right. Where he just fuels himself up with cocaine and then runs out. There is not a lot of information here on Scarface. Push it to the limit. Something, something.
Starting point is 00:58:49 It's a strange... For a second there, I thought you were going to say it's Australian Scarface. It's Australian Scarface. He gets... Oh, Diego Luna. Oh, okay. That's not bad. Australian Scarface, he gets off his head on like bags of goon at the end.
Starting point is 00:59:02 He's surrounded by big piles of cask wine and then the australian cops come in yep with tasers that's right he's got a cricket bat and he's brought down harmlessly uh what else have we got here uh september we've got goosebumps the movie sequel okay have you seen the original one no that. That's all right. And then we've got that Robin Hood reboot where he's got the guy-liner. The guy-liner, sorry. Thank you. Which will be bad.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Oh, for sure. But good. I'm glad they're doing it. October is Venom. Nice. Good, good, good. We must be getting something for that very soon. Any thoughts on Venom?
Starting point is 00:59:44 Fired up. Kind of excited. Fired up. Kind of excited. Fired up. He's fired up, everybody. Tom Holland's in it. Tom Hardy's in it. The Toms. The Toms.
Starting point is 00:59:51 A couple of Toms. Was that like a race caller? Like a horse race caller? I don't know. What do you want? What do you want it to be? I don't know. Probably that.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Then it's not. Next time we've got... What else would you like to see Tom Holland and Tom Hardy in teaming up? I say a remake of that movie Legend, where they're twin brother criminals. Except one of them's Tom Hardy and one of them's Tom Holland. So one's real gruff and one's, Hello, it's me, Tom Holland.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Exactly. How much crime are we doing today? Mother said we're going to do some crime. You're better at that than me. You've got a nice pub here. Shame if something happened to it. And then he taps his little arm Taps his little arm on the bar Nothing happens
Starting point is 01:00:32 He can do a flip He can probably do a flip Yeah What else we got October 16th is Halloween That week Yes I guess I'm saying the specific day
Starting point is 01:00:42 Because it's not October 16th Mid-October. Halloween, it's... I think it's a sequel to the second one. The second one? I thought you were going to describe Halloween. Oh, it's...
Starting point is 01:00:53 I think it's... Well, imagine... A pagan ceremony. Yeah, yeah, imagine... But it's kind of been... It's kind of morphed over time into kind of... Yeah, now it's just children
Starting point is 01:01:00 who want candy. And surly teenagers throwing eggs at their teachers' houses. So it scraps all the bad ones. I don't know whether that includes H2O, which is the one that I remember most fondly. It's got Josh Hartnett.
Starting point is 01:01:14 There is no way they're going to include any of the continuity of the previous ones. They're just going to be like, there was a guy named Michael Myers, not that Michael Myers. He's a killer. He's got shat in his face. Exactly, yeah. Because at the end of H2O, she kills him with an axe. Great.
Starting point is 01:01:30 She takes his head off. But then in the next movie, it turns out that she killed a paramedic. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I want to see that. Yeah, sure. Sure. And then we've got Mowgli, apparently. Just quickly.
Starting point is 01:01:41 We're still recording. Yeah, we're still recording. We're back on. Okay, we're back on. Next up, we've got Mowgli. Is that Just quickly. We're still recording, right? Yeah, we're still recording. We're back on. Okay, we're back on. Next up, we've got Mowgli. Is that a Gremlins sequel? No, I think it's the Andy Serkis version of The Jungle Book. Did you read that Andy Serkis this week was like,
Starting point is 01:01:57 I'll be Iron Man when they reboot it. I'll be Iron Man. What does that mean? It means he'll do it, Mason. Okay, good. What do you want? You don't want him to do it? No, I'd say that.
Starting point is 01:02:06 It's directed by Andy Serkis. Yes. And stars a bunch of people or whatever. Nice. I can't believe they're doing this. Good luck. I don't know why. Wait, explain what it was again.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Okay, do you remember how they just made The Jungle Book? Yes. This is that. Oh, that Mowgli. Okay, right, right. But this is that. Because it's an original story that's no longer copyrighted. It is.
Starting point is 01:02:24 So you can't do the Disney version, but you can do the one based off the book or whatever. And then in November, we've got Wreck-It Ralph. Okay. Breaks the internet. Nice. How many memes do you think there'll be? Do you think it'll get flooded by memes
Starting point is 01:02:39 and they'll be stuck in like a tube and it's filling up with memes and they have to escape? No, I don't think you can manufacture a meme in that way. I think minions struck gold with memes. But I don't think you'd just be like, I think there'll be a sticker pack. Memes. There'll be a sticker pack on bloody,
Starting point is 01:02:53 not MSN Messenger. On ICQ chat. They're bringing back MSN Messenger just for a sticker pack. Now on Facebook Messenger, there will be a Wreck-It Ralph sticker pack, but that's it. Okay. I'm talking about like in the movie, like he'll get flooded with memes.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Oh yeah. He'll definitely get flooded with memes. Yeah, no, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. I think there might be some characters that appear very much like minions. And he has to has cheeseburger. Yes, has cheeseburger, precisely. Yeah. I don't think that, I don't think it'll be like that. I think the emoji movie would do something like that, but I think Wreck-It Ralph probably a smarter property than than you give it credit for have you seen it no it's all right still haven't it's all right okay it kind of slows down when
Starting point is 01:03:33 they stop in one place because you kind of see it jumping from video game to video game and it's and then anyway it's good it's fine uh then we've got creed Okay Directed by Stallone Yep And get this They just announced this The villain is the son of Ivan Drago Didn't we know that Or did we speculate that
Starting point is 01:03:54 Maybe we speculated I think we speculated a bit Oh man But again Stallone does listen to this podcast He does He knew a good idea when he heard it Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:02 I loved you in Stop and My Mom Will Shoot Precisely I loved you in Cliffhanger. I loved you in Stop and My Mom Will Shoot. Precisely. I loved you in Cliffhanger legitimately. I loved you as Tango or Cash. Whichever one you were. I loved you in Driver, the race car one. I loved you in Demolition Man. Correct.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I loved you in the one where you were the deaf fat cop. I think it was called Deaf Fat Cop. Yeah, that's right. Very good. What do you think of Creed 2? I'm going to be good, I guess. Going to be good? Did you say, wait creed 2 i'm gonna be good i guess gonna be good did you say wait i think it'll be pretty good like it's michael b jordan still right yeah he's still in it yeah cool man yeah uh i think how are they gonna get them to fight together though like
Starting point is 01:04:36 i mean i guess i mean i guess it's similar to the way that they got rocky to fight in the last rocky again yeah they were just like the internet says they have to to fight in The Last Rocky again. Yeah. They were just like, the internet says they have to do it. So I guess they have to do it. So it'll be the same. It'll be like, the internet says that Rocky's protege has to fight Drago's son. And they're like, I guess.
Starting point is 01:04:54 But what you're forgetting about this as well is Drago killed Creed 2's father. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah. So there's a whole lot of other stuff going on there. Well, there's that one thing. There's that one thing. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's interesting yeah yeah yeah but i mean i guess at the same time like unless drago's son was raised to believe that his father killing creed was a real cool thing to do well it was pretty cool i mean it was very
Starting point is 01:05:22 cool he was showboating quite a lot killing that man yeah for sure no no before he was killed oh yeah like he was i'm not saying he was asking for it but it felt kind of like you should you know you should have been a little bit more prepared sure right uh-huh you went in there thinking it was a joke and you got your head beaten in that's true all right anyway that's a lesson for another... It's a lesson for now. It's a lesson for now, it is. I'm sure we're about to be killed by some sort of gigantic Russian murder machine. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:05:53 But yeah, that's why I stopped. Yeah, yeah. Next up, we've got Dark Phoenix. Not interested. But we'll see it. I mean, we can't not see it, can we? Yeah. And then we've got Nutcracker.
Starting point is 01:06:06 That can't be right. Yeah, no, it is. Yeah, it's that Christmas movie or whatever. Christmas story. Christmas movie or ballet movie? Whatever it is, man. I don't know anything about it. Why do you put that on the list?
Starting point is 01:06:18 Because it's a thing. I don't know. That's a good point, actually. Nutcracker and the Four Realms or whatever. Oh. You know, are you familiar with that? Is this a Hansel and Gretel? Is it hansel and gretel monster hunters situation or something i don't know man okay good no i think it's like uh kira knightley's the sugar plum fairy maybe it's not a christmas movie anyway i don't care i don't know why i put it in here but it is an adam sandler movie he's going back to his roots
Starting point is 01:06:44 it's just him getting hit in the nuts for 90 minutes. Creed and that was in November. I skipped those. So that's actually before. I don't want people to get confused. I don't want people to set their movie-going experiences by this podcast. That's right. And then in December, it's action-packed because there's no Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:07:00 So everybody's just jumped on that spot. So we've got spider verse mortal engines how many bones wait spider versus the animated yeah it looks great mortal ending a cinematic release yes wow mortal engine too many bones london's on wheels we're fighting cities are fighting each other pretty good we've got aquaman the bumblebee movie and mary poppins so which of those is gonna make no money oh. Oh, tough call. Probably Mortal Bones. So many bones. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:26 That's going to sink. But that, to be fair, is coming out before everything except Spider-Verse. Right, right, right. But I think Spider-Verse will probably beat it out. That'd be an interesting test. Yeah. Animated Spider-Man movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Yeah, right? It looks great, though. Like, visually. Oh, for sure, yeah. It looks incredible. So that was something I wasn't interested in until I saw that trailer and then I went, hello. And I'm kind of interested in the Bumblebee movie.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Me too. So we can make fun of it. Yeah. Or if it's good. Yeah. Because it's a different director and it's a real bug. I know that was the thing that you went back on board. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:57 It's a real V-dub. Yeah. How do you think Aquaman's going to go? I think it'll do as well as Justice League, probably. That's not good. No, that's what I'm saying. But it's James... How could it do better, though?
Starting point is 01:08:10 Because it'll be a better film, probably. It'll be a better film, but... Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. Word of mouth. Yeah. But I also think that people are much more... I mean, my feeling is Justice League did poorly
Starting point is 01:08:21 because people saw it opening weekend and then tweeted and texted and went this movie is terrible. It's not terrible. But that's what I'm saying people said. Yeah, you're right. But I think people are much less inclined to see Aquaman and go and tell everybody, yeah, this is actually pretty good.
Starting point is 01:08:38 I don't think they will. I don't think people are much more inclined to be like, avoid this and go and see this. So I think it's going to do, even though it's a director we like, I think it's going to do comparably because people will be like i certainly was fine yeah and uh yeah see if you want i think it's going to do better than justice league okay i don't know if it's gonna yeah maybe maybe it'll do like maybe man of steel numbers yeah i think it'll have to be better i think it'll have to be pretty spectacular and i'm not saying it won't be i think it might be one of the better ones yeah but i think it'll have to be better i think it'll have to be pretty spectacular and i'm not saying it won't be i think it might be one of the better ones yeah but i think it'll have to be
Starting point is 01:09:06 pretty spectacular for people to be like hey everyone they've turned it around let's all go see aquaman and it's a really busy month so even if it is good you still might be right yeah because people will just there's too much out i've got to see bumblebee again i've got to see mary poppins mary poppins is gonna who's mary poppins um what's her name michael rooker yeah and they said kate winslet it's not it's bloody she's in looper she used to date michael buble emily blunt yes oh there you go nice all right i'll see it based on the strength of that i won't i'll see if there's a michael rooker cameo. There might be. And Lin-Manuel Miranda, the dude from Hamilton, is the Dick Van Dyke character.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Mary Poppins is going to kill. Yeah, for sure. I've learned my lesson from last time where I said, Beauty and the Beast will do fine or whatever I said, or it'll sink, or nobody will like it because the original is still there. And then I remembered nobody likes old things because they're garbage. So people will see the new ones. I think you're right. If it's good yeah which i think it will
Starting point is 01:10:08 be but uh i mean where's mary poppins get her powers oh she's cursed i think oh geez yeah all right no but this one i actually read the synopsis and it's set when one of the kids has grown up and mary poppins comes back so she has an an age, I assume. Oh, this is a hook scenario. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So she's been off in one of the infernal realms. Correct, exactly. She's returned, okay. Gathering her strength and her dark forces.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Yeah, right, right. Yeah. I assume that one of the kids has grown up because the other one was eaten by Mary Poppins. She was like, after the original Mary Poppins, she comes back and she's like, listen, I need some sustenance on my way to the infernal realm, so I'm going to just eat one of you. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:10:47 The other one can grow up to do whatever. I don't care. Become an accountant and lose your joy of magic. It doesn't matter. I'm eating a kid. But they wanted to make more Mary Poppins movies, but the author was staunchly against it. Well, there's that movie about it with the walt
Starting point is 01:11:05 disney convinced her because they thought they ruined the property and whatever so really they weren't able to make mary pop there's like seven books why would you say they ruined it because they put animated penguins and shit and a bunch of stuff that she didn't like let me throw this idea at you yeah it's the vague magical children's movies that we remember from our childhood averse. Okay. So it's Mary Poppins, bed knobs and broomsticks,
Starting point is 01:11:31 peach dragon, chitty chitty bang bang. They're all back. They're all back and they're all teaming up. We need a villain though. I'm not sure. Is there like a, it's like a,
Starting point is 01:11:40 is there, there was, was there ever a villain from back in the day? Wonka's back. Wonka's back and he's bad he's bad he's gone bad and they've got to team up
Starting point is 01:11:48 he's gone yeah he's finally he's finally revealed his true intentions which is to murder children on a larger scale than he did before
Starting point is 01:11:56 and they have to team up they all have to team up exactly I'm in I'm 100% in thank you was Dick Van Dyke in a whole bunch of those
Starting point is 01:12:03 he was he was the inventor and he was the chimney sweeper, right? Yeah, he was in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Yeah, I think, yeah. Remember the song Toot Sweet? Not really. No good.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Not a good film. Okay, fine. Yeah. But anyway, he does a great British accent. I'm joking, he doesn't. It's terrible. It's one of the worst. But he's good.
Starting point is 01:12:19 He's great. Here's a little call to action. Our weekly wackadoos. If you would like to come up with a plot outline for that movie or possibly add some more movies to that roster. Yeah, right, yeah. Because I would like a Marvel universe of movies you vaguely remember from your childhood.
Starting point is 01:12:36 And also hate. Yes. Because I hated all of those movies. Or if you can think of a big... You know what? I guess we've got Wonka as the villain. Yeah. If there's like a big henchman that you have from another movie like because i can't think of anything big
Starting point is 01:12:49 like a big monster and it can't be like if it hits like 1978 no it's too far it's too far yeah has to be before that yes and it has to have does it have to incorporate animated segments into live action yeah maybe one yeah yeah okay all right very good yeah great anyway that's everything yeah okay here we go uh just quickly what is what's going to make the most money this year oh uh avengers 3 okay affinity you're probably right yes and i agree with you. That being said, Black Panther has made a lot of pre-sales and tickets already. That's true.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Like it's made stacks. That's true. I was going to give you a figure and then I realized I don't know anything about movie No, Mason, you didn't need to. You did perfectly. The only reason I think that might not be the case is because just before Avengers or around then you've got Solo and Deadpool 2. So I'm going to say incredibles 2 because these animated
Starting point is 01:13:46 movies oh they make they sneak in there they make a bloody mint and if they're not number one they're normally in the top three like the despicable me movies and whatever they do they do super well i think i think marvel fans and just fans of the marvel movies generally are gonna that's the same thing but they're're going to, they're going to rally around Infinity War. This is going to, this is going to. You're probably right. You know what?
Starting point is 01:14:08 You're at, you're probably right, but I can't just say the same thing. No, that's true. That's not interesting. What I'm saying is, has,
Starting point is 01:14:14 has a, has a Pixar movie ever outgrossed one of these Marvel movies? It's a really good question. I mean, I'm sure the smaller ones. Yeah. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:23 But you know, we'll see. What's something that's going to tank? What's something that you think, like, doesn't necessarily have to be, like, the lowest film of the year, but just is a big swing and a miss? Ooh. Like Dark Phoenix, the Mowgli movie, Battle Angel.
Starting point is 01:14:39 I can't see the Mowgli. That's not Disney-backed, right? No. That's going to sink like a John Carter or Mars, I feel. Because, I mean... Wait, is it... Robin Hood's definitely going to... Yeah, for sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:51 See, they're both on the same theme. Yeah, right. Which is just a thing from the past. Yeah. Yeah. People got no love for that stuff anymore. See, I want to pick something here that's like... That you think would do well like i want to
Starting point is 01:15:07 like like a jurassic world too i'm like what if that tanked but i don't think it will no but i think there's enough love for that franchise i think people will see that through anything now i think without the rock rampage would probably tank yep oh that might i think it maybe even still will tank yeah yeah you know i think wrinkle in time might not do very well it's a bit of a it's a cloud atlas kind of yeah it's a cloud atlas scenario yeah because well that's the thing like a lot of people like i've seen on the net who are like oh my god i love a wrinkle in time that was my favorite book as a kid i've never met anyone in real life i mean maybe i've never had a conversation about it i've never met anyone
Starting point is 01:15:41 it might just not be an australian thing i think that's very well right could be because we don't know but that doesn't mean that's not but that that bodes poorly for international territories right if it does well in america but nobody else has heard of it or cares yeah then all right it's interesting anyway if anyone has something that they think will do super well or super poorly let us know what's something if you had to pick one movie from this year what would you pick that i can only watch i can only watch one yeah yeah infinity war i need to see solo even if it's bad i need to say it i need to know yeah and that's not necessarily a good thing i just need to know sure right yeah i'd still probably pick it so yeah yeah all right that'll do it uh why don't we save the hate mail for next week okay fair, fair enough. Yeah. I'm feeling very, I'm feeling well, but.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Let's not push it. And plus, I imagine, based on the comments that arrived on that video. Because you were here when I published that. In the first two or three minutes, I imagine the comments are still rolling in, and there's probably going to be some pearlers from now until next week. There's some great stuff, Mason. Yeah, so save it up. You're right.
Starting point is 01:16:48 It's because it's a real combination of like, it's people who are angry because, anyway, I won't get into it. Yeah, look, it's, yeah, you've really hit a nerve there. I'm also not saying that if you like it, you're an idiot. Yeah. That's not the point at all. I mean, there's not really a point to it. I just thought it was a dumb fun thing it is kind of a it is a rosetta stone of a video in the sense that people have decided that it's about whatever yes really is really bugging them and they've decided it's
Starting point is 01:17:13 your fault and you're the worst yeah you should kill yourself so that's a good video i think yeah i thought it was what was your eureka did you have a moment where you were just like in the bath or something you're like i know what i can do to annoy everyone yeah it was What was your eureka Did you have a moment Where you were just like In the bath or something And you're like I know what I can do To annoy everyone Yeah it was kind of I think it's because I had a couple of weeks off Yes
Starting point is 01:17:29 So it kind of Often you know I've got to kind of Speed something out But this was I had a bit of time To think about it I'm like what's something
Starting point is 01:17:35 I didn't want to upset people I'm just like What's something dumb That I could just Yeah right right Yeah to kind of Kick off the year Anyway
Starting point is 01:17:42 You know what it's time for Oh it's time for Our famous segment What we reading What we gonna read I'm doing a thing Yeah, it got a kick off the year. Anyway, you know what it's time for? Oh, it's time for our famous segment. What are we reading? What are we going to read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:17:56 What did you read? I just watched Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Now, you've heard that it was mixed from people that you knew. Yes. How did you find it? I completely get why that it is mixed. It's very interesting. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Yeah. But it's very interesting. I see why people would... Did you like it? I did like it, yeah. You said you enjoyed it, didn't you? I thought it would be more Coen Brothers kind of... Is it Coen Brothers? No, it's some...
Starting point is 01:18:20 He's a playwright. I don't know a lot of his work. Yeah, you wouldn't. No, I wouldn't. You're not in that scene, are you? I'm not in the scene. But it's pretty dark and it's pretty grim. I thought it would be more of a kind of a
Starting point is 01:18:32 like a Oh Brother Where Art Thou kind of situation. Yeah, right. With some wacky characters and et cetera. And there are some wacky characters. Sam Rockwell's pretty wacky. But it's grim. It's real grim. Oh, Martin McDonagh.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah. Yeah, he did like Imbrusion shit. Yeah, okay, right. That's a great movie. Well, that makes a lot of sense. He did Seven Psychopaths. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's great. It's real grim. Oh, Martin McDonagh. Yeah. Yeah, he did like Imbrusion shit. Yeah, okay, right. That's a great movie. Well, that makes a lot of sense. He did Seven Psychopaths. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's great.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I like him a lot. I should watch it. I didn't know it was him. I should watch that. It's good. Yeah, good performances all around. Francis McDormand. You're talking about Coen Brothers.
Starting point is 01:18:58 I watched Hail Caesar this week. Yes, what did you think? Because I wanted to see Alden. I liked it. Yeah, it's good, right? It's not brilliant. No. But there's some good stuff in that movie
Starting point is 01:19:05 I agree And there's a great musical number With Channing Tatum That's true It's He's a man of many talents Yeah man It's a
Starting point is 01:19:11 I Because I'd heard it was bad Yeah right And you know what Alden Eichenreich Yes Is terrific That's what I
Starting point is 01:19:18 He's really good Yeah Which is why initially I'm like I don't necessarily believe All these reports coming off the solo set There's a fantastic That scene where he's trying to get the English language with Ralph Fiennes. It's great.
Starting point is 01:19:32 It's not their best, but there's some really good moments. Yeah, for sure. I also watched Gotham by Gaslight. Oh, the animated one. Not for me, unfortunately. I don't think any of the animated stuff stuff is for me really it's not bad it's really it deviates a lot from the comic which isn't necessarily a bad thing but they changed the killer right and it just because it's kind do you think they why do you think
Starting point is 01:19:56 they changed the killer to make them do more fistfights oh because it's just it's just fistfight after fistfight and a lot a lot of what's good about Gotham by Gaslight is an intellectual equal. Yeah, right. But Batman got him. Yeah, right. But they're like punching each other on top of a Ferris wheel and whatever it is. Yeah, right. And yeah, it's just, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Maybe it was just because I went in liking the comic and then it wasn't the comic. So maybe that's more on me because a lot of people do really like it. Who's the voice of Batman? Bruce Greenwood, who I like. He does a good Batman. But I also bought Dragon Ball FighterZ. Okay. Dragon Ball Fighting.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Yes. I like it. It's good. It's got too much bloody this. Yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity-yap, yappity-yap, yappity-yap. But traditionally, that's the best part of a Dragon Ball cartoon, right? The yappity-yap? You know I'm the biggest fan of Dragon Ball Z in the world. You know that about me, right?
Starting point is 01:20:50 You know that. Everybody who listens to the show knows that. But it's just not super compelling. And you fight clones of all the characters again and again and again in the story mission. And it's one of those games where you kick it in, where we start it up and it's like, now you're in the play menu, now you've got to connect to the thing. And now you've got to agree to this.
Starting point is 01:21:06 And this is what this tutorial means. And this is the world. And it's just like text boxes. And like, just give me a fucking roster of fighters and I'll just work my way through them. I don't need all this stuff. I understand. Yeah. Can you shoot a giant laser out of your hands?
Starting point is 01:21:18 Yes. Nice. I still think I prefer Budokai 3. I remember that one. Because this is more traditional, like your Street Fighter kind of thing. With a bit more, it's a bit more over the top. Right, right, right. But the, I remember that one because this is more traditional like your Street Fighter kind of thing with a bit more it's a bit more over the top right right
Starting point is 01:21:27 I remember you could just Budokai 3 was just all rage it was rage you were enraged and you could go and you could fly like completely separate sides of the screen
Starting point is 01:21:35 yeah and maybe of course also I've just started it so I'm really yeah right maybe you get to play it oh it's good
Starting point is 01:21:40 no I really like it I do really like it but I could have played it more nice anything else anyway strong recommendation all those things. Three billboards. Good film, I thought.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Yes. Yeah. Oh, we're going to talk about... Do you want to talk about issue three of... Oh, let's talk about Doomsday Clock. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Spoilers. Spoilers for Doomsday Clock, issue three.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I don't know, man. What do you reckon? Yeah, okay, right. I think it was... It goes back and forth. I'm going back and forth on this series. I think it was a mistake to bring in the regular DC. I think it should have been a sequel.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Here's the thing. What I loved about Doomsday Clock issues two and three were, again, the new Watchmen universe characters. I would have loved to have just seen what's left of the Watchmen universe. What I did enjoy, the mime's weapons are real. Yeah, somehow. love to just seen the the the remain you know what's left of the watchman universe yeah what i did enjoy the mimes weapons are real yes somehow what is that i think they're my guess would be they're real weapons they've been made invisible oh okay like some sort of dr manhattan radiation runoff or something like that i think that would make sense sure okay i'll tell that yeah he's not
Starting point is 01:22:44 magic well he's not, he's not magic. He's not magic. He's just a guy. What do we like about it? Did you enjoy the fact that... What did you feel about... I don't dislike it. Yeah, same.
Starting point is 01:22:54 But it's Watchmen, so it kind of has to be amazing. And if it's not, then it's kind of, why are you doing it? Yeah, right. Maybe it'll ramp up. Yeah, well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:23:03 What did you feel about Batman's tactic of completely listening to the new Rorschachs? Giving him a little bath. Giving him a little bath and a little meal. And then being like, oh, Dr. Manhattan is in Arkham Asylum. Let's go visit him.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Is Batman then going to go and find Dr. Manhattan on his own or does he not believe i think he'd have to because there's been a lot of signs that yeah right weird is going on so maybe he just wanted him out of the way yeah and then he is a dangerous lunatic very dangerous lunatic who is he we've seen his face now yeah he looks he could be the kid i think he's the kid yeah but maybe i know he wasn't because he was in the car when the bomb went off. Oh, yeah. Okay. Then he's the psychiatrist's son. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Okay. Yeah, yeah. Is he? Yes. Great. Terrific. Yeah. Anyway, I'm still on board.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I'll watch it. I'll read it all. Yeah. Yeah. But it is four bucks an issue. But, you know. That's how they get you, Mason. That's how they get you.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Exactly. Yeah. I don't know. We'll see. How many letters should we read? It's time for letters? It's time for get you, Mason. That's how they get you, exactly, yeah. I don't know. We'll see. How many letters should we read? It's time for letters? It's time for letters. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I'm under the weather. This is why this is taking a long time. Great. I'm under the bridge. Red Hot Chili Peppers style. Thanks. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you letters.
Starting point is 01:24:20 That's a pretty good recovery for the letters thing. Thank you. You're the only thing my way We're going to do some lettuce. That's Red Hot Chili Peppers. Do you hate it when I talk during the lettuce theme? No, I love it. Does it upset you because you put a lot of effort into it?
Starting point is 01:24:37 It's your thing. It's your job on the show. I've got no opinion one way or the other. Okay, good. Because you're always so quiet and reverent. Yes, that's true. I'm concentrating on holding a phone to a microphone. We're going to do some letters.
Starting point is 01:24:53 If you want to reach us, so you can, hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter, and we'll read out a few tweets and questions. Or WeeklyPlanetPod at And Mason will get to your email, and then he'll read out every one of them. This is one. Hang on, I'll find it. Okay. right great start great start you know mine are ready to go
Starting point is 01:25:09 so i could just i could just go if you want this i think we've mentioned off the air before but not on the air i've always been meaning to but this is this came out this was uh this is a letter from yesterday so i'm glad it's still happening this is from jeremy uh he lives in germany he's been listening to the show for a year now. He says he's a fan. That's very nice. However, while being on holiday in Crete, he found a very familiar
Starting point is 01:25:30 looking shirt in a souvenir store. This has come up a few times. Yeah. He said he almost bought it, but he doesn't want to support bootleg merchandise, so maybe it's still hanging there
Starting point is 01:25:40 waiting to be recognized by another fan. So it's a green t-shirt. It's your avatar the goat man the goat han solo man and underneath it says cretan wars yeah i've seen this before it was that i don't know it's still happening i don't know i saw it was like a year ago yeah i don't i don't know what this is yeah i'm curious as to whether crete has like a large... Am I Crete's mascot? Yeah, maybe you are.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Maybe you're their Olympic mascot, maybe. I'm their Mr. Sparkalo. Yeah, that's true. The next time the Olympics are on, you should watch. And when Crete comes out... Bless you. You should check to see if they're not like people dressed in goat heads. What a weird thing to bootleg.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I'm curious as to whether they have a large goat. Like maybe there's a lot of... Maybe that's it, yeah. I'm going to look up Crete goats. If anybody has any kind of explanation for this... That would be great. Like if you run that... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:35 If you run that bootleg souvenir store... We're not mad, we're just curious. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what that is, yeah. Very weird, right? Look, the Cree Cree, sometimes called the Cretan goat, Agremi or Cretan ibex, is a feral goat inhabiting the eastern Mediterranean,
Starting point is 01:26:50 previously considered a subspecies of wild goat. We've discovered the secrets. What are you working on about that? Yeah, desertizing. Yeah, that's right. Because I like goats. Yeah. That's good, man.
Starting point is 01:27:01 That is good. Anyway, it's good to be crete's official gross ghost yeah i'm excited pretty good right do you want me to do a tweet if you could do a tweet this is for you if you do a tweet that'd be great this is from perry riddle from crete this is to you specifically oh nice i said it's so near and dear to meso's heart what do you think about the xfl coming back in a big way? Do you know about this? I'm aware the XFL is coming back, and Vince McMahon is requiring all the players
Starting point is 01:27:32 to stand for the national anthem. I'm aware of that. Yeah. Now, why do I love the XFL again? I can't remember. Because at our live show, we were talking about things that failed. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. The XFL. Oh, yeah, we've got a live show. I don't know. Have we checked the tickets? They may or may not be sold out yeah i'll link it below people doing very well is it yes you know that for a fact i think we've sold most of the tickets okay that's well i think they'll they'll be because they're standing room capacity oh okay we'll keep buying tickets then yeah i don't know it'll tell you it'll it'll catch in april yeah yeah uh next week
Starting point is 01:28:03 next week we're gonna say it up top yeah we should say it up so we really should sell this show yeah right uh-huh we'll be at uh-huh and think of a topic yeah sure if you can think of any fun topics for live events yeah please no i mean we've got heaps ready we're on top of it we've got one covered don't worry about it don't even worry about it if you can and if you suggest it to us and we use it during the live show, that's just a coincidence. We'd already thought of it. We'd already thought of it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:30 I mean, we appreciate it. We appreciate that you suggested it, but we got this. You wasted your time. Wasted your time. Yeah. XFL, will this tank like it did last time? Yes. Correct.
Starting point is 01:28:41 I mean, good on them. Yeah, sure. Because that's the best thing in the world, isn't it? When you take the most popular thing in a country and then you make the same thing. But it's worse. It's much worse. It's much worse.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And what I think is good about it is that it's, what they've done is they've taken a sport where people have like decades of like adoration and reverence for their chosen team. Like their parents followed that team. That's their parents. Something they've attended since they were children. And then what you do is...
Starting point is 01:29:11 It's tied into their identity. And then what you do is you just take it and you make a copy of it and you make some weird knock-off teams that nobody has any connection to whatsoever. Yeah. And then, nice. Be like the Houston Snapchats. California.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Do you think there's going to be more? California raisins already exist. Yes, I know. Do you think there's going to be more theatricality in it because it's a Vince McMahon thing? I guess so. Yeah. I mean, he's a very smart man,
Starting point is 01:29:40 but also kind of a dummy from what I could tell. Yeah, yeah. And an egomaniac. Remember all the behind-the-scenes stories I've heard about him? Yeah. Plus everyone's always filling his car with cement. Yeah. Like the line between his on-camera personality and behind the...
Starting point is 01:29:55 I don't know where that ends exactly. That's true, yeah. I'm not a wrestling guy. I'm speaking out of line here. But at the same time, I know exactly what I'm talking about. It's from Adam. Love the pod. Oh, thanks, Adam.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Thank you. With all the garbage anime properties. Thanks for everybody sending a letter, by the way. It's nice. With all the garbage anime properties getting big Hollywood budgets, how long until a real proper Dragon Ball Z slash super live adaptation? Can it even be done? Hashtag weekly planet pod.
Starting point is 01:30:23 It has been done. Yep. It can be done. Can it be done well? No. You don planet pod. It has been done. Yep. It can be done. Uh-huh. Can it be done well? No. You don't think? Because they can't do the hair.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Yeah. Because you can't just give them regular hair. No, it doesn't work. But you can't give them stupid anime hair. Yeah. And I think more than anything, Dragon Ball Z lives and dies and you can recognize the characters because of their stupid hair. Stupid anime hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:43 You're right. Stupid hair. Yeah. Now they've got blue hair. I they got blue hair i've seen that i think maybe you could do like a final fantasy cgi animated movie yeah right but live action i don't think so i've actually don't think so okay i think it's i think it's possible i think they'll keep they'll have another bloody run at it they'll do them all yeah because dragon ball z is so popular so i think people are just looking at it going we should do this and they'll i don't know maybe they'll do something closer to the source material because the last one they did was i'm just doing finger guns at
Starting point is 01:31:17 the dog okay the last one they did was they made some weird right okay have you seen it no is it so it's is it not so it's not faithful to the original. It is and it isn't. There's parts of it that are mostly not. Is it in the sense of like a Super Mario Brothers movie? Where they're like, well, they jump high, so give them jump boots. I don't know. There's a little bit of that about it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Okay. Yeah, but it's terrible. Great. Yeah. But James Masterson... Oh, who's the guy from Spike? Is that his name? From Buffy, yep.
Starting point is 01:31:45 James Masters, yeah. He's Piccolo. And I'm like, that's perfect. Nice, yeah. Good casting. But also, then where do you start? Because Dragon Ball, it started with Dragon Ball, and then it went through a whole bunch of sagas.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Like, do you do a saga or a movie? I just, maybe, yeah, it's not possible to do it well. Maybe, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, that's the show for this week. Sometimes you think maybe you should, not everything needs an adaptation. Stay in your lane.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Stay in your lane. Stick to your medium. Exactly. You're Nathan Lane. You're Nathan Lane. For, what's his name? The Lion King? No, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:32:18 The main guy in Dragon Ball. Goku. Nathan Lane for Goku. Okay, sure. Who would be a good Goku? See, I can't think of... I can think of literally no one who looks anything like him and would suit giant ridiculous hair.
Starting point is 01:32:36 Yeah. I defy you. The Rock. He's ethically ambiguous. That's right. He's big enough. Did you say he's ethically ambiguous? He's ethically ambiguous. Which means he'll big enough did you say he's ethically ambiguous he's ethically ambiguous
Starting point is 01:32:45 which means he'll do it he'll do it for he'll make he'll take money for a garbage film okay here we go Mason wrap us up if you'd like to
Starting point is 01:32:55 say hi to us you can just go to Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Twitter and Gmail and Bandcamp correct
Starting point is 01:33:01 you can even go to where all those things I've just said are probably easily linkable absolutely they are if you want to support
Starting point is 01:33:09 the show which we'd really appreciate yeah you can go to slash mr sunday movies if you want to
Starting point is 01:33:14 chuck in a buck chuck in a buck hashtag chuck in a buck chuck in a buck which we appreciate you don't have to chuck in a buck you don't have to
Starting point is 01:33:20 but it helps us just get stuff done you know what I mean yeah it does every couple of bucks you put in means an overtime shift I don't have to, but it helps us just get stuff done. You know what I mean? Yeah, it does. Every couple of bucks you put in means an overtime shift. I don't have to do at work. Yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 01:33:30 I get paid $2 for an overtime shift at work. Is that true? Yeah. You should do more overtime. Or less. Yeah, or less. Yeah, less. Also, you can go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description.
Starting point is 01:33:39 You want to click through. Yep. I don't know where those checks go now. What do you mean? Well, I moved house and I just don't know where they go. That's great. I don't know what happened. I should probably look into that.
Starting point is 01:33:49 No, don't worry about it. It's just money on the table. Yeah, it's just potentially hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars. I have no idea. If I'm honest, I think Claire sorted it out. She's done it? From what I can tell, I think she sorted it out. I should ask her.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Yeah. What else? If you want to leave a review, you can on iTunes. It really helps out the show. Helps us get noticed. That's right. Because you want to leave a review you can on iTunes it really helps out the show helps us get noticed that's right because we want to win a Webby that's obviously
Starting point is 01:34:09 we'd love to win a Webby apparently we got featured on the Podcast Addict app did we which is an Android app for podcasts cool a couple of us
Starting point is 01:34:16 see that stuff I like that's right us and Filthy Casuals and I think Do Go On and a couple of others so us and some better podcasts got mentioned correct
Starting point is 01:34:23 that's right yeah probably podcasts that are even better than that got noticed as well that's really cool yeah thank you to everybody who gives it a bloody listen that's right thank you if you guys for you that i stick around despite the fact that i have ongoing weird medical conditions he's pointing to me everybody you're you're my weird ongoing medical condition what you're a bloody you're a bloody bloody leech that's what you are. You're a bloody lesion. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:34:46 No, you're right. But what else was I going to say? You go to Everything we make and what everybody else makes goes there. Or the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates group. That's right. On Facebook, yeah. All right, next week.
Starting point is 01:34:57 We've kind of stalled on there. We're at like 6,700 members. I'd like to get to 7,000 by the end of the week. I'd like to get less. So, you know, we'll see how that goes. If some people could quit in a half. Please, please, please. That'd like to get to 7,000 by the end of the week. I'd like to get less. So, you know, we'll see how that goes. If some people could quit and a half. Please, please. That'd be great. Put up a post about how you're quitting
Starting point is 01:35:09 and then quit. But then come back, please. If you could. Alright, that's the show for this week. That's the show. We'll see you next week, guys. Have a fun. Grab dat gem. Bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates.
Starting point is 01:35:26 I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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