The Weekly Planet - 278 Us & Star Wars 9 Leaks

Episode Date: April 1, 2019

Join the 10 million who have tried Harry’s. Claim your trial offer by going to HARRYS.COM/WEEKLYPLANETThis week is another podcast and how! This week we discuss Jordan Peele’s latest, Us in additi...on to Batman’s Birthday, Batman prequel news, the return of Captain Boomerang and Jared Leto’s Joker, Avengers: Endgame posters, an update on The Eternals movie and Star Wars Episode 9 leaked images. Thanks for listening!0:00 The Start4:55 Batman’s Birthday6:30 Batman Prequel TV series news10:21 Captain Boomerang returns!17:33 Jared Leto Joker returns18:44 Mark Hamill is Chucky19:25 Ben Affleck back in the View Askewniverse21:00 Ghostbusters 3 casting22:55 Addams Family poster for some reason25:21 Avengers: Endgame posters27:03 Eternal's update29:20 Star Wars 9 leaks37:21 Us (spoilers 48:54 - 1:04:39)1:02:34 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:08:08 Letters It’s Time For LettersThe Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here: the Star Wars Saga on Amazon ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This episode is brought to you by Harry's Razors. Do you want me to add some, like, colour commentary over the top? It's fine, we don't have to. I think that's, you know, it's optional. We'd often do it, but we don't.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Sorry, what? It's optional? We've been doing colourful little... Free colourful bits. Whimsical bits for years. Wow, this changes everything. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back to another episode of the Weekly Planet,
Starting point is 00:01:04 the podcast where we talk about movies and TV shows and comic books and video games sometimes when I bite doom. I'm your host, Nick Mason. A bit of bad news. James, regular co-host, Mr. Sunday Movies, has died. He went to hospital to get his gallbladder taken out. They added a second gallbladder. He was a man with two gallbladders.
Starting point is 00:01:23 You can imagine the pressure he was under. Popped his head off like a champagne cork. So I'm gonna keep moving with a new co-host, the dog, who's currently just smushing her face into the carpet just like it's
Starting point is 00:01:38 going out of fashion. Who's this? Is there a ghost? I was trying to find a good point to jump in there isn't one i would just keep going you just keep and it's also it's because you do that every week and you're very good at it and also i'm so out of it but i couldn't i couldn't pick a good point or an interesting thing to say you you had you had a look in your eyes that was like is this how the podcast normally goes well it's an interesting twist this This week, James, you are in fact back in life.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I'm back. You're not dead. I'm a bit grim. A rare twist. I'm ill, but I'm in better shape than you are this week. Yes. You will. I'm a little bit under the weather.
Starting point is 00:02:15 You seem very well. Thank you. Yeah, okay. It's that comedy festival season though, isn't it? I'm a little bit sniffly, yeah. Yeah, it'll get you in the end. Well, I think it's not even that at this point. I think it's that I go on holiday and then immediately my brain goes,
Starting point is 00:02:28 why were you holding on to all this? Let's loosen up. Let's loosen up right now. Let's let some stuff in. You know who else could go on holiday? Your immune system. Yeah, you're not wrong. So I've been sick, but I've been seeing some comedy stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:39 You've had your gallbladder out. I have. The surgery itself went fine. It was only because they put a drainage tube in me in the next day. And those are very painful, it turns out. And they'll make you not be able to breathe properly for 24 hours. And then they pull it out. It's like being stabbed, but in reverse.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So it's in the tum. Yeah, it's in the tum. It's in the tum area. And yeah, it's like, yeah, like I said, the reverse of being stabbed. And not reversed as in the opposite of being stabbed as in not being stabbed. Yeah, right. It's being stabbed backwards. Oh, wow. Like stabbed from, as in not being stabbed. Yeah, right. It's being stabbed backwards. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Like stabbed from the inside by a little man. That's right. And it was so long. Claire described the doctor removing it, and it sounded like that scene in The Matrix where Keanu Reeves' character wakes up. It was a lot like that. And he opens the pot and he's like,
Starting point is 00:03:21 like he pulls the tube out for a really long time. I also have one of those in my nose yeah i had many a tube but i'm definitely on the mend but also i'm kind of like why did i go in because i felt fine and now i feel fucking terrible yeah well and now you can't eat fatty foods anymore for a while this is i gotta restrict my diet and whatever but also i can't exercise i can't i'm just sitting around being miserable all day. I'm a real son of a bitch. Yeah. And I'm no good.
Starting point is 00:03:47 My brain doesn't work properly. Maybe they hit me in the head when I was asleep. I don't know. Maybe. Anyway. That's what they say. Isn't it sometimes people will wake up from the dentist and they've got like a boot print on their chest or whatever?
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah. The doctor's just taking flying kicks at them. Your dog has the zoomies today. Yeah. I haven't been able to take it for a walk. Oh, that'll do it, yeah. So, yeah. Even though I've got this wonderful walking cane that I've bought from the chemist.
Starting point is 00:04:11 You've gone with some sort of house MD. It's like a plaid. Yeah, I didn't have a choice. Okay, right. You had a choice. No, they were like, do you want this flower one? They're like, normally I have black ones. I'm like, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Just give me one. Just give me any one that you've got. It's only temporary. Do you have one that looks like the lid of a jar of marmalade, you said? And I'm like, perfect.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I also, I meant to kit this space out with some soundproof foam. It is echoing here because we are in just a big empty room. We are in a big empty room. That's true.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Next week, it should be a bit better because I'm ordering some soundproof foam. Oh, that's exciting. Yeah, someone's going to put them up. Maybe you because I'm not allowed to do it for like six weeks.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Well, I am a qualified soundproof insidulation putter-upper. I wish you were bloody soundproof, Matt. I'm bloody sick of hearing your bloody voice, mate. He's back. He's still good. He's meaner than ever. You've reached the pinnacle of human cognition, which is biting insults.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So that comes back last. So I think you're in tip-top shape again. Certainly does. Now, you said I've collected some news, but you went ahead because there was a point when I wasn't actually going to be able to do this. I assumed you were going to be dead. Yeah, so you've actually collected some news.
Starting point is 00:05:20 What have you got, Mason? Well, you may know that this is Batman's 80th birthday. Congratulations, Batman. Well, it's not Batman's 80th birthday. Congratulations, Batman. He's technically older than that. Because if you assume he's 30, like when Detective Comics 27 came out,
Starting point is 00:05:34 he'd be 110, yeah. Do you reckon he's 30? Do you reckon he's like 27, 28? All right. I'm just saying, I think 30's a bit old to be like starting to jump off roofs. I guess that's probably, yeah, you start to creak a bit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:46 A lot of football players retire at 30. They're like, well, I blew out my knee and I can't walk. And I guess like 20 is the era when you're like, because that's like uni student era. Yeah. When you're like, I can do anything. Yes. Like, and I'll dress as a bat. And I will.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And I will. I can do anything. I'll travel the world pretending to be a ninja. Yeah, that's true. All right, maybe like 20. All right, let's say like 25, 27, something like that. Isn't that also the age when males, like their brains stop making them do ridiculous shit?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Probably is. I'm sure that's what it is. That probably happened to him as well. Like he's in the middle of fighting like the penguin and all of a sudden the brain, like his brain matured completely. And he's like, what am I doing? But he'd already built the car and made all the costumes.
Starting point is 00:06:28 He told Alfred he was doing it. He'd made a lot of arch nemeses at that point. He's like, well, I can't have a mature conversation with him about this sort of stuff. It's like somebody who gets stuck in their career from a young age. That's true. I guess I'm an investment banker for the next 40 years. So regrets. He's got a few.
Starting point is 00:06:44 But some of the uh some of the batman news that came out this week i think they were like let's dump some stuff and if it's unpopular we'll just be like batman's 80th though yeah go on don't don't be so negative come on not at his birthday so i'm uh we saw the first look of batman in gotham in this the tv series gotham there's like a yeah right in batman in the TV series Gotham. There's like a Batman in silhouette. It's like the back of his head, right? It looks kind of Nolan-y. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's not surprising at all. Isn't it a body double with the kid's face? Isn't that what they're going with? I have no idea. I think that's what they're going with. I don't know anymore. Because that kid's like 5'6 or whatever. Oh, right, okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And he's like 17. Yeah, right, okay. So this is going to be another time jump? I don't know. I don't know. We don't watch that show. We don't watch that show. We don't watch the show. But let's speculate.
Starting point is 00:07:28 There's a definitive answer. Hopefully the series Gotham ends with him, again, standing around a pile of broken bodies going, What am I doing? This was stupid. I could have been anything. I'm rich. I could have donated money to a lot of charities that probably would have stopped this crime happening in the first place. What else have we got in terms of Batman?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Well, I mean, they didn't want the Batman TV audience to go wanting. So we also saw a trailer for Pennyworth. Yeah. It's only short, right? It's quite quick, yeah. Yes. And he seems more of a Michael Caine. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:02 School of cockney British gentleman. Yes, yeah. School of cockney British gentleman. Yes, exactly. Man of war. All right, cool. What did you think, though? See, okay, and also I kind of built this news. I didn't look too deep into these because my assumption was my co-host would be somebody who doesn't know anything about these. And I'd just be like, there's a series called Gotham.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Batman's not in it. How wild's that? And they'd be like, that's dumb. And I'd be'll be like it is dumb you finish with that bit of news okay there's another one there's another series it's gonna be about batman's butler isn't that weird they'll be like that is dumb and i feel like it is dumb yeah so but i've just been we've been slowly kind of immersed in this shit so yeah yeah it's fine to have a prequel of the series gotham sort of even though it's not a prequel yeah of the younger alfred exactly whatever this is supposed to be it's not even the alfred from gotham it's not even the alfred from gotham but does it matter not really no i
Starting point is 00:08:54 kind of like the idea i don't see that's the thing i don't necessarily want the like the big aggro alfred yeah i think we've been stepping away from the classic Alfred, which is balding, tuxedo tailcoat. Tweedly little mustache. Tweedly mustache that sticks out way too far. Sometimes a big blunderbuss. He's got a blunderbuss, but most of the time, and maybe it's on, he's got a blunderbuss,
Starting point is 00:09:18 but he's got like a crisp white towel over the top of the blunderbuss. And he's like, very good, sir. That's what I want. That's my alpha. I want to know he's had a dark past but then he, okay how about this? The Pennyworth series over five seasons, like he has to keep combing over.
Starting point is 00:09:35 He has a beautiful head of hair at the start. It should have been like how Gordon grew his moustache which they haven't done but maybe end up doing. That makes sense to me. And so he gets more and more proper because he's doing more butler school. Exactly, yes. They kind of smack the cockney out of him.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yes, exactly. That's exactly right. Okay, that makes sense to me. Excellent. Yeah. And he learns how to do laundry better. Like he starts out kind of grimy. Shabby.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And then by the end he's so crisp. So crisp. He probably does his own laundry, doesn't he? Is he going to... Oh, look, I don't know. He should have his own but crisp. He probably does his own laundry, doesn't he? Is he going to... Oh, look, I don't know. He should have his own butler. He should have his own butler. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Dog's growling at something outside. I get up, but it's too much effort. I'm going to guess. It's nothing, but I'm going to open the door. She's only going to come back in. I know, right? Who let the dog out? Mason did.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Mason let the dog out. It's the same. She's run inside. No, no. Oh yeah, I think there's something or someone living under the house. Oh. Yeah. Might be a nice little kind of lead into our topic for this week.
Starting point is 00:10:38 But we've got so much news in between. The topic being who's living in James' house. Someone who could definitely overpower me. I have one more piece of Batman-related news. Great. And it's that Captain Boomerang, Jai Courtney, is probably back for Suicide Squad. The Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Is it a reboot? Again, if you weren't here, I would have been like, Captain Boomerang's back for Suicide Squad. And they would have been like, what? And I'd be like, it's a man who throws boomerangs. And they would be like, that's dumb. How many do you throw in the last movie not many maybe not enough to justify his name quite frankly one of them had a camera one of them had a camera how did the camera stay focused on one position when it's spinning probably a gyroscope it's probably i was gonna
Starting point is 00:11:18 say if it was a 360 camera you'd be like well that you know it's getting the it's like when it's a 360 when you get your phone and you do the panning shots or whatever. Yeah. But it wasn't that, was it? No. Yeah. So it's a 360 gyroscope camera. It was a regular film camera, a large film camera on a jib.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Okay. Right. Yeah. And David Ayer said, okay, move it that way for a bit. Yeah. That's good. Make it look like it's flying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:43 But everyone, it's just a jib. It's just on a jib. So we don't really have a boomerang for the camera. Probably on a crane. Yes. Like, Fonz is on the ground. What is this movie, though? The Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah, like, it's... Is it a reboot? I think maybe we are... I think maybe... There are examples of this, right? Like, Ghost Rider is technically not a sequel to the second one. Like they're not the same, but they both have Nicolas Cage. They're very...
Starting point is 00:12:11 No, I think Ghost Rider 2 is a sequel. Okay. Yeah. Did you hear recently he got married again? No, I didn't know he was divorced. I didn't know he was divorced. You've been out of the loop. Who was he married to?
Starting point is 00:12:21 He got married for four days, like this week. Who was he previously married to? He was married to... I, like this week. Who was he previously married to? He was married to... I know he was married to Lisa Marie. Yeah, Presley. One of them. Yeah, hang on, just check. What colour cowboy hat did he wear to his wedding?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Let's find out. In Vegas. Okay, also, the second option is Nicolas Cage net worth, so I'm just going to check that. Let's do the end of the segment, Nicolas Cage net worth check. Nicolas Cage was once Hollywood's top earner, worth a staggering $150 million, but he didn't hang on to his fortune for as long as he's now worth just $25 million.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Two days ago. I know, yuck. Embarrassing. Why even bother? Don't get married then. You're going to lose half that, Nicolas Cage. All right. He bought too many castles, as I think we've established.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And dinosaur heads or something. Yeah, exactly, yes. Okay, now back to Nicolas Cage. Here we go. Nicolas Cage, what's he up to? Nicolas Cage files for annulment after just four days of marriage. Here we go. This is The Guardian.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So this is a valuable news source. He married Erika Koik. Okay. He married Lisa Marie Presley in 2002. That lasted 108 days. And Erika Koik is a makeup artist. Yep. They were wed on 23rd of March in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It was Vegas. Yep. By Wednesday, on 23rd of March in Las Vegas. It was Vegas. Yep. By Wednesday, the actor applied for an annulment. This is the shortest marriage yet. Not for lack of trying. No, absolutely not. I mean, 106 days isn't a bad effort, I guess. According to TMZ, hours after their wedding,
Starting point is 00:13:37 the pair were spotted arguing at the Las Vegas Hotel Bellagio. Witnesses and photos show Coyke yelling at the 55-year-old actor. Wow. So not a great start. You're so Nicolas Cage. I didn't think you would be when I married you. I thought you had $150 million, but I just Googled your net worth.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And he's like, I spent $125 million on this wedding, baby. So mad. Mason is furiously waving his hands. Like a Nicolas Cage would. Like a Nicolas Cage would. Well, good on him. I hope he's happy.
Starting point is 00:14:04 But he doesn he's happy. But he doesn't seem happy. He seems deeply unhappy. Maybe they were both, maybe they had differing opinions over how to heist the Bellagio Hotel. Oh, okay, right. Nicolas Cage is like, we'll do it like in Ocean's Eleven.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And then she'd be like, but how did they get all the paper into the vault at the end? It's a clear plot hole. I can't remember. We'll figure it out on the day. Yeah, right. He they get all the paper into the vault at the end? It's a clear plot hole. I can't remember. We'll figure it out on the day. Yeah, right. He's too by the seat of his pants.
Starting point is 00:14:29 That's his problem. That's his problem, exactly. He was also married to Patricia Arquette. Okay. The actor from 1995 to 2001. And Alice Kim from 2004 to 2016. He has two sons, Weston Coppola Cage, whose mother is Cage's former long-term partner,
Starting point is 00:14:46 Christina Fulton, and Kal-El Cage, who we all know. I know the Superman. His mother is Kim, yeah. I believe Weston is in, he's like the emo goth kid. Yeah, okay, I was going to say, which one's the emo goth kid? Did you know that Robert Downey Jr.'s kid is in a band? What's the band called? It's called like...
Starting point is 00:15:01 Some Mothers Do Have Them? Yeah, it's called Some Mothers Do Have Them. Yeah. It's called like... I'll look it Have Them? Yeah, it's called Some Mothers Do Have Them. Yeah. It's called like... I'll look it up. Anyway, what were we talking about? That's a great joke for anybody over 35 in English. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I can't remember. I'll look it up. But Robert Downey Jr. has been spruiking the band on his Instagram. Oh, good. Classic dad. Classic dad. Is there a possibility that you have a dad like that and you surpass them in any way? Or do you just live in their shadow?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Oh, good question. Because I know they obviously are famous. Well, regular Robert Downey. Yes. Robert Downey Sr. Robert Downey Sr., I don't know what he did. I think he was also an actor. Great.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Good on him. I mean, but his father wasn't the status of Robert Downey Jr. No. Like, do you have an actor the size of, like, say, Will Smith, maybe Jaden Smith. He's probably about, you know, he's got an equally big profile. I don't know whether you'd say
Starting point is 00:15:50 that he's as successful, but, you know. You are crazy on medication right now. But no, Jaden Smith is very famous. That's true. Yeah. He's got a lot of followers on the old. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:01 The band is called The Dose. Okay. Okay, I'm going to crank the volume here We're going to listen to The Dose on Instagram I'm ready Are you ready for this? This could be anything You ready? Alright
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's just drums Oh, a guitar Yeah Oh a guitar Yeah I'm waiting for vocals I want to know What is this Yeah This is an Instagram post Okay
Starting point is 00:16:39 That's it That's all we're getting Are they all instrumental Surely not It says they're a They're like a Throwback grunge That's it. That's all we're getting. Are they all instrumental? Surely not. It says they're like a throwback grunge duo. Well, they're not wrong. Nah, good on them.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Nah, good on them, man. Get out there. That's right. Be in the dose. Be in the dose. Just a couple of cool kids. Anyway, Jai Courtney's back. What is the Suicide Squad? Is it a reboot?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Oh, that's what we were talking about before. Before we got derailed by Nicolas Cage. I don't know. I think maybe because we throw around remake and reboot very loosely now. But they said reboot. They did, it's true. The producer, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 00:17:14 which I probably don't. Last week they were like, no, it's definitely a reboot. I think what they mean is, don't think of the last one. That's all they mean. I thought Jai Courtney was really good in the last one. Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:25 For the moments he was in that movie. He was captured by the last one. Yeah. That's all I mean. I thought Jai Courtney was really good in the last one. Sure. For the moments he was in that movie. Yeah. He was captured by the Flash at the start. He had a unicorn. That was a thing, wasn't it? That was a thing. That never got paid off, did it? It was funny.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It's a funny, irreverent thing. It never paid off. It was funny, though. Yeah. This is also Jai Courtney saying it, which means it's probably happening. Unless they're just like, yeah, definitely. You're definitely in it, mate. And then he finds out on Instagram by Robert Downey Jr.'s son.
Starting point is 00:17:46 That's right. He's being very drastic. You're not in this movie anymore. Anyway, good. Apparently it's shooting in the next couple of months and I'm looking forward to it probably. Yes. And then there was also images just recently today,
Starting point is 00:18:00 but yesterday for those listening, that the version of the Joker, the Jared Leto version is in Birds of Prey. There's images of him kicking Harley Quinn out of his apartment. It doesn't look like it's Jared Leto because Jared Leto... He owns an apartment? Yes, who knows what he is on any given day? He's a real Kramer type.
Starting point is 00:18:19 He certainly is. But it looks like, you can't see his face, so I'd imagine it's a stand-in. And maybe they'll use Jared Leto later, or maybe they just won't show him at all. certainly this guy but it looks like you can't see his face so i'd imagine it's a stand-in and maybe they'll use jared leader later or maybe they just won't show show him at all and i mean it could very well be like uh it might be a very kind of abstract or like a character like it might be a flashback where they live in like a kind of a seinfeld sitcom world sure she might be being kicked out in one of those crushing scenes oh the nanny imagine that yeah that's a great reference thank you
Starting point is 00:18:45 yeah so I guess it's so that is connected somehow or is it we'll find out we will find out
Starting point is 00:18:52 again I think it's 100% they're just gonna throw it out there and if it works they'll be like it is part of the same universe if it bombs
Starting point is 00:19:01 they'll be like don't count that one forget it don't even worry about it it's great DC news all around you got any other news on that list of news uh list of news uh mark hamill is chucky yes he is yeah that's all that's in that trailer no not yet no maybe we've talked about it haven't we've talked oh he's there okay plazas i have seen that yeah yeah okay do we hear chucky we don't hear chucky talk, do we? No. Okay. So it was Brad Dieruff, and now it's famous voice actor slash regular actor,
Starting point is 00:19:27 Luke Skywalker and Mark Hamill. So, no, I think that's... He seems to be getting a lot more work lately, which is really cool. He's on that show where knights... England! One of my swords is on fire. Have you seen the promos for that?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Oh, Nightfall. Yeah, sure. Yeah, okay. I've not seen the promos. I've seen one still shot of that, I think. He's got a big old beard. He's like, this is our kingdom. Probably.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I haven't seen any of it. And never will. Actually, here's one more piece of Batman-related news. Okay. It's not really Batman-related news, but it says Ben Affleck is open to appear in Jay and Sol and Bob reboot. That is good news. Despite fractured friendship with Kevin Smith.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Well, I heard he dogged Kevin Smith. Did he? Queen of Kevin Smith. Dogma'd him? That's not what he said. Kevin Smith. Did he? Going to Kevin Smith. Dogmed him? That's not what he said. Not what he said, but great joke. Thank you. Did he mall-ratted him?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Mall-ratted him. Wow. Yeah. Did he put his fingers between his butt and then give Kevin Smith a handshake? The old stick palm. Yes, he did. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, so I think that stopped filming now because I know Rosario Dawson's back. There's a bunch of... They've pretty much got everybody back who's... Not everybody. Like pretty much got everybody back who's not everybody like Joey Adams is back yeah right
Starting point is 00:20:28 huh sorry but which which which an athlete character could it be was he the guy
Starting point is 00:20:34 who had a mustache in Clerks 2 was he the guy from Morats I mean he might even be because if if you remember in Jay and Silent Bob
Starting point is 00:20:42 Strike Back is he in that one yeah he is because there's a scene with him and Matt Damon. And they're in like a... Oh, that's right. There's a Good Will Hunting 2 scene. That's my favourite moment in that film.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he's in that. I don't love that film. I find it's a bit kind of like, remember this? Yeah. But apparently Jason Biggs and James Van Der Beek are also... Yes. That I like.
Starting point is 00:20:59 They're coming back as themselves again. So they wouldn't put a past Affleck and Damon to be in? Yeah. Because I think Damon's at this point, he's just like... I'll do whatever. Well, I don't get... Like, I get people are less mean to me when I'm just cameoing things.
Starting point is 00:21:12 People are delighted to see me cameo in something, but when I'm actually in something, they don't care for it downsizing. They don't want another Bourne movie. No. Downsizing, yeah, right. They don't want another Shrinky movie. I really wanted to see downsizing,
Starting point is 00:21:24 and then apparently it's... FX's The Ve veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from istanbul to paris and london one woman has a secret the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost fx is the veil starring eliz Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Beacon men. Yeah. I'll get something here if you want to. Okay, go for it. Yeah, go for it. Apparently, McKenna Grace, who we know as young Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel. Oh, yes. She's in talks for Ghostbusters 3 as the lead. Oh, cool. Which is the spinoff.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's not a reboot. It's Ghostbusters, but it's also Stranger Things. Yes. And it's number three. Oh. Don't call it a reboot. It's not a reboot. Because we did that.
Starting point is 00:22:20 It's the same universe. Didn't work out too well. Same universe. That's right. So there we go. Okay. So it's her. It's just the same universe. Didn't work out too well. Same universe. That's right. So there we go. Okay. So it's her. It's Carrie Coon from Leftovers.
Starting point is 00:22:28 It's one of the Stranger Things boys. Yep. And it's all your old mates from Ghostbusters. Don't even worry about it. They're back. They'll be back. They're all back. Wait, so how did Ben Affleck dog Kevin Smith?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Oh, okay. So when they got... Here we go. I don't care about Ghostbusters 3 anymore. I know you don't. But when... I think Jennifer Garner apparently didn't like Kevin Smith. And when they kind of got married, they kind of, you know, that happens sometimes.
Starting point is 00:22:55 They just kind of drifted apart and they never really spoke again properly. Yeah, right. Yeah. So I don't know if you really dogged him. They just kind of, you know, people lose contact. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That happens. So, because I think Kevin Smith has said that he has, like, talked out of school about, like, you know, like... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Like, oh, then Ben Affleck did this and this, and he's like, I'm trying to be famous here. I'm trying to get my dream role as Batman here. I've been trying for years. Could you not... Could you not fuck this up for me? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I think that's probably true also. But they've starred together in many a film, including Daredevil. They're both in Daredevil. Yeah, they are both in Daredevil that's true they are both in Daredevil yeah so there you go maybe that's the scene
Starting point is 00:23:27 we'll get in whatever Jay and Silent Bob 2 or whatever it is whatever that is whatever that movie is I am looking forward to Jay and Silent Bob 2 because we haven't had
Starting point is 00:23:34 a view of a skew movie since Clerks 2 yes is that right I think you're right because like Red State and Zack and Mary and the Manby Walrus
Starting point is 00:23:44 you know yeah all the greats, yeah. Yeah, yeah, there we go. Yes. What else, Mason? We got a movie poster for the Addams Family animated movie. Why did you bring that up? Voice cast, Oscar Isaac.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Okay. Charlize Theron. Okay. Chloe Moretz. Okay. Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things kid. Stranger Things. And Nick Kroll as Uncle Fester.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Nick Kroll. That's a good cast. Thatanger Things kid. Stranger Things. And Nick Kroll as Uncle Fester. Nick Kroll. That's a good cast. That's a good cast, right? Who's doing it? Is it DreamWorks? It looks like a DreamWorks, but I couldn't tell you. And Boo. No, DreamWorks do good stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:14 They had a train and dragon movie. It was quite good. It is. And people love Despicable Me 3. It looks kind of fun. I was under the impression that the Addams Family was the more popular of the weird, you know, the weird 1960s creepy families. The Munsters?
Starting point is 00:24:27 As opposed to the Munsters. But apparently I'm wrong. Apparently I'm in the minority and everybody loves the Munsters. That can't be true. No, because the Munsters were more... Because the Munsters are flashier. There's a Frankenstein and there's a... A Wolfman?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Wolfman and a whatever. And a Munster. But the Addams Family just creeps. You know? They just creeps. One's just a hand one's just a hand where's the rest of it what's it up to good question good question well i just assumed they were more popular because those were the bigger movies in the 90s the adams family yeah oh right there's no monsters reboot that i remember maybe there was but i think there was i think it was a tv movie i think there was a couple of tv movies that's what i'm talking about all right really at the time is that the case i think so i think people have no i think people have fond of memories of the monsters okay i know nothing
Starting point is 00:25:13 about the monsters i know there's a wolfman i know there's a frankenstein i know there's a monster yeah and there's they had the cool car they had like a hot rod did they they had a hot rod that was shaped like a coffin or it was like a it was like a hot. They had like a hot rod. Did they? They had a hot rod that was shaped like a coffin. Or it was like a hot rod that was shaped like a... A cough rod. Yeah, a cough rod. They had a car that was shaped like a hearse, like a hot rod, and it had a coffin in it, I think.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Okay. Well, that sounds pretty cool. It is cool. Anyway, I just hate that era of movies because in the 90s, there was Adam's Family, and there was Brady Bunch, and there was the Beverly Hillbillies.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Richie Rich. And it's like, who the fuck is this for? Yeah, right. It's for people who grew up on this shit who were trying to make 90s kids get invested there was Brady Bunch and there was the Beverly Hills. Richie Rich. And it's like, who the fuck is this for? Yeah, right. It's for people who grew up on this shit who were trying to make 90s kids get invested in the Brady Bunch sequel. It's the ultimate, it's the ultimate like trying to get your kid into like a sport you or a TV show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:56 You liked, except you're making a movie and forcing the public to enjoy it as well. Exactly. Dennis the Menace. We had our Dennis the Menace. It was called Home Alone 3 yeah yeah yeah anyway i'm glad you brought that up that's a good cast though it's a good cast yeah there you go did you see that there's uh some news regarding the ventures end game and their new posters because there were posters that said avenge the fallen and they showed the people that were dead and the people that were not dead. And there were some names in there that you're like, oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I thought that was when he snapped. And they're not dead. Well, that's it. That's the news. That's the news. Okay, who's the surprise in there? Valkyrie is alive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Cool. These are all official posters. Official posters. And though this was confirmed in the first trailer, Shuri is dead. Yes, because she's in that missing screen. She's in one of those floating hologram screens that's missing. Yeah, okay, bro. Unless she's just trapped in a cupboard.
Starting point is 00:26:52 That's true, yeah. She'd probably get out of that cupboard. I think so. Yeah. Probably with ingenuity. Probably. Or an old meme. Or a kick.
Starting point is 00:27:00 A kick would do it too, wouldn't it? A kick would get you right out of there. Yes. So I think they're really good posters. As I've mentioned in the last trailer breakdown, I maybe did. I don't really remember anything before Wednesday. But I forgot what I was going to say. Was it about the Avengers?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Shuri, Endgame? Well, I think they've run out of footage. Oh, too to deliver. Well, good, because the movie's coming out almost immediately. And we saw that thing how the directors have said that the trailers are
Starting point is 00:27:27 purposefully misleading it's coming out in less than one month it's less than one month now so I'm glad though good I mean
Starting point is 00:27:34 you know in an age where there's too many bloody movie trailers spoiling whatever that's happening this seems the opposite of that
Starting point is 00:27:40 and also it's on track to be like the biggest movie ever or one of or whatever though nothing will ever beat avatar somehow because yeah because of inflation probably because of inflation inflation yeah exactly yes did you see also the news that uh angelina jolie is in talks for the eternals oh as one of the eternals which one probably one of the Eternals. Which one? One of the Eternals? Probably one of the lady ones. Oh, well, maybe. But I mean, you know, Dr. Strange proved anybody can play anybody. Anybody can be anybody.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I'm going to look up the Eternals. And what am I going to do? Just sit there. Just luxuriate. Take a breath. Please. I haven't spoken this long in maybe ever. No, I do this every week, don't I?
Starting point is 00:28:20 Yeah, you do. It's true, yeah. Here we go. What do we got? Here's the Eternals roster. Oh, she's probably eternals roster oh she's probably cersei which one's that cersei so all the eternals basically have the same power set so they're all like they're basically you can't kill them unless you like destroy all their
Starting point is 00:28:34 molecules and like they can shoot lasers and they can like fly and and they're you know they're bloody uh they can transmute matter and they can make force fields and they can teleport and they can do all the good stuff, reading minds, whatever, illusions. Yeah, illusions. So they've got heaps of stuff, but a lot of them specialise. So Cersei is transmuting. And they're also sort of based on mythological characters.
Starting point is 00:29:00 So she's based on the sorceress Cersei. So she can transmute objects and people but but they can all they could all do it yeah she's just really good at it because they also mentioned that hercules is going to be included as an openly gay character and probably cast as a gay actor i'd imagine cool uh so yeah there you go though we already had hercules in a movie he was in hercules legendary journeys that's true and he was in hercules the rock then he was in hercules the rock and but he was also in uh justice league He was in Hercules Legendary Journeys, obviously. That's true. And he was in Hercules the Rock. Yeah, he was in Hercules the Rock. But he was also in Justice League.
Starting point is 00:29:28 He's in that flashback. Oh, he is too, yeah. Let's get all these bugs off this fucking planet, yeah? Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. You've got some lightning, you've got some big punches, let's do it. There's three Greenlands.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Oh, wait, there's two Greenlands now. One of them's dead. One of them's dead, yeah. So that's all. That's very interesting. Yeah, we still have to see how Endgame wraps up to kind of what
Starting point is 00:29:48 what's the next step you know what I mean where we're going to be going in this universe probably the Eternals probably the Eternals man that's what I think too both of us think that
Starting point is 00:29:56 yes what other news do you news ah I have some more news okay do you have more news but if you want to do some more news also let me see if I've got
Starting point is 00:30:03 any more news well look if you've got news, that would be great. For the news segment of the show. For the news segment of the show, yeah. Yeah, man. No, we don't have any more news for the news segment. That's bloody typical. Isn't it though, yeah?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Well, I was just going to say, because there's big Star Wars news this week. You were going to sneak through this Star Wars news free if I wasn't here. That's correct, yeah, I would have. Because otherwise I'm going to have to be like, what if there's a guest host here and I'm like, well, what happens is James will say there's Star Wars news and I'll go, oh no, I hate Star Wars
Starting point is 00:30:34 news. And the guest host will be like, why do you do that? And I'll be like, it's just a thing we do now. There's too much Star Wars news. They're like, I don't really pay attention to Star Wars news. And I'll be like, that means you're the authority. Yeah, right. Exactly. Yeah Wars news. They're like, I don't really pay attention to Star Wars news. And I'll be like... That means you're the authority there. Yeah, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah. Yeah. So kill. Kill. Yes. I can't believe you thought you could get away with it. Tried to sneak out. Tried to sneak out.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Yeah. So you might have seen that there's a few leaked images, one of which was a Episode IX poster. That might have been just a promo poster for Star Wars Celebration. Do you have an image of that you can image up? I probably can find it. I probably did bloody find it, mate. But Mark Hamill says it's fake, right?
Starting point is 00:31:08 He's like, this doesn't look real to me. Yep. But also apparently, not apparently, Disney went around removing it from a bunch of sites. So that to me says that it is probably not fake. Ooh. Let's have a bit of a... Is that the one that has C-3PO and he's holding...
Starting point is 00:31:25 Holding a bloody rifle, mate. Holding Chewbacca's bowcaster, potentially. That's right. Okay, I've seen that poster. And people are like, what's that about? Yeah. And the truth is... Yes?
Starting point is 00:31:34 We don't know. We don't know! Maybe he's shooting a tracking beacon. Could be shooting a tracking beacon. Or just shooting someone else. Could be shooting a person, yeah. Could be shooting a person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 That's the thing, they shot people before, that's fine. Do we have some mysterious characters here? Do we have the Knights of Ren? Looks like there's Knights of Ren. There's Red Stormtroopers. There's Rego Stormtroopers. Who is this person to the right of Oscar Isaac? The fish man?
Starting point is 00:31:53 To the left of Oscar Isaac. The squiggly fish man? I don't think it's a squiggly fish man. It looks like a lady. Oh, I think that's the Kerry Russell character. Oh, okay. Felicity. Felicity.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah, cool. She keeps all that beautiful curly hair in the back of the helmet. Ah, good call. Got it all up in there. Don't want to be vulnerable there. You got X-Wings, Y-Wings. I don't think we've seen... Did you see the fish man on the other side?
Starting point is 00:32:13 He's got a big old... I see the fish man. He's all like, What's going on? You know what's interesting? He's not there. Rose Tico's not there. Rose Tico's not there.
Starting point is 00:32:21 That's true. She's maybe not going to play a big role in this one. You know who's not there? Darth Vader. I was going to say Darth Vader. Darth Vader's not there. Yeah, he's not there. That's true. She's maybe not going to play a big role in this one. You know who's not there? Darth Vader. I was going to say Darth Vader. Darth Vader's not there. Yeah, he's not there. Well, neither is Luke Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah, neither is Dexter Jetstar. What? Yeah. We don't know how long he lives. Isn't he the linchpin of this universe? That's what I'm saying. Yeah. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:32:37 That's right. I mean, his cafe expanded into the universe's biggest franchise. So that's where everybody eats you know Dexter's Jetstar Dexter's Jetstar exactly that makes sense to me
Starting point is 00:32:49 that's right there you go did you see the other promo image though this has got a whole lot of characters lined up oh yes I'll try and send it over
Starting point is 00:32:55 to you if you oh use an airdrop I don't know what that is no okay fine I mean I know what it is but I'm just not going to do it okay good you don't have your phone there
Starting point is 00:33:03 I absolutely don't have my phone here this means that it's all ramping up because in two to do it. Okay, good. You don't have your phone there anymore. I absolutely don't have my phone here. This means that it's all ramping up because in two weeks, it's Star Wars Celebration. It starts on like the 13th. Okay. Star Wars Celebration. Maybe I'll have my gallbladder removed then.
Starting point is 00:33:14 That's right. And that's your favorite time of the year because it's strictly Star Wars news. Great. It'll be a Star Wars-based episode. It'll be Star Wars. Oh, no. Images removed by Disney from this site. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Boo. Boo indeed. We see a Lando. We see a fancy new Lando. Fancy new Lando? He's got a walking cane like me. Oh, relatable. Relatable.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Oh, I see this thing. Yeah, okay. All right. See him standing in a row? Sort of. Is it this thing? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Well, I'm looking at a thing, so I'm seeing a Lando there. So don't even worry about it. I'm seeing a bloody Lando. I'm seeing a fresh new Lando. All right, I'm going to send it over to? No. Okay. Well, I'm looking at a thing, so I'm seeing a Lando there. So don't even worry about it. I'm seeing a bloody Lando. I'm seeing a fresh new Lando. All right, I'm going to send it over to you. All right. I'm seeing a fresh new look for Oscar Isaac. I'm seeing the guy who's like...
Starting point is 00:33:52 Is he there too? Yeah. He's down at the bottom. Fischio Magishio. Yeah, Fischio Magishio. He looks more like a slug. He doesn't have any arms or legs. Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 00:34:00 He's got legs. Check your Twitter. Oh. DMs. Check the DMs. Slide into your bloody DMs Alright here we go You know that expression
Starting point is 00:34:07 You familiar with it Yeah I'm very familiar Very familiar Marginally familiar Sound very familiar to me Alright All of them standing in a row So what do we got
Starting point is 00:34:15 We got Lando But he looks like he's wearing More of the The bloody Donald Glover Kind of outfit It does too Yeah it does doesn't it Yeah he's busted that
Starting point is 00:34:22 Out of mothballs He's lost some weight And he's like Put on me old cape It's time to feel good about myself again. We've got a Chewbacca. Just the same. We've got Rey.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Reforged lightsaber. Blue lightsaber. Broken half and now it's back. And she's wearing more white. I like Poe Dameron's bloody uncharted outfit. That's good. Nathan Drake's. He's got a neckerchief.
Starting point is 00:34:41 He's got a neckerchief. Yes. Bloody John Boyega's also in a new outfit. Yes. There's Felicity. That's Felicity. She's got all the got a neckerchief. He's got a neckerchief. Yes. Bloody John Boyega's also in a new outfit. Yes. There's Felicity. That's Felicity. She's got all the hair in the back bit. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And that last character is apparently Naomi Aki. She's Gianna. Gianna? I don't know. So there you go. Very cool. Look, it's just happy to... I'm happy there's more Star Wars news in there
Starting point is 00:34:58 because we continue to be everywhere. Well, I'm unhappy as is my role in this show. I'm not happy about it. All right, it's time for an ad and what better way to talk about an ad than ask each other what we love most about shaving with harry so i'll ask you first i like the fact it's like a device and it's got like a sharp edge on it and you can put it on your like the skin near your face which has like hair on it yes and the sharp edge removes the hair that's. Through some sort of
Starting point is 00:35:25 scientific process I don't understand. Friction? Friction. That's right. That's what I like about it. Other objects can't do it.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Even other sponsored objects will have. My watch here. Look at this. You've tried them all. Look at this. Hair staying put. Ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's ridiculous isn't it? Man. Thank God probably two college kids put together Harry's Razors the company. That's exactly what happens because the founders, they were tired of paying for razors that were overpriced and over-designed.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And then you were great shave, doesn't need to have gimmicks like a vibrating head or a flex ball or look like a watch. It tells the time, don't need it. Don't need it. You know what? I know what time it is. As soon as I pick up my Harry's Razor, it's shaving my face time. It's shaving your face time. So they combine simple clean. That's not related to face time. No, that's a different product. Yeah, face time. It's shaving your face time. So they combine simple clean...
Starting point is 00:36:05 That's not related to face time. No, that's a different... It's a different product. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Harry's razors don't have face time. They absolutely don't. Nor should they. They've combined simple clean design with durable blades at a fair price because they did buy
Starting point is 00:36:18 that world-class factory in Germany that had been making quality blades for 95 years and there's 20,000 five-star reviews on Trustpilot and Google pilot and google that's almost too many almost but how many is too many 25 000 25 000 yeah you're right yeah harry's uh replacement cartridge is also two dollars each and that's half the price of gillette fusion pro shield which as we said last time we did the sponsor this particular sponsor what what is that they used to say, we don't even know what it is. And many ads prior, they're like, don't mention any competitors. But now they're like, we're in a position to crush the competitors. To do what you can. We've got the confidence now.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I don't even understand those words. They don't even make any sense together. That's probably a razor that tells the time. Also, a shield. Do you want that on a razor? No. You want it getting up close in your face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:04 You don't want some kind of barrier between you and... It's ridiculous. Anyway, all Harry's blades come with a 100% quality guarantee. And if you don't love the shave, let them know and they'll give you a full refund. Actually, you can get a $13 value trial set that comes with everything you need for a close, comfortable shave. That's weighted ergonomic handle, five-blade razor with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade, rich lathering shave gel, travel blade cover. And listeners of this show can redeem their trial at slash weekly planet.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Make sure you go to slash weekly planet to redeem your offer and let them know that we sent you to help support the show. No one else sent you. That's right. Don't let anybody claim it. Specifically us. You don't need to tell them specifically that we sent you. I mean, you can tell them on Twitter. Sometimes people do.
Starting point is 00:37:47 That's true. But by putting in slash weekly planet, that's you telling them. They'll know from that. That we sent you. How else would you know that? And nobody else sent them. How else would you put in a random URL at the end and just random selection of letters? It's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:38:01 We've told you how to do that. That's right. That's linked below, though. And on with the show. You know what, Mason? Yes. It's the... Oh, any more news?
Starting point is 00:38:09 That's all the news I have. Good, me too. Us was a movie. It absolutely was. It's a horror movie. Yes. It came out last week everywhere in the world
Starting point is 00:38:17 except here, but it came out here now. Now it's really... Now it's out here everywhere in the world. It's everywhere that counts. Yeah. Huge opening weekend.
Starting point is 00:38:24 70 million weekend in the US. Much bigger than they counts. Huge opening weekend, $70 million weekend in the US, much bigger than they thought or maybe as good, I don't know. It's over $100 million in the US alone already and $128 worldwide. So it's a massive, massive horror opening. Comparable to that of the Halloween sequel. Halloween sequel. Mike Myers. Halloween.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Is he running or is he not? He must be running. So yeah, look, it's Jordan Peele's new thing. Is he doing the Twilight Zone also? Yes, he is. Is he mostly narrating it? Probably. Seems that way, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah. Is he mostly standing on football fields and narrating things? Yes, he is. Good cast. Have you seen that bloody cast? Amazing cast, yeah. I've seen some of the trailers as well. Adam Scott's in that cast.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Seth Rogen's in that cast. Kamau Nongian is in that cast. Yeah, they're all in the cast. Yes. Yeah, do you think sometimes their hubris will be their undoing? Absolutely. I hope so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Comeuppance. Do you know they also bring back amazing stories? They're doing all these... Remember that one? I remember. They're doing all these anthology series. I hope that every episode of the new Twilight Zone ends with somebody... Like they sit down and they go,
Starting point is 00:39:22 Oh, finally I can read, but I've broken my glasses. That's every episode. No matter what, it is part of that. Great. Yeah, or whatever the plot is, they go, the plot winds up and then they look to the side and they look and they're looking out a window and it's a plain window and there's a gremlin on the wing.
Starting point is 00:39:42 They're like, here we go again. Yeah, yeah. i think that's the outer limits but whatever it doesn't matter whatever is it the outer limits that episode the one with william shatner isn't that i thought that was twilight zone wasn't it i don't know doesn't matter someone will tell us no one will tell us okay mason what do you think the story was oh no no pretense let's just let's get right into it i don't i think i'd forget leading up to it like what i was doing. Yeah, exactly. So the funny thing, you try weird circuitous routes to get to the end of it,
Starting point is 00:40:10 and you're like, I'm really tricking him. And then you just wander off. And you'd be like, we still do the pot jabs. Jabs come back. Okay, so it's a family. They're going to the beach house. They're hanging out. They're going to want to have a great time at the beach house.
Starting point is 00:40:28 But then there's people appear in the driveway. It's the family again. What happened? What does happen? What does happen? Terror. Terror. And horror.
Starting point is 00:40:35 And intrigue. Intrigue. And sci-fi? Jumpsuits. Maybe jumpsuits. Golden shears. Golden shears? Symbolic.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Symbolic, yes. Yeah. We just saw this. I just saw it today, you just saw it today I feel like this is something I probably would have liked to have sat on for a few more days before jumping into it especially because my brain doesn't work what did you think of it? I liked it
Starting point is 00:40:56 and I liked it from moment to moment like every moment is good like it's a relatable fun family they've got a good dynamic and like the characters because i don't think it's spoiled anything to say that there's a good family and then what's in the trailer yeah the new family why don't we say everything in the trailers we'll talk about yeah for sure that that that premise is there's a there's a
Starting point is 00:41:20 there's a there's a regular family and there's a twisted version of the family. And I like Lupita Nyong'o's... She's basically unrecognizable as the twisted version of her. That's a really good performance. There are some other characters... There are some great performances. The family's great. I think there's some really tense moments in this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:43 But also, I don't know what it's about. Do you mean like the message? Thematically, what is this movie about? Yeah, maybe a class system? Look, I think it's about classism. I think it's about forgetting. Like it's about if you're in a nice situation in life, you forget about the little people.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Sure. I think it might be like Get Out. It might be about the black experience in America. Yeah. But I think the message got a little bit muddled. I think this one is more about the narrative and less about... I don't think the themes are as woven into the narrative
Starting point is 00:42:17 as with Get Out, the previous movie. I wonder if that was intentional, though, so you could interpret it any number of ways. Because a lot of this is so a lot of the symbolism, it seems everything is, it feels very intentional. So I do wonder whether that was, you can,
Starting point is 00:42:32 this isn't specifically about one thing you can, you can take from it. And I also, I guess Jordan Peele doesn't want to be the guy who's known for doing 10 get outs. Yeah. Right. He doesn't want it to be like, he doesn't want everybody to be like,
Starting point is 00:42:44 okay. Like he doesn't want to Shyamalan it. He doesn't want everybody to be like he doesn't want everybody to be like okay like he doesn't want to shamal on it he doesn't want everybody to be like okay now what's gonna happen okay we've got the setup where's the turn in this yes what's gonna happen now you know so this is this is more of a this is more of a standard issue horror movie i feel with uh with uh with some social commentary sprinkled into it. Yeah, right. Okay. You mentioned the family, though. I thought that was such a great aspect of it because a lot of times in movies and horror movies for me in particular, I don't care about anybody in this.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I don't care who's chasing them or if they're going to get stabbed or whatever. Yeah. But when you're like, oh, I like these guys. Yeah, right. Exactly. It makes a huge difference. Yeah. And it also makes a difference for people who get killed who you don't like. So you're kind of like, good. Yeah, right, exactly. It makes a huge difference. Yeah. And it also makes a difference for people who get killed
Starting point is 00:43:25 who you don't like. So you're kind of like, good. Yeah, right. You know what I mean? Or like, I don't care about that as much. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaking of, we have Shahadi Joseph as Zora,
Starting point is 00:43:36 who's the daughter. Yeah. The two versions of her are terrific. She's very good. She's great as well. But Winston Duke and Evan Alex also. M'Baku, man. M'Baku's back, baby.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Also, her dad is uh i don't know his real name but his her dad is black manta also so we have a flashback yes with the film opens on a flashback of lupita nyong'o's character it's the 80s baby and her dad in that is is black manta yeah uh young black manta not dad but not dad manta not dad man dad manta okay if they did bring him back they could have got Dad Manta. They could have got Dad Manta, exactly. To bring him back for the modern day. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:44:08 For a second I thought, was this whole thing set in the 80s? Because then you can just go, no cell phones, don't worry about it. That's true, yeah. But it's one of those movies where they write out cell phones very convincingly. So you're not like... Why aren't they just... Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:23 It's not even like, the signal's not... Whatever. Yeah. There's not even like the signals, not whatever. Yeah. There's an explanation and it's not, they don't beat you over the head with it of why. Yeah. But if you think about like, they don't,
Starting point is 00:44:31 they don't say I can't get a signal cause blah, but later on you'll go, Oh, of course they didn't call. They couldn't call the police or whatever. Exactly. Cause everyone was a ghost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:41 That's the twist. Yeah. Speaking of twist though, we won't talk twist. We'll probably send this. Yeah. That's the twist. Yeah. Speaking of twists, though, we won't talk twists. Everyone's probably seen this. Yeah. But spoilers. We'll clearly mark spoilers when that's happening.
Starting point is 00:44:52 So this isn't your kind of slasher. We were talking about it briefly before the show with me, you, and Claire's mom. Oh, yeah. We did that. And it's not your sore. It's not your... No. There is violence in it. Yes. And it's quite... There's It's not your... No. There is violence in it.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yes. And it's quite... There's a lot of blood. Yeah. But it's also... It's not... We're not taking joy in it, I don't think. And you don't see, like, knives going in and...
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. And whatever. Like, you know, people get mashed by, like, propellers and scissors and whatever. But you don't really see a lot of it. Yeah, that's true. It's more a classic... It's not a gore fest. It's more if you want a suspenseful horror movie,
Starting point is 00:45:28 that's what you're going to get with this. Though I do find with stuff like this, I think it's fine. And then I'll sit with Claire, and she's like, this is horrific. And I'm like, oh, that's right, because I'm not a normal person. You've been desensitized to this.
Starting point is 00:45:39 But it's not like a hostile or like a Jason or whatever, any of those things, I guess. Yeah, right. That's what I'm trying to say, yeah. I thought this movie did a really good job of building tension and then it kind of twists where it goes. So the family shows up and you're like, is this going to be an hour of the family being chasing the other family?
Starting point is 00:45:59 And it takes a, I mean, there is that. Yes. But it takes. If you want that, you are going to get that. You're definitely going to get it. But it takes direction from there in a way that I didn't expect. Yeah, right. And I'm not 100% sold on the premise.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And I don't know whether it's one of those things where, because I think I've just seen it where half of me is like, you can just go with this and it's fine. And the other half of me is just like, wait, what? The mechanics behind this are mind-boggling so i think to enjoy this you kind of have to be able to accept it yeah right and i'm not quite sure where i fall on that just yeah i think i think that a lot in a lot of ways this movie raises like it it it makes you it'll make you think obviously thematically you know it's about xenophobia and the fear of the other,
Starting point is 00:46:45 but isn't it? Or is it? It's us, isn't it? But also, I think just in terms of the narrative and how all this came to be, I think it raises way more questions than it answers. So if you're like, okay, I'm going to come into this and I'm going to learn everything about, where's the family? You know, it doesn't quite answer.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I think the problem is as well because towards the end, it goes out of its way to overly explain, or not just at the end, like throughout about what is happening. Yeah, right. And I think it gives you too much information where you go, okay, you told me that, but what about that? And then if they explain that, you're like, well, that's okay, but what about this?
Starting point is 00:47:21 You know what I mean? So I feel like if they had have left some of this stuff vaguer, then you just kind of go, oh, it could be any number of things. And it's an unlimited amount of scenarios and I'm not really sure which one to fall into. But that being said, it didn't really, again, it's the kind of the performances and the characters
Starting point is 00:47:37 and particularly that family dynamic. And it's quite funny as well. Yeah, for sure. That's what kind of got me through this. And I ended up, I mean, from mean from again i've just seen it but i ended up quite enjoying it overall but i don't know whether i don't know how i'm going to feel about it in like say a week or a year right from there yeah i might give it a second viewing and see how i feel about it afterwards knowing knowing where it's going to go yeah i might give it a re-watch and i see if it holds up logically yes and b which i
Starting point is 00:48:05 don't think it does but i don't know but i don't know if that matters to be honest yeah i don't think it matters either and i'm not really one of those people like we'll just put everything aside or whatever uh-huh i don't know i guess it depends on how much you can enjoy yeah and you know what here's the thing it took a chance it took a bunch of chances and it's an original concept it's not it isn't a halloween remake it's not a jace it's not a jace it's not j concept. It isn't a Halloween remake. Yes. It's not Jason 12 or whatever. It's not a spooky, like, there's a ghost and get your paranormal people to come in and get this bloody demon out of my bloody child or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Exactly. There's a lot of that. That's happening because it's cheap. Because it's cheap, yeah. You can just have some stuff slide across the room and everyone freaks out or a candle goes out or whatever those movies are about. I don't watch any of them. Yeah this does have some this does have some fires going
Starting point is 00:48:48 off and off and on and such yeah so absolutely if you're after that you're in for a treat i'm gonna say best movie ever i'm also gonna say best movie let's go let's would you say you enjoyed it more than get out i think i like get out more me too yeah. Yeah. But some of this was in the 80s. Is that why you went anyway? I love the 80s. Do you really? Like some elements of the 80s. I think I like the 80s more than when I lived in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah. Well, what did we... We didn't get any of the good parts of the 80s, did we? I don't think we did, no. You know, we just got... I don't know. Just the mostly shit stuff. Paul Hogan.
Starting point is 00:49:23 We just got Paul Hogan. No, I just meant as a kid, you're not in the culture of it. No, that's true. We couldn't even buy ourselves a Corvette and drive around and have our mullet blow in the breeze. I mean, we can have the mullet. What's the point of a mullet if you can't have it blow in the breeze behind the wheel of your Corvette? You couldn't even try it in that sweet 80s cocaine, which probably doesn't exist anymore. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Okay, spoilers. Okay, where do you want to start? Okay, so the premise of this, I guess, in general, is that under America... Actually, before we go to that, do you think that this could help create a Jordan Peele shared cinematic universe? Well, people have said that it is connected to...
Starting point is 00:50:02 Get Out. Get Out, somewhere. Because, again, this wasn't... We went into this not knowing what the the thing i like given that they were you know golden shears and all that so i'm like well this might be some sort of magical universe this might be a parallel universe or something like that you know a magical portal but this is like again this is a this is science gone haywire similar to yes spoilers forget it apparently there are connections like i was ready i read like a headline that was like the ambulance is connected to whatever okay
Starting point is 00:50:30 i don't have time to read into it right uh-huh but i also if this is a shared universe a lot of people in america are dead so it's like because you'd have to start the next movie it's like so the events of the you know what happened yeah but, you know, but now there's a new threat. Yeah, right. There's a different science or maybe it's a ghost this time. Yeah, right. I wonder, it doesn't seem like he is interested in kind of supernatural... Not yet.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Stuff. Yeah, right. At this point, at least. But basically, if you haven't seen it, which you probably have. I've seen it. I know you have. Cool. Under America is a series of tunnels, which they tell you about you about at the start yeah right they probably shouldn't have because at
Starting point is 00:51:08 the start they're just like there's tunnels under america don't look in them what's in there we don't know nobody knows but they're definitely under there don't look in there though yeah maybe that was i i feel like that's that may have been added in yeah by a producer who's like people aren't going to get this if you don't what people are going to be surprised by the tunnels if you don't say there's tunnels but then when the family like turns up and she sees a version of herself in the hall of mirrors or whatever i'm immediately like well they're tunnel people because because otherwise i'd be like is this another dimension is this like a cloning facility what is this yeah and in a way it was a cloning facility in a way it was exactly
Starting point is 00:51:41 that so the premise so from what i can remember, so the government, as a means of attempting to control the public, they created an experiment where they duplicated millions of people. Literally everyone at Sames. Not everyone in America, but a lot of people in that. Is it everybody? Well, it's hands across America. That's true. And it goes from the Twin Towers to the big old red bridge.
Starting point is 00:52:06 But did they all walk? We don't know how much time passed. Do we know how? Maybe they all walked from the town. I got the impression that it was maybe the experiment started under that town. But maybe not? I thought because there were like those tunnels all over America. Oh, yeah, that could be true.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Literally. Oh, so it's countrywide. Because they're talking about controlling the nation. Yeah, that's true. Because everyone would be like,'re talking about controlling the nation. Yeah, that's true. Because it wouldn't be like, we control 60,000 people. Yeah, that's true. It's not really enough, is it? Well, you test it first, don't you?
Starting point is 00:52:30 You test it with 60K first. Oh, that's probably true also. So they duplicate, they find a way, and it's not important why, but they find a way to duplicate a bunch of people. Yep. But whatever method means there's only one soul or that the two beings are connected. So when people move around in the above ground, the people, the clones move around below ground.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And I guess the idea was to have it be the opposite, where you could influence the clone and then the person upstairs would vote for Reagan or whatever they were wanting to do in the 80s. Or it was before the 80s, presumably. Yeah, right. It was well back. But it also depends on, so you end up with marrying or having a child with the person who above ground does.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah, they just link them together. Yeah, right. But then that means that you also end up having that exact child, like the chances, like the sperm and eggs scenario. Okay, right. We've talked about this before. See, I understand that because we're not saying it's a dna duplicate necessarily it's just a duplicate okay so it's again it could maybe it is magic you know yeah maybe the ultimate maybe
Starting point is 00:53:36 that you know maybe it's an amulet that did it all maybe that the government found an amulet do you reckon they found an amulet probably yeah this is why i feel like they explained they overly explained but then in doing so... Oh, that didn't even occur to me. It's like, is it an amulet? Right. I just went, okay, well, don't... Just assume that this...
Starting point is 00:53:53 Because the government, in a way, are the bad guys, and the bad guys, the rules don't apply as much. Yeah, right. Like, if the good guys did this, I'd be like, well, how come the exact... But this one, I'm like, well, okay, we'll just say that the duplicates... The that they're linked the way maybe there's a maybe there's a device and it creates a field and then the duplicates are exactly the same the kid duplicate kids are
Starting point is 00:54:14 exactly the same or i'd even say you know because this because if there's souls in this universe that means there's some element of faith and magic yeah for sure and religion or whatever you want to call it so you deal with that yeah it just results in you having the same child exactly but then this question's like and again I don't really think
Starting point is 00:54:30 this ultimately matters yeah but they're all wearing identical clothes so like whoever was controlling facility gave
Starting point is 00:54:37 just a whole lot of clothes clothing stores like stores I don't think that they were I don't know I don't think they were identical
Starting point is 00:54:44 I feel like they were for a lot of lot i think a lot of them were just quite similar and also like most people don't have a million changes of clothes yeah i understand that but i just feel like i don't understand like because the little girl is wearing the same clothes as a little girl like in the 80s that's true yeah the parents are wearing the same thing yeah and so on and so forth. I just feel like, I don't know. Yeah, right. It's a little...
Starting point is 00:55:08 Well, if we're going to nitpick where the jumpsuits come from. Well, that's the other thing. Did they build the... Okay, so what I thought was, because it's a government facility, it was the people who used to work there. Oh, they killed them all, maybe. Yeah, they killed them all.
Starting point is 00:55:18 They left. Yeah, right. And so they've just got... Millions of red jumpsuits. Millions of red jumpsuits or whatever. Red jumpsuits, right, yeah. Or they snuck up and got them. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Because you could. You could walk around up, you know, above ground, I guess. Absolutely, I could. Yeah, yeah. So I don't understand why they just stayed down there. But then there's also questions of like, where are these rabbits coming from? And rabbits breed like rabbits. So I guess it's just, there'd be people down there who can, you know, your job is this mindless zombie person.
Starting point is 00:55:43 You just put rabbits in cages and yeah for sure rabbits or whatever so also i don't understand how nobody could find those tunnels because they're not that well hidden it's no that's true yeah you just kind of you'd open a door and there's an escalator you'd go into a hall of mirrors and you'd find yeah the door the door so yeah i don't know and then there's also like where do you get the dna for like 100 million people to clone them it's an amulet oh yeah it's an amulet don't know. And then there's also like, where do you get the DNA for like 100 million people to clone them? It's an amulet. Oh yeah, it's an amulet. It's an amulet.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Don't even worry about it. Yeah. But look, not that necessarily I think any of these things matter, which is weird because like with Split, I feel like a lot of this stuff mattered immensely to me. Yeah. But with this, Split, Glass, Unbreakable Man. Whichever.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Whatever the last one was. Yeah. I feel like the premise of that just fell down for me so hard. Yeah. And this has the same amount of plot holes, if not more, but it bothers me much less. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:33 No, I get it. Yeah. I think the plot holes in Glass are worse. Yeah. Yeah. That's probably true. Yeah. But most of my plot holes are like logistics.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah, exactly. How did the guy run from there to there? Yeah. Exactly. All right, let's talk about the second twist. Yes. Okay. I saw this one coming from a long way back.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Oh, okay. But that's the main character. So Lupita Nyong'o's character, who we've been following throughout the course of the movie, we assume she is being pursued by a grown-up version of the girl she met in the fairground in the in the in the in the hall of mirrors but actually we discover later that they switched places in 1986 so the character we've been following is the clone is the the duplicate version it's the evil bar simpson
Starting point is 00:57:17 living in the attic yes that's true that's what exactly yeah so so so she is okay my question is i think is does she has she known the whole time? Yes, I think she has. So her... Because she's fearing the repercussions of her actions. Yes, and she is fearing being returned to that. Yes. Being killed, obviously,
Starting point is 00:57:36 but also being returned to that world. Because I don't think necessarily that any of these people, above or below or good or bad, I think they can make choices. Like the one of her the clone of her that got out and replaced herself and the clones that's what they want they want the ability to make choices yes not have to keep just slamming into walls yeah exactly so so i feel like
Starting point is 00:57:56 the fact that she came out and she's protecting her family and all of those and all of those things i don't think that makes her a bad person for the choices that she made and maybe she was initially for strangling that kid and dragging him down. But I think over the years, she kind of, she realized her actions and then thought there may very well be repercussions for what I've done. Yes, exactly. And then on the flip side of that, the original version of her has obviously, from going down there, has become twisted over time. Yes. Into this lunatic.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Or maybe she always was. And that kind of helped bring it out yeah right uh-huh but from when she's a little girl they're like she hasn't been talking or whatever and then when they come up she's the only one that talks out of all the clients that's true the rest of them just scream at each other yeah so that to me and then so that to me was like well you're a real detective i'm a real detective i'm a real 80 year old batman jordan peele watch out because james is going to come and figure out all your movies from this point forward.
Starting point is 00:58:48 He's going to figure out all your Twilight Zone episodes. He's going to be like, it's the Bart episode. It's the Bart in the Attic episode. I know. But when the twist came around, it didn't bother me. I wasn't like, saw that coming. It was good. I thought it was a nice payoff to what it came before it.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Yeah, right. Did you also feel that way? I also felt that way and I loved it. And then there's a bit of a bloody dance. Because then, okay, because then you get the flashback of her being a ballerina in the hallway or whatever. Because I'm like, where did you get that bloody ballerina outfit from? Leotard, I think they're called. Again, logistics.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Logistics, yeah. I think they could all have just been in just jumpsuits. I don't think they needed to have identical clothing is what I'm saying. I guess that's probably true, logistics. Logistics, yeah. I think they could all have just been in just jumpsuits. I don't think they needed to have identical clothing, is what I'm saying. I guess that's probably true, yeah. Or maybe that's just how she remembers it. Well, that's also possible too, because the mind is a fickle and funny old thing, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:59:34 It sure is. The mind's a real jar of badges, isn't it? Going all over the place. But that also means that her kids are half weird underground clone people. That's true. And I wonder if that played into their personality or their propensity to survive and kill and actually you know what he did have some inkling she was the bad one because she does she does sort of she get when she's
Starting point is 00:59:56 killing people especially when she's killing the clones she does she makes the noise and she sort of gets pre-verbal kind of thing so So, okay, yeah. There you go. There you bloody go. Is there more of a disconnect between you and your clone as you get older? Because the boy and his clone, they were linked. They could mirror, yeah. But the other ones, not so much. Not so much. I guess that's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Or maybe the other ones had, maybe it's the older ones have trained themselves to break. Because, you know, she was like, this is our big plan. We've been working on on a long time. Maybe they've... Because she's the one who was independent of her clone. Yeah. So maybe she was the one who was like, okay, she could go around to all the adults
Starting point is 01:00:38 and be like, break your program and kind of thing. So maybe she spent years teaching them all not to mirror their clone. Yeah, well, it seems that way, yeah. I just think they all should have been in red jumpsuits the whole time yeah it would have made more sense right or not yeah yeah there's also little things um that i quite those little crop tees yeah that everybody wore in the 80s while you roll it while you're roller skated you know you know the kids doing the magic trick yeah and he'd kind of maybe that's why the clone version
Starting point is 01:01:03 of him had the burnt face because he couldn't light it but that kid was probably underground just burning his face oh absolutely yeah that's right like i yeah what about tim heidecker and elizabeth moss good and i'm glad they died and their daughters too yeah that was the moment where because when that when that family gets murdered you're like oh this is bigger than four people. Yes, that's right. Yeah, that's the turn it takes. How big does this go? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:27 You know? So, yeah. It was also, I feel like there was definitely a relief in, as the movie went along, when a person was able to kill the version of themselves. Yes. Because then you're kind of safe. You're like, well, this is the one gunning for me. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Like, the other ones I can handle, but the one who's exactly like me is very upsetting. That's very true. Yeah. Yeah, I could kill the rest of my family, but I one who's exactly like me is very upsetting. That's very true. Yeah. Yeah, I could kill the rest of my family, but I couldn't kill a dude who looks like me. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Is that it though? I think that's pretty much it.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Good movie. I think like you, I need to see it again. And also, I want to see what he's doing next. Yeah. What's he up to? Is he going to do a sequel? I think it's going to be one of those. There's very tenuous links.
Starting point is 01:02:04 It's going to be a close. They're going to clover field it, but better better i mean they'll do two good ones and a bad one two good ones and a bad one so here we go here we go yeah also apparently hands across america didn't make a lot of money because it was just people holding hands pretty much yeah they might apparently it made like hang on i'll have a look but i think it was like it made like 35 million dollars but then minus operating costs it made like like $15 million or something like that. Of course it did, because you needed the people out there to make sure everyone was holding hands. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:28 What if people weren't holding hands? Yeah, that's really important to me. Seems like a dumb concept anyway. Yeah, $15 million. $34 million at $15 million after operating costs. Was there a lot of shit like that in the 80s? Like Live Aid and stuff like that? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Just these huge gestures. What did we get? Kony? We get Kony 2012. He's still out there probably. Do you think Coney's living under your house? Coney? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Coney 2012. I'd rather that than another version of me. I guess that's true, yeah. I could kill Coney. Yeah. But I couldn't, because that version of me probably didn't get, doesn't have five holes in them. No, he probably, no, he does. He would.
Starting point is 01:03:01 He had to do his own gallbladder removal. Oh, I can probably do that then. I can sort that out in no time. Yeah. He's weak as piss right now. You should get him. You're right. Now's the prime opportunity.
Starting point is 01:03:12 That's right. All right. Do you know what it's time for now? Is it time for what we're reading? Yeah, what we're going to read. What we're going to read. I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:03:26 I don't know what I've been reading. Let me just have a quick look. Well, we threw out last week about what people were reading in comics. Yeah. Did you get any interesting responses? Let's find out. But we did do that, and I finally finished in hard copy Mr. Miracle. Oh, wonderful.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I was a few issues behind, and I'm like, well, I'd better finish this. I love that you're onto the bloody hard copies now, mate. I think that's great. It's good. Yeah. It feels good. What do you like about it in particular? I liked how it was $45.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I like that part. Is you being sarcastic, Moe? Are you okay with it? It could have been $30. Yeah, sure. $30 is reasonable. Well, you could have waited, Mason. I could have waited.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I've waited long enough. You just couldn't, could you? I've waited long enough, all just couldn't, could you? I've waited long enough, all right? Yeah, so there you bloody go. Let's see. Do you have some recommendations there? I don't in front of me because I put out on Twitter what we were going to talk about this
Starting point is 01:04:12 week and now they're all gone and flooded away. Okay. But let me double check for that. Okay, let's have a quick look. I think we got a whole bunch to the email if you want to dip into the email. Yeah, I'll have a look. Okay, cool, cool, cool. In the meantime, here's a different email.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Okay. Here's one for you. Here's a bloody email for you. Actually meantime here's a different email okay he's one for you here's a bloody email for you actually here's a question about us this is from gregory glanville all right i don't recall if you've seen us we'll get it together mate we have seen it yeah come on but if you have do you think it would have done better as a netflix type series it feels to me like this was the original plan but i got cut into a movie like a unfolding over a series i think it definitely would have been discovered i mean if it was it was dumped at once, then it wouldn't have mattered. But if it went week to week, people would have figured it out.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Oh, okay. Everyone figures out everything. That's true, yeah. All the time. That is true. I don't know. Like, it feels like it could be... I think it has some Walking Dead vibes to it.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Okay, yeah. But maybe that's just, you know, zombie-ish stuff. Zombie-ish. I don't know if it would survive as a... I don't... Is there enough... Would it wear thin? Would it wear thin and would people be asking too many questions about the logistics?
Starting point is 01:05:08 And then when they didn't answer all the questions, they'd be like, well, you didn't even tell us, was it an amulet or was it not? Yeah, right, exactly. Yes. Yeah. Precisely. No, I didn't feel that way to me. That's not to say that other people don't think it feels like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:22 As Gregory... Gregory? Yes. As Gregory said. Yes. Was it. Gregory? Yes. As Gregory said. Yes. Was it Gregory? It was Gregory. Gregory said.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Gregory. I've got a recommendation here from Benjamin King. Okay. I've been meaning to read this for years. I very much recommend a graphic novel called Maus. It's M-A-U-S. Oh, yeah, I know Maus. Great work based on the writer's father's experiences in Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I've been meaning to read this forever. So I think this is going to be the week when I'm feeling down and low and bad about myself. Yeah, read a Holocaust allegory where the mice are Jews and the cats are Nazis. Great. Do that. I do really want to read that. And I hopefully will soon. Very good.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Got any other recommendations from people of what they've read or not reading? No, I haven't got any. Okay, because I'm sure they sent through a bunch of the Gmouse. soon. Very good. Got any other recommendations from people of what they've read or not reading? No I haven't got any. I'm sure they sent through a bunch of the gmails. My email was pinging like a
Starting point is 01:06:08 bloody. Comic suggestion. There we go. Hi guys this is from Simon Livingston-Jar. If you haven't read it I
Starting point is 01:06:15 totally recommend Black Summer by Warren Ellis and Juan Rosereap. I have read Black Summer. What's Black Summer?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Black Summer is Warren Ellis did three he wrote three limited series about they're about. Syriges. Syriges. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:29 About like, like post-humanity and like, like people transforming themselves with like super science-y kind of stuff. He did this one, he did one called No Hero and he did one called Super God. I've read Super God. I've read Super God. Yes, this one is about, it's about sort of, prior to the series starting, these group of young people decide they're sick of crime in their city, so they do all sorts of experiments on themselves to turn them into grim Power Rangers-style characters.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And then they clean up their crime in their town and then after some like triumphs and tragedies they disband except for one guy who keeps fighting crime like all around the world and then one day he just walks into the the white house and he kills the president and so then like the rest of the team are like okay we have to go on the run now like they're going to try and track us down and murder us but they also have to figure out why this guy killed the president yes and they have to like retain the run now. They're going to try and track us down and murder us, but they also have to figure out why this guy killed the president and they have to re-team. And it's like six issues or whatever?
Starting point is 01:07:30 Yeah, I think it's six, yeah. What's that called again? Black Summer. I'm going to check that out. That sounds really good. It's real good. Very good. What I haven't been reading but watching.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Oh, yes. Every Friday on IGN, there's an alien anthology series of shorts that they bring out that are like 10 minutes each. Fan created but set their canon within the universe. The first one's just come out. So we could have done one. Not us.
Starting point is 01:07:53 We could have been the vending machine repairman on the Nostromo. Definitely. The first one was called Alien Contamination or Contaminant or something. It's one of those things where it's so low budget that it's kind of one room. I didn't do the letters. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:08:08 That's later, though. That's later, yeah. No, aren't we in letters now? No, we're in what we're reading. Oh, that's a relief. Which one of us had their organs removed, Mason? I had all my organs removed. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Wow. But no, so I would say keep track of these if you can, even if you hate IGN, because they're very interesting. I hope they will be. But no, so I would say keep track of these if you can, even if you hate IGN, because they're very interesting. Although I hope they will be. I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed the new Alien movies, at the very least the last two. Yeah. Anything else you were reading?
Starting point is 01:08:33 No, that's it, I think. Great. Yeah. Letters? Well, if you want. I feel we're kind of already in letters. I think we drifted into letters. We drifted into recommendations.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Recommendations. Okay. Yeah. Let's do letters now and see what happens. I agree. Okay. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you, some letters.
Starting point is 01:08:53 They're only a take away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. I did think we were in letters. That's okay. We're now in letters. No, we definitely are. A lot of people asked us to talk about the Zack Snyder Justice League thoughts and et cetera.
Starting point is 01:09:08 There's a video coming up later this week where we're going to discuss that at great length. Oh, good. So we thought, why do it here when we could do it at a later date? Exactly. Yeah. Here's a letter. At first, That's the one.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I did ask you about letters, didn't I? You did. Yeah, you're right. I apologise. That's right, you had all your organs taken out. That's true. You're just a sack of sand now.
Starting point is 01:09:31 You're like that Nazi in Hellboy. Yes. Because you're filled with sand and you're a Nazi. Filled with sand, I'm clockwork man. Yeah, and a Nazi. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Hashtag weeklyplanetpot on Twitter as well. This is from Jeremy Franklin. Nick and James, a friend of mine just moved from Kansas City to Melbourne. What are the most Melbourne things he could do? He says outside of the touristy things. Skinny jeans, roll yourself a cigarette. Grow a big old beard. Have a tiny little coffee.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Yep, have a tiny coffee, that's true. Be like, what's with this bloody weather? We're pretty much describing just hipstery things to do. But that's... Stand at your door. Think about getting an umbrella. Do you take it with you? Because you don't want to take it and then have to carry it for another reason.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Carry around an umbrella. So you're like, I won't carry an umbrella. And then you go outside. And then once you're precisely too far to go back to your house... You're on the bus. Starts raining. Yeah. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:10:23 Do you get another umbrella? Exactly. Because you're like, well, I've already got seven. Exactly. Because this has happened to me multiple times. Exactly. I'm just going to get this one and put it in the bus. Starts raining. Yeah. What do you do? Do you get another umbrella? Exactly. Because you're like, well, I've already got seven. Exactly. This has happened to me multiple times. I'm just going to get this one and put it in the boot. And then later, I'm going to go out again, but I'm not going to take the car. So I'll need to buy it.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Look, it's a nightmare. Follow-up umbrella. Have brunch. Have a brunch. Brunch is the best thing to do in Melbourne. Have a one toast. Just find a nice place for brunch. There's so many brunches.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Melbourne's the city of brunch, I feel. I believe so, yes. I like the CBD a lot I like all the different restaurants and cafes and etc and I like seeing shows and things like that
Starting point is 01:10:51 and you do it more than me but like comedy and yeah do that it's the perfect time for it great comedy venues all about the city so yes some of those
Starting point is 01:10:59 so you sit down at Carl Chandler's comedy venues yes that's right the European Beer Cafe he does and Spleen on a Monday that's right and they're every week not just comedy for the rest of the, that's right. The European Beer Cafe. He does. And Spleen on a Monday. That's right. And they're every week, not just comedy.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Every week. That's exactly right. Yeah, do that. Also skinny jeans. Skinny jeans, baby. Skinny as you can get them. Skinny jeans all day. When's that going to go the other way?
Starting point is 01:11:15 It must be soon, right? I feel like that's coming. Baggy jeans. Yeah. I think baggy jeans are coming back. Oh, no. Yeah. I hate baggy jeans.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Well, you don't have to wear them. Well, I kind of do, don't I, Mason? Well, I guess when your skinny jeans wear out, you'll have to buy some more jeans and they'll be baggy jeans. Well, you don't have to wear them. Well, I kind of do, don't I, Mason? Well, I guess when your skinny jeans wear out, you'll have to buy some more jeans and they'll be baggy jeans. That's right. I was very reluctantly brought into the skinny jeans game. Yes, from your baggy jeans. Yeah, but now I'm in them.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I'm like, do I want to go back? Yeah. You'll be like, I look great in these skinny jeans. I don't want to look ridiculous in these baggy jeans. And then later you'll be like, I don't have to go back to skinny jeans. Look how ridiculous I looked in these skinny jeans. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Do you have any Melbourne things? I do. I think Melbourne's not like a go and see the thing. It's more of a culture thing. Does that make sense? Yeah. That sounds like a bit of a wank. The Harry Potter musical.
Starting point is 01:11:57 What is it? Theatre. Theatre show. Yeah. You can get a ticket to that. Yeah, right. I booked mine like last August for this June. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yeah. Right. Just get brunch then. Get brunch, mate. Get brunch, yeah. Get brunch and see out the morning. Yes, exactly. That's right.
Starting point is 01:12:10 See where the wind takes you. Yeah, and if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. You're not bloody wrong, mate. You could go to an IMAX movie. That's true. Do you want to see a big whale, but it's on a screen? We've got you covered. IMAX.
Starting point is 01:12:22 IMAX, yeah. I quite like the Melbourne Museum. I love the zoo. Yeah. Zoo's good. i quite like the melbourne museum i love the zoo yeah zoos good do people know that about me do you love the zoo probably not why would they know that i love the bloody zoo you're gonna come to the zoo with me and my family we've talked about okay my son's hasn't he been like asked you to come to the zoo we talked about that recently i'll go to the zoo with him i thought we've talked about it i'll throw him in the lion pit i don't care don't do that no i'm going to don't do it i'm going to okay some char pit. I don't care. Don't do that. No, I'm going to. Don't do it. I'm going to. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Some Charlie Newman. Don't do it though. I asked a friend of mine who works at the zoo, hey, if, because the tiger pen is just like, there's a fence. It's quite a short fence. Yeah. And there's a moat and there's the tigers.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Yeah. And I said, if somebody got some mincemeat and just threw it over to the tigers, how long would it be till security were called? Like, I know she was like, like 60 seconds. Okay. So maybe that's an activity we could try who's watching that i don't know that's a question that's a question i ask okay do you think you'd get sick of the zoo if you worked there you probably would but i love the zoo okay only if it's a nice zoo i don't want none of this like little cages and shit yeah i want big enclosures yeah so big that you get there
Starting point is 01:13:23 and you're like where the fuck are the animals yeah they're hiding away yeah yeah it's a double-edged sword it really is isn't it some charlie newman oh one of the biggest clues uh clues a movie is going to suck is uh when the design is bad or disrespectful i've found that nine out of times ten nine nine out of times if the aesthetic sucks the movie i've found that 9 out of 10 times. Yes. There we go. If aesthetics suck, the movie is going to suck. It's the first evidence that the producers didn't care or get it.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Oh. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Hashtag Sonic Movie. Oh, I see where you're going with that. Okay, the disrespectful design. Yeah. So this is, I guess guess most pertinent to adaptations i guess yeah if you're like yeah give him weird little manicured hands whatever give him some
Starting point is 01:14:10 big old like you look at like dragon ball evolution yeah right exactly very good example that's true yeah of such yeah because i because i guess it's one of those things where it's either a case of again not caring or they think they know better but But like X-Men wear colorful costumes, but leather. Leather's what we want. Black leather. That's what people want. Weird motorcycle onesies or whatever. That's true. I think there's definitely some truth to this.
Starting point is 01:14:33 I think so too. Or like, no, and I think, again, it's the little things that, it's the little things that make up a believable universe. And it's like, you know, if you see somebody's desk and it's like, you know, if you see somebody's desk and it's like brand new books and like, you know, they've got a file folder of papers on their desk
Starting point is 01:14:51 but you can clearly see it's just a sheaf of brand new printer paper they've just shoved in there and it clearly doesn't have anything on it. It's like, well, you don't care. Yeah, that's right. And that's the things that I'll notice and will take me out of. Yeah. Or, and they still do, even in big budget movies they do this, is the empty coffee cup.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Oh, that's so annoying. People swig in from an empty coffee cup because they do the swig knowing there's nothing in there. So it looks like somebody's just like shoving boiling hot coffee in their face. Put water in there. Just put water in there. Just put a warm water in there. A warm water is fine.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, maybe a warm salt water so you do a bit of a... Yeah, okay. You know what I mean? Like a bitter morning coffee. How about a burning hot coffee? Put a burning hot coffee in there. Then they'll be like, ow.
Starting point is 01:15:29 You could probably get a coffee boy on set who keeps the coffee burning hot. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, that's the problem. No coffee boys. You know what's interesting? I remember reading something about Kevin Feige in an article about Kevin Feige. Oh, yeah. Because he was the producer or like a smaller producer on a lot of the X-Men stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yes. And various Marvel stuff. Like he was on set like teasing Hugh Jack producer on a lot of the X-Men stuff and various Marvel stuff. Like he was on set like teasing Hugh Jackman's hair up to make it more comic book accurate. And people were like, what's he doing? Does this really matter? But I think he kind of brought that kind of aesthetic and that care for the aesthetic and attention to detail to the MCU to be like, no, costumes matter.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Like the looks matter. The world matters. It's not whatever. These are the things that people who know this costumes matter. The looks matter. The world matters. It's not whatever. These are the things that people who know this stuff recognise. Well, whatever. And whatever. And also whatever, yeah. But then there's also kind of like, I guess the other end of that is
Starting point is 01:16:14 a lot of the stuff you can just kind of throw away. Not a lot, but maybe it's stuff that doesn't translate or is not relevant or, you know, I don't know. Case by case basis. Case by case basis. Just put some stuff on the folders is all I'm saying. Exactly. Just get somebody to obsessively write hundreds of notes
Starting point is 01:16:30 and put them in a folder that you never look in. I'll take it. Yeah. What's next, Mason? That's the end of the show, I think. I've got one more letter. Oh, good. It relates to Batman's 80th birthday.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Yes. Happy bat birthday. It is. Mike says, what's your favorite Batman moment? We did an episode on Batman moments, didn't we? Yeah, just watch that, Mike. Yeah. Look at it, listen to it, whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:49 It's all our faves. That's a good question. It's episode 50. I know that because I think it says, the episode is called 50 Best Batman Moments. Yeah. And we got some comments that were like, this isn't 50. 50. We didn't say it was 50.
Starting point is 01:16:59 I meant, you know what? I should have always put the line in, but I never did. You never did. I'm not going back, am I? Now we're cursed. Yeah, exactly. I'm a very big fan of, as we know, that Justice League run from Grant Morrison, where Batman sort of proves the reason why he's in the Justice League.
Starting point is 01:17:14 So that's called something or other. Justice League of America. Yes, exactly. The invasion of something or whatever. We should do an episode on the Burton Batman movies. Have we not? I don't think we have. Let's do it. Let's do it an episode on the Burton Batman movies. Have we not? I don't think we have. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Let's do it. People liked our Hellboy episode. Oh, good. Yeah. What'd they like about it? I feel like we... All the funny things we said in it. I hope so.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Uh-huh. The banter. Yes. I feel like coming out of that, that I was more negative than I actually feel about those movies. Let's do another episode on Hellboy 1 and 2. Let's go. But no, that's cool. I'm looking forward to the new one but next week is shazam
Starting point is 01:17:49 oh yeah we should watch shazam we should yeah cool so that early look it sounds to me like most of our listeners have already seen shazam yeah and a lot of people have gone to early screenings of it so and people seem to be digging it so we do have screen we actually have a like a tuesday night screening or something but i just don't think I'm going to go. I get it. I'm going to the city and I'm just like, I'm not going to hobble on my cane like a moron. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Yeah. Like all those other morons on canes is what you're saying there. But no, so we can go to that or we can, or I'll see it on 10 a.m. on a Friday or something. Yeah, cool. Nice. Very nice. All right, that sounds great. I or something. Yeah, cool. Nice. Very nice. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:26 That sounds great. I'm excited. All right. Shazam next week. If you're one of the three listeners who hasn't already seen Shazam, get on it. We're going to talk about it. Share with us your Shazam shorts. Shazam.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Shazam. Exactly. Great. Nice. Take us home, Mason. That's the end of the show. Thanks, everybody, for listening and telling people and bloody saying hi. I was in a ramen place last night and somebody said hi.
Starting point is 01:18:44 We took a photo. Of? The ramen. Good. No faces. I was in a ramen place last night and somebody said hi. We took a photo. Of? The ramen. Good. No faces. I won't allow it. Thanks for giving us a nice review and telling a friend. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Subscribe and we appreciate it. I'm just going to put my head on the desk. You keep going. I'm going to keep going for you. If you want to get in contact with us, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Bandcamp. I'm Wikipedia Brown on Twitter and on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I'm Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. Your Mr. Sunday movies everywhere on every conceivable social media platform. Check me out on Twitter. Do it. Believe in yourself. If you want to, you can also go to, sign up to our newsletter from the great Rob Collings. He's at The Weekly Planet and he's also at Rob Collings.
Starting point is 01:19:29 He's a great guy. On Twitter, he's a great guy. Let's see, if you want to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies. If you want to chuck in a buck, we'd appreciate it. We're going to do an Avengers Infinity War commentary. That's very exciting and probably Wolverine at some point. Wolverine Origins.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Yes, the best one. Also, you can go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description if you want to click through and buy what you're going to buy on Amazon anyway. Or a funny thing, which is the one that I insert here. By the Twilight Zone original series. By the original series of the Twilight Zone for no reason. It's probably 9,000 discs and it's in a box
Starting point is 01:20:06 shaped like Rod Serling's head and the movie where John Landis killed two kids in a grown man don't watch that or dwell on it
Starting point is 01:20:14 okay okay then let's see is that about we got some t-shirts on we've got thank you to the Bruton
Starting point is 01:20:20 and the Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes that's it I think isn't it that's the whole show right that's the show man that's the Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes. That's it, I think, isn't it? That's the whole show, right? That's the show, man. That's the show.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Nice. How long was I out for? Hours. I paused. I didn't know what to do. Great. Thank you to everyone who's listening, though. Thank you for all the kind words that people sent through.
Starting point is 01:20:36 We're both going to be feeling better next week. We both had some tragedies this week. That's right. You had your gallbladder out and I feel a bit sniffly. So we're going to feel good next week. We both had great experiences, though. You got the picture of ramen. That's true. And I got this new walking stick. Yeah. We've got your gallbladder out and I feel a bit sniffly. So we're going to feel good next week. We both had great experiences though. You got the picture of ramen and I got this new walking stick. We've got things going on.
Starting point is 01:20:49 We've got stuff going on. Don't even worry about it. All right. Grabbed a gem, you guys. See you next week. Put my head back on the desk. You do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Sleepy time. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has
Starting point is 01:21:26 a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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