The Weekly Planet - 237 Star Wars Fatigue

Episode Date: June 4, 2018

Visit to win Marvel/Vans shoes right now! Shoes go on sale Friday the 8th of June.Visit for a free trial set. (of razors!)People ...are sick of Star Wars. Some say. So we talk about this. Plus news of both the 80s and 90s being being back with Wonder Woman 2, Top Gun 2, Spawn and The Crow news. Plus Peter Pan get’s another prequel, Silver & Black get’s delayed, bad news for The Walking Dead, Zack Snyder’s net project and X-Men Dark Pheonix. Thanks for listening!Solo Deleted Scenes: Donna Introduction: The Start2:09 Wonder Woman 24:25 Top Gun 28:45 Spawn casting13:20 The Crow cancelled15:40 The Worst Thing19:18 Silver & Black postponed25:24 The Walking Dead person leaves30:00 Zack Snyder’s next project31:27 X-Men Dark Phoenix sounds bad42:54 Star Wars Fatigue1:18:22 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read126:15 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy the Star Wars Saga on Amazon: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. This episode is brought to you by Harry Shavers, and it is also brought to you by Marvel and Vans together. Oh, what a collaboration. We have a competition later in the show that people can enter for Marvel and Vans also, but we'll get to that,
Starting point is 00:00:51 as I said just then, later in the show. When, though? Specifically? No, no, like generally. Because I can tell you after. Okay, it'll be after we talk about the Sony's Silver and Black film. Okay. That's been delayed.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I thought you were just going to say later in the show again and then I just let... No, Mason. Oh, very specific. Okay, well there's a bit of sizzle... This is too long. A bit of sizzle for later in the show. That's good.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Red hot comic book movie news Shooting up your butt hole The Weekly Planet The Weekly Planet Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host Nick Mason. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Quick question, Mason. Why are you fighting with Bovril on Twitter? What are you doing? They started it. Did they though? Let me think. Why are you picking on big brands? Why are you picking on big Bovril?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Do you want me to pick on the little brands? Yeah. Find a startup. Oh, yeah. Good point, actually. Yeah. Somebody who's really struggling and then just have them swore with listeners. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Okay. That sounds really good. I'll do that. All right. Do you want to explain what's going on there? Look, we've mentioned Bovril on the show before. That's a delightful, meaty drink. We've openly rubbished it as a drink, but I suspect that it could be good as it spread.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Right. But we'll never know. We'll never know. Yeah. Unless we reopen the multiple jars that we purchased and were given. Correct. And try them again. But who knows?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Who does know? Yeah. But look, I got added by Bovril in a threatening manner on Twitter. I know, right? Yeah. That's right. We came to an agreement, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah. Bovril's got a lot of attitude. Bovril does have a lot of attitude. Yeah. Who know, right? That's right. We came to an agreement, I think. Yeah. Bovril's got a lot of attitude. Bovril does have a lot of attitude. Yeah. Who would have thought? Well, it's from like the 40s. People have a lot of up and go then, you know what I mean? And not the drink.
Starting point is 00:02:34 No. The Bovril. The Bovril, yes. Which is a drink also, apparently. That's right. Allegedly. Should we do the show then, Mason? Yeah, let's do the show.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I'm excited. Tell me about it. Because there's so much news. And the first bit of news is that the 80s are back in a big way. In what sense? Well, did you see the first teaser logo for Wonder Woman 2? It's Wonder Woman 84, right? That's correct.
Starting point is 00:02:53 What does that mean, I wonder? It's because everything's set in the 80s or 90s now. Yes, that's true, yeah. It's retro again. So this puts paid, I guess, to the idea that Wonder Woman was completely inactive between World War I and the modern day, right? Yes, that's right. Well, that's probably for the best. I mean, what else?
Starting point is 00:03:11 What happened in between? Yeah, right. There was nearly a bunch of wars. That's true, yeah. And maybe some skirmishes. And an actual war in the form of World War II. Oh, yeah. I'm thinking Wonder Woman was World War II, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It was I, wasn't it? It was I. Yeah, yeah. And in a lot of ways, there thinking Wonder Woman was World War II, but it's not. It was one, wasn't it? It was one. Yeah, yeah. And in a lot of ways, there were a lot of wars in between then and now as well. What do you think the conflict would have been, what was going to be in the 80s? Didn't they're going to make a... It's probably Pepsi versus Coke. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah, right? So new Coke gets put in and then Pepsi takes over, but then classic Coke comes back. Classic Coke comes back, yeah. Okay, very good. And Wonder Woman has to uncover the conspiracy that really Coke created new Coke so people would hate it. Yeah, right. So the classic Coke would come back, and she busts that mystery wide open.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And she kills the CEO with a sword. Exactly. She cuts his head off with a sword. They have to fight in the new Coke plant, which is just filled with lightning and fire and smoke. He's all jacked up on pure coke syrup exactly that's right he's you know what he does he opens the vault and he finds he's got the last remaining sample of coke when it still had cocaine in it and he injects it into himself and then he
Starting point is 00:04:15 then he fights wonder woman at the end wonderful do you think this is a reference just to 1984 the year or do you think it's also a reference to maybe like 1984 oh i didn't think of that very possible well it's got that kind of static-y kind of look. Yeah, I feel it doesn't have a super like 80s, 80s type face. It doesn't look like, hey, it's 80s and it's party time. My advice. It's more of a weird military 84, which I don't know. So there's a, if you recall the comic book series,
Starting point is 00:04:42 A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which was turned into a very bad movie. I've seen the movie. Well, there's some of the subsequent comic book series A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which was turned into a very bad movie. I've seen the movie. Well, there's some of the subsequent comic book stuff. At one point it's made reference to a – in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen universe, during the year 1984, a totalitarian government takes over all of England. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And that's the events of the novel 1984. Okay, right. But then they defeat them and then just nobody talks about it anymore. Ah. So maybe we could have something like that happen here. Okay, very good. Speaking of the 80s. I mean, I guess DC rather owns that.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah, well, that's true. Some of League are extraordinary gentlemen, so. You just reminded me, actually, by talking about the 80s. I love the 80s. We've got to talk about the new issue of Doomsday Clock. And I love the 90s, do we? That's true. Okay. Did you read the new issue? I'm the 80s. We've got to talk about the new issue of Doomsday Clock. I love the 90s, do we? That's true. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Did you read the new issue? I'm not up to date yet. I just put in Watchman Watch into what we're eating. Oh, Watchman Watch. Okay, all right. That's right. We'll save it for next week.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Okay, cool. Yeah. Give me a short summary. It's fine. It's fine. Okay. Oh, I forgot what happened in the last one
Starting point is 00:05:38 because it's been so long. Yeah, right. It opened up and I'm like, who's any of these people again? Yeah, right. Exactly. Yeah. Another bit of news, Mason. The 80s are
Starting point is 00:05:46 back. The first image from Top Gun was shown and it looks exactly like the original Top Gun. It might even be an image from the original. Yeah, I saw. Or it's probably not because maybe that's a newer jet. Well, somebody tweeted me. Why doesn't it look like the jet from the movie Stealth? Someone tweeted me a link
Starting point is 00:06:02 to this thing, this page. Here's the latest thing. And I just scroll down and I'm like, I don't know which of these are from the original and which is new. I don't know. How does he do it? What's his secret? I think it's that off-center tooth. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It throws you off. You don't know how old the young is. I thought he got that fixed. Probably. But it's still in people's minds. It certainly is. And it's still in his head. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:22 So that's the source of his power. If you have a tooth right in the middle of your head, it gives you symmetry in life. It's called a witch's tooth. It's good for eternal youth and like starting apples. Yeah, absolutely. As someone who has never seen Top Gun, but understands it through context.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yes, correct. And episodes of JAG. Yeah, pop culture context. What do you think about this? Do you think it's going to do well? I'll watch it, but I don't care. Yeah, pop culture context. What do you think about this? Do you think it's going to do well? I'll watch it, but I don't care. Yeah. That pretty much sums up everything we've watched. Have we reached the limits of
Starting point is 00:06:51 80s nostalgia, I wonder? Hey! Hang on. You keep talking. Alright. Say that again, sorry. I was going to say, have we reached the limits of 80s nostalgia? Are we done? Potentially. Have we reached peak? Do you feel sometimes we have? Well, yeah. Okay, so we're going to get
Starting point is 00:07:06 another series of Stranger Things. The Bumblebee movie set in the 80s. Bovril's back. Absolutely. Huge in the 80s. Wonder Woman 2 as well as Top Gun.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Miami Vice is also back. Is it? Yeah. It was back once. Wasn't it? No, what was it? Magnum P.I., sorry. Yeah, Magnum P.I.'s back.
Starting point is 00:07:23 That's true, yeah. But it's not set in the 80s but it's an 80s property. That's true so yeah it's very possible yeah i hate the 80s do you think they're going to put new themes in in top new top gun i think do you think it'll be top gun versus drones for example it will almost certainly be that yeah do you think he can still be a maverick or do you think he's become a real button downdown nerd. I think maybe he's a desk jockey now. He didn't look like a desk jockey in that photo that may or may not be from the old film. Well, then I do not know.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah. Who do you cast as the hotshot? Now? Because it can't be someone of Tom Cruise's star power. You want someone who's on the rise in a big way, like Bradley Cooper. I think they will attempt to... They haven't cast it yet. They must have.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I'll look up the cast. You talk. Because if I were a Hollywood movie type, knowing them as I do, I feel they would cast a somewhat unknown who is blandly charismatic. Right. And expect that to work as well as tom cruise would
Starting point is 00:08:26 work but it doesn't work oh it's called top gun maverick maybe it's just him he's the whole air force oh everybody else it's a king ralph situation everybody in the air force dies and then because he's the last guy because he's a desk jockey now he has to get back in the air okay so i've gone to imdb and it's got and there and it just says Tom Cruise in the cast and I clicked on full cast and it's still just him. Okay, wow. That's all we know. But they're filming it.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, maybe they're not. Who cares? I was going to say, they are definitely keeping it under wraps if there's no cast listing at all. Everybody arrives under sheets. Yeah, that's right. Also for secrecy reasons and because they're not allowed to look Tom Cruise in the eye. Or tooth.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Or draw on his tooth. Has it started filming? I'm going to check this out. I need to know. What are we looking at? What are we looking at? Yes. Top Gun has started filming.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, there we go. Wow. Okay. Mason, the 90s are back. Oh, what? You thought the 80s were back, but you're an idiot. The 90s are back. I was only just getting used to the idea that the 80s were back.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Jamie Foxx has been cast as Spawn. Yeah, that's right. I heard about this. It's not going to be an origin film, but it is going to be the first of a trilogy directed and written by Todd McFarlane. Oh my goodness. Father of Seth McFarlane. Yes. And the creator of Spawn and one of the founders of Image Comics
Starting point is 00:09:45 yes back in the day has he directed anything before? well I don't think so well this is like he's designed a lot of figurines yeah maybe that's
Starting point is 00:09:54 I don't know equivalent this is this to me feels like the equivalent of getting like 19 in Blackjack and then it says and then you say hit me
Starting point is 00:10:02 and they're like first of a trilogy and then like hit me again written and directed like, first of a trilogy, and then like, hit me again, written and directed by the guy who's created it and has never done so before. And bust. And bust, exactly. I wonder if, has that been done?
Starting point is 00:10:14 There's got to be one example. There's one example. The creator has... Oh, the only one I can think of was The Spirit, but he didn't create The Spirit. No, Frank Miller, right? Frank Miller didn't create The Spirit. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, let me find out if you direct... We're just Googling up a storm today, mate. We're Googling. There's so many Googs happening. I thought this guy only made action figures now or whatever. Yeah, it seems to me just figurines. Just figurines and lawsuits. He wrote the Spawn TV series.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Uh-huh. And he also wrote various Spawn comic books. I think he had a hand in the movie as well. Okay, he's directed. Here we go. Okay, I'm ready. He's directed a short film in 2009 called Disturbed, land of confusion. Okay, Disturbed, land of confusion.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I'd be confused too with a Disturbed. In 2002, he directed the video documentary Corn Colon Deuce. Corn Colon Deuce. Wow. In 1999. Wow. That's the tagline for that. In 1999, he directed Corn Colon Freak on a Leash.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yep. Oh, the famous video. Okay. That's the video with the bullets. We've done this. Yeah, I know. We've had this conversation. We absolutely have.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But let's do a slightly worse version. I just thought of it. And he also did Pearl, Damn, Cold and Do the Evolution in 1998. So he's got, you know, people make the transition from music videos to movies. He's done music videos literally a decade plus. Four or five times, yes. Okay. That's a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So there you go. I think it's good casting but is it time for the 90s to be back when we're I mean it's high time for the 90s to be back
Starting point is 00:11:52 the 80s have had it's fair shake agreed I think it's time for the 80s and 90s to be back yeah so yeah
Starting point is 00:11:58 do you think this is going to do well yes I think it will I think production design is better now just generally i don't know who's producing this i can tell you i don't know i mean i don't know who's providing the money for this these are all questions they're all good questions but i i think just generally spawn is probably not a property that was well suited to being made into a movie in the 90s
Starting point is 00:12:21 yeah just because the just the the character design is so i don't know it's so elaborate and it involves you know tendrils and capes and magic and guns and whatever correct that i think and it's supposed to be you know incredible and surreal and magical that that didn't it just didn't work back in the 90s so martin sheen was in it yeah that's true that's the only part that did work yeah i've only seen this movie once i went to the theater and i think i said i was seeing jack or something and we bought tickets or something else and then went and saw spawn nice and i remember the time i've been thinking this isn't very good i remember loving it and i believe on this show i i harangued you for not enjoying it more and then i went and i watched it and it is just profoundly bad the bit where he goes to hell?
Starting point is 00:13:06 That bit's bad. And he meets thousands of other Spawn, other Hell Spawn, who just sort of wibble wobble at him. Good casting. That's a good cast in that film. Michael, what's his name again? Ironside.
Starting point is 00:13:17 No. Kay Williams. No. Sheen. Is it Michael J. White? Yeah, it's the dude who's maybe Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat short films or whatever. No, he's Jax.
Starting point is 00:13:27 He's Jax, is he? Yes. Oh, of course. But he's also in... Isn't he like the white tiger in Arrow or something? He might be. He might be bronze tiger. Bronze tiger, sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I think you're right. Man, I'm not up on my Michael J. White filmography, am I? He's Black Dynamite though, you're right. Yeah, well, he is. Yeah, well, that's a great movie, isn't it? Is that sequel out yet? Don't know. There you go.
Starting point is 00:13:48 You learned something today, huh? Yeah. We learned that you don't know if that film's out. Mason, the 90s are back. Oh, what? Oh, no, wait. Sorry, the 90s aren't back. Jason Momoa and director Colin Hardy
Starting point is 00:13:58 have exited the Crow remake due to creative and financial differences. Oh. So, just don't make this. Just stop. How many times have we brought up the crow? So many times. Too much.
Starting point is 00:14:10 From day one, we've been on high alert for the crow in this podcast. It was Bradley Cooper. Come on, Momoa. You had your one chance to be the crow. And you blew it. You blew it. But now you can be the crow, Mason. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's open again. Everybody gets a shot to be the Crow. That's right. Everybody gets cast and then let go. Yeah, so creative and financial differences. I don't know. I mean, like Spawn, though, do you think it's the era of the Crow coming back? Do you think it's high time for Goth?
Starting point is 00:14:40 I would like to have this conversation. Yeah, we definitely have. What is this Groundhog Day episode? I might have a different opinion every time we talk about it. So why not have a fresh take? Currently, at this very moment, I would like to see another one. Yeah. Because there's more Tales of the Crow.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Agreed. And I think, I don't think it was called Tales of the Crow. But I think if... Crows don't even have tails. That's very true. Or do they? They've got tail feathers. That's true.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Tail feathers of the crow. Thank you. That's the kids cartoon version of it. Yes. And it's just the adventures of the crow. Thank you. That's the kids cartoon version of it. And it's just the adventures of the crow itself. Yeah. And he's kind of like a Woody Woodpecker kind of character. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah. Sometimes mobsters are killing his girlfriend and he gets his beak stuck in the trunk of the tree and it goes like... I think every episode should be him looking for someone who's been murdered so he could give them the powers of the crow. Yes, exactly. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, sorry, you were saying something else.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I think that if they... Please don't have it be Eric Draven again. I would rather it be a new character of some sort. Eric Draven. And not a tortured gothy artist or whatever he was. That's what I want. I want someone who looks like he's wearing a torn up garbage bag. I want like a computer programmer or something.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yep. Guy works in an office. I want a guy who shreds the guitar. He's a real good guitarist. I want a guy who shreds documents. Okay. Not particularly important documents, just too many duplicates. So he's just got to shred them.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I understand that. I want a guy who looks exactly like Edward Furlong. Ooh. If you need to get Edward Furlong, that's fine also. Right, wow. I'm, of course, talking about The Crow 3. City of Angels? I think that's two.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Okay, right, cool. All right, what else we got here? Mason. Yes? Dumb ideas are back. Wow. And by that, you mean the 80s and 90s? No.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Oh. Angelina Jolie and David Oyelowo are going to star in an Alice in Wonderland slash Peter Pan prequel called Come Away. Here's the synopsis. I'm ready. Wait, so it's not two separate movies? No. It's an Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan movie. Correct.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Prequel. Wow. All right. So they're like, okay, prequels never work. Let's double down. We just did a Peter Pan prequel. And that didn't work. Let's do a Peter Pan. We just did a Peter Pan prequel. And that didn't work. Let's do a Peter Pan...
Starting point is 00:16:46 Let's do a mash-up prequel. That'll do it. That'll fix it. People love mash-up teas. Let's take two characters no one gives a shit about. Maybe this is based on a tea. Could be. Before Alice went to Wonderland,
Starting point is 00:16:59 and before Peter became Pan, they were brother and sister. What a thrill. This has already just captivated me. Ah, mate. When their eldest brother dies in a tragic accident, they seek to save their parents, Angelina Jolie
Starting point is 00:17:14 and David O'Halliello, from their downward spirals of despair. Also, it's not those two actors who are Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. No. But I imagine if they go into the world, they'll play other characters because sometimes these fantastical worlds
Starting point is 00:17:30 reflect your real life. That's very true, yeah. Save their parents from their downward spirals of despair until finally they're forced to choose between home and imagination. This sets the stage for their iconic journeys into Wonderland and Neverland. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Boy, I wonder what they'll choose. What is this? What if that was the turnaround, though? We watch this movie, and at the end they both go, I don't like what this will potentially turn me into. I'm going to go back to where I live. Yeah, exactly. My house.
Starting point is 00:18:01 So, I guess all these existing parallel universes and realities are worlds, I guess, and they can go into separate. This isn't Disney, by the way. I don't know. I was trying to find who was doing it, and I couldn't quite pinpoint who was responsible for this. But this is so stupid. Yeah. It's going to not do well. Is this, do you feel like another grab for maybe another shared universe? But this is so stupid. Yeah. It's going to not do well.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Is this, do you feel like another grab for maybe another shared universe? It could very well be, yeah. Do you think this is like, okay, well, Dark Universe didn't work because we mashed everything all together. Apparently it's not dead. Well. But this one's like, well, we'll test that with two characters. Yeah. Two out of copyright characters. Yes. They must be out of copyright characters yes they
Starting point is 00:18:45 must be out of copyright by now right they should certainly yeah yeah well because anyone can do a version but disney own their specific yeah right okay versions yeah oh man all this other news looks really good comparatively i'm looking at this i'm like wonder woman 2 absolutely top gun 2 yeah why not spawn yeah the crow i would have liked to have seen it. This, come on. Does it not intrigue you just a little bit? It intrigues me how badly they'll fuck it up. That's the only thing I have any interest in this. I mean, Angelina Jolie's strike rate is 50-50?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Maybe. She's doing Maleficent 2. That's coming up. Okay. Doing the first one? No. It's not very good. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:19:23 So, yeah, there we go go i guess she's reached that point where she can do just a movie for 20 million dollars yeah that's why wouldn't you yeah exactly why wouldn't you uh but also she's not a big name like she's a big name but celebrities don't mean anything like they used to you're not big names are now mason brands i'm talking jurassic world i'm talking bovril that's what i'm talking about absolutely the brands the brands yes yes two comparatively similar brands yeah uh sony's silver and black film has been delayed indefinitely which was set for a feb 2019 release so this is spider their spider-man universe yes which may or may not be connected to the regular Marvel Universe and Silver Sable and the Black Cat. Correct.
Starting point is 00:20:07 So, two femme fatales. Femme fatales. I bet they went, Wonder Woman did really well, so we'll do that. Yep. And then another movie did really well, so they cancelled this because they're on to another. They probably went, we need a horribly scarred superhero who quips, so we'll push this aside.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah, right, exactly. Yeah. I mean, that's why Spawn got off the ground. Maybe they're pushing forward with like a Deathstroke movie. Oh, yeah. Because they'll be like, well, Deadpool was good. Sony don't have Deathstroke. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Good point. I was thinking of DC. Never mind. That's fine. We're always thinking of DC. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Who else do they have, I wonder?
Starting point is 00:20:43 You want someone gritty and real? Doctor Doom movie? Don't know him. Oh, yeah, that's true. They could do Carnage. Oh, yeah, that is who they'd use, isn't it? Because he's quippy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:53 He's quippy and he's a murderer. And he's a murderer, yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah, it'll be Carnage. Okay, good. Isn't he a good guy now? I'm sure we've talked about this. Don't let him get away with all those murders, though.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I'm going to let him get away with it. I wonder how they record down all the murders. I'm gonna let him get away i wonder how they're gonna let it slide mason okay yeah anyway i kind of wanted to see this but also i'm i'm still unsure about what sony you're doing with any of these characters beyond spider-man yep so maybe this is a good thing who knows we won't know because delayed indefinitely generally means this is gone forever exactly yeah mason you, yeah. Mason, you might think to yourself, Vans has a... I never think to myself, but continue. It has a rich heritage rooted in creative expression and empowerment. You might think that.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I do think that. And do you equally think that about Marvel? Yeah. Good, because they've joined forces to launch their largest collaboration to date. I'm sorry, w-w-w-w-what? That's correct, Mason. Wow. The extensive range of co-branded footwear, apparel, and accessories feature an all-star
Starting point is 00:21:47 roster, including personas like the Avengers, Captain Marvel, Deadpool, Iron Man, Hulk, and more. So basically what they're doing, they're taking Vans, the shoes that we all know and are familiar with and love, and they're putting in Marvel-esque designs. They are. Can we talk about them? Yeah, absolutely. We've seen some of them.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Yeah, we're getting some sent our way i've i've picked uh what did you pick well i picked look you know you know i gotta pick deadpool oh because you're a wacky part scarred up exactly i'm a wacky scarred up i love scar i'm wacky and i love scar just a long conversation with somebody about real big fish the other day ah i still love real big Real Big Fish. I know, right? Yeah. They follow me on Twitter, I think. I'm sorry, what? Yeah. Don't I tell you that?
Starting point is 00:22:29 No. I'm going to dip back in. Sorry, what else? Anyway, I got the skate highs. Yeah. They're on their way, apparently, in Deadpool colors. Yes. They look amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:39 They also have, like, you know, the classic checkerboard slip-on. Yep, yep. So Vans originally started as a company where they made like... You could get a shoe with any kind of pattern on it. This is in California. And some of the dudes would come in and be like, Hey, I got these old pair of board shorts. I can't wear them anymore. Can you make shoes out of them?
Starting point is 00:23:00 That's nuts. They would press the upper end of the shoe. And so I guess checkerboards were popular for like a long time. So that became like the iconic pattern. But for the Marvel one, they're doing the iconic checkerboard pattern, right? But Hulk toes coming out the front. Nice. Green Hulk toes coming out the front.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Very good. There's one that's like an Avengers one, which is, I almost got this one. It's like, it's got like a green Hulk toe and it's got like a Captain America shield. I thought it's got a blue toe. Yeah. And it's got a green heel. Heel. It's got the wing. it's got like a captain it's got a blue toe yeah it's got a green heel heel it's got the wing it's got like iron it's got like captain shield it's got all sorts it's wild yeah it's got that captain maker shield on the back yes i actually uh i did something crazy
Starting point is 00:23:35 mason i hope you approve of this i actually ordered the captain marvel pair the lady shoes for ladies but i got it a couple sizes up even though i mean people say i have suspiciously feminine feet regardless i wouldn't say it's suspicious it's just the way that some men are built yeah do you agree with that yeah all right but i know i really like i really love the design of them so there's yeah there's a black panther version uh depending where you are in the world uh they've got they've got different different types and there's also like classic comic one like classic comic yeah there's a spider-man there's like a spider-man slip-on it's got like a whole bunch of spider-mans on it there's ones that have like like kirby like super like the avengers faces all printed across
Starting point is 00:24:14 them yeah they're all very cool absolutely uh there's actually a competition for people who want to enter and win three pairs of shoes from vans and Marvel, their collection. Unfortunately, the competition is only for Australians. Yeah, so we can win, technically. Absolutely not. Okay, good. But these shoes are still available the world over. But if you go to slash planet broadcasting, all one word, and answer the question,
Starting point is 00:24:40 which superhero would be the best skateboarder and why, you're in the running. Bearing in mind, we've already figured out what the answer is. Correct, yes. We can't tell you. And also, we have no control over who is selected, I don't believe. That's true, we don't, yeah. But we know the answer.
Starting point is 00:24:56 We know the answer. We both came up independently. We know what the answer is. But I'm sure it's not actually based on which is correct, even though we know what's correct. We know which one is correct, obviously. You get a sense of these things that's right the competition runs from uh the 4th of june until the 15th of june pretty short run mason it is a short run and the vans uh it says vans x marvel should be cross is that what it's saying vans cross it's a collabo
Starting point is 00:25:19 okay collab it's a collection will be available at the shops at vans retail stores globally uh beginning j June 8th. Visit for more information. So, yeah, again, if you want to enter the competition, slash planet broadcasting and answer that question. But, yeah, they're really great. So I can't wait for those to turn up. Vans, they're just primo.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm a big fan of Vans. Yeah, that's right. This is very convenient. You might be hearing a few other podcasts across the bloody network talking about these as well. They're just comfy. Yeah, that's right this is very this is very might be hearing a few other podcasts across the bloody network talking about these as well because uh they're just comfy yeah that's it i know charlie clausen's a big fan as well of the shoes did he also pick deadpool i don't know all right mason yes hello bad or good news for the walking dead you're a fan uh no cool you'll love this then andrew lincoln is leaving the oh spoiler alert andrew
Starting point is 00:26:07 lincoln it's everywhere andrew lincoln is leaving walking dead next season which uh he's gonna do nine episodes or something now who is this he's the he's rick oh the main guy the main man the guy i've seen the most of he's got a beard series because i saw the first 10 minutes in the first episode he's always pointing a big old pistol that big's got that big old gun, doesn't he? Initially he had no beard, but now he has a beard. That's right. Sometimes, every now and then he'll trim it down, but he's had a beard for quite a long time now.
Starting point is 00:26:34 The word is that they're offering Norman Reedus something like $20 million to take the lead. Norman Reedus, who you may know from the Walking Dead video game, which we played for Caravan of Garbage. I remember that, yeah. Remember that? Yeah. Wasn't that good? That was one of the worst things we've ever done.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Good episode, though. Okay, then, if you say so. Yeah. Wasn't that good? That was one of the worst things we've ever done. Good episode, though. Okay, then, if you say so. Yeah. So, that's big news for The Walking Dead. The numbers are already dropping of this show. I mean, it still does
Starting point is 00:26:52 spectacularly well. So, their plan is to dump one of the cast members. Yeah. I mean, Rick's, spoiler alert, is in the comics. He's popping up
Starting point is 00:27:03 in that quite a bit because he's the main character. For sure. So, I mean, these haven't run parallel for a very long time. But no, I'm just wondering how this is going to affect the show. At what point did the split occur? Pretty early on. Pretty early, right?
Starting point is 00:27:18 I mean, they hit key points. And every now and then they're just like, we'll do the prison. Oh, I see. Right, gotcha. Yeah, and we'll do the farm and whatever. So it follows it generally,
Starting point is 00:27:28 but who lives or dies is... Oh, completely arbitrary. Yeah, but sometimes. And then sometimes they take significant deaths. Like, for example, in the comics, Rick also gets his hand cut off,
Starting point is 00:27:38 but they haven't done that in the TV show because you'd have to CGI out a hand every... That's true. Well, maybe that happens in the final episode. He doesn't die in the final episode. His hand gets cut off out a hand every time that's true well maybe that happens in the final episode he doesn't die
Starting point is 00:27:45 in the final episode his hand gets cut off he just looks at his stump and he goes I'm sick of this and he just walks into the desert I'm sick of dealing
Starting point is 00:27:53 with all you people and I've only got one hand I'm finished with this bye idiots I think they won't kill him off I think they'll leave it open for him to come back
Starting point is 00:28:02 David Duchovny style is there a place where he could go yeah there's like where he could go? Yeah there's like different Where everybody knows his name? Mate okay Spoiler alert for the last season Is it Cheers?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah it's Cheers He's going with the bar from Cheers Great He's going to talk to Zombie Norm Yeah nice But uh Spoiler alert for last season
Starting point is 00:28:19 His son died And so Maybe he'd take the opportunity to be like I don't want to be the leader of this community. I'm going to grow a bigger beard than even before. Wow. Yeah. There's too many people with long hair in this show.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I'm like, there's so many grabby monsters. Cut your hair. Yeah, absolutely. It's a really good point. Yeah. Yeah. That's what annoyed me about Carl. I made a video on it, but he's got one eye.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yep. And he's got really long flippity hair, which is like over his face. So these zombies are grabby zombies. They're so grabby. But they're also really slow. So whenever any of them get grabbed, I'm like, how? Yeah, right. What is this?
Starting point is 00:28:53 How many of the tropes of the zombie genre are filled in this show? Is there ever a situation where somebody goes into like a locked room and there's a zombie in the corner or something like that. Or they go in a completely empty room and they turn the wrong way and there's a zombie there all of a sudden. Great. And they don't make any noise until they're right on them.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I did a video on it called I Hate the Walking Dead or something to that effect, which a lot of people heavily disagree with, believe it or not. But yeah, and I talk about it a bunch. It's like a two-year-old video. Okay. I was an early days hater, basically. I get it, I get it. You make mistakes, I get it. No, no, I about it a bunch. It's like a two-year-old video. Okay. I was in early days. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I get it. I get it. You make mistakes. I get it. No, no. I stand by that video. Oh, I see. Right. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Very much so. Wow. But it talks about all that kind of stuff and just things about that show that I don't think. I think it's really well cast and I think there's some good story elements, but it's just idiots. Is it a kind of show where- There's a tiger in it and you think that would be cool, but it's not that just idiots is it a kind of show where there's a tiger in it and you think that would be cool but it's not that cool is it not is it a tiger just chewing up
Starting point is 00:29:49 zombies yeah it's like one of the one of the different communities the leader has a tiger on a chain at any point does it become a zombie tiger uh no i don't think so not in the not in the i'm not thinking either oh wow okay i don't think there's zombie animals here's a question for you about the Walking Dead then. Obviously you wouldn't recommend that I watch it from the start. No. Yeah, that's the best season.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Just watch season one and then don't watch anything else. But is it one of those shows where you go, okay, well 20 of these episodes of this season were garbage,
Starting point is 00:30:20 but if you just watch episode seven, that's really good? Yeah, it could definitely be condensed. But I would say just read the comic. Have you read the comic? No. Just read the comic 7 that's really good or is it yeah it could definitely be condensed okay but I would say just read the have you read the comic
Starting point is 00:30:27 no just read the comic okay it's really good alright good great yeah it's just a shame it's not a better show Mason
Starting point is 00:30:33 Zack Snyder's found his next project oh I think I read about this what is it again what's he interfering with oh okay right alright we were talking about this before the show
Starting point is 00:30:41 Ayn Rand I always say Ayn Rand Ayn Rand okay book he's Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand. Okay. Book. He's a big fan of. We've kind of seen that filter into various works. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:52 This book is about an architect named Howard Rourke who strives to go against the grain in service of a more modern style of building. It is a cornerstone of Rand's controversial objectionist philosophy. Objectivist. That's all I would say. Objectionist? Yeah, you're right. Philosophy. No. That was her whole philosophy. Objectivist. That's what I would say. Objectionist? Yeah, you're right. Philosophy.
Starting point is 00:31:06 That was her whole philosophy. Objectivist. What I said. I'm against it. I'm right. Based around rational self-interest and presumably people being kicked into a well in slow motion. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:31:18 You know what? I think this is good that he's doing another thing. He had a family tragedy. The DC stuff didn't really work out super well for him. So yeah, good. Yeah. Do it.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Do this. Do something you love. Why not? Yeah. I will never watch this. I will watch it. Okay. I'm going to watch it 100 times.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Wow. Yeah. Is that too many? Yeah. Disagree. What was the last movie you watched 100 times? There's no movie I've seen 100 times. But you're committing to this.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yes. Okay. All right. I'm not a watch a movie. Congratulations. I'm not a watch a movie again and again guy. Neither am I really. Even the movies I talk about that I love so much, like Sunshine and Predators.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah, we get it. I don't watch them that much. No, same. Yeah. There you go. Here's a movie I'm going to watch a hundred times though. X-Men Dark Phoenix. Or maybe it's just called Dark Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So this screened, did some test screenings. Okay. There's going to be a hundred times though. X-Men Dark Phoenix. Or maybe it's just called Dark Phoenix. So this screened, did some test screenings. Okay. There's going to be some spoilers in here. There's some major stuff, which I'm not going to spoil. But apparently when people go to these screenings now, it doesn't mean anything and anyone can just say anything. Oh, okay. There's no honor system anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Nah, it's gone. I think Disney do them in-house. Like they get. Right. So if any. Employees and family and friends and stuff. So if any details are spoiled, they can sort of trace who it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:28 But I guess a lot of time it's with other test screenings, it's just randos. Yeah, exactly. You can just run off into the night and immediately go to Twitter or our email, for example. That's right, our email. So there's a few details. Someone did send us an email about this,
Starting point is 00:32:42 and thank you to that person who will rename. Rename. It's Renee Z zellweger that's right her career isn't going that well and she's decided to ruin everybody else's by spoiling their movies especially fast bender uh so here's some kind of general stuff that uh that we know about this it has a lot of parallels to the last time they did the Dark Phoenix movie. No lessons learned there. So X-Men 3. Yes. These are some of the things. Jean can hold back Cyclops' laser eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:13 We saw that. Saw that in 3, yep. There's a Charles flashback with Jean as a kid. Saw that, yep, great. Jean and Charles are having a mind battle resulting in him levitating. Are you sure they didn't just watch X-Men 3? They may have watched X-Men 3 at home. Magneto brotherhood of the mutants versus charles x charles's x-men but there's apparently there's some space stuff and there's some aliens but they're not called the scrolls and do we have any i don't know if you're going to reveal it here does it do we know
Starting point is 00:33:39 if in this instance the phoenix force isn't like alien force. I think it might be an alien force, yeah. So it's not just her psychic powers again. Or a combination or whatever. Okay. But where are the lessons learned here? There doesn't seem to be any lessons learned. And the main takeaway from this, from all the people who have seen it, is that it's boring.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Great. Terrific. And look, there's time to fix it. Yep. There's time to scrap it. Well, that's the point of these test screenings. That's the point of the screening. So I wouldn't definitively say this is bad news, but this is also the guy
Starting point is 00:34:06 who's been dodging bullets all his life. Simon Kinberg? Simon Kinberg, that's right. What a pull, I remembered his name. Good stuff, because I couldn't remember it for a second, so you really saved my ass there, Mason, I appreciate it. Who we've mentioned on the podcast before. He's produced all the X-Men films.
Starting point is 00:34:21 He's produced any number of things, and you go, oh, that's a great film. Oh, that's a bad film. That's a great... And then just on and on and on. And you're like, how is he still around? Who knows? So this is for first directorial effort. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So it should be interesting. I mean, I don't want this to be bad. I want it to be good. But also that Marvel Fox deal with Disney is still up in the air. We don't know which way that's going to go. Do you think there's a very real possibility they could just bin this? Like if it goes to Disney and they went, no more X-Men films. I think they would factory it.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I mean, they didn't pay for it either. Oh, I see. Right. Yeah. I think fanboy demand, I think there'd be too much fan outcry. A lot of people hate Disney as well. And they'd be like, you ruined X-Men. You ruined that, but you took what we loved and you can't promise.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, right, right. Okay. Yeah. And I think fan outcry would be too much. Yeah. I think people want to see. Want to see. Because it's Fassbender and McAvoy again, right?
Starting point is 00:35:18 It is, yeah. Okay, yeah. And it's a good cast. I think people would want to see that cast again. I mean, I saw them. Jennifer Lawrence, she's out. They're in Deadpool 2. Jennifer Lawrence.
Starting point is 00:35:24 No, she's in it. She's still in. Yeah. Wow. See, I would want to see it just to see if she's still on board with this franchise. Because she did not seem to be in that last one. No. That wasn't good, was it?
Starting point is 00:35:35 No, it was bad. I watched it a hundred times. For sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, make that the rest of your 2018. Please. You're going to watch X-Men Apocalypse 100 times. Quick question for people at home listening. Hello. Yes, I'm talking your 2018. Please. You're going to watch X-Men Apocalypse 100 times. Quick question for people at home listening.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Hello. Yes, I'm talking to you. Hello. Have you ever watched anything 100 times? And I don't mean as a kid. I don't mean something you... Like I watched Terminator 2 on VHS 100 times maybe. As an adult, have you been like,
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm going to watch Star Wars 100 times. I'm going to watch Robocop 100 times. I reckon there are people who would watch a movie to go to bed maybe yeah i think there's people who would do that every night yeah i can see i always want i want to watch something new but then i get caught between the like all the stuff that exists and all the stuff i've previously seen and then i just end up watching nothing for sure i think yeah i mean i think in the future what is going to be replacing people watching the same movie that they love over and over again to go to sleep is people just scrolling through Netflix for an hour and not deciding on anything and then just going, oh, I'm just going to bed. You know what I did watch last night, actually?
Starting point is 00:36:37 What was that? I watched Ocean's 12. Yeah, right? How's that hold up? It's not as bad as I remember it, but it's still not very good. I watched Ocean's Eleven a couple of days ago. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And we also, we've got a Caravan of Garbage coming up on Tuesday where we watch the original Ocean's Eleven, and it is the worst movie. So bad. It is such a bad film. I'm like, well, maybe this will be fun. There are movies like maybe The Italian Job, which is a movie out of the 60s, which is fun and campy. It's's got style and class it's silly and and what have you and action-packed but oceans
Starting point is 00:37:10 11 original no good just one of the worst yeah but also you know how it feels very self-indulgent the original oceans 11 boy do i oceans 12 still feels very much that way like it feels in jokey and they're just in rooms like talking over each other when they're planning out heists yeah and they just kind of leave it in it's kind of like yeah whatever yeah it's hard to follow you know that way like who's talking and don cheadle's british accent is really distracting as well yeah but yeah no so i think you're right yeah definitely that has definitely held on to the spirit of the original Ocean's Eleven. I'm going to try and sneak in Ocean's 13 before Ocean's 8. Wow, before Ocean's 8, okay. Now again, I'm calling it.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I do not know this for any... Actually, maybe it has been revealed. What's that? Potential spoilers for Ocean 8. I think when the first trailer came out, I said that this is a revenge heist because Daniel Ocean's dead. I think that was... Wasn't that in a trailer? Yeah, I think it might've been.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I think there's like a, like a, uh, a headstone or a mausoleum plaque or something like that. Well, I'll say this. Yes. He's 100% not dead. Oh, do you think this is a double ruse? Of course he's not dead. Do you think he's still alive?
Starting point is 00:38:16 He's still alive. And the next one will be like the ocean's girls and the ocean gals, guys and gals get together. No, the girls and the gals. They'll call it ocean's guys and dolls. Ah, so good. And they'll dig up Frank Sinatra. No, the girls and the gals. Get together. They'll call it Oceans, Guys and Dolls. Oh, so good. And they'll dig up Frank Sinatra. He's back too.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And they'll go for it. Wow. Are any of the original Ratpacks still alive? 100% no. I don't know that for a fact. Oh, you know what? Oceans, Guys and Gals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Clooney Ocean team. Yeah. Girl Ocean team. And then at the end, they meet CGI Frank Sinatra. Oh, very good. As original, original Danny Ocean. Joey Bishop was the last surviving member of Rat Pack. The rest of them died in the 80s and 90s mostly.
Starting point is 00:38:55 So there you bloody go. That's a shame. And why did they die? They made bad movies. Because they smoked 400 cigarettes a day in the same room together. That's very true. They just had a communal cloud of tar and smoke. It killed them all.
Starting point is 00:39:15 But damn it, they went out together. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors. Like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,
Starting point is 00:39:43 to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at
Starting point is 00:40:03 That's We've got one more ad, Mason, before we talk about the topic for this week. Oh, alright. Carry on. What do you love most about Harry's shavers? Be specific. It's a smooth shave. Great. And they're good razors. They're not... They bloody last a really long time. They do last a really long time.
Starting point is 00:40:21 They feel good. They feel great. Oh, so nice. I'm'm gonna one-upman's you mason okay i'm ready i don't mind doing so they also have got great shave gel it's a great glide yeah we also have a special offer for listeners and this is what it is oh okay i thought you're gonna leave it hanging no figure out what it is you can have that special offer uh they they stand behind the quality of their blades but they know about switching switching razors uh they know about switching razors. They know about that in terms of it's not an easy decision.
Starting point is 00:40:48 So they created a trial offer, which you can claim by going to slash weekly planet. And what you get in this trial offer, Mason, is $30 worth of value, but it comes with everything you need, including a weighted ergonomic handle, five blade razor with lubricating strip and trimmer blade, which is on the back which is real good uh rich leathering shave gel and a travel cover now mason i know you might be thinking as you do every week why would anybody start a razor company
Starting point is 00:41:18 who would start a razor company probably some probably hundreds of fat cats together working together you know just hundreds of people yeah right, working together, you know? Just hundreds of people. Yeah, right. Like a conglomerate. That's the absolute minimum number of people required to create a fantastic razor company. And I'd be astounded. My jaw would absolutely hit the floor if you said it was fewer people than that. But continue.
Starting point is 00:41:41 No, you're right. I'm ready to have all my biases confirmed. No, your biases will be unconfirmed, Mason. The founders were just a couple of lads. A-woo-woo-woo-woo. A-woo-woo-woo. A-woo-woo-woo-woo. They were sick of, they were fed up of paying over
Starting point is 00:41:57 for overpaying for expensive razor with unnecessarily features. They knew a great shave though came down to making a sharp, durable steel that lasts, and that's why they bought a factory in Germany with the highest quality blades in the world for over 95 years. And they're able to keep their prices low,
Starting point is 00:42:14 just $2 per blade compared to $4, which you'd get at a store by cutting out, guess who, Mason? The consumer? No, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Oh, okay. The manufacturer. No, we, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Oh, okay. The manufacturer.
Starting point is 00:42:26 No, we just said that. They bought a factory. They're not shipping nothing. Oh, is that it? They cut out the middleman. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What?
Starting point is 00:42:36 That's genius. And if you don't like the show of Harry's and you let them know within 30 days, they'll just refund you. Nice. So like I said, though, listeners of this show, it says my show, let's say this show. Thank you. Can redeem their trial set at What about listeners of my show?
Starting point is 00:42:51 That's right, tables have turned. I'm using this ad to start a coup on this podcast. And I knocked that off the table as well. That was my glasses popping off my face. That's right. If you skip the ads, you've missed out on me starting a coup on this podcast it's my podcast now oh man that's right uh yeah dream redeem your trial set by going to weekly planet make sure you go to weekly planet to
Starting point is 00:43:17 redeem your offer and let them know we sent you i sent you mason sent you to help support the show the new god emperor of this podcast sent you to Harry's Razors. What am I then? Do I do anything or do I leave? Is it just you? You've got like one of those little ruffs. Ah!
Starting point is 00:43:35 That's not so bad. You become like a little fancy boy. I like that. Yeah, that's right. Do I have to do anything? You have to polish shoes. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'm not wearing any shoes, but I'll bring some shoes in and you can polish the shoes. What if I have to squeeze through something and I've got my rough on? Well, that's like a cat's whiskers. Okay. You'll know if it's too narrow for you. Oh, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I just don't want to crumple my rough. There'll be fresh roughs provided. Okay, good. All right. There's a rough laundering service. You're the rough laundering service. Oh, man. Can we cut out the middleman?
Starting point is 00:44:04 That being me and get off yeah alright yeah alright this seems like a boy being a dictator is a lot of work you didn't think it through
Starting point is 00:44:11 did you yeah coups off so now if people skip that ad it's irrelevant yeah great now there's been
Starting point is 00:44:18 a lot of talk this week off the back of Solo which did the best of any Star Wars movie, right? Financially, review-wise. What do you mean? No, the opposite. It's done the worst of any Star Wars film.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Oh, come on. Yeah, and it doesn't look like it's going to have legs either because a lot of the time, a movie can just bloody sneak up on you. That's true, yeah. You know, like something comes out like that one where Hugh Jackman owns a circus and he beats elephants to death.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I haven't seen it. Did that one do well? It did really well. Initially, not well. Yeah. And then people just kept on going. People were like, hey, did you hear that he beats elephants to death? Did you hear about that?
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's so graphic and brutal. You wouldn't think that, I mean, Hugh Jackman's a really nice guy. You wouldn't think he could send to a scene like that, but he seems to really get into it. I mean, it looks like he's actually killing a real elephant. And then I did some Googling. It turns out he actually demanded elephants on set so he could kill them. They didn't even need that.
Starting point is 00:45:10 They didn't even need that in the movie. He demanded it. The guy's a murderer, an elephant murderer. Anyway, you've got to see it. Made some bucks back. So that's what happened. Yeah. Okay, the word of mouth.
Starting point is 00:45:22 But why didn't they just make it about a fictional circus guy? Because P.T. Barnum's a terrible bloke. Well, yeah, for sure. Anyway, it's not what we're talking about. I thought this would be a good time, though, to talk about Star Wars fatigue. Because quite frankly, Mason, I'm bloody feeling it. You're sick of it.
Starting point is 00:45:36 You're jack of it. Yeah, I was kind of tired after The Last Jedi. Yeah, right. And maybe that's also different because we do multiple podcasts and videos and all that and like concerning this stuff uh-huh you know but it seems like that might have very well filtered over into the general audience i think so well when i did a few weeks ago i recorded a podcast with our friends alexi and cameron i mentioned this last week and it was about the
Starting point is 00:46:03 original trilogy trilogy of Star Wars. And they were like, you fired up about this? And I'm like, to be honest, I'm exhausted talking about Star Wars. And they're like, oh, and I'm like, but I'm super happy to be here. Let's do this. Here we go, guys. Oh, I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:19 You didn't even pretend. You weren't even like, I'm jazzed. Yeah. Nah, not really interested interested to be honest oh but yeah well i messaged you during the week i thought this might be an interesting topic but i also said but do you actually want to talk about this right yeah but i think it i think it's definitely worth talking about and this will probably be the the last time in six months at least before we do another one of these so do you have the figures there? Not specifically.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Okay. Roughly, Solo is not going to crack $200 million in the US. And Rogue One did something like $550 million and maybe a billion and a bit in total. That is a significant drop. It's a lot. And it's probably going to do... It might not break even.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Wow. People are also estimating that it was maybe it cost $300 million to make. And then there's marketing on top of that also. So this could be a loss. This could be a significant loss. It could be the first loss, yeah. But I think maybe they knew it was going to be a loss, but they put it out anyway because they want to expand the universe,
Starting point is 00:47:17 which this film does. But if nobody goes to see it, that doesn't really help. Exactly. It's like performing a coup in the middle of an ad spot yeah right gone if people skip the ad spot yeah yeah what was even the point i mean the coup was technically successful yeah but then i renounced the coup wait did this happen yeah in the ad spot i skipped it oh come on mate it was really tense oh yeah uh what are we talking about? Star Wars. Well, look, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:46 We can talk about the contributing factors, though, to why it might not have done well. So when you say that it's going to make $200 million? No, it won't. It won't. It might, but it's not looking good. And when you said Rogue One made $500-something million, that was its entire run?
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yes. Okay. And when is that? Is that like four weeks or six weeks or how long? Until it's done. I presume a couple of months. Okay, right, right, okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And I guess they can project based on... Yes. Okay, what this is going to be. Well, like Avatar had an $80 million weekend and then it was the biggest movie of all time. Yeah, right. But it's also, Star Wars though has opened in May. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And one of the reasons why it hasn't done well necessarily is because some people think, and I'm inclined to think that it's for a few reasons. I think it's for one reason. Okay, well do you think it's for this reason? I'm ready. That we just got, not only a Star Wars film, but we got Deadpool 2 and Avengers and just a bunch of other kind of blockbuster films
Starting point is 00:48:52 that have also come out this year, which I can't remember specifically off the top of my head. I don't feel it's that. You don't think that the week before Deadpool coming out would have had any effect on it? I don't know. I mean, because when you're in December, you've got a clear run.
Starting point is 00:49:06 That's true. Yeah. I mean, I guess Deadpool's the kind of movie where people will see it two or three times in the cinema. Potentially, sure. Yeah, I think it's probably, yeah. But I don't know. I think people who are fans of this genre
Starting point is 00:49:20 go out of their way to see everything. Right. But you don't think, though, for it to do really... I guess the general public are only going to see everything right so but you don't think though this for to do i guess i guess the general public yeah that's what i'm saying one block past yeah to crack a billion you need you need this to filter over into the general public that's very true yeah see like people like us we see everything because we have to yeah and we love it we love it i cannot get enough i do love it i do actually quite a lot yeah but it's true yeah yeah yeah sometimes you can't tell the difference between me being sarcastic and sincere but i'm being sincere yeah well we used to do this before we yeah for whatever reason i'm sure a lot of
Starting point is 00:49:52 people listen to this do also but there was a number of other things that kind of happened leading up to it actually dan dan merle from screen junkies he did it he does a box office breakdown every monday on screen junkies news where he talks about a few of the factors that we'll talk about here. And he's kind of on the money with this kind of stuff. And another thing that he brought up was that weekend was the NBA playoffs and some big soccer thing in Europe. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 They don't call soccer in Europe. They call it football. They call it David Beckham. That's what they call it. They call it David Beckham. Yeah, that's a good point, actually. But so then you've got, you know, in the NBA finals or whatever it was, I didn't watch him.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Kobe Bryant, probably. Sure. Magic Johnson. All of them. Yeah, all the greats. They are. Larry Bird. Larry Bird, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Larry Bird's back. He straightened his back out. Yeah. He's back on the court. Uh-huh. But no, he's, no, they go over days. Yeah, for sure. And so you're getting a large percentage of the general public then
Starting point is 00:50:49 not watching this based on that. And even if that was only one day, that's still one day or one night of box office, which you're not getting because people are at home watching sports. That's true, and that could be tens of millions of dollars. They could be watching David Beckham's. Yeah, exactly. Just a fresh round of David Beckham's. Yeah, exactly. Just a fresh round of David Beckham's.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Yeah, that's it. Another thing was that I think this is probably a small factor, but I don't think it's significant at all, was the boycott, like the Disney Star Wars boycott. I think there was obviously backlash from The Last Jedi. Yeah, right, okay. But I don't think it filtered enough over into the general public. Oh, absolutely, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah, for sure. People love their Star Wars. And I think a lot of people, for a lot of people, the general public, my guess would be that what Star Wars fans perceive as these huge changes in the characters in the last jedi yeah aren't that to the general public it's just like oh there's those characters yeah that's the way it went okay cool yeah great i liked it or i didn't like it exactly yeah it's not a it's
Starting point is 00:51:55 it hasn't it hasn't destroyed their minds and their childhoods they're just like here's an enjoyable story or a not enjoyable story i think it could definitely be that people didn't enjoy it and don't want to see the next one. I think that could be a factor, but I also think a lot of this stems from, there was never any real interest in this movie from people in general. Right. Normally when these come out, like blockbuster movies and happened with Avengers, it happened with Deadpool, what happened with The Last Jedi, people in my life message me and say, Hey, should I say this? Nobody messaged me about Solo. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:28 So do you think then the general public... Oh, maybe all my friends are dead. Sorry, go on. Well, I'd like to explore that a little bit. I mean, you don't leave the house a lot. I don't, it's true. I was going to say there is a zombie apocalypse happening outside currently. That's why I was so curious about zombies earlier have they bought tickets to solo
Starting point is 00:52:48 no that's probably contributed yeah i would say so yeah yeah right they're just sneaking into scratics exactly yeah um i can't remember what i was going in that anymore uh did i derail it with my no no my brain was gonna switch My brain was going to switch off anyway. Oh, yeah, and I was going to say, the general public, they don't see... I guess they see Star Wars as an ensemble. Yeah, right. They don't go like, I would love to know more about that guy. Yes. I guess a lot of people are just like, I know all I need to know about that guy.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah. And all the guys and gals of this. I think also maybe this is a thing where you only do one a year or one every two years. This isn't a Marvel-like universe where it doesn't build in the same way. See, Doctor Strange, for example, builds up towards the Avengers and it didn't do crazy well. It did pretty well. Probably better than this is going to do. But it did open up the idea of magic and introduced a character which is then going to turn up in the Avengers.
Starting point is 00:53:43 So what's the difference, I wonder? The difference is that this isn't about a character... Well, this character's already dead. Spoiler alert for all Star Wars. This character's already dead, and we've seen him young, and we've seen him old, and we've watched him get stabbed and thrown off a bridge, right? We know that he met his dog man friend.
Starting point is 00:54:02 We know all that. What possibly could this add to the mythos going forward? That's interesting. Yeah. Because I would say if I said to you, do you want to watch a story about... Obi-Wan. No, I was going to say, like, there's got to be Marvel characters that are currently dead in the universe. Where if I'm like, do you want to see the origin story of that character?
Starting point is 00:54:24 You'd be like, yes, I would. Like I would see an Agent Coulson. 100%. Like origin movie even. Yes, which we're probably getting a bit in Captain Marvel. But I think also there are Star Wars characters. I mean, he's not technically dead anymore. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:37 He hasn't been dead for years. In fact, he was barely even dead at all. That's true. But there's got to be a character. Who's died in the... Obi-Wan. No, but I'm talking Marvel again. No one's died they're all i mean okay spoiler alert for avengers infinity war half of them died oh yeah for sure right right gamora there you go i want to see a gamora
Starting point is 00:54:52 origin film not really there's got to be a couple i'm sure there is but i i could even name one in star wars i want to see an obi-wan origin film yes no yeah no i would no because we saw his origin remember maybe an in-between bit where he meets thanos right so that's what i'm talking about yeah yeah but but i think like i would see an obi-wan prequel because i want it but we're not like i don't think that that would necessarily add to the mythos of the general story but it's a character that people or i'm at least interested in okay han solo i'm not and maybe it's also because they've recast him and people like well that's not harrison ford that's that's absolutely true and even though i think he did a really good job considering it's that's an impossible task and
Starting point is 00:55:34 he didn't fuck it up yeah good on him that's really impressive one of we would fuck it up don't you think individually or as a team as a team scene to scene we switch like that right like that episode of uh yeah yeah that's a good yeah yeah i was gonna say we do the classic one on each other each other's shoulders then a very long vest as opposed to a trench coat but then i'm like you know what side by side yeah so my side works better i think yeah yeah but uh balance is easier yeah But do you think, so you think that there should have been
Starting point is 00:56:07 interest in this then? Yeah, kind of, yeah. Right. People love Star Wars. But after this, did you go and tell people, man, you've got to go see this Han Solo movie?
Starting point is 00:56:17 I said, I told people I enjoyed it. Okay. I told people I certainly didn't hate it and it was an enjoyable film and I had fun with it. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:24 do you think this would have happened to an Obi-Wan film? Or another... Or a Poe Dameron side story? If anything, an Obi-Wan film sounds less intriguing. To me, anyway.
Starting point is 00:56:36 But also, you're bringing back Ewan McGregor, a character that people... I guess that's true. People also grew up with. I was going to say, I guess a lot of people grew up on the prequels.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah. And however much I dislike them, a lot of people are like, no, no, they're fun. I enjoyed them when I was a kid. Yeah. And even people who didn't like them say like... He was good in them. Everybody in this room. Yeah, he was good in them.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And I want to see him do a good version of... It was good enough that I want to see a better version of that. You're right. Yeah. I don't know. I think maybe if they're going to expand Star Wars, they obviously need to look at stories that people want to see a better version of that. You're right. Yeah. I don't know. I think maybe if they're going to expand Star Wars, they obviously need to look at stories that people want to see for one, but maybe it needs to add something to the story and move everything forward.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Not just what if Chewbacca was, what if they met him? Yeah. I guess when you said, did I tell people that I liked it? I did tell people I liked it, but I didn't go up to people apropos of nothing and say, Hey,
Starting point is 00:57:23 you know what? You've got to watch. Yeah, exactly. I was just like, Hey, did you see Solo yet was it good yeah was good so yeah fair point yeah uh here's something okay so a lot of people also made the point that star wars has no plan like they're going movie to movie uh sequel to spin-off or whatever do we know that for certain and it's not really connected okay as in okay an example of this and then this is again a spoiler and i talk about i did a solo
Starting point is 00:57:50 deleted scenes video this week you can check it i'll link it below if people want to check it out they didn't know that darth maul was going to be the big boss they had a list and i suspect who might be on it but they didn't say i think there there's, I've talked about it in the video. And then the last minute, during the Ron Howard portion of the reshoots, they went, he went, you know what, maybe we'll make a Darth Maul. That's a character that...
Starting point is 00:58:16 Narrator voice. They did. Like, I feel like if you're expanding this universe, maybe you should think more about it in terms of who you're going to put in than a last minute thing in reshoots. Yeah, right. And it's the same when you go from Force Awakens to The Last Jedi. Those don't feel like they exactly line up.
Starting point is 00:58:35 They feel like two separate visions, which is, again, like how they kind of did the first, the original one. Yeah. But do you think that might be a factor, that this isn't so much an interconnected universe, it's different visions that don't really plan ahead for the one after that? I guess, but I also don't think that people are... I mean, again, the Marvel Universe is this singular entity. There's no other universe like that. No other good universe like that.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Thank you. I don't think most people are going in going, i'm not going to watch this because it doesn't feel totally connected to the star wars universe i think people are just going i'd just like to see a good movie thank you oh i agree but do you think maybe that it should be more planned out in general in that way uh i think it should be yeah but i don't think that that's a box office affecting element. To me, I prefer creative and individual visions too. Yeah, right. This all feels like one thing. Yeah, I mean, maybe I would be on board with...
Starting point is 00:59:36 They give the director the instruction, there has to be this action beat and this action beat, and at the end, all the characters have to be here. Yeah, which is a lot of Marvel movies. And then then in the middle you can do whatever you want yeah but i don't know if even if that is do they get that commandment or do they just do whatever you want i honestly don't know there's a story group and probably different directors have different you know different ideas that they bring and a lot of time these guys get fired also for not meeting certain criteria, I assume.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yeah, right. Too many jokes, not enough jokes. Or whatever it is. There's a laugh-o-meter on set. And if it goes above or below a certain amount of decibels, you get fired. That's right. So there's always a certain amount of nervous laughter happening at all times.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Do you think there's too many movies though? Do you think? I think there's too many movies generally. I'll never catch up. That's true. Yeah. Let's start by removing generally. I'll never catch up. That's true. Yeah. Let's start by removing some. The classics.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Ocean's Eleven. Ocean's Eleven original. Let's go on. Yeah. It's too late for me. Alvin Purple. Get rid of that one. Alvin Purple.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Pacific Banana. What's another terrible old Australian movies? I'm going to say Wake and Fright. Don's Party. Mad Max, the original. Yeah, I said it. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Okay. But do you think they should do one every three years? Or one every two years? Or even just one a year? I think one a year would be my maximum. So do you think they're ever going to go to the Marvel two or three? Do you think that's what they were trying? I think that's absolutely what they were trying to do.
Starting point is 01:01:09 But I think they should finish off this trilogy arc and then just one a year, just one movie a year. And it can be set at any point. I would like that. If they're just like this one, this year's one is set in the distant past. Yeah. I think they should finish this trilogy.
Starting point is 01:01:23 And I think that would also, I think that would give us more compelling individual movies yeah more compelling characters because even if this movie is set in the distant past yeah you want to give us some compelling protagonist and an interesting story yeah right see if we can get on board with that yeah totally but if people aren't on board i guess maybe if people being conditioned to the point where they're only on board with the character if we know they're going to live for six movies or something? Oh, maybe.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah. Depends on how much they like them, I guess. Yeah. I think they should shut all this down for like five years after nine.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Really? Yeah. Huh. I don't think they will. No. I'm not talking like also the comics or the TV shows
Starting point is 01:01:59 or whatever. And look, we've only got so much time on this earth, sure. Wow. And we've spent most of our lives Home truths, this earth sure and we've spent most of our lives here we go we've spent most of our lives not having star wars films but if you're doing one or three a year or whatever it feels like a lot and i think it's different than a fast and furious franchise or a marvel and it feels like something that you kind of wait for and there's this
Starting point is 01:02:22 anticipation and i think there's that i think that greatly lessens the impact of these films if you've got too many. Yeah, right. What about this? One a year, but they... What if it was one a year and they just filmed it in complete secrecy? Yeah, great. And they were just like, we're not going to tell you anything about this. Day before, here's the title.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Here's a trailer. It's out tomorrow. Yeah. I think that would work. I think also, you've got to do these lower budget. Do it for $100 million. And I know this one blew out. You know that teeny tiny $100 million budget.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah, for a Star Wars movie it is though. Like there's Netflix. Like Game of Thrones costs more than that a season. You've got to have your smaller ones. You've got to have your smaller ones. You've got to have your Ant-Man equivalent. If you're going to do more than that, they don't all have to be $200 million movies. They can be set.
Starting point is 01:03:12 They can do locked room movies or like... Yeah. What do you call them? Boiler room. Yeah, boiler. Hot plate movies. You know, when they're on the... Cricket ball.
Starting point is 01:03:21 No. Bottle. Bottle episodes. They can do bottle episodes. I knew the word. It's just... Thank you. Where they're just trapped on the cricket ball no bottle bottle episode they can do bottle episodes I knew the word it's just thank you where they're just
Starting point is 01:03:27 they're trapped on the Millennium Falcon or whatever or you know or stranded somewhere stranded somewhere go to any Star Wars film on YouTube they're all set in a forest
Starting point is 01:03:35 they're all set in the same forest we can't get out of this forest oh no there's a dark Jedi and then there's a lightsaber fight for 12 minutes and then Batman's there yeah
Starting point is 01:03:44 Batman defeats the victor. You love that Darth Vader versus Batman. I hate it. I know you do. You don't even think it looks good? No. It's fine. Because Darth Vader would kill him immediately?
Starting point is 01:04:00 Or was it when Batman pulled out his lightsaber? Yeah, it's that bit, yeah. Because he had it on him? Yeah, he seemed to just have it on him. Yeah. When did he get it? And he wouldn't use it. No. Why Batman pulled out his lightsaber? Yeah, it's that bit, yeah. Because he had it on him? Yeah, he seemed to just have it on him. Yeah. When did he get it? And he wouldn't use it. No.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Why would Batman use a lightsaber? He wouldn't maim anyone. That's what they're for. Would he maim someone? No. Would he cut off someone's hand? Probably not, actually. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Not intentionally. Yeah. Yeah, not unless he had to. He'd have batarangs that are very... He'd have batarangs like the Imperial Guard. Yeah. Not even lasers, but they're just very solid and they can deflect look it
Starting point is 01:04:26 doesn't matter do you think you'd know that going into that fight that he had that yes I did like the bit how he shuts down Vader's kind of breathing thing I didn't like any of it
Starting point is 01:04:36 so he has to concentrate on that's how he's getting so he's using the force to kind of keep himself alive as opposed to just killing Batman with his mind anyway you're right it
Starting point is 01:04:44 is incredible so you may think that it's too much Star Wars Mason you may think that yes but it's just bloody ramping up so we get it
Starting point is 01:04:53 there's three series so we got this pre-sequel trilogy at this current point yeah sequel trilogy yep we've got
Starting point is 01:05:00 the Rian Johnson series of films which could be a trilogy the Game of Thrones guys are doing ones plus we've got spinoff films. So there's four things currently in the works that we know about. And how many movies is that?
Starting point is 01:05:09 So is that three trilogies? That's three trilogies, if they're trilogies. Yes. So nine movies and some spinoffs. Yes. So at least 10 to 12 movies. Assuming they're not going to be cancelled. Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Which some of these could be. Because, you know, somebody might say the wrong thing and then they just get J.J. Abrams to do all of them or whatever. Yeah, right, exactly. Yeah, but on top of that, we've got two TV series coming. One's animated, one's Jon Favreau. It's just Jon Favreau. It's a bottle episode.
Starting point is 01:05:38 It's his character from Friends. One, the delivery format is animation. The other delivery format is Jon Favreau. It's just him. It's just him it's just he's sitting in a chair it's straight down the camera and he just tells you stuff off the top of his head i would love that there's a bored child with him on the other side of the camera who needs to be entertained and he's only allowed to talk star wars what do we
Starting point is 01:05:59 got here though if we're talking fatigue like that's obviously going to play a part but maybe the maybe they should doing like netflix versions of these films you know see fatigue, that's obviously going to play a part. But maybe they should doing Netflix versions of these films. See, that's even less magical, I feel. But you make a streaming movie, you make it for $40 and you put it... No, I don't know. On their Disney streaming service, which is coming out in a year or whatever. I think that ruins the magic. I think that devalues the brand.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Because you know there are going to be people watching it on their phones and going, nah, I didn't like this. Nah, no good. You can do that anyway. Not as epic as the ones on the big screen. Yeah. Yeah. That's what they're supposed to be, though, I'd imagine.
Starting point is 01:06:35 What do you mean? The idea is that they're not as big in scope. Oh, I see. So bottle episodes, right. Yeah, whatever. I don't know. John Favreau telling stories or whatever. I don't think they work.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I don't... Yeah. I'm not feeling it. You're right. Let, whatever. John Favreau telling stories or whatever. I don't think they work. I don't... I'm not feeling it. You're right. Let's cancel all of this. Thank you. Finally. G'day. My name is Sam and I produce the podcast Human Ordinary on the Planet Broadcasting Network. My podcast features stories about our
Starting point is 01:07:01 relationships, culture and all the things that make us human. I'm about to start season three of the show, and this year you'll hear stories from political activists, an archaeologist, aid workers, professional wrestlers, and some of my neighbours. These are stories about the extraordinary feat of being an ordinary human. So head on over to iTunes, or wherever you get get your podcasts and check out Human Ordinary that's human forward slash ordinary cheers
Starting point is 01:07:29 what about um what about comics are you up to date on any of that I'm not up to date but I would love to hear about them okay it's good I would say on the whole
Starting point is 01:07:40 they're doing a decent job I enjoyed Doctor Aphra for a while but I'm not up to date I would say there's only a few that are really terrible. Most of them, at the very least, are good. And there's a couple of great ones. Like there's a Lando one. It's really great, which I think you read.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I did, yeah. And there's the current Darth Vader run, which is also really great. Okay. So I think even if they stop the movies, they should keep this stuff going. And these are all currently in canon, right? Currently in canon. Everything's in canon. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:06 All of this is canon, Mason. None of it's not. They wouldn't even dare joke about something not being in canon anymore. Wow. I think there's some Lego stuff that maybe isn't. I don't know. They wouldn't dare. I know, right?
Starting point is 01:08:17 But yeah, so I don't really think there's any kind of problem there. Because also the comics are for the hardcore fans, really, aren't they? That's true, yeah. Like beyond that, people don't though didn't the first issue sold like a million copies or something well maybe in like 2015 or 14 whenever they brought that out yeah could have done yeah but also they need to get away from this around new hope era they're everything not everything but most things are set is set around then so within 10 minutes of A New Hope, right? So boring. Like Solo was. I mean, I know it's just before,
Starting point is 01:08:47 but it feels more episode four than it does episode three. You know what I mean? Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Rebels, Rogue One, A New Hope. These are all... The current Star Wars run, it's set just after A New Hope. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:09:01 It's do something else. But I think that's because nobody has the executive power to be like, let's make it set after. Nobody can set anything after Episode 9. There is some things, not after that, but the protodammer in comic is just creeping into right after Episode 8. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:18 It's not much. They're on the Falcon going, boy, I've had some adventures. And then he tells a story or whatever. Okay, well, that's set in the past then. Yeah. But technically, Mason, aspects of it are set in the furthest ahead that we've got. Well, what other era is like, I guess, distant past. Distant past.
Starting point is 01:09:34 But where else can you go? I think they, well, the Jon Favreau series also, and the new animated series between Empire and, sorry, between Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens. So that 30 years. So that's what they're currently looking to explore, it would seem like. Which is what a lot of the Legends stuff kind of touches on. I want to talk about video games, Mason. Because this is of great concern to me.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Because there's no good ones. There hasn't been a good one in a very long time. I'm very unhappy with the state of things. Yeah, right? It sucks. Flat out. Yeah. But again very unhappy with the state of things. Yeah, right? It sucks. Flat out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:07 But again, is this an issue of nobody has the clout or nobody has the go-ahead to be like... This is an issue with EA. Right. Botching this entire thing up. Who still currently have the... They have the rights. They have the rights. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Okay. So they got it about four years ago, right? Which I thought was a good thing because they're a huge company and they've got a lot of subsidiaries and smaller brands. If it's in the game, it's in the game, EA Sports. Yeah, and I've enjoyed a bunch of their games, including the game Everything or Nothing, which is the best James Bond game.
Starting point is 01:10:31 It's not Goldeneye. If you think that, you're wrong, Mason. Wow, he's put his crazy eyes on. I daren't disagree. Yeah, so they've had two Battlefront games. The first one had no single-player campaign and it looked very nice, but whatever. The second one was chock-filled with loot boxes
Starting point is 01:10:53 and all sorts of garbage, which they ended up taking out. Yes, after much backlash. Yeah, that's the only reason they took it out. And because they took it out, the balance in the multiplayer was completely thrown out and a whole bunch of stuff. And also, I don't think the single player campaign is particularly interesting there's an interesting story i was gonna say because i had an inferno squadron yeah
Starting point is 01:11:12 it looks great and it's well acted and whatever but the story is just like did you finish that yeah okay uh it's just kind of whatever great they cancelled one which amy hending was doing yeah that's gonna be uncharted style yep That may have been because it was terrible. We don't really know. But it's still not good. They cancelled one. There's a bunch of mobile crap. Squish off.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Maybe it's all turn-based. Maybe they're card games. I don't know. And they did a Lego Force Awakens, which is apparently quite good. But that's it. But at the moment, and I'm hoping they'll announce this at E3, we know what it is. Respawn, who did Titanfall 2, they're doing one.
Starting point is 01:11:48 We have no idea what it is. Okay, right. I think it could be very good because they're a great company. At-at-walker combat. That's right. My preferred game are Super Weapon versus Super Weapon. Just Death Stars crashing into Death Stars. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:03 And they both run out of lasers so they just crash into each other like wrecking balls yeah they're like the super laser isn't working sir activate hand to hand and just gigantic boxing gloves come out the sides so do you remember though when we were younger than Yes. So we're between the ages of 21 to 25. Right, currently we're a different age. But there used to be, there was a lot of these. Yes. There was a lot of games covering a lot of different genres.
Starting point is 01:12:34 There was flight simulators. There was first-person shooters. First-person shooters. There was like Monopoly. Platform games. Yeah, exactly. Probably point and click at some point. There were, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:42 There was a bunch of stuff like that, right? Hmm. Yoda stories. click at some point. There were, yeah. There was a bunch of stuff like that, right? Hmm. Yoda stories. I remember Yoda stories. So you can't just churn out something like Battlefront 2. You have to build a whole engine. It takes years. It's a $300 million game or whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah, right, exactly. I understand that. You can't just knock out a platformer. Yeah, exactly. Like a lot of the teams who worked on this stuff, it's a team of like 10 to 12 on a lot of this stuff. On the old stuff. Yeah, yeah. Maybe you could though, like a lot of the teams who worked on this stuff, it's a team of 10 to 12 on a lot of this stuff. On the old stuff? Maybe you could, though.
Starting point is 01:13:08 A lot of indie stuff. That's what I'm saying. I think they need to take the license away from EA and just give it to a bunch of people. Give one to Ubisoft. Give one to the guys who make Tomb Raider. Yeah, right. But I'm thinking even smaller. I'm thinking how, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:25 how there are people who are like, oh my God, I love this Steam game. You know, it's a game that came out of nowhere and it's one dude. Yeah. Give him a Star Wars license and be like, you know how you did that and it's a platform,
Starting point is 01:13:34 but it's got this crazy weird element to it. Yeah. Do it again, but it's Star Wars. Exactly. Yeah. Maybe give him a graphics department or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:42 And there, that's a game. Well, that's what I was thinking. Apparently, and is a rumor and i i don't know if this is true somebody inside ea was working on their own version of superstar wars based on the force awakens right okay superstar was the super nintendo platform versions and because they re-released that first one recently probably on playstation 4 and a bunch so you can download it and it's not very good because it's real hard right yep and then but they and the rumor is and this is just a rumor so it probably didn't happen that they they pulled the plug you could release one of those that's fine that's just exactly what you're talking about i guess the the dilemma is that there's now so much
Starting point is 01:14:20 money being put into these games that nobody can ever go, you know what, this one is going to... We've got 10 guys to make it. Yeah. A guy had a great idea, so we put a little team together and we made it. They can't do that anymore because they need to get $300 million to make a game. But that's the thing. Like you said, you don't need $300 million to make something like that. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:42 You need a couple of million. I don't know what they put into it, Mason. You know everything about video games. How much do they need? One. One. Human heart. Correct.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Thank you. Yes. You just squeeze the bits out. If you want an 8-bit game, you squeeze 8 bits out. If you want a bigger one, you keep squeezing, you know? But, like, imagine... Say, I'm not a huge fan of the Assassin's Creed games a lot of the time because it's mostly you walking around and you meet someone
Starting point is 01:15:12 and, like, you know the history of this... Shut up, I don't care. And then you've got to run across the other side of the map and it takes you 40 minutes or whatever to kill some guy. And then you die and the checkpoint's back where you started. And, look, I know they've made improvements and apparently the new one's really good or whatever. But give those guys a Star Wars game.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yes, that's Ubisoft, right? Yeah. Like I said, the Tomb Raider guys. Yeah. Give them a Star Wars game. They should never have given this to one person. It's a mistake. Because the other thing is, this goes back,
Starting point is 01:15:42 this goes away from EA in a few years. Disney are going to get it back if they don don't take it back before which is entirely possible because they're disney made them take out the microtransactions oh okay right so disney has a lot of sway yes okay right because i guess they still have final say but i mean that might be a case of if you don't do what we say now we won't renew you in a couple of years but if you do take this out we will renew you. So maybe that, maybe that's a bad sign.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah, that's right. But EA also like they've, and four years isn't like video games. A lot of the time take longer than four years or about four years to make the time they've had it in or whatever, but they're blowing it. They have a license to print money and then they're not.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Now, what, what else did you say? What are the, what else did they produce besides the Battlefront games? Mobile games, there's a Lego one.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Great. But that was probably, they would have farmed out, but they've got a whole lot of other companies under them. See, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:16:35 They're willing to farm out a Lego game, which surely doesn't take that much money to produce. No. Well, EA also, they have this habit
Starting point is 01:16:43 of buying studios and then closing them down that's right they do that a lot and they just bought the guys who made titanfall 2 and i'm like oh no like that's probably a bad sign like that other one that amy henning won i'm fairly certain they bought that and then shut it down and they broke it off and that that game went from like uncharted style storytelling and action adventure and now it's going to be an open world that it's got multiple things that you can come back to and it's an ongoing games as service kind of you have to pay for every yeah and maybe they'll change that element it's battlefront 3 yeah but maybe they'll maybe they'll change that element of the paying thing but people now want people to come back to their games again and again. It can't just be, here's 20 hours or less,
Starting point is 01:17:28 and then you can put it down forever, which is what I liked about the new God of War game. For sure, yeah. And I'm hoping that they see things like that, and they go, oh, maybe we can make something like that, as opposed to going, oh, games where everybody's in an arena and have to kill each other like Fortnite. That's popular.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Let's just make that. Do you feel like that video games are Lucasfilm's last priority here? It shouldn't be because it probably would make more money than movies. Yeah, right. Or is it more a case of, well, we need to bring out a game every two years. So here it is. And they go, okay, it's costing us this amount of money. And when it comes out, it costs 90 bucks
Starting point is 01:18:05 and then, or whatever it costs. There should be 10 games a year. Yeah, right. That's one thing I would not guess. None of them will be garbage. I don't care. One of them will be great. I just, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Anyway, I think I've... In summary, Mason, is Star Wars... Is it? I'm exhausted right now, I'll be honest with you. Yeah, me too. But I've been awake a long time, so I don't know. So, less Star Wars... Is it... I'm exhausted right now, I'll be honest with you. Yeah, me too. But I've been awake a long time, so I don't know. So, less Star Wars or more? We're making a binding decision right now?
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yes. Less Star Wars. All right. I'm going to say more. Why not? Okay, great. Good, good, good. I'd love to know what people think, though.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Yeah. I think less... Here's my... I think this is my final decision, which is binding, obviously. Yes, yes. To my thoughts. Yes. Is less Star Wars, fewer a year, maybe two maximum. But I think they should finish the current trilogy.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Yes. And then no more trilogies. That's not going to happen, obviously. Yeah. But I don't want more epic journeys that take us 10 years to get through no just give me some movies some movies give me some movies that that's which is of course my on my family crest just give me some movies some of them just give me some movies was that invented before movies yeah because your family just wanted movies but there were no movies. So they were like, just give me some movies. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's 1901.
Starting point is 01:19:26 There's no movies. Well, movies... Give me some. Yeah. Movies with slang for amphetamines. Oh. Just give me some movies. Does that still apply to some...
Starting point is 01:19:34 I want to move. Does that still apply to some members of your family? Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. Just a heads up, Mason. There's seven and a half minutes left on this card. Oh, jeez. So we'll do a little bit.
Starting point is 01:19:43 And if we go over, which we probably will, I'll pause it. Nice. I'll delete some stuff, and then we'll go about our merry way. Bloody hell. Yeah, I know. We're going down to the wire on this. Should I do that now? It shouldn't waffle.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Maybe I'll do it now. Do it now, yeah. Okay. But you won't notice the break. Oh, are people sick of Star Wars or not? Let us know. Let us know more. Give us, you know what?
Starting point is 01:20:01 Tweet at us. Put it in a tweet, what you want to see. Do you want to see one movie a year, but it's set in a different, whenever. Do you want to see more trilogies? Let us know, because I would like to know. Because honestly, I don't know what the solution is here. No, me neither. That's a tooth.
Starting point is 01:20:16 That is the tooth. Goodbye, everybody. But you do know what it's time for. Yes. What is it? What are we reading? What are we going to? Read.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? Mason, we watched something last week. Did we? Oh yeah, we did. We can't talk about it. We can talk about what it was though. It was Incredibles 2.
Starting point is 01:20:39 We watched Incredibles 2. And it was really good or it was really bad or it was somewhere in the middle. We're not allowed to even give reactions yet. But it was really good or really bad or somewhere in the middle. Yep. Is that safe? Yeah, I think so. What did you think of it?
Starting point is 01:20:53 I can't tell you because I'm not allowed reactions until June the 6th. That's true. But was it really good? I'm not going to. I will not. Was it really bad? You can get banned from all Pixar films. Was it somewhere in the middle?
Starting point is 01:21:05 I will give no opinions. Okay. I've seen it, though. All right. Yeah, that's right. I'm going to play your game. What if you turned around and you were like, you were like Pixar Internal Affairs,
Starting point is 01:21:16 and you're like, you're trapped in here. You're under arrest. You can have an opinion on it. I went deep undercover. Yes. This podcast guy. Now, Mason, we're going to have a guest this week. Yep.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Mark from Aunty Donna. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it because I threatened him. No. That was a retrospective bad idea. Yeah. Because the Aunty Donna boys are going on a US-Canada world tour. Yeah. And part of the reason we wanted to get him on is to promote that show.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I mean, it's going to do super well regardless. But they're a very, very funny comedy troupe. I saw their latest show. I missed out on all the Melbourne International Comedy Festivals because it was sold out, but they did one more show just like a couple of weeks ago, which I caught, and it was incredible. They're so good.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yeah, you've seen that show as well. I've seen that show. I've seen all their shows. They are very funny and very nice men. Yeah, that's it. You should absolutely 100%. And more than three of them. There's a lot behind the scenes going on.
Starting point is 01:22:11 That's true, yeah. I think that's what makes them so great. There's Tom. There's another one. There's another one. Yeah. Do you think they're good, bad, or something in between that? I've been in Bargat, I can't say.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Good, because can't say. Good, because I was undercover. Okay, good. Yeah. But if you are in the US or Canada, the tour is running from June 13th to 28th. They go to Boston, New York, Washington, DC, Philly, Chicago, Des Moines. Ooh, Des Moines, Iowa.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Milwaukee. Ooh, Milwaukee, Iowa. Madison. Ooh, Madison, Iowa. Calgary and Toronto. Et cetera, Iowa. And so on. Iowa, yeah. Milwaukee ooh Milwaukee Iowa Madison ooh Madison Iowa St Paul Calgary and Toronto etc Iowa and so on
Starting point is 01:22:48 Iowa yeah so I think yeah go to their YouTube if you haven't maybe I'll put actually I think they put up a list of some stuff
Starting point is 01:22:54 that you might like I'll put their playlist yeah the Aunty Donna Primer put that up yeah that'd be really good go and take a look but no they're very funny
Starting point is 01:23:00 and they'll talk after the show if you want won't they, Mason? I mean, in their own personal lives. No, no. They're going to have to. The Melbourne one, they hung around.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Yeah, cool. Yeah, yeah. But no, good on them. Good nice boys. Yeah, they are. Listen to their podcast. Oh, yeah. They also have a podcast on the Planet Broadcasting Network, which you can also check out.
Starting point is 01:23:20 It's going to be linked below. Mason, I've got here Watchman Watch, but we can't talk about that. Can't talk about Watchman Watch. No, no, no. Sorry. I'm not up to date. I'll get back up to date. Do you think it's going to be linked below. Mason, I've got here Watchman Watch, but we can't talk about that. Can't talk about Watchman Watch. Sorry, I'm not up to date. I'll get back up to date. Do you think it's going to be good? Oh, that's it. If there is a, if this is all building to like a real.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Another squid. Yes, exactly. That's another squid, but it's bigger. I'm setting it back in time to fight the first squid. Yeah, that would be great. Obviously first squid yeah that would be great obviously yeah that would be great if there's a real if this is building to just the most
Starting point is 01:23:50 like if he's thought of the finale first yeah and he's worked backwards and it's just the most he must have yeah you'd hope so yeah but no I haven't watched it yet
Starting point is 01:23:58 we'll talk about it next week then you know what we've got to do then wait I haven't said what I'm going to watch I thought you were talking about it already when? the two things that I said no I've got other things what we've got to do then. Wait, I haven't said what I'm going to watch. I thought you were talking about it already. When? The two things that I said. No, I've got other things. No, what have you got?
Starting point is 01:24:07 So last week we talked about Solo, and the droid in Solo is played by a woman named Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Oh, yes, yes, yes. And I thought to myself, and I watched some interviews with her and Donald Glover, and I'm like, she seems funny. I wonder if she's done anything else. And so I looked in it. It turns out she's done everything else.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Oh. She's had like two TV shows that she's written, directed and starred in so I watched both of those so there's one called Crashing which is on Australian Netflix that's probably on every Netflix which is about a group of young people
Starting point is 01:24:35 who are squatting in an abandoned hospital it's a comedy and then another show called Fleabag which is her I've heard of that yeah it's sort of a it's like a woman whose life is falling apart in London and it's sort of a it's like a a woman whose life is
Starting point is 01:24:45 falling apart in London and it's a comedy is she a robot? no she's a regular woman okay cool but that was it was a
Starting point is 01:24:52 it was pitched to I think the BBC as a TV series and as they were like negotiating she turned it into a play and then she released
Starting point is 01:25:02 as a play and then like it became a hit and they're like well we should probably make this a TV series so it's a play and then she released as a play and then it became a hit. And they're like, well, we should probably make this a TV series. So it's a TV series now. Very good. They're two really good shows. Crashing's quite fun through pretty much the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Fleabag's a little grim, but it's still funny. Okay, cool. Any other people that I might recognize? James Corden. James Corden's not in it. Ant and Deck. Neither Ant nor Deck are in it. Bearing in mind, I don't know what Ant or Deck look like.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Billy Piper? Billy Piper's not in it. Okay. The Queen Mum is in them. What? Both series. Really? The Queen Mum is in them, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Or the Queen. Don't know how she got the Queen Mum. Or the Queen. No, the Queen's Mother. From the actual Queen's Mother? No, she's not in it. No, no, that's... Did you really think that I thought the real Queen's mother. From the actual Queen's mother? No, she's not in it. No, no, that's... Did you really think that I thought the real Queen's mother
Starting point is 01:25:48 was in a TV show set in an abandoned hospital? Yep. I don't know what you think. Well, is that everything you've read? I started another series, but what was it? I don't know. No. I had some time to kill this week.
Starting point is 01:26:04 I bet you have. I don't want to try YouTube Red free. It's free, though. I don't know. No. I had some time to kill this week. I bet you have. I don't want to try YouTube Red free. God damn it. It's free though. I don't want to. You can watch Cobra Kai. I guess I could watch Cobra Kai. Still haven't gotten to Cobra Kai.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I've written it down. I have a little notebook for things that I have to write everything in a notebook now because my memory is completely shot. So everything I do I have to write down. And like the first page I've written Cobra Kai and there's like 20 more pages and I haven't gotten to it yet.
Starting point is 01:26:24 It's like your Captain America catch up-up list yeah it is kind of you weren't frozen for 60 years yeah yeah mine just says thai food over and over again because every time i eat it i forget what it's like thai food acdc just alternating forever and you got that other thing yeah i do have that thing it's time for letters oh i thought you meant you had another thing uh forget it no wait the wait, wait. The theme's already started. No, no, no, no, no, no. I thought you had another thing you were going to read. You were going to read. You had a thing.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Another series? Yeah, you said you had another thing. Did I? This just happened. Did I? Doesn't matter. Before the show started? No, no, just then.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Yeah, I know, but I can't remember what it was. Yeah, I know. I thought you might have remembered it. Let me think. I believe it was on Netflix. Does that narrow it down? No. There's a lot on Netflix.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Oh, maybe I'll check my Netflix. Hang on. I checked my Netflix queue. It's on my phone. You actually use the Netflix queue? No, but it just syncs up. You're such a nerd with your Netflix queue and your list of things that you've seen or not seen. Is it a new thing?
Starting point is 01:27:22 I don't know yet. Kimmy Schmidt? I watched some of that, but that's not it. Moana? Oh, I started watching Dear White People. Is it a new thing? I don't know yet. Kimmy Schmidt? I watched some of that, but that's not it. Moana? Oh, I started watching Dear White People. Oh, is that good? It's based on a movie. It's good.
Starting point is 01:27:30 I'm enjoying it. And I'm like two minutes into Peaky Blinders, season one, episode one. Has anyone been cut in the head with a razor blade? Cut in the head, but a... What's his face? What's the guy's name? The Scarecrow. What's his name? You know the guy? Jonathan Crane? No, no, the guy. The actor that plays him. It's his face? What's the guy's name? The Scarecrow what's his name?
Starting point is 01:27:45 You know the guy? Jonathan Crane? No, no the guy the actor that plays him what's his name? Chevy Chase is going to do it in the 90s Not Chevy Chase
Starting point is 01:27:51 the one in Batman Begins what's his name? Cillian Murphy Cillian Murphy's in it he goes to a he gets his fortune told Great It's a real
Starting point is 01:27:59 it's a real situation I'm enjoying it so far if the remaining seven seasons or whatever are just Cillian Murphy getting his fortune told while he's riding a horse through the streets of London, I'll be okay with that. It's pretty, pretty entertaining.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Fantastic. Let me tell you. There we go. Letters time? Maybe. Yeah. It's loading. Unprecedented.
Starting point is 01:28:27 We're over here right now. We're going to do letters. Unprecedented. Just to cut back to that segment we were just in. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now that we're in letters, but all right. Mr. Two Moments sent through. I've got a what we're in, what we're going to read. It's for Happy. I'm six episodes in and really enjoying it. Knew nothing about it.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Just saw the synopsis and gave it a go. Very rare. I started watching something without knowing about it. All eight episodes. Perfect. I haven't finished. I enjoying it. Knew nothing about it. Just saw the synopsis and gave it a go. Very rare. I started watching something without knowing about it. All eight episodes. Perfect. I haven't finished. I started it and I enjoyed it
Starting point is 01:28:50 but it's so grim and I'm like, I can't watch a grim thing. And it gets a lot worse before it gets better. But no, I like it. I like it. I think they're both
Starting point is 01:28:59 really well cast. Patton Oswalt. Yeah, I'm looking forward to another season or will I? Because who knows how it ends I think it was already confirmed Yeah, it's already been confirmed
Starting point is 01:29:07 Okay, cool Great Anyway, sorry, you got a letter? I do have a letter Let's grab one So you don't have a letter I've got letters I can do a tweet
Starting point is 01:29:15 I'm all about letters How about I talk about that Okay, if you want to reach this show Hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter Just send us a tweet And we can maybe read out that tweet Or WeeklyPlanetPod at And Mason will trawl through and you'll find
Starting point is 01:29:25 one that's pure gold. I've got a couple. I've got a whole bunch. Here we go. This is from Nicholas Cook. The two of you. With an E? With an E.
Starting point is 01:29:34 With Cook. E-Cook. Yeah. Nicholas E-Cook. He's an E-Cook. Yeah, he's an E-Cook. What does he cook? You remember that video game Burger Time?
Starting point is 01:29:41 Yeah. That's where he works. What? In the video game Burger Time. He's in it or he works? He works in it. He's a character in the game. In the game Burger Time? Yeah. That's where he works. What? In the video game Burger Time. He's in it or he works? He works in it. He's a character in the game. In the game Burger Time.
Starting point is 01:29:51 He makes little burgers on a conveyor belt. He serves them to hungry, angry customers. Okay. Angry customers. Yeah. Yeah. It's a rip off of Tapper. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 01:29:59 Wow. Got him. Keep going. All right. Hello from Canada, James and Nick. The two of you obviously spend a lot of time at the movie theatre and I was wondering what is your movie going routine
Starting point is 01:30:08 who do you go with what snacks do you buy or bring with you where in the theatre do you like to sit etc that's a good question and very self indulgent
Starting point is 01:30:15 so we'll take it I mostly go by myself I think me yeah or with you yeah because it's just
Starting point is 01:30:23 I work odd hours yeah same like with my real world job I often don't go with Claire because one of us has to be here with a kid
Starting point is 01:30:31 or with a dog but we used to go my wife Claire who I just mentioned she used to work at a cinema that's right she used to work at Rivoli
Starting point is 01:30:40 so we used to get a whole lot of free tickets yeah where we did our live launch event we did a live launch then that got her fired that did get her fired. It was worth it though.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Yeah. But what's your other routine? Oh, I could say your routine. Could you? Do you want me to do it? Yeah, sure. Okay, I wait at the top of the escalator for you. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:57 And you roll in. Yep. And then- With negative minutes to spare. That's right. That's okay though. Sometimes I've already boughtought the tickets Just in case Because I don't want to
Starting point is 01:31:06 Sit next to anyone else And I want to make sure of that Yep Then you'll say Listen I just need to get A mini pizza Yep If they do pizzas
Starting point is 01:31:14 Or some meatballs Or some meatballs Or a full loaf of garlic bread Or something you wouldn't think That a person should eat In the cinema Yep Especially late at night
Starting point is 01:31:21 And I'm not talking Often times we're sitting At like 10.30 at night And I'm like I'll have some garlic bread Yeah i will get nothing generally yeah and you'll you'll you'll stare at me like a hungry dog for two hours that's right i i often think that maybe in your mind i'm turning into a big leg of lamb or a piece of chicken yeah steak i think it's a it's a carryover from when i was a kid because my parents never used to like buy any
Starting point is 01:31:44 of that stuff from cinemas you think it would go the other you think it'd a carryover from when I was a kid because my parents never used to buy any of that stuff from cinemas. You think it would go the other way. But I don't think their popcorns or food is particularly good. Occasionally I'll get a choc top or an ice cream. You haven't had the little pizzas, that's the thing. I'm not going to eat. If I'm going to eat a pizza, I'll eat a proper pizza. In the cinema, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:31:59 I'm not going to eat a microwave pizza. But you don't enjoy the novelty of it? I love it. No. If I get a gold class ticket i'll get something from that i'll get like a nice drink or a dessert see i wouldn't for many years i didn't yeah but then after a while i'm like i don't see that many movies at the cinema yeah anymore like i don't go literally every week or a couple of times a week anymore so i'm gonna i'm gonna when i do go i'm
Starting point is 01:32:19 gonna embrace the movie going experience i'll get a little pizza yeah good just like our forefathers did so that's what i like about the god and when i go to the gold class thing as well often or always i've never bought it for myself so it's a gift yeah i used to get them a bit when i was a teacher so then i'll get some food because i'm like i can chuck out you know 20 bucks because i didn't pay for this bloody 110 ticket for some reason they cost to sit in a to sit you know close to a smaller screen or whatever, but I don't mind the gold class. But also if I'm going to see a long movie that I have to sit through the whole thing,
Starting point is 01:32:50 because I have to mentally record Easter eggs. You'll go to the counter of the concession standing or say, hello, one, a very large empty cup, please. I'll be needing this later for whizzing into please. And thank you.
Starting point is 01:33:03 So yeah, I won't drink water for like six hours later. Wow. Because I drink a lot of water. And then your abs will look super ripped as well. I look so good. Yeah. As I'm crunched over in pain. Just slumped over in your seats. Yeah, so like for Infinity War
Starting point is 01:33:18 because I'm like, this is a three hour movie, I did that. But yeah. Wow. And then often if I'm by myself or if it's a movie that i don't really care that much about i'll sit to the side i like sitting on the aisle which i've posted pictures of myself in the theater to the side of people like why you sit on the side in an empty theater i don't know i just like it i don't like being in the middle yeah where do you sit
Starting point is 01:33:39 yeah i kind of like the side as well yeah But if it's like a big blockbuster-y thing, the middle. Yeah, for sure. But if it's just like whatever else, it doesn't really matter where you're sitting. Maybe slightly closer to the front. Yeah. Because then the screen's bigger. A little life hack for you right there. That's pretty good, Mason.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Good, yeah. Yeah, people say the back, but I don't buy it. Why not just watch it on a TV or an Apple Watch? Exactly. Yeah, exactly. it's a good question though good question thank you i'd like to know what if people have like a tradition yeah especially if it's really weird yeah what's a weird thing that you do do you take your shoes off to take your shirt off do you take your shoes off and then take your shirt off and wrap your
Starting point is 01:34:19 shoes up in your shirt and throw it at the screen. I thought you were going to say stuff your shirt in your shoes, but that's fine. Stuff your shirt in your shoes, then put a little whiskey in and you've got yourself a shoe shirt Molotov cocktail and hurl it at the screen. When you've got two, you hurl one at the screen, you hurl one at the projector booth. Then you've got yourself a riot on your hands. A shoe shirt Molotov cocktail. Yeah, you got
Starting point is 01:34:47 yourself a shoe shirt riot. Yeah, that's right. Like that Cherry Poppin' Daddy song. That could be a real song. I know, right?
Starting point is 01:34:57 Okay, Peter Colin says on Twitter, hashtag WickedVinerPod, are you keeping up with Westworld? If so, what do you think of this
Starting point is 01:35:03 season so far? I'm not up to date. I am. I like it. It's more confusing there's more confusing why is that uh they've there's more kind of timelines i say they've kind of unveiled the uh the reason for the existence of west world which i thought was really interesting so they're answering some questions they also step over into other worlds we see a few other ones which you haven't seen so i won't spoil it but now i'm suitably intrigued
Starting point is 01:35:25 as of so far yeah so Tani Newton's character there's a lot more of that which is really great in it so no it's I've 100% been keeping up
Starting point is 01:35:35 you should definitely watch it Mason I'm gonna I love it have you seen Westworld before the original movie yes seen Future World no I've never seen Future World
Starting point is 01:35:42 seen Jurassic Park yes seen Lost World yes seen Jurassic Park 3 no seen Jurassic World yes okayen Jurassic Park? Yes. Seen The Lost World? Yes. Seen Jurassic Park 3? No. Seen Jurassic World?
Starting point is 01:35:46 Yes. Okay. Just naming Michael Crichton. It's in Congo. I'm naming Michael Crichton. Yeah, I know. I get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Seen the book Prey on a bookshelf? It's nanotechnology. It's a cloud of nanites. I've read that. They're eating people. I've read that. Yeah, I've read that book. You got another one? Yeah, this is a letter from Moses Ox.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Okay. O-C-H-S. Hey, James and Mesa. I'm writing you guys to say that on Tuesday You got another one? Yeah, this is a letter from Moses Ox. Okay. O-C-H-S. Hey, James and Mesa. I'm writing you guys to say that on Tuesday the 5th of June, I'm undergoing spinal fusion surgery because he has scoliosis. He's got a three-month recovery process ahead of him. He plans on re-listening to every episode of this podcast in order. Nice.
Starting point is 01:36:19 I mean, the world to me if I got a shout-out on the podcast right before my operation. Wish me luck. Good luck. Good luck, man. And good luck getting through some of those early episodes. The recovery will be fine. That'll be fine. It's the early episodes.
Starting point is 01:36:34 It's going to be brutal. The echoey early episodes, which is going to be the problem. You're going to love it. Yeah, it's going to be great. The scoliosis treatment, more than the episodes is what I'm saying. Yes, that's right. Oh, man, that's full on. Best of luck, man.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Yeah, June 5th. What's that, Tuesday? It's Tuesday, yeah. Tuesday, that's right oh man that's that's that's full on best of luck man yeah june 5th what's that tuesday it's tuesday that's coming up yeah i've got a tweet here from uh andrej a-n-d-r-e-j what's that andre it's probably andre oh very good yeah silent j okay just don't put a j in exactly is that his question should i keep the j get rid of it why put silent letters in anything I'm a teacher Mason so I'm an authority on this
Starting point is 01:37:09 it's fucking stupid yeah I love the idea of you two talking more about a few more serious movies like Llewyn Davis which we talked about
Starting point is 01:37:18 we did talk about that last week I think the humour between you guys is outstanding I'd love to see you broaden the scope of the show a bit
Starting point is 01:37:22 thanks for making my daily way to work something to look forward to. People always say on the way to work or daily. Do people listen to this daily? This isn't a daily show. It's very long, I guess. You're thinking of the daily show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:33 I don't watch it. No, I don't watch it either. But yeah, maybe people segment up podcasts. Like I do that, I guess. Is that what people mean? You must do, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, what do you think of that?
Starting point is 01:37:43 I would love to. Serious stuff. Serious stuff. Okay. We can be serious. I had an interview with- Lee Silly. people mean you must do yeah yeah anyway what do you think of that i would love to serious stuff okay we can be serious i had an interview lee silly i had an interview with ed garata a while back how good was it our interview no i wasn't i was i was there for that but he was saying that he has something called he considers vegetable movies like movies you just should see because they're like Oscar contenders and they're serious and they're important and they say important things
Starting point is 01:38:07 so I don't know it probably won't happen anytime soon but we could probably do a spin off where we pick a serious movie and then
Starting point is 01:38:14 talk about that we could call it The Vegetable Boys yeah we could like 100 greatest cinematic classics and we could no it's going to be called
Starting point is 01:38:20 The Vegetable Boys The Vegetable Boys yeah okay good but uh I don't know what do you think more serious stuff yeah okay we can do that yeah but again it's going to be called The Vegetable Boys. The Vegetable Boys, yeah. Okay, good. But I don't know. What do you think? More serious stuff? Yeah, okay, we can do that.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Yeah. But again, it's going to be called The Vegetable Boys. It has to be called that now. Or The Veggie Boys? Is that already a thing? No, you're thinking of The Vengaboys. I am. And Veggie Tales.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Veggie Tales, yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Vegetable Boys. Yeah. All right. I was thinking of vegetable movies. I was thinking of that before the show.
Starting point is 01:38:44 But then people just think it's movies about vegetables like veggie tales yeah and this there's a slightly smaller but still very real chance that they will think it's a podcast by two boys who are also vegetables but if we explain it in the intro i think they will probably get that we are regular boys i'm a broccoli oh yeah all right well we'll explain that one of us is a regular boy and you're a broccoli man. I think that's a show. There we go. We did it.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Yeah. Yeah. I think broccoli is better raw. Yeah, I said it. What? Yeah. That's insanity. You're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:39:15 You know what the other thing about broccoli- Wait, wait, wait. Do you have a thing of frozen broccoli? You just eat chunks of it? I don't get frozen. I get fresh broccoli, Mason. I'm not a monster. You're eating it raw, so you are a monster. frozen. I get fresh broccoli, Mason. I'm not a monster. You're eating it raw,
Starting point is 01:39:26 so you are a monster. And I am made of broccoli, so I guess I am a monster. You're a monster and a cannibal. So. No, I think it tastes better. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:35 I think broccoli loses a bit of its kind of pizzazz when you, when you, when you boil it. Wow. Maybe just a little bit of a boil, but the other thing is broccoli, and I always complain to Claire about this. It's got a pocket of hot in it.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Yes. In the leaves. Yes. You think it's not as hot as it is. Yes. But it's just like holding a fistful of heat in there, just waiting. Wow. Waiting until you bite into it.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Madness. It's better raw. I get it. God. It's a superfood. Yes. Is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Everything's a superfood apparently. End the show, Mason. Let's see. Weekly Planet Pod at Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Bandcamp. If you want to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies if you want to chuck in a buck. Please do. You can also click on the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description. If you want to just buy some bloody stuff on Amazon, we're going to kick back somehow.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Yeah. There's also the Planet Broadcasting charity drive we're running this year we're up to $15,000 $15,000 $15,000
Starting point is 01:40:31 which is incredible thanks to the there are prizes to be won prizes to be won prize packs and exclusive podcasts to be listened to my goodness
Starting point is 01:40:38 I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies I'm also at Mr. Sunday Graham on Instagram on Instagram well I'm at Nick Maso M-I-C- also at MrSundayGram on Instagram well I'm at NickMaseau
Starting point is 01:40:46 M-A-S-E-A-U I want to be a tastemaker a social media influencer yeah yeah great okay so do you have any opinions yet
Starting point is 01:40:54 I've got stuff about broccoli to say you can get in with the broccoli industry they're big on they're big on Instagram so are they
Starting point is 01:41:01 yeah I'm going to look that up okay keep going sorry let me think let's see you can go to the planet broadcasting great mates group
Starting point is 01:41:07 on Twitter we have 10,000 members or thereabouts yeah discussing all kinds of nerd topics it's a very interesting group
Starting point is 01:41:14 isn't it though let's see what else thank you to at the weekly planet on Twitter that's my friend raw collings doing all sorts of stuff
Starting point is 01:41:23 okay this is bullshit here we go broccoli underscore mag Is taken on Instagram Yes It's an international magazine For cannabis lovers Come on
Starting point is 01:41:31 Broccoli I get it I get it No that's not fair Oh that's what you were talking about You love your raw broccoli No You love that raw broccoli I'm not a big
Starting point is 01:41:38 Yeah What's your favourite strain Of raw broccoli my friend I just like the green one Yeah my dude Come on mate Yeah Let's see Oh I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter I'm at Sunday Movies A grain of raw broccoli, my friend. I just like the green one. Yeah, my dude. Come on, mate.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Let's see. Oh, I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at Sunday Movies. Let's see. What else do we have? We've got some t-shirts on Yep, yep, yep. Thank you to The Brute and Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Correct. We've got that Marvel competition slash campaign for Vans. That's right. God, there's so much stuff. We've got so much stuff going on. You should go to and subscribe to our newsletter, which sounds like a scam, but it is not a scam. It's a real newsletter that, again, Rock Hollings
Starting point is 01:42:13 puts together, and it's the best. And he's a wonderful man living in a wonderful age. That's right. The steampunk age. Yeah. Toot toot! I love his goggles. Yeah. Also, I think we talked about this last week but on some of the podcasts we might be running programmatic ads to help pay for hosting oh i see yes uh it's not going to be on all of them and it's not going to be on every episode uh but
Starting point is 01:42:37 we're giving that a go and the other thing we've been floating the idea of we mentioned this before what we're thinking of doing an ad-free feed. That's right. For a certain Patreon tier. Yes. So if that's something that you might be interested in, let us know. Because I know people didn't really care for the previous ads, but maybe when it's pre-programmed ads, they might be like, I'd rather not hear that. For sure. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:58 So we're thinking of maybe making that an option for people if they want. Yeah. But we're seeing now that we're gauging interest. We just want to make as much money as we can so we can stop doing this. Stop doing anything, really? That's the dream. Just be so rolling in cash,
Starting point is 01:43:16 we'd have to do nothing with our days. What a wonderful thing that would be. Sounds awful. Yeah. Thanks for listening, guys. Grab that gem you guys We will see you next week Goodbye
Starting point is 01:43:27 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network Visit for more podcasts from our great mates I mean If you want It's up to you

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