The Weekly Planet - 265 Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is...

Episode Date: December 17, 2018

Also check out and use the offer code THEWEEKLYPLANET for $50 off.Hello this is the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse the movie! We also get more revelations The Defenders, Pixar’s next project, Doctor Strange 2 update, Sonic’s weird legs, casting for The Mandaloian and Stargirl plus Spider-Man’s future at both the MCU and in animation. Thanks for listening!USB Tapes:USB Tapes: Easter Eggs: Spider-Verse Spider-People: The Start Of The Podcast2:32 The Defenders benched6:36 Pixar’s next project12:05 Doctor Strange 214:20 Henry Cavill still Superman maybe16:48 Sonic is a muscular legged monster21:02 Mandalorian casting23:21 Star Man casting27:46 Spider-Man’s MCU Future32:22 Spider-Verse spin-offs35:30 Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse (spoilers 59:10 - 1:09:54)1:09:54 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:12:32 Letters It’s Time For LettersThe Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse on Amazon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This episode is brought to you by Casper Mattresses. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Red hot comic book movie news.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Shooting up your butthole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to anotherthole The Weekly Planet The Weekly Planet Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet Where we talk movies and comics and TV shows My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday With me as always is my co-host Nicholas Mason We're here, we've made it
Starting point is 00:00:55 We've made it again Feels good Episode 265 I believe Oh But who's counting? Well you're counting and who knows you know Well I have to because I have to name the episode every week in a new file of things that we're talking about. Otherwise it would just be a mess.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It'd just be like the one about the blur, you know? So it'd be a friend's episode. It would be a friend's episode. Yes. Weirdly homophobic. Yes. Is what you're saying. Mason, our Christmas gifts are selling very well. Well, they're not gifts. They're not really for Christmas. They're for any time. They're for any time of the year.
Starting point is 00:01:26 There's some Weekly Planet. It's like a mixtape of some compilations of some greatest episodes and a very special bonus, just a little Christmas episode where we talk about our favorite episodes. My favorite Christmas movies. Yes, sorry. Favorite Christmas episodes of this podcast. I was going to say, what if it was just an episode
Starting point is 00:01:44 where we talk about our favourite episodes of our own podcast? Oh my god, I would love that. You'd be no good. You wouldn't remember anything that happens. You'd have a very precisely collated list and you'd be like, what about the episode where this happened? I'd be like, it sounds kind of like something I would say.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But I don't remember it. They're still available. I'll link them below. For anybody who doesn't know it's a USB but it's in a little it's a little cassette tape yeah and it comes in a little cassette case it looks great
Starting point is 00:02:11 they're already arriving but it's not actually a cassette we should point that out it's a USB if you put it in your tape deck you will die it's got some yes
Starting point is 00:02:18 yes you will it's got some sweet BVS it'll still play but you won't hear it you'll be dead you'll be dead some Batman V Superman Weekly Planet artwork.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Oh, yes. And look, it's the guy who makes them, he sold out all his copy and he sent out a bunch of them. People have already sent through that they've got them already. He's quick. And we just mentioned this last week. What if he does other stuff? Like what? Like maybe you come and fix my car? That'd be great. So yeah, but they're
Starting point is 00:02:42 still available. He's going to make more. So if you want them, order them. It's probably just going to be a limited run um and they're what i think they're 18 pounds which is 22 us if you're in the us or anywhere really it'll just it'll just translate that for you so i'm saying okay bloody cheap as chips great that's great uh mason you know what else is great what What is great? The Defenders can't appear in other Marvel stuff, other TV shows or movies. For two years? For two years.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Oh, that's not great. I mean, it depends how you feel about the Defenders, I guess. How do you feel about it? I overall quite like them. Yeah, but even to do like have Daredevil appear in a movie or anyone appear in a movie. And that's part of, I guess that's Netflix's non-compete clause situation going on there.
Starting point is 00:03:26 So Marvel can't snatch him away and just do stuff. So that's every Marvel Netflix character. That includes the Punisher and whoever else is left. Yeah. Well, and I do wonder whether it's... Yeah, the Whizzer. Oh, yeah. Did he die?
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah, he died. I love that effect though. What series was that? Was that Jessica Jones? That was Jessica Jones season two. And the worst super speed effect I've ever seen committed to film. Hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That might be true. It'd be better if just pause the camera and leave the screen and then switch the camera back on. And have Jessica Jones go, woo, woo, woo. Because he wasn't even that fast from memory. He was moderately fast. Yeah, moderately fast. But I guess that means from when the last show aired. Because The Punisher, we found out, is airing in January,
Starting point is 00:04:08 which is a hot time to drop a Netflix show, I guess. Yeah, right. That's going to be cancelled as well, right? They're going to release it and then cancel it. Then they're going to release the final Jessica Jones and cancel that. Well, I mean, surely at this point, in order for Netflix to get any profit off this sort of stuff
Starting point is 00:04:26 people have to be fired up and excited about it and get people to subscribe yeah and nobody's doing that no knowing there's not there's not
Starting point is 00:04:34 not going to be any more crossovers there's not going to be another season for sure everyone's fairly confident that it's cancelled yeah so that means so is it
Starting point is 00:04:43 is it two so it's two years per character i believe so i don't know that okay so it'll be the punisher comes out in 2019 yeah that means there'll be no punisher in any other form of media till 2021 okay yeah well that is disappointing because that puts paid to the long-standing rumor that daredevil will be in spider-man far from home for some reason long-standing rumor or just a thing you keep saying? I keep saying it, but I heard it on the internet. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Has the internet ever lied about anything? Good point. What if we've ever taken something from the internet that wasn't true and run with it? That's a good point. I can also see Marvel, if they really want to use them, just say, we'll just give you $50 million. Yeah, right, exactly. And where can we use them?
Starting point is 00:05:25 But that being said, Marvel TV and movies have enough stuff outside of Defenders to keep them occupied for two years minimum. They could never drop them back in and it would be fine. Yeah, exactly. There'll be a certain... Also, that just gets me thinking of how the tides have turned for Marvel. Now they could just be like, those minor characters, $50 million, we'll give it to you.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Like 20 years ago, they were like um do you want these filing cabinets we'll sell them to you for some sandwiches yeah come on guys yeah what what an era both eras two different eras distinct in their own ways yeah um yeah i don't know i'm just i'm more curious to see what they plan to do after two years like yeah right exactly maybe a break would suit would suit it you know they can kind of revamp and then two years who knows where all this where this universe is going to be where even tv's at with the disney streaming services maybe tv won't exist anymore maybe we're all dead whoa imagine that imagine if we're all dead and we can't watch New Defenders on Disney+. Wow. Cruel.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You know what I mean? Fate's cruel hand. Worse than death, you know? Worse than death, yeah. I mean, we would be dead. Yes. But the added indignity. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, I know what you mean. Are they going to learn to work together when prior they didn't know how to work together, but then they worked together for a little bit? I mean, they will, but I want to see it. Yeah, you want to see the process. I want to see it, yeah. You want to see how the working together sausage is made. Correct.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, so there'll be a small vocal minority who'll be like, Den of's my favourite one, where is he? Yeah. Bring it back, bring back Daredevil. Here's a petition. But most people, I think, will forget about it fairly quickly. Yeah, I think you're probably right, yeah. Here's something you won't see.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Pixar's new project. I might see a Pixar thing. I saw Incredibles 2, didn't I? That's true. Did I? I did. Yes, only because it had superheroes. Yep, correct.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And it was free. Uh-huh. And you liked the first one. Yep. Okay, this one is called Onward. It's going to come out in 2020. Ooh, that's the future, though. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Chris Pratt, Tom Holland. I actually wrote Tom Holland here. Thank you. Julie Louise Dreyfus. And it's set in a suburban fantasy world. It introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there's still a little magic left out there. Yeah, I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Just still a little bit of magic, though, Mason. Is it out there? Do you reckon there is? I say that. Just still a little bit of magic though, Mason. Is it out there? Do you reckon there is? I think there probably is just a little bit of magic. Sounds a bit like Bright, doesn't it? Sounds like the movie Bright, Mason. Elves were the 1%.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Do you get it? No, I saw some of that. Do you get it or do you not get it? I just got it. Nice. Look, it'll probably... You know what? I reckon they'll find a little bit of magic
Starting point is 00:08:05 and then they'll lose the magic but then they'll discover that the magic is in fact magic the world around us which is magic yeah i'm not i'm not super i'm not as jazzed as i was for pixar stuff you know say five or ten years ago especially after this recent animated movie we saw which was better than anything opposite animated the last 10 years probably but yeah sure this sounds okay i do have a kind of a i don't i don't take issue with it but it kind of i'm back and forth on whether regular human face actors translate well to voice acting oh i see because't... I think the skill set is getting better, though. Yeah, I agree. I think Shrek era... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Shrira. Shrira. Shrira. Shrira era. I think a lot of the performance was really flat. Yeah. Because they didn't have... I think, like, Shark Tale.
Starting point is 00:08:55 That's kind of, I think, is a really... Yeah, that's the navy of that. But I think it's getting a lot better. Yeah, you're probably right. I think also a lot of... Shrek fans. Yeah, a lot of... Shrans.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Shrans. I think also a lot of... Shrek fans. Yeah, a lot of... Trans. Trans. I think a lot of voice actors are also like, whenever they've got an off day or whatever, they're like, come do this new Netflix animated thing or whatever. Come do a new... Come on BoJack Horseman for a minute, you know, kind of thing. So I think that which also feels like they're taking away work from actual voice actors.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. Yeah. But, but I don't know, do people, do people want famous actors? I think it helps in the marketing. Yeah. To be like, look, who's in this? It's bloody blah, blah, blah. You know, you know him.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Could you not think of a single famous person? I was going to say Zoe Saldana, but then I'm like, is she famous enough? I mean, she's famous yeah but she's not someone else more i could think of another famous it's tricky right she's not tom cruise mason nice has he ever done an animated character must it no oh there is that robin wright penn movie where it's about actors being young in hollywood and they get replaced or something. I've not seen that. It's got that weird effect. Remember that movie Scanner Darkly?
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah. It's got that effect. It's from a few years back. They were all rotoscoped. Yeah. Have you ever seen Scanner Darkly? No. I quite liked it from memory.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It's got Keanu Reeves. Yeah, right. And maybe Robert Downey Jr. But who's to say? Because they're all... Someone drawn on that. I don't know whether that was an accident. Someone's kid got a hold of it and colored all the cells in.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Yeah. Okay, what's next? Scott Derrickson, director of... I think he did the one Sinister, the one where Ethan Hawke, Bagul, was in the pictures. And if you look at the pictures,
Starting point is 00:10:40 then Bagul was going to come in your house and punch your kids. Bagul. Huh. You know... Speaking of Ethan Hawke, he was also in that weird rot punch your kids. Bagul. Huh. You know. Speaking of Ethan Hawke, he was also in that weird rotoscoped animated thing. Which one? Was he also in a Scanner Darkly? He might have been in Scanner Darkly.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Is he in? I'm going to look it up. Okay. Okay. Ethan Hawke, rotoscoped. Rotoscoped. Do you want me to look it up too? No, no, please.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Continue with your thing you were saying. I'm going to see if Robert Downey Jr. was in Scanner Darkly. Everyone out there, look up a Scanner Darkly also. Please do. All also all right when i know right yeah he was in it there you go that's what he harrelson alex jones is in scanner darkly as street prophet they're all that's crazy they're all failed entertainers everybody in the weird right wing pundit lunatic fringe are people who wanted to be you can cut this out but it's just people who know it's people who wanted to be how everybody just look at them for any reason yeah and then it they don't have the charisma and they're horrible people and so they went
Starting point is 00:11:36 yeah like your peers morgan's as well yeah the spokesperson for the nra she wanted to be uh she pitched a like a sitcom where she was a conservative radio host right but a sexy yeah that's right yeah like a sitcom and nobody bought it yeah i'd buy that mason oh yeah for sure anyway i love all those people i don't know why you would have a shot scanner darkly mason yeah right or ethan hawke rotoscope that's right i was thinking of before sunrise and before sunset but they're both live action films Absolutely they are Ethan Hawke was in the movie Waking Light It's a Richard Linklater docu-fiction film
Starting point is 00:12:12 Oh yep It's an animated film But I don't think it's the thing that you're thinking of No Sorry Mason That's quite alright He was in the movie White Fang If you recall correctly
Starting point is 00:12:22 You know what I'm thinking of that movie where he's a vampire Predestination? No. The other one. The other one that was probably shot in Australia. Yeah, that one. Yeah. I'm thinking that one.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Great. Day Walkers. There we go. Great. What do you think of Scott Derrickson returning for Doctor Strange 2 in 2020? Cool. Yeah. Well, he's doing it.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Nice. All right. Well, I can't change the outcome, can I? The last Doctor Strange film ended with the promise that Benjamin Bratt would never walk again and that Baron Mordo would return to take out magic, stop people doing magic. Yeah. Isn't it ironic that he's going to be using magic to stop people?
Starting point is 00:12:55 That's actually a really good point. Do you think anyone's going to point that out to him? No. Okay. I think it's that kind of movie. Do you think they're going to wait and say, just let him figure it out? Just let him figure it out.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Let him figure it out. And then he's killed everybody at the end and he's like oh well I look like a real prat well I would be
Starting point is 00:13:10 if I didn't kill everybody yeah so look I liked Doctor Strange yeah more magic stuff you said I remember at the time
Starting point is 00:13:17 and I agree with you after a rewatch it grew on me a little bit but you know now that we've laid some more groundwork in Infinity War there was crazy magic stuff actually doing magic stuff I want to see a thousand of him again on me a little bit but you know now that we've laid some more groundwork in Infinity War of Doctor Strange
Starting point is 00:13:25 actually doing magic stuff I want to see a thousand of him again and all these weird things gotta turn into snakes yeah if you're not gonna
Starting point is 00:13:33 Barry Mordo's gonna turn some stuff into snakes he might even turn into a snake himself do you think he will? I think he's gonna turn some stuff
Starting point is 00:13:40 into snakes and Doctor Strange is gonna defeat those snakes and then he himself is gonna turn into a snake yeah that's probably right and then dr strange is like he doesn't
Starting point is 00:13:48 even realize he's using magic to stop magic no dr strange is going to turn into a mongoose and then they're going to fight yeah the snakes of greatest love yes that's right yes great uh so yeah look i'm not surprised i guess everyone everyone's coming back obviously oh sure so yeah we're gonna get the return of the ancient one no she's dead but maybe Wong
Starting point is 00:14:09 Rachel McAdams yeah Rachel McAdams Benjamin Bratt yep the Lamborghini that went off a cliff maybe it's back and it talks now
Starting point is 00:14:16 I smashed your hands I'll do it again oh I thought he'd be penitent no sorry about your hands no no oh wow
Starting point is 00:14:24 you're on your phone you did this Oh, I thought he'd be penitent. No. Sorry about your hands. No, no. Oh, wow. You're on your phone. You did this. Come at me, bro. Also, I like how he's not Italian. He's just from wherever. Well, it's like Doctor Strange. Where's he from?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah, that's true. Just a generic whatever accent. Yeah. Okay, did you think Henry... Hands are ten and two. Goggles and gloves. Wear a seatbelt. I won't tell you again you know how we thought that Henry Cavill
Starting point is 00:14:51 was leaving Superman and everyone said he was Jason Momoa has said he's not he said I just talked to Henry he's absolutely not
Starting point is 00:14:58 leaving the character he loves the character he's not 100% he said whilst promoting his film set within the dc universe yep i mean i don't know definitely this is gonna leave a lot of loose ends that won't be tied up
Starting point is 00:15:10 for sure let's keep watch my movie please yeah also i don't believe that is really him because he called him henry and not h dog i mean that's a good point actually yeah yeah that's a publicist talking i feel yeah the sound just cranked up on this real big time. So I've got to edit there in the post-production, which I'm going to have to fix. Fix it in post. It's not your fault. But I started talking like this. No, it wasn't you.
Starting point is 00:15:32 But I just feel like there might be a weird little kick there. So everybody's like, the flawless editing, my ass. Because that's what people expect of this. Yeah. But no. Do you think talking Lamborghini kicked it off? I think it might have been. It's always the trigger, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yep. So, look, do you think he's leaving that big?. Do you think Talking Lamborghini kicked it off? I think it might have been. It's always the trigger, isn't it? Yep. So, look, do you think he's leaving that big... What do you think? Do you think they're just thinking move in a movie? If Aquaman does well, they're like, bring them all back. I think maybe Jason Momoa and Henry Cavill had like a deep and meaningful conversation around like a fire pit on the beach or something like that. Yeah, that sounds right, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:03 And Henry Cavill was humoring him. Okay. Or maybe Jason Momoa brings his own fire pit around the beach to wherever. And a steel drum. Yeah, like he goes to Henry Cavill's house and he just sets up the fire pit. And he's like, come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Bring it in, bro. Bring it in. Now you're going to be Superman again. We're going to be superhero bros again? I do wonder. We're going to be justice bros again? Come on, man. We're going to be justice bros? I mean, we're going to be justice bros again come on man we're going to be
Starting point is 00:16:25 justice bros I mean we all had fun with it he says to Henry Cavill and he's talking to the audience as well us people so next week's episode
Starting point is 00:16:33 will be a combination of both Aquaman because we're seeing it this week early even though it's out everywhere else in the world and Bumblebee
Starting point is 00:16:41 Bumblebee Aquabee Aquabee can you imagine such a thing well we'll have to next week we'll have to do our best
Starting point is 00:16:48 to kind of make that a reality so yeah because we've seen bumblebee so I feel we can talk about bumblebee but if we see
Starting point is 00:16:55 aquaman and it's not worth talking about it's just going to be a bumblebee episode okay great okay what else we can use that time
Starting point is 00:17:02 to imagine what an aqua bee would be like yeah flippers instead of wings yeah can we make that an hour and 30 yeah Okay, what else are we... We can use that time to imagine what an aqua bee would be like. Yeah. Flippers instead of wings, yeah? Can we make that an hour and 30? Yeah. Okay, good. For sure.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Size of a dolphin? No, ooh, yeah. Okay, good. Cool. Sonic is up to something. Now, we've seen numerous posters for the Sonic movie, many of which I was not sure were real or not. the first one was it was an outline a shadowy outline he's got muscular calves and very muscular weird human legs yeah i don't know like i don't know what that is yeah and then
Starting point is 00:17:36 there's the other one where he's looking at you sitting on top of the golden gate bridge and he's got one knee up and the other ones the other legs lying flat yeah but they're way too far apart to be connected to a torso he needs room for his junk he probably needs real and then there was a leaked image of him sitting in the back seat of a cop car or something and or a forest rangers car or something but the chris pratt in the front who was i guess if that image is real considered for the lead which went to james marston okay so that's probably an old image, so I don't know. Anyway, they're all horrible. So what do you think?
Starting point is 00:18:09 I've got, up until recently, I had no idea that there was going to be a Sonic the Hedgehog movie. There's too much fur on it. I don't know. Like, it's just like... Yeah, well, he should be two-dimensional, or, like, he should be very stylized and simple. He shouldn't be a furry creature.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Because I look at Detective Pikachu. Well, I was just going to say Detective Pikachu. And that looks great to me. Maybe if you really love Pokemon, that doesn't. But I don't know what is going on with that. I mean, we'll have to wait and see, but not good. Do you think this would do well regardless, though? A Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Starting point is 00:18:42 What's the plot of Sonic the Hedgehog? He just wants to... Get some rings rings get some animals out of some robots is that what what's dr robotnik doing he's putting animals in robots to what end i don't know to milk stuff you know how like there's a crab there's like a metal crab and you jump on it there's a crab you want the crab milk i know because there's a rabbit in it if you want to milk a rabbit you got to put it in a metal crab. You're not familiar with this? Yeah, and that's not just like a video game trope.
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's a thing. Does Dr. Robotnik think he's going to get crab milk out of a rabbit? That's not... You need a crab. At best, you're going to get rabbit milk. Yes. Yeah, I don't know what his plan is. Does Dr. Robotnik exist in the real world? Or is it one of those ones where he lives in the fantasy video game world
Starting point is 00:19:23 and then he's going to emerge into the real world? I he was at one point a real man uh jim carrey but that might not be right anymore yeah he is jim carrey's playing him okay then but ben schwartz is uh sonic and i like that car okay that's good all right yeah so look okay ben schwartz sound when i think of a sonic talking yeah he'd be a good Sonic talking. We've turned it around in the space of one sentence. I have faith in Ben Schwartz to make the best of this movie that won't be good. Did they just hire him, though, because he's got the weird big hair in Parks and Rec? Probably, yeah. He's got the sweep?
Starting point is 00:19:56 I hope he just does John Ralphio. Yeah, right. That would be amazing. Or Urkel did a voice, because there were two cartoons in the 90s, and one of them was Urkel. Yeah, right. I don't know who did the other one. Jalil White. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Wait, shouldn't Sonic the Hedgehog have spikes? He does have spikes. Does he? Yeah. Which version? In the leaked... Sort of, because it kind of looks like fur. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I don't know. Hedgehogs have spines. Yeah. That's why he's so dangerous. Why so dangerous? Because you've got your tanks of milk. You've milked all the animals and he comes and he pierces them all with his spines. All that crab milk is gone.
Starting point is 00:20:28 You've lost it. Yeah. All rabbit milk. Whatever he's up to. It's all milk's good milk, man. Is it though? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I'm not a big milk guy anymore. You? No. I kind of eased off it. My dog's upset. There is a picture of a... Like a truck, like a pickup truck on the TV out there. And I think maybe she's gotten mad at it. Great.
Starting point is 00:20:54 The words Kevin Pollack have appeared on the screen. And she's very quiet. So either she likes Kevin Pollack or she's indifferent to Kevin Pollack. Which do you think it is? Kieran Culkin. She's watching Home Alone. I think she just doesn't like character actors. Claire's watching Home Alone. I think she just doesn't like character actors. Claire's watching Home Alone.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Is that what that is? Look, I don't know. No, I think it's Freddie Prinze Jr.'s in this movie. Oh. He's wearing a Letterman jacket. I think it's that one. She's watching She's All That. She's All That, yeah. There's one of the McCulkins in that. Yeah, Kieran Culkin's in it. There you bloody go. I mean, I don't remember him in it, but I've literally seen
Starting point is 00:21:24 his name appear in the credits. So if he wasn't in it, that would be a weird twist, wouldn't it? Certainly would be. Here's a weird twist, Mason. It's Star Wars news this week. Ah, alright. Pedro Pascal, we know, has been cast in the title role of the lone Mandalorian gunfighter in the
Starting point is 00:21:39 Outer Reaches of the Galaxy. Got some other casting news. Tell me something I don't know. Some of these you probably know because it's already been leaked, but there's some newer names here. Gina Carano's in it. I didn't know that. Gina Carano Esposito is in it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Emily Swallow's in it. Never heard of her. Me neither. Carl Weathers is in it. I heard of him. I thought he was dead. No, no, he's alive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Omid Abtaghi. I was thinking of... American Gods. He's also still alive yep yep you finished american gods didn't you yes yeah cool uh apparently the filming for that is not going well but which one for season two of american gods why is that apparently or something yeah the neogamer the writer of the original novel is is apparently poking his nose in and being like i don't care for this i don't care for this I don't care for this, I don't care for this, I don't care for this, you should change all the stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, right. And I think even some actors on set are making changes and it's a whole situation. Yeah, right, okay. But I liked the first one. It did make some changes to the original text, but I think I said at the time, it's been so long since I've read that book
Starting point is 00:22:40 that I didn't really notice. That you're indifferent. Yeah. You had a Kevin Pollack opinion about it. Yeah, I really Kevin Pollacked it, yeah. Great. Nick Nolte, we knew. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And Werner Herzog. In it. In it. As an actor. Occasionally, yeah. It's okay. What is he doing in that? Don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah, there's some good names in this. Yeah. I hope they recreate that famous interview that he did where he was being interviewed on a hillside and he gets shot and he keeps... Is that real? Yeah. I hope they recreate that famous interview that he did where he was being interviewed on a hillside and he gets shot and he keeps... Is that real? Yeah. Like, not a real...
Starting point is 00:23:08 I think it's like an air rifle or something like that. Oh, so it's not like he squibbed himself as a prank. No, somebody shot him. Mason, in 10 years from now,
Starting point is 00:23:18 remind me to tell the story of how someone in my family might have accidentally shot somebody, but I can't tell because it's probably a crime. I think just saying that probably gives the police probable cause to raid your house and the houses of all your family. Nobody was killed and it was nobody I'm directly related to or that is alive.
Starting point is 00:23:37 That being said, I'm distancing myself from this situation. Okay then, Tropic. And I'm just joking. Oh, you're just joking, Ty. I'm just joking. Oh, you got me. You got me. But remind me in 10 years Oh, you're just joking, John. I'm just joking. Oh, you got me. You got me. But remind me in 10 years.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Okay, cool. Yeah, nice. Okay. Joel McHale will be playing Starman in the Stargirl series. Huh. You mentioned this earlier, yes. Yeah, I was talking before the show, though, you're saying. Yes, before the show.
Starting point is 00:24:02 So Beck Bessinger is is star girl and i said explain this to me okay so starman's your favorite except that and i was dismayed yes when you told me this because the starman i like is jack knight starman seven who wait starman seven who did you just count all the starmen in your head yes that's incredible i didn't edit that short everybody he just did that in like a split second so my favorite is jack knight who's the son of the original star man who doesn't want that he's the second son he's the black sheep of the family he doesn't want the gig his dad's retired he's the the golden boy takes the role and then he's killed yes so he has no choice but to take it up but he refuses to wear the costume and he thinks the whole thing's kind of stupid yes and this is the alan moore run right no this is uh james
Starting point is 00:24:49 robinson okay gotcha yeah sorry so anyway and this was a new character invented for this for this yes run and basically uh in he briefly then joins the justice society after his there's 80 issues it's it's a long story but it's my favorite continuous comic book run of all time i feel yeah yeah anyway after that he briefly joins the justice society uh which also contains star girl who is the foster daughter of stripesy who is okay wait okay so stripesy is was the adult sidekick of a kid superhero called the Star Spangled Kid. An adult sidekick of a kid superhero. Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:34 So, they were called Stars and Stripes. The Star Spangled Kid and Stripesy. Where does this leave us for this particular incarnation? So, the Star Spangled Kid grew up... Okay, anyway. Okay, so the Star Spangled Kid grew up... Okay, anyway, so Jack Knight gives his cosmic energy stick to Stargirl because he retires and he goes off on the sunset. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Right? And so I was dismayed because I really liked that character and Joel McHale is too handsome to play that character because he's kind of... He's cool, but he's kind of goofy and dorky and kind of like he's a weird hipster kind of character. And I'm like, this isn't going to work at all. But Joel McHale isn't playing him.
Starting point is 00:26:07 He's playing the Star Spangled Kid, Sylvester Pemberton, who grows up to be Skyman. But in this, they've renamed him Starman. Okay, gotcha. Do you want me to do that again? No, no, please don't. That makes perfect sense. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Okay, right. So basically, they've rejigged this character for this particular version. Yes, because... Probably it's just a mentor. Yeah. So basically the original Starman and this Star Spangled Kid were friends. And then Star Spangled Kid grows up to be Skyman. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And the original Starman built all his equipment. Including the stick. Including the stick. Love it. So there it is. In summary, are you looking forward to this show? Yeah, kind of. Okay. Including the stick. Love it. So there it is. In summary, are you looking forward to this show?
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, kind of. Okay then. It'll be kind of cool. Also, in thinking all about this, James Robinson also has some sort of weird deal
Starting point is 00:26:53 with DC that they can't use his version of Starman without anyone, without their permission for some reason. Maybe why they've done this. Which is why they've done this,
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think. How do you manage that? I don't know. It's never happened before. It really hasn't. I don't know what leverage he's got on him. Weird. But he's never been any, i don't think he's been anything else like
Starting point is 00:27:07 i thought i would assume he'd be in an animated thing at some point or whatever but he's not he's not in the mainline continuity though is he no he is he is yeah he's met superman's dad he met superman's wait also no he met superman's granddad he went back in time once oh how was that pretty cool so we could show up in krypton he might show up yeah I mean he can't he can't obviously because James Robertson you refuse that's pretty cool stuff
Starting point is 00:27:30 yeah so I'm again I didn't know about this until like a week ago but I'm Stargirl the series as a whole
Starting point is 00:27:36 I didn't know either is this a CW I don't know I'm going to look it up yes just quickly yeah so you can judge
Starting point is 00:27:42 the quality of it oh we had a while back we talked about the the channel freeform oh yeah we didn't know what is that it's apparently coming to the dc universe streaming service right that thing we don't have here we don't have here yeah we yeah exactly um so freeform was apparently abc family But then it was all just like Sexy Teens So they renamed it Freeform Okay, gotcha Mystery solved
Starting point is 00:28:09 That makes sense It used to be called Sexy Teens Sexy Teens Okay, gotcha Great What's next, Mason? I don't know, what have you got? Oh yeah, that's right
Starting point is 00:28:17 I do this You're the one with the news Sometimes I have news, but very rarely You were giving so much information I thought you were doing the news this week Amy Pascal, who you know is a big head honcho over at Sony. Boy, do I ever know that. Responsible for a lot of the pretty bloody hot run that's happening there at the moment.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And also a bunch of bad stuff. She says she's hoping they're committing Spider-Man to the MCU after Spider-Man Far From Home. They are committing him? Yes. Okay. So they're not going to claim him back. They're not going to be like, we had one successful thing and one inexplicably successful thing.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. We're taking him back. I don't necessarily think this means anything. Right. I know her and Kevin Feige are friends and he was like an intern for her or a personal assistant or something years back. So they have a pretty good relationship. No kissing as far as I can tell.
Starting point is 00:29:08 But yeah, I think that's... Because they're both high-powered sex workers. No kissing. No kissing, that's right. Rules are rules. So I don't... This doesn't mean anything to me at this point. I mean, it doesn't mean...
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's not bad news. We'll just got to see. Because things change, you know? Yeah, right. Success and failure, you know. Are one and the same, correct. They're two sides of the same coin? Yeah, I guess they are.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah. Anyway, these guys. I knew I'd hit some wisdom eventually. You just say random things together. Just keep saying things, yeah. It's a roll of the dice. It's a roll of the dice, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So, okay, good. He should be around and he will be. But then I think if that's the case, does that mean they're going to try and push Venom into that universe or is Venom going to be separate? And if he is, is he going to have his own Spider-Man? Then you've got the animated stuff as well, which they could, which they have.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's clearly open or it's possible that they could bring in some live action stuff to that. So there's a lot going on. Do you agree that there's a lot going on? There is so much going on. But again, like it doesn't make sense for me to put this Spider-Man and this Venom together because they have no shared history. And the whole point of Spider-Man and Venom trying to constantly beat each other up.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I was going to say try and kill each other, but Spider-Man really tries to kill Venom. Yes. But the whole point is they have an animosity because of the shared origin. But if one's from space and one's not from space how they're going to get along do you think sony could look at the success of uh spider-man the spider into the spider-verse and go well look we've got different versions of spider-man in that why don't we introduce a new peter parker to the venom of us maybe remember at one point there was going to be batman begins and justice league mortal yeah i mean that's but then it didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Then it didn't happen. And there's multiple DC incarnations of people running around on TV. That is true. But I also think animation's a different rule set. It is different, you're right, yeah. I just think they might be crazy or stupid enough to give that a whirl. Sometimes things are just crazy enough to work, you know? Sometimes they...
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah, that's good, Mason. Two sides of the same coin It's a real flip of pancake Is that an expression? It is now, it's a real flip of the pancake I make a lot of pancakes My kid loves banana pancakes That's all I do in the morning
Starting point is 00:31:17 Do you mean the Jack Johnson song? No, I would never allow that in my house That's a good song, I like that song It's a fun song Okay, before we talk you don't don't look all i'm saying is do not disallow jack johnson in your house because otherwise that's all the kids going to be listening to you know what i mean yeah you're probably right like i will not have any jack johnson in my house soon enough he's going to
Starting point is 00:31:37 be bringing in a djembe yeah that's exactly a 12 string guitar i won't have it just quickly mason people think you need flour in pancakes not true you can do a flourless pancake wow two eggs cracking two eggs uh flowers were all the tasters but continue disagree two eggs one banana cinnamon just a just a pinch of bloody uh baking powder that's all you need so you're gonna say a pinch of bacon yeah i put in protein powder also but if it's for a kid that's all you need unless you want a really bulky kid white as a fridge kid that's what you want
Starting point is 00:32:10 so I'm just saying that's a little recipe you can do at home put that in your pocket for later chuck some fruit on there afterwards if you want and maybe some coconut
Starting point is 00:32:19 and yoghurt it's up to you it's dairy free it's gluten free you know what I mean? Yep. It doesn't sound like it's fructose-free if you throw in some fruit on there, though. Well, it depends on the fruit you put in it, Mason.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I mean, most fruit, if not all, has fructose. I don't know that for a fact. Anyway, what's wrong with fructose? I don't know. Some people don't like fructose. Some people are also allergic to fructose. That's true. And if you have, say, an acid reflux, it can have dire consequences.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah. You'll shit your pants alright that's not true okay it might be Mason yes there's going to be
Starting point is 00:32:51 some Spider-Verse sequels and spin-offs we talked about that last week the Spider-Verse spin-off is going to be a female led movie Spider-Gwen maybe
Starting point is 00:32:58 that's right we know what it's going to be it's going to be Spider-Gwen yep Jessica Drew who's also Spider-Woman yes and Cindy Moon slash
Starting point is 00:33:07 Silk, the character Silk. Cool, yeah. That's right. I don't know much about Silk. What's that? She is the... So Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. Did we talk about this recently?
Starting point is 00:33:18 I think we did. And we all assumed for many years that it just crawled away and died. We were idiots. Man, we were so naive, weren't we? But the retcon is that Sydney Moon was also bitten by the same spider and got slightly different powers. And then she lay low. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:32 So there's going to be Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman, Silk. There's going to be like, I'm Spider-Woman, but I'm also Spider-Woman. You have to name yourself Spider-Girl or something. It's going to be like that. There's going to be mates. Yeah, there's going to be mates. Probably use first names. I liked in the new one how they're all mates.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I enjoyed that. Yeah, me too. Yeah. On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10th. Tickets on sale now. When I look at a mattress, I have one question. Is it? Okay it okay i'm ready for this just shut up and listen
Starting point is 00:34:28 this question better be good is it cleverly designed to mimic human curves providing supportive comfort for all kinds of bodies so your one question yes like constructed in your head to no one just to yourself for all mattress Is that really long, that run-on sentence question. Yes. It's really great. I think so. You're very eloquent inside your head. Well, you've got to be.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah. Especially when it's mattress related. Because, Mason, we spend one third of our life sleeping, so you should... If we're bloody lucky. So you should be comfortable. The experts at Casper's work tirelessly to make a quality sleep service that cradles your natural geometry in all the right places. Head, neck, butt, spine, calves, hooves.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Second butt. Yep. Second butt. Right? Yeah. I said hooves, but you said a weirder thing. Yep. Their breathable design helps you sleep cooler, regulates your body temperature throughout
Starting point is 00:35:19 the night, and with over 20,000 reviews with an average of 4.8 stars across Casper, Amazon, and Google, Casper is becoming the internet's favorite mattress. They're good. You've got one. It's good for unboxing. It's good for sleeping. When you look at it, Mason, does it answer the question, is this cleverly designed to mimic human curves, providing supportive comfort for all kinds of bodies, specifically yours,
Starting point is 00:35:41 specifically for your two butts, second butt? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, good. That's all I need to know. I'm going to wake up at 3 a.m. tonight. Not because of the discomfort of the mattress. The mattress is very comfortable.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I'm just going to snap open in the middle of the night and I'm going to think that question. That's all I'll be able to think about. But you'll be able to get back to sleep. I can't remember it. Yeah, I can't remember it now. But at 3 a.m., bam, it's going to be the whole thing. You can be sure of your purchase with Casper.
Starting point is 00:36:03 There's a 100-night risk-free sleep on a trial. And you can actually get $50 towards select mattresses by visiting slash theweeklyplanet and by using theweeklyplanet at checkout. Terms and conditions apply. That's $50 off towards select mattresses by visiting slash theweeklyplanet and using theweeklyplanet, one word, at checkout.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Terms and conditions do continue to apply. One would hope so. Let's do the rest of the show. Yes. Okay, let's talk about Spider-Verse, Into the Spider-Verse. Yes. It's a long title, isn't it? It's not that long.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Spider-Man, colon, Into the Spider-Verse. It's no The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. That's true. It's no To Wong Fu,-Man colon Into the Spider-Verse. It's no The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. That's true. It's no To Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything, Julian Yuma. Two drag-based movies that both have the same number of words in the title. Is that true? Yeah. And one of them has Wesley Snipes?
Starting point is 00:36:54 Yes. And Patrick Swayze? Correct. I have seen some of that movie. What I'm saying is it's a short title, relatively speaking. Is that a Deep Impact, Con Airs? Not Con Air. A Deep Impact, the other one, situation? one situation there were a couple years apart yeah okay thought
Starting point is 00:37:08 they could cash in that Australian gem that's right one that I've never seen okay guy Pierce's in it you go waving you go waving sir yeah okay the box office weekend for this in the US was expected to be 35 million but I guess positive word of mouth means it's probably gonna hit about 40 but I think it so is mouth means it's probably going to hit about 40. So is it technically out yet? I'm really not sure. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Okay. Let's say yes. That seems low. Yeah, I guess it will be. I feel like any sequel to this is going to be much higher. Yeah, right. I think word of mouth is going to carry this over the summer. Like this is going to be the one that just keeps making money.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Kids are going, but this is going to be this year's The Greatest Showman, which made a lot of money over time. There still haven't seen uh-huh but uh it's about a bunch of people going accept me for who i am it's one of the songs probably i would say don't look too deeply into my actual biography all right i kept some slaves on pt barnum yep yeah okay so into the spider verse yes it's a complicated world mason which is it's good thing that you're here to Slaves on Peter Barnum Yep Yeah Okay so Into the Spider-Verse Yes It's a complicated world Mason Which is It's a good thing that you're here
Starting point is 00:38:09 To tell us what the story was Oh no How much can we go Delve into without Spoiling this Okay So Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:16 So There's a universe Yes With a Spider-Man Peter Parker Yeah He's killing the game He's loving life
Starting point is 00:38:22 He's the best Spider-Man there is Yeah he probably is He's cool He's bloody He's been doing it for a couple years He's bloody He's nail the game. He's loving life. He's the best Spider-Man there is. Yeah, he probably is. He's cool. He's bloody... He's been doing it for a couple of years. He's bloody... He's nailing this Spider-Man gig. Eight years, I think he says.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yes. Something like that. Yeah. He's got the tech. He's got the talent. He's the best. I think it's longer than eight years. And then...
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yep. But then... But then... Yeah, I'm here. But then... There's another Spider-Man. Correct. Is that what you were going to say? Yes. There's another Spider-Man. Correct. Is that what you were going to say?
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yes. What's he? I'm doing your work here. Are you? No. Come on. No. But then there's another Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:38:55 He's from another universe. I just said that. There's a regular Spider-Man. Regular Spider-Man. And in that universe, a Miles Morales also appears. That's right. And then dimensional things occur. that universe Miles Morales also appears that's right and then dimensional things occur a wild Miles Morales
Starting point is 00:39:06 dimensional things occur courtesy of some sinister villains and then there's more than one Spider-Man yes person that's right so there's 6 to 8
Starting point is 00:39:15 to 10 less I don't know you do know you've seen it yeah there's a video on it of all the spider people that show up
Starting point is 00:39:21 I'll link it below along with an easter egg video if you want to know a little bit more bloody details and some bloody things that are in there. Because it's a bloody chock-a-block of comic book references, isn't it? Did you think this was a good film? Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, I agree. I thought it was very good in a lot of ways. Uh-huh. Name some of the ways. Well, it looks good. I liked the characters. The story was really well told. I liked every different version of Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:39:45 in the way that they meshed together. I thought they did justice to all of them and it left it open for a sequel without me rolling my eyes. 100% agree. Good night, everyone. All right, let's break it down. All right, it looked great.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Not only did it look great, it looked new. Yeah. And there was a melding of styles. There was, you know that it it effect because the the spider people are from various different universes in which the world just looks different yes and they managed to put them together without it seeming jarring yeah they all just looked kind of cool and interest
Starting point is 00:40:19 yeah what you thought was great and on top of that they carry over a lot of comic book things into it like artistic things like the the dots you know the shading shading the coloring the thought bubbles and the you know speech bubbles and when you know that might have if somebody falls off a building there's like an ah as they fall down or whatever things like that but not overdone no you weren't it wasn't angley's the hulk no it wasn't probably sin city 2 which i haven haven't seen. It felt like an interesting novelty, but it wasn't like... When we get into the fight sequences,
Starting point is 00:40:49 it's not like, okay, this is going to be a barrage of... You don't really notice it most of the time, I would say. Because, you know, whenever they swing, or when he's learning to swim, there's the thwip, and you see the word come up, and it's just little...
Starting point is 00:41:01 You wouldn't even know it was there if your dog's back. He's excited for Spider-Verse, spider-verse no spider dog no were you surprised and hurt by that no because it's not really spider dog in the spider-man universe i bet there is somewhere probably doesn't have like his own kind of crypto kind of thing but there were a lot of i don't think so um but there were a lot of references to old without beating you over the head with it there were a lot of like the spider car like the spider car and the spider spider copter i think maybe i think there is yeah i forgot to put that in my story video and a lot of it's too late and a lot of like we see a lot of alternate spider costumes that aren't in use so much they're there you know
Starting point is 00:41:37 in a in a in a inventory they're in a they're in a little little glass case i don't think that's a spoiler like there's like the playstation 4 one which wasn't think that's a spoiler because there's the PlayStation 4 one, which wasn't in... I think it was in one of the trailers in the background, but some of those are blank in the trailer. Oh, I see. I don't know whether that was a late edition
Starting point is 00:41:53 or they were just hiding it. No, I think the visual style to this, apparently Sony are looking to copyright, which they should. How do you copyright a visual style? Well, it's pretty distinct. I guess using that, using the comic book styl of stylings and yeah but then again is that is that like a thing that i feel that's probably yeah but maybe it is maybe it is in maybe if you
Starting point is 00:42:15 get in quick yeah you know maybe in the context of a movie but surely that but i mean surely batman did that first yeah that's probably so and. But even things like the way they move, it's almost like there's panels missing sometimes. Right. Panels of animation. So it's almost stop motion-y, like flip book-y kind of. Yeah, right, uh-huh. But none of that is jarring.
Starting point is 00:42:36 The only element of the visuals which I didn't like was there were some moments where you'd look in the background and it was almost like it was a 3D movie without the glasses okay oh yeah it's like there was a soft kind of blue and red cross focus and then the but the person in the foreground wasn't yeah and that was a bit kind of like what is why are they doing that but other than that and that was maybe two moments in the film that i noticed that and it wasn't particularly jarring okay Okay. But everything else... Well, if you're looking to find something to complain about, you've got to find one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Wisdom. That's good, Mason. That's right. Two sides of the same pancake. Mm-hmm. Just a couple of eggs. Yeah, we get it. Chuck in a banana.
Starting point is 00:43:14 People can wind it back if they want to know. Baking soda, half a teaspoon, and as much cinnamon as you can handle. American teaspoons are a different size. Are they really? No. I don't think so, anyway. We'll find out. Americans don't have kettles. Did you know that? Yeah, they got... What Are they really? No. I don't think so anyway. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Americans don't have kettles. Did you know that? Yeah, they got, what are they called? Urns. The recording stopped just then, but we're back. Don't even worry about it, everybody. Don't worry about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Some would say we lost some gold, but other people would say you've never had any gold. Yeah. So let's just keep doing this podcast. But if you never stop, you'll never learn to begin again. That's good, Mason. Why do we fall so we can pick ourselves up again? Make pancakes. Spider-Man said that.
Starting point is 00:43:51 You need a couple of eggs. Oh, no. No. Right, so this is a dimensional hopping film. Yes. In a way, that's what it's about. It's mostly set in the one dimension. It's mostly set in the one dimension, but we're here, we're there, we're everywhere.
Starting point is 00:44:04 So they all have distinct looks. And you were saying, Mason, that you like those distinct looks, except you said Spider-Ham was weird and you hated it. I didn't say that. No. I implied it. Yes. But we were talking about that, that the Spider-Ham in the comic books
Starting point is 00:44:20 is a little bit different from the Spider-Ham in the movies. Because the comic book version, and it's from the 80s, so, you know, change it up anyway. Yeah. He just lives in a funny animal universe. Yeah. Where the laws of physics are firm and rigid. He's not floating in when he gets a, when he smells something. When he smells a pie, no, and he's not, he's not pulling a hammer out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah, yeah. He's just, he's just a spider that was bitten by a radioactive pig and became a pig with spider, an anthropomorphic pig with spider powers who lives with an amnesiac pig woman. Yes. Because he pretends that he's her nephew. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 That's not weird at all. That's all there is to it. That's all there is to it. Yeah. But I thought this version grew on me quite quickly. And voice of John Mulaney. Who is great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah. This isn't really a spoiler, but the Spider-Man version from Miles' universe, I really enjoyed for a couple of reasons. First of all, he's voiced by Chris Pine, which I think is a great inclusion because he's kind of calm and you feel like he's got it. Yeah. He can captain a starship. Absolutely. He's a beautiful golden boy.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Yes. And he's blonde. He's beautiful and blonde. Yeah. Yeah. So I like seeing that version of the character contrasted to Miles, but also the older version of him that kind of shows up later in the film. But when he's around, you feel like the movie's kind of in safe hands. It's like, oh, no, this is the Spider-Man that should be involved in this.
Starting point is 00:45:36 He feels youthful and skillful and confident and all the rest. and all the rest. I feel like the version of the Spider-Man we get in the most recent Spider-Man video game is a kind of a guy who's like, he's talented and he's got the tech, but he's not quite there yet. He hasn't quite got his life together. I feel like the Chris Pine Spider-Man in this movie
Starting point is 00:45:57 is him a few years later. Yeah. And he feels like he's got his life together and he's just, he's killing it. The city's on his side. Yeah, exactly. Absolutely. absolutely no i definitely feel that and by contrast peter b parker yes voiced by jake johnson also i just want to quickly mention i've said in the video that chris pine voiced the first one and people are correcting me that is true he voiced that one
Starting point is 00:46:20 that jake johnson voiced the other one the second one who has been, who is an older version of Spider-Man. Who's been doing it for 20 years maybe. And when he shows up, there is that sense of like, this guy's a total fucking idiot. Like this is, none of this should be in his hands. He has been. Yeah. Because I guess the plot of this. Or maybe it never was.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Maybe it never was. But the plot of this particular story is they got to close the dimension or whatever's. And you're like, this shouldn't be the guy but he's great for his own for many of his own reasons yes and a lot of that is an experience thing yeah because he is a guy who is again he's been doing it for decades and he's seen every play he's seen every play in the supervillain playbook he can like you said he can predict what a supervillain is going to say before they say it because they're all so lame and cliched. And he's seen every trope in the superhero world, so he knows what's up. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:12 He hasn't lost a step. No. He can still kick a guy square in the head. Well, he's lost a step in the sense that he doesn't believe in himself anymore. Yeah. He's had some personal problems. But who hasn't? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I think he's exactly my age, so that was probably the one i related to the most oh dear but yeah but the miles version is probably there for the teen and younger audiences and that version is there for someone like for us yes i feel like in in a lot of movies like this you have the audience surrogate it's someone who enters into a crazy world they're like oh my god what's happening i don't know everything's so crazy and i'm just a regular guy. And I think kids are meant to identify with Miles Morales and we, the jaded grown-up audience, are meant to relate to Peter Parker.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And boy, do we. And I think it's because he recaptures the joy he gets in being Spider-Man and saving the world. Yeah, and mentoring. And mentoring. And we get that mentoring the children in the cinema yeah that's very true yeah then of course we've got spider gwen uh which i feel that design translates so well into animation it's it's a because there's been so many spider man costumes over the years and that one really stands out and it's recent and i think what's
Starting point is 00:48:22 great about that is a lot of the newer designs for this stuff don't really stand out. You're like, oh, it's a new Spider-Man suit. It's red and gold or whatever. Exactly. It's red and gold or it's red and blue. It's got some arms and extra arms. The spider emblem is either bigger or smaller. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:36 But that one is just, it's fantastic. And it works so well. And that character also works really well. And I can see why they'd want to spin off that particular version of the character. And it's interesting too because it's stepped outside the Spider-Man palette. Palette? Palette. What is it? Polino. Polino of blue and red.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah. And it's got little ballet shoes. It does have little ballet shoes. Which people really enjoy. Apparently they tried to change that in the comic books. And people were like, bring back the ballet shoes. What are you doing? What are you doing, idiots?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Spider-Man Noir, voiced by Nick Cage, sees in black and books and people were like, bring back the ballet class. What are you doing? What are you doing, idiots? Yeah. Spider-Man Noir, voiced by Nick Cage, sees in black and white, lives in like a weird Batman universe. Like a Batman. You mean the Depression. He lives during the Depression. Yeah. I mean, the closest thing to that is probably Batman the Animated Series. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Or something like The Shadow. And we were saying earlier that the versions we get in the movies are not, strictly speaking, the ones from books because the spider-man noir was part of the marvel noir series yes which is just sad depression era versions of all the heroes and it's grim and dark and sad and the best and the best but like this version is a is a like it's meant to be a more realistic world. Yeah. But this version, he is from a universe where everybody is just in black and white. Yes. Like it's not the past, so we think of it in black and white. The world is literally black and white. There's no color in it. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I really like Penny Parker, which is a Japanese girl with a robot that has a telepathic spider in it, which she controls and also uses the suit like a mech suit. It's pretty good. So she's not powered. I didn't fully understand it, but it was pretty fun. It's fine. I think visually, again, it's good. And it's also a contrast.
Starting point is 00:50:12 When they're all standing in a room, they stand apart from each other. Yeah. And so Penny Parker was introduced for the Spider-Verse crossover in the comic books, which has received some mixed reviews. Yes. But it's where the storyline was these interdimensional vampires that only like spider blood.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Right. And so they go through all the various spider dimensions killing all the Spider-Men. And so they all have to team up to defeat these guys. And they do. Yeah, well, sort of. Well, they don't. They come back from time to time.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I don't know. Okay, then. I haven't read. Terrific. I've read maybe some of it. Yeah, don't need to. Don't need to. It's fine. Well, they come back from time to time. I don't know. Okay, then. I haven't read. Terrific. I've read maybe some of it. Yeah, don't need to. Don't need to. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Okay, cool. But yeah, so maybe we'll see more versions of the Spider Punks and other assortments. Spider UK. That's it. People have been calling for that. Does he have the big Union Jack on his chest? Yes, he does. Of course he does.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Tom Holland for Spider UK. Of course, Mason. Is there anybody else? Jason Statham. Yep. That's a good term. He'd be good as the British version of Kingpin. Yes. Young Spider UK, Tom Holland, Older, more seasoned
Starting point is 00:51:18 Spider UK, Jason Statham. Very good. I like that a lot. We actually get also, and this is probably not a coincidence, six villains. Yes. In this tombstone. I'm starting it from the best. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:30 We get Green Goblin, a version of Doc Ock, which is not from anything as far as I can tell. There are female versions of that character. I think his daughter might have been taken on. At one point, Dr. Octopus was dead and there was a protege who took it over in the comics. But this one is voiced by... What's her name? Bloody hell is her name. She's in Parks and Rec.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Catherine... Catherine Keener. Catherine Hahn. Oh, right. Okay. She's in all the Will Ferrell movies. Yes. One of those ones.
Starting point is 00:52:00 She's also in Crossing Jordan. I haven't seen it. It's a TV series. Did they ever get there? No. It was more a metaphor. For? I think emotional growth, but also solving murders.
Starting point is 00:52:09 You know what helps with growth? Is it pancakes? A couple of eggs. Chuck in a banana. Just one banana. You got some cinnamon? You can do some nutmeg if you're feeling bold. Nice.
Starting point is 00:52:21 About a quarter of a teaspoon of baking powder. At this point, I'm just going to let you roll through. If you do it again, I'm not going to object. You've got to zhoosh it up. Also, it's not mashing. You've really got to zhoosh it like an electric mixer. Okay, right. You want a kind of pancake mixture.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Might be a bit runny, so you don't want to go overboard. So Kingpin is voiced by Liev Schreiber, making his second comic book debut, I assume. Maybe he's done another one because he was in Wolverine, X-Men, it's the past, or the 80s. And he's a great kingpin. I agree, yeah. Yeah. He's stronger than comic book kingpin.
Starting point is 00:52:55 He can lift a car. He can kill a man with a punch. I guess regular kingpin can do that. Yeah, I'd say so. But you see him pick up a car at one point. And he's way more of a he's wearing more of a new york mob boss than say the version in daredevil as an example like he's a real he's got i think he's like a jersey he sounds like a jersey yeah right yeah i enjoyed it a lot
Starting point is 00:53:17 i thought it was a good villain uh we only see one version we don't see norman osborne but we do see the green goblin uh it's this kind of demon, green demon. Enormous. Enormous thing. I love the size disparities between all the different characters. I enjoy it. Because that's something I feel like you can only do to an extent in animation. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:53:35 That's why we get Killer Croc who's 5'11". Yeah, for sure. In Suicide Squad. That being said, having just re-watched some episodes of The Flash, King Shark's enormous. That is true. He's in it for four seconds as well. Isn't that right? He comes back. squad there's certain things that having just re-watched some episodes of the flash yeah shark's enormous that is true he's in it for four seconds as well isn't that right uh he comes back i've seen that one clip all right okay uh which i thoroughly thought was pretty good for tv especially i thought it really held up really well i mean there's certain things that are hard
Starting point is 00:53:59 to translate and this era has come a long way. What else is a thing in this movie? What else is a thing in this movie? Okay. So the Doc Ock, I like the way the arms work were almost kind of like it was, they'd fill with liquid or air, like a series of bubbles. What I like about them is they look like medical instruments. Yeah. As opposed to just robot arms. Big clampy fists.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yeah. It felt like some sort of surgical assist tool. Yes. As opposed to just robot arms. Like a more finesse to it, are you saying? Like a bubbly finesse? Mm-hmm. Interesting that you would say that, Mason.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I mean, I said it, but interesting that you would agree with the thing that I said. And there's other villains and things, aren't there? Any particular villains? I mean, I like the Scorpion design. It's kind of the Darth Maul robot legs kind of one. Oh, I forgot about Scorpion. I hadn't really seen before either. Oh, and of course there's...
Starting point is 00:54:45 Prowler. Prowler. Uh-huh. Which isn't really like the comic versions generally, maybe? I do not know about the Ultimate Universe version. Me neither, actually. But in the comic book... More of a cat burglar.
Starting point is 00:54:55 He's more of a cat burglar and then he becomes a hero. Yeah. So there you bloody go. He's more of an assassin in this. Yeah. That's true of this movie. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:03 The voice work's great. I mean, we touched on a few of them, but everybody's cast the way that they should be. It feels like there might be a little bit of improv in certain scenes.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Probably... This is a Lord and Miller production. Yeah. Though they're not the directors. There's three directors on this movie and none of them are them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:20 But I feel like maybe... But don't the producers make a lot of these decisions? I don't know, Mason. I feel like... Who knows what makes anything? The producers are the kings of Hollywood. Maybe they are.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Maybe one day that'll be us, kings of Hollywood. Do you think that'll be true? No. We'd have to move probably or get on Skype probably every day. Yuck. Yucky. The connection's no good. So the action scenes, there's some kind of tropes in the action scenes of like,
Starting point is 00:55:44 you've got to shut down the big laser and whatever that kind of stuff. But it never felt like seeing this shit. Like I guess the third act, I'm like, oh, we're shutting down a laser, are we? Okay. Yeah. We're doing that again. Yeah. There's enough kind of going on and visually, especially that kind of keeps it, keeps it,
Starting point is 00:56:01 keeps it brisk and keeps it fresh. Do you think that's a visual thing or do you think it's a pacing thing do you think it's the way it's choreographed and it's and it's a function of that you want to see these characters kind of thrive and and survive and not be killed yes so yeah and there is also in this movie because there's multiple dimensions and different versions of characters are dead and you know because in some versions some universes like peter parker's dead and some versions you know aren't maze dead or whatever and yeah and whatever i don't know whether that one is true no that one is true okay yep so you feel like that any of these people could probably could be killed because
Starting point is 00:56:34 in a way they're expendable because there's multiple universes and who cares if a couple of them get wiped out there's technically an infinite number of all of them so i think it yeah and when you think about that it's kind of a testament that you care about any of these characters. Because I'm like, well, I like this one. Yeah, right, exactly. There probably is another Miles Morales, but I like this one. He's cool. So let's keep him alive, please.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Let's keep him alive. And I think it is, again, because it's a bunch of fresh new characters, because they've got to stop the giant laser. It's not a giant laser, but because they've got to stop the thing at the end I'm excited to see what say Spider-Ham does in a fight yes
Starting point is 00:57:09 you know that kind of thing so that's a fun novelty and we see that we all see what they all do in a fight yeah I also like that Miles Morales is the least
Starting point is 00:57:14 good of them like because he's only been doing it a day or a couple of days and they're kind of like you shouldn't be you're not in the same league as us
Starting point is 00:57:21 because we've been doing this for so long yeah you know what else is good about this story? And is there, there are the heartfelt moments between like him and his dad or him and his uncle and other,
Starting point is 00:57:32 you know, him and the other spider people as well. And when you hear their stories and then I think that that really works well. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing. This works like the balance of this film is phenomenal. I know we talk about Avengers and the Infinity War
Starting point is 00:57:45 and how well that works with all these characters, but this has the task of introducing these. I mean, we know who Spider-Man is, but it introduces all these different versions of it, plus villains, plus multiple dimensions. It could be very confusing, but it isn't. And I think maybe that's because we've got... Well, so there's six origin stories in this movie.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yes, that's right, yeah. I mean, three of them play at once at one point. Yeah. But I think three of them play at once at one point. Yeah. But I think because now the general public has an understanding of comic book movies and we've seen so many versions of Spider-Man, there's a lot you can kind of skip. You're like, you get it. You've seen it. Let's just move it along.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Yeah, right. Because there is also, there's nods to like the Tobey Maguire version and such because you know, everyone's kind of on board with that and knows what it is. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. All right. Should we do some spoilers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:28 But before that, best movie ever? Definitely. Well worth it. Yes. One of the best movies I've seen this year. Definitely. Do you agree with that? One of the best movies you've seen in the last five years?
Starting point is 00:58:39 I don't know, maybe. All right, cool. It's pretty good. It's pretty good, isn't it? Certainly one of the best animated films I've seen in the last five years. Agreed. Apparently the people working on this took this,
Starting point is 00:58:48 because I'm sure when they announced that, I don't know when we first talked about it, a few years back, when they said they're doing an animated whatever, I'm sure we were like, oh, fine. Because animation was not in the same league, we thought. But it's not only that. That was in the era where we were getting Amazing Spider-Man 2. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:04 We just had spider-man 3 and they you know we'd seen their versions of venom and whatever and and they kept and then there was the email hack and leak and they were going to do an aunt may movie and all this other shit oh sexy young aunt may yeah and it's just and and they have i mean i didn't love venom by a long stretch but between this and venom and Homecoming they have completely turned around a character which a few years ago I'm like I could never see another Spider-Man film and I would be
Starting point is 00:59:32 absolutely fine with it but now I would see 100 of these 100 of these? Ah maybe 4. Maybe 4? Yeah cool alright that'll do it Until somebody else does it. Until they ruin it. You know what else is good about this? The adult jokes and the kid jokes. Because every now and then Madagascar's on my TV.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And the idea of an adult joke is, do you remember the song Boogie Wonderland? You know, because that's like, shut, no, fuck off. Like, just make it. Wait, is that dialogue from the film? Because that would be incredible. It's just two, just two wildebeests having a chat to each other. Hey, remember the song Boogie Wonderland? Yeah's so yeah i appreciate anyway uh best movie ever spoilers all right right apparently the sequel was going to be a uh miles and gwen love story because this one was going to have more of that
Starting point is 01:00:17 in this but there wasn't time do you think it really needs it though i think they work better as friends well maybe that'll what's what maybe that's what it'll be maybe it'll be them trying to work out as a romance but at the end they're like actually we are friends we don't like kissing yeah that's right this is an amy pascal kevin feige situation that's right yes did we edit that joke out i can't remember yeah i think that was in the news okay it was in the news right yeah okay so the kind of thing that we were kind of dancing around was uh the peter parker from miles's universities punched to death at the start of thing that we were kind of dancing around was Peter Parker from Miles' universe is punched to death at the start. Isn't that in the trailers? I feel that's not as far.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I don't think it is. Because in the trailer, when you see that character, he's voiced by Jake Johnson as well. He's dialogue from that. Okay. Yeah, he punched to death. He was so punched to death. And even his death scene is kind of like,
Starting point is 01:00:59 you keep going, buddy. I'll be right behind you. Don't even worry. We got this. Come on. And it's pretty grim as well. Yeah, it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:06 A lot of people have been asking, can I take my five-year-old to this? Oh, probably my five-year-old. Oh, maybe. It depends on your kid. Yeah. You've got to judge it. You've got to judge it. Have you previously given them a goldfish and it's died?
Starting point is 01:01:17 If they're aware of mortality, maybe you could take them. I don't know. Probably. Or just turn them away when that happens. Have they seen a goldfish punched to death? Yes, by a giant man from New Jersey. Yeah, if so, maybe fine or it might be traumatising, depending on how they took it.
Starting point is 01:01:32 So I've got a question about the kingpin. So the whole reason he's doing the multiverse is because his family ran out on him because he's a big old strangly mobster. And they were killed in a car accident? So they were killed. Is that right? I believe so, yes.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Did I miss that? Yeah, you did. Maybe step out for a minute. Okay. I wasn't there, so I don't know. I don't think I did step out. car accident so they were killed is that right so yes i did i miss that yeah you did maybe step out for a minute okay i wasn't there so i don't know i didn't know yeah i didn't i don't think i did step out so that was said yeah so they were killed in it because they they they flee in their car and then it's hit by a truck i think how did i miss that i don't know well i did maybe you turned away i might have turned you're a five-year-old i might turn around to do a big poopy i did it just to be clear mason it seems maybe you did
Starting point is 01:02:07 though okay so that makes sense because i thought if his family's just run away go and find them go and find them exactly that actually makes yeah so he wants to open the dimensional gates find another version of him yes of them rather maybe dimension where he's dead and they're still alive and be like come to this universe everything's cool sweet as but there are of course uh ramifications for jumping dimensions you glitch out and maybe you're in a fight and then you know there's a weird television television effect and yeah whatever maybe that will happen maybe that'll happen yeah uh what about when his uncle died so his uncle turns out to be the prowler i mean i mean we all know but like that was if you know anything about spider-man you kind of know that you pick up on that pretty quickly i thought that was, if you know anything about Spider-Man, you kind of know that. You pick up on that pretty quickly.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I thought that was a good moment because I thought they were going to do his dad again because normally it's his dad. Me too, right? That's probably coming. But maybe not though, because they kind of, he's learned that lesson. I agree, yeah. And this is, again, a different universe. And I think the lesson he learns, one, with great power comes great responsibility, but also like appreciate your family.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah. Don't take it for granted because they could be murdered by the kingpin at any moment. And because every other spider person he meets has pretty much... Experienced that tragedy. That exact, yeah. Talking about that exact thing.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Stanley's got a great cameo. Yes, he does, yeah. Owner of a memorabilia store. How many cameos does he have left? Is this, there's Avengers 4. I talk about it in my Easter egg video, basically uh they've filmed a bunch for marvel apparently probably just him sitting on a green screen box being like these chocolates are delicious and then fucking dr strange flies by or whatever yeah nice so and then the chocolates are snakes
Starting point is 01:03:39 that's right yeah but uh and also they've scanned his head so i think we're going to be seeing him for a long time yeah but i like that cameo because it was kind of like you know the suit always fits but then it's also like no refunds no it's yeah it fits because you can't bring it back also it doesn't fit it barely fits him yeah yeah you know what sequence i also really liked the moment where spider-man they have to break into a facility and then as they escape and they go into the room and it's just filled with scientists and you're like oh these are just a bunch of scientists but they've all got laser guns yeah right you think there's gonna be a bunch of nerds yeah but they're nerds they're all teched out no i like that a lot i feel like I knew kind of a lot of where this was going to go.
Starting point is 01:04:26 How do you mean? But it wasn't, like from the way it was, from the way it kind of played out, from what we've seen in the trailers and, you know, the way these things kind of go. Yeah. But it never felt forced or, okay, this is the bit where he's going to get his confidence back and whatever. I agree. You know, we get that, but it never, it felt organic and fine and. Yeah, right. Yeah. that, but it never felt organic and fine. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Yeah. Well, that's the magic of the movies. You know what I mean? I think it is sometimes, Mason. Yeah. So we get a bloody banger of a bloody post-credits scene. We did, yeah. Oscar Isaac voicing... Miguel O'Hara on Spider-Man 2099.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Jumping back to 1967, the animated series. You're telling me you hate the Spider-Man 2099. Yeah, I don't like it I love it I think it's the best it's not the best weird yeah
Starting point is 01:05:08 it's not the best you say it's one of the best yeah maybe it'll grow on me I don't know I just don't what don't you like
Starting point is 01:05:14 about it something in the face like the face is like a like kind of a Rorschach thing and I don't know I just don't
Starting point is 01:05:20 I'm not a fan yeah well I love it it's not friendly Mason it's too mean he's not a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man he's a I love it. It's not friendly, Mason. It's too mean. He's not a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He's a Spider-Man in the mean streets of New York in 2099.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And he can fly or something sometimes. He can float. Well, he can't float. He can glide. He can fly. What's the difference between him and Spider-Man Ultimate? Not Ultimate Spider-Man. What's that cartoon where he's from the future and he's got a cape?
Starting point is 01:05:41 Spider-Man Unlimited? Yes. What's the difference? Well, Spider-Man Unlimited is regular Spider-Man, but he's on a well spider-man unlimited is regular spider-man but he's on a parallel earth that's on the opposite side of the sun okay yeah so this yes okay so there's i bet that's a real conspiracy like there's a counter there's a counter earth what do you reckon they got there probably weird i mean if the cartoons anything to go by weird man animal hybrids i'd love to see their pancake recipes, just to compare and contrast.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Maybe three eggs. I don't think so. It's too much. Just make a second batch. If you're going to add an extra egg, make sure you add the appropriate amount of, it's like another half a banana, say. A bit more cinnamon. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Is what I'm saying. Is this it, Mason? Oh, we didn't say what happens. He travels back to 1967. Oh, yeah. Sorry. He's in the Spider-Man meme. He goes back to the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon.
Starting point is 01:06:27 It's so self-referential. Yeah. It's so internet savvy. It's crazy. Yeah, right. Yeah. But, man, that is... That's a good old laugh.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah. Now, we didn't get what a lot of people predicted, which was we didn't get any live-action cameos. We didn't get a Tobey Maguire. Or a voice actor cameo. We didn't get a voice actor. A lot of people claim they heard Tobey Maguire in there at some point, but I didn't hear it. Maybe. we didn't get a Tobin McGuire or a voice actor cameo we didn't get a voice actor a lot of people claim they heard Tobin McGuire in there at some point
Starting point is 01:06:46 but I didn't hear it maybe I didn't hear it there hasn't been any word of it when we're recording this that being said Mason there's a video coming out
Starting point is 01:06:52 this week which we're yet to record on some stuff that was going to be in this and wasn't being in it so that'll be part of it and some other stuff that we'll talk about
Starting point is 01:06:58 he's looking over he's giving the old look over the glasses very good yeah so and what do you want to see in the next ones? I mean, more spider people, obviously.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. That's a good question. Do you want to see that live action thing? Somehow. Yeah. If they could put all these visual styles together, I feel they could put in a live action guy. I don't disagree with you.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Roger Rabbit style. Yeah, well, that's it. And they did it in the 80s, so why can't they do it in the 2021s when. I don't disagree with you. Roger Rabbit style. Yeah, well, that's it. And they did it in the 80s. So why can't they do it in the 2021s when this comes out or whatever? Yeah. Great stuff. Is that it?
Starting point is 01:07:32 What do you want to see? Oh, that's it. I want to see that exact thing you want to see. I don't know. I like Ben Reilly. They could probably do some clone stuff. I don't want to see that. Clones and Dimensions.
Starting point is 01:07:41 I don't want to see that. Yeah, but you could make it good. I guess. good clone stuff they're probably more weird dimensions yeah i like spider punk for sure yeah uh-huh uh what else is there oh you know what i would like to see other marvel characters like an iron man like outside of just the spider-man universe yeah because maybe some out of left field choices maybe i don't want to see the avengers again no yeah so like a a daredevil yeah actually that being said they sony can't do any of that because they don't own any of the other characters right okay oh they only own spider-man stuff so
Starting point is 01:08:18 there you bloody go that actually makes a lot of sense is that it mason yeah i think so that's it yeah goodbye everyone i mean oh here's some reviews there's more there's more this is from matt okay i just saw into the spider-verse possibly contender for the game is on all around great flick would like to see noir ham spin-off any thoughts on being the best marvel thing this year uh it's a tough call infinity war was very good but also infinity war does require you to have watched 18 prior Marvel movies. Do you think you could go into this not knowing anything about Spider-Man and be like, this is pretty good, I like this?
Starting point is 01:08:49 I think so. Okay, cool. I don't think it's a contender for the Game of Zon because... They're definitely going to make another one? I bet even if they didn't, I think it's not that shoehorned in. Like, they leave it open when Stacey pops her head back to her portal or whatever. Yeah, right, right. Got another review here.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I'm ready. AGM says, Into the Spider the spider-verse was pretty good but not great lord of midlands movies all look like they're made inside of a seizure the action scenes made had no sense of space and lacked tension the about the faux 3d was annoying good characters and emotion though ben jennings says uh spider-man spider-verse i think if i may maybe some people notice that faux 3d more than others. Yeah. Because you noticed it, you said, in a couple of scenes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:27 I didn't really notice it at all. Yeah. I guess some people are noticing it all the time. Maybe it's different screenings as well. Because when we saw Bumblebee tonight, they cut off like the top fifth of the screen. Did they? Did you notice that? I didn't notice that at all.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Oh, I noticed. Okay. What have we got here? Makes two good Spider-Man movies in a row. Best after credit scene award however the after credit scene had character animation style going
Starting point is 01:09:50 down to the 67 does that does it break the movie's own rule so when you jump into another universe you keep your own animation style
Starting point is 01:09:57 it seems yes it does but in that one you turn into a cartoon yeah right I don't know I don't care I don't care
Starting point is 01:10:03 I'm the only one I care it's fine it worked as a joke yep so that's fine with me and it's it was fun to see 2099 in the 60s style so uh nesta says just got out of spider-man to the spider-verse and i loved it i think it's the best spider-man movie ever made i also love the art style best movie ever i also think it's probably the best spider-man movie ever made yeah i think it might be and now it's time for what we read oh you don't
Starting point is 01:10:23 have something else to say then uh i was gonna say i mean it does in terms of i guess it does require you to know a little bit about spider-man yes i think people might be a little bit lost if it's just like hey he's six origins and he's a multiverse and whatever yeah so but i think if you're if you're a little bit if you're if you if you know what's up if you do know do you get what's up i know okay now it is time for what we're reading what are we going to read oh my goodness i'm doing the thing what are we reading today so this week yeah uh if you're in australia stan the streaming platform australia netflix yep got a whole bunch of disney and marvel stuff but not everything not everything but also what had happened a lot of good stuff all the marvel stuff went off netflix yes it did for Australian Netflix. Yep. Got a whole bunch of Disney and Marvel stuff, but not everything. Not everything.
Starting point is 01:11:06 But also what had happened is a lot of good stuff. All the Marvel stuff went off Netflix. Yes, it did. So if you wanted to watch a Doctor Strange this week, for example, it's gone. Shut your face.
Starting point is 01:11:13 It's gone. Yeah, it's gone. So it's just a random assortment. And some Disney stuff. So I watched Monsters University. What'd you think? Pretty good. It was fun.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yeah. And then I re-watched the first two Captain America movies. What'd you think? Great.. It was fun. Yeah. And then I re-watched the first two Captain America movies. What'd you think? Great. Because Captain America 3 isn't on there. Saw 1, 2 and 3 are on there. Would you have gone with Captain America 3 if it was there? Yeah. You would have
Starting point is 01:11:35 gone straight into it? Yeah, I would have gone all three. You watched a lot of stuff this week. Yes. Was there anything else you got into? And I got into some podcasts. Have you listened to Threedom? Have we mentioned Threedom before? Threedom! No. Threedom is Lauren Lapkus, Paul F. Tompkins, and Scott Aukerman.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Good. And it's just three funny folks. Yep. Just having a funny chat and just chatting and telling stories and occasionally doing like a weird party improv game or whatever. Okay. I think every episode is up on Stitcher Premium if you have that, but otherwise if you just go to iTunes or Spotify or whatever, they're releasing one episode a week.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Right. And it's very funny. What's it called? Threedom. Threedom. Threedom! Exactly. And this week, the episode that just came out, I think it's episode 12, there's just a sequence in it.
Starting point is 01:12:19 It's Paul F. Tompkins putting on a funny voice and explaining Linda Carter's Wonder Woman. I can't explain what it is. Okay. But I'll play it for you later. Okay. And it's so funny. All right. It had me in tears.
Starting point is 01:12:34 It's so funny. I just kept rewinding it and listening to it again. Okay, great. And I'm also listening to our pals Cam and Alexi have a podcast called Finding Drago. Yeah, what is that? I saw that you posted that on Instagram. It's likego. Yeah. What is that? I saw that you post that on Instagram. It's like cereal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:47 But it's, uh, it's, it had me intrigued. Yes. So Alexi is a big old fan of Rocky. Yeah. And he discovers that many years ago,
Starting point is 01:12:57 uh, another equally big fan of Rocky wrote some Ivan Drago fan fiction. Okay. And he's trying to uncover the mystery of who created and this this guy has this mysterious biography but none of it seems to check out and so he's trying to track the guy down and figure out what his deal is and also uh cam is also trying to like delve into the world of fan fiction and get get a hold of the people who are doing fan fiction right right like figure those people out it's really funny funny. You should check it out.
Starting point is 01:13:25 I think there's two episodes out right now. But it's also deadly serious at times. No, it's never deadly serious. It's deadly serious. Wow. Also, I forgot to mention this.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I'm on an episode of my friend Daniel Connell's podcast. I listened to that. Yeah, it was really good. Which is just, he just has a, he's a very laid back dude and we had just a nice chat
Starting point is 01:13:41 about me and life. You love talking about yourself though, you're Mason. I hate it so much, but this was fun. And there's lots of other episodes, if you like, Australian comedians. I don't. Luke McGregor's on there. I like him.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Mel Butler's on there. They're good, actually. Just good. I said I don't, but I do. And I've also caught up on another of my favorite podcasts. We do it so much. Kentucky Fried Chattin'. Do you have a week off?
Starting point is 01:14:02 It seems like I did, but I just think I slacked off you watching stuff on the tram? you watching Netflix? no I'm not allowed I would not dare I feel like you are but
Starting point is 01:14:12 oh yeah let's see Daniel Connell's podcast Jess Perkins has been on it Guy Montgomery Rhys Nicholson other people all people
Starting point is 01:14:20 yeah all people it's great what was I saying? you said I also something something probably listen to something you also listen to a podcast you said Yeah, all people. It's great. What was I saying? You said, I also something, something. Probably listen to something. You also listened to a podcast, you said.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Yeah. Another podcast. What was it though? I don't know. Oh, Kentucky for a Chat. Oh, that's right. You did. Which is three friends of mine.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yes, yes. They review every KFC menu item. And they're all garbage. Yeah. Are some of them good? The episodes? No, no, no. They're the food.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah, I think some of it's good. When was the last time you had KFC? A long time ago. Yeah, right. Let's have it now. No. Okay. I definitely won't eat it at night.
Starting point is 01:14:51 All right, yeah. If I eat it, I'll eat it early so I can try and get it out of my system by the time I go to bed. Nice, nice, nice. Mason, I watched a movie called The Clover Hitch Killer. Is it in the Cloverfield universe? I wish it wasn't. And it isn't.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Where have you gotten this from? I don't know. It's one of the streaming services. I bought it off't. And it isn't. Where have you gotten this from? I don't know. One of the streaming services. I bought it off something. I can't remember. Nice. I did buy it. Good for you.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Well, I'd buy stuff if I can. Yes, I am. Because there's so many options available now. Yeah. Except if it's Foxtel. I will never pay for Foxtel ever. Good call. Anything on there ever in a million years.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Absolutely agree. 100% agree. Yeah. So it's basically... I saw Red Letter Media made a video on it, in a million years. Absolutely agree. A hundred percent agree. Yeah. So it's basically, I saw Red Letter Media made a, made a video on it, like a just short video. And it's like a,
Starting point is 01:15:28 it's a movie set in, you know, kind of a sleepy suburban, bloody American town. And it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a boy scout and his dad's the leader.
Starting point is 01:15:37 And there's this mystery in this town that's kind of gone. It's kind of, it's kind of died down over the past 10 years, of this Clover Hitch killer, who's this man who ties up women and murders them, right? Or people, okay? That sounds fun. It's so fun. Anyway, the kid thinks it's his dad.
Starting point is 01:15:53 He comes to believe it's his dad. Is this a comedy? No. Okay. I mean, there's funny moments, I guess. I mean, I'm laughing already. It's more like Fincher-esque than anything else. So yeah, if you like, what's that one?
Starting point is 01:16:08 The bloody, the Fincher one with the serial killer. Zodiac? Zodiac. If you like Zodiac, you'll probably like it. But like a lot of budget, obviously. And there's kind of this. So this is an indie? Did this get a cinema? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:16 No, I don't think so. It is an indie. I mean, it's available. I think it went straight to streaming. Maybe it got some, but I just think people should see it because it comes to a point where, you know, you kind of where you find out what's actually going on but then it kind of keeps going from there another thing happens
Starting point is 01:16:30 and you're like, is his dad a good guy? Is he a killer? What's going on? Is there a famous person in it? Yes, Dylan Mcsomething something Maybe, let me check From a practice? Yeah, I think it is him He's the dad, I believe
Starting point is 01:16:44 But I might be wrong Let me check Yeah, a practice? Yeah, I think it is him. Okay then. He's the dad, I believe. Nice. But I might be wrong. Let me check. Yeah, it is Dylan McDermott. There you go. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Oh, and Samantha Mathis is in it as well. There's another name for you, mate. So look, if you like that serial killer shit, then you'll like it. It's a good one. Yeah, all right. Yeah, it feels very concise and tight, and it's a well-told narrative and you get to the end and you're like, great. I did it. I'm all bad.
Starting point is 01:17:10 I successfully watched a good movie. I never thought I'd do it. But I did it. And yet here we are. Oh yeah, also we watched Bumblebee. So next week, as I said, Bumblebee and Aquaman. People want to check those out. Nice.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Now let's do the segment of the show where Mason plays the lettuce theme. Lettuce theme. Here is our letters theme that's loading again i blame your wi-fi i blame your wi-fi yeah sorry the classic one was letters oh letters we love you some letters so you're saying that the The segment of the show Where I play the letters theme Is a separate segment From the letters segment Is it not?
Starting point is 01:17:52 No it is What did I say? Doesn't matter Whatever the thing is You said no That's not what I was saying Alright terrific Do you wanna reach the
Starting point is 01:18:00 Blah blah If you wanna reach the You can say this bit Go on No you can do it Ah come on mate If you wanna reach the show... If you want to reach the show... You can say this bit. Bit of it. Go on. No, you can do it. Ah, come on, mate. All right, if you want to reach the show... It's Christmas.
Starting point is 01:18:09 WeeklyPlanetPod at Yep. Or you can hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter and we'll find it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You got something? Not yet. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Do you want me to do a tweet? Do a tweet. This is from... I don't have the name here and I apologize. Because I got them off my phone. And when you copy a tweet from your phone, because I was doing it on my phone, it doesn't copy the name. and I apologize. Because I got them off my phone. And when you copy a tweet from your phone, because I was doing it on my phone, it doesn't copy the name. So I apologize to this person. What's the best on-screen appearance of Robin?
Starting point is 01:18:32 I'm a big fan of the Titans version. We haven't seen it. We don't have Titans yet. We don't. We're coming up to the season finale of Titans, I believe. That being said, I watched the trailer for the season finale. Because Batman's in it, right? And it looks amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:44 That's from Micah Scott. Just found's in it and it looks amazing that's from micah scott just found his name so it looks incredible they have to stop batman like batman's gone mad yeah and they have to stop him do you think it's really that man i don't know but it looks amazing and i'm not going to watch the rest of the season but i'm gonna watch this episode yeah right 100 it looks great why does it look great, though? Because the Batman looks great? Batman, well, you don't really see a lot of it, but he's clearly lost his mind, or whoever this is has lost their mind,
Starting point is 01:19:10 and it's Dick Grayson and some other people in the Teen Titans. I don't know. I haven't been watching it. They have to stop Batman because he's gone crazy. Yeah, but why does it look great? It's very compelling. I've never seen a live-action version of an insane Batman trying to be stopped by Nightwing.
Starting point is 01:19:26 It's kind of an Elseworlds situation. He's in Nightwing already. I don't know. I don't watch it. This is madness. But I'm watching this one. Right. Anyway, I quite like the animated series version.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Cool. The one from the 90s. I like that version of Robin. And it becomes, what's it called? Bloody Nightwing eventually. I also like the version in Under the Red Hood. I think he's first voiced by is he Neil Patrick Harris?
Starting point is 01:19:49 Something like, yeah. I don't know. Definitely an American actor. Yeah, definitely. Or a British actor doing an American accent. Like a Tom Holland situation. I love a Chris O'Donnell, obviously. We're all big fans of that one.
Starting point is 01:20:00 He got two bites of the pie, which I'm sure he appreciated. Do you have one? A favourite Dick Grayson or Robin in general? A favourite incarnation? That one, he got two bites of the pie, which I'm sure he appreciated. Yeah. Do you have one? A favorite Dick Grayson or Robin in general? A favorite incarnation? Ooh. On screen, though.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Did you like Carrie Kelly from The Dark Knight Returns? I didn't watch that. I didn't watch it. You didn't watch it? I thought you did watch it. I didn't watch it. I'm sure we've done an episode on it. No, I watched Batman 1. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Oh, you don't like that one either? I don't like that one either. Yeah, cool. Ah, which version do I love? Kick Down a tree doesn't translate does it to animation absolutely not it doesn't
Starting point is 01:20:28 which live action Robin it doesn't have to be live action what about the the version from the Arkham games I'm going to be able
Starting point is 01:20:35 to hear he's a bit of a nothing character well there's a few of them though you get some Red Hood that's true
Starting point is 01:20:40 yeah oh I like the I like the animated series versions I think yeah me too yeah you got a letter Mason all the version on no that's all that's all the ones That's true, yeah. Oh, I like the animated series versions, I think. Yeah. Me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:46 You got a letter, Mason? All the version on... No, that's all I got. That's all the ones. I'm sure the Teen Titans one is probably pretty good. Yeah, people seem to be warming up to that show in a big way. Yeah, right. Got a letter?
Starting point is 01:20:55 I'll find a letter. You haven't found a letter yet? No, I'm still looking. All right. What do you got, Mason? We're speaking of Jim Carrey, as we did earlier. No. No, we did, though.
Starting point is 01:21:02 When did we say that? He's going to be in something. Okay. He's going to be in something. Okay. He's going to be in a movie or a TV series. I can't wait. The thing that we said, do you remember? Yeah, Sonic.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Yeah, this is from Richard Grimes. Hi guys, I was wondering your opinion. With the popularity of properties like Deadpool and Venom, could now be a good time to do a more comic accurate remake of The Mask?
Starting point is 01:21:18 Yes. More bloody violence and way, way less Jim Carrey. Way less? I say the same amount. Do you think people, do you think they should bring him back for it
Starting point is 01:21:25 yes like do Blade Runner 2049 yes but with Jim do you think he'd do it he's reacquired the mask
Starting point is 01:21:32 and he's gone insane that would be kind of cool that would be cool he doesn't I mean he's he doesn't do sequels until he does because I know after
Starting point is 01:21:39 Ace Ventura he's like I'll never do another sequel they gave him so much money to the second one yeah so yeah for that one. That one and then we bring back the number 23.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Yes. The number 23 too. But he did also, he did the sequel to Dumb and Dumber, which I didn't see. Did he? Was that him? There you go. No, not Dumb and Dumber. Like a couple of years ago, they did Dumb and Dumber.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Didn't see it. I wasn't aware it existed. I haven't seen it either. Any of the Dumb and Dumber movies. People say that I should, they're very funny but I bet if I watched that first one I'd hate it yeah right, so for people who don't know
Starting point is 01:22:11 The Mask was quite a fun, family friendly adventure, but The Mask in the comic books is just filled with brutal violence yeah it's just Deadpool it is Deadpool, exactly, so in the movie if you recall, at one point he's being pursued by the police and he puts on like a flamenco outfit and he sings a song and they all dance in a conga line
Starting point is 01:22:29 yeah in the comic books he just machine guns them all after the dance yes well at least they got to dance yeah exactly wow uh but yes and and the comic book version has sort of crossed over with a lot of uh, you know, Dark Horse and DC characters. He turned up with Lobo at one point. That was pretty brutal. Weren't they just cutting each other up or whatever? Just cutting each other to pieces. They're two invincible men.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Yes. Does the mask still only work at night? Or was that only a movie thing? I think that was only a movie thing. I think it works all the time. Great. But I would really like to see that. I don't know what the market for it is though.
Starting point is 01:23:02 I think people love that movie. As I've been very clear time and time again, I don't think that movie's good. Whoa. But I'll take a sequel. If it makes you happy, Mason. Thank you. But I would love to see a really, really violent version.
Starting point is 01:23:13 But I don't, I think people would be like, I went into this expecting fun family fun, you know? Oh yeah, they probably would. And then it's just him tearing people to pieces, you know? Yeah, they wouldn't do that, would they? So if it's a sequel to the 90s one, it'll be that be that it'll be the fun family one which they did with son of the mask i did too yeah but with jim carrey coming was in it i think probably was low key and jamie kennedy yeah that's right yeah yeah or whatever man just okay baby did a dance imagine
Starting point is 01:23:40 him in that in that yellow zoot suit but it's just covered in blood yes other people's blood and it's all ragged was it a black and white comic no it was colored okay oh the version i read was colored maybe it's black and white originally interesting but uh maybe your opinion's been colored of it over the years may so maybe it's not good like remember you know in in kingdom come the dc comic book yeah where billy batson has been shazam for years yes oh wait no he wasn't he was he was a it was billy batts and then he grew up yeah and then he just looks been Shazam for years. Yes. Wait, no, he wasn't. He was Billy Batson, then he grew up. Yeah, and then he just looks like Shazam, yeah. Look, it doesn't matter. But what I'm saying is,
Starting point is 01:24:11 how about he's just been the mask for years? I mean, he did throw it into a river. But he's got it back because he's addicted to it. Nah, that one doesn't count. It's not canon anymore. Okay. I mean, people aren't going to be happy, Mason. I'm fired up about this.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Some people will. Yeah. Me. Just me. That's all that counts. No one's going to care if they get rid of'm fired up about this. Some people will. Yeah. Me. Just me. That's all it gets. No one's going to care if they get rid of the son of the mask. No, that's true. That movie from probably 2003 I haven't seen.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Okay, what do we got here? Last letter slash tweet. Do you think we'll see the alternate realities of the MCU where Chris Evans has been the human torch? Do you think the MCU is going to delve into multiverse, different dimensional stuff? Do you think they were ever going to and will spider-verse even change that i think we will see alternate dimensions but i don't think we'll go back to any of those previous dimensions even if they get the rights back to the fantastic four i mean
Starting point is 01:24:57 because why would you it's exactly yeah what are they well i think if we're going to get parallel universes we'll get brand new parallel universes and I don't mean like based on the parallel universes in the comic books but just ones
Starting point is 01:25:10 we haven't seen before I don't think we're going to go back to Fox's Fantastic Four I do know
Starting point is 01:25:16 that one of the cameos planned for when Deadpool was interviewing for his team in Deadpool 2 was Chris Evans and he was going
Starting point is 01:25:22 to say you're the human torch and I think they were also planning to get, or they wanted to get the 2015 team in as well. That would have been great gags all around.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Yeah, for sure, right. But I don't think Marvel would let Chris Evans do that. Yeah, right. I don't think, I'm sure it's in his contract that he can't do various comic book whatever. What if they'd gotten one person from every variation of the Fantastic Four? Like they got Chickless and they got...
Starting point is 01:25:50 I'd still mix it. The one from the 90s. Michael B. Jordan. Yeah. And then like, yeah, the one from the... The 90s Roger Corman one. The Roger Corman movie, yeah. And Herbie the Robot.
Starting point is 01:26:00 No, they should get the guy, one of them from Arrested Development. Yes, absolutely. What a team yep yeah great uh so no i don't think they'll visit that but i think we might get some i mean they've talked about the multiverse haven't they yeah for sure and i think that the opening up of the quantum realm that's an anything goes you want to travel through time you want to travel through space you want to travel through dimensions we got it because we've got a quantum realm also Avengers 4 it might not be
Starting point is 01:26:26 time travel it might be quantum realm yeah exactly I mean quantum realm dimensional stuff anyway that's the show yep
Starting point is 01:26:32 Mason do the rend end of the show the rend end of the show the rend end end end end oh you didn't let me finish okay
Starting point is 01:26:39 I was doing that yeah it was really good I was going to say joke but it wasn't a joke no you did that thing though and I appreciate it look we're laughing we're laughing but that's because it's really good I was going to say joke but it wasn't a joke no you did that thing though and I appreciate it
Starting point is 01:26:46 look we're laughing we're laughing but that's because it's really late and we've been up for both been up for a really long time certainly you know we have a good time
Starting point is 01:26:52 anyway thanks everybody for listening just like remember that thing that weird little creature yeah the frog song yeah the crazy frog
Starting point is 01:27:01 yeah the guy made it and then never got any money for it then that song made a billion dollars, I think. Oh, that's a shame. Yeah, because he put it on the internet for free. Also, it wasn't always a frog. It was like a picture. It was a still image of a race car and there was that sound file attached.
Starting point is 01:27:15 And how did it go again? Ran-nan-nan-nan-nan-nan-nan-nan. There we go. I'm laughing already. Anyway, thanks everybody for listening and subscribing and telling your friends. Give us a nice review on iTunes and saying bloody bloody hello to us
Starting point is 01:27:27 on the internet if you want to say hi we're Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Bandcamp I'm at Wikipedia Brown
Starting point is 01:27:35 on Twitter I'm also on Instagram somewhere yep Nick Mason on Twitter that's Nicholas Mason on Twitter
Starting point is 01:27:40 something like that on Twitter great on Twitter not on Twitter sorry Instagram it's N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. That's too complicated, Mason. I know.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I regret it. Mr. Sunday Movies, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Keep saying more things, I guess. Then you can also follow The Weekly Planet on Twitter. That's our good old mate, Rob Collings. Yeah, he'll do it. He'll do it. He'll also do
Starting point is 01:28:02 You can sign up for the newsletter. He'll do that. He does that. You can also go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. You can join up to that. He'll do it.'ll also do planet yep you can sign up for the newsletter he'll do that yep does that you can also go to the planet board broadcasting great mates facebook group you can join up to that he'll do it we're there he's there we're all there everybody's all been there it's like 11 000 people there having a nice chat is that true yes wow uh if you'd like to support the show you can go to slash mr sunday movies chucking a buck give us a buck appreciate it eventually we're going to build that that we get the cash we're going to look like it's going to be happening january we're going're gonna build that that we get the cash we're gonna look like it's gonna be happening January gonna bloody build that that bloody thing people can't see what
Starting point is 01:28:27 I'm pointing to but it's the thing studio he's pointing to his balls everyone rebuild my balls that's right and we're also gonna get that studio going make some video stuff for all I hope so that's the plan you can that being said that channel just got to monetize today for no reason boy yeah I got an email said you know you've been up you've been I was gonna read that copyright materials and I'm like I've been up i've been uploading us just yammering away for hours with a still image of probably a shaver or a mattress does it say copyright yeah because i went in there and that was the reason great and they're like you can reapply in 30 days don't worry like fucking thanks a bunch that's great it's really generous of you that we can apply
Starting point is 01:29:03 for monetization of our own content. Yeah. It feels real great. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. We've also got an Amazon affiliate link in our episode description. Yes. So if you'd like to bloody click on that and buy some Amazon stuff,
Starting point is 01:29:13 just whatever you're going to buy on Amazon anyway. Got those tapes happening. Probably running up to Christmas. Yeah, for sure. There might be one more day to get in on that Samsung video because that competition will be announced this week, the winner. If you're in Australia, you might win a TV. Yep.
Starting point is 01:29:26 But you probably missed it. By the time I announced this week, the winner. If you're in Australia, you might win a TV. Yep. But you probably missed it by the time you hear this. Oh, maybe. No, because it came out on a Monday. So, yeah, if you can do it the first day you hear this, you're super good. The second you hear this, drop whatever you're doing. Yep. Babies. Yep. If you've got two babies, drop a second baby. Banana pancakes. If you're making them, drop them. Do not.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Drop those banana pancakes on the floor. I don't like it. They're covered in fluff now. They're just ground fluff. What's on your floor? They're on top of a baby. Because you drop the baby, then you drop the banana pancakes. What else? What do we normally say?
Starting point is 01:29:55 Thank you to the Bruton and the Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes. We've got some t-shirts on Just search for The Weekly Planet. Keith also did that second tweet that I didn't name so that's the two tweets that we got today cool because I didn't have
Starting point is 01:30:08 the name there nice is that everything I said that's the whole show I think alright next week like I said
Starting point is 01:30:13 Aquaman and Bumblebee just Bumblebee if Aquaman's no good that's right and then after that we've got unless it's really bad in which case
Starting point is 01:30:20 it's all Aquaman oh man it's going to be nothing but Aquaman it's terrible let me check my dates here. So next week will be the... Ooh, Tea with the Queen.
Starting point is 01:30:29 23rd. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. So then the week after that, we'll do the wrap-up one. Then we'll take a couple weeks off. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Great. Well, there'll be a best of and then a couple weeks off and then we'll come back and... Nice. Whatevs. All right. Thanks for listening, everybody.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. Bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship
Starting point is 01:31:01 between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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