The Weekly Planet - 244 Comic Con 2018 (wooooo?)

Episode Date: July 23, 2018

Visit and use the promo code PLANET for 20% off. Quality stuff all round. Plus if you don’t like it you keep it and get a refund. What a bloody great deal!It’s comic co...n week so wwwwooooooOOOOOOOO. You get it. But there’s also sad news with the passing of Jon Schnepp, director of The Death Of Superman Lives What Happened. We also discuss, Glass, Teen Titans, Venom, Spider-verse, Bumblebee, Buffy, Clone Wars, Godzilla, Fantastic Beasts 2, Shazam and Aquaman. We also talk about the firing of James Gunn. A real rollercoaster of a week. Thanks for listening!Aquaman & Shazam Trailer Breakdowns: Shnepp: CARE Australia: for an exclusive Weekly Planet shirt with free shipping!0:00 The start of the podcast1:29 RIP Jon Schnepp4:50 James Gunn11:58 Robin Hood trailer 214:41 Doctor Who trailer17:54 Rugrats Live action movie18:44 Comic Con20:06 Glass trailer27:45 Sony, Spider-verse, Venom32:01 Bumblebee34:14 TV stuff38:18 Buffy reboot43:48 Teen Titans trailer47:44 Clone Wars returns55:56 Godzilla King of Monsters trailer1:01:31 Fantastic Beasts 2 trailer1:10:58 Wonder Woman 841:14:21 Aquaman trailer1:23:28 Shazam trailer1:37:34 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:40:33 Letters It’s Time For LettersThe Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: Find out T-Shirts here: If you want to support the show by doing practically nothing, shop at Amazon via this link: A small percentage goes our way at no extra cost to you. Or something.Also if you're from outside the US just visit the link then go to your countries page and it should work. I guess. I dunno. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:55 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon T-shirts, and they have other clothing but it's time to do a show for now is that the name of the company yeah mac weldon t-shirts and they have other we're gonna have to buy that website now yes yes and leak it to the real mac yeah this is this has wiped out any potential earnings we may have made from this ad but all right no you live and you learn yeah there's
Starting point is 00:01:22 no roof for editing so let's do this it's weird that I didn't edit it out, right? Yeah, right? So weird! Red hot comic book movie news, shooting up your butthole. The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday.
Starting point is 00:01:44 With me as always is my co-host Nick Masonason hold your words for later mason we've got sad news up top all right i'll get one more out yeah i got a whole bunch built up in here it's true saying it's comic-con week yes yes it's christmas for nerds it is christmas and you're a little we're a couple of little christmas elves just building some little just building some little bits of wooden content on strings that little children can drag. Drag along the street. That's right. Rattling away. The wheels don't quite turn properly.
Starting point is 00:02:13 No, it's always tipping over. But we tried our best, didn't we? But by God, does it sort of look like a dog with wheels? Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Yeah. Anyway, sad news. Sad news, man. What have we got?
Starting point is 00:02:22 What have we got that's sad? Well, John Schnepp, who I'm sure you're familiar with, people probably most know him for the Death of Superman Lives What Happened documentary. Uh-huh, yep. Which you haven't seen. We've talked about it before. We have, yeah. Which is a great documentary about the Nicolas Cage, Tim Burton, Superman movie
Starting point is 00:02:36 that was cancelled in the 90s. You can buy it online. Now's probably a really good time to do that. Yeah, the guy put that together, the director. He works over Collider. He's written a bunch of comic books. He's worked in TV. He suffered a massive stroke,
Starting point is 00:02:47 which he never pulled out of. And just at the start of Comic-Con weekend, he passed away at 51 years of age, which is too young. Too young. Don't care for it, quite frankly. I never got a chance to meet him. I know you also probably never met him.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Never even came close. But you nearly had a chance to meet him. Well, yeah, because I was at Collider for a couple of days, or it was like a few hours in total. What is it? Is it a couple of days or a few hours? I went on two separate days, and I was a couple of hours each time, all right?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Okay. So that's a few hours. That's a few hours, yeah. Over a couple of days. Over a couple of days. All right. Story checks out, but only just. Only just.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I'm keeping a close eye on all your timings this week okay good you should mason keep me accountable thank you but he uh yeah look he's done amazing stuff for the movie and comic book community he's always been a big proponent of creators and creative voices and heralding good work of people and building community and fostering positive relationships and representation he did all of those things he's a fantastic guy and just one of those things that should have been somebody worse yeah let's name all the people that should have died instead he's my go-to but i don't hate rob leifeld i just think it's a funny joke it's a funny joke yeah but i actually his uh his partner holly set's a funny joke yeah but actually his partner Holly set up a GoFundMe campaign
Starting point is 00:04:07 for his medical bills because if you don't have medical insurances I'm sure people in the US are aware you can easily rack up a bill of hundreds of thousands of dollars
Starting point is 00:04:15 oh for sure yeah so I'll link that below if people want to contribute to help out or you could maybe purchase the Death of Superman Lives What Happened
Starting point is 00:04:22 yeah which is a great watch yeah it's an easy recommend to make. So yeah, absolute top class bloke. And it's a shame that he's gone. But at least we've got Rob Liefeld. Agreed. Aww.
Starting point is 00:04:34 No, Rob Liefeld's also a nice man. Seems very nice. Can't draw feet. Not his fault. Well, you can practice. That's all I'm saying. There's no time. There's no time in this fast-paced comic book industry, all right?
Starting point is 00:04:46 You're right. You're probably right. He was on the Star Wars show earlier this week, which is a Star Wars YouTube show, and he was talking about Boba Fett. And it's called the Star Wars show. It's called the Star Wars show, all right? It's official.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Get in early, I guess. Get in early. You've got to get in early. But he was talking about Boba Fett and how Boba Fett influenced a lot of his work, and Star Wars did because... Pouches. Pouches, that was one of the things.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And Han Solo's Cable and Deadpool is is someone else I can't remember who specifically strap on some jetpacks and some pouches yeah blasters on your on your ankles or whatever just go for it but he was talking about that they got him to draw a bust of Boba Fett oh and no Boba Fett and he just drew the bust no pouches no feet yeah right I was like come, come on, lean into what you're known for, Rob. But good on him. Also, he said that Deadpool would beat Boba Fett in a fight. I'm like, 100%. Because people are like, would he?
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah, he would. Not even a competition. Not even close. I mean, that's assuming Boba Fett even gets to the designated battle destination alive. He probably wouldn't. That's it. Probably slip on something and break his neck. Okay, so the other bit of news up top.
Starting point is 00:05:47 A bit of happy news to cleanse the palate? Not really, Mason. This is also not good news. James Gunn was fired from Disney and Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Basically what happened is he got in a Twitter spat with, what's the guy's name? I'd rather not say, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I genuinely can't remember. I know what it is, but I'm not going to say it. Okay, cool. And during that, some old tweets came out of his from 10 years ago, which, in all honesty, they are horrible. Oh, yeah, absolutely. If a friend of mine was like, I'm going to send this, what do you reckon?
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'd be like, no. Or if somebody I knew did send it, I'd be like, you should delete that really quickly. You should delete that immediately, yeah. And I don't know whether he had deleted them or not. I think some of them he had. I think some he had and some he hadn't. Yeah, yeah. And off the back of that, these all came to light and there was a bit of kind of like,
Starting point is 00:06:38 and he said, look, I apologize for these previously, which he had. And, you know, this is something that, you know, that I'm moving past. And I think you can see that in these movies and the way he conducts himself in public. For sure, yeah. I don't doubt that at all. But Disney got wind of it and he was fired.
Starting point is 00:06:53 They double got wind of it. They double. Well, that's the thing, isn't it? There is no way that they didn't know that he was this guy. Surely they went, like, unless, surely a company as big as Disney does like a deep dive on your past before they hire you for anything.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Or watch your movies. Yeah, I was like, yeah, he directed, he used to work for Troma. He directed Tromeo and Juliet, I think, which is horrific. Yeah, exactly. Super's just a man hitting people in the head with a wrench for two hours. Yeah, it really is. There's more to it, but it's, look, man, it's, I mean, this is the era we live in, I guess. I mean, I, whether or not you agree,
Starting point is 00:07:25 Disney, they've only done this because it's come to light, obviously. For sure, right. This is kind of a PR move on their behalf. And look, I understand it, and they have every right to, obviously, because it's their company. But we were talking before the show, and we both think there's a chance that he might... Well, he might get rehired.
Starting point is 00:07:40 My thinking on this is, and we could probably talk about this for a whole episode, but we shouldn't. No, let's do it this episode. Yeah, we've got time. Look, I'm a big proponent of there's no bad premises in comedy. It's just the execution. You can make a joke about anything if you make it funny enough.
Starting point is 00:08:03 But the taboo topic, if it's a taboo topic, it better be a really good joke. And none of them. None of them. A lot of them none of the and good and a lot of them are the jokes well exactly and i think if you if i could make a blood based on that if i could make a blanket rule i feel it should be like men probably shouldn't make rape jokes yeah sure because if you're like no no i'm really making a point you're not oh i've got the skills to you don't probably shouldn't like and and so just like but at the same time like i know women comics who've experienced assault and domestic violence and stuff like that and they do make jokes about
Starting point is 00:08:32 yeah right that stuff either in like in a general sense or like in you know their specific situation and i wouldn't say to them hey you can't make a joke about that i'd say that mason i'll step up thank you if you could i'd appreciate that but i wouldn't like diminish their experience by being like you can't say that you can't look like the hannah gatsby special well exactly yeah and but so i mean you know but i would say again like a general men don't don't make those jokes yeah but i think we were saying earlier that yeah he has grown and he has changed and if you say to someone you know and people grow and change
Starting point is 00:09:05 like again if if we i'm really glad we didn't have a podcast oh my god 10 years ago if you just went through my old texts i would there's some horrendous stuff and like and i think we've we've all woken up a little bit and we've all gone well you can't make a joke about that because it's punching down you can't make a joke about that because it's going to offend people that that are outside your realm of experience so you shouldn't do that and i think we've all woken up to that but and if you went to people and said okay you've made some mistakes in the past but don't bother changing because they're just going to drip people are just going to dredge it up yeah and burn you again so don't bother people aren't going to bother yeah just stay as bad
Starting point is 00:09:39 people that's oh yeah that's absolutely a great point what i think about a few things about this which i think are interesting. I think if this was someone like Michael Bay, no one would give a shit. Yeah, right. And I'm not saying that Michael Bay has done that. Yeah, for sure. I don't really know a lot about him. But I think there wouldn't be this kind of fallout.
Starting point is 00:09:58 A lot of the support comes from people just like these movies. Yeah, right. They're good, too, which I understand. And the other thing is, if Disney set this kind of precedent, you have to fire Robert Downey Jr. You've got to fire Tim Allen. Josh Brolin would have to go. You've got to fire Josh Brolin.
Starting point is 00:10:12 You've got to fire Johnny Depp. There is a lot of people that you have to get rid of. And also, a bunch of those people, Robert Downey Jr. is a really good example, seems to have come a long way and learnt from his mistakes. He went to prison. He went to prison. He went to prison. And he's bounced back and he's a better person for it. So I think, where's the line here?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Do you know what I mean? I'm not saying all those people should be fired. And obviously every situation needs to be treated individually. But it's just, it brings up a whole lot of other issues. And I think probably one of the reasons that they've done this is because James Gunn isn't a face. Yes. You don't see him on screen.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And also I feel probably they have gone, well, we've set the tone for the Guardians movies. We're on the third one. We don't need a Guardian. Like the director's there to get a good performance out of the cast. And now that they're all friends and they all work together and for to get a good performance out of the cast and now that they're all friends and they all work together and they've got a good vibe going you'd be like well you can fire him and just yeah we'll just put it into the machine and shoot out another one
Starting point is 00:11:14 yeah but i think probably that won't work out no i think it's yeah i'm with you i think they might there's a good chance they can or they will rehire him but then again you know they can they can do what they want because people say it's freedom again, you know, they can do what they want because people say it's freedom of speech. It is, but people can be fired because that is also freedom of speech. Correct, yes. Unless it's discrimination, obviously.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And I think my only other point was that what the bigger aspect of this is, is that it is, this wasn't some concerned people going like, I was at a party and James Gunn was horrible and he was the worst person and he said these horrible things yesterday. It's a bad faith attack by some people because James Gunn is an outspoken critic
Starting point is 00:11:58 of the current political administration. Yeah, he's very vocal about it. And some people went, well, let's find any ammunition we can find and just get a mob going yeah and get rid of him and that now and because there's no constraints on that and there's no there's no oversight on that that is a precedent that can be set now for anybody yeah and and you know they can if you're making a movie or you're left-leaning or any way, you better have an absolutely squeaky clean record
Starting point is 00:12:27 and have never made any mistakes. Otherwise, you could be burned. Which is impossible. Yeah, exactly. Well, again, like we said, if we had had a podcast 10 years ago, we would have said some horrendous things. And even if somebody just catches you on the wrong day, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's, man, it's certainly something. And what a great way to kick off Comic-Con. Woo! Solved that problem. Now let's go to Comic-Con. Actually, we've got to come back to Comic-Con because we've got a little bit of general news up top. Because we can't miss out on talking about the live action Robin Hood trailer that was released. Somehow, this got swept under the rug of everything else happening.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I'm trying to hype it up. I'm trying to get people excited. Somebody posted on the Weekly Planet Reddit that there's like six Robin Hood movies in the works at the moment. Terrific. And one of them's set in 2058 or something. Ah, Robin Hood 58. I love it.
Starting point is 00:13:19 2058. No, we should have one set in 1958 as well. He's a man just slightly out of time. It's a man with a bow and arrow versus guys whose guns jam a lot. I think that would be fun. Yeah, I'd watch that. But look, I think this trailer is better than the other one. But it's Batman, right?
Starting point is 00:13:39 They're making Batman. It's Batman with a slightly wackier and slightly more... Tim Minchin? Yeah, slightly more Tim Minchin, slightly more Guy Ritchie attitude. Yeah. About the same amount of Mendo. Yes. Is Mendo in a Batman movie?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah, he's in Rises. There we go. Yeah. Is he? It might be Noah Taylor. I'm fairly certain it's Mendo, actually. Uh-huh. Mason, I'm just excited to get another Robin Hood movie, finally.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Are you concerned that... When was the last time Robin Hood wore green? Has Green Arrow... Like, green-green? Yeah. Are you talking... Because what's his name? Russell Crowe did one.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yes. That wasn't green-green, though, was it? You're talking, like, lime green? No, I'm talking any... No! I'm talking any shade that isn't black, which is what he's wearing in this. Like, has Green Arrow overtaken him as the archer who wears green?
Starting point is 00:14:27 It may have, yeah, in the public consciousness. Even though he's based on Robin Hood. Yeah, it's very, very possible. Anyway, do we need to talk about this anymore? Let me think. He's got a nice quilted jacket. Yes. I think Jamie Foxx quilts his jacket for him.
Starting point is 00:14:38 He definitely quilts his jacket, yeah. Quilted jacket for him. I think it could be okay, but it's probably not going to be okay. There's no indication of what the arc is. I think maybe we were talking about this before, but there's no indication of why Robin Hood is doing the stuff he's doing. Because he's nice now. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Because he came back from the Crusades or something. But also, he still exists within polite society in this universe. He's got a dual identity. Yes. Maybe I'm wrong because it's been a long time since I've read him, but didn't the original Robin Hood just go out and live in the woods? Yeah, he just ran into the woods.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Into the woods. That's what I thought, yeah. Yeah. That's not the real Robin Hood. You're talking like the original stories. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I think the real Robin Hood was probably just a guy who murdered people. Yeah, he was probably... Yeah, he was probably just the least worst nobleman at the time. Yeah. He would behead people but he wouldn't torture them beforehand. Yeah. Yeah, he was probably just the least worst nobleman at the time.
Starting point is 00:15:28 He would behead people, but he wouldn't torture them beforehand. So their tales rose up of him being a folk hero. But by all standards, even standards of the day, he was a terrible human being. Correct, yes. There's also a Doctor Who trailer. Saw that. A little bit of Jodie Whittaker happening. Looks good.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah. I like the new direction that it took. Did you see on the BBC Instagram, I think, it was a picture why would i follow bbc on instagram somebody retweeted it okay cool so this may not be true because it's a screen cap and you can never trust a screen cap right of an instagram was it all very jaggy it was all very jaggy and the colors were inverted no it was uh it was who's the doctor's wife whoever River? River Song, yeah. Yeah, those two took a photo together and it said the doctor and her wife. And then they deleted it.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And the second one was the doctor and an old friend. Oh, right. Okay, yes. So, you know, they didn't want to be like, people were, I guess, were upset or they didn't want to upset people. What upset about a female doctor? I won't hear about it.
Starting point is 00:16:21 But I would say though, people are generally pretty positive about this. Seems that way so far, yeah. I mean, from all accounts, the things that she's done, she's great. She's a great actor. I can see, based on the trailer, there are some things that I think
Starting point is 00:16:33 people would be upset about that they would not be upset about if the Doctor was a man again. Like, there's a line in it where she says, Would you all like to be my best friends? And I think people would probably take exception to that. But I can imagine Capaldi or Matt Smith or whatever say, can you be my best friend? I can't imagine Tennant saying it.
Starting point is 00:16:52 No. Or Eccleston. Yeah, sure. But I can see Matt Smith saying it, but I can also see people getting mad at Jodie Whittaker for saying it. Like, the Doctor wouldn't say best friends. Maybe though. Yeah. It depends on the version.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah. That's what I'm saying. That's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying also we're both saying what do you think we get a little we've seen the the new sonic screwdriver what do you think about it fine they're all fine i don't okay what color is it again no it's weird and it's weird and sort of organic it looks like a looks like it's got a hook to it looks like count dooku's lightsaber is it like a little loki scepter yes yeah no i have, but I just, I don't remember it. Okay, right. Is it yellow? Yeah, it's got some yellow to it, I think.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Okay, yeah. I love it. I'm a big fan. I don't like it. Okay, fair enough. I don't like it. You like the more traditional? I think they maybe should have, if they're changing everything else so dramatically,
Starting point is 00:17:37 I feel I maybe should have kept the sonic screwdriver quite similar. Okay, fair enough. Point of reference. Yeah. Well, what are you going to do? Nothing. What, Mason? Start a petition. That's a good idea isn't it i'll sign it i'll retweet it give the 13th doctor a normal lightsaber lightsaber as just a regular lightsaber that's what i meant
Starting point is 00:17:55 just cut daleks in half i'd watch that sorry i meant give give jodie whittaker a normal sonic screwdriver normal as defined by me a guy who watches some episodes of Doctor Who. Okay, what do you think about this, though? Yes. So David Tennant or any of the Doctor Whos will reverse the polarity and kill a Dalek. And they'll explode. But would one take a lightsaber and cut one in half? Because it's got a little meat sack in there as well.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, so what happens when you reverse the polarity? I don't know, they go backwards or something. But they don't die. No, but he he's killed a lot that's what i'm saying he's killed heaps of them yeah so what's the difference there isn't one it's a it's the it's the it's the same arbitrary decision making where batman won't kill a ninja by stabbing the ninja but he will blow up their hideout and kill all the ninjas. You know who else will kill a ninja? Who's that? Robin. But we'll get back to that in a minute. Oh, woo!
Starting point is 00:18:48 Okay, now it's time for Comic-Con. All right. Now, all that... Oh, no, one more. There's a live-action Rugrats movie in the works, apparently. I don't care. Do you ever have a fan of that show? Still a real house.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I was more of a Rocko's Modern Life guy. They were like the same era of TV shows. I know, but I just missed them. I just missed out Rugrats. There's also a new series. Have you seen the Rugrats characters? I want a Rocko's Modern Life live action. They brought that back.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I want Jay and Silent Bob coming into kind of a lot of comics. Okay, fair enough. But they did it. They not wrote live action, but they brought back Rocko's Modern Life. Didn't say it. It's an even more modern life, if you can believe that. So that's all good stuff. But they're on their phones all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:24 They're probably on their phones too much. Isn't't everybody though don't you think that's a good reflection i think so too that's really clever yeah i agree man yeah rocco's bloody modern life yes that's what they call it yes exactly good fx is the veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 00:19:59 FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Comic Con. Yes. It felt like a bit of a flat weekend. There was some good stuff, but what do you think? As opposed, I mean, what has happened in previous years?
Starting point is 00:20:44 I think there was just some bad news up top. There was no Marvel. There was some good stuff, but what do you think? As opposed, I mean, what has happened in previous years that's blown our minds? I think there was just some bad news up top. There was no Marvel. There were some good trailers. Because Marvel had, did Marvel have Infinity War last? Infinity War. And I think they showed it, but they didn't release it. Yeah, and so people went crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:57 People went crazy. All we got, the general public, all we got was that weird, it had been filmed on a phone at such an obscure angle. It was like a quarter of the screen and it was it had been filmed on a phone at such an obscure angle it was like a quarter of the screen and it was completely blown out and blurry yeah and it was just people just screaming just screaming as lights flickered and we're like looks amazing does it all right looked amazing yeah but no i i still think there's some good stuff to come out of this but they just seem to be a bit of a kind of There's a bit of a dark cloud
Starting point is 00:21:27 Over this whole thing Maybe I'm just imagining it Mason Maybe it's just me Maybe it's because you've been awake For 16 hours doing I feel good Mason We've talked about this Claire thinks I'm manic
Starting point is 00:21:35 You probably think I'm the same But I'm getting some help Yeah yeah yeah Mitch has helped me With one of the trailer breakdowns You were like Look at these shoes I got They were too small Mason
Starting point is 00:21:44 I need to return them. I know you should. I will. Good. I just think it's... Don't leave un-pulled I'm not a size six. I just think I'd...
Starting point is 00:21:52 I wouldn't have picked that. Oh. I may be a manic version of me. Mistakes are made, alright? Okay. First one to talk about, I think,
Starting point is 00:22:00 there's sort of an order to this. Here we go. But Glass. Alright, yeah. M. Night Shyamalan's back in a big way in a lot of ways he's bringing a shared universe to comic-con uh it's i actually just watched unbreakable i was going to talk about what we're reading but buggered i'll do it now it's kind of it's good it's kind of quaint and small and yeah right it's very of its time and they're kind of there's and there's a reluctance and a silliness
Starting point is 00:22:25 to talk about comic book stuff in there. Speaking of, I re-watched some of the first Spider-Man. And? It's not good. Wow. It's not. It is. I like it.
Starting point is 00:22:36 It's not good. It's weird and primary coloured and I get what they're going for. But there's so much weird, empty space to it. It's a world lacking detail. Okay, fair enough. And everybody's 35 in high school. Everybody's 35, yeah. And the Green Goblin looks terrible.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yeah, that's... So bad. That's always been... I've always thought that. Yeah. Great casting of Willem Dafoe. Oh, for sure, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Anyway, sorry, back to Unbreakable. Yeah, I thought it was... I didn't mind it. It's, you know, it's very of its era, yeah. Anyway, sorry, back to Unbreakable. Yeah, I thought it was... I didn't mind it. It's very of its era, like I said, but it got me more interested in this trailer. I'm like, okay, now I'm on board for this. And having seen Split, which you haven't seen? No, I haven't seen it yet, no.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I mean, Split's barely any... It's not connected at all until the end and then they go, Bruce Willis is here. Now, in what context... Spoilers for Split, I guess, in what context is he here? At the end, after James McAvoy and all these personalities get away, they run into the night. He's in a diner and he's like, now I'm Bruce Willis. That's what he says.
Starting point is 00:23:40 No, you've provided, if anything, you've taken away some of the context. Who's in the diner? It's just him. Bruce Willis. Yeah, apparently he shot it for free, thinking that if this does well, then he'll finally get the unbreakable sequel. He'll finally get some more work. Okay, you know what is terrible about the unbreakable, the original one,
Starting point is 00:23:57 because that's what it's called. You're right about the ending, because he tells Bruce Willis, or he gets found out that he's been causing the accidents, and then it goes, and then he went to jail because he's a bad guy. And that's the end. Yeah, absolutely. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah. Look, I have many problems with Unbreakable. And also the heroic moment in that movie is, and the musical swells up where he finds the kidnapper. He goes to the house. Falls in a pool. He falls in a pool after he gets out and there's music music playing and he just sneaks up on him and it's just two minutes of him choking a man to death while heroic superhero music that's pretty funny i like that it's great that's really what it is wow it's pretty good so but i enjoyed. And the other problem I always have with Unbreakable is that...
Starting point is 00:24:47 You can see guns in people's... Well, that, but also that Glass doesn't have a corresponding power in the other direction. Because that's always his contention that because he's so weak, there must exist someone on the other end of the spectrum that's super strong. Yeah, right. And that guy also has supernatural powers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So why doesn't Mr. Glass have supernatural powers?
Starting point is 00:25:07 No, he's got the opposite. He can't sense a gun. Oh, yeah. He does have it. Even if it's right in front of him. Yeah, he can't sense it. He's the man without... He never fears a mugging because he can't see a gun.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Oh, I'm waving at you too, sir. Hello. I guess this trailer for Glass is selling the premise that his superpower is he's superhumanly intelligent. Yes. Which is fine, I guess. Well, that's like Lex Luthor, isn't it? He's not the opposite of Superman in the sense that he can dig really well instead of fly. Is digging the opposite of flying?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Yeah, digging, yeah. I thought so. Like a mole man. Like a mole man. But no, I think we should do an episode on those two films. Yeah, okay. All right. I'll re-watch them.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I don't know what any of these are called. Glass. Whatever it is. Yeah. But no, I think it's an interesting universe. And I also think it's interesting that... I don't think this was ever supposed to be a sequel. No.
Starting point is 00:26:01 No, absolutely not. You know, they've talked about like, this is the sequel people have wanted for 18 years and everything. No. Right. I mean, I think it's good it's getting a sequel i i no no absolutely not you know they've talked about like this is the sequel people have wanted for 18 years and ever like no no right i mean i think it's good it's getting a sequel but i it's i don't think it okay now can you predict based on based on this trailer can you predict is there a twist coming do you think that's definitely a twist coming what what what potentially could it be someone's gonna have a superpower it's gonna be revealed that someone else can do you think it's the psychologist it might be i think it might be but you think they're gonna go because psychiatrist i'm not sure what she is whatever i feel like bruce willis's superpower also
Starting point is 00:26:32 i'm not sure what the rules are of this universe yet because james mcavoy when he transforms into the beast he has superpowers physiology changes right he's stronger and bullets ping off him and stuff yeah so i'm not sure where the line is can someone just fly i feel that's too far yeah i also am curious because if you say for example if if the idea is that they have all ended up in this mental institution yeah how is it that they've never tried to say inject one inject one of them with an IV or with a syringe and it just hasn't broken off? Because David Dunn is bulletproof and he's never been sick. But is he bulletproof?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yes. I don't think he is. No, but I think he can be killed, but there's a lot of it is also luck and I think the opposite is not just you're stronger. I think it's a lot of it is also luck and i think the opposite is not just you're stronger i think it's a bunch of other factors right okay yeah i don't think he's actually bulletproof he survived a train crash yeah but that could have just been coincidence sitting in the right spot okay right all right because the opposite might be and that's what i
Starting point is 00:27:38 don't know about this universe also that's true yeah but also that's what we'll get in this yeah and james mcavoy is only sometimes bulletproof. Yeah. And other times he needs insulin because one of his personalities is diabetic or something. I don't know. You know what? Maybe this isn't a good universe. And Glass is just a guy in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah, just a guy in a wheelchair. So that's all great. I'm interested to see how this is going to play out, but I'm sort of... I don't think it's going to make any sense. No, because the power dynamic is way out. Yeah. Unless... But you could say that of Superman and Lex Luthor.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah. But I am not going to say that about Superman and Lex Luthor because he is smart enough to... Okay. You could say that about Captain Boomerang and The Flash. I guess you could say that about Captain Boomerang and The Flash. That's not a good pairing, though, is it? No.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I guess maybe it could be the psychiatrist and Glass teaming up. Yeah, right. It could be... Look, and I think it's an interesting premise because we've had superhero movies for so long. Yeah, right. I do like the idea that this is a burgeoning area of psychiatry, people who think they are superheroes.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I think that's an interesting premise. Well, I think it's not. Whoa! No, I think it is. And I'm also very willing to... I think it might not whoa no i think it is i and i'm also very willing to i think it might be a how it might go is that her ability she might have an ability i don't know i've seen that actor so many times but i don't know i know sarah paulson it is sarah paulson is it i don't know promotions eight yeah promotions i'll google it while you could google
Starting point is 00:29:00 it talk okay tune out for what i'm saying and Google the thing. Easy to do. It is Sarah Paulson. I'm thinking, is it potentially that her character's ability is she can create illusions and she's put them in some sort of illusory asylum? But that's not a particularly clever original concept, is it? No. But are any of these things? They are not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I also love that Bruce Willis is just stuck with his superhero outfit, a raincoat. Right? Yeah. Not a good thing to fight it either. No. Anyway, good on him. Anyway, woo!
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'm kind of excited for this. Yeah, woo! I also woo. Yeah, he is. Next up we had Sony. Now, Sony, they fucked this up. Look,
Starting point is 00:29:43 I think they revealed a lot of interesting stuff. We're not going to say what it is. Insert whatever property you're thinking of, and they really did. No, it seems like they had a good panel overall, but they didn't release any of it. And I think you need to give people something, and they didn't. So I think Warner Brothers struck a good balance. They showed two versions of the Aquaman trailer, one in-house and one out. They didn't show Wonder Woman,
Starting point is 00:30:05 but they also released other stuff. So whatever. So I think, but Sony, that Into the Spider-Verse stuff, they talked about Nick Cage's in it, John Mulaney's Spider-Ham. That's terrific. Good, good, good. The Venom trailer was apparently received very well.
Starting point is 00:30:20 But that hasn't been released, right? Hasn't been released. So this is new footage we're not aware of. Yeah, but they also... How dare they? But they might be releasing... They might think that it's going to get swept under the rug of Comic-Con, and maybe they're releasing it with Mission Impossible or something like that.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah, right. I'd imagine we'd see it soon. But the details from the trailer is that Riz Ahmed is Riot. That's who he's playing. Yeah, okay. Because we thought he was going to be... A carnage or... Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Yeah, another Venom. I don't know. I don't know who Sue... I don't know which Sue it's what. There's a no white spider logo on the venom suit which makes sense because he's not linked to spider-man uh it's not in the spider-verse but don't rule it out in the future but i think that's because they're waiting to see how it does yeah for sure fantastic four wasn't in the x-men universe but it it might have been. Yeah, for sure. But then it wasn't because it was bad.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Absolutely. Yeah. And it's also not confirmed as R-rated as of yet. So it won't be. Look, if I was Sony. Yes. And I'm not. I guess there's some very...
Starting point is 00:31:18 I'm just a man, Mason. That's true. I'm the opposite of Sony. You are. If anything, Sony,y the corporation has more rights than you do yeah in a way who was talking then i can't remember i can't say exactly yeah we're both saying things uh no i've lost the thing that i was gonna say how about i'll say my thing okay you say your thing my thing while i'm talking you just think of your thing okay you don't have to
Starting point is 00:31:38 listen easy all right so i think they shouldn't if this is meant to be R-rated, don't cut it into PG. Whatever it is, if it needs to be R-rated, do so. Take a little bit of a hit on the box office, but you've established a property that people like. Yes. And from that, you can spin off PG properties. Yeah. Okay. That works.
Starting point is 00:31:58 If you get one- Like carnage. Like carnage. PG carnage. Exactly. Or you do your Spider Woman or whatever they want to do. You do one good one. The first Iron Man didn't make a billion dollars.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Correct, yes. So if you just do a solid one, keep it R-rated or whatever it needs to do. That's a good advice for life, just generally. Just do a solid one. Yeah. I think that's the smart way to do it. You will definitely take a hit for box office, but I think long-term that's probably the smart way.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah, that's a good idea. The thought I was going to have was that I guess in a lot of cases, you can trim an R movie to PG fairly easily just by taking out blood spatter and somebody getting stabbed through the head and the two F-bombs you're allowed or whatever it is. But if your movie's made that way to be able to trim it out... How good could it be? Exactly. I think you're coming at it from the wrong direction to be honest i think that's
Starting point is 00:32:49 why the wolverine could be better than what it is because it's kind of i feel like they kind of filmed it that way and then for the special edition yeah now there's blood yeah whereas with logan yeah if you took out the stabbings through the head there's no movie left there's no movie it's just a man looking at himself in the mirror yeah really sadly just sad about his limo job yeah that's right he got a three star review
Starting point is 00:33:13 it was brutal yeah I don't know man just give him just give me a one but uh no look we'll see
Starting point is 00:33:23 yeah Spider-Verse I'm excited for and Venom is a movie I'm not'll see. Spider-Verse I'm excited for, and Venom is a movie. I'm not super excited about Spider-Verse. I mean, I like that it's animated. It's a lot of Chris Miller. Yeah, all right. And you love their solo movie. I don't know, it's just something about it.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I guess because it doesn't tie into any... I mean, it ties into every universe, but at the same time it doesn't tie into... It's a standalone, one-shot kind of thing. I don't know, it doesn't... Well, you liked Batman Lego. It's Batman, but it's Lego. I didn't tie into it's a standalone one shot kind of thing i don't know it doesn't you like bat like batman lego it's batman but i didn't love it i thought it was okay but you liked it i did like it that's true and that's the opposite of loving so that's true mr glass yeah good right what do we got here uh bumblebee they didn't show any footage to the public but they did open with a live rendition of You Got the Touch with an 80s. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Stan Bush, an 80s Stan Bush. No, he was there. Yeah, it was crazy. And they had like an 80s retro images of Bumblebee and, you know, like laser lines. Yeah, I love laser lines. It looked great. I didn't see any of the footage, but that was enough for me to go,
Starting point is 00:34:25 all right. Okay. All right. So well done on that one. You've tricked us with nostalgia yet again. Yeah. I don't even know if I like that movie. I don't think that I do.
Starting point is 00:34:35 The animated one from the 80s. I need to watch it again. Yeah. You like it because it's nostalgic. It's the only piece of nostalgia that affects you. That's right. Yeah. Too much though. Too much though.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Too much though. Just nothing but tears. I don't think I can watch it again. What do you think of Bumblebee though? Like in general, do you think you're still like jazzed? I'm still jazzed. That's a good Transformer character for you. Do you think it's Optimus primed for a good opening weekend?
Starting point is 00:35:00 I think I'm going to sideswipe some cars on my way to the cinema. That's interesting. Yeah. Why? Why don't you just leave a bit earlier and then... No, no, I'm going to rush and I'm going to cause some damage. Okay, fair enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I think this could be good, though. Yeah, me too. Apparently, somebody was saying that in the trailer that we've seen, that's not Starscream, it's Blitzwing. Blitzcream? Yeah, Blitzskrim. Why does it look so much like Starscream? That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I think maybe it's because if they're trying to tie this together into the existing continuity. It can't be Starscream. It can't be Starscream because he hasn't arrived on Earth yet. Yeah, that's fine. Maybe he has. I don't know if we've... Well, we didn't think Bumblebee had. Apparently he's been killing Nazis or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah, fine. Whatever. Oh, man. I must have changed my trailer breakdown video. I would hope it's still... Well, I haven't seen any confirmation either way. But it's Starscream Colors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It better be bloody Starscream. I'll tell you that for free, mate. Well, this is all new information to me, Mason. And I'm going to take your word for it. Okay. Okay. So, it's not Starscream. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:36:03 It's Blitzkrieg. Blitzwing. It's Ballroom Blitz.'s blitz creed blitz wing ballroom blitz it's the ballroom blitz okay so there is tv news we're not going to go through all of it let me just stay up top there was stuff for the cw uh krypton's gonna get lobo the walking dead it's rick's final season iron fist trailer was apparently good i don't know if i watched it or if they released it either way i haven't seen it i think maybe i think maybe it was in a package of larger stuff okay they did release a trailer that i saw we was fighting in an alley but that might have been before i don't know it could also be from any number of the other could have been a fan series yeah i don't know uh
Starting point is 00:36:38 black lightning's coming back uh gifted's getting a season two swamp thing is apparently not connected to teen titans Teen Titans just if you have anything specific to say about any of this please stop me I was going to say going back to did you say
Starting point is 00:36:51 HBO's got Lobo? who's got Lobo? no Krypton Krypton's on Syfy oh Krypton's got Lobo there we go yeah yeah okay alright
Starting point is 00:36:57 that's fun yeah thin Lobo or big Lobo you've got to do big Lobo but they won't do big Lobo because who are they going to get? The Rock they cannot get The Rock Jason Momoa who are they going to get? The Rock. They cannot get The Rock.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Jason Momoa. They're not going to get either of those people. Oh, no. And they can't CGI a big... Because it'll look ridiculous. Ron Perlman. Oh, yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Yeah, go right. He doesn't do that much TV, though, does he? And also, I don't think he's that big. No, he's not, is he? No. Is he gruff enough? I guess they could do it with camera tricks. They could do it with camera tricks and just put him in a big jacket.
Starting point is 00:37:25 But I think they're much more likely to do thin Lobo, I feel. I don't like that. No, neither do I. I think you need a big Lobo. He needs to be big and all over the place with his limbs all about. Yeah. On a big old space hog. Big space hog.
Starting point is 00:37:38 He's got a chain. He's well in a chain. That's right. So he's riding a pig wielding a chain. Yes. That's how we all remember him. Correct. That's what I want. Also, Bat pig wielding a chain. Yes. That's how we all remember him. Correct. That's what I want. Also Batwoman is getting
Starting point is 00:37:47 a series from Greg Berlanti. Yeah. Who does all the other stuff. I don't watch any of this anymore but good. It's good. That CW there's so many different universes but Swamp Thing's not connected to Titans which means it's probably not connected to the CW and neither is Titans
Starting point is 00:38:04 because Titans is doing a whole other thing I did see the new season upcoming, I'll start that whole sentence again I did see a trailer for the upcoming new season of The Flash and you won't believe it, there's a new speedster in town what? is he faster than they thought The Flash could be?
Starting point is 00:38:19 it's his daughter from the future so it's XS but I think also we see a grim hooded figure you don't see their face but they they're in a they're in a hooded maybe it's maybe it's david dunn from unbreakable but you see him and he sits down at a table and he brings out like a lightning bolt shaped piece of metal and he puts it on the table and then it glows a bit and some lightning comes off it and i'm like well he's probably another speedster i mean who else could he be he could just be selling very nice magnets that's a good point very powerful and nice oh yeah okay i got some stuff needs to be put on
Starting point is 00:38:53 the fridge yeah i don't think you should put a magnet that shoots electricity onto your fridge i mean you could do what you want obviously yeah for sure you're gonna burn your house that's gonna that's gonna stop me going for those midnight snacks. Am I right? That's true, actually. I'm being burned by lightning. I hear you, Mason. I'm dying here. Sorry, can you... Oh, we didn't woo for Sony. Ah, no.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Yeah. Ah. That's my noise. I mean, what are they... What about Bumblebee? Yeah, woo. I'm excited for Bumblebee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:21 A little bit there. But I mean, like, what else has Sony given us? You know what I mean? There's no... Discs. Mini discs. They did give us the mini disc didn't they yeah yeah they probably got a like an like a pc player that plays media files that's no good it's just complete junk and when you download something it accidentally well not accidentally they sneak it into a bunch of other files yeah they sure do and then you can't you can't get rid of it defaults to everything yuck so those are the things that they sure brought us those things.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah. Yeah. Do they, do they own the music store sanity? I feel like they might, but maybe they don't. They may, they may, they may, they may own the regional Australian music store sanity. That's correct. Uh, but the, I thought this would be interesting to talk about. Hey buddy. Hey mate. Are you throwing the ball? He's throwing the ball for the dog Nice That's Mesa Yeah that's right
Starting point is 00:40:09 He knows who you are He knows who I am Buffy's getting a reboot Joss Whedon is involved The news is Not good That's fine It's all good
Starting point is 00:40:17 The revised It's Claire's mum's out there Looking after My son I'm telling Mason Because he doesn't know who that is. There's a lady. She's robbing your house, James.
Starting point is 00:40:30 This revised take will... She's gone right in your house. It's fine, Mason. She's put your TV in a wheelbarrow. She's taking it out. I'm serious. I don't know who this lady is. It's Claire's mum.
Starting point is 00:40:42 She always takes our TV. It's a tradition. All right. The revised take will see a black actress take on the lead I think this should be a sequel I think they should set it In the same universe Yeah for sure
Starting point is 00:40:52 I think they could Maybe they are Well isn't there a I believe there is In addition to the spin off comic books I'm just going to let the dog in You keep talking Isn't there also a
Starting point is 00:41:01 Isn't there also a Comic book series set In the far future that is also tied to the Buffy universe this is your area
Starting point is 00:41:09 I say that as a question I know there is but I can't remember the name of it okay so yes there is you've gone crazy
Starting point is 00:41:15 dog sit down do you think it matters whether that exists no for sure but I think I would much prefer a continuation
Starting point is 00:41:21 yeah fair enough I mean it's you've got all the characters you've got Niles or Giles. You've got Xander. You've got the one from American Pie. You've got David Boreanaz.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Correct. Who else have you got? You've got Spike Lee. You've got them all. Yep. You've got Alison Hannigan's husband. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Sorry, keep going. That's it. That's all I've got. Wesley was his name. Weslow, yeah. Weslow. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, but also, I guess it's a's all I've got. Wesley was his name. Weslow, yeah. Weslow. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, but also, I guess it's a function of nostalgia for me.
Starting point is 00:41:49 If I see this reboot, I'm sure I'll be like, it's not as good as the... It doesn't have the character of the last. It doesn't have the blah, blah, blah, right? But I'm sure it'll be, quality-wise, it might be as good or better. Yeah, but nostalgia, you know what I mean? Yeah, but also... That's your other nostalgia thing.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah, I know. But also, I feel like maybe... yeah, I would prefer as a potent... I'm torn. I guess because if you want to pitch it again towards, because I watched it in high school, if you want to pitch it to high schoolers again, you don't want them to be all burned out middle-aged people again. Oh, no, I'm not saying that they should star in it,
Starting point is 00:42:20 but I'm saying they're kind of ushering in the next generation. The next Buffy. Definitely not. star in it yeah but i'm saying they're they're kind of ushering in the next generation the next definitely not oh but then how do they make it how do they make it buffy again you could pass on the powers no but i mean but is it another teenage girl called buffy yeah sure or i don't know i don't know anything about this universe how does this like isn't there one a generation there's one a generation but okay so there's what happens initially there's one a generation there's one a generation but okay so there's what happens initially there's one a generation and when one of when the previous one dies uh the the powers are passed along to the next one but in the tv series and so that's what happened in the movie it was given to buffy who was a cheerleader and said i'm a bubble head whatever and then in the tv series which is sort
Starting point is 00:43:00 of a continuation buffy briefly dies at which point another slayer is activated because the magic went okay well she died yeah so we'll is that when she goes to heaven or something yes yeah okay oh no actually no i think it isn't i think she only dies temporary i think there's she dies early on she dies like for five seconds or a minute i think she drowns briefly whoa he comes back. David Dunn. Exactly. And then another Slayer called Kendra arrives in Sunnydale because she's the replacement. And then Kendra...
Starting point is 00:43:33 Does she know what's going on when she arrives? Yes, she does. Do you get the knowledge? You don't get the knowledge, but you are approached by a watcher who tells you the knowledge. Wow, so in that four seconds that she was dead? Yeah, exactly. She got a ripper of a training
Starting point is 00:43:45 session yeah wow she just did it at a pump class it was so bang it out mate just bang it out exactly 15 minutes 20 minutes uh and then i think kendra dies and she's replaced by faith so for most of the series there's two slayers and at the end of the series they both have the powers though they both have the powers okay so it can both have the powers, yeah. Okay, so it can be passed. Because it turns... Yeah, so it turns out that the potent... Like, there exist in the world potential slayers, all of whom have the power in them, but it just hasn't been activated. And at the end of the final season,
Starting point is 00:44:17 every potential slayer's powers get activated. So there's a whole bunch of slayers with the superpowers. Because it's like a... That's like a break glass. There's a lot of vampires. Yeah, exactly. Is that when David Boreanaz is like, look, it's a dragon or whatever?
Starting point is 00:44:30 That was before he was like, look, there's a dragon. But they become friends, don't they? Yeah, they become friends. Apparently you do see a snippet of the dragon. Okay. So I've been informed, but I do not recall that at all. I bet it's no good. I bet it's better than the Iron Fist dragon.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah. Yeah. There better be a bloody dragon in that new series. There better be all dragons all day. Anyway, where are we going with this? What's our final judgment call on the Buffy? I think it should be the show that I've never watched, but I think the smart play would be to continue it.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah. I think it should be a continuation. We get a new slayer who was also inexplicably called buffy that's fine and the the watcher is charisma carpenter who's that she was the she was the nemesis of buffy in the first couple of seasons and then they become friends and then she becomes like xander's girlfriend oh it's uh cordelia is her name she's like the hoity-toity one. Very good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Nemesis like school nemesis? School nemesis, not real. Not regular nemesis. Not regular nemesis. Okay, gotcha. But then she joins Angel's detective agency in Angel. Gotcha. And maybe she's dead now.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I can't remember. Well, it doesn't matter, does it? No, not important. Great. But the big bit of TV news that came out of the comic con is the Teen Titans trailer oh yeah now let me just say it confirmed a couple of things
Starting point is 00:45:48 that you were questioning yes can you throw the R can the chest emblem on Robin's suit come off and be thrown as a deadly throwing weapon
Starting point is 00:45:57 the answer is yes 100% definitively called it yes I mean I didn't call it I said do you think it will be
Starting point is 00:46:03 it was a question it was a question it was a question yep thank you to everybody who tweeted at me to say that they also didn't know the answer i appreciated it that is what i requested you get tweets telling you so many hundreds good yeah well now people know but also here's the thing though we don't a further question we know it can be thrown but does he have like a magazine of them in his chest? Does he pop one off and the next one springs into place? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Or does he only have the one and then once he throws it, he has to go and retrieve it? I think he only has, or he's got some at home. Maybe he has some at home. I think he's got, I think he's only got one. If you know. Yeah, if you, that's a good question. Tweet at Mason.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Let me know if you know, yes or no. And then when you do find out, when you definitively find out. Definitively, I don't want to know the answer. I just want to know if you know or don't know. So yes or no. Does he have a magazine in his... R's in his chest or does he not have a magazine?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Do you know? Good question. But the big kind of... The big thing that came out of this trailer... This ain't your granddaddy's Teen Titans. There's a scene where Robin kills 30 people in an alley. Let's say conservatively it's 10. Are you saying conservatively that he kills them?
Starting point is 00:47:08 Or does he just beat them up really bad? He's stepping on necks. He's stabbing people. Does he make people shoot other people? Probably. I only watched it once. There's broken bones and necks and stuff. And then someone says something about Batman.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And Robin says, fuck Batman. Yes. And I think this is a classic example of you've taken the wrong idea about Dark and Gritty here. Yeah, absolutely. Or this is a dream sequence. Could be. I am willing to bet a very small amount of money. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Because he doesn't... You don't have a lot of money, so that means a lot. That's what I'm saying, yeah. By comparison, this is a large amount of money. Also, I'm very small, so the note itself will be very large. Oh, I look forward to seeing that. Because the rest of the trailer, he seems like more or less a kind of a... Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I couldn't get a sense of it. Just based on the looks. Is he Damian Wayne-ish as well? Is that what we're doing here? What I feel has happened here is they've given... He's supposed to be Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Yes. He's got the badass demeanour of Jason Todd, the second Robin,
Starting point is 00:48:11 and he has the suit of Tim Drake, the third Robin. So I think they've just gone... But he's also a killer like two of those. Two of Jason Todd and Damian Wayne, the fourth Robin, yes. Yeah, if it's the Drake segment. Because from the rest of it, it seems like he's kind of a he's kind of a mentor figure and he seems quite reasonable for the most part he's given what he's given some scholarly advice some fatherly advice i i get the sense this might be a dream sequence it should be and then he goes oh and i've gone too far here but after he's murdered everybody
Starting point is 00:48:42 oh no yeah I'm not gonna I guess I'll watch the first one this is not for me just because of the attitude even if it didn't have that in it none of this I think some of the characters look great and some less so Beast Boy looks alright
Starting point is 00:48:58 it's a mix or Changeling whatever he's called now thank you maybe Changeling does I don't know I'm so good at podcasting Angeling, whatever he's called now. Thank you. Maybe he's changeling this. I don't know. I'm so good at podcasting. Look, I think it might be a better series than the trailer is giving us, which I know is unlikely. But you've also, you've said before,
Starting point is 00:49:13 that if you don't have enough footage to make a good trailer from what you've got, what does that speak to? What is it exactly? It can't possibly be good. Because it's not like there's limited footage in this is a season of this supposedly yeah but i mean even in this trailer they show a lot of stuff that's true yeah oh man anyway do you know yes let me know on twitter yeah uh look sorry to do this to you i know you said there's i know i said that there wasn't going to be any more Star Wars news. Oh, what a relief.
Starting point is 00:49:45 What a relief because it's Comic Con time. It's time for comic and movie best news. I love talking about comic book movie news. The dog's loving it too. Dog's fired up about no. I've got some backup. Oh, wait, boy, you warning me about something? Is that why you're barking?
Starting point is 00:50:01 She's a girl, Mason. Hey, girl, are you warning me about something? Because I thought there was no Star Wars news, but you're barking? Also, you're a girl. She's a girl, Mason. Hey, girl, are you warning me about something? Because I thought there was no Star Wars news, but you're barking up a storm. What's going on? Okay, so this is good news for fans of this series, the Star Wars series. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:50:15 There was Star Wars news trapped down the well. That's why you were warning me, dog. So Clone Wars got cancelled when Disney was bought by Lucasfilm and it was replaced by Rebels, which is set in the same universe, but it's years later. And a lot of the characters did return. But they've confirmed that they're going to do a minimum, I guess, 12 more Clone Wars episodes. Original cast are coming back. People love this series.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And I think it's also gone a long way to appease a lot of people who aren't happy with Disney. Right. Because there's a lot of people who love this show, but don't love the new movie. So I think it's also gone a long way to appease a lot of people who aren't happy with Disney. Right. Because there's a lot of people who love this show but don't love the new movie. So I think it's a good move. Does it sound like all the original cast about it? Yes. I think I said that already in the sentence of what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:50:53 No, you didn't. I did. No, you said a lot of the characters came back for Rebels. No, and then afterwards I said a different thing. Oh, I didn't listen to that bit. I was formulating my thoughts. I might not have said it. I maybe doubt myself.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And I never doubt myself. That's why I'm the best. Or am I? But are you the best You've made me doubt myself. And I never doubt myself. That's why I'm the best. Or am I? But are you the best? Yeah, there we go. Look, I watched this trailer and having watched no Clone Wars ever, I felt nothing. Yeah, I'm not a fan of it.
Starting point is 00:51:14 It felt clunky. It was weird. And there was a bit where a character showed up at the end and was like, been a long time. What do you think about this? I'm sure people would have been like, but I'm like, I don't care who you are. She's good.
Starting point is 00:51:28 She's in Rebel, so I like her. Now, is this going to be, so is this then going to be a continuation? Sorry, Buffy. You're right. I've felt fewer massive woos. We've got some big woos coming. That's what I feel. What about Teen Titans? You're right. I've felt fewer massive woos. We've got some big woos coming, though.
Starting point is 00:51:45 That's what I feel. What about Teen Titans? Boop. Boop. Yeah, about the same level of Buffy. I'm willing to give this a go just because the costume looks pretty good. Okay. I mean, all the other costumes look bad.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Some of them. But Robin's looks good. I'm willing to give it a go based solely on that. I don't know why. Maybe it's my nostalgia for Tim Drake Robin. Definitely. Again, the Robin we're not getting. So is this Clone Wars,
Starting point is 00:52:13 is this going to be a continuation of Clone Wars and Rebels? Or is it going to be set between Clone Wars and Rebels? That's set during Clone Wars. Okay, right. Because they never got to finish the Clone Wars. They wrapped up a few of the storylines in comics and books. Right. Darth Maul runs the Mandalores
Starting point is 00:52:25 and he's like, I'm in charge now. Everybody listen to my legs, my robot legs. Uh-oh. Yeah, nice. That's what he does. Nice.
Starting point is 00:52:32 But no, I think it's a good move and I think I've been meaning to go back and, because apparently my brothers told me, the one you don't like, that the first two seasons aren't good
Starting point is 00:52:40 and I'm a big fan of not watching something if it gets good in the third season yeah i'm like i'm not pushing through so but it's one of those things where watch this one this one watch these three episodes skip this one okay so i'll probably do that at some point right for content's sake mason anyway where's your woo out for this one uh no zero words wow all right just for sake of everybody like for the people out there,
Starting point is 00:53:05 woo! Yeah, there he is. But I'm not fired up about it. Oh, no. I'm not against it. I just, I'm not going back. No, you're not. You're not going back.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Well, Mason, I know you're fired up for this in a big way. Here we go. I'm ready. Mason, our sponsor for this week is Mack Weldon. You might know them from their smart designs, premium fabrics, and simple shopping. I know them from this Mr. Coyle hoodie that's right in front of me right here. Yes, you do know that.
Starting point is 00:53:28 All their products, though. I'm touching it with my feeties. Oh, very good. Oh, so soft. Don't put your feet on my hoodie. Not that it matters because it's so naturally antimicrobial. You can have my extremely microbial feet all around. Look all around the hood area where your face would go.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah, it's okay, though, isn't it? It's okay, though. I'm not happy about it. Naturally antimic face would go. Yeah, it's okay though, isn't it? It's okay though. I'm not happy about it. Naturally antimicrobial. Visually it's off-putting. But from a medical perspective, you'll probably be fine. Yes, that's right. Well, what does antimicrobial mean though to you?
Starting point is 00:53:56 Reduce and literally eliminate odors. That's right. You can wear a T-shirt for longer than you'd be surprised that you could. Yes. Does that make sense? That's their slogan. So it's got to make sense. It's got to make sense. You can wear a T-shirt for longer than you'd be surprised that you could. Yes. Does that make sense? That's their slogan. So it's got to make sense. You could wear a t-shirt for longer than you think you could.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And I use the word surprise in there as well somewhere. They're also comfortable. I agree. And if you don't like your first pair, they want you to be comfortable. You can keep that and they'll refund you. They don't ask any questions. There's no follow-up questions there.
Starting point is 00:54:22 They'll just take it back or give you the money back they'll give you the money back and you keep it that's right that's what I said also great range of colours great range of colours they rotate them in and out
Starting point is 00:54:32 yes and I always get on there and I'm like ooh they've got a new green I have many of their t-shirts I'm happy to say that in this sponsored post great
Starting point is 00:54:40 but I would also be happy to say out of it they're a good fit they're a slim fit but They're a slim fit, but they're not like a weird tight slim fit. Exactly. Yeah. They also,
Starting point is 00:54:50 but they don't only do t-shirts, they do underwear, shirts, socks. They before, what else do they do? Jocks, as in underwear.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I said that, didn't I? Hoodies. Hoodies. Tracky dacks. Track dacks. Sweatpants, I believe they're called in the US.
Starting point is 00:55:03 They're good for working out, going to work, going on dates, just everywhere. Every day life, go to they're called in the US. They're good for working out, going to work, going on dates. Just every day life. Go to And if you want 20% off... Ooh, they do a jacket now. Do they?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah. Oh, this looks good. Hold up so I can see. It's like a nice charcoal track jacket. Oh, that is good. Hold up so the listeners can see it. See it, everybody. Look.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Oh, that looks nice. It's got a chest zip on there. Do you want 20% off, Mason? It's got some side entry pockets. Charcoal heather. Total eclipse. Do you or do you not want 20% off? Well, if I'm going to bloody, bloody buy this jacket, then yes.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Okay, good. I mean, I'm sure it's already reasonably priced, but if you use the offer code planet, then you get 20% off. Very nice. So if that was $100, which it may or may not be, I have no idea, that would only be $80 because of percentage off. Yes. So that's, promo code PLANET, 20% off.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And you can take that to your cupboard and put it there. And then when you want to wear it, you take it out. Oh, yeah, okay. And put it on. Now, in this instance, you're putting it in a cupboard not a wardrobe well where do you put your no in a kitchen cupboard you're right you're not wrong there you know what's annoying i'll tell you this all right here we go since i've moved into my new house yes we moved in november it's so annoying moving into a new house sometimes actually when i got the back at night when i take the dog out yes she goes to
Starting point is 00:56:23 bed i just look up at my house and going i'm fucking done it i got a house like the greatest it took me long enough i've lived in a lot of rats nests yeah but i'm just really happy good for you until something terrible also that's such a that's such a suburban dance isn't it just to stand outside your house with your dog and look back at the house and go i hmm, I did it. This morning, I was up so early that I went upstairs and there was a really nice sunrise and I took a photo. Wow. So that's the kind of human being I've become. You put it on the gram or what?
Starting point is 00:56:54 Not yet, but I guess I have to now. Yeah, you've got to put it on the gram. I hate myself, Mason. That's the spirit. I'm also really terrified that it's all going to go away. That's why we're going to do ads forever. Even if we've got more money than we know what to do with, we're never going to stop.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And what's the ETA on having more money than we know what to do with? Four houses. Oh, terrific. Paid off. Wow. Yeah. I want four different houses I can stand out the back of and go, I've done it.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Terrific. Oh, you know what you want? Yeah, you want them in a row. You're going to have to buy all these neighbouring houses And then stand right in the middle And do a sound of music twirl And just be like I'll get four around me then
Starting point is 00:57:35 Not in a row Like a boma That's why I lived in Tanzania I used to live in Tanzania for a bit I've been abroad, Mason. I don't like to talk about it. Okay. Warner Brothers, though, I think had the biggest panel of the panels.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Maybe because a lot of it was Marvel weren't there. But I think genuinely, really good stuff here. I agree. I think there's a few things that didn't necessarily land, which we'll talk about. But I think the trailer that's come out of Comic-Con that people seem to be liking the most is Godzilla, King of Monsters. Yes. Godzilla is King of Monsters, isn't he or she?
Starting point is 00:58:13 I agree he or she is. I mean, the A at the end would suggest she. But? Everybody calls him a he. Yeah. But also the one from the Matthew Broderick movie, is that a he or a she? I mean, it's asexual. Reproduced asexually. he. Yeah. But also the one from the Matthew Broderick movie, is that a he or a she? I mean, it's asexual.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Reproduced asexually. Man. Yeah. What a world. Produced both sperm and eggs, one would assume. So both a he and a she. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:35 That was in the 90s, so that was very progressive. That was very progressive. Yeah. And it was also very dated because it had Matthew Broderick in it. Yeah. In 98. That's very true. What a contradiction of films.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Isn't it though? What a revelation. Let's go watch it again. Was it 97 or 98? I think it was 98. I think it was 98. Anyway, what's got people excited about this trailer, aside from it just being a good trailer in general,
Starting point is 00:58:57 and maybe Sarah Paulson's in it, but it might be Vera Farmiga. It might be Vera Farmiga. Millie Bobby Brown is certainly in it. She's British. Is she? I know. Bloody hell. I know. Here I was thinking Tessa Thompson was British. Vera Farmiga might be Vera Farmiga Millie Bobby Brown is certainly in it she's British is she I know bloody hell
Starting point is 00:59:06 I know here I was thinking Tessa Thompson was British but she's not British or she is she's not what do we decide she's definitively not British
Starting point is 00:59:14 but a lot of people thought she was I thought she was British too yeah so but it's got people talking because it's bringing in Mothra
Starting point is 00:59:20 King Ghidorah and Rodan oh Rodan so it seems like Vera Farmiga is all like we should awaken these titans to cleanse the earth but it seems like she just wants them to smash up everything. And then Godzilla's
Starting point is 00:59:32 going to be like, not on my I'm a big dinosaur. Is that the expression? Is that the Godzilla catchphrase? His fire is blue so maybe he's a boy. Of course. But maybe he doesn't conform to the gender binary. But also, blue and pink weren't always. the gender binary so but also blue and uh pink weren't always that's true virgin mary blue that's right yeah okay so maybe maybe he's from an era
Starting point is 00:59:51 which in which that's what i'm saying girls she was from an era where blue is a girl's color i think do go on to an episode they did yeah they did let's ask them let's ask them by listening to that episode okay but no I thought this looked great. Did you see any fighting, though? No, and I think also perhaps... Look, in a previous episode, I pondered whether they're going to introduce Mechagodzilla into this universe.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And we got a lot of responses. We did get a lot of responses. And a lot of people were like, well, they'll probably use nanotechnology or they'll probably use a thing or they'll clone a thing or whatever. And I'm not saying how they would do it in a narrative sense i'm saying how would you justify it in a world that is ostensibly the real world yes like
Starting point is 01:00:34 howard and a few people did say elon musk would build one and i'm like yeah he probably would and it wouldn't work it wouldn't get off the launch pad but he would build it and take a lot of credit for it they'd be like oh my god Rodan and Rodan and they're destroying the city and he'd be like
Starting point is 01:00:51 well it's alright I've built a mecha Godzilla that is gonna and they'd be like oh it's alright regular Godzilla just got him and he'd be like I still built it
Starting point is 01:00:59 yeah hey Godzilla's a pedophile yeah no I see what you're saying yeah but what I'm what I think I'm going with is Hey, Godzilla's a pedophile. Yeah, no, I see what you're saying. Yeah, but what I think I'm going with is this. How do you justify it? Yeah. How do you justify in a universe that is ostensibly real
Starting point is 01:01:13 that you would build a giant robot Godzilla and not just build a missile? Yes. Which is what you would do. Or trick it into a giant rocket ship and throw it in space. Yeah, that would work as well. Look, and I think think maybe i feel this trailer they're really leaning heavily into silly okay i'm not saying that's bad i i'm quite it's it's
Starting point is 01:01:34 it seems like they're taking it very seriously though okay right like the seriousness of the silliness is yeah i guess kong's silly isn't it yeah and that's the same universe that's true but i think i think maybe they're like, you know how with Man of Steel, it was kind of, again, it was ostensibly the real world, but Superman was in it. And then as they went further, they're like, this universe is even sillier and sillier and sillier. No, they did that in one movie.
Starting point is 01:01:57 They did it in one movie, yeah. But I think maybe that's what they're doing here. They went, okay, we've got a real world Godzilla movie, but we need to put in more monsters, so let's make it more cartoony. Yes. Okay, fair enough. So maybe by three, they'll have a Mechagodzilla.
Starting point is 01:02:12 They're building up to it. Well, three is... Well, the next one after this will be Godzilla King Kong. Yes. So, yeah. No, I think this looks great. I think there's a good chance it's going to be very good. This shared universe has just kind of snuck up on us
Starting point is 01:02:25 which I appreciate you know what I mean yeah I get it it wasn't they didn't beat us over the head I actually just started last night re-watching the first Godzilla I got about an hour in
Starting point is 01:02:33 I'm going to finish it tonight Godzilla 98 98 yes that's right sorry Godzilla 2014 the first good one I know when you say the first Godzilla people are like
Starting point is 01:02:40 do you mean the original no I don't mean the original one I mean the 2014 one obviously I would never watch the original no i don't mean the original one i mean the 2014 one obviously i would never watch the original one not in a million years suck it suck it toho the producers of the original godzilla movies if it was the last piece of content on the earth i would read a book wow yeah wow this this sounds like it's approaching a twilight zone scenario where everybody in the world dies and you're like, finally, time to watch all the DVDs I want.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And then a meteor falls in the DVD store and you're like, oh no, the only thing that's still there is Japanese monster movies from the 50s and 60s. No. I'd still just read a book then. All right. Yeah. Next up, we had Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes of Gay Wizard Hitler
Starting point is 01:03:26 now what was strange about this paddle and you may not have heard about this because it got zero press I saw a photo of it I think I know where you're going with this
Starting point is 01:03:36 Johnny Depp tried to Loki it up oh I didn't know about that part oh really I knew that Ezra Miller dressed as Princess Peach see that
Starting point is 01:03:44 no it's Toad I think did you do Toad whichever it doesn't matter probably Toad Miller dressed as Princess Peach. See, that... No, it's Toad, I think. Did you hear Toad? Whichever, it doesn't matter. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Probably Toad. He dressed as a Mario Kart. Yeah. So he didn't hear this.
Starting point is 01:03:51 So Johnny Depp came out dressed as Grindelwald and did a speech to the crowd. Oh, I didn't hear about this. And then he disappeared. In a puff of smoke? I guess. But you didn't hear about it, right? No, absolutely not. That should have been big news.
Starting point is 01:04:02 And I'm supposed to be paying attention to this sort of thing. You're supposed to be paying attention. Do you remember when Tom Hiddleston did it as Loki? People went fucking crazy. Yeah, yeah. People still talk about that as a high point. He took photos with the kids and stuff. And people were like, look at it.
Starting point is 01:04:13 He's so good. Way to misread this entire situation, Warner Brothers. Yeah, right. People don't like Johnny Depp. People are barely tolerating him being in these films. Yeah, right. Most people aren't at all. And you wheel him out? I guess it's safer than putting him on
Starting point is 01:04:30 a panel. Because everyone else is on the panel. Did you read that interview with him on Rolling Stone? Yes, I did, yeah. That dude is coked up, punch drunk, mad. Yeah, yeah. Allegedly. Well, they did say that he took a lot of cocaine. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:04:53 But yeah. That's a wild apparently he's spending like like two million dollars a month or something like that like it's wild it's crazy and he like it said something like and this is because he was in he was a let's divert into johnny depp for a second yeah he was like he was a successful actor but not not monetarily successful. Yes. And he was just doing indie stuff. And then he'd do a nick of time every now and then. Exactly. And he was just kind of doing that.
Starting point is 01:05:13 And then he jumped onto the Pirates of the Caribbean bandwagon. And then at some point, he's earned $650 million, figure from all these from all this stuff and he's broke now or he's he's on the verge of being broke yeah he's living month to month
Starting point is 01:05:29 or whatever it is yeah I think there's a I think it's I think it's attacked by the dog Oz get off
Starting point is 01:05:36 move over just push her she'll oh no that's alright she's fine okay like apparently like he went to Thailand
Starting point is 01:05:42 and he bought 110 suits or something like that Like it's just He's just spending Like crazy this guy You don't need You need How many suits
Starting point is 01:05:49 You're a clothes guy Yeah Realistically How many suits do you need Well how many do you have 140 You probably have 100 But how many suits do you need
Starting point is 01:05:57 You need a You need a wedding suit Yep Can you use that at a funeral If it's charcoal grey If it's charcoal grey Sure What else do you need Interview suits Interview suits Which can also's charcoal grey, for sure. If it's charcoal grey, sure. What else do you need?
Starting point is 01:06:05 Interview suits. Interview suits. Which can also be charcoal grey. You need one suit, basically. And you need a few variations on suit pants. And guess what? Johnny Depp doesn't need any suits because he's in the movies. He's all bandanas.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Exactly. That's all he's got. That's right. He just wraps himself in bandanas. He just wraps himself like a bandana mummy. But yeah, you're absolutely right. They want... If...
Starting point is 01:06:26 Maybe it was a... Think it through! Get Jude Law to do it! That's the thing. Maybe it's a damage control thing. Maybe they're like, okay, well, if we dress him up as the character and he does some character stuff,
Starting point is 01:06:38 people will enjoy that. No, but that's absolutely right. Like, if they got Jude Law to dress up as Young... If they got... Youngledore. Because the... What seems to be the case with this, least for some of it it seems to be like you know the the core of it is this meeting between uh dumbledore and newt yes and if they came out and they did like a little skit or a little banter people would it'd blow people's mind if
Starting point is 01:07:02 you were like this is in but hey guess what guys here's a little bit of exclusive incontinuity banter yes that would be so like people would love that but they didn't do that they didn't do that did they
Starting point is 01:07:11 that's a great idea thank you you just thought of that just thought of that right now wow yeah don't lean into Johnny Depp
Starting point is 01:07:18 for anything no you are playing with fire yeah somebody was saying on Twitter they did a little bit where somebody was like oh oh no, you've drunk the polyjuice
Starting point is 01:07:28 whatever it is. And now you're permanently Colin Farrell. Now you're permanently Colin Farrell. Exactly, yeah. Yep. That being said, I think this trailer looks really good. It does, yeah. Yeah. I'm well on board. I think there is, there's less there's less Dumbledore and Newt than I was hoping for.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I think maybe they just have a couple of meetings or whatever. I enjoyed the bit where the throwback to the Harry Potter's where you see his greatest fear and it's working in office. Yeah, that's my greatest fear. Yeah, same. Bloody hell, mate. That's going to resonate with some people. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Yeah, yeah. Also, I think Johnny Depp is actually good in this trailer because he's kind of creepy. Yep, right. That's what the character's supposed to be. But I really like the Jude Law casting. I've talked about this before, but I think they've absolutely...
Starting point is 01:08:10 I don't think they've nailed that casting previously. Yeah, right. But that is spot on. Yeah. Doesn't he just invoke the spirit of Dumbledore, those books that you've definitely read? Yep. I knew it!
Starting point is 01:08:22 Yeah, right? I knew you felt that way. That's right, yep. That's why I said it. Agreed. Yeah. So is that dog attacking you felt that way that's right yeah that's why i said it agreed yeah yeah but uh so is that dog attacking you no she's fine okay cool um yeah what else do we get in this what happened to ezra miller at the end of the first one he escaped okay right he did turn into a black smoke okay but he didn't die so that you got a haircut at least yeah right i wish they had made him have that haircut again. The worst haircut in cinema history.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yeah. But there's also, you know, those horses that you can only see if you've experienced death or you've had death close to you. So Harry Potter can see them and a few other kids can. So who else? Who is seeing them in this? Well, I guess... Is it Newt?
Starting point is 01:08:57 We can see it as the audience. Oh, what? Yes. That's part of the sketch. I guess... We're adding that in. I think Newt's... We trot some horses in
Starting point is 01:09:05 yeah on the comic con stage some pantomime horses and they're like look everybody it's Death's horses it's Death's horses what else was I going to say
Starting point is 01:09:12 who sees them though in the trailer is it Newt no Johnny Depp's riding them I think he escapes oh I see right he's like
Starting point is 01:09:17 the wizarding world should have more haircuts like mine or whatever alright we see Nicholas Flamel which is a nod to the first Harry Potter because the first Harry Potter
Starting point is 01:09:25 is called the Philosopher's Stone except in the US it's called Sorcerer's Stone because imagine having to look up or know what a philosopher was I think they grossly
Starting point is 01:09:35 underestimated the intelligence of Americans oh absolutely with that but so he created that and that's why he's immortal oh I see right
Starting point is 01:09:44 that's the guy so having seen that movie but not for a long time. Oh, I see. Right. That's the guy. So having seen that movie, but not for a long time, we don't see that character. We don't see him. But at the end, it said that he's sick of being old and he's going to die. So he's going to destroy the stone and kill himself. Okay, great. So yeah. Well, it is a children's movie.
Starting point is 01:09:58 So that makes a lot of sense. That's right, yeah. You get that coin stealing gopher. He's back. Which I enjoy. Fan favorite. The little platypus thing. Yeah, it's not a gopher or a platypus.
Starting point is 01:10:06 I can't remember what it's called. And I like that it does feel more Harry Potter than the last one. I guess because you get more Hogwarts. You've got Dumbledore, obviously. But it feels like even the magic they're leaning into is definitely more Harry Potter. And I quite like Fantastic Beasts. I thought it was smart the way they didn't go to Harry Potter. And again, they took a little bit of a hit. It didn't do as well as the last Harry Potter and I quite like Fantastic Beasts I thought it was it was smart the way they didn't go to
Starting point is 01:10:25 Harry Potter and again they took a little bit of a hit it didn't do as well as the last Harry Potter because they're building up this new franchise and these new characters
Starting point is 01:10:33 because I didn't even think I'd like Eddie Redmayne but I thought he was great in that movie I thought I would hate him but he was good and I also enjoyed the fact that it's grown ups
Starting point is 01:10:40 doing magic yes professionals why else would you be training to be a wizard unless at some point you're going to do it? Do some magic big time. And work in a magic office.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Yeah. Or not because you're afraid of magic offices. You want to live in a suitcase. Yes. That's the dream. Exactly. Actually, my fear is living in a suitcase. That would be...
Starting point is 01:10:58 Or living out of a suitcase. Or even... Travelling magician. Styles. Yes. All the supporting characters are back. Queenie. The guy that works in the bakery yeah the the uninteresting lady yeah the love interest is not interesting oh she's all right she's an alien isolation resurrection whatever the last one was terrific what was it
Starting point is 01:11:19 alien now covenant now there's real ones covenant. That's the one. Now There's Real Ones. Because there wasn't Real Ones in the previous one. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, this is... If you ever release a hip-hop album, it should be called Now There's Real Ones. You better. It sounds like a Kanye West album, doesn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:38 But no, I think this is going to be great. I think it's also... Is it still David Yates? Is he the last? It might not be David Yates. These are not questions that I'm capable of answering. Because the guy who's, I think, who also it's still David Yates is he did the last it might not be David Yates these are not questions that I'm capable of answering because the guy
Starting point is 01:11:47 who's I think who's directing this he directed the last yeah it is David Yates he directed like the last six Harry Potter films or just movies
Starting point is 01:11:56 in this universe I'm fairly certain so this guy's just been killing it and nobody notices you know well you know
Starting point is 01:12:04 he's I'm sure he's taken his millions and going home, so... Yeah, he did Order of the Phoenix, which is when I feel like these movies started to get good, and he's done every one since. So, good on him. He's killing it, mate. Good on him.
Starting point is 01:12:15 He's having a good time. Good on him. And he didn't do all of them. I don't know, he's done a lot of them. He's done more than you've done, that's certainly true. I hope you don't mind me saying that, actually. Well, I mean, yet, you've done. That's certainly true. I hope you don't mind me saying that, actually. Is that okay? I mean, yet.
Starting point is 01:12:28 You know? Yes. Yet. Sorry. No, he did. He did Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince. Oh, sorry. He didn't do four.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Yeah, see? Four's a good one, though. He did Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows, Deathly Hallows 2. He did Legends of Tarzan, which I don't think is terrible. I've seen five minutes of it. And it's fine.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Seems fine. Then he's done the Fantastic Be seen five minutes of it. And it's fine. Seems fine. Then he's done the Fantastic Beasts of Gay Wizard Hitler. So that's good. I'm excited for this. Me too. Now, Mason, we've got to talk about Wonder Woman. Oh, yeah. Ah!
Starting point is 01:12:55 Ah! That's a man who can't move. Ah! Oh, imagine him in Hall H. You know what I mean? Yes, that's right. Can we get that going next year? That's got to be the new thing. Tell you what, folks, if you're a listener to this show,
Starting point is 01:13:08 you're somehow making it all Hall H. Hall H. Hall H. Hall H, the main hall. People say, why do you say H? It's my accent. This is how I talk. I go back and forth.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I'm not sure which one's correct. Wow. No, it's not the way we say it. No, for sure. But if we could get somebody in there next year who, when everybody woos Yeah Just screams like
Starting point is 01:13:28 They're being murdered Please That would be great Ah What about Godzilla What do you give that Big old woo Big old woo
Starting point is 01:13:33 Ah Me too I didn't I mean I didn't love it As much As I don't feel the anticipation As much as I felt
Starting point is 01:13:40 With the previous one Do you remember that trailer Yeah That's a sick trailer Do you mean the one where They're at the I mean 2014 i don't mean any other one you don't mean the one i don't mean the original they're in the museum and they're like the t-rex that is a good trailer comes through the godzilla good trailer yeah it's a good trailer all right but i mean it's lessened by the fact that it should have been the big godzilla stumpy foot yes and not the big hook
Starting point is 01:14:02 you know the he does have a big round stumpy he does Yes, I agree. And not the big hook, you know, the big round stumpy foot. He does have dumb feet, doesn't he? Yeah. Or she. Thank you. Okay, Wonder Woman 84. They didn't show anything, which I'm okay with because I've just started filming. We did get Chris Pine in a lovely apricot number.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Oh, very good. An apricot suit, if you recall. How many suits do you reckon he's got? He's probably got 10 and an apricot. Yeah, I'd say he's probably got 10 and then he just sent him one for every event. Yeah, yeah, cool. And he just gives them to charity or something. Patty Jenkins said that this is not a sequel
Starting point is 01:14:30 but a whole new movie. It's a completely different movie. It's not more of anything. It's a sequel though, isn't it? It's a sequel. Yeah. I mean, I understand where people are saying it stands alone from the other ones.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Yeah. I have a DC theory that I'm working on for a video. I'm not going to get into it. Oh, hello. But this all leans into my theory, Mason. I'm ready. That you're a dumbass. Got ya.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Theory confirmed. But it seems good. It seems like I like the 1984 setting. Hey, if you like laser lights shooting around in the background. I do. And Volkswagens and neon and apricot suits, I think you're... Then you'll love X-Men, the one that was set in the 80s. Yeah, you will. Because there's other ones in it. Not love x-men the one that was set in the 80s yeah you will one of because there's other ones in it not the wolverine one which might be set the 80s
Starting point is 01:15:09 i'm talking about yeah the apocalypse from context it's clear what you meant was it yeah okay good yeah uh though they didn't explain steve trevor coming back yep but why would they at the comic what if they were like oh yeah just to be clear we've heard we've had some questions on the internet just to be clear it's a clone yeah it's the internet, just to be clear, it's a clone. Yeah, it's a clone. Nazis got him at some point? I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Well, if Nazis got him, then it's Bucky all over again. That's true, they couldn't have got him. Yeah. Okay. They could have at least told us where the Nazis got him. I think they could have clarified that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. At least give us something.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Let us know where the Nazis got him. Again, I'm willing to bet a very small amount of money that he's been reincarnated and he gets his memory back. Well, it's that kind of magic universe, isn't it? Yeah, and I think Dr. Fate's going to be in this one, supposedly. There you go. I don't disagree with that. And then he's going to turn evil because he can't die again. That's true.
Starting point is 01:15:57 What do you think? What do you give this as a woo? I mean, woo, but if I'm not saying anything. Okay, fair enough. But for that apricot, that apricot ensemble, woo! Big fan of it. All right, but the two trailers that are the big comic ones that were released, first off we had Aquaman.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Yes. Which people were a little lukewarm on, Mason. I haven't asked you what you think of it yet. What do you think of it? It's a little bit by the numbers, which I understand. I understand why they're doing that Because They're resetting They're resetting
Starting point is 01:16:27 They're reset Are you going to do that voice For the rest of the podcast? I might have to Mason I'm stuck at it You're committed to it Oh no Now I'm committed to it as well
Starting point is 01:16:34 I'm not happy I'm not happy about this I'm not happy This is a shame This is really Oh this isn't working But it's kind of fun to do it Isn't it?
Starting point is 01:16:42 And we're out I'm not I'm not I thought I was out too but I'm not you brought me back into it because you're still in it sorry keep going I'll let the dog out all right who let the dog out Mason did he's letting out the dog who let the dog out the dog's out there she goes what do we got uh Yeah, Aquaman. All right. Yeah, look, I don't think it's a groundbreaking trailer.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Or a groundbreaking poster. Should we talk about the poster as well? I don't have a problem with it. It's not great. No, I mean, it's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. James Wan has come out and defended it, I believe. Just give us a little bit of floaty hair so it looks like he's underwater. You know what the problem is?
Starting point is 01:17:22 It looks like he's at the front of an aquarium. Yeah, a like an aquarium looks like he's in front of a fish tank but everybody expects every poster to be back to the future jurassic park whatever yeah they're not all gonna most of them are not good i can't i can't even remember any recent posts did you see the cyborg poster i made yes i did i put it on instagram i've done it in the style of the Aquaman poster. The gram! It's a cyborg on a pile of garbage in space. And I've surrounded him by the toasters from the After Dark screensaver. Did you make this on your phone?
Starting point is 01:17:57 Yes. Amazing. Obviously. And I've used the tag. No, it's good. I've used the tag. His famous catchphrase, you should probably move. And he should probably. People should move. People should probably move. Yeah. Anyway. Oh, man. I've used the tag. His famous catchphrase, you should probably move. And he should probably,
Starting point is 01:18:06 people should move. People should probably move. Yeah. Anyway, I had fun with that. Yeah, I bet you did. Well received.
Starting point is 01:18:12 More or less. It must have been. More or less. Didn't go as viral as I thought it would. You know why? Let me tell you. Because nobody knows
Starting point is 01:18:17 anything about this character. You picked the wrong character at the wrong time. Yeah. Yeah. No, but people are saying that this just looks like
Starting point is 01:18:24 a Black Panther or a Thor ripoff. Oh yeah, uh there's phantom menace because it's all underwater stuff it's not it's not the it hasn't it's not the greatest cut together trailer in the sense that there's clearly some dialogue in there that's been put in for exposition sake that won't be in the movie there's at one point mira says to Aquaman you're half brother like it's clearly been put together like you're half brother's coming back and he's gonna take the kingdom like it's just it's clearly like no first of all nobody talks like that you don't have to say you're half brother so you're if you would say anybody you just say his name yep or you'd say your brother your brother like we don't need that amount of explanation in a trailer and it just makes it clunky and weird.
Starting point is 01:19:06 What I do like about this trailer, I think the underwater effects of them just being underwater and talking, but the hairs moving. Yep. I think looks quite good. Yep. You know, there's some wider shots where people are like, oh, it's so much CGI. It's an underwater city. What are you supposed to do?
Starting point is 01:19:21 Well, exactly. You know what I mean? It's not like the end of every DC movie where they're standing in a gray field and there's fire and smoke and lightning yeah yeah i'm just gonna that's unnecessary yeah i'm gonna start it up real quick yeah yeah some things we missed yeah oh i did a things we missed thing you can name a thing i missed oh okay uh it's um uh i've got nothing look i like they've committed what's the video Look, I like that they've committed... Just watch the video. Thank you. I like that they've committed to Black Manta. Yes. Lean into it, mate.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Sorry? Lean into it, mate. I mean, it could have looked ridiculous. Yes. And it kind of does look ridiculous, but they've committed to the look and it's got gigantic heat vision lasers coming out of the eyes,
Starting point is 01:20:01 which I don't believe is part of his power set. No, that's Aquaman tech. I mean, Atlantis tech, I atlantis tech i think yeah because apparently orn he's half brother mason yes you didn't know his half brother is putting technology uh yeah he helps him out with a suit right yeah all right pretty good i mean they do the whole like the origin of like the bullies being like hey what did you kiss a fish, you dickhead, or whatever. And then he's back. But I don't want to kiss a fish. And then, but, you know, he's Harry Potter because he's magic, whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've seen the first Harry Potter with the snake. It's the same. Right, okay. It's the same scene. Okay. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Oh, there's friendship and brotherhood. And people leaping into the water. Yep, there's a lot of that. Mera's hair is very red. It's so red. Is it too red? It's very red. Is it too red?
Starting point is 01:20:49 I like all the Atlantean steeds and such. Yeah, right. They look great. I think the sharks would finally have some laser beams on their heads. No, haven't you seen Austin Powers 3? They already have that. Oh, yeah, they do. That's true.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah. I like this red and blue battle sequence. It looks pretty exciting. That's because you know that. Oh, yeah, they do. That's true. I like this. There's this red and blue battle sequence that looks pretty exciting. That's because you know who's fighting who. Yeah, exactly. That's right. Apparently Black Manta, he's got like a crew that he works with. It's not just him. So I'm assuming those are the guys from the start and they come back.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Don't mind this kind of crustacean monster man. No. Pretty good. Don't mind that. Do we end with a quip? Oh, we end with them leaping out of a plane. That's fun. Yeah. Do you think they're going to live through that? No, we end with them leaping out of a plane. That's fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Do you think they're going to live through that? No, they're going to die. I like taking him to the desert, though. I like that idea because he's out of his element. Also a thing we got there, cheeky appearance by your friend, Lee Winnell. My best mate. Our friend, Lee Winnell. Well, you didn't meet him, Mason.
Starting point is 01:21:38 He's only one of our friends, all right? All right, God. I met him. He was very nice. I'm not good at interviewing, but he's talked enough. I appreciate that. That's the spirit. He didn't shoot me down because I don't know what I would have done.
Starting point is 01:21:50 He didn't shoot you with a gun? No, he didn't shoot me with a gun. So does that mean he's a recurring character in this franchise? I don't know. Is he a supporting character or is he just appearing for one second? I don't know. I think you have a minor role. For a second I thought it was Rize Darby.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Yeah, right. Because he puts on that kind of voice and he's the kind of guy who'd be like, what are you doing jumping out of a plane, mate? It's your character. Oh, what? Is my character just a cheap impression of Rize Darby? It might be. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 01:22:19 It's Rize Darby. It's not Rize Darby. It's Rize. It's definitely Rize, isn't it? Yes. Okay, good. Anyway, woo! I'm excited for that. Me too. I don't think that's the greatest trailerby. It's Reese. It's definitely Reese, isn't it? Yes. Okay, good. Anyway, woo! I'm excited for that.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Me too. I don't think that's the greatest trailer in the world. And I think maybe that's partly because we've been waiting for months and months and months for this and nothing could have... Well, Batman Superman, he's been cast for a very long time. That's true. Remember Unite the Seven? Yep.
Starting point is 01:22:41 I talk about it in my trailer breakdown, but he means seven undersea kingdoms. That's what that poster meant. Is that what it means? Even though I believe it was on all the character posters. No, it wasn't. I checked that. Really? I thought there were a lot of fan-made ones, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:54 I was like, I thought that was... I don't know what's happening. Okay, right. Yeah, but I still think they just threw it out there and went, let's just figure this out later. Uh-huh. Yeah. I don't think they planned that far ahead.
Starting point is 01:23:04 There's seven heaps of stuff, so we'll pick something that's got seven of later. Yeah, I don't think they plan that far ahead. There's seven heaps of stuff, so we'll pick something that's got seven of it. Yeah, exactly. And we'll just hope for the best. We'll go from there. I like the... They're going to have an underwater battle for the crown, I guess. I like that Patrick Wilson has his hair tied back high and tight.
Starting point is 01:23:18 You're underwater. What are you going to do, Mason? It'll get in your eyes if you don't make it high and tight. That's going to be Aquaman's disadvantage. Because he refuses. He wants to let that hair flow. It's going to get in his eyes. you don't make it high and tight. That's going to be to Aquaman's disadvantage. Because he refuses. He wants to let that hair flow. It's going to get in his eyes. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:23:28 I don't know how this is going to go with Jason Momoa as Aquaman. I quite liked him in Justice League. But I do like the contrast between him. He's just kind of this thug idiot. And it's this amazing, beautiful, complex and delicately built society. And he's just like, I like beer. You know what I mean? Yeah yeah yeah okay so i like i don't know whether it's gonna work it's a real fish out of water scenario it's a fish in water no it's a it's a bird in water situation there you go nice does
Starting point is 01:23:57 that work it's a man in water situation yes it's a real man in a water situation yeah i think that'll be fun yeah i, I think I... A lot of... Yeah, I mean, there are a lot of... A lot of people have pointed out Black Panther similarities in the sense that it is a king... Yeah. But this is the Aquaman story.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Well, that's true. This is the new 52 run. Like, I was thinking that with this trailer and Shazam, which we're going to talk about in a second, that a lot of people are going to go, well, this is a bit... You know, this is shades of this film and this is shades of this film or whatever but I mean that's all comic book yes properties it's just a reworking of stuff that's come before of course we're going to have he's going to be bullied as a kid and then
Starting point is 01:24:36 he's going to rise up or whatever remember when people were like Black Panther is the Lion King people were saying similar yeah right exactly. I mean, this is a character Yep, that's it. Thank you. Also, this is clearly... That's the insights that people come to this podcast for. This is a character. Well, all I'm saying is this has been in the works longer than Black Panther because they had that Unite
Starting point is 01:24:59 the Seven poster. So it's not like they weren't laying the seeds and they definitely knew that they were doing. What do you give it as a woo mason whoo i'm fired up but thank you but also uh aquaman the character's been in the works longer than black panther that's true actually yeah so you're saying get rid of black panther that's what i'm saying all right then mason uh what else we got here shazam shazam last thing to about. This is the trailer that people seem to definitely prefer. I quite liked it but I do have some issues with it that I didn't
Starting point is 01:25:29 bring up in my video but I will talk about now. I won't fight up about this. Why don't you tell us what you think first. I liked it a lot. I think it looks good. I like that it's filmed in real places. Me too. Real locations. There's nothing spectacular about the cinematography and the way it's shot or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:25:45 It looks kind of like The Amazing Spider-Man from 2012 in that sense. Zachary Levi gives off a very Ed Helms vibe to me. Okay, I can see that. A goofy, fun-loving... Yeah. Again, we've got a... I liked the two characters playing, Billy Batson and Freddie Freeman.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I thought they were good. Yes. It's a kid from IT. Oh, yeah. I think if they're're gonna be doing any sequels to this they're gonna freddie freeman's gonna be captain marvel junior at some point so it's good they got a likable well if you watch my video mason yes uh at the end of what is it at the end of the new 52 run yeah shazam shazam's all his family and they all get oh shazam shazam fam yeah this is again like aquaman this is all this is all this is jeff johns because he was at dc yeah right both of these are jeff johns stories yes that they've pushed forward yeah he shares his powers and
Starting point is 01:26:36 they beat up black adam okay cool but dr savannah's doing the black adam thing in this yeah yeah yeah because the rocks making skyscraper movies. Oh, yeah. So, wait, what's going on there? I wasn't... So, The Rock is not Black Adam anymore? Oh, yeah. He's just not going to be in this.
Starting point is 01:26:51 He's just not in this. But I think he'll show up. Or I think there's a chance that he'll show up. Yeah. But... And Dr. Savannah's not... He's not a super-powered character. He can, like, see...
Starting point is 01:27:01 You probably know this. He can see magic, but he's like a grizzled-up old man. Yes, but in this, he's like a grizzled up old man. Yes, but in this he's Mark Strong. And we see him, he does catch a punch from Captain Marvel. Well, we should talk about that. I think potentially in this movie he may have telekinesis or something like that. Yeah, right, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:17 So I think maybe that's the source. Because they have to make him... Because Captain Marvel initially was a very obvious rip-off of Superman. And his... And Superman was a rip ripoff of somebody else, probably. Dr. Thaddeus Bodog Savannah, which is his middle name. Little fact for you there. He's very much a carbon copy of Lex Luthor. So I think if they're going to bring him to the screen, they give him a little something extra.
Starting point is 01:27:41 And I think it's probably telekinesis. But also, I think what I think maybe we're seeing in this trailer is that maybe as shazam he's only as powerful as he thinks he is uh like he can't fly because yeah because we see him fly up the the skate ramp yeah and then fall down and go ow yeah but later he's bulletproof yeah so i think maybe either his powers are developing as he uses them yeah or it's what it's like marvel has a character called gladiator who's only as powerful as his confidence allows him to be so when he loses confidence his powers dip so maybe that's it maybe it's maybe he's in this universe his belief in himself gives him that that power okay to go yeah get up and go. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Because why would he... He falls like 20 feet and he's supposedly injured, but then the bullets bounce off him later. Yeah, exactly. What I do think... Okay, this is where I think the trailer falls down for me. Uh-oh. There's something... Because I showed Claire, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:28:37 is this right? I don't think... I think there's a real disconnect between the kid Billy Batson and Shazam. Did you know Claire's dogging you on Instagram? She's putting up instagram stories i know yeah like james is making me watch these things he's an idiot i know she is there's something wrong with his brain i know she is but uh what i'm saying is claire i mean mason claire if you're listening yeah i don't they don't seem like the same person uh that kid is all sassy and like, I hate family.
Starting point is 01:29:05 And then when he's an adult, he's like, what do you mean? I don't know, I get it. I feel like there's, did they talk to make, because, okay, here's a good example of where that works. You ever seen 17 again? No. That dude, like, what's his name? I've seen 30 going on 30.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Yeah. Well, they feel the same. It's the same. They feel the same. But in 17 again, he feels like a little Matthew Broderick. He gets the mannerisms right and he does the comedy timing quite well. This is... He may as well be a different person.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Because he's a guy who's like... Do you mean Matthew Broderick or do you mean Tim Allen? No, 17 again. Isn't that Tim Allen? No, it's Matthew Broderick. Is it? What am I thinking of? You're thinking of the shaggy dog.
Starting point is 01:29:44 No, I'm thinking... What's the Zac Efron one? That's 17 again. Isn't it Tim Allen? No! Wow. Is Matthew Broderick the old version? He's the old version.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Wow. Yeah. All right. He's married to Leslie Mann. Oh. Tim Allen wouldn't be married to Leslie Mann. He might. Not in any universe.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Wow. I don't think it fits. Well, maybe it's just... You know when he's a kid, though, when he's all like, I hope family and I don't want to fly away from this conversation. And then when he's a superhero, though, when he's all like, I hope family and not want to fly away from this conversation. And then when he's a superhero, he's like, Ah, whippity-doo, I'm doing that dance that kids do. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:30:10 I agree. But also, one, teenagers are raging balls of hormones. So who knows how he's going to act on any given day. Sure. But also, if you're suddenly given incredible superpowers, maybe you're... Like, maybe he's a cynical kid, maybe he's a, um, a cynical kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:26 And then when he gets the powers, he changes his tune. You might be right. But also I feel like a lot of this, a lot of what we see is maybe the first 20 minutes. Yes. So I think maybe it's initial excitement and then he changed. I think he's going to be goofy for the entire thing.
Starting point is 01:30:42 All right. Yeah. But maybe I'm wrong, Mason. It's Matthew Perry. What did I say?'m wrong, Mason. It's Matthew Perry. What did I say? Matthew Broderick. Oh, I meant Matthew Perry.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Oh, did you? No, I know the guy from Friends I meant. Yeah. No, I misspoke. Oh, you misspoke. But I meant Matthew. But it's certainly not Tim Allen. I gave you plenty of chances to retract your statement.
Starting point is 01:30:58 But I know it wasn't Tim Allen. No, it was Tim Allen. I just looked it up. What? Yeah. Okay. So don't worry. I'm going to go back and edit that in. I'm looked it up. What? Yeah. Okay. So don't worry. I'm going to go back and edit that in.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I'm going to edit me saying Matthew Perry. But no, a lot of this is like it's beat for beat what happens in the U52. Like you get the new family and the kids on crutches and you help them with the bullies and he goes into the subway and the wizard's there. It's exactly the same. Right. Okay. And again, Dajmon Honsu also plays the green fish man in Aquaman. Yeah. He's the new Stan Lee. It's exactly the same. Right, okay, cool. And again, Dajmon Honsu,
Starting point is 01:31:25 who also plays the green fish man in Aquaman. Yeah, right. He's the new Stan Lee. Wow, yeah. Or the new Lee Whannell, depending if that's the... And he also plays
Starting point is 01:31:32 a guy we only see once in Guardians of the Galaxy 1. That's true. Although, I think he's going to be in Captain Marvel. Ooh. Was that right?
Starting point is 01:31:41 Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. What. Ooh. What else we got here? I don't know. Because I guess the comic book version of Billy Batson has always been quite, at least maybe up until New 52, has been quite earnest. Yes. So.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yeah. Is he in the 52 version, New 52? Is he earnest or is he cynical? He's a bit of... Yeah, he's happy to get the powers, but it's not... Okay. I think they just went, Dude, you're the funny Chuck guy.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Do funny things. Yeah, right. Or whatever. So you think maybe they didn't talk? I don't know. Yeah, right. I might be. I'm probably wrong.
Starting point is 01:32:18 But I've never been wrong. That's the thing, Macy. Isn't it right? Yeah, right. I like the zappy lightning on the chest. I like how he's charging phones. right i like the the zappy lightning on the yeah the chest i like he's how he's charging phones i really like all the hints like these his brothers got all the like he's got all the newspaper clippings from the super events he's got like a he's got a batarang and he's he's got a bullet that came off superman and there's a bunch of stuff right okay
Starting point is 01:32:40 i think it's got good connections i think so too too. Because a kid would collect that. Yeah, for sure. A kid's collected in this universe. And it makes sense why when he's given the powers, he doesn't turn into some sort of ancient warrior. He turns into a colourful superhero. How do you feel about the costume now? I think, yeah, it's exaggerated. I think it works though.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Yeah, right. I don't know. It's kind of goofy, but I think it's supposed to be. Oh, absolutely. It's supposed to be goofy. There's an exclamation point in the title. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:33:09 exactly. So I think it's supposed to be goofy. Yeah. Look, I'm, I absolutely see your point. It didn't occur to me, but I think I'd be okay with it.
Starting point is 01:33:17 He's a cynical kid who is hoping for something more. Yeah. And he's, and he, and he believed he'd, the only, the only thing that he believes that is good in the world is superheroes. And so once he believes the only thing that he believes that is good in the world
Starting point is 01:33:26 is superheroes and so once he gets the powers maybe a lot of his cynicism is wiped away that's the way I'm going to that's the way
Starting point is 01:33:32 I'm going to go with it I can definitely I can hear that because I guess everybody learns a lesson don't they and whatever that's so true
Starting point is 01:33:39 and Billy Batson also I mentioned this in the video he grows up to be look like that doesn't he yeah in the video, he grows up to look like that, doesn't he? Yeah, in the Kingdom Come miniseries. Is that the only one where we've seen him growing up? I'm sure there's versions where...
Starting point is 01:33:53 I'm sure there'd be like, you know, there'd be storylines where, you know, the Titans go into the future or something and they meet an older Billy Batson or whatever. But, yeah yeah as far as i know yeah the the version in kingdom come he looks like because that's in the in the the reason he looks the way he does the reason that shazam captain marvel looks the way he does is because he looks like his father right and so that's he's he's you know he's deceased father and he sees him
Starting point is 01:34:22 as the biggest hero of them all which which is the way he looks like him. So it would make sense that he would grow up to look like his dad. Okay, gotcha. Yes. Do you look like your father? No. Okay. Do I look like my father?
Starting point is 01:34:32 We have the same slouchy walk, though. Okay. It's been pointed out. Have you thought about doing some stretching and that to fix that up? No, I will not. Like various corrective weights training sessions? No, no. It sounds like work.
Starting point is 01:34:42 You don't want to do any of that? None of it. Do you want to slouch forever, Mason? Yeah. Or do you want to stand up tall? I want to slouch more. Okay. We'll just keep doing what you're doing then.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Thank you. I think that's everything. Oh, well. I'm sure we've missed a really big bit of news. Should you refresh and see if anything pops up? I will just have a quick look. You can have some straight up riffage. 2000 AD writer Rob Williams.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Robbie Williams. Oh, that's what we didn't talk about. Let's finish this pilot script for Dread, for Mega City 1. That's what we didn't talk about. That's finished the pilot script for Dread, for Mega City 1. That's what we didn't talk about. What? If we're talking about 2000 AD related news, I don't think we talked about it last week. Doug Jones, director of Moon. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Oh, yeah. What's he doing? Doug Jones? No, not Doug Jones. You're thinking of Matthew Broderick. I'm thinking of Duncan Jones. Yes, you are. Duncan Jones, he put out a video where he is, he doesn't say it outright,
Starting point is 01:35:29 but he seems to be working on a Rogue Trooper movie, which is from Fleetway 2000 AD, which is the company that created Judge Dredd. And what do you think of that? I'm excited about it. Do you think they're doing their own universe? Are they the same universe? No, they're not. As a of that? I'm excited about it do you think they're doing their own universe? are they the same universe? no they're not
Starting point is 01:35:45 as a kid I was more excited about I liked Rogue Trooper way more than I liked Dredd but Dredd got the Stallone movie yeah Dredd did get the Stallone movie that's true
Starting point is 01:35:54 yeah so there is yeah cause he in the it's a very odd come in come in please hello I'm very very sorry
Starting point is 01:36:02 there's an emergency I can't find the dummy. And I've looked and I've looked. Ah, shit. All right. Careful. Does he only like one? It's on the shelf.
Starting point is 01:36:10 No, we've only got one. It's on the shelf. Okay. It's on the second shelf. It's not there. It's 100% there because I put it there. Unless he's moved it. It's in your mind.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Check under the spare bed upstairs. All right, I'll come up. Hang on. Everybody, just... I'm going to pause it. It's a dummy emergency. You're a bloody dummy emergency. Mason.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Oh, what? Nah. Sorry, everybody, we're back. My son needed his dummy for his nap. We've got him off it completely, but he has it when he sleeps. And I threw it in the bin by accident. You threw it in the bin or you threw it in the bin out of rage? Could have been either.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Or confusion. It could have been either. Or confusion. It could have been all of those things. Manic? You were a bit manic? You were drunk. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:51 You were malnourished? Malnourished, angry, confused. Anxious? Yes, drunk. Yep. All of those things. A bit gassy? I was a little bit gassy.
Starting point is 01:36:58 That's what I thought. Yeah. Yeah. All right. What have we got here? No, there's not really. So that's all the kind of news, I think.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Right. Anything else? That'll do it, I think. So yeah, we're actually recording this just a few hours before it comes out. So it's all the hottest news
Starting point is 01:37:11 you can possibly imagine. So hot, this news. We're going to do a bit of a little wrap-up video, aren't we? Yes. On our YouTube channel, which you can check out.
Starting point is 01:37:17 And the other thing is we're starting a Caravan of Garbage trilogy. I'm not sure if it's going to be in a row or we're going to space it out. We're going to look at terrible pilots for upcoming DC movies.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Not like Lee Whannell, who seems to be a great pilot. By all accounts, he seems like a lovely pilot and man. I mean, you haven't met him, obviously, but one of us has. Who met him out of the two of us? There's no way of knowing, really. We do sound the same. People can't tell us apart. But what did you think?
Starting point is 01:37:46 What was your best Comic Con thing, Mason? Or what do you give Shazam? Oh, Big Woo. Woo. I think I'm definitely going to say that's my... Ah! Thank you. That's my favourite Woo of the day.
Starting point is 01:37:55 I think that was... No, mine's... I think mine's Harry Potter. Yeah, okay. Yep. Yeah. I don't know. Look, I think I liked the Harry Potter.
Starting point is 01:38:03 I liked the Fantastic Beasts. You liked the Harry Potter. And I the Fantastic Beasts. You liked the Harry Potter. And I liked Jude Law in there. I liked the purely hypothetical banter sketch scenario that I invented. That was great. That was great. I enjoyed that a lot. But I feel like it is going to be quite similar to the previous one.
Starting point is 01:38:19 And I think I'm going to give it to Shazam just because it's a new direction for DC that I think I'm going to enjoy. Sure. It's a lighter tone, but it's not new direction for DC that I think I'm going to enjoy. Sure. It's a lighter tone, but it's not taking the Justice League and reshooting weird parts of it and changing the color palette. Exactly. It looks like somebody has decided to make some decisions and stick with those decisions. Wow. Do you think we're going to get a cameo of any kind?
Starting point is 01:38:40 Do you think we're going to get Justice League? Do you think it's going to be Superman? I think we're going to get Superman. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's been rumors of that, but I think that's the best fit, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Apparently, they were working out for Aquaman who to put in as a cameo, if anybody. I don't think you need it as much. I'm talking about an existing cameo. Yeah, for sure. Unless you do a Green Lantern at the end or something. He's like, what's that green light? What's that green light? What's that green light?
Starting point is 01:39:04 Yeah. All right. green light what's that green light what's that green light yeah alright if people though have a a favourite thing from Comic Con please let us know on Twitter yes
Starting point is 01:39:11 at MrSundayMovies and at Wikipedia Brown thank you alright let's do what we reading oh what we gonna read I'm doing the thing what are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:39:27 I've already talked about Mind Maze and I talked about Unbreakable. Oh, I finally bought the season pass to Westworld. So I'm like six episodes in. And what do you think? I'm loving it. Do you like the fractured timeline? Yes. I think it's unnecessary a lot.
Starting point is 01:39:37 I think it's fine. That being said, if somebody out there is just like, well, I didn't watch season one, but I'll just jump in on season two. Do not. You cannot. Do it. I mean, I guess you could have the same revelation that everybody did in season one, that there were different timelines. But just in like, it could still happen.
Starting point is 01:39:53 But I think you'd be unnecessarily confused. Agreed. I think this season two is like, they're going the Game of Thrones route, I think, which is unless you have watched the first one. Yeah. Don't bother. Did you get up to the dude, the Native American guy, trying to figure out what's going on? Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Did you really? I think so. There's a whole episode dedicated to him? Oh, not yet, no. You'll know it when you hear it. Oh, right, cool, yeah. I did get up to Shogun World, which I'm very excited about. I was a little disappointed in Shogun World. Well, I mean, and I think that's the point of it.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Yeah, okay. That they are all carbon copies of the Westworld characters. I think that's fun. But even the aesthetic of it, I thought, was just a bit kind of... Man, I'm enjoying this because it's all the plots of the first season, but they've added more and they've cranked it up. And you know the reason why they're doing everything. They've told you that.
Starting point is 01:40:38 But there's still more mysteries. There's so many mysteries, Mason. And let me tell you, this ends on a mystery also. There's a little bit of mystery. But the next season has to be something else completely different again. It has to be? Has to be. Are you saying it has to be, otherwise you won't watch?
Starting point is 01:40:50 Or are you saying... No, it has... The storyline is set up that way. Oh, it must go that direction. Okay, that's cool. And I won't watch if it doesn't. Wow. No, I'm still confused.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Yeah, good. Are you saying that the way the season ends... Okay, all right. Okay. I'm going to watch it. Don't even worry about it. Yeah. Don't worry about it. It, all right. Okay. I'm going to watch it. Don't even worry about it. Yeah. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:41:07 It has to change. No, I get it. All right. If anything, you're making it more confusing. We've got to move it along because I want to get this. Wait, do you not have any more of what we read? I only had Unbreakable. I downloaded Last Day's American Crime, which you recommended a while back.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Yeah, that's a Rick Remender comic about the government decides to prevent people from doing crimes. That's really good. With baseball bats? Is it the opposite of the purge? No, they use like a radio signal that prevents people from... Purging. From doing purging.
Starting point is 01:41:36 It's opposite of the purge. It's interesting. Yeah, I guess that's true. All right, should we do our next segment? I'm more than happy to. Letters segment. The classic one was Letters, oh letters
Starting point is 01:41:47 We love you Some letters They're only a take my way I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. Mason was doing a wild fist pump.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Like I was at a rave. He was. You ever been to a rave? No. You a fan? No. But you've never been? I don't like to sweat.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Okay, fair enough. Alright, what have we've never been i don't like to sweat okay fair enough all right what do we got here you don't like to sweat what about if you exercise no i don't like to sweat or exercise if you like if you gave me the hypothetical scenario you can do exercise and you won't sweat i still wouldn't do it because i like exercising to sweat i feel better in general i don't like sweating if I'm just in regular clothes. That's a nightmare. Okay, Mason, if you want to reach the show, hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter
Starting point is 01:42:28 or shoot an email through to Mason at WeeklyPlanetPod at This one's just come through. All right then. This is from Fox from Texas. New season of
Starting point is 01:42:36 The Venture Brothers premieres August 5. You guys need to catch up any way possible. That's our friend Andrew Levin's favorite show, I believe. What does he know?
Starting point is 01:42:44 The Venture Brothers. Got him. Good. You did get him. That's true. What does he think about that? But I should definitely catch up on that. I Levin's favourite show, I believe. What does he know? The Venture Brothers. Got him. You did get him. That's true. What does he think about that? But I should definitely catch up on that. I hear it's great. Okay, cool. And it seems right in my wheelhouse. What's your wheelhouse? Like a Rick and Morty, like a BoJack Horseman. Okay. Like an animated situation. It sounds like a Hanna
Starting point is 01:42:57 Barbera thing from like the 60s, but it's not, is it? No, it's not. That's true. And that's why I'm okay with that. It's like a Johnny Future. Johnny Future? What's that guy's name again? Johnny Quest? Johnny Quest, thank you? No, it's not. That's true. And that's why I'm okay with that. It's like a Johnny Future. Johnny Future? What's that guy's name again? Johnny Quest? Johnny Quest, thank you. Okay, gotcha.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Johnny Depp? No. Okay. No, absolutely not. Right. I got a tweet here from Charlie Newman. Do you think Billy's foster brother in the Shazam trailer has that Batarang because he's an orphan because Batman murdered his parents with it.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Because otherwise, why would he idolize... Otherwise, it'd be weird. He'd idolize a serial killer's weapons. Why did Batman v Superman not happen now? That's a very good point. Well, it depends how Batman's perceived in the public. Yeah. I think...
Starting point is 01:43:37 Because there's been news articles. In Batman v Superman, there were newscasts where they were like, he's branding people and killing people and stop it, mate. Come on, what are you doing? So, I mean, potentially that's also merch. Yeah. Because the DC universe often it's like you can just go
Starting point is 01:43:58 and buy a Superman t-shirt or a Batman t-shirt. I guess that would make sense. Yeah, it looks like... I think probably Wayne Enterprises is making it. Like they probably all the merch and they don't give superman a cut i looked at the comparisons it looks exactly the same so if it's a replica it's a good one yeah but i mean people could make that well that's true yeah i mean if you've seen one there's probably like you know a crime scene photo definitely or there'd be like a photo of a criminal strung up and there's a batarang next to him or whatever. So I'm sure. So someone would have got one.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Exactly. Yeah, I think it's... And it's in a little stand. Yeah, exactly. He didn't build the little stand. I think he just bought it off the internet. He may have, Mason. Maybe it comes with a stand.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Good point. What's the next question? This is from Jonathan Warzel. Hey, Mason and James, I noticed in the trailer that Godzilla looks pregnant. I'm assuming he means the Godzilla trailer. Does he mean Godzilla 98, Mason? Yeah, I think so, yeah. Does he mean the that Godzilla looks pregnant. I'm assuming he means the Godzilla trailer. Does he mean Godzilla 98, Mason? Yeah, I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Does he mean the original Godzilla? Yeah. Uh-huh. Perhaps Godzilla gives birth in this movie, then the mother dies, and baby Godzilla and King Kong fight in the next movie, solving the size differences between the two. But that being said,
Starting point is 01:44:58 you should never ask a woman if she's pregnant or how far along. Yep. Ever. She could be 110 months pregnant. She could be 110 months pregnant she could be giving birth you could be the doctor delivering the baby you do not don't ask her if she's pregnant don't do it i don't think she's pregnant do you think she's no i don't think she's pregnant yeah yeah also you want godzilla has to be a she is big as well generally like a wider base and this is the this
Starting point is 01:45:21 is the second biggest godzilla yeah so there's all the other Godzillas. And this one's the biggest, the second biggest, except for the animated one on Netflix, which is like 5,000 feet tall or something. That's too big. It's too big. That's what I'm talking about. How big? I'm going to have to get one of those pictures.
Starting point is 01:45:37 You know, the scales that shows them next to each other. Okay. Fair enough. What are we talking about? So I don't think they wouldn't kill Godzilla because Godzilla has to be this endless, like this constant force of nature. I don't think they're going to kill.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Like they did it in the 98, the one you just watched. Because who cares? Because who cares? But they, I don't, and that'll upset a lot of people for messing with the continuity. So I think the idea, it has to be the same Godzilla forever. Fair enough. I got one more question here.
Starting point is 01:46:09 It's from Nick Appleton. Hashtag weekly planet pod. What's the oldest movie each of you have seen and what drove you to go and watch it? You can't include movies you saw in your classroom. I'm looking at you, Mr. Sunday Movies. Oh, mate. Well, I've seen that one where the train comes at you.
Starting point is 01:46:26 That's like four seconds of film. Yeah, and we all ran away i remember no i don't know what's what it uh i like probably wizard of oz okay i like um i don't know some old buster keaton movies i've seen some of those like the general and those are good that's a solid film i haven't seen you've never seen the general no i haven't okay it's about a train. I haven't seen it. You've never seen the general? No, I haven't. Okay, it's about a train. Did you run away from it? Yeah. It's unrelated though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:50 If I'm watching an old movie, it better be a train in it, all right? I'm not really, I don't really go back before the 50s and 60s. Okay. That's kind of where I stop. I think you would be surprised at how good this movie is. All right. I'm not saying good don't there's good
Starting point is 01:47:05 movies don't exist yeah right but i'm saying like that's genuine like my my favorite era of movies is like this is probably the 60s early 70s yeah and i guess the mid 90s you know forrest gump apollo 11 or 13 other tom hanks movies you you know? Yep. Yeah. Correct. The General's from 1926. So that's, I guess, as early as I've gone. Isn't one of the earliest movies ever made a Ned Kelly movie? I think it is, yeah. Yeah, it's one of the first films and it's an Australian film. I bet it's terrible.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Obviously, it's going to be terrible. Obviously. Yeah. All right. I think that's the show, though. Yeah. Mason, bring us to the end of the show. Bring us to the that's the show though yeah Mason bring us to the end of the show bring us to the end of the show
Starting point is 01:47:48 let's see if you want to say hi to us if you want to answer any of the burning questions that we've asked in this podcast and I would hope you would yeah the thing about Robin again but slightly reworded yep yep yep
Starting point is 01:47:58 some other things yes actually I did have one more question okay surprising this is from Joshua Scar you mentioned this before yes actually I did have one more question okay surprising this is from Joshua Scar you mentioned this before
Starting point is 01:48:09 with Aquaman taking inspiration from the now defunct New 52 the costume and Shazam have all taken inspiration
Starting point is 01:48:16 from New 52 yes says from my understanding New 52 was not very well received from audiences what era of DC comics do you think Warner Brothers
Starting point is 01:48:24 should draw their inspiration from to course correct? Do you think it should be the New 52? Or do you think it should be something else? I think even... Yeah, I think the comic's okay. I think actually, I don't mind that comic. And I think it's a good one to draw from. I think the least...
Starting point is 01:48:38 I think the worst part of the New 52 was probably Superman. 100%. Not even just that they took the underpants off. That's obviously a part of it. But he was just weirdly... Yeah. He was, especially in his early appearances, he was very...
Starting point is 01:48:53 He seemed very smug. Yeah, he did, yeah. And a weird superiority complex, which is fine, which is, you know, he is one of the most powerful beings in the world. Yeah. But simmer down, mate. That's not the character of Superman.
Starting point is 01:49:05 No, it's not. Yeah. So, but otherwise I can remember thinking it was quite... I like the new Batman. The new, the Batman character, the Batman, that version of Batman was pretty good. I like the new Aquaman. Yep. That new 52 run.
Starting point is 01:49:17 But if we had to pick another era... You know what? You know what I quite liked a lot? Yes. This is, they could do this for Green Lantern. The new Green Lantern Earth 1. Have you read that? No.
Starting point is 01:49:26 It's a different origin. And that's the universe where everybody's not quite as good. Yes. They're just there. But then maybe they get real good. They just figure stuff out. Yeah, but I think that's a... I don't know if it even fits within this universe,
Starting point is 01:49:38 but all of the TV shows and the movies don't really connect or whatever. Exactly. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm saying let's go back to like... Old timey... I was going to say like 1970s. We go back to that. We go back to the Neil Adams version of Batman where he's like, the suit's grey.
Starting point is 01:49:54 That means you've got to do the Superman who could do anything. Your least favourite version. Oh, no. I would do one more. Yeah. If I would like one more of those. Chris Reeve's Superman, 1970s batman he's got the he's got the cornflower blue suit and he's got that you know that weird that weird maserati batmobile
Starting point is 01:50:11 he had vaguely yeah that was a cool one i like i think there will be enough batman movies made probably within our lifetime that we will see that we'll see that again for sure even if it's a bloody tv show yeah all right that's the show, everybody. What's up? Oh, good point. That is a good point. Well, you can get us at our weekly PlanetPod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Bandcamp. That's where all our commentaries are.
Starting point is 01:50:35 That's correct. You can also find us on the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. Yep. You can even go to and sign up for our newsletter. Yep. Let's see. I'm at WikipediaBrown on Twitter, and I'm also on Instagram. You can just search my name. It probably comes up for our newsletter yep uh let's see i'm at wikipedia brown on twitter and i'm also on instagram you can just search my name it probably comes up who knows oh mr sunday
Starting point is 01:50:50 movies on twitter and mr sunday gram on instagram you can also follow at the weekly planet on twitter that's all our all the great rob call our fun jokes fun jokes and such and fan art and all kinds of crazy stuff. Look, Claire putting stuff about me on Instagram. God damn it, Claire. Yeah, I know, right? She sold you out. She sold you out for content. I know.
Starting point is 01:51:11 I mean, we'd do the same to her. Yeah, in a second. So it's absolutely... Steel's having a great time at Comic-Con, isn't he? Is he? Yeah, he's having a good time. Nice, good for him. Looks exhausting.
Starting point is 01:51:20 Yeah, I know. I could never do it. Yeah. Let's see. If you want to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies. If you want to chuck in a buck, there's also the Amazon.
Starting point is 01:51:29 You think you can't chuck in a buck? You can probably chuck in a buck. Think again. You might be able to. Or you don't have to. You don't have to. Totally. Be nice.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Chuck in a buck. You want to buy those three other houses. Yeah. And I want to make a series of very small bets that I can just barely afford. So if you could help us out with that, that'd be great. We'd love it. there's also an amazon affiliate link in our episode description you can click through there and buy some amazon stuff yep we're gonna kick back that
Starting point is 01:51:51 way um we've got our uh care charity camp care australia charity campaign still going if you want to donate uh we're gonna have to wrap that up soon i know potentially win some prizes or uh you can definitely ask us a question for our Q&A. Not potentially, definitely. You can definitely ask us a question. And you can definitely win a prize. We have one week left for our limited edition Mr. Koya shirt. Yeah, we do.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Which has the Planet Broadcasting logo printed in it. And a bunch of other little hints and tips. The ones you know of, which is weird silhouettes of our face. It's the most self-indulgent thing we've ever done, but also it's a great shirt, and they're ethically made, and they're very nice. I've got a whole bunch of them. And we 100% back it, don't we?
Starting point is 01:52:31 Before they were a sponsor, I enjoyed their work a whole bunch. You were the one who brought it up. You said, get these. Get in on it. And it's weird that this has happened, but I'm totally on board with it. You should do that for more stuff. Yes. Get us a car, Mason.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Recommend a car. So we can split a car. One car? We'll split a car, okay. split a car we'll split a car okay split a car in half like in that movie Malcolm that's right
Starting point is 01:52:49 in the movie Malcolm anyway there's one week that order window closes in about a week yes so if you want to get one if you're on the fence maybe get one
Starting point is 01:52:56 yep because if you don't we're not doing them ever again no we're just printing they're putting they're stitching together
Starting point is 01:53:02 as many as get ordered and no more so that's how we like it yeah that's right yeah and they're they're putting they're stitching together as many as get ordered and no more so that's how we like it yeah that's right yeah and they're real good shirts they're real good shirts
Starting point is 01:53:10 thank you to the Brute and the Basilisk and Rackham for all our theme musics yep next week I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 01:53:18 yeah what's going on a bit of a quiet one maybe do a topic do a topic yeah when's Fallout coming out week after I think you can actually see it this week but not everybody yeah alright A bit of a quiet one. Maybe do a topic. Do a topic, yeah. When's Fallout coming out? Week after. I think you can actually see it this week, but not everybody can see it this week. I've got to get back on Paramount's mailing list.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Did they ban you? Yeah, for Transformers. I've talked about it. I still get the emails. Do you want me to get you a ticket? Yes, please. Okay, I'll get you a ticket. I'll get you a ticket.
Starting point is 01:53:41 Good, good. All right. All right. Thanks, everybody. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you a ticket. I'll get you a ticket. Good, good. All right. All right. Thanks, everybody. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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