The Weekly Planet - 252 The Predator is...

Episode Date: September 17, 2018

The Predator, what could very well be the most anticipated movie of 2018, is finally here! And boy...does it. We talk that plus also Venom getting a PG rating Heny Cavill leaving th role of Superman, ...Kit Harington rumoured for Batman, Swamp Thing TV series details, a Captain Marvel trailer release date and more things! Thanks for listening, winking face emoji.Visit and use the promo code PLANET for 20% off. Quality stuff all round. Plus if you don’t like it you keep it and get a refund. What a bloody great deal!Kevin VS The Predator: Game Game: The Start9:32 Venom movie rating10:56 Superman is out or in20:20 Kit Harington for Batman22:50 Swamp Thing series details25:31 Captain Marvel trailer30:15 The Predator (spoilers 49:06 - 1:17:19)1:19:50 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:22:55 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy Predator 4-Movie Collection on Amazon: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. I hope you like...
Starting point is 00:00:48 Bloody... I've gone off script. I shouldn't have done that. I'm lost. Do you want to start again? No! You can find your way back. With me as always is my co-host.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Okay. I may miss some stuff in there. I think you miss some stuff. Nick Mason. I'm here. Yeah, man. That's what I say. See, all I have to do every week is go,
Starting point is 00:01:01 I'm here. That's right. I don't even have to contribute to the episode in a lot of cases. A lot of the time I don't say anything. You just get archival audio from me from previous episodes and you just plug it in, including this bit right here because I've done it before. I've gone off script.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I've walked out of the studio before and you've just taken this bit from the other time I did it. I think Tone Pop did that recently on the episode. I haven't listened to it, but I think Mikael, or Mikael, sorry, assembled like an episode of previous clips. I don't know whether, I saw some stuff on Twitter about it, so I gotta check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:30 So not a best of, but a... I think it's, yeah, it's a trick. Like a Google deep dream, artificial intelligence, fake episode. Wow. That's exactly right. But the reason, Mason,
Starting point is 00:01:40 I may be off my game a little bit thrown is because I'm really excited because we just recorded our tour of the podcast studio. What did we have? Just going up on the... If you've donated to the UNICEF... Why do I keep saying that? It's not UNICEF, Mason.
Starting point is 00:01:55 You need to slap me with a wet newspaper every time I say that. I'm too far away and I don't have a wet newspaper. I could slap you with this wet couch cushion that the dog keeps licking. Yeah, okay, that's fine. I can do that. I'll do it later. But basically... Care Australia.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Care Australia for raising money for women and girls across the world. Well, I think it's got a big jump this week because the Q&A is going out this week along with a bunch of bonus podcasts from other people on the network. Yeah, Tofop's doing one. Tofop's doing one. Matt Stewart is doing one. Matt Stewart did one. There's a bunch of others.
Starting point is 00:02:23 We're also doing a second part to a Q&A because we didn't get to all the questions. And I feel like even with part two, we probably still won't get through all the questions. But we're going to give it a bloody red hot go. So that's about, I think it's about an hour 45 and there's a short tour of where we work. It's, look, it's not... Work.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Tour, work. Yeah, look, if you're donating just for that, you'll be thoroughly disappointed. Just donate if you want to do a nice thing, I guess. I bet one of the people, because there's some people who have been very, very generous and have donated, you know, $50 or $100 or $200. I hope none of those people were like, look, I can ask them questions anytime I want on Twitter. This is for the studio tour. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:01 This is for the Willy Wonka's chocolate factory tour of the amazing dream factory that that they put together the podcast in it's one room yeah there's a couch in it it's basically the box factory from that episode of the citizens it's about that level but look i enjoyed i enjoyed filming it yeah uh we lose a little bit of steam towards the end because your phone ran out of storage and we had to start again. But then we got it done, didn't we? Then we got it done, yeah. That's right. That's it. I just saw this week as well,
Starting point is 00:03:29 somebody called Tristan donated $762. There's some big numbers here. Lucas, $436. Michael, $327. Yes, Greg, can we help you? Yes, I just wanted to give a shout out to someone who donated a lot of money. Was it Tristan? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I just did that, Claire! Are you kidding me? No, I appreciate that Was it Tristan? Yeah. I just did that, Claire. Are you kidding me? No, I appreciate that. Thanks, Claire. Yeah. Also, she made the artwork that the Indians made. Oh, really? It was real cool.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I love that. I know the one you're talking about. Yeah, the one that looks like a fancy watch ad. Yeah. Wow. I know, what a legend. Excellent. Bye.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Bye, Claire. Thanks for just interrupting for no reason. Bloody. Oh, no interrupting for no reason. Bloody. Oh no, she's back. She's a good sport. She's like the third character on the show. I'll tell you what Mason,
Starting point is 00:04:13 you can't bloody stop her. Can't stop her. So anyway, that's going out today. If you're listening today, it was supposed to go out Thursday when it was supposed to go out, but we emailed it through and the people at the website were like, no problem.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We'll get it out Monday and it was like what? because we told everyone this week so it should be out today terrific hey also something
Starting point is 00:04:32 that's out today should be out by now if you're listening to this on Monday I was on an episode of Gamey Game Game the YouTube show about video games
Starting point is 00:04:41 by our friend Evan over at Stupid Old Studios he hosts it and I had we had it was me and comedians Ben Russell
Starting point is 00:04:47 and Naomi Higgins all wonderfully funny people very funny we had a bloody bloody good time what video game did you mostly talk about we talked about Spiderman
Starting point is 00:04:54 yeah the new Spiderman games which is convenient because that's the first game I've played in many years well the first good game I've played in many years sure yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:05:01 and we talked a little bit about Dead Cells which is a indie game that's out now. Yes, yes. And look at like a Metroidvania kind of... A bit of controversy behind that one. Is there?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, because the guy... I won't get into it. But basically the guy writing... I'm getting into it. Yes, clearly. The guy writing... You're a man of contrast. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:05:17 The guy who wrote the review for IGN just ripped off his review. Oh, that's right. And people went through and he's like, it was just a mistake or whatever. Try and find evidence of me doing that again. And there's just dozens
Starting point is 00:05:27 of reviews that... I dare you to find it. Don't actually, though. Don't say that. Oh, I called my bluff. So we talk about Dead Cells, and apparently there's a new Leisure Suit Larry game coming out, which, look, I'm against because it's Leisure Suit Larry, but I am for it because it's... It's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Well, it's fascinating, but also because I think it... Well, I'm hoping that it's a game where he learns a lesson because he's coming into the modern era from like the 80s. So I guess it's kind of like maybe he'll figure out that his old ways... Maybe that's the run of the game, but maybe it isn't. Yeah, maybe that's it, Mason. I think it might be though.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Okay. Would they show a trailer or anything? There's nothing in it. There's really really poorly timed joke and i don't mean content wise like the timing's off it's like it's like it turns out i have the biggest and then there's a long pause like too long for it to be funny and then the bartender's like hey this is a family establishment and then there's another long pause too long for it to be comedy. And then he goes, smile in town. I reckon that's probably a good joke and you butchered it, to be honest. The setup and the punchline is so far apart
Starting point is 00:06:35 that you forget what the setup was. Like four minutes? Yeah, like four minutes. Anyway, we talked about that. But I'm hoping this means it's a return to point-and-click adventure games. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because as a man who was always terrible at every other form of video game, the point-and-click adventure game is my jam.
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's my jam, exactly. We talked about that, and that's, yeah, it was a pretty good old time. I'll link it below along with the Q&A. So, yeah, if you link that below or if you want to go to YouTube, just type in Gamey Gamey Game and it's the bloody... And if everybody could maybe watch it and get those download numbers up, maybe they'll have me back. Well, they won't.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I don't think they will, to be honest. Oh, come on, mate. They haven't messaged me after. It's not good, Mason. Oh, man. You said your timing was off. Oh, man. Well, I just did that Leisure Suit Larry joke over and over again
Starting point is 00:07:24 for 48 minutes. Speaking of things that are off, Mason. Maybe. Venom, the Venom movie. Now, that's still on, right? I saw it out on a bus for it. Wow. You know it's serious then, isn't it, Mason?
Starting point is 00:07:37 It's got a PG-13 rating. Oh, it's off. It's a... Look, rating isn't indicative of anything. And I think also because the American rating... But it's going to be bad. Yeah, rating isn't indicative of anything. And I think also because the American rating... But it's going to be bad. Yeah, it's going to be bad. The American rating system is slightly different from ours.
Starting point is 00:07:50 So like this would be in Australia, this I guess would be the equivalent of like M. Like an M15. With like an M15, which is sort of like some adult content, but not really. But in Australia, PG is like a Pixar or something. I think we have a PG-13 here as well.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Okay. Maybe we do. I don't know. I don't think about it because I don't need to. Yeah, exactly. And in America, they have R, which here is MA-15+. Oh, okay. Is that how it works?
Starting point is 00:08:14 I think so, yeah. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, yeah. So basically, I think there was talk of maybe they're going to do an extended, unrated cut, a sexy cut for... It seems... Go ahead. That's all I have to say.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Well, I was going to say that it feels like this is maybe like an attempt at double dipping. It's like, well, everybody will see it at the cinemas and then they'll buy it again on DVD because it'll be raunchier and sexier with more tendrils. But I think that's going to backfire. I think it's going to be, well, I'm not going to see it in cinemas and I'm going to steal it off the internet so well i think i don't think i mentioned
Starting point is 00:08:48 this last week or week before we talked about it it might have an initial uh it might do well initially better than it would if it was an r or whatever yeah right now rating but then if it's toned down and not as good then the next one won't do as good so I think it's better to do a good movie with a higher rating like Deadpool did and then you build your audience based off that but what do we know, we don't make these movies no, we haven't crushed the Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:09:15 franchise multiple times I mean, people haven't seen our tour of the studio video yet that could go viral I think it probably could probably could hit cinemas yeah well you when we finished recording it you were like was that any good and i'm like well no no it wasn't but i mean also it's not it's not like you know when you you see a video on the internet and it's like worst interview fails ever and it's you know that's all anytime we talk
Starting point is 00:09:41 to anybody famous yeah or all i want is for us not to end up on one of those compilations, right? To be forgotten. That's what you want. That's what I want to be forgotten, exactly. Yeah, I get you, man. Speaking of something that might be forgotten. Oh, you're so good at links today. Thanks, Mason.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Henry Cavill might not be Superman anymore, according to one report, but then again, he might also still be Superman for now. All of this is unconfirmed, and I can go through the series of events if you want. If you could. Do you have anything to say up top, though? Look, it strikes me.
Starting point is 00:10:18 The version that was explained to me is that they wanted him to be in a cameo in Shazam as Superman, and he couldn't do it for some reason. I think it was Mission Impossible again. Oh, terrific. They were doing the gag reel for Mission Impossible and they were like, yeah, I can't make it to Shazam. So apparently, and then it seems like as revenge, somebody leaked the idea that he was quitting
Starting point is 00:10:39 or something like that. That's what I hear. But then I also saw maybe an Instagram post Henry Cavill put up that said he wasn't it's very non-committal that post okay well let's go through the events
Starting point is 00:10:48 and we'll make a we'll finally determine the real answer bearing in mind we're never right no that's right I mean yes that's right
Starting point is 00:10:56 whatever the thing is you said that's what it is also we never listen to each other and why should we basically like you said there was this report
Starting point is 00:11:04 it was said that he was let go oh uh and he didn't shoot imagine that yeah this would this be the first time a superhero act has been let go no terrence howard there's been a lot of them actually i've got a video on it as soon as you finish we're doing a video on it this week actually we haven't recorded it yet as soon as i finish saying it i'm like no there's probably tons there's so many yeah I mean the last Superman was also let go yeah I guess also
Starting point is 00:11:28 yeah but then this was from this is from his his rep said whilst no decision has been made regarding any upcoming Superman films
Starting point is 00:11:36 we've always had great respect for and a great relationship with Henry Cavill and that remains unchanged so so this is an official statement yes
Starting point is 00:11:43 okay he then issued a really weird vague vague response on Twitter, on Instagram, where some classical music is playing and he shows a picture of Superman and then he, I mean, a toy of Superman and he takes it away and that's it. That's it, right. Nobody really knows what that means. Just explain yourself, Henry Cavill. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:12:00 What is he doing? Or Cavill. Explain yourself and explain which way your name is pronounced. It's like travel. Cavill. Yeah, like Cavill. Explain yourself and explain which way your name is pronounced. It's like travel. Cavill. Yeah, like Cavill. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Like, yeah. Okay. Right, right, right. Yeah. And the thing is, there's no active Superman movies in development. Yeah, right. So if I was him also, why the fuck would you hang around to do two minute cameos in every second DC movie? Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And then make a Justice League movie in six years because everyone hated the last one except for me I thought it was a delight we both actually from memory
Starting point is 00:12:29 no I don't like it at all it's bad we both had a fun time with it let's just leave it at that no I'm happy to leave it back it's on Netflix now
Starting point is 00:12:36 is it yeah we're going to get to it we're going to do a commentary we'll do a commentary and also he's going to be Geralt in The Witcher yeah I believe that character
Starting point is 00:12:43 has a full beard sometime I think the book version doesn't Okay right, so are they going to cameo him in Every time and What if they cameo him in every time And it's just worse and worse CGI To get rid of the beard Or like he does it
Starting point is 00:12:57 Plan 9 from Outer Space style, he's got his cape Over his face every time he's doing A cameo. You know what's ridiculous If people had listened to us from the very beginning about Justice League, Mason, let me just say this. When Superman returns from the death of Superman,
Starting point is 00:13:09 he's got a mullet and I think also then you could have given him a beard. And if he had a beard, then you could easily CGI on the rest of the beard if he had a mustache from Mission Impossible.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Correct, yes. You had an out. You had it a year before you started filming, but you didn't do it. You blew it. And look, the movie still turned out great
Starting point is 00:13:23 and we're both happy with the way it turned out. We're not not you're trying to sneak that in there you tried to you said some things some things that i would easily agree with and you snuck in a thing that i disagreed with but i caught you i caught you red-handed in the act you son of a bitch but no you're right because it he's had a beard before he's had a beard he had a beard at the start of man of steel just do it say do the same thing yeah And then you do a joke at the end where he beats bloody Steppenwolf or whatever. And he's like, well, it's time to get rid of this beard. And we all laugh.
Starting point is 00:13:51 We all laugh, yeah. And then they race around the world or whatever. Yeah. And then if you do take the mustache or the beard off, you do it for one scene and you take the time to do it properly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So I don't know. So I can understand why he would step away from that.
Starting point is 00:14:06 So if even, this is all rumors, and it's also, it's looking more and more likely that Ben Affleck is also not coming back. So this is a universe where there's active Wonder Woman and Aquaman movies happening. Probably The Flash, though, I'm not counting on that happening because it hasn't started yet.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So let's not say anything. The Joker's happening, but that's in another universe. And there's no word on a Justice League movie. The Batman movie looks like it's going to be a prequel with somebody else, which we'll talk about. There's a lot more news on that. And there's hundreds of Harley Quinn properties currently on the boil. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 But they also, one of the names that came up, and the internet lost it, was Michael B. Jordan for Superman. Of Human Torch and Killmonger fame. Correct. I think that would be fine. I mean, they nearly did it with Will Smith at one point as well, in the early 2000s. And what they could do to get around people who are really upset,
Starting point is 00:14:54 there is a black Superman. There is, yeah. There's also a Chinese Superman. You could do different versions of Superman and say they're just different. Yeah, right. If you're really worried about people getting real pissed about it. Exactly. Just test run it with Michael B. Jordan. And if it works, put him in and just be like, I'm the Superman from another universe. Yeah, right. If you're really worried about people getting real pissed about it. Exactly. Just test run it with Michael B. Jordan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And if it works, put him in and just be like, I'm the Superman from another universe. Or just say it's a parallel universe in which everybody's basically the same, except it's a different Superman. Yeah. And then pre-existing Henry Cavill Superman still exists if you want to put him back. I also think that that's just a name that always comes up you know yeah imagine for most properties they're like well he's really good so we should just get him like i'm sure there's a hundred people on that list and he just happens
Starting point is 00:15:34 to be the one of them that also again that's a rumor but the other reason they're also putting him aside is uh and superman in general because the other reason the other thing also there are no superman movies in development right exactly there are no Superman movies in development. Right, exactly. There are hundreds of movies in development of Warner Brothers. None of them are Superman. Right. None of them. Which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I think they think that Superman isn't popular and doesn't make money because the movies he's in, like Man of Steel, did okay. But they wanted to do Dark Knight and it did okay. Batman and Superman underperformed. Still made a lot of money. Justice League was a fucking disaster. We both had fun with it. Let's not get into it. No, no, no, get into it no no no no you've done it again you've done that thing you're doing and people might think oh well they might think well that superman is not the thing that's working superman doesn't work in a lot of those movies but it's not because of the actor it's because
Starting point is 00:16:19 of the material it seems a lot of the time and if you just make a good one people will like it i think that but i also think that the reason that people are up in like an uproar about michael b jordan potentially superman is because what if that's the one where the movie is good yeah right yeah and then certain people would be like well okay you know that's how how dare they take away our superman and finally make a good one yeah what know what I mean? Absolutely. But so the focus also is going to be on Supergirl, which is a movie they are apparently moving forward with. With Henry Cavill in the lead. With Henry Cavill in the lead, which is exciting, I think.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah. They live in the mustache for this one. They've learned from their mistakes. That's right, exactly. Just go for it. Supergirl's a modern woman. That's right, exactly. You can do what you want.
Starting point is 00:17:02 That's a movie I do want to see. I don't watch the show anymore. But also, I think some people asked this on Twitter. Maybe I just saw it on Twitter. Does that mean maybe Superman could get his own TV series? Because they've got him in the CW universe. He exists. That's true.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And he's very charming in that. He's good in that. I would say he's not... I don't think he looks as much like Superman as some of the others. Right. But I think he does... From what I saw, Superman as some of the others. Right. But I think he does, from what I saw, he does a really good job. Yeah. So if we're getting a Supergirl movie,
Starting point is 00:17:30 there was a rumor also that the villain is going to be Brainiac, which I think is great. Same. Works well. Bottled city of Kandor. Yeah. Because that's where she's from. Do you want to see robot Brainiac or do you want to see green alien Brainiac?
Starting point is 00:17:44 I want to see robot and then you think it's the real one, but then you see the real one. So what do you want to see? I want to see... I would say the first one I encountered as a kid was Robot Brainiac. Yeah. And so I kind of want that one. But it's difficult empathizing with robot
Starting point is 00:18:06 face brainiac i would think yeah right so i reckon maybe green alien one the one in uh krypton yeah which i like yeah uh i don't know whether that's a popular or standard opinion but it's good okay they and he's robot brainiac no but he does like infect people's minds and whatever i think there's probably maybe there is a robot part of him. But then you see the actual Brainiac and it's quite good. So wait, so the Brainiac, spoilers I guess for Krypton, a show that I haven't seen. Also it's a prequel, you know what ends. Oh yeah, good point.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So the version you see as Brainiac is a green alien guy, but he's not the actual Brainiac. No, no, you do see the actual guy. But that's what I'm saying. So the version you see with the green alien face, he somebody that brainiac has possessed there is that but then you see brainiac brainiac and he's green yeah unless it's also not him because who knows but it look i think it is and it looks it looks good okay so yeah okay but definitely skull ship yeah and also the skull ships in that show as well that's really good i like that show look a lot
Starting point is 00:19:02 of it's running down the same dimly lit street. Yeah, sure. They built one set. They built one set, but I like that show. Oh no, this time the gravity's been reversed. We're going to run down the same street, but we're upside down.
Starting point is 00:19:15 The roof looks exactly the same as the floor. Another bit of DC news is that this is a rumor that Kit Harington was a front runner for Batman. That was a rumor which his reps have denied but uh again it's probably if his name was mentioned everybody's name is probably mentioned for sure yeah i'm sure they just went okay what what are some hit movies and tv shows okay these ones okay who could make the jump from tv movies kit harrington sure why not i think he'd
Starting point is 00:19:42 be a way better nightwing yeah Yeah. Even build-wise. Like, he's not tall, he's like 5'7", or whatever. Okay, right. Which I don't think is really a problem for Batman. It doesn't really matter. You can make them look whatever size they need to be. Yeah. But, no, I think he'd be a better Nightwing.
Starting point is 00:19:55 What do you think? I think he'd be a better Nightwing. But also, I think that the size of the actor alters the public perception of the character i think right okay like as if you do like a casting call yeah and everybody's like six two like he's standing next to jason momoa and he's yeah you know very tiny i think people would be like is this our new batman it's like when they changed james bonds yeah and they were like daniel craig is he's blonde and he's wearing a life jacket on a boat what a pansyy. Remember when they did that? I still think real-life actor Daniel Craig could kill all the other ones.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah, that's right. Sean Connery in his prime? He probably did a lot of bar fighting, didn't he? Probably Sean Connery now. Yeah, actually, I don't know. I think we're just not going to hear from Sean Connery, then he's going to die. That's how that's going to go.
Starting point is 00:20:40 All right. He's very old. Swamp Thing, apparently, the TV tv series is going to get a hard r and it's going to use a practical suit which i think is good okay do you think people will fall in love with it like they do with you know the lost in space robot and the monsters from stranger things you know how people love all that i guess so but i mean swamp thing can talk so that's true yeah i mean like people fall in love with this stuff they're like oh it's everything's thick and sexy oh i see what you're saying okay all right i see right right you're saying well people want to want to do a sex on the swamp yeah yeah uh yeah for sure yeah
Starting point is 00:21:14 yeah in fact there's probably people have been waiting for 20 years to see a live action version of that you no oh okay yeah i think it's based you what no no you I think it's based on- You? No. No. You? I think it's based off the Alan Moore run. Okay, great. Which I think I've read. I've read the first few at least. Does that mean John Constantine appearance? I hope so. I hope not.
Starting point is 00:21:34 What's in what universe though? Also, Batman's in that one. Not the Constantine universe. Yeah, that's true. Batman's in that one as well, isn't he? Yes. Because doesn't he take over Gotham and Batman- I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Comes in with like a sweet as Batman build. Like a wheat thresher. Yeah, exactly. And then Swamp Thing just like thumps him. I don't remember that bit, but all right. I think those are the early issues. But the DC streaming service did launch only in the US this week. I wasn't going to get it anyway.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, right. Initially, at least. All the animated stuff and a bunch of the movies. Apparently, the comic selection is limited at the moment. Okay, right. But I would definitely be interested to check it out and see what's going on. I don't think they even have,
Starting point is 00:22:11 because today or possibly yesterday is Batman Day. Oh, yeah. I don't know why. Happy Batman Day, Matt. I'm assuming it's because of the- Does everything need a day? Not really. Does everything need a day, Mason?
Starting point is 00:22:19 I assume it's because this is the anniversary of the publication of Detective 27 or Batman number one or something like that. Could be. Michael Keaton's birthday. Could be Michael Keaton's birthday or Michael Caine's birthday. Val Kilmer's birthday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 What if they pick Val Kilmer's birthday? But anyway, I saw a tweet from them and they're like, we've got a huge selection of Batman movies. Not all of them. Oh, really? Yeah. What don't they have? They had Batman.
Starting point is 00:22:42 They had like 89. They had Batman Ninja. They had Dark Knight. I don't think they had all the Nolan movies. Not all the Nolan movies. I don't they have? They had Batman. They had like 89. They had Batman Ninja. They had Dark Knight. I don't think they had all the Nolan movies. Not all the Nolan movies. I don't think so, yeah. I guess once you put them all on there, where do you go from there? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:53 There's no more surprises. Just put them all on there. Maybe they do. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they ran out of characters in the tweet. It's very possible. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Are you going to get it? No. Okay. Or how much is it a month? I have no idea I think it's like maybe it's 80 bucks a year or something like that okay right
Starting point is 00:23:11 I don't know that though look if the first month is free I think maybe I'll get in there and like do a deep dive on the comic books and see if there's some old gems I've forgotten
Starting point is 00:23:19 sure what about if it's the second month's also free? I'll keep it for the second month okay what if the first month is you pay for that but then the second month's also free I'll keep it for the second month yeah what if the first month first month is you pay for that but then the second month is free Oh interesting tactic thank you I'm trying it for this show so do I pay you now yeah yeah yeah we're gonna roll out
Starting point is 00:23:35 to everybody okay cool ah yes I would still pay okay what if the first month is not free yes second month is, and then the remaining months are the same regular price? I'm not hearing any free months in that. It seems like I'm paying a lot. If you quit after the first month, then you get that free month still. But if you really like it, then you've got to pay double for the second month. So the first month is free. But then the second month is double,
Starting point is 00:24:00 but then the remaining months after that are regular price. Now, I'm not hearing any... It's free if you quit, but if you really like it, then you end up paying for this month. Paying a lot more, yeah. Not a lot more. The same amount as if you didn't get a free month. It sounds bad, if I'm honest with you, but I'm in.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Anyway, we're rolling it out. You're the trial. Okay, terrific. I'll just go get my wallet. All right. I think that's pretty much the news. It wasn't huge for this week. I feel like I've missed something,
Starting point is 00:24:28 but is there anything else from this week? Look, I'll check Twitter and I'll see if anybody's tweeted anything fun at us. Okay. All right, here we go. Here we go. Listener interaction. We do get a lot of people sending us the Australia is a hoax.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Oh, every day we get that. We know it's a hoax. Yeah. I don't have anything to say about it other than I think that's I think very few people believe that I think it's just got traction
Starting point is 00:24:50 because it's dumb and if you do believe that the fuck's wrong with you get on a plane how about that a few things oh there is one more bit of news I guess there's a Captain Marvel trailer
Starting point is 00:25:01 that's coming this week yeah it'll be out Tuesday time in the US I actually found it, found out before and I was going to be like, I can drop that on the show. I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:25:08 boom. But then everybody, now, now some time ago you made a very bold proclamation about the, the release range of the trailer. Oh, did you? Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And are you then going to cut this out? No. Okay. So basically last week I, the date was coming. Yep. And I hadn't got it confirmed yet So we recorded the segment
Starting point is 00:25:27 And I recorded every date for two weeks And then I was going to plug in the correct date And it was an absolute shambles But then I didn't end up finding the date So I took it out You took the whole thing out? Could you put it in now? I think people need to hear it
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'd have to go find it It's a whole... I'd have to find the files A lot's a whole... Just... I'd have to... I don't even... I'd have to find the files and what I... Okay, fine. A lot of times I just wipe stuff. All right, okay. I could look, but probably not. Just listeners, just know that it was a real ordeal.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Do you want me to put the whole thing in? Yes! I'll see if I can find it. I probably can't find it. Okay. But yeah, so Captain Marvel will be next week, so we'll probably be talking a lot about that. But we're also having to do a superhero showdown.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's not superheroes. It's anything for people who don't know. They've our versus episodes where you people tweet or email in or go on the weekly planet Reddit or the planet broadcasting great mates group. And they pit two characters against each other. And then we decide who is the winner. All answers are final. You cannot dispute them. You can,
Starting point is 00:26:24 but we don't care. So don't bother. Don't add us. No, I don't mind. I actually don't mind hearing people's opinions. And the idea is that basically it's just a bit of bloody fun. The idea is that life contains winners and losers. Yeah, and we determine who is who.
Starting point is 00:26:41 But only in this specific scenario. Not in any other situation or in real life. That's it. The other thing we did last time, which i thought we could do again is ultimatums which is basically give us a hypothetical scenario and we will determine what that the answer may be what was a good one that we had last time i really enjoyed them there was a harrison ford earring one there was uh would you rather i believe was would you rather uh tell harrison ford he can't fly his plane anymore and attempt to take away his pilot's license or tell Harrison Ford that his earring is stupid and attempt
Starting point is 00:27:10 to physically remove it from him? That's right. Yeah. So something like that. Something along those lines. That's it. So is this episode going to be a free for all? Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah. So just anybody. It can be anybody. Fictional. Living. Vehicles versus vehicles. We can do that concept versus concept absolutely literary figures fighting each other a lot of the time it's they've got the standard stuff that
Starting point is 00:27:32 they'd have on them unless you specify so if you say doctor who he's got his sonic screwdriver but he probably doesn't have his tardis unless he calls for it but he wouldn't have it with him immediately it wouldn't be in his butt but you could be like doctor who but he has a have it with him immediately. It wouldn't be in his butt. But you could be like, Doctor Who, but he has a flamethrower, if you wanted to. You can do whatever you want. Yeah, okay. Look, we can do an entire episode that it's just standard issue characters, but everybody's got a flamethrower.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Who's willing to use that? You know? Would Doctor Who kill another man with a flamethrower? Yeah, probably. Wow. Yeah, an alien definitely. I guess it would depend which Doctor. Yeah. Somebody suggested, I can't, I don't have Yeah, an alien. I guess it would depend which Doctor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Somebody suggested, I can't, I don't have it on, but I think it was, they emailed us, it was same rules except, and you know, heroes versus heroes or heroes versus villains, except everybody has a blistering hangover. It's quite early in the morning. Oh man, some people would thrive under that. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Like Ben Affleck Batman. Yep. He was hung over that entire movie. I don't mean in real life i mean they worked that into because he's in rehab i mean as in they worked that into the narrative yeah right uh-huh yeah yeah like mad max i feel like would do really well just constantly dehydrated wouldn't affect him at all that's very true yeah yeah it's interesting anyway you can specify any kind of physical we're really we're really broadening this one out. Yeah. If you've always wondered what two characters... Of two characters
Starting point is 00:28:49 who would win in a fight when they have varying levels of sobriety or hungoverness... Yeah. Throw it in. Captain America can't get drunk. Can he? Nah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Really? It's in the movies. Wolverine also can't get drunk. There you go. Yeah, so there you go. Oh, okay, but what if they're magically drunk or hungover? Well, that's a good point. That needs to be specified, obviously. Yeah, that's true. Flash also can't get drunk. There you go. Yeah, so there you go. Oh, okay, but what if they're magically drunk or hungover?
Starting point is 00:29:05 Well, that's a good point. That needs to be specified, obviously. Yeah, that's true, yeah. Flash also can't get drunk. Huh. So there you go. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London.
Starting point is 00:29:23 One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. Si vous faites vos achats tout en travaillant, en mangeant ou même en écoutant ce balado, alors vous connaissez et aimez l'excitation du magasinage. Mais avez-vous ce frisson d'obtenir le meilleur deal? Les membres de Rakuten, eux, oui. Ils magasinent les marques qu'ils aiment et font d'importantes économies, en plus des remises en argent. Et vous pouvez aussi commencer à gagner des remises en argent dans vos magasins préférés, comme Old Navy, Best Buy et Expedia, et même cumuler les ventes et les remises en argent. C'est facile à utiliser et vous obtenez vos remises par PayPal ou par chèque.
Starting point is 00:30:06 L'idée est simple, les magasins paient Rakuten pour leur envoyer des gens magasinés. Et Rakuten partage l'argent avec vous sous forme de remise. Téléchargez l'application gratuite Rakuten et ne manquez jamais un bon deal. Ou allez sur pour en avoir plus pour votre argent. C'est R-A-K-U-T-E-N. pour en avoir plus pour votre argent. C'est R-A-K-U-, it's not bad. Right. But it did about 25, which is okay, which is fine. Can I just quickly tell you the story of how I saw this movie?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yes. So we were supposed to go on Wednesday. I couldn't go for various reasons, but you went along. You met the Predator, which was nice. I did meet the Predator, yes. You put something on the gram. What was he like? Silent. And not as tall as you'd think.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Hollywood adds a bit of height. I bet it does. Did he have the feet and all or you just have regular boots on like asics i'm not putting the feet on mate no he had the feet on he had the feet on he had the feet on and he was holding like a mask which had like the laser dots coming out of it so presumably if you'd if you asked like he would put the mask on or you could wear the mask so he had had the actual, you saw his face face. Yeah, he had the squishy face.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I can't remember. I was only there for a second because basically people were going in and doing the heroic poses or whatever. I did the one with the back foot up, like the teeheehee. It was very good. I'm in love. And then I have a second photo, which I didn't put up, which is the dude in the suit looking very perturbed that I'm doing that pose,
Starting point is 00:31:45 which I didn't put up because I looked fat in it. Give it to me. I'll shave it down. Okay, terrific. I'm good on that. And then I saw The Predator. Yeah, good. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So I just went to a cinema, like a local-ish, not local-local, but one of the cinemas near-ish me. And I got there on time when the movie starts, because you do. And I, you know, it's got- Oh, is this a fire alarm story? It's not a fire alarm story. It's not even a good story.
Starting point is 00:32:10 But this is- We'll be the judge of that. This is indicative of- Our hundreds of thousands of listeners will be the judge of that. Everyone, email in and tweet and let James know. This is the action item this week. Let James know after you hear this story immediately. Tweet in to James, was this a good story or not?
Starting point is 00:32:26 At Mr. Sunday Movies. Yes or no? Hit me up. Hit me up. So basically I go to my seat. Everything's pre-arranged seating. Sign seating. Which I like now.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I was against it, but now I'm for it. I go there. There's like a 60-year-old dude in my seat. It's a pretty empty theater, but I don't want to sit somewhere else and then be like, someone else comes up to me and is like excuse me you're in my seat so I'm like
Starting point is 00:32:46 hey I'm in E9 or whatever and he's like oh no I'm in E9 and I'm like look this is my ticket and he's like oh I'm E5 or whatever and he goes
Starting point is 00:32:54 do you want me to move and I'm like yeah I guess not man so I'll just take your seat alright so I go and sit in his seat whatever it's not a big deal
Starting point is 00:33:03 it's really not it's quite close yeah same row you love E you love rowey and then you ever go to the movies see james you'll be in my jam yeah uh there's and then some then a couple came and sat in between us uh with a giant bag of food like insane like in a huge paper bag i thought you were gonna say a couple came in and sat to either side of you and he's like oh yeah that's my that's my polyamorous couple but that's my my two wives and this was this was as the movie started right so the movie started there's a giant bag of food sitting next to me and then the woman sitting uh to the other side of that she starts rummaging
Starting point is 00:33:42 through the bag like a fucking squirrel like a bin bag? Yeah, I think it was like a big crinkly paper bag. Oh, right, okay. Just like a squirrel on bin night. Just going through it. Yeah, for sure. Just pulling out all this different stuff. It's all crinkly and loud and I'm like, I'm going to have to move, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:58 She's individually foiled, wrapped her bags of potato chips. She's like, unfoiled them and then opened them, cracked them open, yep. And then, unfoiled them and then opened them, cracked them open. Yep. And then, the movie has started, by the way, and then she pulls out her phone
Starting point is 00:34:10 and she's just looking at, like eye level, looking at it. So it's right in my periphery. How many people are in the cinema? It's probably 20, maybe 30. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Right? Is there anybody directly behind her? Yes. Okay, great. And I'm going to say something. Does she look like a woman who will start a fight with you? Yes. Okay, great. And I'm going to say something. Does she look like a woman who will start a fight with you? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:28 But also I look at those two and I'm like, I could probably win this if I had to. Could you tell me specifically which cinema this is? No, I don't want to tell you that. Tell me later. Tell you later. So I'm going to say something. I'm like, you know what? I'll just move.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Oh, I know what cinema it is. Yeah, yeah. I'll just move. And I look over to see what she's doing. She's just flicking through apps not even doing anything just scrolling through apps right like at least be on something so she's like still have facebook great still have twitter terrific okay great might use those later not today still have email good so i just i just got the front and also as i as i'm leaving, I see the guy who was in my seat. He also had to move.
Starting point is 00:35:09 So I'm like, good, at least that fucking idiot also had to move. So it wasn't just me. So that's the cinema these days. I don't think the problem is as well because I went at like 2 or 3 o'clock. I normally go early because there's no one there. Yeah, right. All the dead shits are asleep. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Anyway, I'm glad cinema chains are folding. Everything should just be at home. I've got a big TV. I don't give a shit. Yeah. I disagree. I want that. I love a good cinema experience, and most of them are.
Starting point is 00:35:39 It's not a big deal, but it's just get your shit together. It's not hard. Just shut your mouth, sit in your seat. That's it. Yeah, right your shit together yeah you know it's not hard just shut your mouth sit in your seat that's it yeah right that's all you have to do look i was gonna say that i that i enjoy the big cinema experience but i don't because i don't enjoy going there and i don't enjoy interacting with the rest of the public all i enjoy is somebody gives me food yeah so i guess i should come here i'll give you food oh thank you what do you want you want a toasty yeah i'd love it get your toasty. Get your toasty, mate.
Starting point is 00:36:05 No problem. Thanks for the toasty. But like, I guess what I think, what my solution is, is to order Uber Eats earlier. Yes. So I can start the movie and then... Then it arrives. Food arrives, yeah. When the cinema's...
Starting point is 00:36:18 When it's good, it's great. Yes, great. But often it's just that. Now, do you think this affected your enjoyment of the movie The Predator? Before we get into that, Mason I'd love to know what you thought the story was What is it? Alright, hang on
Starting point is 00:36:35 So It's the Predator universe It's the Predator universe So this is What's canon? All of it, apparently Apparently all of it's canon Predator 1 and 2 are both canon
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah That six month period in 1997 Where Los Angeles was a drug and gun riddled war zone Imagine the cinemas Oof Hot Anarchy Hot isn't it
Starting point is 00:36:54 Yeah hot certainly Just filled with dreadlocked gang members machine gunning each other That's canon still Okay so So Boyd Holbrook Yes is a sniper of some sort. Yeah. He sees the Predator.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Straight up. Straight up, he sees the Predator. And then he's like, hey, everybody, I've seen the Predator. And they're like, we don't want you to be telling people you've seen the Predator. Don't tell anybody. Don't tell people you've seen the Predator. So we're going to lock you up in the crazy house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Then he's got to get out of the crazy house because the predators are coming back. And maybe there's a different predator. Yeah. Also, it's in the trailers. Yep. Ask me what I thought of it. What did you think of it, James? I thought it was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Did you? No, it was fucking terrible. It was a really bad movie. I knew it. It was really bad. Yeah, it was bad. Like, it started off okay. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And then it was horrible. Yeah. It blew my mind how bad it was. It really threw me. Yeah, right? What the fuck? What did you think? I thought it was pretty bad also.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's an okay moment. When did it come out? Wednesday or something. It's taken me a couple of days to go, is it a bad movie or was it just a fine movie? It confused me. And I think it depends on which story you follow. Because everybody in this movie is acting in a different movie. Because Olivia Munn, who plays like the bio.
Starting point is 00:38:15 She's quite good. She's good, but she's playing it 100% straight pretty much. She, I believe, has probably seen Predator and Predators. And has gone, well, Predators was quite straight down the line, solid, serious action movie. I'll play it like that. And everybody else is like... I had only seen Predator 2.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And only seen Predator 2, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I mean, it's a Shane Black film. Neither of us like Iron Man 3. Nice Guys is good. Nice Guys is great.
Starting point is 00:38:45 A lot of his stuff is really great. The dialogue does not work in this universe at all. I think I said this on our Predator episode. I think the reason Predator works with his dialogue is because it's a standard... No, it's not standard. It's a really good action movie with the occasional Shane Black clip. The action isn't particularly interesting in this. No.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And it's just dialogue that just keeps going and going. There's one good action sequence, which I think we'll get to later. Okay. But the rest of it, I'm like, it's just people firing machine guns ineffectually at things. Yeah. Until they are suddenly effectual. Yes. That's every scene in this movie.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And there's a lot of the Pred killing people but also can you name one but can you name an interesting thing the predator does not really there's a scene where he shoots out a big grappling hook oh yeah through someone's leg or something it is in the trailer so also i guess we can spoil this because it's in the trailer there there is a second predator which is 11 feet tall which i think is too big to be. I don't see why it needs to be 11 feet tall. Yeah. So it kind of ragdolls the original Predator at one point, which is also in the trailers.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And a lot of the movie is then this new Predator. And it's just not very interesting. It's really not. The design's not good. And it's just not very interesting. It's really not. The design's not good, particularly. And also, again, it's people machine gunning a more or less invisible monster from a long way away.
Starting point is 00:40:12 So it may as well be the size of the regular Predator. What difference does it make? And it's also mostly bulletproof, like you mentioned. Except when it's not bulletproof. Except when it's not bulletproof. They also, a lot of stuff seems to have been borrowed from Predators. When people say there haven't been a good predator sequel predators is good it is good it's way better than this yeah
Starting point is 00:40:30 so much better yeah and a lot of the elements from that carry over the dogs carry over i mean it's slightly different but the dogs and the idea of predators they'd been different types and classes of predators and some are, some are 11 feet tall. Yeah, right. Okay, right. Also, the new Predator seems to be mostly CGI, and it's noticeable in a lot of parts. Did you find that?
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah. How do you feel about, if we can talk about the incredible characters of this movie, how did you feel about Boyd Holbrook as a leading man, as a hero, as a military man i thought he was okay yeah but i don't think that's enough i don't think he was compelling or memorable yep i don't buy him as someone who cares about his kid uh sure i don't he did he doesn't i don't buy him as a guy who could feasibly take on the Predator.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Yeah, right. In any way. Like, even Adrian Brody. I'm like... He transformed. He's fast. Yeah. You know, as we figured out in that movie.
Starting point is 00:41:32 He's very muscular. Yeah, right? And he's slippery as all hell. Yeah. Yeah. Boyd Holbrook mostly seems like a guy. And I don't mind him. I thought he was good in Logan.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And he's okay in this. Yeah. But he's just... And also, I don't care if he lives or dies. No, absolutely not. I think it could have been an Olivia Munn movie or Boyd Holbrook died and they give it to the guy from Key and Peele.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And that would have been also fine for me. It's key. Okay, good. So there's a bunch of other, uh, PTSD dudes that he, that he finds along the way.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And they're, and they definitively answer the question, is having Tourette's syndrome still funny? Sorry, Scott. Why do you think Thomas Jane took that role? What? Okay, they need to stop doing the Tourette's thing. They really need to stop.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And I know there are some forms of Tourette's that are that. But it's just not anything anymore. It's just someone going like, Ah, cocksucker! And everyone goes, He's just got Tourette's. And then some people are like, What did you say to me?
Starting point is 00:42:34 He's just got Tourette's. Stop! Stop doing that. The other thing is, Autism is not a fucking superpower. Which is what they do in every movie with a kid with autism. So this, the Boyd Holbrook's son can do all sorts of predator decoding the language that the government can't do or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Yeah, yeah. It's in like Sherlock. I saw a show, an ad on TV for Freddie Highmore's playing a doctor who's got autism and maybe he's the best doctor in the world now, whatever. It just annoys me because as someone who's taught kids with autism, also it's a spectrum. It's not like you're completely useless as a human being except you can do math.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's a whole range. A lot of people have it, you don't even know. Exactly. I just think it's... We've probably both got a touch of it, if I'm quite honest. I've wondered myself. I just didn't think it was a good representation of mental health in general. I'm not an expert on that, but just people slapping their heads and screaming.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. And also, as a side note, the Predator's operating system is overly complicated, if you ask me. There's so many levels to it. And there's so many dots and 3D things flying about. It doesn't need to be. I would have thought that as an advanced alien species, their operating system would be more like an iPhone.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Well, it was on the first one. It's like five buttons on your wrist or whatever. Yeah. What do you think of the quippy dialogue in this? Because I really lean into it. I'll tell you what, and I don't know what this means. It's not all bad. Because I went to the media screening.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah. And when we go to media screens, generally the people- Generally the predator's there. Generally the predator's there, right? And he was there this time, so I'll tell you that for free. I'll tell you what. But I would say generally the audiences do not react to anything. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Like they don't laugh, they don't smile, they don't cheer or clap or anything. It reminds- Yeah, especially when we saw the Pirates movie, which we talked about the last time when we saw it. Just dead silence in between jokes. But I'll tell you what, people loved this stuff. I think maybe there were a lot of, I think some fans had won some tickets to be there as well. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And people were loving it. But if you're a fan of this, surely this is not a good version of the thing you like. No, look, spoiler alert. Somebody at one point in the movie says, get to the choppers and people lost their mind.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Let's see. Because it's a reference to the first movie. Yeah, it's not enough. It's really not, no. But also this movie tries to do so many things it tries to introduce
Starting point is 00:45:06 too many characters and there's too many they're too I know they're supposed they're supposed to be crazy or whatever but none of it makes sense their interactions
Starting point is 00:45:16 don't make sense how they do want to fight the predator one minute and then they don't they're scared but they're not they're in pain I just
Starting point is 00:45:23 I don't I don't I couldn't get a sense of what what was I supposed to feel with any of these am I supposed to like them? they're supposed to be like each one's an individual crazy character like the first one I guess
Starting point is 00:45:35 but they're all they have a tick but they're all very generic I mean they look different they're all different actors aren't they? yeah they are different actors it's true but this is something that Predators, again, did better. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Hmm. One of them smokes. One of them smokes. Yeah. Maybe two of them smoke. Maybe two of them smoke. Yeah, bad habit. And that's good, I feel.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah. Okay, there were elements of this that I quite liked. I'm sure there was some stuff that I did like. Yeah. You know what the problem is? I thought it started really well. I liked the opening action sequence i it was tense enough it's not my favorite action sequence i said they were bad in general but i thought the you see the pretty much the predator straight up and it's it's it's pretty good and interesting and then it
Starting point is 00:46:18 progressively gets worse and worse until the final scene which just is mind-blowingly terrible It gets worse and worse until the final scene, which just is mind-blowingly terrible. Would you agree with that? I don't. I think the opening sequence was actually quite confusing. In what sense? I don't know. I mean, I was looking at a woman looking at apps on her phone. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 What am I to say? Because we sort of open on Boyd Holbrook's last mission before he sees the Predator, and then before he tells everybody about it and he sees the predator and then then he before he tells everybody about it and everybody thinks he's crazy or whatever he was like it killed my whole crew and i'm like isn't it like there's like two guys there's maybe one or two guys is that your whole crew i'm like did i miss the first was there more crew did i i spent the whole movie going because he keeps going they killed my whole crew and i'm I'm like, did they cut out the first five minutes? Did they accidentally start?
Starting point is 00:47:07 They did do a lot of reshoots on this. Right, okay. Some reshoots at least. Okay. Also, who cares? We don't know them. Or you. Also, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Here's the thing. He tries to keep out of the government's way and he's like, I've got to get some evidence that this is happening. And then all of a sudden he's captured by the government. Who are you telling? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Don't tell anybody. Because he's like, I don't want to be caught with some predator whatevers. Yeah. This evidence of the predator. He's in South America or whatever. And then he travels to America and he makes great pains to not be caught with any predator evidence on him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:46 But then he gets to America and they immediately lock him up. And he says, I did see an alien. So. He tells them. What did he do in between? Like, did he tell people on the plane trip? I don't know. Is he like, listen, there's no way for me to prove this because I left all the evidence somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:48:01 But I saw an alien. I was unclear. I thought maybe was he going to sell the stuff or I don't know what he was supposed to do with it. The other thing is he allows himself to be captured by the government. And this, I guess, is a spoiler because it's at the start, but he has a device on him which turns him invisible and he doesn't use it.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah. To just not get captured. Right. I just think that's strange. Well, maybe it was you know still working its way through him no before that oh yeah before that yeah like he didn't have so he swallows it yeah this is very early that's a really good point he could have just left he could have just walked onto a plane yes like he could have just walked around airport security
Starting point is 00:48:42 and stepped on the next plane to america all the Predator evidence on him because it also turns invisible. That's a really good point, James. It had never even occurred to me. So, look, it's just good to be here. But basically... He could have just put all the Predator stuff in his pockets and then he could have turned invisible and no one's expecting an invisible man so they would have
Starting point is 00:49:07 just let him go he could have got on a boat he could have gotten on a bus yep he could have got on a plane yep he could have walked to America he could have also
Starting point is 00:49:15 got on a plane and then just gone not invisible and taken a spare seat yeah and I doubt anybody would have noticed yeah right I don't I don't could have put a hat
Starting point is 00:49:23 over his face and a newspaper and pretended to be asleep. That's right. All of these things. And if anybody was like, excuse me, sir, can I see your ticket? He could have turned invisible again. And broken their neck. That's right.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah. Because he's a killer. He's a remorseless killer. He is. Can we just do spoilers? Yeah, this is the worst movie ever. It's really bad. Also, maybe see it.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Don't pay for it. Well, here's the thing. Okay, so look, I'm going to go to a deeper cut of our review system. Number one, don't pay to see it. If you can get it for free, if you can win it as a number of people did. Somebody said hi. I believe his name was Mark. If you've got whatever's left of MoviePass.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yeah, whatever that is, get that. Listener to the show, he won a ticket through IGN, I think. Oh, very good. Good for him. He got his money's worth. Yeah, don't pay to see it if you can get it for free. Get your dad to pay for it. Get your dad to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Yeah. Exactly. I nearly took my dad and he's like, should I see this? And I'm like- In all good conscience, no, father. Probably not. No. I can't.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I'm not going to go up to you. But, okay. I'm so glad I didn't take it. Yeah. Because the last movie I took him to was The Mummy. So I would have been two for two. He would have been like, are these in the same universe? Are you doing this on purpose?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Do you hate me? So if I woke up in the cinema and this was playing, would I stick around and how long would I stick around? I mean, I would stick around because it's The Predator. There's some fascinating things. I've seen it before though. Oh, no. Would you leave immediately or would you stick around for a little bit?
Starting point is 00:50:45 I would probably... Oh, no. Okay. Spoilers? Yeah, spoilers. Worst movie ever. Yep. So I would stick around probably until the sequence where the predator, the original
Starting point is 00:50:55 predator escapes from the facility. That's a good sequence. Because I think that is a solid action sequence. Agreed. And I think the movie just turns to crap after that. What I like about that particular action sequence, it's not in the dark so in the jungle or the city he's just in like a white facility just ripping through people exactly and and i think i think that's a i am i imagine that that was put in deliberately to show okay well even if you take away the predator's lasers and the knives and the swords and the
Starting point is 00:51:21 discs or whatever he's still a formidable force and he can take down a team of... But, I mean, at the same time, they are mostly unarmed scientists. Yes, that's true. Gary Busey's son's in it as Gary Busey's son from Predator 2. Yeah, right. To no end. He's in it and I don't think you see him killed. No, he's alive and then he tells Olivia Munn to kill the Predator.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Yeah. Not really her position. Not really at all. And then he's just Munn to kill the Predator. Yeah. Not really her position. Not really at all. And then he's just gone. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't think he's at the end either. No.
Starting point is 00:51:50 He's in it though, isn't he? He's definitely in it. He's also got no character traits of his father. He doesn't reference his father. I don't know what the point of him. I mean, I guess it's a nice little cameo. So we can point and go, ah, because I think some people in the cinema went, ah. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Good. I haven't seen that dude since The Frighteners. And I like him. Be more stuff, Gary Busey's son. Jake Busey is your name, probably. And he's also in Starship Troopers. Oh. Okay, let's talk about how the Predator, this is an element that I liked.
Starting point is 00:52:17 The original one is a human hybrid. It's got human DNA because they augment themselves with the best hunters on Earth. Which also, I think, would add an interesting wrinkle to the lore because he looks a lot like the original Predator. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yes. Well, that could have been part of it. Who is his dad?
Starting point is 00:52:33 There's some Dutch in him, maybe. Yeah. But they didn't get Dutch, did they? No. Because that's why they collect the spines for the spinal fluid. Yeah, right, right, right. And he comes to Earth for the reason to give a weapon that would- But we never know what happens to Dutch.
Starting point is 00:52:46 We'll get to that. Oh, really, will we? No, I want to talk about the lack of use of him. Okay, all right. But he comes to Earth to give... We'll talk about what he brings, but it's a gift because the human race is basically going to go extinct
Starting point is 00:52:58 because they're ruining the planet. They're heating it up. Topical. Topical, very good. The Predators are going to roll in and take over, and that's why their trips are more frequent to Earth. I quite like that. And I like the idea that,
Starting point is 00:53:08 and they don't overtly go out of their way to say it, that because he's part human, maybe he's got that empathy in him, and that's why he's helping. Yeah, right. Because all the other ones don't seem to give a shit, except for him. And I thought that was an interesting little wrinkle
Starting point is 00:53:23 on the Predator lore. But do you think, how do you feel about them changing the predator lore in this way? Because up until this point, we're like, okay, well, they steal, they take people's heads because it's a trophy in the spines, but now it's a DNA harvesting thing. I don't mind it. Okay. I don't think they changed a lot. They just did a lot of the same stuff except for the giant predator i guess i like to if i if i'm going to justify it i would i like to think that the initial predatoring yeah was just to take the trophies yes and then they figure out that there's some dna sure i'd agree with that so that could
Starting point is 00:53:54 work yeah and i also like the idea that different predators have different abilities based on what they've kind of done to themselves and they pick the best hunters in the world or whatever but there's also a bit where they steal uh because the best hunter that the new predator comes across is the kid right autism so he puts him on his ship to take him back to predator world why didn't you kill him just cut his head off exactly if he's the great hunter or whatever just kill him you kill everybody else what do you care yeah i just thought that was really strange that's in that that's exactly it's one of those it's one of those it's like a
Starting point is 00:54:26 you know a storyline about a character who never kills anybody except the one time he does kill somebody it's not it's a broom with a mop on it
Starting point is 00:54:35 it's a broom with a bucket on it or whatever with a face on it it's a broom mop hybrid thank you exactly but you know you know what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:54:41 where it's like you know they've got a they've got a rule against killing and they break their rule their one time and it turns out it's not you know you know what I'm talking about, where it's like they've got a rule against killing and they break their rule there one time and it turns out it's not... You know what I'm talking about. I know what you mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:50 But also, I don't think a predator with severe Hollywood movie autism is a benefit to a predator. Loud noises and everything. I mean, maybe they don't take that aspect of it. When they hybridize themselves, does it happen instantly or is it the next generation of predators that gets it? I think, well, you see take that aspect of it. When they hybridize themselves, does it happen instantly? Or is it the next generation of Predators that gets it?
Starting point is 00:55:06 I think, well, you see a little bit of the classic Predator and they're doing it to him. So I just assume that it's an instant kind of thing. Right, okay, sure. That kid kills someone and doesn't care. Oh, with the mask. Yeah. The Predator mask.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I mean, he doesn't do it on purpose. Yeah. But afterwards, he's completely unfazed and he even threatens some bullies with it. I thought that was very strange for that character. I didn't get a sense of... He seemed mostly fine a lot of the time until they wanted him to, like, slap his head or do math.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah, right. I'm not sure what they were even going for with that. Also, as soon as I saw that mask in operation, I'm like, that's a very... That's a... Foreshadowing that, it was so heavy-handed. Right. Like, obviously, that's going to, that's a, that foreshadowing that it was so heavy handed. Right. Like, obviously that's going to come into place in the final battle sequence.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And obviously it does. Yeah. When it's like, it only operates when it's being attacked and then it retaliates. It's never been used before. And this is the first time it's been put in a movie. And of course it's going to come back. I didn't care for how heavy handed a lot of that stuff was.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Those masks are big aren't they? They really are quite large. You forget how big they are. Also they're really protective of the main characters and then so they can have as
Starting point is 00:56:14 much dialogue as they can and then they just kill them all in like five minutes at the end. Which is whatever. But I didn't care. They got their I mean they were gory
Starting point is 00:56:23 and gruesome which there were some decent kills in this. There's a bit where a shield on a ship takes off a guy's legs and he slides off or whatever. Oh, the force field thing. Yeah, okay, right. Yeah, but I don't really remember much of that. There's a bit where Key and or Peel and Thomas Jane
Starting point is 00:56:39 shoot each other because they're best friends. Uh-huh. Okay. Or a couple, I think maybe they were a couple. Were they a couple? Maybe they were a couple, yeah. Okay. I didn't get a sense of what that relationship was supposed to be at all so it's very possible uh-huh yeah uh also the bit at the end where they get on the predator ship to stop it from taking off is just like the end of that last alien movie where they're on a big balancing spaceship as it's taking off oh yeah don't even
Starting point is 00:57:07 worry about it but then at the end the predator is still bulletproof but then he's not bulletproof i noticed that he wasn't bulletproof they totally anakin skywalker him that's right there's all these limbs and he's just lying there it's weird because just before boyd holbrook shoots him he's like what is that character's name? Doesn't matter. He goes, what the hell are you? Which is what? Sort of live from the first one. He's an alien.
Starting point is 00:57:30 You've done this in time. You know exactly what he is. You know the species. You know what they're capable of. You know where they're from. You know there's more than one. You have all his weapons. What are you fucking talking about?
Starting point is 00:57:42 Why would you say that? Because it's in the first one. He may as well just yell something out. Just any line from the first movie. He should have just said, Arnold Schwarzenegger! Van Damme was in the original Predator suit! Yay, we know that. Yay.
Starting point is 00:58:00 So that was dumb. There's also a bit where Olivia Munn is testing the blood of a predator or whatever and they're in the RV and she's just got a microscope where'd that come from you didn't have it on you
Starting point is 00:58:13 I didn't see you carrying it at any point was it on the RV I don't know what's happening maybe they took it out of the school okay fine
Starting point is 00:58:21 yeah that's right wouldn't work I mean no school no school has that kind of funding. Wasn't like a fancy fucking prep school, was it? No, it was a regular school, yeah. Just standard school. There'd be one microscope and it'd be locked up.
Starting point is 00:58:35 All the science teacher takes it home with them because they paid for it. That's right. And they don't want anyone to steal it. And then one day a bully breaks it. Yeah, exactly, yeah. Okay, so there's a bit... On another kid's head.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Also, there's like the stereotypical like mean bullies. Yeah. Like, oh, you dumb kid. Why are you so dumb? Yeah. That's good, isn't it? No, it's bad. So the dogs.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I didn't like them in Predators. I think it's one of the weaker parts. I think they're worse in this. Yeah, right. So they're much bigger. They're different dogs. It would seem. One of them is killed by exploding from the inside.
Starting point is 00:59:08 The other one gets like a cattle gun killer thing to the head. Or is it a gun that he shoots it with? I think it's a cattle gun, yeah. Yeah. And then it's nice. I thought that was going to reflect the guy on the bus who shot himself. Remember the other guy who was like it in my commander was an arsehole so i shot him whatever and it was him and uh-huh and also i got the sense that maybe
Starting point is 00:59:30 it changed his personality which can also be a thing there was a guy called i think phineas gage who a crowbar shot through his head and changed his personality because it you know touched his brain yeah right uh-huh and i thought maybe they were going to have formed some kind of bond but there's no sense of that that's interesting missed opportunity or not even but touched his brain. Yeah, right, uh-huh. And I thought maybe they were going to have formed some kind of bond. But they didn't. But there's no sense of that. That's interesting. Missed opportunity. Or, not even, but just like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:59:51 What is this supposed to be? Yeah, right. It's just a, like, it doesn't really attack anybody from there on out. It just kind of collects things. Just wanders around. Yeah. Yeah. Didn't it do some saving at one point?
Starting point is 01:00:01 It might have done some saving. I don't remember. I think it leaves a hand grenade behind or something at one point. But by accident? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And that's the thing, because it's a lot of weird 80s coincidence stuff happens in it. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Like the dog just happens to leave a hand grenade behind. Yep. You know, I can't think of another option, but they're in there. What did you think of the actor who was all trying to kill everybody all the time, and he worked for the government and then they teamed up at the end? Oh, I quite like him. Spencer.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Me too. Spencer, what's his face? Sinclair Brown? What's his name? I don't know. But again, he's in a different movie. I thought he was... I liked his wits.
Starting point is 01:00:37 I think it was quite good. Or like he was from... It felt like he was from like an episode of Silicon Valley or something like that. Sterling K. Brown. Sterling K. Brown. Sterling K. Brown. There we go.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I was close. You were. I got the last name in the first letter. You got some things correct. Yeah. I thought it was quite good. But again, I think it felt like everybody was written by a different writer as well. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Yeah. And some of them, they were like, let's have an 80s action hero style. Let's have Thomas Jane be, he's an action guy, but also he's got Tourette's because that'd be funny in the 80s. That would be funny. It'd be hilarious in the 80s action hero style. Let's have Thomas Jane be, he's an action guy, but also he's got Tourette's because that'd be funny in the 80s. That would be funny. It'd be hilarious in the 80s. But then we've got Sinclair Brown, who's like a modern...
Starting point is 01:01:13 Family. Yeah, like a modern family, like an episode of Modern Family. Yeah. I quite like that character and even the bit where they talk about why they named it The Predator. I'm like, well, it's really more of a sports hunter.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And he's like, yeah, but that's not very cool. Again, in the trailer. Yeah, in the trailer. But then there is a kind of a payoff to that scene later where Olivia Munn tells the group and they're like, that's not really a Predator. It's more of a... She's like, I sold you that.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I said. There's flashes of it that I quite like, but a lot of it is just Shane Black spinning its wheel bullshit dialogue. And I like his dialogue a lot, but it does not fit in this. It doesn't work in this. At all.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yeah. I don't know. Is it that he, would you trust him with another? He shouldn't do movies like this. He should do his own movies. Yeah. Independent of any franchises. That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Because The Nice Guys works. That's a good movie. I agree. And it's because he's working with his strengths. But clearly that isn't sci-fi action superhero yeah i don't think he can do any of that i don't know what i don't know what he seems to not have an under like same with iron man this is way worse than iron man 3 by the way yeah it probably is yeah he doesn't seem to have a firm understanding or not care about the universe and what makes those
Starting point is 01:02:25 particular movies good. Yeah. Does that make sense? I think maybe there's some, I really thought this was going to be good. I thought, I didn't know if I thought it was good. I mean,
Starting point is 01:02:35 not like I heard the reviews weren't good, but prior to that, I'm like, this could really be good. Yeah. Great. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Some people are liking it. So yeah, they're wrong. Yeah. They're wrong. Uh, yeah, I, I, I think that there's certain internal consistencies to these universes and certain rules
Starting point is 01:02:52 that do have to be followed in them in order for the ideas of it not to collapse. Yeah. And they don't work. Like, again, we talk about in Iron Man 3, Tony Stark's a character who's supposed to be learning... You know, he's a guy who's supposed to be learning from, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:08 he's a guy who spent multiple movies learning from all his mistakes. And then in Iron Man 3, he just keeps grappling with these dudes who can melt his suits to nothing. Yes. He does it like five times in a row. He's also got a hundred suits in a basement that he can access at any point. And never uses them. Until he does.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And again, and it's exactly like the thing you pointed out earlier. If you have a man who can turn invisible, what are you doing? Putting some alien equipment in a box and shipping it through, like with FedEx, where they'll probably X-ray it. Of course they're going to X-ray it. When you can just turn invisible and get on any plane. Oh, there's a plane where I live. Midwest or something?
Starting point is 01:03:44 I'll get on that plane. Exactly. It doesn't matter. Like, nobody's going to check. Just hide in the toilets. Yep. Go into first class where there'll be an empty seat. Just sitting there.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Drink a champagne. Drink a champagne. Don't spill it on yourself. No. Because then the electricity will happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. See, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:03:59 It's almost like they went... It's almost like he writes... Did he write this? Or is this... Yes. Okay. Well, then it's almost like he writes these things he write this or is this okay well then it's almost like he writes these things i'll double check that okay it's all i mean i guess direct
Starting point is 01:04:09 you know the director ultimately determines where the narrative goes probably i don't know so yeah we don't actually know but like it's almost like he writes the movie just to be a certain way and then when somebody says hey but wouldn't wouldn't the character just do this he's just like nah fred decker as well okay but it's just like nah we'll just say he doesn't well then it's not a good enough movie where you can let shit like that no i agree in movies like predator the original predator there are flaws and of course there are yeah it's it's just such a compelling movie and you'll like the characters yeah enough that exactly there's so much to forgive.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Yeah. And again, like, you know, hey, why wouldn't Iron Man just be a mile away and shoot that guy with a repulsive blast? Yeah. Because he has no range weapons. Let's just say he doesn't. Why not? It's almost like they were like, well, I've done the scene where he fights the guy and I'm not rewriting it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Well, you should. Yeah. You should. You should. You should. But they didn't. Why would they? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Okay. Let's talk about the ending. Okay. So basically I was really excited to see what the Predator had brought to earth. I'd forgotten about that. Yeah. Because I was like this,
Starting point is 01:05:21 because I think if they had nailed that last scene, I would have come out of this way different. Yeah. I feel like that's why it came out of justice league all right because at the end well we both liked it but at the end superman turns up oh wait no i didn't sorry what you've done here is you've correctly predicted that we're at the point of the podcast where my energy's low and i'll just let a lot of stuff slide but i will not let that slide i did not enjoy justice like it's a bad movie but when superman turns up for me yeah and he's superman uh-huh and then he has a running race with a flash i went to that movie like all right yeah right that's fine but this does the opposite so basically first of all the kid also has amazing autism superpowers so we
Starting point is 01:06:02 can decode all the predatorator stuff immediately. Yes. Right? And so he's in the room when they're going to open this Predator device. It's going to fight the Predators. And the kid's just in the room. It's way too late until somebody goes, get the kid out of the room while this thing is opening. You don't know what it is. The audience doesn't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:06:20 It could have been a bioweapon. It could have been a more insane Predator. It could have been. Because shape-wise, it looked been a more insane Predator. It could have been because shape-wise, it looked like the gauntlet that has the bomb in it. It could have been a really big one of those that could have vaporized the whole continent. Because if you recall, the Predator gauntlet thing can vaporize 300 city blocks.
Starting point is 01:06:41 That's right. So one that's 100 times the size. I also felt the leap that they thought the predator was coming to earth to save them where did you get that from right there is no clear evidence that that is what's happening here he killed about 20 scientists like that yeah right for no reason was he coming not for no reason but if he's coming to earth to protect people yep i mean i guess he's got a greater, higher calling. He just burns through them like they're nothing.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Yeah, right. Why would you think that that's nothing but death? He could have brought a little sign that says, I come in peace. Exactly. Yeah. When he came to Earth, who was he going to give it to? The president. Don't give it to him.
Starting point is 01:07:22 No. residence don't give it to him no but uh so basically what comes out of the sarcophagus thing is a gauntlet it's a it's a gauntlet but was there a bunch of gauntlets in there is that just i think it's just one it's weird i thought so because there's a lot of space in that thing but in the gauntlet this is basically an iron man-esque nanosuit. It's a metal predator exoskeleton. And you put on the gauntlet and it envelops you. It's got metal dreads. It's got metal dreads and just ridiculous. It's a horrible design.
Starting point is 01:07:55 It's got these huge, giant, unbalanced cannons on the side. You know what it reminded me of? If you've seen the movie The Mask, at the end of the movie The Mask, Stanley Ipkiss, played by the great Jim Carrey, finally reacquires his mask. The Mask. He puts the mask back on and becomes The Mask again.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I've seen The Mask. And because he's surrounded by gangsters, he comes out wearing a big pinstriped gangster suit, like from the 20s. Yeah. And then he pulls out two ridiculous cartoon machine guns. Yes. And he threatens them with it.
Starting point is 01:08:26 That's what this was. Just like, boing, oing, oing, oing. Look at these big old cannons, boing, oing, oing, oing. It looked stupid. It looked really stupid. And because it was entirely CGI, there's no weight to it. There's no... It seemed like a late edition.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Yeah, right? It seemed like a placeholder. Yes. I think they went, okay, well, the thing that he brings is a big, it's a big suit and you can wear the suit and you can become a Predator. All right, that's fine, I guess. Well, we'll workshop it and if we think of something later, we'll put it in.
Starting point is 01:08:53 And they didn't think of anything better. Well, see, I thought it was going to be a person. Yeah. Or at least someone recognisable. A few people wrote in, and I thought this as well, it could have been Adrian Brody coming back from the Predator game. Yes. Because he's the ultimate killer.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I understand why they didn't do that, because nobody saw that movie. Yeah, there's no name recognition. How about this? Can you imagine? See, that's the thing, because a lot of this is a throwback to the first one. Yeah. We're ignoring the middle couple, I guess, again. Imagine if the sarcophagus opens and we see like a half a second,
Starting point is 01:09:29 we see like just Arnold Schwarzenegger's face, like one tiny little... Yep. Wouldn't that have blown people's minds? But he didn't want to do it. He didn't want to do this movie. Apparently there was a scene he was going to turn up at the end in a chopper and be like,
Starting point is 01:09:40 I'm part of the government and we're all going to get rid of this now. And he was like, this is bad and I'm not going do it fair enough good call man yeah yeah good call well done but but it could have been dutch and they kidnapped him at some point yeah right and then they're returning him to be like we've taught this guy everything he needs to know right here he is i don't think you even have to go that far i think all you need is the face recognition yeah and just for people to go where was he why is he back you don't you don't need you don't need him to be a government agent you don't need to him to have to have you know trained on the predator home planet or whatever you just need the the huge swath of time has gone and this guy's back why cut to cut to the end you're right the idea that the idea that
Starting point is 01:10:25 actually what he's brought is a suit and you put it on and then you're a predator is embarrassingly bad and it it's one of the things where like the imagination
Starting point is 01:10:34 of where it could go is way better than actually telling us it was the worst thing it could have been yeah because if you if you just bring it
Starting point is 01:10:42 back Arnold Schwarzenegger you go okay well what is he is he a predator hybrid now is he a killer is this a clone is it a clone is he is is he evil or good does he have secret knowledge does he have does he know anything is he a mindless drone what is like until the next one comes out we don't know and then they can decide what that is exactly right maybe he's just a bomb or something maybe yeah you know maybe who knows maybe it's like a predator terminator hybrid or something maybe that's bad but don't don't think of that i'm just spitballing there's no ideas it's there's no bad ideas in spitballing
Starting point is 01:11:14 except for a predator suit that you put it on and you're the predator now because the other thing is about a predator suit is every single predator that's come to earth in the movies has been murdered yes you don't need a predator suit to kill a predator yeah you need a brick that's all you need yeah right you need a brick and to get their mask off you get they get their mask off and then you run behind them a couple of times they get disoriented and then you hit them with something heavy that's it that's exactly it i think what we have weapons yeah every every predator has been defeated one was defeated by a log one was defeated by danny glover he had such big pants on such i mean he had he got a lot of freedom and movement a lot of space big old pleats
Starting point is 01:11:57 in those pants you know and also it's one suit riot over there in 1997 like you said it's one suit i mean i guess unless you reverse engineer it and you make an army. But that's not an interesting movie either. No. So what? Is the next movie going to be if they make it, which they won't? Boyd Holbrook is in the dumbest looking thing you've ever seen. And he just kills the millions of predators that are going to invade Earth.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Just CGI. A million CGI predators. Boring and dumb and bad. CGI, a million CGI predators. Boring and dumb and bad. Yeah, it was absolutely shades of Independence Day Resurgence. Yes. The closing line of which is Brent Spiner going,
Starting point is 01:12:38 yeah, let's go kick some alien ass. But that had me going, I'd see that movie. I probably would have seen that, yeah. If the preceding two hours of that movie hadn't been terrible. I don't mind it. They're both as good as each other, those independent films. Yeah, no, you've got it right. Yeah, no, that's all I got. It was absolute shades of that, and I don't care,
Starting point is 01:12:55 because it's too specific. You know what would be good? Do you think he just went Iron Man? Yeah, maybe. I did Iron Man. So I guess this. You know what would be good if that happens and then then suck because there's room in that for something else yeah i would be willing to
Starting point is 01:13:11 like a man that's what i'm saying i would be willing to watch another one of these if the opening sequence of the next movie is they put the suit on and then something else comes out and kills that thing and then it's a different move just just ride it out i just want a sequel to predators yeah same that's all i don't want this how about this how about this the opening sequence of the next one is boyd holbrook puts on the predator suit adrian brody steps out and kills him and then it's a different movie great yeah good right and he's like i don't know what that was but it's going to be useless how about rely on hitting somebody with in the back of the head with a brick because that worked
Starting point is 01:13:49 for me they're not everybody else they're not arming on the back of their head they really are not except for the really big ones that are bulletproof yeah until they're not yeah yeah it's pretty shit got some opinions here. Also, a lot of people have mentioned this. This is probably going to win the Gamers On Award for the year. For sure. So for anybody who doesn't know, every year we do our Weekly Planet Awards. They mean nothing.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Nobody gets any trophies. They mean nothing to us or anybody that listens. Except for this one, which is the award for when the game was on, which is an award where it's the most ham-fisted attempt to entice us into a sequel or a franchise. It's been won by
Starting point is 01:14:31 Independence Day Resurgence. It's been won by the Mummy, Tom Cruise the Mummy. And it was originated by the previous Dark Universe. Entry Dracula Untold. Which is why it's called The Game is On. We talk about it a lot. We talk about it a lot. We mentioned it. Anyway, this is going to win it is why it's called The Game of Zion We talk about it a lot We talk about it a lot We mentioned it Yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:14:45 Anyway This is going to win it Because it's like You're going to like another one Except everybody's Iron Man No we're not We're not actually The point of these movies is
Starting point is 01:14:55 Not that a man In an indestructible suit Can just kill A thousand predators It's that somebody Who's woefully Underprepared Doesn't know what they're doing
Starting point is 01:15:04 Fumbles their way Through accidentally Killing Predator after it kills everybody they know. And they barely do it. And maybe sometimes they don't. Whatever. They're horror movies. Yeah. They're horror movies where you experience incredible fear and you care about these characters to some degree. And you want somebody to win that isn't the Predator.
Starting point is 01:15:22 And eventually maybe they do or they don't. That's what these movies are. I don't want to see just a guy... Exactly. I think some element of the fandom, you go, wouldn't it be cool if humans had the plasma cannon and the knives and the whatever?
Starting point is 01:15:36 Imagine taking the fight back to the Predators. Imagine. But it's not interesting. No. I don't think anybody actually wants that as a movie. You put it in a spin-off comic, give somebody, they can wear a mask, they get the thermal vision, put it in a spin-off comic you know give somebody they can wear a mask they get the thermal vision put it in a book i don't know but don't give us a movie
Starting point is 01:15:50 of that it's not interesting i it's i think it's fine to be like he got some predator gear and he has just the invisible thing yeah or whatever but don't just be like he's got all the weapons and well so predator knows what that is and could probably stop it. Right? It's predator tech. They could probably hack it. See, that's what I'm talking... What I think would be... Because the predators always have, like,
Starting point is 01:16:10 remote control over their equipment and over their ship and whatever. Well, maybe we'll have some... Adrian Brody gets out and it's like unlocking a car and he turns it off
Starting point is 01:16:21 and then he kills the guy who was in it. Nice. That's my suit. Yeah. That's my suit, Mason. Remember that bit where was in it. Nice. Okay. That's my suit. Yeah. That's my suit, Mason. Remember that bit where he said, that's my suit? That's my suit.
Starting point is 01:16:29 That's what he's going to do. Just hang around in that suit until the Predator shows up. Until millions of Predators show up. And it's the Predator here and I can't see anything in his suit. But it's my suit. It's my suit. Okay. Ethan says, well, I guess we know who's going to win this year's The Gamers On Award.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. NinjaDude3 says, my review of The Predator. Bad CGI for dogs. Wiener kid. Awful acting. Worst movie ever. Sexy Matt says, just watched The Predator.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I found the tone off-putting and all the characters were terrible people and needlessly cruel. Good gore, though. Worst movie ever. Wasn't gore good? Sometimes. Yeah. The bit in the scene we talked about in the facility yeah okay that was pretty good matt bevan says hey lads saw the predator i have to say i loved it usually
Starting point is 01:17:10 wouldn't but i enjoyed shane black's don't worry about it campiness you see the spear uh alien versus predator is canon baby i didn't know that was one of the spears from alien versus predator in it i say which i guess would mean the famous spear that's why everybody in my show went it's the spear it's the spear from Alien vs Predator the first one did you not pick up on where people yelled that
Starting point is 01:17:30 no I didn't understand what they were saying there yeah no so I guess that means that the Alien vs Predator movies exist in the Predator universe but they don't exist
Starting point is 01:17:39 in the Alien universe if it's that spear yeah right also I was so sure the Predator killer in the pod was going to be Adrian Brody I wish it it was lord commander dan says so the predator i think it was just a movie don't regret seeing it at all it would have been the best movie ever if the
Starting point is 01:17:53 predator killer turned out to be royce from predators and old greg says what the fuck was the predator looking back on it predators was incredible correct it was uh this hurts to say because i love shane black and predator movies, even Alien vs. Predator 1. Didn't even feel like a Predators movie. Also, it's a front-runner for Game of Thrones award. Yes, it is. What movie did it feel like? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:18:12 It's like they got the worst parts of the first one and the worst parts of the most recent one. Yep. And just mushed them in. That's why we liked it. That's why we loved it. Anyway, if you've got any thoughts on it, please let us know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Also this week, Ethan Taylor, who's done some animations for us before he's also done some stuff for sans pants speaking of the predator he has animated a kevin mccallister from home alone versus the predator clip yeah which will be up by now my youtube channel i highly recommend you check it out super fun yeah it's fun i'll link that below as well but uh yeah it's fun little new animated versions of ourselves that's right yes so get into that if you know what's good for you. Yes. Do you know what it's time for though, Mason? It's time for our famous segment, What We Reading. What We Gonna Read.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'm doing the thing. That's my favorite kind of movie to review. Because it's bad. Because it's bad. Or, you know, good or bad is good. In the middle, it's tough. Yeah. Because you're like, yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah, this was fine. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, I love a bit of enthusiasm. Me too. That's all we want. That's all we want. We just want a bit of momentum.
Starting point is 01:19:14 It can't be this every week. You know what I mean? Yes. I love it to be, but I think that wears thin. You know those, like those YouTube channels that are just built around rage? Yeah, you can't sustain it. And you can't sustain it. And it doesn't apply to everything.
Starting point is 01:19:25 I think we mentioned it on the Q&A. This is one of them. Oh, do we? Yeah, I think very briefly, I went back to one of those ones that I'd enjoyed as a younger man. It's been going for a really long time. And it's basically, here's the thing, and here's why I hate all the things about it.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah. And I watched one. I'm like, oh, he's still doing those. Okay, and I watched it. And he's just phoning it in yeah right at this point he doesn't it's not
Starting point is 01:19:48 but other stuff on the channel where he's like I like these things yeah like you can't hem yourself in by being like I hate this because you can't hate everything
Starting point is 01:19:56 you can't hate everything if you do that's weird we'd love to hate everything yeah believe me yeah ah what I read I watched American Vandal season 2
Starting point is 01:20:04 I didn't mean to watch it all at once but I did there you go it's great did you see the first season not yet definitely check it out
Starting point is 01:20:10 okay cool it's like those true crime did they do it yeah like a serial kind of situation but it's it's like school pranks
Starting point is 01:20:16 is it so it's a different Vandal this time it's a different Vandal different school it's really good okay cool that
Starting point is 01:20:20 it's just a really good series yeah so 100% check it out if I'm not a fan generally of true crime and... I'm not, and I really like it. Okay, cool. Because a lot of time at the end of the true crime ones, especially a lot of podcasts, it's like, we don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:35 But thanks for listening to 100 hours of this. Right. Surprise, you didn't know we didn't know. But we don't, because if you did know, that person would be in jail, and this would be pointless. Correct, yes. Yeah. So well worth checking out. I also bought the new Tomb Raider game, but we don't because if you did know that person would be in jail yep and this would be pointless correct yes yeah so well worth checking out
Starting point is 01:20:47 I also bought the new Tomb Raider game and it's like the other ones exactly the same pretty much okay yeah they're new mechanics no
Starting point is 01:20:54 does she still have that yeah she's got two this time and she's got like a grapple thing okay whatever it's just it's okay
Starting point is 01:21:00 does she have the traditional Tomb Raider guns not yet maybe I get them later but I like the bow and arrow do you think she's ever going to get the traditional Tomb Raider guns? Not yet. Maybe I get them later. But I like the bow and arrow. Do you think she's ever going to get the traditional Tomb Raider guns? I don't know. They're very silly.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Yeah. They are. Yeah. What other questions do I have? At any point, does she fight a dinosaur? I'm very early on in, but no. Okay. I think they should...
Starting point is 01:21:21 I like the new series. Yeah. But I think it's now time to shift it in the way it used to be. Not in the bad... A lot of those are bad. Those games are bad, all right? They're bad. They're unplayable.
Starting point is 01:21:30 But you can now introduce all those elements back in. Because I've only played the reboot whenever that came out many years ago. It's Terrifico. It is Terrifico. That's one of the elements that I... If we talk about Spider-Man again briefly, I've been thinking about it. One of the things that is missing I if we talk about Spider-Man again briefly I've been thinking about it
Starting point is 01:21:45 one of the things that is missing I think from Spider-Man is a genuine danger when you're web swinging okay like because in that game you can fall a thousand feet you can fall off the tallest building in New York and not do anything and you just sort of tip on the ground and I guess the understanding is
Starting point is 01:21:59 well he's a superhero and that's his skill set but that would still hurt Spider-Man but that's what I'm saying like I think but there's a scene in the Tomb Raider reboot we have to climb really high up to a communications tower and you look down and when i played that bit i felt the same way as i felt when i actually look over the side of a really tall building i'm like oh i've got to get away from this yeah and there's no element of that in spider-man like it's fun yeah it's really fun to
Starting point is 01:22:22 swing around all the buildings but at no point am like, there's some consequences if I just fell off the... I agree. I think maybe, I mean, you could say... They do it in two, actually. Do they? Okay. You've got fall damage. Maybe if there's like an absolute ceiling.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Like, if you go above like a thousand feet and you just drop, you die. And unless you do like a combat roll out of it or something. That would work. There's also, I think in 2, I think if you fall from a great height, you can just splat. Okay, right. And it doesn't always kill you, I think.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Yeah. Now, obviously, I'm saying this now, but I'm sure if they actually implemented that in the game, I'd be like, why do I keep dying? I just jump off buildings. Come on. I'd play it and then I would end,
Starting point is 01:23:02 when the game was finished, I'd have low- grade anxiety all the time I'd have dreams where I kept falling off buildings and dying I have those I don't actually want that but I think it'd be
Starting point is 01:23:10 interesting to try it I want you to I want to have it it'd be interesting like it's fun but there's no sense of like wow this is
Starting point is 01:23:17 I'm really flying through this city kind of thing because there's no consequences to when you drop but anyway but what are you reading
Starting point is 01:23:24 I watched the first two episodes of Iron Fist and? it's a lot better than season one great to hear I mean maybe it takes a dive no I've heard good things that's great
Starting point is 01:23:31 yeah look the action sequences are a lot have you got a what we reading book? no this is my notebook that I have to write everything down in like if I have to like buy milk
Starting point is 01:23:39 I have to write it down because I can't remember anything you aren't artisanal nerd you're drinking water out of a this is a moleskin as well I bet it is. I got one of those right here.
Starting point is 01:23:46 I had a field notes, but I lost it at work. Do you know when I used to work, Mason, at a bookstore, there was a moleskin book that I took because I'm like, one day I'm going to write something in this. Yeah, yeah. Oh, you stole it? I have it. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:58 But let's just say that I've never thought, I've never written in it because I'm like, because once I write in this, what if it's bad? And what if it's cursed because you stole it? And what if you write... Say I stole it. Exactly. Nobody said I stole it.
Starting point is 01:24:12 What if you write, get milk, and then you walk out of the door and a milk truck just careens in and crushes you to death. And you got that milk, my friend. You got all the milk in the world. Are you happy now? Is that all the milk in the world? No. Okay. It's some milk. What if it was a tidal wave of all the milk in the world? Are you happy now? Is that all the milk in the world? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:25 It's some milk. What if it was a tidal wave of all the milk in the world? I go outside and I'm like, what? Oh, no. I shouldn't have written in the cursed book. No. Exactly. You need to pay that book forward.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Okay. Give it to somebody. I don't want that. I want to keep it. All right. Keep it then. Thanks. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Okay. I'll just drop off some money. I guess you could pay for the book. Yeah. I mean, they're not cheap, are they? First two episodes of Iron Fist, which I enjoyed. He's not as whiny anymore, which is great. He's learned his lessons from...
Starting point is 01:24:50 I think, generally speaking, the Marvel TV shows are on an uptick now. Okay. Like, the low point, I think, was Iron Fist, season one. And I think after that, they've all improved. I think a lot of people didn't give the Defenders a crack, really. I didn't think it was very good that's fair enough I thought Iron Fist was better than
Starting point is 01:25:09 the Defenders oh wow interesting okay well it doesn't matter no it's in the past that's right but look
Starting point is 01:25:15 and it's it's he's learned his lessons he's not as much of a whiner anymore which is good he's a working man his Colleen is back a character who I liked she's great she's good as much of a whiner anymore, which is good. He's a working man.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Colleen is back, a character who I liked. She's great. She's good. She's back for the new Star Wars as well. His two childhood friends are back, Joy and What's-His-Face Ward. Great. They're fine. Isn't one of them evil now?
Starting point is 01:25:37 I don't know. Oh. Yeah, maybe. And what I did enjoy about it is... Is David Wenham back? David Wenham's not back. David Wenham. David Wenham. Does not return. David Wenham. David Wenham. Does not return.
Starting point is 01:25:46 David Wenham. Let me tell you a tale. What I did enjoy about it is that they've clearly had some more time to work on the fight sequences. And he is... He's approached... I don't know if this is maintained through the series. But from what I can tell, he is... He...
Starting point is 01:26:02 He's... It's much better at making it appear that he is what he is in the comic books, which is a guy who's so good at martial arts that most people are just wasting his time. Right, okay. There's a lot more of him just dropping people with one punch, which is a lot better. Just write it like that because he's that good. A guy with a knife in an alley shouldn't threaten him in any way. Good point, Mason. And that's why it's great. Yeah. So watch that. A guy with a knife in an alley shouldn't be... Anything. Shouldn't threaten him in any way, you know?
Starting point is 01:26:25 Good point, Mason. And that's why. It's great. Yeah. So watch that. Who knows what the rest of it's like, but it seems fun. And Bojack Horseman season five is out. You've seen it yet?
Starting point is 01:26:34 Not yet. I haven't watched the last season. Okay. It got to a point where I was like, this is such a... I don't think I can do this. Was it the part about Bojack's mother? Yes. Yeah, I see a lot of people drop off there. But I really like it, so I want to go back.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Also, I heard that F is for Family is coming back this year, which I really like. Which one's that again? That's the Bill Burr one. Okay, cool. I've not watched any of that. I'm going to write it down. I don't have a pen.
Starting point is 01:26:56 It's got, and I won't give you one. It's got, I have no idea where the pen's in my house. Well, that's all right, because I wouldn't want to, because this is all blue ink, I wouldn't want to mess it up. In addition to not remember anything, a little bit of OCD about this book. I understand. You know.
Starting point is 01:27:08 There's shades of because we were around in the 80s but we don't really remember them I guess. Yeah. Because we were very small and now we're just Our eyes were tiny.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Our eyes were tiny but there's shades of stuff that I remember from the 80s Yes. But like because this Efforts for Families on the tail end
Starting point is 01:27:22 are like the 70s. Yeah. And there's that kind of there's a weird Kind of harshness And just depressingness To that era That I found
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yeah right Like Taxi Like that show Taxi Yeah And it's I don't I just wanted I think it's a good show
Starting point is 01:27:35 Anyway Should we go to the next segment Of the show Yes Hang on Just let me try and You never bring that book out ever Now suddenly you're bloody
Starting point is 01:27:42 You're drinking from a jar Well this is new You gave me that jar Yeah I gave it to you're bloody drinking from a jar. Well, this is new. You gave me that jar to drink from. Yeah, I gave it to you because I knew you got this new book, you dickhead. What I'm going to try and re-watch is Snuffbox. What's that? It's the Matt Berry show.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Okay. It's the weird, it's more surreal because I re-watched Toast of London. Apparently they're doing another season of that. Yeah. Good, good, good. I'd love to see. Okay, Snuffbox. Yeah, nice. Cool. Anyway, good, good. I'd love to see. Okay, Snuffbox. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Cool. Anyway, Letters, I guess. Letters. The classic one was Letters, oh Letters, we love you. Some letters, they're only a day away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do Letters. What up,
Starting point is 01:28:22 dog? It's Letters time. Oh, yes. Listen, if you want to reach the show, hashtag WeeklyPlan letters time. Oh, yes. Listen, if you want to reach the show, hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter, you can. Also, weeklyplanetpod at Shoot a Gmail over to Nicholas P. Mason. That's me. And he will tell you what's going on.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Is that your middle name? Yeah, it's P. It's P-double-E. It's not three E's? No. Okay, good. It's the standard spelling of P. Okay, good. Do you want to go first or do you want me to go first? You go first. no okay good it's the standard spelling of P okay good yeah
Starting point is 01:28:45 do you want to go first or do you want me to go first you go first okay sure this is from Dion hashtag weekly planet pod hey guys hope you're well
Starting point is 01:28:53 love the show which deleted scenes do you wish made it into films mine is Kylo Ren on the Falcon from the Force Awakens that's a good one I agree okay deleted scenes
Starting point is 01:29:02 what do you got Mason my go to one is the the only interesting bit in Superman Returns where he goes back to Krypton Crystal Ship yeah it's a good one. I agree. Okay, deleted scenes. What have you got, Mason? My go-to one is the only interesting bit in Superman Returns where he goes back to Krypton. Crystal Ship, yeah. It's a great movie regardless. That's not true. I like it.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Do you? Yeah, kind of. I mean, I like it less now that Sex Pest directed it. Yeah. So, yeah. Deleted scenes. Allegedly. Deleted scenes
Starting point is 01:29:25 But you know These directors You know They've got their reasons For deleting stuff You know what I mean Oh I thought you meant For the other thing
Starting point is 01:29:30 No there's no excuse for that No Okay I'm against that Wow that's a That's a bold stance to take Do you not think people Listen to the back end of this
Starting point is 01:29:37 They don't People have tuned out Deleted scenes What about all the stuff from Iron Man 3 said in China that they deleted no I'm fine with that
Starting point is 01:29:49 is that actually deleted or did the Chinese get it I think it's the Chinese version I don't know what about the ending of I Am Legend which is the better ending don't care about that movie at all
Starting point is 01:29:57 I think a lot of the times I find deleted scenes really interesting but I'm like yeah that should be gone I completely understand why that's been taken out yeah like I like that
Starting point is 01:30:04 Kylo Ren scene but I also understand why they took it out yeah yeah yeah oh you know what there's a scene in i don't know if it's is it in the director's cut it probably is in terminator 2 where the chip in the head the chip in the head yes that's a great scene that's it because that was in the because when i saw terminator 2 originally it was not in there but it's in the comic book adaptation because Because remember back in the day when comic books and novelizations of movies were always based on the original script? Yes. And so they would always have scenes that were taken out.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yes, yes. So there's a scene in Terminator 2 where it's revealed that the learning chip in Arnold Schwarzenegger's head is set to read only, so they have to cut his head open. I like that a lot. And change the switch so he can learn like he can actually take on knowledge and become a you know a real learn empathy and they take the chip out and sarah connor is going to smash the chip with a hammer yes and then she
Starting point is 01:30:56 doesn't also it's a great scene because it uses linda hamilton's twin and like a fake head yeah in a fake mirror yeah it's really good yeah but i guess it's just cut for time because in the final cut he just says my brain's a learning computer i it can learn yeah i i yeah sure but i like i like the they have to go to that next step and that's why they don't go rogue because they learn to love or whatever yeah right we'll stop that yeah for sure yeah i mean they can never learn anything ever it's also also very technically, like you said, it's a very technically demanding scene that they were just, that's James Cameron, I guess.
Starting point is 01:31:30 James Cameron, yeah. Because it's an incredibly technically demanding, and they had to bring in Linda Hamilton's twin. Yeah, that's right. And all this other stuff. She lives in an attic, just wild up there. Wow. Just, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Do you think they'll bring her in for the new one? They might. Yeah, I hope so. That's going to be a good one, Mason. Just like we thought the Predator was going to be, the new Terminator is going to be crazy good. But yeah, I guess that's James Cameron. He's just like, no, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Get rid of it. I don't care. No one will ever see this. That's right. Also, there's a scene, apparently there's a motorcycle chase in Batman 1989 that gets taken out. Was that out of the script or out of the,
Starting point is 01:32:00 was that when he puts on a ski mask and runs down the street? Yes. Is that that scene? Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah, I would have liked to see that. It's after he gets shot, isn't and runs down the street? Yes. Is that that scene? Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah, I would have liked to see that. It's after he gets shot, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:32:07 In the Joker shoot-in. Yeah, it's after the Let's Get Nuts scene. That's my favorite scene. He's the Joker and his henchmen down the street. That's my favorite scene. In his suit, in his beige double-breasted suit. Surely they know it's him because he was just wearing that suit. Just wearing that suit, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Was he wearing body armor? But that's in the... I guess he was wearing body armor in that scene, right? I think he must have been, yeah. But that's in the novelization, but not in the think he must have been yeah but that's in the novelization but not in the movie great yeah it's a good movie i could do a lot of these i think based on the novelizations that i saw as a kid that i read as a kid as a kid i read a lot of novelizations of movies i never saw like i've read stargate but i've never seen i think i i did a thing for some movies i would read the novelization before i saw
Starting point is 01:32:42 the movie yes because it'd often be months before it came out i read jurassic park the junior novelization oh right i think i read independence day before the movie came out and you loved them both equally yeah you talk about the new one right you read the novel yeah i'm like hello one copy of independence day research is the novelization please a what we don't have that. No one made that. I wrote it myself. Okay. I added the line, let's kick some alien ass.
Starting point is 01:33:10 That's the best line in the movie. It is. It's a good movie. It's a good line, right? You got a letter? This is from Camille Borowski. Oh, yeah. I met him.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Who's from Chicago who came to Melbourne quite recently for a comedy festival and hung out to all sorts of planet broadcasting shows. Had a great time.
Starting point is 01:33:23 It's his friend Kaylee's birthday on Monday. He was wondering if he would give her a happy birthday dickhead. Now, here's the wrinkle. Although I don't know Oh my God. She wanted to learn about comic book movies. She's been watching them in release order that corresponds to the weekly Planet episode she's up to. Incredible. Incredible, right? Yeah. Happy birthday, dickhead.
Starting point is 01:33:41 You dickhead. You made it this far. You've wasted your time. You've watched so much crap media and listened to two idiots. Oh, we're so dumb. What are you doing? And there was bad audio at the start. And you had to watch The Predator.
Starting point is 01:33:55 You're such an idiot. Look, absolutely. Whenever you listen to this, full credit if you have watched. Like, bearing in mind the crushing disappointments you have experienced, the journey you've been on. We've experienced them too, mate. We've experienced them too. I mean, good for you for going on that journey.
Starting point is 01:34:11 We know what you feel. The very idea that you went, you know what? I think this might be a good movie and I'll watch it. That would be amazing. Let us know when you do. I think it might be five years around now. Yeah. We've been doing this for five years.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's nigh on half a decade. She would have experienced just the highs and lows, maybe, Batman. Superman will be good. Yeah. Watch the trailers. Fantastic Four, what's that going to be? I was just hungover every week.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Yeah. Just killing it, mate, wasn't I? She's going to hear you go from a bloody hungover every week party animal to a wholesome family man over the course of many years. Wow. I'm going to stay the same. Yeah, you should. I will. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Nice. I went to a kid's birthday party on the weekend. I have two friends of mine, which I really like. But boy, let me tell you, there are a lot of dads there, Mason. How'd that go? Look at the risk of any of them hearing this. It's the best. It's the best time. C best oh it's the best time
Starting point is 01:35:06 huh cough once if you hated their every experience i hated every minute of being there wow that was all right actually oh yeah cool it's actually all right terrific good cake yeah that's what you go for man you do go for the cake yeah i'm not the friends all this is from Jonathan Cardwell says he retweeted we retweeted this from Scott Snyder
Starting point is 01:35:29 who works for DC did a great Batman run and a bunch of other stuff just to be clear Scott Snyder not Zack Snyder no he's on Vero
Starting point is 01:35:37 he's on a different social media platform he is yeah the one that no one's on yep I still think Tom Cruise would make the best Joker and Jonathan says
Starting point is 01:35:45 at first I balked but this could work maybe get that crazy maniacal laugh down anyway it's hashtag weekly planet pod I think it would work would he do it though
Starting point is 01:35:53 no no he wouldn't oh I reckon if you pitched it to him as an acting challenge and if you were like listen we're gonna recreate that helicopter scene
Starting point is 01:36:01 from the first Batman and you're gonna you're gonna what we're gonna do is we're gonna hang you from a helicopter and we're gonna tie a really heavy stone gargoyle to like a real one like a real one and you have to do all your lines to potentially fall off the helicopter off a cathedral to your death i reckon he would 100 do it also we're gonna put you in the street and we're gonna have a plane bearing down on you shooting your real machine gun and you have to shoot it out of the sky with a handgun with an impossibly long barrel.
Starting point is 01:36:27 If you don't do it, you will die. You'll be like, yes, my greatest performance yet. I think that would be really good. I think it'd be great. I mean, the thing about him is, though, his smile is off kilter. He's got the centre tooth. It's in the middle of his head.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Didn't they fix that? I think they fixed it a little bit, but there's still a bit going on there. But I think that adds an element to it. I agree. Yeah. Also, he's crazy ripped for his age. Yep, exactly.
Starting point is 01:36:50 He's got versatile hair. He can do anything. Yeah. So I just feel like... I think that could totally work. Yeah. Again, you'd have to play against type, which he's sort of toyed with in The Mummy.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Yes. Where he was kind of like a shady character. I think collateral is the best example. Yeah. There we go. We could, you could pitch him. It's like collateral,
Starting point is 01:37:10 but super collateral. Except you have to hang from a gargoyle or whatever. Because like the mummy, like he was like, I'm kind of a shady guy, but then the mummy didn't do that well and it was critically panned. So maybe he's shying away from that. Was it critically planned?
Starting point is 01:37:22 Critically panned and didn't do well. Cause it was terrible. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. it was terrible? Yeah. Okay, yeah. Just to clarify. Yeah. Sorry, I killed your momentum there. No, that was it.
Starting point is 01:37:30 I was tapering off. I was fading fast. Don't even worry about it. Well, thank God I came in. But yeah, I think he would make a great The Joker. But I think he'd be more like, he'd do a Hal Jordan or something like that. I don't think he'd do it. Yeah, I think he would want to be the hero.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Yeah. Besides, there's already to be the hero. Yeah. Besides, there's already 14 Joker movies happening. Yeah. So just watch any one of them. They could do an I'm Not There style where it's, you know, Bob Dylan. It's a different actor in every scene. That's true. Different Joker every scene because he's crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Because he's crazy. A series of Joker vignettes. I would definitely watch that. Yep. Like that Batman Begins prequel animation. Did you ever see that? No. There's a whole lot of different stories about Batman.
Starting point is 01:38:07 It's great. But also, though, do you think he would do it because they went, oh, no, the reason we want you this is because you have the laugh of a lunatic and you're dead behind the eyes. Do you think he'd do it for, do you think he's aware of that? Oh. And would do it? What if he was like, if you got it, flaunt it.
Starting point is 01:38:26 I'm doing the dead eyes ice He's doing the intense stare Yeah Alright good on him That's the show I think It is the show Thanks everybody for listening Do the end Mason Thanks to everybody
Starting point is 01:38:33 Who's making my episode Of Gamey Gamey Game The biggest The most downloaded episode More than mine Mason I hope so Everybody go and watch mine It's on Battlefront 2
Starting point is 01:38:41 Nah don't do it It's got Mark from Aunty Donna No What do you want Jess Perkins is there from Do Go On? Nah, she's not good. Sounds like a good lineup. We referenced Jess Perkins from Do Go On,
Starting point is 01:38:49 which is better than actually having Jess Perkins from Do Go On, in my opinion. How dare you take this anti-Jess Perkins attitude into this podcast. Anyway, give that a watch. That'd be terrific. Just go to YouTube and search for Gamey Gamey Games. Jess Perkins is a treasure, mate. She is, right?
Starting point is 01:39:02 You son of a bitch. Yeah. But see, we were enjoying just referencing her. Why bring the actual Jess Perkins into a treasure She is right You son of a bitch Yeah But see we were enjoying Just referencing her Why bring the actual Jess Perkins into Sully this You know what I mean Fair point Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:11 Anyway thanks everybody For listening and subscribing Smash that like button On Gamey Gamey Game My episode of Gamey Gamey Game Doesn't feel good does it Nah it's
Starting point is 01:39:18 Hit that subscribe button There's so many good episodes Hit subscribe on that It's good stuff I got no stake in it So I can say it all I like That's true. Anyway, thanks everybody for listening to this show
Starting point is 01:39:27 and telling people about it. It's how we get to whatever number episode we've gotten to. Yeah! Yeah, we did it. Let's see if you want to support the show. Actually, if you want to contact the show, Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Bandcamp.
Starting point is 01:39:43 You can also go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group if you want to join in some great conversations over there about all kinds of pop culture stuff. Yep. You can also go to, sign up to our newsletter by the great Rob Collings. He's killing it. Where is he going?
Starting point is 01:39:56 No, he's killing it. Oh, he's killing it. Yeah, he's killing it. But where is he going? Straight to the top. He's straight to the top, and he's also at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. Yep. I'm WikipediaBrown on Twitter. I'm MrSundayMoviesay movies at twitter we're also on instagrams you can find us mr sunday gram and mason whatever it is yeah wikipedia gram uh is that anything i'm gonna say enough it is yeah um
Starting point is 01:40:16 just search my name it comes up i think i just want to see if wikipedia gram is okay terrific i should have taken that but it's too late you could use that as your old account definitely something already i'd imagine yeah it's probably late. You could use that as your alt account. It's definitely something already, I'd imagine. Yeah, it's probably true. Yeah, it is. Three followers. Huh. Probably buy it often.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Let's see. If you want to support the show, you can go to slash mrsundaymovies if you want to chuck in a buck. Chuck in a buck. We'd take a buck. We'd take all your money. Anything you wouldn't miss.
Starting point is 01:40:39 We'll take that. Keep the lights on in this wonderful man cave, and in the new man cave. And if you want to see the man cave, you bloody well can. Yep. That's winding up at the end of the month. We've got the Care Australia campaign. It should be up by now.
Starting point is 01:40:52 That's on my Instagram. Just click on there. Click on there. Click on there. And that. Don't add any amount, you'll get bonus content. You get a bloody Q&A. Two Q&As.
Starting point is 01:41:02 You'll get $100. What? What? Yep. Huh. Everyone gets $100. What? What? Yep. Huh. Everyone gets $100. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:41:09 That legally binding, is it? Yes, Mason. You're really doubling down on this. Huh. No one listens to the end of the show. They can say anything. Actually, that's very true. That's very true.
Starting point is 01:41:19 If anything, then you probably lowballed it by making up $100. You could have said $1,000. $105. Wow. So you can do that. Bloody, what else? then you probably lowballed it by making up $100 you could have sent $1000 $105 wow so you can do that bloody what else if you want to send through
Starting point is 01:41:29 the versus thing it should be next week unless we've got a lot of Captain Marvel stuff yeah in which case we might do that if they surprise release
Starting point is 01:41:37 Captain Marvel into cinemas we'll probably watch that and talk about that instead yeah we could also maybe do some if we wanted to we could read some stories this week and talk about that
Starting point is 01:41:45 or maybe we could save that for later. Let's see. Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes. We love them every week.
Starting point is 01:41:51 We do. We've got some T-shirts on Tee Public. A lot of people are buying that I'm Fine design, which is very good. I've been meaning to put up the new
Starting point is 01:41:57 It's Your Boy Dickface one on there. I need to do that and I haven't yet, but we'll quickly send it to her. Terrific. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:42:06 That's about it, I think. That's about it. Oh, we've got the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description. If you want to buy all the Predator movies. Don't buy this new one. Don't buy that. Yeah, don't buy the new one. How is it the worst one?
Starting point is 01:42:16 Yeah, no, it is, isn't it? Yeah. I was going to say worse than Predator 2, but it's not. Predator 2 at least has novelty value. I wonder, though, if this is going to become that. Yeah, maybe. give it some distance you don't know do you
Starting point is 01:42:28 but then the pressure is off because you're just watching it on your TV just one click and you've got it you don't have to
Starting point is 01:42:35 trek out to the cinema for it some idiot sitting next to you exactly right alright thanks everyone for listening
Starting point is 01:42:41 grab that gem you guys we will see you next week $105 don't forget goodbye cha-ching cha-ching this podcast is part of All right. Thanks, everyone, for listening. Grab that gem, you guys. We will see you next week. $105. Don't forget. Goodbye. Cha-ching.
Starting point is 01:42:47 Cha-ching. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. What do I say at the end of this? Well, I didn't listen to it. You have to add it in. I thought I was going to trick him. Oh, yeah. Forget it.
Starting point is 01:42:59 I don't remember what I say. Fuck you, Mason. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London.
Starting point is 01:43:26 One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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